#Heizo Hattori
cartoonsbyandie · 5 months
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Here's all the drawings I did for that askbox meme awhile back since I was pretty happy with em! (Even if I wish I saved the full images without the Bingo board in the way.)
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screamofdespair · 1 month
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detshin · 3 months
Sooo, this is random. BUT-
Do you think that Heizo (Heiji's dad), having the parenting style he has (tough sometimes and seemingly distant and strict) and being who he is (the police superintendent or whatever)... Would be okay with Heiji being so close to Shinichi?
I mean, you know Shinichi... b&e-Shinichi, sticking-his-nose-everywhere-Shinichi, putting-unknown-substances-in-his-mouth-Shinichi, the-law-is-not-always-right-Shinichi, could-never-become-a-police-officer-Shinichi... Being best buddies with HIS SON?!
And you can't deny that Shinichi's methods have affected the way Heiji works a little too.
Shizuka would be okay with him, right? I think she'd adore him because she would think he's sweet and cute and he likes her food when he visits and eats a lot of it, and if Heiji likes him then she likes him too.
But Heizo. He might not so much. Or maybe Shinichi's good heart and willingness to learn will win Heizo over?
Anyway I throw the question at you guys now! What do you think? I also wanna hear you guy's thoughts!
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fuchstastisch · 7 months
left to right ->
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This scene from How To Train Your Dragon x Detective Conan. Anyone? 👀
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
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Imagine your and your crush’s parents having a group chat, in which they are chatting the whole time about your awaited relationship progress 🙈
(Heizo is threatened to stay in this chat)
(It’s up to your imagination who sent the emoji)
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silver-fairy · 2 days
I’ve had my thoughts about this and wanted to share it.
So like, you remember the episode(forget the number) where Shizuka goes to test Mouri, they run into a murder, then Heiji and Kazuha appears and then Heiji mentions how she didn’t come and visits him the hospital?
And like, I call BS! Cause you can’t tell me that Shizuka didn’t drop what she was doing and go to the hospital check up on her son. Maybe even sneak some food into the hospital. I get vibes of a loving and protective mother who would do whatever to protect her kids.
She went to Tokyo to test Mouri because of how many times Heiji got injured while he visited his bestie.
I can understand Heizo not coming right away. Especially if a criminal injured Heiji. He’d made sure that the unlucky person is not going anywhere(and maybe even scare the hell out of them for daring to harm his son). He’d also be messaging Shizuka, asking for any updates(and maybe a photo or two). And once he’s done, he’ll go over and join Shizuka at the hospital.
He’d probably make a jab at Heiji for getting hurting, but he would also make sure that he’s good and that he’s getting what he needs. Also, he would defiantly “ground” Heiji(let’s be honest, Heiji would probably jump straight back into life without giving his body time to heal) and make sure he’s healed before letting him do detective or kendo.
Seriously, Gosho, give them moments of showing how good of parents they are to Heiji. (And like, maybe throw the other parents in there as well)
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Heisuke, are you and your father excited Japan won the world baseball classic?
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Heisuke: We are! I was able ta watch the finals with tha interested part of my family 'n Yuzuhas friend (?) at my grandparents home in Osaka! It was a lot of fun to watch Japan win the competition with everyone! But I think we scared Ryohei.
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Special Artistic Poster ''Couples'' Detective Conan!
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iamumbra195 · 10 months
I'm crying, this is the funniest shit ever. The fact nearly half of the ppl here were detectives and Kogoro and KID were there for absolutely no reason is killing me
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arsquare · 2 years
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My submission for the DCMK: A Study in Noir zine put together by the DCMK fanfic server!
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aurorarosesposts · 10 months
Double Face (Detective Conan)
Hello everyone!!! It's been a long ass time since I've posted some original post! But you know I'm alive thanks to my consent rebloging lol. As the title suggest, this is a Detective Conan fanfic that I've wrote and I wish to share it with you to see what you think! For those who don't know, Detective Conan is about a teenage boy name Shinichi Kudo transforming into a child with the alias Conan Edogawa. I really recommend you all check the manga out if you haven't already!
However, this fic isn't about the main character, but Kogoro Mouri, father of Shinichi's love interest, Ran Mouri. He's portrayed as a lousy detective, but it is canon that he's a skilled marksman. Now how skill? Idk but that's what fanfic are for!
Now this is getting pretty long, so I'll be placing my thoughts and inspiration at the end, hope you enjoyed!
Edit: Almost forgot, if this is too OOC sorry!
Conan Edogawa was tagging along for a case with Kogoro Mouri when things got out of control. Now in a hostage situation, Conan was going to help when Kogoro pulled out a gun and wiped the floor with a bullet to spared.
Sometimes Conan forgets that Korogo was a cop in his youth.
Now that Conan thinks about it, Hibari wasn't lying about his luck. It's like the fates themselves are having a blast at tormenting him.
In a dimly lit warehouse, tension hung heavy in the air as he and Kogoro Mouri found themselves ensnared in a perilous hostage situation.
It all started when Conan decided to tagged along with the lousy detective to another case in Osaka that he was working on, and since Ran wasn't home for a girl's night out, Conan was itching to solved a case. But this case was a little different then the other cases that the detective -- mostly Conan -- worked on.
Said case was about a missing woman who was married off to a rich family. The husband wanted Kogoro to find her but the man's mother thinks she staged all of this to get the ransome money and run away with who the old lady suspected to be the missing woman's side lover. Just a typical case, right?
Well, the older woman was right, but what everyone didn't expect was the side lover being a gang leader of a notorious gang in Osaka disguised as a gardener in the manor where the family lived. Seeing that the gigs is up, the leader and his  gang took the family and the two detectives as hostages and drived them to a empty warehouse were we are now. With the missing woman laying dead beneath them, having be used as a pawn for the gang's schemes.
The quite ticking of his watch seemed to echo the urgency of the predicament they got themselves into. Conan can hear sirens from outside, the cops are already on the scene; the gang weren't very subtle in kidnapping them. The boy could hear the exchange between the detectives outside and the captors. He could hear the voice of Heizo Hattori, the chief of the Osaka Police Department, on the other side.
Now, Conan was glad that he didn't invite Heiji into the investigation, knowing what he knows now, the gang members would certainly put two and two together about Heiji Hattori. Conan wouldn't want to put him in that sort of danger, even if Heiji could take care of himself.
Although a strategist, Conan felt the weight of the situation pressing upon him. He can't seem to find a way to get everyone to safety without any bloodshed. There's at least five gang members acting as guards around them and two at the entrance; one of them strangely has an empty gun holder that he somehow doesn't seemed to notice.
All of them are at the middle of the warehouse, seating on chairs. Some of the more restless hostages, like the old lady, were tied with ropes but most are freed from binding, but are too sacred to do anything; both he and Kogoro were not tied. There are boxes at the back of the warehouse, but it's too far away for any of them to go without immediately getting spotted.
Even if they can, Conan can't risked it, and as the shouting outside get louder, the Detective of The East was racing against time to find a solution before they all ended up like the poor woman underneath their feets. The captors were growing increasingly agitated, and the hostages were trembling in fear. One gang member eventually put a gun on the dead woman's husband's head, much to the horror of the hostages, having been fed up with all the waiting.
In a desperate bid to buy time, Conan discreetly signaled to Kogoro, who was beside him, hoping to convey a plan with him without alerting the perpetrators. He may be lazy, but Conan knows Kogoro is just smart enough to created a distraction.
However, much to Conan's surprise, Kogoro's usually drowsy eyes gleamed with a resolute focus. Now that he thought about it, the little detective never heard anything from the lazy detective this whole time during the ride here.
Both of their eyes met; Kogoro bends down a little, making sure no one notice but him and said, "Get them to safety."
In one swift, unexpected motion, Kogoro reached into his coat and pulled out a concealed handgun. The metallic click as he loaded a cilp into the gun resonated through the warehouse, silencing the room.
Time seemed to freeze as the man that Conan once knew, with a calm demeanor that defied his typical boisterouness, took aim with precision. A single shot echoed, hitting a lamp perilously close above one of the guard at the entrence and raining down glass shards to said guard.
One hit his eye and he screams.
The room erupted in chaos as Kogoro's unexpected display of marksmanship left everyone stunned. Stunned enough that the once lazy detective kicked down the gang member that was holding a gun on the husband's head. With another swift kick, he took down another trying to shoot at him.
Conan, momentarily taken aback, shakes off his shock and focus on taking the hostages to the boxes for cover. It's not ideal, but with bullets flying by, it's better to be here then the open.
Getting the granny out of her binds, all of them took shelter behind the boxes. With a peak, Conan could see the cold determination behind Kogoro's eyes as he mercilessly took down eche and every one of the guard with eased. The once sluggish detective had unleashed a dormant expertise that transformed the dire situation into their favour. As the hostage-takers were struggling to even get a shot on him, Kogoro maintained his unwavering composure. Conan took covered as a stray bullet passed by. Screams of pain echoed through the walls, then silence.
After everything became quite, Conan and the others were left speechless as they peek their heads out to look at the aftermath.
Kogoro was left standing on the spot where they used to be, gun still in hand, with all seven bodies of the the captors on the floor. They're mostly alive, with some groaning in pain, but none are bleading much, meaning Kogoro didn't directly shoot at them. The detective himself was unharmed; not a single strach on him at all. In fact, the guy didn't even break a sweat!
Looking at his face, Kogoro's face was expressionless; eyes dulled and cold, like he's not in his right mind right now. He didn't hit his head, did he?
Before Conan can called Kogoro out, the doors to the warehouse swung open. But instead of the cops like Conan had hoped, it was the gang leader; Heiji Hattori in his right arm, with a gun on the other, pointing straight at his head.
Shit, he should have known Heiji would get himself involved.
"Wha- You! What have you done with my men?!" The gang leader was enraged, with cops behind them, pointing their guns at him, and a very pissed off chief of the Osaka Police Department ready to strike, he's been pushed to a tight corner. Both of his commanders were right besides him, guns drawn, ready to strike as well.
Conan knows that one wrong move on both sides would make Heiji's head paint the walls.
It was tensed, both parties were waiting on an order; Except Kogoro Mouri. Composed and silent, he look at the gang leader straight in the eyes, fearless at the man. Conan couldn't see Kogoro's face as turned his back on the hostages, but the little detective an clearly see the red face of the gang leader and the uncertain looks of his commanders. The policemen were uneasy with the situation as well. Heizo looks ready to attack, but his partner, Ginshiro Toyama, stops him. Heiji looks uncomfortable, looking directly towards Conan liked a puppy looking for answers, before a gunshot rang out.
Before anyone could react, the ringleader was punched right in the face by Kogoro, knocking both Heiji out of his grasps and himself. With inhuman speed, Kogoro took aim and shot at one of the commander's hand, making him dropped his gun before being kicked at the stomach and grabbing him by the shirt before literally throwing the man at the other commander.
In less then a minute, Kogoro had wiped the floor with swift and persistence that everyone was left baffled.
Kogoro, eyeing the down leader, rised the gun he was holding. This alarmed Conan and the leading investigators; Ginshiro stepped forward, being the closest, going into position if needed. Conan ran towards the red and blue lights, but not before checking on Heiji to see if he was okay.
To their relief, Kogoro instead unclipped the gun. Emptying the clip, only a single bullet fell out; He had almost emptied out the cilp.
Heizo Hattori and Kogoro Mouri locked eyes with each other for a moment, before the chief turned away and barked orders to the officers. As if breaking a trance, the officers scramble to move and followed the orders given. Ginshiro took the gun from Kogoro's hands before adding as evidence and leaving to helped with the hostages.
With the immediate threat now neutralized, Conan and Kogoro coordinated with the authorities to secure the scene and apprehend the criminals. Conan knows that Kogoro was out of it, having had an adrenaline-fueled ordeal just a half an hour ago; finally tiredness seems to seeped in the old detective's body.
Maybe that's why Heiji invinted them to stay at his place for the night -- and totally not because he was a bit gulity for letting things get out of hand -- and his father even agreed with it, telling them that he'll let some officers to grabbed their stuff from the manor that they were staying at.
Now in the car with the Heiji and Conan in the backseat and the two adults at the front, having done with the investigation, the young Osaka asked a question that was currently plaguing the young detective's mind, "Hey old man, when did ya get so good with guns? Never seen ya talked about it before."
Kogoro was in the passenger's seat, head against the window as he sighed, as if knowing what's about to happened, "I was in the police force, you know."
"Yeah, but I never seen skills like you do before, what gives?"
"... I was the top of my class, in the force. Once landing every single shot in the middle during training."
"You must be really lucky that time," They could barely heard the mumbled from the tired man, "What was that?"
"... It wasn't once... It was every shooting training," The car went into a stop, having stopped at a traffic light. Heizo Hattori side eye the man besides him; the boys at the back were bugging their eyes out, "Every- Wait, you're telling me ya never missed a shot? Like ever??"
"Well, if you don't count the time that a friend of mine distracted me and made me miss my shot, then yeah, I've never missed once."
"Wait," Conan was now intrested, "Were you at the top of every class?"
"Not everything, but most of the physically ones, yeah, I was at top most of the time," The boys were ecstatic, this was the first time the man talked about his past in the force. As the car starts moving again, the boys started to asks more questions, and Kogoro was more then happy to answered them. Until one of them asked why he'd quit. Suddenly, the once animated Kogoro became deadly silent, and the boys knew they screwed up.
Heizo, who was listening in asked what's wrong; Kogoro just gave a straind smile to him before speaking up.
"It's... It's a long story, something I'm not comfortable talking about," He said. Conan automatically asked, "Is it about Ran-neesan?" He was swiftly hit in the head by Heiji, "Now's not times for ya interrogation, Kudo," The Osaka quietly hissed. But Kogoro laughed, grabbing the two youngsters' attention.
"No, it isn't about Ran, maybe," Kogoro placed his head against the window again, "It's one of many reason why I left, but not the main one, and no, It's definitely not about Eri either," He added, ending the conversation then and there.
Both detectives of east and west decide not to pushed it any further, if the glaring from Heiji's father were anything to go by, -- 'As if he wasn't interested in it too,' Heiji huffed -- but the mood wasn't all lost. They have some small talk from time to time. Even so, their interests peaked; They're detectives, after all, and after everything that has happened, both boys wanted to know about Kogoro's past achievements that made into the man they saw hours ago; from a jolly man to a cold and calculating one in the blink of an eye.
And Kogoro knew this very well, as he continues to listen in. It's only a matter of time before they do. All he's asking is that they won't make a fuss about it.
The last thing he needs is to be put on the papers again for that.
--- Fin ---
And that's it folks! I hope you like it!! You know, I was inspired by a fic I've read in the past at ao3. The story was about Kogoro using Akai's (one of the supporting characters -- he's an FBI agent) shoulder to shoot with a rifle hidden in a bouquet of flowers. I thought it was so cool at the time and made me fall in love with the character! Sadly, that's all I remember, but no matter what I've tried, I can't seem to find it anywhere! I don't even remember the name, which suck! If you know what I'm talking about, pls give a link to it, I really wanna read it again!
Now I believe that's all from me. Hope you like it and have a great day!!!
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cartoonsbyandie · 5 months
Have you done Hattori Heizou in the character bingo?
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I want someone to punch him in the face
When you parent so badly that KOGORO is telling you that punching your kid was unwarranted, you know you've fucked up somewhere
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ickaimp · 4 months
We got into a debate on the Unofficial Magic Kaito Discord about worst parent and figured we’d open it up to everyone. Thanks to Yuki for assistance with the list.
Feel free to debate in reblogs, comments, or tags.
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t4tadrienette · 2 months
So, so far for the Detective Conan parents we have:
Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Fujimine, who after leaving their son living alone for 3 years since he was a 13 years old, orchestrated a kidnapping with chloroform, made him think he was going to die, and all of this just to teach him a lesson on how he shouldn't things on his own. Then decided to fuck off again so that Shinichi would realise that one day he was going to have to ask for their help, but of course we're not gonna stay in Japan, bye. Yukiko seems the one that actually wants to see his son more, but she still did all that, so.
Kogoro Mori, who is an alcoholic, gambler, literally makes his daughter take care of him, and cook for him, he also punches a 7 years old on the head several times.
Eri Kisaki, who left Ran living with her dad, apparently doesn't even try to at least give her a bit of a more stable environment and monetary income to at least not starve, since she should know that Kogoro spends money on his addictions. Shinichi mentioned that when they were kids she used to hit him and Ran.
Heizo Hattori, who punched and belittled Heiji in front of all those people, just because he wanted to make him angry and act as a bait
Shizuka Ikenami, didn't see much of her, she's a little weird, a little silly, but she didn't come to visit his son in the hospital when he was shot
Toichi Kuroba, who was dead, but actually not dead for 8 years
Chikage Kuroba, who not only left Kaito living alone for who knows how long and who knows where she is, she also let him deal with dangerous people that were searching for her and thought it wasn't a big deal
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dccg-en · 5 months
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Shizuka and Heizo get Common cards!
Shizuka Hattori Character (3) <Turn(1)> When a Green Character on your Scene takes action on a Character, draw 1 card and remove 1 card from your hand. <Spark> (Activates when removed from Evidence) Draw 1 card. AP: 3000 LP: 1
Heizo Hattori Character (6) [Police, Osaka Prefecture Police] <During Your Turn> Green Characters on your Scene other than this Character gain AP+1000. <Spark> (Activates when removed from Evidence) Draw 1 card. AP: 6000 LP: 1
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Shrunken Parents!AU
Heijis parents got in an incident resulting in being shrunken. While they don’t seem to bother, Heiji is the only one panicking about it.
(Please also take a look at the pics in the reblogs 💕)
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Heizo: Dunno, what’s yer prob on letting me go off to work.
Shizuka: Ya should relax, Heiji.
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Heiji: But you‘re a small kid!!
First pics below the cut.
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