storfulsten · 2 years
heartbass but it’s a whitty+bf cover
only took almost exactly a year since the first heartbass attempt, so that’s groovy ha did only recently figure out that you could import midis into utau for the voicetracks though so uh yeah, better late than never I guess lol
the date week mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/307107
voice tracks midi pack: https://gamebanana.com/tools/8006
fnf utau voicebank created by GenoX
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kai-3788 · 4 months
Cute Charmed - FNF Heartbass Friendlocke Cover I remember a long time ago Sara had mention the idea of a cover of Heartbass featuring her season 2 character and season 2 Claire, and the idea has been stuck in my head for all that time. I’ve had this cover ready for years now and never showed it off, but I figured now that it’s Valentine’s Day I’ll take advantage of the opportunity! ... What do you mean Valentine’s Day already passed? @saltydkart-reblogs
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cryptidhusband · 8 months
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this is so silly but..... i love sprite edits..
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katinkulta · 7 months
Okay, I'm ready to do this:
What Tommy Cash songs would you recommend for a Kääryle? I've watched the music videos for Racked and X-ray. I feel like I haven't given his music a fair chance.
Uuuum, I'll divide my recommendations into a few stages hehe. "Ranked" based on totally arbitrary criteria (sound, lyrics etc.)
Stage 0 (yeah)
Stage 1 (easy peasy feats)
xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx (Remix) by 100 gecs feat. Tommy & Hannah Diamond
It's a eurodance song hehe so it's fast paced
Delicious by Charli XCX feat. Tommy
It's great, it's a wild ride imo!
Turn It Up by Little Big & Oliver Tree feat. Tommy
It's basically like a Little Big song, and a fun listen
Stage 2 (now it's starting, I guess)
Give Me Your Money by Little Big feat. Tommy
This could've been on stage 1 but I felt there were enough songs there already lol. This is a banger
It's a short fun song hehe (fun in the sense that Tommy calls you stupid and dumb, and for other reasons too of course)
I think it fits here, don't know why. It's trap music and it will get you trapped
Baba Yaga
This song feels like it's going on forever imo, you lose the track of time while listening to it (it's not even 3 min long btw)
Boy Butterfly
This is a song for all the outsiders <333
Stage 3 (the tommy sound is coming through more)
Pussy Money Weed
Track wise this is so fucking slow, and the rap is also dragging. If this is the first Tommy song you listen to, you wouldn't necessarily continue listening (but for some reason this was one of the first songs I listened to and here I am...). It's a good song though (bread lyrics)
Little Molly
The piano sound is trippyyyy, but it's freeing to scream "LITTLE MOLLY"
Benz-Dealer (together with Quebonafide)
The track tries to attack you but it's totally a banger!!!
Stage 4 (I don't know... it's not shocking or anything like that...)
Uuuuum... This song is a masterpiece but not for beginners (idk why). It samples Enya's Only Time btw
Tommorse is thriving! Again, don't ask why it's on stage 4 (maybe because there's a 4 in the name, who knows?) (lyrics hiiiilarious lmao)
Stage 5 (I would say this is the tommy sound (not heartbass though lol))
Euroz Dollaz Yeniz
This track is fire! The drums AAAAAH
Heartbass by Salvatore Ganacci feat. Tommy
It's amazing but the first listen was hard for me
This is slow and yeah... I wouldn't want Tommy whispering like this in my ears if I didn't know what his other music is like...
Half human half machine not a real fucking human being
Stage ? (terrifying)
Leave Me Alone
Feels like time has slowed down... Paranoia skyrockets
The track is attacking you physically for almost the whole duration of the song... And the lyrics... Let's just say I laughed (pro comedian superstar yes yes)
The track makes me feel so fucking uneasy and anxious
Uncategorised (I wanted to mention these but couldn't figure out where to put them. They are special to me)
Zuccenberg; Baby Shock; Alien Tears
Goofy note that I've been thinking about for so long: "Tommy stop saying ня" challenge failed
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cherrysmokesaconha · 4 months
Imagine if there was a Heartbass cover with Derick and Tord
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hollowgirl136 · 1 year
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@stormvanari got FnF stuck in my head and Heartbass has been playing on loop.
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minusgangtime · 2 years
(Here ya go wolf! I remade the heartbass cover you did a while back now, hope you enjoy it!)
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doggirlviscera · 2 years
thinking of the banjex and bamburai cover of heartbass again.sighs
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drunksishere · 2 years
Heartbass but Banjex and Bamburai sings it (READ DESCRIPTION) they are so adorable together<33
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
Josh this is an actual question
When I arrive in San Francisco should I sing fazbass around town
I need answers
Fazbass is just heartbass lmao and sure???? Idk what's gonna happen then but we can see
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itzampella · 3 years
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cryptidhusband · 9 months
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If you are a Friday Night Funkin self shippers you must draw you and your F/O together in Date Week ASAP. It is legally required. /nf
Also yes I know I just posted a version of this with Ruv. I'm just in a Tankman lovin' kinda mood. Leave me alone.
Peep under the cut for some relevant extra goodies!
So this is like super embarrassing for me but I'm pushing myself to post it anyways because it made me happy. I remembered I had so FNF Utau stuff sitting around and decided to remake a voicebank for myself and I realised I could do a cover of Heartbass (my favorite song in the Date Week mod) between me and Tankman and I jumped on the opportunity to do just that! I've been listening to on loop it makes me so happy and I might explode.
Anyways, take a listen! Warning it may be loud, I'm actually unsure, hopefully the mixing is okay too. x.x
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POV: You are Tankman
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katinkulta · 9 months
Thanks for the tag @khihi 💕💞💕 (and just now @king-krisu literally at the moment I was going to publish this post lmao. thank you <333)
Rules: share 5 songs you've enjoyed lately and then tag 10 people to do the same!
Sooner Or Later by Years & Years
[I think it kind of has the old years & years sound that I love <333]
Winaloto by Tommy Cash
[okay, this is one of my favourite songs of tommy. I put it on this list because it has a little bit of everything imo. the lyrics are also absolutely hilarious]
Surutulitus by Neljä Ruusua
[on saturday there was this random sound of fireworks where I live and I remembered that this song existed. fireworks is ilotulitus in finnish (literally: firing out of happiness) and surutulitus is a wordplay on that (suru is grief or sorrow). I remember me and my dad laughing like crazy at the lines "Surutulitus // On suuri juhla tää // Nyt kaikki itkemään", when I heard it the first time lmao]
Universum by nublu (featuring Mikael Gabriel)
[I remembered nublu existed and listened to vihje and then I listened to this and it stuck with me]
Heartbass by Salvatore Ganacci (featuring Tommy Cash)
[it's got a lot of different elements to it, which fucked me up the first time I listened to it (in the sense that I was super confused over what's happening in the song, it was a journey)]
I'm tagging @vinthund @zomb1edude @lintubintu @teal-skull @devotedlydarkcrown @jerevision @c28hunter @taidotonheiluja @demi-eurovision @yhtvialla (no pressure tags <333)
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weepingpansexual · 2 years
𝐎𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡 & 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝s.
➛  𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗹
❣  She’s gott’chu girl. She’s the physical definition of prepared, she is female too so she goes through the same thing every month with you.
❣ You and Carol’s periods have synced up, meaning that your bodies now run at the same pace when mensural cycles come along. 
❣ Need the heating pad? Sure but you have to share it with her. Need cuddles, yup got that too! Want an unhealthy amount of dark chocolate to numb your mind from your internal pain? Sure thing hun <3
❣ She’s got all sizes of pads from, underwear liners to overnight pads and everything in between, (Fun fact! She keeps all her/your feminine products in your bedroom so no one sees them bc that’s embarrassing)
❣ You both have really bad mood swings and can go from being overwhelmingly happy to angry and annoyed, to sobbing like your goldfish died. Your both a hot mess together :).
❣ ”Hunnnnnn????? It’s that time of the month be ready”
➛  𝗢𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗵
❣ (No not the Pokémon Oddish, she’s my character) 
❣ She’s a hot mess and VERY emotional when on her period like she once punched a kid because they called her fat. :0
❣ Has no tolerance to anything at all, and will without hesitation punch someone, other than you <3
❣ Vibing to her playlist, head-bopping while cuddling and or gaming.
❣ Have to pry her away from the chocolates before she gives herself a heart attack from the sugar intake.
❣ “Love? I want Chinese food please?”
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amyfevernight · 2 years
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happy pride month
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hankkd7 · 3 years
Watch ""Finally, some alone time!" (Heartbass, but it's a BF and GF cover)" on YouTube
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