mareenavee · 11 months
If Anyone Can Do This, It’s You
For the prompt: Riverwood Thank you to @kookaburra1701 for your amazing Calder in your fic universe!!! I NEEDED to write a pining Good Bean Nord after all you've shared! Hadvar was the perfect candidate. Thank you to @changelingsandothernonsense also for ALL the word sprints and for helping me keep my spirits up in the middle of a hurricane of chaos. This is for you guys <3
This is an AU where we answer the question: What if Nyenna and Hadvar traveled together to Whiterun, and then went on to Solitude to join the War effort?
Main Fic Universe is Dragonborn & Far-Star Marked and its prequel series is The Heart of the World. Caught up on The World on Our Shoulders and want to read more AU situations? Check out the series If Only Time Changed Its Mind or Take My Hand, Erase the Past Forever.
Without further ado:
If Anyone Can Do This, It’s You
Riverwood was peaceful, despite the raging chaos of Helgen burning in the distance, and the giant black dragon that had flown off over the mountains only hours ago. It was ridiculous, come to think of it, that things could still be so idyllic. That the river still flowed with water and not blood and fire seemed like some kind of illusion. Or miracle.
Hadvar held Nyenna’s hands in his own. He’d closed her fingers around a pouch of gold that his aunt and uncle had given him for her. She was meant to go to Whiterun, to tell the Jarl about the dragon—but he was having misgivings about sending her off alone. There was something different about her that he couldn’t quite place. The way she’d fought that bear in the cave, it was as if she’d become someone else entirely. It was like all fear melted from her as she aimed that borrowed bow. He knew Bosmeri folk were generally trained to be archers, but she’d said otherwise. That she’d been sheltered and could still do that was incredible.
“Nyenna,” Hadvar started, unsure exactly what he wanted to say. What would all this accomplish, asking her to stay with him? Would she take it the wrong way? They’d just survived a brush with death, after all. But it wasn’t exactly like that…was it? He cleared his throat. “What if we go to Solitude instead?”
She looked up at him, orange eyes almost startled. “Didn’t you say I should go to Whiterun?”
“Ah yes, but…you could join the Legion. Maybe do some real good once you’ve gotten in some training, what with the War going on.” It wasn’t exactly what he meant to say. It was more that he didn’t want her to go. She had a strange pull to her. He hated reading, normally, but being around her reminded him of the kind of book that draws you right into the story so much so that you forget reality for a moment.
“I am no soldier,” she said, pushing a stray silver curl back behind her ear. “That, and who is going to get word to Jarl Balgruuf if not me?”
“We can go together, then take a carriage to Solitude. Hopefully General Tullius made it out of Helgen just fine. If not, there’s contingencies, and I’ll need to be debriefed before I get sent on my next mission. And you can enlist, then begin your training.” Hadvar let go of her hands and folded his arms over his chest. The coins in the pouch he’d given her clinked together, the only noise in the silence as she thought about her answer.
“Do you really think I can make a difference like that? That I am…good enough to be a soldier?” Nyenna asked. Her voice was so soft. She still looked baffled.
“Of course you are!” Hadvar said, perhaps too quickly. He felt his face flush and closed his eyes for the barest second. He heard Nyenna chuckle which only made him even more embarrassed. He let out a sigh. “I mean, yes. You’ve already got skill. All you need is training.”
Nyenna nodded and tucked the bag of coins in her bag. “Alright. The worst that can happen is they turn me away, right?”  -> Read the rest on AO3.
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h3raklion · 27 days
Ft. Cave
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matri4rch · 8 months
Journey to Riverwood pt1
♥️AO3 LINK♥️
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"I agree with him." Hadvar spoke, his eyes wide and still focused on the mountains. "We should find somewhere to rest. Away from that- whatever that was."
"Your suggestion is wise, soldier," the general replied, his gaze fixed on the mountains where the dragon had flown towards, his eyes betraying the calm of his voice. "We should set up camp for the night."
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WYGTYA lines
@sheirukitriesfandom tagged me in this most wonderful tag game and I am so happy! Thank you for the tag :D Since WYGTYA is my longest work, I'm going to include lines from this fic of mine that I love so very much <3
A line from your fic that makes you laugh (not really a line, but it made me laugh while I wrote chapter 13)
“What on Nirn is a rock’s weakness?” He asks, casting a calm spell to no avail.
“Scissors?” Ravonna responds, chuckling.
“You think this is a good time for jokes? Master Neloth is going to kill me if he finds out!” 
“Scissors, that’s it! Big sword!” she says, the lightbulb of an idea almost visible above her head, making Talvas even more confused. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Wait here, I know just the thing!” She immediately levitates rapidly to the main tower, doing a backflip before entering.
"But paper beats rock!" Talvas shouts, but to no avail, Ravonna is already in the tower.
A line from your fic that makes you sad (of course it's a Miraak line, from chapter 6)
“I – yes. I just – ” but he has to turn around before the tears start falling down his cheeks. ‘Be a man’s man and don’t cry. Crying is for weaklings, you soft-hearted little boy! Why can’t you be like your brother? You’re a failure!’ his father’s words ring into his ears and he shivers, wanting nothing more than the earth to swallow him. And so he climbs the stairs as fast as he can and heads straight to his chamber. There, he can finally cry for hours.
A line from your fic you're proud of (not yet part of wygtya, but it will be, this is my Ralof/Hadvar ficlet, and I'm so proud of that watetfall metaphor)
“We were drunk and happy and we thought we had our whole life ahead of us.” Ralof begins, trying to be brave himself and just let his thoughts flow into words like a river turning into a waterfall
A line for your fic you think could have been better (There are a lot of things that could have been written better, but I refuse to beat myself too much over it and embrace the fact that I am evolving and I don't want to over analyse my old writing, so this is from chapter 1, I hate this because Hjaldir's story changed a bit over time! When I wrote this, it was all unclear, and so many things have changed since then, I'm hoping my version of him now isn't too far from this brief first description of him)
“Well, Inigo, it’s actually quite a funny story. Hjaldir turned out to be a runaway pirate. He ran away from his crew because he got tired of getting seasick and stealing from innocent people. So, one night, he just ran away. Decided to become a bard and make honest coin. Ended up at my dad’s tavern.”
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character (from chapter 12, DAMN IT, LUCIEN, THEY WERE HAVING A MOMENT)
“Am I… interrupting something?” Lucien asks. Right, Lucien. Fenrik’s almost forgotten about him. How could he not, when all he did was sleep his hangover off?
“No!” both Dragonborn respond at the same time, letting go of each others’ hands.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww' (from chapter 13, Ravonna trying her best to comfort Miraak is so precious to me, she is trying her best! And this is a big moment for her, to try to be so comforting to one person who once tried to kill her. It's a lot of progress and I feel like she can see their situation from a mature point of view and she can let go of the vengeance.)
“There we go.” she says as she gets a good look of Fenrik’s teary brown eyes. “Now listen to me: no one is upset with you. I’m starting to think that it’s impossible to be. You didn’t ruin anything, okay? The self-sacrificing healer in you got out. And that’s commendable. Now, please don’t cry because I have no idea what to do with someone who is crying.” She says, making him laugh the tears away. “You’re doing great. I mean, if you need to cry, just let it out, I’ll figure something out. Maybe sparkles? Everyone loves sparkles, right?” She makes small sparkles dance around her other hand
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism (from chapter 12, not sure if this classifies as symbolism, but the snake thing is something that I am so proud of)
"I still felt my soul in there, wrapped tightly in the threatening embrace of all those dragons’ souls. I felt it trying to fight it, to escape, like a small animal trying to escape the python snake’s fatal grip."
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg (WWDITS reference with a medieval and lore-friendly name replacement! From chapter 3)
"His name was Mikael, if I recall correctly.”
“Fucking Mikael!” Ravonna says, full of spite.
A line from your fic that's shocking (from chapter 13, MIRAAK SAID HIS FIRST ON-SCREEN BAD WORD!! Everyone was shocked hahaha)
“Holy shit!” Fenrik says as they get closer to the Silt Strider, making Ravonna’s job to cheer up much easier. She turns to him with wide eyes, and then looks at the rest of the amused fellowship. Even Teldryn was struggling not to smile. 
“Just come back alive, or I will kill you.” Marcurio says, his forehead resting against Rumarin’s, still pulling him down. It’s not the most comfortable position for Rumarin, but he won’t have it any other way. It makes him think, really. About all the ways he is going to kiss him as soon as he returns from Solstheim. 
Tagging my beloved fellow writer mutuals, only if you want to participate, of course! @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star and I'm also tagging @sheirukitriesfandom back to do this challenge!
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just-mebs · 1 year
Hear me out, okay, but Hadvar x LDB Soulmate AU
Like, meeting your soulmate for the first time on the way to your execution. You know it's him. He knows it's you. Yet he doesn't say anything. He doesn't press the captain when she insists you die too. He just says sorry. Moves you along. He puts his duty over his love, the only love he'll ever have, and you almost feel like this death might be merciful after all.
When the dragon attacks you decide to follow Ralof. It hurts. You can see it hurts Hadvar too. But with your life already spinning out of control as it is you can't take the risk that he'd choose his duty again. So you run into the keep with Ralof and pray to whoever is listening - Shor, Mara, Dibella, anyone - that one day you just might be able to see him again.
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motherofcats666 · 10 months
Here it is! The result of months of effort, research and tutorials, play testing, bugs and game-breaking bullshit. It still has bugs and I don't know how to fix it but for now it's good enough. Maybe some day I'll get SSEedit and go back in and fix it. I can always add more lines as I think of them too.
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doshiiirak · 2 years
Are we gonna ignore the fact that the ldb mentioned their name only few times in a game. As far as I remember:
1) at the very beginning of the game, when the protagonist is asked by Hadvar "who are you?";
2) when Harkon asks the name of his daughter's saviour;
3) when they introduce themselves to Lucien;
4) in thalmor embassy during the party (optional).
Now hear me out
Kaidan and the ldb have been together for a long time, has gone through only god knows how many ordeals, almost facing their demise and well... Kaidan still has no clue of his spouse's name.
Now you know why he always calls you his sweetheart, love, darling, changeling and etc whereas you ALWAYS call him by his name.
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reachwitch · 4 months
Roar of a Wolfborn completed 46/46
After losing her family, Sifkni finds herself almost executed. After fleeing, she travels to Whiterun where she encounters the Companions. She knows their secret, as she is also a werewolf. Despite feeling that someone else is better suited for the role, she is soon thrust into the position of Dragonborn. She must learn to believe in her skills and heal from her past to fulfill her destiny. Farkas x LDB {F Werewolf Nord} | Skjor x OC {M Skaal}
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | EPILOGUE |
Hunt of the Blood Moons
After defeating Alduin, Last Dragonborn Sifkni is called to Falkreath for a werewolf problem. She helps solve the mystery, only to have a Great Hunt called on her by Hircine. Sequel to Roar of a Wolfborn Farkas x LDB {F Werewolf Nord}
Chapter PROLOGUE | 1 | WIP
After her pack is killed, Estinan wanders around Skyrim. With no home to call her own, she makes do with hunting or selling her sword arm. She ends up in Riften on a fateful day. With her pockets emptied by a handsome thief, she tracks him through the sewers and begins her strange quest with the Thieves Guild. Brynjolf x OC {F Werewolf Bosmer}
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | WIP
Fury of a Tundra Wolf
Former Harbinger of the Companions, Thea Icehammer, joins the Stormcloak army. She fights alongside the army to bring Ulfric his victory and to free Skyrim from Thalmor and Empire's clutches. Galmar x OC {F Werewolf Nord}
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | WIP
What are Friends for?
Ciara Finley, an aspiring alchemist and healer, finds herself in Helgen. Her childhood friend, Ralof, sits in front of her on the carriage and her fiance, Hadvar, is holding the list for the execution. After a catastrophic breakup, Ciara joins Ralof on his way to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks. OC x OC  ; Eventual Ralof x OC {F Breton Alchemist/Healer}
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | WIP
Toe the Line
'Toe the line means to follow the rules or act in the way people expect you to' A phrase and act Dyrvina was familiar with, growing up as Jarl Skald's granddaughter. Dyrvina is now sent to Windhelm as a Political message to Jarl Ulfric. Arranged to marry the Jarl of Eastmarch, Dyrvina despises her grandfather and Jarl Ulfric. Ulfric x OC {F Nord} Slowburn
Chapter 1 | WIP
Mother of Hunters
Adelina, a devout Hircine follower and werewolf, is called to one of the Lord Huntsman’s Great Hunts. But as the Hare. She must survive three days with his Hunters and three nights with him personally hunting her. Adelina must survive. If only to prove she is NOT a Hare. She will not ever be a HARE. Hircine x OC {F Werewolf Nede/Nord}
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Epilogue | Lore Book
Vestige Liselle encounters another Problematic Prince ft. Dragons (and Mudcrabs)
Liselle’s encounters of Tamriel and Oblivion are detailed in mostly journals. ESO Main Questline, a couple Daggerfall Covenant Quests, Clockwork City, Original Plot: Coldfire Codex, Elsweyr, Mages’ Guild, Blackwood | Future Goals: High Isle and Necrom Abnur Tharn x Vestige {F Breton}
Just a Ruin (and Mudcrab) Advocate | 158 Chapters | Journal Coldfire Codex Chap 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Rage of Dragons and the Vestige | 65 Chapters | Journal Mages’ Guild Fiasco: Journal of Vestige Liselle |  24 Chapters | Journal In Which Liselle’s Fist Lands upon Another’s Cheek | WIP | Journal
Blessings of the Moons
Finnki is the Thane of Whiterun. She takes frequent bounties to keep her life and mind busy. She comes across the scene of an ambush. There’s only one survivor. J'Med. He’s a Khajiit from far-off lands, traveling to Skyrim to shake off his past. Finnki helps J'Med with recovery and fitting into Skyrim. J'Med teaches Finnki about moving on and leaving one’s past. OC {F Nord/Bosmer} x OC {M Khajiit}
Chapter 1 | 2 | WIP
Shadow of the Druadach
Tiernan is the Last Dragonborn. He is also a Reachman. He is a prickly man on his quest to save his world, despite the distrust and prejudice he faces on the daily. While he is looking for an Elder Scroll for Paarthurnax, he meets Rozelia Greensly. A master Mage at the College of Winterhold. She is very interested in the Reach and Reach magic. She joins Tiernan on his adventure, to his dismay. Perhaps the buds of friendship will bloom during their trip to find the Elder Scroll. Last Dragonborn {M Reachfolk} x OC {F Breton}
Chapter 1 | WIP
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Wives of Shor I: Moth to Flame
❤️❤️❤️tagged by @dirty-bosmer and @thana-topsy ❤️❤️❤️ tagging @gilgamish @nientedenada and @tallmatcha
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: T (entire fic is E) Category: M/M Pairing: Kaidan/Lucien Flavius Genre(s): Romance (bodice-rippers my beloveds), bildungsroman Other main characters: Inigo the Brave, she/her Breton LDB
Summary: A scene from near the beginning of the fic - Kaidan has something he needs to do before the party sets off for Bleak Falls Barrow. Lucien Flavius is by Joseph Russell, Kaidan is by Liv Templeton, and Inigo the Brave is by SmartBlueCat.
25 Last Seed, 4E 401 Whiterun's streets were shrouded in mist, the few lanterns still burning at this hour casting halos of light in the gloom when Kaidan stepped out of the Bannered Mare. Tucking his cloak around himself, he walked quickly towards the stairs leading to the Wind District. Given how long it took Lucien and Pascale to prepare themselves in the morning on the road, he estimated he had a good hour at the earliest before they made their appearance at the stables.
The lanterns on the doorposts of the Temple of Kynareth were lit, and the door was unlocked. The inner atrium of the temple itself was lit only by the votive sconces flanking the shrine of Kynareth at the far wall. Not wanting to disturb any sleeping patients or clerics, Kaidan moved around the outside of the atrium, but did not find what he was looking for.
"May I help you, child of Kynareth?"
Kaidan whirled, coming face to face with Danica Pure-Spring, who was holding a lamp and had clearly just risen from bed, her robe ungirdled and hair thrown over her shoulders in long twin braids.
"I did not mean to wake you at this hour Sister, I apologize," he whispered. "I came seeking Kyne's blessing."
Squinting at him in the dark, a flicker of recognition crossed Danica's face. "You're the one who brought poor Hadvar to the jarl - so you're accompanying him on that errand of Farengar's?" When Kaidan nodded she said, "I would be happy to give you a blessing." Danica turned and walked toward the Shrine of Kynareth at the far wall of the temple. "I have a traveler's amulet for you as well if-" She stopped talking and turned to look at Kaidan quizzically when she realized he was not following her. "Is something the matter?"
Kaidan glanced around the Temple. It looked just like every other temple of Kynareth he had seen during his travels in Cyrodiil and beyond.
"I would like a blessing of Kyne, Sister."
Understanding dawned on Danica's face. "I see, I see. I don't get asked for those much, especially with the Gildergreen...well. Unfortunately with the expansion of the healing wing the shrine to Kyne we had outside was removed, and never replaced. But we will do it properly, don't worry. The Goddess of Storms doesn't need anything made by man's hands to work her wonders. Meet me under the Gildergreen, and unsheathe your blade."
Nodding once, Kaidan turned and left the temple.
He almost kept walking past the twisted, scarred trunk of the Gildergreen. He must have incredible depth of hubris to ask for Kyne's blessings after turning his back on all of Brynjar's teachings - and instead of doing it properly, he was going to be doing it in the middle of a city, under a dead tree, with a priestess who prayed to Kynareth.
Despite these thoughts, Kaidan took off his cloak and knelt beneath the Gildergreen's boughs, facing the Throat of the World. He carefully unsheathed his nodachi, placing the scabbard in front of him, and laying the bare blade across his legs.
Below him, the buildings of the Plains District seemed like islands in a sea of thick fog, and to the east the first blush of dawn was chasing the stars away from the horizon. A lark began to sing in the branches above him.
Repeatedly Kaidan tried to still his thoughts and center himself, but every time he attempted to begin a breathing exercise, his thoughts would turn to Brynjar, and a sharp pang of guilt would lodge in his chest.
"Are you ready, my child?" Danica approached, her vestments in place and priest's cowl now covering her sleep-mussed hair.
"I- I don't know, Sister."
Danica paused, but did no speak, waiting for Kaidan to continue.
"I haven't prayed to Her in...a long time. I don't know if Kyne will hear me."
For a long moment, the only sounds were the rushing of water in the aqueducts and the lark still heralding the dawn, heedless of the two humans below his perch.
"It's not my place to say what She will or will not do. But-" Danica moved to stand before him and placed her hands gently on his hair as Kaidan bowed his head. "I am reminded of the story of Keeper Ormi, who turned her back on Kyne when she thought the Goddess had abandoned her sons in war. She was so given over to grief that she turned to daedra-worship, and became a hagraven. She desecrated Kyne's sacred trees, and led her priestesses astray. And yet the Goddess welcomed her back when she repented, and returned her to human form. Do not presume to have done such terrible works that She is unable to grant you Her peace."
Danica's words brought some measure of comfort, and Kaidan was able to quiet his doubts as she began the blessing.
"Widow of Shor, Blessed Warrior-Wife, May this man's blade be as swift as your storms, And sharp as your winds.
"Sister-Hawk, he is your sword and your shield, Use him to safeguard those under his care." "Mother of Men and Beasts, Do not draw your veil against him as he travels, Bring peace to the wild things, that they will not bare their fangs to him."
"Kiss-at-the-End, if he should fall, May he meet you with honor untarnished, And carry him safely to Shor's Hall."
As Danica finished Kaidan felt her place something over his neck. When he opened his eyes and looked down, he saw a small scrimshaw pendant hanging from a leather thong, covered in flowing spirals and flanked by two hawk talons.
The last time he had seen one of these was when they had burned it with Brynjar's body.
He stood suddenly, knowing he had to leave immediately if he was to retain any of his dignity. "Thank you, Sister."
"Your journey awaits," Danica smiled at him. "Wind guide you."
Kaidan refastened his cloak and pulled his hood up as he descended the stairs, leaving the Gildergreen and Danica behind. By the time he reached the main gates, his cheeks were dry and the amulet was safely tucked under his tunic, the weathered bone warm against his heart.
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 11 months
My khajiit LDB named Rug leaving helgen keep at lvl 18 with sneak 100 and destruction 30:
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Hadvar, beaten and burned, continuing on to Riverwood:
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linda-likes-to-draw · 8 months
Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag @babyblueetbaemonster! I would also like to get to know you better :]
I tag: @b-lizi, @tallysingatsby, @ego-osbourne, @thetempleofmara, @nanaendergirlita! do it if you'd like to ofc :P
3 Ships: Hm. Honestly haven't touched TES for a while so I guesssss Marcien as well hehe OH and Ralof x Hadvar HEHEHE. also Tullius x Ulfric completely as a crack ship lol
First Ship: LDB x Mirrak. It's literally how I got into Skyrim in the first place haha
Last Song: The Perfect Song - Enter The Haggis
Last film: There's Always Tomorrow (2023) - Paola Cortellesi
Currently reading: Various Dragon Age fics :)
Currently craving: s l e e p
okay uhhh i've not updated this blog a lot lol (fallen into the pit of Dragon Age franchise) so i was pleasantly surprised to be tagged!
and so i made this for you! (@/babyblueetbaemonster) :D Your chibi and still detailed artstyle mixed with memes always make me laugh haha
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dalishthunder · 1 year
Destiny Waits for No One
Chapter 3 - Survivor
Pairing: Nebarra/LDB (Gender Neutral Reader) Characters: GN!LDB, Nebarra, Khash, Lucifer, Xelzaz, Kaidan, Inigo, (Eventual Lucien) Rating: Mature Words: 5078 Additional Info: Xelzaz is the coolest friend you could ever have, Very Slow burn, frenemies to lovers, violence, so much trauma and ptsd Read on AO3
Some are born into greatness.
Some pursue greatness on their own.
Some have greatness thrust upon them.
And others... others still must rise to the challenge of an unjust world to wrest greatness for themselves.
The dead didn't need their worldly possessions. You were pretty sure of that... even if they were still shambling around. Which was how you found yourself offloading a lot of it at The Riverwood Trader. Lucan and Camilla were ecstatic that you had followed through, and you were rewarded handsomely. And as you all left the shop, pockets much heavier with the weight of gold, you vowed to feast for the evening. To a job well done.
Was that what the draugr had shouted at you to force you back?
Some sort of spell?
"I wonder how Hadvar's doing...." A voice immediately jolted you from your thoughts, and you whipped around to see a woman speaking with the blacksmith. His wife. Sigrid, you were pretty sure. "Haven't heard from him in a long while."
"You know the empire keeps him busy."
"Still, it's been months."
Your blood froze.
Had he not made it back?
"Aye... I suppose it has."
And against your better judgment, you stopped to look over at them and steeled yourself. "I saw him- Hadvar a few weeks ago. He said he was going to head to Riverwood. Did he not pass through?"
The couple exchanged a concerned glance. "No, we haven't seen him since the New Life Festival."
"Oh.…" You said as though you knew when or what that was.
"Are you a friend of his?"
"Y-yeah. The legion might have called him back." You said with a bright, and hopefully convincing smile. "But I'll keep my eye out for him."
And you wondered if perhaps... perhaps you were the sole survivor of Helgen.
These people deserved to know the truth.
They would never survive a dragon attack.
You waved as you parted.... You didn't deserve to sleep on a bed tonight.
"Guys, I don't want to make you panic, but we need to hold an emergency team meeting." You whispered as you walked. Just loud enough for them to hear. Smile never faltering as you nodded to a guard leaning against the walls of the Sleeping Giant Inn. "Away from prying ears."
The smoke hurt as it filled your lungs.
Legs burning from running though you couldn't stop to catch your breath.
You'd tumbled down, Hadvar backtracking to pull you to your feet.
"To Riverwood. I have family there."
You should have gone with him.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
Once you were far out of the town's limits, you stopped, looking up at the sky for a moment; rain clouds gathering on the horizon, before turning to look at your companions. "I'm afraid I haven't been fully forthcoming with you."
Xelzaz just raised a brow, arms crossed as he regarded you. Inigo sat on a stump, head in his hands as he gave you his full attention. Your eyes briefly connected with Kaidan's before you stuffed your hands into your pockets.
Khash just looked at your curiously. "I do not know what you mean."
You let out an uncomfortable breath. "Helgen was burned to the ground by a dragon."
"A dragon? Here?" Khash's eyes went wide.
"I thought dragons went extinct several millennia ago." Xelzaz replied.
Kaidan's expression was neutral, "I want to believe you. But haven't you been having memory problems?"
"I know. I was there when it happened. I saw the carnage with my own eyes!" You snapped, flinching as you heard your tone. You sighed and licked your lips. "I think I might be the only one who survived. Hadvar was supposed to go to Riverwood, but it seems as though he may not have made it back."
"Didn't mean to disturb wounds. Do you think the Jarl knows?" Kaidan asked.
"If he does, then he must not care much for Riverwood seeing as they had about four guards total." Xelzaz went quiet for a moment, and you looked between your friends imploringly.
"I think there are really only two clear answers here, my friends." Inigo interjected. "We either have to let the Jarl know, or we run to somewhere where there are no dragons. Or, do one then the other."
Khash frown, lips curling over her sharp little teeth. "We cannot just leave these people to die. That would be wrong."
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, "The only thing we can do is go to the Jarl."
"Do we have any proof?"
"I think Helgen is proof enough..." You murmured. Perhaps they had even seen the smoke from that foul day.
"It's settled then." Xelzaz spoke up. "We go to Whiterun and inform the Jarl that a dragon has returned, and that Riverwood needs more guards."
You nodded, smile returning. "Yeah."
And so you marched to Whiterun, stopping for the night on the bank of the river. Khash turned out to be quite the fisherman as she caught you dinner, helping Xelzaz clean and prepare it for dinner. And despite the growling of your stomach, eyes drawn to the flames, you found yourself only picking at your food. You cleaned up after everyone, volunteering to take watch while the rest of your companions turned in for the night.
The embers crackled and popped, wisps of smoke taking to the wind.
The smell of burning flesh as everything ignited around you.
You didn't wake anyone for second watch.
"Can't sleep?" Xelzaz emerged from his tent sometime after midnight.
You shook your head, not taking your eyes off of the stars above.
He yawned, sitting down next to you and poking at the fire. "I'm sorry you went through that."
You swallowed, "If I tell you something, will you keep it a secret?"
"I can do my best."
You supposed that was fair enough....
"I..." The words caught in your throat like stale bread. "You know what, never mind. I don't really know what I was thinking there."
"Well now you have me curious." His cadence was light, lilting, teasing.
"Maybe another time."
It was still too raw....
The glint of sun on the axe, raised over the executioner's head.
Streaks of fire raining down from the sky... the only thing that saved your life.
You owed that dragon your life.
You owed that dragon a death for every life in Helgen.
"Tell me about yourself." You asked after a while.
"What would you like to know?"
"Do you have any family out there?" You chanced a glance in his direction to see him staring up at the stars as well.
"Yes. My parents and a little sister, back in Thorn. We're very close. My sister, Deekawo, is really quite talented...."
It wasn't long until your breath steadied as you listened to your friend speak about the Hist, and how his family still spoke regularly, and how no matter the distance, they could feel one another. You talked well into the night, and he was more than willing to humor most of your questions; Even teaching you a few words of Jel when you asked what certain things meant.
Was your family out there wondering where you were?
Did you even have any?
And as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, you reached for your pack, puling out a taproot and handing it to him. "It's not much, but I know you'd mentioned you were interested in studying the properties of taproot firsthand and comparing it to dwarven oil. I, uh... don't have any dwarven oil, but I figure you could probably put it to better use than me."
"Oh, Thank you," He smiled, accepting it graciously. "I appreciate the thoughtful gift."
It was the least you could do.
He'd drowned out most of the screams.
"Think nothing of it." You stood, cracking your joints. "We should probably get breakfast ready though."
In a cruel twist of fate, you realized belatedly that your provisions were running low... probably something to do with feeding five mouths. You'd probably have to skip lunch and restock when you got to Whiterun.
The trek was simple enough, not as long as you thought it might be. The guards didn't shake you down as you entered, and what immediately hit you was that it didn't reek as soon as you set foot inside the walls. It was a clean city with bustling streets. The sound of idle chatter drifted through the air, pleasant and comforting. It felt... safe.
"Do we want to stop for lunch?" You called back, "I know we need to speak with the Jarl, but maybe not on an empty stomach?"
"I think that is a great idea, my friend." Inigo piped up, Khash giving a quick affirmative.
Kaidan shook his head, pushing past you. "You've already wasted weeks. Weeks people could have been preparing for a dragon attack."
You winced, smile faltering only for a second. "Yeah, you're right. We can wait until after. Maybe they'll even give us some something for a reward."
So you continued up to Dragonsreach, pausing for a moment to look at your companions and steeling yourself. You could do this. You survived a dragon.
Your skin blistered under the heat-
You could do this.
The doors groaned under their own weight as they swung open, and you strode in, doing your best to ooze the same sort of confidence a fool had… only to see an argonian sitting on the steps, head in his hands. You were pretty sure he wasn't the Jarl, but you felt compelled to stop anyway.
"Hey, are you on your way to talk to the Jarl?" He asked, "I came to tell him about an attack on Helgen. It's burned to the ground, and I thought I saw a dragon flying over the mountains! But he won't believe me. You believe me though, right?"His eyes were imploring; Her eyes filled with fear-
"That's why I'm here as well."
"Maybe he'll listen to you then!"
You nodded.
"My names Lucifer by the way." He stood, "You look like the adventuring type, so am I."
"Nice to meet you, Lucifer." You smiled at him, extending your hand.
He stared at it for a moment before clasping it in his own. "Could I travel with you? It’s a dangerous world out there, and I think we could be great allies.”
And so Lucifer the argnoian became your sixth member, introducing himself to your companions while you ascended the stairs to meet the Jarl. Eyes were drawn to you as you passed the well-stoked fires of their mead hall.
“What is the meaning of this?” A dunmeri warrior asked, drawing her weapon.
“I agree,” Said the Jarl, looking blandly around at his guards. “I thought I gave explicit instructions not to be disturbed.”
You dropped to one knee, “My Jarl, I bring news from Helgen.”
“If you’re going to tell me it was destroyed, I am already aware of what can happen when we get caught in the crossfires of this gods forsaken war.”
You lifted your face to look at him fully in the warm, flickering light. Blond hair beard impressively braided, circlet adorning his brow, tired eyes watching you with something akin to boredome and disdain. “It was a dragon.”
“There are no dragons in Skyrim.” One of the guards replied.
“I can take it from here,” The Jarl waved him off. “There are no dragons in Skyrim. You’ve put too much stock in the ravings of drunks and fairytales.”
You set your jaw, finally meeting his gaze.
“I was there.”
A hushed silence fell over the hall.
“I was there when it happened. It slaughtered everyone.”
It was a few moments before the Jarl spoke again, “Why did it take you so long to come to us?”
“I was afraid,” You murmured, breath steady somehow. “I was afraid, and I had hoped someone else would have escapted to tell you. But after visiting Riverwood and seeing its defenselessness, I realized that I had hoped in vain. I am sorry.”
He contemplated your words, “Irileth. Send a battalion to Riverwood at once.”
“My Jarl-”
“I’ll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people.”
“Very well. I will do so at once.”
“Good. As for you,” He affixed his gaze upon you once more. “Thank you for coming forward even if it was late. Take this as a token of good faith.”
One of his servants brought forth a set of leather armor. Nicer than the set you had managed to hodgepodge together.
“Let Proventus know if we need to adjust the fit for you.”
“Thank you, sir.” Hastily you stood, marveling at just now nice it was. “You are too kind.”
“I have another task that you may yet be able to help with. Follow me, my court wizard has been doing some research after your argonian friend tried to tell us he thought he saw a dragon.” He led you through the hall to a wide room with an alchemy table and many such articles befitting a mage, a man in robes hunched over his desk. “Farengar, I hope you have news about your project.”
“Give me a few more hours, I may be onto something but I need a little more time.” The wizard replied tersely.
“Very well then. Update me when you have some progress.”
You were dismissed for a recess, and released once more upon Whiterun. Coin purses remaining heavy by buying quick lunches as food stalls and eating it in the town square.
“Well, we did what we came here to do.” Inigo said between bites of a sweet roll. “We can always travel to find warmer sands… and avoid big smelly dragons.”
The conversations were light as you picked at your food. Lucifer trying to get to know everyone, he seemed personable enough, if a bit… odd. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. You were all a bit odd.
A few kids raced past you, playing some sort of game, laughing and shrieking as they went their way.
Screams echoing all around you.
A devestating roar that rained fire from the sky.
A hand on your shoulder jolted you from your thoughts, and you turned to look at Xelzaz. “How are you doing?”
“Great, just enjoying the sun.” You responded, relaxing into his touch and giving him what you hoped was a charming smile.
“You just seem a bit distant.” “Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my mind, there’s no need to worry.” You patted his hand. “I do however need to check out this armor though. I saw a blacksmith back towards the city gates. I figure I’ll go do that until the court wizard is ready to see us.”
“Let me come with you.”
Your smile was genuine that time. “Kai, I’m going to the smithy to take a look at this armor, let me know if the Jarl asks for me.”
The two of you made your way through the streets of Whiterun before stopping outside of a decently large blacksmith’s shop called “Warmaiden’s”. And after making a deal with the blacksmith, she allowed you to use her workbench for a modest fee of twenty gold. It only took a few hours, work interspersed with sparkling conversation. Xelzaz truly was a remarkable person, multi-talented, sharp, a Lawman of House Telvanni.... You had no idea how you were supposed to be the one escorting him.
Because compared to that... what had you done? Survived a dragon attack by running away. Ignoring the pleas and screams of terror as you just... ran.
And just as you were putting the finishing touches on your new armor, you were called back to Dragonsreach. You tested the fit as you climbed the stairs, enjoying the sheer amount of mobility the armor allowed without pinching or tightness. Maybe you should become a blacksmith once you were done adventuring around. And an alchemist. And maybe you could learn enchanting! Then you would definitely be interesting enough to qualify as Xelzaz's friend. Maybe he'd even keep in correspondence once you finished escorting him around Skyrim and to the border.
"Ah, you made it." Jarl Balgruuf beckoned you to Farengar's wizardly chamber. "Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons? We need it, quickly; Before it's too late."
Farengar nodded, "I think I may have found something, yes. I assume this is to be my assistant?" He nodded to you.
"Aye." The Jarl turned to you. "Succeed at this, and you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt."
You swallowed down the fear. "I won't let you down."
You owed that dragon a death for every life in Helgen.
"Good." He turned, leaving you with Farengar.
"Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there." Farengar didn't look at you as he spoke, leafing through a book instead.
"Of course," If it meant bringing it to justice.... "What does this have to do with Dragons though?"
"Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker... perhaps even a scholar?" He turned to face you for the first time, hood casting his face in shadow except for the glimmer of candlelight in his eye. "You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossibilities. One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible. But I began to search for information about dragons; Where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from?"
You nodded, "And this is where I come in.... What do you need me to do?"
"I learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow; A 'Dragonstone' said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet, no doubt interred in the main chamber. and bring it to me."
Your eyes widened, and you placed your pack on his table, not listening to his protests as you dug around for the odd stone that you had picked up in the ancient ruins. "I think I may have it already." After a moment you pulled it out, "Is this it?"
Farengar let out an incredulous laugh and you smiled, "The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barros! Phenomenal work! Truly, you are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists upon me."
Your grin widened, "I-"
"Farengar! Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby." Irileth burst into the room, breath ragged. She looked at you, "You should come too."
Ice filled your veins as fire licked at your skin.
Smoke filling your lungs.
The court mage looked far too excited, asking question after question only for Irileth to snap, "I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you!"
That seemed to shut him up.
"If a Dragon decides to attack Whiterun, I don't know that we'd be able to stop it."
Even the stones had groaned, bending to the whims of the dragon's breath as they warped and melted.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
How many children-
A hand on your shoulder jolted you from your thoughts, and you turned to look at Xelzaz. Competent Xelzaz... he probably could have saved her.
"C'mon, lets see what we can do."
You nodded, gesturing for your team to follow you up the stairs to the Jarl's war room.
"-We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen." A guard panted, hunched over, hands on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath. "It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure."
The Jarl turned to Irileth, saying words you couldn't quite hear over the blood in your ears. Slowly, you approached the man, placing a hand on his shoulder, just as Xelzaz had done for you a moment ago.
"What's your name?" You asked, giving him a gentle smile as he looked at you.
"Alarik of swift feet, your speed has given us a chance. Thank you for doing something I could not."
His breath began to steady, and he nodded.
"Jarl Balgruuf," You turned to face him, "Is there a place where we can shelter the children?"
He straightened up, looking at you with a mixture of disbelief and understanding, "Yes."
"Then get them there."
The Jarl blinked, clearly not used to being spoken to like that, before waving to his guards, "Get moving! There's no telling how much time we have left." He pointed to you, "And you, I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this Dragon. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons then anyone else here. But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar." With heavy strides, Balgruuf made his way over to a display on the wall. Taking down an axe and presenting it to you. "Take this, a gift befitting a true friend of my people, the Axe of Whiterun. May her blade remain ever sharp."
You nodded, taking it graciously... though you'd never used an axe in battle before. "Thank you."
You could hear whispers among your followers, and you turned to Khash. "A dragon. A real dragon? Oh tusk... I cannot. A real dragon! We are so tusking dead."
"I need you to stay here."
"What?! While you go fight a dragon?"
You gave her your most reassuring smile. "I'll be back sooner than you can say 'Whiterun'."
She gave you a blank stare. "Whiterun."
"I walked right into that one...." You sighed.
"That does not make any sense."
"Look, Khash, please just stay here where it's safe okay?"
Her eyes were accusatory, but she nodded. "Okay, but you better come back with a tusking dragon skull for me."
You laughed. "Deal."
As you left, you cast one last glance back at her, giving her a thumbs up.
"I'm coming with you," Xelzaz said, walking alongside you.
"Thank you."
"How are you holding up?"
"Ready to die a most glorious death," Your tone was light, joking, but one way or another, you were going to end that dragon's life or die trying.
Xelzaz laughed, a comforting sound, "Well, good to see one of us is optimistic."
You looked back to the rest of your companions, seeing them striding with you... filled you with a determination you hadn't realized you'd had.
You could do this.
Together you all made your way out, following Irileth and her battalion to the remains of a watch tower. You didn't see any dragons around, but the carnage was unmistakable.
"No! Get back!"
It was already too late.
Like thunder rolling over the mountains, a roar echoed through the plains, heavy wing-beats on the wind, and fast as a flash of lightning the dragon streaked towards you, raining fire down on the poor guards in front of you. Charred corpses left in its wake fueling you.
Immediately you nocked an arrow, letting it loose at the wyrm soaring through the sky.
But... it wasn't the same one.
It wasn't the same one.
"BRING IT DOWN!" Irileth cried, and arrows soared through the air.
It seemed to shrug them off, circling around... laughing?
Your blood ignited, and you ducked behind a hunk of stone just in time to evade its breath once more. You loosed another arrow at it, this time catching it in the leather of its wing.
It stuck.
"Aim for the wings!" You called out.
Inigo shouted an affirmative behind you, and Xelzaz shot it with a bolt of ice.
But it was agile, powerful, buffeting the arrows on the wind of its wings, dropping low to the ground and spraying ash and smoke, covering everything in a hazy darkness. "YOL SU GRAM!"
Fire. Air. Cloud.
You closed your eyes for a moment, straining your ears. It was rising.... You needed to get to higher ground. Carefully you made your way to the tower, stumbling a few times but never falling as you made it inside of the remains.
Good, the air was clear here.
Taking them two at a time, you peeled up the stairs. You held your breath as you aimed, ignoring the strain in your lungs, but it was moving too quickly for you to get a clear shot as it sped over the cloud of smoke, raining fire indiscriminately.
"No you don't...."
You stepped onto the remains of the ledge, doing a few quick calculations in your head as it circled around for more. Breath deep and far steadier than it should have been, as you shot another arrow at it.
If the gods were real, they showed you a small mercy, arrow flying true until it struck the joint in the wing. Its trajectory faltered, wing smashing into the tower, and it lurched... stone beginning to topple out from under you.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shi-
You braced yourself, riding the tower down as it fell, rolling as you hit the ground, some of the blow cushioned by soft moss. Panting, you got to your knees, smoke and dust clearing just enough for you to see the rubble begin to move, the dragon shaking off the stone and mortar.
A single eye affixed to you, foreign and familiar, pupil dilating as the dragon craned its neck, only a few feet from where you were.
A single word uttered in its guttural language, "Dovahkiin."
It reared back and you barely managed to dodge out of the way in time before its jaws snapped at the air where you'd been.
"Kril mal lun... Zu'u naak hin sil."
You backed up.
You were knocked back, landing on a charred corpse as the dragon advanced on you, a laugh in its throat.
It was toying with you.
Wildly you scrambled back, hand landing on a searing hot sword. You could see arrows whizzing above you, bouncing feebly off of the dragon's thick hide. Shouts all around you.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
Adrenaline in your veins, you could feel the air around you sizzle as the dragon opened its mouth again, lunging at you. You pitched forward, rolling under its chin.
With every ounce of strength in your body you drove the blade into the junction where its jaw met its throat, flesh giving way under the steel. The dragon lurched back, driving it further in, a roar dying in its throat as it thrashed, blade breaking off, throwing you a few feet back.
Blood rained down on you as it choked and sputtered, and you grabbed the dagger that you kept in your shoe. But you didn't have time to move as it collapsed, trapping you under its thick neck.
It took you a moment, breath heavy still stinging with the ash, dust, and smoke, before you were able to wriggle your way out from under it, getting to your feet as the air began to clear.
So many dead....
But you could see Xelzaz tending to Kaidan's wounds. Lucifer downing a health potion. Inigo crawling out from where some debris had fallen.
Oh thank the gods....
And you turned back to the dragon, nudging it with your boot as you saw the last light leave its eyes.
It wasn't the same one that was in Helgen....
You wiped at your skin, hands slick with dragon blood as you began to return to your friends.
Something caught in your throat, and you paused skin tingling, vibrating. Each breath in felt... more powerful than the last, a loud wind in your ears as an eerie light surrounded you, ephemeral, soaking into your pores, your lungs, your tongue.
It felt as though you were full to bursting, like you were going to be ripped apart by the cosmos, something powerful settling in your soul.
Something... Right.
Every bit of you thrummed, and you stared at your bloodstained hands.
"Fus." The word rippled from your mouth, rumbling, clearing through the smoke.
You breathed deep, throwing your head back and roaring out to the heavens, "FUS!"
The air shimmered and shook, flowing like a crashing wave.
You'd never felt so alive.
All eyes were on you. Murmuring among the guards, something fearful and almost reverent on Kaidan's face.
It felt... right.
Talos of Atmora, Tiber Septim himself, had been dragonborn. You didn't quite know what that meant, but you knew it was certainly not 'Nord nonsense', as Proventus so eloquently put it. On your way back to Whiterun you'd heard thunder on the wind, "DOVAHKIIN". Apparently most of Whiterun had heard it too.
Apparently you'd been... summoned.
You didn't like that one bit....
So... you'd decided you would make a stop in Riverwood beforehand. Clear the air about Hadvar; His family deserved that much, and if you were supposed to be... something important... you couldn't be a coward any longer.
No way could you face The Greybeards with that on your chest.
Fortunately, Lucifer knew a shortcut.
When he declined to use the map... that should have been your first red flag. The fact that you'd been wandering around in the woods for a solid day and a half should have been your second.
"Lucifer... uh..." You started as it began to get overcast on the second day, "I don't want to question your survival skills, but do you know where we're going?"
"... No. I think I may be lost now."
Xelzaz sighed, grabbing your map, muttering something in Jel that sounded rude. "Follow me."
So you walked. And walked.
And walked.
"Are we there yet?" Khash groaned. "My feet hurt."
A whiff of smoke met your nose.
Charred flesh.
Wing beats on the wind.
You dropped low, bringing your hand up to signal everyone to stop. The light mist was hard to see through, but you could see the wreckage of something ahead of you.
Slowly, you crept forward. A pained cough meeting your ears as something gold moved.
A survivor.
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Goose Questions!!!
Let's go back before the beginning.
What if Dahlia had somehow ended up not in any kind of proximity to the Stormcloaks? What if she decided she was going to leave Skyrim? Would she have followed Hadvar and all that might entail? What if she hadn't been the LDB at all? :>
Dahlia AU, eh? Okay, if Dahlia had been born in some other Hold in Skyrim, I think she would have still ended up at the College of Winterhold at the very least, and if she had left Skyrim, perhaps it would be to attend the Arcane University! That would be my best guess. Okay, so if she had went to the College anyway…she still would have wanted to help, and I think which side it would be would have depended a lot on her upbringing and what she was exposed to personally when growing up. A large part of her joining the Stormcloak cause is based in her parents’ (and her own) worship of Talos along with seeing a lot of her fellow Nords dragged away for who they choose to worship. (I know this doesn’t really answer your question.) But, if she had gone to the Arcane University, she probably might have found a nice man in Cyrodiil and settled down. Perhaps she might have even see the perspective of the Empire…the Stormcloaks are diverting important resources and effectively cutting of and weakening the hand that feeds them. It’s an interesting question.
…would she had followed Hadvar…hm. Maybe, if she was the version who studied at the Arcane University, but if she remained in Skyrim, I think she still would have gone with Ralof.
And if she hadn’t been LDB at all? If she had remained in Skyrim and somehow got roped into the cart and went with Ralof…I think she would have ended up crossing paths with Ulfric eventually. Divines know that they need more mages and those experienced with Restoration.
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
was looking thru my google drive and found out i have a 6k word hadvar/ldb fic i never posted. what happened.
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