#He Is Risen
proverbs31girly · 5 months
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tomicscomics · 6 months
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Happy Easter! He is risen! Hallelujah!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Mary Magdalene makes early trips to Jesus's tomb, maybe to anoint His Body with funeral oils, or maybe just to cry. In this cartoon, she refers to these trips as her "mourning routine." The word "mourning" (grieving) sounds like "morning" (the early part of the day). This pun implies that Mary's early daily ritual (her "morning routine") is one of sorrow (hence, "mourning routine"). 2. As Mary approaches Jesus's tomb in John's version of the story, she sees that it's open and hurries to the apostles to have them inspect it. In this cartoon, however, she's too exhausted to recognize what the open tomb implies (that the dead Jesus has somehow left His tomb). She continues into the tomb to wait for Him to return, and only after several minutes does the event literally dawn on her. This particular sunrise has seen the Son rise.
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surely-sims · 10 months
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heavens-words · 6 months
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thewordfortheday · 6 months
He is not here. He is risen. See the place where they laid him.” Matthew 28:6
This is the heartbeat of the good news. Jesus is alive!! Our Redeemer lives!! Hallelujah! The cross and the grave are not the end! God raised Jesus from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him.—  Acts 2:24
Christ’s resurrection gloriously demonstrates that God’s sovereign love has the last word. As a powerful hymn puts it, “No power of hell, no human plan, can ever pluck me from His hand.” We now live in the joyful assurance that because Christ lives, we too will live for all eternity.
Christ is risen!
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sugar1nme · 5 months
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hellenicrisis · 6 months
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Behold, the Lamb of God,
Who cleanses this world of sin.
He who chose to receive a crown of thorns,
So that we may be crowned with his love.
He is beaten, he is whipped, he is crucified;
He is risen.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Space-X boosters, twin landing.
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99-and-1poplin · 5 months
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igottatho · 6 months
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Various posters I found via Twitter. Some are personal photos from marches, others are “antique” posters for the annual Day of Land (TODAY!), which Palestinians instituted earlier in their struggle against their occupiers.
(For some reason all of my sources aren’t copying on mobile, so I’ll try again in a bit, poor lamb tumblr)
1 1.5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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lgbtqtext · 6 months
Happy Day Of Transgender Visibility!
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tomicscomics · 1 year
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Peter has a breakdown.
JOKE-OGRAPHY: In John's Gospel, John refers to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved", which makes it sound like Jesus didn't love the others.  I doubt that implication is intended, but I can't help characterizing him as a bit full of himself because of it.  In the story this is based on, John talks about him and Peter running to Jesus's tomb.  He makes sure to mention he got there before Peter, but that he let Peter go in first, so he's more athletic than (but still very courteous to) his crusty elders.  The story sounds like John is bragging or subtly insulting Peter for being slow, so in this cartoon, I've dialed those implications up to 11.  Perhaps this is an earlier draft of John's Gospel... before Peter gave him an editorial review.
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frodo-with-glasses · 6 months
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When even death started working backwards…
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He is risen indeed! Happy and blessed Easter 🙏
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little-catholic-diva · 6 months
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Happy Easter
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oncefaist · 6 months
mike faist in new promo video for challengers
via instagram 🔗
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