#Harry’s marketing
daisiesonafield-blog · 8 months
About blind items, modern day PR, and how narratives are spread to fandoms and the public- it’s all publicity
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nobodyfamousposts · 9 months
Here's a Thought About Harry Potter...
Okay, so you have bigoted Wizarding children who look down on muggles and muggleborns and put big emphasis on wizarding lineage and whatnot. Big example in canon was Draco and his open use of the derogatory word "Mudblood".
So let's ignore the blatant favoritism where he and others are free to bully and be overtly cruel with no punishment or consequence.
Let's also pretend the teachers actually do their jobs and issue appropriate punishment.
What would happen if one of said teachers decides that the best way to curb Draco's blatant discrimination would be to have him learn about muggles?
So Draco ends up transferred to Muggle Studies.
Draco: This is a waste of time! Name one thing muggles have accomplished that Wizards haven't. Go ahead. I'll wait— Teacher: They've been to the moon. Draco: Wait—what? Teacher: Six times. Draco: WHAT?!
Where he is forced to...(shudder) learn about how muggles live!
Oh nooooooooo.
So he learns about muggle inventions.
Muggle Student1: So there's this square device called a "cell phone" that's compact enough that we can carry around in our pockets. We can also use it to send messages within seconds, chat with people across the world, play games, and look at pictures of cats. Draco: Don't think you can fool me! Like I would fall for something so insane! Muggle Student2: (Sarcastically) Oh no, he caught us.
Muggle contraptions.
Draco: What do you mean they don't use quills? How do they write? Teacher: With pens. Draco: Where do they get the ink from? Teacher: It's IN the pen. Draco: (Stares) …how?
Muggle hobbies.
Malfoy: What is "internet"? Muggleborn Student1: ….oh you sweet summer child. Muggleborn Student2: Don't tell him. I don't think his brain could handle it.
He also ends up falling into the muggleborn black market.
Which comes with the revelation that there IS, in fact, a muggleborn black market at Hogwarts. Because I'm hard pressed to believe that kids in the modern era would just abandon their modern comforts completely.
Muggleborn Student1: Hey, just because electronics don't work at Hogwarts doesn't mean we have to leave everything behind. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have a new stock of Cadbury chocolates, KitKat bars, and Fruit Pastilles. Muggleborn Student1: YES! Draco: (Scoff) There's nothing here I would want. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have one set of "Slytherin" gel pens in black, silver, and bright green. One set of glitter gel pens. And a spiral notebook with a holographic cover. Draco: (Slams money on the counter) GIMME!
And Draco ends up learning a lot.
After all, a Slytherin is supposed to be cunning and ambitious.
It would be remiss of him to not take advantage of such opportunity as it presents itself.
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I am begging gay people to realize that Disco Elysium lacking a canon relationship between Kim and Harry is not a bad thing or something the fandom needs to "make up for". The game would be much worse thematically if the flirting and longing actually went anywhere, the whooleee point is that everyone in Martinaise is sick with nostalgia or half beaten to death by their need to keep hoping for something better.
I find their relationship interesting too but it's infuriating watching people who can't enjoy media without shipping the characters in it try to bring up not having a romance option with Kim as a criticism.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
I wish Harry's management would lean more into the quirky angel-wings-wearing, 1D-shirt-selfie-taking, tipsily-men-cuddling side of Harry instead of the model-type-kissing version of whatever Harry Styles™ is supposed to be.
I’ve been thinking really hard about how to answer this thoughtfully and fairly, because I wholeheartedly agree with you. Stunts are useless to me, completely ineffective (even, clearly, to the GP) and diminish everything worth knowing about Harry.
What’s interesting though, is that in my deep frustration and disappointment about yet another unnecessary stunt, I bought My Body by EmRata on audiobook (I’m halfway through). And in the book, she says something really poignant:
“I wasn’t just famous; I was famously sexy.”
That quote has been haunting me all day because it explains Harry’s PR image so well. That one additional word is the key to understanding the ceaseless stunting circus HSHQ keeps putting us through.
See, Harry is a multitude of different, interesting, enigmatic, visionary things to us, his fans and even to the casual observer. But none of those things - not his talent, or his music, or his kindness - is what actually made him famous, or what set him apart from the 1D boys from the beginning. What made him famous, what made him different, what made him wanted, was his sex appeal - his brand and commodification as a sex symbol - which has been cultivated since he was sixteen (gross, I know. Very aware.)
And we can sit here and argue until we’re blue in the face about whether that’s something he does or doesn’t want, whether was pure marketing or something unique to him, or even how many other, more impressive, better, beautiful attributes he has and has developed since, that can and should be capitalized on.
But none of that is actually the point. The point is that this was always what his selling point was in the wider (albeit shallower) ocean that is entertainment. It’s his brand, like it or not, the way it was Marilyn Monroe’s brand, the way it’s EmRata’s brand, and you don’t keep the status of sex symbol by dating under-the-radar, interesting, talented people. You keep it by feeding it constantly, by reminding everyone of it whether they (or you) respond well or not, by remaining controversial and being linked to equally controversial PR personas. (E.g. Tom and Zendaya are cute as fuck and totally respectable. Their relationship is hardly ever in the headlines for more than 24 hrs, though, and neither are branded as a sex symbol per se.)
I’m not saying any of it is right, and a certainly don’t like it and very much wish it would stop. But sometimes, we have to look outward, and understand that things don’t live and die by the hand of fandom, as much as we wish they would; things don’t even live and die by the hand of good press.
I’m not saying don’t be frustrated or mad; I’m not saying accept it or don’t wish it would change. I’ve just found that finding a way to sit with it and understand that we (fandom) are not the audience and praise and respect aren’t necessarily the objective helps me gauge where my red lines are and what my sanity and longevity as a fan are really up against, especially when highlighting everything I don’t like seems like such a personal attack.
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twopoppies · 17 days
It really is the same thing over and over again. Although, was the video for Co-Op Live something that went out to the public? I thought it was an internal thing as the person who posted the clip worked there. It’s still all promo, just looking for clarification. Also, given that the subway profile photo (which only went around fandom, I think) has been the only photo of her face, she’s not getting much out of it. 🙃
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Number 6: the Pleasing drop that came a couple of days ago.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 days
Was thinking about eleven year old Fawn Spots Harry and made myself laugh because he would be so angry that technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts.
Full on “What do you mean Olympus has cell service and the middle of Scotland doesn’t?! It’s not even the same plane of fucking existence and calls aren’t even long distance!” Little man has not been more than a phone call away from his family since he was adopted and he is not coping well, but beyond that the lack of online databases, easy way to compile notes and write the eight million essays they’re assigned, and actual entertainment that isn’t ’dangerous flying dodgeball’ (which he does love tbh but still not everyone does) would drive him up the wall. Fuck the lack of things like highlighters and binders would piss him off. 
He would show up with a spiral notebook and a mechanical pencil and a pureblood child would pass out from shock. He writes his family constantly begging for any and all stationary they can send. He uses breaks to type up last term’s notes and introduces the first final study guide in Times New Roman into Hogwarts and makes a killing off of selling them. The older pureblood students beg on bended knee for help making their own and the muggleborns realize oh shit they can corner the market per year and subject. Harry will drag Hogwarts into the modern age if he has to do so kicking and screaming.
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louisplumpyass · 6 months
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choface · 3 months
for hs4 rollout I would like to manifest sudden, surprise drops
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
You know when Harry says Italy is a kind place where a lot of good things happened to him and then Louis says going to Italy is “like going home”?
Yeppp. Please, continue.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Just search on Twitter "our favorite thing about"
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Me: “laughing my ass off”
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babooshkart · 2 years
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a saturday kind of love by @nv-md
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twopoppies · 4 months
This... make sense and is interesting anyways
I mean… we’ve been saying this for ages. But even if it’s just his PR team and not “official” paps, we wouldn’t be getting these photos if they didn’t want people to know.
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hydatiid · 2 years
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obsessed with fuckin uhhh pixels.
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