#Hero & Gravelyn
gravelynz · 10 months
the hero: we did it everyone! we teleported battleon away from the giant meteor!
gravelyn, watching the entire town of battleon hurtle towards her at 60mph:
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artvann · 5 months
assorted aqw doodles
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bakedpotatomika · 6 months
Sometimes I feel like writing my silly little OC sheets for my heroes in dragonfable and get images or videos of what they'd be like. I haven't ACTUALLY done any new story stuff in forever in the game since I was waiting for them to stack up (now there're too many so womp womp @ me) and I've been redoing things in the orb saga and it's made me think about all my little ocs.
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eternal-dragon-of-time · 10 months
Currently ping ponging the slowburn trust between Hero and Drakath in my brain. The idea of how at war meetings Hero would always be positioning themselves to be just out of Drakath's reach/wingspan even though they know that they aren't in danger but the trauma of the conflict is still fresh in their brain. How Hero would never willingly ask for help until things get to the absolute worst because they feel they can't trust Drakath with any info about Lore. Things continuing on this way until the Laguna questline forces Drakath's hand and he has to fly Hero out of danger on the island because they are being a dumbass about leaving and that becomes the turning point. Slowly the Hero starts to feel less overtly threatened about being close to him, they shake hands even! At the next Alliance meeting nobody else would notice the importance of it but the Hero doesn't move when Drakath gets close enough for his wings to be able to touch them.
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explorer-of-art · 1 year
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it’s hard being a single parent with children created out of your negative emotions
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cosmicseapop · 2 months
Aqw’s Structure of Existence Theory Pt2
Upper Planes dont have a better name
Funny enough this is the more simpler one to explain, despite having only a bit of info on them. 
True gods that are also considered alien to Lore if Fimbul calling the Hero an interloper holds any weight. They can influence existence as a whole through their domains depending on what it is, either through their power alone or through their followers (ie Infamy and doom spirits). Their realms on different planes of existence and can’t easily be accessed unless a god is the one opening the way, but another god could block access (Malgor keeping the Hero out of the Timestream for a bit). 
With the exception of EDoT and Adimonde, all of the gods are considered dead and mostly forgotten. EDoT for obvious reasons and Adimonde for some other reason that hasn’t been shown yet (probably from just chilling in his realm or a special Fiend Shard). Adimonde could also be dead since we’ve been shown them as a floating mask, and they just manage to escape being tripped in the Mana Core. The OWO isn’t completely forgotten since the Mysterious Stranger still remembers Infamy (if they’re the god of Doom, but thats all but confirmed at this point) and their goal, so there’s probably others factions that would remember the other gods either on Lore or in space.
There had to be some sort of council or a criteria to determine who to ascend to godhood pre Reset. Also there’s issue of how the power is distributed, like is it taken from the original god, is it formed from the newly made concept and needs to grow in strength, or is it from worship of followers. Kathool did seem to get a boost in power from their ascension but the Hero didn’t seem to be affected (tho thats probably because they had so much power to begin with, it was more like a drop in the bucket), and quickly gained followers that could increase their range of influence. The fallout of that will definitely come last after things with OWO is settled, when everyone isn’t threatened with getting snapped for existing without OWO’s approval.
Infamy and Adimonde most likely weren’t ascended by another gods, so there has to be a way for them to ascend by themselves if they didn’t just show up out of nowhere in the beginning of everything — probably by killing and taking the godhood from a god since their goals boils down to conquest. Law and Tranquil are more difficult to determine how they got their godhood, but Law feels like they had it from the beginning and Tranquil would have gotten theirs through diplomatic means or worship. EDoT most like was born with their pre Reset power since time one of the more fundamental concept for the universe. 
Kathool would be a minor god of sorts, if only because of the Hero tying them to their existence. They were ascended the same way that OWO would ascend other gods, but with the small changing of wording got placed under the Hero’s control by tying them to their existence. There’s probably going to be a way around or getting out of being tied to the Hero’s existence to be a proper god, but probably a problem for another story arc.
Malgor and the other Speakers would also be demigods of sorts, not ascended to godhood but being born with divinity that allowed them access to the Timestream and the ability to control it. 
Theres possible identities for 2/3 gods we do talk to in OWO. Infamy is all but confirmed in game to be the God of Doom — them taking such offense to Gravelyn and Sepulchure ruling the Shadowscythe Empire, stating the shadows came from their throat (weird way of saying creating them), and Gravelyn’s wound being confirmed to be Doom. Law is probably the God of the Creatioux Dragons (maybe the Decadere Dragons too since they’re part of the same species of Void Dragons) — mostly because dragon face mask shape but also since their views regarding Chaos aligns with what the Creatioux’s view is on the Decadere’s use of Entropy from DF. Tranquil is a bit hard to figure out, mostly due to that it was stated in the merge quest for the Mana Core that they were part of a pair with someone else (neither Law or Infamy tho, probably another god that didn’t get the position of being the mouth piece of OWO). It also worth pointing out that these three feel like the representation of the other main games’ timelines that were merged into Aqw’s, and their identities are probably tied to things that hold importance to the stories — Infamy for Mechquest, Law for Dragonfable, and Tranquil for Adventure Quest.
It's also worth pointing out that once someone becomes a god, that position cant be taken away, and the only way to remove them is through killing them — ie Nulgath wanting to usurp Adimonde as Fiend God. Silencing is more a less permanent solution (and a whole other theory post) that still keeps the god alive enough so that they’re not a problem anymore but don’t get rid of their domain or disrupt their influence on the universe. This probably why OWO hasn’t straight up killed Einsolf since there power would mostly go to one person rather than spitting it up between all the dead gods, then that god would be put to sleep/killed and that devolves into a cycle of infighting until there’s not enough gods left to keep that one down and they all get killed.
Another speculation, but gods don’t seem to be by the powers of other gods, or at least not like how it affects mortals. The OWO are aware of the EDoT’s death and the Reset that came of it and seem to be aware of the cycles Malgor went through and the outcomes of it (probably how they know about the 3 threats but not knowing who they are if they aren’t lying about that). Which is good thing since the Hero can become the Champion of Doom, something thats toootally going to work out well and couldn’t go wrong at all what so ever /s. 
Space as an element 
This is on here solely for the fact that the dragon egg in the Mirror Realm hasn’t been mention in years and thats thing is technically the counterpart to one of the most powerful being in the universe. And with space being set as the counterpart to time in the game, Space Dragon God. 
A fun headcanon I have is they play a similar role to the EDoT and the Reset and created the Mirror Realm indirectly — either by just existing or dying in the past. 
Mana Core
Just as confusing as the Elemental Planes 
A realm that was created from the Reset and condensation of timelines and universes, and an 'Avatar’ that was immediately put in baby jail for just existing. 
Contrary to the Elemental Avatars probably just being Champions that raised to the position, Einsof sees more like the personification of the Mana Core. Calling him an Avatar is probably easier to explain or its current way of trying to make sense of him (since the creation of the Elemental Avatars hasn’t been explained yet). It's literally taking all of OWO to keep him asleep and will start waking up if any three of them lose focus, while they were ably to Silence Neso with ease — seems a bit of an understatement and insult to compare him to the regular Avatars. 
It feels like Einsof is more the god of all creation than Mana with how powerful he should be (being the personification of mana in a universe that thrives because of mana would do that) and would be above the Hero in terms of power, even with all the stolen power and authority from OWO. There’s also a good chance that actually kill him would also lead to all of existence ending if someone doesn’t take that mantle, probably similar to the Mana Affliction but on a wider and more devastating scale. That’s probably what happened in the Ultra!Malgor timeline, with the Hero taking Einsof’s authority over Mana after killing him.
A fun headcanon of mine is the reason Einsof is basically a child in terms of god years is the fact that he’s technically the embodiment of how old the timeline is, since Aqw’s is technically fairly new.
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baalzeblog · 2 years
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Build a Beast Week 1: Vampireslayer Neferith
No lighting version below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Neferith, son of Liddle The Hero of Lore The Dragon of Time The Champion of Evil Empress Gravelyn's Right Hand Though...an unfortunate few know him as The Vampireslayer
Artist's Note: Thank you to everyone who has joined today's stream of me shading this very piece! This is my entry into the Build a Beast challenge! The debut for Liddle's dragon and son. Nefri has been woken in the middle of the night by an intruder trying to break into his apartment complex. Pulling on his mask and readying his armaments, this young man is ready to give his intruder the fright of his life.
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neroastoria · 2 years
The Hero
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The Hero of her worldline, she came under the employ of Empress Gravelyn and Queen Victoria as essentially a pro bono assassin.
A nameless blade. She has no name, no history or motivation. She is a non-entity that only follows orders. Even if one were to ask her how she came under the service of both monarchs, she'd just shrug. She doesn't remember and doesn't care to.
She has no need for words, people or money and lives everyday in a hazy blur, following one hit after another.
Alive but not really living.
This design is a rework of a way older design for Outis from before she had a name and when her envisioned story arc, themes and struggles were far different.
As she is, she's a completely separate character though.
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forgottenvalorart · 2 years
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I decided to stop trying to get Serenity's face right.
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theloverofdragons · 3 years
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the onion headlines for dragonfable 3/6
(once again a result of the chats between myself and @df-thoughts​ 💖)
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mamingle · 3 years
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Local hero has questionable taste in men, pass it on
Man, she sure knows how to pick em huh. It’s either her enemy/childhood friend who she’s obligated to fight to save the world, or his much better Mirror Realm counterpart who she can’t be with because the universe might implode on itself. RIP
Bonus: Ezyra’s Support Group
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Drakath better make peace with his maker soon because nothing’s scarier than knowing that his current love interest is under the protection of an Empress who’s out for his blood to avenge her father, and his ex-girlfriend (whose father also got killed by him)
It’s gonna be one hell of a shovel talk ASHFKAHSAFAS
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gravelynz · 1 year
Okay okay I know that one HHD event doesn't really have a set place in the canon given the circumstances BUT. Since the Hero knew the Scale at that point, it could've taken place after Shadows of War, which would've given Gravelyn's actions here a whole other context. I know that clearly wasn't the intent, but it’d be so so funny to me. Like, "Sorry I branded you as a traitor and fought you to the death in another timeline. I can make you a flower crown. Would that make it better. Would that-"
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tomixslefttoe · 3 years
The Hero: I’m sure deep down you have a soft side, too.
Sepulchure, while hugging Lynn: Nothing in here but a cold, dark, empty soul.
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philosopherbouquet · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DragonFable Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Relationships: Sir Valen Pulchure | Sepulchure & Gravelyn, Hero & Sir Valen Pulchure | Sepulchure, Hero & Gravelyn Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Unexpected Coparenting, Set after Quest "Tea for Three", But before Quest "Ambition's Crossroads" and forward, Fluff and Angst, Tough choices
SUMMARY:The Hero was too busy trying to save Greenguard or Lore to even think about having a family. Hopefully, Amadeus didn't mind if they tried to raise Graveyln to be on the side of Good.
10 Days of Hero Shipping DAY 9: NEXT GEN
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eternal-dragon-of-time · 11 months
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lovesetssail · 5 years
tag duuump
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