#Healer Asurr
honeybewrites · 4 months
Elemental Continued + Dragon War
@ath3alin I'm here!! I'm here!! *papers and notebooks spilling out of hands, hair a complete mess and face flushed* I have more rambles!!!
OKAY!!! Rage's elemental vision/very basic run down of the elemental system (I want to do a more comprehensive intro post for the whole magic system, so this is just a little teaser).
So, elemental is used by most species in some form. It's different for each species on how much they can control, but the basics stay the same.
Elemental relies on two main aspects: the element being harnessed (pulled from the surroundings) or extracted (pulled from within the users body), and energy.
The broad categories of elements are fire, water, air, rock, bio, energy, and a few... other elements that I'm not going to name right now because it's Plot Points. (can you tell AtLA influenced this???) They all have many more categories in them and several of them overlap, but this is the general guide the Realms use. Most of your average run of the mill people are just going to refer to elements as this. You really only get the nuanced categories and specialties when you get with an advanced trained user.
Energy has three categories. Life energy, elemental energy, and wild energy. They have technical names, but most of your average people are just going group them together and call them energy.
So, since Rage is Mirralian, his body produces no element of its own, but it does produce a specific type of elemental energy that allows him to harness the elements in his surroundings. Ninety-nine percent of the time, Rage harnesses air, just "seeing/sensing" where it is. It requires little energy and his body, after doing this for decades, has built up stamina and extra energy production to compensate. The air leave an outline of where things are, like pouring clay in a mold. It can give Rage an incredible amount of detail if he puts in more effort, but for the most part he just lets his "sight" only go so far. The closest I can think of to give you an example is an inverted black and white picture like these.
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Not sure if I explained that very well, but it's what we're going with because my brain is mush right now.
NOW! On to Asurr's research!
First off, yes the questionable research is in healing/biology/genetics. It was pretty much why they chose to go into that field of work later in life. It defiantly wasn't for any desire to help people or good morals and a sense of duty.
Asurr's research specifically revolves around the writings, which are very few and seen as exaggerations and myths by the majority, about the creation of the Tanimoriem during the Dragon War. If the dragons could create a new species from another, why couldn't Asurr improve upon existing ones? Could they change one species to another? Could they create the ultimate species?
A lot of Asurr's research involves ancient writings in languages long lost, talking about impossible elemental feats that most believe to be complete myths. Asurr has had some success in his experiments, but they are crude, gruesome, unnatural and unholy feats of nature. Most of these abominable creatures are extremely violent and devoid of emotions and reason. While Asurr only sees them as steps forward and nowhere near their desired results, the Mors are very pleased with these creatures and use them for many things.
Most people see Asurr as crazy, which they are, but they are also insanely smart and driven. It's their life's work to reach the pinnacle of genetic alterations and species manipulation.
And finally, the Dragon War!
I've mentioned my other WIP, Legend of the Ancients (LotA), a couple times, which takes place in the same world as Echoes of War Chronicles (EoWC). LotA happens a good couple centuries before EoWC, but the Dragon War happens even before that. (LotA focuses a lot more on the creation of the Tanimoriem than EoWC does and is a major plot point for that series).
When the Realms were slowly discovering each other, all the species mixing together, tensions were high. A few of the Realms threatened war against each other. The dragons stepped in to keep the peace, working to unite the Realms and keep things from escalating. And it worked well, until Mirralia was discovered.
Mirralia was extremely hostile towards the dragons, hunting the species and using them to enhance their elemental. Mirralia convinced the other Realms the dragons needed to be controlled.
And so the Realms began a war against the dragons.
It was brutal. The single worst war in the Realms collective histories. It wrecked devastation for everyone, nearly destroying the Realms completely.
During this, the dragons came up with a plan. Through a massive amount of elemental and energy, the dragons "gifted" parts of themselves to various select beings who had been extremely loyal through the war, resulting in a new species. The Tanimoriem. It still remains to be one of the most impressive and powerful uses of elemental in history.
With the help of the Tanimoriem, a mix of namuhs and dragons, the dragons were able to end the war on their terms and keep the Realms from collapsing.
Sorry this is such a long post. When I start rambling, I really start rambling. Hopefully this answered a little more of your questions!! And thank you so much for showing an interest in my work!! It means so, so much to me!!! My DMs and asks are always open!!
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honeybewrites · 3 months
OC Traits/Emotions Tag
Thank you @fractured-shield for the tag!! Also, super fun tag, so thanks for creating it :D
Rules: if you had to describe the driving force behind how you write your oc’s personality, what qualities would you choose?
703: Dedication, Loyalty, Dangerous, Powerful
Fres: Freedom, Impulsive, Determined, Inventive
Rage: Dependable, Sympathetic, Protective, Warmhearted
Master Gerd: Possessive, Self-centered, Impatient, Hostile
Healer Asurr: Passionate, Inconsiderate, Intelligent, Rational
Tagging @the-golden-comet @anaisbebe @katenewmanwrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @diabolical-blue @halfbakedspuds @willtheweaver and anyone else who wants to hop on!!
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honeybewrites · 4 months
okay so i'm definitely going to do a deeper dive of your wip posts when i have time, but i saw you mention some of your secondary/minor characters like asurr and airvix- i don't think i've seen much about them, but just from that other ask where they were briefly mentioned they sound really interesting!! i would like to request any rambles you have about them if you're up for it lol
I am always up for rambles!!! And thank you for even just briefly stopping by my corner of the internet :) It makes me so happy!!!
This also turned out way longer than I expected it too. Oops.
Let's start with Ronan (Rage) Airvix!
The Airvix name is well known through Mirralia. All members of the name are well established figures of society. Think politicians, high ranking military, predominant healers, that kind of thing. So Ronan comes from a long line of high expectations, and he did not disappoint.
He went to healing school to become a certified Healer, and then joined the Mirralian military as a pilot and field Healer. His name quickly became well known through the Mirralian government as one of the best pilots they'd ever had.
Soldiers would always say to new recruits and people who had never worked with him before, "You better confess your sins (aka injuries from being stupid) now, unless you want to deal with Rage." The nickname stuck. And it suited him too. Rage's hot temper when it comes to healing is well known, but otherwise, he's a complete puppy!
Very friendly, talkative, kind, and maybe just a tad fatherly. It always surprises people as they expect with a big name like his, he'd have gotten a pretty big head.
What surprises people more, if the fact that he's blind. Rage has no trouble getting around or even fighting. When he was very young, he was involved in an accident that blinded him. Stubborn and determined as he is, especially at that age, he learned how to use elemental (the WIPs version of magic) to "see." Similar to Toph from AtLA, Rage can see his surroundings, outlines and details. You could also think of it like a bat. It has greatly increased his energy stamina (something required to use elemental) and in turn allows him to use more "taxing" elemental without getting quite as exhausted.
While in the Mirralian military, with his name being spread like fire, the Mors took an interest in him. And eventually, they offered him a job. Field handler and healer to some of their Assets and squads. The pay was ten times better, and so was the rank as the Mors were a special division. Plus, Rage was teased to possibly being let onto a high class project with his old school mate, Healer Asurr.
So Rage accepted the position. And that's how he came to meet 703 and adopt her become her field handler!
Now for Healer Asurr!
Dyvx Asurr was just your average kid. They came from a decent off family, an only child, and they had a pretty good childhood. They were exceptional in school, earning the top grades in every class, even skipping a few years. But Asurr always had a fascination for... questionable things.
They had several healing books and would often spend hours reading about some of the most horrendous acts committed during the Dragon War. Asurr could retain information like an encyclopedia and was constantly coming up with new ideas.
They would often capture animals and conduct experiments on them. They kept a very detailed log in a journal about their findings and future experiments they wished to conduct. Slowly though, they started moving to bigger, less four legged creatures for their experiments. Their log expressed a deep desire to conduct several experiments on other intelligent beings.
After graduating basic school early, Asurr went on to healing school where they met Airvix. The two were close, though Airvix never knew of his friend's experiments or other questionable hobbies. The two went their separate ways after school.
Finally free and out on their own, Asurr went about trying to make their desired experiments a reality. It took a few years, but they were finally able to kidnap a Mirralian. One just shy of crossing the legal age. His experiment went gruesomely wrong and resulted in the Mirralian's death.
It quickly caught the government and media's attention. Along with the Mors. Healer Asurr faced trial and was convicted. The public was told they would be sentenced to twenty years of confinement. However, that was not the sentence carried out. Instead, Healer Asurr was interviewed by the Mors. The Mors were curious about their theories and experiments, and Healer Asurr was more than happy to tell them. After the long interview, Asurr was offered a job with the Mors. A very high position, with all the resources they could ask for, to carry out their experiments. The Mors had a very special project they wanted Asurr to perfect for them.
Project Viall.
The project that would eventually create Asset 703.
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honeybewrites · 3 months
OC Origins Name Tag
Thank you @the-golden-comet for the tag!! This seems like a fun one!!
Rules: I want to know how you came up with your original character’s names and personalities. Are they based on people in your real life? Are they straight from your brain? Are they a mix of several people?
My names really... vary on how I come up with them. A lot of times, especially for side characters, it's just 'what letters can I throw together that sound cool and look pleasing?' or 'I like this word so let's turn it into a name!' I've actually got a whole note on my phone dedicated just to random names I come up with lol
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Asset 703
So um, technically, she does have a name haha. I just haven't shared it yet because I've got this whole name reveal scene planned out that I'm basically debating on whether I should share it or make you guys wait for the finished product. I created her name when I was in middle school and it's stayed the same since then. The inspiring word was 'Chalcanthite' which is a toxic vibrant blue mineral found in copper mines (I had a geology phase). The number 703 was just a random number I threw together that looked good to me.
Fres has had a couple name changes over the years, along with some sex and gender switches, but this seems to be the one I've finally landed on. Honestly, I don't even remember how I came up with it. It was probably just a throw letters together situation. They've always had short names though.
Ronan "Rage" Airvix
Rage has also never had a name change. His inspiration for the name 'Rage' was actually the clones from Star Wars. I liked how their names weren't really things you would name somebody and were more off their personality or defining traits and I wanted to kind of follow that idea. Rage just kind of clicked. I also liked how it was the opposite of his personality, until you pissed him off. The name 'Airvix' came because he used to be a different species. An Aveei, which come from Realm Aveilu. Lots of As I know. I wanted a last name that kind of played off of air, aviation, or astro. The name just transferred over when he changed species.
Master Gerd
Once again, I don’t really recall how his name came about. He semi-recently had a character makeover, or downgrade I guess, because he's a dick. He's been in and out of the WIP in various forms since middle school and I can't really recall.
Healer Asurr
I threw some letter together and called it a day. They've had a couple variations with the word 'sure' being the starting point. Threw in some letters, dropped some, fiddled with a couple different spellings, and eventually decided on Asurr.
I'm tagging EVERYONE for this game because it was super fun and I wanna know how y'all came up with names! SO! *takes deep breath*
@fractured-shield @leahnardo-da-veggie @themboty @ink-enchanted @minamaybe
@halfbakedspuds @diabolical-blue @charlesjosephwrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @bookish-karina
@illarian-rambling @anaisbebe @aalinaaaaaa @katenewmanwrites @nczaversnick
@wyked-ao3 @yourpenpaldee
If I missed anyone, I apologize and consider yourself tagged! Seriously, please hop on this game it's so fun!
Also, open tag if anyone else wants to hop on!!
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honeybewrites · 3 months
Thank you @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag, @paeliae-occasionally for the tag, @the-letterbox-archives for the tag, and @aalinaaaaaa for the tag,
Rules: Open the floor for questions about your WIPs/OCs/ creative processes, etc.
I love talking about my WIPs even though I haven't been as much lately and I love getting asks!
Echoes of War Chronicles Legend of the Ancients Rune Storm (placeholder title)
Asset 703 Fres Ronan "Rage" Airvix Healer Asurr Master Gerd Ryuk Emaeh Vern
I also love to talk about world building and my magic systems (I have one for EoWC/LotA and one for Rune Storm)! I'm also happy to talk about my writing process, WIP status, or really anything else you want to ask about :D
Tagging @nczaversnick @sableglass @willtheweaver @yourpenpaldee @anaisbebe
@fractured-shield @themboty @ink-enchanted @halfbakedspuds @diabolical-blue
@illarian-rambling @katenewmanwrites @pluppsauthor @jev-urisk @ominous-feychild and open tag for anyone else who wants to hop on!!
Sorry if any of you have been tagged already!!
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honeybewrites · 4 months
Pride Tag
I’ve seen a couple of various pride posts for people’s OCs, so I’ve decided to do my own version of that! And because I’m feeling adventurous, I’m turning it into a tag game.
I'm also doing this instead of catching up on my tag games because I wanted to. Sue me.
Rules: Tell me your OCs sexualities without telling me your OCs sexualities
I’m doing Echoes of War Chronicles OCs. If people end up enjoying this, I’ll post one for Legend of the Ancients too.
Asset 703
No. Except for 1 (one).
Maybe. But let's talk first. Extendedly.
Rage Airvix
Vanilla™ muscle MILF anyone???
Dana Hueland
Yes. That one? Yes. That one? Also yes.
Master Gerd
Only hookup. No relationship.
Healer Asurr
No. Zero exceptions.
Tagging @orions-quill @fractured-shield @anaisbebe and anyone else that wants to hop on!!
P.S. I've put their sexualities in the tags in order of the OCs.
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honeybewrites · 3 months
OC Intro: Ronan "Rage" Airvix
I've been a little too excited to do this one. Rage is one of my favorite characters from EoWC so I hope you guys enjoy!!
Once again, because of my lack of drawing skills, I have used picrew for Rage's pictures. If you're curious, I used this one and this one.
Yes, you guys get two picrews this time. The second one is a lot closer to how he actually looks, but I also wanted a front facing one. It was surprisingly difficult to find picrews with beards and man buns.
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Name: Ronan "Rage" Airvix
Mors Title: Field Handler and Certified Healer
Age: forty-six
Birthdate: (still working out the Realms calendars) July 17th
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Namuh, Mirralian
Physical Description
Light tanned skin. His face is blemish free except for some slight wrinkles around his eyes. He has dark gray eyes and matching gray and white hair* that is long enough for him to pull back into a bun, which is how he usually wears his hair. He has a few various scars from his military days. He's a little tall for a Mirralian, coming in at 7'0 (213 cm). He works out regularly and has a decent amount of defined muscles. He's also very healthy when it comes to food. Being a Healer tends to do that.
*side note: the gray/white hair is not due to aging. Most namuh species have 'unnatural' hair and eye colors. This color ‘dulls’ with aging rather than losing color.
Elemental, specifically healing, certified healer, Negotiator™, multiple languages, survival skills
Greatest Fear
Personality Type
Love Language
Physical touch
Typical Outfit
Mors certified suit, healer's uniform, or work out clothes
Method of Manipulation
Blackmailing and gaslighting
Born to the predominant Airvix family, Rage has spent most of his life exposed the Mirralian government and military. All of his family members hold high standing titles and the Airvix name is well known through the Realm. After graduation basic school, he went into healing, becoming a certified healer and joining the Mirralian military. After outstanding services, Rage was invited to join the Mors, which he accepted. He continues to be one of their top healers, so much so that he is assigned as a personal field handler and healer to a specialist. Asset 703.
Rage never dealt much with Gerd until getting assigned as 703’s handler and healer. Since Gerd is her main handler, Rage often has to defer to what he says, even if it puts 703 in more danger. The two butt heads constantly, almost always over 703. Each would be happy to see the other end up dead.
Healer Asurr
Rage and Asurr went to healing school together where they were roommates (no, not that kind of roommates. Asurr has no interest in that). The two were close friends until they drifted apart after graduation. Now with Asurr heading Project Viall for the Mors, they see each other more frequently, but their relationship is much different. Rage doesn’t fully agree with the Project, but tries his best to remain friendly and to avoid Project Viall as much as possible.
Assigned as her handler and healer, Rage was mostly curious about why she would get a personal healer. As he got to know her, that curiosity quickly turned to protectiveness and slight awe at how she operated. The best way to describe it: “I’ve only had 703 for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
If anyone wants to be added/subtracted to the tag list, you can comment or DM me :D
General Tag: @orions-quill @fractured-shield @anaisbebe @leahnardo-da-veggie @pluppsauthor
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honeybewrites · 2 months
365 Writing Challenge: Day 3-6
Sooo, yeah, I know I haven't been posting this, BUT I have actually written every day! Getting around to posting it... a lot harder than it should be haha
I might start posting this as a weekly update. Not sure if that would be easier with my life of chaos or not. Regardless, I'm still doing the challenge! It just might take me a while to post the updates
This isn't anything I plan to put into the finished EoWC, but I had to tell this from Rage's perspective to help me get 703's perspective on certain things right. I know, makes no sense. Anywho! Enjoy my insanity :D
Word Count: 257 (once again, this is only a small bit of what I wrote. Did a lot of plotting/brainstorming things)
"Nice of you to finally join us," Gerd grumbled. Rage raised an eyebrow. "You should be careful with how you speak to me Gerd. I'm the only one capable of cleaning up the mess you've created." Gerd's face flamed and furry filled his eyes. "You dare-" The GrandMaster raised their hand, silencing Gerd as they stepped forward. "Why exactly do you believe you are here?" "You've gotten yourselves in a mess with... 703." Rage fumbled not to say her name. They didn't need another reason to hurt her. "I told you not to take me from her and this is where it's gotten you." "How dare-" "Oh I dare," Rage snapped back at Gerd. "I warned you and none of you listened. You treat her like a machine and that is far from the truth. She is still a being, still mortal. You want her to be effective? Then you should have listened. I was with her for years and yet you still wouldn't listen to me. If you will not listen to my healing advice, why should I respect you?" Gerd stood, ready to fight, and if the GrandMaster hadn't stepped in, he was certain Gerd would have killed him. Though Rage would have certainly left his fair mark on the man. "He speaks the truth. We failed to listen and the consequences of those actions have caught up with us." Their back was completely turned on Gerd, giving Rage their full attention. "703 has been gravely injured. Her mission, though completed, has nearly killed her. Healer Asurr is unable to fix the damage. If you do not help, she will die."
If anyone else hops on this challenge, tag me!! I’d love to read what you post!!!
Update/Accountability: @aalinaaaaaa
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honeybewrites · 4 months
How Cuddleable Are Your OCs Tag
Thank you @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag!!
703: -10/10. You will be dead before you touch her.
Fres: 5/10. Likes a good hug but is still uncomfortable with them. Specifying first would be wise.
Rage: ∞/10. Give the best hugs ever. Like being enveloped in a warm blanket. Very gentle. Will wait for you to let go first.
Dana: 6/10. Only marginally better than Fres. Can hug decently, but does not generally like touching.
Master Gerd: -100/10. Will break every bone in your body. It is not a hug. It is torture.
Healer Asurr: -2000/10. You will be tied up. No hug. Only experiments. Very painful.
Tagging @anaisbebe @fractured-shield @kaylinalexanderbooks and anyone else who wants to hop on!!
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honeybewrites · 4 months
Echoes of War Chronicles WIP Intro!!!
Look at me! Writing and posting a WIP Intro and not a tag game like last Wednesday!! Did it take fifteen reminders and ten instances of sitting down with the intention to write it but getting distracted and not making any progress? Yes. But I finally got it finished!! So let's get into it!
Fair warning, this is kind of a long post, but when is anything I post not?
While nothing in this post has any kind of CW/TW I can find, this whole series is pretty dark/gory in its contents, and for that reason, I'm labeling it 18+. Specifically for excessive violence, dark themes, and general explicit content and gore. I try my hardest to label content appropriately whenever I post tag games and snippets.
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Series: Echoes of War Chronicles
Genre: adult high/dark fantasy/sci-fi (I don't really know what genre to label this as lol)
Status: First draft/planning
Tags: #echoes of war chronicles #eowc
Synopsis (for the overall series, so it's pretty vague)
Created to fight a war that has wrecked the Realms for years, two genetic experiments were trained side by side. Merciless, lethal weapons of death. Inseparable. Until they weren't. Years later, they're on opposite sides of the war. Both of them intent on destroying the other, regardless of their shared history. Bonds are tested. Secrets revealed. Loyalties made and destroyed as two partners threaten to destroy the entirety of the Realms in their hunt for blood.
Tropes and Things
Found Family
DRAGONS + other fantasy creatures
Living Weapon
Lovers to Enemies
LGBTQ+ OCs and relationships
Morally gray OCs and just downright completely morally black OCs
High Action
Now let me introduce you to the stars of the show!
Asset 703
Created from Project Viall, 703 has been with the Mors her entire life. Trained from birth to be the most deadly weapon in the Realms. She is regarded as a demon of death and an unfeeling monster. It's the only life she's known, and she long since accepted that fact. She doesn't particularly care about the nature of her creation or the brutality of her job. She was created for a purpose, and it's the sole reason for her existence. It's not her place to think about things like life outside the Mors. Those were traitorous thoughts and pointless hopes.
Another of Project Viall's subjects, Fres was also raised in the Mors. Nearly as deadly as their partner 703, the two were feared. But as Fres was exposed to more of the Realms during their missions, they began to resent the life they had. All the pain and abuse fueled their anger. So they created a plan, escaping from the Mors in a blazing chaotic mess. From them on, they devoted themselves to fighting against the Mors. They wanted to see them burn in eternal damnation, unable to ever rise back from the smoldering pile they left them in.
Ronan "Rage" Airvix
Assigned to be 703's field handler and healer, Rage works for the Mors. He's very calm and patient, unless you disregard his healing expertise, then you'll see where the nickname Rage came from. He will adopt anyone left unattended for five minutes.
Dana Hueland
Dana is one of the hardest fighters against the Mors. A feisty woman and phenomenal fighter, she's intimidating to anyone that comes across her. She excels at close combat and piloting and is a certified BAMF, MILF, and top tier Bisexual.
Master Gerd
One of the highest ranked in the Mors, Master Gerd is a psychopath with a god complex. He abuses his power religiously, especially over 703. He is feared my nearly everyone in the Mors and he knows it. -1000/10 would drown violently.
Healer Asurr
The head of Project Viall, Healer Asurr is a bit of a mad scientist. They're only concern is their life long work of enhancing species, ultimately to create the superior lifeform. They would stick you in a cage and study you obsessively for months.
Now, because the Seven Realms are so expansive, I'm just including a few basics here (she says after having written way too much info and then hitting delete far too many times). If anyone shows an interest in knowing more about them, I'll do a post for each Realm, I'm planning to anyway at some point, but for now, enjoy the little snippets that tell you absolutely nothing about their importance to the plot!
Mirralia has the second largest population of the Seven Realms. With its variety of biomes and massive cities, it's one of the most sought after places to live. Full of some of the most rich and powerful flora and fauna, many resources for alchemy are found in the Realm. It also remains to be one of the only Realms dragons have still been spotted. Mirralia government positions are highly sought after and their military is one of the strongest of the Seven Realms.
Enkkon produces some of the best Agi (trained magic users) in the Seven Realms, with schools to match. With top schools in many specialties, it brings in species from every Realm, creating the most diverse population of any Realm. Far less rich in raw elemental, Enkkon is a quiet Realm, reliant on technology far more than the other Realms, but that doesn't make its native species any weaker than the other Realms.
Levekint has the largest population. While the cities are large and bubbling, the flora and fauna of the planet interacts with everything. It's not uncommon to see buildings with vines or trees growing out of the middle, or for a shop to have bird nests and other creatures wandering about indoors. Levekint taught healers make up ninety percent of the Seven Realms healers. It is the forefront of healing innovation, producing some of the most renowned and well known healing names in history.
Zj'ahju is the smallest Realm, with the smallest population to go with it. The harsh biome and oppressive heat make the Realm nearly inhabitable for non-native species. However, it has some of the most beautiful architecture of the Realms, specializing in metal and glass. Both are big exports for the Realm, and they produce nearly fifty percent of the Seven Realms building supplies. Weapons and jaw dropping pieces of glass art are other major exports.
Ketaawi is the second largest Realm, comprising of ninety percent water. Most of Ketaawi's native species can breathe underwater, or can hold their breath for long periods of time. The massive cities of Ketaawi are either floating on the water, able to move much like a boat, or beautiful domes underwater. Right after Enkkon, Ketaawi is one of the most technologically advanced Realms, with some of the best defenses and security to be found anywhere.
Rorrut is a mountainous planet, having the highest peaks and deepest caves in the Realms. With such conditions, it's also a major Realm for rare alchemy supplies, specifically minerals and powerful, giant creatures. The planet is constantly "growing," creating more mountains and caves to replace the ones mined. With some of the most dangerous creatures in the Seven Realms, the natives became natural fighters and survivalists. There are very few large cities, and the habitants mostly form small villages, keeping to themselves and protecting each other.
The largest of the Seven Realms, Aveilu is a gas planet. The natives of the Realm have built their cities on the many rings of the planet, which are made up of large floating island, with the largest cities being floating cities, completely fueled by energy to keep them in the sky. Most native species in the Realm have some form of flight capabilities. Aveilu is the top Realm in ship production and export, creating ninety percent of the Realms flying transportation. It is the only other Realm dragons have been spotted in.
My Master Post is here with all the links to my other more detailed intros, including OCs, world related things, and the magic system if anyone is interested in reading any more about EoWC.
I know this is a pretty long post, so if you read through everything, wow, you're amazing! Thanks for reading through my little (okay, big) rant!!!
If anyone wants to be added/subtracted from the tag list, you can comment or DM me!
General Tag: @orions-quill @fractured-shield and @leahnardo-da-veggie
EoWC Tag: N/A
LotA Tag: N/A
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honeybewrites · 4 months
OC Intro: Asset 703
Look at me! I finally got an OC intro I promised!! We will not discuss how long this took or how long it has been sitting in my drafts.
Quick note, I have the drawing skills of a snake, so I have used picrew to create the closest picture of the lovely Asset 703 as possible. If you are interested, I used this one.
Also, the picture provided is of A-703 in her namuh form, not her natural Tanimoriem form, which is why she looks human. It's also because I couldn't find a picrew that would let me create a humanoid dragon like creature
With that out of the way, let's meet one of the Echoes of War Chronicles stars, Miss 703!!
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Name: [Redacted]
Mors Asset Number: 703
Age: twenty-three
Birthdate: [Redacted]
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Dragon, Tanimoriem (Genetic enhancements and experiments have occurred to alter this individual's biology)
Physical Description: Dark brown, nearly black skin. Pearl/white freckles cover her entire body. Crisscrossing scars cover her right eye. She has short, white textured hair, nearly always kept in braids. Her eyes are silver, like stars at night. Various and numerous scars cover her entire body. She is short for her species, coming in at 5'2 (157 cm). She has a large amount of muscle from her work and is extremely fit.
In her natural Tanimoriem form, her skin color and freckles transfer onto scales. Her hair remains the same, with large, low twisting horns the same color as her scales/skin. Silver spikes run down her back, all the way to the tip of her tail. A large spike ends her tail, also silver, and filled with venom. Her wings are an average size, coming in at 20'5 (6.25 m) wingspan. The arms of her wings are the same color as her scales/skin, while the membrane and protective scales are silver.
Skills/Abilities: elemental, multiple forms of combat, infiltration, pilot, certified healer, wilderness survival
Greatest Fear: the Mors
Personality Type: INTJ-T
Love Language: acts of service
Typical Outfit: Mors certified field suit
Method of Manipulation: blackmail/threats (though is also skilled at seduction)
Created from Project Viall, 703 has been with the Mors her entire life. Trained from birth to be the most deadly weapon in the Realms. It's the only life she's known, and she long since accepted that fact. However her partner, Fres, couldn't. Having far more loyalty to her partner, the two attempted to escape the Mors. They failed horribly, ending with the two getting separated. Fres was free, believing 703 had chosen the Mors over them, while 703 was still under the Mors control, believing Fres had abandoned her. The two ended up on opposite sides of the war, enemies.
Master Gerd: As her main handler, 703 has a very controlling relationship with Master Gerd. She is expected to follow his orders without question. If she disobeys, he carries out her punishments. He is responsible for her training and has been with her since the beginning. 703 has a deep respect and fear of the man, but it’s one of her most long term, consistent relationships in her life. It’s how all assets are treated, right?
Healer Asurr: As her creator, 703 interacts a lot with Healer Asurr. They are constantly putting her through tests and experiments to tack and improve her abilities. 703 hates them. But like the good Asset she is, she keeps her mouth shut and followed their orders without a word.
Ronan “Rage” Airvix: Assigned to be her field handler and healer, Airvix hasn't been with 703 very long. He attaches to her very quickly, becoming protective, because it's his job and not because this poor girl has no parental figure in her life. 703 quite likes Airvix, not that she would ever admit it. He at least treats her like a person.
Fres: 703's partner and closest friend since birth, the two were inseparable. She loved Fres with everything and as long as they were together, she didn't care where they were. But Fres left, freed from the Mors in their escape attempt, leaving 703 behind. 703 determined no relationship was worth it after that. She was far better off alone, doing what she was created for.
That's pretty much all I got for today. Like I didn't ramble enough haha. Anyway! Trying out my new tag lists! If anyone wants to be added/subtracted, you can comment or DM me!
General Tag: @orions-quill @fractured-shield and @leahnardo-da-veggie
EoWC Tag: N/A
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honeybewrites · 2 months
What is your favorite thing about Healer Asurr and Master Gerd?
Do they have magic?
Hey @wyked-ao3 always good to see you and thanks for the ask!!
Healer Asurr and Master Gerd are two of my… antagonists I guess. To put it simply, they’re both assholes lol. Both have no regard for other people or any damage they cause. They only care about themselves or their work.
Out of the two Healer Asurr is by far my favorite. Asurr just wants to do their research by any means necessary. As for my favorite thing about Asurr, probably just the fact that they're a mad scientist type, but instead of like physics or chemical science, they're a mad biological scientist/healer. It's really fun to write them!
Gerd is the character I would absolutely deck if I ever met in real life. I would just beat that mf into next week. If I have to choose something I like about him he is effective and unfortunately, he does his job of managing parts of the Mors well. He's smart and cunning, albeit temperamental. He's an interesting character and I do like writing about him, but at the same time I want to strangle him for what he puts 703 through.
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honeybewrites · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag and @willtheweaver for the tag!!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
I guess the characters and world. I created EoWC so long ago it's kind of hard to remember what came first, but I do remember obsessively looking for a name for my main OC. It's actually the only name that hasn't changed in the series.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I haven't ever actually looked into finding a theme song for it, but now I'm curious if I could...
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
703 is one of my favorites. She's been one of the most consistent characters since the beginning. Rage and Healer Asurr are also some of my favorites. They're both really fun to write despite their stark opposites. One of them is a lovely Dad Vibes character and the other is a deranged mad scientist obsessed with creating the perfect species.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Oof. That's a hard one. Um, maybe something with a lot of gore/fighting/supernatural? Like the Netflix Witcher series or SPN maybe? Found family is also a pretty big theme so maybe some other media with that. I'm not really sure what other lovers to enemies media is out there, but I imagine that would also be shared.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Plotting. I know how the story plays out, but getting it down into a useable outline is by far my biggest struggle. That and organizing the dozens of scenes I've written into a coherent timeline.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Lots of animals! Some from our world and a lot created specifically for EoWC's world. But the main animal/species talked about is dragons. Their culture, subspecies, abilities. They are by far the most fleshed out species.
How do your characters travel/get around?
There's a lot of different ways. Ships are common, as they can fly places quickly and travel through Bridges to other Realms. Ground transports are used, mostly only in cities. There are smaller ones, like cars, and bigger ones, like trains to get across a Realm easier. But for smaller cities, walking is most common. Even in the larger cities, walking is still a common way to get around.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Right now I'm trying to organize everything. I'm trying to get all the things I've written laid out to an outline and given an appropriate place in the series. Then I'll actually be able to see what scenes I still need to write and hopefully get a cohesive draft together.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Um, dragons? I love books with dragons, maybe a little too much. But in all reality, I think the lovers to enemies is what will probably draw people in. I'd also like to hope my world building draws in a few people because I love it.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I would like to get it published. Self published, just because I think that would be more fun. But really, if I could just finish it, publish it or not, and have one person who loved it, that would be enough for me.
Tagging @the-golden-comet @anaisbebe @fractured-shield @halfbakedspuds @diabolical-blue and anyone else that wants to hop on!!
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honeybewrites · 4 months
OC Intro: Fres
Since I introduced 703 last week, I figured I would introduce her ex-partner this week!! This has also been sitting in my drafts for an insanely lone amount of time...
Quick note, I have the drawing skills of a snake, so I have used picrew to create the closest picture of the beautiful Fres as possible. If you are interested, I used this one.
Once again, the picture provided is of Fres in their namuh form, not their natural Tanimoriem form, which is why they look human.
With that out of the way, let's meet another one of the Echoes of War Chronicles stars, Mx Fres!
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Name: Fres
Mors Asset Number: 702
Age: twenty-three
Birthdate: [Redacted]
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Dragon, Tanimoriem (Genetic enhancements and experiments have occurred to alter this individual's biology)
Physical Description: Fres has biracial skin, leaning on the lighter side. Vitiligo covers their entire body and a beauty mark sits under their left eye. Coinciding scars cross over the same cheek, just touching their full lips. They have matte gold or sandy textured hair, often left natural or in braids. Their eyes are bright sunny gold, like a burning sun. Various other scars cover their body from other missions and punishments from the Mors. Fres has a tattoo, an old Tanimoriem tribe insignia, on the right right side of their chest. They are short for their species, coming in around 5'10 (or 177 cm). Even slender and lean, they still have a considerable amount of muscle and are very fit.
In their natural Tanimoriem form, Fres' skin color and vitiligo transfer into scales. Their hair remains the same, with short, triple set horns the same color as their scales/skin popping through. Matte gold small spikes run down their back, all the way to the tip of their tail. Triple style spikes end the tail, also matte gold. Their wings are very large, even for the species, coming in at an impressive 30'1 (or 9.17 m) wingspan. The arms of the wings are the same color as their scales/skin, while the membrane and protective scales are matte gold.
Skills/Abilities: elemental, multiple forms of combat, infiltration, negotiation, technically savvy, wilderness survival
Greatest Fear: the Mors
Personality Type: ENFP-A
Love Language: acts of service
Typical Outfit: Out on missions, a modified Mors suit is generally their go to, but outside of that, Fres is very stylish, having lots of outfits, accessories, and lots of pink things.
Method of Manipulation: gaslighting/silver tongue
Part of Project Viall, Fres has been with the Mors for most of their life. They were trained side by side with 703, their best friend. It's the only life they'd every known, but as they were exposed to more of the Realms, they began to resent it. They couldn't accept this life, this pain. So they came up with a plan to escape, and take 703 with them. There was no point in running away if 703 wouldn't come. The plan failed horribly, ending with the two getting separated. Fres was finally free from the Mors, but 703 was not with them. Fres was convinced 703 had chosen the Mors over them and a deep resentment and hatred began to build. The two were now on opposite sides of the war, vicious enemies.
Master Gerd: As their main handler, Fres hated Master Gerd the most. Very controlling and abusive, they couldn't stand him. He was responsible for their training, so there was really no escaping him. Fres would like to see his head on a pike or his body dangling from the rafters.
Healer Asurr: As their creator, Fres interacted with Healer Asurr often. Constantly put through tests and experiments to track and improve their abilities. Fres hates them, but not nearly as much as Master Gerd. They would be almost as happy to see Healer Asurr's body broken.
Dana Hueland: One of the first people Fres met outside of the Mors, Dana introduced them to Oraniz. Since then, Dana and Fres have worked closely together. The older, feisty woman being more than happy to help Fres take down the Mors and extract revenge. Fres sees her as family, and the feeling is mutual.
703: Fres' partner and best friend since birth, the two were inseparable. They loved her with everything and as long as they were together, Fres knew everything would be alright. But when Fres ran from the Mors, freed in their escape attempt, 703 stayed behind in the end. Fres hated her for it. For choosing the Mors over them, and Fres vowed never to forgive her for it.
I hope that some of you enjoyed it, I know I love creating these little profiles!
If anyone wants to be added/subtracted from the tag list, you can comment or DM me!
General Tag: @orions-quill @fractured-shield and @leahnardo-da-veggie
EoWC Tag: N/A
LotA Tag: N/A
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honeybewrites · 4 months
Five Lines Tag
Thank you @willtheweaver for the tag!!
Rules: Find five lines based on the prompts you are given, then change ONE of the prompts at the end.
Lines are from Echoes of War Chronicles
CW: torture, induced seizures, blood
As always, if I missed a tag or a different one would be better, please comment/DM to let me know!!
A line about a building
703 felt her foot slip back into free air. Her body fumbling to right itself, but never getting the chance. The agent barreled into her, sending her completely over the side of the roof. She didn't scream. She'd fallen too many times to be frightened of it. But she did fire up at the agent. Landing a solid mark on their shoulder. Tipping their body back out of her sight. Before she could pull on her energy, she was crashing through the ceiling of the next building over. Dust and rubble flew up around her. Glass shattering. The building must have been desolate for her to have crashed through with such ease. Then she hit the ground and all the air left her lungs.
A sad line (prequel to EoWC before Fres and 703 ended up as enemies)
She screamed. Thrashing harder against the latches. There was blood running down her fingers now. Running down her feet. Her arms would be bruised too. The second seizure came. This time, Fres screamed from the pain. Body arching painfully off the table, pushing against their restraints. She could see their veins popping, their muscles spasming. Her own body ached from seeing Fres in pain. When they slumped back on the table, their head stayed down this time. Still gasping for air, fingers and limbs twitching every few seconds. She desperately looked to Healer Asurr, but they were curiously watching Fres. That cursed notebook open and pen in hand. The third seizure came. This time, she sobbed as Fres cried out. Screaming and thrashing was all she could do, and it did nothing to help her star.
A line about a drink (this is actually an old line from Rage's POV, so not actually part of EoWC anymore, but I still had fun writing this scene a while back)
Rage downed the drink, featuring for the bar tender to get him another. A woman slid up next to him, and he was struck momentarily by the oddness of her choosing to sit next to him, instead of one of the many other open seats, but then he noticed how beautiful she was. She was nearly as tall as him, her hair braided in rows, bandana to keep it out of her face. High cheek bones and sharp, piercing eyes, full of intensity and unrelenting fire. Her clothes were simple. A loose, sleeveless shirt that showed the elegant curves of her biceps and forearms, and cargo pants that accentuated her waist. Rage tried not to let his eyes linger on her curving muscles or the accentuated parts of her chest. It was unbecoming of a man to gawk at a lady. None the less, he felt his face heat a little, so he downed his shot again. "Tough evening I take it?" Her angelic voice was a little at odds with the mass of muscle that she was. It was a melody of its own unique design and Rage was eager to learn the song.
A line about the weather
Naturally it would be snowing. A winter storm really. Huge gusts. Swirling, violent white flakes and sharp cutting pieces of ice. These storms weren't common here either. Maybe one or two a year. If that. She always did have notoriously bad luck when it came to disastrous circumstances. Fres used to joke she made up ninety percent of their bad luck. Right now she was inclined to agree. She would manage though. Just like she always did.
A fun line (this isn't necessarily a "fun" scene, but I had fun writing it)
"Please, you need to eat something." Rage set a plate down in front of her. "If you don't want this food, I'll get you something else, but you need to eat. I'm telling you to eat. Slowly, she looked down at the plate before her. There was a few slices of bread. She didn't know what kind, but to her, any bread was good. What was better was the apple slices and mango pieces. Those were a delicacy. Any fruit was a rarity. Though why he was giving her food, she wasn't sure. She didn't feel very injured. At least not severely enough to warrant a meal. Perhaps she was more injured than she realized? He had told her to eat. Surely... Master Gerd couldn't get upset when she had simply followed orders. Rage was her handler after all. If he told her to eat, she needed to obey. She took the plate, gingerly eating. Ancients. It was heavenly. The bread was warm, and there seemed to be some kind of... topping on it? Liquid and sweet, like honey, but much thinner and not quite as sweet. It was delicious all the same. The apple was the best thing she'd ever put in her mouth. Sweet and crisp and juicy. She could eat apples every day and never grow tired of them. The mango was nearly was good. Sweet with a little tanginess to it. Much softer than the apple though. It wasn't a bad thing, but she preferred the crunch of the apples.
Tagging @orions-quill @halfbakedspuds @diabolical-blue @fractured-shield and anyone else that wants to hop on!!
Your lines are:
A line about food
A sad line
A line about a book/reading
A line about the weather
A fun line
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honeybewrites · 3 months
OC Poll Tag
Thank you @nczaversnick for the tag and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag!!
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
I've already done OC intros for 703, Fres, and Rage if anyone is curious, they're here, here, and here. Intros for Gerd and Asurr will probably follow in the next couple of weeks.
Tagging @halfbakedspuds @ominous-feychild @yourpenpaldee @aalinaaaaaa @anaisbebe and anyone else that wants to hop on!!
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