#Hand Astrology
vivmaek · 4 months
Moon Transits
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✰ my masterlist I made a quick cheat sheet for Moon transits using my notes from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand.
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House Placements
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the First House
✧Feeling a need to surround oneself with friends and family. ✧Wanting to be a part of some sort of group. ✧In tune with the feelings of others. ✧Prioritizing personal needs. ✧Seeking out support/feeling a need to be nurtured.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Second House
✧Going through a box filled with old mementos. ✧Wearing clothing that expresses how you feel. ✧Buying objects that have nostalgic value. ✧Spending money based on subconscious drives. ✧Being impulsive with money.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Third House
✧Having deep/meaningful conversations with others. ✧Having intuitive insights. ✧Communicating from a place of authenticity. ✧Falling into thought patterns from the past. ✧Projecting narratives from the past onto the present situation.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Fourth House
✧Prioritizing spending time at home. ✧Feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. ✧Situations and events forcing you to go inwards. ✧Not accomplishing much. ✧Feeling more insecure and clingy than usual.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Fifth House
✧Being unable to hide emotions. ✧Feeling wrapped up in oneself. ✧A natural sense of romance existing within daily life. ✧Having deep/meaningful conversations with a romantic partner. ✧Stepping forward to protect/defend someone.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Sixth House
✧Hiding your emotions/pushing them to the side. ✧Playing the role of a martyr. ✧Deep cleaning your entire home. ✧Focusing on personal hygiene and health. ✧Feeling hypercritical.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Seventh House
✧Focusing on personal relationships. ✧Needing support and security. ✧Intense confrontations being met with an emotional response. ✧Your subconscious needs/desires being mirrored by a partner. ✧Lacking a sense of objectivity
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Eighth House
✧Highly intense emotional encounters. ✧Experiencing emotions that are not commonly felt. ✧Feeling jealous/possessive ✧Having a desire for control. ✧Your attachment style being challenged in some way.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Ninth House
✧Feeling adventurous and restless. ✧Wanting to break free from the daily routine. ✧Finding joy through study. ✧Feeling drawn towards foreign cultures and ways of life. ✧Being exposed to an idea or concept that excites you.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Tenth House
✧Experiencing an emotional outburst in public. ✧Failing to hide certain aspects about yourself. ✧Blurring the lines between professional and personal relationships. ✧Forging strong bonds with people at work. ✧Winning people over through a display of emotional sensitivity.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Eleventh House
✧Having deep/meaningful conversations with friends. ✧Patterns from childhood being displayed within a friendship. ✧Goals and dreams for the future being affected by past experiences. ✧Catching up with an old friend. ✧Being sought after for support.
。・:*˚:✧。 Moon in the Twelfth House
✧Feeling withdrawn and a need to hide oneself. ✧Being secretive about your emotions. ✧Acting upon unconscious fears. ✧Experiencing strong gut instincts. ✧Needing more sleep in comparison to usual.
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Sun
✧Feeling a burst of energy ✧Harmony between mind and feelings. ✧A light is shined upon larger emotional patterns. ✧Having the strength and stamina to carry out tasks. ✧Showing up as your best self.
✧Being given an opportunity to relax and take it easy. ✧Attending fun social gatherings. ✧Forging new friendships. ✧Finding joy outside of the home. ✧Experiencing a sense of peace.
✧Facing challenges within daily life. ✧Getting into an argument with family/loved ones. ✧Tensions and inner turmoils being brought to the surface. ✧Feeling more irritable compared to usual. ✧Experiencing a burst of physical energy.
✧Daily life is running very smoothly. ✧Being driven by a need for pleasure. ✧Engaging in vigorous activity. ✧Having interests that align with a group. ✧Finding that more people are drawn to you compared to usual.
✧Feeling incredibly energetic. ✧Having a long to-do list. ✧Having to put hard work and effort into your daily life. ✧Feeling attracted to someone very different than you. ✧Finding a lack of stability within relationships.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Moon
✧The beginning of a major emotional cycle. ✧Feelings that are experienced now will be a dominant theme for the month. ✧A particular emotion shining through more strongly compared to the rest. ✧Having an easier time attracting what you want into your life. ✧Wanting to surround yourself with what's familiar.
✧Wanting to be with family and relatives. ✧Reminiscing over past experiences. ✧Choosing to spend more time at home. ✧Seeking out emotional satisfaction through intimacy. ✧Giving out and receiving good advice.
✧Feeling irritable. ✧Being faced with difficult circumstances. ✧Getting into disagreements with others. ✧Tensions coming to the surface. ✧Unhappy with current domestic situation.
✧Experiencing a pleasant mood throughout daily life. ✧Giving out emotional support. ✧Seeking out physical comfort. ✧Not feeling a need to leave the house. ✧Feeling comfortable with what you have.
✧Experiencing powerful emotions. ✧Feeling caught up within oneself. ✧Being faced with opposing opinions. ✧Feeling a general sense of discomfort. ✧Finding it difficult to express emotions.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Mercury
✧Talking about your feelings. ✧Try to avoid making a decision. ✧Becoming overwhelmed by minor details. ✧Getting distracted by conversations. ✧Experiencing a sudden change in mood.
✧Having an active social life. ✧Gossiping and sharing information about other people. ✧Describing your feelings to others in an effective manner. ✧Seeking out the opinions of others. ✧Receiving lots of texts, and phone calls from friends and loved ones.
✧Other people can’t relate to how you feel. ✧People expressing that they have a problem with you. ✧Having your feelings hurt by the words of another person. ✧Changing your opinion to avoid disagreements. ✧Tensions are released.
✧Easily expressing your emotions. ✧Lending someone a sympathetic ear or helping hand. ✧Receiving information about loved ones or past experiences. ✧Feeling nostalgic and talking about the good ol’ days. ✧Feeling deeply in touch with your emotions.
✧Disliking someone for no good reason. ✧Making unfair judgements and assumptions. ✧Falling into patterns from childhood. ✧Important discussions turning into disagreements. ✧Mistaking emotions for rational thought.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Venus
✧Attending social engagements and having fun. ✧In high spirits, feeling happy and generous. ✧Throwing a party or attending one. ✧Spending more money than you intend. ✧Experiencing overindulgence.
✧Spending time with friends and loved ones. ✧Going on a fantastic date. ✧Building good rapport with another person. ✧Showing affection towards others. ✧Infecting other people with your happy mood.
✧Getting caught up in interesting conversations. ✧Taking the time to get to know someone. ✧Protecting a loved one or giving them some much needed support. ✧Getting lost in the past. ✧Lacking discipline in favor of overindulgence.
。・:*˚:✧。Trine ​​
✧Feeling lazy and choosing to ignore work that needs to get done. ✧Eating good food and drink. ✧Tending to the needs of someone else. ✧Enjoying the people around you. ✧Attending fun engagements.
✧Giving into self indulgence. ✧Hidden tensions rise to the surface. ✧Prioritizing comfort and luxury. ✧Overstating your feelings. ✧Lacking restraint.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Mars
✧Losing your cool. ✧Feeling irritable. ✧Getting caught up in trivial matters. ✧Acting impulsively. ✧Attracting in disagreements.
✧Working independently. ✧Stepping into a leadership position. ✧Being the first to take initiative. ✧Not backing down when challenged ✧Feelings of passion rising to the surface.
✧Taking hasty action. ✧Feeling over sensitive. ✧People attacking you for seemingly no reason. ✧Getting into an accident/making a mistake. ✧Acting upon insecurity.
✧Feeling comfortable expressing your opinions and needs. ✧Projecting a sense of emotional strength. ✧Needing a physical release/seeking out exercise. ✧Starting projects with vigor. ✧Feeling excited and filled with energy.
✧Becoming angry easily. ✧Feeling loss tolerate and overly critical. ✧Taking impulsive action. ✧Experiencing a disruption of sorts. ✧getting into arguments and disagreements.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Jupiter
✧Feeling extremely benevolent. ✧Showcasing a high degree of self confidence. ✧Enjoying the presence of a large group. ✧Experiencing a kind act of generosity. ✧Being led by your heart.
✧Meeting up with old friends. ✧Reaching out to people who need help. ✧Feeling a sense of togetherness and belonging. ✧Successfully persuading another person. ✧Understanding the needs of other people.
✧Feeling optimistic. ✧Overstepping with your opinions and thoughts. ✧Coming across as self-righteous. ✧Giving out unsolicited advice. ✧Feeling overly generous.
✧Giving out and receiving affection. ✧Feeling happy and positive. ✧Offering someone a helping hand. ✧Finding a sense of belonging amongst others. ✧Experiencing enjoyable social gatherings.
✧People trying to guilt you into helping them. ✧Being driven by a need for freedom. ✧Resisting against limitations that have been placed upon you. ✧Questioning your aspirations. ✧Being faced with existential anxiety.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Saturn
✧Facing loneliness and isolation. ✧Struggling with feelings of guilt and shame. ✧Feeling dissatisfied with current domestic situation. ✧Falling into a state of pessimism. ✧Lacking support from others.
✧Spending time in deep introspection. ✧Seeking out wisdom and advice. ✧Engaging in serious conversations. ✧Showing up for someone in need. ✧Prioritizing your responsibilities.
✧Unsure on how to connect with others. ✧Being unable to read people well. ✧Being overly critical of oneself. ✧Feeling awkward and being faced with embarrassing situations. ✧Experiencing feelings of depression.
✧Having a good grasp over your emotions. ✧Maintaining a realistic perspective. ✧Remaining patient and steadfast under stress and strain. ✧Thinking about your feelings rather than expressing them. ✧Seeking out solitude.
✧Miscommunications and wrongful assumptions are abundant. ✧Not having anyone to turn to. ✧Getting caught up in a bad mood. ✧Focusing on failures and disappointments. ✧Experiencing feelings of loneliness.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Uranus
✧Experiencing sudden mood swings. ✧Feeling irritable and impatient. ✧Taking impulsive actions. ✧Lacking an ability to concentrate. ✧Unexpectedly saying or doing something you normally wouldn’t.
✧Seeking out stimulating experiences. ✧Wanting anything and everything that is new and unknown. ✧Lacking discipline. ✧Wanting more excitement out of daily life. ✧Running into an old friend unexpectedly.
✧Feeling rebellious and outspoken. ✧Seeking out freedom and excitement. ✧Unexpected feelings rising to the surface. ✧Wanting to forgo responsibilities. ✧Rejecting the needs of authority figures.
✧Developing relationships with interesting and unique people. ✧Acting out of impulsivity. ✧Desiring something new and exciting. ✧Dealing with an unexpected change in plans. ✧Seeking out activities and situations that make you feel alive.
✧Feeling disagreeable and defiant. ✧Pushing against restrictions and responsibilities. ✧Overreacting over trivial matters. ✧Receiving a negative surprise. ✧Picking fights with other people.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Neptune
✧Overrun by feelings of empathy. ✧Feeling particularly sensitive towards the problems of others. ✧Getting lost in fantasies and daydreams. ✧Feeling drawn to artistic expression. ✧Dealing with unrealistic expectations.
✧Experiencing an uptick in sensitivity. ✧Tending to the needs of others. ✧Knowing what people need on an intuitive level. ✧Having a paranormal or psychic experience. ✧Engaging in a charitable act.
✧Getting caught up within a fictitious version of reality. ✧Turning to alcohol and drug use. ✧Feeling overly sensitive. ✧Falling into subconscious patterns ✧Being unable to think clearly or make decisions.
✧Exploring your dreams and fantasies. ✧Feeling disconnected from reality. ✧Spending time on creative projects. ✧Expressing empathy towards others. ✧Picking up on other peoples moods and feeling them yourself.
✧Living within a fictitious version of reality. ✧Having a bad reaction when using drugs or alcohol. ✧Struggling with feelings of guilt and shame. ✧Being unable to think clearly. ✧Feeling overwhelmed by insecurity and doubt.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Pluto
✧Becoming overwhelmed by emotion. ✧Feelings of obsession taking over. ✧Falling into a state of deep discomfort. ✧Coming into contact with your subconscious. ✧Experiencing a need to gain power.
✧Seeking out answers and deep meaning from loved ones. ✧Actively going out of your way to dig below the surface. ✧Deep cleaning the home and getting rid of things no longer needed. ✧Playing the role of a detective. ✧Dealing with long standing issues within relationships.
✧Feeling impulsive. ✧No longer being able to hide your feelings. ✧Being faced with a confrontation. ✧Discovering a hidden desire of yours. ✧Engaging in a power struggle.
✧Intense emotions rise to the surface. ✧Finding deep connection through sexual encounters. ✧Feeling passionate and fierce. ✧Skipping past shallow conversation. ✧Seeking solidarity with loved ones.
✧Becoming emotionally exhausted. ✧Being faced with intense encounters. ✧The subconscious mind overrides all conscious action. ✧Getting caught up within a power struggle. ✧Expressing powerful emotions.
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monkvyasablog · 2 years
Everything you need to know about Palmistry. Check out our blog and know Importance and Significances of Left and Right Hand.
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aeth-eris · 11 months
3rd House in Signs : Writing
3rd House in Aries:
Writing Style: Bold, assertive, and action-oriented.
Handwriting: Sharp and quick, with strong and decisive strokes.
Tone in Writing: Energetic, direct, and enthusiastic.
Genre of Writing: Adventure stories, fast-paced thrillers, and motivational content.
3rd House in Taurus:
Writing Style: Descriptive, sensual, and grounded.
Handwriting: Luxurious and deliberate, with a focus on beauty and comfort.
Tone in Writing: Calm, indulgent, and sensory.
Genre of Writing: Romance novels, culinary reviews, and descriptive poetry.
3rd House in Gemini:
Writing Style: Conversational, witty, and informative.
Handwriting: Quick and changeable, with an emphasis on communication and versatility.
Tone in Writing: Playful, curious, and engaging.
Genre of Writing: Journalism, comedy scripts, and educational materials.
3rd House in Cancer:
Writing Style: Nurturing, emotional, and introspective.
Handwriting: Flowing and sentimental, reflecting emotional depth and empathy.
Tone in Writing: Sensitive, empathetic, and nostalgic.
Genre of Writing: Memoirs, emotional fiction, and heartfelt poetry.
3rd House in Leo:
Writing Style: Dramatic, confident, and attention-grabbing.
Handwriting: Grand and bold, with a flair for the dramatic and expressive.
Tone in Writing: Authoritative, passionate, and proud.
Genre of Writing: Autobiographies, theatrical scripts, and bold editorials.
3rd House in Virgo:
Writing Style: Analytical, precise, and informative.
Handwriting: Neat and organized, with attention to detail and clarity.
Tone in Writing: Practical, informative, and instructional.
Genre of Writing: Self-help books, technical manuals, and critical analyses.
3rd House in Libra:
Writing Style: Harmonious, diplomatic, and balanced.
Handwriting: Graceful and balanced, with a focus on aesthetics and symmetry.
Tone in Writing: Charming, diplomatic, and persuasive.
Genre of Writing: Relationship advice, persuasive essays, and romantic fiction.
3rd House in Scorpio:
Writing Style: Intense, probing, and insightful.
Handwriting: Mysterious and intense, with a focus on depth and hidden meanings.
Tone in Writing: Mysterious, investigative, and profound.
Genre of Writing: Psychological thrillers, investigative journalism, and dark poetry.
3rd House in Sagittarius:
Writing Style: Expansive, adventurous, and philosophical.
Handwriting: Bold and free-spirited, with a sense of adventure and exploration.
Tone in Writing: Optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical.
Genre of Writing: Travelogues, philosophical treatises, and inspirational speeches.
3rd House in Capricorn:
Writing Style: Authoritative, structured, and disciplined.
Handwriting: Disciplined and organized, with a focus on clarity and professionalism.
Tone in Writing: Practical, disciplined, and authoritative.
Genre of Writing: Business reports, historical non-fiction, and self-help guides.
3rd House in Aquarius:
Writing Style: Unconventional, progressive, and intellectual.
Handwriting: Unconventional and eccentric, with a focus on innovation and individuality.
Tone in Writing: Unpredictable, visionary, and intellectual.
Genre of Writing: Science fiction, social commentaries, and revolutionary manifestos.
3rd House in Pisces:
Writing Style: Imaginative, dreamy, and empathetic.
Handwriting: Dreamy and fluid, with a sense of compassion and artistic flair.
Tone in Writing: Compassionate, poetic, and evocative.
Genre of Writing: Surreal poetry, magical realism, and spiritual reflections.
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periastra · 7 months
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♡. tags ; 1 — pierro, genshin impact, stars, astrology
♡. tags ; 2 — square, frame, floral, flowers, leaves
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heartnosekid · 6 months
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yalemedhistlib on ig
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nemfrog · 2 years
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Signs of the Zodiac that correspond to lines on the hand. La chiromance, la physionomie, et la geomance. 1663.
Internet Archive
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aboutl0ve · 2 months
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 6 months
What’s your favorite bit of lore? Or favorite holiday/festival in genshin they’re pretty neat
i'm absolutely biased towards lantern rite tbh
as for bit of lore, i'm not really sure. i feel like 'bit of lore' is really weird to define, bc ultimately most lore is all connected into bigger pictures. obviously i'm partial towards liyue lore in general, but as for a specific little bit...
probably still the possibility that zhongli is partial to archery.
#thank you <3 <3#i know his passive talent is for crafting spears but like#the only reason why that talent is for spears specifically is bc he is a polearm user. nowhere in the talent itself nor other related media#do we get a mention of zhongli being particularly good at crafting polearms over other weapon types#we know he made the pwjs and the jade cutter. he didn't make jadefall but he did wield it. he also made summit shaper#we can assume he made vortex vanquisher n the unforged but there's no real confirmation on either. we do know he didn't make memory of dust#assuming he did make those last two that's still an equal number of polearms and swords he made. more swords if you wanna count the unforge#ofc he could've made countless op polearms off-camera. but we're never told that#dainsleif's factoid abt the talent is more about zhongli knowing his rocks than zhongli being a good polearm maker in specific#and the skill's name in chinese is more about astrology and divination than anything else. again more on zhongli knows his rocks#so like- we don't know that he had a mastery over crafting polearms in specific#and we know he wielded catalysts and polearms and likely swords as well#and still#the only real imagery on his design on what weapon he uses#is a fucking archery ring. nowhere is it mentioned that zhongli uses bows (that we know of)#yet he wears that thing on the daily. like he still uses it. like he needs to literally keep it on hand. why#why would he do that if he apparently does not historically use bows.#only thing i can think of is that he still practices archery. over any other weapon type. which is a hilarious thought tbh#but more crack theory than anything
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msnogood · 9 months
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Some old celestial themed embroidery work on second hand garments from a few years back.
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beetlethebug · 20 days
me, working on my poly mismag fic: yeah it'd be nice if we had a slow burn into the polycule also me: jammer wants to kiss sam so badly right now it makes him look stupid
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planetsandfates · 2 years
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deep blue but you painted me golden
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littlemut · 6 months
when im no astrology hoe but then Vampire Weekend said “Capricorn, the year that you were born finished fast and the next one wasn’t yours. Too old for dying young, too young to live alone. Sifting through centuries for moments of your own” and i was born between Dec 22 and Jan 19
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octarinespill · 3 months
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Virgil Finlay's fool from AN ASTROLOGY SKETCHBOOK
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fixedfour · 3 months
You literally called it when you said there would be a big change with joe….
😭 i mean, i definitely anticipated a change in 7H related things but his venture into high fashion was a pleasant surprise 💕💘💖
honestly?? i feel like i should have seen his entrance into the lux fashion scene, he DOES have Mercury and Jupiter in Purva Ashadha. this nak is always present in this industry, at least around me!
tbh, this makes me speculate if he just recently entered a Mercury/Jupiter dasha and if he did, i absolutely feel that this nak quality is going to bleed over to his play calling skills for the upcoming season. that's chief burrow over there now
so if that's the case i'm super excited to see how this new period will pan out for him! (if anything i'm hoping we get to see more of his creative pursuits)
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padawanduck · 11 months
so i’m watching columbo for the first time
and i just got to the first episode where you see columbo for a little bit before he meets the murderer
and it’s so fucking funny i’m not done with the episode but his bumbling persona has turned up 500% in the course of 90 seconds it really feels like he instantly had a feeling and reacted accordingly
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asstrolo · 5 months
we should go back to the ancient words, Mars is NOT the planet of sex is the planet of violence
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