#Harry is a lying liar
isawthismeme · 15 days
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She’s brown and a democrat, gotta get that birth certificate, that we’ll call fake news anyway. Apparently, if you can’t win in a fight, you gotta at least try to get your opponent disqualified.
Sad and weird.
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sher-ee · 1 month
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He’s so mentally and morally deficient.
AI this you git.
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reality-detective · 23 days
Scamala Harris says she didn’t act on the southern border for over three years because of Donald Trump. 🤔
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trexalicious · 13 days
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My favourite comment 🤣🤣🤣
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hailkingcheeto · 9 days
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“Frankly, I don’t have enough time here to run through each specific Trump false claim,” he said, pointing viewers to his team’s online fact check of the debate.
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childotkw · 8 months
Oh oh! How would Tom handle a time traveling Harry who does not go to Hogwarts but instead lives in the Forbidden Forest?
Like Tom, to stay fit or something, regularly works out every morning since he was seven. (Maybe in a misguided attempt to be adopted if he was physically appealing) and saw Harry fishing at the lake right by the forest while on his daily run.
He looks eleven, too, but Tom can't remember him from the sorting. The camper waved at him and hurried back into the forest before Tom could get too close, yanking his giant set up tent into a backpack that could not have been possible without magic.
For years, Tom asks about the boy in the woods, but no one believes him because no one has seen this boy, least of all in the Forbidden Forest of all places. Tom decides to prove his real and gets distracted from his bloodline.
Meanwhile, Harry is happy being a Forbidden Forest Hermit.
cryptid!Harry lurking in the woods and becoming an urban legend that only Tom has ever actually seen? Hilarious!
Now, the important thing to understand is that Harry never meant to end up in the Forbidden Forest. It wasn’t on his to-do list.
(Not that Harry’s to-do lists were ever that well thought out, more momentous tasks distilled down into: ‘stop voldemort???’ or ‘figure out why Death is such a bitch’. But hey - at least he has a to-do list. That’s better than most people he’s met.)
Waking up as a tiny, underfed eleven year old in the middle of the fucking Forbidden Forest the year Tom Riddle was set to arrive at Hogwarts? Not explicitly in his plans but Harry can adapt. Harry excels at adapting to whatever bullshit situation he’s thrown into. Death thinks this little temporal hiccup will stop Harry from separating them completely and reversing the MoD stuff? ha. Fat chance.
Harry had always nursed childish fantasies of running away from the Dursleys and living in the wildness, and he’s got a year living on the run in a tent under his belt. He knows how to survive.
(He’s always known how to survive. Some days, it’s the only thing Harry thinks he can do anymore. Survive survive survive - he’s doing it so well nothing would ever kill him again)
So, setting up in the Forbidden Forest is nothing. It’s safe to live in (if you know where to go and what to avoid), and it’s protected (thanks to it’s horrific reputation), and there’s plenty of food (so long as you ask the plants before plucking their fruits and only go after non-sapients - which, honestly, is just an awful term, Harry hates it, humanity was a mistake).
Does he mean to let a baby!Tom Riddle spot him on the boy’s morning run one day? Well…’no’ sounds like a lie but it’s not the truth either. Harry was curious, okay? He’s allowed to be curious about the kid who will grow up to ruin so many lives. He’s allowed to mess with Riddle a little after all the shit he put Harry through.
It’s karma.
But. See. Harry’s not a planner (note: his to-do lists). Harry doesn’t think years and decades in advance. It’s just not how his brain works.
How was he supposed to know that the handful of times he dangled his presence in front of Tom Riddle would kick-off a small obsession in the boy?
How was he to know that Tom Riddle, tenacious bastard that he was, would take Harry’s existence as a taunt?
How was he to know that Tom Riddle would spend hours and hours thinking about him, and that the one time Harry actually got close enough for a conversation - they were both fifteen, by the way, and maybe he wanted to see if he could curb the imminent patricide, sue him - that it would ignite that small obsession into a wildfire that would burn them both?
It’s hardly Harry’s fault. He can’t be blamed. He’s the victim here!
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twopoppies · 18 days
With Harry being so private and reserved, almost in a strict manner, how could anyone really think he would let his relationships be open to the public. Like how is it possible that they don’t think it’s just stunt?
It’s the same thing every single time.
Like ok, you’re not a Larrie. Cool. I get it. But even if he was with someone else, like this girl, based on his persona he would keep it privately like EVERYTHING in his life.
Also, related to this: that is why every time he explains a song and the meaning behind it (only the stunt ones or like the het ones that fill the fake media narrative) I don’t believe in what he says. Because Harry dodges every question about songs, and he doesn’t explain anything about anything. So I know he just has to say that for the narrative 🙂‍↕️
Yeah, we've been saying it for years, but I think there's a real mental block for some people. 1. They really want him to be dating women. 2. They don't want to accept that Harry would "lie" about anything. #. And then there's the added layer of not wanting to acknowledge that larries were right about that aspect, which means they might have to accept that larries were right about other things, too.
And yeah, I agree with you about Harry being very specific about songs. It's a pretty good indication he's lying. LOL! The only one I struggle with is Love of My Life. I go back and forth about that one because it was in the midst of Holivia, and he was doing so much to ensure everyone knew nothing was about her. So, did he say LOML was about England to make sure people didn't attach it to her? Or did he write a love song about a person disguised as a love song to England and put out that comment to throw people off? Maybe both.
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lenbryant · 13 days
And these were just the lies from one speech/appearance? Sounds on-brand for Scary Clown Guy.
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deadpresidents · 1 month
I should never be surprised by anything regarding Donald Trump after the past 10 years, but WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DOUBLE-DOWN ON SUCH AN EASILY PROVABLE LIE??? It has to be exhausting to feel the desperate need to lie about literally -- and I mean "literally" in the literal sense -- EVERYTHING.
There's no better description of Donald Trump than something that Harry S. Truman once said of Richard Nixon: "Richard Nixon is a no-good lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he'd lie just to keep his hand in."
(And with all of that in mind, don't forget that nearly 75 million of your fellow Americans voted for this liar in 2020 and thousands of his supporters stormed the United States Capitol in a violent attempt to overturn the results of the election that he lost. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, so make sure to VOTE in November so that he doesn't come close to having the power to once again ignore a violent insurrection against our democratic republic.)
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pakgirls530916 · 10 months
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Busted!! The draft was sent with their names on it. What a POS!
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isawthismeme · 7 days
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Always the same story with him, if he doesn’t win, it was rigged against him, as opposed to Republicans rigging everything for him! No neutral playing field in his mind.
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sher-ee · 1 month
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You may need to zoom in on this one.
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geezerwench · 1 month
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To put it biblically because he claims to be a "christian," JD Vance is bearing false witness against Tim Walz and will burn in the Hell of his own making.
Have some facts.
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trexalicious · 21 days
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theevilicecreamsoda · 2 months
Hate how the concept of a magical school instantly makes you think of harry potter like i think we should add that to a list of reasonings why we should kill jk rowling
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