#Harry crosby needs a hug
thatsrightice · 4 months
Harry Crosby put a lot of time and care into his work as a navigator. This is evident in Part 3 when he is adamant in his conversation with Douglass about getting the logs right and in Part 5 when Crosby had clearly been up all night working on and planning the mission to Bremen.
I can’t imagine how awful he must feel, the weight on his shoulders of feeling responsible for every plane that goes down. It’s not his fault, they’ll say, but their words don’t alleviate the burden he places on himself.
In his memoir, Crosby mentions going 75 hours straight without sleep during their planning for D-Day and I can almost guarantee that was not the first time he’d done such by that point. In fact, I’ll bet he threw himself even further into his work, neglecting his own needs without someone there to remind him to eat and sleep. There’s new faces everywhere he looks, fewer people to give a weak smile and a nod to as he passes by and therefore fewer reasons to leave his office.
Not a minute goes by where he doesn’t wish for a familiar face to burst through those doors and rescue him from himself. Until then he keeps working, unable to stop because in theory the sooner he gets back to work the sooner they could one day put an end to this godforsaken war and the sooner their men could come home. All he can do is hold onto hope that some of their men come home.
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I'll come pick it up after, the end
John Egan X Female! Reader
Sumarry: It's finally their wedding day...
Warning: Historical inaccuracies/ full/ might not be accurate to real weeding speech in the 40s/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1,2k
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The day had finally come, their wedding day. She was nervous, but she was able to go to London to buy a wedding dress, with Daisy and Elodie. Her dress was simple, it stopped before her ankles and it had long sleeves. She didn’t want an extravagant wedding dress, they were getting married on the base, they weren’t Catholics, but the priest on the base was going to marry them, so it’ll be legit. She’d ask Crosby to walk her down the aisle, Buck was the best men, Elodie was the maid of honor and Meatball was going to carry the rings, with the two kids guiding him. Her hair was down, she didn’t have a veil, just a dress and heels.
He was nervous, but he was really happy. He was marring his girl. ‘’You ready for this?’’ Buck asked, coming in the room. ‘’Yeah, I’m nervous, but it’s my girl, I can’t wait to marry her’’ He sign. ‘’Let’s go its time.’’ Corporal says, as he enters the room. ‘’Thanks, Corporal’’ Bucky says. ‘’She’s a good girl, I’m happy for you, Major’’ he says. ‘’I appreciate it, Corporal, thank you.’’ They entered the room, soldiers were sat, some were still arriving. Nurses were there too, almost all the men and woman on the base were there. The priest was waiting for him at the altar. ‘’Who thought we would see Bucky tie the knot?’’ Lieutenant Dye said, even if he went home because he did 25 missions, he came back to see his friend get married. ‘’Yeah, well you did steal my previous girl, I had to find another one’’ he laughed. Right now, he couldn’t even think about Lil, the only woman that mattered to him was his future wife. When Bucky commented about their previous relationship, she bent her head down, ashamed. ‘’Don’t worry, Lil, he’s the better choice for you. I’m happy for your guys’’ He reassured her. Dye smiled to the groom and took the hand of his lady. Lil smiled and took a relived breath.
Once again, she was pacing around the room, Meatball following her with his head. Harry Crosby came in the room, smiling. ‘’Are you ready?’’ he asked. ‘’I feel like I’m going to throw up.’’ ‘’I know that feeling, but don’t worry I can recommend you to an amazing doctor’’ Crosby smiled, she laughed, it calmed her down a little. She didn’t even know why she was nervous, they both loved each other, but she was nervous. ‘’I’m really happy for you. You deserve happiness, Y/n, you both do.’’ They both hugged. ‘’You’re my best friend, Croz, thank you for everything you did for me’’ She whispered in his ear. ‘’Now, don’t make me cry.’’ They chuckled as Daisy came to get them. ‘’It’s time’’ she simply said.
When the band started to play music, Bucky’s heart stopped; she was coming. He turned around to look at his girl. She was magnificent, her dress was simple, but it was made for her. After all, they didn’t have much time to plan their wedding and their budget was small. Harry Crosby was walking her, he was grateful for him, he took care of her when he wasn’t there. When she saw him in his uniform, she started to smile like she never did before, she’d saw him in his uniform before, but he looks wonderful. When Harry and Y/n reached the groom, Crosby wanted to say something. Normally, her father would’ve give her to John, but Harry needed to say words to him. ‘’Take good care of her, just like she took care of you. Y/n smiled, hearing the word his best friend said to her future husband.
When Meatball came down the aisle, with the two boys, the soldiers chuckled. Everyone on the base knew that Y/n and Meatball came as a pair, they were together all the time. When she worked at the hospital, Meatball was there too, he made soldiers smile. The two boys handed the rings to the bride and groom. They recited the vow that the priest asked them too. It was beautiful, making them promise to each other that they will love the other, no matter what. It said that they would always be there for the other and stuff that made some people cry. When it was time for their personal vows, Y/n decided to go first. ‘’Bucky, my love, when I first met you, I thought you were going to be just another soldier that crossed my path. I was clearly wrong because, I’m now in a white dress in front of you. I did not just fell in love with you, I feel in love with your smile, your humor, your qualities and your flaws. I fell in love with each version of you, the one you show when you’re with your friends, the person you are when we are alone, the person that you’re too scared to show me, but did before you trusted me, and I also fell in love with the pilot version of you. Words aren’t enough to tell you how much you mean to me, but I’m so happy that Meatball came to me that day, so I could meet my soulmate’’ She cried, they were happy tears. Bucky was crying too, he didn’t care if some soldiers thought he was weak, that was the most beautiful thing he ever heard. ‘’My darling, my forever, I feel like the luckiest men on earth, because I get to be your husband. When things were rough, I think about you. Your smile, your laugh, your beautiful eyes and your voice. I’m not as talented with words as you are, but I can tell you this, it’s so hard for me to put our love into words, because I love you in ways, I have never loved anyone else, but I promise that I will spend the rest of my life, searching for them. I love you, my darling.’’ If the crowd didn’t cry to Y/n’s speech, they cried at Bucky’s. Even the priest was about to cry. ‘’ In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride.’’
They didn’t have to be told twice, their kiss was full of love and passion. It celebrated their love and said all the words they couldn’t find. The crowd applauded and congratulated the newly weds. ‘’I love you Mrs. Egan’’ Bucky said, looking at his wife. ‘’I love you more, Mr. Egan’’ she smiled.
After the celebration, and almost 4 songs that Bucky insisted on singing, they both pack all their things. Because has a weeding gift, the Corporal gave Bucky the right to go home. After all, he was at 23 missions, he was close to 25. And Y/n made Elodie the chief nurse, because the Corporal also gave her the right to go home. They were going home, they both couldn’t believe it, but it was the case. A smaller plane, that was made for traveling, was waiting for them on the runway. The newly weds were going back home on the same plane as Lieutenant Dye. They hugged their friends, Y/n gave Buck and Croz the phone number at Bucky’s home. That’s where they would live until they could afford a home. When they boarded the plane, they were euphoric. ‘’Can you actually believe we’re going home?’’ Y/n whispered. He shook his head. ‘’The only thing I believe right now, is the fact that you’re my wife, and my ribs are healed’’ he chuckled. She giggled when the decide to steel his watch, putting it in her bra. ‘’Come and pick it up after the flight’’ she teased with a huge smile. It was the beginning of their life together, and they would savor each second, they had together, because they both knew how easily life can change. But it wasn’t on their mind right now. The only thing on Bucky’s mind, was to pick up his watch, just like he did the first time.
A/n: It's the end y'all!!! Thank you for reading this story. I already have more ideas, for other stuff. Love you all :)
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suraemoon · 2 months
MOTA: Post-war
~ Easter Sunday Headcanons ~
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🐣: Easter Sunday lends itself so easily to daydreaming about post-war suburban life. Here are some ideas I thought up yesterday of how some of the boys and their families celebrate Easter. I hope you like some fluff. (Bunnies, eggs, and happiness galore)
💛: @precious-little-scoundrel gave me the idea to post these after I was yelling them to her yesterday. I hope you all aren’t Eastered out just yet.
Being some of the earliest birds to the nationwide baby boom due to a four-week New York getaway, the Crosby’s quickly become professionals at the Easter Sunday routine
After an hour of hiding yawns and dozing off while standing in their pews at Easter Sunday Service, all the neighborhood kids show up at the Crosby house for their famous annual Easter Egg Hunt.
As soon as their car rolls into the driveway, Jean and Harry watch in wonder as their crew of excited kiddos doubles, triples, and soon quadruples in a matter of minutes
Hiding spots are determined days in advance and as the years go on, the amount of eggs that Jean has to buy grows exponentially to account for the adopted little bunnies that come strolling by with baskets the size of their whole torsos
Mrs. Jean Crosby puts out chairs and a group of adoring parents get to gradually watch their children grow up before their loving eyes every April
The same toddlers who first waddled around on the newly mowed grass trying to find their footing all those years ago soon become elementary school kids with minds enthralled by the competition
Soon these toothy grinned kids become teenagers who keep the magic alive for the newest toddlers while also taking the time to show the next-gen elementary kids who are the professional easter egg hunters
The Crosby’s haven’t always had the holiday nailed though
One year after much convincing from his wife throughout the whole month of March, Harry agreed to dress up as the easter bunny
When he suddenly stuck his costumed head out from the top of their white picket fence, a church choir of crying and screaming ensued
Instead of being faced with the excited wonder-filled faces that he expected, Harry was met with wide eyes full of terror and dropped jaws full of shock
Children flailed to the protection of their mamas instead of going to hug the famous mascot of the season
He spent an hour going around to every child with his furry head off and shamefully cradled in his hands
apologizing and ensuring that yes, it was just Mr. Crosby, not a giant rabbit who hopped out of nowhere and scared the communion wafers out of them
In his adult life, John Bucky Egan never really cared for Easter festivities up until his eldest daughter was born
When sunny April came around the year that Little Miss Egan turned two, Bucky was excited to take her to the Easter egg hunt ran by the local Church
While the older kids go haywire in their now dirtied church suits and fancy dresses trying to pick up as many eggs as people they counted in church pews just a half hour before, Baby Egan waddles around gently.
Every egg she picks up is taken slowly and carefully from the soft grass beneath her Mary Jane’s, looked at with soft eyes as if being examined and if found fit, is put into her pink basket
Bucky, being impatient and full of excitement for this newly unlocked family activity, sneaks a few extra eggs into her basket to make it look like she has more
His little princess shouldn’t have to hunt for all her own eggs and risk getting her white lace dress dirty anyways
Egan is the only adult collecting eggs with a bunch of random kids. His excuse is that he and his little one share a basket of course. She needs her daddy to teach her how egg hunts are done in order to be better prepped for next year.
The Egan’s aren’t the only ones with a knack for egg hunts.
The Rosenthal children do not celebrate Easter but it does not stop them from showing up to the park’s “Eggstravaganza Hunt” every year
Being the determined little Rosies that they are, they dominate the competition. These kids will have their baskets full to the brim with eggs in a matter of minutes.
You notice a child with a head full of bouncy brown curls, pink cheeks, and grass stained knees run by you? You better hope that your little Bobby can keep up.
Rosie watches on like a focused parent at their child’s soccer game
His children with their chocolate and sugar covered faces furrow their eyebrows and tilt their heads when a random woman with a crying child tells them “Do y’all really need all that candy? Jesus would want you to share, don’t you think?”
The Mini Rosenthals come back home with sugar rushes that can power the whole neighborhood for a week straight
An upside for Rosie and his wife who have to deal with these energized little roadrunners is that the kids crash an hour earlier than usual
leaving room for extra alone time on a cool Sunday night
One easter, Benny Demarco randomly walks through the foyer of his home with a white floppy eared bunny wearing a perfect little bow tie
Is that the one you wore to our date last weekend? His wife can’t help but shake her head at her husband’s audacity as the children gather around their newest sibling with eyes full of happiness
The kids are excited but Mrs. Demarco has to try to put on a smile because “Who the hell is going to take care of that thing?”
Soon enough, a hutch is built in the backyard and more bunnies are added to the family
Mrs. Demarco falls in love and calls them her “bunny babes”
She’s met with a “I knew it was a good idea” from her husband every time she is seen cradling and baby-talking to one of their beloved pets
I mean…they are both major pet lovers. It’s one of the reasons they work so well together. But is one more responsible of the two? Definitely.
The excited squeals of children and adorable nose twitches of cute little bunnies makes it all worth it
The Demarcos aren’t the only 100th household with their own personal Easter Bunny
When John Egan jokingly told his four year old that leaving a baby carrot under her pillow would lead to a special gift from Mr. Easter Bunny himself, he did not expect her to take it seriously.
At midnight, Bucky wakes up with eyes hardly open and gets out of bed with a mission
This annual mission is to tiptoe into his daughter’s bedroom and carefully exchange the aluminum foil wrapped baby carrot tucked carefully under her soft pillow for a few cents from his wallet
As more children are born, the tradition continues
Even future generations of Egans continue to buy bags of baby carrots as Easter Sunday approaches
Not only to snack on them all of Spring Break but also to place one in a sandwich bag or wrap one in saran wrap to hide underneath each child’s pillow
Not necessarily knowing why they’re the only house that participates in this unusual tradition
Not knowing that it started from the unbreaking belief of a wide-eyed four year old and her father who stopped laughing when he realized that he was stuck playing off-brand Tooth Fairy for the rest of his life
Gale Cleven’s household has a more relaxed Easter Sunday compared to the rest
After Church, some Easter themed activities, and a well-needed nap upon arriving home, the Cleven’s go to their garden to plant new flowers
Fresh tulips, chrysanthemums, and pansies are all beautiful, refreshing signs that spring is here
Why do the Cleven’s have such green thumbs you ask? Maybe their blonde hair resembles the comforting sun, the plants can’t help but feel warmth. Maybe their caring blue eyes are as nurturing as water, the plants can’t help but thrive.
They started growing flowers and vegetables in their garden when the first after they bought their house
It was the Clevens’ first step towards making it a home
The flowers represented new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth. Essentials after everything they have been through.
Hope you enjoyed! Wishing everyone a happy, happy Spring🌸 My first time writing something and posting it in 4 months…ahhhh. There’s more where this came from, my mind just does not stop.
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
In My Arms
Sometimes your husband just needs to be held. (lots and lots of fluff)
Cowritten with @winniemaywebber! Also shoutout to Winnie for making yet another incredible playlist for this fic!
Warnings: mentions of cheating (but not really bc there was a war on come on y’all), definitely some historical inaccuracies in here, and plenty of tooth-rotting fluff with a touch of Emotions™️
Word count: 1k (short n sweet!)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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In the months since Harry Crosby had returned home, your husband hadn’t been able to keep his hands off you.
He’d always been like that in your more… private moments, of course, but now it seemed to be seeping into your daily lives.
You’d be walking past him to the kitchen and he’d trail his fingers along your arm, inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume as it lingered in the air.
He’d wrap his arms around you, hugging you from behind as you were bustling around on a cleaning day.
He’d pepper kisses over every bit of skin he could reach every chance he got.
It wasn’t that you minded— on the contrary, you loved it. But you were curious as to where the behavior had come from.
“Honey?” You ask softly one rainy afternoon as Harry has you tucked under his arm, his fingers trailing over every inch of you he can reach.
“Hm?” He hums contentedly, “What is it, love bug?”
“I’ve noticed that… well, since you’ve been home..” You fumble over your words, trying to find the right thing to say, “You’ve been… touching me, a lot? More than you used to before you left, at least. Not that it’s a bad thing,” you scramble to add, “It’s wonderful, and I’ve missed it so, so much, but… is there a reason for it?”
Harry sighs deeply, seemingly collecting his thoughts before he answers.
“When I was… away…” he begins carefully, “there were lots of things the men used to distract themselves from the anxiety and… well, our day to day lives over there. Physical affection was one of them.” He glances at you nervously, ensuring you understand his meaning before he continues, “I did partake in that once or twice, when it got really bad, but truly aside from that, all of my thoughts and wants were directed towards you.”
“I know, honey, I understand,” you assure him, eyes soft, “There was a war on, you— you did what you had to do to keep yourself sane.”
He relaxes, a weight you hadn’t noticed he’d been carrying since he’d returned suddenly lifted off his shoulders.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he breathes, brushing a kiss to your forehead before continuing.
“There wasn’t a lot of… softness, on the base. We took affection where we could find it on weekend passes, but if you didn’t do that, then it was just a bunch of claps on the back from your fellow airmen, maybe a dance or two with a WAC girl at the Officer’s Club, and not much else.”
You reach up to stroke through his soft curls as he speaks, and he unconsciously leans into your touch as he continues.
“So being home, being with you again…” he sighs, continuing softly “Having someone to touch me again… it’s almost like I have to make up for everything I missed out on. Everything that war made me miss.”
“Oh, my love,” you breathe, hyperaware of every inch of his skin touching yours.
It made sense. Surrounded by other men— soldiers, no less— of course they wouldn’t get the amount of physical affection they were used to, especially if they had wives or sweethearts, and to be stuck there for a year as your Bing had…
Harry lets out a soft sound of surprise as you move into his lap, wrapping your arms around him. You nuzzle into his neck, pressing every inch of your body against him as your fingertips return to raking through his hair.
He melts, his head nosing at the crook of your neck, eyes closed, even as he asks, “Darling?”
“Shhh,” you breathe, “Just let me hold you.”
You feel him sigh against your neck as his hands come up to squeeze you closer, even as he protests, “But didn’t we have things to do—”
“That can wait,” you assure him softly.
The only sound for several long moments is the soft sighs of your heavy breathing, until you speak up again.
“When you got back,” you whisper, “I was so, so happy. So ready for things to go back to normal, to be us again, that I skipped the part where I just let it sink in that you were home, and here.” You lift your head to press a kiss to his temple, “And I’m sorry, my love. I promise I’ll do better.”
You feel your husband shake his head against you, lifting his face to meet your gaze as his hand comes up to cup your face, thumb gently stroking along your cheek.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweet girl,” he murmurs, “I’ve got all the time in the world to hold you, now.”
He pulls you in for a sweet kiss as the two of you melt into each other, a soft bubble of sunlight amidst a dark and gloomy day.
You keep holding him for what feels like an eternity. You start to hear him whimper into you, his whole body tense and shaking. You feel wetness from his eyes drop on to your shoulder and you pull away, concern all over your face. 
“My love,” you say, your voice slightly strained. “What is it? What's wrong?”
“Oh, darling,” he sniffs, wiping the tears as quickly as they come, obviously embarrassed at showing this emotion. “I'm just–just so happy to be home with you.” You reach a hand out to touch his face, your eyes also filling with the same emotion. You swipe your thumb under his darling puppy eyes, your heart beginning to swell. 
“I'm so–” You struggle to formulate the words, your throat closing around all the swallowed emotion. “I'm so happy to have you home, too. I don't want us to ever be apart again, honey.”
“We won't be,” he replies, holding you close and kissing your temple, clinging to one another until your tears are spent. 
“I love you, Bing,” you breathe into his ear, fingers toying with the soft curls at the nape of his neck.
“I love you too, darling,” is his soft response, mumbled against your neck as he squeezes you tighter, and you know that you won’t let each other go again for a long while.
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Baby, it’s you
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Harry Crosby x Red Cross girl reader!
Summary: Harry thinks you’re into a certain handsome pilot, after a mission you get the chance to reassure him
Notes: angsty and fluffy
Word count: 1089
Dedicated to @xxluckystrike 💕
“Hey Bucky” I shot the tall, dark-haired pilot an eloquent look. “Just be careful up there, alright?”
“Don’t you worry sweetheart, I’ll get this plane back to you all in one piece” He answered with a big grin in my direction and winked.
I rolled my eyes, cracking a smile for the first time that morning, as he leaned down to give me a hug. Saying goodbye to the boys before they went flying again was always the toughest part of the job, but I knew I had to be there. It was the least I could for them given everything they were risking.
I swept my gaze over the rest of the group of those who had been chosen for that day’s mission until my eyes found the person they were looking for.
Croz had a strangely gloomy look on his face. He was looking at Bucky and then his eyes darted back to me, like he’d been paying close attention to our quick interaction.
I boiled it down to him being nervous and I tried to smile at him as reassuringly as I could despite the tightness gripping my stomach.
I wanted nothing more than take him by the hand and carry him away, do anything I could to stop him from getting on that damn plane, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. I didn’t move a muscle, not even allowing myself to get close to him because I couldn’t bear the thought of what might happen to him.
He smiled back, his entire face lighting up to show the happy, silly looking guy I’d come to know and love for a brief, wonderful moment.
I followed him with my eyes until he disappeared inside the vehicle together with everyone else, and I had to move away from the track to join the small crowd of people gathered to watch.
And then there was nothing left to do but wait. I could have never imagined the kind of experience of being up there, freezing, knowing you could be hit at any moments, but there was also a special kind of pain that came with being forced to sit around and wait.
Minutes would turn into hours, as I tried to keep myself occupied, to have something on my hands at all times. It was the only possible way to avoid driving yourself insane with worry.
So I went back to my everyday mansions, but if my hands were relatively easy to manage, however much I was doing my brain was a whole lot busier and there was no way to keep it empty.
My thoughts lingered on Harry and the last image of him that was burned into my brain: the way he smiled, the wind messing up his wavy hair. But I couldn’t stop thinking about that strange expression a few moments before he got on board: was he mad at me? If that was the last time I saw him, I never would’ve forgiven myself.
Finally we heard the alarm signaling the return of the planes and I held my breath, racing to the nearest window and counting them as they appeared together with everyone else. One, two, three, four, five…fifteen. Half of the original total number.
My heart was pounding in my chest as me and the other girls prepared to welcome the boys who’d made it back relatively unscathed.
I did my best to greet every last one of them with a smile, as they approached, handing them a blanket, a cup of coffee, a glass of water or whatever else they needed. But my eyes kept drifting away in search of the one crew I longed to see the most.
As I was leaning down to fetch other glasses, I heard a familiar sardonic voice: “Hello again, sweetheart”.
My face shot up: “Bucky! You’re alright!” I yelled. “Is he…?” I couldn’t even finish the question, my eyes searching his blue ones for the answer, he knew who I was talking about.
“Your navigator’s fine too” He said in a more confidential tone, smirking as said navigator finally appeared in my line of sight.
Heart racing, I scanned Harry up and down, he looked a little banged up but mostly intact. He cracked a half-hearted smile and before I knew it, I was running towards him and hugging him tighly.
He froze for a moment, taken aback, then his arms closed around my waist somewhat hesitantly.
“You’re not hurt, right?” I asked looking everywhere and fumbling with his clothes, suddenly concerned that I’d been too exhuberant. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m okay, really” He kept following my ministrations with his eyes as if I was some kind of desert mirage.
“Well it was about time” said Bucky looking at the two of us with a knowing smirk and a usual talent for ruining the moment.
Croz frowned, looking at me in search of an explanation. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
I gave a small chuckle, then gently took his hands in mine and secured them back around my waist, mine traveling up to his shoulders, holding eye contact. “What do you think it means?”
He blinked once, then twice as the realization slowly washed over him. “But I thought you…” His eyes drifted between the pilot and me and I finally understood.
That’s what that look was about?
“Me and Bucky?” I asked like it was the most ridiculous idea in the world. “Oh, you know the guy, he’s just a huge flirt. Nothing going on there”
“Oh” was all he could muster. It looked like the biggest weight had just been lifted from his shoulders.
I took a small step back, reluctantly releasing myself from our embrace. “I have to get back to work and you have to go relax. I’ll meet you later” I promised and leaned on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek, before slowly backing away still smiling at him.
“Later” Croz stood there stunned for a few seconds, raising his fingers to where my lips had touched him, until Bucky said something to him that my ears could no longer hear, but it made him burst into a laugh, a soft pink shade coloring his cheeks.
He was about to follow the pilot but then stopped again, turning in my direction. He smiled, shaking his head as if he still couldn’t believe what just happened. He waved goodbye at me and finally made up his mind and joined the rest of his group.
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montied · 4 months
starting a "needs a hug desperately" club, first members are eugene roe and harry crosby and me
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
Wild Horses - One
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
A/N: Please note all portions in italics are meant to be flashbacks :).
Chapter One Word Count: 4.3k+
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“Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired…” - Daughtry; Witness
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“Are you sure this is what you wanna do?” Pauline asked, lifting her coffee mug to her lips.
Amber let out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, Mom, it is.”
Pauline swallowed as she looked out the window to the backyard. The swing set was old and rusted, the sandbox her children had once played in now overgrown with weeds. Her daughter was nearing twenty. It was time to let her go and earn her wings.
“Then I think you should go for it,” she said with a sweet smile.
Relief spread over Amber as she rose from her chair to give her mother a hug.
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll make you proud, I promise.”
“You already do, sweetheart,” whispered Pauline as she patted Amber’s hand, a tear trickling out of the corner of her eye. “Now you go follow your dream. Laci and I will be just fine.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. She’s a wild one, keeps me on my toes. Just like you.”
Amber caught the loving admiration underneath Pauline’s joking tone.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too. Now stop making me teary-eyed and go pack.”
Amber grinned as she bound for her bedroom. She was gonna be okay. She could feel it.
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The restaurant was freezing. Actually, to say it was a restaurant was like calling that motel they’d stayed in the night before the Ritz. It was a dang Waffle House, but at least it was cheap. Amber had managed to save up some money on this short road tour, but she wasn’t about to splurge on a real restaurant, even if that sign she’d seen for that Mexican place had looked appealing. Still, it was so freaking cold in this joint, her nipples could’ve broken glass.
“And what can I get you, hon?” asked the blond middle-aged waitress.
Amber faked a smile as she rubbed her arms. “Eggs over easy with grits and bacon please.”
The waitress nodded and penciled in her order before addressing Carter who sat beside her. He ordered his usual - three waffles. Nothing else. Of course he would smother them later with butter and maple syrup. Amber watched him sip on his Coke when the waitress walked away and wondered how on earth he was able to carry all the band equipment day after day when he was loaded up on so much sugar. She never once saw him come down from his high and fall flat on his ass, but she waited for the day she would.
“How many more miles til Nashville?” groaned Brendan, running his palm down his face, his eyes weary.
“About eighty or so,” replied Johnny, smoothing out the road map in front of him. “Not much longer.”
“Good, cause I need a real bed. Alone.”
Amber smiled meekly at her bass player. Brendan had taken the wheel early that morning after they’d left Charlotte. The boys were getting a bit restless and annoyed with having to share a motel room, one of them usually opting for the floor or the van so they wouldn’t have to share a bed. Occasionally if Amber got a double room, Carter would convince her to let him take the other bed. Sometimes in the beginning he’d even slip himself into her single bed, and she wouldn’t kick him out if she was drunk enough. But those days were over, she’d told him.
Nashville would be a different situation. The band was scheduled to play a festival, billed as one of the opening acts. It would be excellent exposure for them, and in return they got free accomodations at the Hilton. It was a sacrifice Amber was willing to make to get the recognition. She’d just decided not to tell the boys until after the show that they weren’t getting paid.
The waitress brought their food and other than the sounds of chewing and swallowing, the occasional burp, the four sat in silence. Amber continued to rub her arms when she could, the coffee doing little to warm her up. She’d wished she’d brought her hoodie, but since it was damn near a hundred degrees outside, she hadn’t even bothered to pull it out of her duffle bag. Suddenly, she felt another set of hands on her skin, and she looked up to see Carter, a small grin on his face as he rubbed her naked arms.
“Cold?” he raised a brow.
“Yeah,” she sighed, allowing his long arms to envelop her as she scooted closer to him.
Her stomach did one of those flip-floppy things that she didn’t like. Okay, maybe she liked it, but she didn’t want to. She’d been firm with Carter that they were not a couple, and he wasn’t supposed to act like they were. He’d reluctantly agreed, what with being in a band together and all. But sometimes he could be really sweet. Sometimes he…
“Can I get you anything else, hon?” the waitress asked.
“I don’t think so,” replied Carter, giving her his best smile as he squeezed Amber tighter with one hand and patted his stomach with the other. “That was great.”
The blond winked at him and set the check beside him before twisting her hips and strutting to the next table. Johnny and Brendan began to pull out their wallets until Amber stopped them.
“I got this one, guys,” she explained, giving Carter a nudge so he’d slide out of the booth.
Brendan shrugged, returning his wallet to his back pocket. Johnny dropped a few ones on the table and folded up the road map. As Amber paid the bill at the counter, Carter slid a hand across her butt and whispered in her ear.
“Meet you in the van.”
Amber nodded. “Be there in a minute. I gotta use the bathroom.”
“Ooh, honey, he’s a cutie,” Amber heard the waitress say when the boys were out of ear-shot. She scoffed.
“He your boyfriend?” the blond continued.
“No,” Amber shook her head as she took her change. “Just my drummer.”
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“Yes!” exclaimed Brendan when he opened his hotel room door. “At last! My own room!”
Amber chuckled in the hallway, her duffle bag over her shoulder as she made her way to her room. The door clicked shut behind Brendan, but she could still hear him shouting something about ‘getting used to this’. Johnny’s room was across from Brendan’s, Amber’s next to it.
“I’m so ready for a nap,” she remarked, her card key in the door.
“Now? I thought...maybe we could hang out for a while. In mine.” Carter pointed across the hall.
“I’m exhausted, Carter.”
“I know, but…” he paused, his lips quivering into a suggestive grin, “can’t you be exhausted in here? With me?”
“Ugh...Carter…” Amber groaned. Here we go again, she thought.
“I give great back rubs.”
“I know you do,” she nodded with disinterest. “But I’m not feeling that great. I don’t think that Waffle House agreed with me.”
Amber heard the click of the lock and pushed her door open.
“Carter,” she rolled her eyes, dropping her bag on the floor next to the bathroom. “I’m going to sleep. See you at dinner.”
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Pauline held up the phone so Amber could see Laci dance around the living room in her tutu. Amber beamed and giggled as Laci did the same, twirling like a ballerina.
“Yay!” Amber clapped when Laci was finished. “Good job!”
Laci continued to giggle, her brown curls bouncing as she fell over on the couch, her head in Pauline’s lap.
“She’s been practicing,” Amber’s mom announced.
“I can tell! How’s school?”
“It’s going great. Her teacher says she’s always excited to come and never wants to leave.”
“Aw, I’m glad,” said Amber.
A knock sounded on her door so she rose from the bed to answer it. Carter stood on the other side, his hands in his pockets. Amber lifted a finger and pointed to her cell phone to indicate she was talking on it. Carter nodded and followed her into the room, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey, Mom, I gotta go. We’re about to go to dinner.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” Pauline nodded. “Have fun in Nashville!”
“I will. Bye Laci!” she waved into the phone. The little girl’s head popped into the screen she blew kisses.
“Love youuuuu!”
“I love you too, baby girl.”
Hanging up the call, Amber shoved her phone into her back pocket and looked up at Carter. He’d apparently had a shower, his caramel hair combed back, his clean t-shirt stretching across his broad shoulders.
“Ready?” she breathed, hoping he hadn’t noticed how it caught in her throat.
“Yeah, Johnny and Brendan are downstairs.”
“Okay.” Amber stepped into her sandals and walked around him to the door.
“Yeah?” she stopped.
Carter scratched his stubbled chin before shoving his hand back in his pocket.
“Sorry about...before,” he offered.
Amber chewed her cheek and shrugged. “You didn’t do anything.”
“I know but…” he hesitated, then looked down at his feet. “Hey, I know how you feel about us-”
Amber held up a hand. “There is no us, Carter. We’re friends. Bandmates. That’s all.”
His jaw set so hard he could cut through steel, Carter nodded. “Got it.”
Amber sighed. “Carter…”
Stepping closer to her, he put his hands on her waist.
“We got something, Amber. You might not see it yet, but I do. All those times you cried on my shoulder til four in the morning. Those nights in your bed-”
“It’s over, Carter,” she pushed his hands away.
“But I don’t want it to be.”
Amber swallowed hard as she looked down. “It needs to be,” she whispered.
“But why?”
“Because...that was the old me.”
Amber felt Carter sigh more than heard it. She watched his feet as he stepped around her to open the door.
“You’ll want me again, Amber. Maybe not tonight. But one day you will.”
Amber glared at him as he held the door. Maybe he was right.
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Harry didn’t usually stay with his band. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, and it wasn’t an ego thing. It was more of a safety thing. If fans got wind of where Mitch, Sarah, Adam or Clare were, nine times out of ten they figured Harry was somewhere near. They would bombard the hotel just to get a glimpse of him, and sometimes things could get out of hand. And Harry didn’t want his band to feel like they couldn’t get out and see the city if they wanted to. So early on Jeffrey Azoff, his friend and manager, had talked him into staying at a different hotel from theirs. And so far it had worked.
Today, however, Harry decided to join his band in the hotel restaurant - the Hilton where the rest of the band members were staying. He reckoned no one would suspect he would be there, so he could slip in and take a seat with the gang and enjoy a private meal. But he’d thought wrong.
He wasn’t sure if it was the girl who nearly fainted in the lobby, or if there had been paps or someone else outside who’d recognized him, but by the time he made it around the corner near the elevators, just outside the restaurant, he was surrounded. Cursing under his breath, he put on a brave face and greeted the mob of fans.
Fans. That was actually too kind of a word. He knew who his true fans were. They were the ones who bought his album and tickets to his shows. They were outside waiting in a queue for hours so they’d get a good spot in the general admission section. They had websites and blogs and wrote fanfiction and made their own merch. They weren’t waiting outside of hotel restaurants hoping to get a selfie with someone they may or may not actually had heard of, let alone sang along to in the car. But being the Harry Styles that he was, he knew it wasn’t fair to pick and choose. Treat people with kindness, that was his motto. He lived by the golden rule, even when all he wanted to do was get a bloody meal with his friends.
When the last girl had left, a squeak in her voice as she snapped one last photo, Harry strolled into the restaurant, waving at his bandmates who sat in the corner of the nearly empty room. Immediately a waiter came by, setting a glass of water in front of him.
“Evening,” nodded the waiter in a monotone.
“We already ordered for you,” said Clare.
“Oh. Thanks,” Harry grinned, setting his napkin in his lap.
“Guess, this isn’t happening again,” remarked Mitch.
“What isn’t?”
“This,” Mitch gestured. “Dinner at our hotel. You were mobbed.”
Harry shrugged with a sigh. “Yeah. It wasn’t too bad. Coulda been worse.”
Sarah and Mitch glared at him before lifting their glasses simultaneously. The waiter came with their food then, and the mood was lightened with idle chatter. Halfway through his salad, however, Harry could feel eyes upon him. He had a gift, he did. He could always tell when he was being watched. Usually it involved a camera, but when he lifted his gaze to browse the room, he only found a pair of pretty blue eyes. They belonged to a young woman sat at the table across the room, one of only two others occupied in the restaurant presently. She was joined by three other lads, who all seemed to be doing their best to pay attention to themselves and each other, and certainly not to her.
He had no idea how or why. She was cute. She had pouty red lips and a heart-shaped face. And there was no way he could ignore the way she tried to look away when he caught her looking at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Yeah, he would definitely be paying attention to her.
Actually, come to think of it, she looked right familiar to him. Biting his lip, he tried to place her.
A burst of laughter broke his thoughts and he turned his head to see Adam showing the other three a video of his kid on his phone.
“How adorable!” exclaimed Clare.
As Adam scrolled to find another funny video, Harry leaned toward Mitch.
“Hey mate, who’s that?” he pointed to the girl across the room. “Do you know her?”
Mitch shrugged just as Sarah said, “That’s Amber Crosby.”
“Who?” Mitch and Harry asked in unison.
“Amber Crosby? She’s part of the festival tomorrow?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “That’s her and her band.”
“Ohh,” sounded Harry. Amber Crosby, that’s right. He’d heard her single a few times. She was good.
“How do you know this?” inquired Mitch.
“Because I make it a point to keep up with what’s going on,” remarked Sarah, pursing her lips. Mitch mocked her with a face which earned him a pinch.
Harry watched Amber sit with her band, though she might as well had been sat there alone. She reached for her glass of water, taking a sip through a straw before her eyes wandered up and locked with Harry’s again. He caught the slight blush in her cheeks as she quickly averted her gaze and set her glass back down.
“Hey, Harry, are y-” he heard Mitch begin, but he didn’t stay to listen to the rest of the sentence. Instead, he rose from his chair and crossed the room to where Amber sat.
“Hello,” he greeted when he reached her table. “Amber Crosby, right?”
Once again, he didn’t miss the rosiness of her cheeks as she lifted her head.
“Yes,” she smiled up at him.
“I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Harry Styles.”
Amber beamed wider, taking Harry’s outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“I saw that you’re playing tomorrow,” he half lied.
“Yeah,” Amber made a face. Harry wasn’t sure if it was one of embarrassment or annoyance. But either way, he liked how her nose crinkled when she did it. “I think we’re like second or third. So we’ll be out of here by sundown.”
Harry feigned shock, placing his hand on his chest. “And miss my set?”
Amber giggled. “Well, I don’t want to, but you know…”
“Hey, man,” uttered the straight-nosed guy sat next to Amber. If he hadn’t extended his hand, Harry might have thought he was about to threaten him.
“Oh, sorry!” Amber sat up, addressing the three men at the table. “Harry, this is Carter, Brendan and Johnny. My band. Guys, this is Ha-”
“Harry Styles, man, nice to meet ya!” Carter nearly slapped his hand against Harry’s, making Amber grimace. But Harry was gracious, shaking each man’s hand and making them feel important.
“I’ve heard your song,” said Harry, “it’s really good.”
It was Amber’s turn to cover her heart. “Oh, thank you.”
“Yeah, I’m anxious to hear more.”
His eyes met Amber’s then, making her smile. He didn’t miss Carter’s arm, however, that suddenly stretched across the back of her chair.
“Will you be there tomorrow?” asked Amber. “I mean, as early as we’ll be playing?”
“Yeah, I should be. I’ll be popping in off and on throughout the day.”
“What time are you on?” piped up one of the other lads. Damn, Harry had forgotten their names. Brandon? Brennan?
“We’re on at eight,” replied Harry.
“Oh. We might be gone by then,” Carter declared, his fingers playing on Amber’s shoulder. “We have another gig to get to the next day.”
“Oh, too bad,” Harry frowned, not missing the maneuver Amber pulled to get her shoulder out of Carter’s reach. “Well, just wanted to say hello, and um...best of luck tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Amber and her band sang.
Harry gave a small wave as he turned back for his table, rejoining his own band.
“What d’you think?” Sarah raised a brow.
“She seems lovely.”
Just then Amber and her band rose from their table, heading for the exit.
“I think I’ll try to introduce myself tomorrow,” said Sarah. “I definitely wanna catch their set.”
But Harry was barely listening. He watched Amber follow the men out of the restaurant, turning around once to wave at him. He smiled and waved back.
He definitely wanted to catch their set too.
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Carter thought he heard something. It was a cheap motel, and the walls were very thin. But did he detect the sound of someone crying? Amber’s room was next door. Could it be…
He waited a few more minutes, just to be sure. Then swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he sat up and walked to the door, hesitating only for a split second before stepping outside.
He knocked gently at first, then thought that was ridiculous and knocked louder. She didn’t answer right away, though that didn’t surprise him. Again, he knocked, this time calling her name.
“Amber! Amber, are you in there?” He knew his question was pointless; of course she was in there. And she was hurting.
He heard the click of the lock before the door opened, just enough to reveal half of her tear-stained face.
“Are you okay?” Another stupid question. Of course she wasn’t okay.
She shook her head, her hair falling over her eyes. Carter let out a deep breath.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Amber looked down and shook her head again. “Not really.”
Carter nodded. He wasn’t going to push her.
“Can I...come in?”
Swallowing hard, Amber stepped back, her head still bowed. When Carter shut the door behind him, she finally looked up at him.
It was only then that it dawned on Carter that he was shirtless. He’d been lying on his bed after returning to his room, still in his jeans, his sweaty t-shirt and shoes discarded across the room in a pile. His mind on getting to Amber, he hadn’t bothered to put on a clean shirt.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
With a sharp turn, Amber ran to the bed, planting herself on it face down.
“Hey,” Carter whispered as he sat down next to her. He watched her back tremble and shake as she cried into her pillow. “Amber…”
When she didn’t reply, he looked around the tiny room. On the nightstand sat a half-empty bottle of whisky. It wasn’t open, but he picked up the empty glass next to it and sniffed it. He made a face as he wondered if she’d already drunk that much tonight.
“Amber,” he said again.
Just as he reached for her, she sat up and wrapped her arms around him. He’d let her cry as much as she wanted; he was willing to wait all night if he needed to. Finally, she lifted her head, wiped her eyes and sniffled.
“I hate my life,” she admitted.
“I’m so tired, Carter,” she cried. “So very tired. Of everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sick of trying so hard...when it doesn’t get me anywhere.”
Pushing a strand of her brown hair from her wet, sticky cheek, Carter assumed she meant the band, her music. But then she dropped the bomb.
“I just want someone to love me,” she whined, her big brown eyes searching his face. “Why is that so hard?”
“Am I unlovable?” she asked.
“What? No!” Carter knew that wasn’t true. Okay, maybe he wasn’t in love with her. But he’d definitely had feelings since they’d met. He knew she’d had a hard life and kept her guard up, but he’d never gotten the whole story. He’d always hoped one day she’d tell him.
“Sometimes…” she hesitated, “sometimes I just wanna end it.”
“End what?” Damn, he was full of dumb questions tonight. He knew the answer. He just hoped he was wrong.
“My life.”
He took her face in his hands then. He wanted to yell at her, shake her into reality. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying, Amber,” he said firmly.
“Don’t I?” she rolled her eyes. “No one gives a shit about me.”
“I do. I care.”
“You do?” Though her eyelids were heavy, she fluttered her lashes.
Carter could smell the liquor on her breath before he kissed her. He didn’t care. He wanted her to know she was wanted.
She hadn’t asked him to stay that night, but he had anyway. He wanted to make sure she was okay. And when she’d gotten up to puke, he’d held back her hair.
Carter sort of made a habit of staying in Amber’s room after that. About a month or so later, after they shared an entire bottle of whisky, she told him her story.
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“Ten minutes,” the stage assistant announced, sending nervous tingles down Amber’s spine.
“Okay, okay,” she breathed, shaking her limbs and fingers. “Let’s do this.”
Just then she heard a voice behind her, one that she recognized from the night before. She turned to see Harry Styles chatting with Brendan along with his bandmates Sarah and Mitch whom she’d met an hour ago. When their eyes met, he smiled widely and stepped toward her.
“Hi, Amber,” he greeted. “Promised I’d make it to see you, and here I am.”
Amber returned his smile, her insides giggling with glee. He hadn’t actually promised that, not in so many words, but she thought it was a nice gesture.
“Good to see you, Harry,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t crack before she even made it to the stage.
“You’ve met Sarah and Mitch,” he confirmed in part question.
“Yes, I did. They’re so nice.”
“I have a great band,” Harry nodded.
“You definitely do. They all seem very fond of you. As they should.”
“Five minutes!”
“I’m on next,” Amber voiced with wide eyes.
“Best of luck to you,” Harry grinned. “You’ll be great.”
“Hope so,” she breathed. She looked around to see her band members coming toward her. For some reason she got more nervous when she made eye contact with Carter.
“Hey, man,” he said as he approached Harry, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, good luck, mate,” Harry reached out his hand to tap Carter’s arm.
“Places people!” the stage hand called.
Amber shrieked, trying to let her body release the last of its nerves. She caught the tiny giggle coming from Harry and gave him a shrug.
“Always nervous,” she muttered.
She hadn’t expected Harry to take her hand then. And she hadn’t expected to feel the electricity that charged through her skin from his touch. And she hadn’t expected the look in his eyes to take all her nerves away and make her feel calm.
“Let’s go!” Carter shouted, his hand on her back as he pushed her onto the stage.
Harry watched Amber Crosby’s short set from backstage. She was good. Better than good, she was fantastic. He loved the tone of her voice, both warm and clear. She had a youthful quality about her while also being very sensual, like some of the classic country females whom he enjoyed. Though he was familiar with the radio hit, he liked her other songs just as much, if not more. He wondered if she wrote them all, and he made it a point to ask her when he got the chance. If he got the chance. He was disappointed that she and her band would be leaving after their set. There was something about her… he didn’t know what exactly, but he wanted to find out.
The crowd cheered after their last song, making Harry smile. He hardly knew this girl, but he was already feeling a sense of pride for her. His own hands clapping eagerly, he watched as the band took a bow together and turned to exit the stage. He felt the presence of two bodies stepping to either side of him, joining him in his applause.
“So what do you think?” asked Sarah.
“I think I just found my new opening act,” Harry replied.
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As always feedback is appreciated (even if it is an old fic lol).
29 notes · View notes
bitchsister · 1 month
Alright anon…. Fine
I’m totally working out of order with my requests but i promise, I’m chugging along!!
Shoutout to Crosby for being a good roommate and bestie!
This kinda hurt my heart!!!!! :)
Also Alex I know this was u that asked this. Coward
Six months — Curt felt sick with it. He’d check his phone religiously, hoping a new text would arrive from Bucky and when it wouldn’t, his mood would reflect just that.
He’d start fights at the skate park for no real reason, even swung his cue stick at an annoying forty-something who couldn’t find anything better to do than judge of game of pool between a group of drunken college kids who were only there to have fun.
He was then banned from the only bar within walking distance with a pool table.
He laid in his dorm room, staring at the bottom of Crosby’s bunk as he contemplated sending the text.
We need to talk
Delete, delete.
Can we talk?
“Just send it.” Crosby rolled his eyes dramatically, hopping up into his bed and draping himself over the side to watch him type another text out and delete it. “You’re both adults. Dude’s acting like a fucking child.”
Curt sighed heavily, switching the cheek in which he sucked on his lollipop. “He’s a lawyer, Harry.” He rationed, though he knew it wasn’t a decent excuse for not hearing from him for six days. “He’s just busy, m’sure.”
The last time they were together, Curt spent the whole weekend and everything was so devastatingly romantic in a way he wouldn’t expect the same person that cooked him dinner, laid Curtis down and massaged his entire body, sat with him in an obnoxiously large bathtub with champagne, to go ghost for almost an entire week.
“He’s playing the field, Biddy.” Crosby stayed where he was, hanging upside down over their bunks to watch Curt type out yet another text. “Better to get this over with now rather than later.” He’d done his fair share of back and forths. “Situationship with a man ten years your senior?” He huffed. “It’ll put you in the ward — take it from me.”
He slung himself back into his own bed, yawning loudly before he continued. “Send it. Tell him what you want out of this.” He flicked the little lamp clipped to his headboard on, a book cracked open in his lap. “Or suffer in silence, ‘cause I can’t do this shit with you anymore.”
Curt nodded slowly, having no true rebuttal as he knew full well Harry was making decent points.
“Full send.” He mumbled, thumb smashing the little blue send button, his phone tossed up to Harry into his bunk. “I ain’t lookin’. Just tell me if he responds.” He hugged his folded arms over his eyes, a loud sigh deflating him.
Five minutes passed by but to Curt it had felt like an eternity.
“Damn,” Harry opened Curt’s phone, his passcode memorized from all the times he’d hijacked Curt’s Uber account to order them rides from the bars or to drain all of his credits on his TouchTunes. “Probably waiting by the phone like you were, Biddy.”
Curt peeked from behind his arms, his voice muffled. “What’d he say?”
“He said —“ Crosby turned on his side, squinting at the screen that was spiderwebbed with cracks. “I can pick you up. Question mark.”
Another groan rolled out of him as he sat up, his hands covered in the sleeves of his sweatshirt scrubbed over his face. “Say yes. Say — uh, say yes, I’d like that, or somethin’.”
He scrambled to yank his clothes off, scuttling around to find another outfit.
“Ah, no.” Crosby laughed as he shook his head, typing out a simple and to the point ‘Ok’ and hitting send. “Let’s remember who ghosted you for a week, please. Right now, you like nothing he does.” His gaze landed on Curt who stared up at him. “Okay?”
Bucky pulled up outside of the south hall where Curt climbed into his car and picked at the cuts on his knuckles. “Hey.” He said simply, looking over at Bucky who looked exhausted but still just as beautiful, his hand reached over to rest over Curt’s left thigh.
Their spot wasn’t far from campus - only about a two minute drive away was an overlook near the river where Bucky put his car into park, his body turning toward Curt to really look at him. “What’s up?” He asked, biting back a yawn. “Thought you’d be getting to bed by now.”
Curt shook his head slowly, his fingertips tracing the veins in Bucky’s hand. “I couldn’t sleep.” I’ve missed you for a whole week. “Thinkin’ about you.”
If it wasn’t so dark, Curt would have seen Bucky’s cheeks and how they’d been painted all rosy. “That right?” He hooked his hand around Curt’s and pulled him into his lap. “What about me?”
Curt felt Bucky’s hands slide beneath his shirt, palms pressed to the soft and warm skin there. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t lay his heart out on the line like that so instead he kissed his lips, fingers threaded through his sleepy waves that had been in bed already, his poor brain completely obliterated by the workday.
“Oh,” Bucky whispered, “missed that.”
Then why haven’t you spoken to me?
Where have you been?
Why did you go ghost for almost an entire week?
Curt bit his tongue, too high on getting what he’s daydreamed about since the last time he felt it to sour the moment by demanding answers.
It’d dawned on Bucky rather quickly that the way Curtis tasted would stay with him for ages.
Sweet, artificial cherry where in the background somewhere a joint smoked on the sidewalk as he waited for Bucky to pick him up left its mark.
Days would pass, and Bucky could still taste him.
Curtis lingered. He made an impression, slathered over the brains of anyone he crossed paths with.
Loud, little, an electric shock to the system.
Bucky licked into his mouth, sucked on his tongue, chased the taste of him into the back of his own throat. He behaved as if he wanted to devour him. Like he’d been starved just as badly as Curtis had been.
So, why hadn’t he just said something?
Why didn’t he ask to see him?
Why, why, why?
A surge of adrenaline had woken Bucky up, his hands guiding Curt to lie his belly over the center console, his ass in Bucky’s face as Curt giggled. “Said you wanted to talk,” he whispered, pulling the elastic waistband of Curt’s sweatpants below the supple curve of his ass. “Or did you just want this?”
Curt groaned softly into the leather seat he hid his face in, his thighs spread apart as Bucky got into position between them, his tongue licking big, fat stripes over Curt’s hole that missed him so desperately.
No one, absolutely no one did it for him the way Bucky did.
His hands, his lips, his hair, his mustache that Crosby said was so Dilfy. His teeth, his eyes, his voice and the way he called Curt baby once after a bottle of wine.
He held onto it.
He replayed it over and over in his mind.
Ride that cock, baby.
Oh, please, can I be your baby?
“I told you,” Curt whispered softly through a moan once Bucky really began to eat him up, his thighs shaking as he rut his ass into Bucky’s face. “I missed you so much.”
Barely there, hardly audible above the obscene sounds Bucky’s mouth had been making.
A loud crack of skin pierced his eardrums, his left asscheek stinging once Bucky had pulled away and spread him just to get a look and soak him all up. “You’re just perfect,” what are you doing with someone like me? “Let me take you home with me.” His voice was rough and yet so gentle when he pulled Curt back into his lap.
Face to face again.
“I got class in the morning.”
“I’ll drop you off.”
Curt cupped Bucky’s cheeks, nodding slowly as he huffed to catch his breath. “I can’t skip.” He shuffled back into the passenger seat, his sweatpants throw into the back with his underwear, his big sweater long enough to cover him if need be. “Need this final to pass.”
Bucky had thrown it into drive faster than ever, trying his best not to become too distracted by Curtis who leaned against the passenger side door and faced Bucky as he drove, his thighs lifted and his toes curled as he fucked himself with his fingers.
“Fuck.” I’m so in love with you. “You’re filthy.” You’re too good for me.
“You want me, don’t you?” Curt shivered with another moan that ripped right through him. “Want me so fucking bad. Look at you.” He extended his leg to toe over the bulge in Bucky’s own sweatpants, his favorite ones for sleeping, not for concealing a hard-on.
Bucky stayed silent, his lip between his teeth as he drove.
“Don’t you.” Curt urged, the sole of his foot pressed against Bucky’s erection.
Not good enough.
“Then why ain’t you talked to me for a week?” Curt was stroking himself instead, saving the fucking for Bucky.
This isn’t how he expected to ask, but some sort of confidence had taken over.
“I - I was just busy.” Bucky turned to look at Curt, his brows furrowed as he wondered how they’d so quickly ended up here. “Work, Curt.”
“You couldn’t send me a single text?”
Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat, staring at the red light that taunted him. “I — it doesn’t mean I don’t wanna see you..”
“Then why haven’t you?”
“I told you. Work.”
Curt scrambled to his knees, leaned over the console but this time it was to get closer to Bucky’s face with his own. “Try again.” His sights narrowed and his lips tugged into an annoyed grimace. “Why haven’t you?”
Bucky sat silent for awhile, driving idly as they caught every red light under the sun. “Listen — I —“ he blinked a few times, trying to arrange his thoughts “What do you want out of this, Curt?”
Caught off guard, Curtis slowly backed away from Bucky and sat on his folded legs in the passenger seat, his expression morphing from everything to nothing. “What do I want out of this?”
“Yeah, I - I mean—“ Bucky stuttered. “What do you want out of this? Out of us? Do you see this going anywhere?”
Curt was unsure how to answer that, absolutely certain that what he said next could make or break everything but he didn’t quite care.
Was Bucky who he thought he was?
Why’d he bring Curt to his home, make him dinner and eat him out like he was dessert the first night they met if there wasn’t something between them?
“These things, Curt. They get easier with age, you know..”
He wanted to throw up.
In fact, he was certain he would.
He scrambled to pull his sweatpants back on, scrapping his underwear in Bucky’s backseat. “Fuck this.” He grumbled, tugging his shoes on that were thankfully already tied. “And fuck you.”
{ending this here. Curt definitely gets out and walks back to campus but Bucky follows him all the way back and begs for him to come back and talk. Curt absolutely does not}
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
i would love to hear more about jack being bribed. this is the most undisciplined bomb group after all, they have to clean up their record somehow (read: lying and bribery)
The only way to do this justice is to explain the crimes that led to the bribes. And the best way to do that is to call out each man by name.
Bubbles Payne:
The Crime: Being chipper every goddamn morning no matter what.
The Bribe: Jack hasn't sewn his own buttons in two years. Bubbles can sew a button in about two minutes.
Harry Crosby:
The Crime: Doing navigation equations out loud. Including all math symbols needed to complete them.
The Bribe: Two books for every one equation Jack has to hear out loud. Westerns are worth 1.5 other books, as they're Jack's favorite genre.
Curtis Biddick:
The Crime: Thrice-weekly bar fights (average).
The Bribe: A subscription to Jack's favorite muscle magazine. He totally reads the articles. Totally.
Robert Rosenthal:
The Crime: Trying to sing.
The Bribe: Being the best fucking pilot Jack's ever seen and fucking humble about it. Seriously. No bribes necessary, just keep doing what you do, Rosie. Except singing. Which you cannot actually do.
The Crime: Loving puns.
The Bribe: Helps Jack write letters that don't feel stilted or dull.
The Crime: Camp champion for number of penicillin shots needed for VD.
The Bribe: Cold hard cash. Fifty cents a shot.
The Crime: Reminding Jack entirely too much of his kid brother.
The Bribe: Accepting Jack's hugs but pretending like he's never been hugged by Jack ever.
The Crime: Wise ass.
The Bribe: His mother's chicken soup. Which reminds Jack of his own mom's chicken soup.
The Crime: Existing.
The Bribe: Existing (Jack admits this one only makes sense if you really get how he and Bucky work.)
The Crime: Being secretly feral and convincing everyone except Jack he's not.
The Bribe: Stopping Bucky from singing sometimes.
The Crime: Being a Chicago Italian (Jack's got Irish family in Chicago; it's not a Mob thing, just a neighborhood thing).
The Bribe: Knows how to properly cook cabbage.
Ken Lemmons:
The Crime: Using his hick accent and big blue eyes to convince RAF pilots he's never seen a real British pound and pocketing several dollars a week.
The Bribe: 1 out of 5 pounds ends up in Jack's pocket.
The Crime: Not going to the goddamn doctor for his fucking gallstones and nearly dropping dead*.
The Bribe: Visiting Jack every chance he gets and apologizing for, oh, six months.
The Crime: Letting people think she's the Colonel's daughter because they have the same name and everyone just assumed**.
The Bribe: Telling Jack the truth (Harding DOES have a daughter named Helen, but she's four) because she can see he has a crush and likes him enough to give him a nudge.
The Crime: Being a fucking Husky.
The Bribe: Being a fucking Husky.
(*Actual reason Harding had to leave the 100th. Having had gall bladder surgery, I literally do not know how he ignored it long enough to nearly fucking die.)
(**In actual fact, Actual!Harding had a daughter named Helen who is meant to be the Helen in the show. But for fandom purposes, no she's not, and yes, she is totally playing people about it. It keeps the worst of the flyboys away from her.)
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daysofxavierspast · 24 days
Prompt: Loss Crubbles
Here you go, @sweaterkittensahoy!
“Lieutenant Crosby, sir?” Bubbles glanced over at Major Harding, afraid of what he was going to say. He knew the Bremen mission was going to hell in a handbasket, and the kernel of hope he held that his best friend would make it back alive was quickly fading.
“I’m sorry, son. He didn’t make it.” Harding reached out and placed a hand on Bubbles’ shoulder.
Bubbles felt like the world was shattering around him. They were supposed to stay together forever. They were supposed to travel the world together. They were supposed to grow old together. All of that, gone in an instant. He couldn’t disguise the crack in his voice or hide the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Thank you, sir.”
He turned on his heel and walked away.
“Bubbles? Are you okay?” Ken had found Bubbles sitting in the shadow of She’s Gonna’s wing, the metaphorical bird shielding her chick from the world, knees pulled up to his chest, cap pulled low over his eyes.
“Harry’s gone, Kenny.”
“Oh buddy…c’mere.” Ken sat down next to Bubbles and gathered him in his arms, feeling the other man collapse into his embrace.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. It shoulda been me up there! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!”
“Bubbles, we gotta believe that Harry and the rest of the crew are okay. They might’ve ditched and gotten found by the Resistance. Hell, they might be somewhere in England. You gotta trust me. Blakely would do anything to make sure they got down safe.” Ken gently wiped away Bubbles’ tears.
“And what if they didn’t? I-I was gonna confess to him tonight. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without him. He was my better half.”
“Look at me, Joe. They’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go to the base chapel. You a praying man?”
“Not in combat, but I’ve been praying all day.”
“God will hear you.”
Bubbles let Ken lead him to the chapel, an arm slung around his shoulders keeping him from falling to the ground in despair. They lit candles and prayed. Ken turned to Bubbles and gave him another hug.
“I’ll be outside, Joe. You tell God whatever you need to say.”
Bubbles nodded and knelt on the floor, closing his eyes and bowing his head.
“God, I know I’m not the best man here, not by a long shot. I’m loud and I swear too much and I know I don’t pray as much as I should. I try to do my best to follow You, even though I know I trip a lot. I just need one thing today. Bring Harry back to me.”
That night, Bubbles sat at a table in the officers’ club, trying to drown his sorrows. The men knew he was grieving, and let him be. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice and looked up. He could barely believe his eyes.
“Hey Joey. Why the long face?”
Harry was covered in cuts, but he was alive. Wonderfully alive. Bubbles stood up, nearly knocking over his drink. He grabbed onto Harry and pulled him close, holding him as tightly as he could.
“Harry? Is it really you?”
“‘Course it’s me. What, do you think I’d come back and forget to hug my favorite person in the world?”
“I don’t know whether to slap you for making me think you were dead or kiss you because you came home. Don’t ever scare me like that again, you hear me, Harry? I love you too much to lose you.”
Bubbles stopped, suddenly realizing the gravity of what he just said. The reply he got was all he ever needed. He could drop dead right then and there and it wouldn’t even matter because Harry was here in his arms and he was alive and they both knew they’d fallen in love.
“I love you too, Joey. Too much for words to express.”
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allthingsfook · 1 year
If you're still doing ships (you put so much thought into them. It's amazing), I'm Jake [he/him]. I'm 26 and in grad school. I'm graduating with Masters's in History (studying queer history) in August with the intention of getting my Ph.D. so I can teach college-level history classes. I am always listening to music like Spotify told me I listened to 200,000 minutes last year. It's literally always in the background. my music taste is all over the place. Harry Styles, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, and The Smiths are probably my favorite groups. When I have free time, I like to read, i tell everyone my favorite fiction genre is High Fantasy and that's not a *lie* but it leaves out the part where my other favorite genre is romantic comedies. My love language is act of service, like being asked to do things for people makes me feel needed and loved. I hate the taste of coffee but drink it 1. because I have a horrible caffeine addiction and 2. because as a graduate student, I need to be awake more than my body wants to be. I have two cats one named after a star trek character the other named after my favorite poet.
This is my main blog, my GVF blog is @theintelligenceoflove if you get around to this thank you so much.
Hi Jake!!! Thank you!! I hope that these make everyone feel special 🤍🤍
I ship you with….
No surprise… Jake 🖤⚔️🤍
I wanna touch every point, so let’s start with your education! Jake would be incredibly impressed by your commitment to schooling, passion for history, and goal of teaching. I don’t think it would take long for Jake to be enamored by the way you talk about your schooling and what about it interests you most. Jake is definitely a history buff!!!!! As Kelly and Dan mentioned in an interview, Jake is the one that stays up until the early morning and will chat your ear off about anything under the sun. I can picture the both of you sharing a drink on the porch of his beautiful home, talking all through the night. The warm Tennessee air hugging you as you delve into the obscure details of a certain period. 🌅🏔️
No doubt music would fill the house if you lived together. To some people, it might be like an annoying mosquito that won’t go away, but you and Jake prefer it to silence, background noise, or even chatter. Just take a second and imagine the impressive record collection that man has!!! 🤯🤯 I think your music taste would be accepted by him (I don’t think there is much he wouldn’t appreciate) Even Harry Styles — I mean that sometimes the boys come off a little pretentious with their music taste and would like people to think they don’t indulge in anything mainstream, but let’s not forget that summer solstice shoot where they did, pose like Fine Line Harry!)
If I was going to give you and Jake a Smiths song, it would be Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want. I imagine that song is something people wouldn’t normally think Jake would listen to, but I didn’t think he paid any mine to Third Eye Blind either. He’s full of wonder.
I don’t mean to be unoriginal, but it’s not secret Jake loves to read as well. I hope that you could be the person that helps him create more time for it. I picture that being in the form of gifting him books he can’t contain himself from not picking up. As I’m sure you already know, any musician’s autobiography, or something about pirates 😂
Acts of Service is accurate for Jake as well. I remember him saying that if he wasn’t in music he’d probably work in healthcare. That’s very commendable of him and no doubt the biggest form of service to others. Through that statement, you can tell he has a huge heart.
WHATEVER YOU DO!!!!!! do not think about Jake stumbling down the hall, be-lining toward the coffee machine. His hair frizzy from a good nights sleep. His pajama bottoms sagging and lopsided on his waist. His bare chest appearing tanned in the morning sun. 😫😫😫 DO NOT GO THERE!!!!! The thought is more addicting than the coffee 🥰🥰🥰
Lastly, Jake would adore the fact that your cats are named after Star Trek and a poet. That’s right up his alley. And if you convinced him to get another, he’d insist on naming it something like Oscar (Oscar Wilde) or Bedivere (Monty Python).
Hope you enjoyed your ship, Jake! Let me know what you think 🧐❣️
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thatsrightice · 3 months
I’m just imagining Buck, Bucky, and the other POWs at Thorpe Abbotts asking Rosie and Croz about D-Day and Rosie and Croz happily tell them about the planning and stuff that led up to it. When they start to ask about the mission itself, Croz lets Rosie take over.
But then they turn to Crosby and are like “how about you Croz? I bet you were leading the whole shebang” and now he has to admit that he didn’t fly the mission, which he’s still very much upset about so he doesn’t elaborate much. Everyone’s outraged for him, like “They didn’t let you fly? Well, why the heck not?!”
Leave it to Rosie to quietly step in and explain that “He was in the hospital.” Eyes immediately snap to the navigator who is refusing to look at any of them out of embarrassment. “He was in a coma for three days. Malnutrition, dehydration, and sleep deprivation, you name it. Smokey said he just about worked himself to death up in Group Ops.”
And Crosby was going to protest, but nah that actually sounded pretty accurate. “Couldn’t keep a proper meal down for days,” he’d try to joke, but everyone just kept staring at him.
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…. I imagine you have a Billion of these requests and it might not tickle your fancy but I’ve been thinking of a
Post war bucky - meeting navigator reader ( who was transferred to thrope abbots whilst he was in the camps) reader is the warm softness he needs to help rebuild the new him that is worth knowing.. bonus reader being besties with Harry and Rosie
Again no pressure at all! I just don’t own your skill to turn these thoughts into reality! You have such skill miss thang ! I hope you know that 🤍
New Girl
John Egan X Navigator! Reader
Summary: Bucky meets a woman when he comes back from the camps...
Warning: Swearing/ kissing/ mention of death/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1.3k
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The 3 of them were sitting near the fireplace, Rosie just came back, and he survived his plane crashing. She was transferred to Thorpe Abbots a few weeks ago, she was a navigator, that’s how she became friends with Harry Crosby, then, he introduced her to Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal, the 3 of them quickly became friends. Crosby and Rosie kept talking about pilots that got down, especially Major Cleven and Major Egan. Rosie even said that her and Egan would be great together. ‘’You excited to go back home?’’ Rosie asked Crosby as he took a sip of his Coca Cola. ‘’Yeah, I, uh, I’m going to be a father’’ he chuckles, but he doesn’t look happy. ‘’Croz, that’s amazing. It’s good news, right?’’ she asked his friend. ‘’Yeah, but no, I don’t know how to be a father after everything.’’ He signed. Y/n gives him a sympatric smile as she listens the other navigator talk about his feelings.
Chaos was outside, Y/n got outside and saw that Harry and Rosie were running outside, near a plane that just landed. Y/n walked up to her friends and looked at the plane. ‘’What’s going on?’’ she asked, smiling. ‘’Gale Cleven and John Egan are back!’’ Crosby exclaims. ‘’They were the best pilots before me!’’ Rosie said. A brunette men came down a plane, a blonde came to hug him. ‘’Crosby!’’ the brunette exclaimed. The guys hugged as Y/n stand there awkwardly. ‘’ And who’s that beautiful lady?’’ the brunette asked, looking up and down at the woman. ‘’Lieutenant Colonel Y/n Y/l/n, and who are you?’’ she extended her hand for him to shake. ‘’Major John Egan but call me Bucky’’ he shook her hand. He kissed the top of her hand, making her blush.
‘’Y/n/n? Ready to go home?’’ Bucky asked the woman; she was saying goodbye to the children on the base. ‘’Yeah, I’m just saying goodbye.’’ She explains as she hugged Lily, a small girl that Y/n spend a lot of time with. ‘’Here, take my necklace’’ Y/n said as she took her necklace off. Lily took the necklace and put it on. ‘’I have to go now. Bye kids!’’ she waved at them as all the kids hugged her. John Egan looked at the scene, smiling at the woman. He loved the fact that Y/n was good with kids.
She poured herself a glass of water as she staired outside the window. ‘’Whiskey?’’ she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see Bucky, they decided to live together since they grew found of each other. They were friends, but they were in love, they just didn’t know it yet. ‘’Water, I can’t stand the sight of alcohol for a while’’ she chuckled. He laughed and asked for a glass of water too. She sat in front of him, drinking the liquid as they looked at each other. ‘’Buck’s weeding is next week’’ Bucky said as he drank the water. ‘’Yeah, I have to go buy a dress, do you want to come with me?’’ she asked. ‘’Sure, we’ll go tomorrow, I have my suit already.’’ He smiles.
She’d been trying on dresses for an hour, and she didn’t find any that she liked. ‘’I’ll go naked! I swear’’ she breathed out. Bucky chuckled. ‘’I’m able to read map and I helped with D-Day plans, but I can’t find a bloody dress’’ she kept complaining as she put on a dress. When she got out, Bucky’s mouth opened slightly, the dress was light green, long but not too long and had little sleeves. It suited Y/n perfectly. ‘’You look amazing in that one!’’ he compliments her, smiling. ‘’Really?’’ she was skeptical, she never really liked wearing a dress. ‘’Yes, you look wonderful!’’ he says again. Y/n blushes and looks at herself in the mirror, the dress was really beautiful. ‘’Yeah, let’s go with this one’’ she smiles.
The night was still young, Y/n was reading a book when she heard Bucky screaming. She threw her book away and ran to his room. Her night gown flew behind her with how fast she was running. She entered his room to see him seated on his bead, sweaty and breathing really fast. ‘’Bucky, what’s wrong?’’ she asked as she walked closer to his bed. He was in pure state of shock. ‘’Bucky, breath’’ she tried to help but this time, his nightmare was too much for him. She didn’t know what to do, usually her presence worked, and he would calm down. ‘’John’’ she whispered. She took his face between her hands to make him look at her. ‘’Breath, John. I’m right here, everything is going to be fine. Breath’’ she said, maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes were filled with distress, he needed help. ‘’Kiss me, please, Y/n, I need to kiss you.’’ He pleaded, his voice weak. Y/n didn’t even hesitate as she pressed her lips against his.
The kiss was filled with passion and love, it helped Bucky realise that she was there and not dead, like in his nightmare. When they pulled away, he was calmer, and he was smiling. ‘’You’re, okay?’’ Y/n asked, concerned for him. He nodded, smiling even harder. ‘’Who would’ve thought that it would take a nightmare for us to kiss’’ he giggled. She gently smacked his shoulder as she scoffed. ‘’You scared me’’ she breathed out as she smiled too. ‘’I’m sorry, I had a nightmare, you died’’ he explained. She hugged her friend as he smelled her. He was touching her, smelling her and he just kissed her; she was real, and alive. She just realized what happened; she just kissed him. Y/n was in love with him, but she didn’t know if he was feeling the same thing. So, she did what everyone would’ve done; she flew away. As Bucky watched her run away, he giggled, she was a nervous person. But tomorrow was Buck’s wedding, and he was going to dance with her.
She entered the room with Bucky, the reception was over, it was beautiful. Buck’s vows made Y/n cry; it was so beautiful. She was looking for Harry Crosby, she had to talk to him about what happened yesterday. When she spotted him, she practically ran to him. ‘’Croz!’’ she exclaimed as she hugged him. ‘’Y/n how are you?’’ he smiled. ‘’I’m great – ‘’ she noticed a woman holding a baby behind him. ‘’ Y/n, can I introduce you to my wife, Jean and my son Stephen’’ he says proudly. ‘’It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of great things’’ Y/n smiles as she hugs Harry’s wife. ‘’Likewise, it’s nice to meet the woman my husband’s been talking about’’ she smiles. Y/n smiles as her and Jean talks. ‘’Can I talk to Harry for a second?’’ she asked. She nods as Y/n and Harry go for a walk.
Harry Crosby was crying for laughing that much. ‘’How could you run away?’’ he laughs. Y/n laughs as she let out a desperate sign. ‘’I panicked, but I really want to kiss him again’’ she breaths out. Rosie, who joined them, was laughing too. ‘’Then kiss him!’’ Rosie exclaims. ‘’Uh, I wish it was that simple’’ she threw her head back. As she did so, she saw Bucky, staring at her with a grin on his face. ‘’It is simple, love’’ he completed her sentence, making Crosby and Rosie laugh as they walk away from the scene, to let them have privacy. Y/n quickly gets up and walk up to him. ‘’I, uh, I’m sorry for running away yesterday. I panicked’’ she blurts out. Bucky smiles as he puts his hand on her lower back. ‘’It’s okay, Y/n, just kiss me again’’ he whispers. She breaths out nervously as she stands on her tippy toes, their face gets closer as their breathing quickens. ‘’I love you’’ she whispers. ‘’I love you too, love’’ he smiles as he leans in closer. Their kiss was passionate, his other hand went on her cheek to keep her closer. ‘’I love you so much’’ she said between kisses. ‘’Fucking finally!’’ they heard Crosby yell. ‘’Well, well, well’’ Buck chuckled. As they pulled away, they saw Buck, Marge, Harry, Rosie and Jean looking at them. Y/n and Bucky looks at each other before laughing. ‘’Are we going to attend another wedding?’’ Marge squeals. ‘’Maybe’’ Bucky smiles.
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years
Hello !! I saw your doing ship recs so I’d like to request one for BoB. I use any pronouns and am pansexual with to preference :)
To get appearance out of the way — I’m 5’7, with short curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I wear glasses, so I love being completely unable to see without them (/s)
I enjoy most if not all forms of creative expression, but writing is the main focus. I’m currently working towards getting my masters in English, so there’s that. That being said, I am also self-taught in art and music, and used to play soccer as well. I really enjoy painting and playing piano primarily :)
Personality wise my MBTI changes all the time so literally all I can put is “XNXP” truthfully — but beyond that I tend to be a pretty blunt and straightforward person. I’m pretty sarcastic and teasing especially with my friends. I’m very openminded and will try anything at least once. I know that the people in my life tend to see me as someone they can go to for advice / solutions because I don’t like to sugarcoat and they expect that sort of honesty from me.
My love languages are acts of service and physical touch especially. I don’t come across as huggy in real life but I am, in fact, very huggy and like to be useful so there’s that. I always felt that Actions speak louder than words when it comes to expressing appreciation, at least from my standing.
Thank you so much! xx
yes, ma'am!! as usual, i was stuck between two easy company lads but ultimately, I think you'll like this one the most :)
I ship you with:
Harry Welsh from Band of Brothers!
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Ship theme song: Our House - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
you curly-headed cuties!!
i bet your kids will look absolutely adorable
with your dark brown hair and harry's wavy curls
Harry needs someone to match his intellect
that's a given
the man didn't go back to get his Master's in Education for nothing!
he thinks you're wayyy smarter than him
he loves to read and write also
and always comes to you for book recommendations
or to check his grammar in a letter to his folks
in fact, he did that very often when you two were training together
he always knew when you were in office
because he would hear your typewriter clacking a thousand times per minute
the way he first asked you out was definitely in a "nerdy-english-major" way
the smartypants couple
he always comes to you when he's at a crossroads of decisions to make
usually regarding his job
or a tough case in school
he knows you won't bullshit him
and he appreciates your honesty
he is so impressed with your goals
he wants to do whatever he can to help you reach those goals
Harry is pretty domestic
he's not above ironing shirts, doing laundry, making dinner for the family, etc
in fact, he kind of enjoys it
but when he does come home late from work,
he adores the sight of you teaching the kids how to play soccer in the front yard
it reminds him of the times you used to get the guys to play soccer while stationed in Austria together
you were so hands-on and instructive with them
and Harry loves a woman in charge ;)
he also loves the way you scoot your glasses up the bridge of your nose
in that very "matter-of-fact" kinda way :))
99% sure that Harry is an ENFP
so even if you're a little more introverted or thinking than he is
you'll still balance each other out
catch our sunshine king singing (badly) while you play the piano
he loves doing duets together
even if the neighbors don't
Harry hugs are the softest thing in the world
like literally hugging a sunbeam
highly recommend
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imaginingyourfandom · 3 years
christmas prompts masterlist.
1. “Merry Christmas bitch” - Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
2. “How many Christmas lights does one person need?” - Kevin Atwater (Chicago PD)
3. “Shut up! Santa is real” - Chris Halliwell (Charmed)
4. “Why does the house smell like Santa threw up?” - Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
5. “Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitch, I love you” - Jay Halstead (Chicago PD)
6. “Oh my god I haven’t got you a present!” - Kenny Crosby (FBI Most Wanted)
7. “It’s Christmas today?!” - Reggie (Julie and The Phantoms)
8. “No seriously I swear I saw Santa” - OA Zidan (FBI)
9. “Omg it’s a fucking reindeer” - Prince Caspian (Narnia)
10. “This tree’s bigger than my future” - Oliver Wood (Harry Potter)
11. “Why do you have playlist with just ‘all I want for Christmas is you’ and ‘last Christmas I gave you my heart’?” - Miguel Galindo (Mayans MC)
12. “No you don’t understand I need a picture with Santa!” - Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza (Mayans MC)
13. “I can’t reach the top of the tree to put the star on.” - Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
14. “Oh how convenient, some mistletoe” - Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
15. “Let’s binge watch Christmas movies!” - Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med)
16. “I can’t believe we’re going to A&E on Christmas Eve” - Charles Xavier (X-men)
17. “Do you wanna build a sno-“ “no don’t you dare finish that” - Angel Reyes (Mayans MC)
18. “SNOW BALL FIGHT!” - Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
19. “You murdered my snowman” - Five (The Umbrella Academy)
20. “I don’t like hot chocolate” - Minho (The Maze Runner)
21. “Christmas isn’t just about the presents” - Angus Macgyver (Macgyver)
22. “You look like this ginger bread man” - Wendall Bray (Bones)
23. “Go to sleep, Santa isn’t real” - Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley (9-1-1)
24. “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” - Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds)
25. “Did you just put fake antlers on the dog?” - Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds)
26. “I love Christmas more then anything” “what even more then me?” - Steve Mcgarrett (Hawaii Five 0)
27. “It’s official I hate Christmas shopping” - Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
28. “I can’t ice skate I’ll break all my bones” - Conrad Hawkins (The Resident)
29. “Don’t you dare buy me that” - Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD)
30. “Stop smashing my ornaments” - Charlie Baker (Cheaper By The Dozen)
31. “That is the ugliest decoration I’ve ever seen” - Jace Wayland (Shadowhunters)
32. “You’ve burnt the turkey?!” - Kelly Severide ( Chicago Fire)
33. “Thoughts on Brussels sprouts?” - Ezekiel Jones (The Librarians)
34. “Fuck it let’s just get drunk” - Kelly Severide ( Chicago Fire)
35. “I don’t know how to wrap presents” - Malia Tate (Teen Wolf)
36. “This is the worse and best Christmas ever” - Prince Caspian (Narnia)
37. “Honey, where is my Santa suite?” - Bruce Banner (Avengers)
38. “I don’t think we can fight Santa” - Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill)
39. “What no that’s not daddy, that’s Santa” - Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
40. “Oh so we’re putting beer out for Santa now?” - Steve Mcgarrett ( Hawaii Five 0)
41. “I can not believe our car broke down in the middle of nowhere 3 hours before it’s officially Christmas.” - Jennifer Jareau & Her Kids (Criminals Minds)
42. “I hate work Christmas parties” - Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD)
43. “What do you mean you’re working on Christmas?!” - Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds)
44. “Babies can’t eat mince pies” - Geralt (The Witcher)
45. “You look like an elf” - Jim Street (S.W.A.T)
46. “The babies crying, the foods burning, the dogs are fighting and your calling me to see what time my family’s coming at?” - Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
47. “I don’t like spending time with your family at Christmas” - Josh Matthews (Girl Meets World)
48. “I refuse to have a baby on Christmas” - Matt Casey (Chicago Fire)
49. “How many advent calendars does one person need?” - Bill Weasley (Harry Potter)
50. “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me” - Thomas Magnum (Magnum PI)
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madathockey · 7 years
Some of ya’ll have been sleeping on the Sabres players...
And I don’t mean Jack Eichel...because no. I love that boy but he’s tragic looking.  So here’s your introduction to some adorableness.  First is my good dear sweet boy who can do nothing wrong, Samson Reinhart.  He’s adorable.  Just look at that smile.
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Then we have another infectious smile in Tyler Ennis. He’s tiny and has concussion problems, but it’s ok. He also is one of the only survivors from the #tank. 
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Speaking of #tank survivors, next we have Marcus Foligno. Yeah, his brother is much more talented and is known for hugs, but Marcus actually is good looking. Oh yeah, he once fixed his hair before getting into a fight. 
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Then we have Ryan O’Reilly. He takes a lot of things really hard on himself so he probably needs cheering up and there should be no shortage of people wanting to help with that. 
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Speaking of things I want to help with...my personal favourite is Rasmus Ristolainen. He’s tall, Finnish, and doesn’t like Swedes much. Also, he’s just grumpy so don’t take it personal if he pushes your players around a little bit. He once said something to Crosby that had Crosby swinging at him. We’ll never know what it was and it’ll haunt us to this day.
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Then we have someone who is totally adorable and nerdy...Kyle Okposo. He love Harry Potter and has an adorable little girl. Plus he’s super nice. 
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We have another awesome hot dad that’s been on another team...Zach Bogosian. He’s absolutely ripped and our dear sweet boy Samson spoils his daughter. Also, he’s married to awesome former soccer player Bianca D'Agostino. 
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And last but 110% not least, our backup goalie from this past year is the super cool Anders Nilsson. You may know him is that one goalie that had a PRIDE FLAG on his mask. Yeah. Him. Have you seen him out of the pads? No? Ok, most goalies are scrawny tiny things. Not this one.  Nope.  He’s hot and Swedish and is an ally. What more could you want?
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So here’s your crash course in Sabres players. There are more that are wonderful, but these are probably ones that you’ll see the most around here and they’re all adorable and awesome. I’m sure the rest of the Sab Squad will add on (they better actually)
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