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Obi Wan Kenobi from Margin’s High Fantasy AU :D
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margindoodles2407 · 4 months
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If this ain't High Fantasy Quiggs and Obi then I am no longer the creator of this AU
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aure-entuluva-2407 · 7 days
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About every once a month I have to go back and drastically edit something about the Clone armor design. For my health and whatnot
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majorproblems77 · 19 days
Something different for you today!
So for those who dont know, I am a Star Wars fan and have been for a very long time. I follow a Star Wars AU @high-fantasy-sw by @margindoodles2407. Which is basically what if we took Star Wars and put it on the sea with magic and alchemy.
And in light of her releasing the information about the clone rings I've written something up for it. (and it is changed a little, have fun with this one margin) - If you want to know more the post is here!
In fact, I wrote this in an hour while talking to her about it a few days ago haha.
I'm sorry it turned out this way - A high-fantasy Star Wars short story
A knock at the door rose Anakin's head from his desk. His eyes were still fixed on the twin blades which now lay lifeless in front of him. These were Ahsoka's blades, the green Kyber crystal in their hilts still shining with her life force. Though their wielder was now who knows where on the high sea.
He missed her.
A knock sounded again.
He could ignore it. Drown in his sorrows. As much as Obi-Wan would not approve. As much as his teachings told him that emotion and attachment were bad. But it was persistent. How were they supposed to form bonds with their padawans but not... Not...
That knocking really was persistent.
"Who is it?" He sounded to the wind. If it was urgent they'd have called for him. Unless this was the call for him.
"It's me. Uhh. Rex. Sir." Ahh, the captain. He didn't turn to the door, his eyes remained fixed in front of him. The memories of years of trials and battles sitting on the edge of his mind.
Maybe it was important If the captain had come down himself. He paused. "You have your orders captain, please leave me be."
"With all due respect Sir. I dont think thats the best idea right now. Can i come in?" The captain's voice was persistent. The sound of glass clinking softly echoed softly through the cramped quarters. Ahsoka's quarters…
"Rex." He warned gently. He did not want to do this right now. "Please, not right now."
"Anakin." The sound of glass clinked again. "Please."
That made his eyes widen. As he turned to the door. The captain never. Never used his name. That was grounds for disciplinary. That was grounds for…. He. He wouldn't have...
He really needed a friend right now.
Damit, he hated that the captain was so insistent.
Like she was....
"Come in." He said, turning away from the door again to face the lightsabers placed carefully on the table. Through the corner of his eye, he could see the clone. He was dressed down, his eyes red and puffy as he stood in the doorway for a moment.
He'd been crying.
He was holding a small tray two small opaque glasses sat on top of it. He took a breath and entered slowly. Gently placing the tray on the table where the general was sitting.
"We. We heard. We know about the commander." The captain's voice was surprisingly steady for someone who looked like he did. Puffy cheeks stained. Cheeks fading from red. "Are... Are you okay?"
Anakin lowered his head as he gripped his hands tighter against the table. That was all the response the clone captain needed.
"You know about the chain. right?" The captain asked quietly, crouching beside him. Placing a hand, his right hand. Against the table. A sign of support. Much more than anyone at the Temple would have given him.
"I do." He said, raising his eyes slightly. Still not looking at the other man in the room. He shuffled on his feet slightly into a more comfortable position.
"Then you know about why we paint them."
He did. It was a way for them to honour the ones they'd lost. He'd only seen the chain itself once when Rex had heard about Echo. The commander was devastated and had holed himself up in his quarters for several hours.
When he'd gone to check up on him, he'd found the captain painting a chainlink blue.
"I… I want to. Paint this section here." He pointed to his right hand, in the middle of the back of his hand. "Green."
"Rex." Anakin stumbled on the name, he knew what that meant to the men of his battalion. They were a sentimental bunch, Rex most of all. Having painted the segments around his wrist the colour of his battalion a hundred times over for the men he lost and would continue to lose. The middle section of the chain had always remained the steely grey from basic training.
He'd always said he wanted to leave that for him, and later on Ahsoka. "It's the only thing we have thats ours." The captain continued to look at his gloved hand As if looking at the chain beneath it. "I wanted to get your permission to get the colour. I want it to be right."
"The others have asked too." The captain looked to the air above him. Blinking tears from his eyes. "But we didn't want to overwhelm you."
"I… Rex." He took a shaky breath. it was quite the honour for the clone captain to ask this of him. But they didn't have access to paint on the high seas. There was no green packed. Only blue.
"Rex, I dont know how the colour matching works." He turned away from the captain. "The only paint we have onboard is blue."
"Kik's told me how to match from clear." The captain tapped the jar on the left-hand side. "It won't leave anything behind. I won't even touch it."
He sat on that information for longer than he would have liked. Ahsoka had been the last person to ignite these blades. She was attuned to their very presence. To pull a colour match from them would be like she was here for just one more moment.
"Okay… Okay…"
Rex placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah… Yeah, I'm sure." He turned "Just do it fast before I change my mind."
The captain picked up a brush and gently placed it into the first glass, a clear substance dripped from the brush slowly. Placing the brush near the kyber crystal in the hilt allowed the blade to shimmer for just a moment before the brush echoed its colour. Shining a bright green before he placed it back into the jar. Mixing it as the substance changed from clear to green.
"The captain picked up the jar and inspected the colour of the paint inside it. happy with his work he placed it down slowly. "Sir?"
"I… I want to be here. If that's okay."
His breath hitched. As the captain offered the brush to him. He took it silently as he removed the glove from his hand. The chain of brotherhood on the captain's hand stood as a still canvas as he looked down at it.
The colours on it shifted in the candlelight as the captain placed his hand on the table bedside him. Quickly passing the brush back to the captain, who placed the brush gently on the chainlinks. Passing paint across them gently.
Anakin watched silently. He'd only seen a handful of his men paint the chains that adorned their hands like this. Rex only once. When he'd lost Echo. It was a hugely important part of their mismatched culture. One of the things that made them unique in an army where you all look the same.
"Rex you dont have to do this in front of me. I know that it's important." Anakin sat upright as the captain continued to paint.
"Sir. You and the commander mean the world to me. It wouldn't be right to do this alone. Not like… not like…" A sniff gave away the captain's true feelings as he gripped the brush tighter. his hand shaking as his breath hitched.
He never thought he'd be painting this section. He never wanted to paint this section. After a few silent minutes, he placed the brush down. raising his hand to inspect the chain and the rapidly drying paint.
Pulling his wrist into his chest he gave a shaky breath. His arm trembling as he looked to the Jedi who remained in place. "For what it's worth Sir." He said, turning to the door. "I'm sorry it turned out this way."
"So am I rex. So am I."
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arcadekitten · 5 months
had a thought the other day
twylas often described as heartless in hfsh, and assuming cemetary mary twyla isnt any different as hfsw twyla, im wondering why, even when upset at mary, twyla would offer her shelter for the night when mary falls asleep and misses the bus home?
it doesnt benifit twy in any way and honestly seemed more of a nuisance for her i think. very curious
It's always good to have leverage~!
Also if I'm remembering correctly, the route where Twyla is angriest at Mary (Reginald's) is one where you can't sleep over at Twyla's! Twyla will only allow you to sleep over in her route or in Crowven's route--and in Crowven's route it's much more for her personal gain and to receive confirmation that they're connected
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kairithemang0 · 25 days
can we laugh at this guy?
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This is on the hfsw post btw
I’m not gonna respond to it but it’s really funny
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high-fantasy-sw · 5 months
HFSW as Random Things I Have Saved to My Pinterest
I will add on to this as I accumulate more
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Literally every clone who has ever lived but especially Hardcase
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whyoneartheven · 4 months
this song reminds me of hfsw
like a lot XD
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magpie-sherlock · 2 months
Oh gosh it is the evening and I realize I never told you about High Fantasy Star Wars like I said I was going to
Okay SO
Some exposition: It's January of this year. I'm about halfway through my Clone Wars binge with my brother, rewatching it in its entirety for the first time since I was like, eight. I also happen to be a Heroforge addict, having already made several Legend of Zelda-themed miniature sets. I decide to apply my love of Star Wars to my addiction, and then decide that since Heroforge has way more options for fantasy than science fiction, that I will lean WAY into the whole "Star Wars Is Just A Fairy Tale Set In Space" thing.
Things get WAY out of control, and instead of a simple "Here's all the main characters of The Clone Wars in a miniature set", I wind up with a whole AU.
A lot of the story and stuff can be found under the #hfsw tag on my main blog, or by going to my (somewhat; I'm working on it) dedicated AU sideblog, @high-fantasy-sw, but since those are kind of chaotic at the moment, I'll also have a brief rundown here:
The main body (and by that I mean the fic adaptation that I'm writing) of the AU focuses on the Prequels, The Clone Wars, and the Original Trilogy. However, me being the Star War-crazed nerd that I am, I also do have stuff for Rebels, The Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi/Tales of the Empire, and sometimes the Sequels (the first three are canon to the AU even though they aren't part of the main story; the Sequels are not, but I still like to mess around with them a little).
The plot remains nearly identical to the canon universe, just tweaked to fit the Fantasy worldbuilding.
Because I liked the idea of needing to travel long distances on ships to reach other planets, I decided to not make the setting a single continent with each of the planets being a country on the continent. Instead, the world is set in an archipelago on a great sea, with each of the planets as its own island or chain of islands.
(Side note but one thing I'm very proud of is that each character fights with a distinct weapon, and even each Jedi's individual lightsaber is unique to them.)
I haven't really posted much about this either under the tag or on the main blog, but as I am a sucker for symbolism and motifs and what not, there are several distinct fantasy... "subgenres", I guess you could call them, in the AU that are supposed to symbolise what a character or organization or what-have-you represents. To name a few, the Jedi are heavily influenced by Arthuriana (because holy monk-knights and the ideals of chivalry), the war-like and highly-traditional Mandalorians are inspired by Ancient Rome, Padme specifically has a very classic-fairy-tale motif because of her high ideals and hope for the future, and the Empire (and the island of Coruscant, to an extent) is represented by a very grim version of steampunk, because of its desire to dominate and control through mechanical means.
I do have to put a disclaimer on this work: I never claimed historical accuracy in this AU. My whole thing is, "If I think it's a cool idea, in it goes", and so while several aspects of the story and worldbuilding are drawn from history (especially the Jedi and the Mandalorians), it's more of an inspiration than a strictly accurate thing. If historical accuracy is your thing, I would suggest going and checking out @/an-old-lady's Medieval Star Wars AU, which was a huge inspiration on my own idea, VERY cool, and with much more historical authenticity than my story.
Oh gosh I hope I wasn't overstepping with this infodump, and if I was feel free to ignore. But if you enjoyed this rant, I'm so glad! I hope you have a great day :D
ahsjfkfbbdnfkejnfkekrnd I LOVE THIS
I need to go to bed but i am most definitely looking into this more tmr bc YES I AGREE
and ur so real for the “if i like i add” thing. frfr
the archipelago idea is EXQUISITE. and i love the arthurian addition to the jedi
you did not overstep at all! i love infodumps, and i am currently eeting this one. feel free to infodumo any time friend!
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gonna put this here, just bcs there was a conversation on the HFSW and the person running it
their tumblr is @/hatchetfieldtrashparty, would recommend blocked them bcs their stuff is just... ew
i don't know of anyone still participating in the HFSW event, however if you are i hope you still have a good time
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Behold some very messy sketches of @margindoodles2407’s Star Wars High Fantasy AU Ahsoka design!!!!
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margindoodles2407 · 8 days
Hey, so I am still taking drawing requests for High Fantasy Star Wars, and in addition to that I am working on expanding my repertoire of Padme outifts. I am currently working on her grey Senate dress, and in addition to that, which of her outfits would you most like to see in the next character ref post?
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Throne Room Gown
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Handmaid Dress
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Tatooine Clothes
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Sunset Lake Dress
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Picnic Dress
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Arena Outfit
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Wedding Gown
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Senate Dress
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Mustafar Outfit
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Funeral Dress
All outfit pictures sources from This post :D
@whyoneartheven @majorproblems77 @anime-obsessed @magpie-sherlock Since I write this AU pretty much exclusively for you guys, I thought I'd tag you here to get your opinions in :)
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aure-entuluva-2407 · 22 days
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Omega's official design, from my High Fantasy Star Wars AU. It's also posted there with a bonus doodle if you want to go check it out :)
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nezanie · 6 years
Me: goes out on a sunny day
PokeGo: boy do I believe you'll love all these magmnemites
Me: has to run an errand in the rain
Pokego: have all the starters, a dragonite a larvitar, ....charmanderrrr
Me: get out of the rain lizard sunnnn aaaaaaaaaaaa
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arcadekitten · 4 months
Why do some characters have different hair lengths in the different games? Cause I was playing hfsw and I noticed that Reggie's hair was short in that game, but in the other games it's longer?
This is because in Here For Sweethearts everyone is a teenager! (When normally they are young adults!)
And that's not to say that hair length will never change between other games either (for example in Blackout Hospital Twyla's hair is a bit longer than usual and she's still a young adult) but just that my art style is one that is very simplistic, cartoonish, and often has minimal detail. And in a style like that it can be hard to portray a difference in age especially in close-together life-states, so I felt changing characters hair would help to differentiate and show that these versions of the characters are quite different from normal!
I hope that makes sense!
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
Heya !!!1!11! Jst letting u know, that the runner of the hfsw event isn’t hatchetfieldtrashparty, as another person stated that they found the actual creator of it and their tumblr bio said that they like nsfw of minors as young as the age of 5, which doesn’t. Say that in htp’s bio I believe
Not saying don’t block them(DO BLOCK THEM PLEASE THEY R ALSO NASTY….…) but I jst wanted to give correct info !
i found that other account through looking through the account witchstorm sent to me, but thank you for the info! ugh why are there SO MANY OF THEM????
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