#Has KH verse
renegadeem · 2 months
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It’s Alternate Outfit appreciation time!!
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Overmorrow x The Bird series compilation 💚
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cq-studios · 10 months
Down by the bay
Where the Watermelon go
Back to my home
I dare not show
For if I do
The Masters will say-ay-ay
Have you ever seen a Nimble Bee wizzing around a tree
Down by the bay
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dragetunge · 1 month
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@guidingkey sent: ❝ always expect the unexpected! ❞
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"Is that why you look like that?" He questions curiously. He knew nothing of where this newcomer had come from of why he was here with what he thought looked like a duck , and a weird dog? Is that what they were called? He couldn't remember. "Sure the unexpected might just run away from your odd blade?" A giant key of some kind. That was certainly new.
"I'm sorry where did you say you came from again?"
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strywoven · 6 months
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@lcstkey has requested a story : ∗ 75﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  on  a  hike . [Verona]
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❝ Come , quickly now , lest we miss her ! ❞  Never is the Valk quite so EXCITABLE , it must be a special occasion ( though what that occasion is , she did not happen to mention it to the poor keybearer being hastened along with her ) .  But it assuredly seems i m p o r t a n t , with the way she hurries , the way she radiates such eagerness.  The energy is infectious , even if queer , the realm around them responding in kind , seeming to BLOOM & FLOURISH ; flowers giggle-gossip as they pass , boughs of trees wave and bend to brush the tops of their heads , the forest itself becomes rife with an upbeat chord , plucking and preening along to their rushing about.  Yet one must wonder: just w h a t is it that has managed to put her in such spirits ?
The two must look right strange , indeed : an odd pair of women dashing almost mindlessly through the wood , the blonde dragging her raven love behind as she giggles and trips along to keep pace with her counterpart.  And at last , after a lengthy trek through groves and thickets , Verona comes to a halt , allowing Selena to do the same beside her.  She stands still , points of ears pricked and alert , listening intently to the innate musicality of the world and all it might have to disclose to her.  With a nod , she turns towards Selena , her grin returning , ❝ As of late , you’ve only ever really interacted with the HUMANS of Fantasia , ❞ She shrugs , correcting herself , ❝ Well , them and my Familiars.  But , today , I have an old friend of mine I think you might like to meet.  She has been looking forward to meeting you , at least. ❞
From the wood , the trees h u m and m u r m u r amongst one another , seeming to shuffle aside to make way for a youthful-looking entity that leaves trails of sprouting greenery in her wake.  The spirit peers from ‘round the bend of an oak , blinking wide-eyed and curious like a fawn , hair unfurling and whisking about her head as if caught in eternal breeze.  This , THE NATURE SPRITE .  She spots Verona and dashes outwards from hiding , swirling around the Valk to the tune of chime-like notes.  Gathering up the blonde’s hands , the spirit bounces in the air , speaking without speaking , plainly immensely happy to see her companion.  A curious trill sounds when she cocks her head , tipping it to acknowledge Selena.  She points at her , and Verona nods , the spirit throws her hands in the air and t w i r l s about , sending waves of petals and flora flowing around them.
Verona smiles haplessly , brushing the flowers from her hair and turning to the Keybearer beside her.  ❝ Dear Heart , I wanted to introduce you to one of Fantasia’s many spirits , ❞ A hand motions to the sprite who waves excitedly , grinning , ❝ That is our Nature Sprite.  I have known her since I first took my oath to protect Fantasia. ❞  There comes a brief silence , one where the sprite looks e x p e c t a n t l y between the two warriors before , finally , Verona sinks down to one knee.  ❝ Since she has known me for so long , and knows the realm the best , ❞ She begins , taking up one of Selena’s hands in her clawed own , ❝ I wanted her blessing before finally asking something that has been on my mind for these last few months , ❞ It feels as if the whole of the forest has come to listen to the proposal , ready and curious and heavy with anticipation , ❝ Dear Heart , I know we have seen much together , but I have always felt that our story had just begun.  Everyday I wake up to you , is an honor , is a pleasure.  You remind me of the Light I thought I lost so long ago.  And you , always you , Dear Heart , are the song I find my way home to.  So , will you … Marry me ? ❞
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lcstkey · 1 year
Keep thinking about what happens after the Shadows in Witchdrop drabble and I think I kinda have it pinned down.
Selena's Corridors of Darkness aren't really reliable and can be volatile if anyone other than herself or those with the Kingdom-Hearts edition [Org. XII] black cloaks walk/falls/dives into one. Her destination could literally be anywhere.
But for simplicity's sake, that corridor takes her to Idyllshire where she takes a recovery break, a haircut because I know she'd accidentally fry her hair with that thundaza spell, and some adventuring where she'd meet and eventually befriend Roundrox.
She will call herself Selena Wolfsong again because Artemis died at the North Shroud, pushed off the cliff. Her progress regresses. Unable to trust anyone, she adventures and often takes quests alone.
Eventually, Selena will leave Idyllshire to deliver the letters and the Dragoon soul stone she had found and trek all the way to Ishgard. The delivery does not go well and she ends up fleeing. This will open up a questline where the deceased's young child wants to try to return the soul stone back to her. Unlike Selena, they are aware that the stone chose her. She just thought it was a shiny, lucky rock.
Selena will try to make her way back to Gridania. She had left behind Lisanna the squirrel and Squackers the griffin cub and she misses them. She also wants to dig up and reclaim her backpack at the Bramble Patch but does not want to run into Carlisle again. Or anyone else at Gridania who knew Artemis for that matter.
She will be likely to send Umbra to fetch Lisanna and Squackers. Knowing Umbra, this will very much cause chaos since Umbra's body is made from darkness and will likely be mistaken for a Voidset or a dangerous familiar conjured by dark magic. But the two critters will remember him from when they took naps together with Sel.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
i have to update luka's fancy page actually, mmmm.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
Honestly, like, about the June sillhouette thing. This should have been a sign that either they would have to go without that "genre staple" to respect your story and what it was trying to say, or your stories just weren't compatible at all and crossing them over wouldn't work. But I guess that would require Dogblud giving a single inch of control and we can't have that, can we? For what it's worth, I think your idea is brilliant and it speaks to me as a biracial person!
As pointed out by a friend, Dog would never want to give an ounce of control when it came to her story or ideas because the bottom line is that control is what she wanted. The weird thing was we had spoken in length about how June differed from the other werewolves in our plot and had verbally agreed to it, only to then have her and Ependa come back with that nonsense.
There's a very different way to go about the traditional stylistic way werewolves are drawn in comics and other media, verses how I personally portray June.
This is a style:
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This is a design:
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June is consistent throughout her drawings as a Gev Lycan and her design is made with intent. It's based on the traditional comic book style as well as other influences like the Heartless from KH, Were-Fox from Gargoyles, and the brain grain concept from We're Back a Dinosaur's Story. The form was given meaning because I wanted to explain why she had multiple forms (it's related to her mental/emotional state while transformed, as as you can tell she's not doing so hot). I wanted to give the form a narrative meaning to enrich her story so Dog and Ependa implying it was just a stylistic choice and not intentional was rude at best and malicious at worse. They KNEW this was a narrative representation of Black trauma and Dog still chose to argue that it was just a stylistic choice she could copy and imitate.
The bottom line is I was the Art Director for the collaboration (and obvs the Black cultural consultant on the team), and what I said was what had to happen. Drawing the other werewolves like that (none of which were Black to begin with) would have been confusing/inconsistent at best and offensive at worse. Dog refusing to understand that was incredibly frustrating and the more I though about it the more racist it came off to me. Because she knew from the beginning and STILL persisted.
And thank you! I'm biracial as well (and so is June), and when coming up with Strawberry Moon I knew I wanted it to be a uniquely Black story. There's hardly any Black representation in the werewolf genre, let alone anything that has more cultural or historical meaning behind it. I did a lot of research to make it something that could only exist though June's perspective as an older Black queer transwoman, so having Dog try to belittle my work was just disheartening. I opened up a lot to explain June's story to them, and Dog only saw her as an extension of her fetish.
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You have to make more interactions between the Disney TVA casts and the Kingdom Hearts casts xD
I mean, if Nomura isn’t going to add DTV characters then someone has to, lol.
But I’m not well versed in the KH characters since I’ve only played CoM on GBA, I’ve watched Let’s Plays of the other games but they tend to cut content for time and content id. (I’d get the Switch ports but Idr what the quality ppl said they were)
Still, a few jokes here and there I can do
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I had an idea (that didn't go beyond some concepts) of a series where Sora gets pinballed between multiverses (not just between universes, but multiverses) of different fictional worlds after breaking the nature taboo in KH3. He has to help solve local problems without disrupting things too much and use both the x-blade and the local divine power to open a portal between multiverses in hopes of finding a way home. His only constant companion is his very own Chirithy, and somehow Heartless make their way to these worlds (but due to the multiverses running on different rules, their impact manifests differently from the KH verse). Also sometimes the main language is something that he wouldn't know (such as Hylian), so he has to find a way to communicate until he can learn the language.
He also learns some new things in each world. For example, in the DC Arrowverse, Cisco Ramon determines where the Keyblade goes when it desummons and finds it in a pocket dimension floating near Sora, and I had the thought of Sora doing a variant of a Warp Strike to follow the Keyblade into the pocket dimension so that he can pass an impenetrable barrier and help someone who could phase through solid rock.
Oh dope!!!
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the-au-collector · 8 months
I’m The AU Collector, call me Collector. You can find me under the same name on AO3. Here you’ll find my own AUs, my original world, and lots of reblogs. I’m mainly in the Linked Universe and Kingdom Hearts fandoms, but you’ll also see me stray into others like Tales of the Abyss, Lockwood & Co, Batfam, etc. I call pretty much all of my works AUs, so even if it’s a fic, I’ll call it AU for simplicity’s sake.
I have a lot of AUs so I thought I would break them down below for people wondering what they are. Also feel free to ask me about any of them. I’d love to ramble about them!
Linked Universe
Relinked AU: 23 years after Linked Universe, the Links’ kids are kidnapped, forcing the Links on another time-traveling adventure to save them. Meanwhile, the kids go on their own adventure to get home.
Reconnect the Chain AU: AU of Relinked. Taking place 10 years after Linked Universe, the Chain reconnects themselves. It’s my happy, slice-of-lifey version of Relinked. Most drawings or writing I do with the Relinked kids as kids will be tagged as both RtC and Relinked if it’s pre-reunion.
Radio AU: Modern College AU. The Chain are all somehow affiliated with the college radio station at Kakariko University. Hyrule’s a new student who gets dragged into their chaos, and learns a little bit about himself in the process.
Cupcakes for Harmony: Inspired by Their Melody. I looked at Their Melody and said “what if I made it sadder?”
Adventures of Uncle Alfon: Legend’s Uncle has some things to say. A non-linear, slice-of-life fic focusing on Uncle Alfon and his relationship with Legend.
Epic AU: Ongoing brainstorming. Epic: The Musical has inspired a plot in my head but idk what’s happening with it yet. All I really know is it’s another LU Links Reunite fic, plus some.
Second Chain/Ultimate Chain AU: Alternate versions of the same AU. I add some more heroes into the mix! Features The Hero of the Kingdom (TOTK), The Hero of Ages (Age of Calamity), The First Hero (Skyward Sword Manga), The Shadow of the Hero (Four Swords Adventures), The (younger) Hero of Legend (A Link To The Past), and The Hero of the Minish (Minish Cap). Potentially, I may even add the Ancient Hero (Tears of the Kingdom).
Kingdom Hearts
Those Who Have Been Wronged Series: A multi-book series currently in the works. It’s canon-compliant up until the secret ending of KH3. Follows the Foretellers’ arc with Kairi as the main protagonist as she searches for Sora and works to defeat the Master of Masters alongside Ven, Namine, Vanitas, and Lauriam. It does include all the KH characters, and almost everyone gets their own time to shine, but Kairi and co. (The Reflection Crew) is the main group.
Together AU: KH3 onwards AU where everything is wrapped up during KH3. The Union Leaders are here. Eraqus is back. Everyone is (mostly) happy. A soft, slice-of-life series I write when the Wronged Series is getting to overwhelming.
Miscellaneous AUs: Occassionally a KH AU will pop into my head. These aren’t very serious works, just fun ideas.
Tales of the Abyss:
Fire Rises: Mostly vibes at this point, Fire Rises will focus on a cast of 6-7 Unscored (people born outside of the Score) trying to make their lives in a world that still holds onto their hatred for them. Takes place 5-ish years after Tales of the Abyss.
The OG-verse is my original world called Auran which shares a good portion of worldbuilding as the Wronged Series and Together AU. It’s where all my KH OCs have gone to live. I have a lot of worldbuilding for this but not a lot of story at the moment.
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zdbztumble · 8 months
Yet Another Kingdom Hearts Revisit, Part VI
Atlantica is my favorite world in KH I. It may be my favorite world in the entire series. That isn't because I love the movement mechanics of the underwater world, though I do enjoy them. And it's not because I love the storytelling in this world, though I do think it's a brilliant section for plot, character, and lore (more on all those momentarily). It's my favorite because Ariel is an option for your battle party.
That might seem a slight reason, but The Little Mermaid is not only one of my favorite Disney films, but one of my favorite films full stop. Depending on my mood on a given day, it may take the top slot on a Disney list. But the one substantive issue I have with it is a big one: despite Ariel being the heroine, every other element of the film existing to service her story, she has almost nothing to do with defeating the villain who manipulated and betrayed her. Worse, she ends up a damsel in distress at the bottom of whirlpool. For Kingdom Hearts to make Ariel a party member who can fight against Ursula - in both forms - was so gratifying the first time I played this game, and it's remained so ever since. If KH III deserves credit for nothing else, bringing back Ariel as a Link Summon (the most useful one after Simba IMO) was a great move, but combat-ready Ariel in your party as part of a story that pays off all her talents and personality still takes the cake, and it's one of the best things this series has ever done with a Disney character. (It also removed the only possible rationale for giving The Little Mermaid the live action remake treatment, but I'll spare you my thoughts on that ongoing enterprise today.)
Ariel's dynamic with Sora is also one of the strongest between him and a Disney character from outside Mickey's realm. They've got a nice big sister-little brother vibe. Had the Kingdom Hearts TV series ever panned out, it would've been great to see that expanded on. But there's also some nice thematic work achieved through their relationship, Ariel's wanderlust mirroring Sora's from earlier in the game and Sora having become world-weary by that point. Given how pronounced that quality became in KH II, it's a shame that aspect couldn't have been tapped again.
And then there's King Triton, better-versed in Keyblade lore than Sora, Riku, the Traverse Town crew, and even Genie. Whoever's idea that was in the writing process, it was a great choice, and well-placed within the narrative. Had the possibility of a destructive Keyblade master come up too soon, it might have made it too easy to predict some of the twists in Hollow Bastion; too late, and there wouldn't have been time for a sense of foreboding to build. Though I do wish the graphics of the time would have let Triton's destruction of the crystal trident been a little more like his attack on the grotto from the film (the scariest scene in a Disney film for little-kid-me).
Gameplay wise, I prefer Ursula's first stage to the second. Once you get the hang of avoiding their attacks, the big-head enemies in KH I are a little too easy IMO. The first stage is more involved. On the other hand, defeating the big-head Ursula with Ariel in the party is a more cathartic experience, for all the reasons mentioned above.
Finally, I'd be curious to learn more about the music decisions for KH I. How did Atlantica and Halloweentown come to be the only worlds (besides the Disney Castle cutscenes) to use music from their respective films? I'm glad they did; playing along to "Under the Sea" is great. But Yoko Shimomura could certainly have come up with something fitting.
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xehabaldr · 11 months
Drinking the hard kind of copium juice mixed with pure wish fullfilment hoping we'll see all the Dark Road kids in Quadratum and everyone will be able to travel between it and the original KH-verse in the end, with extra fun of Xehanort and Eraqus having the memories of their lived out lifes but as if they're remembered through the lens of someone else. It probably doesn't make much sense but I don't care because I want to see them happy damnit.
And I think it'd be very funny. Like the awkward tension of teenager Xehanort hanging around all these people his asshole adult self has traumatised while he technically ranks among the people traumatised. Imagine living out another life knowing how terrible you can end up. Ventus, Terra, and Aqua coping with a teenage version of their master hanging around who'd really like to have a better relationship with them this time. Riku and Baldr being weird darkness-wielding buddies. New kiddos for the rest of the cast to become friends with (I think Vor and Kairi could be great pals, fearing change together : ]).
i've been thinking about dr characters in quadratum for months. years even. they would be perfecttttt for the "i died but now i'm here" situation quadratum has going on. i'm not personally that invested in seeing eraqus again but nomura's art of yx in quadratum has me on that hopium plus I feel like there are a couple really strong other candidates from the khdr cast. vidar in particular I think is a character who might actually have a chance. baldr is like, obviously I have to hope that baldr will be there (but i doubt he actually will be). I would kill to see 3d renders of the dr characters in ANY situation though honestly. i will take a flashback, i will take a lore recap, i will take anything
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astrummorte-m · 4 months
kingscyrus replied: .............. give me the stats, I WANNA KNOW. LMAFO
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if you say so, my guy (gnc)
tumblr blog #1, astrummorte:
mostly ocs, though the ones that are of note for my canons are yae miko, xemnas, diluc, dottore, kaeya, sora, roxas, kafka, aqua, ardyn izunia, paimon, man in the moon / manny, cloud strife, nicholas d. wolfwood, kaveh, and boothill.
tumblr blog #2, corfolli:
these r literally ALL OF MY NEAR CANON CHARACTERS. like. adherence to guidelines and rules and codes alike. aside from my bg3 characters, who follow a weird timeline <3. that being said, ezio auditore de firenze, gale dekarios, wyllyam ravengard, halsin silverbough, high harper jaheira, vax'ildan vessar, keyleth of the air ashari, ren amamiya, and futaba sakura.
tumblr blog #3, betonrcd: my super canon divergent aventurine of strategems, from honkai star rail. he has a pet kitten and is adoptive family of decima sangsters (novastrae) and my kaveh's hsr verse.
tumblr blog #4, tenarcana: my BIG GUY. my LOVE. the one who DESERVES THE WORLD. my longest term oc from a canon character, kairos rian serif. please bug him i beg of you
tumblr blog #5, foughtbelief: my kh dnd dmpc that i was "forced" to make tag along because my FUCKING PARTY got attached to him :sadge:. he's just a little guy your honor
tumblr blog #6, carrusidae: god/deity of youth, joy, revelry, and laughter. simple blog, meant for only lightheartedness.
tumblr blog #7, spellwound: bg3 tav made complicated w time travel and messing with the d20 of the universe babey
tumblr blog #8, memorieskept: buncha my ocs in one spot whenever i wanna mess w them tbh
tumblr blog #9, whcnimdone: self insert bg3 tav. uwu
tumblr blog #10, vcltaic: MY BELOVED VILLAIN HSR OC love that evil horrible woman who is evil for a good reason <3
tumblr blog #11, memenatura: my ffxiv wol oc whomst i love dearly
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as for discord~ oh gosh. okay. let's go.
final fantasy series: cid highwind (ff7), aerith gainsborough (ff7), sephiroth (im recognized by this guy dont fucking talk to me dog), tidus (ff10) , yuna (ff10), lulu (ff10), fran (ff12), lightning (ff13), fang (ff13), vanille (ff13), noel (ff13-2)
kingdom hearts series: riku, marluxia, kairi (briefly), foreteller ava, ephemer, strelitzia, xion, namine (briefly), ventus (briefly)
pokemon series: lots of protags, but. u know. touko (bw), n (bw; briefly), kris (crystal), the jp manga version of blue (the girl, not the rival. the one who fucking hates birds), dawn (dpp), cynthia (dpp), summer (pr:gs), emmet (bw2/post-loa), rosa (bw2), blanche (p!go), selene (sm/usum), nessa (swsh; briefly)
a lot more??????? there's. i'm everywhere, man.
gonna be real with you dog, thinking about this made my head hurt. /lh
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makostrife · 4 months
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i was thinking more about cloud's bg3 verse and ended up looking through some of his outfits to get a better feel on his general vibe and i really like the idea of him walking around wearing his kh outfit. also, seeing it gave me more ideas. instead of 'just' being a mako-infused human, what if after undergoing all the experiments he became a half-fiend, still mako-infused but more inhuman. like in kh & artworks, he has a cambion-like wing and a monstrous left hand which he hides by wearing a glove. he is technically human but due to mixed genetics he feels like a monster.
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ladypepperofdavenshire · 10 months
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"in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - I Thessalonians 5:18
A simple little something for Thanksgiving this year since we discussed this verse in church and I was hit with the sudden inspiration to make something based off of it!
A bit of a personal reflection on my year below; if you're not interested, no worries, carry on~
I can't say that this year has been exactly a good one, but I'm glad that I've made it this far, even if things have been fairly rough! :'D I've been struggling with depression this year a lot more than usual due to still not being able to find a new job (despite searching every week) and abandonment stuff that seems to have snowballed; some weeks I'll be fine, other weeks I wish I didn't exist and that things would be better if that were the case.
My family has helped me out with trying to break that cycle of thinking, and I'd love to get a therapist that would be able to give me advice and ways to combat those thoughts, but alas, I am broke and my job has been steadily cutting my pay and hours this year, so that'll have to wait for now.
Speaking of my family--I'm SO VERY thankful for them and all the encouragement and love that they give me! I appreciate their prayers, and just spending time with them when we're all not running around like headless chickens doing our various jobs and projects.
I'm also thankful that I've been able to hang out with my best friend more this year now that our schedules aren't as crazy as they were last year! We got to watch Across the Spiderverse and The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes in theaters, and I've had a blast going on hiking trips with her and hanging out doing art projects.
I didn't set out this year with the intention of writing a novella (which I did over the course of two months), or getting back into comicking with some smaller projects for practice before jumping headlong into Knightsbridge Hollow! I still intend on working on the Sci Fi Wip (and the two spinoff stories I now have bubbling on the proverbial back burner), but I really feel like my first love is comics, and I want to challenge myself to finish KH in 2024 before starting writing for The Wip in earnest (it's not as long as my other comic projects that never took off, so it should be manageable!).
I want to thank the faithful few watchers who have stayed with me on this wild ride, and the newbies who stumbled across this account and decided to stick around despite my rapidly-changing interests with my projects! I only have myself to blame for being so ADD with my stories, but I'm glad you guys understand! 🩵🩵
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