#Happy Premiere Day y'all!
So this episode was about teachers committing to and caring about their students, and district people too, and I love that :'). Sometimes all you need is a district person who will keep putting in the effort like that, and I love when it happens for people <33
Anyway! I'm so glad they got the interpreter for Amani, she so deserves it :'D. Everyone does :').
I'm glad Gregory decided to let them stay :') I think he can really help these kids out and be a good place for them :)) :D
Also proud of Tariq for finally calling Nick his name :'D hope they do get close :)
Poor Barbara though xD
And once again proud of Janine for fighting through it to get the ASL interpreter :')) and the way she did it was so iconic xD same for the parents lol, going to a reporter that already doesn't like the district LOL, but yeah I am so happy for them :D
Also I love Jacob and Janine <33
With going out for drinks at the end, I hope Janine doesn't leave them behind :((
Btw the reason for the boys being in Gregory's room being that the Mortons are in couples therapy is hilarious xDD
And lol hopefully it's just like, upkeep, because they just got married xD
Anyway!! I am distrustful of districts but I hope it works out (with the issues obviously) on the show :). And even though I am I know this side of the story needs to be seen as well so it's nice to see, switches it up on me a bit more than usual. Like, makes me a little more uncomfortable and see it a different way more than usual. Which is good :)
Loved the episode!!! I'm so excited for next week :D
And also terrified :')
But I almost definitely won't be able to watch it lol so, I'll see y'all a little bit after that lol
Bye y'all!
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mulderscully · 4 months
i'm gonna make one final post about the nick situation and then i'm not talking about it or answering asks about it anymore.
i am so frustrated and honestly sad about all of this, and not because i do think nick dislikes rwrb or any of the other stuff. i am hurt that so many ppl are all making the fandom look so bad to the point that his team filtered the word rwrb.
you know why they filtered that word? because he is getting fucking harassed by fans. how can you possibly expect him to have positive things to post when you attack him constantly? lately his comment section is full of people calling him a homophobe or somehow accusing him of queer bait. every interview he gets PRESSED about his sexuality, which is no one's buisness but his own. every day people accuse him of hating taylor when they've both said they're close friends. you are making all this horrible shit up and expecting something positive to come from it? what is wrong with y'all? that's not how things work.
was it odd that his team didn't share a story/post about the rwrb sequel? a little bit. does it warrant his behavior, or does it warrant people saying henry should be recast or that nick was "forced" to do it? absolutely not. that's immature and childish.
making empty accounts to the degree that they can't block them all will result in a term being muted, hello!! i get a SMALL fraction of that and it drives me crazy. how must he and his team feel?
nick was still on a press tour for the idea of you when the sequel was announced. we don't know how that may or may not have affected what he was able to post about until recently. m&g was still currently airing in the us so yes he posted about that too for the finale. again, there may have been contracts here, but you all seem to think that nick sits on his phone and actually posts this stuff himself now. he has 5 million followers. he has SAID he is not online, he DOES NOT RUN THAT ACCOUNT HIMSELF. does he probably have a burner? for sure. does his team need his approval and shit? of course. but he is not your bestie on that account the same way tzp is on his because they have wildly different personalities.
i'm pissed off because rwrb is such a lovely story, it's a happy place and a story nick has said is rich and that he is proud of and you all refuse to believe him when he speaks. and that bleeds into how he sees the fandom. the fandom is turning this into an ugly thing for him and for a lot of us who want no part in this.
the sequel isn't even written yet. leave nick alone. stop asking about his sexuality with the obvious intent to out him. stop harassing him with lies about his own feelings. stop making us look bad. just stop. i'm tired and i don't want this to be ruined for all of us before we get to all the lovely things to come when the sequel actually has a press tour, has a premiere, has interviews. please let things happen in due time.
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nerfpuncher · 5 months
I'd like to tell yall a story.
As well all know, 3 years ago today The Bad Batch premiered. We were in the thick of Tritcale Harvest (like we are now lol). I was too excited to wait till I got home to watch. So I propped my phone up on the tractor steering colum, used my head phones, and watched the pilot while driving tractor. It was wonderful.
At the same time, my big red mare was over due to foal by two weeks. She could release the hostage at any time. I had checked on her at 4am when I left for the field, she showed no signs of foaling.
A surprise bout of rain at 10am shut us down that day. So I went home and drove out to check her just in case.
This is what I found
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He was dry, standing and nursing. I'm guessing she had him not long after I had checked in the morning.
A perfect clone of his mother right down to the star on his head. After a few days, when he mother would nicker, he would too.
So of course he had to be named Echo❤️
In the same way I have loved this show over the past 3 years and watched the fandom grow, I watched Echo grow as well.
He is curious and kind. First to meet you at the gate when called. He is playful by nature, stealing hats, gloves, or anything else left unattended.
He is a fast learner with more try than any other horse iv started (and iv started a lot of colts)
A few days ago, I once again left my house at 4am, propped my phone up on the tractor steering colum, and watched the series final the same way i did when it first aired. It was so bitter sweet.
Then as if it was meant to be, a suprise bout of rain hit at 10am, and shut us down again.
I figures I only had one choice.
A few days shy of his 3rd birthday, I put the first ride on my ARC trooper in training. I felt how he moves under saddle for the first time.
He is a horse that very few ranchers get to ride in their lifetime. He is brave in the face of the unknown. Calm in the chaos. Everything I want in a cow horse and then some. I can only imagine him 5 years down for road
My how he has grown into his name
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Why did I feel the need to write all this?
While our favorite show has ended, Echo here will live another 25 years with me if I'm lucky.
And every time I swing my leg over him, I'll think of this wonderful fandom iv come to be apart of. Of the artists and writers who put their hearts and souls into their work for us to enjoy. I'll think of the amazing people I got the privilege to know and call friends. ❤️
I'll think of all the Echo posts. Funny and angsty alike.
So while the show my have come to a bitter sweet end.
I'll have my sweet Echo to remind me of why I fell in love with the show and fandom in the first place ❤️
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Goodbye, Summer (Christian Pulisic x Reader)
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Song Inspo: Summer Love - One Direction (listening to the song while reading is highly recommended!)
WC: 2.7K
Warnings: cursing, angst
A/N: after a few months i finally finished this fic!!! this is my first christian angst it felt kinda strange to write one for him lol and just so y'all know i haven't been able to write angst with a happy ending so, be aware. and the start of the ‘summer love’ is a lot different than usual hopefully not too weird for your liking tho. also this wasn't proofread, sorry if this turns out to be shit. anw hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any grammatical errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
“Cause you were mine for the summer
Now we know it's nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember”
Summer has come to an end. Well, technically summer hasn’t ended yet – but Christian had to move to Italy and this move wasn’t exactly planned but quite expected – so yeah, to me, summer is about to end. And the moment Christian hops on the plane, there goes my summer of love. It was fun while it lasted – though I wish it would never end.
Christian told me he was leaving just a few days prior. He had been back to the States two days after the end of the Premier League season and ever since we had been spending the summer together. I knew this was coming as we agreed we would only be together for the summer but I didn’t think it would be this hard.
I met him through a mutual friend last year when he was briefly in Florida to visit his family and friends for Christmas. I still had a boyfriend at the time – even though my relationship ended the very next day, it was already broken to begin with – so we became strictly friends and I had no intentions on dating him. Jokes on me, because I had caught feelings for him but I was so wounded by the heartbreak I wasn’t even aware of it. He did catch feelings too, though he thought I needed time to process the breakup so confessing his feelings wouldn’t be appropriate.
I didn’t want a serious relationship for a while – or so I thought – therefore I didn’t even think of dating since my last one. Christian and I would sometimes text each other, but it wasn’t a constant thing. We hadn’t really seen each other in person since because of the distance, but I watched every match he played and usually texted him to give my support before the match.
One night within the second week of May, he told me by text that he was going back to Florida for summer break and looking forward to spending the rest of the summer with me. I thought to myself: why would he spend his short break with me? I responded to him by asking why just me and not his friends and family, hoping he would say something funny and odd like he always does and instead he said something I didn’t see coming.
“Because I like you and I want to be with you.”
My heart stopped the second I saw that text. Christian… Likes me? My goodness, what an oblivious idiot I had been. I was deeply wounded by my past I didn’t see what was going on in front of me the whole time. I didn’t know what else to say and I accidentally left his text on read that night.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Did I say something wrong?”
“I’ve freaked you out haven’t I? Fuck I’m sorry!!!” 
Oh shit. I woke up to those unread messages from Christian – I just remembered I hadn’t texted him back last night. I immediately tried to reply but as my thumbs touched the screen to type, no words came to mind. I honestly didn’t know how to react, if I tell him I’m not looking for a relationship would it hurt him?
“If you want a relationship, I don’t know if I’m the right person for you…”
I locked my phone screen right after I sent those messages. I hoped I wasn’t being too harsh to him, but being put in this position was so overwhelming and I didn’t know what else to say. I just… I wasn’t ready. And I couldn’t tell when I would be. Not to mention he lives thousands of miles away from me and I didn’t think I could handle the distance.
An hour later, I finally heard back from Christian.
“I get it and I respect that.”
“What if we just… Be together for the summer?”
“We don’t have to think about what’s gonna happen after. Just be in the moment… You and me.”
I gave that idea of his a thought – a not-so-long thought because I was assuming I didn’t have enough time. I’d admit, while I found it interesting, I couldn’t help but wonder: would it be worth it? Would someone get hurt at the end?
Before the day ended, I finally made up my mind.
“Okay. I’m in…”
“But just for the summer.”
“And only if nobody is gonna get hurt.”
When he arrived, I was the one who picked him up at the airport. We absolutely spent our summer together everyday – there wasn’t a day that went by without him by my side and vice versa. He invited me to spend some time with his family and friends on their boats, and I had him spending time with mine on either the beach or my family’s home.
We were well aware we only had each other for the summer, thus we made sure every moment counts no matter how little or big it might be. We knew once this summer ends it also marks the end of our time together and go back to live our own separate lives. I didn’t want to think about what will happen next – I just want to live in the moment.
The more I spend my time with him, the stronger my feelings grow. It’s been messing up my mind, but I couldn’t let it ruin my summer. This was the best summer I’ve ever had in a long time, and I would not take it for granted. The memories we were creating throughout will forever live on in my head.
In the middle of our “summer of love”, Christian came to an agreement with AC Milan, and by that his time in Chelsea had come to an end and he had to relocate to Italy. And the club wanted him to join them for preseason, meaning his summer break had to be cut off sooner than he planned.
When he broke the news, I was stunned – not that I wasn’t happy about his move to Milan, I just needed time to process it. I also wasn’t ready for our summer to be over, but the circumstances forced us to cut our time short. It was pretty saddening for us that we unfortunately had to burst our little bubble.
“So… That’s it for us then?” I carefully asked.
“Let’s just not talk about it.” He refused.
I didn’t want to cause a fight at the time, so I agreed to let it go.
The entire time, I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around him. But eventually I couldn’t do that forever. You can't escape the reality no matter how much you want to.
Christian was packing his bags as he had a flight to catch the next morning. Yes, I couldn’t emphasize enough that we know our whatever-you-called-ship is coming to an end. In every hello there is a goodbye, right? But why does this feel so hard?
We have tried really hard not to mention anything about the fact that our summer love will be over soon but it is an inevitable topic. There is no way we can escape the conversation, especially on our very last day together. And I have to be the one to bring this up because Christian clearly didn’t want to – he might be the one who suggested the idea, but he is the one who is more in denial.
“Chris, you know we both have to say something, don’t you?” I tried to start the conversation.
“Can we not? Please.” He whimpered.
“We have to.” I insisted.
He kept packing in silence, not wanting to talk about the painful reality. I was sitting on the corner of his bed while he was standing across from me, avoiding eye contact since I started talking. He was looking down all the time – organizing his belongings – and not once he took even a little glance at me. I looked closely at his face, paying attention to every little detail I could. His face was red, eyes were puffy and watery, lips were tight – it was obvious to me he was trying so hard not to cry.
“So are you just going to freeze me out the entire time or?” Still no answer from him. 
I went and sat a lot closer to him and he tried to look away.
“Stop it, please! At least just look at my fucking eyes if you don’t want to fucking speak!”
And suddenly I saw tears running down on his face. He couldn’t hold them back anymore – his heart was completely shattered and it was obvious he was nowhere near ready to face the harsh reality.
“Chris… Listen…”
“Why can’t you change your mind?”
He asked a question that got me startled.
“What is it about me and the time that we had that made you certain you still don’t want a relationship?” His voice was trembling.
It took me a while to even say one fucking word to him. I felt like the worst person on earth for breaking the sweetest man’s heart. And to be honest, I broke my own heart too – and I was really trying my hardest to conceal it from him.
“Chris, you were the one who said, and I quote, “just be together for the summer”! I was being so clear I didn’t want a relationship yet you still offered me that. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just… I’m not ready. And I don’t know when I will be again.” I desperately tried to explain myself to him but I seemed to upset him even more.
“Yeah, right.” He shook his head and smacked his lips. “Whatever you say.”
I sighed.
“Chris… Please, why won’t you believe me?” I asked him quietly.
“I don’t buy your bullshit anymore.” He replied coldly, while wiping his tears.
Now done packing, he grabbed the car keys and put most of his belongings in the trunk.
I still wanted to have more conversation – about us, specifically – but after he was done with his stuff, he refused.
“I’m tired and I have an early flight to catch tomorrow. I think I should just go to sleep right now.” He said as he walked into his room.
“Yeah, of course...” I responded.
I tried to softly grab his hand but he swung his arm further away from me.
“See you tomorrow, Chris. Goo-”
He slammed the door on my face before I got to tell him goodnight. At the moment, I thought to myself: oh no, he really hates me.
The next morning I drove Christian to the airport. He was going to Milan with his dad and he was meeting him at the airport. On the way there, we didn’t really talk much. There was so much silence – and somehow it made everything even more painful.
I couldn’t handle the tension any longer, so I tried to break the ice.
“Hey, thank you for spending the summer with me. It was the best I’ve ever had.”
He only nodded.
“Umm, I’m sorry this only lasted for a short while...”
He looked down, he sniffed and rubbed his nose and sighed. 
“Well, have fun in Milan! You needed a fresh start and you’re about to get one… Christian, I am proud of you.”
I tried to be supportive and not say anything that could be perceived as “something wrong” because I knew he was in a fragile state at the moment, though it seemed like he wasn’t going to respond the way I hoped he would. I was genuinely proud of him by the way – always have and always will.
He looked up but still avoiding eye contact, let out a slight smile and chuckled a little bit.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“And uh… Maybe you’d forget about me with all the girls you’re going to meet there...”
I immediately regretted what I just said. Shit. What the fuck did I just say?
He finally looked directly into my eyes – a look full of disbelief and disappointment. There was a moment of silence between us. This time, I was the one who couldn’t see him in the eyes.
“Chris, I’m so, so sorry I didn’t m-”
“How could you say that, Y/N?” He cut me off before I finished talking, by the tone of his voice I could tell he was mad at me.
I froze for a minute. I knew I had fucked up but I never thought it would be so much worse – at the moment I was really, really fucking shit up.
“Do you think my feelings for you aren't real enough so other girls can easily make it go away? Do you really think I can forget you just like that? Are you implying that what we had all summer will not stick in your memories?”
“Wha- no, Chris, that’s not what I mean!”
What a mess I had made... And before I knew it, tears started to fill my eyes.
“Well to me it sounded like that. I’m appalled to know you don’t see whatever we were as something real and meaningful. Maybe it was a mistake to even ask you to give us a chance in the first place.” He sounded like he was truly aching and filled with regrets.
I glanced at him for a bit and I saw him biting his lip and his face was already all red. I never wanted our goodbye to be this heartbreaking but well… In this situation it’s bound to happen, isn’t it? Because I didn’t want to escalate our situation any further, I decided to shut my mouth and stop talking altogether. I was aware that whatever I said might hurt him deeper. Fuck, why can’t things be easier?
After what felt like a very long ride, we finally got to the airport. We met Christian’s dad, Mark, at the front gate as I helped Christian with his belongings. Mark greeted me and gave me a hug.
“Hey, Y/N! Thanks for dropping Christian off, if only you could come with us to Italy!” Mark excitedly thanked me, not knowing what happened between Christian and I.
I shook my head and slightly laughed to cover my discomfort. Then I saw Christian looking at his watch, and whispered to his dad: “let’s go.”
I took it as my cue to leave, so I said my farewell to both of them.
“Well, have a safe flight, Mr. Pulisic.” I smiled and nodded at Mark. 
Then I turned to Christian. He was still visibly upset – I didn’t have the heart to say anything, really. I had caused him a lot of pain, and I was afraid to open my mouth. But at the moment I knew I had to, since I didn’t know if we would ever see each other again.
“You too, Chris. Good luck over there.” I softly tapped his arm.
I waved at them and was ready to walk away when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and it was Christian. He pulled me in for a hug – a very, very tight hug, like he wouldn’t let me go. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his back the whole time. It was a long hug – probably the longest ever for both of us – and we could no longer keep our overflowing emotions inside anymore.
“I’m sorry…” I whimpered.
“I know.” He whispered.
He stroked my head and kissed me in the forehead. His lips stayed there for a while.
“Y/N, I have to go...”
It was the hardest thing to do but I pulled away from the hug. Before he went inside, he took my hands and looked me in the eyes.
“Y/N, you will always be my greatest summer love… I will never forget you.” He said under his breath.
And the moment he walked through the gate, that was the last time I saw him in person. What we had might be short, but I will forever be thankful Christian made my summer unforgettable.
“You were my summer love
You always will be my summer love”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Date Night (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Warnings: it's just our favs being horny as hell lol NSFW
A/N: Fluff was requested because of what I put y'all through in Part 9 lmaoooo so here you go! Enjoyyyyyyy!
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“What do you think?” Charlotte spun around in her third outfit of the night. She did a couple fake model poses as if she were in front of a photographer. 
Michael glanced up from his cell phone, a whistle escaping his lips. He was already dressed, a graphic tee, black jeans, jacket and boots. He had been ready for the last 30 minutes. His girlfriend, however, had brought half her closet to his house and between those clothes and the ones she kept there, she still could not decide on an outfit.
“Sexy as fuck… just like the last two outfits. We gotta go soon if we actually want to make the game.” 
She turned in the mirror, ignoring his urges to hurry. “None of these are good. I dunno. I think this makes me look a little pudgy. These jeans barely fit anymore. Look at my legs… short and stubby… And my waist is huge.” She gestured down at her body, which had gotten a bit thicker since Michael first met her. But unlike Charlotte, he loved it. Relationship weight, happy weight, looked damn good on her. 
“I like it, your body looks great. Just gives me something good to grip when I’m fuckin’ you from the back.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled at him, “You are so vulgar for no reason,” she laughed. “Ugh.” She stepped out of her jeans and threw the sweater onto the bed. 
“And you won’t be saying that when I get fat… then you won’t be attracted to me anymore and you’ll be dragging me to the gym with you,” she mumbled as she walked into his massive closet and went to her side. Michael had cleared out a nice section for her to keep clothes there, making it far easier for her to stay as many nights as she wanted without having to pack a new bag. “It’s just our first date at a public event since the premiere. I wanna look nice.” 
“That’ll literally never happen. You’re sexy at any size and every outfit you’ve put on since you started getting dressed an hour ago. But if you need help choosing,” he jumped off the bed and jogged to her side, pulling out a black mini dress she had in the closet. “This dress with those thigh high boots, andddd,” he jumped off the bed and jogged to his side of the closet before pulling out a dusty rose colored bomber jacket that matched one of the many colors in his t-shirt. “This. I bought it during filming so it’ll be oversized.” 
She raised her eyebrow before stepping into the fourth outfit. Even she could not deny that she looked damn good. The dress accentuated her shape and curves, the boots made her legs look longer, and the jacket pulled the whole look together. It was clearly a men’s jacket, which she knew would turn a head or two, but its oversized nature made her look chic and cozy. And their coordination was just subtle enough that it wouldn’t look like they tried too hard.
“What do you think?”  
“You look better in that jacket than I did,” he remarked as she stood in front of the mirror. “Sexy and sleek. Comfy and will look good in photos court side.” 
“Look at you. A secret stylist too?? I might have to keep you around, Mr. Jordan,” she mused, her hands working to put on her earrings. with a playful smile as he grabbed her hips and watched her.
“That’s the plan, beautiful. You know what would look good with that dress?” 
“Hmm? More of your clothes?” 
Michael produced a thin Tiffany blue box, a perfectly tied white ribbon and bow surrounding it. 
“What’s this?” Charlotte moaned pitifully, her heart soaring at his thoughtfulness. “It’s not my birthday o-or Christmas or anything.”
He shrugged. “I don’t need a special day to give you a gift. I just saw it and thought you’d like it.”
You couldn’t have wiped the smile off of her face as she opened the delicate box to reveal a rose gold necklace. The diamond pendant set at the center was large and beautiful but the whole piece still had a certain understated quality about it. It was not gaudy and loud but it still drew your eye like moths to flames. She was surprised at how well he knew her style. She was not even a big jewelry wearer on an everyday basis but it fit the simplistic vibe of the jewelry she did own and was subtle enough that she did not need a special occasion to put it on. 
“Bakari,” she took a sharp breath. “I-It’s beautiful. Bu-” 
He immediately shook his head. He was still trying to get Charlotte to accept him spoiling her without questions. “No buts. You like it?” 
“I l-love it. It’s amazing and so timeless. It’s perfect.” 
“That’s all I need to hear. Turn around for me.” She turned to face the mirror again, her eyes trained on his hands as he placed it around her neck and fastened it for her. 
Her hand immediately went to caress the pendant, studying the most expensive piece of jewelry she had ever had in her possession. 
“It’s…” she was at a loss for words as she looked at herself. 
Michael pressed a soft kiss to the back of her neck before he let her curls fall back into place. “Perfect.” 
She turned back to face him, his hand adjusting the piece on her chest. 
“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” 
His fingers lingered on her skin for a moment, her breath hiking slightly. She leaned in and kissed him, the pair’s lips and hands exploring each other as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. 
“W-what about the g-game?” She asked in a teasing tone as he tossed her down. “Weren’t you j-just rushing me about being late?” 
He smirked at her as he hooked his hands on the fabric on her thong and pulled it to her knees. 
“You want me to stop?” 
Cocky mother fucker, she thought to herself. He knew exactly what she wanted him to do. Feast on her, love on her, send her to other dimensions. However, she merely gave him a noncommittal shrug that she knew would rile him up, pretending she did not care if their quickie continued or ended. 
“Oh really? Aight, ma,” he muttered as he dove between her legs. 
Charlotte’s thighs clamped around his head as he slid two fingers into her pussy, which was already dripping with need. 
“F-fuck!” She cried out as he curled his fingers into her g-spot, his tongue spelling out his name against her clit. He pulled out every trick he knew, every action he knew turned her into a blubbering weeping mess. And it was not his usual slow build, he hit the gas pedal hard, going 0 to 100 in seconds. “J-just like that… fuck. I l-love it.” 
However, Michael was, too, in a teasing sort of mood. The moment he noticed her telltale signs of cumming, he slowed down, stealing her orgasm from her. The first time, she merely groaned, realizing his game fairly quickly. An expletive or two might’ve slipped, her words calling him a few colorful names. But she refused to back down. She knew what he wanted and she was convinced she would not cave. 
However, what she did not account for was how much stronger the sensations would feel every time he restarted. Each flick of his tongue and stroke of his finger felt amplified by 10. She bit down on her lip to keep the pleas from falling from the tip of her tongue. 
She knew when he finally let her cum, it would be heavenly but the build up was nothing short of torture. Glorious torture… the type she would gladly sign up for again and again but torture nonetheless. However, when he stole her orgasm from her the third time, all that ego and pride flew out the window. 
“B-Baby, p-please,” she begged as he brought her to the edge and slowed for the third time. Tears started to spring to her eyes as he detached his lips from her clit. 
“You want me to stop?” He asked again as his hands continued fucking her, slow and deliberate, this time knowing exactly what the answer would be. She rocked her hips to meet every thrust, her mind wishing she would will him to speed up, add another finger, or fuck her harder. However, it wasn’t enough. She knew she would have to give in. “Tell me what you want, baby.” 
“N-No. D-don’t stop… P-please don’t stop,” she begged, a loud sigh of relief escaping her as he devoured her clit once again. And this time, he did not stop. 
Her hands gripped the comforter on his bed, the fabric bunching up in her hands as he finally took her all the way to her peak. He was a God carrying her to Mt. Olympus and she wished she could stay in that moment forever. 
A gentle tap to her thigh brought her back to Earth and reminded her to release him from the confines of her thighs. 
“S-sorry,” she whispered. 
He shook his head as he leaned over her lucid body and kissed her. “That’d be my preferred way to die, if you were wondering.” 
“Noted.” His hands grabbed her arms and helped pull her up so she could stand. 
“You ready?” 
Her eyes grew wide and her jaw fell. She assumed the game was a thing of the past. “You still expect me to go to the game after that??” She gestured toward the bed.
“Yes, and there’s more of that when we get back.” 
She wiggled her eyebrows. She did not much care about this basketball game but she most certainly liked the sound of that. 
Charlotte stayed close to Michael as he weaved them through the crowded stadium. She had never been to a basketball game in person but she had certainly never expected to go to one like this. Security escorted them through back doors and hallways directly to their seats, they did not even get to see the stadium. She had to keep reminding herself that while the perks of fame were new to her, they wasn’t to her boyfriend. 
She appreciated that Michael could tell she was a bit overwhelmed. Their hands stayed interlocked, his body close to hers as security directed them. She did not think his sexiness could increase in her eyes but in this light, it did. He was a true Hollywood star. It radiated off him, seas parted as he walked, she watched as he drew the eye of almost every woman they passed by. And it was effortless for him. 
By the time they reached their seats, Charlotte was so taken and turned on by his energy that she did not really care to watch the game at all. She wanted to drag him back to his place and finish what they started before they left. 
She tried to resist it, resist the way lust always curled in her belly at his smirks and playful glances her way and his touch. Fuck… his hands. Even the most mundane, chaste of touches sent jolts of pleasure and longing through her body that made her want to rip his clothes off. She was just overwhelmed at times by her lust for him. It seemed to never end and was never satiated. But thankfully, she knew it was not one-sided. He seemed just as smitten and taken by her, just as turned on by the simplest of tasks, looks, and touches. 
However, one downside of fame was that she had to, at least, appear as though she was not fucking him with her eyes every five seconds. She knew they’d be on camera throughout the night, which meant a level of decorum was required of them both. However, in this honeymoon stage of their relationship where lust and longing were at their peak, decorum was a feat in and of itself. 
“This your first Lakers game, right?” 
“My first NBA game at all, any team. Another first for you to collect. I’m excited. Don’t really understand it though…” 
“Well good thing you got an expert with you.” 
She nodded and pecked him on the lips. “Good thing I do.” 
Charlotte’s body leaned into his as they settled into the game, one of his arms on the back of her seat while the other rested across her thighs. His hand gripped the meat of her outer thigh and rubbed the soft exposed skin throughout the game. Every so often, he’d lean over and whisper facts or explain things in her ear, his basketball and Lakers knowledge appeared limitless. 
She settled back and watched the game and watched Michael and Kevin Hart who sat next to her. They were both thoroughly invested in the game in a way Charlotte was not but found more entertaining to watch than the game itself. They were hilarious and animated, acting as if they were coaches on the sideline instead of spectators. But she imagined it felt that way to them watching from their seats, up close and personal.
Michael’s tutorials throughout the game did not stick, Charlotte too taken by his voice and the discreet but sensual touches on her thigh to retain any of the information coming out of his mouth. By the time halftime started, she realized she had little to no idea what was even happening in front of her as her mind had floated away thinking about the bliss that awaited her when she and Michael finally got home. 
They both started chatting and joking around with Kevin Hart and his date as halftime progressed, their conversation cut short by cheering throughout the crowd. The two couples glanced up to find the Kiss Cam on the Jumbotron. It caught a few unsuspecting couples, each one playing along and offering a very cute but conservative kiss for the cameras. 
“Awwww… they’re really cute,” Charlotte whispered to Michael, pointing at one elderly couple.
However, she was shocked to look up again and find the camera suddenly on them, the Jumbotron already having their names across the bottom of the screen.
Michael leaned in and whispered, “What do you say we give ‘em a show?” 
She pretended to contemplate as if she wasn’t sure she wanted to kiss him, which made him scrunch his face up in faux offense. She laughed and gave him a quick peck before the announcer called out their chaste kiss. 
“You two can do better than that!” 
Michael’s finger went to her chin, lifting her gaze to his, before he grinned and pressed his lips against hers. It was sensual and slow but still tamed as he knew the entire stadium watched. However, she savored the few seconds it lasted. His lips lingered against hers for a moment, such a featherlike touch that let her know he was exercising extreme control and restraint. 
Her legs tightened together as they pulled away, offering a polite wave to the crowd before the camera moved on to spotlight another couple. 
“What’d you say we get outta here before the fourth quarter?” He whispered in her ear, his intentions clear with every word. 
“I’d say even that’s too long but I’ll manage.” 
“Y’all two are nasty,” Kevin remarked, teasing the couple, which caused both of them to turn their heads in embarrassment. “Been a couple in public for 10 minutes and don’t know how to act. Get some couth about you, damn.” 
What came next were the longest 12 minutes of Charlotte’s life. Followed by the longest car ride of her life and the longest walk into Michael’s house. By the time they entered, they did not even make it to his bedroom. They just stumbled into his kitchen, their limbs moving on pure muscle memory through his dark house and into the kitchen. As soon as his hand met the counter, he hoisted her up and got on his knees between her legs.
However, before he could hook one leg over his shoulder to continue worshiping her, she sat up. 
“No,” she shook her head, pulling his face to hers. “I don’t want that. I want to taste you.”
He stood up, allowing her to fall to her knees below him, licking her lips as she unbuckled his jeans. She had been dreaming about this for the last hour. It had taken her a few days to get over her own hangups about giving head. She was good at it but it was a chore to her. Now she laughed at how nervous she had been the first time, surprised that Michael laid back and gave her complete control. Control over his pleasure and the pace. Since then, she found the act made her feel powerful and sexy. She had control, his pleasure at her mercy, and she loved every second of it. And she could tell he did too. It was far from a chore to her now, it was something she looked forward to and craved almost as much as Michael did.
She started off slow, the tip of her tongue lightly licking the underside of his dick. She basked in every moment of it as if he was the best lollipop she had ever tasted in her life. She gathered all the moisture in her mouth and spit on his dick, her spit sliding down his shaft. She slid her lips over the head, just taking the tip of him and sucking lightly as her hand massaged him, spreading her spit along his length. She could feel him twitch beneath her, a groan escaping his lips. 
“Don’t tease me, baby.” 
“Not enjoying a taste of your own medicine?” She asked, reminding him of his little game earlier that almost had her weeping for release. 
He chuckled, nodding. “Aight. But when you don’t get a break later, I don’t wanna hear shit.” 
“I think you’re underestimating how much I like a challenge, baby.” 
She grinned before enveloping his length into her warm, wet mouth. Though she wished she could tease him, the reality was… she lacked his patience. She wanted to feel him cum and not even proving a point would stop her. She kept her eyes trained on him, loving his facial expressions as she sucked him. His eyes were the most expressive, windows into his soul. And when she was on her knees beneath him, she saw it all: desire, bliss, pleasure, pride, and love.
Her eyes watered as she worked to accommodate him, light and lewd gagging noises filled his kitchen. She was thankful for weekends like this when his parents went back to New Jersey because they could utilize the many surfaces and rooms throughout his house with no fears of interruptions. Lazy sex on the couch while watching a movie? Say less. A quickie bent over the counter while they cooked dinner? More of that, please. 
“You take me so well,” he moaned, his hand twisted in her curls. As much as he wanted to take the reigns and fuck her throat, he restrained himself, allowing her to maintain the pace and control she wanted. “You like sucking this dick?”
He could tell she lit up at his praise, a moan vibrating around him as she nodded.
“You look so fuckin’ sexy… that’s right, Els. Take all this dick, baby.” 
He panted lightly as Charlotte increased her efforts. Her gagging and slurping sounded filthy as it grew louder and louder as she sucked him, sneaking gasps of air every chance she got. 
“I’m g-gonna cum,” he warned her, Charlotte increasing the intensity for a few moments until she felt him bust down her throat. He held her head against him for a moment as she swallowed before releasing her, both of them panting for a moment. However, he did not give her much time for a break. 
He did not even give her a chance to strip down before he helped her to her feet and pushed her, face down, onto the counter. She hissed as her bare arms came in contact with the cold granite, thankful she still had her dress on though it was now bunched around her waist. He did not even take her thong off this time, he just pushed it to the side.
She moaned as he filled her, his nails digging into the skin of her hips. There was nothing slow and sensual about it. This was pure fucking. Fast. Rough. Uninhibited. Their bodies were the other’s drug and they were in an outright chase to get their fix of each other.
She used her forearms as leverage to throw her ass back to meet every thrust, not allowing him to do all of the work and proving she still had some stamina to play with. However, Michael would never be outdone so he lifted one of her legs and pressed it against the counter. 
Charlotte let out a gasp at the position, the stretch of her hips and how deep she could feel every stroke. All she could do was pant and beg for more as he fucked her fast and deep, her one leg almost giving out beneath her as she came around him. But his grip and strength kept her standing as always. 
“I’m cl-close, baby. You want me to cum in this pussy??” 
Lost in the clouds of lust and desire, Charlotte did not quite calculate the long term implications of that statement. She could only think minutes ahead and she wanted to feel him fill her.
“Y-Yes,” she moaned. 
She let out a content sigh as she felt him fill her, warmth spreading inside her. Her arms collapsed beneath her for a moment as Michael leaned against the counter opposite of her, his eyes never leaving her ass, which was still perched high in the air for him. 
As the haze left them both, realization seemed to hit them both like a train. 
“You took your birth control today, right?” He asked, scratching his head as Charlotte immediately busted out laughing. 
“You know, I feel like it would’ve been smarter to ask that before you came inside me?” She joked, pushing her dress back down her thighs and adjusting her underwear. “But yes, I took it. We,” her voice dragged out the word as she contemplated before deciding it was better to be safe than sorry. “Should still probably pick up some Plan B though… unless you want an oops baby?” 
He let out a belly laugh. “If I’m gonna have an oops baby, I’d want it to be with you.” He kissed her on the cheek. 
“Awwww,” her lips twisted into a little pout. “That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” She kissed him. “But we are definitely going to get the Plan B,” she whispered against his lips. “Can’t have your mom and the rest of the world thinking I’m a whore trying to trap you. Put on your shoes.” 
He groaned, his body exhausted, “We gotta go right now?? Isn’t it a ‘morning after’ pill? Like it’s still gonna be effective in the morning right?” 
She nodded, teetering on her heels. “Yes,” she admitted. “But… I’m starvinggggg. So on the way back from the drug store, we’d already be out and we could stop by… In & Out Burger?” 
“I can’t eat that stuff… my diet remember, babe?” 
“Come onnnnnn… one cheat meal for me?? We just put in serious work just now, Bakari. We earned a few extra calories.” 
He laughed, knowing his trainer would not accept such flawed logic. “Fine but when Calliet gets on my ass tomorrow, you’ll owe me.” 
“Deal.” She pulled him in flush to her body. She nippled lightly on his ear, teasing his favorite spot for a moment before whispering. “Tomorrow, I’ll give you a massage.” 
“I dunno if that’s gonna be enough.” 
She offered him a sly smirk. “Well, I’m sure I can get creative about how to make these calories worth it.”  
He nodded and grabbed his car keys. “Come on. I already got some ideas I can tell you in the car.” 
Tag list: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98 @miyuhpapayuh
A/N: I hope this helps ease the pain! And I'll go ahead and write some fluff to accompany part 10 cause y'all are just gonna hate me again lmaooooo
Drop a comment and let me know what you thought!
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boydholbrook-fan · 3 months
It's The Bikeriders Day!
Tonight! Going to see The Bikeriders! Can't wait to see the movie! And again, most importantly, can't wait to see Boyd in it! And on a big screen again! ❤️🌟❤️
We've all been waiting for quite some time. A long time. As it was supposed to be released in December last year. But finally, the wait is over! And it's The Bikeriders premiere! Hope everyone else going tonight or in the upcoming days, hope y'all enjoy it so much!
As it's Bikeriders Day, I'm gonna post some photos and gifs with Boyd as Cal in The Bikeriders that I've already posted!
And posting all those photos I snapped from the Vandals Book. It's such a treasure and I'm so happy to have the book! Also I got my custom made Bikeriders T-Shirts ready! ❤️
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
And so, the last Bad Batch Eve falls upon us.
It is surreal to think that a show that has meant so much to me for three years will come to an end. I've talked about how meaningful TBB is to me many times, and I most certainly will in the future, but I didn't want to pass on the opportunity to do it on the last Bad Batch Eve we'll officially have.
The night before Aftermath premiered, I'd struggled with some pretty bad anxiety. In the weeks following after that and throughout the first season, I dealt with depression and anxiety being diagnosed as well as an ear infection the doctor attributed to said mental illnesses. I went through a pretty bad breakup. The lockdowns were at their peak where I was. But despite that being a rough time, I also vividly remember being in my room at home, my favorite place in the world, eating my favorite food and drinking my favorite relaxing tea, hearing it rain outside, wearing my favorite hoodie and my PJs, watching/rewatching those season 1 episodes. Seeing Crosshair deal with the inhibitor chip seemed to echo some of what I was going through, i.e. having something in your head you couldn't really control. I wondered how afraid he must have felt, and I sympathized with him.
During S2, as Crosshair was off with the Empire, I was off living in my hometown the first time, away from my true home and my family, and I have to admit I was very lost during that time. I did make mistakes. I did return home, and I left it again, albeit now more ready, more prepared, more stable. But it was still a second time leaving home.
S3 Crosshair has all but solidified my intent in going back home and not freaking leaving and I really hope the day in which I can return home to my family the way he did is sooner rather than later. Seeing him grow, own up to his mistakes, forgive and be forgiven, learn to control what's in his head, and heal, feels like a very fitting peak to a journey, a journey that had and still has its ups and downs.
And let's not forget the writing and the fandom. I have written things I didn't think I'd write, things I've loved so much that part of me wants to go back in time and rewrite to experience the joy of doing it all over again (looking at Moonlight here lol). I have also made gifs, which I didn't ever imagine doing! I edited music videos and crack meme compilations, which I had wanted to do for years. Fear not, I'll keep doing all of that - slowly, yes, but not with any less love. Y'all are stuck with me. 😁🩷
And as if all I've mentioned wasn't already very valuable, I cannot forget all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing people I've met because of this show. People who I've learned from, laughed with, cried with, fangirled with, gamed with... every single one of you has been the icing on the cake, the lattice on the pie, the parmesan on the pasta. You have all truly made this worth it and make me love being in the fandom. You give what I do a greater purpose, and you have become people I am happy to call moots and friends. I am over the moon that this show allowed me to cross paths with you. @photogirl894 @rebekadjarin @darthzero22 @arctrooper69 @jedi-hawkins @stardustbee @s-pirth-lemonade @eloquentmoon @sageislostinspring @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @kimageddon @emperor-palpaminty @rainydaydream-gal18 @imabeautifulbutterfly @paperback-rascal @pankeki-25 @dragonrebelrose @dragonrider9905 @questforgalas @lightwise @zoruui @nunanuggets @misogirl828 and everyone else 🩵
I love The Bad Batch and what it's done for my life in so many aspects. I love these characters for their growth and because they were there for me when nobody was, and because they brought me to so many amazing people. I am grateful that this show exists and I cannot wait to keep creating all the stuff I have planned, writing or otherwise.
Thank you, Clone Force 99, and thank you everyone for being a part of this journey!
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lethimsoak · 1 month
some niche bengals ships for you for the ship it ask meme!
the '23 rookies
jermaine/brenden (half a bengals ship at least 🙃)
thank you carmen!!! my answer under the cut <3
・the '23 rookies
andrei iosivas, chase brown and charlie jones. my fav trio. they give off high school friends vibes and im so here for it. idk if i 'ship' them in a traditional sense because they're more of a crack ship to me. but i like their dynamic so i guess that counts!
1. What made you ship it?
the fact that they were rookies in 2023 and were WRs and a RB (so they work together a lot on offense) also their behaviors online lmfao
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're very gen z (esp andrei) and the way they interact with each other is so fun to watch on and off the field! also because this is a trio the dynamic between each duo is different and i like the contrast. like this video and if you really wanna go deep check out their gf's instagram
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not unpopular but charlie growing closer with mike gesicki (they went out together in chicago i think) prob will have some effect on their dynamic i fear
update: or so i thought until charlie posted on his intagram and chase was spamming comments 😭 so unserious
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i've always been saying we need love for defense and the bengals delivered with their golden DT/LB ship. the bengals support them as a ship and it's so funny because they don't even have to do anything for these two to mention each other tbh. i really like the bengals LB room (because they're one of the few guys that the bengals were able to develop from the start 💀) and i love how they're a big part of the team. bj's influence on defense has been big too since the guys seem to love teasing him like. they really love him like that. i feel like them as a duo make the team better overall and that might be because of how much trust they have in each other and others can sense that.
1. What made you ship it?
when i found out they were roommates back in college! like y'all need to watch this video. it's crazy that they've known each other for over a decade now 🥺 im a sucker for reunited college buddies (as you can tell lol) and im so so so happy that they're together again <3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
the way there's always some new stuff coming from them lol like you know how we're raving about joe's new hair and how bj made him get a buzzcut and all that but bj went bald last year because he wanted the bengals to resign germaine so badly (he was VERy passionate about it on twitter). or when they went on a zoo date with vonn as their third wheel. this interview. this year's media day. bj mic'd up. i feel like the bengals media team actually does something when it comes to these two and as much as i hate the team im grateful.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not really an opinion but germaine needs to shave his beard off when bj gets extended because that's what true love is <3
my new favesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them so much even though i have no idea how they met (im guessing at either a rookie premiere event or through their mutual friends) jermaine pls stop being weird about pookie i beg
1. What made you ship it?
jermaine's ig post 💀 i was all in on jermaine (no pun intended) when he got drafted but then i started Looking 👀 third slide of that post made me feel things esp about his space themed tattoos on his tummy (and those horny two letter tattoos above his knees?????? yeah) but then BAM there's brenden rice. the GOAT son. and then they started being weird about each other on social media and that is how i got roped into whatever they got going on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
given their lack of proximity we don't really know how they interact irl (yet) and their interaction has strictly been an online thing so there's a lot of room to speculate and ponder about their friendship (or something more 😋). what does jermaine like so much about brenden????????? did something happen when they worked out together. do they watch dragon ball together. do they listen to k suave together. there's a lot to think about and i can't wait to learn more about them (and the bengals vs chargers on week 11 @ LA ofc)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
everything is an unpopular opinion when the ship is obscure so i'd say that if they were on the same team (whether on bama or usc) they wouldn't have been close
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Press Play - A "Kissing You" Drabble
Pairing: Frankie Morales & f!reader
Warnings: Sharing of insecurities, blink and you miss it possessive Frankie. Truly this is just a boat load of fluff.
Word Count: 1k
Prompt #62 : Caressing your lover’s cheek
a/n: Not SPECIFICALLY saying that the show mentioned in this is TLOU, but if I happen to reference a highly anticipated show premiering at 9PM with an unnamed actor on the same day that TLOU premieres, then it's just COINCIDENCE. Mostly though this is just a self indulgent piece because I am lucky enough to have friends that put up with my shit but I still question it all the time and I'm so glad I found this community that is equally obsessed and where everything goes. I love y'all. Happy TLOU Day!
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You’ve spent two years waiting for this day. 
When it had initially been announced that your all time favorite actor would be headlining one of the most anticipated shows of the year, you’d been excited. When the first pictures from the set appeared, just pixels really, your excitement had grown to a frenzy. And now? As you scrolled again through Twitter looking at the red carpet interviews and press releases and the first of the reviews as you waited for the premiere itself? Near hysteria.
You’re sitting on the couch, snuggled beneath the blanket, your filled water bottle and a bag of peanut butter M&Ms sitting on the table in front of you. A specifically purchased box of tissues sits next to them - Puffs, without lotion because no one wants lotion in their eyes when they’re already crying. The apartment smells like popcorn, and when Frankie appears a moment later, bowl in hand, he’s quick to settle in next to you, pulling the blanket over both of your laps. 
“Are you ready?” he asks playfully, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You lean into his embrace instinctively, nerves rolling through your belly. It’s a weird mix - anticipation and nervousness because what if it isn’t as good as you hoped.
You check your phone again, just to make sure it isn’t time yet. Five minutes. “I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be ready for this,” you laugh lightly, “but I’m sure everyone else is ready for me to stop talking about it."
Frankie’s head tilts slightly in confusion, eyebrows furrowing as you turn away from him. You queue up the appropriate streaming service in preparation, avoiding his gaze the same way you hope to avoid the conversation you know is now coming. With his free hand, he reaches to cup your cheek, caressing it as he encourages you to look at him. “What do you mean?” 
“I don’t know, it’s just…” you start, struggling to find the right way to answer his question. It’s always been painfully obvious to you that those around you are quick to be annoyed by your obsessions. It comes across as a bit manic, and to the average outsider who couldn’t care less about most of your hyperfixations, you know it can be a bit much. “Sometimes I just feel like I bombard people with constant chatter about things they probably don’t care about. Or I feel guilty because I’m basically forcing you to like the things I like without ever stopping to ask if you actually want to watch the things I do.” 
You throw your arms against your lap in frustration as if to emphasize your point. The show hasn’t even started yet and you can feel the tears forming in your eyes, a fact that Frankie doesn’t miss as he runs his thumb over your cheekbone to catch them as they fall.
“Querida,” he starts, voice gentle and soothing, “you know I’m not picky about what we watch, and you do not bombard people any more than they bombard you.”
You choke on a sob as you try to respond, “yeah, but no one really cares.” Your brain reminds you that time is still ticking, and you cough as you reach for your phone, checking the time again only for it to remind you that there’s still three minutes left. “Everyone just thinks I’m ridiculous.” 
Suddenly Frankie is holding your face with both of his hands. “You are not ridiculous,” he states sternly, and you’re looking at him now, your eyes locked on his at the seriousness of his voice. “Seeing you light up about something you’re excited about is the most beautiful thing on this planet, and if others can’t appreciate that then fuck them. And I don’t care what it is you’re excited about, even if it’s not something I understand or would ever watch on my own, because all I care about is that you’re happy. Hell, you listen to me talk about flying all day long and you never complain.” 
You shake as your breath leaves your body in quick huffs, and you reach up to hold your hands over his, keeping them firmly locked in place as you lean your head into one of them. “That's different," you insist. "You literally fly helicopters and that’s fucking amazing. This is just a dumb show that happens to star an actor I really like.”
“It is not a dumb show,” he repeats back to you with emphasis. “It’s the biggest fucking show of the year!” That gets you to laugh, and you turn your head slightly to press a kiss to the pad of his thumb. “Sweetheart, believe me when I tell you that I always want you to share your passions with me, because if others can’t appreciate them the way I do, then that’s their loss. So let me ask you again. Are you ready for this?” 
A smile forms on your lips as the excitement takes over in your mind once more, “I’m ready.” 
“Good, because there’s only a minute left.” A glance at the clock on the wall confirms his statement, and he presses a quick kiss to your lips before pulling you against him, settling you so your back is against his firm chest, arms wrapping around your waist. His head rests on your shoulder as you pick up the remote, eager to press play the second the clock strikes nine. 
“And you promise you’re not jealous of my obvious infatuation with a certain actor?” you ask as the last seconds tick down.
His lips ghost behind your ear as he whispers his response. “Never, because only I get to hold you like this. And later?” he continues, tone becoming more possessive, “I’m going to carry you into our bedroom and my name will be the only one on your lips.” It’s a promise you know he’ll keep, and a shiver runs down your spine at the thought. “Now, you’d better hit play before I do it for you, because I can’t wait for this fucking show.”
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thefringespod · 9 months
Howdy wanderers! It is once again the most audiodrama of Sundays which means its time for my #AudioDramaSunday round up!
Starting off with the season premiere of @innbetween I'm already in love with these Lowlifes and cannot wait to see what schemes they get up to
Tore through season 2 of @thenightpost and am currently halfway through season 3. This show never goes where I expect it to and I'm still not recovered from the season 2 finale it was WILD (affectionate). I cant wait to finish up season 3 and scream <3
First new Technomancy Project episode of the year was this week and GODS it was incredible. You know a battle is well crafted when the emotional weight makes you forget a character is immortal
This isn't an audiodrama but I have to shout out the naming of the year on My Brother, My Brother, and Me because I laughed til I cried. Happy Twenty Fungalore: He heard your wish
Back to audiodramas! New @somewhereohio was stellar as always
I was texting @totcoc0a as Nadia Did ThingsTM because I was NOT ready for that. It was a great episode and I can't wait to see what dipshit teen shenanigans get undercut by the HorrorsTM next
These past 2 weeks of @woebegonepod episodes are some of my favorites in the whole show. My beloved Outlaw Ty returned this week and then David Ault proceeded to make me cry over this British cowboy. If yall aren't listening to woe.begone you gotta start its phenomenal
There was a late Christmas-y treat from @amongthestackspodcast this week! They got some INCREDIBLE voice actors from around the audiodrama world to do a reading of A Christmas Carol and it was marvelous. There are some familiar faces from the Fringes in there as well <3
Episode 1 of @souloperatorpod releases to the public TOMORROW!!! I've listened to episode 1 and y'all. It's so fucking good you're going to be blown away. Tot's writing and voice acting are just phenomenal (Tot GET LOVED IDIOT) and the set up for the show is so good
Here on the Fringes we're about to reach the halfway point of the show!! Supporters got access to this week's episode last night; if you want to join them, check out patreon.com/PineTreePods
And over on @forgedbondspod we have put out our official cast announcement!!!! I'm so excited about this of these wonderful people who are involved and can't wait for you to hear what they're working on
That's all for this week!! There are some exciting things coming this year and I can't wait to continue working on them and sharing them with yall <3
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sloanerisette · 2 months
Fic For Odaiba Day 2024: In Regula Angeli
Hi everyone! Happy Odaiba Day... 2! Now that it's the actual Odaiba Day here, I'm here to post my SECOND fic I'm premiering this year!
As always, I'm happy to write for the Digimon fandom and I'm happy to have become part of it here on tumblr, even just in a small way! So here we are with the second fic: a 02 AU where Kari acts as a Digimon Emperor alongside Ken!
Title: In Regula Angeli Summary: Order must be brought to the Digital World. The partnership between human and Digimon will inevitably be too dangerous to remain unchecked. As a tyrant from the human world yearns to assume complete control, Homeostasis comes up with a plan to protect the order it serves, and it has the perfect subject in mind to enact it.
Big thanks as always to Camp Digimonth for the support for all my writing and the help everyone is always happy to offer, as well as to SluggyBasson107 for reading the first chapter here and for a lot of help with bouncing thoughts off of and some extra special stuff later on~! Thanks y'all, much love and appreciation <3
I'll post a blurb under the read more, but you can find the whole fic on AO3 HERE!
The Digidestined were a necessity to fix the problems with the Digital World two and a half years ago. Devimon, the Dark Network, Myotismon, the Dark Masters, Apocalymon, they would’ve all destroyed the very fabric of their world. But no, the Digidestined had helped avert that with the help of their Digimon. The world had been corrected, and the humans had been sent off to their home.
The worlds weren’t meant to touch ever again.
Then, a newcomer arrived. One who found his own Digimon partner. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Of all the knowledge it had of the Digital World, near limitless information feeding in from every inch of the world, this wasn’t accounted for. The Digital World was safe now, there was no need for another human. Even if this human and his Digimon partner helped keep the world safe, that didn’t change the fact that humans and Digimon needed to be separated. Permanently.
With the human now gone, peace had settled again, and Digimon were able to live as they were meant to. But unfortunately, it wasn’t the last time.
But then that human came back. Much, much worse than before. He called himself the Digimon Emperor, used strange technology to subjugate Digimon, and erected disgusting monoliths to stake claim to the world.
Its world.
This could not continue. At the rate this false ruler of the Digital World was working, the entire Digital World would fall under his rule in no time. This proved to it one thing: Digimon and humans could not continue to interact. Their bonds were too dangerous. The Digidestined were a fluke, a gambit designed solely to stop greater foes. Humans could not be trusted enough to maintain these partnerships. No, they had to be driven from the Digital World entirely. This world was meant only for the Digimon.
But that left the question: how.
Without a physical form, it couldn’t even attempt to put up a fight against this emperor, let alone stop him completely. There had to be some solution. A way to rally against the Digimon Emperor and break the slowly growing stranglehold he was rapidly achieving.
That was it.
One option. No, one solution.
Now it was just a matter of setting the gears in motion.
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Good morning tag!!! Happy premiere day! If y'all forgot, my name is Athena, I'm now presently 21 years old, my first ever season was bb12 and first season in bbTumblr was bb21 (and first season not being a casual wow), and I'm probably the tag's token loud and open moderately autistic bisexual Georgian.
With that being said, if I go from typing like I'm using an AI to to using the longest and most unhinged string of words to insult something or communicate surprise or shock or other strong feelings, that's the explanation. (In not using AI btw, that's my tism but I've been being accused of it on other platforms lately). I just wanted to have this disclaimer out the way now because I've just noticed an increase in both my "southern speak" making it's way into text and more and more interrogations about the way I type being suspicious linking back to awkward autistic habits I guess?
Also, I typically use owls as my reaction pics/images/gifs so that's still a go this year and I have added a few more to my arsenal as well! Please please please don't hesitate to flood my ask box and include me in on any little micro trends this year especially if I stay active like I plan to and if you want to be friends or mutuals please do because my heart never has too little room for bb besties! Now does anyone know if we're doing a selfiegate this premiere? I won't be stuck at a lake this time at least!
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thiscoldheart · 3 months
happy "the bear season 3 premiere" day! i'm hoping i'll get a chance to catch at least a few episodes tonight. i will try my best to tag spoilers. if you have any gif requests, pls let me know the scene and episode # so i can get on it ASAP. thanks and see y'all on the other side!!
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year
When is season 3 of BridgeWater coming? I also need season 2 of Maxine Miles 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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(tagging @sailorsally and @rivercanthony so they both see this as well!)
first off, I'm so glad y'all liked the season! we had so much fun making it!! secondly, I have no idea when Maxine Miles Season 2 will be coming, because there's some logistical snafus to work through but, realistically, probably early next year at the soonest!
okay, so @bridgewaterpodcast season 3 - the real, honest answer I can give you is...I have no idea. thankfully, Misha already talked about The CW developing Bridgewater as a TV show and not moving it forward, so I can talk a little more openly than I expected I would be able to but, essentially, that was in talks for quite some time the back half of 2022 and, had it gone forward, it would've made a third season of the podcast very difficult logistically, because of the time that Misha, Aaron, and I would be spending on the adaptation. we only found out it wasn't going forward at the end of the year, and then Season 2 started rolling out so...I don't know!
things are obviously more open now for a third season than they were, but I did approach S2 a little differently in writing it--we were pretty certain we'd get to make more after S1, whereas in writing S2 it was a big question mark bc of potential TV stuff, so I wanted to make sure to wrap up our big central mystery--Thomas's story. however, that's not to say that we don't have a lot more ideas for this world and these characters.
so, long story short (too late), it's up in the air at the moment. Misha's been so busy with GK, I've been in production on a new podcast until very recently, and Aaron runs literally ten million podcasts every single day so, outside of some "happy premiere/finale day!" texts in our group chat, we haven't actually had a chance to put our heads together. but rest assured, I will have an update for you about that at some point! stay tuned!!
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4x01 Review
Walker has returned and it's better than ever. Like all good premiere episodes, "The Quiet" set up a lot for us to expect this season and I can't tell y'all how excited I am to see what comes next. But first, there's a birthday boy to celebrate!
The bulk of the episode covers Cordell's birthday celebration. Five months after the return of the Jackal and a horrific break-in at the bungalow, Geri is looking to make it a day to remember, especially after everything he did for her birthday. Initially, this plan includes a family trip to a Lonestar Steak Eating challenge that Cordell has been looking forward to since he was but a wee 16 year-old. But major unexpected events, including a break in the Jackal case and Cassie bringing a huge drug case to their doorstep forces the celebration to be more local.
August suggests getting some steaks and hosting their own competition and everyone jumps on it. Geri takes over decorating, Abby makes the sides, and Bonham handles the steaks. Everyone else just has to keep the party a secret, which they do very well, even when roping Cassie in to deliver him to the party. While Cordell was happy to insist he didn't need such a big celebration, he was more than happy to chow down on his steak. Even if he didn't win, the party was definitely something he needed and Geri is right to be proud of her work- even if it did get interrupted by work.
All this winds down into a more serious discussion about where Cordell's head is at looking at the next year of his life. While Geri wanted to focus on the positives of an empty nest (like perhaps more of what they got up to at the beginning of the episode and maybe more time just for them), she listened to Cordell's concerns about his kids growing up and leaving him behind with just "the quiet". He loves his children for who they are, but he also loves the distraction they bring from the heaviness of his work. Not having them to come home to in the near future is something he doesn't know how to deal with, something he came to realize when August asked to leave the birthday party. While that wasn't where I thought the conversation was going, it was one that needed to be had and I think it was a really solid moment for Cordell and Geri's relationship and that's a big part of why I finally felt the ship this episode.
The other big thing this episode was Cassie's return to Ranger HQ. We discover her 8-week summer camp trip with the FBI to Tampa turned into a 5-month investigation with near radio silence from her to back home. While Cordell and Trey are a little salty about being abandoned by her for Tessa Graves, they're excited to have her back and more than happy to help when she drops a case in their laps- even if it does tamp down on the birthday celebration.
While Cordell's feelings on Cassie's new career are likely dampened by his upcoming empty nest, he is happy that she's pursuing a new opportunity with the FBI- if that's what she really wants to do.
Though Cassie spent most of the episode assuring everyone she wasn't really being swayed one way or the other, it wasn't hard to see that she'd found her place in the FBI, leading an investigation despite not being a full special agent and successfully getting her guys. James did offer her a more local opportunity to make the big changes she was so committed to making with the FBI, but we'll have to see what that opportunity is and if she'll take it.
Trey's interactions with Cassie were extremely awkward this episode. It's clear he was looking forward to her coming back much sooner than she did- or at least being able to talk to her while she was gone. Maybe him holding onto her is why his current attempts at a love life aren't going so well. But, at the very least, it's good to see them back in action as friends.
One of the more serious plots that returned in this episode was the ongoing Jackal investigation. We learn that the Jackal has been quiet since he took his last victim, but that Detective Luna found a lead in a motel room. When Trey checked it out, they found evidence that the Jackal was there, and he left behind a pile of his calling card- jackal teeth (hence the name). This is proof that Hollis was not going to be his final victim- a fact Kelly recognizes all too well when she sees the evidence for herself. She begs Cordell and Trey to keep this a secret from James and Cordell is happy to agree; they both know how bad things got all those years ago and neither of them are ready to relive that.
While Trey is willing to go along with it, he does wonder if the situation is really that serious. After all, he's only ever known James to be a cool, collected leader. Would a serial killer case really be enough to spin him out? When he asks Cordell, we get a flashback to a time during the initial Jackal investigation. James was drinking while looking at evidence and he hadn't been home in days. Desperate to get him to take a break, Cordell brought Kelly to the office to talk to him. James was less than happy about this impromptu intervention and things got physical, scaring everyone involved- especially James. But he still wasn't ready to give up, not yet.
Seeing James like that was shocking; that man is definitely not the captain we've come to know and love. Which begs the question- how close to that will we get when the secret investigation is finally revealed?
Another subplot of the season that was dropped this episode is how Stella is dealing with the aftermath of the break-in. Based on the state of her dorm room and how distant she's been from the family, it's easy to tell she's not doing very well. It's bad enough that she had to go through something like that, but we find out during her meeting with the investigator's that she's lied to them and to Liam about knowing Witt prior to the break-in.
Which begs the question of why? Why lie about that? Surely it wouldn't affect Stella badly to say that she'd met him at a college party a few weeks before. If anything, it might help the investigation. But, if my theory is right about Sadie working with/for Witt and his cohorts, a connection like that could put her in danger, so it's possible that that was her idea, just like not calling the police was her idea and Stella went along with it out of panic.
Speaking of Sadie, where is she in all this? We can gather from Stella asking about Sadie's "counsel" that the two girls haven't been speaking, but we didn't see anyone else showing concern, not even Geri. Was this distance encouraged because of the investigation or has enough time passed since she left that everyone is okay with it?
Big questions aside, it was really nice seeing Liam's support of Stella in this episode. She's nowhere near okay, and he somewhat understands why. Here's hoping he can keep helping her like this in future episodes.
A small but noticeable plot dropped in this episode is August drifting away from his family. Based on dialogue, he's been spending more time with his friends than his family and even dipped out of his father's birthday party early. Though his reasons aren't quite as dramatic as Stella's, it's a distance everyone is feeling to different degrees. I can only imagine this gap is going to get bigger as August attempts to fulfill his military dreams.
can't wait for next episode!
All in all, this was an excellent start to a new season and I am so excited to see what happens next and I have so many questions! Where is Sadie? How long are Trey and Cordell going to be able to keep their Jackal investigation a secret? How will James handle it when he finds out? Will Stella be forced to tell the truth about her and Sadie's connection to Witt? Will Cassie stay on past season 4? Will Cordell ever be able to live out his steak eating competition dreams?
See y'all next episode!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
okay okay I'm back with more self indulgent poly coffee au. Last time I said Lucifer fixed up the piano, and there's definitely another scene idea there, but I'm so excited about the Horror night one that I'm skipping the piano scene aksjdj. I even re-read the horror movie night devilgrams for research. Yeahhh, research,,,,(that one line from Mammon where he comments on MC's scared face lives rent free in my head). But I learned Mammon would have nightmares, and Solomon gets really into the plot.
okay so I think it'd be nice if the three of us meet on Wednesdays before I head to the record shop. Solomon brings his homework, but never gets much done, too happy to talk to us instead. Wednesday is the only day I wake up super early, all because I'm looking forward to hanging out for longer with the two of them. It gets me out of bed, but I have shown up looking groggy as hell some days. Record shop is open 11-7:30 Monday through Friday? And 11-9 on Saturday, but closed Sunday. The only reason it closes early is because I take the bus, and that's not something that's fun taking at night. Saturday night I stay at the shop (thinking of a mini storage/break room upstairs where I've set up a sleeping bag). Coffee shop I think is also closed Sunday, but Mon-Friday it's 7-3:30, with Saturday being 7-12 so he can get errands done. And then Sol has classes Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.
OKAY ANYWAY, WORLD BUILDING ASIDE, the three of us meeting on our usual Wednesday, and Solomon mentions this movie he wants to see. He says he has extra tickets because the people he planned on asking can't make it, it's a midnight showing on Friday. Says he understands if we can't since we both need to get up early the next day, but wanted to ask. I agree because I think it'd be nice to hang out outside of the coffee shop, and Mammon says he's not one to turn down a free outing. He can run on little sleep anyway, he's got espresso to help.
The three of us trying to figure out the logistics, Solomon saying he'll even pay for rides there and back home if needed. Mammon blurts out "Why don't y'all sleep over after?" and we both turn to look at him. He freezes and turns red, but he's already said it, he can't turn back now. "What? I-I got a car, I'll pick the two of you up, and y'all can stay at my place. T-That way, it's not too far from your shop, and your apartment, right?" "I could walk home from here, I wouldn't want to intrude-" "Yeah, I don't mind taking an uber-" "Walking at night can be dangerous, don't you know!? And you! Getting into a strangers car so late is even worse! I'll drive you both home if that's what ya want, but I don't mind having you two over." Solomon is fighting the urge to make a comment about it being like a date. I'm just happy to not have to wake up as early.
"Yo, why'd you want to go to the midnight showing anyway? Are ya that excited to see it?" "Haha, that's not the main reason. It's a horror movie! A midnight showing would be the most immersive." Cue me and Mammon freezing, giving each other terrified looks. Oh man.
Leading up to the outing date, Mammon and I are researching like crazy, only to find out it's the premiere. So there's no spoilers or ways to prepare. We're going in blind. I'm not one to watch many horror movies, the closest things being Saw, Final Destination (both of which I love), and I think a movie series called Paranormal Activity or something. But I always looked away during scary scenes during that. Yet I'm too stubborn to turn it off because I need to know the ending.
Friday comes, Mammon closes up and tries to take a nap to calm his nerves after stress cleaning to get everything neat for the sleepover. And no one planned it, but everyone has dressed up a little nicer than usual. Mammon's got a lucky watch that was gifted from Lucifer, and an open button up with the sleeves rolled up.
He gets in his car to go pick up Solomon, his heart hammering in his chest because Solomon is wearing a nice button up and maybe a sweater? And wearing cologne?? Please help Mammon, he is panicking, trying to reign it in as Solomon puts his overnight bag in the trunk. His voice cracks as he greets Solomon, and immediately begins driving to pick me up, turning up the music as a distraction.
Not sure what I'd wear, but I've got extra jewelry on because it makes me feel cool. Maybe a mesh shirt and a cardigan?? But I wear perfume, and I'm nervous without any clue why. I've got my wallet and my duffel bag, and snort when Solomon jumps out and opens the passenger door like a gentleman before climbing into the backseat. The drive is slightly tense, all of us nervous until I spot a car with a difference state plate. My friend introduced me to this game, and I instinctively bump Mammon's arm and call out the state, which breaks the tense atmosphere. The three of us fall into comfortable conversation until we reach the movie theater.
okay there's a really funny idea I have for the next part that happens during the actual movie. Solomon is going to be living his best life very soon OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
AHHHH I wanna know about Solomon living his best life!! Lemme guess, he's sitting between you two and something especially scary happens so you're both clinging to him out of fear?!? LOL!
Oh man, both of you guys not liking horror is so cute! I totally get it, I'm not a horror fan at all. I can't watch horror movies because I get so freaked out, I can't sleep for months. Books seem to be no problem, but movies for some reason I can't handle lol.
ANYWAY I also love how Mammon is coming up with reasons why you should both sleep over, that is so sweet - of course he's getting all overprotective! Walking at night! Getting into a stranger's car!! You're gonna give him a conniption!
And ohh Solomon being the gentleman and opening the door for you, that's adorable, too!!
As always, I will be pleased to know what happens next, but of course no pressure & no rush! I'm just enjoying this cute lil love story~
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