#Heritage Conservation
restoring-culture · 1 year
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GAL Un meme dividido en dúas partes, a parte superior mostrando ó Moe dos Simpsons con cara de medo e texto que di "insectos xilófagos relaxándose dentro dunha peza de madeira", e a parte seguinte mostrando a Homer desaliñado e ameazante con texto que di "Eu, a puntiño de darlles cun pouco de paradiclorobenceno"
Un meme dividido en dos partes, la parte superior muestra a Moe de Los Simpsons con cara de miedo y texto que dice "Insectos xilófagos, relajándose dentro de una pieza de madera", y la siguiente parte mostrando a Homer desaliñado y amenazante con texto que dice "Yo, a puntito de darles con un poco de paradiclorobenceno"
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chaosloon · 2 years
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basilica di san pietro
vatican city
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jaideepkhanduja · 3 months
Maratha Military Landscapes of India: UNESCO World Heritage Nomination 2024-25
Maratha Military Landscapes of India: UNESCO World Heritage Nomination 2024-25 #UNESCO #WorldHeritage #MarathaMilitary #India #Forts #CulturalHeritage #HistoricalSites #ShivajiMaharaj #HeritageConservation #SahyadriMountains #KonkanCoast #DeccanPlateau
India’s nomination for recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the year 2024-25 is the “Maratha Military Landscapes of India”. This extraordinary network of forts, developed between the 17th and 19th centuries, represents an extraordinary fortification and military system envisioned by the Maratha rulers. The twelve component parts of this nomination include: I. Salher Fort :Salher Fort,…
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jannattravelguru · 3 months
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
Cultural Preservation: Revitalizing Indigenous Languages, Traditions, and Art
Shaina Tranquilino
October 6, 2023
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Illustration by Tehatsistahawi Kennedy
The diversity of cultures around the world is a testament to the richness of human history. However, globalization and modernization have posed significant challenges to Indigenous communities, threatening their languages, traditions, and art forms. Recognizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage, initiatives are now underway worldwide to revitalize and safeguard these invaluable aspects of Indigenous identity. In this blog post, we will explore some remarkable efforts being made to preserve and revitalize indigenous languages, traditions, and art.
Preserving Indigenous Languages:
Indigenous languages are not merely a means of communication; they embody unique perspectives on the natural environment, spirituality, and social relationships. Unfortunately, many Indigenous languages have become endangered or extinct due to historical oppression or lack of resources for transmission. Nonetheless, dedicated individuals and organizations are working tirelessly to reverse this trend.
One approach involves documenting endangered languages through linguistic research projects. These initiatives aim to create comprehensive dictionaries, grammatical guides, and online databases that serve as valuable resources for language revitalization efforts. Additionally, immersion programs in schools and community centres help young people acquire their traditional language skills while cultivating pride in their cultural heritage.
Revitalizing Traditional Traditions:
Indigenous traditions encompass a wide range of practices including rituals, dances, ceremonies, storytelling, craftsmanship, healing techniques, and more. Preserving these customs not only maintains connections with ancestral knowledge but also contributes to community cohesion and well-being.
Numerous cultural preservation programs endeavour to revive traditional practices by bringing together elders and younger generations. Elders share their wisdom with youngsters through mentorship programs or intergenerational gatherings where stories are told and life lessons are imparted. By actively involving youth in learning traditional arts such as pottery making or beadwork, these initiatives ensure that ancient crafts continue thriving alongside contemporary culture.
Supporting Indigenous Art:
Art has always played a vital role in expressing diverse cultures' narratives and worldviews. Indigenous art, with its distinct aesthetics and symbolism, serves as a powerful medium for cultural preservation. However, the commercialization of indigenous art has often resulted in appropriation or exploitation.
To address these issues, organizations are working closely with Indigenous artists to promote ethical practices and protect their intellectual property rights. Artisans are given opportunities to showcase their work through exhibitions, galleries, and online platforms, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their creations. Furthermore, collaborations between Indigenous artists and art schools foster intercultural exchange while providing resources for skill development.
Preserving indigenous languages, traditions, and art is an ongoing journey that requires collective efforts from individuals, communities, governments, and global organizations. By valuing the significance of cultural heritage beyond its aesthetic appeal, we can ensure the survival and revitalization of invaluable aspects of Indigenous identity.
Through initiatives aiming to document endangered languages, revive traditional practices via intergenerational knowledge transfer programs, and support Indigenous artists ethically – the path towards preserving cultural diversity becomes clearer. As we celebrate these remarkable efforts worldwide, let us remember that cultural preservation is not just a responsibility but also an opportunity to learn from diverse perspectives and enrich our collective human experience.
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lovelyyellowdress · 8 months
Craftsman Exterior - Brick
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Ideas for a massive craftsman exterior three-story brick makeover with a shingle roof
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tripgurugo · 10 months
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evannilchristie · 1 year
Being able to participate in a conference where other conservators, artists, designers, curators, museum workers, and other enthusiasts, are all sharing their work and research is such a breath of fresh air. It's so invigorating, which in turn makes me a bit sad that the institution I work in is so stagnant and closed off.
At least I have a good team and we're able to motivate each other in our work. AND we have new ideas to deal with our more problematic materials! Synthetics and semi-synthetic materials are quite complicated and some pieces in our collection need some serious attention.
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conservallama · 8 months
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I'm only a conservator here. Who did I miss?
___ Follow for more memes from the GLAM world 🖼📙🗄🏛
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
In southern Africa, leopards have long been harvested for their beautiful spotted furs. These coveted furs are often used in ceremonial regalia by cultural and religious groups in the area, making it difficult to address the dwindling wild cat population in the area.
Bridging the gap between animal conservation and cultural heritage, Panthera — a global wild cat conservation organization — has partnered with area communities and world-class designers to instead distribute synthetic furs for ceremonial garb.
This approach is ground-breaking and shows potential to be replicated in other areas of the world. In fact, new data shows that these initiatives have tripled the leopard population in the region. 
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Pictured: Two wild leopards are spotted in southern Africa. Photo courtesy of Panthera.
It started in 2013 when Panthera began its Furs For Life program when it was discovered that members of the Shembe Church were using as many as 15,000 leopard furs during religious gatherings. 
Working with the Shembe community, Panthera created high-quality (and affordable!) synthetic leopard fur capes — amambatha — known as Heritage Furs. Since then, more than 18,500 capes have been distributed. 
In 2019, Panthera extended these efforts with the Saving Spots initiative. The program was created in conjunction with the Barotse Royal Establishment of the Lozi people with the mission to preserve rich cultural traditions and declining wild cat populations.
Every year, hundreds of Lozi community members wear lipatelo, elaborate full-length skirts made of leopard and other animal furs, as well as mishukwe, lion-mane trimmed berets, as they gather for the Kuomboka Festival...
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Pictured: Paddlers on the Nalikwanda Royal Barge wearing Heritage Furs.
Since implementing the Saving Spots program, the Barotse Royal Establishment has switched to over 1,350 synthetic fur lipatelo and 600 synthetic fur mishukwe. At a recent Lozi gathering, nearly 70% of participants wore garments of synthetic furs. 
The idea was to maintain the sacred relationship the Lozi people have with these animals. By using a high-accuracy design, these synthetic furs have become trusted regalia to pass through future generations — all without causing harm to the animals they revere.
“It is important to conserve nature. If you don’t take care of nature, then you are headed for doom,” Lubinda Nyaywa, the chairperson of the Mwandi Council District said. “It’s a learning process for our young generations, teaching them that they must preserve, one, their culture, and, two, their natural resources.”
With the support of both the Lozi and Shembe leaders, affordable synthetic furs are gaining increased acceptance and popularity as alternatives to authentic furs. Some groups have even banned the use of authentic wild cat skins at future gatherings.
This, in turn, majorly contributes to the protection and stabilization of wild cat populations in the region.
As mentioned, new data suggests that Saving Spots has helped triple leopard densities in the southern region of Kafue National Park. 
-via Good Good Good, May 4, 2023
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You might assume that Dr. Anthony Fauci, after 54 years working at the National Institutes of Health and helping save countless lives, has retired so he can rest. However, Dr. Fauci doesn’t have time to retire.
Last month, Fauci joined Georgetown University School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases as a Distinguished Professor. He was also appointed to the university’s McCourt School of Public Policy.
“I’ve also been busy lecturing and writing my memoir, and since I’ve been out of the NIH for seven months, I’m not following the ins and outs of the government, but I am paying attention to what’s going on with PEPFAR,” he tells me.
PEPFAR is the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which was signed into law 20 years ago this summer by President George W. Bush. It serves as a conduit to providing HIV medications to individuals in impoverished nations who would otherwise lack access to these drugs.
When I spoke to Fauci a couple years ago on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of HIV, he cited the opportunity to be the architect of the program as one of his greatest achievements. "It is the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease in history," he told me. "It's been an honor to help lead this. I really value my participation in this program that has already saved 15-18 million (in 2021) lives around the world."
“PEPFAR impact has been truly remarkable,” Fauci told me during our phone call Friday evening. "It is one of this country’s greatest global health policies in history. It’s been a resounding success, and has saved at least 25 million lives worldwide and it provides antiretroviral treatments for over 20 million people worldwide.”
However, groundless claims from anti-abortion activists have put the program in jeopardy. Conservative and anti-abortion groups sent a letter to Republicans in Congress who are responsible for PEPFAR’s reauthorization. The letter said that PEPFAR funds are “used by nongovernmental organizations that promote abortions and push a radical gender ideology abroad.” They provided no evidence to back their claim.
Also, the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation released a report that said Congress needs to “reassess” PEPFAR. The report claimed, “The Biden Administration has misused the program as a well-funded vehicle to promote its domestic radical social agenda overseas, as it has done with other foreign aid programs.” This so-called report also did not provide any proof.
As a result, Republicans in Congress are threatening not to reauthorize the program.
“The idea that this program would be interrupted, despite its overwhelming success, is unfortunate,” Fauci said. “There’s a real danger to associate the program with cultural issues as opposed to scientific ones that clearly show PEPFAR is saving lives.”
“It seems paradoxical that abortion rights groups who fight for life want to interfere with a program that has saved millions of lives,” Fauci pointed out. “If the program doesn’t function, lives aren’t saved, millions of them.”
Instead of castigating the program, shouldn't these groups, as well as all Americans, be celebrating the 20th anniversary of this milestone? “What’s ironic is that it was signed into law by a conservative Republican President, and it is without question George W. Bush’s greatest achievement. It took years to put together, in a bipartisan way, and it is one of the world’s signature global health initiatives. The thought of it not being authorized is not only dangerous, but disastrous.”
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restoring-culture · 1 year
Hey there! I´m Em (they/it), a conservation-restoration student at ESCRBCG in Galicia, Spain.
▸This blog is for me to post a bit of everything about conservation-restoration, from talking about how we do things here (which can be a bit different than other places, since every place applies their own criteria) to just memeing (about conservation-restoration).
▸Questions are more than welcome! Just keep things on topic and respectful 💙.
▸All of my posts will be in English, Galician and Spanish, though to make sure I don´t clutter anyone´s dash the last two will be under a ´read more` for anyone interested.
Ola! Son Em (Elle/Ello), estudante de conservación-restauración na ESCRBCG en Galicia, España.
▸Este blog é para eu facer posts un pouco de todo relacionado coa conservación-restauración, dende falar de cómo facemos as cousas aquí (que pode ser un pouco diferente de outros sitios, xa que cada lugar ten os seus criterios) ata facer memes (sobre conservación-restauración).
▸As preguntas son sempre benvidas! Mantédeas no tema e respetuosas e xa está 💙.
▸Todolos meus posts estarán en inglés, galego e español; inda que para non encher ó dash de ninguén estes dous últimos idiomas estarán baixo un "read more" para aquelas persoas interesadas.
Hola! Soy Em (Elle/Ello), estudiante de conservación-restauración en la ESCRBCG en Galicia, España.
▸Este blog existe para que yo pueda hacer posts sobre un poco de todo relacionado con la conservación-restauración, desde hablar sobre cómo hacemos las cosas por aquí (que puede ser distinto a cómo lo hacen en otros sitios, ya que cada lugar tiene sus propios criterios) hasta hacer memes (sobre la conservación-restauración)
▸¡Las preguntas son siempre bienvenidas! Mantenedlas en el tema y respetuosas y ya está 💙.
▸Todos mis posts estarán en inglés, gallego y español; Pero para no atestar el dash de nadie estos dos últimos idiomas estarán bajo un "read more" para aquellas personas interesadas.
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chaosloon · 2 years
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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adelphiaxo · 8 months
yall, we need to talk about the heritage foundation and its project 2025.
the heritage foundation is dangerous, and is going to have significant impact on the government. it's a long term initiative to make the us as conservative as possible, aka make america a fascist state. they have a policy agenda that would help their conservative beliefs.
what they are trying to do is simply minimizing the people in the government administration to mainly conservatives and right winged activists. this way, the people who are in power will enforce laws that reflect conservative principles, which include limited individual liberty, free markets, and a strong national defense. it also involves training and recruiting conservative activists to work in the government.
2025 is coming in two years, and it is already becoming a threat to basic human rights and the american government. the project is based on a narrow ideological view of the world, and it does not take into account the needs of all americans.
if you read till the end, please, reblog this post, like, and/or spread the word.
thank you all <3, adelphi signing out
here is the website linked to project 2025, and their 180 day playbook: https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025 https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
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yadivagirl · 3 months
I’d like to talk about domestic politics, and I want to hear about your vision for this country and specifically the next administration. Project 2025 is Heritage’s big project in advance of the next election, a plan for if a conservative takes over the presidency. How would you describe its purpose?
“It’s a presidential-transition project, which means that if there’s a conservative who wins — and I mean, frankly, if President Biden wanted to use it, we would love it. It just seems unlikely. Maybe someone in the center. I think if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or Senator Joe Manchin somehow wins the election, and I think both will be running, they might be open to it. But the point is to hasten the hiring of aligned personnel and hasten the implementation of conservative policy. And that includes hastening the overturning, via executive order, of what we believe are wrong policies of the current administration.”
--From today's NYTimes, "Inside the Heritage Foundation's Plans for Institutionalizing Trumpism."
When you see posts telling you not to vote or not to vote for Biden, please remember there is a very well-crafted laid out plan to make sure the second Trump presidency implements all of our worst nightmares. I hate the republican party but I have always admired their ability to play a long, well organized game. That's how we lost Roe and how we will lose so much more if Trump wins again.
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