#Hero's Cuties AU
merakimagic · 3 months
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I love the future rise kids and my lil ones need to make some friends, time for a play date ft. @tangledinink Gemini Donnie & Leo’s future kids
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
i love you reunion scenes in movies and books and tv shows i love you fix-it reunion scenes in fanfictions i love you reunion scenes where the entire world falls away from the person realizing the person/people they love most in the entire world is still alive i love you reunion scenes that have little inside jokes mixed in i love you reunion scenes with crushing hugs and sobs of relief i love you reunion scenes with joyful laughter and hugs that lift people off the ground i love you reunion scenes where you can see the person melting into the hug i love you reunion scenes that heal the bad that's happened during the time of absence i love you reunion scenes that show just how much people mean to each other
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[Image Description: A series of lineart "valentine cards" featuring the Linked Spirit Links. 1st: Sky's skydiving, smiling, under him is the quote "Love is in the air" 2nd: Hope dramatically swoons, a hand on his chest, and another on his head, "Kiss Me Princess, I'm about to Die from Dekissation!" 3rd: Hero's spirit looks awkwardly over their shoulder, holding a heart "Just don't stab me in the heart" 4th: Glider pours some tea, smirking, "Do you like Q Teas? Because you look like you have all the ingredients!" 5th: Ordon rides Epona, holding a lasso, "Looks like ya've Wrangled my heart, partner" 6th: Bean lays on the ground looking at a bee flying around a flower, "Bee My Friend!" 7th: Forest sits on the ground, looking up at the moon, "I'll be your friend even if the Moon falls" 8th: Wind smiles, sailing on a boat, "You're the wind in my sails, mate!" 9th: Engineer lays on the Spirit Train's front, "Let's stay on the same tracks, this train is going somewhere great!" 10th: Rinku lays in a little ball as a bunny, eyes closed, "Would you like a Snuggle Bunny?" 11th: Smith sits on the ground under a leaf as a Minish, reaching to touch a droplet of water "I love you with all the colors of the rainbow!" 12th: CDi Link grins cheekily, finger raised to his lips, "How about kiss? For Luck." End ID]
I am ....admittedly late for Valentines but shh. It's always a good time to post corny sayings and pickup lines. Also: because I didn't color them, feel free to color these!! Happy Valentines for everybody who celebrates it.
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merriclo · 10 months
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> from hcau <
spirit my beloved. click for better quality <3
[psst spirit uses she/her in this au!!]
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the-phantom-otaku · 1 year
So my blog is pretty much entirely ben 10 but please allow me to momentarily turn into a Bayonetta blog. There is not enough Bayo/BNHA content and it’s criminal. So I present to you: a Bayonetta BNHA AU, wherein everything still happens, she’s sealed away and all, but she wakes up to find a world full of superpowers and superheroes. The events of the first and second game still happen, just set at a later date. Not sure when BNHA takes place, but it obviously isn’t our current time, so we’ll just say she woke up like 600-700 years after being sealed and Jubileus’ awakening was also going to occur in 600-700 years rather than 500. The events of 1 happen before any of the main events of BNHA. 2’s events occurred during the year Izuku was training with All Might.
I’m just gonna lay out a list of headcanons I have for the AU. Be prepared bc it's pretty long lmao
Bayonetta wakes up to find a world full of people with crazy abilities called Quirks. Rodin helps bring her up to speed since he’s been watching all this shit unfold. 
Rodin also thinks the development of Quirks is somehow related the to Trinity since most denizens of the world of Chaos are powerless when faced with demons and angels. Basically, he thinks it might be the World of Chaos evolving to match Paradiso and Inferno.
Jeanne is a pro hero working at a high school teaching in a heroics course, specifically she teaches the History of Heroes/Quirks. Her alias is still Cutie J, but I imagine her hero costume is something like her motorcycle outfit from 2 complete with a cat-like mask. Jeanne has been a pro for a few decades at this point, so she’s settled into a slightly more quiet teaching role, which involves less action. She’ll still take up her costume and kick ass when need be.
Bayonetta still works as a nun with Enzo, but she gains an interest in becoming a pro hero sometime before the first game’s events, pretty much only bc she thinks it would be fun to be allowed to legally kick the shit out of someone if they commit a crime. Plus, she’s begun to get bored with the low-level angels Paradiso throws at her most of the time and facing villains who can have any kind of power seems interesting. She still does act part time as a nun for Enzo and he acts as her manager at her agency. If someone’s handling paper work, it’s him. The nun business started to do better once she gained popularity as a pro. After the events of the first game, her being a hero becomes a little more about helping people.
She hadn’t really started her hero career before the first game’s events, but she was finishing up the requirements to get her license. Since she wasn’t going back to school, she went through a process similar to getting a GED except she gets a hero license instead.
The events of 2 also happen. Only game events that don’t happen are 3’s bc (I’m pretty sure) that wasn’t main Bayo and also bc I’m not tackling that confusing mess (also even if it is OG Bayo, she fucking dies in the end so-). So for the purposes of this AU, 3 didn’t happen, but elements from it (such as weaponry, demons masuerades, demon salves, and the sin ritual) are all available to Bayonetta and Jeanne.
In both games’ events, the pros weren’t very helpful bc they didn’t know what the hell was going on. Vigrid, Isla del Sol, and Noatun all lack a significant amount of pro heroes due to them being so secluded. The few who do inhabit the town couldn’t figure out what was going on to stop it. All they could do was try desperately to save people from the disasters that kept happening out of no where. The destruction and chaos in both cities were national news and concerned heroes for months afterward. Eventually, the curious cases of the holy cities died down and heroes stopped worrying if these were connected attacks by the same group of villains.
As a pro, Bayonetta gained popularity fast for her quick and stylish way of dealing with villains. Her sex appeal also helped. She just uses her Umbran Battle Uniform for her costume and used Bayonetta as her hero name. She still has her guns as well, but they don’t really get used a lot when she’s working as a pro unless she’s using suppression fire. She also has her weapons from the games to use, but they’re less frequently seen since she prefers her guns.
Bayonetta quickly rose to the top ten in a short amount of time in the States, making many draw parallels between her and the Japanese hero, Hawks. Her insane power also has people draw comparisons between her and All Might.
Tho she’s popular and in the top ten, what holds her back from being number one in the states is largely her raunchy nature. While many love it, there are plenty of parents who completely disapprove of her style and the flirtatious remarks she aims at villains when taunting. There are also religious groups who don’t like her for the witch/demonic motif. She gets more than enough support to keep her well into the top five, tho.
In this AU, she has Demon Masquerade and Demon Slave. She doesn’t use Demon Slave or even summons much when dealing with villains unless the opponent warrants a summon. Her summoning is a huge deal as a result, and it usually dominates the news. Fans of her are always dying to see what demon she’ll summon next.
When she does summon against a villain, she almost always uses Demon Slave so she can hold the demon back from outright killing them.
The media has no idea what her Quirk is. It’s a huge mystery much like All Might’s Quirk. She only ever teases what it is but never actually answers. Some people speculate she’s got multiple Quirks. Many of her abilities relate to her hair, but then there are outliers, like her ability to walk on walls under moonlight, Demon Masquerade, her incredible speed/strength that rivals heroes with power-up Quirks, and her ability to fall from incredible heights without injury.
People have noted the similarities between Cutie J and Bayonetta, but no one knows what the similarities mean. After all, Cutie J had been around for decades before Bayonetta came around, so they couldn’t possibly be siblings. Again, many have speculated about this mystery, but none have gotten the correct answer (besides Luka of course).
Luka is still a thing and he’s still deadset on finding out more about the Umbra and Lumen, but he does stories on heroes as well. On top of the Umbra and Lumen, he likes to investigate the origin of Quirks even tho most journalists consider it an unsolvable mystery. 
Luka has tried to reveal the truth about Bayonetta and Cutie J, but no one believes that they’re the surviving witches of a long-lost clan that most people don’t even know about. The two ladies always write the theory off when asked about it. I don’t think they really care much about keeping the Umbran Witches a secret, but they mainly do this bc they think it would cause a panic that they really don’t want to deal with. 
Both Bayonetta and Cutie J claim that their Quirks offer a form of longevity to explain why they haven’t aged a day.
There’s a TON of mysteries surrounding these two, many of which Midoriya would be very interested in if either were to visit UA despite being American heroes.
I like to think Mina is also a huge fan of Bayonetta. She loves how she incorporates her dancing into her fighting style.
Neither Bayonetta or Jeanne participated in the first two movies. (They technically could’ve in the first, but they’d break the plot, so-). They were involved in World Heroes Mission tho. Jeanne was in New York with Hawks and Tokomyami while Bayonetta went to Otheon. I like to think she went to the slums during the chaos and found Rody’s siblings. She kept them safe and looked out for them during the whole ordeal.
Mysterious Destiny is a real song made by a group of fans who wanted to make a musical tribute for one of their favorite heroes. 
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ask-icancraft-it · 1 year
(( In between endlessly chipping away on some longer fics, I’ve been writing some really small snippets to try and not fuss too much with minor details and exposition. I’ll be periodically posting some of these and hope you enjoy! ))
*Ding!* Felix’s cell phone chimed, its face lighting up as it sat on the bathroom counter of his client's home.
“Ralph, can you check who that’s from?” the handyman asked, half his body crammed under the cabinet as he worked on the sink’s plumbing.
“From Tamora,” his partner replied, quickly looking at the screen.
“Here, I’ll take the flashlight. Can you read it for me?”
“Yeah,” Ralph handed over the light and wiped his hands before picking up the phone and punching in the code to unlock the screen.
With a few taps of his thumb, he pulled up Felix’s messages and clicked on the latest incoming text.
An image filled the screen.
“...Uhhhhh–” the large man droned, his brain unable to completely process what he was looking at. That was far more skin than he had ever seen, or ever wanted to see of his best friend's sweetheart.
“What?” Felix shifted, peering out from under the sink.
Silently, Ralph turned the phone, holding it downwards for the picture’s intended viewer to see. The handyman’s eyes grew wide.
“Oh my land!” He shot upwards, head colliding with the cabinet facing.
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noellefan101 · 5 months
Nick-Names - Genshin
Characters: Xiao, Scaramouche, Venti, Lyney, Albedo, Kaveh, Thoma, Diluc, Childe, Heizou, Kazuha x GN reader
Warnings: a lot of cheesy and weird nicknames, if you dont like some for a specific char you're welcome to send me your ideas, could be modern au, established relationship
(you can clearly see that i prob put in an OC, so im so sry, but some i just also really head-canon as the "would rather date a loving person than be loving" if you get what i mean)
Summary: both of your pet names for each other, some silly some sweet
Note: you can really tell where i had no ideas for nicknames. and ik i use both 'pet names' and 'nicknames' but im just kinda stupid and didnt care to change stuff when i was already done with it. also i may just have a problem but why does princess sound 10x better than prince, no matter your gender, anyway love youuuu
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He will always say what is on his mind, and he did the same thing when you brought up using pet names. he wasn't very fond of the idea, and sometimes he still isn't(depending on the situation). but he has gotten used to it more over time, like when you burst open his door and to talk to him while using the most absurd nicknames he´s ever heard of.
Pet names for you: lovely, qinxing, [shorter version of your name](sry people with short names, i fell ya)
Pet names for him: babe, baby, cutie, dove, birdy, my alatus
Will never admit he likes being called weird things by you, EVER. if he did then he was drunk and he was totally lying. and that counts with calling you stuff as well, he would rather die than admit he doesn't just call you that bc you wanted him to.
Pet names for you: idiot, princess/prince, dear
Pet names for him: smoochi, love
He was probably the one who suggested the idea at first, like two days/weeks (seconds) into your relationship. i also think he already had at least one nickname for you when you were "just friends", in the crushing phase, and has some for all his other friends as well(prob also his teachers if school au, lul).
Pet names for you: windblume, cecilia, [insert the cheesiest thing you can think of], my love
Pet names for him: venni, my dear, sweetheart, my bard
He would be over the moon if you gave him a nickname, and would instantly be looking like a tomato too. would increase its usage by tenfolds if you said you liked one of his nicknames. you cannot stop him even if you somehow got 'Father' involved.
Pet names for you: babe, mon trésor, mon amour, beautiful
Pet names for him: sweetie, amour, lyn
He didn't really see a use for it at first, finding it kind of useless. but sooner or later realized how happy you looked when he had somehow slipped up and called you 'love' when he needed your assistance. and later just didn't bother to stop.
Pet names for you: love, my cecelia, my dear
Pet names for him: 'bedo, lovely, (my) genius
He LOVES nick-names, probably made one for everyone in the friend group(yk alhaitham, tighnari n cyno), and would be delighted to make some up for you.
Pet names for you: beloved, lovely
Pet names for him: baby,
He really wanted to try using them, yes he calls Ayato and Ayaka my lord and my lady, but its just not the same as calling your lover something sweet. and good luck if you don't like it, he's keeping those names forever.
Pet names for you: babe, sweetheart, baby, sleepyhead, lovely
Pet names for him: babe, love
He honestly wasn't a fan at first, he hated it even. but of course, you being you, insisted on using names for him, and encouraged him to at least try to use some for you. so he kinda got into routine with it.
Pet names for you: my love, my dear
Pet names for him: dear, red head, love, my hero
Of course, he would use nick-names and such, he uses nick-names for the traveler and paimon, so of course he would be using such with you. honestly how could he not, especially when you're looking all cute cuddled up in his hoodie.
Pet names for you: my love, beloved, cupcake
Pet names for him: ginger, ma strong man(only for teasing purposes), hubby
He'll almost never call you by your actual name, he didnt even when you two were just friends, only in the most serious of times would he do that. so it was no surprise that when you actually started dating, they could only become sweeter and cheesier as time goes by.
Pet names for you: princess/prince, baby, beautiful, (my) sunshine
Pet names for him: hei, zou-zou, babe
He loves it bc no matter what you call him he'll be happy. and he makes sure you have "some" as well, and i guess he just can't stop coming up with more, and they're always more cheesy than the last. you don't know how he does it, but maybe its just his poetry skills coming through.
Pet names for you: dove, (my) love, sweetheart, sweetie, my dear
Pet names for him: kazu, dear
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thank u for reading whatever this thing is(totally not a filler bc i habe been working on that streamer au for too long), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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rumisgf · 19 days
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summary: your boyfriend has it all: tattoos, blonde hair, nice sleeper build, can dress, funny— he’s on the way to becoming one of the top 5 heroes for lord’s sake. but, even with all that, he can’t help but feel some type of way when he sees other dudes trying to get as his girl. he doesn’t know what comes over him, and he always starts thinking a little irritational.
includes: college!au eventual smut, tatted!denki, little plot (i sorry), females pronouns used once or twice, jealous!denki, denki calls reader ‘mama’, denki refers to himself as ‘daddy’ once, penetration, dom/sub undertones unprotected sex, recording, squirting, spit!kink, implied relationship, assumed that denki and reader record themselves fucking a lot, possessiveness, breeding kink if you squint, mentions of potential pregnancy, nasty sex
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this isn’t fair. he’s finally got a hot, amazing girlfriend and everybody wants her. it makes him sick.
“woah kaminari, that’s you? how’d you bag that?” all his friends always seem to ask this same question in different variations, and their laughs afterwards seem to be filled with malice in his ears. and what’s worse is that you have no idea. you post all these pretty pictures and thirst trappy tiktok’s for random people in your comments to fawn over you. so, denki could not possibly be seething with more anger right now when someone he only sees in the dorm hallways come up to you.
“hey, um, you… seeing anyone? sorry i just saw you in class and couldn’t stop thinking about you, you are gorgeous.”
he watches as you smile, looking over to where he is as he’s supposed to getting his lunch. “o-oh, uh… thank you but i’m taken.” you shyly respond. the dude follows your eyes, and he only smirks. “well, he doesn’t seem like too much competition.”
you roll your eyes at the corny ass guy talking to you, and cross your arms. as you tell the guy he has no chance, you fail to notice denki look down at his own feet as he contemplates causes a scene at this very moment. but clearly, he didn’t care to think logically. you’re his.
suddenly, you feel a set of haste footsteps followed by two hands slowly find your waist. your movements halt as they massage the skin and pull you closer to the figure’s chest. “hey cutie, who’s this?” your boyfriend asks so innocently, making direct eye contact with the guy who’s face is beginning to flush. “mm, some dude who won’t leave me alone..” the guy furrows his eyebrows as he struggles to open his mouth. “woah, it’s like that, bro?”
“don’t know what you’re talking about.” denki says, responding for you. he softly kisses your shoulder, “she’s mine though, so you should go on somewhere.” with that, the guy reluctantly walks off, failing to hide his embarrassment.
you slowly push denki off of you, giving him a quick peck on the lips as a thank you. then, you both head back to your dorm to get away from the crowd of people at your university’s cafeteria— the habitat of horny, and corny men.
denki closes your door and plops onto the edge of your bed, holding his arms out. “c’mere mama.” you find your way on his lap as you face his grumpy face. he looks down at your body as his hands massage the sides of your waist. “so tired of that, i wish everybody would leave you alone…” he pauses, and it’s the same pause before he’s about to say one of the most outlandish things you’ve heard.
“tattoo my name on your neck.”
you smack your lips, lightly pushing his chest as you roll your eyes. “boy, i am not chrisean rock.”
“well how else are dudes gonna know you’re fucking mine?” he slowly dives into your neck, teasing the skin with his mouth as your lips part, threatening to let out a moan. “kami, you know i don’t want anybody else.” you say shyly, beginning to writhe in his lap as he’s know placing full mouth kisses on your neck. “but they don’t know that,” he mutters. he pulls away and immediately grabs you by your neck, bringing your face centimeters away from his. “if you won’t get me tatted, i’ll find another way to make sure they know you’re mine.”
he closes the space by kissing you fiercely, yet slowly. you drag your hips up on his lap, his hand gripping your waist once more as your back arches with the kiss. you wrap one arm around his neck while your other hands finds his chest, feeling his thumping heartbeat. his other hand doesn’t leave your neck as he plunges his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. you moan into his mouth, making him subconsciously buck his hips upwards. with that, you slowly start grinding on his lap and he begins to grind on your clothed crotch himself. you move in rhythm with each other, chasing the burning feeling of lust in your stomachs. then, he shoves his hand under your shirt and you finally gasp into his lips. he fondles with your soft breasts, wishing your bra wasn’t it the way. this makes you grind on him harder, and you’re sure he can feel the throbbing pulse of your now soaking pussy even through his pants. denki goes back to your neck, licking and biting your skin until several hickeys begin to show. he was serious, he was gonna find a way to mark himself on you one way or another. his hands now find your ass, squeezing both cheeks as he moves you faster on his laps and his own soft moans begin to spill out his mouth.
kaminari pulls away, both of you breathing heavy. “i’m about to fuck the shit out of you, you know that right?” he says in a direct tone. looking at him half lidded, you nod. without another word, he lifts you off of him and moves fully onto the bed. you follow him and immediately get pulled under him by his tattooed arms. his lips crash back onto yours, your hands frantically grabbing at his body. he grinds onto you, making sure you feel his hard bulge on your cunt that’s close to soaking through the panties under your jeans. “kami, please…” you whine, not knowing entirely what you’re begging for— you just know you need him in every way possible.
he quickly discards of own your jeans, then his own. immediately, his eyes meet the thong that perfectly displays your arousal dripping out and staining your folds that are halfway shown. he nearly drools, running his finger through your clothed slit. “mm-!” you moan, wincing at the pleasure flowing through you just at how eager you were for him to touch you. wasting no more time, he lifts off the bed and stands at the side next to you, pulling you on the edge of the bed in front of him. he pulls down his boxers and slides off your underwear. you gawk at his long, hard dick right in front of you, and he smirks. then, he reaches over to pick up his jeans, pulling his phone out his pocket.
he unlocks his phones, then points his camera to his dick in front of your sopping cunt. he rubs circles on your clit with his tip, “mmm, so wet baby.” he hums, before slowly sliding himself into your entrance. your walls give him a warm hug as your slick squelches once he enters them.
he wastes no time giving you every inch of him, and you cry out. “oh- shit! babyyy!” the pace is almost too much, him pumping into you like he was mad at you. “uh huh, love this dick don’t you?” he uses his free hand to grips your thigh, pushing it back. instinctively, you hold your legs back for him as close to your head as possible. “good girl, let me see that pretty pussy.”
you’re almost embarrassed, your helpless state on display as he ruins your pussy. your normally sweet boyfriend is deep-stroking the brain cells out of you with a dark, sinister smile on his face. but.. you can’t complain, he’s fucking you too good right now. “ohmygod please… i can’t..” he slaps your thigh, making your body jolt. “yeah you can, c’mon. you got it.” you throw your head back, moaning his name like a prayer. “yeahhh, my good girl.” the praise sends your head spinning as the room grows hotter by the minute. “say you’re mine. *smack* say you who belong to.”
“i’m yours- shitttt- i’m yours! i’m all yours” you say, the command causing a white ring to form around his dick from you creaming. “yeah, you like that shit? love being my good little whore?” he slaps your thigh again, making you whine. he relishes in the state you’re in, completely vulnerable to him. he loves nothing more than showing that he could really dick you down when he gets this frustrated. all the anger he gets from all these guys constantly hitting on you- he takes it out as he examines your soft, sweet body that’s all for him: down from your pussy to your mouth, “open up.” he demands. before you can even fully open it, he spits in your mouth from above you. it takes you by surprise, but he gives you not time to think even if you could…. which, you can’t, from the way he ms fucking you. “swallow that shit.”
you lick the excess spit off your lip and swallow, looking him in the eye when you do so you can see him smile. “such a good girl.. so good f’ me.” denki picks up the pace, the camera shaking with his movements. your voice jumps with every thrust as you moan out for him. his breath huffs with every thrust, sweat beading up on the both of your bodies as you fuck like dogs in heat. your body is littered with hickies and red marks that were intentionally painted on your body by your boyfriend. although they’re not permanent like tattoos, they still holding the same meaning that you belong to him and him only.
he grips your waist as he fucks you into pure bliss. you feel a strong knot threaten to burst in your stomach. “i- fuck! ‘m gonna cum~”
“yeah?” he taunts, immediately rubbing your clit. “you wanna cum already? ‘m fucking you that good?” his ego grows by the second as you become putty in his hands, legs threatening to give out. you let out a drawn out moans as he punctuates his hips, abusing your g-spot over and over. your eyes roll to the back of your head as your toes stiffen in the air, losing control of your body.
“go ahead, nut all over this dick.”
you scream his name as your juices squirt out of you and onto his stomach. he continues fucking you as you making a mess on the floor, the bed on him, and yourself. your body shakes violently as your orgasm takes over you, him pulling out and smacking his dick on your clit as you violently squirt on him. then, he slides back into you, groaning at how soaked you are. “my good little slut… all mine— nobody can fuck you like i do. say you’re my little slut.”
you let out a slurred “i’m your little slut” as you feel another orgasm build up. in a matter of seconds. he pulls your body closer, leaning forward so he can fuck you deeper. in another minute, you’re squirting on him again as he fucks you, moaning so loud your housemates can definitely hear you by now. “fuck baby… so fucking messy.” he moans, now chasing his own high. “fuck- where you want it baby? huh?”
“in me- please!” you beg, looking up at him with doe eyes as he relentlessly bullies your cunt. his eyes spark up, slightly taken aback from your response. “yeah? dick so good you want me to give you a baby?” you nod eagerly, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks from the overstimulation. you both know you’re out your right mind and this is not a logical decision to make on a whim, but you pray that maybe god is on your side just this one time— even though this is such a sinful act. “yes please put a baby in me!”
“daddy’s gonna make you a mama- fuck- gonna fuck my kids into you.” he pants, thrust becoming frantic and rigid. and though he doesn’t wanna admit it, he’d love nothing more than for you to be swollen and soft because of him. the though of you carrying his child with an large stomach that contrasts your smaller figure brings him right to his own orgasm. with a hard, deep thrust, he lets out loud strings of moans matches with the thick ropes of his seed seeping into your cunt. you moan at the warm feeling, eyes threatening to close shut. he pulls out of you, rubbing your clit as cum leaks out of your used hole.
setting his phone down after quickly adding it to his special folder, he grabs a spare towel from his closet to clean the both of you up. then, he lays down next to you after you scoot into your covers, legs still shaking. he looks down at them, letting a chuckle out his mouth.
“damn, i fuck you that good?”
you smack his chest, only causing him to laugh more. “bitch i had you whining to cum in me, hush.”
“oh really? cause if we watch that video back right now you’ll clearly hear you begging for me to-”
another smack lands on his chest, as you hush him frantically. “hey, at least if you have my baby they’ll really know who you belong to.” you sigh, sinking onto his chest. “then, i’ll have as many babies as you need me to.”
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@ rumisgf
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
you know, I think I'm starting to see a pattern in Craftycorn family...
I just really think if that Poppy Co idea of a season with the character childrens came true, Crafty and Dogday child would be a little demon.
Not at the point of starting a war like the other 2, Crafty and Day wouldn't let it happen, but I still feel like they would would be a anti-hero creating conflict throught the episodes.
That or they're a chaotic cremlin like their uncle(Catnap), just with even more energy like Dogday.
Good to see someone realizing that fact with crafty's family even before i finish the explanation of the wars, it true that history tend to repeat itself, but Play.Co was a coward
but you know who isn't a coward?
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i present to you, the fanfic that Charlie and Alba had been writting for those two
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The concept is simple, basically the next gen having Catnap as a mentor to find their place in this world, specially Dogday and Craftycorn's children, since they all are in a constant fight with the ''who is going to get our parents pendant?''
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(first concept i made for this yesterday when i didn't have electricity)
To resume each children (i don't have their reference yet, 'm fast but not this fast):
-Sunrise (red puppycorn): the oldest of the triplet, she's a menace in all the ways possible, but not in a evil way, more in a young Gaia way, she like to explore and her nose is almost always on the ground, looking for new things. A leader just in paper, 'cause half the time she doesn't know what she's doing.
-Palette (Cream flying puppy): Middle triplet, he love to use his wings to get away from trouble, or mess with his non-flying sibling, he repeat the word ''what?'' a lot.
-Shylight (white and blue puppycorn): the youngest triplet, he's just brave when he's making a mischief with his sibling, but when he's left alone he become a babbling, nervous mess, probably having a mix of the insecurities in young dogday and craftycorn, Catnap insist he's like this 'cause crafty babied him to much.
-Prisma (yellow alicorn puppy): she was a surprise baby from the stork, nor Dogday nor crafty remember writting a letter for her, but the stork insist they had send one for a ''last special baby''. Since this story is write by adults for adults readers, Catnap think they write it while drunk (aka a literal upsie baby lol). She's around 5 y/o, but she hadn't leave her pacificier yet, and her sibling know is a baaaaad idea to try to take it from her
-Berry Bearhug (brown bear): Catnap's and Bobby's baby, a 1 y/o cutie that had spend to much time with her mother's side of the family, so she tend to run in all four and grow. Catnap isn't bothered by that.
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There's also the rest of the characters, that are children of the rest of the critters
we have Cuckoo (black chicken), Kickin's daughter (not revealing the other parent, just know is another man). And Osuke, Picky's son with Inoshishi.
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Then we have Bubba's daughter, Smarty Tiny (yup, he give her his parent's middle name).
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and the oldest of the other critters children, Hoppy's son, Spring Seashell (the only one that already got his mother's pendant).
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'm not making something with this whole concept, my hands are already full with the cartoon and the factory Aus, but be free to think in ideas for this little rascals, the factory gang would love to read about it
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mochiwrites · 15 days
title: a greenhouse heart.
warning(s): graphic depictions of violence, blood, injury, general superhero story warnings
chapter(s): 1/?
relationship: scar/grian
He slowly looks over at Hotguy, “Hey, you okay?” He meets the tinted glass of Hotguy’s visor, unable to read his face clearly.
“Oh me?” Hotguy lifts his head up, eyes coming through his visor again, the angle allowing it to shift to something translucent. “I’m peachy! Can’t please everyone, y’know. Gotta just let it roll off your back like waves over a rock’s surface,” he chuckles brightly, a smile on his face.
Cuteguy can’t help but frown at him. He’s worked with Hotguy long enough now that he likes to think he’s pretty good at reading the man. He knows a fake smile when he sees one (he’s also painfully aware of how big a heart the man has, the one that he likes to hide behind the act he puts on for the public. He too had fallen for that act once, but now he knows. It’s part of what draws him in. What made him—).
“I see that frown, Cutie,” Hotguy hums. “I’m fine, I promise.”
or, hotguy and cuteguy have been working together as partners for a while now, and they've managed to overcome just about anything. but this next challenge may leave them with more complications than they first thought.
read on ao3 here!
reblogs do more than likes!
finally.... the context of "whoa sir" is shared.... /silly. giving a proper shot at writing a hotguy/cuteguy au now that I'm on summer break and I reworked some stuff for the au :D I'm very excited for some of the stuff I've got figured out for the fic hehe <33 hero au time !!!!
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lil-elle · 1 month
hi!! I'm not sure if you have this idea requested already or not, but since yujun really likes spiderman I'm thinking spiderman yujun with reader as his gf would be so cute (imagine them doing the upside down kiss that would be soo cutee)
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group: xikers
pair: yujun x fem!reader
genre: fluff, superhero au, established relationship
word count: 1.1k
content: kisses and sweet cuties 🥹
a/n: this prompt is so so cute and fun, I really hope I did it justice 🥹🥹
You tap your pen repetitively against the desk, your head held in your other hand as your mind swims with thoughts. The bright light of your laptop screen in front of you makes your eyes tired and you blink slowly, sighing down at the still blank page in front of you, the header reading: “The Sudden Influx of Superheroes Across The World”. It's a topic that schools were starting to make students study due to the incredible rise in heroes across the globe. It's an interesting topic, you'll give it that, but turning it into lectures and essay assignments made it as boring as any other subject.
Despite that, you're luckier than your fellow students when it comes to assignments like this, considering your dorm mate, and boyfriend, is a hero himself.
You chew on the end of your pen before dropping your head onto the desk in exasperation. You close your eyes, your head completely empty despite how desperately you need it to be filled with smart thoughts right at this very moment, but you just can't seem to find your focus.
It's this distracted state, however, that allows your ear to pick up on the subtle sound of the window across the room sliding open. You don't even have to look over to know it's him. What would he call this? “Spidey-sense”? You smile softly to yourself as you keep your head pressed to the desk, as if trying to pretend that you don't know he's there.
His soft voice rings out through the small dorm room.
“Is she asleep..?” He questions to himself and you struggle to stifle a giggle. You try and keep it quiet, but know you've failed when he sighs softly.
“C'mon, you dummy.”
You giggle and lift your head, smiling giddily at him. He's wearing his usual get-up; full suit and mask covered with a grey zip-up hoodie and a pair of baggy ripped jeans, perched right on the windowsill in his usual crouch pose.
“What's that face for?~” He asks playfully, making you lean back in your chair with a smug smile.
“Oh nothing~”
His face is masked but you can tell he's smiling under it.
“Sure~ Get over here.”
He gasps mock-dramatically.
“What? Why?”
You giggle at his reaction, your face slowly turning pink and your cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling.
“You called me a dummy!”
“Well, it's a fact!”
You gasp just as dramatically as he did, bringing your hand to your chest in a shocked gesture.
“Well now I'm definitely not going over there.”
He sighs and chuckles wryly before sticking his arm towards you and shooting webs to stick onto the arms of your rolling chair, pulling the chair and you towards him in a flash. You grip the arms tightly, slightly startled, before sighing, leaning back, and crossing your arms.
“Well that's just not fair, is it?”
His sweet giggle rings out through the air, making your smile grow and your cheeks get slightly pinker.
“I'm a superhero. Normal rules don't apply to me~”
He jokes, making you chuckle.
“Is that so?~” You reply, a slightly flirty edge to your words. He hums in response, nodding confidently. You just stare at him with a smile for a moment before bringing your hands up to cup his face.
“Take the mask off, Yujun. Let me see that pretty face of yours.”
He giggles before responding playfully.
“I hate to break it to you, but it's not all that pretty right now. It's all sweaty from all the crime fighting, y’know?”
You chuckle at his joking cockiness.
“Shut up, you…your face is always pretty…”
Silence passes between the two of you as your thumbs gently caress his cheeks. You can feel the skin under his mask begin to heat up, making your own blush grow deeper as well. When he finally speaks again, his voice is noticeably quieter and shakier.
“...Well now I don't want to take my mask off for a different reason…”
You giggle at his cute response before trailing your hands down to the base of his neck where his mask meets the rest of his suit, hooking your fingers under the hem. He pulls his head away slightly.
“Hey, now. What'd I just say?”
He asks with a playful sass to his voice. You reach your hands out again, still pulling his mask up despite his defiance.
“Relax~ I'm just pulling it up to…here!”
You fold his mask up to just over his nose, allowing you to at least watch his mouth as he talks. He giggles and the sight of his toothy smile makes your heart skip in your chest.
“Did you really want to see my mouth move that much?” He questions teasingly and you giggle.
“Partially. But I also wanted to do this.”
Cradling his face again, you lean in and place a tender kiss on his exposed lips, earning a surprised hum from him before he adjusts and kisses you back, one of his hands meeting the back of your chair so he's leaning slightly over you. The two of you keep your lips locked together for what feels like an eternity before he sighs against them in a way that makes you so dizzy that you have to pull back. You don't even need to pull his mask all the way up to see how red he is now, the hue blanketing his whole face all the way down to the base of his neck. You two catch your breath for a few seconds before you speak up with a stutter, trying to break the tension and hide your fluster.
“Y-You should probably go back to fighting crime now mister hero~”
He chuckles breathlessly, his voice slightly raspier than it was before.
“Aww…do I have to?” He pouts and you giggle, nodding.
“Yep. And I have to study so shoo!”
He chuckles before leaning in to steal one last quick peck from your lips. You blush hard from the surprise of it and push playfully against his chest, as if trying to shove him out the window.
“Shoo, shoo! Don't make me get the bug spray!”
He laughs out loud and you catch one last glimpse of his smile before he yanks his mask back down to cover his whole face.
“Later.” He mutters, the smile in his voice obvious. You watch as he leaps from the window, swinging through the buildings with ease. You sigh and lean your head against the windowsill where he once was, watching him until he disappears from sight and a few minutes after that.
Eventually, you roll back to your desk to continue your essay, but it gets completely abandoned for the rest of the day as you stare up at the ceiling, your head completely filled with thoughts of him.
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid @dogyunslover
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gunilslaugh · 3 months
hi!! idk if it has already been done, but can you do ot6 meeting your best friend/friends for the first time and them getting all protective giving him the "if you play with my best friend i will jump you" speech when reader walks away for a moment or something? of course keeping it as lighthearted and fun as possible bdksbs thank you so much in advance 💕
Hello!! I hope you enjoy!
All members 7 * o * 7 
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to your friend(s) being protective over you. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Today you and Gunil were both a little nervous. Today he was meeting your best friend. Obviously you wanted your friend to like Gunil and Gunil wanted your friend to like him too. It looks like both of you had nothing to worry about after all. Gunil got along great with your friend, so great that you felt no worries at all when you left them alone to use the restroom. 
However as soon as you left the atmosphere of the room completely shifted. Your friend’s bright energy quickly became dark. Their face grew stern. Gunil nerves were quick to return. Did he say something wrong?
“If you ever hurt y/n”– they leaned closer, looking Gunil dead in the eyes. “I’ll beat you to a pulp. I don’t care how big your muscles are, you're done for if you hurt them,” they state. A nervous chuckle erupts from Gunil’s throat, very much feeling intimidated. 
“I promise I have no intentions of ever hurting them. I’d beat myself to a pulp if I did,” he says.
“Good,” your friend said. With perfect timing you entered back into the room. 
“Did I miss anything?” you asked. 
“Nope. He’s a good one, keep him.” Your friend reverts back to their bright energy. 
“I’m planning on it,” you spoke with a smile. 
They are just your friends. Friends that he has heard about before and friends that have heard about him, but Jungsu can’t help but feel nervous about actually meeting them in person for the first time. 
“Jungsu relax, they'll love you,” you tell him and they do. In fact you think they might like him more than you with the way they intently give him their full attention. Listening to every word he says. Since they had their full attention on Jungsu you had no problem excusing yourself to answer your phone when your mom called you. If your friends weren’t giving Jungsu their full attention they definitely were now. Their once caring gazes turning predatory. 
“Jungsu you seem like a really sweet guy, but if you ever hurt y/n you’ll be a really sweet guy who suddenly disappeared,” one of your friends says. Jungsu gulps.
“You understand what we’re saying don’t you?” another one checks. Jungsu nods.
“I do,” he states. 
“Why are you guys staring at him like your vultures?” you questioned, walking back into the room. 
“We were just making sure that he knows what would happen if ever hurt you,” one of your friends said. You walked over to Jungsu, standing between him and your friends. 
“Thanks, but I’m honestly the one who’s scared of hurting him,” you admit. 
“Oh we’ll make you disappear too if you ever hurt this cutie,” your friend tells. 
You weren’t expecting to run into your friend while you were out with Jiseok, but that’s what happened. Now you're all sitting at a table having lunch together after insisting that your friend should join you two. Introducing Jiseok to your friend seemed to go smoothly. They actually have a few common interests that got them to click. Instantly breaking off into conversation about said interest. You took this time to excuse yourself off to the restroom. 
“Alright now let’s get down to business,” your friend announced upon your absence. 
“Huh?” Jiseok asked. 
“I mean if you hurt y/n, I’ll hurt you,” they said, picking up their butter knife. Jiseok raised his hands in defense. 
“I’d never do that,” he says. “But if you ever hurt y/n then I’ll hurt you,” Jiseok told them, picking up his own butter knife. Your friend is a bit taken back by Jiseok’s actions, but also impressed.
“Should I be scared that you are pointing butter knives at each other?” you asked, coming back from the restroom. 
“What? Oh no,” your friend says as they set their knife down. “You found a good one, hang onto him,” they tell you. Jiseok sets his own knife down. 
“Yeah, you have a good friend here. You should hang onto them too,” he voices. You let out a light laugh taking your seat again. 
Today was the awaited day. Seungmin was finally meeting your friends. They had actually been wanting to meet him for awhile, but you kept putting it off. Saying that you thought it might be a bit early and you didn’t want your friends to scare him off. You knew that they could be a bit protective over you. Your want to keep Seungmin around showed your friends how serious you were about him. Since they knew how serious you were about him they had to know that he was just as serious about you. 
One of your friends had just asked for your help. Leaving Seungmin alone with the rest of your friends. 
“You know y/n made us wait to meet you because they didn’t want us to scare you off,” your friend starts.
“I didn’t know that,” Seungmin answers. 
“Well that’s how it went, which means they care a lot about you. It also means if you hurt y/n we’ll pummel you,” you other friend adds very seriously. 
“I’d join you in pummeling me if I ever hurt y/n. I could never forgive myself if I did,” Seungmin responds. “I’d also pummel anyone else who hurts y/n,” he notes. Your friends quite like his answer. When you walk back into the room with your friend the others look at Seungmin then you and give the nod of approval. 
Hyeongjun fiddled with his fingers as the pair of you waited for your friend to arrive. It was the first time he would be meeting them. He did feel a bit nervous. He wanted to make a good first impression because he knew if your friend didn’t like him it would definitely affect your relationship. 
“I’m so excited to finally meet you!” your friend greeted Hyeongjun happily. They had been dying to meet him. From what you told them about him he sounded like the perfect guy for you, so of course they had to see that for themselves. You stepped away for a moment when your phone rang to talk to who was calling you. 
“I get why y/n always gushes about you,” your friend began. Hyeongjun feels a bit of a blush threatening to paint his cheeks. “However, if they ever come to me hurt and crying because of you.” – Your friend drags their hand across their neck in a slicing motion. Hyeongjun’s impending blush quickly ran cold. Hyeongjun smiles nervously. 
“I would never do anything that could hurt y/n I assure you,” he says. 
“I hope so,” they state. 
“I hope you two didn’t have too much fun without me,” you joked, coming back. 
“How could we?” your friend smiled playfully as if they didn’t just threaten Hyeongjun. 
You weren’t really that nervous when it came to Jooyeon meeting your best friend. Jooyeon was very likable, that was a given. He knew how to draw people in. On the other hand Jooyeon did feel nervous about meeting your friend. He wanted them to have a good impression of him. He knows he has quite the goofy side, but he still wanted to come off as someone they could trust you to be in a relationship with. In other words he wanted to show that he was capable of taking care of you and someone who could make you happy. 
Everything was seemingly going well between your best friend and Jooyeon just as you expected. They were currently talking about a band both of them like. You excused yourself to go grab some drinks for you guys. 
“Hurt them I kill you,” your friend stated blatantly. The suddenness of their words shocked Jooyeon. 
“I’m sorry?” he said, feeling a bit scared. 
“If you hurt y/n I will kill you,” your friend repeated. 
“Oh I would never do that. I swear on my life,” Jooyeon promises. 
“I’ll be sure of that,” your friend smiles, but it’s not a kind smile, it’s threatening. 
“I’m back, did you miss me?” you joked. 
“So much,” Jooyeon said, reaching to hold your hand. You look at your friend seriously. To which they only shrug. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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paper-gold-theories · 2 months
Say, what do you think Goldheart and Flug's relationship is like if Flug didn't become a villain and worked as a scientist for P.E.A.C.E instead? It is like that Goldheart is a bit older by maybe three years or so and was already a hero by the time Miss Heed saw him on television. Would that mean him and Flug would have never met? Considering that Flug didn't really continue becoming super villain. How would they even meet? What do you think is gonna happen in that scenario?
P.E.A.C.E. Scientist Flug AU (featuring some PaperGold)
I theorized that since there is a villain school there would also be a hero school, my headcanon it's called P.E.A.C.E. Academy School of Heroes.
In the hero school the heroes like GoldHeart would be assigned heroic missions under the watchful eyes of their teachers and mentors and can go on solo missions or fight villains on their own as long as they hit a certain criteria or get a certificate after a stage of their training in school.
The villain school should be the same for Flug.
If Flug ended up working as a P.E.A.C.E. scientist, in the begining he would definitely do work such as invent/manufacture/improve weapons, serums to give powers, ect.
Meanwhile, GoldHeart would still be looking for a hero with super powers and/or anything that can be used to mind-control villains in order to end Villainy forever and made an announcement to give the P.E.A.C.E. heroes, scientist an opportunity to pitch their ideas and in return give a position to be a member or employed under The Golden Rule.
Flug sees this as a good opportunity to advance his career so he submits his proposal to The Golden Rule about using his thesis on altering human emotions (that he created while he was in middle school) to create a formula to end villany forever.
Shortly he was shortlisted and was scheduled to give The Golden Rule his pitch and show them a demonstration of a prototype formula for The Golden Rule.
GoldHeart has never met Flug before this, but has heard many positive things about Flug's work from the higher-ups and other heroes despite only just started working as a scientist a few months ago. As well as negative things from some heroes such as him being weirdo nerd.
When first met Flug during the day he gives his pitch to him and his team, he was absolutely smitten at the sight of the cutie.
He thought that even if Flug's pitch and formula ends up completely garbage he will de initely hit him up afterwards for a date.
Flug starts his pitch on how his formula works and afwerwards demonstration of a prototype of the formula he created with a volunteer test subject.
GoldHeart was absolutely impressed and so was The Golden Rule and decided right then and then that Flug's pitch is the the best and awards him the position as The Golden Rule scientist.
Afterwards Flug got a lab in The Golden Rule and continues to work to perfect the formula to GoldHeart's specifications. And eventually ends up dating GoldHeart not to long afterwards.
When he was asked by GoldHeart he was caught off guard:
GoldHeart, smirks: Cute and smart is there anything you can't do?
Flug, flattered: Aww thank you...*flustered* wait what?
Afterwards even though Flug was only supposed to be a scientist GoldHeart wants Flug to be a hero as well. So one day, GoldHeart asks Flug if he ever cosidered becoming a hero. Flug said he did try to apply a few times for hero training however they rejected him because he doesn't "fit the image of a hero" and because he won't get powerful superpowers if they give him the serums available after they did the tests on him.
GoldHeart responds that a lot of heroes got where there are not just because of their image or skill set but because they have connections and know someone or (or alot of times because they are rich).
And GoldHeart says he believes that Flug can become an exceptional hero. so he will vouch for him to attend hero training.
Flug was touched and agrees.
So Flug ended taking hero training while he is doing his job as a scientist. And despite Flug believing that he should complete hero training first, and learn the theories, basics and scenarios fist,
GoldHeart believes in "learning on the job" will help Flug become a hero faster and was able to convince Flug, desp te his hesitance to go heroic missions and fight crime and villains.
The Golden Rule Members aren't to thrill of Flug being a part of their team, they were already not too thrilled that their team leader dating the Flug who although has done alot to benefit and help out their team, thinks GoldHeart can do better than a nerdy weirdo who won't benefit their leader's reputation, which also might affect their reputation because they are in his team. Having Flug as a part of The Golden Rule would definitely affect their image of being the most popular, cool, and trendy hero group in P.E.A.C.E.
However GoldHeart has already made up his mind and there was no way of changing it and one death glare was able to silence any protest they have about Flug. (So they would often keep their opinions to themselves or just talk among themselves when GoldHeart was not around)
Other heros are also jealous of Flug's fast progress despite having no superpowers and not having an image of a cool hero. And some even believed he only got so far only because he was dating GoldHeart.
So Flug will have to prove to everyone his capabilities as a hero.
GoldHeart supports Flug every step of the way and is quick to vouch and defend him and silence any falsen rumors spread a out him.
He says things may be rough at the start and things will get better. And its just a matter of time before others sees how great he is as a hero just like him.
(Note: If Flug and GoldHeart were dating but did not have the capability if a hero, GoldHeart would not allow Flug to be apart of The Golden Hero, but if Flug wanted to use GoldHeart's fame and to do his own thing, such as starting his own business, he would allow it and encourage it.)
Additionally Flug never went to Black Hat Institute so Miss Heed never met Flug and was never able to steal his thesis.
Hence, she was unable to join The Golden Rule, but despite was still able to become a popular heroine at P.E.A.C.E. (but was still less popular as she foes not have Flug's mind controlling formula to get people to obsessively love her.)
How she managed to become a popular heroine is similar to Villainous: through her father's money and and connections and her agent/community manger Anana Pina helping to maintain her popularity.
During fights her father also hired strong heroes to be her sidekicks to fight and do all the work for her while she gets all the credit and recognition. Something like her dynamic with Omega and Coyote or also something like this (below):
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(image source)
As she does not have the mind controlling perfume she also did not apply to get powers to complement the perfume (see theory) hence in this AU, she does not have superpowers and relies on money to get ahead and often takes credit for other people's work because of her laziness.
Similar to the other heroes, Miss Heed is jealous of Flug despite being similar to her having no super powers as well as his relationship with GoldHeart thinking "THAT SHOULD BE ME!!"
And would glare seethingly at him every time she crosses paths with Flug.
Miss Heed would definitely spread false rumors mouth about him on social media if she could however there was a strict rule in P.E.A.C.E. not to bad mouth any heroes (as it would affect the organization's reputation if they do) and anyone who does so would face disciplinary action from the board (GoldHeart who would not take to kindly to anyone spreading false rumors about his boyfriend), hence she results to complaining and bad mouthing Flug to other heroes and the people in her circle such as her sidekicks, assistants, agent and her hero "friends".
And other methods:
She spends most of the time competing against Flug in everything and tries GoldHeart's attention so that she can prove that she is better than him (most as petty things like merch sales, chocolate bar sales, brand sponsors who can sign the most autographs, get the most likes in one post, modeling, building a sand castle, get more people to arrive at their birthday party, or during team challenges in P.E.A.C.E. hero retreats/company bonding activities, ect) and more fit to be a member of The Golden Rule and GoldHeart's lover than Flug.
(Such as loudly praising her own accomplishments and awards in front of a large crowd in front of Flug or saying how much nicer her costume is at a party)
Flug finds the whole thing rather annoying and dreads the interaction and tries to ignore her baiting but sometimes would agree to her competition due to her utter persistence wearing him down.
GoldHeart is annoyed and angry and would often ignore her and/or yells and threatened her during her attempts at getting his attention or saying anything bad about her boyfriend making her feel utterly humiliated and embarrassed that her crush hates her so much.
And would also cheer on his boyfriend in his competition and would lavish him with praise and affection every time he wins or loses. (He wins most of the time)
Making Miss Heed even more jealous, angry and frustrated at Flug's relationship with GoldHeart. And even screaming and throwing a hysterical tantrum.
Ironically her obsession of beating Flug ended up making her lose her popularity as she starts to prioritise beating Flug over her own reputation which Flug always beats her in the competition when he indulges her at times and nearly all the attempts lead to utter humiliation and make her look more desperate and/or to embarrass herself.
Along the way Miss Heed's crazy obsession with Flug will make her develop some feelings for Flug leading her to kiss him at the heat of the moment during one of their competitions. This caused Flug to be shocked and GoldHeart to punch Miss Heed in the face for kissing his boyfriend.
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Can we ask about the otome au? It’s one of my favorite au’s and I’ve been so curious about it but it’s been a while since anything was mentioned about it.
If we can, has anything changed and/or any new details kinda sprung up in the lull interval?
It's a little odd since Lila is pretty much the Lila as we know her from canon while Felix and Luka are not. I originally just thought of the transmigrated into an otome game setup as an explanation as to why Lila would say Ladybug "betrayed" her. Since originally, Ladybug never does anything with Lila except protect her from akumas and support her as a hero and eventual replacement for the Ladybug Hero.
A couple additions are in regards to Gabriel and Chloe.
With Chloe being the "villainess" of the otome game, she's got a pretty poor fate set up for her. Unless SHE ends up isekaied as well, the only way for her to really avoid this fate would be if someone else helped her change. In this case, it would either have to be a result of some machinations of Lila that end up making Chloe act against her in a way that would be a benefit to everyone else (aka: reveal she's a liar and manipulator) OR it would take Felix or Luka to have some influence on her. Alternatively, they could push Adrien to be a better influence on Chloe by holding her accountable. If Chloe would change for anyone, it would be for Adrien.
Lila never really bothered with any route of the game other than Adrien's. Both the Hero side and the Civilian side. But neither side actually revealed Gabriel was Hawk Moth. The DLC alluded to it, but again, Lila never bothered with it, so she's as lost on Hawk Moth's identity as she is on Ladybug's new "role" in the game. Of course, that's not going to stop her from trying to find out who he is and make an alliance if it means taking out Ladybug for "interfering".
Felix and Luka have a strange duality.
Luka knows only the bare basics about the game—monsters attack, heroes help, and people who are now his friends and family get targeted. The problem is that he doesn't know just HOW these incidents occur or turn out, just that it's all ultimately supposed to be up to this one girl to resolve the problems. So he is understandably concerned that the girl in question doesn't seem particularly inclined to help and thus takes it upon himself to try and fix things or protect his new friends and family.
Felix, on the other hand, HAS the information about the game. He just doesn't care.
They end up forming a partnership that eventually turns into friendship. Albeit mostly because Luka forces the matter and Felix is just dragged along for the ride.
Felix: Why not? It can't be worse than what the game would originally have had me do.
Luka has always wanted a little sister. And now he has one in the form of a little goth cutie. The especially hilarious thing is that there is really no difference between Luka pre or post isekai. Both versions of Luka adore Juleka.
Luka (First Morning He Wakes Up): (Hugs Juleka) OMG I have the cutest sister in the world!
Juleka: (Nonplussed) Do you have to do this every morning?
Luka is...less than pleased when he realizes he is one of the potential capture targets. Especially when he realizes the type of girl Lila is.
Hear me out: since Luka knows only the basics about the game, what if he doesn't know who the Heroine is?
What if he thinks it's Marinette?
Luka: Okay, to help protect my new family and resolve any potential issues, I just need to find the Heroine. But where do I even start looking for her?
Marinette: I'm Ma-Ma-Marinette.
Luka: ...there she is!
Of course, he's not happy when Felix corrects him.
Luka: But she's cute and huggable and so darn lovable! Who else could be the Heroine if she isn't?
Felix: Well...
...he's even LESS happy when he finds out who the Heroine IS.
Luka: I'm sorry, you're saying WHAT?
Felix: (Sigh) The Heroine of this game is Lila Rossi.
Luka: ...the sausage-haired girl?!
And it only snowballs from there.
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bittersweetresilience · 4 months
sentitwins fic recs
running in the shadow by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,062 words)
Félix doesn’t miss the soul bond between him and Adrien until it’s gone.
La nuit, tous les chats sont gris by @ninadove (3,847 words)
In which the Cat Miraculous grants Adrien much needed freedom — even if he's not the one wielding it.
Everything I did (I did for you) by @ninadove (3,667 words)
He would have stayed there forever, if he could. This was how it was always supposed to be: the two of them together, united by something stronger than blood — stronger than magic. Adrien knew he was stalling, crushed by the enormity of the truth. He just needed a few seconds more. “I think your father has the Peacock Miraculous,” he finally whispered. “And I’m going to take it back.”
lose it in the morning by @bittersweetresilience (2,173 words)
Adrien feels it when Félix’s ring cracks. He doesn’t remember it afterward.
no one listens to the dead by @bittersweetresilience (857 words)
When Félix and Adrien switch places, they also switch homes.
mirror image by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,573 words, ongoing)
The voice in Adrien’s head is strangely familiar. It also tells him the truth (when no one else will).
Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish by @ninadove, @bittersweetresilience, @paracosmicat, @luckychatons, @trishacollins, @redundant-lava (4,436 words)
Someday, you will be a real boy... but monsters are always so much more interesting. Five times Félix lied to Adrien and one time he didn't.
Kitten-sitting by @kekepuaa (10,444 words)
Babysitter Marinette!AU. If there's anything in this world that Felix Agreste despises, it's liars and big brothers who never keep their promises. // It seemed unlikely that Felix would ever feel happy again, but his big brother said it’d be okay. And if Adrien promised that everything would be okay, then Felix had no doubts that they’d make it through this.
Found by @trishacollins (40,237 words)
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
dichotomy by @cutie-patoo-t (10,223 words, ongoing)
Adrien was just getting used to the new normal in his home, until his extended family shows up to visit, and bring with them more change than he is ready to handle. Meanwhile, Felix is less than thrilled about the impromptu vacation, and wants to pass the time living as quietly as possible to avoid getting involved with any more heroes or villains alike. He learns the hard way that it's not up to him.
I know there's been pain this year (But it's time to let it go) by @ninadove (7,003 words)
“What? Nooo! Adrien doesn’t hate Christmas.” “Are you absolutely certain? What was he like last year?” “Well, he —” Marinette furrowed her brow, scanning her own memories. Of course she was absolutely certain. At least, she thought she was.
Guarden by @clawsoutspotsoff (1,709 words)
There's a sound behind him, and Felix grabs his arm, wrenching him around. "Adrien, we have to go," he says, urgently. The color is starting to come back to his face, but he still looks panicked. "He can't find us down here." Felix puts his hand on the base of the coffin, and the metal cover slides shut again, returning it to the way they found it.
Blueberry passion fruit by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (2,511 words, ongoing)
He walked up to the counter, because he could not think of anything else to do. For all those times he had rehearsed their reunion, he had failed to consider the most obvious scenario: Adrien might want to run away once more.
fruit filled garden maze by @moonieratty (1,093 words)
A look into Félix' home-life in childhood.
nothing ever stops you leaving by @bittersweetresilience (2,591 words)
Adrien initiates a réunion.
metempsychosis by @bittersweetresilience (4,935 words)
Félix is always watching Adrien die.
Shadow Strike by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (39,334 words, ongoing)
“We have to get the brooch back,” Adrien said, his voice cracking. “So he can’t do this to anyone else.” His lack of hesitation took Felix by surprise. When he finally looked back at him, there was something new in his eyes - something that vaguely resembled hope. Or what if the kids actually shared basic plot info with each other for once?
Matter of Luck by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (14,833 words, ongoing)
When Chat Noir activates the curse of the Black Cat Miraculous, he must get a kiss from Ladybug to break the spell. If only they weren't sworn enemies, he might have better luck. An “enemies” AU, but fun :) featuring the PV kiss plot
a mannequin lamenting to a statue by orphan_account (716 words)
you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster are there anymore senitmonsters i should know about? (chat noir meow)
(feligami fic recs) (félix fic recs)
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inkbats-writing · 5 months
Random booigi au were Luigi doesn't end up in the darklands when him and Mario travel through the pipe. Instead he ends up in boo woods. So he wanders around terrified trying to find Mario only to run into boo after boo. And at first they find it fun scaring the shit out of this guy who's just getting more and more scared but eventually they get a little worried (king boo hasn't had to deal with the shame of loosing to these two humans before so him and his ghosts mainly just do their own thing terrifying/pranking people though he does still have his alliance with bowser) so they go to king boo concerned for the guy. King boo comes and terrifies him more but after a bit of enjoying the fear king boo too gets a little worried and does his best to calm luigi down.
The second luigi (still afraid having no idea where he fucking is) gets a shred of kindness he just breaks down and like cries about everything that happened. That he's separated from his brother this isn't his world he's freaking out and like latches onto King boo. King boo feeling weird about someone not running in fear of him for once offers to let luigi stay with him until word of his brother can be found.
Fast forward and the movie takes place but because he's trying to help luigi (and steadily getting to know the cutie) they both somehow miss the entire nonsense that goes down with the neighboring kingdoms.
Mario returns to the mushroom kingdom a hero but still missing his brother and goes on a search to find him however bowsers escape and following attacks prevent him from ever getting far in it. The boos too try looking for "luigi's mysterious brother" but never get far in their search due to other kingdoms not liking their presence. Meanwhile luigi and King Boo get closer and fall in love.
This all leads up to years later bowser (half way redeemed because he's tired alright) and peach (with mario) are headed to the boo woods to witness the royal fusion (boos combine for weddings and the resulting entity of their relationship is the one that "lives" on from that point) between king boo and his beloved only to get the shock of Mario's life to see luigi is the "beloved" and he's about to lose his brother forever unless he can stop this wedding
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