#Hewwo I'm alive
tiafrye · 2 years
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smilingmxsk · 1 year
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Casually muching on Oreos!
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mqfx · 4 months
i need to lock the FUCK in i only have such a short 3 day weekend i MUST at least get out of ch4 by tonight
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myuiis · 10 months
incorrect lookism 2
we back on our bullshit with this one
sally: i just watched eli drop a remote on his foot and the only thing he said was "im tired of being alive"
jake: hewwo! i will be youw suwgeon today! intewnal bweeding you say? let's make our fiwst wittle incision
sinu: dowcto, we'wre loswing him!!!! 🥺
jerry: quick! hand me the defwibwiwatow
samuel: please. just cut off my fucking life support
johan: met a dumbass today, awful
zack: you looked in a mirror?
johan: one day you will have to answer for your sins and god may not be so merciful
zack: Go big or go home!
mira: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
zack: I'm going big!
sally: are you drinking enough water?
eli: sometimes tears fall in my mouth
samuel: Something’s off.
jake : Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
samuel: No, but that’s funny.
goo, to kouji: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
kouji: proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away
crystal, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call kouji cute or small.
daniel, about jay: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
vasco: Throw rocks at he.
zack: Hot Dogs.
eli: Kill him.
daniel: Thanks guys.
jake: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
samuel: Opposite over hypotenuse.
samuel: Dipshit.
warren, to eli: you can't make everyone like you! you're not sally
sally: w-wait, but not everyone likes me!
warren: who doesn't like you?
sally: w-what
eli: names.
sally: w-
warren: give us their names.
jerry: jake told me to stop worrying and just go get it boy so i'm gonna' go get it boy
jason: go get what?
jerry: i dont know, so i'll just get everything to be safe
goo: we need code names
goo: I’m thinking you all can be sexy beast, marshmallow, record player, beer, and bitch
gun: who’s bitch
goo: who do you think bitch
kouji: send me a pic of you doing the peace sign
crystal: why
kouji: i used you to catfish a sugar daddy
daniel: ok, i get it, you're really stressed out, seven people died-
zack: twelve, actually
daniel: that's not my point. look, theyre dead and whose fault is that?
hudson: yours!
daniel: that's right, nobody's
zack: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
daniel: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
zack: Three of us saw it, daniel. How do you explain that?
daniel: points at jake Sleep deprivation. points at johan Paranoia. points at samuel Delusional personality disorder.
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mayomaggot · 9 hours
Every Single Class of 09’; Flipside Message
Feet Ending
Title: Greetings my queen
From: 703-425-2981
hewwo dere i saw your FM wisting and wanted to see if I could come to your house to be stepped on by your cute little piggies. My parents named me Frederick but you can call me Freddy Footins! I am 34 years young and have been with the FeetMeet community for about 5 years now. Someone on the forums snapped a pic of your feet without your permission and I pleasured myself to it roughly 9 times.\nWith that icebreaker out of the way, i have saved up about 300 dollars with my SSI checks and would like to hire your services. Unsure if you do any of the more erotic foot sessions but just in case let me list you some more of my fetishes: feet, choking, food play, facesitting, Mommy incest, sister incest, twincest, simulated kidnapping, women wearing the Taco Bell uniform, you pretending to be Mexican but then saying you are white after I point out how hot it is that you are Mexican, covering my rent this month, that last one wasnt a kink but would be pretty cool if you did that. Also I am not a rapist by definition (looked it up) so no need to google anything about me. P.S. havent seen your face yet but if you look roughly 12 i am SO going to try moving out of my parents house down the line one day maybe to date you!
OD Ending
Title: right number?
From: 703-960-1431
Hi I'm not sure if I have the right person but this is Jeffery's mother. Was just texting to thank you for finding his body and alerting the authorities when you did. Unfortunately they were too late but you can't blame yourself for that. A part of me is devastated but another part of me is relieved, which is horrible to say... Jeffery has never quite fit in with the other children, never had the best grades, and maybe this was the only avenue for him sadly enough. Every day I wondered in the back of my head if I had failed as a mother by raising someone so awkward. By middle school I eventually gave up on him to compartmentalize my insecurities as a parent, letting him play with toys and masturbate to what I assume is animated pornography that I found on his computer. I was worried he would be hopelessly going through adulthood so this might have been the best outcome for him. He would tell me he was going to work on video games for a job when he was an adult, then it was comic books, then it was making YouTube reviews of action figures. All these things he said he wanted to do and never pursued... my fear was he just wanted to be a child playing with toys forever. My son's suicide is bittersweet, on one hand he is gone but on the other he realized himself that life wouldn't work out and ended things before they got worse. I KNEW there was a smart boy somewhere inside of Jeffery. I also know we have never spoken before but I needed to tell someone who would not have any pre-conceived notions about my pain...and can understand my blunt honesty now.When Jeffery was alive I was insecure. Now that he's gone I can feel free.
Slave Ending
Title: right number?
From: 202-347-4800
Heyo this George W Bush from the America White House! Not sure if those lesser camel jockeys let you have a phone as a slave but I personally wanted to let you know that Obama has sent a presidential pardon message to the Taliban to let you out. The Taliban ignores most of my messages and will make a grainy VHS tape telling me MacDonalds is the anti-christ or buddha or whatever the hell brown people worship but you get the idea. American girls like you have a bright future and we need to perserve that in ensuring all men are created equal in this race for equal opportunity.
P.S. Kanye was right ;)
Car Crash Ending
Title: can you cover
From: 703-960-1431
This is Ron Stumpford of Dominos Fairfax texting about the tragic passing of Ari. Now that shes dead we dont really have anyone to do deliveries on NFL Thursdays anymore so can you cover for her? We dont care that you killed her drunk driving we just gotta move orders here. Between you and me I am glad you killed her cause I asked her out on a date and she made up some fake excuse that she was gay FUCK THAT BITCH! But please come down and cover for her because the selfish bitch was too inconsiderate to have someone cover for her in the event she died on the job. I told her parents that and they made it out like IM the bad guy. If you cant drive for us would you at least have any naked pictures of her or anything? Im trying not to leave this deal empty handed here. Not even her parents had naked pictures of her to send me like what a rip off!
Nicole's Suicide Ending
Title: why why why why...
From: nicole
why cant u help me
100% Completion Message
Title: Thanks for playing!
From: SBN3
Thank you for playing the Class of '09 visual novel series to completion!
This project set out to bring real, relatable experiences back into the current lexicon of entertainment through the medium of comedy. Originally it was thought a bunch of people in their early 30s would play these games for a laugh but it turned out people who were barely alive for 2009 gravitated towards it in larger numbers.
Many of the social issues featured in this game were not exclusive to the late 2000s and the teenage portion of our fans lead me to believe times haven't changed... I also learned that 2-line throwaway jokes qualify as lore for people who need employment.
Through these games, presenting the dynamic reality I had witnessed came second to only writing dialogue which would entertain a wide array of people.
From FPS streamer fratboy assholes who love Kylar to purple-haired gender neutral girls who love Ari... Class of '09 has succeeded in being a crossroads of internet culture (regardless of whether those two parties are even aware the other side plays the game). This was not by accident, this is just what happens when you aren't afraid to exit your comfort zone and explore other circles, other cultures, and most importantly other levels of hardship.
Represtation in media is important, however mainstream media cannot represent those they are disconnected from. If you're suicidal, homeless, bulimic, addicted, a sex worker, or in an abusive relationship, Class of '09 is not shock humor to you. It merely displays a reality the comfortable can't comprehend.
I cannot necessarily write how real which stories were or were not, but I can guarantee the answers will surprise you. Lives had been lost and many futures were squandered along the journey which influenced the stories in these games. Those who experienced some events of Class of '09 in their own lives would understand. Your funny stories and your sad stories are all you need to create media that resonates.
Now while the game contained a plethora of anti-pedophilia messagery you just can't avoid psychos who latch onto media just because it's popular. I would just like to warn our fans that child predators who infiltrated the Class of '09 fanbase have been using the following phrases to secretly identify each other:
"the writing in Class of '09 isnt very good"
"I hate SBN3"
"I hate Wrath Club"
"Class of '09 was good by mistake"
"I love Class of '09 but hate the creator"
"No! The game just made that up!"
Make sure to report anyone using this or similar secret pedo rhetoric to your local authorities. Thank you.
-SBN3 a.k.a. God.
this game was an actual dumpster fire, idk what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t whatever we got
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starlitcircus · 1 month
i'm Alive i'm just in the process of moving right now and also its very hot AND really smokey and gross out cause of fuckin wildfires. Yay.
i won't get to much until after i'm fully settled in, but i figured i'd give an update anyway. so hewwo.
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federthenotsogreat · 2 months
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Me: Hi there! I'd like you to meet Fear, Disgust, and Envy
Mutt!Fear: Rarff! Ah!! Oh, hello there! The name's Fear. I thought you were gonna eat me alive, but here I am! Arff!
Kitty!Disgust: Nyaawr, hi there! I'm Disgust and I don't want any gross business here. By the way, nice to meet you. Nya!
Mouse!Envy: Squeeeaaak! Hewwo! I'm Envy. Whoa, I wondew what kind of haiw you have? I wish I knew youw name~ squeak!
Woawoawoawoa where did you three come from?? Uhm. Nice to meet you, hi! I'm Deamy! 💫✨
First of all, no I wouldn't eat you alive, don't worry 🤗💖
Second of all, do not worry dear stranger, I tend to be very clean, if that's what you're worried about?
And uh... Envy? I don't know why you're so curious about my hair, but uh... It's just fur! Nothing special!
Now. I know a universe that must be similar to yours, but there the individuals look a bit different from you... So. What's your story? Where did y'all come from?
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samsspambox · 2 months
so i've been having this fucken daydream at work for a while abt my oc and this really cathartic revalation that happens onstage as she acts out a play and she finally lets go of her feelings for artem (for the moment, i've just gotten really into 'a likes b and is upfront abt it, b likes c, a realizes they never had a chance and start to move on, b realizes they have come to like a and now return their affections and start to try to woo them) and well. i'm not there narratively in the series but also i just had to write this so. here. enjoy! :D
She knew missing Neil and Giann’s whole welcome back party at the office would probably lead to more questions, especially with her avoiding Artem as of late. But aside from wanting to distance herself from Artem — from everyone, really — she had a legitimate excuse: the closing night of Kingdom of Regret. The cast and crew were nothing but amazing the entire time. Especially her understudy. With how many times the NXX had dragged her away to god knows where, she was surprised they didn’t end up ditching her for the understudy. 
She couldn’t believe it was finally coming to an end and she still hadn’t managed to cry properly on set. It wasn’t that she couldn’t, it was that they were the wrong tears. Apparently. They were good enough to land her the part, but the casting director told her that her tears were more of grief than of desperation and heartache. Maybe after everything that's happened she’d finally be able to get it right. 
Artem still couldn’t believe that this was happening. Neil was here, in the Themis offices, alive and well. Giann and the rest of the NXX were present, happily chatting with each other as the rest of the office staff were all in their little cliques. He felt content. He finally had his teacher — no, his father — back. But…something was off.
Neil sat next to him on one of the couches they had moved from his office. Luke was on his other side, his cane at the edge of the couch. He was laughing which was good, after his stay at the hospital he wasn’t really sure if the ex-NSB agent was doing well. Retirement suited him. 
“Nah, I could've gotten out of there,” Neil jokes, their entire circle bursting out in chuckles at his words.
“I sincerely doubt it, my friend. Your last escape attempt involved you just asking.” Giann responds from across them, sitting on an office chair while Marius leaned onto the chair he was sitting in. 
“You never know until you ask.”
His heart was warm. The smell of Neil’s special blend around the office, his colleagues, no, friends, all around happy and safe… It was nice. The nagging feeling would not leave him, though. Something was missing, but he was too drunk on the familiarity and the newness of having all the people he cared about together to really care.
Giann scoffs, patting Marius’ head which had migrated to be on top of his. “Yeah, and you were seconds away from being shot in the face because you were being annoying and asking too much.”
“It was worth a shot. If it wasn’t for your little friend Astrid just stumbling in with the boss, I don’t think I would’ve made it to another ‘Pretty please’.”
“Where is she, anyway?” Giann asks, looking around. “I don’t see her around. I know you guys said she’s a recent addition but a damn good one she is.”
They all turn to Vyn, her defcato caretaker. She’d been living with him for the past couple of months, surely he’d know. But he also looked at a loss. He blinked, staying still for a moment before regaining composure. 
“She most likely had to go to her play to perform. I believed it was called Kingdom of Regret.”
Rosa swallowed the cookie she was chewing, “Hey, isn’t that the play Kanon is producing? I think he even wrote it.”
“What’s he doing producing a play? I thought his whole thing was acting and singing. I could see a musical, but a play?” Marius asks, his chin making his head bob as he refused to move his head from the top of Giann’s. 
Luke shrugs, already on his phone and scrolling. “I don’t know how she had time to be in one. Or that she never told us she got a part. Reviews are pretty good, though.”
“Who cares, let’s just go! I haven’t been to a play in ages. Marius, check if there are any tickets left and buy everyone one. Oh! And buy her flowers!” Giann smacks Marius’ face as he talks, his brother making a displeased noise as he smacks him back. He grabs his own phone and grumbles all the while. 
“Why do I have to do it? You know how to use a phone.”
“Because I’m 90% sure my bank accounts are frozen, so you do it.” 
“It says the last show is today…” Luke interrupts, looking up from his phone to the group. “And that the show starts in 15 minutes.”
Giann pushes Marius off of him and then claps his hands. “Alright, everyone pile in the limo!”
“What do you mean Johnny isn’t here?” Astrid asks as Mary puts on her corset. Curse Kanon for making this play in the regency era. “The understudy doesn’t know about the whole ‘Don’t actually kiss the maid because she’s never had her first kiss’ thing! W-Where is the understudy anyway?!”
“On his way, but he has a bit of time before he comes on anyway. The kids go on first, remember? Please tell me you remember how the play goes.”
“Of course I remember,” She huffs, smoothing out her apron. Her dreams of kissing Artem had died the day she found Artem drunk hugging Rosa and begging her to stay when they all did karaoke. But… a part of her still hoped. Still yearned for the chance that Artem Wing would be her first kiss. Guess the universe just wanted to smother that chance. 
“B-But what about your first kiss?” Mary asks, turning her around to place the white headpiece on her.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I have to be a big girl and grow up. I’ll just… follow their lead.”
The lights dim, startling the both of them. She didn’t have to go on until later, but the lights dimming always put a sense of urgency in everyone. 
“Shit, let’s go.”
Follow Alaric's journey from poverty to the throne, where he becomes entangled in a dangerous web of ambition and deceit. As the kingdom crumbles under his reign, alliances shift, hearts break, and a dramatic rebellion threatens everything he holds dear. Can redemption be found, or will cruelty and ambition prevail? Don't miss this captivating story of hidden desires and the ultimate cost of power.
“I know it’s not Sci-Fi,” Neil says from beside him as he reads the rest of the playbill in search of Astrid’s name, “But it certainly sounds interesting.”
Artem nods, though he’s not exactly interested. He’s mostly gotten over his grudge against Kanon. Mostly being the key word. He’s still a little peeved about Rosa asking for his autograph and all that but it’s all in the past now. 
“I still can’t believe you got center orchestra seats to this sold out show.” Luke mumbles, stretching over Rosa to take the playbill from Artem. He’d lost his own the second they sat down.[1] 
Rosa nods, pressing her shoulders against Luke as he reads the stolen playbill to also read it. “It’s not normally sold out. Apparently Kanon was coming to give an interview and the lead called out at the last second so now he’s playing the lead.”
He feels a flicker of annoyance. Why was the universe trying to punish him with his (one sided) enemy?
The story begins with two children playing, their mothers talking as they did the palace laundry. One of the children was the bastard child of the king, sired after a night of love and betrayal. The mother of the girl admonishes the other maid for her laps of judgment. The mother of the boy shakes her head, not being able to regret having her son. They soon talk about the declining health of the crowned prince and the death of the queen at the birth of their child. The possibility of the bastard child becoming king looms in the air, unspoken and heavy.
They walk off stage, the set remaining quiet as two teenagers clad in black walk onto stage. The girl, Evangeline, laments the death of the king and how it was so soon after the death of the crown prince. The people say the king died of a broken heart, and she agrees. The boy, Alaric, looks weary. They’ve both grown up knowing of his origins. Of the possible fate that would befall on him in the case of a situation like this happening. 
The acting between the two teens is magnetic, of being friends with a hint of something more, not yet daring to take that final step. Evangeline takes his hands, bringing them to her lips and smiling at him. An air of hope lingers between them. Evangeline promises to stay at his side no matter what, but begs him not to let power go to his head. Alaric grins, pulling his hands away and turning her back on her. He laughs and says that he will be a great king. One that will be remembered for his actions. He will be kind, giving to the less fortunate. To his own people as that is how he was raised. He walks off stage, claiming he has work to do. Evangeline chases after him, smiling softly as she warns him not to get in over his head. 
The curtain closes, a single person walking in front of them as they speak. 
“Behold these two, pure souls standing on the precipice of innocence. Unscathed by the world's harsh shadows, they walk hand in hand, a silent yearning for something grander woven between their fingers. As they tread their destined path, fate, the enigmatic weaver, steps forth. Is she a ruthless mistress, reshaping the eternal bond of friendship with her touch? Or does she wear a gentler face, unveiling the true essence of hearts as she dangles their deepest desires before them? In this dance of destiny, let us remember: we must hold fast to who we are and the roots from which we spring, for it is in this remembrance that our souls find their anchor amidst the storm.”
The play goes on as the curtains rise. She walks on stage in her outfit, acting her part of the maid perfectly. She acted distraught as her friend, her king, married Seraphina. He fell utterly in love with her the second she saw her in an expedition outside the kingdom. She was the daughter of the neighboring king, beautiful in every aspect except one: her greed. Seraphina wanted her own kingdom and she couldn’t have it due to the limitations on the monarchy. Second born and a girl? The only way for her to become queen was if she married a king and her husband were to die. 
She was present every time Seraphina was onstage, a testament of both having to serve her and looking out for the king. At the end, she and the rest of the audience learn about Seraphina’s plan to kill her husband. And this. This was the scene that made her character a supporting lead rather than just someone used for backstory plot. 
She wrings her hands as she enters the scene. This is the first time she and a grown up Alaric had shared the stage, aside from everyone being on it for Alaric’s wedding. She was nervous,  how couldn’t she be? Apparently, Johnny’s replacement was fucking Kanon. Writer and producer of the play was now the main character. And she was going to have to kiss him.
The scene was one from her audition, and the one she had been told she needed just a bit more to get it right. But now, now with the death of her mother and any chance she had to be with Artem gone, maybe she had enough of whatever she was missing to nail this scene for the final time. Maybe it was good that Johnny had called out. 
“M-My king…” She speaks softly, making her voice tremble as she approaches Kanon, who’s back is facing her. “I… I must speak to you regarding Queen Seraphina.”
He turned around to face her, walking to stand right in front of her. She doesn’t bow, they are close enough that she doesn’t have to. He frowns at her. 
“And your manners?”
Now it’s her turn to frown. 
“Alarc, when it is just us I have never once bowed to you. Why—”
“That changes now, Evangeline. Only my wife is to address me so casually. What business pertains to my wife that you found it so important to interrupt my studies?”
She flinches at the tone of voice, taking one step back and looking down at the stage. She clutches at her chest, the costume wrinkling in between her fingers. She knows Kanon is just acting and that this isn’t real at all, but… She can’t help but relate to Evangeline more than ever. A woman who loved someone, who wasn’t shy about it, but knowing that they can never have them. Yet still wanting to make sure they were safe and happy. The time she found Artem begging Rosa not to leave as he hugged her during the karaoke outing crosses her mind for a second.
“Alaric… Your majesty. The queen, she plots for your death. Her plan is to kill you so she is able to take over your throne.”
Her voice quivers as she tells him this, but it's not because she’s afraid. It’s because she keeps remembering Artem pining over Rosa. The way his eyes light up the second he sees her. The time he shut Celestine down hard when she saw them together thinking he was interested in her. And the worst part is… The worst part is that Rosa is perfect for Artem. She is kind, noble, beautiful inside and out. How would she, a wannabe actor with a dead mafia mother who kidnapped his father figure, compare to someone like her? She couldn’t.
“Do you have any idea of what you are saying, Evangeline? You claim that my wife, the one I know loves me just as much as I love her, wants to kill me?”
Kanon steps forward, taking her face roughly into his hand, making her look up at him. She closes her eyes, turning slightly towards the audience as she feels a few tears start to roll down her cheeks. She would never measure up to Rosa. And even if she picked someone else, because she wasn't blind to the affections the rest of the NXX had for her, would it even matter? Would Artem allow himself to move on, or would he hopelessly pine for her the rest of his life? She would lose either way. If there were ever a world where Rosa does not pick Artem and by some miracle he turns his attention to her, she knows she wouldn’t make it out of Rosa’s shadow. 
“I have heard her speak to her ladies in waiting. I have seen it in writing, my king. She does not love you…” 
She turns back to him, opening her eyes and placing her own hands over his wrists. Suddenly, she is no longer looking at Kanon, but at Artem. His eyes, usually bright blue with so many thoughts that they are unreadable, are dark and cold. As if a wall were placed and she could no longer look deeper into him. She pushes forward into his hold, a sense of desperation coming over her.
“Like I do. And this love, as unrequited as it may be, compels me to protect you. Even if it is from your own wife. You have known me for so long, Alaric, and I have loved you for just as long. Do you think me a liar? That I would break the oath I made as your mother was on her deathbed?”
“Do not dare talk about my mother.” Artem grits out, pressing his fingers deeper into her cheeks.
“I promised to look out for you, regardless of my own feelings. Even so, I love you, the very essence of my soul belongs to you, and it could not bear the heartbreak of seeing you slain at the hand of your own beloved wife.”
Artem scoffs, sneering at her as he keeps her in his hold, “You dare speak to me about love? A lowly maid declaring her love for her king? It is almost laughable. Predictable, in fact. You wish me to lay you and sire a bastard child, is that it? Seraphina was right. I should’ve sent you to the stables the day I got married to my love.”
“Ar-Alaric, please!” She begs, moving her hands to clutch desperately at his lapels, bringing him a bit closer to her as desperation seeps into her words. Artem looked down at her in disgust and her hands burned. Burned at the reminder that he was not hers to touch, to plead or beg. “She only married you for the throne, you must listen to me!”
She knows what happens next. And she knows it's not really Artem who will kiss her. But if she can break her own heart with this, it’ll be easier to get him out of her head, to move on. And she’ll have a fun story to tell. ‘I kissed Kanon, can you say that?’ Johnny and her had a deal when she still foolishly thought she stood a chance with Artem. He would tilt her away from the audience, covering her with his body and kissing her on the cheek. She had yet to get her first kiss, a series of lucky situations and background characters not having the necessity to kiss anyone. But this was her big break. Her first supporting role. Things were bound to be different. And Kanon did not know about the deal. 
He pulls her face roughly to his, tilting it a bit and making her gasp softly. He uses that opening and plants his lips onto her. She closes her eyes, timidly kissing him back as her hands migrate back to his face, cupping his cheeks. Tears roll down her face as she bids goodbye to the chance she had to make her first kiss meaningful. As she bids goodbye to her own lingering affections, to her delusion. 
He pulls away, pushing her down on the floor. Her hands sting from the impact and burn from the buzz she felt while her hands touched his cheeks. She looks up at Artem, his gaze colder than she ever thought possible. He looks down at her, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand in sheer disgust of her. 
“You sicken me with your pathetic devotion. Of your claims to love the very king you serve. You are nothing but a filthy maid, why would you ever think I would set my sights for someone as pathetic as you? Someone beneath my station? You disgust me, Evangeline. Consider that kiss a mercy from your king. A taste of something you will never have.”
She lets out a sob as Artem walks off stage, her vision blurring with tears as she looks out to the audience from the floor. 
Artem would never love her, just as Alaric would never love Evangeline. It was just a painful fact she had to live with. Something she had to move on from. Her own heart begged, pleading for her to just hold on to the feeble hope of one day gaining his affections, but she knew it would be futile. She had to rip him out of her heart. Her connection to him, to the NXX, was over the second Neil and Giann returned. What did he think of her? Her mother was the cause of all the grief the NXX had. Did he find her disgusting? He must, considering she was nothing but a stupid little actor trying to make it big. How foolish of her to even think he would return her affections. Every lingering glance, every accidental touch… Meant nothing. 
She let out another sob as she reached this conclusion. He was probably just tolerating her as a means to get Neil back. And she couldn’t fault him. Not when she was the one stupid enough to think that someone like him would ever love some nobody like her. She clutches at her chest as she brings a trembling hand to her lips. And as the curtains start to fall, she lets out a scream while curling into herself. A scream filled with heartbreak and grief. The heartbreak of knowing that the man she wanted, wanted someone else and would never look her way. And the grief of having to let go. Because at the end of the day she wanted him to be happy, no matter what it looked like. No matter who it would be with, even if it wasn’t her. 
She stood up from the floor once the curtains closed, wiping away the tears with the palms of her hands. She took one last look at the closed curtain, a reminder that this scene, this part of her life, was over. 
“Goodbye Artem…” She whispered, finally turning around and hastily walking backstage to get ready for the final act. 
Vyn sat stunned at the performance Astrid had just given knowing she wasn’t acting. Most people wouldn’t have given a second thought to the slip-up of Alaric’s name. But he knew. She wasn’t acting, she was professing her love for Artem only to get rejected in the most cruel way possible. He knows that he’s not the only one fond of Rosa and he had been secretly hoping that Astrid would have enticed Artem enough for him to give up on Rosa. Hell, he even thought it was working. 
Yet Astrid had decided to give up on the notion of fighting for Artem’s attention. She must’ve seen something he didn’t. 
Giann nudged him, breaking him out of his reverie. He turned to look at Giann, a raised eyebrow in question. 
“She’s really good, huh?” He asks, a pointed look crossing his face. Even after all that time in captivity, not much has changed. He speaks to him in undertones, hoping he catches his true question. ‘She wasn’t acting, was she?’ He turns his gaze back to the stage, “Indeed, she is.” ‘She wasn’t.’ — [1] - the order of the seating goes neil, artem, rosa, luke, vyn, giann, marius.
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auroblaze · 1 year
*Knock knock* h hewwo
Hiiii I'm still alive I swear ;-; So sorry for being quiet once again but it has been a busy summer preparing for an event that happened this past weekend... I got the courage to participate for the first time in a little local fantasy comicon with a personal stand! So I had get quite some extra illustrations ready! I'll be sure to share them both here and on my instagram, along with thoughts about the really wonderful experience :> I hope you all have been doing well!!
So basically... commissions should re-open again soon too..👀 sdhfgsf okay maybe a brief pause before that so i can get back some,. sleep.., @v@
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honeymochibubbletea · 8 months
Hewwo, would it be too much to ask if you could drop some dating headcanons about Phantasmo with a reader who falls into the "pure cinnamon roll"? You know, like my Melody? (Also i'm really curious about your fan child! Please, tell us more about her!)
Hmm… ok! :3 but first i’ll write some curiosities about Olivia, Charlie and Phantasmo’s fanchild!
She was born half dead and half alive
She has the same ability as Viola, Phantasmo’s first daughter, of changing her age: she can transform into a baby, child or teenager
She has a dark grey-ish blue skin, pink eyes and a dark purple hair
Sometimes she has intrusive thoughts about hurting others, she doesn’t like it but she can’t help herself when someone, for example, hurts themselves by accident: she either smiles or starts chuckling at the person… she feels really bad though. After doing or thinking that way (Charlie believes she takes after her father, Phantasmo and his sadism)
But it isn’t all bad though! She also took after her mother as well: her courage and determination!
Every time her parents start fighting (verbally or physically), she involuntarily morphs into a baby to gain her parents attention and make them stop fighting :)
She usually acts before thinking (just like her mother)
Her favorite animals are hamsters and pitbulls! :D
She is really friendly with T-oby, she calls him her cool uncle :)
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Now… as for the dating headcanons:
☆~Phantasmo with a “cinnamon roll”-like darling!~☆
At first, Phantasmo really thought that your character was a facade. But as he slowly knew you, he realized that no: you’re actually a pure soul and a little oblivious (because everyone knows that cinnamon roll-like people are always a little oblivious to everything, if you disagree, fight me!)
Of course, he WILL take advantage of your obliviousness and innocence for his selfish and nefarious plans at first. But eventually, as time passes, he will leave you out of his dirty work
He will try to fluster and embarrass you in any way possible, but, given that you’re too oblivious to even his flirting, it all flies over your head while you smile cutely at him (and instead, you’ve flustered him hahaha!)
You like holding hands a lot with him or just snuggling against his neck or chest, of course, you’ll make him a blushing mess without even realizing yourself
You like to call him sometimes “big marshmallow” gfjgfhgfjghf XD
He will never admit it but… he loves to place you on his lap or over his shoulder when you’re sleeping while he works on his experiments
He will ALSO not admit that you’re his little “bon bon” but will demonstrate in other ways that he loves you ;)
For as incredible and unbelievable as it sounds, you can make him really flustered with any little thing you do: you kissed his cheek? Flustered mess. You called him handsome? He’ll smile shyly and awkwardly while blushing. You lay on top of him? Blushing mess.
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avid-adoxography · 7 months
Hewwo everyone, just dropping a quick one to let y'all know that 1. I'm still alive (ironically; allegedly; unapologetically) and 2. I'm back on my bullshit (inevitable; feared upon; prophesied;) >:3c
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skellinore · 9 months
I'm working, I SWEAR!
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Hewwo! I'm still alive.
I wanted to release all the finished drawings at once, rather than one at a time. 173 is finished, I just need to get my ass on gear for the others.
As for the Creepypasta stuff. I will get back on that once I'm over this SCP phase...
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transsexualfiend · 4 months
Hewwo kind internet person :3 I have a genuine question if you don't mind- I'm Transgender myself, and I see your username has "transsexual" right in it. Could you tell me what Trans Sexual means? As far as I understand from what context clues I have picked up elsewhere, it's a misunderstanding of Trans Gender because gender and sexuality weren't seen as so different for queer/gay people awhile back.
Was just curious as to if I missed a redefining or reclaiming of the word or if I simply haven't been educated on what it means in the first place. Would love to learn about it so I know how to properly define it in my head. Thank you very kindly :3
Hi! Great question. I'll try to answer in a way that responds to what you asked, and not just give blanket statements.
Transsexual was a term used for a bit more time in the past than the word "transgender". Transgender is credited to being introduced in the 60s, and was popularized and mainstream by the 90s and early 2000s. Transsexual dates back a bit further, and often has a medical component both socially tied to it, and linguistically, as "sex" is considered to be more of a physically-retaining quality.
Many people use the term because their transition IS trans-ing their sex. Trans people who choose to go on hormones and medically transition are biologically changing themselves, which creates a very different life experience from the experience of a cissexual person (someone who does not change their sex). Their interactions with the world, with society, with institutions, privilege, and even with other trans and queer people, is very different from how it would be if they were not medically transitioning. In short, this term reflects a distinct experience and relationship to power.
I wouldn't say that transsexual is a "misunderstanding" of anything. There's definitely been more recent push to eliminate the usage of the word transsexual and opt for the more inclusive term "transgender", because not every trans person medically transitions. This is true! All trans people are trans, and you do not need to medically transition. But for those of us who do, sometimes that distinction is important and crucial to our relationship with our identities. For me, I personally do not feel like transgender is the proper word to describe me, as do many transsexual people, because in my experience my gender isn't what's being "trans-ed", but my sex and biological makeup. To me, it is what makes me whole. Especially older trans people who grew up in a completely different social world for transsexuals, they may choose to use transsexual over transgender for any of the above reasons, and more!
I don't think you've messed anything up! It is a common misconception that "transsexual" is a slur, is offensive, or is an outdated word, but how can it be outdated or wrong when so many transsexuals are alive and trying to survive in this world, ya know? And the transsexual body and transsexual experiences are all so unique and beautiful, it would be awful to try and exclude the rich trans histories that every trans person has to share.
Transsexual people exist, and choose to use that term to describe themselves regardless of if newer generations find it to be "less pretty". It's important to respect whatever someone's identity is, even if you might not fully understand their reasoning for using those words. Plus, it would be transphobic to deny the interconnected experiences of trans people, and especially those of transsexuals.
This isn't a full, complete description, I moreso tuned it to the points you included in your question, but I hope this helps! As always feel free to ask whatever you'd like :)
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(don't answer it)
I'm still here, not in the same fandom but I'm still alive. ^^
I'm Trio, if you want to talk to someone I'm here for you ó^ò
owo ! Hewwo ówò /
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reginrokkr · 8 months
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rises from the depths Hewwo, I'm still alive. Just two more weeks until finals and barely a partial in sight, so things are looking good! I'll be here to do thingies later. Hope you peeps have been doing well ♥︎
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m3l1ni3tvbun · 3 months
"Yea!!!! i'm alive!!! hewwo there!"
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