#Habit x reader
cyberghouleo · 9 months
Habit x Bimbo! reader headcanons
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He loveees how ditzy you are. He already views humans as weak, but with how naive you are it makes him want to protect you ten times more. 
He almost always has an arm wrapped around your waist or over your shoulders, pulling you tight to him if anyone else is visiting. He also finds any reason to have you sit in his lap, pulling up your skirt so your panties are up against his jeans. He doesn’t care if company is over, he needs to show them you are his. 
Speaking of, he loves seeing you in skirts. He will purposely drop and knock things over in front of him and politely ask you to pick them up for him. He loves seeing the way your panties poke out as you bend over, your skirt riding up and exposing your ass to him. He will do this multiple times a day, and you always pick them up for him. 
He is so used to dealing with stupid people on a daily basis that he has started to grow a hatred for them, stupid ass humans who can’t seem to realize the simplest thing. But his opinion changes once he meets you. He could tell from the moment he first met you there was not a lot going on in your head, but that’s okay! He loves how dumb you are, you never ask questions about what he does and you believe all the lies he says. 
He loves the way your eyes light up and how eagerly you nod along when he suggests you suck his dick. He doesn’t even have to outright say it sometimes, he can just suggest it and you will bite your lip and agree instantly. He uses it as an excuse to cure the random symptoms he gets. 
“Wow this headache really hurts. I wish there was some way to help with it.”
“Oh my god, are you okay Habit?!”
“I think so. I really think it will get better if you let me cum in your throat though."
And you believe it and drop down to your knees, tugging off his pants at record speed just so his headache will go away. You would be a bad girlfriend if you didn’t try to help your boyfriend's pain after all!
He doesn’t even have to corrupt you, you follow every command he says instantly. If he says to get down, you instantly drop to your knees and have your tongue out for him. If he says to bend over you bend and flip your skirt up, looking back over your shoulder at him with a smile.
He loves how obedient you are and will reward you for it. He’ll eat you out until your a sobbing incoherent mess, too overstimulated and fucked out to form full sentences to beg him to stop.
And he teases you endlessly for it.
“Aw, is it too much for you baby? You know I'm just rewarding how good of a slut you are for me, just cum for me one time, okay?” He lies and you just nod along as tears pool in your eyes, too dumb to realize he says this every time. He makes you cum 4 more times after this promise.
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1-800-cr33py · 9 months
1800CR33PY’s KinkTober
| hello my ghoulies, here resides the tomb of fics I have planned for this month. I will be including other fandoms other than Creepypasta and EMH, so remember ahead of time!
DAY 1 Breath play w/ Brian ThomasDAY 2 Edging w/ Ghostface DAY 3 Overstim w/ RZ!Michael Myers DAY 4 Make-up Sex w/ Albert Wesker DAY 5 Collaring w/ Hobo Heart DAY 6 Breeding Kink w/ Eyeless Jack DAY 7 Dumbification w/ RZ!Michael Myers
DAY 8 Thigh Riding w/ Frank Morrison DAY 9 Hate Sex w/ Joey DAY 10 Impact Play w/ Liu Hodek DAY 11 Cockwarming w/ Tim Wright Day 12 Dom/Sub w/ Tarhos Kovács Day 13: Cunnilingus w/ Jane Arkensaw DAY 14 Predator/Prey w/ Bloody Painter(Helen Otis)
DAY 15 Shibari w/ The Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake) DAY 16 Hate Sex w/ Ghostface DAY 17 Aphrodisiac w/ Bo Sinclair DAY 18 Facesitting w/ Vincent Sinclair DAY 19 Rough Sex w/ Brahms Heelshire (Dom!Brahms agenda) DAY 20 Age Gap w/ Patrick Bateman DAY 21 A/B/O w/ The Trapper (Evan MacMillan)
DAY 22 Size Kink w/ Pyramid Head
DAY 23 Exhibitionism w/ Asa Emory
DAY 24 Sugar Daddy w/ Chromeskull
DAY 25 Hand Kink w/ Brahms Heelshire
DAY 26 Voice Kink w/ Hannibal Lecter
DAY 27 Corruption Kink w/ The Man (Hush 2016)
DAY 28 Brat Taming w/ The Trickster (Ji-Woon Hak)
DAY 29 Somnophilia w/ Sebastian Kruegar
DAY 30 Primal Play w/ Nikto (Andre Nikto)
DAY 31
Author’s Surprise <3
Author’s Comments: Please be aware these are always available to change if I receive a request I’d prefer more than what I’ve made up. If these happen to be a day or so late I apologize as I have a busy schedule and you know, have a life outside of social media /nm. But please feel free to request any changes, whether or not they make it to the KinkTober list is up to discussion between Mod 800 and I.
Best Regards
Mod 888
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eldritch-nightmare · 7 months
slow dancing.
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a/n: idea popped into my mind and it became this. originally this was gonna include x virus but u know. my mind went blank for him. burying my head in my hands why did the bonus character one get longer than the rest i had to force myself to stop writing it holy hell
premise: it's storming outside, and the radio is playing a soft love song. so, why not dance? that was your thought as you approached your partner, getting their attention by holding your hand out, "dance with me."
includes: jeff the killer, the puppeteer, hobo heart, ticci toby, and zalgo. + a bonus character bc why not.
warnings: not proofread, very vaguely implied kidnapping and stockholm syndrome in jeff's part, blatantly stated kidnapping in zalgo's part, it's just fluff actually, inconsistent length, nsfw elements in the bonus part don't look at me okay
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He just sorta stares at you for a moment, confusion evident in his gaze as he stares at your outstretched hand. Honestly, you don't know why he seemed so caught off guard. You two were long past the... ugly beginning of your relationship.
You just shrug at his confusion, casually explaining that since neither of you could go outside due to the weather, you might as well make the most of it. Why you've decides that dancing in the best way to pass time during a storm is beyond him.
He thinks you're weird as hell for this, and he says such to your face, but he's already reaching out and taking your hand, letting you take the lead this once as you pull him close to you. He certainly isn't complaining anymore now that the two of you are pressed together like this.
Jeff can't dance to save his life though, so you'll have to take the lead and guide him through simple steps. It's annoying, having you teach him something, but he likes the way you smile when he sways along with you to the music, so just this once, he decides it's not too bad.
He enjoys himself far more than he's willing to admit, and you don't miss the way his grip on you lingers for a moment too long after the song ends before he pulls away from you, grumbling about how pointless that was before returning to whatever he had been doing before.
He would glance up from the project he's working on, golden eyes peering up at you as he processes your request. He rarely ever had the radio playing, but the rain made it hard to focus so he had turned it on to drown the storm out. Honestly, he hadn't even noticed you were in the room with him.
He'd raise a brow, part of him wanting to scold you for interrupting his work and asking him to do something for you, but... well, he has been working for hours now with no break, so what harm could this do?
He'll let out a slightly exasperated sigh before standing from his seat and taking your hand. You won't be able to take the lead here, since he already knows how to dance.
You two will sway along to the music, the sound of the storm no longer existing as the two of you get lost in your own little world together. You're comfortably resting your head against his shoulder, quietly humming along to the song while he's closing his eyes and allowing himself to relax even if only for a moment.
The Puppeteer could honestly get lost in the moment here if he lets himself. You'll start to feel strings coiling around you, and you'll glance down to see his signature golden strings lazily latching on to you, almost as if to keep you close to him if you try pulling away.
When the song ends, he'll immediately leave his thoughts and open his eyes, detaching from you and stepping away. The strings don't immediately let go, but he pretended as if they weren't there. You don't need to know just how attached he is to you.
He's immediately taking your hand before he even processes your request, just eager to be touching you in some way as he stares at you as if you had personally put all the stars in the night sky. And once he does process your request, he's nodding along.
Heart doesn't care about the storm. He's been out in so many of them in his lifetime that he barely even acknowledges when it rains anymore. But if you wanna dance to keep your mind off the storm, then he's all for it.
He has no idea how to dance, so it's a bit clumsy and his grip on you is definitely a little too tight but you're both having fun, and you can tell he's trying his best to please you.
You'll definitely have to take the lead here.
And at some point, he'd burying his face in either your neck or your hair, softly muttering sweet-nothings to you as the two of you sway together to whatever sappy love song is playing on the radio.
Heart always feels like he's in heaven whenever you're close like this, and he's enjoying this a lot more than he thought he would.
Once the song ends, you'll try to pull away but he's clinging to you, clearly not satisfied enough to let you go. Welp. Looks like you're dancing to another song.
Toby would definitely be the most hesitant to take your hand. He's not good with close contact, and he recoils from physical touch more often than not, even if he knows it's someone he can trust.
But the booming thunder outside is too loud. Too similar to cars crashing together. Too familiar. He needed a distraction, and you were providing him one. It took him a moment, but he was hesitantly reaching out and taking your hand.
He vaguely knows how to dance. He would dance along to upbeat songs with Lyra when he was younger, and when he was really young, he would sway along to some random old 80s song that his mom enjoyed. But slow dancing is not something he's done before, and the close proximity set him on edge a bit.
He's too tense, his grip too tight one moment and too loose the next. Occasionally, a tic would cause the both of you to stumble a bit before regaining balance.
You were patient with him, going at his pace and letting him take the lead as he got comfortable being so close to you. Once his shoulders relaxed and he seemed less tense, you gave him a few pointers that he carefully followed .
Soon enough, the two of you were swaying together to an old love song playing on the radio. He still flinched whenever a particularly loud thing of thunder would roar, but you were able to keep most of his attention focused on you.
The two of you end up swaying together until the storm dies down.
You're not entirely sure what exactly classifies as a storm in this cursed realm you found yourself trapped in, but they were far more scary than the ones back in the mortal world. The sky here literally screamed in agony as a sickly rustic-scented liquid rained from above.
You were lucky enough to have a radio with you to distract you from the raging storm outside. You don't question how it works here, opting to just believe it's some weird Zalgo-esque bullshit.
You were just glad you weren't alone right now, your loving captor having decided to deign you with his presence. You still weren't accustomed to his true form, no one is really, so he had opted to appear in a... acceptably human state.
When a love song started playing through the radio, you had turned it up a bit in hopes of drowning out the storm. The idea of dancing didn't come to your mind immediately, but you could feel Zalgo's many eyes just staring you down from across the room.
With a sigh, you force yourself away from where you had comfortably been sitting and cross the room. You did not miss the way Zalgo's stern expression softened ever so slightly when you held your hand out and asked him to dance with you.
Even in this form, he was much taller than you, so dancing was certainly... odd, and the feeling of his deathly cold skin against yours was not at all pleasant, but you chose to ignore that.
And he was clearly enjoying this for one reason or another. You suppose that was a good thing, and you found yourself enjoying this as well, much to your surprise.
Hm... maybe you'll invite him to dance more often. Maybe.
BONUS: HABIT no i havent finished emh yes i am writing this i need the guy to fuck me stupid seven ways to sunday i am not immune
Habit immediately beams the moment you ask him to dance with you, taking your hand and immediately pulling you close to him. You had to make sure you took the lead immediately, otherwise, who knows what would've happened.
Is he a good dancer? Fuck no. Evan probably is, maybe slightly, but Habit? Nah, it's not his cup of tea. He just likes when you're close to him.
His hands wander a little lower than they should be, resulting in you continuously having to fix them. Whenever you glare at him for that, he just innocently smiles as if he's done nothing wrong.
Though Habit's constant teasing was a bit annoying, you still enjoyed dancing with him, swaying along to the song playing on the radio as the storm raged on outside, adding to the strangely romantic ambiance that seemed to be developing.
It was soft enough that it almost made you forget the amount of carnage he could cause if he so desired, the carnage he has caused. He seemed to be in a rather good mood today, judging from how he isn't verbally teasing you for wanting to dance with him.
You were both content in each other's arms, the song ending and another starting, neither of you ready to pull away from each other just yet. At some point, he had buried his face in your neck, taking deep breaths as if he were trying to burn your scent into his mind.
It was when the third song ended that you finally decided to pull away from him.
The moment you tried doing so, however, his grip on you was tightening and he was letting out a low growl, "Don't move, bunny." And that was enough to cause you to freeze. Not out of fear, though there was certainly an underlying sense of it, but mostly curiosity.
Before you could question him, you felt his bulge pressing into your leg, and Habit was evidently restraining himself from grinding against you, his nails digging into you as he kept you in place. Oh.
Seems like he wanted more from you. Here's to hoping you have the energy to keep up with him this time.
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scary-lasagna · 5 months
“I just wanted flowers.”
It really pained you, that you asked for the simplest thing and didn’t receive it.
After months of asking, and buying your own flowers, you decided to not let this battle slide away from you anymore.
HABIT was always good to you, with constant praise, and date nights, and promises to get you things.
And yet, you always have to drag him out of his work just to remind him that you exist that day.
And deep down, it hurts. Because flowers are so simple, and at the right time of year you can find them in the side of the road.
They’re not expensive, not that money is of any proper value to him.
Your hope was fading, and you’ve realized you have pushed too far, because u like the other times you didn’t want to take, “I’m working on it, my sweet. I have plans for you. Big ones ” for an answer, when he has said that over a year ago.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, knowing he won’t come to bed until the late hours of the morning after hovering over his work for the whole day.
He won’t notice the dried tear stains on your pillow because he was too busy admiring how soft your skin looked in the moonlight.
A hopeless romantic, they call them. Maybe even a little narcissistic.
Too obliviously in love to value what you asked for, and has already decided what you really want.
HABIT didn’t think that you wanted silly old dying flowers. Nooo, you wanted a full garden. A bountiful garden that will last through the cold winters and stormy summers.
But you didn’t want a garden.
You only wished to dust off your vase, even just for a week out of the year.
Just flowers. Just for one week.
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Imagine this But it's This dudes true form and y/n hold up.
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Like bro just has this fucked up soft spot for y/n and keeps them as a little pet and wants to feel what they're tiny little heartbeat feels like so he puts his big ass hand on they're chest and scares the Fuck out of them without even meaning to.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 8 months
Pls pls can we get some Evan Myer/HABIT headcanons
Maybe with a little to nice to everyone reader 🙏🙏 can be sfw or NSFW :3
Absolutely you can! There’s not too much NSFW but just enough to put the marker there.
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Loves the way you're such a sweetie
Oh he knows exactly how he's going to use you, how you're going to be all his
He'll charm you and when you're hooked, you're his and only his
Corrupts you nice n' slow
Enjoys the shocked look on your face when he tells you all about the evils of the world
How he's evil.
And the bright blush that floods your face when he mumbles the most vile sexual fantasies in your ear
God he's obsessed with it.
Calls you his little rabbit because of that innocent look in your eye, like a sweet little bunny
Tries to take things slow when it comes to sex but that hopeful gleam in your eye ruins everything
He feels something take control deep inside of him as he bottoms out in you
Teaches you all the right ways to please you
And of course learns how to please you too! He knows your body like the back of his hand at this point.
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biohazzrds · 3 months
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I’ve got to go and labor ill be back to finish in a couple hrs
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zahmbie · 10 months
Kay hear me out. Habit with a partner who also murders people
You guys would be a nightmare for Vinny lmao
Content warnings for discussion of violence and gore, with the reader actively participating in it
I’m a little split here, one one hand HABIT loves freaking out his partner occasionally. He’d never hurt you of course, but he thinks it’s funny to see your disgust when he comes downstairs coated in blood and gore or to see your reaction to him bringing home a victim. 
On the other hand, you’d probably be the perfect partner for him. He doesn’t get to scare you but he gets to be as openly fucked up as he wants, and he can drag you along with him! He’s normally not one to initiate a date (unless you count sitting on the couch watching old horror DVDs a date), but now he drags some poor soul up to the attic and calls you killing them together a date night. Romance isn’t dead but that guy sure is
He lets himself be a little more ‘romantic’ than usual when you two are together like this. He’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and lay his head on your arm/shoulder and guides the knife you’re holding, or draw little hearts on you in blood with his finger. 
A very fond memory between the two of you is just spending all night sharing stories of murdering people. You guys shared ideas and worked out plans together, and HABIT looks at you like you’re the only thing in the world that matters as you describe the first time you killed someone. He’s not really able to relate to any fears of getting caught (though he does make a big show of protecting you from cops), but he loves the excitement in your eyes as you talk about it.
He often calls you pet names but the peak of comedy to him is calling you over the top pet names in front of a victim. He’ll be monologuing to someone about how he’s gonna rip their throat out with his teeth and his voice is so deep and he’s snarling so much you can barely understand him, then he looks over at you and calls you some shit like snickerdoodle in the same tone.
I’m picturing the attic scene and HABIT switches like “You think you’re untouchable? Not even god could hide from me. Oh my Precious Sunshine Honey Bun Love Bug would you please get me my good knife <3”
HABIT’s really likes the idea of inhabiting you while killing someone. It’d be a huge show of trust on your part, letting what’s more or less a demon into your body and mind willingly. He’s super into the thought but if you aren’t he won’t push it, he’s pretty rough with his hosts and has little (if any) self preservation skills. Even if he treated you like you were made of glass- which he would- you’d still come out of it with some scars.
He’s held on to the heart of the first person you killed together for months, giving it to you preserved in a jar as an anniversary gift.
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moonlit-horrors · 1 year
Warmup Drabble!
⊹ฺ Characters: HABIT (EverymanHYBRID)
⊹ฺ Contains: Reader sucking on HABIT's thumb; Potential Dom/Sub or Predator/Prey vibes; Suggestive?; A (1) mention of choking; minors/ageless blogs DNI, please! ♡
⊹ฺ Note: Just a quick warmup since I haven't written anything for fun in a second! :)
(The first paragraph or two was also just sitting in my notes forever, haha.)
"Come on, bunny." Habit rasps, pulling your bottom lip down with the rough pad of his thumb before letting it go again. "Open up." Without a second thought, your lips part and his thumb enters your mouth, pressing down against your tongue.
You can't help the small squeak that escapes your throat at the taste of his skin. The metallic taste of blood would always come as a shock to you, no matter how many times you had tasted it. He just chuckles at your reaction, using the fingers cradling your cheek to give you a soft tap. You swallow at his silent praise.
You feel your body tense under his vaguely amused gaze. Habit's waiting for you to start working, and you don't know why you sat still in the first place. Your tongue moves as far back into your mouth as it can before the tip brushes against the rough pad of his thumb. Habit lets one of his brows raise higher as he watches your lips move slightly around his thumb, feeling your tongue work against his thumb.
Habit's eyes move from your lips further up your face and he lets himself grin. Your cheeks have the slightest tint to them and he can feel the warmth. Habit pushes his thumb further into your mouth watching as your eyes start to glaze over with your submission. You're cute like this.
However, within the seemingly soft moment Habit created with you, he finds himself wishing he had used his fingers instead of his thumb so he could watch you choke.
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★[Alright here's your part two. ] ★
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Habit always finds a way to surprise you, be it sending people to your current reality of a reality where you are separate from him as a hello.
He will often finds ways to shift to the reality your in when you're separate temporarily just to check in on you and watch you.
Y'know that eyes on your back feeling on those early morning or late night walks you take ? Yeah that's him.
He often sends signs in his own weird fucked up way .
Dead rabbits specifically or dead animals, random purple trash on the side of the road or turning a street lamp a light violet shade.
Reese's wrappers are very very commonly found on the street sidewalks you walk on regularly .
No it's not him littering it's just him guiding you to places with signs of his essence in them.
Like you'll feel this odd pull to take a certain route to walk and bam Reese's .
And you know it's him.
A odd person walking around with machete down the road and your like wtf.
Synchronicities such as numbers or variants of things you'll know are something he sent for you.
Via odd looking animals or odd interactions with strangers.
Or random but very specific signs like notifications on your phone or your TV randomly playing music that reminds you of him or that he would listen to.
Some times he even goes as far as to manifest himself in your current reality to say hello from a distance . Yes he does possess people around you to say random shit or forcefully channel himself to speak with you then it randomly stops and your like wtf was that....??
Hell you'll see purple hues and flashes and other people will see it too or purple orbs in your photos.
But in regards to the people he possessed or channels himself through here is some good examples.
Via someone calling you rabbit who never has done that before. Or someone comparing you to a bunny who yet again has never done that before .
People acting like him around you who normally are completely opposite of his personality or people SIMILAIR to him will pop up outta no where then disappear.
In a argument with someone ? In public? A random stranger takes your side to defend you that you have literally never met then bam back to minding they're own business.
He definitely lets you know he's always watching even in some unintentionally unsettling ways.
Bro even goes into your dreams to check in on you.
Yeah you will never escape this lovable weird and unsettling creature. <3333 and that's not a bad thing.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
Can I please have habit smut? I love your work btw :))
Tysm luv! ^^
This one turned out a bit short but I just,, i love the thought of dropping hints you want Habit to rail you until he eventually snaps & releases allllll his pent-up frustrations into you 🥰🥰🥰
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
You should’ve known not to tease him so goddamn much
You didn’t think the flirty jokes or the sly touches were getting to him—but apparently, you were so, so wrong
“Awh, what’s wrong, little rabbit?” he coos, “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
You choke out a moan as he hits a spot that has your vision blurring
You can barely keep up with what he’s saying, your mind and body both way too overstimulated to think straight
“H-Habit,” you whimper his name, your voice breathless and shaky and needy
“All bark and no bite, hm? Here I fucking thought you wanted me to screw your brains out”
He wraps a hand around your throat almost possessively, his fingers digging into your neck
“Or are you just too fucked stupid to tell me this is exactly what you wanted?”
You claw at his arms, trying to get him to loosen his grasp because at this point, you couldn’t answer even if you wanted to
He sneers down at you, his teeth sharp and menacing as his pace doesn’t relent
Every time he pumps into you, you can feel yourself giving in—until all you can think about is Habit
“Fuck, I can see how fucking desperate you’re getting. You want me to cum inside you, hm? Want me to fill you up and breed you, little rabbit?~”
All you can do is nod
Lips parted, eyes glazed over in ecstasy—you just look too fucking cute; how could he not lean over to spit inside your mouth?
Your walls cinch around him when his saliva hits your tongue, and you swallow it down without even thinking
You instinctively wrap your legs around him, squeezing his hips, and the shift in angle is just enough to make you cum around his cock
“Fuck,” he curses, his voice splitting as dark eyes admire the sight of you cuming around him
“That’s right. Good fucking girl”
His voice is so low and latently threatening—even through your orgasm, it has you shivering and clenching tighter around him
It’s like you’re trying to milk him
Air rushes back to your lungs as he releases your throat
And as you’re gasping and choking, he doesn’t even pause to give you a chance to catch your breath
“Beg, little whore. Beg for me to cum inside this slutty cunt”
You’re panting and moaning, your brain scrambling in an attempt to keep up with the overstimulation
But even then, you somehow manage to plead semi-coherently
“P-please—fuck! Habit~ I-I need you—need you to cum inside me~”
He groans, nearly snarling, his cock twitching as he somehow fucks your even faster and harder
It’s too much
He lifts your legs over his broad shoulders, practically folding you in half to fuck you into a mating press
It has him reaching your cervix, the tip of his cock splitting you in half with every powerful thrust
“H-Habit, please—!~”
He twitches again, and then all at once, he snaps his hip forwards and cums as deep inside you as he possibly can
The feeling of him flooding your sex with his thick cum nearly sends you over the edge again
There’s so much of it; it gushes out around his length, making even more of a mess between your thighs
He tilts his head, grinning at the state he’s left you in
And after a few more languid thrusts, he pulls out, letting the rest of his cum and your arousal drip out of you
Spent and exhausted, you go to shut your legs, but he quickly grips your ankle before you can, forcing you to keep your legs open
He tsks, shaking his head like he’s disciplining a new puppy
“You really think I’m already done with you, little rabbit? After all that fucking teasing?”
His hand returns to your throat, grin widening at the fear flashing in your eyes
“No, I’ve barely fucking started~”
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
Aight so- listen- hear me out- I gotta know if I’m crazy-
So..Do you think purple duct tape bitch supreme gets spring fever? 👀.. Do you think he gets more “territorial”, possessive around spring? More touchy, always has his hands on you, wants you close, purrs more? More kissin? More bites, more marking?
Oh absolutely. He hardly lets you out of the house during these times, opting for delivery or someone fetching whatever you need. He hates you smelling like anyone else than him, and will literally hold you down and scent you, whether it be through growly cuddling or fucking you into the mattress while he cums in your hole the entire day/night. Habit def purrs when you two are taking a break from fucking, nuzzling his face into the nape of your neck, kissing the hickies and bites he’s left on you. Habit/Evan also lick. We’ve seen his tongue, they both individually know how to use it, Evan likes to tongue fuck you while Habit likes to lick. Know the difference.
Those biceps? Yeah you’re not leaving those. Habit/Evan definitely use their strength against you, holding you in place, manhandling you, moving you where he wants. Whole nine yards.
Habit and Evan (more so Evan) fuck you with the full intent to breed you. Evan wants to settle down and raise a few kids, far far far away from Jersey though. Habit will allow it, though he finds the prospect of your belly swelling with their child makes him harder than he’d like to let on.
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inhabitedbody · 2 months
I want to be this guy!!
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scary-lasagna · 7 months
HEYY! Wondering if you do everymanhybrid and if so could you write a HABIT x reader headcannons? Relationship in general I don’t have specifics in mind
I might have mentioned him in passing before, but I'll definitely write something about him for his place in my AU, it's a bit ooc from EMH but it's very interesting.
Habit is...not mentally stable in the slightest.
The only time he would fall in love is if it either a.) benefited him or b.) you were smokin' hot and he obsesses over you
And be prepared to hear him mull and complain over both Slender and Zalgo, both who equally piss him off but he's forced to be nice to one of the two.
But when Habit falls, he will fall hard. You will sit on a royal pedestal, and HABIT your knight in shining armor. There would be nothing he is against doing for you.
He grovels at your feet, swearing to always protect you, to keep you fed, to keep you safe and warm, to-
“I KNOW you only asked for Kirspy Kreme, but darling my point still stands.” And he pulls his unsettling, ear-to-ear grin out of his back pocket to plaster on his face.
But all-in-all he’s your little guard dog.
Most of his working hours are spent obsessing over Slender’s history and origins, striving to find any bit of information that will lead to his downfall.
The rest of his work day is spent over tea with Zalgo, not that he ever drinks any, he’s really just there for the lemon squares and latest celebrity news that haven’t hit the 6 o clock channels yet.
After all, Zalgo has close ties to all of the higher ups. He always has the best gossip.
He might shove some pastries in his pockets for you if anything looks of your taste, but they’re usually melted or crumbled by the time he gets home. Usually he licks the remains out of his pocket (gross).
There’s also a room in your shared space that you are never allowed to go in, two if you’re counting the closet.
A room filled to the brim with ancient texts, books, artifacts, and knives hold a red herring for a closet in that same room filled with many different types of guns, weapons, cursed artifacts, and a haunted McDonalds coupon from 2008.
HABIT and Evan function similarly to Liu and Sully, however HABIT has the upper hand in the body. It’s a once in a blue moon occurrence that Evan will peek through and attempt to escape the house and/or try to kill you, thinking you kidnapped him.
Freaked the hell out of you the first time it happened before HABIT managed to grab hold of the reigns.
Safe to say, Evan was properly dealt with that night in the dimension of HABITs brain, being held in a void of endless whispering and torment while you sat with HABIT, watching Twilight just to make fun of it.
He’s also kind of…not the brightest. He always has the right idea, but never quite sure how to execute it properly. This is the explanation of the many failed assassination attempts toward Slender and his brothers.
He has been sucker punched more times than he can count by 3/4 of them. Splendor just talks him down with a therapy session and it works in more ways than one.
But this also applies to relationships. You want roses? He gets you daisies because they look better, even though you specified roses.
A fancy restaurant date? Takes you on a cruise. You didn’t want or pack for a cruise. Neither did he. Don’t ask where he got the money.
Right idea, wrong execution.
He’s also extremely clingy, even though it’s been implied, but he will quite literally hover around you, waiting to be acknowledged or asked to do something for you, because if he’s not working, he doesn’t have anything else worth tending to except for you.
You’ve once asked for alone time and he quite literally sat in the floor of the kitchen and twiddled his toes until you got peckish for a snack and stumbled on him.
“Why are you on the floor?”
“I was waiting for you to ask me to get you a cookie.”
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rabbit-or-rib · 1 month
you guys have shown me soso much support and it really means the whole world to me, and i wanna show y'all that with my writing !!
i'm gonna be opening up requests for NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets, romantic / platonic matchups, and songs for characters!! this is gonna be a longer post, so all of the specifics are under the cut :)
also, i'll of course still be taking normal requests, but while these are open they'll be the priority for me to get to :)
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Who's available for requests?
Evan Myers
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
Jessica Locke (fem/gn reader only)
Toby Rogers
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer (fem/gn reader only)
Nina the Killer
Clockwork (fem/gn reader only)
Cole Cassidy
Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Soldier: 76 / Jack Morrison (masc/gn reader only)
(this includes the Blackwatch and Deadlock eras! just lemme know, without specifics I'll assume it's current era)
Songs for characters ;
a song for how i think a character would react/feel about certain things! being in love, their thoughts on themselves, things like that :) i'd be posting a song link, specific lyrics i think really match with what's being asked, and an explanation/break down on how it relates.
Romantic / platonic matchups ;
give me a rundown of who you are, if you want it to be romantic, platonic (or both), and i'll match you up with someone :) quick physical, personality and partner preference/needs descriptions would be great, the fandoms you want, and anything else you'd want me to know would be great !! if you'd want a basic template, i have this one right here !!
NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets ;
you can ask for a full alphabet, or just specific letters, for characters :) all three are down below if you wanna get a feel for them before you request
A = Adventures, what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?
B = Bond, what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?
C = Cuddling, do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?
D = Dance, do you ever dance together? how?
E = Enemies, were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?
F = Fight, how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?
G = Gain, how have you helped each other improve as people?
H = Help, how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?
I = Injured/Ill, how would they act if you got hurt or sick?
J = Jokes, what’s their sense of humor like? how do you joke about things together?
K = Kisses, do you ever kiss? how? Kisses not on the lips count
L = Love, how do they show you they care?
M = Meeting, how did you meet? how did you become friends?
N = Nesting, do you co-habitate at all? how?
O = Oasis, is there a specific place that is “your place”? what is it?
P = Protection, how protective are they over you?
Q = Query, how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?
R = Record, what’s something you’ll never let them live down?
S = Support, how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?
T = Trust, how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?
U = Uplift, how do you bring each other up?
V = Vacation, do you ever travel together? what’s that like?
W = Worry, do they worry about you? how often?
X = Xerox, are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?
Y = Yahoo, what’s an inside joke you share?
Z = Zany, do they have a weird side only you get to see? what’s it like?
A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like? 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
A = Aftercare, what they’re like after sex
B = Body part, their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
C = Cum, anything to do with cum, basically
D = Dirty secret, pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
E = Experience, how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
F = Favorite position, this goes without saying
G = Goofy, are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.
H = Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
J = Jack off, masturbation headcanon
K = Kink, one or more of their kinks
L = Location, favorite places to do they do
M = Motivation, what turns them on, gets them going
N = No, something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
P = Pace, are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
Q = Quickie, their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
R = Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.
S = Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
T = Toys, do they own toys or use them on a partner or themselves?
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease
V = Volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
W = Wild card, a random headcanon for the character
X = X-ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
Y = Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Z = Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
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mintypuggo · 8 months
I’m looking for a specific HABIT x Reader fic.
It was sort of angsty. Basically, HABIT and reader fight, he throws a lamp (I think) and breaks the readers arm. Reader leaves the house and starts to fuck off into the woods. Eventually, Firebrand finds them, and tells them that they are actually leaving HABIT’s pocket dimension; he’s letting them go. When Firebrand asks which one we choose, we choose to go back to HABIT. And we find him basically catatonic, staring at a static tv screen and laying in a pile of our clothes. There’s a bit more after that but J can’t remember it.
Edit: I fucking found it!!! https://www.tumblr.com/creepy-bi-day/622473551066382336/aye-aye-capain-habit-and-his-mate-are
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