#Heir of Void
sickfires · 2 years
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heir of nothing. heir of everything.
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largehelicaldevice · 2 months
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can you even begin to guess who my favorite character of all time since 2011/12 is..?
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goodeguy · 3 months
voiding hearts
drawing these purretty STRONG meworails in their god tiers (ft. equius' new pointy and broken shades)
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+ equius sans glasses (D--> Warning: 1oodness)
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:33 < Purretty cr33py!
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tavtiers · 3 months
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the Heir of Void: one who passively manipulates the unknown
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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bhdoneart · 10 months
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My equius godtier design!!! I love the transfem equius headcanon and so I thought she’d look amazing in a femme godtier design. I love her so much
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mysterioushistorian · 8 months
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i forgot his wings but whatever
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yourfaveisclasspected · 10 months
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Requested by @lovedtogekiss!
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
heir-mage of light-void?
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The Heir-Mage of Light-Void is someone who is stuck between two separate worlds and two different desires, one to be known and to know everything, and the other to disappear into the shadows and never be recognized or perceived by anyone or anything ever again. The Heir-Mage of Light-Void strives to understand and to become one with their aspects, they yearn to know how the world works and everything that they possibly can, but they also want to squander any lies that might be floating around in the ether that travels from one person to the next.
The Heir-Mage of Light-Void rarely ever leaves their comfort zone, always staying just on the brink of safety but far back enough to where they won’t be found unless they want to, using the Void and the shadows to hide themself from view until they’re ready to make their grand reappearance into the Light. The Heir-Mage of Light-Void lives in a delicate balance between the known and the unknown, the public and the private, the Light and the Void, and eventually they will be able to essentially become one with both of these, completely controlling the flow of information as they decide what people get to know and what stays hidden, what secrets get aired out and what information gets to stay locked away and forgotten by everyone who ever knew it.
The Heir-Mage of Light-Void is part Heir of Light, which means that they are intuitive and witty and creative, they seek out the Light and the goodness of the world, and they love to help out others and teach people the right way to do things or how to properly get away with doing something, or just generally helping in any sense. They believe in the goodness of the world, knowing that there is Light even in the darkness and that sometimes you just need a little bit of help to bloom and show your true potential, and the Heir will become the Light that teaches and helps those along the way.
The Heir-Mage of Light-Void is part Heir of Void, which means that they like to stay out of the view of the public and prefer to spend their time alone, maybe with a loved one or two, but there’s nothing better than finding peace in the solitude of your own life. They are great at keeping secrets, they rarely ever discuss information or private knowledge with anyone at all, and they are one with the shadows that protect people like themself and even though they have a tendency to get in their own head at times, they always remain down to earth and reliable no matter what.
The Heir-Mage of Light-Void is part Mage of Light, which means that they understand all the vast things that the world offers them in terms of knowledge, which is both a blessing and a curse because they didn’t exactly ask for all of the powers that they get but it’s a benefit so they’re not really going to complain about something good happening to them. They are intelligent and they’re great at telling what is important or good and what is meaningless, they have the ability to enlighten others as to the state of the world and how to fix things in their own personal lives, and really the only thing that they want out of life is a break.
The Heir-Mage of Light-Void is part Mage of Void, which means that they live in the shadows and they can create darkness from their understanding of it, which often proves helpful if they’re trying to hide or protect something from someone, but they don’t always get to get off scot-free every single time they do something that might be bad or illegal, and they can’t run from the consequences of their actions forever. They are likely somewhat disconnected from reality, living in their own little bubble where they cannot be harmed by anyone or anything, only ever emerging when they want to, but with all the time that they spend alone in their own solitude, they can use it to grow as a person and work on developing their powers so that they are ever stronger and perhaps one day, invincible.
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alexsgrimoire · 7 months
Equius Strengthen Talent Spell (Taken from @popculturepagan (now deactivated))
Equius admits that his supertroll strength is kind of freakish, and can be inconvenient, but boy does he love being STRONG. He drinks Lusus milk to help him stay STRONG. This spell is designed to help you channel Equius to strengthen your own talent. The idea is to take something about you, a talent or a trait, that makes you unique and make it even more powerful and talented!
What you will need:
A blue thread
Milk (Any kind— Equius prefers whole, but whatever your lusus picks for you is great too! If you are lactose intolerant, soy milk and almond milk are great alternatives.)
A small drinking glass, made of glass.
A Napkin and a Blue Pen
Whatever you need to perform your talent/trait
1. Pour yourself a glass of milk in a small glass drinking cup.
2. Take the blue thread, and very carefully wrap it around the cup. Wrap it around seven times, for luck. As you wrap the thread, think (or say) to yourself:
This is the thread that will bind me. As my talent grows, as my strength grows, let it work for me and never against me. This b100 100p wraps around and keeps me contained.  This is the thread that will bind me.
Put a special emphasis on “blue loop”.
3. Draw the sigil for “Heir of Void” on the napkin in the blue pen and set the glass down on it.
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. If you can, put it near a shrine or holy space. Pray quietly.
"This milk nourishes me. Soon I will be at 100 percent. In what I choose to be, I shall be STRONG."
4. Drink the milk. Drink all the milk.
5. Now, practice whatever your talent it— whether it be singing or art or reading or whatever it is— practice it for about 20 minutes. As you do, try to use as much of your body as possible. If you are drawing, move the pen with your whole arm. If its singing, really feel it come from the gut. Emote your feelings in large gestures. Get physical- use your body.  
As you practice, you should feel energized. You should feel like your talent is pouring out of you. Hold on to that feeling as long as you can.
6. When you finish practicing, say or think “I do love being STRONG.” Really let the ‘strong’ rumble in your gut.  If you want to, try to thank Equius for helping you increase you’re figurative strength.
7. Leave the glass, if you can, by your shrine or holy spot. Make sure ants or other bugs can’t get to it. If you want, you can repeat the process of pouring the milk,saying the prayers, drinking the milk and practicing, as many times as you like.  
Every day you repeat the spell, try to hold the glass of milk a little gentler. Maybe hold it with a pinky out, then two fingers out… ex cetra. You are, of course, getting stronger!!
Every day that you drink the milk and practice with your entire body, you should get stronger. Continue the spell for a while and you will surely be a force to reckon with!!
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burgermcdond · 8 months
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sekaistuck (but almost only niigo)
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giftofclasspects · 9 months
and the void playlists are done! here are a few of my favorites,
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anotherfanartonthewall · 11 months
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Some good tier fan art. I honestly prefer Equius' dancestor, but I also wanted to draw a slightly buff character.
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thebigcjart · 3 months
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"This young adult is named chose the name KANE MENDOZA. Kane is the kind of person who finds most things GENERALLY DISINTERESTING. Not for a lack of trying, but as a symptom of their ALEXITHYMIA. They don’t mind it, which is its own punchline. Kane woke up one day at the ripe old age of SIXTEEN, and cannot remember anything before that point. They are always maybe probably tired (unconfirmed) due to some nasty SLEEPING PROBLEMS. They do not like to sleep because they do not know if they will wake up again. They do not dream. It is only darkness. They have A VERY HANDSOME CAT named CAZADOR to occupy them during the latearly hours of the dawn instead of sleeping. They think they like GARDENING and PARKOUR, and are apparently VERY SKILLED at those two things in particular? At least, that’s what the other members of the GROUP HOME remind them they appear to like, and that’s good enough for Kane. The group home in question is an ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED basement belonging to a VERY UNDERSTANDING bar; though, technically being homeless, anywhere they occupy is considered illegally so by THE CITY. Kane was most likely perfectly indifferent towards being homeless, but JAKE ALASSA, a member of the group home, was most likely DEFINITELY NOT and scooped them up into their current SUBTERRANIAN SUBTERRANEAN LIVING ARRANGEMENT. Kane finds Jake... Interesting, maybe?"
Kane is likely Venezuelan judging from the dialect of Spanish they were speaking before they re-learned English (they most likely knew it as a young kid but for some unknown reason stopped speaking it for several years).
Their symbol is the alchemical symbol of gold, modified to look like the thing it represents, the sun. A black sun is a symbol commonly associated with Nigredo, an alchemical component said to represent emptiness and the first of many steps to obtaining the Philosopher's Stone.
I'll cover the lands and denizens and quests and junk after I get all the members of the group home drawn up, as they are the players of my fansession, but Mendoza as a surname generally means "Cold Mountain" in most translations, but the Basque root "mendi" suggests that the name means "Son of the mountain dweller" which is pertinent for lore reasons :)))
Time to cover the elephant in the room, Kane does not have a Dream Self. They probably (tho not certainly) would have been Derse, but they were straight up born without one. Speaking of...
"They were born???" I hear you inquire at great volumes in advance. And yes, they were born. To those of you not so well versed in Homestuck Lore, the convention is that the players are either Paradox Clones of themselves or Paradox Offspring of other Paradox Clones through Ectobiology. The paradox being that they don't really start anywhere, they are their own parent/descendant, etc etc. However, Kane actually has biological parents. Or, at least their past life did. No one has tried to reach out to them since they awoke. I might go into this topic later on when I infodump about their quest as this session's ectobiologist. All I'll say on the matter now is that their Chumhandle is related to this discrepancy in the status quo.
AND SPEAKING OF DISCREPENCIES IN THE STATUS QUO, y'all just wait until I get to the cherubs...
Ohh this is going to be great, just you wait.
Just the sprite in case u wanted it :3
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Look at them
Look at my pal
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en8y · 5 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark blue, warm medium green, and teal. the second flag has these top three colors: forest green, medium purple, and white. the third flag has these top three colors: dull orange, warm light purple, and deep blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasithief: a gender connected to being a thief of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
voidasiheir: a gender connected to being an heir of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
voidasibard: a gender connected to being a bard of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, bard aesthetics, music and musical aesthetics, being silly or goofy, and MUSiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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tavtiers · 8 months
an analysis for an Heir of void please?
The Heir of Void [symbols: star, shadow]
The Heir class has its basis in the chosen one trope. An example would be Beowulf.
The Void aspect’s main theme is the unknown. You can find its official description here.
An Heir of Void is among those who explore knowing and perceiving. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Mage, Seer, Heir, and Witch of Void/Light. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that explore the Void/Light dichotomy (knowing and perceiving). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Heir of Void passively manipulates the Void aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. Witches and Heirs possess great power over their aspect and everything it symbolizes that has been granted to them from an outside source. Simplified, the Heir of Void is motivated by others to manipulate the unknown.
In personality, the Heir of Void struggles with restraint, gets caught up easily, and is very independent. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Child Spy, defined by uninhibited secrecy. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Witch of Light, who actively manipulates awareness.
Their inverse is the Mage of Light, who actively knows awareness.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Heir of Void begins life motivated by themselves to know awareness. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead manipulating the unknown for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to manipulate the Void aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Thief of Life, the Spy Child.
The Heir of Void would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Darkness [Heir] and Void [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Rainclouds and Waves. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Nyx (Goddess of Night) or Poseidon (God of the Sea). Other Void aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Heir of Void completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of bats (symbols of night). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Heirs of Void are: Equius Zahhak from Homestuck [canon example], Sten from Dragon Age, June from Dragon Age, Uncle Arthur from A Serious Man, Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants, and Captain Haddock from Tintin.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions
Personality Descriptions
Aspect Denizens
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botanicalcanopus · 1 month
regarding that denizen lineup for the beta troll denizens i was kinda expecting erebus [the father of darkness, a partner to nyx] for equius
Erebus is still a valid answer, especially if you match denizen's perceived gender to the troll! You can tie Erebus to Equius in a few ways:
Both start with E (brilliant I know)
Equius's land (Land of Caves and Silence) is pretty dark already, which the caves don't help
LOCAS also is, well, caves. Erebus is said to be both the personification of both the underworld and physically subterranean areas.
Erebus being the underworld where all souls pass through can be referenced by the way Aradia's soul was moved by him (literally)
Erebus actually doesn't have much information on himself other than very few mythos/literature so obscurity really fits the void theme here!
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