#Having an analytical mind
seagreenstardust · 5 months
Even just the fact that Katsuki point blank asks Izuku later “SOMETHING must have triggered black whip, what was it”???
Guys. Friends. Pals. You don’t choose to make the character who triggered the quirk ask the question (and not get an answer!!!) without a reason, this is textbook stuff, writing fictional characters 101. There is actual irony in Katsuki asking, in him not getting an answer, and most authors would introduce said irony only as foreshadowing, not as a random throwaway moment
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venice-1987 · 1 year
When Hozier said "How the mouth must be employed in every corner of itself" in a song (butchered Tongue) about the pain of losing culture through the specific imagery of loss of language after he said "The unemployment of the mouth" in Through Me (The Flood) in a verse about trying to measure loss
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strawberricakeandpie · 9 months
I can’t believe Ryōko Kui accidentally created a character that is such a (in my opinion) good representation of the autistic experience with Laios. Like I could go on about how he fits the diagnostic criteria for autism, but also how his experience interacting with others feels so similar to my own. Genuinely, Laios’s autistic traits appear so similar to mine and it makes me so happy.
TL;DR, Laios is so autism and I love him dearly.
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okaytosave · 3 months
I love the community here, for so many of you are posting analysis and reflections that have me even more intrigued than I thought I already was.
Meanwhile I’m sitting here wondering if Lestat and Louis, Louis and Claudia, Louis and Armand, ever held a wine tasting together but more commentary was on blood type and that sort of refinery.
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danieyells · 4 months
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"The Casino opened about six months ago when Taiga Hoshibami, a second year at the time, was given management rights and the position of Sinostra's dorm Captain."
So six months ago, about two months before the game started, Taiga was made Sinostra's captain. He hasn't been Captain very long comparatively.
And Taiga immediately fucked it up by injuring and attempting to kill the pc! And Romeo immediately fucked it up by trying to aggressively collect Kaito's debt in public!! It took both of you two months to get your whole house put on probation!!!
I wonder if that's part of the rift between he and Romeo and the reason for their split factions of followers. Some people expected Romeo to be given captaincy, and others expected Taiga. And Romeo and his loyalists don't agree with Taiga's being chosen as captain--although Romeo insists that he doesn't want Taiga under his control and that Taiga is the boss, even though he tries to tell Taiga what to do because he believes Taiga to be incompetent.
But they're both third years. He's only going to be captain for a year anyway before they both go off to do their year of field work learning. It's funny that they're doing this all for people who're gonna leave a year from now. . . .
(It's also kinda funny to imagine Ritsu being the next Sinnostra captain tbh. And he has to be the next captain, unless another ghoul transfers in--)
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scalproie · 1 year
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ok why the fuck did they drew attention to his low glance here. Is the idea of being outworld's emperor being planted into his mind right now? Implying that he truly do mean it when he wants the best for outworld (even tho thru war and conquest)? Implying some sort of positive and noble qualities in shao? But perhaps misguided bc of his backstory here and bc hes been an easy villain for the past 30 years so why change it? Or if not, if he had his sights on the throne for power for some time, why break eye contact from shang tsung in what is usually a mark of humility or perhaps self-doubt when you look down and elsewhere in the middle of a sentence, if he was so confident of being a suitable leader for outworld he would not have reacted this way. He isnt privy to shang tsung and quan chi's machinations, so right now all he knows is the prophecy of outworld falling and sindel not doing enough, in his opinion, against it. Whay are you making me look into shao kahn's character I KNOW FOR A DAMN FACT you're not going to make him 3 dimentional.
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cycle-hit · 6 months
i dont tend to since i feel a lot of my posts arent that coherent or truly depictive of my thoughts. and posts like my kotoko or mahiru down bad posting or me just being like. generally off the shits about them would still not be maintagged! more just the posts of me pointing out tiny details, or maybe even just me wondering about them. are what im talking about. i hope u get what i mean
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peridot-tears · 1 year
While we mainly follow Arno's personal conflicts, driven by cynicism brought on by grief over his personal relationships, I think a lot about how he viewed larger French society and the time he was living through.
There's a brief moment where, at the beginning of the revolution, he says something to the effect of, "The people want to be free!" and that's the most explicit indication of how he felt about the Revolution's role in fighting classism. It suggests that he supported the idea of the French people rising up for their rights.
He himself was raised by a nobleman, albeit in a role where he was perhaps a well-treated servant. He personally has a spat with Olivier, the head...servant? Groomsman? Whom he had to answer to.
When he kills King of Thieves, he sees for himself through his memories that François De La Serre -- despite having been a good man who became his surrogate father without a moment's hesitation -- was a pompous aristocrat himself, immediately dismissing the King of Thieves and his "affairs of rats."
Arno strikes me as an intelligent man -- emotionally, intellectually, and strategically -- underneath his shitty, shitty coping mechanisms. Like, this is the kind of person who understands why he's self-destructing and how to stop it, but spirals anyway.
So I wonder what was going through his mind when he saw for himself that François De La Serre, while having great ideals that were struck down by evil men, was in some ways someone whose own arrogance brought him down? I wonder if it was a hard lesson where he had to learn that someone who was good to him was part of the problem in his society, where the working class was underrepresented in politics and dispossessed of basic human needs?
If he hadn't been wrapped up in the Assassin-Templar conflict, would Arno have been a Revolutionary himself? Or at least a supporter?
At what point in the Revolution did he become disillusioned with it? At the start of the Reign of Terror? When the populace started scapegoating other commoners?
We mainly follow Arno's interpersonal relationships, but I think a lot of his cynicism is driven by ideology and massive historical events happening around him. We're all affected by our surroundings, even if we don't consciously feel it. He went from a young, rule-breaking man to someone who was supportive -- even optimistic -- about a revolution that could change his society, only for it to devolve into carnage and just create another system where innocent people have to suffer due to the opinions of a few influential ones.
Also, he owns a cafe where people regularly gather to talk revolution and watch plays made for social commentary. You can't tell me he isn't swayed by what he sees.
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mountmortar · 1 month
my beautiful early 2000s online quizzes with bad graphics will save me
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machtwehr · 10 months
I would really like to read some crossover between Twin Peaks and Like Minds
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cocteautwinslyrics · 5 months
im not ready to read a book in german AND one in french next year..... im bad enough at reading books in english
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toenzy · 5 months
I'm too creative and funny for my job, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to go and do.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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rotisseries · 2 years
i genuinely think I could convert a mlvn
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tenshindon · 2 years
I was rewatching Res F and Tien has a line where he says "I didn't bring Yamcha and Chiaotzu, it's too dangerous for them." And I love that line cause it implies all 3 of em were together, probably watching a movie or some shit, when freiza showed up
they were all just casually chillin and then the fuckass space lizard showed up </3
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #253
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