#Harry and Meghan deserved better
brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
He’s just trying to replace the British affection for Hero Harry PR with American affection using exactly the same Hero Harry stories.
Does he realize the implications? If Proud Britain's Royal Soldier can be thought of as in service to the USA, then it lays open the fact that the UK is simply a client state of mighty America (especially for the war he took part in).
Which may be the truth, or close to it, but it's a truth the establishments of both countries do not want out there - so artlessly laid bare, too.
I'm sure that in Harry's head, the colonies are totally honouring his moral sovereignty when they let him tag along to US military related events. Nevermind that bit with the American Revolution, he failed history anyway.
Well, listen. There’s a huge culture of respect for veterans here in the US, which is something that‘s a bit unique as it’s one of a few things that foreign visitors say the US does well (at least according to the commentary on my TikTok FYP).
So I think in the beginning Harry was initially given that respect - he was a veteran (on top of being the grandson of the monarch/head of state to a key US ally), he did deploy (even if it was all a farce), and he did have some respect for military service. But I think over time, a lot of the respect he was initially afforded has been whittled away but not just his own actions and behaviors, but by what Meghan has done/is doing as well, and how everything they do juxtaposes what Americans expect from veterans.
For instance, no veteran ever speaks publicly and generally about how many confirmed kills they have. No veteran speaks publicly and in writing that they don’t see the humanity in their enemy. No veteran whines about how terribly they *personally* had it; they speak about and advocate for the group at large. No veteran sees their service as a vanity project for praise and attention. No veteran uses community service as an exercise in ego flattery; they use community service to better the world they live in for the future they fought hard to protect and defend, not to line their pockets with cash and awards. No veteran will pout through the National Anthem; sure, they might not sing the anthem, but they’ll at least stand proudly at attention (to the best of their abilities) and not frown and glower. No veteran disrespects their commander-in-chief - they might not like the person, but they respect the office and give the office all due respect deserved. No veteran will use his uniforms, commendations, and/or status as a costume for dress up or as a prop. No veteran will use his service for ego-flattering, self-serving propaganda.
And in my personal experience, all the veterans *I* know never seek out praise, awards, or attention for their service. That’s the last thing they want. They’re happy with a handshake and a “thank you.
And because Harry (and Meghan as his wife) was initially given that respect, I think it went to his head in a “they like me, they really like me” way, which made him see us/American veterans more as a mark through which they can get fame and fortune rather than a community. I think — and this is just my observations — I think Harry and Meghan see the American military community, veteran and families alike, as “leader-less” because we don’t have one singular person (or group of people) leading the national support and awareness. The closest thing we have is the FLOTUS. I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be that for us — a co-opting of what the royals do for the British and Commonwealth militaries — but they really fumbled by not understanding what having served and being a veteran means in the US. And that’s why Harry’s attempts to ingratiate himself with the American military community and become a military influencer keeps failing.
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harry-sussex · 1 year
The media has branded Harry and Meghan a “flop” - there’s no coming back from that reputation.
That WSJ article just made my stomach drop. I have no idea how it’s possible that things have gotten this bad. The worst part is that there’s no way up from here - only further down. Rock bottom is a challenge at this point, and it feels like they’re shooting for it every single day.
This is what they wanted? This is better? They’re happy? No fucking way, man. No fucking way. If I know anything about Harry at all - and at this point, we all know Harry a bit too well - he must be outright miserable. There’s no way this whole thing has been worth it. None whatsoever. To someone like me, this is nauseating. I hate it. I hate this. I have always hated this, I always knew that they weren’t going to live the life they thought they would after they left, I’ve been saying for three years until I’m blue in the face - and the reception I’ve gotten from Sussex fans around the world has been horrific (you guys should see some of the shit that’s come through my inbox courtesy of the squad - so much for mental health, Harry and Meghan would be ashamed of them, but I digress).
If you give even a sliver of a shit about Harry, you’ll be able to get your head out of the sand and recognize that leaving was the absolute worst thing he could have done for himself. Look at him! Directionless! Lost! Misguided! Unproductive! Not to mention paranoid, tired, isolated, and he fact that he always looks miserable.
I will say it again and again and again - it. did. not. have. to. be. this. way. 3 years in - what do they have to show for it?:
A successful commercial venture? Nope - almost nothing has come out of Archetypes or anything else, as in the article. Bill Simmons called them “fucking grifters!” If he’s willing to say it loud and proud for the media to pounce on, how many are saying it behind closed doors?
More money? Their income hinges upon content they haven’t created yet. Clearly, these companies have no trouble pulling the plug on their deals and therefore cutting off the income. (Not for nothing - the more this happens, the less money they’ll be able to say they grossed by leaving the royal family. Since this looks like a trend, at what point do they stop and say ‘I probably would have more money at my disposal if I just stuck with the Duchy of Cornwall?’)
More exposure? Yeah, I guess, but look how shitty it is all the time. This is not the kind of exposure they were looking for.
More privacy? Totally goes against everything above, but they’ve never been more vulnerable to intrusive speculation. They invite it! Encourage it! Hand their personal lives over to the media and the public on a silver platter! The only thing keeping them ‘private’ is living in a gated community - imagine how private their personal life would be if they were in a palace instead?
Better treatment from the press? The American media are vultures too. The world media has made a fortune off of their bullshit. Even the gently critical ones that tell the hard truth - like the WSJ - show that the media does not care who you are if you deserve the criticism or if your bullshit is so completely out of this world that the story writes itself. Nothing is sacred, and it’s even worse now that there’s nothing standing in between them and the press.
The opportunity to provide universal service? What the hell have they done? One single Invictus Games? The occasional event? The occasional donation? They spend more time accepting awards for doing something rather than actually doing something!
Being happier? Bullshit, man. Look at Prince Harry. He hasn’t had a genuine smile on his face in public since 2021. I could go down a rabbit hole here, but you’re blinded by adoration if you can’t recognize he’s outright miserable and a complete shell of the person he used to be. That spark is completely gone.
I could go on, but these articles are starting to pop up in legitimate news sources. We’re not talking about the National Enquirer here - this is the Wall Street Journal. A legitimate news source is reporting on the way they’re failing to meet their own standards and the standards of those who control the purse strings - and how they’re nothing without their titles. If the money is the bottom line, then they need the star power behind their HRHs to make it. They don’t have anything else worth marketing. That star power is dwindling more and more as they get closer and closer to rock bottom and as they continue to bite the hand that has always fed them. Look at this from Vanity Fair:
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So much for “service is universal.” They don’t get traction for any of their charity work because they spend so much time BITCHING. The world can’t focus on their service and help support those causes because they spend so much FUCKING TIME milking their only cash cow that nobody has any idea what kinds of causes they support! In fact - I’d bet that the only causes recognized by the general public are those they SUPPORTED BY WORKING FOR THE FAMILY. This isn’t about service - it’s about clout, star power, mystique, and the aura associated with the blurred lines between royal and celebrity. The service hasn’t been part of it for a long time. They’ve wronged their ship and there’s no way to right it anymore. That ship, for lack of better term, has sailed. The world doesn’t see them as charitable - the way they were seen when they were working for the family. The world sees them as washed up crybabies who don’t have anything to offer. It’s not just a “hater” thing anymore. They’ve lost their allure and that was the only thing they had going for them. Without that allure, they’re nothing compared to the Hollywood lights.
They’ve completely fucked up. I know it, you know it, Hollywood knows it, the Royal Family knows it. Harry and Meghan are the only people on earth who haven’t figured it out. They haven’t done a single thing they planned since leaving. They’re not happier, they don’t live a more private life, they don’t have more bandwidth to do charity work, they’re not making money hand over fist, they’re not successful in their new endeavors… they’ve completely fucked up.
Harry, in particular, has completely fucked up. He gave up a life of structure, service, wealth, luxury, success, protection, guidance, family, friendship for… this? And he’s pretending that it was the best decision he ever made? Please. He fucked up, and it will continue to come back to bite him day in and day out until he learns to sit down, shut up, get some help, and hire some competent people to make shit happen for him, because clearly he cannot direct the ship on his own.
This is not how it was supposed to be - not for us as fans, nor for them after leaving. It did not have to be this way. I’d bet anything that the part of Harry who wanted this is dwindling more and more each day. Someday, he’s going to regret the whole thing. The more I see him and hear him, the more I think he’s already there. He fucked up, and I think he’s finally on his way to realizing that they have to do something to make the world interested in them beyond their association with the family. That will diminish, and then they’ll really be shit out of luck.
What a complete and utter disaster, Henry. What a mess. With all due respect, Your Royal Highness - you fucked up.
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celticcrossanon · 30 days
If Meghan and Harry’s tour of Colombia was supposed to boost tourism, it has had the opposite effect.
This is true. I personally would have travelled to Colombia before the Harkle tour but now all can think is how bad is it there if there had to be someone with a bullet proof shield to follow Harry around?
Of course there is huge security for actual real royal tours but I've never felt as an individual that impacted on how I viewed a country whenever a member of the BRF officially visited. In fact I've thought I'd like to travel there.
The faux tour of the Harkles has had the opposite effect for Colombia for people outside of the Americas. They've damaged Colombia's image, cost Colombia millions that could've been better spent and Colombia gets nothing in return.
I'm sad for Colombian people they deserve better.
Hi Nonny,
I am sad for the Colombian people as well. They absolutely deserve better.
I agree that I have never felt that I should stay away from a country when I saw a royal tour, and yet Harry and Meghan have had the opposite effect.
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Only a real PRINCE would turn down this award & Sparry is no prince, he's a COWARD!
More lies. Do Better Disney.
Exclusive | Prince Harry 'sad' over ESPYs Pat Tillman Award backlash, may decline.🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
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Sewer Squad Shenanigans:
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Meghan Gaslighting:
“Not forgetting all the work he has done as part of the Invictus Games, so obviously it was felt that he deserved to receive the nomination.”
“I can understand why Harry might be confused about the reaction to him being up for the award — this is to do with his military background,” he said, adding that there’s “never been any issues or questions over that.”
Harry, for his part, served in the British armed forces for 10 years, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot and a forward air controller.
“Harry is somebody who has been seen to act in service,” Harrold said. “He’s somebody that has served his country, he is obviously a senior member of the royal family albeit not a working member.”
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
Taxpayer shouldn't fund Prince Harry's security - 'we owe him nothing' say thousands of Mirror readers by u/Von_und_zu_
Taxpayer shouldn't fund Prince Harry's security - 'we owe him nothing' say thousands of Mirror readers We asked Should Prince Harry be entitled to a higher level of security? Thousands of you voted, with an overwhelming 2,414 saying no he shouldn't, while just 400 said yes he should.Here is the current state of the poll: https://ift.tt/umK9ECb Prince and Meghan Markle announced they were stepping down as senior royals back in 2020, where they were swiftly warned they wouldn't be given the 'same degree' of protection. Instead of being offered the same levels as King Charles, Queen Camilla and the Prince and Princess of Wales, they were offered similar protection to less senior royals including Princess Anne and Prince Edward. Harry - who now lives in the US with his family - then unsuccessfully took legal action.The comments quoted in the article are included here for convenience and amusement:Many of you commented on our story, here's just a selection of what some of you had to say:Shutupayouface1: "Henry had his security downgraded to the same level as Princess Anne and many other royals so I don't see why it's not adequate protection for him, his wife and kids. He's asking for preferential treatment simply because he has delusions of grandeur."Eveningall: "(Prince Harry) just whines and whines. Victimhood is his full time occupation."AnnieintheCastle: "He's got enough money to pay for his own security, he does not live here anymore and does not want to belong to the Royal Family but wants all the benefits that go with it. Harry must be stripped of all titles, a new letters patent must be drawn up and Charles needs to act immediately, this cannot be allowed to carry on any longer."McFadden: "They deserve NOTHING from the British people."Bigbaz654: "The 'spoilt one's' sense of entitlement really is breathtaking."Janlet: "(it was a) good decision and one the tax payers appreciate. There's plenty of royals to take over to do duties until the King is better. William, Kate, princess Anne and Edward and assorted wives should do the duties. In fact it may be a permanent thing after all the King isn't getting any younger, and a fairer division of the duties may be best. Harry etc have a life over in the USA, they don't like the UK lifestyle, so it would suit them better as well."Bella257781: "They are no longer working royals and are not residents in the UK, they have detached themselves and as for his children's safety, they never come over to the UK. He's using them to get his own way and the taxpayer should not have to pay for a none working royal."Boogers: "His security was downgraded to the same level as Princess Anne and others, I don't see her screaming like a baby. It's adequate protection. He's asking for preferential treatment."Sparkles 22: "Harry seems to think he's still top dog here, he's not! He left his position, he lost the perks of the job. Why can't the man get on with his life just as he wanted? But no, he has to keep showing off as though he matters."Perfectnumber8128: "He’s not a working royal anyway so the taxpayer owes him nothing."https://ift.tt/RoBLXzE post link: https://ift.tt/j0efUO2 author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: March 04, 2024 at 07:53PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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sassyfrassboss · 7 months
When they were royals they were getting the deals and the respect they felt they deserved. So now a royal re-launch and fingers crossed people forget about the past four years, including protentional investors.
Lol, Spotify was in charge to burn them in all the Hollywood circles, labeling as lazy, stupid and boring, unable to bring a decent podcast. If they aren’t having more deals there it’s because that reputation they brought by themselves, because let’s be honest, some Hollywood people will work with them if they attack the Royals or spill more beans (they love drama, so that’s the only interest they can have on them), because they know how they don’t have any attention when is about ‘charitable work’.
And MM can keep dreaming, big brands will never work with her as an ambassador, woman is unable to sell out cheap brands, let alone a big one. That’s why when she ‘merchs’ on other people’s IG, it’s ’small, woke philanthropy’ brands, that’s a way to cover how nobody wants her
Plus, not only can she not sell, but she is horrific to work with so it isn't even worth the time and effort to sign her.
Disney said "She needs us more than we need her."
Spotify Head of Podcast Innovation said: “I wish I had been involved in the ‘Meghan and Harry leave Spotify’ negotiation. ‘The Fucking Grifters.’ That’s the podcast we should have launched with them,” Simmons said on his podcast, the Bill Simmons podcast. “I have got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories … Fuck them. The grifters.”
Netflix people behind the scenes through friends and family are saying that Harry and Meghan are lazy, refused to do anything, have terrible ideas, and demand instant results.
Better Up employee on Harry: 'They told the publication when asked what Harry’s day to day responsibilities were, answered: “From what I see I'm going to go with zero things.”
There is a reoccurring theme here and other companies have caught on.
As one Better Up employee said of Harry "the juice isn't worth the squeeze."
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mimiatmidnight · 2 years
So, twelve hours post, here is my first round of thoughts:
I will never recover from all the baby clips. NEVER. RECOVER.
Doria is the classiest, most dignified person in history. That poor woman deserves a medal for what she endured so strongly.
The producers did such a fantastic job of weaving the love-storytelling in with the historical discussions and the present-day narrative. And MAN what a love story. I really thought I had a good sense of them before, but I feel so different now. I see them and their love in a new light. Which, hey, isn't that the exact point of this whole thing? So, mission accomplished. I am completely warmed and enchanted.
I especially feel I understand so much more about who they were before each other. I love how dedicated the producers were to establishing Meghan's pre-Harry personhood and just how much she lost to be with him. And I was so unspeakably moved by Harry's recounting of his relationship to the people of Lesotho and Botswana. How they took him in when he had no place he felt at home. How it fundamentally shifted his development into the man he would be become. Genuinely one of the most beautiful stories in the whole production.
Meghan is better than me because if I had to meet my future in-laws and there in my kitchen was Kate Middleton looking at me the way Kate Middleton looks at people, I would be on the next plane back to America. EXPEDITIOUSLY.
Also um can we take a sec to laugh at how Cambridge stans (esp those in the rota) are taking personal offense to Harry's cheeky but astute observation about his male relatives marrying for convenience rather than love? SO funny. I think he was very obviously talking about his parents, but hey if you wanna be like "This is so clearly about William and Kate" like . . . Ok mama, if the tiara fucking fits!!!!
Meghan is better at communicating the warm, gooey, happy parts of the story, and Harry is FAR better at communicating the serious, difficult, upsetting parts of the story -- the "shocking revelations," if you will. Meg is seemingly still struggling with this incredibly frustrating naivete surrounding their situation, and it does not come across the screen well to me. But that is a discussion for others to have, so that's all I'll say on that.
The Black historians and political commentators they brought on were absolutely critical to nailing that side of the story. Afua Hirsch was my very favorite.
I've already gotten at least one anon asking about my perspective on the addressing of Harry's SS costume. I appreciate the interest, but no. I am the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. My family and I have been discussing how to internalize and process Harry specifically, as well as people like him, for years now. And it's not something I'm willing to do over the internet with strangers. Sorry, but I hope you can understand.
Mandana's scene was so funny. She was like "Royal expert? You literally just made that up right now 🤨" LMAO
Ashleigh's appearance knocked me BACK omg. I'm so touched to see how they connected all those years ago, and I hope they have found a way to reconnect, away from all that sabotage.
As I posted just before, the way they are juuuuust planting the seeds for the Jason storyline to come . . . literal fucking chills.
I love that they know which photos of them are iconic. When the umbrella shot showed up I was like "Yeah they know that was history right there" 😌
Oh and showing them Meghan's old This or That interview, the producers are SO real for that kjgfhfdgfjgh
Please believe me when I tell you that I am not usually one to be all "Ohhhhh Diana ohhhhh she's looking down on them ohhhh this or that." Lol. But the clip of Archie reaching his little hand to her photo on the wall, and not to her face, which babies are neurologically wired to focus on, but to her hands. Yeah a bitch might just have teared up or whatever 🥲
I thought the whole thing was really well produced. So far, it's not the nuclear war all those panicking lil media experts were predicting. But my sense is that Volume I was very much an introduction to lay the groundwork for whatever we're about to go through in Volume II. And I cannot wait. For the time being, I am so over the moon to be granted this truly moving glimpse into what a beautiful life Harry and Meghan have built for themselves.
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viscountessevie · 10 months
Quick Thoughts about The Buccaneers 5 minutes in:
- Nan is more interesting than the trailer made her look -I'm obsessed with her and Conchita's friendship!! (Though what kind of name is Conchita and Conchie as a nickname??? It sounds like coochie and my girl Alisha Boe deserves better) - Also whoaaa not even 5 mins in and we have a Meghan and Harry parallel with Con and Richard damn - This already feels SO much more fun and refreshing than the Bee Show - THANK GOD
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Invictus is just a blip on the radar now in all honesty which is sad to say cos the veterans deserve better but just like all their projects now the royal sparkle has gone it's very meh. I doubt she'll relaunch at Invictus it's Harry's event and also not big enough for a superstar like Meghan.
I don’t think Invictus gives her the bump she needs.
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"Harry deserved better. His wife deserves better. They still deserve better. And for my part, to him and Meghan, I really am sorry."
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
My central thesis has always been that the Harkles wanted everything the Wales have and more. I know I remember reading that she cried after hearing William was made Prince of Wales. Right from the get go, her PR was all "Meghan is way better suited to be royal". Then there were all the Commonwealth flowers on her bridal veil and their insistence that they move into Windsor Castle. Now I don't believe everthing Neil Sean says, but his latest video mentions that Megxit was an ultimatum to get Windsor. As that is the traditional home of the Monarch, I feel as though they were attempting a coup.
Then there is the thought that Harry believes that the Dutchy of Cornwall should be split and he should eventually be made co-King or King of the Commonwealth. Let the Wales have that tiny island while they are jetted and feted around the world.
Here's my question for you. Did Meghan and Sparry REALLY believe they could leapfrog over the Wales??? I know her jealousy and envy of Catherine is bunny boiler level and he absolutely eviscerated his brother in Waagh. Has this been their plan all along?? Death by a thousand cuts for the Wales to force them to resign their place in the LOS or that they could somehow convince Charles to make Harry the heir??
I'd like to know where you think the delusions stem from. It wouldn't be the first time in history that younger brother has attempted to remove old brother from the throne.
Sincerely appreciate your blog and all the work you put into it. I'm always learning something new.
I'm pretty sure that was exactly their plan: they wanted to use their popularity to force The Queen to name them as her successors. I don't remember where I read this or when, but allegedly Harry sent "documentation" to someone - to whom specifically I can't recall, but options are The Queen, Charles, William, and/or grey suits - providing evidence for claims that he and Meghan were more popular than any of the others and deserved more than what they were getting.
And if they couldn't get the actual crown, they were going to do their damnedest to try and get a co-kingship with William. That's where Meghan's obsession with the Commonwealth came from; she had been told (again, I don't know by whom - all signs point to Harry exaggerating to keep her interested or maybe Charles spitballing ideas during his 'Magnificent Six' planning circa 2012) that William would rule Britannia and Harry would rule the Commonwealth.
I think that's why Meghan went all in on 'racist Kate.' Not only did she want to knock Kate out of the spotlight, she wanted to do enough damage that Commonwealth/realm nations would threaten to quit and The Queen would capitulate by offering to install Harry and Meghan as new leaders. This actually had a chance of working; it's been said quite often during her last years and since her passing that The Queen saw the Commonwealth as her greatest legacy and there was speculation that she would have done anything she could have to keep it in tact. And had Meghan played her cards right, she and Harry probably could have ended up becoming the main ambassadors of and for the Commonwealth, like a Commonwealth version of the UN Secretary-General.
But where the plan failed, obviously, was that it required blaming Kate for problems and issues that don't exist. Because remember, in 2021 when Meghan was making these claims, we'd just gone through the huge global reckoning that was Black Lives Matter and the agreement during/after BLM was "call racist people out on their BS. Put them on blast. Don't let them get away with it anymore." So not only would Meghan have been perfectly justified to name names, cite events, bring receipits, air the real dirty laundry and everyone would've been so much more supportive of it. But she didn't. Instead she played coy and said something like "I'm protecting them even though they don't deserve it."
Girl, please. That was Meghan's one chance to go justifiably scorched earth and air out all the dirty laundry and she fumbled hard.
Anyway. Let's get this train back on track. Where do the delusions come from? Traumatic childhoods courtesy of Mommies Dearest.
We all know Harry's story with Diana. She was a young, fun, free spirited loving mom larger than life with a neediness that she depended on her children to fill, rather than her own husband or other adults her age, so Harry grew to find satisfaction in supporting and providing her what she needed. He probably saw, and understood, the way Diana received what she wanted by exaggerating what she needed and following it up with excluding or isolating herself until whoever came chasing after her to give her what she wanted. And ultimately this led her (and Harry) down a path that ended up killing her; she exaggerated the relationship with Dodi to get attention from Hasnat or the BRF, then isolated herself in France to force whoever (Hasnat? Charles Wales? Charles Spencer?) to come chase after her. We know how that ends.
That's where Harry's delusions, IMO, come from. He saw how it well it worked (mostly) for Diana - exaggerate her needs/wants, then run and hide until she gets it - so he does it too. He probably started doing it right after she died, when no one knew what to do or how to handle him so they kept indulging in everything he wanted, so those wants kept manifesting bigger and bigger. And I think the way we see the BRF treating Harry is what would have happened to Diana had she lived; eventually the public would sour on her (this was already happening, by the way), which would then enable the BRF to grey rock her, devenomizing her in effect, and move on without Diana having too much of an influence on their day-to-day.
It's sort of similar for Meghan. We don't know specifically what happened (the way we do with Harry and Diana), but we know that Doria was a young, fun, free-spirited mother herself married to an older husband who had other priorities (eg kids from his first marriage). Unlike Diana, Doria probably didn't want the responsibilities of motherhood (which is the vibe Meghan and Thomas have given about Doria during Meghan's childhood) and left. And like the BRF, Thomas may have also overcompensated Doria's absence in Meghan's life by giving her everything she asked for, which made her asks get bigger and bigger and when Thomas couldn't deliver, she threatened to leave him...like Doria did and Thomas, erstwhile girldad he was, just kept throwing more and more at Meghan to keep her happy. Her delusions come from preying on other individuals' trauma to ensure she gets what she wants. The bigger her wants (ie the more grandiose her delusions), the harder she manipulates other people's trauma to make sure she gets what she wants. Which is kinda the opposite of Harry and Diana; they create the trauma to get people to do what they want, whereas Meghan exploits it to get people to do what she wants. Both are skills they learned after being abandoned (metaphorically and literally) by their mothers.
And all of Meghan's PR about "young mother," I think it's more insidious than that. Yes, it's a very overt evocation of Diana's narrative. Yes, it's a judgement against Kate. But it is also digs at Doria. "See? Motherhood is hard but I'm prioritizing my kid. How dare you to have left me" kind of spiteful digs meant to shame her for whatever happened that caused her to disappear. Meghan is the kind of person who must always have the last word, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's been targeting or belitting Doria about not knowing certain things about Archie/Lili because she wasn't around when Meghan was that age.
I've realized now that this is the third or fourth Wednesday in a row that I write these super long analytical/in this essay I will posts. I guess Wednesdays are my thinking days...
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go-scottishgal14 · 2 years
UK Times skewers H&M...
After a month of glorious silence, Meghan’s back — as wronged and stoic as ever
Hilary Rose
Wednesday October 05 2022, 12.00pm, The Times
Because I always strive to be a happy little elf, I will start with the happy news. It’s been four weeks, nearly a whole month of glorious silence, since the last episode of Meghan’s podcast.
To recap, previous episodes proved to be the most persuasive argument ever heard for living off-grid. The Duchess of Sussex delayed the next one until the official mourning period for the Queen was over and, to be fair, a month without Meghan is surely what the Queen would have wanted.
But all good things must come to an end and now she’s back, as wronged and stoic as ever, telling the sad truths we must all take on board if we are to become better people. Or something. I won’t lie, these are tough times to be a happy little elf, although the news this week that she employs a fact-checker on the podcast is beyond parody and cheered me up no end. Is one enough? Will she ever develop the ability to fact-check before she opens her mouth?
● Meghan Markle’s Archetypes podcast review — almost entirely preposterous
In this episode, she starts strongly, if incomprehensibly, with ghormeh and larb. Apparently they’re foodstuffs. Her guest is Margaret Cho, a successful Asian-American actress, activist and comedian. Cho has many interesting things to say about the perceptions and stereotypes surrounding Asian-American women, and whole seconds go by in which she is allowed to say them uninterrupted.
Ultimately, though, it falls to Meghan to point out that “all people” are multidimensional and layered, although no mention of elves, which makes me wonder if I am truly seen. She also confides that she loves Los Angeles because it is “full of culture”, which makes me sad, not happy, because if only we had some culture of our own, maybe she’d have stuck around.
It’s been a busy time for the Sussexes. Watching the Queen’s funeral, did they recall hitting back at her with the jibe “Everyone can live a life of service”? Probably not. The brand building is going brilliantly, though, or at least better than that tin-eared visit to a Californian cemetery on Remembrance Sunday.
Only yesterday, in a last desperate plea for privacy, they released new photographs of themselves. Meghan goes for smouldering stateswoman. Harry, bless him, manages something closer to gormless or, in the word of royal biographer Hugo Vickers, sad.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were pictured holding hands before attending the opening ceremony of One Young World in September -- MISAN HARRIMAN
Back home in California, there are reports that they’re trying to row back on the Netflix documentary that pays the mortgage, and that Harry is frantically trying to tone down his memoir now that his father is King. He might be panicking because it’s too mean about Camilla, as some suspect, or he might just want to bring it bang up to date with all the many slights he no doubt feels they suffered while they were here. Some were uniform related, as they always are.
My favourite is the story that Meghan had to be banned from going to Scotland, a country she usually flies straight over. Just this summer, the couple allegedly declined to holiday at Balmoral, when the Queen was still alive, but perhaps the fact-checker can get to the bottom of it.
They’ve parted ways from their American PR company, Sunshine Sachs, which successfully remained in their employment for more than half an hour and deserves a long-service medal with the P45. And they appear to have suffered the indignity of being NFI to the launch of George and Amal Clooney’s charitable foundation.
For legal reasons, we must consider the possibility that they were invited but chose not to go, before snorting into our tea and proceeding. The event featured exactly the sort of Obama-heavy guest list they’d like to be on, and it is exactly the sort of glitzy foundation, honouring worthy people, which they’re struggling to establish for themselves, possibly because the fascination with their navels remains strong.
We don’t yet know the pain they’re feeling about the continued uncertainty over Archie and Lilibet’s titles, but we can be sure they’ll keep it to themselves. Harry spent his entire life cursing his royal title, so it must be excruciating for him that his children may never get to experience the full horror of being an HRH.
Anyone who thinks, “Hmmm, didn’t he once speak about severing the cycle of genetic pain suffered by royal children?” must have misremembered, as Meghan once told a High Court judge. I will leave you with Meghan’s closing remarks, as rendered by the transcript of the podcast, which it warns is automatically generated and may not be accurate. Judge for yourself. I’m just an elf.
“Be yourself your full complete whole layered, sometimes weird, sometimes awesome, but always best.” Quite so. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
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harry-sussex · 1 year
Just patiently waiting for you to blame William and Kate for not helping Harry and not protecting him because they're responsible for the healing of a 38 year old man who has never encountered the word 'accountability'.
You must be joking - have you ever bothered to take a look at this blog? You think that I’d ever blame WK for Harry’s problems? I never once said he shouldn’t be held accountable - he should be. As someone who is very mentally ill and wasn’t treated for a long time, I am not absolved of my past transgressions just because I needed help before I hit rock bottom and got it myself. I am still responsible for the things I did before then, and so is Harry. But that’s not the point I’m making here - my point has nothing to do with William, Kate, Meghan, Charles, or anyone other than Harry. Harry doesn’t need protection, man, especially not provided by his brother. He needs help. It’s a hell of a lot easier to get help when you have an adequate support system, but he only has himself to blame for losing everyone he once loved and everyone who once loved him. That doesn’t change the fact that he needs help and that he’d be better off with people in his corner (doesn’t matter who they are as long as they care) to encourage him and guide him and support him before he hits rock bottom. He’s completely isolated and he needs someone, anyone to step in at this point - the problem is, who’s left? Certainly not William and Kate at this point. He’s getting worse every day - no human being deserves that kind of suffering. If you can’t see that, then I don’t know what to tell you. A nuanced point of view, in which you recognize that all of these people (WK, HM, CC, Diana, etc.) are human beings and not characters in the soap opera of your mind, would benefit you greatly.
EDIT: I’m still thinking about this. Who could logically go and blame William for this? Remember this? Go take a look starting from 3:44:
I went further into the archives:
This is behind a paywall, so take a look at these quotes:
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William didn’t do this to him - are you kidding? Harry did this to himself in the most heartbreaking way possible.
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
The Daily Mail confirms that not only will no senior members of the Royal Family will attend the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games at St. Paul's Cathedral but that Harry reportedly will go by himself and will then meet up with Meghan in Nigeria afterwards. Can't say I'm not surprised Meghan has declined to attend but I am somewhat surprised Harry is still going, considering how much he has complained and sued over not getting 24/7 MET security in recent months.
Hi Nonny,
I am pleased that no senior members of the BRF will attend the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games. It is sad for the veterans but Harry a) does not deserve the support and b) would spin it into him getting another does of royal fairy dust, so it is better if they stay away.
Harry has made at least 2 visits to the UK while he was suing for security and complaining about not having security, so I'm not surprised he is coming back now. I believe it was never about feeling unsafe for him, but rather him seeing the security as his 'birthright' and an outwards display o his importance, which is why his ego was so hurt when it was denied. Also, i don't think Harry has any self awareness to tell himself that he is being a hypocrite/contradicting himself with his actions.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Whatever happens I think for Meghan it will always have been worth it. Harry not so much. by u/Reliant20
Whatever happens, I think for Meghan it will always have been worth it. Harry not so much. Obviously, things haven't gone swimmingly for the Harkles since leaving the royals. I think a quality they share is they're even worse than the average person at admitting fault, so I'm sure their headspace is more "We failed to anticipate the way the press and cruel people in general would fail to see we're wonderful and blameless" more than any mature reappraisal of their actions.I don't see Harry ever regretting this marriage, because I don't see him ever wishing his children didn't exist. I know others might not give him that benefit of the doubt, but in my view, he's immature, self-centered, and out-of-touch, but he's not inhuman, and of course he couldn't imagine life without his children. However, I do think that, when all his said and done, he would have been much happier and better off married to someone who had their feet on the ground, who didn't need celebrity, and who could steer him into questioning his own perceptions. In short, I think he will have had a much less happy life having married Meghan than if he hadn't married her.But for Meghan, whatever the challenges and however frustrated and even anguished she is at her poll numbers, marrying Harry and breaking from the royals will always have been worth it. She wouldn't have been sharing a stage with Kevin Costner if she weren't married to Harry and hadn't gotten them both to California (however much she embarrassed herself up there). She wouldn't have been interviewed by Oprah or gotten a text from Beyonce or any of the rest of it. She has the fame she spent her adult life pursuing and probably wasn't going to achieve on her own, and she has that massive, awful mansion in Montecito, and the only alternatives were trying to hang in there as a C-list actress or attending to unglamorous royal duties on a measly 300K a year and working to gradually carve out a meaningful role for herself. No matter how bumpy the road, and even if she doesn't get everything she wants and thinks she deserves, the life she's pursuing is the only one that would have satisfied her, and she was never going to do any better than she's done. post link: https://ift.tt/41GDo3p author: Reliant20 submitted: September 27, 2023 at 05:59PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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sassyfrassboss · 10 months
I'm honestly surprised by the amount of support that the royal family got after Catherine's name was suddenly dragged in that 'royal racist row'
It's just really disappointing that she can't receive the same amount of support from the institution she belongs.
Sometimes I think that she's too good for them and that her life could honestly be thrice better if she weren't part of it. None of them, even William deserves her at this point.
People don't believe Meghan and Harry anymore and Catherine has decades of being next to perfect.
No one can claim Catherine married William to be Queen...only someone who truly loved her husband would put up with this nonsense.
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