celebrimborium · 2 years
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hold still. we’ll find a way to carry you back. – sorry, good lady. i’m afraid i’m about to go a-wanderin’ off-trail.
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frodo-sam · 2 years
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Nobody goes off-trail. And nobody walks alone.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: The Rings of Power Season 1, episode 3: Adar dir. Wayne Yip | 2022 -
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sillydodobird · 2 years
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I am obsessed with this theory now 🤩
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missteatime · 2 years
I made the mistake of searching "rings of power" on Tumblr because I wanted to find some cool gif/artsy stuff but I regret it so much.
Wtf is going on? All I found is hate and people having huge meltdowns and being spiteful and I can't believe it.
I understand that not everyone likes it, as I understand that people want to share their opinion but there is a different between writing
"it's not my cup of tea, and here's my reasons, but if you want to keep watching you do you!"
"everything is shit, and the people of colour are disgusting revisionism and I don't want it, and here's why everything sucks and you should not watch it. We have to boycott it and ruin it for those who like it. And don't forget to spread the hate to those who worked on it".
I mean when did this fandom abandon reason for madness? I feel so freaking sad right now it's unbelievable.
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eowyn7023 · 3 days
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ROP Summer Celebration, week 2: Locations:
On the road with the Harfoots, or maybe in their hidden winter camp.
@incorrectringsofpower suggested that someone might like to make a Harfoot charcuterie board (bread, cheese, apples). I thought about that — no bread because no agriculture yet, no cheese because no domesticated animals yet. They are hunter-gatherers. So I threw together what they might have still have to eat in late winter — nothing fresh, just dried fruit, dried vegetables, nuts. So here you go: Harfoot food during lean times.
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sunderedseas · 2 years
i love them so much already
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 10 months
Harfoots be like
This is Bumble Fatbottom he got stuck in some mud and we didn't bother pulling him out
We didnt wait for him for even a second
This is Nanny Flumfoot she was a right moron getting stung by wasps HAHA
If you trip over a rock you are literally dead to the entire Harfoot community and we will mock you at any gathering
Elves be like
We will make the stupidest elf our leader for NO reason
Elrond should be King you say, because he's actually the only one with a brain?
No way, we're voting someone like Celeborn or Gil-Galad. Sure he can't blink or speak at a normal pace but look how sparkly he is
We just never listen to Elrond. ever. Nothing good can come of listening to Elrond.
Man's never coughed up glitter like a REAL elf. Vote Gil-Galad.
Humans be like
These are the dirty humans. Their hobbies are eating dirt and catching pigs
These are the fancy humans. Their hobbies are being smart, arcitecture, reading and handsome
One of these groups of humans will side with orcs. I am wondering who it will be... only time can tell... what a mystery
Orcs be like
Oi we can go for some fish and chips
Just all cockney for some reason?
They just try their best tbh. their society is still less messed up than Harfoots
Dwarves be like
Honestly dwarves are perfect and have so much swag I can't mock them
I'm not messing with the race that produced Bombur I value my life
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rings-of-power-realm · 8 months
Favourite Original Character
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When I saw the first proper trailer and got a glimpse of him with his bow, I suddenly felt overwhelmed because somehow I knew from that moment that the show would be phenomenal. Ismael had such a presence in that trailer that quelled any doubt in me (since I was worried beforehand about this show that it would not honour the Middle Earth I love) but it did.
He can do it all, from action to soft romantic scenes, to inspiring scenes of hope and the way he got Theo to trust and confide in him was beautiful.
Arondir represents all the things I admire about Tolkien characters. His strength and grace, his fierceness, his loyalty, his love his unwavering belief, the sadness that simmers below and his absolute selflessness and courage to do what is right.
I adore him and am loving watching his journey. It particulalrly means a lot since Ismael always wanted to play an elf and finally, his dream happened and he has knocked it outta the park.
Special mentions: I truly adore all the characters so wanna say how much I also love the Harfoots, their determination and fact they stick together is truly touching plus I love the friendship between Nori and Poppy and it broke me when they parted.
Bronwyn. Her strength and love is an inspiration.
Disa (my beloved Disa!) As soon as that gorgeous scottish accent rolled out and she beamed I fell in love with her she's incredible <3 Her relationship with Durin and Elrond is one of the highlights of the show and in her own right she is a wickedly entertaining and sunny presence who can also protray the sadder moments. You just feel her warmth in every scene.
The Stranger. What can I say but what a ride it was with him, even in the finale I was still like no don't be Sauron! His power coming through and when he realised he was good was so beautiful and the fact Nori never wavered in supporting him even when we were in doubt to his true nature. His eyes gave so much emotion. What an impactful beautiful character he is and I enjoyed his scenes immensely.
Halbrand. Charlie what an amazing actor. That charm and quick wit but with those chilling undercurrents and moments where you saw that darkness were really powerful. He got under Galadriel's skin, the manipulation was sublime and real. Don't they say that the devil would disguise himself as a handsome man? Truly incredible and when it was unravelling towards the end and his anger came to the forefront (though we had glimpsed it terrifyingly before) I was blown away by the change and the delivery, when you knew for certain who he was, its absolutely chilling.
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Lotr- Rings of Power + Text Posts
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wildwren · 1 year
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Nori + The Stranger // 1.08 // The Rings of Power (2022)
requested by @bananaphanta
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stuporduper · 1 year
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Happy holidays from Middle-earth 🎁✨
For my friends & this fandom :’)
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celebrimborium · 2 years
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i’ll fetch provisions and get me stick.
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laurinque · 2 years
Sure the elvish clothing is exquisite but if someone puts out harfoot fashions I’m buying the entire line, acorns for the hair, silver coin earrings, the whole works. 
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leece-brooks · 2 years
Anyone who says they don't like the rings of power because the black and POC cast members don't conform to Tolkiens lore does not understand Tolkien's work. Tolkien was a student of mythology who understood that myths change with each generation of storytellers. He wasn't making holy canon never to be changed. Anyway, the central themes of the books are about finding the beauty of the world and the love in one another. Don't you think focusing the ethnicities of the actors flies in the face of Tolkien's point? He was a veteran and had seen the outcomes of letting our differences and fears divide us to the most extreme extent. Can you put aside your racial prejudices a second and appreciate how beautifully made the program is? We should be greatful that we have such a vivid depiction of Tolkien's work. We can accept that it will never be perfect or replace the original source material but when are films and TV shows better than the books? Just appreciate it for what it is.
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Rings of Power is a show that's difficult to pick favourites.
There is Galadriel who is so unapologetically arrogant and badass. Who feels like nobody understands how difficult i her mission is
But actually Miriel understands her because she's also a character who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders.
And speaking of Numenorians, Elendil is such a dilf. And always exhausted by his children.
His daughter Earien is a nice original character and she's not defined by his male relatives. She has her own ambitions and dreams.
Disaster son Isildur is much more realistic than being a larger than life mythical figure. And the way he accidentally causes troubles is hilarious. He also has a great squad with his friends.
Speaking of friendships, Poppy and Nori are friendship goals. Poppy you are the true hero for putting up with Nori's bullshit all these years.
The harfoots are adorable in general. And I love their interactions with the Stranger.
But then the dwarves are also so cool?! Especially Disa, queen of coolness.
And Durin is hilarious. And everyone adores his brotp with best boy Elrond.
And then Arondir appears and it's heart eyes motherfucker.
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anragaire · 2 years
Omg are we getting this family next season?
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