#Healthy Weight Management
sugarfreeicedlatte · 1 month
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The time will pass anyway.
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positive-choices · 10 months
New blog!
Hi I’m Ari!! This is my new sideblog focusing on positivity and giving myself a better life! Just as a warning, I do talk about weight, diet and exercise here, so please avoid if those subjects are triggering!
My goals for 2024:
Get back to 200 lbs. (I am currently 216.4 lbs)
Surround myself with positive people and leave behind negative people
Get a job
Take care of my mental health and endure that my healthy weight loss doesn’t resurface my old E D
Like or rb if you’re a:
Positivity/motivational blog
HEALTHY weight loss / exercise blog (E D TUMBLR DO NOT!!!! INTERACT AT ALL)
Random person who wishes me well or wants to watch my journey
Healthy recipes blog
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goatjoy · 1 year
Hello, this is an introduction post ^__^ im new to tumblr and don't quite get it yet. Some things about me:
🗣️ 19, she/him
🗣️ sociology student
🗣️ i use the name goat here
🗣️ pagan witch
follow me if you're interested in:
🌟 healthy lifestyle
🌟 ed recovery
🌟 yoga and fitness
🌟 anime
🌟 breaking bad
ok thankssks 👍👍👍
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gentleoverdrive · 1 year
[18/300] My blood is seething, boiling. It cannot be stopped.
The water right next to me is what's currently keeping my brain working. Sometimes it sucks to have to go through this fasting, but the medical testing requires to abstain from food, so I will persevere. ---- This is probably the last time I do this, but fuck it: The feeling of finally being able to be back to my "ideal" weight is what motivated me in the first place to start fixing my health back in late 2017. ---- Back then, I was close to 130 kg in weight (that's 287 or so lbs. in the US Metric and whatnot) which, for my height (188 cm / 6'2") meant that I was close to being morbidly obese, which due to my family's medical history (diabetes on both sides, just to get things started) meant that I had to be legitimately worried. ---- I went to get a medical checkup back in September of that year, and to no one's surprise, getting the diagnosis of being prediabetic scared me to hell and back. And so, I started working towards my goal. It took a shitload of effort, a ton of discipline and, if I'm honest, a lot of help from my friends/loved ones, but I managed to make strides. ---- By May 2019, I was consistently under 95 kg/210 pounds. After everything that had happened both in my personal and professional lives, it felt like it was my one "triumph". And now that the pandemic is (seemingly) gone, I've decided to retake this goal of getting to my appropriate weight, which is about 81-82 kg. ---- I currently stand at around 90-91. So, if I get all my testing and it comes out with a positive outlook, I'M FUCKING DOING IT. Read ya' later, alligators!
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hellokittygfsworld · 1 year
Tw: weightloss, food mention
Today was a harder day I ate not too healthy because I don’t have a lot of groceries rn in the dorm. So I’m going home tomorrow with my boyfriend and hoping there will be healthier options at my house. As well as when me and bf go shopping again I can get healthier options. Today I ate three mozzarella sticks, a small bag of chips, a noodle cup and two slices of pizza. I know that isn’t healthy food and hoping I can get healthier options soon. However tomorrow my bf wants to celebrate our anniversary as he is coming home tomorrow and it was today so he wants to get pizza I think so I will have pizza with him and workout when I get home as well. I would like to lose weight as my stomach fat is starting to make me uncomfortable, I don’t want to gain more weight and then when I lose it have loose skin, I feel bad physically. I’m really hoping I can get somewhere with losing weight:)
Thank you for listening:)
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pinkdreamblossom · 1 year
How am I not sore? I just started working out after being super sedentary for awhile. I worked my legs until they were shaky and weak and I had to stop.. and I'm not sore? What am I doing wrong?
Is this a good or bad thing
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solblog · 13 days
how am i supposed to know if i'm still losing weight at the right pace if i'm gonna be all bloated for half a month anyway :/
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positive-choices · 3 months
Ive been working my butt off lately with cleaning, cooking and working out! I’m still at 217.8 lbs it hasn’t changed from last week despite my struct eating schedule. Tonight I’m making trout with wild rice and brussel sprouts. Tomorrow for breakfast I’m gonna try thr overnight oats i put together. I’m excited bc I never made it before
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hellokittygfsworld · 1 year
TW: Weightloss, Weight Gain, Calorie mention, Binge eating mention
Been eating in a calorie deficit and maintaining that goal so far for the past two days and hoping I can continue to do so. I’m super happy so far I haven’t binge eaten and that I’ve been doing well.
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helthcareproducts · 1 month
Weight Loss: LeanBiome - BRAND NEW Weight Loss Offer
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healthdemandwealth · 1 month
 Major site(www.labetterworld.com have depth information about weight loss)
weight loss now key point for persons who have full fat in their body now d days people are living in running life where every one want to make their work in in second and not to do hard work preforming hard work now a days it not enough for those who want to apply shortcut in their daily life. Weight loss need lot of effort as now days people are not looking on their health they just want only work mode in fast pace to be done writing story healthy where you can loose your weight by different mention which one is daily morning routine can also help
Now points to kept in mind while doing weight loss  Major site(www.labetterworld.com have depth info about weight loss)
Drink water daily at least 2 to 4 liter for weight loss
Drink a lot of water in day can help in detoxification in your body and it reduce all toxic substance from your body remove bad fats help. Also reduce body hunger Ness as of now people drink beverage like soft drinks instead of drinking healthy drinks which are normally available
Doing Regular exercise and yoga for weight loss
Regular exercise is important part of our life focusing not only for weight loss regular exercise will strengthen your body also reducing fats which are unwanted available in your body daily exercise is not a part to loose weight but make our health bright and powerful body building. Daily fitness burn our body fat and give shapes in natural ways that help you to look great
yoga with weight loss
weight loss help in stilling mind and balance in our body we have to majorly focus on awaking mind and dealing stress free life but yoga also help you to reduce body fats by doing different asana called deep breath exercise doing exercise in correct ways that help to burn your body unnecessary fats you need to keep track on your body which may give you
understanding yoga which help in upgrading all parts of your body and making them strong which may help to make your body and daily output will be growth it increase the productivity of yoga and natural
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toopeanutcrown · 2 months
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The Wellness Corner
The Course - I currently work for the NHS for mental health. I became interested in this field of weight management because I wanted to understand.
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relaxedrambles · 3 months
Forget shaming, lets educate ourselves on obesity 
Hey everyone,  Do you know what we celebrate today?  (Think, Think….)  Okay I will tell you,  It’s World Obesity Day.  Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Isn’t it just about eating less and exercising more? or Just a willpower thing, right?”  Well, not exactly.  It doesn’t matter if you’re overweight, underweight, or somewhere in between, eating healthy and working out are super…
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michelleberrybliss · 4 months
Magical Ghee
Ghee, a form of clarified butter, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It offers medicinal benefits like supporting digestion, reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, promoting healthy weight management, and so much more!
Ghee, a form of clarified butter, has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional cooking in India. It offers several medicinal benefits: Rich in Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Ghee is a good source of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are essential for various bodily functions, including immune function, bone health, and vision. Supports Digestion:…
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dealnewstoday-blog · 9 months
The Power of Super foods: Boost Your Health with Nutrient-Rich Foods -
read more
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trendbuzzz · 10 months
Which Smoothies Are Good For Weight Gain
Attention all smoothie enthusiasts and those looking to embark on a wholesome weight gain journey! You’re in for a treat if you’ve been frantically looking for a delicious approach to gain weight that doesn’t involve gorging on lots of meals high in calories. Smoothies, those beloved blends of nutrition-packed ingredients, aren’t just for the weight loss squad. Well, imagine this: luscious…
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