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realized I haven't really drawn a skel with their mouth open yet. Also a mini go at "can I do weird lighting"
And of course whenever I try something new at art there's always intruding sketches on the side.
edit: oh btw character belong to loverofpiggies, I was spaced out last night and forgot to credit
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duckybird101 · 4 months
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Squeaky-Doo top left is polydactyl (extra toes and claws), Nibbler bottom left 🐈‍⬛, Copper bottom right.
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pixelddump · 2 years
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Sebastian won the heir poll so he decided it was time to move out of the family home with Nibbler and move into a quaint little house by the sea
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mqfx · 10 months
please im in class rn do not do that to me!!!!!!!!
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
if all of your jakes were in a slasher. CS Jake would be the first to go.
Then SS Jake
Then VV Jake because my boy would be high off his rocker
I absolutely agree with this ranking!!
however, I do think Fuck: The Universe Jake has absolute final girl qualities! I feel like he could survive!
and VV Jake? he's the killer, I'm so sorry!
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clove-pinks · 1 month
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"The Little Midshipman" by Wilson Nesbit, on a 1930s tin of Macfarlane Lane & Co. biscuits.
...I found my captain, and presented my father's letter. He surveyed me from top to toe, and desired the pleasure of my company to dinner at six o'clock. "In the mean time," he said, "as it is now only eleven, you may go a-board, and shew yourself to Mr. Handstone, the first lieutenant, who will cause your name to be entered on the books, and allow you to come back here to dine." I bowed and retired. And on my way to Mutton Cove was saluted by the females, with the appellation of Royal Reefer (midshipman), and a Biscuit Nibbler; but all this I neither understood nor cared for.
— Frederick Marryat, Frank Mildmay (The Naval Officer).
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jackandsweetpea · 10 months
nicknames for the boys 🐱
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Sweet Pea:
eeper sleeper
jeepers eepers
eeper sleeper jeepers creepers
sleepy boy
deep sea creature
la cretura
creature feature
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jack jack
jack attack
toe muncher
foot nibbler
the boy
the pumpkin king
jack skellington
jack purrington
creature feature
goblin boy
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nanaslutt · 4 months
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1. THANK YEWWW ILY!! i love making toji so… toji lol cocky bitch :3
2. RIIIIIGHT??? ino is peak boyfriendism and i won’t stop spreading the agenda until everyone is head over heels for him
3. awwww this means so much thank you bby <3
4. i think that’s how most of us feel tbh… i hate sukuna but i love him, it’s struggle to balance the two
5. WAIIIITTT im blushing omg stop ^.^ (don’t stop)
6. even if i have heard it a lot, i will NEVER tire of hearing that you guys like the cont i make <3 i giggle n kick my feet whenever i see anyone say they appreciate me in my inbox,, remember to take care of yourself <3
8. i will do my best just for yew, glad i could be ur bedtime snack heh
9. i will try my best!! though those “don’t die i love you”’s have been on my trail lately….
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ohimsummer · 5 months
catoru 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
catoru professional nibbler 4 LIFE‼️
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gravioli · 1 year
Random 8ACV04 Continuity Notes Because There Was So Much
 "Tonight's winning number was approximately six" may be a reference to "today's winning lotto number was 4." from When Aliens Attack.
"Up here in the clouds, our technology makes us invincible, like the mighty X in Tic-Tac-Toe." - Zapp in Fun on a Bun. Fry and Zapp both think the secret to Tic-Tac-Toe is choosing X.
Bender does a play on words with human skin in this episode when he says "The dust is drying out my skin". He did a play on words with a human heart in Insane in the Mainframe ""You've got the heart of a robot. Just like inside me, I've got the heart of a human."
The Beast with a Billion backs also did a "it's a bird, it's a plane" joke.
Bender's grandfather is a pounder. He mentions his grandmother was a bulldozer in Beast with a Billion Backs. He mentioned his aunt was a screw in The Sting, but it was Leela's coma dream.
Farnsworth disagrees with something that he just said again, a very common gag.
"Neat" Bender catchphrase, ofc.
"My manwich" Hermes catchphrase, ofc.
In "Parasites Lost", the mayor of Fry's colon said his ancestors came over on the sandwich, so it probably is NOT the same worm since their lifespans were supposed to be very short.. or y'know, the writers maybe ignored that.
Farnsworth introduced the enlarging ray in "Anthology of Interest I", so the crew doesn't remember it because that didn't actually happen (but like the fing-longer, he must have invented it in real life, too). It also looked pretty different in that episode.
"You could end up permanently tasting colors". Fry tasted purple in "The Why of Fry", another episode where Nibbler is an important character.
Not really continuity related, but wouldn't it have been easier to just get some more sand from Eternium?
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annefic · 9 months
crown final season thoughts:
have not been able to get chuck being into torn out of my head
harry started out looking nothing like the man and it only got worse
late 90s/early 00s fashion was awful the first time around; why are we doing it again irl
toe nibbler queen of the series tbh
what's pm got against cherie blair why does he always write her so snake-like
there's probably going to be some sort of emmy flung at the show for those really intense scenes between Will/Chuck and Will/Phil
Did not expect Liz on Liz violence but kinda into it
That shot of Anne in the sunglasses when they're trying to figure out whether Liz will abdic8 or not is the closest they've come to making ClaudiAnne look like the genuine article
Justice for Jimothy! A total of 4 non-speaking appearances in two episodes and doesn't even get to sit next to his wife at the funeral! (Which absolutely did happen IRL)
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rubythecrimsonwriter · 7 months
My parents have fostered so many kittens over the years that at this point most of the kittens think that their names are C'mere, You Little Shit, Hi, MY TOES, etc., except for the rare few with defined traits, in which case you get names such as Mr. Snoozles (The Second), Miss Bitch, Dental Records, The Nibbler, and Jumpscare.
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whisperthatruns · 1 year
The air is a mill of hooks--- Questions without answer, Glittering and drunk as flies Whose kiss stings unbearably In the fetid wombs of black air under pines in summer.
I remember The dead smell of sun on wood cabins, The stiffness of sails, the long salt winding sheets. Once one has seen God, what is the remedy? Once one has been seized up
Without a part left over, Not a toe, not a finger, and used, Used utterly, in the sun’s conflagrations, the stains That lengthen from ancient cathedrals What is the remedy?
The pill of the Communion tablet, The walking beside still water? Memory? Or picking up the bright pieces Of Christ in the faces of rodents, The tame flower-nibblers, the ones
Whose hopes are so low they are comfortable--- The humpback in her small, washed cottage Under the spokes of the clematis. Is there no great love, only tenderness? Does the sea
Remember the walker upon it? Meaning leaks from the molecules. The chimneys of the city breathe, the window sweats, The children leap in their cots. The sun blooms, it is a geranium.
The heart has not stopped. 
Sylvia Plath, Winter Trees (Harper & Row, 1972)
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sirensofiaarchive · 2 years
Got Claws || Sofia&Zaina
       Sofia held the small black cat to her chest as she sat in the dressing room, fingers curled around the creature as it purred into her collarbone. Nibbler had been by her side since Micah had given Sofia the tiny creature, the young siren partially afraid of leaving her alone in Roman’s trailer, yet to be cleaned, and the other part of her simply longing for company as she was so suddenly without it. She’d been used to being on her own for the longest time, and knew in reality she still could be, when Roman was around she’d spent hours on her own just fine, it was her perpetual absence that was making it harder, knowing she was going back to the trailer to be alone when she didn’t want to be.
          “Stay here,” she whispered to the small cat, sitting her down on the bed of clothing Sofia had made for her as she pulled on a sleek red dress. She hated it already, she hated herself in reds, her own preference for purples and oranges with compliments of lime, but Roman liked red and she wanted something to wear upon his return. Of course, she almost immediately ripped it off and switched it out for a royal purple number, the fabric clinging to her form but the changing rooms mirrors limited, so Sofia stepped out, unbeknownst to the siren the little black kitten following her, too small to be seen in the mirror at the end of the line of change rooms.
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          Her false nails moving over her form she turned slightly on her toes, bare feet not something Sofia could do - her feet so used to heels by now - admiring herself. Little nibbler on the other hand started to investigate other change rooms, dark furred face slipping beneath the door of a change room and looking up at the woman inside.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Millie I think this Glen knows something I don't
yeah he knows the recipe to fucking dynamite
he is also giving me toe nibbler vibes
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revmeg · 7 months
Little fish of feeling, small As the beloved's toes; Little nibblers like erotic Shivers. Caught in the net And hauled up on deck-- Spilled in a silver heap in your lap. Weaves a net as wide as the sky, Yet able to catch the tiniest fish-- How does the Book do that?
from "The Book of the Body of the Beloved, Which Is Also the Second Book of Singing" in Selected Books of the Beloved by Gregory Orr, p. 189
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