#Herbal Supplements For Insomnia
The Benefits of Valerian Root for Sleep Disorders
Valerian root has been used for centuries as a remedy for various ailments, but its most recognized and researched benefit lies in its ability to improve sleep quality. Sleep disorders, especially insomnia, have become increasingly prevalent in modern society due to factors such as stress, lifestyle changes, and mental health issues. As more people seek natural alternatives to pharmaceutical…
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healthmonastery · 7 months
Top 5 Natural Sleep Remedies for a Restful Night (Without Counting Sheep!)
Hey there, sleep seekers! Do you ever toss and turn all night, wishing for a magical solution to finally drift off to dreamland? We’ve all been there, but before you reach for the sleeping pills, explore these natural sleep remedies that might just be your ticket to a good night’s rest! xr:d:DAFm0XDXS6w:29,j:9074047633692329058,t:24030107 1. Lavender Love: This calming flower isn’t just…
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mybrainco · 1 year
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Capsules For Sleep
With Capsules For Sleep from myBrainCo, learn the ultimate cure for insomnia. These ground-breaking pills are carefully designed to address sleep disorders and encourage a night of restful sleepwell-being. These capsules, which are stuffed with organic components renowned for their relaxing effects, work in concert to speed up falling asleep, increase the quality of your sleep, and boost your general wellbeing. Experience the change as you get more restful sleep faster and wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. With Capsules For Sleep by myBrainCo, bid goodbye to restless evenings and welcome the peace of restful, revitalizing sleep. Here is where your journey to a rested life begins.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments 🍃
*Natural remedies can be a great option for managing common ailments, but it's important to remember that they may not always be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment. If you have a serious or persistent health issue, it's important to consult with a doctor. Also, remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Do your independent research, some natural remedies may have interactions with medications or existing medical conditions.*
Cold and Flu:
Honey and Lemon: Mix honey and lemon in warm water to soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.
Ginger Tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with nausea and congestion.
Echinacea: Some people use Echinacea supplements or tea to boost the immune system.
Peppermint Oil: Apply diluted peppermint oil to your temples for headache relief.
Ginger Tea: Ginger may help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Peppermint Tea: Peppermint can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties.
Valerian Root: Valerian root supplements or tea may promote relaxation and help with sleep.
Lavender Oil: Lavender aromatherapy or a few drops on your pillow can promote relaxation.
Small Burns and Cuts:
Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel to soothe burns and promote healing.
Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties and can be applied to cuts and wounds.
Stress and Anxiety:
Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety.
Meditation and Yoga: These practices can help you relax and manage stress.
Lavender or Chamomile Tea: These herbal teas may have a calming effect.
Sore Throat:
Salt Water Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can relieve a sore throat.
Marshmallow Root Tea: Marshmallow root tea can help soothe throat irritation.
Ginger: Ginger candies, ginger tea, or ginger capsules can help with nausea.
Peppermint: Peppermint tea or candies may also help alleviate nausea.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Eating foods like prunes, bran, and beans can promote regular bowel movements.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential for preventing constipation.
Tea Tree Oil: Applying diluted tea tree oil to acne-prone areas may help reduce breakouts.
Honey and Cinnamon Mask: Mixing honey and cinnamon into a paste and applying it as a mask can be beneficial for some.
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
I don’t duck with predatory schools or cheap unaccredited courses/ capitalism/white washed alternative medicines… but does you beef with alternative practitioners extend to Eastern/ traditional medicinal practices as a whole? Like you don’t think herbalism or acupuncture have healing capabilities?
I am deeply, deeply skeptical of nearly all alternative medicine, but you are unlikely to find anyone who says there are no benefits to most types of alternative medicine. (I'll say it about chiropractic and homeopathy though - there's nothing that a chiropracter can do for you that a physical therapist or massage therapist can't do better and more safely, and homeopathy won't do anything except possibly poison more infants)
However, here's the problem with that:
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Acupuncture appears to have fairly reliable effects that are not explained by the placebo effect for things like pain relief, anxiety, and depression, and may also help with disorders relating to those things (insomnia and asthma, for instance). But you should not stop taking your asthma medications because you are being treated for asthma with acupuncture because if you are asthmatic, deciding "oh, my asthma [which treatable, but not curable] is cured!]" and throwing away your rescue inhaler can kill you.
Herbal remedies may be comforting for some people, and may have some effects, but it is dangerous to use, for instance, St. John's Wort to treat depression because it is impossible to standardize a dose of St. John's Wort in something like a tea or an extract, and supplements are not regulated in the US so it is impossible to know *what* dose you're getting in a St. John's Wort supplement.
Many people find chiropractic to be a reasonable means of pain relief, and I'm not going to pretend that their pain isn't reduced from chiropractic treatment, but literally hundreds of studies suggest that for the things that chiropractic has any reliable measurable effect on (musculoskeletal pain) you are going to get better treatment from a massage therapist or a physical therapist.
Ayurvedic medicine has a long history of things like surgeries including cataract surgyery and cauterization to treat bleeding, which do actually work! However ayurvedic medicine also often includes consumption of harmful materials like heavy metals alongside herbs that may have actual medical benefits, or practices like oil pulling, which do absolutely nothing.
Chinese Traditional Medicine may have some useful treatments, but is also associated with things like lead poisoning.
Use of Kava as an herbal alternative pain treatment was linked to a spate of people having liver failure. Kava does work to treat pain, it just also causes liver failure at completely unacceptable rates and at completely unknown doses.
So I don't think that alternative medicines are uniformly awful. Some stuff seems to work okay, and there is some stuff that is very unlikely to cause harm even if it doesn't actually heal.
But, hoo boy, herbalism has *immense* capacity to harm (because it is difficult to ensure accurate dosing, because herbal medications may interfere with allopathic medications, because it is difficult to avoid contaminants and easy to make mistakes with preparations in herbal medicine), which is made worse when people choose herbalism in place of other treatments. There are a thousand horror stories of people using black salve (a caustic substance that is used to treat tumors by chemically burning them off) to treat breast cancer, which is only marginally more horrifying than people who chose to forego cancer treatment in favor of herbalism.
And I'm not particularly in the business of telling people what to do, but I am someone with chronic illnesses who has had alternative treatments proposed to me in place of recognized best practices and I understand that for people with a new or frightening diagnosis it is easy to fall victim to a confident person who is offering 'treatment' at a lower cost and with more hands-on care than an overworked specialist who doesn't take your shitty insurance. Because of that I think that it is often safer to assume that alternative treatments are at best unproven and to start treating medical conditions with allopathic medicine and to use alternative treatments alongside of allopathic medicine (with the full knowledge of your medical team - a lot of "detoxifying" alternative medicines work by making all of your medications ineffective!)
And even if you're going to be using herbalism or acupuncture to treat someone and doing so in conjunction with proven treatments, I still think it's important for the practitioner of alternative medicine to be intellectually curious and scientifically educated enough to recognize when their treatments aren't working; if you have cheerfully taken a course in chiropractic and homeopathy as part of your alternative medicine degree, that does not suggest that you are being given a rigorous, evidence-based education in herbalism or acupuncture by the school that provided the homeopathy class!
It's like if you were getting a degree in engineering and had to take a class on the physics of the time cube in order to graduate. Time Cube Theory 204 cancels out Advanced Fluid Dynamics! Time Cube Theory 204 calls into question the validity of all your other classes! Time Cube Theory 204 is a major alarm bell, and if that didn't chase you out of the building you shouldn't be trusted to build a dam!
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Okay I tried to do a quick scroll before I went back to work, I already walked 8mi today and it took a lot out of me but I need to do flats so it was literally just a uber fast ‘what might be important’.
I see a lot of y’all getting sick and I’ma put on my big sib hat for a moment (I’m the oldest of 9 okay I did earn that title), and also these are just good reminders in general (read: Tagg fucking take your own advice ffs). It might get a smidge lengthy so under read more.
Getting sick isn’t a moral failing, it’s literally bugs’ job to fuck with us but to help you dodge this shit since I myself have a crappy immune system and cannot fucking afford being sick (and apart from that fucky business a few months ago have mostly dodged contagious stuff in the last few years)….continue reading.
Stay hydrated. I’m fucking terrible at this with plain water in the winter because who the fuck wants to drink water that MUST be cold when you’re already struggling to stay warm right now? Not me. So add some lemon (yay vitamin C). I can’t buy fresh lemons. I forget them and they go bad. BUT the bottled stuff while it does not taste as good imo, still has the good shit. So flavor and vit c. Or add it to herbal tea! Something that isn’t monster or dark soda or coffee (yes I’m aware those are part of the major food groups I don’t care you dehydrated walking plant). Broth soups also count- chicken soup is the cure all for a reason- veggies and hydration in one!!!
Eat. Something. You can’t run on nothing. Fed is better than not, period. Eating what you can afford is doing yourself better than going hungry for the sake of those two nights of ‘healthy food’.
If you stopped masking, go back to it. No seriously don’t stop. Buy one with a print you like with the slot for a filter and wear that shit. I’m sure most of my dodging illness during the height of lockdown while being not able to isolate in high trafficked places was the masking. That and the hand washing and hand sanitizers.
Speaking of- the one brand I used to buy is a boycott but there are lotion hand sanitizers out there if you’re like me, and you can just look at hand sanitizer and your hands crack. Highly recommend. 13/10. Not going back.
Indoor clothes/outside clothes- keep your ‘been everywhere all day’ cooties off the bed and your furniture. Will also reduce allergens embedding in the places where you’re laying down. Even if you didn’t shower, you’re doing yourself a favor changing the clothes. Yes I know this is more laundry, so there’s also clothing/fabric sanitizer. It’s like 8$ for a can but that’s an option if extra laundry is a Herculean task of which I understand the trials and tribulations.
If you can afford it- get some elderberry supplement. It’s not as difficult to find as it was in 2020. Ideally you take it just regularly, in a pinch, start taking it as soon as you feel ick to lessen it.
Lots of garlic, pepper, and ginger in your food. That is all. Season your food. Good food, better immune system, no notes needed.
Here is where you’re going to laugh at me and tell me to fuck off- SLEEP. Look, I am well aware okay, I know. But even if you have insomnia like me, your body will get more rest just by laying down and closing your eyes than it will by not doing so even if you didn’t even hit light sleep let alone REM.
Okay that’s it. That’s the post. I am not going to call it no brainer stuff because all of these things I had to learn and some were definitely as an adult, so just in case nobody told you, it’s for you. If you’re adhd and forgot, this one’s also for you. I’m not claiming to be a health expert, I ain’t a doc, just an expert at trying to dodge urgent care while living in a dystopia with no health insurance and I don’t like seeing people down and feeling crappy. :D
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slaappillenkopen · 4 months
Exploring the Best Sleeping Tablets for Quality Rest
In today's fast-paced world, quality sleep is more elusive than ever. Fortunately, there are numerous sleeping tablets available to aid in achieving restorative rest.
However, with a plethora of options on the market, choosing the right one can be daunting. This comprehensive guide delves into some of the best sleeping tablets, providing insights into their effectiveness, safety, and considerations for usage.
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Understanding the Importance of Quality Sleep
Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It plays a vital role in cognitive function, mood regulation, immune function, and physical health. However, various factors such as stress, lifestyle habits, and medical conditions can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and other sleep disorders.
The Role of Sleeping Tablets
Sleeping tablets, also known as hypnotics or sleep aids, are medications designed to promote sleep onset, duration, and quality.
They work by targeting neurotransmitters in the brain involved in the sleep-wake cycle, helping individuals fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
While sleeping tablets can be effective for short-term use, they are not recommended as a long-term solution due to the risk of dependence and potential side effects.
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Exploring Different Types of Sleeping Tablet
Melatonin Supplements:
Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin supplements are available over-the-counter and are commonly used to promote sleep in individuals with insomnia or jet lag.
2. Herbal and Natural Sleep Aids:
Herbal and natural sleep aids such as valerian root, chamomile, and passionflower have been used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. These supplements are often preferred by individuals seeking a more natural approach to sleep support.
Finding the right sleeping tablets can greatly improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Whether you opt for prescription medications, over-the-counter supplements, or natural remedies, it's essential to prioritize safety, effectiveness, and individual needs.
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Is Tongkat Ali Safe? Revealing the Shocking Side Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia in Just 3 Minutes!
Discover the best Tongkat Ali Supplements: https://super-achiever.com/best-tongkat-ali-supplements
Is Tongkat Ali Safe? Read more about the Side Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia in our guide: https://super-achiever.com/tongkat-ali-side-effects
#tongkatali #tongkatalisideeffects #eurycomalongifolia
👋 Hey, peeps! Your favorite Greek god is back with another explosive video!
Today, we’re flipping the script on Tongkat Ali. Sure, it's a muscle-building, bedroom-boosting marvel, but let's not ignore its shadowy side. Ready for a reality check? Let’s dive in! ⚠️ Unveiling the Side Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia in 3 Minutes Busting Myths - Less than 1% experience side effects, usually minor like upset stomach or headaches. - Importance of sticking to recommended doses and quality sources. The Risks of Overdoing It - Excessive use or dubious sources can lead to liver and heart issues. - Stay informed and use certified, organic supplements. Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Some users report heightened anxiety and panic attacks. - Debate on whether it's due to Tongkat Ali or pre-existing conditions. - Stress might amplify anxiety symptoms. Insomnia: The Sleep Thief - Difficulty unwinding and sleeping in some cases. - Other factors like stress and screen time before bed could also contribute. 🔍 Navigating the Herbal Jungle - Be the Captain of Your Health - Do your research and make informed choices. - Consult a healthcare professional if you encounter any unusual side effects. 🔥 Wrapping Up Today’s Reality Check That's the lowdown on the side effects of Tongkat Ali. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to supplements.
Share your experiences in the comments and let's support each other in this journey. 🔔 Subscribe for more real talk and insights from the Super Achievers Club! See you in the next video!
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
having pcos is hell. i feel like shit, i have insomnia, i had horrible and frankly abnormal depression a while back, and i can't go on birth control bc it gives me panic attacks so severe im hospitalized. so im stuck taking a bunch of herbal supplements to manage it along with some minor medication and if you know anything about herbal supplements they can taste terrible or its hell to find some that are reliable because of a lack of regulation. im at the point i think i just have to make my own bc i can at least inspect the herbs before processing them but that means powdering herbs, putting them in capsules, and potentially investing in complex contraptions to make tinctures fast
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 7 months
Mildly annoyed at my body.
Probably venting. Mostly complaining. Some medical talk.
I kinda want to get a second shift job, but I just got a raise and starting this month, I will be making really good money. Like, double minimum wage money. I don't think I'll be finding that wage anywhere else with no college degree and only 5 years of office experience...
I want to put more of my books on the shelves, the ones still boxed in the living room and the basement. Go through the comics I probably have no real attachment to, maybe offer them up somewhere. Put the books I keep thinking about that somehow didn't get their boxes marked "FAVE" and thus weren't put upstairs when I moved. They're in the basement. I KNOW I have more books by my favorite author. I've been wanting to reread the ones I haven't unpacked.
But I just ate. I can't go up and down the stairs, let alone carrying 2+ boxes and unpacking them. Not to mention, some of them are practically buried in others' boxes... I can't exert myself by moving them around, either. I might be able to reach the ones by the shoe rack, but I don't remember. I can't stand up and bend over to look.
For my stomach AND my back reasons. Ever since I had the neurology appointment, during which they twisted me in ways that made my mostly-fine back start hurting at a Level of 5/10 Again, and when I said it started hurting they kept twisting and asked if it still hurt. Yes! Fuck yes, it hurt WORSE!
And it still hasn't entirely calmed down. The pain now is worse than it was before the appointment. Even two weeks later (or is it three?). Even with lidocaine patches and muscle relaxers. They want me to start steroid shots. (And do physical therapy again, but I already spent most of my PTO built up this year on Sisu's vet appointment and my teeth. I need to build up more hours for things in April, a concert road trip and taking the day of the solar eclipse off because I absolutely REFUSE to miss the eclipse, when I live conveniently RIGHT in the path of totality! I can't take 4 hours off work every week because the PT only has appointments during my work schedule.)
I need to do at-home physical therapy exercises more often anyways, but I can't lay down (let alone lay on my side for 10 minutes) after eating, and by the time my stomach's done making me uncomfortably aware of the food I've eaten, I need to go to sleep.
And tomorrow, I want to watch some panels at an online convention and go grocery shopping and clean the pet cages and shower. Maybe sweep my room and do dishes. I'm still debating if I want to wake up at 10am for a panel on something I've often wondered about (thanks in large part to the name of a roller coaster at Cedar Point), but that will sacrifice about 4 hours of sleep.
Precious sleep. Which is ALWAYS a struggle working first shift. When I worked 3pm to 11pm, I slept for 9 hours every night, no problem. (I was constantly exhausted for Other reasons, but sleep wasn't the problem.) But working first shift? I have to fight my body tooth, nail, and pharmaceuticals to get it asleep before 11pm. Half the time it doesn't happen. The meds make me sleepy, but won't KEEP me asleep.
I take melatonin, L-theanine, herbal supplements (valerian and lemon balm and passionflower and lavender), magnesium citrate, and an anti-depressant and muscle relaxer, all in the desperate hopes that I MIGHT be able to sleep for 8 hours a night. (I struggle with delayed circadian disorder. It's not insomnia, because I can easily fall asleep and stay asleep if it's within my body's natural circadian rhythm. Sleeping about 1-3am, waking about 10:am to noon.)
It isn't the ADHD meds that keep me awake because, once again, due to my stomach being a Little Bitch^tm, I can only take them when I'm having Really Good Days with my stomach. Which is, at most, about 1 in 5 days. It's rare that I CAN take them 2x a week. Let alone every day.
At the core of it, if I didn't work 40 hours a week and didn't have to ride a bus for an hour each way to and from work and didn't have to wake up at 7am every day, I'd have more time and more sleep to endure and work around my stomach's issue with Being Active After Eating, and work around Needing to Sleep or I feel Dead On My Feet.
....though with the raise, maybe I'll be able to get my temps again, and once I get my license, have the budget to start paying for gas and parking downtown...? I figure that's another $200/month, at least, but even if I break even with what my cashflow is NOW, I'd get about 80 minutes of my life back every day. That actually sounds really nice...
But currently, as it stands, my schedule is perpetually packed and my body is perpetually fighting me on doing Anything Ever. =_= Not to mention, the ADHD making it really hard to overcome that executive dysfunction...
It's just frustrating, wanting to do So Much but needing 2 weeks to recover my social battery after being at a wedding for 5 hours. I can't catch up on sleep when my duplex neighbors are massive inconsiderate assholes who blast music every Saturday morning. I want to wake up a little early to hear a really interesting topic discussion tomorrow, but it comes at the cost of spending the entire next week exhausted from sleep deprivation.
Where's the Quality of Life when the amount of life you can live is so small, you can't fit a lot of Doing Things in it anyways?
Worst of all, I've been too exhausted to write, whether that's roleplaying or fic. I'm lucky if I can come up with 5 words for my Pokemon character to tag on a blog post. I can't come up with New Things Happening very often. I really desperately want to continue some Old RPs with Dove, but my brain is fried mush. It's burnt on the outside and just a gooey mess on the inside. I can't jog it enough to Imagine New Things.
I'm not exactly depressive. I'm having fun at the convention this weekend! I'm glad for the 5 words I can scrouge up on the Pokemon RP blog! I'm eating good food and stealing every minute of personal time I can get! I'm watching Teen Titans and ATLA with my roommates once a week! I only have minor complaints with my actual job duties! It's not All bad.
I'm just frustrated that working 40 hours a week is so fucking much to work around that it's a chore all its own to try fitting my life around it without sacrificing sleep health.
Fuck capitalism.
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pavanupare · 2 years
Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement review
Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is a natural biological process that affects women as they age. It can bring about a range of symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. These symptoms can be disruptive to a woman’s daily life, causing stress and discomfort. However, there is hope in the form of Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement.
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One of the key ingredients in the Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is soy isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are compounds found in soybeans that have been shown to have a similar effect to estrogen in the body. They help to reduce hot flashes, regulate mood swings, and improve sleep patterns. Additionally, soy isoflavones also provide a range of other health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
Another important ingredient in the Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is black cohosh. Black cohosh is a plant extract that has been used for centuries to relieve symptoms of menopause. It has been shown to be effective in reducing hot flashes and improving mood and sleep patterns. Additionally, black cohosh has been shown to provide relief from other menopause-related symptoms such as joint pain, headaches, and fatigue.
Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is a convenient and easy way to get the benefits of these essential nutrients and herbal extracts. The supplement is available in easy-to-swallow capsules, making it simple to add to your daily routine. Additionally, the supplement is made from high-quality ingredients and is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring that you receive a safe and effective product.
Menopause can be a challenging time for women. However, with the help of Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement, women can experience ease during this transitional period. The formula contains essential nutrients and herbal extracts that work together to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, providing a sense of well-being and reducing stress and discomfort. So, if you’re looking for a natural and effective way to manage the symptoms of menopause, give Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement a try.
Experience Relief from Amway Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement
Menopause can be a challenging time for many women, bringing with it a range of physical and emotional symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and decreased energy levels. Fortunately, there are natural solutions available that can help alleviate these symptoms, such as the Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement from Amway.
Nutrilite Menopause Ease is a specially formulated supplement that provides the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to support women during this transition. Here are some of the key features that make this supplement a great choice for anyone experiencing menopause:
Natural Ingredients: The Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is made from natural ingredients, including soy isoflavones, black cohosh, dong quai, and other plant extracts. This means that you can feel confident that you are taking a safe and natural solution for your symptoms.
Supports Hormonal Balance: During menopause, a woman’s hormonal balance changes, leading to symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. Nutrilite Menopause Ease is designed to help support your hormonal balance and promote a healthy response to this transition.
Supports Energy Levels: The ingredients in Nutrilite Menopause Ease are also designed to support energy levels, so you can continue to live an active and fulfilling life during this time.
Easy to Take: The Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement comes in easy-to-swallow capsules, making it simple to add to your daily routine.
Trusted Brand: Amway has been a trusted name in health and wellness for over 60 years, and their Nutrilite Menopause Ease Dietary Supplement is no exception. You can feel confident that you are getting a high-quality supplement that is backed by a well-established brand.
In conclusion, Nutrilite Menopause Ease is a natural solution that can help women experience relief from the symptoms of menopause. With its balanced blend of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, this supplement can support hormonal balance, energy levels, and overall well-being during this transition. So why not try Nutrilite Menopause Ease today and experience the difference for yourself!
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hellishlust · 1 year
Yeast Infection No More: Protect the Body Naturally
Yeast Infection No More is a downloadable e-book that contains information about the permanent cure for yeast infection. This is a holistic system which intends to help eradicate the infections by targeting the main cause. The e-book was click here to learn more written by Linda Allen, a medial researcher, health consultant, nutritionist and an ex-sufferer of the yeast infection. Using this as a guide for treating the infection is absolutely safe and non-evasive.
Yeast infection also called Candidiasis is a fungal infection of any yeasts species. This kind of infection is very dangerous if left untreated; it can spread and affect body organ such as the esophagus, lungs and brain. In the long run, it can produce harmful toxins called Acetaldehyde into the body which can poison the infected host. The symptoms of the Candidiasis include rashes, acne, migraines, menstrual pain, blurred vision, weight gain, chronic fatigue, muscular aches, allergies, constipation or insomnia. The condition may worsen and may lead to other life-threatening diseases.
There are factors that cause the infection. Stress may lead to production of yeast cells the body fails to fight against through increased sugar level. When stressed, a chemical is released into the body that suppresses the immune system. Excess alcohol intake and Antibiotics overuse destroys good bacteria leading to yeasts flourishing in the gut. Birth control pills that contain estrogen also lead to yeast growth. The other causes include constipation, food allergies, constipation and electromagnetic stress.
The Yeast Infection No More book guide contains 5 steps of simple treatment to Candidiasis. It contains tips on right foods to eat, homemade remedies, herbal washes and supplements. There are also bonus contents in the book and personal 3-month counseling with the author herself.
The 5-step simple cure for the yeast infection is easy to follow and only need the cooperation of the person. The 6 dietary lessons given should be followed to stop further development of yeasts. Taking nutritional supplements for the immune system is also vital. Detoxification by raw food diets, fasting, and juices can cleanse the system. The yeasts can be killed by using the products recommended in the e-book. The body must be supplied with all the good foods to stop the fungi overgrowth permanently.
Using the e-book as guide to a healthy yeast-free body is a natural way without side-effects to worry about. No drugs or medication are required. Unlike lotions or creams, which only relieve the symptoms temporarily, this system helps remove the infection forever. The e-book contains all necessary things to know even the worse infections. Aside from the fact that it is holistic, it was written in a comprehensive manner anyone can follow.
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healthmug · 1 year
Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug
If you want to Buy Unani Medicine Online, you can visit their website and browse through their products. Health Mug is a popular online health store that offers a wide variety of Ayurvedic and Unani products1. It offers products from Hamdard, one of the most reputed brands in Unani medicine1. It also provides discounts and offers on various products2.
Some of the benefits of buying Unani medicine online with Health Mug are:
You can get free home delivery on orders above Rs. 5001.
You can get an extra 5% off on prepaid orders above Rs. 10002.
You can get a free consultation with experienced doctors in various fields such as Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Nutrition.
You can get a valid prescription and order the prescribed medicines from their online pharmacy3.
You can also upload reports and pictures for reference during the consultation3.
I hope this helps you buy Unani medicine online with Health Mug.
Some of the best-selling Unani products on Health Mug are:
Ham Dard Rogan Badam Shirin Oil: A natural oil extracted from almonds that helps nourish the brain nerves and body. It also improves skin complexion, hair growth, and immunity.
Hamdard Sualin Tab: A herbal remedy for cough, cold, sore throat and bronchitis. It also helps clear the chest and throat of phlegm and mucus.
Ham Dard Di Abeat Capsules: A natural supplement for diabetes that helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve metabolism and prevent complications.
Hamdard Jigreen Syrup: A liver tonic that helps protect the liver from toxins, infections and inflammation. It also improves digestion, appetite and overall health.
Hamdard Iksir Shifa: A general tonic that helps boost immunity, vitality and stamina. It also helps fight infections, allergies and weakness.
Cipzer Araq-E-Mako: A natural liquid that helps improve memory, concentration and mental alertness.
Cipzer Habb-E-Pill: A natural pill that helps treat constipation, piles and fissures. It also helps improve bowel movement and digestion.
Cipzer Araq-E-Gaozaban Syrup: A natural syrup that helps calm the nerves, mind and heart. It also helps treat insomnia, headache and palpitation.
Cipzer Majoon-E-Jograj Gugal Paste: A natural paste that helps treat joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism. It also helps reduce inflammation, stiffness and swelling.
These are some of the best-selling Unani products on Health Mug that you can buy online at attractive prices. You can also get free consultations with experienced doctors in various fields such as Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Nutrition on Health Mug.
What is Unani Medicine?
Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece and was developed by Arab and Persian physicians. The foundation of Unani medicine is the idea that a person's health and disease are determined by their four humors blood, phlegm and black bile as well as their four temperaments sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholy. Unani medicine aims to balance the humors and temperaments by using natural remedies such as herbs, minerals, animal products, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.
In India, unani medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases, including kidney stones, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, skin ailments, and digestive problems. The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) oversees unani medicine and is recognized by the Indian government.
Why Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Unani medicine might be worth a try if you're seeking for a holistic, natural way to improve your health. However, finding authentic and quality Unani products can be a challenge in today’s market. That’s why we recommend you to buy online Unani medicine with Health Mug.
Health Mug is an online platform that offers a wide range of genuine Unani products from reputed brands such as Hamdard, Baidyanath, Rex Remedies, New Shama Laboratories, Dehlvi Naturals, Qarshi Industries, and many more.  You can also search for specific products by name or by ingredients.
What are the Benefits of Buying Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Health Mug not only provides you with the best Unani products online but also gives you the benefits of free home delivery, easy payment options, secure transactions, discounts and offers, and customer support. You can also get free online consultations from experienced Unani practitioners who can guide you on the proper use and dosage of Unani products. You can also read reviews and ratings from other customers who have used Unani products and share your feedback.
Health Mug is your gateway to health with Unani medicine. Whether you want to prevent diseases, treat chronic conditions, or enhance your overall wellness, you can find the right Unani products for your needs at Health Mug.
How to Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Buying online Unani medicine with Health Mug is easy and convenient. You just need to follow these simple steps:
Visit Health Mug Website and select the category of Unani products you want to buy.
Browse through the product and add them to your cart.
Proceed to checkout and enter your delivery address and payment details.
Confirm your order and wait for your product to be delivered to your doorstep.
So what are you waiting for? Buy online Unani medicine with Health Mug today and experience the healing power of nature.
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cortexiinfo · 1 year
Cortexi - Ear Solution, Results, Reviews, Price And Ingredients?
Products Name ==== Cortexi Drops
Main Benefits === Ear Problems
Side-Effects == NA
Rating == ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop which claims to restore hearing and memory capacity.
It is well known that memory and hearing are closely related. Maintaining both in good condition will help you maintain a healthy life. There are many people with hearing loss problems. These include mental fuzziness and memory loss, as well as an inability to concentrate. As we age, we experience a worsening of the condition. We have difficulty hearing sounds clearly and hear ringing sounds called tinnitus. Cortexi, the advanced hearing support drops that are all-natural and designed to restore balance between hearing ability and mental health.
The device is designed to improve the user's auditory system while maintaining the balance between the brain and the ear, resulting in a clear and healthy sound.
Improves clarity of hearing
Memory aids
Memory development is boosted by this product
Cognitive skills and abilities are improved
Solves the issue of ringing in the ears
Optimizing the health of your auditory system
Cortexi users can reap many benefits from its regular use. This is a natural formula that contains a proprietary blend of healthy ingredients. It will not have any adverse effects on your health.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
What is Cortexi
Cortexi Drops a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop, claims to restore hearing and memory capacity. The plant-based formula was designed by experts, and has no side effects on your health because it's enriched with healthy and natural substances. The formula is 100% natural and claims to improve hearing, memory and mental clarity. Cortexi, the breakthrough in herbal science, claims to restore hearing health while protecting ear cells and improving cognitive wellbeing.
Researchers have developed a formula that uses natural substances to enhance auditory systems and reduce ringing bell sounds, which are common with aging. Jonathan Miller is the creator of Cortexi and has developed the formula through years of research and experimentation. The manufacturer claims the healthy drops support 360-degree hearing and provide a healthy ear for listening to sounds clearly. It improves mental sharpness and prevents insomnia.
What Can You Expect From Cortexi?
Many people want to learn more about Cortexi, and what benefits they can expect from using it regularly. To make people aware of the formula and what it delivers, here's a list.
Cortexi reduces interference with the hearing system
The earwax that is excessive can interfere with hearing.
The auditory system is optimized to hear sounds clearly
Improves memory and cognitive function
Memory sharpness and cognitive abilities are improved.
Cortexi contains a proprietary blend of organic ingredients. It is therefore natural and will not cause adverse effects. The unique blend ensures that you will experience a healthy cognitive health and hearing health.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Learn about the Working Process
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated, all-natural dietary supplement that comes in oral drops. Oral drops are a fast-acting formula that uses plant based ingredients and substances to enhance auditory health. Cortexi reduces the inflammation in the ear cell which can interfere with hearing. When the person uses Cortexi regularly, the substances within the formula try to reduce the inflammations in the ear cell membranes.
Cortexi provides the body with the antioxidants and nutrients it needs to prevent oxidative damage and harmful effects. The drops also help to fight inflammation, which prevents users from feeling pain or hearing a ringing in their ears. The drops also remove excessive earwax that can prevent users from being able to hear clearly. It helps to maintain a healthy level earwax, which is essential for preventing environmental germs from entering your ears. Cortexi works by increasing blood circulation across the ear-cells and optimizing the auditory system. It enhances the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties of the body, which support the enhancement of the auditory system.
Cortexi can help improve your focus and concentration. It promotes 360-degree hearing aids and helps to deal with age-related hearing loss. It improves cognitive functioning and wellbeing, and gives users a higher level of alertness and efficiency. It also maintains the connection between hearing ability and memory. It prevents neurodegenerative diseases by developing a link between brain and ear cells. It is a healthy method to restore hearing health.
Cortex: A Closer Look
Grape Seed Extract is a natural substance with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance is responsible for promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, skin and immune health. The formula contains antioxidants that protect cells and reduce cell damage while promoting healthy growth. It helps to protect the brain and ear cells and improves cognitive and hearing health.
Green Tea Extract: It is a healthy extract that contains antioxidants. It benefits users by increasing blood circulation across the ear cells. It reduces the chance of hearing loss due to the aging process in people and helps optimize the auditory system.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a substance believed to have multiple health benefits. It is an anti-inflammation agent that reduces chronic body inflammation. It addresses the root causes of inflammation and restores cognitive wellbeing and hearing.
Astragalus is a herbal substance which strengthens immunity, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. It helps to improve ear health, and reduces the risk of hearing loss and tinnitus. It also contains antioxidants which strengthen your immunity and fight free radical damage.
Maca Root is a healthy herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to address the root cause of inflammation. It promotes healthy auditory and hearing systems and reduces inflammation. It can reduce the risk of hearing loss and cognitive decline due to inflammation and aging. It improves blood circulation in the brain and throughout the body. It also maintains a healthy link between brain and ear cells. It helps to prevent cognitive decline and hearing impairment by increasing the supply of nutrients.
Chromium Picolinate is the last ingredient on the list. It has been clinically proven to reduce the damage in ear cells due to loud noises. It targets the damage in the hair cells of the ear canal, detects sound waves, and maintains only healthy levels to protect the ear cell from damaging. It prevents people from experiencing noise-induced hearing loss.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Cortexi has many health benefits.
Cortexi can help you overcome issues with hearing loss without impacting your wellbeing. The formula has many health benefits.
Healthy haring: Supports and Aids
The auditory system is affected by inflammatory conditions
The brain and memory are sharpened.
Memory retention capacity is improved
Restores energy and reduces fatigue and lack of focus
Keep a healthy mental acuity
Increases blood circulation in the ear and provides essential nutrients
How do you consume Cortexi?
Cortexi Drops Reviews you will find a dropper. The liquid is to be placed on the tongue by the consumer and consumed every morning. Users can also mix Cortexi liquid with water and drink it every day for results within 2-3 months.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Where can I order Cortexi?
Ordering the Cortexi monthly pack can be done on the official website.
Read More===>https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/cortexi-review-buyer-beware-7-days-customers-examine-report-exposes-scam-23282679
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ces-device · 2 years
How does Melatonin Help Sleep?
Does Melatonin Help Sleep?
 Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced in the pineal gland. It is released when darkness falls and signals the body to get ready for sleep. This hormone is also responsible for helping with the body's internal clock.
Natural Supplement
Although melatonin is a great natural supplement for getting a good night's rest, it does not work for all sleep disorders. Often, a person's sleep problems are the result of other issues. For instance, if you suffer from a mental health problem, you may have problems falling asleep.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends using a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. This combination works to address the underlying sleep problem. If you have a persistent problem, you should talk with your doctor about treatment options.
Despite the promise of melatonin, a number of studies have shown it does not work for all sleep problems. In fact, it can have dangerous side effects. When used in high doses, it can cause daytime drowsiness. Also, it can interact with other medicines, including blood pressure medications and oral contraceptives.
Consult your doctor first
Melatonin is not recommended for people who are pregnant, nursing or have a liver or kidney problem. If you are taking other prescription drugs or herbal remedies, tell your doctor.
Taking melatonin before bedtime can help you sleep. However, it is not considered a sedative and is not a cure for insomnia. As such, it should only be taken when you are having trouble sleeping.
Seek professional help
Contact CesRelief to get a prescription from a professional, licensed practitioner. CES Device is a safe, painless microcurrent treatment scientifically proven to treat anxiety and insomnia in children, teenagers, and adults alike.
1875 N Lakes Place
Meridian, ID 83646
https://goo.gl/maps/vmbZqfiUfMHvjD446 Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or doctor in the appropriate administration.
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healthsupplementus · 10 days
DreamEase: The Ultimate Natural Sleep Aid in the USA
Getting a good night's sleep is more important than ever, especially in our fast-paced, stress-filled world. DreamEase is a revolutionary natural sleep aid designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Formulated with a unique blend of all-natural ingredients, DreamEase aims to address the root causes of sleep disturbances, providing a safe and effective solution for anyone struggling with poor sleep quality. Made in the USA in a GMP-certified facility, DreamEase stands out as a premium sleep supplement for those seeking a natural approach to better rest.
What is DreamEase?
DreamEase is an advanced sleep supplement that combines scientifically backed herbal extracts, amino acids, and essential vitamins to support the body's natural sleep cycle. Unlike prescription sleep aids that can leave you feeling groggy or dependent, DreamEase works gently with your body to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve overall sleep quality. Its non-habit-forming formula ensures you can use it nightly without the fear of dependency or adverse side effects.
Whether you’re dealing with occasional sleeplessness, chronic insomnia, or simply want to improve the quality of your sleep, DreamEase offers a natural and effective solution tailored to your needs.
How Does DreamEase Work?
DreamEase works by targeting the key factors that disrupt sleep, including stress, anxiety, and an overactive mind. The formula helps calm the nervous system, regulate the sleep-wake cycle, and support deep, restorative sleep. Here’s how DreamEase promotes better sleep:
Reduces Anxiety and Stress: DreamEase contains adaptogens and calming herbs that help the body cope with stress, reducing anxiety and creating a sense of calm that is conducive to sleep.
Enhances Melatonin Production: DreamEase boosts the body’s natural melatonin levels, helping to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and signal to the brain that it’s time to sleep.
Supports Deep Sleep Stages: DreamEase promotes deeper stages of sleep, where the body and mind are fully at rest. This ensures you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Balances Neurotransmitters: Key ingredients in DreamEase help balance neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA, which play crucial roles in mood regulation and relaxation.
Non-Habit Forming: Unlike some sleep aids, DreamEase does not contain harsh chemicals or addictive substances, making it safe for long-term use.
Key Ingredients in DreamEase
DreamEase is formulated with a powerful blend of natural ingredients known for their sleep-promoting properties. Each ingredient is carefully selected to enhance relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality:
Description: A natural hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.
Benefits: Helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer by signaling to your brain that it's time to rest.
Valerian Root Extract
Description: An ancient herb commonly used to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
Benefits: Acts as a natural sedative, helping to calm the mind and promote restful sleep without morning grogginess.
Chamomile Extract
Description: A gentle herb known for its calming and soothing effects.
Benefits: Reduces anxiety and relaxes the nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep.
Description: An amino acid found in green tea that promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness.
Benefits: Enhances sleep quality by reducing stress and improving focus during the day.
Magnesium Glycinate
Description: A highly absorbable form of magnesium that supports relaxation and muscle function.
Benefits: Helps calm the nervous system, reducing restlessness and improving sleep onset.
Description: A herb known for its anxiety-reducing effects and ability to promote deep sleep.
Benefits: Works by increasing levels of GABA in the brain, which helps to relax the mind.
Benefits of DreamEase
DreamEase offers a holistic approach to sleep improvement, combining natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance overall sleep quality. Here are some of the key benefits:
Promotes Faster Sleep Onset: DreamEase helps you fall asleep quickly by calming your mind and body, making it easier to drift off naturally.
Improves Sleep Quality: By supporting deeper stages of sleep, DreamEase ensures you get the most restorative rest possible, so you wake up feeling refreshed.
Reduces Nighttime Wakefulness: DreamEase helps keep you asleep longer, minimizing disturbances and ensuring continuous, uninterrupted sleep.
Enhances Mood and Relaxation: With its calming properties, DreamEase not only supports better sleep but also helps improve mood and reduce daytime anxiety.
Non-Habit Forming: DreamEase is safe for nightly use without the risk of dependency, unlike many prescription sleep medications.
Supports Overall Health: Quality sleep is essential for immune function, cognitive health, and overall well-being. DreamEase helps you achieve the sleep your body needs to function at its best.
How to Use DreamEase
Using DreamEase is simple and fits easily into your nightly routine:
Take 1-2 Capsules Before Bed: For best results, take DreamEase 30-60 minutes before bedtime to allow the ingredients to start working.
Follow a Relaxing Routine: Pair DreamEase with other sleep-promoting habits like dimming the lights, avoiding screens, and practicing deep breathing exercises.
Use Consistently: While DreamEase can provide immediate benefits, using it consistently will yield the best results over time as it helps regulate your natural sleep cycle.
Avoid Caffeine in the Evening: To enhance the effects of DreamEase, limit caffeine intake in the late afternoon and evening hours.
Who Should Use DreamEase?
DreamEase Official Website is ideal for adults who experience occasional or chronic sleep difficulties, including:
Individuals struggling with insomnia or sleeplessness.
People dealing with anxiety or stress that impacts their ability to sleep.
Those who wake frequently during the night and find it hard to fall back asleep.
Anyone seeking a natural, non-habit-forming solution for better sleep.
Note: DreamEase is not recommended for individuals under 18, pregnant or nursing women, or those with certain medical conditions. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
DreamEase is made with natural ingredients and is generally well-tolerated by most users. However, some may experience:
Mild Drowsiness: If taking more than the recommended dosage, you may feel extra drowsy the following morning.
Allergic Reactions: Those allergic to any of the herbal components should avoid use.
Why Choose DreamEase?
Made with High-Quality Ingredients: DreamEase uses only the finest, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives.
Non-GMO and Vegan-Friendly: DreamEase is suitable for various dietary preferences, making it accessible to a wider audience.
Made in the USA: DreamEase is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility in the USA, ensuring it meets stringent quality and safety standards.
Scientifically Formulated: Each ingredient in DreamEase is backed by scientific research for its efficacy in supporting sleep and relaxation.
DreamEase Buy offers a safe, natural way to achieve the restful sleep you’ve been longing for. With its powerful blend of calming herbs, amino acids, and sleep-regulating ingredients, DreamEase provides a comprehensive solution to common sleep disturbances. Whether you’re struggling with occasional sleeplessness, dealing with stress-related insomnia, or simply want to improve your sleep quality, DreamEase can help you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized every morning.
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