#He'd never think him and Harry as same person 😭
springs-hurts · 1 year
I wasn't going to say anything about Sirius today but saw a reel and now I'm messed up.
People out there really think that Sirius thought Harry as an stand in for James. Like no no no, he didn't, he didn't, he did not.
He did compare him with James at some points no denying but he didn't saw him as James😭
As someone has already said on this site(i don't remember who worry) Sirius would never ever think of Harry as James, James was different, 𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴.😭
He knew perfectly well about the difference b/w harry and James.
That's it.
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highonincense · 6 months
One thing I absolutely despise in drarry fics —and by this I mean a specific subset, not like in general cause there are many amazing fics— is the characterization of harry (and draco), the way he's an absolute fucking doormat!!!! I get it y'all are tryna portray him as a social dimwit, it can be done in a normal way without making him seem like a piece of cardboard! Are we talking about the same dude here?? You don't actually have to completely demolish a character, take away their key traits just to make the other half of the ship look better.
Let me give a pointwise description:
1. Dude stutters after every bloody sentence, like he's so overwhelmed talking to draco "smirking, smooth as butter, sardonic, sleek, godly" Malfoy who keeps insulting him every fucking second. Do you really think that harry would entertain that bullshit, especially in post-war fics!!! Like he'd just take it and not put him in his place?
2. I read this fic long ago and I don't remember the name, but good god it was unbearable. Basically the golden trio apologizes to draco for his tragic life that they were responsible for after the war? Like wtf? Why is there even a need to do that? 😭 That was too much and I stopped midway
3. Again, draco "3 OWLs" Malfoy, some supersmart / second coming of tom riddle, keeps patronizing every action of harry, the amount of times harry's intelligence is insulted? Immediate no from me, like are we still doing the whole "harry dumb mf potter is unobservant, slow, stupid, can't function without some rat hissing in his ear that he's an idiot 24/7"? Don't you think it's lame?
4. Harry has to always put up with his shitty attitude, I am all for character development, I know characters are multi dimensional and complex, and showing draco having a difficult personality is well and good, but it starts to get annoying when there's no real growth in him. I've read fics where he's absolutely despicable until the end which is covered up as him being a dickhead in general and harry "fondly" keeps up with his shit. *gag* canon harry would NEVER
5. I think it genuinely wouldn't make a difference if harry was there or not, I am not kidding or being dramatic, those fics might as well be character × y/n fics
All of this leads me to hate draco's character more! You portray him as this insufferable bastard who has a heart of gold apparently (where?) who has no real growth, shows no humility or regret or even pretends to and you think harry will put up with that?
It would be interesting if he starts out that way, works on himself and grows and changes, that would be more tolerable and interesting!
But no, he's always this annoying guy who hurls insults, keeps mocking harry or his friends every other line, you might argue it's in his character, but aren't those the traits which make him unlikeable? like those aren't cute or quirky? wouldn't it make more sense to show him grow out of it? It's really annoying
And harry, let's not go there, he's a completely new character, might as well be an oc atp, you can't even compare him to canon harry, that's how bad it is! I still haven't completely discussed it cause it's already getting long, but he's this wet bloody blanket and I can't stand it, the gryffs (except Hermione) in general are shown as some bumbling buffoons who can't differentiate between their hand and foot!! And the slytherins are all savvy, masterminds, geniuses... I really don't know whether it's admirable cause it's weird seeing them pushed into these moulds where they can only behave a certain way!
I'm so tired this is still going on like?? Why are their characters such caricatures? All of this sounds like it may have been a thing of past, but I am appalled it's still happening!!!
This is not directed at all drarry fics out there, cause there are some gorgeous fics written by amazing authors who fucking get these characters and make it about them, about their relationship and explore it in a depth and nail their characterizations without making either one of them boring. There are a good number of fics that I actually enjoy cause of the way they write drarry's characters, which makes or breaks the fic imho
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
im not a massive prongstail shipper (prongsfoot <3) but i've had this headcanon for fucking ever and it just isnt appreciated enough in marauders circles childhood bestfriends with supposedly unrequited crushes its a v popular marauders headcanon that james and peter knew each other before hogwarts, having both come from established magical familes so i just get brainrot about bb james and pete running around and doing all those childhood bestie things like getting married in their gardens and making wedding rings out of paper etc etc and just,,, neither of them realised they were each others first crush? as they grew up they realised "oh,,, oh i like liked him, didn't i. you dont usually marry people you feel completely platonically about." they are both emotionally constipated teenage boys who spend ages stewing in angst going "i loved him, but he'd never love me back D:" even though if they had a single conversation talking about their hisss feelings the problem would easily solve itself. but they dont, and years in the future, everything goes to shit. and peter doesn't realise that james still kept that tiny paper wedding ring
YES YES YES, I always loved the idea of Peter having an unrequited crush on James but I was always kinda hesitant to fully explore the ship, and today I just went fuck it and decided to announce it on tumblr.
I totally believe Peter and James are both the most oblivious mfs to ever exist, so the idea of them both having crushes on each other and assuming the other person didn’t reciprocate their feelings so they kept it to themselves sounds so accurate.
I’ve heard a bit about that headcanon before and tbh it sounds like a pretty interesting one, I’d like it if it was more explored in fics.
doing all those childhood bestie things like getting married in their gardens and making wedding rings out of paper etc etc
lmaoo I used to always do this with my irl bestie (we’re still inseparable to this day) 😭 we were (are) also major Swifties so when Taylor released Paper Rings 4 years ago we were like OMG REMEMBER WHEN WE USED TO- *goes down memory lane.* Imagining baby!Peter and baby!James making them and having pretend-weddings in their gardens legit sounds like the purest thing ever 😭<333
and when they’re at Hogwarts and well into their teen years they both start thinking “yo wait……. maybe I actually liked him” but never say anything about it due to the fear of being rejected or realising the other person forgot about the weddings and paper rings. And when James got with Lily, that was when Peter accepted that he was genuinely in love with James and couldn’t handle the pain of seeing him with someone else, let alone “Evans.” He then started resenting the Potters and kept thinking to myself “what did I do wrong? why didn’t I tell Prongs when I had the chance?” And part of the reason why James agreed to switch to Peter as the Secretkeeper was because he remembered what it was like when they were kids and trusted him fully because of it. Then when the opportunity to betray the Potters to Voldemort came, Peter took it.
and peter doesn't realise that james still kept that tiny paper wedding ring
Y E S. and at one point James gave it to baby!Harry bc his fingers were almost the same size (either baby!Harry had chubby fingers or James and Peter had skinny fingers, we’ll never know), Lily noticed it and asked what it was. James told her it was “just something he put together,” Lily didn’t buy it because the paper weddimg ring looked a little worn out but decided not to say anything.
excuse me while I go sob into a pillow.
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hetakiba · 21 days
Kim Disco Elysium: 2, 9
Askeladd Vinland Saga: 2, 24
Thank you!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character
Silly, funny, messy in a very different much less obvious way that compliments and contrasts from Harry. Plus also, I love his fit, iconic look. Also seemed kinda mysterious to me at first, which always makes getting to a know a character more fun :)
9. Could you be roommates with this character
I imagine so, he seems mostly pretty responsible, tidy, rent on the first kinda guy. Also, quiet, which would be good for keeping it not awkward 😭 honestly I feel like he'd be the perfect roommate 😭
2. Favorite canon thing about this character
Like everything honestly, I love the way he's written (I was just thinking the other day how much I miss him 😭). It's such an interesting evolution from start to finish. I guess I'd say the little hidden internal complexities/moralities like his respect for Thors code even if he definitely doesn't feel the same way, of course the way he doesn't make any attempt to keep thorfinn alive over the years but dies saving his life. YO! And again, just the mystery, in his backstory and goals and everything, you kinda never know exactly how he feels about anyone or anything. Also, again, kinda a funny guy 👍
24. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them?
OH MAN HARD!!! He's such a fun unique character 🤔🤔
Ok off the top of my head 🤔 I would say maybe Tsurumi from golden kamuy: kinda always has a plan, long term thinker, mysterious to the audience for a while, memorable antagonist. Also from GK maybe Ogata, has small moments of humanity and empathy that don't really affect his ability to be an effective villain/obviously bad person. And also this is only based on literally one episode but I also thought maybe Flint from Black sails? He also just strikes me as a little always thinking plan making adjust to situations quickly kinda person. Also very much characters that have a lot of awareness of the world they operate in 🤔 Also liars lol
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Jared JIB13 Sunday Panel
I Was Made for Lovin’ You by KISS is his entrance song and the only reasons I am mentioning it is because a. it's a perfect song for him and b. I love this song.
What was the biggest lesson that he thinks Sam thought him?
He says, it's funny because his 11yr old son is doing his summer reading assignment before starting 6th grade, and he's reading about the hero's journey, he had a choice of 10 to 12 books to choose from to read this summer. And Jared's fascinated with archetypes, tropes, general storylines that are similar like Star Wars with Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter with Harry Potter, or Lion King with Simba and the journeys these heroes go through and how there are roadblocks along the way; many years ago when he hadn't talked about what he dealt with just personally it was sort of like keep fighting until you find out what you're fighting for so keep putting one foot in front of the other. Sam obviously went through a lot and continued to go through a lot but he thinks Sam thought him, ironically because he died a bunch of times, but there's a saying life is short live it up but hopefully life is long.
So who do you want to be, if you are lucky enough, if you are fortunate enough to have a life there was a long time in his life he didn't think he'd make it to 30 (brb gonna go sob 😭) and now he's 40, has kids that he hopes make it to who knows what Elon Musk is gonna do 500yrs old or something but live like life is long not like life is short. When you're in your teens and 20s you think you gotta live it up and stay up till 5am and drink beer, but you can't do that you gotta live like life is long and be who you want to be, how do you want to be remembered. What Sam and Dean both did was kind of thankless to some extent you know they weren't going on tv shows to talk about killing a rugaru they just did the right thing because it was the right thing to do, so just try and do the right thing, and you're gonna fail and you're gona misstep but just be better and do your best. x
Does he have a favorite dad joke or thing he likes to embarrass his kids with?
He has a lot of favorite dad jokes, his go to lately is: he just realized he only knows 25 letters of the alphabet, he just doesn't know Y. There's also: never trust stairs they're always up to something. As well as: rest in peace boiling water, you will be mist. And: you can always tell a mummy a secret because they always keep things wrapped up. x
Do his children ever ask him to play a particular role, and which one do they ask for?
Odette wants him to be in her band. The other day she had a friend from school over for her first sleepover, and they have a piano and electric drumset and after her friend left the next day she told him and G that she and her friend were going to be in a band, she's gonna be the drummer and the lead she's very proud of herself but she usually wants him to be in a band with her.
Shep wants him to be the unsuspecting victim of an ambush, he'll never tell him but he'll tell G to tell him to walk somewhere then he "ambushes him" and it's great, it's fun until the other day. Shep had his buddy over and they have this airsoft guns, and they anted to ambush him so G told him, and he went out and they "ambushed" him. And he was carrying a cardboard box which he immediately put over his face and he was playing the part and being like 'help! help!'. They were having fun, and all of a sudden he stops getting shot and hears crying, and when he looks Shep is on the ground holding his butt because Jared's dog Koda thought Shep was trying to kill him, and bit him on the butt because he's trained to protect him. He didnt break skin it was just a warning bite but it scared the kid, but at the same time it's what Koda was trained to do so he can't get mad. And he says it might be bad parenting but he though at least Koda didn't bite Shep's friend because that migt be more difficult to explain.
And he's right, ideally no one would have gotten bitten but it's better that it wasn't Shep's friend because some parents are harshly unforgiving of dog bites regardless of the circumstances, the severity of the bite, or how long they've known the dog owner. x
If he had the opportunity to play another character in another show or movie with Jensen what would it be?
He wants to play his older brother. See how that works; he loves working with Jensen, obviously he loves working with him, he would love to work with him again and he's certain that he will work with him again. He'd like to play his little brother again as well, they've kind of joked- Jensen's been very busy obviously, but they've joked about him being on Walker in some capacity where they have a Maverick moment so he thinks that would be fun cause they've shared a screen so much. They got to do a lot, Jensen was Michael while he was Sam, he was Lucifer while Jensen was dean, he was possessed Jensen was shape shifting so they got to play a lot of dynamics he loved them all and they'll share a screen again. x
Does he think Sam believed that Dean would shoot him if it meant killing Chuck and getting his freedom? This is in relation to the scene in 15.17.
Not for a second. No. He thinks both brothers have such tunnel vission wether Sam has to do something to pull Dean out when he's not listening or Sam has tunnel vision and Dean has to do something to pull him out. It was kind of a flipside of Sacrifice in s8 were Sam felt he had to do this thing and Dean was like wait wait wait, it's almost the equivalent of slapping somebody on the cheek or giving them a smelling salt or something to get them out, you do it with dogs you clap. So he thinks Sam knew that this was gonna wake Dean up. He doesn't think he ever thought Dean would ever shoot him. x
Is there any scene in SPN, Walker, or any other show he'd like to re-shoot?
This is gonna sound like he's making a joke but every scene, he means Sam was so different in s1 and the stories were so different that he was in s15 so part of him wishes- it's like the saying youth is wasted on the young, so if he knew then what he knows now he would have done things a little differently. But he thinks, speaking of SPN specially because it was such a big part of his life and career, it was kinda nice to see Sam grow up. If Sam knew in the Pilot or Wendigo what Sam knew in 15.20 then it wouldn't have been an exciting show, it'd be like this guy knows everything and he knows everything, so it was enjoyable for him to grow alongside Sam so he guesses he'll focus on the part of him that likes to be in the moment for what it was when it was there are plenty of scenes- funny enough the first scene that came to his mind is a scene that tortured him for a while after he went home for the night, but he's had some of the fandom and some coworkers tell him what a great job it was, he's talking about the beautiful, emotional scene between Sam and Dean at the end of Prophet and Loss.
He had a really difficult time remembering his lines, he thought he did, and he had been doing it for 20yrs it wasn't because he slept in or didn't memorize his dialogue he treated the scene the same way he had treated every other scene he had for his entire career but for some reason it just wasn't clicking in his brain. And he was so frustrated with himself and in the scene Sam is so frustrated with Dean and they shot the scene and he was having a really tough time with it and he was like 'what? am i having a stroke? what's going on?' and he doesn't mean that as a stroke joke, he means it literally he tought he had a stroke because his brain just wasn't clicking.
Says he went home and cried himself to sleep, and woke up and still felt bad about it cause he didn't sleep well, and he got up and started apologizing to people saying how sorry he was about the previous night 😭😭😭 But they didn't understand what he was talking about and he said he wasn't there, he didn't bring what he ususally does on set as a leader, and as an actor, and they told him it was great. For some reason, he thinks, Sam and Jared kinda melded in that scene and like they knew the show was ending, it was really tough emotionally the entire time and he thinks some part of himself and some part of Sam didn't want to say the words he was saying so it was a weird mental block that he's never had happen before or since. So that's his isntinct but he guesses he'd leave it as it was because it was as honest as he could have been as an actor and as a character. x
Does he think he has been a teacher in an unconvetaional way through his storytelling?
He responds that it's a great way to think of it and it's very flattering. He guesses he would say that some of his work in tv or movies have served some teaching purposes, he'll say it for sure because it has thought him a lot so if it helps teach - he thinks the great part about teaching is really asking questions and making people figure out to ask questions not just giving them the answers you can go to a calculator or to Google if you want answers but trying to learn how to think and how to do things those have been the most important lessons that he has learned, and learning is forever ideally. If you're not still learning and growing then today, right now, is the best you'll ever be and that's kind of depressing to him.
So he hopes he's been able to help people ask questions and he thinks that was a cool thing about SPN because they were in so many bizarre situations it made him think literally about what he would do like with soulless!Sam. When Sera Gamble told him between seasons 5 and 6 that he would come back soulless he started wondering what that meant, and what a soul is, and he read about what the great philosophers and theologians thought the soul was or what it could be or what religion is and how they kind of correlate across cultures and across societies and eras so he thinks if in his process of learning he was able to help teach at all then then very cool. His mother was a teacher, she's retired now, and she thought him, she showed him how to start asking questions. Anybody can memorize what's in a book to an extent, or look up what happened but the more interesting part to him is why did it happen, what were they thinking and why did they think they were doing the right thing, do they know they're doing the wrong thing, what would he do. x
There are some emotional scenes where Sam's voice breaks like he can't get the words out, is that Sam's voice or Jared's?
He would say Sam's voice. Sam's voice as informed by Jared's interpretation of who Sam is and was and would be in that moment. He's never done an affectation in his voice, he's never made it go higher or lower he just kinda did whatever he felt Sam would do, and funny enough like in some of the earlier seasons of SPN he did kind of lower his voice but he felt like Sam would lower his voice because Sam was already a man, he'd already hunted ghosts and had this shitty life he lost his mom when he was a baby and he felt like Sam still was not a man yet he still was pretending to be a man. He had done a lot of stuff that men never do, and he means man as an adult the adult version of what he was, not a boy or girl, but he never consciously- he'll say if he can hang his hat on one thing and be proud of himself for SPN is he gave everything to Sam. Everything he had and he didn't always have as much as maybe he would have wanted but that was just the way Sam came out through him and through dialogue.
He guesses there was one episode were he used a fake voice but that was French Mistake, and again that was Sam. He never did anything for the sake of Jared, and he thinks that also Jensen never did anything for the sake of Jensen, and he thinks that's one of the main reasons why SPN went so long, and why they were so trusted. For many years there were no producers in Van, all the writers and producers were in LA then they got Kim Manners and then he passed, then they had another couple years where there was no real creative producer there they just trusted them because they knew it wasn't like they were going to want to do a backflip because they thought it was cool in the next ep that's not true to Sam and Dean, and they wanna be as true to Sam and Dean as possible and so both Jensen and he were kinda just - he loves Sam, Jensen loves Dean, he loves Dean, Jensen loves Sam, and he wanted to do him justice so whatever happened was Sam. x
Jared JIB13 Sunday
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nickssidewitch · 3 months
Alright, let me clear some things up. I'm the anon who wrote this.
First, let's talk about their fandom. Although not entirely, but mostly, it's full of tweens or teens. And there's also way more female fans than male. Undoubtedly, most of them are dreamy and uninformed about many things; it's easy for them to lose themselves in their daydreams and fantasies.
My point was, they can project their fantasies onto Matt and Chris, but not Nick since he's gay, and the fandom lacks male fans. That results in his lack of popularity. I never disregarded his talents or his brothers'. They literally do the same thing, look kinda the same, are of the same height (almost), differing personalities, yes, but all of their personalities have their own appeal, so why is he the least popular? I even saw a poll here on Tumblr, asking who were our faves, Trevor was included too and he literally had more votes than Nick, even Nate (who barely appears in their vids) ranked higher. Why? Because they can't fantasize about him. Dude is the full package: he has the looks, that 'oldest sibling' aura, jokes to crack you up, engaging persona, friendliness-you name it! He'd be the Harry or Zayn here. If he were like, pan or bi, or even if his sexuality was fluid.
Think of them as a band. Let's name the band The SoulSturns [The Sturn(iolo)s who will touch your soul with their music], and their fans, Eversturns.
Nick : main composer (since he edits their videos), leader, main vocalist (self explanatory) , sub dancer, lead rapper
Instruments:- Vocals, piano
Matt : lead vocalist, lyricist, main dancer, sub rapper
Instruments:- Vocals, guitar (electric and acoustic)
Chris : sub vocalist, main rapper, lead dancer
Instruments:- Vocals, drums
Still, Nick will be the last in terms of popularity. I stand by what I said. Nick, imo, is the most handsome one, but the fans can't fantasize about him. I'd be his number one hoe if he had a preference for women.
They know this too:
I know that he and his bros dgaf, but that's not my point. I'm sorry I offended y'all.
Forgive me.
Hi, anon!
Thank you for reaching back! 🤍🤍
The reason why this was offensive for me was because as a black nonbinary queer person, I hear what-if statements like that all of the time. Usually when people make statements like that regarding my own identities, it’s never from a good place because they’re always wishing in the back of their minds that the alternative (me being white or lighter-skinned cis straight person) was real. I totally understand your original ask, and I even make that clear in my original response (idk if that was even clear tbh cuz my articulation skills <<<). BUT, it’s just that making what-if statements is what offended me the most, not because it was about Nick or anything 😭 Usually the what-ifs are always coming from a negative place.
I hope this makes sense, anon! And thank you for responding with grace! 😭💖
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
Hiii!! Idk if you’re doing requests or not, this is just a suggestion, so the reader gets Stu and Billy into horror games. Like Corpse Party, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, etc. I feel like they would REALLY be into those kinds of games, especially the bloody and gorier ones. Idk if you’ve done something like that already, I know you did one for FF and that one was so cute btw, but I’ve always thought about that ☺️
God yes yes and yes! I love this request so much! Sorry it took so long. Also this is a mix of regular and modern ghostface.
Reader Getting poly!Ghostface Into Horror Games:
The way you three bonded was originally over horror movies. Nothing special, the same way they had bonded before with Randy or how Stu had with Casey.
They knew you were a gamer, but they actually didn't have too much experience with horror games themselves. Stu was a very casual gamer and he mainly played fighting games or FPSs; Billy didn't play games period since he thought they were for kids or loser-nerds.
Stu did, of course, play Mortal Kombat already. He had heard of it during the parental uproar through the news and, given his absentee parents, he easily acquired a copy. He loved it for the violent, splatterfest it was, and he loved playing you in it.
But other than MK, he had very little experience with horror games, as he is like I said, a casual gamer (modern!Stu is, in contrast, a huge gamer lol)
Originally, gaming was a you and Stu pastime. Billy found them boring to watch. He only enjoyed it if it had a interesting and in-depth story, like FF7 or Persona 2. And even then he tuned out when you and Stu had to grind or do side-quests.
When you breach the topic of horror games to them, Stu was beyond enthusiastic. Billy was intrigued, but had a very "normie" view of games, so wasn't expecting much.
Stu easily let you show him the world of horror through video games. Stu loved mindless gore, sure, but he also loved a good fucked up story. So when you introduce him to Silent Hill...he's hooked.
Seeing Harry tackle the horrors of Silent Hill had him enraptured. He especially loved the "other" Midwich Elementary.
This helps in getting Stu to pester Billy to watch/play horror games as well. Billy is there for Silent Hill 2, and before you know it he's playing on his own time.
When you guys play Clock Tower and Night Trap, Billy loves purposefully scaring you and Stu while you play by suddenly grabbing your leg or shoulder and yelling. (I will never get over how much he likes jumpscaring ppl in the OG film 😭)
Now for a more modern setting, Corpse Party would be quite the entertaining ordeal.
Stu thinks Kizami is dreamy because "He reminds me of Billy."
Billy rolls his eyes at this, but secretly thinks Kizami is cool so he's pleased.
They'd both jump right on the Resident Evil Remakes for sure. Stu streams it and overexaggerates getting jumpscared.
The Silent Hill P.T demo actually did scare the shit out of him though lol. Billy, surprisingly, wasn't scared at all, but he loved it so much he through a fit when it was cancelled lmao.
You introduce him to some more "light horror" games too. Specifically Yume Nikki.
Billy adores Yume Nikki, and is the type of person to sing it's praises online for how revolutionary the method of storytelling is and actively engages with fan theory online.
Billy would never admit it, but his fave horror games are pixel indie games. He feels people who undersell them because of their graphics are elitists (which is absolutely hypocritical, because he himself is an absolute elitist when it comes to horror). Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father, The Count of Lucanor, etc.
He also loves Yume Nikki fangames like Fleshchild and .Flow
Patty and Mr. Miles had him genuinely tearing up, but he'd never ever tell you or Stu about it lol.
Hc that Billy feels very literal empathy/sympathy for IRL people (save for a select few people), but feels a LOT for fictional characters. I feel like it has something to do with his blurring of fiction/reality, escapism, and just seeing fictional characters as more "real" than IRL people.
Stu loves anything with gore and/or disturbing and taboo themes. He also loves a good story, but doesn't pscyho-analyze as much as Billy (though he adores listening to Billy and your theories and even has planty of his own.)
Stu stream Animal Crossing and also will go to "haunted"/scary towns and clickbait the title of his streams/videos "The Scariest Horror Game Ever 😱" lmao
Stu played and enjoyed BTD
Side Note: you made Stu play P.T with a VR headset and it was both horrifying for him and hilarious for you and Billy.
Whenever Billy is home alone, he likes revisiting Yume Nikkie a lot. He gets kinda hyperfixated for awhile tbh.
One of Stu's fave games you let him borrow are the Theresia games for DS. The way music is used in that game tickles him pink and he loves the atmosphere.
Stu is the guy who streams Amnesia in 2022 lmao(and it actually brings a ton of viewers, most ppl amused that there's a streamer who hadn't experience it yet)
Horror games become as important to you three as movies are. It's an excellent bonding activity but also just for playing alone on long nights where the other two are gone.
Billy in particular begins seeing games as an medium on par with film when it comes to horror. He loves the idea of being able to actually experience the horror as a player, rather than just watching someone else go through it like in movies.
But...he still thinks games of other genres are for nerds lmao.
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