#Like for ex I wasn’t sure how her braids ended so I just based them off Shaak ti’s XD
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Behold some very messy sketches of @margindoodles2407’s Star Wars High Fantasy AU Ahsoka design!!!!
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"God or Gods, does it matter?" PART 13
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The base of the story :
“York is envied by the vikings and during the battle Ivar sees a Saxon girl fight with one of his warriors. The protagonist has a brother with the same disease as Ivar.”
Ligeia arrived at their settlement. She looked around her, making sure that she knows her surroundings. She was technically on the enemy side, everything can happen. Especially because she is a foreigner. She hides her anxiety, with a confident walk and a neutral face. They bring her under a little tent and give her a cup of ale. She hesitates at first, but finally, grabs the drink. “You can sit.” Offers Lagertha sitting in front of her. She doesn’t argue and sits. “Why did you want to talk to me?” Questioned Ligeia straight forward. “I know Hedda Shewolf, your mother.”
Ligeia’s heart starts beating fast. She hopes for years to know more about her mother's history, but, that was too dangerous in England because of where she is from. “How can I believe you?” Even so, she was thrilled with excitement, she was also very suspicious, that can a ruse. “She was my best friend. I grew up with her.” Announced Lagertha, smiling at the memories. “She was a great warrior and very smart. But also very curious, putting herself in danger!” Ligeia smiles, remembering exactly these qualities of her mother. “My ex-husband, knows her too, Ragnar. We were inseparable.” She continued her story, taking a sip. “Then she met this priest Treader. Curious about his faith, she questioned him every day he was here.” Lagertha laughs, making Ligeia chuckle.
Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi were listening silently. Bjorn has the chance to meet the woman before she left. “Obviously, they fell in love, deeply. I never see a man looking at her like he was looking at her. And that was the same for her. So, it’s natural that when he has to leave, she has decided to go with him.” Knowing that her parents were deeply in love, and her mother having the courage to leave her country for a man, is beautiful. “She was an incredible shield-maiden. Fierce, brave, and wise. She prevents us to make a useless man loss. I can see that you have that of her.” The queen finishes, looking at the brown hair girl. “And I don’t understand, why you are fighting with Ivar.”
Ligeia looked at the liquid in her cup. She sighs and raises her head. “He invades York. I kill one of his men when I tried to run away with my little sister. He saw the fight and he sends men to find me. He takes my siblings and me as prisoners. I am just protecting my siblings, you need to understand that.” Acknowledged Ligeia looking at everyone. “They are all that I have, I can’t lose them. They are the reason I am still alive.” She vouched with emotions. Bjorn looked at her taking her fully. She was tired but deeply sad. She didn’t have the time of grief. She grew up too fast, taking responsibilities to a younger age. “You just want to protect them, that honorable.” He said softly, meeting her eyes for the first time. Intense and unique. Deep down, he knows that she will be the reason for their salvation. The end of this war.
The morning after, Bjorn brings her back to the field that they were yesterday. She slides down the horse and starts walking. “Ligeia.” He called her. She turns herself, waiting for him to continue. “Please, try to resonate with him.” He begged. She looked down a second, feeling the weight on her shoulder. “I see what I can do. But I can’t promise you anything.” She says. “I know, but that’s enough for me.” She said goodbye with a slight movement of the head and make her way to her settlement. A few meters away from the camp, the guards start screaming: “Someone approaching!” Men's starts to get agitated thinking this is an enemy. One of them alerts Ivar and Harald. Ivar grabs his crotch and gets out of his tent. He approaches the entrance of the settlement. He immediately recognizes her. The little, human sea, let her pass, she stands in the face of Ivar. “Where are they?” Demand Ligeia. He quickly analyses her face and body, to find no scratches. “In my tent.” He informed her. She bypasses him and goes straight to his tent.
Dinner time arrived, the night as settled, Ligeia has taken off, the heavy pieces of her armor. Rosalia on her lap, she tried to braid her hair. “Rosi stop moving! I can’t braid your hair if you are moving!” She giggles at her little sister. “But I want to hug you!” Cries blondie. “I know, but if you stop moving, I will be already done and you can hug me.” Rosalia stops moving and Ligeia can swiftly braid her hair. “Done!” She announced. Rosalia turns herself, encircles Ligeia's waist with her legs, and rests her head on Ligeia’s neck. Enveloping her little body with her arms, she strokes her back and puts a kiss on top of her hair.
Closing her eyes, she hums a lullaby. Apollo lays on the small bed, was holding hands with Ligeia. Relaxes, he closes his eyes too and falls asleep. Ivar walks in the direction of the three siblings' tent, he enters without announcing himself and froze when he sees the picture in front of him. The love between brother and sisters, true and pure love. Ligeia is still humming, didn’t hear him coming. He clears his throat. Ligeia opens her eyes and looks towards the entrance, and finds Ivar standing there. He doesn’t need to talk, that she understands that he wanted to talk to her. She puts Rosalia on the bed, next to Apollo and covers their bodies with a blanket. She goes out of the tent, followed by the Viking.
“Help me takes them off.” He says, sounding more like an order. She agrees and followed him. Walking next to him, she may observe that everyone was looking at her. She didn’t know if that was because she was walking with their leader or just because of her. Entering his tent, she realizes that she is in his intimacy. She felt trapped. He sits on the edge of his bed, looking at her. Hesitant she takes small steps. She kneeled and starts to undo his mental splints. A grimace of pain, twisted his face when her legs are free. Whiteout asking any questions, she starts massaging his legs, like she does for her brother. Ivar’s body tenses a little, not used by someone touching his legs.
“What did she tell you?” He couldn’t hold it anymore, he needs to know. “Nothing about you, sorry.” She said looking at him through her eyelashes. He grabs her by her shirt and pulls her violently towards him. His other hand holds her by the back of her neck, their noses brushing against each other. Holding herself on his shoulder, fear flashed in her eyes. “What did she tell you?” He separates every word harshly. “Answer me.” He groans, tightening his grip. “We talked about my mother.” She doesn’t control the tears that filled her eyes. Ivar’s face softens a second. “She knew my mother and wanted to talk about her. That’s all.” He releases her and she gets far away from him, massaging her neck.
The hatred in her eyes, break his heart. And he doesn’t know why, that bothers him that she looks at him like this. She turns her back and walks to the exit, but she froze. She decides to face him. “This is stupid!” She screams. “Your war is stupid! You are going to sacrifice a hundred of man’s life for something that happened years ago. They love you and you didn’t even see it, because you are stuck with your little person!”
“She killed my mother!” He responds raising his voice. “He killed my parents!” Now she is yelling, tears streaming down her face. She never cried this that day, she didn’t grief, she didn’t take the time to mourn. “He killed them, and I have to see him every day without being able to do anything! Your mother wasn’t a saint, she knows what she was doing when she seduces your dad. So, stop putting her on a pedestal.” She was furious that he was ready to lose his brothers, his family, for revenge. This is ludicrous. “What did you know about my mother, uh?” He added, annoyed that she dares talking about his mother. “People like to talk Ivar! But Hvitserk and I had a discussion about it.”
Silenced fell inside the tent. Her chest rising up and down. Jesus, she wanted to smack his face to put his brain in place. “This war can be avoided and you know that! But, shit, you are so fucking stubborn!” Tight jaws, breathing from his nose, he tried to control himself and not hurt her. “You should be careful with your words! You seem to forget who you are talking to.” He threatens her with a hollow voice. She sees red, a cold air washing her body. She gets closer and almost collides her forehead against his. “Kill me then! I am not scared of you. Kill me! But let me tell you something, you will have to explain it to Apollo and Rosalia. And of course, you will have to take care of them, because this is your fault that they are far away from their home.” She quickly goes out and opens furiously the curtain.
Her words, turning in his mind. She was right, but he didn’t want to see it. To see that this war is ridiculous. That this was his anger speaking. Landing one foot outside, she empties the air from her lungs, then taking a deep breath. When she opens her eyes, she felts like she was observed. She turns her head to her right and finds Heahmund, looking at her. Her hands ball into fists and she leaves rapidly. She moves away from the camp, she finds a quiet place. Her hands start shaking, her eyes starting to get flooded with tears. She broke down and burst into tears. She fell on her knees in a dying cry. Painful to hear. Astrid looked at her from afar, it broke her heart to hear a cry.
tags : @youbloodymadgenius @al-lwiisa @otakufrenchfries @funmadnessandbadassvikings @akaward-potato@heavenly1927
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doorsclosingslowly · 3 years
Someone, Broom in Hand
Kaz died before he turned sixteen. That’s the story. When he reappears, it’s at the side of the Dark General, wearing the thin fluttering robes of the Sun Summoner. Jesper travels to the Little Palace to punch his fucking teeth out.
Kaz[/&]Jesper | 7.5k | content note: nonlinear narrative, past and offscreen abuse
The purple kefta is too big for Kaz. Jesper doesn’t want to think about why he dumped his coat over Kaz’ head, except that Kaz looks weird and cold in his ugly fancy yellow paper taffeta shirt, his one layer that he’s wearing apart from the underpants that leave his knees bare.
That he looks uncomfortable at all should be nothing but a trick of the violent light: there are two separate lit fireplaces in the bedroom, so awkwardly placed that they were probably retrofitted by a Fabrikator. It might have been David, though then Jesper would surely have heard a treatise on the stones used to erect the Little Palace, or Gaz, or Lizaveta or any of the other Materialki Jesper’s been bunking with but—but anyway, if Kaz felt like wearing more, he could order an attendant to fetch another shirt or two. Unless there’s nothing he owns that isn’t thin and revealing and fucking yellow. Unless he’s not allowed… Unless he can’t even dress himself anymore without a gaggle of attendants. Man moves up in the world and forgets everything he knew: tale as old as time.
“Just like you forgot us,” Jesper mutters, less viciously than he should.
The Kaz-doll makes no comment. No protest. No further manipulation of Jesper’s old affections. No snide mockery for Jesper passing his kefta on to the man that less than an hour ago, he tried to kill.
He just pulls the coat on. With his odd bare fingers—no claws after all, just thin and human—he closes button after button, including the top four that Jesper’s never once used, struggling to pull the material over the bone-tines sticking out of his chest. (And who back home would believe that Dirtyhands has ordinary fingers and a totally fucked up chest?) It would be easier to leave it open, but Kaz, even now he’s a sunny lapdog, doesn’t do easy. When he drops his arms, the too-long sleeves fall down over his hands, and with his thumbs he traps the fabric there. Sad little improvised half-gloves, more than Jesper’s seen him wear in the month since he let himself get conscripted into the Little Palace. He looks back at Jesper.
There’s no Thank you—Kaz Brekker never knew that word, and it seems in the two years they had him, whatever else they forced on him the Ravkans failed to teach him any more manners—but there is something new in his glare. It’s not just the purple washing the colour off his smooth—his way too smooth face. No. It’s something old: defiant, and angry, and scheming, just barely breaking through the placid paint and the rust beneath it.
Bit by bit, as he buttons up Jesper’s kefta Kaz simultaneously pulls on the moth-bitten coat of Dirtyhands he’s kept way back in the wardrobe of his brain, the ruthless killer, Bastard of the Barrel, Dregs lieutenant and future gang boss unless he gets murdered first. And it didn’t stick the first time. Pulls it over whoever it is that he was before. Over the doll beside Kirigan.
Over that person in the corner, that cornered boy, brittle and alone and stripped of armour and weapon and self, and Jesper wants to kill every single fucker in the Little Palace.
“Back home, you had a plan for everything,” he says instead. “I’m not assuming it’s a B or even a Z or a Q squared, but I know you. I know you’ve considered it. What do we do now your beloved long-lost friend’s shown up to help you steal the Sun Summoner?”
Yesterday, Kerch accepted the terms of the Ravkan crown. Ex-crown. Dark fucking empire. Whatever. Test all children and send the Grisha to the Little Palace, conscript some people into the First Army—though what they still need an army for when they have the Fold is anyone’s guess—send food, booze, and, worst of all to the fastidious greedy Kerch, pay tribute without receiving anything at all in return. It was in the mouth of every paperboy on the streets, every mercher, every gang boss. By Ghezen how could we just surrender? they moaned, and Do you want to end like West Ravka? and Didn’t you see him? Kirigan’s going to crown himself king of everything. He’s unstoppable. And that boy next to him, the Sun—
Honestly? Jesper doesn’t give a fuck anymore. He’s paying fifty kruge just to sit on Inej’s bed for an hour and braid her hair. Ketterdam can burn to the sopping wet ground for all he cares. The world can rot. Like the Dregs did. Like everything Jesper cared for.
Inej, though, watched it.
“I had to see,” she’s whispering into Jesper’s ear, barely moving her miserable red-painted lips even though his hair should block out most lines of sight already. Inej’s smart, though, and desperate: if Jesper keeps returning to the Menagerie as nothing but a smitten small-time gangster with an incredibly vanilla hair fetish, he won’t catch attention. Tante Heleen will have fewer reasons to raise Inej’s rates. Jesper can barely pay for a visit a month as it is, and even those he allows himself mostly because he’s given up the hope of ever paying off her indenture unless he wins big.
“I snuck out yesterday. I had to see. Heleen got a new girl from Ravka six months ago, and she believes, too. Had a cheap pamphlet with her, last thing she had, of the new Saint. The illustrations… they looked just like Kaz.”
“Fu—” Inej elbows him. Jesper presses his lips into the braid over her ear. “Forget about Kaz Brekker. You’re the only one who matters now. He died, and you ended up here.”
She’s trapped in the Menagerie now because Kaz disappeared into the harbour like so many orphans before him; because he didn’t tell Jesper jack shit about Inej’s situation that might have helped him keep her safe in the Dregs; because he allowed senile Haskell who knows the names of all his five hundred thousand miniature boats and literally nothing else to stay in charge of the Dregs instead of killing him as soon as possible, which allowed Haskell to let the payments for Inej’s indenture lapse, which meant three months after Kaz just disappeared from his life Jesper got back to the Slat to find that Inej, too, had gone without a trace, and it was only luck and a pervert old Dreg that Jesper soon afterwards ‘accidentally’ shoved off a roof talking about the girls at the Menagerie that meant he found her again. Found her, only to realize he can’t help her at all.
Inej pulls Jesper’s ear back to her mouth. “I saw him, Jesper. I saw Kaz. Kaz is alive. He was there. I saw him.”
“You what?!” A sharp elbow darting out of her red sad nightgown that would have slipped right in-between his ribs if it was one of the knives she still mourns, and he’s not even given anything away. Heleen’s a hell bitch, but what use would she get out of random surprise?
“I saw Kaz. He’s the Sun Summoner. I was far away but—it was Kaz, standing next to General Kirigan, holding his hand, when the Merchant’s Council signed the terms of surrender. It was Kaz. I’m certain. Sankt Kaz.”
“I—” Jesper burrows his face into Inej’s hair. “You didn’t happen to have a knife on you, did you? A really tiny one she couldn’t confiscate. A super lethal one. Might never get as good a chance again.”
“Fuck him sideways with a rusty shovel. That traitor. Did you forget how you ended up here? He left us. Saw a bigger pile of cash and skedaddled, I bet. He always wanted to be king. Guess becoming the Darkling’s queen was the next-best option.”
Inej doesn’t even defend Kaz. Jesper pulls away from her so he can look at her face. She always looks sad these days, unless she has specific painful orders to perk up, but it’s deeper now. She’s not doing the gesture, not holding her hand against her chest. Faith, now, is just one more thing Kaz Brekker took from her. Jesper can’t blame her, even though he never believed. Not even when Ravka’s new ‘Sun Summoner’ started gaining them the whole continent. Power’s power, though, no matter whether the stories around it are true. If Kaz truly is the Sun Summoner, then it’s not just Kaz Brekker who sent her back to the Menagerie—but one of her Saints. Fucking asshole.
He buries Inej in his arms. It’s all he can do now, to hold her until this month’s hour is up, because it’s not like he can just murder the Ravkans special weapon in retribution, can he? Can…
“This changes nothing,” he whispers. “The only priority is still paying off your indenture. Kaz quit the Dregs. He left us, and that means he’s nothing now. Less than nothing. I have a good feeling about the Makker’s Wheel at the Emerald Palace this weekend. Lots of pigeons there for the ‘Fete of Unity with Mother Ravka’ or whatever, and the minder thinks I’m hot. It’s risky, of course, but if I do this right—”
Jesper’s just about to crawl right back out from under the bed—weapons raised, since hell knows what Kaz was planning back there, and fuck Jesper for apparently still harbouring enough trust in the guy to follow his lead two years after he deserted—but then, a series of clicks and rumbles heralds the opening of the door. Footsteps, and it slides shut again.
Shit, that was close.
And Kaz wasn’t bluffing, after all. Well, well… it certainly means something that Kaz, beloved Saint and Sun Summoner and ally to the Darkling, just told his attempted murderer slash old friend and-or stooge to hide. Kaz never did anything without a motive, be it profit or power or vengeance, and even this degraded, polished version surely isn’t so far gone as to engage in ideas as base as altruism. Ergo, Kaz will want to use Jesper for—something, though what is there he wants when he’s basically a prince of—but he isn’t, is he? He’s in a cell. A cell Jesper can unlock.
Three pairs of footsteps move around the room. One of them might be Kaz, but without his limp, it’s hard to recognize him. None of them says a word, which… it probably means this is a routine visit. Whatever’s going on, they all know their role.
Two pairs stop moving, while the third one—circles around them, it sounds like, and then someone else stumbles a little and catches themselves. Jesper hopes they’ll hurry up. He’s in mortal danger, technically—Kaz can still choose to reveal the intruder inside the Sun Summoner’s private room and-orprison, but, prison. Jesper’s far more useful alive, and so, hiding under the bed is fucking boring.
There’s not even anything interesting in-between the slat frame and the mattress. It’s the only place where you could hide anything—that Jesper can think of, at least, but there’s just nothing there at all, and Kaz used to be a real magpie. It’s a gaping void, just like everything else in this room. Like everything else in this palace, a chasm painted over with gilt and power. Unless—something’s stuck to the underside of a cross brace. Jesper slides a fingernail under the edge, and it comes loose easily enough. Not exactly a cache worthy of Dirtyhands, and anyway, it’s just a… a mangled piece of paper. A paper that looks like it’s been chewed on and spat out—and an entire corner actually torn off, or bitten, maybe—and whatever used to be printed onto it mostly rubbed off except for a couple of letters here and there, RAV. Curved lines and tiny hats. What would Kaz need to hide in his room? Apart from weapons he doesn’t have. Other people’s jewellery, dito. The only thing that Jesper knows about him now is that he’s trying to open the door. Trying to leave. It’s probably a map, then.
Which means an escape is planned, and Jesper’s just providing the desperately sought means. Good. That means he should have even more leverage here.
Somebody stumbles again, this time taking two steps to catch themselves. Almost as if they’ve jerked away.
“You’re falling behind,” slimes the smooth, rich voice of the Darkling. “On second thought, our people would miss you at the celebration. I’ll inform the staff that you wish to dance, all night long.”
“You’re hanging around here because you heard that General Kirigan and the Sun Summoner are due back this hour, aren’t you?” The woman in a tidemaker’s kefta that just sidled up to Jesper speaks unaccented, high class central Ravkan. Even if her dark skin is an indication of Zemeni heritage, she came to the Little Palace long before the Darkling’s recent territorial acquisitions. She’s no ally, just like the rest of the crowd that surrounds them: an old-school Grisha, veteran Second Army, not someone whose loyalties may yet be pliable. Not someone like Jesper, whose skin started crawling the moment he showed his skills to a Ravkan occupation officer so he could sneak into the Little Palace. She’s friendly, though, and looks at Jesper’s face with clear appreciation. “You must be new. Hi. I’m Nadia.”
“Jesper,” he says, throwing a flirtatious grin like a blanket over his nerves and anger. It’s almost fun, playing the suave infiltrator assassin Grisha. Except Inej’s still in the Menagerie. And Kaz is still a piece of shit. “Yeah, I just got here! They didn’t test for Grisha ability in Novyi Zem when I was little, so I barely knew who I was… but once I heard about the Darkling, about this place, I crossed the True Sea as soon as I could!”
“That must have been so hard. So lonely. This place is…” She grimaces. “This place was our sanctuary. You’re lucky you’re Materialnik.”
“Why?” It’s the first time since his arrival that anyone’s had even a neutral opinion of Durasts, let alone good, and granted, it’s not like he cares that much about the ability his Ma died from, and he’s only talked to a dozen people since arriving yesterday, but…
“Listen, I know you want to see the Sun Summoner, and don’t tell anyone I said this but…” Nadia pulls Jesper a few paces away from the crowd on the training grounds, into a corner formed by two enormous bales of hay. Well-chosen: he can barely see the crowd that just surrounded them peek out behind the yellow stalks. “You’re sweet—”
“Listen, you’re gorgeous, but we just met—although, on second—”
“No!” She laughs, but it’s bitter. “You’re cute, but no. It’s my duty, to her, to protect you. The new ones. You’re Materialnik, so you’re not combat, so you’re not going to actually meet the Sun Summoner. Ever, if you’re lucky.”
“He’s that bad?” Kaz was always a dick, if Jesper’s honest—it was part of his charm—he was just a charming magnetic one, and back with the Dregs Jesper hated his ruthlessness just as much as he admired it. He was worst to his fellow Dregs and his enemies, though: he could charm a mark when needed. So it’s a tad unexpected that Kaz earned himself the hatred of a Grisha indoctrinated from childhood to see him as her Saint and saviour. Apparently, he’s just that talented. That obnoxious.
Well, Jesper’s not complaining. That makes his plan much easier.
“He killed my best friend,” Nadia whispers urgently. “The last time I saw her they were taking a walk, and then I found her, blisters and burns all over her body. Who else? There’s a reason he’s not allowed to have weapons. I heard the Darkling doesn’t let him go anywhere alone, or he would murder us all. He killed Baghra too, I’m sure—she was our teacher, but she disappeared two years ago. Just stay away from him, alright? He looks harmless, but he’s a rabid dog. Oh. There he comes.”
Jesper barely manages to whisper, “Thank you,” before she pulls away from him and returns to her previous place. Back to the crowd of Etherealki and Corporalki on the training field, but she finds her place in the last row, standing—hiding—behind two men much taller than her.
Jesper follows into the crowd. No need to alert Kaz that the past is hot on his heels, and then—
Well. There he is.
There someoneis, anyway.
If Jesper trusted Inej just a hair’s breadth less, he’d have cursed her and sneaked back out of the Little Palace the second he sees the person holding General Kirigan’s hand. Sure, the Sun Summoner is male, with dark brown hair and dark eyes and pale skin, and just a little bit taller than Kaz was at fifteen, but that’s where the similarities end. Dirtyhands had his impeccable mercher’s suits in a grim mockery of Ketterdam’s upper class, and gloves to feed the rumours, and a cane to walk and kill. His hair managed to be at once floppy and severe; just like his gaunt face, in the right light, made him look utterly captivating and not just like an annoyed scheming rat. He looked exactly like the Bastard of the Barrel should. Not pleasant or easy, but the person Jesper once would have followed into any lion’s den.
This—this Sun Summoner, on Kirigan’s arm, is beautiful. Healthful. Pristine.
Barely even a fucking person.
It��s the face, mostly.
You could never tell what Kaz was thinking, just looking at him, because he was, after all, thinking in layers upon layers of incomprehensible schemes at all times of the day and then went to bed and dreamt about ploys and deceptions. Jesper could barely follow him the three times total he deigned to explain part of his plans. But you could always tell that Kaz was thinking. Planning, scheming, plotting his greedy bloody vicious way out of and into every possible house on every possible street.
The Sun Summoner looks empty. He’s staring straight ahead, but he’s not even doing thatwith any kind of purpose. He’s like a pet on the Darkling’s arm. He looks more airheaded than all blackout drunk heirs and heiresses in Ketterdam combined.
It’s incredibly eerie, because now he’s searching for it Jesper can sort of read Kaz Brekker back into the Sun Summoner’s face. This face is much smoother, without the marks of past firepox, plumped and rosy-tinted, but that might partially just be a testament to the quality of Ravkan cooks—or, how skint the Dregs always were. He has a normal haircut. It probably suits him better, unless your standard for beauty is Dirtyhands, and unfortunately Jesper—anyway. The Sun Summoner doesn’t have a cane, either, and he doesn’t need one, apparently, because he isn’t limping. Ravkan royal healthcare, but honestly, Kaz could have pressed a Grisha healer into service back in Ketterdam only he always insisted—well, whatever. Fuck his words of wisdom. Fuck him. Fuck Kaz. Jesper shouldn’t even be remembering that snake.
Kaz Brekker betrayed Inej, left her to rot in the Menagerie, so whatever role he’s playing right now in whatever scheme this is—because it has to be a scheme that put Kaz into the yellow robe he’s in right now, so thin it’s translucent, and sleeveless too in the Ravkan winter. The Dregs tattoo on his arm is gone. Two Inferni are flanking him and the Darkling, their hands perpetually on fire just so Kaz can parade about in a robe no Menagerie slave would go outside in, but still, it’s Kaz. It’s definitely Kaz Brekker. Jesper can see it now.
Fuck him. He traded the Dregs for this. He abandoned them to Haskell’s mismanagement and let Inej go back to the Menagerie. He betrayed them all.
(Of course, Jesper abandoned Inej now too, and without a word, but—after that last catastrophic loss in the Emerald Palace, there’s a zero percent chance the Dime Lions wouldn’t have strung him up by his own entrails—or sold him into indenture, trying to make back at least a fraction of the fifty thousand kruge he owes—so really, he had no choice. It’s the next best thing, right? If he can’t help her anymore, at least he can kill the bastard that started all their troubles.)
Kaz just walks off, hand in the Darkling’s grasp, towards the Little Palace. Carelessly following the other man’s lead.
The old Kaz would have noticed Jesper.
Footsteps and then, a series of clicks and pieces of wood and metal rubbing stones. The door. Kaz’s legs, taking steps backwards to the bed in a perfect, healthy gait. The rich soft creaking of the bed as he sinks down again, and in front of Jesper—the same two muscular, pale, bare, identical hairy calves. Like the legs of a statue, or one of those de Kappels he used to like, except the right leg is trembling finely. Barely noticeable if it wasn’t right in front of Jesper’s face. Those Ravkans maybe aren’t so crafty after all.
Then: nothing.
After what feels like an hour in which Jesper doesn’t dare move, even though the Darkling must have left already, a hand drops off the edge off the mattress. Middle and index finger erect, then crooking twice in quick succession. It takes a moment to connect. Jesper hasn’t seen those signals in such a—move, path clear. Yes. That’s what it was.
Jesper wriggles out from under the bed, annoyingly free of dust. Pristine. Empty, just like everything else.
“Didn’t think the Sun Summoner needed to use our secret code, boss,” he drawls up at Kaz from the floor. Kaz, with his barren black eyes and his new porcelain doll face, picking at the wide open collar of his yellow shirt.
“Never drop a tool you can still use,” Kaz says. A beat. “Didn’t think I was your boss anymore.”
“You aren’t.” Jesper turns his head away, looking at the spotless floor and the intricately painted walls from his low vantage point. Exquisite, imposing, empty: a Saint’s cage, as beautiful and terrible as Inej’s room in the Menagerie. The bare wall hiding the inaccessible door. “That guy really fucking hates you.”
Kaz doesn’t reply. Jesper turns his head back to watch him again, even though that won’t give him anything more: Kaz used to be willfully inscrutable even back in the Barrel, but after whatever Grisha surgery they did to him, there are only traces left of the real person trapped inside him. Dollface, Jesper thinks again. Who’d have expected they’d turn fucking Dirtyhands into a dollface?
It’s Kaz who turns away, fingers clawed into his neckline. His voice is rough, even if it’s a shadow of the damaged rasp that used to be him. “I thought about it sometimes, back then. The first time.”
Every fibre of Jesper’s being wants to interrupt with, What are you talking about? I don’t speak cryptic anymore. I’m out of practice. He should get off the floor, raise his guns, resume—but whatever it is, whether it’s some stupid new Grisha power, whether it’s zowa, or his memory of Kaz is just coming back, he doesn’t—
“It was like this. I was on my bed already, usually, when it grew hard—and I thought you would be up for not being on the bed, and there wasn’t much else in my room. I imagined watching you. I didn’t touch it. That was better.”
Uh. What.
“He probably knows I threw up after we—I tried to hide it. I thought I could manipulate him into seeing me as his partner, I thought I’d healed, that I’d practiced enough—but he just saw that I was still weak. He saw he could control me. But if he didn’t do it again because I threw up, I’m—”
He was right. Jesper would have stayed on the cold hard floor back then for him. Even now, Jesper would crawl around like a worm jerking off for the fucking asshole he got himself trapped in the Little Palace to murder, if that meant Kaz never had to—
Kaz pulls the neckline of his flimsy thin single ugly yellow shirt closed. The shirt that doesn’t protect him. The shirt he didn’t choose.
Jesper’s imagined the Sun Summoner’s quarters, of course. Most of the Grisha in the Little Palace are wretched gossips—or Jesper’s been charming as many people into spilling as many secrets as possible to him so he can plan his attack, same difference—and anyway, he needs a backdrop for his imagined kill shots. It’s Kaz Brekker, after all. Dirtyhands. The ex-Bastard. You’d want to rehearse that death. Think of some witty one-liners.
Nadia said it was gorgeous inside, like a dollhouse. Lizaveta, who Jesper’s been told to shadow so he can learn how to become a proper Durast, insisted it’s totally empty. Grzegorz said there were live kittens inside, so the Sun Summoner could sate his lust for innocent blood, Sayyna thought there was a giant swimming pool, and a lovely naïve boy from the edge of the permafrost up at the former border insisted it was just like the quarters of all other Grisha, except with a little more privacy. Since they’re all siblings fighting for a world that will be kind to Grisha.
Jesper, privately, imagined a few stolen paintings and a mishmash of furniture. Because he’s an idiot.
This is just like—
If it is the Sun Summoner’s bedroom at all. It should be. Jesper did his homework: he followed the Darkling and his Sun Summoner creature that wears the skin used to house Kaz, and a variety of Materialniks, to the end of this specific corridor, five times in total. Watched the Materialniks unlock a hidden mechanism, and then the two most powerful men in Ravka—in all charted countries, ruling everything this side of the True Sea but pockets of Shu Han and even that’s a matter of time—they walked inside, hand in hand. The Darkling always left, after a while, alone, and so it only made sense to assume that the hidden room that Jesper just snuck up to and unlocked is, in fact, the Sun Summoner’s room. Kaz’ room. It’s the best time for breaking into it, too. There’s going to be a party in two days, so hopefully everyone’s too busy, and even if the Sun Summoner’s out doing preparations then Jesper can just hide in here and kill him in an ambush. That’s probably easier, actually.
First, though, he locks and hides the door again, because… yeah, he went to Ravka expecting to get caught. At some point. This is a suicide mission for revenge, after all—suicide is in in the title. But it’s no fun if he gets caught before the gory glorious revenge part. Before Kaz admits he was a piece of shit. Both guns cocked and ready, he turns around, and actually inspects the room he broke into.
No. Nothing changes, even when he blinks and blinks again. That wasn’t a faulty first impression.
The room still looks like a fucking prison cell.
A fancy, clean cell, but a cell nonetheless. It’s empty except for the bed, and Jesper owes Lizaveta more money than he has on him (though to be fair, technically, Jesper’s fifty thousand kruge in debt anyway, so does it really make a difference at all if he’s a few Ravkan coins more in the red), and even the windows—Jesper’s had enough training now that he can look at the windows and see the subtly reinforcing mesh inside the glass. No curtains. No curtain rods. Nothing—there’s a subtle mesh inside the bedclothes too and the frame of the bed looks far too sturdy to be torn apart by anyone who isn’t a skilled Materialnik. There are meshes in front of the fireplaces.
Nothing in here that can be used as a weapon.
Not against others, and not against oneself.
No escape.
There’s nothing in this stark white massive room but a person, acting like he never did before and still looking more like himself than when he was walking through the training grounds. It’s probably the distance from other people. He’s got his back to Jesper and he’s in the furthest corner from the door, which should be a tactical misstep because he can’t escape from there but really—it’s as good as any other location, in this room. There’s nothing of use to anyone left, not even to someone as shrewd as Dirtyhands used to be before he lobotomized himself into the Sun Summoner. Or before he was—
Kaz pushes himself up from his kneeling position using the walls he faces. He mutters, “I beg your forgiveness for keeping you waiting, Aleks.” His voice sounds odd.
“Are you crying?”
Kaz turns so quickly he has to brace himself against the wall again lest he fall over. His translucent shirt ripples. His dark eyes in his weird new too-handsome face trace over Jesper, again and again. If they were fingers, Jesper would feel like he’s being caressed. No, that’s the wrong thought. A thought from a book he won’t admit he’s read. Jesper’s got his guns out. He came here for a reason. A bloody, glorious reason.
“Inej wouldn’t want me to do this, but she’s locked up in the fucking Menagerie,” he announces, just to see whether Kaz can feel even a shred of guilt. “Just so you could be a Ravkan prince in ugly yellow lingerie.”
“Just follow my—”
No, then. Or maybe it’s just the new face Jesper can’t read. Not that it matters. “Shut up. Do you remember what you told me when I joined the Dregs? About what you’d do to traitors? Well, I have added a couple of my own ideas.”
“Shut up, Jesper. You can monologue when we’re done, but—”
Jesper aims right between his weird, smooth pebble eyes. “When you left us, you knew it would all go to shit. Inej’s in the Menagerie, and there’s no way to get her out again. Haskell let the Dregs collapse after you disappeared. No Dregs, no kru—”
Kaz flinches. “Quick. Get under the bed. Now.”
Whether it’s surprise, a sex instinct, or—far worse—a lingering sense of loyalty, Jesper obeys instantly.
“We’re lost,” Jesper moans. They’ve been surrounded by trees for four days. He’s not even sure they’re trudging vaguely southwards anymore. Everything looks the same. What wouldn’t Jesper give to be back in Ketterdam already, with its lovely street names and pedestrians and garish landmarks (and gangsters about to string him up), or at least somewhere in Novyi Zem where he sort of understands the landscape. Or what’s left of Shu Han, so Kaz can unclench.
“We’re not lost,” Kaz rasps. “Keep going.”
“How do you—the map.” The half-chewed-up map hidden under Kaz’ bed, the map he snuck into his coat—Jesper’s kefta, whatever—even though he probably already knows it by heart.
“Yes. The map.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me to choose where we’re going if you’re memorized the map?!” What an asshole. Jesper just clean forgot what a piece of shit Kaz is. He forgot it so utterly he’s helping him break out of Ravka, without even extracting anything in return. He’s a fucking idiot. “Is it so you can blame me when we get caught?”
Kaz, the dick, rolls his eyes. “Wouldn’t I rather not get caught at all? Think, Jesper—what’s the one advantage you have over me?”
“I’m prettier,” Jesper shoots back. “My winning personality. I have a better tolerance for hard liquor. Fashion sense. I’m funny. No, wait—I’m a much more generous lover.”
“He doesn’t know you,” Kaz hisses, making the pronoun sound even more slimy than the guy it’s referring to, which is honestly quite a feat. “Do you think this is my first attempt? He’ll send people to every single route out of his core territory that poses any advantages. He has enough soldiers for that. What he doesn’t have, though, is enough soldiers to watch every route your bird-brain might pick at random.”
And then, he stalks ahead viciously. No. Limps ahead.
It’s been growing much more pronounced over the days. At first, even without a cane he walked just like any person with two healthy legs, and that’s what Jesper expected. The Ravkans healed their Saint’s leg, didn’t they? That’s what they would do. Only Kaz can think around enough corners to make his bad leg into an advantage. But with every passing day, Kaz’ gait has grown closer to what Jesper remembers from back before the world went to shit. Kaz was touchy about accommodations back then, though, or people being nice in general, so Jesper hasn’t even brought up improvising a new cane. All he’s dared to do is slowing down his own steps to what he remembers would have matched Kaz, back then.
And insisting on taking breaks. Like he does now.
“It’s almost night, you refuse to make light despite being made of sunshine, and I’m hungry,” he complains.
“I’d assume that Ketterdam has made you soft,” Kaz rasps, “o cherished crown jewel of crime and commerce, and what’s the difference.” He limps back to the fallen tree that Jesper has chosen as their camp site, though, so he must be a just few steps short of utter collapse.
Jesper unwraps the two woollen blankets he’s been carrying on his shoulders. They didn’t get a chance to steal much, mostly because Kaz was a prick about it and didn’t even let Jesper go back to his room: apparently there was time for Kaz to fold up a paper bag into a facsimile of an envelope and write an address in Djerholm onto it and have Jesper talk a stable-hand into riding out to deliver it, right now, but no time to search anywhere else for supplies. They took just whatever they found in the stables, which amounted to extra coats, some boots, the blankets, and horse feed. And gloves. Kaz declared it was time to run as soon as he’d found gloves.
Balefully, Jesper chews on his oats. Even wrapped in his blanket, the night is cold, and Kaz—who’s still wearing nothing but underpants besides the robe/gloves/Jesper’s kefta/stolen coat combo and ill-fitting boots without socks—is shivering violently.
“We should steal you some real clothes from the next house we see,” Jesper mutters. “And some decent food.”
“We’re not stealing anything until we’re in Shu.”
They’ve had this argument before. Jesper shouldn’t be as thrilled about that as he is. There’s no way to resolve it, until they find the border—or until Kaz keels over from hypothermia, because then even his rational fear of detection won’t keep Jesper from finding some trousers. For the time being, though—
“I’m going to sit closer and steal your body heat. In exchange, you can wrap my blanket around your legs.”
Kaz glares. He can do it masterfully again: just like the limp snuck back as soon as he left the Little Palace, his face over the days grew thin and pockmarked. Vicious. Jesper’s commited it to memory, in case Oily, Tall and Dark steals it again.
“If you freeze to death tonight, this was all for nothing. I could be sleeping in a palace right now. Well, a dingy side house, with the other Materialniks, but joke’s on them. This whole escape would have been much more complicated if I’d been a Squaller. Or a Sun Summoner, who refuses to even use his power to warm us up.”
“Leave it.” Kaz runs a finger roughly over where his collarbone should be, and he shudders. The temperature, or something worse, some new pain he’s not revealing—but carefully, he leans his blanketed side against Jesper, and allows Jesper to throw his own blanket over him, too.
“I’ll make you a new cane tomorrow. With a head, too, if we can scavenge enough metal from the buttons. Not a crow. You haven’t earned that until we free Inej, but maybe… a worm.”
“That’s just a stick,” Kaz mutters. “Go to sleep.”
Easy for him to say: Kaz is taking the first watch, and so he’s not balancing on a fallen log in the cold without a blanket, trying to fall asleep sitting up while leaning against Kaz’ shoulder with as little contact surface as physically possible. After some hours or minutes, though, Jesper’s suffering is too much for even Kaz to handle. Who knew there was a limit! Who knew Kaz had heard of mercy! Maybe he just doesn’t like Jesper wriggling next to him. He fists a lock of Jesper’s curls and pulls his head down into his lap.
“I didn’t help you because I want to fuck you, just so you’re aware,” Jesper jokes, because this is actually—it’s actually almost comfortable curling up on the fallen tree with his head on the blanket on Kaz’ thighs, even though there’s the remnants of a branch digging into his hip and they’re on the run from all Grisha in the world and also the new, expanded Ravka that covers nearly every country on this continent and Inej’s still imprisoned and if they actually manage to get back to Ketterdam, Jesper’s going to be in so much shit. And still, it’s… “I mourned you, you know, when Haskell told me you’d died. I wasn’t just angry because the Dregs were a shambles without you.”
Kaz is quiet. Jesper sort of wishes he’d touch his hair again, or his shoulder—and he never seemed to have any trouble touching the Darkling, so what, is Jesper not good enough—but he also looked like a void back there, like in order to endure it maybe he had to smother—
“That’s not why I mentioned that fantasy back there,” says Kaz, lyingly. Sure. He just happened to invoke Jesper’s obvious past crush for no reason whatsoever. The awfully convenient infatuation Jesper didn’t have sense nor skill to hide back then. Kaz is exactly the kind of person who’d exploit someone’s first love. The person who’s realize, long before Jesper did, that maybe, he’s not actually completely over—but maybe that wasn’t the important bit then. It went on. And that story about the Darkling—
“You thought I’d help you out of pity?” Jesper would have done, if he hadn’t been so angry—if he hadn’t been already so freaked out by the placid expression, the clothes that looked expressly designed to torture the Kaz he knew, the cell… It wasn’t pity. What is it you feel when a person you knew—maybe not his secrets or his past or his thoughts or what trouble he just dragged you into because he’s a secretive dick, but still, you knew him, it was burned into your heart, his movements and the codes he taught you and just when a heist was about to trigger one of his fears he’d never mentioned and you needed to get him out now… What do you feel, when that person comes back from the dead, and comes back wrong. Like a stag with too many tongues inside its mouths and its hands locked behind its throat. Except the other way round, because Kaz Brekker was terrifying, and what he was made into or what pretended to be was only scary because it wasn’t. Anyway. Kaz is a manipulative commandeering asshole again, so it doesn’t matter. “You despise pity.”
“It’s a tool, just like everything else. One he couldn’t take. And pride just gave me—pity got me out of the Little Palace, didn’t it?”
“Something did.” Jesper tips his non-existent hat, and Kaz slaps the top of his head to make him stop wriggling. He keeps the hand there this time, knotted tight in Jesper’s hair. It stings, but it’s also… Jesper closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep before inevitably, it’ll leave.
“Pride. It was my fault.” Kaz’ voice almost sounds the way it did back home. Harsh, vicious—and damaged. Human. “I thought I could bear it. He was—the Sun Summoner could have no weaknesses, he said, nothing for our enemies to use, and I allowed myself to think… ‘our’ enemies. I practiced. It was easier, after a while, to bear touch. I thought—it seemed like the best option, to stand at his side, and to make him see me as his partner I should… I was tired of being a prisoner. I thought I could use him.”
That’s bad enough, but… “But you’re limping again,” Jesper hisses. “If he’s forming you like a clay doll to make you his perfect Sun Summoner, he should have started with healing you.”
“They did, when I first came to the Palace. I didn’t want—but I learned to accept it. After my first escape, he broke it again, personally. Had it tailored over, afterwards, every few days. Incentive for cooperation.”
There’s nothing Jesper can do to fix this stagnant, lifeless voice. He could hug Inej, at least, but this—
“It’s what I would have done, too. He was just better than me, and he didn’t need another one, so he had to change me.”
“By dressing you up and making you look like a doll. If you tell me it was a sex thing, at least I could—no, still couldn’t relate. His taste’s shit. That beauty was pretty ugly,” Jesper mutters into Kaz’ thighs.
Kaz pulls at his hair again—probably a rebuke, but the sting travels down Jesper’s spine to—well, it’s time to change the subject rather quickly. What’s there to… oh yeah, his head’s on a blanket. That’ll do. “I just had a great idea,” he says, and—yeah, his voice is still completely normal and steady. A little loud, maybe. Kaz hasn’t moved his hand away, though, so it can’t be too obvious.
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
“Fuck off, my bright idea of breaking into the centre of Grishadom to kill you in a murder-suicide attack because what else was I going to do, let the Dime Lions grind me between millstones to press out the fifty thousand kruge I may perhaps still owe them—”
“You what?!”
Jesper powers on, because that’s really a conversation best left for when he’s not lying in a forest with his head in Kaz’ lap and trying to forget, desperately, the way it felt when Kaz pulled his hair. The way it feels when he does it again. “I’m just saying, it saved you. You’re welcome. So anyway. We only have one pair of trousers. I was going to suggest we alternate wearing mine, but we both know I wouldn’t get them back.”
“Your so-called idea is… interesting,” Kaz mutters, voice almost pulled asunder trying for both disturbed and mocking. “But I’m far more interested to hear about the fact you skipped out of Ketterdam without paying your debts. A crime punishable by death in every gang. Every gang in Ketterdam, the city where you want us to go.”
And yeah, that’s occurred to Jesper, but… “That’s a problem for later. You’ll think of something, boss, if we make it that far. You always have a plan. For now… I wouldn’t—well, I would carry you if your legs freeze off, but it wouldn’t be fun for either of us, so… You sewed yourself up constantly back home, and I’d wager sewing is just like swimming. Once you know, you can never forget.”
“Skills are useless if you lack every materia—Jes—”
“Yeah, I definitely can turn a button into a needle now. We just need to tear the second blanket into some vaguely trouser-shaped pieces, and for thread—well, we could just tear up your Sun Summoner robe, it’s useless anyway.”
“Jesper,” Kaz rasps again.
“I’m a genius?”
“No, you’re still an idiot. Why not, though?”
Kaz Brekker disappeared between Sunday and Tuesday night. That’s all Jesper knows, and it’s that precise only because Kaz has been experimenting with the payroll recently. Apparently, handing out wages on late Tuesday maximizes the chances of flushing as much money as possible back into the coffers of Dregs-owned establishments, and he’s also taken to handing out the money personally. Some weird power play that Haskell hasn’t yet forbidden: everyone knows Kaz barely bothers to keep his accomplices informed about the job they’re currently doing, and the big boss tolerates him mostly because Dirtyhands is still more useful insubordinate than dead.
It’s Wednesday now, though. Wednesday afternoon.
And Jesper still hasn’t gotten paid.
Kaz is gone.
Jesper’s in Haskell’s office, inquiring about everyone’s money. Too irritated by the games of Makker’s Wheel he was forced to miss out on last night to perform anything but the most pro forma I remember my boss’ boss is technically my boss and can kill me pleasantries. Instead of promising to kick Kaz’ ass, though, like Jesper hoped, Haskell just tells him Pasko will give him his wages tomorrow.
Haskell won’t say anything else. Just, “That boy got himself mixed up in something he couldn’t handle alone, and it fucked him. You won’t like what you find, when you go looking for the dead.”
14 notes · View notes
agustdef · 4 years
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Pairing: Johnny Suh x Reader x Min Yoongi
Genre: Angst; Fluff; Friends to Lovers; Coworkers to Lovers
Word Count: 16.1K
Warning: Language; Past Infidelity (not by anyone in the pairing); Mild mention of not great mental health; Implied Smut at the end. 
Rating: PG15
My Weird and Mildly Chaotic Banner Maker: @dee-ehn​
My Lovely Dweeb Beta Reader: @guktro​
A/N: This fic was crafted for the DramaVers collab hosted by the ever so lovely (never tell her I called her that) @namluve​. My fic is based off the K-Drama/Web Drama, XX, which you can watch here if you feel so inclined. Would recommend. (Psst... it’s only 5 episodes all under an hour long.)
Summary: When you work your whole life to reach your dreams of owning a bar you hope that having that dream ripped from under you without notice isn’t a part of life’s plan. And you definitely don’t imagine that it comes with suddenly being business partners with your ex-best friend. But life doesn’t work in the way we want it. At the end of the day you try to focus on the things that make life better, until the two men in your life who hold your heart (something you didn’t think possible) meet and hit if off so well that you’re sure your life is moments from collapsing completely.
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The entire time Hyuk spoke YN sat there feeling like she couldn’t process his words. She heard all of it and took it in, but she was stuck on what he’d said when she’d walked into their bar to do inventory on the one day they were closed. Hyuk wasn’t supposed to be there, so it shocked her to see him pacing about but then he blurted something out and she’d never had the chance to exit her shocked state.
“YN, did you hear me?” he asked.
She wasn’t completely pulled from the surreal feeling she experienced, but enough of her became present enough to look at him and nod. Of course, she wanted to retreat into thoughts that said it was all a dream when she saw the pity in his eyes.
“I really am sorry, YN. I had to sell it and I know I said I’d give you a heads up if I ever wanted or needed to give my share up, but it couldn’t be helped. It was the only way to get my father to give into appointing me a position on his board before he found someone else. But I found someone who's done well with other bars and she’s just trying to expand her portfolio, so I’m sure she’ll sell you her half when all is said and done,” Hyuk reassured.
None of his words helped her feel good about it though, if anything she felt worse after hearing him. It became more real as he explained things to her for the third time that night. Her dream of the bar being hers had been so close, she’d almost had all the money to buy him out and it all came crashing down.
To think her phone calendar had a day three months in the future as the day she’d succeed. For a moment all she could think about was deleting it, so instead of responding she pulled out her phone and did just that.
“What are you-” he started, until he noticed what she did.
“YN, I-”
Her standing abruptly was what cut him off the next time; plus startled him to the point where he almost slid from his bar stool. His klutzy actions usually brought her some joy no matter how brief, but nothing in her could muster up any positive emotions.
After she took a deep breath she stared at him with a neutral expression and spoke. “You can put everything I need to know in the office for me to check in the morning. Anything else can be sent to me via email. That includes the new co-owners contact information so that I can set up a meeting with them so we can discuss things. If I need something you didn’t give I will contact you. I hope everything works out just the way you want it, Hyuk. I’m leaving now, lock up behind yourself and mail me the keys.”
With that she turned on her heel and walked out of the door, she needed to put some distance between her and him. As well as her and the bar. Not even Hyuk calling out for her stopped her from leaving, nothing he had to say was something she needed to hear. At least not while her world crumbled before her eyes.
From there she went home. The process was a blur as she relied on muscle memory to get her on public transportation and then walk the rest of the way. By the time she came to she was inside and knocking on the door to her roommate’s bedroom.
“YN, I thought you wouldn’t be back until three,” Johnny said as he opened the door, voice laced with sleep.
However, his inquiry seemed to no longer matter as he took YN in. She’d stopped holding it all in and her body slouched, shaking slightly as the tears poured down her face. Every second or so she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out until the sob finally released itself.
Johnny had her in his arms instantly. Not a word was uttered as he used one hand to press her face close to his chest and the other to rub slow circles into her back. And even when she calmed enough to speak, he merely shushed her and pulled her into his room. She wasn’t allowed to say a word until she was dressed in one of his too big t-shirts and they were cuddled in his bed.
She appreciated it too, because even though she’d been ready to talk her mind needed time to collect itself before she blurted out nonsense.
“Hyuk sold his share of the bar to someone else. Needed to let it go for his dad to give him some position at his company or some shit,” she whispered.
She felt Johnny’s body stiffen as she finished and then felt him take several deep breaths as she felt his heart speed up. He wasn’t a person quick to anger, but in certain situations he just couldn’t stop how quickly it came to head. Especially when he was proven right in a way he wished he wasn’t.
Minutes ticked by as he did his deep breathing and YN expected him to blow up or point out how he’d warned her, but nothing came.
“No, I told you so?” she asked.
That got a laugh out of him, though it was bitter.
“You know I won’t. This isn’t like when you bust your ass trying to get down from a table while drunk. This is your dreams being tampered with by a prick who couldn’t even show his dad he was responsible by co-owning a successful bar, but still managed to get what he wanted at your expense.”
Displeasure coated his every word and though it should’ve made her sad to think of her former co-owner and his shitty behavior she couldn’t help but laugh. It was because as he spoke she remembered all the times Johnny had snubbed or called the man out on his bare minimum rich kid behavior to his face. Johnny had never liked him and it was always clear to everyone, so he never missed a chance to be petty.
Sadly, that amusement went as quick as it came.
YN sighed. “Well, it is what it is now. Can’t change what’s already done. At least he said they only want to own it temporarily to pad their portfolio or some shit.”
In an instant, Johnny pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes.
“So, there’s still a chance?”
Though the hope in his voice boosted hers, she couldn’t get herself to give in. So instead of being as enthusiastic, she nodded.
Johnny’s eyes narrowed at that. “I will allow your non-excitement to slide because you are in shock and hurt, but you’re not going to go back to thinking this is a pipe dream. You can and will get the bar all to yourself. And let’s not forget you’re close to saving enough to start your own elsewhere if it falls through. And before you say it, I know this is your dream place in your dream location, but remember you had another dream location before this.”
Naturally, her best friend didn’t even allow her to voice her negative thoughts, something she was grateful for in that moment. She’d had a rant about how she should give up and all kinds of downer nonsense ready to spill out before he’d called her on her bullshit.
Another sigh escaped her and she nodded before laying her head on his chest again.
“Are you opening today?” she asked.
“No. After the bridal party, who wanted to drink and make perfume all night, I needed a break. And because they went well over their time I got paid double so I could miss three days and still not feel the loss.”
“Then can we stay in bed all day?” she asked.
“Sure, we can order something and watch TV. But can we sleep first, you woke me up too early,” he whined.
It was noon.
YN shrugged. “Fine with me, but I need to go get a bon-”
Before she could finish that sentence a dark purple bonnet was shoved in her face and she barely grabbed it before a thought came to her.
“You did steal it!”
“No, you left it in here after you took down your braids that one day. I found it somewhere in my dirty laundry. I for one don’t need a bonnet and for two, after the time I borrowed your SPF lotion and you nearly murdered me I learned my lesson,” Johnny said.
“You almost made me go outside ashy. My skin was being uneven with its six shades of brown instead of one, I didn’t need it to be dry too.”
He rolled his eyes at that but adjusted them a little so he could press a kiss to her forehead and then got comfortable.
“Yes, yes I know. Now put it on and go to sleep,” he said.
Part of her wanted to say something more, but she simply slid the bonnet over her hair, which was twisted, and laid down.
As her eyes closed her brain drifted to the horror of her morning, but she fought it off and tried to focus on the positive. Johnny was right; she had options, which didn’t leave her at a complete loss no matter how things went and that was a good thing.
Plus, she had Johnny by her side, even if it wasn’t always in the way she wanted. That thought brought a twinge to her heart, but she cuddled closer and reminded herself that moments like that were enough.
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“He just dropped it all on you at once? I knew he was a self-centered prick, but damn,” Yoongi commented.
YN had relayed what happened to her main bartender when they’d both come in to prep the bar before it opened. She planned to keep it from him until she met her new co-owner, but he saw through her the moment she walked in that afternoon. Fighting him was futile, something she learned within the first six months of him working there, so she just spilled everything as she wiped down the bar stools.
“Yup. No warning at all, just told me with everything done before I could object. Something about thinking just being straightforward would lessen the blow. Since I prefer bluntness and all that,” she mumbled.
Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed Yoongi pause as he wiped down the counter and turn to look at her fully.
“Does that dumbass still not know what the word blunt means? Because it’s sure as fuck not screw over your business partner and the only person who kept a business afloat while he cried to daddy about not getting the position he wanted because he’s a failure. Fucking weirdo,” Yoongi shouted.
Though it wasn't really funny YN couldn't help but throw her head back in laughter, pausing in her cleaning as it coursed through her. She couldn't even stop the tears that came along with it.
When she finally pulled it together Yoongi was cleaning again, but the smile he wore showed he was happy with his handy work. And YN was thankful for it. He always knew just what to say to make her laugh when she needed it, even if the joy only lasted for a few seconds. It was one of the things that drew her into him as they got to know each other. Past his introverted defense mechanisms was a sweet man who often just did his best to help wherever he could.
The only person keeping her sane most days.
“Well, yeah he is a dumbass I will finally and fully admit it. But, he was a dumbass keeping me from having to put off certain things to keep this place moving forward, so for a time he was worth something. Now he’s just a fucking headache fucking up my plans.”
Silence filled the room after that as they finished sanitizing everything and got the bar set up for patrons. They were ready an hour in advance, which wasn’t something they usually did with YN preferring it to be only thirty minutes before the last thing was finished, but she didn’t want them working as she met the new co-owner.
There was nothing in her that wanted to impress them, but she preferred all the things be in tip top shape and nothing left to worry over as she handled something so stressful. It shouldn't have felt like that, but meeting someone she didn’t know and didn’t choose in a bar they would both own wasn’t fun. Especially when she thought about other people who’d come in before wanting to be her business partner but wanted everything changed. Something that wouldn’t happen.
“You can take a break and go out if you want. I can meet them alone,” she said as she checked one of the mini fridges under the bar one last time.
She expected Yoongi to say he’d go grab coffee from his favorite place to give him that final boost to keep on his customer service voice all shift, but he shook his head no. He grabbed a bottle of water and sat down at one of the tables farther into the bar. It confused YN and she planned to say something, but then the sound of a door opening caught her attention.
They both turned their attention to the intruder and YN immediately felt like the wind was knocked out of her.
In the door of her bar stood Chae Hyungwon, her ex-best friend.
Thankfully, he appeared just as shocked as she was, though he tried his best to pull it together. His usual fake confident smirk made an appearance and his gaze shifted from her to the space around them. His head nodded every so often and soft sounds of approval slipped from his lips as he did.
YN knew it was him avoiding her gaze to prepare whatever non-caring act he planned to put on with her, but that didn’t ease her at all.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
After several seconds of blatantly ignoring her Hyungwon responded.
“Is that any way to speak to your new boss?” he asked.
Shock wasn’t the word that YN used to describe how hearing those words felt, mostly because it wasn’t what coursed through her. It was more like amusement at being some sort of joke to the universe. Amusement and immense sadness.
“Co-owner. You are my co-owner. And let’s not forget that I own most of it,” YN said.
Hyungwon’s eyes went wide. “You’re the co-owner?”
That was a small win for her.
“Ah, so Hyuk didn’t just decide to withhold information from me. At least he’s a consistent idiot,” she said.
There was a beat of silence before YN pulled herself together and decided that she would unleash her feelings later and handle her predicament in that moment.
“So, shall we sit and talk?” she asked.
Hyungwon stared at her for a moment before nodding. At that YN motioned towards a table she’d set up for them and went to sit down. She waited a moment for him to settle in before pushing a folder across the table. And though clearly confused he took it and flipped through the contents.
He scoffed. “What is this, a college orientation? Am I to read and sign all of these, then be punished if I fail to do them or disregard them?”
That startled him, but YN didn’t give him time to recover.
“That contains all the information that you need to know about this business. How it is currently run, it’s vendors, it’s monthly costs, the excel sheets we use to track information so that we can make small changes here and there to stay on top of how to best run things. And as you saw on top, explains the rules that I’ve laid out for you as co-owner. They are the same for anyone who wants to take on that role and besides small adjustments have remained the same throughout my use of them. They are not fYNible. With a compelling argument I may be willing to bend something but the odds are virtually nonexistent. They must be understood and abided by and any of them that are major violations will be cause for termination of your co-ownership, without a mandatory buyout from me. Which is something that was in the contract that Hyuk gave you, so you’ve already agreed.”
“That’s not allowed. I saw it, but it didn’t go into-”
YN laughed. “You signed a contract without meeting with the other co-owner, the person who owns fifty-five percent of this bar. Thus, not allowing yourself the chance to get all the information. Which means you forfeit the right to suddenly demand a change on something you agreed to blindly. My rules are not outlandish, they are just specific and demand that you are serious or at the very least don’t get in my way.”
Laughter escaped Hyungwon, but it clearly held no humor. For a moment he looked prepared to argue or leave, but he simply reopened the folder and read over the first few sheets. Though there were a few sounds that were akin to disapproval that wasn’t what reflected on his face when he glanced up several minutes later. It was more so a look of mild amazement.
“This keeps anyone who buys in from doing anything slightly shady behind your back or straight up dumb without mutual decision. It’s ironclad, makes sense not to put it directly into the contract since you’re opposed to negotiating that part,” he said.
Part of her felt proud, though it was solely because she knew she’d done things well in that respect. But the other part of her was displeased that the pride appeared from hearing a form of praise from Hyungwon, even if it wasn’t directly from impressing him.
Naturally, he couldn’t leave it on a positive note though.
“Too bad you didn’t come up with one where it stopped him from fucking you over,” Hyungwon mumbled.
“Yeah, so sad, if only we could make those kinds of things for everyone we encounter. Though I guess something for me to hold people accountable for fucking me over wouldn’t be something you’d be personally interested in. Could be used against you,” YN said without missing a beat.
Hyungwon’s face went red after that and she could see a flurry of emotions playing out on his face but could pick up on none. Not that, that lessened her amusement at all. She’d gotten a reaction out of him and it was childish, but felt wonderful nonetheless.
“Is there anything else you need to show me?” Hyungwon finally asked after a minute.
YN nodded and stood from her seat.
“I can show you around the place and explain how things run. However, I ask that you hold all questions until you have absorbed all the information, I don’t mind if you use your phone or something to write things down as I talk. But if you think it’s important to know please stop me and ask.”
All she got was a nod before she led him around the space. She showed him the back rooms, including the office, and explained how things worked schedule wise with everything. Then she brought him back out front and pointed out things behind the bar to get him acquainted with how things worked. Then she led him through the space and showed him the balcony that gave the best access to their view of a skyline and water off in the distance. Once finished she brought him back inside and was about to wrap it up, but then he spoke.
“How many employees are there?” he asked.
“Including myself seven. With the way we currently operate, more aren’t needed, but there is still a chance we could hire a few more.”
Hyungwon nodded. “And I’m guessing he’s one.”
That was the first time YN glanced Yoongi’s way since Hyungwon appeared and she turned to see the male drinking his water and scrolling through his phone.
“Yes, Yoongi has been here almost a year now.”
At the sound of his name Yoongi looked up and while he didn’t seem particularly fond when he glanced Hyungwon’s way he did offer YN a smile, one she returned happily.
After that her attention moved back to Hyungwon who glanced between the two of them and looked prepared to say something but didn’t.
“Well, is there anything else you need or would like to see? We open pretty soon so we’re running low on time,” YN said.
Seconds ticked by as she watched Hyungwon stare at her but seem off in his own little world. It was something that was the norm for when he debated on what to say or do so it wasn’t surprising, but it made her uncomfortable.
“Hyungwon,” she called out.
He snapped out of it and cleared his throat. “No. I’m good. I’ll just sit off in one of the back corners for a while to watch how things go and then leave.”
A nod and then YN left him to do what he wanted. The two waitresses for the night arrived just then and everyone got their behinds into gear. Then minutes later their customers began filing in.
Though YN’s mind reeled from what happened she didn’t get the chance to linger on it, because work became the focus quickly. She enjoyed bartending so she did that alongside Yoongi and though the place wasn’t packed, people tended to order drinks rapidly. And since their bar had made its name for mixed and signature drinks it wasn’t just rounds of shots. They needed to mix drinks and do it right, half-assing it to get it out quickly wasn't something they did. Especially since part of the draw for some, besides the drinks, was watching them being made. They enjoyed some sort of show with it, though neither YN nor Yoongi went all out to impress, just did what they needed to with focus and a slight flourish.
So, by the time she caught her breath and wasn’t focusing on anything work related and glanced up to find Hyungwon she noticed his former spot taken up by someone else. He was nowhere she could see, so she assumed he left and felt herself sigh in relief. It didn’t clear the chaos she kept at bay in her mind, but helped it settle some.
However, she again didn’t get time to linger on it because they’d done the last call and an influx of orders came on. She and Yoongi worked to get them out and were thankful when people began to leave, some stumbling to the exit with the help of security.
From there everyone immediately began working on their sections to clean and an hour and a half later they were all on their way out the building. YN saw off her waitresses and security then prepared to say her goodbyes to Yoongi only for him to be giving her a look she saw when he’d offer to join her on the way home and she’d deny.
Which meant that fighting him on it would’ve been useless, so she just began walking towards the train station.
For several minutes they did so in silence and though YN seemed calm it was clear that she was fighting something off. Something she didn’t want to talk about or at least that’s what she told herself until Yoongi spoke up.
“You can scream if you want,” he said.
That made her pause and then laugh loudly. It brought on looks from the few people lingering about late at night, but she didn’t care at all. One would’ve thought she was laughing at the idea of screaming to release her feelings, but it was more so that screaming is what Johnny had her do when the incident happened years before. He got her drunk, took her to the top of a building and they screamed until she was a laughing mess on the ground. He’d had to carry her home after.
“I wish that was the fix for this. Hell, I wish I didn’t have such a strong reaction to him after all this time.”
Again, silence filled the space as they began walking away and neither of them spoke again until they were seated in a half-deserted train car. Yoongi took that as the perfect moment to bump her shoulder to get her attention and it worked.
“You could tell me about it. You don’t have to of course, but it could help the feelings a bit,” he offered.
At that YN sighed and her eyes closed. A lot of her screamed to let it die so she didn’t have to deal with the emotions again, but a smaller voice reminded her that the feelings would always be there and she probably only felt so intensely because she’d been forced to endure them in front of someone who didn’t know what happened. If it had been Johnny or her by herself she’d be better about it. And she had to remind herself she trusted Yoongi a whole lot, so telling him wasn’t the end of the world by any means.
Once she’d made peace with her choice her eyes opened and she turned so her back leaned against the small wall blocking her seat from the door. She knew that if she told him it had to be while looking at him.
“As you may know I have an ex that Johnny loathes with his entire being. I’m sure you remember that drunk rant that he gave the first month of you working there,” she paused to see his response and once he nodded she continued. “Well, I know he went on and on about planning to beat up all the people who’d ever hurt me, so there were a lot on that list. Anyway, he got to talking about an old friend before he ran to the bathroom to throw up. That friend was Hyungwon or my new co-owner, I don’t think I told you his name. But yeah, he was my best friend. Like that friend I made the moment I came to orientation and looked every bit of the confused foreigner I was. We clicked and he felt like the best friend I’d made in my entire life. Even helped me figure out how to work up the nerve to talk to my ex to ask him out.”
YN sighed and used her hand to push back a few loose curls that had slipped from her bun. The voice telling her to shut up got louder and she knew if she wanted to stop she could, but something about the attentive look on Yoongi’s face stopped her.
“In our senior year things were beyond stressful. He was dealing with family business stuff and his father has always been a difficult man. While I was dealing with trying to find a job so I could keep a visa and stay in the country, while also trying to graduate. We barely saw each other and I barely saw my boyfriend either despite usually sleeping at his every night. I decided to change that one night, I messaged Hyungwon to schedule a hang out and he agreed. Then I grabbed some food and snacks and headed to my boyfriend’s. I was at most an hour earlier than when I said I’d be coming, something not out of the norm for me and it wasn’t like he didn’t know.
“It was so quiet that I assumed he was asleep. I made sure to keep quiet as I settled in and then creeped towards the bedroom. However, I didn’t make it there, because while a few feet away the door swung open and I was met with him in his boxers and a disheveled Hyungwon. They didn’t notice me right away or at least I like to think so since they started making out and didn’t stop until I cleared my throat. The expressions of shock at that point are barely a memory because I’d started to tear up and just turn and left. They both attempted to reach out, but obviously I shut them down.”
After she finished Yoongi’s expression shifted to shock and then anger.
“And yet he acted like he was superior and has nothing to be sorry for when he came in today. What kind of bullshit is that? He should at least appear apologetic,” he said.
YN went to answer, but they were at her stop so she waited until they were off the train and up the steps.
“Hyungwon’s default expression is resting bitch face, especially when trying to hide some sort of emotion behind it. And he will lay it on thick. But he also is likely to force that and a haughty demeanor because he just does. It’s a defense mechanism, especially when he feels wronged in some way. He turned it on me a week after it was clear I wasn’t forgiving him. He’d prefer to be the one who is uncaring, then to endure too much emotion. No matter if he’s the cause of it.”
“What kind of fucked up shit is that? He messed up, not you. You had every right to refuse to deal with him or forgive him,” Yoongi said.
YN shrugged. “To a degree it’s a defense mechanism that I understand even if I don’t agree, but sometimes it does make him more of a douche than he’s going for. But it is what it is.”
They walked the short distance to her apartment in silence and YN couldn’t help but realize how much better she felt. It didn’t fix everything, but it helped more than she thought it would. Johnny usually was the one to get her calm enough to process the rest and she knew that once she told him the news he’d help her overcome the lingering emotions more, but with the chance to vent to the two people she trusted the most it was different.
Once they reached her apartment she turned and pulled Yoongi into a hug. He went stiff for a second before he hugged her back.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“No problem,” he said in return.
She held him for a few seconds longer after that and then let go, gently nudged him towards the cab that pulled up at the most convenient time out of nowhere. Or at least she tried to pretend she didn’t order it when he wasn’t paying attention, but just like every other time she did it he saw through her.
They waved at each other and she went inside once the cab pulled off. On the elevator up she couldn’t stop the smile on her lips. Her brain had halted its existential crisis and focused on the memory of Yoongi’s own smile as the car departed. It was beyond cute and she’d told him that when she’d first saw him do it, but what she felt in the elevator was different. There was an all-consuming happiness and a weird feeling in her stomach as she thought of it then.
The smile didn’t leave until she was sitting at the table with Johnny eating fried chicken too late at night and telling him what happened. He ranted and raved, even made a few threats, which brought the feeling back again, but that time directed at her roommate.
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Weeks passed, and though YN hated the arrangement for multiple reasons she got used to it. Hyungwon didn’t try to implement any major changes and most of what he did was stuff she’d planned to do months later when they had more than enough funds for it.
Though there was one thing she’d agreed to that came with some regret. Or at least regret is what filled her as she had to endure a couple who didn’t understand distance and chose to sit at the bar.
The moment they strolled in, clinging to each other, they’d made a beeline for her side of the bar and told her how they’d seen the bar mentioned on the account of some popular new actor and then promptly shoved a phone in her face to show her. All it took was a single glance to know that she’d never seen that man in the bar before and the picture had been taken around a time they weren’t open. He was sitting on the bar’s balcony with a drink in hand and you could see people enjoying themselves behind him, but they appeared to focus on appearing in the right angle of the picture for it not to be fully staged. Which meant it was Hyungwon’s doing.
YN agreed to allow him to expand social media reach because though she did it, sometimes it wasn’t the best that it could be. However, their definitions of expansion differed and about four celebrities that had never been there had posted about having such a good time at that bar. Something that brought in business, but also forced YN and her staff to lie when asked by customers. And customers asked a whole lot when they came in, needing every detail down to what the celeb smelled like.
It was annoying but arguing about it with Hyungwon ended up with her just conceding in annoyance every time. Despite the nuisance of it, she truly didn’t have it in her to keep the back and forth with him on the subject. Doing it just didn’t prove to be worth it.
So, she and everyone endured the nonsense. Though as she watched the couple get increasingly touchier she almost stormed off into the back office to put a stop to it once and for all. In fact, she’d turned to tell Yoongi that she was going to step away but was distracted in a second.
“YN!” Johnny shouted as he approached the bar.
From the moment she laid her eyes on her best friend she noticed the offness. The giant stumbled a little while he walked and there was a slur to his words. His clothing was also a little less put together than usual and though not noticeable to most people it’s something she picked up on after years of enduring his quirks.
“Johnny, I thought you had a date,” she said.
That immediately made him frown at her. Of course, she guessed how well that had gone, but she knew that he preferred to explain to her about how bad it was, so she got the true dramatic effect. So instead of saying anything she allowed him to take up a seat at the bar and got him the coldest bottle of his favorite beer that she had. He took it happily and downed half of it before he began his story.
“She wanted me to be a third in her relationship. Brought the boyfriend and everything. Which we all know I’m fine with and my dating profile says that, but you warn a person beforehand. She said she was single and then boom, boyfriend suddenly.”
He paused and downed the rest of the bottle, which was quickly replaced with another by Yoongi who happened to be moving by. Johnny gave him a grateful nod and picked it up, but just held it.
“And that would also not be the worst thing in the world, but then the entire time the guy kept sizing me up and then asking the most sexually invasive questions. At one point he asked me how big my dick was and seemed ready to whip his out so that we could compare them. I had to drink to get through the entire thing and sped out of there the moment the bill for dinner was paid. Blocked her dating account, her social media, and number on the way here. Then had to block his number, because apparently blocking her wasn’t enough of a hint for them,” he said.
YN winced hearing that part, because she couldn’t imagine enduring something so awkward and then creepy as that. Nor could she imagine not understanding when someone wasn’t interested after such intensive blocking.
Pathetic was the word that came to mind.
“Well, I’m glad you escaped them. You get to drink that one and one more, then you switch to water. Also go back and heat up my lunch or have someone grab it for you, you need something else in you and I didn’t get around to eating it myself,” YN said.
That changed Johnny’s demeanor in an instant and he glared at her, but before he could scold her about not eating properly Hyungwon appeared.
“YN, if you’re not busy up here can you come back into the office to help me with something? It’ll only be a few minutes, I want to know I’m doing this right,” he said.
Johnny’s glare shifted from her to Hyungwon, but neither of them paid him any mind.
“Sure, I’ll be back there in a sec,” she said.
Hyungwon nodded and disappeared again. And though it was clear that Johnny had something to say YN ignored him, turning to tell Yoongi only to get shooed away before she could open her mouth. She shot him a quick thumbs up and then hustled back to the office.
“What’s up?” she asked as she closed the door behind her.
The moment Hyungwon had her close enough he pointed to the screen of their computer and started to explain how he’d tried to do something in the excel sheet for the month’s vendor expenses but something went wrong. He walked her through the whole process before she stepped in to show him what he’d done wrong for it to not to work. And then they went over some of the other sheets to ensure they were right, as well as some of the vendor request forms that needed to get done by that time the following week.
It was an easy conversation and though weeks before YN thought she’d still be awkward and apprehensive; she’d managed to find a good groove in dealing with Hyungwon as a business partner and ignoring the pain from the past. He was someone who put himself fully into his work, so it wasn’t hard to mesh with him on the subject. In fact, he got more work down in the weeks he’d been on board than Hyuk in the years he was YN’s partner. She never minded doing all of the work before, but she also would never deny that having some of the weight off her was refreshing. Even in situations where she had to double check and teach Hyungwon the ropes a few times.
When they were done she stood from her seat and stretched, her eyes meeting the clock to see she’d been back there for almost an hour.
“Is there anything else you need?” she asked.
Though Hyungwon shook his head at first, he stilled for a moment and then whipped around to look at her. The expression on his face startled her with its seriousness, his eyebrows furrowed and the frown on his lips was intense. There was also a glint in his eyes that she recalled from when he found out some not happy news and a part of her worried greatly about what he’d say.
“Actually. I would like to apologize,” he said.
That confused YN for a second because she’d still be in work mode, until she saw the way his body sagged and then it clicked in her head. Her hands went up in defense as she shook her head rapidly.
“You don-”
“Please let me talk?”
And though her whole body screamed to not let him continue she couldn’t find it in her to not let him get whatever it was off his chest. So, she took a deep breath and nodded so that he’d continue, she didn’t trust herself to say the right thing.
“I know I apologized then and I meant it, even if I did the thing where I pretended like it wasn’t my fault and that you should’ve forgiven me. I fucked up on so many levels and I didn’t mean to. I need you to know that it was never my intention, I just… I don’t know how to explain it. That night is a weird blur of sadness, drinking, and feeling someone wanted to be in my presence and cared about my feelings. I gave in for stupid and selfish reasons. He told me you’d broken up over a week before, but even then it wasn’t an okay thing to do. I know that. I knew when I agreed. I knew when it happened. And I knew the entire time after.
“I have no valid excuse for my betraying you like that. I just want you to know that I’m sorry. And I’m even more sorry that I’m messing with your dream. It wasn’t my intention at all. I swear to you I didn’t know you were the co-owner when the contract was signed. And I’d planned to back out after I found out, but it was too early in the contract for me to be able to sell it to you and I would’ve had to sell it back to him. And I’ve worked with Hyuk before, he will continue to fuck things up. And I guess I’m using a lot of words to say I’m sorry and I’m rambling, so again I’m truly sorry.”
By the end of his tangent YN was left confused and unsure. She could see the sincerity, something he’d never been able to fake, and she knew he felt sorry for his actions when it happened, but she didn’t know how to respond. There was nothing in her head that felt like an accurate response to what he’d said. Especially the apologies, because she’d forgiven him a year after the incident. Not in a whole ceremonious way of letting it go to move on, but she realized she moved one already. The hurt wasn’t gone and she knew if she saw him her reaction would not be positive, but she knew that if she did see him and he spoke to her she’d probably be willing to talk it through with him. Hell, she’d thought about it for half a second when he first stepped foot into the bar, but he’d chosen the snooty demeanor and she’d thrown it away in an instant.
All of that uncertainty must have been clear to Hyungwon, thankfully, because he cleared his throat to regain her attention and then smiled at her. A real smile. The first smile she’d seen on his face since the first time she’d seen him again.
“You don’t have to say anything right now. You don’t have to say anything ever really. We can act like I didn’t say anything at all and keep going how we’re going. I just wanted you to know that,” he said.
YN’s mind scrambled to find a response after that because it didn’t want to have said nothing, but she ended up nodding and walking out without saying a word. She’d made sure to keep her expression light and offered a small smile before she turned away so he didn’t think she was running from him or hated him.
With her mind going a mile a minute she stepped into the staff bathroom to use it and run a cold, wet paper towel across the back of her neck to help calm her down. When she got worked up she got hot and needed to be brought down before it spiraled. It only took five minutes before she felt ready to head back out to the bar, though she wasn’t completely herself as she went.
A large part of her wanted to go back and yell at Hyungwon and then have a heart to heart, but she willed herself to keep moving forward.
However, when she reached the end of the hall she wished she’d done that. People seated at the bar had left and moved elsewhere, which made it easy for her to spot Johnny nursing a glass of water. He looked ready to drink it, but something else had his attention. Someone else.
Yoongi was standing directly in front of him, body bent over so that his arms rested on the bar between them. He wore a wide smile and reached over to poke Johnny’s cheek as they laughed together.
They were so close to each other and so comfortable, that it was almost romantic. Then with bated breath YN watched as Johnny ran his hand through his hair and winked at Yoongi, something he only ever did when he was flirting. A quirk that she’d pointed out to him once that he’d never noticed he did. But that wasn’t what made her stomach churn, it was the light blush that coated Yoongi’s cheeks as he punched Johnny’s arm.
Both men were flirting with each other and by their expressions it was far from the playful kind they’d done once when some girl kept hitting on Yoongi and wouldn’t understand no until Johnny stepped in as his “boyfriend.” Oh no, their flirting was real and natural.
And YN didn’t know which one it hurt more seeing do it.
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At least once a month there was an event held at the bar and so YN wouldn’t open it to the general public. And by some miracle one fell on a Sunday and was during midafternoon, which meant she didn’t have work the next day and they wouldn’t be open late into the night. Both things were something she needed after over a week of feeling at her lowest.
The down feeling wasn’t new by any means, but it didn’t make it easier. Nor did her avoidance of Johnny, who usually knew the right things to say to get her out of a funk.
It was a consequence of her avoiding her roommate.
After she’d seen his interactions with Yoongi at the club she’d gotten over things pretty quickly, but they didn’t stop there. Though both males had talked before their communication ramped up. They were texting often and sometimes even video chatting. Along with that came an increase of them hanging out. On one free day YN had swung by to bring Johnny food at his shop, but when she appeared Yoongi was already there and they were eating. Of course, they invited her to join and she did, but it hadn’t been fun for her. Which was how she described all her hang outs with them. It was the constant third wheel kind of feeling and seeing as she had no time to adjust to her realization of feelings for both of them, she definitely didn’t have time to adjust to them possibly getting together.
All of it was too much at once and only aided along the low she felt. Which meant she turned to avoiding them when she could. Some things were changing for the club and that meant she had a built-in excuse to be busy. That coupled with her clearly being down meant that they left her be when she said she wanted to venture out alone or with other friends. And they definitely didn’t stop her if she just said she wanted to lay in bed all day and be left alone. She’d ensured that she did it a normal amount so not to alarm them and it worked for her.
Well, only worked in the matters of not being forced to third wheel. Though the times they hung out in the apartment while she locked herself in her room didn’t do much for her whole, dealing with feelings plan.
Not that she dealt with them well when not around them.
However, the day of the event she saw the light at the end of the tunnel for her funk. YN woke up feeling on top of the world and everything ran so smoothly from then on. They’d set up, received the guests, and kept the event running without incident. Minus the very drunk man who got weirdly passionate about telling the story about how the wine he was drinking was made and then proceeded to spill it.
Hell, even seeing how Hyungwon and his boyfriend mingled without issue brought her some sort of joy. And that joy was how her brain drowned out the voice that told her that Hyungwon’s boyfriend seemed familiar and not in the good way. Something that would have persisted if not for Johnny having approached her.
“Isn’t that the guy who showed up to that weeklong dating event with a different person each time?” he asked YN.
That was all it took for her brain to kick into gear and her head whipped over to look where Hyungwon stood with him. It took a single second to see his face and then recall all the times he’d come in with people and sometimes left with someone else. Or at the very least flirted with others, slipping people, including YN, his number while his date was preoccupied. He’d made her uncomfortable.
Those things weren’t cool and alone were enough to alarm YN, but that wasn’t the issue she found herself focused on when she stared him down. No, the problem was that when Hyungwon had appeared at the bar and introduced his boyfriend he’d spoken of how they’d been together for almost two years. That series of events had happened only two months before he became her co-owner. Meaning the man was a worse cheater than she’d thought he was.
“Oh, fuck me,” she groaned.
“Yeah,” Johnny said.
Though YN avoided eye contact with him most days the tone of his voice made her finally meet his gaze and it wasn’t comforting. In fact, he appeared a bit uncomfortable and unsure of how to react to the situation. She thought it was because of what happened, but then she glanced down to his hand and saw a business card in it. It showed Hyungwon’s boyfriend’s name and work info, but with a quick flip YN saw another number scribbled on back along with something about calling for a good time.
The man held no shame. Hitting on people with his longtime boyfriend present and the photographer of the event no less. Someone they’d hired to work it and would report back to them for how everything went. Truly the worst possible person because despite the possibility of lack of moral compass, the odds weren’t that great that he wouldn’t tell the person who hired him what transpired with their boyfriend.
A headache from it all was an understatement for what YN felt about it. But she knew what she had to do despite it all.
“Just…” she trailed off, taking the card from him and slipping it in her pocket. “Just don’t talk to him about it. I’ll bring it up when we wrap up for the night. It’s better I do it.”
“Are you sure?”
She wasn’t but nodded anyway.
Johnny didn’t believe her, but when she shooed him away to continue taking the photos he went without much hesitation.
From there she just worked to get through the last two hours of the event. She kept the bar going and even took a turn as a waitress when things got a little hectic since she hadn’t thought she’d need many staff on hand for something not that big.
Naturally, she hoped that it all was enough to keep her mind preoccupied, but that wasn’t the case. Any time she wasn’t focused, even for a second, her brain thought about it. And it was worse whenever she glanced up to see the both of them together as if one of them wasn’t a horrible human being. So much of her hated the idea of Hyungwon being hurt like that, even with their own past. No one deserved that. Plus, they’d made a lot of progress since he’d made that apology and YN had started to feel good around him. Like she actively wanted to be there. They’d even eaten lunch together a few times.
By the time everyone had cleared out and the staff was almost ready to go she snapped out of her own thoughts of dread to pull Hyungwon to the side. She said something about something she needed him to look over before he left for the night and he followed her to the office without hesitation. Which was good for her nerves, but not enough to quail the new set of anxiety that hit when his boyfriend said he’d wait and sat down at one of the tables. She would’ve preferred if he’d not been there to be confronted in her presence, but she didn’t have the luxury, so she pushed through.
When they entered the office she took a deep breath and turned to face Hyungwon, who appeared a bit startled and she assumed her expression aptly portrayed the discomfort and nerves she felt.
“I could prolong this because that’s totally what I want to do, because this makes me extremely uncomfortable, but I feel like you need to know. Your boyfriend has been here before. And not like just a random patron, but a person coming here on dates with people. Even attended a few events with a date in the last three months or so. And for the most part they’re always different people. And to make matters worse he’s always flirting with someone else when his date is away or even right in front of them. He’s hit on multiple staff members before, including me. Also, he slipped Johnny his card, with his personal number and a… flirtatious message on it.”
YN spoke so quickly she wasn’t sure he understood her, so the frown that appeared on his lips was what she used to indicate she could continue going. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the card, but before she could hold it up for him to see or hand it to him his hand was on her wrist.
Startled, she looked up to see the frown had left his face and he’d gone for a much more neutral expression, though his eyes held fire behind them. It almost made her flinch.
Hyungwon scoffed. “I didn’t think you’d stoop to this. He’d never even heard of this bar before I told him I was going to become a co-owner nor would he have the time to do that. Also, what could possibly be the problem with coming here with other people if he did. He can bring friends to events or out for a night of partying. My goodness YN why would you even try to spew such false info-”
Before he could finish, YN put a hand over his mouth. That confused him but didn’t stop the way he looked at her. And that only made her angrier.
She’d listened to his little rant about how she was wrong and hoped that he would change course. Hoped that the way his tone wavered every now and then was indication of him not believing his own words, but he kept going. If she hadn’t stopped him YN was sure he’d descended into words much less passive in calling her liar and into much more hurtful talk. And with the way she felt she couldn’t endure that. She refused to be hurt by him when all she wanted to do was help.
“I would never make up something like that. And I am not as stupid as to think people hanging out in a bar or doing the bare minimum of hugging is cause to deem them together. Nor would I sit here and make up being uncomfortably flirted with and Johnny getting his number and a not so ‘I want to be friends’ note from him. Something I was just going to show you. But that doesn’t matter to you apparently. Because someone who's been harmed by something as bad as cheating would totally make that up for shits and giggles or for some sort of revenge. Because I of all people who has let much worse slide would do that, right? Don’t believe me, that’s fucking fine. Live your life thinking I’d lie about that or misunderstand. But if you want to pull your head out of your ass you can look at this card, you can look at the files on the computer to see pictures from events, you can check the bar’s website and social media for the pictures too. Hell, go ask Johnny for them. He has more than he gave up and with the way he was making out with most of them I’m sure he has something to show that.”
After that YN didn’t wait for a reply, she simply turned on her heel, grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the room. She went out front so she could tell her manager to finish locking up and tell Johnny she wanted to leave, but when she got out there she saw something that made her feel even worse.
Johnny and Yoongi were standing across from each other at the bar laughing and being all touchy. It wasn’t the worst thing ever, but then they leaned in close enough that they looked ready to kiss until Yoongi happened to notice YN and turned to look at her. His smile dropped and he stepped away, moving to get from behind the bar but she didn’t stay put.
YN all but sprinted out of the building with three voices calling out to her. And she didn’t stop until she was in a taxi, sobbing and asking to be taken to some bar that was far away from her own business and home so they wouldn’t stumble upon her.
From then on time moved in a way that she couldn’t comprehend. She reached the bar and immediately muted her ringer to avoid calls or texts. And once inside she greeted the bartender she was familiar with and asked for a drink. Something she did until she was so drunk that she just barely was cognizant of what was happening around her. Of course, she wanted more, but she needed to be responsible despite all the things that had crumbled right in front of her.
“I called you a taxi, it’s out front. Go home YN,” JB, the bartender, said.
Though part of her wanted to say no she simply nodded, paid, and headed out to the taxi that waited for her. She managed to walk normally until she reached the taxi where she stumbled a bit and had to be helped inside. Once she and her driver were in their seats she slurred her words and told him her address. He grunted and they were off.
The whole drive her brain kept trying to figure out how’d she’d deal with Johnny when she got home or Yoongi when she had to work. Her brain was so hazy that she couldn’t form full ideas for Johnny, but decided she’d just have someone else take her shifts with Yoongi. That answer made her so proud that she smiled and patted herself on the back.
However, the back patting stopped when the driver stopped and she got out, only to realize he’d dropped her a few blocks from her apartment. He’d driven off by then and she felt slightly more sober, so she started her trek home. There was some tripping over her own feet and stopping when her vision blurred but she did okay.
Ten minutes in though she felt her stomach drop as she heard a voice.
“YN? Got damnit, YN where have you been?” Yoongi called out.
Though she heard him clear as day she continued walking without even a glance backwards. She even put a pep in her step, though that was less about avoiding him and more about being miffed about the use of her full first name.
“YN, could you stop,” he said.
She continued ignoring him. Even when she stopped to put in the code to her building, when she stopped to wait for the elevator, and when both of them stood in the small space together. Yoongi was displeased, but he didn’t force anything simply followed behind her.
He tried to speak again once they entered the apartment, but he wasn’t the only one.
“Can you just answer m....”
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calli...” Johnny started
Regardless of their concerns she continued to ignore them both, even tuning out what they had to say as she kicked off her shoes and deposited her bag on one of the hooks near the door. The plan was to walk past them and into her room where she would pass out, but as she made her first step she tripped over a box that she hadn’t seen.
Thankfully, they caught her and got her standing and steady. She muttered a quick thank you and then looked at what had been her undoing, only to see a box she’d asked Johnny to move multiple times.
That surely brought up some anger as her head whipped up so she could glare at him.
“Why can’t you just listen to what I say? Or better yet understand that there is an issue? That all signs point to a fucking problem if you do something like that? Why? I’ve almost hurt myself like ten times already and you have yet to move it!”
Johnny’s own anger subsided a little and he appeared sheepish for a second, mumbling an apology and moving the box out of the way. He turned to her after, but she didn’t want to hear whatever he had to say or talk about, so she attempted to storm off to her room as planned. Attempting was key in that, because the moment the foot that hit the box touched down on its own she cried out in pain.
“Fuck,” Johnny said as he caught her and held her up.
“Stupid fucking box!” she screamed.
“Oh, fuck. What can we do? How can we help?” a panicked Yoongi asked.
YN cursed a few more times as the throbbing settled in.
“Just take me to my room. I just want to sleep and not deal with this shit.”
Both men nodded and helped her to her room, carefully placing her down on the bed. From there she slipped off her jeans - she had leggings on underneath - and shrugged off her heavy sweater so she only had her sports bra on. After she got comfortable in the bed, using a pillow to put under her throbbing ankle and threw a bonnet over her hair, thankful to be wearing it braided.
As she got comfortable and prepared to sleep she realized that neither of them had left and when she prepared to tell them to both men crawled into the bed with her, getting on either side.
“What are you do-”
She wasn’t allowed to finish though because Johnny cut her off.
“Can we just stay? We know we stressed you out in the last few minutes and we feel like shit. It would make us feel better and if you say no, we’ll just sit on the floor or outside your door.”
Yoongi nodded. “We’d just feel better closer.”
Though she opened her mouth to argue she found that with the pain in her ankle and the alcohol wearing off she was too tired for it. So, she said nothing and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself and laying completely still until she fell asleep.
Or mostly fell asleep. With the two of them in her bed so close and radiating so much body heat she found it hard to slip completely. Not that either of them could tell that she wasn't asleep.
"It has to be more than the Hyungwon situation. I think I know what it is and that means we need to tell her soon,” Yoongi whispered.
"Wait. What? We have everything set for a week. Can it not wait?"
"Have you seen how she's been acting lately? She's pulling away from both of us and a week gives her more time to put more distance. We won't have a chance to come clean by then or even get a proper conversation in about it. She'll just think it's pity or not feel enough to care."
"Okay, tomorrow then?"
"Yeah, it's an off day and she's ahead of all her work, so even if she goes in it'll be fine."
Silence followed that and then soft snores.
Their words confused her, but she also felt her stomach drop as she imagined them saying they were together or any other thing that would make her distressed. Her mind couldn’t stop thinking of possibilities and she finally knocked out as a way to avoid the overthinking.
When she woke up it was around three in the morning and it was because she was overheated. Confusion filled YN as she couldn’t figure out the problem, only to open her eyes and see both men cuddled into her from either side. Everything came rushing back to her at once, but she was still tired enough that she prepared to ignore it and go back to sleep.
Until she noticed their hands intertwined over her body. Nausea hit fast and before she knew it, she slipped from the bed and exited the room. It was the only time she was happy that either of them were heavy sleepers.
She limped from her room and went to Johnny’s. She created a similar set up for her ankle and pushing down all negative thoughts she cuddled into one of his plushies and went to sleep. Though not nearly fast enough to stop the tears.
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The day after chaos reigned, YN woke up surprisingly early but didn’t dare leave Johnny’s bed. She waited in the dark in silence until she heard Yoongi leave and then slipped into her room as Johnny was in the kitchen making coffee. She’d barely made it in without him catching her, but once she was inside and the door was locked, him knowing didn’t matter.
From then on she tried not to think about anything that occurred and just got undressed and into the shower. The focus was on getting clean and hoping that that hot water would help along her still sore ankle; resting it through the night had been enough to keep it from getting too bad and it hadn’t swollen.
After she was cleaned she made quick work of getting dressed and taking down her hair, allowing her twist out to take full form. It needed a little sprucing up and then she was done. Ready to tackle the day.
Though she didn’t know how.
Every few seconds her brain focused on the sounds of Johnny moving around the apartment. Mostly because he wasn’t in his room, but out in the living room near her door which meant that he awaited her exit. She hoped that he would leave and she would have an opening to slip out and avoid him a little longer, but she knew he was stubborn and didn’t have to work that day so he had all the time in the world.
Since grabbing her stuff and escaping wasn’t a perfect plan she was forced to sit on her bed and think out other ones. There was the obvious choice of talking to him, but with all that went on her head she didn’t want that. Plus, she wanted to be a punk for a while and not deal with whatever it was him and Yoongi planned to tell her. That left things like stay in her room all day, exit via the fire escape and come through the front to grab her bag and shoes, or just go out of her door and walk past him. Staying in her room would drive her up the wall and the fire escape on the building was not the best and she’d have to jump a foot or two to get off it, something that would agitate her ankle.
That meant that she had to walk past him, which meant she needed an excuse. She sat there thinking for a while until she remembered something important she’d put off and planned to do after the event. Something that was important to keep her business running and that she told Johnny about.
It was perfect.
So, after taking a deep breath she stood from her bed and exited her room with some faux confidence and a whole lot of fake indifference.
The moment she was in sight Johnny stopped his movement. He looked ready to move closer to her but seemed to think better of it. Something she was thankful for since she didn’t know if she could get away from him if he was close enough to stop her. He wouldn’t hurt her and would let her go if she asked but being stopped messed with the whole flow of things for her.
YN didn’t linger too long on what he was doing and just walked to the front door and slipped on her shoes. She then grabbed her bag and made sure her wallet and phone were there before her hand touched the door to open it.
And that’s when Johnny spoke up.
“Do you want to talk about what happened? I feel like we should talk about it. Among other things,” he said.
For a second that made YN freeze, but she recovered rather quickly. Maintaining her “indifference” she turned to look at his face for the first time since she walked out and shrugged.
“Maybe later. Don’t really feel like dealing with anything besides spreadsheets and those tax forms I need to get out by tonight,” she said.
Though Johnny still appeared prepared to push he seemed to resign himself when she said tax forms. As an owner of his own business he knew that was important and it took her awhile to get everything ready for her accountant. Which meant he simply collapsed onto the couch and nodded.
With that small victory YN opened the door and walked out. Part of her said she should at least say bye or when she’d be back, but she knew talking to him longer would’ve made it harder for her. She’d nearly cracked when she saw the worry and sadness etched into his face.
Time is what she needed.
No one foresaw five days of it to go by though. Not even YN.
After she’d bypassed Johnny she’d genuinely ended up too busy to have the energy for any sort of conversation. Mountains of paperwork hit and there were issues left and right. Even when she was in Johnny, Yoongi, or Hyungwon’s presence it was so work related that they didn’t even attempt to talk about anything else or ask her to speak later.
Even at home she was left alone, especially because she’d fallen asleep while responding to Johnny about what to order for dinner one night.
Friday night was when things slowed down and she took her usual shift bartending. It was a packed night because they were handling an event that they themselves were running to get more business. Which meant that most of the staff worked, as well as Hyungwon and Johnny who was hired to take pictures to go up on social media and their website.
It put YN right in the middle of all of them and it was uncomfortable, but she kept strong. Well, she committed to giving them the silent treatment unless it was about work. And it worked out pretty well for her, she managed to get through most of her shift without giving into any attempts to talk or pull her to the side.
The non-plan gave way for reasons she couldn't foresee though.
While she left to the backroom to grab more tequila she was trailed by Hyungwon, who’d tried to get her alone the moment she’d come to work that day. He was begging for a moment of her time even as they made their way back towards the bar, but she held strong. Something she regretted the moment she passed the bottles to Yoongi so he could prep drinks and then turned to see someone she didn’t want to.
Her ex, Jisoo, stood right in front of her bar with a few friend’s laughing it up. None of them noticed her for the first several seconds, which she was thankful for, but it didn’t last long enough for her to fully pull herself together. When Jisoo turned to request a drink he was met with a clearly shocked YN.
Jisoo appeared surprised as well, but he pushed that aside to smirk at her with a quickness.
“YN, I didn’t know you worked here. I just got back into the country and this was the first place my friends recommended. Small world. Oh, Hyungwon… what a surprise to see you here too,” Jisoo said.
That snapped YN out of it and she turned to see Hyungwon glaring at the male, his hand in a fist as he stared him down. For a moment she was reminded of the past as she looked at him. The pain rose up for a second and she felt sick having them in the same place, but she pushed it down. Despite their falling out they’d done well since reconnecting and she was mostly past it all, even close to asking him to hang out like a friend. Allowing a piece of shit ruin that wasn’t okay.
Never again would she allow Jisoo to ruin things for her.
With that spark of anger and confidence she turned to stare down Jisoo herself. She noticed Yoongi closer than before and Johnny standing behind the little group ready to pounce, but she waved them off. YN needed it to be her who went off.
“I own this bar and Hyungwon here is my co-owner, so naturally we would be here,” she said.
For a second Jisoo was knocked off his game, but it wasn’t long before he bounced back. He was like Hyungwon that way and YN hated it.
“Oh? I thought you two were no longer on speaking terms?” he said.
“Well, clearly what you thought was wrong,” Hyungwon chimed in.
Hyungwon’s words elicited a laugh from Jisoo for some reason and it made YN uneasy, but she held her ground. No matter what he threw she knew she could take it. There was no way she’d allow him to see her hurt or crying.
Jisoo shrugged. “I guess so. You’re still with Ji-ah though, right YN? Last I heard you and her hit it off.”
That was the thing to force a humorless laugh from her lips. Only Jisoo would mention her other ex whom he knew she’d broken up with a while ago when she’d moved to take a job at a company out of the country. A company that Jisoo worked at, at that.
Of course, he had to be a trash human in more aspects than one.
“No, but you know that. Since you hit on her, took her on a few dates, slept with her and then told her how you knew me. That's why you asked her out in the first place. You remember that, right? Oh, and you have to remember how she told your job that and so they demoted you, plus moved you to a different branch,” YN said.
And at last the smirk left his face. While pleased by that, YN didn’t ignore the way he tensed and the anger that covered every inch of his expression.
“I feel like you’re the one who should remember. Like remember how you cried when you saw us together. The hurt on your face as I kissed hi-”
Before he could speak anymore Hyungwon almost punched him in the face. If it wasn’t for YN hip checking him and thus making him stumble he would’ve made impact on Jisoo’s right cheek.
Once Hyungwon was settled and being held back by a staff member YN’s attention focused solely on Jisoo.
“I don’t want you or your friend’s here. Ever. So, I’m going to ask you to leave. There will be no argument. No putting up a fight. No asking to be given another chance. You will leave and never return, am I understood?” she said calmly.
Naturally, Jisoo opened his mouth to reply but YN cut him off by whistling. Within seconds two security guards were at the bar and Jisoo’s friends dragged him towards the exit. It was clear that he wanted to say or do something, but he left without much issue and after that YN could breathe.
However, breathing meant that it all came crashing down on her and the next thing she knew she ran to the office with tears streaming down her face.
The intention was to get in there alone and ride out whatever wave of emotion hit until she could pull it together and go back to work like nothing happened. Of course, that meant that the first part didn’t happen.
Hyungwon had followed behind her and slipped in before she could fully close the door. Though it bothered a part of her she didn’t have it in her to say anything or react. She did have the energy to cry harder though, her attempt at silent tears only lasting seconds before sobs wracked her body.
In her head all she could think about is what happened all those years ago. Except the pain she felt was amplified. YN knew it wasn’t because of that or at least the feeling wasn’t solely because of that. No, because after reliving that in her head her brain brought up every other failed relationship and honestly all the failures in her life. It didn’t stop playing the flashbacks until it reached the more recent things to fuck up her life plans and the uncertain romantic feelings she had to endure.
It was all too much, especially when it came at her all at once.
She ended up so in her own head that she didn’t feel Hyungwon pull her into his arms and hold her close. Didn’t hear the apologies and words of reassurance. Didn’t hear the curses about her ex. Didn’t even feel when he moved them from standing to sitting in a chair, her on his lap with her face in his neck.
And time passed so swiftly that she couldn’t tell how long they’d been like that once she’d come back to. But it didn’t matter because it heightened her embarrassment of what had occurred and she attempted to escape him, only to be held in place by bony fingers.
Once she stopped fighting Hyungwon removed one of his hands and used it to lift her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Your crying is valid and don’t you dare think otherwise. None of that embarrassed or frustrated bullshit because you deserve to be able to release all that,” Hyungwon said.
Even after years apart he still knew her reactions to being overwhelmed through and through, and in that moment she was eternally grateful.
With a nod from her he didn’t stop there.
“That was unexpected and I’m sorry he was here. I forgot how horrible he could be and then he’s just gotten worse over time. You’d think someone would stop playing those games and trying to mess with people’s mental and emotional stability, but alas here he is. I think his company was planning to do an event here, I’ll tell them we’re canceling it and that he’s the reason. Might even throw in some security footage for good measure.”
YN opened her mouth to object, but Hyungwon gave her a look that shut her up.
“Besides that, and I know this is a horrible time, I want to apologize. The way I acted a week ago was uncalled for. When you said it, I believed you I really did. It was just something that wanted to deny that he would. Not necessarily for my own feelings, though they did come into play. But also, because he’s the one who came to me. I had no interest in him whatsoever, but he was persistent in a way that wasn’t creepy and I thought who would work that hard to just throw it away. Especially when they’d been the one to bring up the subject of marriage recently.
“So, I went on the defense and instead of just checking what you had to say or denying it and moving on I went to the worst possible conclusion. Said things I didn’t believe even as they left my mouth. And thus, for the second time since meeting you hurt you in a way that wasn’t okay in the slightest. And I understand that you may not want to work towards friendship. I like to think we were close to getting back or wanting to deal with me. I just want to apologize because you deserve one and I know I was in the wrong.”
What neither of them expected, least of all YN, was her to start crying again. Her head dropped onto his shoulder and she felt her body shake again as she let it out. Though she could tell he was confused by the way his body tensed, he didn’t say anything and simply rubbed her back gently as she cried it out.
About five minutes later YN spoke.
“You’re a fucking idiot and an asshole.”
Hyungwon laughed. “True. But you know what happened when you tried to get me to be nicer for that month. If we’re being honest you made me worse.”
YN laughed that time, remembering how Hyungwon spent every day being closely watched by her as he tried to not be snarky with people. By the end he’d given up and snapped on some annoying man that wouldn’t leave them be and she was sure she saw tears in his eyes as he ran away from the fuming Hyungwon.
He mellowed out after that, but when someone truly tried him he was a lot more than he used to be. YN marked that as a major fail and stuck to keeping him calm when he rightfully deserved to put someone in their place, which was oddly often at their school.
“Yeah, a mistake on my part. But at least I got you to start counting to ten before you unleashed yourself.”
“Ah yes, what a great help that is. Ten seconds longer of dealing with the idiots.”
They both laughed that time and when they pulled it together they talked. About everything in detail. Nothing was left off the table and by the end YN felt less weight on her shoulders.
By the time they were done about an hour and a half had gone by, meaning they’d been back in the room for over two hours and the bar was shutting down.
“I guess I should go help since I flaked on my shit at the end,” YN said as she got up from Hyungwon’s lap.
At first he nodded and got up too seemingly ready to follow her and the next he was giving her a look and grasping at her wrist.
“What?” she asked, confused.
“You need to talk to them.”
A groan escaped her immediately and her head tilted back as she blew out a puff of air.
“Nope. None of that. Talk to them. Tonight. And don’t be a stubborn brat and not let them finish what they have to say. I’m sure it would clear up a lot of things for her,” Hyungwon said.
There was no use in arguing because he would win and she knew he was right, even if she didn’t want to admit that to herself.
And that was all it took for him to release her and take the lead on exiting the office. However, YN didn’t get the chance to leave right behind him. The moment Hyungwon was out, both Johnny and Yoongi stumbled in forcing her to take several steps back.
They both appeared nervous and disheveled, which helped calm YN for some reason. Though it didn’t get rid of all the feelings like she would’ve preferred.
“We need to talk. Now. We can’t keep putting it off,” Johnny blurted out.
If YN didn’t know how frazzled he got under pressure she’d be shocked by his actions, much like Yoongi who stared the man down eyes wide, but she’d known Johnny long enough to expect that kind of thing. What she was shocked about is how he didn’t dive into explaining right then and there.
Once she was sure he was done talking and that Yoongi had nothing to say she took over.
“We do need to talk. But it would be better not here. So, after we close up and at the apartment, yeah?”
That appeared to shock Yoongi more and Johnny too. They both probably assumed she’d be resistant or straight up tell them no. Things she debated on for half a second but couldn’t go through with.
“Okay,” they both said.
With that YN patted both of them on the shoulder and headed out to help.
About an hour after that everyone was done and headed out of the door. They said their goodbyes with the staff - and Hyungwon who hugged her while threatening what would happen if she didn’t give either man a chance to talk - then they got in a taxi to go back to the apartment.
Silence prevailed, which made YN awkward since she was sandwiched between them in the back seat, but she didn’t let it take over her. At least not too much. She held strong despite it and managed to make it out of the car and into the apartment without thinking of making a run for it.
The same couldn’t be said for either of the men though. YN hadn’t faced them until she was rid of her jacket and shoes and sat on the love seat, but the moment she did they froze. For a second they stared at each other both expressions unsure, but then they seemed to come to a consensus and finally fully entered the apartment, taking a seat on the couch.
Again, they were immersed in silence, but that only made things more tense.
“Go ahead,” she said.
Thankfully, they didn’t take long to react to that.
“We,” Yoongi started, pausing to look at Johnny before continuing. “We know we’ve done a horrible job at making things clear to you. We’ve been a little secretive and haven’t made the most effort in ensuring you were okay when we saw that something was off. It was a major fuck up on our part, one that could’ve prevented if I hadn’t been so stuck on keeping a certain timeline on how we should talk to you about this. And I’m starting to ramble when it was agreed upon that I would tell you so we could get straight to the point. And oh my fucking goodness, will I stop it already. Okay, basically we both want to date you.”
YN felt her entire body tense as confusion filled her.
“Excuse me?” she said.
That went unheard though.
“That’s not how we agreed you’d say it,” Johnny whined.
Yoongi scoffed. “It is. Well, not exactly but all the words I used were in the agreed upon statement.”
“Maybe, but you could have at least tried to eas-”
“Excuse me!” YN shouted.
That stopped Johnny and got both their attention.
“You don’t get to drop a bomb like that and then not elaborate. Especially to a very confused person whose last week has been trash. Explain yourselves.”
There was another silent moment of them staring at each other and then Yoongi gestured for Johnny to go ahead. Johnny rolled his eyes but turned his full attention to YN before speaking.
“What Yoongi said was true, we do both want to date you. But before you start to spiral and come up with your own conclusions let me fill in a few things. We’ve both known Yoongi for over a year now, you more than me. And he and I have always clicked despite how worried you were that he would slap me upside the head for being too friendly and getting in his space. It’s an easy kinda friendship we’ve had going, but then that day at the bar a few months ago we really clicked. I know we’ve been obvious about the attraction and it’s only built over time.
“The thing is we soon realized that both of us also feel something for you. Those feelings are from before we ever looked at each other that way and despite the growing feelings between us it was still there. Yoongi just about lost his shit when he realized and was very confused. And well, you know that most of my relationships have been poly, so it was nothing new for me. Though still kinda surprising because I thought I’d continue to live my life not acting on feelings for you I’ve felt for years.”
“I’m sorry what?” YN practically screamed.
The interruption earned her a glare which quieted her despite wanting an answer.
“As I was saying. I was planning to not act on them, but then suddenly someone else who I liked felt the same way for you as I did and it felt like a chance. That plus Hyungwon telling me I was an idiot for not realizing the crush you had on me before you got with dickwad back in college after he overheard me talking to Yoongi. But either way everything aligned and after I got Yoongi to accept that this was a viable option we started doing those group hangouts. To us they were test dates, but then we… well we…”
“We realized that we weren’t including you as much as we thought and could tell how third wheeling it felt,” Yoongi said.
Johnny nodded. “Yes, that. We failed to factor in as people who know each other, but don’t know each other and who are using those outings as dates we’d get caught up in each other. Which we realized but didn’t realize how bad until yet again Hyungwon overheard us. Told us we were idiots, because it was clear that you felt something for both of us and yet we were both going around acting like a couple in early days while dragging their friend who didn’t know we liked them around. And then we decided to fix things, but then the falling out with Hyungwon happened and nothing worked so we were unsure of what to do next besides maybe cornering you. So, yeah.”
With the way Johnny so abruptly ended that YN was left unsure of how to proceed. What had been said was a lot to take in. Not because it was wild or out of her comfort zone, but because despite feelings she’d had no time to process her own. She knew how she felt about them both, but she’d never allowed herself to linger on it too long to address how to handle things. And when she found herself finally admitting it things went to shit and she thought the only people she’d been interested in in years were on their way to dating each other without her ever having a real chance of seeing if either of them felt the same way.
Since YN hadn’t gotten that out of the way she definitely had no time to factor in any poly relationship. Like Johnny said she did know he was into it, but Yoongi wasn’t someone she knew well enough to know if he was down for that. He didn’t judge it, but not caring about how people lived their lives and actively participating were two different things.
Just the thought of having that conversation with him made her nervous despite it being more of what he would have done in the past and not in her present since she’d heard that he’d agreed with it. At least that’s what she thought they said. Her brain was frazzled.
“Hold on,” she finally said after minutes of silence. “So, I’m clear. You both want to date me and each other? You just failed to realize that you should’ve gotten to know each other better and go on dates alone, before trying to test out a poly relationship with me without my knowledge?”
“Yes,” Yoongi said while Johnny nodded.
Without warning pillows from the loveseat were in YN’s hands, she was standing, and said pillows were making contact with each male’s body.
“You. Two. Are. Fuckin. Idiots. How. Could. You. Not. Think. That. Through? What. Happened. To. Being. So. Got. Damn. Smart. Huh?”
Each word was spoken in time with the pillows swinging down on them. And though they squirmed they didn’t try to dodge or take them away from her. They let her keep going until she was satisfied.
Upon her clearly giving up her attack they both reach out and pull her down onto the couch so her body stretched out across them.
“Yes, we’re idiots. And we’re sorry about not thinking things through and telling you. But we’re idiots who are smitten with you and would like a chance to date you,” Johnny said, his hand moved to find the spot at the back of her head that she enjoyed being scratched. She didn’t even care that he was messing up her hair a little, just relaxed into the feeling.
“Ditto,” Yoongi said.
That drew glares from Johnny and YN, which he responded to by throwing his hands in the air in surrender.
“We are really sorry. And if you could let us date you, it would make me very happy,” he said.
His second response sated both of them and they relaxed back into their little moment. And as time ticked by they all grew more comfortable. There was more to talk about, but they cleared the space and it was clear they were all relieved. YN most of all.
Though she tried not to show it, YN felt giddy and wanted to giggle as she watched them both interact with each other and her. So much so that it slipped out when they both leaned over to press kisses to her cheeks. It seemed to amuse them, but she was so embarrassed she slipped away to change and scolded herself for the behavior. Not that she didn’t do it again when her mind replayed what happened.
They spent the rest of the night watching TV and eating food they’d ordered. It was peaceful and comfortable, so much so that they almost fell asleep on the couch.
Two in the morning rolled around before they all dragged feet to climb in Johnny’s bed and knock out. YN wanted to sleep on the outside of the bed, but ended up sandwiched between the both of them, not that she complained about it.
Once they were all comfortable they said their good nights and tried to sleep, but one adjustment by Johnny against her ass had YN slapping his arm.
“You cannot possibly be hard right now,” she whined.
Johnny pressed closer after that, grinding his dick against her ass more.
“You can’t possibly be calling me out on it right now as if it hasn’t happened before,” he mumbled.
“And both of you can’t possibly be having this conversation while I try to sleep. Go to bed before the next thing you’re both complaining about is how bruised and sore your asses are,” Yoongi chimed in.
Though it was meant as a means to shut them up all it did was elicit whimpers from both of them at the thought. That’s when Yoongi sat up and stared down at them and even in the dark they could see the smirk.
“Oh, you like that do you?”
They both nodded eagerly.
“Then strip.”
Neither of them had ever moved so fast in their lives and it was beyond worth it. Complaining was kept to a minimum the next day, but only because Yoongi took very good care of his babies and made sure to kiss their booboos all better.
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starksvixen · 4 years
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Summary: A Jedi and a Mandalorian. Impossible right? Not for Satine and Obi - Wan. Hell, he even said he would leave the Jedi Order for her. But you wished it was you...
A/N - I have only watched a few episodes of Clone Wars so I am not overall familar with Satine and Obi - Wan’s romance. I just thought it would be a spicy fanfiction hehe. This story is also not based on any specific Clone Wars episode, but rather an imaginary situation.
You watch Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine walk ahead of you, escorting her onto a ship that would take her to clan negotiations. With each flirtatious laugh passed between them, your grip on your blaster becomes tighter and tighter. The only thing running through your mind was that she was the wrong Mandalorian, you wanted it to be you. 
Obi-Wan was in the deepest parts of your memory. Ever since Satine needed protecting from the Death Watch, the Jedi hadn’t left your life nor your thoughts. Many nights protecting the Duchess were spent over drinks and long talks of battles you both had faced...
“So you’re telling me that Anakin really jumped out of speeder to chase after a changeling?” you say in between bursts of laughter. 
“Yes!” Obi - Wan says, exasperation evident in his voice. “He was lucky he wasn’t killed in his attempt.”
“Stars! You must have had the time of your life training that whirlwind,” 
As your laughs settle, you bring the small glass to your lips, sipping the burning liquid the Jedi had brought to your room to share. Obi - Wan shakes his head from his seat in front of you, the amber liquid softly shaking with the movement. You let the intoxicating substance slip down your throat, a soft smirk etching it’s way across your face.
“Got any other stories in you tonight, General?” you say to tease.
“Not any that come to mind, but tonight is definitely going into my list.” he replies, taking a soft sip from his thin glass. 
“I feel honored, but why?” 
“It’s not many times I can say I have laughed this hard with someone. Also, it was awfully comedic when you were cleaning your blaster while trying to eye me from the side,” he gestures to the blast on your wall.
“And who says I was checking you out? Maybe there was something on your cheek.”
“Possibly, but there was most likely nothing on my lips,”
He had you caught. Damn his wit. You shake it off quickly, reminding yourself of the situation as to why he was here. To protect your best friend once again, the very woman he was beginning to draw close too.
“I’ll take it as a compliment that tonight was memorable, Obi,” you say, finishing your drink.
“Have you seen how Anakin looks at Senator Amidala?” you quickly add, changing subjects from the topic that left your heart full of pain. 
He was one of the few that ever saw your face beneath the helmet, besides the Duchess of course. In the end, the connection you were sure was true was nothing but an imaginary one. A plea to be more then friends that had been harshly ignored. 
Standing at the doors to the ship, you scan the clones as they enter, ensuring that all of them were authorized to travel with the Duchess. However, your focus is broken by a Scottish accent. 
“You seem tense today, (Y/N). Are you sure everything is alright?” he asks.
“Just that ex Padawan of yours getting on my nerves once again,” 
“Hey!” you heard Anakin exclaim from inside the ship, causing you to chuckle beneath your helmet. 
“Now there’s that chuckle I missed,” 
“Yeah, sure, Kenobi,” you mumble quiet enough that your modulator couldn’t echo it into the real world. 
“What did you say?” 
“Nothing, General Kenobi, just get in the ship. It’s time to take off,”
His face quickly contorted into one of confusion at not only your shortness with him but the backwards step in name. You had always called him Obi - Wan, Obi more specifically when you were alone. It was obvious to him something more pressing was on your mind, but he couldn’t figure out why. All of his worries were put on the back burner as he boarded the ship, enjoying Satine’s company once again.
You step into the ship after he has put space between the two of you, letting a soft sigh release from your lips. The door slams shut under your force, leaning your helmet clad head against it as you dread the day to come.
“You know,” you hear Anakin say, “my master can be quite blind.” 
“What are you talking about, Anakin?” you turn to the black robed Jedi. 
“He’s blind to your love towards him. Anyone can see it, I certainly can,” 
“And I see your love for Senator Amidala,”
With that, his cheeks glow pink, making you chuckle softly and gently pat his shoulder. 
“You got your love, Mandalorian’s like me don’t get that,” 
Picking up your blaster again, you give Anakin a curt nod before walking to the door that lead to Duchess Satine’s room. You guard it’s doorway, listening to their sickening laughs as you travel through hyperspace. 
The night you had arrived on the planet had been eventful...
At the meeting with the senators, there of course was an attack on the Duchess’ life. Multiple deadly drones had sneaked into the room, ready to inject the deadly poison directly into Satine herself. You could tell that from the ever so stoic Obi - Wan standing beside you that he sensed a disturbance in the Force. But you had caught the deadly machines first. 
With your usual accuracy, you killed multiple of the droids that had already surrounded the Duchess. Soon after, Obi - Wan took care of the rest, ensuring that none of the intended poison was delivered. Once you turned around after radioing the clones to meet you at the meeting room, you saw Satine safe in Obi - Wan’s arms. 
You were grateful for the mask, but never as much as you were now. It felt like your heart had shattered like glass, its sharp corners ripping the walls of your chest as they fell. Tears formed in your eyes, you had never seem them this close before. It was the conformation you needed that you had absolutely no chance. 
After bidding a farewell to the senators, you and Obi - Wan followed her to her room to ensure her safety. You remained an outsider to their conversation as you walked her down the hall. The tears threatening to fall would leave a block in your voice, an obvious tell that you couldn’t afford. With a large swallow, you let out a deep breath and entered the Duchess’ room and scanned it for any possible danger. 
“Are you sure you’ll be alright alone tonight?” you heard Obi - Wan question. 
“Yes, I promise Obi - Wan, I’ll be quite safe. I trust (Y/N), she’s been protecting me for years. I trust her with my life.”
There was the other kicker. You and Satine had always been close. Behind closed doors, the two of you used to be inseparable. Your united belief in leaving the barbaric Mandalorian ways behind and your youth was the cord that tied you together. Only for it to be severed by your feelings for the Jedi. Over everything, you wanted your best friend to be happy. That obviously meant with Obi - Wan and because of your strong feelings, you kept your distance. 
“Everything seems safe in her, Satine,” you say. 
“Goodnight, Obi - Wan,” she says with a soft smile. 
With a soft smile and a bow, the Jedi left and you knew you were screwed.
“So are we going to talk about your avoidance of me?” Satine questions.
“I’ve just been busy,” you try to lie. 
“You’ve been busy protecting the person you’re actively avoiding,”
You sigh, taking off your helmet and laying it on her bed before looking towards your friend.
“With everything going on, from the Death Watch to rebuilding Mandalore, I’ve just been overwhelmed,” you try to lie again. 
“I would believe that,” she comments, walking to her small bag and pulling out some casual clothes that contrasted to your engraved armor. “If I knew that Obi - Wan wasn’t nearby.”
You knew you couldn’t lie to her. There was no way, Satine knew you like the back of her hand. With a deep sigh, you look away dejectedly, the weight of your love making your armor seem heavier then before. 
“Sit,” she whispers softly, gracefully sitting on the bed in front of you.
Of course, you listen to your sister in arms, sitting beside her as you cautiously lay your helmet to the side. Gently, you pull your hair to your side, the long braid that was once tightly knit into a bun coming undone, the frizz apparent from the helmet’s friction. Satine’s careful fingers remove your armor with grace and respect as your tradition says too. As she does your work, you unbraid your hair, your thoughts filled with the bearded Jedi. 
“I’m happy you’re happy, Satine.” you blurt out, feeling a part of the weight you had been carrying around suddenly lift.
Once your armor was removed, you strip from your under garments that hold it in place, left in nothing but your underwear. Satine had seen you like this many times before, it was never awkward. 
“As glad I am hearing you say that, why do you say this?” she replies softly.
“You and Obi - Wan,” you choke on the tears of heartbreak, quickly swallowing them down. “He ma-”
Before you could finish, the door to her room flies open to reveal a very flustered looking Obi - Wan. He runs a hand through his long hair, softly shaking his head that wasn’t pointed towards you quite yet.
“Satine, you’re driving me cra-” Obi - Wan’s gaze turns upwards and he quickly panics. 
You were in the same boat, using the clothes in your hands to quickly cover up as soon as he had entered. 
“I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know you and the Duchess were busy,” he says, quickly trying to back out. 
By the time the stuttering man had spit out his sentence, you were already dressed and your armor plus helmet in hand. 
“Don’t worry, General. I wasn’t sleeping with your girlfriend.” you quickly say out of embarrassment, a bitter taste in your mouth to what his previous sentence would have finished at.
As fast as you can, you quickly exit from Satine’s room and make your way quickly down the hall before letting tears fill your eyes. 
“(Y/N)!” you heard him yell, but you didn’t answer.
Quickly, you open the door to your small sleeping quarters, locking the door fast. With a shaky breath, you lay out your armor like you did every night, your helmet in the middle of it all. That’s when you gave in. 
When you gave in to the deep wounds, scratched and embedded pieces of your hear bursting after it’s shatter. The pieces pierce you over and over as your quiet sobs rack your chest from embarrassment and hurt. 
He was there to make love to your best friend, the one thing you saw coming. From what you had heard earlier on the ship, in between the loud bursts of the engine below you. Satine had convinced him to leave the Order for her. It was official. 
The heartbreak set in. Your heart was left shattered. 
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autistic--cryptid · 4 years
hey! just wondering if you have any mlp or hermit headcanons? also i hope you have a great day your blog is great!! <3 /p
indeed i do!
twilight, luna, celestia, pinkie, maud, ocellus, and sunburst are all autistic
celestia, rainbow dash, scootaloo, gallus, silver stream and pinkie all have adhd
cadence is the only neurotypical princess. everytime the 4 princesses meet she spends the whole time sitting there listenting to the rest of them infodump
luna was a pegasus who earned her horn
sunset is essentially the human world equivalent of an alicorn. it doesn’t translate to the pony world because equestrian magic is different, as stated in the movies. the reason twilight is an alicorn in the pony world and in the hula world when she pony’s up is because ponying up happens bc of equestrian magic
twilight uses she/they pronouns
rarity and pinkie both use she/her and will tell people their pronouns are she/her but rarity is not opposed to any neopronouns as well
rainbow uses any pronouns with no preference
applejack uses they/she/he, in order of preference
fluttershy uses she/her and bun/buns pronouns
discord is agender and aroace and uses any pronouns but has a preference for he/him
celestia uses she/her and so/sol
luna uses she/her and they/them
cozy glow is set out of stone at some point between the coronation and the future and spends time with diamond tiara to learn how to use her special talent for good, and as an adult she’s fully reformed and takes on the role of captain of the royal guard
spitfire essentially did what rainbowdash did when she was in the wonderbolts academy: she was confident in her abilities and didn’t let the instructor break her, and then proceeded to excel at every task
spike learned how to sew from rarity, and learned how to bake and cook from pinkie
while celestia takes on ponies who have bright futures ahead of them to set them on the right path to reach that future, luna takes on ponies with dark pasts to help them with their feelings and guide them towards their brighter future
before her banishment, luna was in charge of whatever protection equestria had pre-EUP. she didn’t take it over again as she wasn’t caught up on the many many changes their military underwent
xisuma has a very consistent sleeping scheduel. he will pass out at 9:30pm on the dot regardless of what he’s doing or where he is and then wake up at 5:30am exactly everyday without fail
xisuma has several suits stored in his base, all of which are of different mobs (excluding the 50 plain green ones), and that’s how he’s able to change his skin so often
unlike xisuma, ren never sleeps. he’s constantly awake until sunrise or even beyond then working on whatever project he’s started. often times he ends up falling asleep at the base of a nearby tree or on his unfinished project because he kept himself working for too long to be able to fly to his bed
for the same reason why he never sleeps, ren never brushes his hair. if he doesn’t have time to sleep how would he find time to do that?? his solution is various hairstyles: one day it’s braided, the next it’s a ponytail, the next it’s a bun, and so on
tango has redstone freckles that glow as he smiles
impulse can touch wither roses just fine and sometimes forgets that his friends cannot. similarly, tango has shoved his entire arm in lava before to reach netherite that fell and briefly forgot his friends were so shocked bc they aren’t able to do that without losing hearts
cub has nearly infinite knowledge on all mobs and minecraft rules. somewhere in his giant pyramid or storage system there’s a book with all you could ever need to know on ravagers, and there’s probably another book on unicode, and then another on biomes, and then anoth
joe, on the other hand, does not know much about mobs. he knows what to avoid and what he can befriend, and the rest he learned through from experience. sometimes he’ll show up at cub’s base and take one of his books as if it’s library with no book organization just so he can figure out why tango just went flying over the shopping district saying something about his magic ravager teleportation system or whatever it is that time
false and wels talk about cool swords together and show each other their sword collections on a regular basis
the only person who knows more about minecraft flowers than cub is stress. sure cub knows everything about anything, but this is stress we’re talking about. if you ask her to talk to you about poppy’s you’ll leave the conversation knowing their spawn rates in every biome, the hex codes for each color, when they were added, why their spawn rate is what it is, etc.
mumbo has no idea what going on 90% of the time. he tries, he really does, but he occasionally stops in at his hobbit hole to see if grian’s left him any messages and he’ll read a letter about the turf war and something called moo-pop and the next thing he knows he’s on HEP. he has no idea how this kinda thing keeps happening to him, but he doesn’t know how to make it stop either, so he just rolls with it
tfc knows a bunch of really cool obscure facts. he also owns a lot of really cool obscure items. if you walk up to him and ask him about coal ore, you’re bound to learn something about why it spawns where it does or whatever. he’ll be able to tell you the origin story of endermen, and he’ll be right, but no one will ever be able to figure out how or why he knows this
just like tfc owns a lot of obscure things, he collects a lot of things too, which is often how he has these obscure things. he’s got a collection of coal, dating back to the first one he ever mined, all the way to one he found with a little bit of iron in it
xisuma knows how to sew and evil xisuma knows how to knit. if you bring up sewing to xisuma he’ll show you something he recently made, but if you ask ex about knitting he will fight you
doc likes to play the villain in a storyline for the aesthetic of it. in reality he’d do anything to help his friends, even if he is a bit chaotic in doing so
joe is chaotic great good. just. he is.
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yourlocalmoron · 4 years
Questions and commments I have for Riverdale:
Are the characters ever going to seek counseling/therapy in their adulthood?
Will we ever get a specific mental diagnosis for Cheryl and Betty, or?? Because I feel like Betty might have DID or something else if not more, but I am no psychologist, so please - for the love of whomever you believe in - don’t take my word as gospel. With Cheryl, I’d best guess histrionic, but again, I am no expert...just speculations based off observations and the way they approach/respond/react to situations.
Are all of the students returning as teachers? I really thought they’d all have unique and different jobs (and I mean no offense by that, I just genuinely assumed) outside of teaching—way separate from teaching, actually, except maybe Jug when it comes to writing
Why did they make the Gargoyle King human? I know Roberto never got the green light to fully cross Riverdale over with Sabrina, but they still seemed to have more mentions and guest appearances from the former within CAOS than the other way around? I’m just sayin’... GK was kind of a weird villain, we all know that, but with all the genres that Riverdale plays around with, I think it would’ve been nice to have a supernatural/paranormal-themed season, no? Just me? Kk.. (s3 is my favorite so far, because it’s weird and wild - and I got high for most of its viewing lmao - so I’m biased)
⬆️ I forgot about the fact that Jonathan played as Kurtz in Riverdale and then later as Robin in Sabrina ... and Bret’s actor in CAOS’ last season (wasn’t Donna’s in there, too?) so I mildly stand corrected
I think it would’ve been cool to see Riverdale cover the Be More Chill musical. Idk, with all the peer pressure and casual bullying/taunting/judgement that goes on amongst them peers (examples: joining or leaving/getting kicked out of gangs, being blackmailed into lying in court with the threat of leaking a tape of your brother getting shot, being outed against your consent, getting guilted for still being in the closet, “manning” up after being abused or getting into a bear fight - typical high school stuff), I think it could’ve been an interesting spin. And the cyanide could’ve been replaced with the pill or sumn. But I am content with the musicals they’ve done so far, don’t get me wrong.
Toni’s parents...? ... We ever gonna meet ‘em, or...?
What happened to Hermosa and Charles? Chic, even, or Evelyn? I really don’t remember if they ever explicitly said where these characters went. But I definitely remembered what happened to Edgar 🚀👱🏻‍♂️🔫
Is Hiram gonna try to kill Archie again? I’m sorry but the thought of that kinda makes me laugh, like this dude has been an ongoing villain for three seasons straight. He gets under my skin, and I’d argue that is what can make for a good villain, beloved or not
Did Archie give up Vegas? ‘Cause I haven’t seen that good boy in a while...
Are we ever going to meet Heather?
I just still find it kinda interesting and unique from season 1 that we never once heard Jason speak a line of dialogue, and that everything we ever got to know about him was told through the Blossoms or other students.
The Midnight Club is still one of the best episodes thus far, IMO, and one of my favorites. Maybe I’m just a sucker for nostalgia I wasn’t even alive at the time it came out, but it’s still fun to rewatch.
Why aren’t LGBTQ+ and POC characters utilized more - rather than tossed aside or left to disappear without a trace of goodbye - when there’s actually been a good handful of them per season? (ex.: Cheryl, Kevin, Joaquin, Josie, Chuck, Valerie, Melody, Sierra, Toni, Reggie, Peaches N Cream [I saw her in the recent episode, just for a second, with her cute done-up braids and all], Fangs, Moose, please forgive me if I forgot anyone; it’s been a while) And why do the POC especially end up being villanized up against the white, cishet characters? Like the entire Lodge family, for example..
Toni said her and Jughead were still good friends (when they all - but the core four - still thought he was dead), but I feel like I haven’t seen them interact ‘til Jug denied her title to being the Serpent Queen?
Is Toni going to be pregnant this season, or did they hide Vanessa’s baby bump 🤰🏽 with any random object or article of baggy clothing found onset?
So Reggie and Jughead just never interact after season 3? Kinda sucks ‘cause that’s a duo I’ve been hoping to see more of, but I won’t hold my breath just yet since it sounded like the show’s ongoing til 2022, last time I saw. It would just be cool to see more guy friendships; heck, even Fangs and Reggie would be a sick duo. I just think Reggie getting along with the Serpents - after half a season or more of just not liking or trusting them at all - could be pretty dang cool.
Where did Mad Dog go? I’m sorry, they might’ve said in the last season, but I don’t remember. I miss him either way :(
I just find it funny how Jughead and Veronica never talk about the one kiss they had lmfao. I would’ve loved to see how that convo would’ve gone down, since it’s safe to assume that at least Jug remembered afterward —who never gave Betty a straight answer on whether or not he enjoyed it (/laughs in jeronica crumbs that I’m sure I’ll never get again/)
Who taught Cheryl to talk the way she does? I love her, but— 💀
S1 Alice was so wildly conservative, like...miss ma’am, you’re talking about witchcraft and demons over there like you’ve had your experiences (outside of G&G).. 👀 No but didn’t the Blossoms have a demon in their family bloodline, according to CAOS? ‘Cause that’d make this make much more sense to me..
How many *more* of the Riverdale girls’ fathers could possibly be serial killers or criminals to varying degrees?
Edit: I guess that’s it! I don’t want to ask too much more, just wanna see what this season will entail ~v~
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
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i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
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1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
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2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.
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3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
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Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠
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4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*
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But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure.  Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.
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As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
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5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
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Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.
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6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩
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7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).
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8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
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9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral!  Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
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Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
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Care to explain yourselves, punks?! 
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
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alonelytinywriter · 4 years
Dark Shadows
Yandere! Ex-Villain! Present Mic / Yandere! Ex-Villain! Eraserhead / Original Female Character
Warnings: Lemon-ish (mentioned), Self-Harm mentions (nothing described, just heavily implied), strong language, kidnapping, mentions of pretty typical yandere stuff. Ye Have Been Warned. 
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Playlist ~ Chillhop Radio
Name: Oshima Mia ~ Birthday: January 3rd ~ Age: 24 ~ Hair Color: Black ~ Eye Color: Rose Gold ~ Gender: Female ~ Height: 5′2′’ ~ Quirk: Feline ~ Occupation: Bartender
Appearance: Mia is a small, fair-skinned girl. She has rose-gold eyes with full, dark lashes, and a dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her canine teeth are more pronounced and that, along with the full pointed ears and long, thick tail the grows from the base of her spine, are not the only aspects of her Quirk that manifest physically, although they are the most noticeable. Her hair, like her ears and tail, is black and typically styled into twin messy buns, braids, ponytails, or the like. She rarely wears her hair down, as she doesn’t like to fool with it. ~ Mia’s causal outfits normally consist of shorts or jeans, simple t-shirts, and comfortable flat shoes, although while working as a bartender, she amassed a collection of short skirts, shirts with too-low necklines, and dresses that where barely there. Whatever helps bring in those sweet, sweet tips at the end of the night. 
Quirk: Feline ~ Mia’s Quirk causes her body to possess many characteristics akin to a feline, such as retractable claws, paws on the surface of her hands, and her spine growing differently, resulting in her developing a flexible vertebrae with elastic cushioning on the disks and a much longer rotation along the spine, much like a cat itself. Despite all this, her Quirk never really leaned toward the Hero side of the spectrum, and she therefore decided to explore other career options, leading her to take a job as a bartender. ~ Power - 1/5 ~ Speed - 2/5 ~ Technique - 3/5 ~ Intelligence - 3/5 ~ Cooperativeness - 4/5 
~ Dark Shadows ~ 
~ The entryway to the club was like trying to walk through a wall of sound, and the inside was filled with dry-ice smoke, colored lights, and slender limbs that appeared and disappeared inside the churning smog as the patrons danced. Hizashi and Shouta had only just stepped past the bouncer when Hizashi’s eyes were drawn to the bar and he stared. She was beautiful - hair nearly the precise color of black India ink and piled atop her head in a pair of messy twin buns, liner smudged around her eyes thickly, lips painted red as blood from an open wound, and skin so pale it nearly glowed. She wore a knee length black dress that clung to her curves in the most delicious ways, a scrap of silk and lace that accented her cleavage (although there wasn’t much to show) and showed her legs (which seemed to go on for miles, despite her height), while covering her arms. And a body harness that encircled her waist, chest and neck added a wildly dark aspect to her outfit that fit the club perfectly. 
~ It wouldn’t be any of this, however, that would draw Shouta’s attention. It would be the two pointed cat ears that flicked impatiently atop her head, the tail that curled and uncurled in time with the music, her slitted pupils which widened slightly as she glanced over the crowd. Someone sauntered to the bar, leaned forward, and said something so funny that the bartender threw her head back and laughed - a sound like resonated through the club like a beacon, light and clear and 100% female - and her canine teeth glinted sharply in the dim light. She was a heteromorphic feline, and it was noticeable. 
~ Twelve minutes. It took Shouta exactly twelve minutes to case out the bar, for Hizashi to approach and make first contact, for Shouta to order the first drink. In that twelve minutes the two ex villains realize two things - One: The girl was clearly anxious around them both. Two: She didn’t recognize either of the ex-villains . . . or she didn’t care. There was fear in her eyes, that much was true, but it wasn’t directed towards them. It seemed more broad than that - the sounds, the lights, the bodies pressed against one another. Whenever a patron would lean in to closely the girl would pull back, ears flattening against her head as she frowned minutely. If the second bartender behind the counter brushed against her reaching for a bottle of liqueur, the girl violently flinched. 
~ Her voice was smooth as she spoke to them when they took their seats, and both ex-Villains noted how her cheeks dusted brightly with a rosy tint as she took their order, how the blush deepened when they complemented her as she poured the two shots into the rainbow hued glasses before them. It was adorable. The way she pouted when she couldn’t reach a bottle she needed. How her cheeks puffed out when a extremely large, extremely drunk male ordered the same drink, for the fifteenth time in a row, her breath whistling between her lips, alerting the bouncers standing near the door that the man had clearly reached his limits. How she hissed at the man who was brazen enough to reach out and stroke his hand along one of her ears. She slapped the man, and Shouta was the one to notice the pink and black dappled pads along her hand that oh-so-closely resembled a cats’ paws. They talked of nothing but the girl when she attended to the other patrons, and when she stood before them, all doe eyes and blushing cheeks, the two had a hard time hiding their attractions. 
~ They want nothing more than to kidnap her then, as she walks home from her shift at the bar as the sun rises, but as Hizashi stares at her small form he worries that she may not like either of them very much if they do so and after several quite moments of deliberations, Shouta agrees. Instead they follow their darling from the bar to a bus stop, and from the bus stop to her home, which is nothing more than a small apartment settled above a flower shop that smelled, of all things, peaches and wine. They couldn’t see into the apartment, due to its location on a main road, and being on the second floor, but they knew where she lived, and they both attended to their own plans to investigate the apartment later. To make sure it was good enough for their Darling, of course. 
~ The two spend weeks at the bar after that first night, talking with the bartender, Mia as they found out, laughing through their drinks as she poured them and speaking softly of Mia when she attended to other customers. But one night, nearing the third week, they enter and realize that Mia is not behind the bar. It shouldn’t have been so surprising - she had worked every day up until then - so that she finally had a day off should not have shocked the two as it did, but when they realized that Mia was not where they expected, they glanced between themselves and the bar as if she would appear from their will alone. 
~ “’Zashie! Sho - O - ota!” 
~ Mia’s hair was down for the first time since the two had first meet her, pooling on the plastic vinyl of the booth as Mia waved wildly, a drink resting on the table before her, as well as enough empty glasses to knock out an American frat party. She was visibly swaying in the seat, her eyes glinting between the two men as they approached, surprise written across their faces. It doesn’t take long for the two to get Mia talking, and once she does she’s brazenly open for the first time, her answers coming freely as they ask about her childhood - which had been normal to the point of boring - to her Quirk - which she playfully describes as “Beautifully useless.” - to the bright ring that seemed to run through the tip of her tail - “My parents hated it, but when I was a kit, one of my older brothers accidentally shut my tail in a door, breaking two of the bones. They had to remove then to prevent infections and it made that part of my tail . . . floppy, I guess is the word for it. It didn’t sit right. So I wanted something to make it sit. And the piercing didn’t hurt at all cause it’s all numb through there anyways cause of the bones bean gone an all, and look ~!” Mia waves her tail in front of their faces, its long length unfurling and twitching, causing a ringing bell to sound. there, attached to the ring, was a small golden bell. 
~ It was almost a good enough act to hide the shadows beneath her eyes, the way her ears laid back at the smallest of movements, the way her hands rubbed over her forearms again and again. They laughed, and pretended to drink with Mia as she continued to chat, seeming for all the world as if they were simply drinking with a friend but there was something . . . darker. Something darker that seemed to blanket the group as the questions became more personal and the responses became more clipped. Shouta’s question of her family had been met with stony silence, and for a moment the group feel silent as the club continued to blare around them. Finally, Hizashi broke the silence. 
~ “What made you deride to drink so much tonight, Little Listener?” 
~ Mia almost looked like she wouldn’t respond for a moment, eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted, but then she spoke, and her voice was barely audible over the din of the club. “Ahh, you know, life isn’t the best. Ever. So sometimes I drink so I don’t reme-mem-ber just how . . . not the best it is.” 
~ She refused to go into more detail than that, even when Hizashi tried to get her explain again and again. In the end the two escorted Mia to her home as the sun rose above the rooftops, despite her never telling either men where she lived. She was slurring heavily, eyes nearly closed as they shouldered her door open and led her to her bed. Her breath was already calm and even by the time her head hit the pillow, and Hizashi wondered if she hadn’t been sleep walking after all. 
~ Hizashi makes sure to leave a glass of water on her nightstand, along with several Advil, his hands fluttering over her form as he debated whether she would be more comfortable out of the hoodie and jeans she wore, but before he could come to a resolution Shouta moved forward and drew the sleeve of her hoodie up her arm, revealing a patchwork of bruises and fine line cuts that seemed to span the length of her forearm and biceps. 
~ It’s nearly lucky that Mia had already passed out from the drink at that moment, because Shouta is not quiet as he striped her of her clothes, revealing more bruises along her legs, although there didn’t seem to be any more of the cuts.
~ Shouta seethes silently, but Hizashi’s voice, when he speaks, holds enough emotion for them both: “We will save her.”
~ They begin to actively coming around more and more after that, running into her outside the bar, the park, the grocer, the butcher. It happens so often that Mia stops wondering if she’s going to see them again and merely wonders when. They became a group, one that went to events together and on the nights when Mia and the boys would go out together, the nights when the sun was rising on the horizon as they attempted to stagger home, it becomes common place for the boys to crash on the couch together. One or the other would make a light breakfast if they woke before Mia, and if she woke before them they would wake to donuts and coffee from a shop down the street. She had admitted a few weeks into the arrangement that she didn’t really know how to cook, and she didn’t have time to learn, so why both when she could just get everything she needed already cooked for her?
~ Summer fades into fall and by the time winter comes the two ex-Villains have more than learned that despite her happy and lighthearted front, Mia was suffering from both depression and anxiety. They knew when it bothered her more becomes her clothes, which would normally display more than enough skin in their opinion, would become revealing no matter the weather. It was due to the bruises, the cuts, they were sure, and as they had found no evidence of a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or even an abusive family member, the two had been forced to confront the notion that Mia was doing that to herself - that she was harming herself. 
~ They decide to confront Mia about it, but the night they plan on bringing it up Mia never shows to the coffee shop. At first the two assume that she had to work, something that had made her late or a no show to their meetings before, but after visiting the bar and learning that she hadn’t even been scheduled for that day Shouta and Hizashi decide to visit her apartment. And it’s a wreak. Door broken from its hinges, furniture tipped and thrown across the room, and there, in the bedroom along the door - blood. A single, bloody hand print smeared against the creamy paint. Pinned beneath a knife is a note with a brief message: If you want the girl back, you know where to find me.
~ And they do. It takes nearly three and a half days to find the cocky little fucker who took their darling from them and the moment they step through the doorway of the Yukaza hideaway, blood begins to fall. The last body - the little punk who lead the operation - hits the floor long before they actually find Mia. And when they do Hizashi openly begins to weep while Shouta stares in horror.
~ Mia was drugged, clearly so, and hurt badly. She was hung from the rafters of the hideaway by her wrists, her toes barely touching the ground. Her clothes had been cut from her, non to gently judging by the smooth red line that ran from the hallow of her neck to her belly button. Both lips were swollen and bleeding, her cheek was clearly broken, and bruises covered nearly every inch of her body. But, Shouta sighed in relief as he carefully cut her down and began wrapping her in his over sized coat, she seemed to have been used as a human bunching bag rather than a sexual toy, and for that he was grateful. 
.~ Mia wakes up in the hospital, and afterwards Shouta and Hizashi offer to allow Mia to stay with them. “You’re place isn’t safe anymore.” Shouta points out, using her fear against her. “The men who kidnapped you must have had a reason. What if they come back for you?” In the end, Mia agrees, and through the next few months the two help Mia as she begins her painful recover and by the time winter becomes spring Mia is fully healed. Physically at the very least. She suffered from nightmares nearly every time she laid her head down to go to to sleep, and during the day the smallest of noises, which bothered her before, would send her spiraling into a panic attack. She, on more than one occasion, took swings at both Shouta and Hizashi in her sleep, but neither men resented her for it. It broke their hearts to see their darling this way, and one or the other commonly sleeps with her at night despite her protests that she can sleep alone.
~ A free weekend comes up, something that rarely happens as both men are much too often busy with their jobs - although Mia never does learn where the two work - and the group decide to spend that Friday night binge watching Studio Ghibli movies and drinking their way through a tall bottle of sake. Their nearly to the end of Pom Poko when Hizashi makes the first move. They had planned this for weeks now, and the both were sure of how this would end, whether Mia truly wanted this or not. They had been kind and caring. They had waited. And now, with Mia laying on the couch between the two of them, cheeks rosy from drink, they knew it was time for them to have their reward. 
~ Mia nearly bolts from the couch when Hizashi suddenly leans into her and she fills his lips on her neck. But Shouta’s hands where on her shoulders, holding her down and rubbing soothing circles all in the same motion. “Guys, what are you -” but she doesn’t get to finish her sentence before Shouta’s lips are on hers and Hizashi whispered hushed words into her neck. Their hands were every where at once, pressing against her skin, slipping beneath her clothes. Mia couldn’t breath past the lips on hers, the smell of wine on their breath mingling with hers made her dizzy causing her mind to spin. 
~ It isn’t until their laying together in the bed, skin sweaty and slightly out of breath that the words where spoken under Hizashi’s breath: “I love you.” And when the words are whispered back to them both, softly and of so sweet, the two ex-villains can barely believe it. it seems so sweet to hear after so long, and the face that she falls asleep only moments later, head pillowed on Shouta’s chest and cradled against Hizashi’s front, they feel as if they are on top of the world. Finally, Mia had accepted them. Finally, after nearly a year of conditioning their Darling, all their hard work had finally paid off.
~ They’re both gone when Mia awakes however, and she thinks little of it. They’re both often gone when she awakes nowadays, so she goes about her business, even a little grateful that the boys where gone. It gave her time to muddle over her actions the previous night. It was hard to remember how she had acted. She had been so . . . so wanton. She hadn’t even questioned the two men, and looking back she wondered if she should have. Memories still cloud her thoughts as she walks into the kitchen, towel drying her hair, a blush coating her cheeks as the look in Shouta’s eyes as he stared up at her from between her thighs replays in her minds eye. But a voice stops her train of thought just as she reaches the fridge, the voice of an anchor man from the news, speaking urgently.
~ “ - in the area are urged to use extreme caution. both Villains are known to be extreme dangerous, and despite their four year hiatus, we are still told that the Villains Eraserhead and Present Mic are not to be approached. If spotted, please, report to a profession, and they will respond. Again, all citizens in the area are urged to used extreme caution. Both villains are known - “ It isn’t the words that stop Mia. No. Its the reflection of the T.V. screen in the window. A screen showing to photos of men that Mia knew disturbingly well. 
~ Shouta and Hizashi. Shouta and Hizashi dressed in gear that Mia had seen them both leave in more than once. Shouta and Hizashi staring at the viewer with glares hard enough to shatter ice. Shouta and Hizashi were villains.
~ Before Mia can process what she’s doing, she finds herself at a window, fingers tugging desperately at the latch. They lived at the edge of the city, in a low structured two story home that wouldn’t be a problem to jump from - she had fallen farther for less as a teenager - if only she could get the stupid fucking things open. No matter how long or hard she tugged, she couldn’t seem to make a single one budge. And when she approaches the front door, already sure of what she’ll find, she can’t help the sob that escapes when she finds it locked as well. 
~ She was so stupid. How could she have fallen for them? It had never been a problem before. They had made no effort to convince her to leave the house, and why would she? They had always brought everything she had ever needed. Food, clothes, toiletries, anything she had ever mentioned or stated she needed or wanted. They had always appeared with it the next morning, and when Mia had lamented how none of Shouta’s cats seemed to like her, he had left the house without a word and appeared only hours later, a simple ginger kitten in his hands. They had cooked for her, and cleaned after her, held her after her nightmares and been so . . . so . . . so kind. No matter what, they had both treated her as if she were something fragile, something could easily be broken. Even when she had been sandwiched between the two, heavy breath on her neck and their bodies pressed tightly against hers, they had treated her as if she were nothing more than a porcelain doll. 
~ By the time Shouta and Hizashi arrive at the house that night Mia has calmed a bit, sitting with the small ginger cat in her lap and a large knife next to her. To say the two men are surprised is a understatement, but the moment their eyes locked on the T.V. they understand. “You know.” Mia doesn’t say a word. She merely stares. “Did you see the news?” A small head shake and Shouta sighs, stepping forward lightly but Mia reacts violently, her ears flattening against her skull, her tail puffing with rage or fear, they weren’t sure. She bolted from the couch, Ginger falling the floor with a disgruntled meow, knife already in her hand. “Mia. You don’t want to do this.”  
~  “Fuck you ‘Zashi.” Hizashi startles at the use of his pet name, his eyes meeting Shouta’s for a moment before Mia draws their attention back. “Why? Why could you just tell me the truth? Why did you lie to me? Why - “ Mia bites back a sob, the knife clattering from her fingertips as she stumbled backwards.
~ “Didn’t you watch the rest, baby?” Hizashi croons. “Didn’t you see the part where the two Big Bad Villains died?” And it’s true. Hizashi forces her to watch the T.V., really watch it for the first time in hours, and she saw that his words were true. The Hero All Might had defeated both Villains, whipping the floor with them both. They were pronounced dead on scene and while the news station continued to show repeated clips of the fight as a newscaster spoke, Hizashi walked forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Don’t you see, little listener? We killed ‘em, those Villains. All Might owed us a favor, and we finally cashed it out.” 
~ “But what you did -” 
~ “Does it really matter any more?” Shouta moved forward and melded to her front. “We can be with you. And we will. We’ll spoil you rotten and give you everything in the world. You just have to say you’ll be ours. That’s all. Just say it baby.” Mia refuses to listen, sobbing and moving to pull away, but both men refuse to let her go, cooing soft words of reassurance.
~ “It’s okay, little listener.” Hizashi soothes later, his hands stroking over her skin as they lay in bed together, Mia fully exhausted from her tears. “You don’t have to love us right now. we love you plenty to make up for it. And we’ll never stop loving you.”
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Return to Me - Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen: Trust in Me
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A/N: Hi all! There’s a lot of fashion in this chapter, I think like four different outfits, so bear with me. I hope you all like this chapter! This lays the foundation for some good shit coming up, and I’d once again like to apologize for the pain I cause all of you. I promise, this story will have a mostly happy ending, I just want to torture you all a bit before we get there! As always, let me know if you want to be tagged and what you think! (Also WOW I forgot how good he looked in TROS)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,466 Synopsis: Although it seemed unlikely, the reader’s gathering was a success, and the planet of Manaan has agreed to supply the resistance with some much-needed help. Poe, Leia, and Black Squadron head to Serenno to accept these gifts, but another dinner party stirs up hard feelings between Poe and Lin, which eventually boil over into the tensions Poe and the reader are already feeling. 
Tag List: @xeniarocks​, @too-many-baes​, @araceli91103​, @idocarealot​, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr​, @thescarletknight2014​, @charlottie2998​, @ibikus, @mellow-f1, @mrsdaamneron, @trustme3-13, @missjess71, @ella-solei, @minelskede, @gleigh42, @usuallyweepingnacho, @givemethatgold, @and-claudia, @constantdisgrace, @wordsinwinters, @readingvogueonprivetdrive, @trshbb, @kaitlynw011, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands, @fairytalesforever, @thanos-jeep, @mixedfandxms, @pastelbunny1501, @emotionalcal, @daniellajocelyn, @getyourselfaunicorn, @spider-starry, @jimhalpertcanbuymelove, @angelicaxhouston, @roserrys
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You awoke that next morning, your hand still firmly clenched around Poe’s mother’s ring. The sun had yet to rise over Theed Palace, although it was threatening to soon. As always, you had a dreamless sleep. 
You were reluctant to take off the necklace as you got out of bed but were certain that no one else should see it. It would be another little bit before Nové and Loré would come to get you ready for the day, and you decided to capitalize on the time. Your braid from last night looked fine this morning, so you left it alone as you scavenged through your wardrobe for something to wear for today. You pulled out a gown and accessorized it with different jewels, except for the one you wanted to wear most. 
Early morning, before light had broken over Naboo was your absolute favorite time to be in the palace. Although you truly felt that every part of Naboo was breathtaking, there was something magical that happened in the castle when the first break of light started to spill through the stained glass windows, shining a kaleidoscope of color across the long, tall halls. Few guards or workers were out for the day, so there was a quiet calm in the air as you moved down the hallway, gazing at the different colored light that touched your feet as you moved.
Through habit, you made your way towards the throne room, but on your way down, you heard a noise coming from one of the meeting rooms attached to the nearby hall. Carefully, you crept closer to the room, hoping to listen to who was speaking. Whoever was in the room, though, was talking so quietly that you couldn’t hear them until you were visibly standing in the doorway.
“Your Highness,” Broden said, sitting up. He was slouched in his seat, his finger on his forehead indicating that he had been up all night.
“Too early for a meeting, don’t you think, my lord?” you asked, stepping into the room. He motioned to the chair to his right and you took a seat.
“I was just waiting for a call from General Organa. I wanted to inform her of the success of yesterday’s dinner.”
“I don’t know if I’d call it a success,” you said, looking at him curiously. “We got some promising responses, but—”
“I got a transmission last night. Senator Rebianakl of Manaan is dropping off supplies to Serenno today.”
“Really? What kind of supplies?” you asked excitedly.
“A ship or two, weapons, everything they can spare, she said.”
“That’s wonderful,” you said.
“I know. So, you’ll be coming with us to Serenno to accept their generous gift, won’t you?”
“Oh, I’m not sure about that,” you said, drawing back slightly.
“Why not? It’ll be the perfect opportunity to show off—”
“You,” he said simply. “You’re the reason Manaan is giving us this wonderful gift.”
“That’s not true, it’s because of Lin. He was the one who convinced Avania.”
“True, but you cannot deny the spark you put in people,” he said kindly. “And this will help the Resistance. If you want to rebuild the Republic, in whatever capacity you desire,” he added, when you began to argue, “Then you should be there. The first step is the Resistance, the next is the Republic.”
“Without the Republic, the Resistance is just a bunch of outlaws.”
“You don’t believe that, and I don’t think the galaxy believes that either. Is there a reason you don’t want to go to Serenno?”
“No,” you said quickly, “I just want to be clear that I’m not going to be the one leading the Republic.”
“Or the Resistance?” he asked. You rolled your eyes.
“Of course not,” you said. “I want to do what’s right for the galaxy, but I am attached to Naboo and Naboo only.”
“I know,” he said. You sighed and smiled at him reluctantly. “So you’re really not coming with, then?”
“I need to meet with my council and figure out what’s next for our people, anyways.”
“Of course,” he said, “Would you like me to stay as well?”
“I think I can handle them for myself.”
“Very well. I should be back by tonight.”
“No need to worry, Sarsa,” you said with a smile. “I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
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“Why are we going to Serenno, though?” Snap asked, following Poe through the jungle of Yavin-4, on their way back to Kes’s house.
“Because that’s where our base is supposed to be,” Poe said.
“Why don’t we just tell this count that we’ve found a new base?”
“We don’t have very many allies right now, and Leia wants to make sure we don’t lose any. We don’t really know if we can trust him, but until we’re sure we can’t, we can’t risk losing him as an ally. General Organa wants us there to accept the supplies with Lin Ral.” Snap nodded and looked at him curiously. “What?”
“Nothing. This is the same count who’s supposed to be marrying Y/N, though, right?”
“He’s not supposed to be marrying her,” Poe grumbled, “Her parents would just really like him to marry her.”
“And how do you feel about all of this?”
“Well, I’m not thrilled that my ex-wife is being pursued by him, but there’s not much I can do.”
“Except plan a romantic attic date, right?” Snap asked. Poe looked back at him and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“You going to be okay around Lin Ral?” Snap asked.
“I’ll figure it out,” Poe said, giving him a tired smile.
“Good. While we’re on the subject of relationships, maybe we should talk about Suralinda, too.”
“I’d rather not,” Poe grumbled.
“Come on, at least tell me what happened so I can keep up to date when the two of you either sneak off to a storage closet together or glare daggers at each other.” Poe let out a small laugh and nodded his head as they neared his home.
“Sura and I are done. We’re great friends, and we’re better off staying that way.”
“Plus, you’ve got that pesky ex-wife of yours around,” Snap said with a smile.
“Plus, Y/N’s back,” he agreed. “It was stupid to get caught up with Sura. I know I hurt her, and I’m sure Y/N would be hurt, too, if she ever found out. I was just . . .”
“Lonely,” Snap finished simply. “It’s alright. There’s nothing wrong with that. And as far as I’m concerned, Y/N would have nothing to be angry about. You’re divorced, you don’t owe her anything.”
“Except that I’ve told her I love her every time I see her,” Poe said. “And I do, I absolutely do, I just don’t know how Suralinda fits into all of this. If what happened between us needs to be explained to Y/N—”
“You know,” Snap said, clapping Poe on the shoulder, “I think we’ve got bigger things to worry about right now. Don’t let this stuff trouble you.”
“Oh, believe me, I know. Which is why this trip to Serenno is doubly fun. Not only do I get to see the man who is trying to seduce Y/N, I also get to deal with the process of accepting the gifts from Manaan and schmoozing with the politicians.”
“Your favorite kind of day,” Snap said sarcastically.
They each dropped the bag of needed supplies at their feet right outside the door to Kes’s home. Snap wasn’t more than two steps up when Karé swung open the door. She beamed at Snap and wrapped him in a big hug, kissing his head every so often, as if on the short trip to the base, he had been in mortal peril.
It was hokey and overly emotional, but Poe couldn’t help but wish that you were the one coming out of his father’s house and wrapping your arms around him as you gently kissed.
He realized he was staring much too late, and by the time he did, Karé had already thrown the apple in her hand at him.
“Hey, Fly Boy, eyes to yourself,” she spat. Snap chuckled at her and laced his hand in hers. “You guys about ready to go?”
“Yep,” Poe said. “Got everything we needed from the base.”
“Perfect. I’ll let General Organa know.” She started to walk back towards the house, her hand still firmly in Snap’s. She pulled on his hand gently and he followed her into the house, leaving Poe outside alone for a few moments.
“Off to Serenno?”
Poe turned around to see his father walking up to the house, a basket of the freshest picks from his garden in his hands. The weight was clearly straining on his father’s old shoulders, so Poe quickly jumped down the steps and helped his dad carry it up onto the porch.
“We’re heading out soon,” Poe said, wiping the dust off on his pants.
“You’ll be careful,” Kes said.
“Then I’ll see you when you get back.” Kes wrapped him in a quick hug, pulling away just as Leia walked out of the house with Snap, Karé, and the rest of Black Squadron.
“Ready, Commander?” Leia asked with a gentle smile.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The flight to Serenno was quick, too quick for Poe’s liking. He had secretly hoped that on the way to Serenno he would run into some kind of snag that meant he wouldn’t have to rub elbows with the political elites of Serenno and Manaan, but as he made the smooth landing on Serenno’s surface, he knew he was in no such luck.
Lin Ral was waiting at the entrance to the castle on Serenno, an aggressively polite smile on his face. Leia smiled back at him gently, so Poe knew that he must, too. He gave him a polite nod and a little smile as they stepped up to face him. Poe looked up at the man, the one who was trying with all of his might to seduce you, and tried to figure out whatever he could about him from his welcoming presence.
“Welcome,” he said, “It’s good to have you back, General Organa, and I can see that you’ve brought Black Squadron with you.”
“Yes,” Leia said, “I thought it would be best to have them accept the gifts from Manaan with me as they are the ones who are going to be using them. May I introduce Commander Poe Dameron?” she said, motioning to him. Poe suddenly stood up straighter, trying to reach eye-level with Lin as he shook his hand.
“I’ve heard many stories about you, Commander,” Lin said with a jovial smile. “It is an honor to finally meet you.”
“Thank you. You as well, my lord,” Poe managed to say without a grimace.
“Senator Rebianakl will be here shortly. Let me escort you to the hangar,” Lin said, leading the group. He made sure to fall behind the group and ended up walking step in step with Suralinda.
“I wonder what stories he’s heard about you,” she said with a smirk. Poe managed a chuckle and shook his head.
“I don’t know.”
“And I wonder from whom,” she said, flicking her hair behind her back and walking away from him. He looked down at his shoes, knowing that Sura had yet to forgive him. As he stepped onto the hangar, Leia pushed his shoulder, drawing his eyes upright to see Lin Ral greeting a woman from Manaan. Leia was called up and exchanged pleasantries with Senator Rebianakl.
Poe studied the gifts she had brought. Three ships, two brand new X-Wings, and a cruiser that was only a little bit smaller than the one that had been lost with Vice Admiral Holdo. Rebianakl beckoned them all forward, and as they each surveyed the ships, they found crates full of ammunition and weapons, and food and survival supplies.
“So, what do you think?” Poe looked to his left and saw Lin standing next to him. Poe nodded and looked back at all the supplies.
“I think it’s going to bring some great help. We have a lot to thank Senator Rebianakl for.”
“I’m glad you agree,” he said with an obnoxious smile. “We’ve invited her to dinner, and she’d like everyone to join us.”
“Everyone?” Poe asked.
“Everyone,” Leia said, stepping forward. Poe looked into her eyes, finding no chance of a discussion available and nodded his head.
“Black Squadron will be there,” he said, to both Lin and Leia.
“Splendid,” Lin said, “I’ll inform Senator Rebianakl.”
Leia gave Poe a smirk as she stepped away, discussing something with Kaydel Co Connix. Poe looked across the hangar and found his squadron as he often always did, grouped together. He moved over to them and gave them a lackluster smile.
“What is it?” Jessika asked.
“We’re all having dinner with Senator Rebianakl,” he said with a frown.
“I’m not changing out of this jumpsuit,” she stated plainly. “I don’t even have anything else to wear.”
“Don’t worry,” Suralinda said with a smirk, “I think I have something that’ll fit you.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better,” Jessika complained as Karé and Suralinda pulled her out into the hall. Snap walked up next to Poe and bumped his shoulder.
“Excited for dinner?” he asked.
“Oh, just thrilled.”
“Hey, maybe Lin Ral has a jacket you can borrow,” Snap said with a grin.
“I think I can manage,” Poe said, shaking his head with a laugh as he walked away from Snap.
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“I didn’t join the Resistance to schmooze with the elites of the galaxy,” Poe said as Leia inspected his outfit, pulling on the sleeves of his jacket.
“You joined the Resistance to fix the galaxy,” she said, dusting off his shoulder blades, “And that’s just what you’re doing. And relax, Poe, you look great.”
“Well, I never said I didn’t,” he said with a smirk. Leia smacked his arm as she walked away, whipping the cape of her jacket out behind her.
“Don’t you look spiffy,” Jessika said, walking into the room, turning Poe’s attention. His eyes widened when he saw what she was wearing, but a smile washed over his face, too, at his friend who never liked to get dressed up, looking beautiful.
“Where did you find this?” Poe asked, stepping up to admire the billowy sleeves of her shirt. “You look great.” She rolled her eyes, but a slight blush fell on her cheeks.
“Suralinda. She had matching looks for herself, Karé, and I.”
“No kidding,” Poe said appreciatively. The doors to his left opened again and Karé and Suralinda walked in wearing their matching outfits. As if he couldn’t have smiled anymore, Poe grinned even larger.
“Absolutely beautiful,” Poe said honestly.
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Snap said, walking into the room after the women. He wrapped an arm around Karé’s hip, matching Poe’s grin. “Hey, we look pretty good. Maybe we do have a future in politics.”
“Doubtful, knowing your manners,” Poe said, leading the group out the same door that Leia went through a few moments ago.
As they walked in, Poe took in the room around him. The halls of the Serenno dining room were very similar to the rest of the castle. Dark, nearly black marble walls covered the room, making the lighting covering the table illuminate eerily. At the head of the table was Lin Ral, and to his left and right, Senator Rebianakl and General Organa. An array of food had already been laid out on the table, and when Black Squadron entered, Lin beckoned them to the chairs around the table.
Poe took a seat next to Lin Ral’s mother, Neamia, and locked eyes with Leia, who he was sitting across from. The meal started as formal meals usually did, with the conversation turning to policies first and foremost. Poe managed to drown most of it out, adding a polite ‘ah’ and ‘mmhmm’ every few moments when the conversation went his way. However, he could barely withhold his contempt when Rebianakl said the thing he hated most about politicians.
“I hope that our donation will be remembered, my lord, when Manaan needs support in our new Republic,” she said. Poe couldn’t hide his contempt as he looked to Leia for a reaction. She quickly shook her head, forbidding him to speak his mind as Lin answered her.
“Of course, Senator. I just discussed with Queen Bhavisama last night that once all this business with the First Order is finally settled, we will have to start thanking everyone who helped us.”
Leia’s foot found him underneath the table as Poe started to open his mouth. He gave her wide eyes, and though it was clear that she wanted him to shut up, he couldn’t. Hearing Lin refer to you and him as a ‘we’ sent white-hot rage through his body.
“I was under the impression that Queen Bhavisama,” he said, the name tasting sour in his mouth, “Didn’t want to be a part of the new Republic.”
“I’m not sure I got that from her,” Lin said, a smile still on his face as he looked at Poe. “She is on the side of democracy, and therefore, the forming of the new Republic.” Poe plastered a fake smile on his face and nodded.
“Of course, but she’s still the queen of Naboo.”
“I think you’re underestimating everything she’s capable of,” Lin said, his smile falling ever so slightly.
“I think you’re not letting her speak for herself, or at least just not hearing it when she does.”
“I didn’t realize the two of you were so close.”
“Come again?” Poe asked, leaning over the table to give Lin a dangerous look.
“Well, it just seems that you know her so well to know exactly what she wants and doesn’t want.”
“Bhavisama and I are good friends,” Poe said, his fake smile from before completely gone. “I’ve known her for a long time, I think I’ve gotten her pretty much figured out.”
“Well,” Leia said loudly before Lin could counter, “Since Y/N isn’t here, I think it’s best not to argue about what she does or doesn’t want. I do know, Senator,” she said, turning her attention back to Rebianakl, but leaving a burning gaze on Poe, “That Bhavisama was very thankful for your generous donation and did want to extend her thanks.”
Senator Rebianakl smiled back at Leia, and the issue was put to bed as dessert was served. Poe stabbed at his food, but couldn’t bring himself to eat the sweet, chocolatey pie in front of him.
When dinner was over, he and the other members of Black Squadron were the first ones to stand. They had exchanged many looks during dinner, and after his interaction with Lin, he wanted to get as far away from Serenno as possible, as quickly as possible.  
“Poe,” Leia said, standing just as quickly. “Walk with me, won’t you?” she asked. He nodded and quickly exchanged a look with Jessika. She gave him a polite smile and escaped from the room with the rest of their squadron. Poe offered his arm to Leia and led her out of the room, back towards their new ships.
When they were in an empty hallway, she pulled her arm from his. Poe looked into her eyes and saw the lecture coming even before she opened her mouth.
“What the fuck was that?” she asked.
“What was what?”
“Don’t play stupid, Dameron. Just last night I have to keep Javos from embarrassing Y/N, I never expected I’d have to do the same with you.”
“I wasn’t trying to embarrass Y/N,” he said weakly, “I was just—”
“Look, what Lin said was stupid. I heard it, too, but he’s still our best chance right now. Even if he is trying to court Y/N.” Poe nodded and set his jaw. “What you did in there was also very stupid.”
“I know.”
“But you were right,” she said softly.
“How’s that?” he asked. Leia sighed and shook her head gently.
“Y/N is still just queen of Naboo. She doesn’t want anything to do with the reformation of the Republic. Her parents want to paint her as the figurehead of the movement, but that’s not at all what she wants. I think you were right to stand up for her, even if you did it stupidly.”
“Ah, there’s that classic Leia compliment-insult.”
“And you’ll hear many more if you don’t get your act together,” she said, looking up at him. “I can’t take any more setbacks.”
“I know,” he said, dropping his head. She patted his cheek softly, turning his eyes to her.
“Now why don’t you go help the rest of your squadron pack up and we’ll leave this curse of a planet.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Poe said with a smile.
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Another long day had you feeling exhausted, craving nothing more than to fall into your bed and sleep for hours, but you still had to reach out to Leia. If you were going to be meeting with potential future members of the Republic, of course, she would want to know about that. You typed in the codes to contact Leia, but nearly fell asleep before a Holo appeared on the screen.
“Oh, hi,” you said, looking up to see Poe in Leia’s place. He smiled at you, making you smile back, feeling a twinge of excitement in your stomach.
“I was expecting to get Leia.”
“Yeah, yeah, I figured. She’s not here right now. I just saw she was getting a transmission so—”
“Sure,” you said, “How are you?”
“Good. We just got finished up packing all of the supplies from Manaan. We’ll be taking off pretty soon.”
“You’re still on Serenno?” you asked in shock.
“Yes, Lin Ral wanted us to stay for dinner with Rebianakl.”
“You sound less than enthused about that,” you said with a smirk, “But you do look good.”
“Thanks,” Poe said with a smile, looking down at his suit jacket. “You know I’m not a big fan of fancy banquets and dinners.”
“You just don’t like the people,” you said.
“Very true. They’ve all got their own agendas that they try to work to their favor.” You nodded your head gently.
“Was this dinner like this?” you asked.
“A little,” he sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m just worried.”
“About what?”
“Just a couple things Lin said during dinner.” You sat up in your seat to look at him better.
“What did he say?”
“Basically, that you were going to lead the new Republic.”
“Yes,” you said with a sigh, “ He is under the same understanding as my parents that I’m going to be joining the senate once I’m done being queen.”
“And I may have argued with him about it,” he said reluctantly.
“Argued with him?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I just stood up for you, saying that you weren’t interested in joining the Republic like that.”
“Well, I appreciate you standing up for me,” you said, “But you really shouldn’t argue with Lin.” Poe rolled his eyes. “Poe.”
“No harm done,” he said with a brush of his hand, “If he’s too stupid to realize that the base we’ve created on his planet isn’t fake by now, I’m sure one conversation with him about you isn’t going to throw him off.”
“Lin isn’t stupid, Poe. If it really is the Resistance’s goal to fool him into thinking that Serenno is the new location for our base, then they’re going to have to do a better job than leaving a few officers in a situation room every few days or so.”
“It’s not just Lin we’re trying to fool,” Poe said, “It’s everyone. We don’t know who we can trust.”
“I know, but you can trust me,” you said quickly. “And I trust him.”
“I know you do,” he said with a sigh. “It’s just . . .”
“Just what?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“It’s been two years, Y/N,” he said carefully, “Maybe you aren’t thinking as strategically anymore.”
“Meaning what?” you asked.
“Meaning, I think you think more like a queen than a Resistance fighter sometimes.”
“That’s because I’m not a Resistance fighter anymore.”
“I know, which is why—”
“Why you don’t trust my judgement?” you interrupted.
“That’s not what I said, baby,” Poe said, leaning into the frame slightly. He had a tired look on his face.
“It is. I have assured you a million times that Lin is loyal, yet you still don’t believe me, and even go out of your way to insult him.”
“I believe you think he is loyal!” Poe exclaimed. “But the more I get to know him, the less I like about him. There’s something off about him, you’ve got to admit it. Even Leia sees it.”
“And what, I’m just the only one stupid enough to fall for his rouse?”
“I didn’t say that either,” he said with a frown.
“Didn’t you?”
“I didn’t,” he said with a frown. “We just can’t be taking risks right now, and he feels like a big one.”
“You thought that of me once, too,” you said delicately. Poe’s eyes widened. He nodded his head and his whole face fell into disbelief.
“Right. Look,” he said, glancing off to something, or someone, you couldn’t see, “I need to go.”
“Sure,” you said, looking away as tears started to prick in your eyes.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Stay safe.”
“Yeah, you too,” you said quietly. He turned off his commlink before you could, surrounding you in silence in the small room you were in.
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Death and Taxes
My Writing Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Eleventh Doctor, River Song, Clara Oswald, Kate Stewart Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/River Song Summary: River wants a house now that she's out of prison, and the Doctor must embark on the dreaded task of personal finance. / Canon Compliant *Can be read on my AO3 or FFN, links are in bio*
He took Professor Song to see the premiere of the Galactic Federation Symphony. The musicians consisted of Draconians, Alpha Centaurians, and humans, with an Ice Warrior serving as conductor. It was a pleasant evening, music and champagne — the latter of which he did not partake in, content to watch his wife sip at her flute with a smile curving her lips. Much better than the first time they’d met after Manhattan. Even so, they carefully danced around the subject of his travels or companions. It hardly mattered; Clara was home with the children again, so he may as well have been alone.
“So then, back to the Luna University? Or perhaps dancing under the Karaveen Nebula? The night is still young,” the Doctor remarked as he led them arm in arm back through the TARDIS doors.
“Actually, Doctor, I’ve got a matter of business to discuss with you,” River countered in a way that surprisingly enough did not at all sound like an innuendo, and he was getting rather good at picking those up from her.
She slipped her hand into his, and they walked past the console, up into the corridor and through a door which today led into his study. He perched himself on the corner of his desk, arms folded and legs crossed at the ankle.
“Well, Professor Song, what can I do for you?”
She smirked. “I was hoping you'd ask.” Then she pulled out a stack of paper and files far too large to have fit in an ordinary clutch and set them down just to the right of him with a very heavy thud.
The Doctor blinked. “What’s this?”
“It's what I need you to do for me,” she answered. “I’m buying a house near the university, and there's a lot that needs filled out as far as mortgage payments and property taxes are concerned. Not to mention the loan I’ve got to take from the bank. You’ll have to co-sign on that, by the way.”
The Doctor, whose lip had been curling in distaste with every word she spoke, looked at her with wide eyes. “Co-sign?”
River gave a well-worn sigh. “Yes, Sweetie. I get a better deal if someone does, and you being my husband makes you the ideal candidate. Joint filing.”
“Taxes?” He echoed numbly, thumbing through the stack once. There were all sorts of official looking titles and tiny boxes and very fine print he would most certainly need Amy's glasses for. The Doctor shook his head. “No. No, I haven’t done taxes in — well, er, come to think of it I’m not sure I’ve ever done them. I won’t start now.”
“And what am I supposed to do then? Sleep in my office?”
“Well, no,” he acknowledged. “Couldn't you just — I mean it's not like you haven't before — couldn't you, ah, find some money somewhere?”
“Oh yes, that’ll go over lovely. Paying off my mortgage with undisclosed income. Then they can arrest me again for tax evasion — that’ll be twenty life sentences at least.” Her unimpressed look morphed into something a little more earnest, a little more beseeching. “I’m only trying to get a life after prison started, Doctor.”
Oh. Well, that just wasn’t fair. There really was no faulting her, was there? After all she'd done for him in saving his life, River Song was just asking for a little aid in getting the next chapter of hers going. The last chapter, of which he could never tell her even as it drew ever nearer.
The Doctor stared. River stared back, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched imperiously.
“So, you’ll bring it round the next time you stop by? Lovely.” Without another word, much less waiting for his response, she turned and swept from the room.
“River. River!”
When after a moment she did not return, the Doctor was forced to half-run to catch her up in the console room, where she was already working the controls.
“River, I am homeless. Stateless. Planetless, even! My estate consists of a Type 40 Time Capsule, and it's stolen property.”
“You think my credit’s much better, honey? I'm an ex-con.” She glanced back at him, curls falling in a wave down her shoulder. It was quite the look. “Seeing as we both know how that happened I shouldn't think it’d be that unreasonable of a request.”
The Doctor’s mouth fell open, but nothing came immediately to mind.
River smirked. “I didn’t think so.” The time rotor pulsed once more, then quieted, about the only indication they’d landed whenever his wife was the one driving. Then she continued down the ramp to the doors.
“You could always stay.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, and yet hopeless as he knew it was he carried on. “Keep a vortex manipulator onboard, pop over to the University whenever you felt like teaching, then back here. You’re welcome here.”
You’re wanted here, was what he wished to say.
River had paused in front of the doors, and when she turned around this time she looked pained. “Thank you, Sweetie. But we both know that isn't what we are.”
How could they know without ever having tried it? That, at least, he managed to reign in. She already thought him enough of a sentimental old fool, after all.
“I’ll have to have a look around the place sometime,” he came up with instead. “Seeing as it’ll be half mine.”
“Oh honey, that's a promise,” River replied with a wink, and he dredged up a smile just for her. Then she was out the doors and out of his life once again. The Doctor bowed his head briefly, then reached for the dematerialization lever to head back into the Vortex.
Returning to his desk, the Doctor eyed up the stack that waited for him. To his view, it appeared to tower over everything else, particularly once he’d taken his seat. His Everest. He blew out a breath and took out her mother’s glasses. “Right then. Taxes.” The Doctor shrugged. “How hard can they be, really?”
Taxes, as it turned out, could be very hard.
The forms were printed as tiny as he’d suspected and were twice as tricky. To fill one out, he needed to know something called a credit score. The Doctor did not know what a credit score was, and when he asked Clara her eyes went the biggest he’d ever seen them.
“Why do you want to know something like that?”
“Idle curiosity.”
Clara snorted and turned away. He never actually got an answer.
There was a helpline number in incredibly small print at the bottom of the phone. The Doctor liked helplines. A helpline had directed his new friend into his life. Or back into it. He still didn’t know exactly how he had met Clara twice before without her remembering it.
Nevertheless, the Doctor called the number. There was a funny automated voice someone had tried to make sound like a human but seemingly gave up halfway through, and it listed off a whole lot of options and numbers to press accordingly. The Doctor waited until the end of the list, where it told him that if he stayed on the line a real person might actually talk to him. That was much better.
He was tapping his toes along with a very mellow xylophone playing a repetitive verse for several minutes before the music abruptly cut off.
“This is Keisha with Lunar Revenue, how may I help you this morning?”
The Doctor jumped and nearly fumbled the phone. “Keisha! Ha! Yes, you can help me. I need to know what a credit score is.”
“What a credit score is or what your credit score is, sir?”
“Both, preferably.”
There was a pause.
“Uh, well, a credit score is a number a person’s given based on their financial history, and depends on factors like bill payments or outstanding loans,” she explained slowly, as though waiting for him to stop and assure her he understood at any moment. “And to get your credit score, I’m going to need some information from you, sir. Can I have your name?”
“The Doctor,” he readily supplied.
“Alright, and first and last name, sir?”
“No, no,” he said, waving a hand cheerily though it presumably made no difference to her. “Just the Doctor.”
“I’m afraid that’s not a name, sir.”
“Well, of course it isn’t just a name. It’s my name. It’d be silly if you had multiple people running around calling themselves the Doctor — there’s already enough of me doing that.”
There was another long pause. “Well, sir, I will try to find your information in our system, but it might take some time.”
“How much?”
“If you could please hold.”
“Er, yes? Hold what?” He pulled the phone back to look at the receiver. “Keisha? Hello?”
Keisha’s voice had been replaced by the xylophone. And maybe some strings.
“Keisha,” the Doctor grumbled under his breath. He sighed and set the phone down on its side, where he could still make out the music. The Doctor paced around a bit on the main platform, then up on the second level. He went down below to do some maintenance, then came back up.
The music was still playing. He hated waiting.
“Right, okay. Time to jump the line.”
The Doctor hung up the phone. A short trip through the Vortex later and he was striding out into a very tiny cubicle in which was sat a very startled woman with very nice, intricate braids woven into her hair.
“Keisha, right?” The Doctor checked. “I was on the phone with you an hour and a half ago. The Doctor, remember?”
“How did you—”
“I was in the neighborhood. Listen, the way I see it, the faster we get this all sorted out is the less time we have to spend on it, right? So let’s sort it out.” He dropped the files on her desk and gestured at them. “That’s everything I’ve got so far, but I can’t get anywhere without the credit score.”
“This is to co-sign for a house?” She asked after briefly skimming the top form. She was either very clever or just very literate. Possibly both.
“Yes, my wife wants one. It seems very tedious, but her 150th is coming up, so.” He shrugged.
“Right…” She rolled her shoulders and opened up a new window on her computer, which was a flat screen embedded into the cubicle wall. “This is your first time filing with us?”
“Then we’ll need to open an account. Let me see what I can find in terms of identification.”
After some tapping on the screen interspersed with checking some of the things he had written down, she turned back around in her chair.
“We have on file here that you’re dead.”
“Ah. Yes. Well, that would be spoilers for me. See, I clearly haven’t died yet.” The Doctor splayed his arms wide in demonstration. It wasn’t as though he could tell her that what they had on record was his fake death. That just wouldn’t do.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” said Keisha.
“Neither am I, most days. But since I am not dead, could I have the information I need to fill out the paperwork for my wife?”
“I’m afraid not, sir. Even if I ignore the claim that you’re dead, you don’t seem to have a record of any credit.”
He rocked back on his heels, hands planted at his waist. “Well, how exactly do you go about getting one?”
“Making purchases and paying them back,” She answered blandly. “Loans. That sort of thing.”
“That’s what people do?”
“Yes. Usually with money they make at their jobs, sir.”
Well, there was a thought. “I’ve had one of those! Maybe they can get me a credit score.”
“Maybe, sir.”
“Alright, then, I’ll be back in a mo’,” he told her, seizing the stack of papers River had given him once more, though he staggered under the additional weight as Keisha through another heavy-looking file. “What’s this, then?”
“Life insurance policy. You may want to take one out before you are dead, sir.”
The Doctor considered, then shook his head. “I’ll be dead before I’d have sorted it out, I expect.” At least he hoped.
Just a quick trip, and then he might soon have all this bureaucratic nonsense out of his life. If the Time Lords could see him now.
The things one did for love.
Kate Stewart had been enjoying a cuppa at her desk until the peace and quiet was shattered by the sound of a wheezing engine, and the papers in front of her were scattered in a sudden strong wind.
She looked up to find the TARDIS materializing right in her office doorway.
“Kate!” The Doctor came bounding out the doors in a purple coat and vest this time, though the bowtie, it seemed, was a constant. She mentally made a note to add that to the file.
“Doctor, this is a surprise. Are we under attack?”
“Not at all, just looking for a bit of assistance.”
Kate raised an eyebrow. “With?”
“Taxes,” he answered plainly. Kate nearly fell out of her chair. “River’s eyeing up a house near the Luna University, and there’s a whole thing about payments and whatnot that she’s asked me to sign on for with her, but I haven’t got much in the way of financial history.”
Kate scrambled for a pen and a notepad to start writing this down. At the top of the page, she labeled River? with a large circle surrounding the name.
“See, as of now I have absolutely horrible credit because there’s very little way for me to establish a record of buying and paying for things,” he continued on. “But then I thought, you know who has records? UNIT has records! Loads of records. Records by the bucketful! Surely if anyone has a record of me holding a steady position where I incurred expenses and compensated them, it’ll be UNIT.” The Doctor paused and looked at her. “So would you happen to have something like that?”
“Er, yes, I imagine.” Kate placed a call down to their records keeper, then asked for a pot of tea to be put on while they waited. Her own cup, she requested to be made particularly strong.
“So, you’re buying a house?” She asked to make conversation.
“River’s buying the house,” he corrected her.
“Still, not very like you.” He had lived on Earth for years while working full-time with UNIT and had, by all accounts, slept in the TARDIS parked in his lab.
“Yes, well, River has a habit of making me do things not very like me,” he said, in a tone that was as exasperated as it was fond. He perked up as their records keeper entered with a very old cardboard box. “There we go. Excellent! Give the man a raise.”
“You won’t be getting a raise, Jeremy,” she informed the records keeper matter-of-factly. He nodded and left the room.
The Doctor had popped the lid of the box and was thumbing through the papers. “Credit, credit… not actually sure where I’m meant to find it. Ah well, Keisha will know.” He replaced the lid and hauled the whole box into his arms. “Thanks very much, Kate.”
“Actually, Doctor, since we’re on the subject and if my recollection serves me, we don’t seem to have an accurate date on when you held the lab position with us. Would you be able to—”
The Time Lord was already walking back into his box, and he waved a hand over his shoulder. “Oh, just pick one.”
Kate’s sigh was covered by the departing TARDIS engines.
Clara entered the TARDIS Wednesday morning with a skip in her step. “Mine turn to pick, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Chin Boy agreed, stepping away from the controls as though ceding them to her. She wasn’t actually going to fly this thing, mind. No matter what he’d said about the old cow starting to warm up to her. “Where to?”
“I’m glad you asked.” Clara lifted her old book out of her satchel and hugged it to her chest for a moment. Then, just as she’d opened the cover, the phone rang outside.
“That’s odd.” She knew she’d called him on it, before, but just how many people knew that number anyway? Apart from that woman in the shop, she supposed.
“Ah, hold the thought, Clara,” he said, hurrying around her with a slide of the heels and leaving the ship. “Hello? It has? Approved? Keisha, I could kiss you!”
“Not a snog box, my arse,” Clara muttered under her breath. She hurried to the doorway and leaned out. “Oi, mind not shouting for the whole street to hear?” Artie and Angie were getting curious enough about where she always went on her days off, especially since the latter claimed Clara never used to go anywhere at all.
The Doctor put his hand over the bottom of the phone. “Sorry,” he said, not sounding sorry in the least. “Just got some very good news for one Professor Song.”
Clara raised her eyebrows. “Friend of yours?”
He nodded distractedly, then half-turned away as he continued to speak into the phone. “Yes. Yes, I can stop by. I’ll take the papers over myself to have them signed. You’ve been a saint, Keisha, you’ll do great things. I’m sure of it. Keep working wonders. Yes, bye-bye.”
He hung up the phone and dropped back against the doors with relief as though he’d just completed a marathon.
“You okay?” She asked wryly.
He popped right back up. “Okay? I’m more than okay on this day of days.”
“Right, this day where we’re apparently going to fill paperwork with professors?”
The Doctor paused. “Er, no. I’ll take care of that. Alone.” He tugged at his ear, looking uncomfortable with twitching limbs.
“Something the matter?”
“What? No, nothing. Just, best for me to pay a private visit.” He nodded to himself. “Yeah.”
Perhaps Professor Song didn’t like unfamiliar visitors. Clara pictured a stuffy, studious bloke surrounded by bookshelves and nodded to herself.
“Well then, I suppose I will pick after all. Any further expected interruptions?” She asked, fixing him with a mock arch look.
“None whatsoever.” He gestured back inside of the box. “Lead on, Clara.”
The leader, was she? She quite liked the sound of that.
River did not like being led places. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” was all he said, his breath tickling her ear while his hands rested over her eyes. Oh, he was infuriating sometimes.
“You know I can get out of this any time I like.”
“Yes. And you can get out… now!” He pulled his hands back, and River stood blinking at a front door.
Not just any front door. Her front door. The one she wanted.
“You just fancied a look, then?” He hadn’t brought up the favor she’d asked of him, though she knew by their diaries that he had been asked, and River hadn’t brought it up either. She didn’t want to be too pushy, or else he’d get his back up. It was his way. 
“Nope,” he told her, then withdrew a pen and a form from his vest pocket. “Sign here, please.”
His signature was already affixed under where she was meant to. “Is this…?”
“It’s yours. Already is, actually, I’ve jumped us ahead a few days after I’ve filed the papers, which I’ll do after you sign them. You are the proud owner of four walls, a door and the dimensionally-proportional space contained therein.”
River numbly took the pen and paper and signed her name. It hardly seemed real. It felt like a dream.
She’d never had a home of her own. There was the TARDIS, of course, but no one owned her. Her mother’s childhood home had been Amy’s house and same as her dad’s. Her parent’s place — well, there had been a guest room she’d used now and then. So had other people. They all knew she didn’t live there with them.
But this… this was a space for her to be and to do with as she pleased. She could put things up on the walls or in a drawer without worrying about them being monitored by the Silence or taken during a cell inspection or missing the next time she met up with a younger version of her husband.
“Why anyone would want to be is beyond me, of course,” he was saying now with an exaggerated sniff. He was putting on a show to hide how secretly pleased he was as she gazed on him in wonder.
A part of her had thought he’d never do it.
“You have the keys?” A second later, they were dangling in front of her face, and River snatched them out of the air. She hurried to throw open the door and entered. A sitting room, kitchen, table with chairs. A hallway leading back towards a bed and bath. Tiny and utterly mundane and beautiful.
“You don’t have to go and file those right away, do you?” She asked, reaching back blindly for his hand. He grasped hers loosely in his, twining their fingers.
“No, not right away. Why, have a celebration in mind? We could watch telly, pick out new paint colors…”
River looked back at him with a smirk. “I was thinking we could break in the rooms, honey.”
It was her husband who smirked right back at her. “Now you’re talking.” He kicked the door shut with a ridiculous flail of one leg and was in her arms the next breath.
“Home, Sweetie, Home,” River whispered against his lips.
The Doctor waved goodbye to Clara as she exited the TARDIS once more. They’d had an interesting time of things in the Sombrero Galaxy which, disappointingly, had not included sombreros. But they’d made it back in one piece; frankly, he counted it a mark of success each time Clara came back in one piece. He wasn’t sure whether the third time really was the charm in her case or not, but he was very sure he couldn’t lose her the same way he had lost the other two Claras. Not when he’d already lost so much.
Before he could take off again, there was a flash of light that caused him to duck down under the console for a moment before realizing it wasn’t coming at him. Instead, it hovered across the room, slowly taking shape.
Ah, a delivery. He occasionally received deliveries — perhaps that fez he’d ordered was finally here — but when the light faded, it was not a mechanized courier who stood there, but a letter that dropped to the floor.
The Doctor hurried round to that side of the console and picked it up. It was labeled with the logo of Lunar Revenue. He pinched the bridge of his nose and opened the envelope, bracing himself for what new form or inquiry he needed to fill.
Inside was a single sheet of paper. It read:
Dear The Doctor,
Lunar Services was notified June 7th of the passing of Professor R. Song, the borrower of an outstanding loan on a residence. While we are deeply saddened for your loss, as co-signer you have inherited the remaining balance of that loan. If you wish to have the property taken as collateral to settle the debt, no further action need be taken. Please be advised that this may harm your credit score.
If you would like to continue paying the remaining balance and retain the property, please contact one of our Customer Care Reps at the following number.
He didn’t read the number, for the letter slipped from his fingertips and fluttered to the floor. His hand went to his lips. He had known, yes, that this day was coming, but he hadn’t thought- he’d never expected—
He’d never realized he would be notified of his own wife’s death with such an afterthought.
Anger flaring up within him, he kicked at the letter. It skidded across the floor and stopped, the outline of the tread of his boots printed over one corner. The envelope went next in the opposite direction. It looked rather pitiful and useless, which matched his mood.
He sunk down on the steps and didn’t hear the door opening again. But he heard Clara’s voice. “Everything alright? You haven’t gone yet.”
The Doctor leapt up as if scalded, spinning on his toes as his face contorted in an effort to force the water welling up in his eyes back down. Clara was bending down towards the letter from Lunar Services.
“Don’t touch that!”
She jumped back as he tore it from her grasp, pressing it to his chest. “No need to get tetchy,” she snapped, though she seemed taken aback when their eyes met. “Chin Boy?”
Clara reached towards him, but he stepped back, turning to brace a hand on the control panel as he tucked the letter away.
“Sorry. Just some… private correspondence,” he muttered to the buttons and levers.
“Was it from Professor Song?”
His head bowed, bracing himself.
“I only saw the name, I didn’t read anything else,” Clara hurried to say.
A breath released. She hadn’t seen. He didn’t have to talk about this, this thing he had never talked about ever. “yes, it was from Professor Song,” he lied, and the lie came easy.
“Okay. Well… I guess I’ll leave you to answer it.” She said, and he could hear her drift one foot back towards the door.
“Thank you, Clara,” he said, and he looked once at her over his shoulder. “See ya Wednesday.”
“See ya,” she echoed, the barest of smiles gracing her lips, a mark that he’d at least done a little to reassure her. When the door closed a second time, he immediately pulled the lever to dematerialize. He couldn’t afford to stick around again by mistake.
Once safely alone, the Doctor took out the letter again, eyes scanning over the words. If you would like to continue paying the remaining balance and retain the property… Retain the property?
It had been River’s house, not his. River would be in every room. Her things and the scent of her perfume and the sound of her laugh — just thinking of it was enough to fill his lungs and head so much that he could hardly breathe, could hardly think.
If you wish to have the property taken as collateral to settle the debt, no further action need be taken. Please be advised that this may harm your credit score, the letter said, and that felt better. No action could be taken. There was nothing he could do, nothing he could change.
The Doctor marched back to his study and opened a drawer. He placed the letter inside as far back as it would fit, then shut it. He knew already that he would never open it again nor speak to anyone from Lunar Services, tax evasion and bad credit be damned.
He’d never wanted the score or the house. He just wanted her. Now he would have none.
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kello-unknown · 4 years
Summary:  Max lives an… entertaining life.  She just got out of a relationship she thought would last forever.  Meeting one person leads to more people in her life, and before she knows it, she’s falling in love with someone she never expected to fall in love with.
Words:  1,487
Warnings: little bit of angst
Author’s Note:  its getting good hehe… reminder that i link the previous chapters directly below the author’s notes, so if you’re behind you can just click the link thru here :D
WAKING up, Alex felt different.  Like something major in her life had changed.  She sat up after rubbing her eyes and realized where she was.  So… it did happen.  Everything with Devin….  She started to tear up, but then she remembered that she was in bed with Max.  She turned her body around to go face her friend but was greeted by more pillows.  She huffed, disappointed that she was alone, but upon further looking, she noticed a piece of paper on Max’s nightstand.  A note.
               “Morning.  I had to run to work to finish some stuff (that apparently couldn’t wait -_-), and I didn’t wanna wake you up since you had a rough night.  There’s a whole bunch of food in the cabinets in the kitchen.  If you can’t find anything you want, text me and I can order something for you if you want.  I shouldn’t be home too-too late, but I’ll def text you when I’m on my way back.  Treat yourself to whatever you want, be it food or tv.  You’re an adult so I can’t stop you, hehe.  Text me when you get up if you want (just so I know you’re alive).  I’ll see you later :D  ~Max”
               Alex couldn’t help but smile while reading the entire note that was written to her.  Since she had nothing planned for the day, she decided to sleep in a bit more to help recuperate from the previous night’s anguish.  Putting the note back where she found it, Alex rested her head on the pillow once again for about three more hours.
               Settling in at her desk, Max checked her phone for what felt like the millionth time within the past hour.  She felt bad that she had to leave Alex alone in her home after what happened last night, but her boss practically threatened her to get her ass to work “or else.”  That bitch. 
               After deciding putting the phone down would probably do her some good, Max finally got to do what she came into work to do in the first place. 
               Around 11:45 a.m., she got a text.  No one usually texts her when she’s at work, so she flipped her phone right side up to check who it was.  It was Alex.  Max smiled, reading the text: “finally got out of bed.  Not sure how you managed to get up so quickly without waking me.  I felt like I woke the whole neighborhood just sitting up it’s so comfy.  Don’t rush your work, it’s more important, lol.  To quote someone who wrote me a note this morning, ‘I’ll see you later :D’”
               Max chuckled at the last part of the text.  What a wiseass, she thought.  “Good to know you’re finally alive and moving, lol :P.  I bought it for its comfort ig.  I’ll text you when I get in my car later, it’s about a 10 min drive home jsyk.  To quote someone who quoted my note, ‘I’LL SEE YOU LATER :D’”  After she sent the message, she put her phone away and got to work.  The faster I finish, the faster I can go home and be with her.
               Feet perched up on the coffee table, Alex continued to scroll through the channels that Max had available on her tv.  Finally finding the HGTV channel, she laid even further back into the couch.
               Ten minutes had passed, and she remembered that she still had a box from when she went to Natalie’s house.  Nat had said that it was stuff that Max had apparently put in the boxes on accident and Nat didn’t want to “have them anymore.” 
               Grabbing her keys and walking towards the door, she decided to go bring the box inside, thinking that she would forget about it by the time Max gets home, whenever that would be. 
               Plopping the box down onto the bed, Alex sat down right next to it.  She contemplated whether to open it and take everything out since Nat had said it was mostly clothes.  The least Alex could do is try to make the clothes as less-wrinkly as possible, seeing as the box did sit in her car for about a week and a half. 
               She laughed to herself as she pulled out only six flannels from the box.  Sighing as she laid them out, she accidentally knocked the box over trying to flatten some of the flannels out.  As she walked over to the box, she noticed something had fell out of it.  Crouching down to get a better view of what it was, she picked up an extremely tiny box.  She opened it and gasped immediately. 
               It was a ring.
               Questions raced around Alex’s mind.  One of them was planning on proposing to the other?  Or did one of them propose, the other said no, and that’s why they broke up?  Then it occurred to Alex that she didn’t even know why Max and Natalie broke up in the first place.  All she knew was that Nat had managed to find someone, that someone being Chris, rather quickly after the breakup.  She found that strange in itself seeing as the relationship she just got out of lasted three years and she moved on to an entirely new one. 
               Maybe she’d ask Max what exactly went down when she got home from work.  Well, how would she bring that up into a conversation?  Hey so I was taking your clothes out of a box that your ex said wasn’t hers and I stumbled upon what looks like an engagement ring and I realized that I don’t know why you and my sister broke up so…? 
               Maybe not that.  She put the ring back in the box and the flannels on top of it.  Maybe if Max saw the ring for herself, the break-up story would emerge, and Alex would finally understand.  She went back to the couch to lie down.  She might just need energy for later if she were to take everything in.  That is, if Max were to tell her what went down that night.
               Around four hours later, she received a text from Max saying she was on her way home.  Alex panicked.  She felt the need to go look in the mirror and see if she looked appropriate. 
               Appropriate?  She’s been home all day.  If anything, her looking like a slob would look appropriate.  She decided to fix her hair into a cute braid and tie up the shirt with one of the rubber bands around her wrist.  By the time she had sat back down on the couch after making herself look “better,” Max had gotten home.
               Max walked through the front door with bags in her hand, and Alex shot up to go and help her.  She grabbed the bags from Max and went to place them on the counter, realizing it was some kind of Italian food based on the smell that was emitted from the bags.  She turned around to face Max.
               “I was hungry on my way home and was in the mood.  Don’t judge me.”  Alex raised her hands, saying she would never, and they both laughed.  Max, after placing down her other belongings, walked over to the counter and took out the excess food.  “I might have gone a little overboard now that I’m looking at it all.”  Alex just nods.
               The two sit down at Max’s table and eat, surprisingly, a majority of the food while they talk about their day.  When they had finished what they decided was the end of dinner, Alex remembered about the box.  “Oh!  I forgot to tell you something somehow over the course of the past two weeks,” she laughs at herself.  “When I went to Nat’s house to drop her stuff off, she went through the boxes to see if she got everything and noticed that you, probably, accidentally put some of your stuff in the boxes.  So, she filled up a box and gave it back to me to give back to you.  I remembered I had it earlier today, so I just put it on your bed,” she said, while gesturing towards the bedroom.  Max nodded and, after throwing all the dirty plates away, went to her room to investigate. 
               Alex stayed in the living room, but she could hear Max saying things like, “So that’s where this flannel went!” and she couldn’t help but giggle softly to herself.  She opted to get up and go watch Max find her lost pieces of clothing. 
               When she walked into the bedroom, she found Max standing still, holding something small in her hand.  That’s when Alex remembered the ring.  She asked Max if she was okay, but Max stayed silent.  Alex walked over to her and put her hand on her shoulder.  Max sighed heavily.
               Max explained what it was and why Natalie had it in the first place.
tags: @maggie-elise13, @elizabethfictionwriting, @lesbian-deadpool, @solaettristis, @the-very-tired-gay,  @timelords-13, @tangled-up-in-bad-decisions, @natashaswhitesuit, @its-a-me-mario-hihi, @marvelfansince08love
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emdythewriter · 5 years
Let me be your shield | chapter two (Elriel)
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It was his first official day out with Elain. He had gotten out of the shower to hear someone knocking on his door, grabbing his sweats and a shirt he threw the close on and opened the door to find Elain. She was smiling and her hair was braided back. She had on a light pink sundress and brown sandals paired with it. There was a small bug strung across her back, a water bottle hanging off to the side.
“Where are we going?” he had asked moving over to let her in so he could go and finish getting ready. Elain sat on his bed as he walked into his closet and being out her sight began to strip and dress.
“The farmer’s market is today and I was hoping to find some fruits and vegetables to cook with tonight,” she answered and Azriel was glad he decided to pause before pulling out on of his suits. Bodyguards mostly dressed for the occasion whether that meant full suit for a fancy event or gym shorts and a shirt for running. Today he pulled on a pair of old ripped jeans he had kept from the Navy, then pulled a gray shirt with the logo Knight Security on the front.
“What are you making?” Azriel asked exiting his closet and tossing his shirt and sweats onto the end of his bed before taking his towel to the bathroom to hang.
“A fruit salad, they’re my favorite. I think depending on the veggies I find I’ll either roast them or have Lucien grill them.”
“Planning a cookout?” he asked as he pulled his gun and holster from the nightstand drawer and hooked it onto his belt. He also grabbed his radio, checking the battery to see if it needed to be replaced before hooking that on as well and looping the earpiece around his neck. Lastly he grabbed his phone and his wallet before looking to his client silently telling her he was ready.
“A get together though it’s just my family and some friends,” Elain explained as she stood to follow him out of the townhouse. He locked the door behind them when they were both standing on the street and heading towards his vehicle. “I’m actually kind of nervous about it.”
“Why?” Azriel asked as he opened her door and closed before rounding to the drivers side. She was starting to answer his question as he hopped in and started the SUV.
“He’s friends with my sister’s ex-boyfriend and Lucien asked him to come. Right now it sounds like he is but I’m just afraid he’ll do something and either Rhys, Feyre or Nesta will go bizerk.” Despite her worries Elain was smiling and laughing to herself. He could tell she loved her family and held dear how much each of them cared for the others. Azriel felt the same about his brothers.
“I’ll hold Rhys and Cassian if he decides he’s looking for a brawl,” he said trying to ease her mind and joke with her simultaneously.
“I keep forgetting he goes wherever Nesta does now, it’s still weird seeing them together after everything.” Elain looks out the window watching the buildings go by in thought. She thinks back to the time her sister had just met her boyfriend and how much they hated each other. How over time they discovered Cassian actually cared for Nesta, even loved her but didn’t want to ruin the little contact he had with her even if it wasn’t always so pretty. Then he left, he joined the Navy and worked his way up to the SEAL team and Elain had watched her sister morphe. She watched as the cold heart Nest proclaimed to have thawed for soldier that would be coming home, how she had embraced him after months of not seeing each other and confessed she had never hated Cassian.
“It’s crazy what time and war can do to a person,” Azriel commented softly thinking of the changes he had gone through after the war. He had lost friends, family, and there were days he was afraid one of them would be Cassian or Rhys. He was lucky to have his friends and healthy way of coping with his PTSD. he knew many former soldiers that turned to drugs or alcohol and though Azriel tried his best to steer them in a different direction he knew in his heart he couldn’t save them all.
When they arrived to the location of the farmers market Azriel parked the SUV in a gravel parking lot, as that’s all that was around them. He made his way to the passenger side to help Elain out of her seat. It was also part of his job to open and close her doors, to keep her safe. After Feyre had been attacked getting out of her own security van a few years back Rhys made it a rule for all bodyguards to be trained to open and close their clients doors. Maybe Rhys had overreacted a little but he had just started dating Feyre at that point so Azriel cut him some slack.
“I think we should start with the vegetables first that way the fruit doesn’t have time to rot in the sun,” Elain said and pointed to the stand she wanted to start at first. He walked beside her keeping a close eye on the people surrounding them. A few seemed to glance their way and not care either because they didn’t know who Elain was or they simply didn’t care. Most however, looked at her and smiled or waved excitedly. Each time Elain put a small smile on her face and shyly waved back, letting herself be seen so they could snap pictures if they wanted.
She wouldn’t stop to pose though. Azriel had read in her file that she won’t take pictures with fans in public unless it’s a red carpet or meet-in-greet event. When he had asked Rhys about it earlier his brother explained that Elain wanted to feel as normal as possible and not taking pictures with fans was on of the ways she accomplished this.
“You have quite the fan base,” Azriel teased as they stepped up to their first stand. Elain smiled softly looking up at him briefly before inspecting the asparagus she had just picked up.
“Yes well having a famous father will do that to you,” she shrugged as she moved to pick out a few things of squash. “Although I think I’m more liked than my father.”
“Nesta is more liked then your father according to gossip articles,” Azriel said causing Elain to chuckle. She knew how her and her sisters looked to the public, they didn’t try to hide their opinions and labels. Nesta was the ice queen, the woman who walked around with a permanent glare and was the thing parents told their children about to get them to behave. When actually Nesta cared too much and it made her scared of opening her heart to the rest of the world.
Feyre was seen as the rebellious child. She had stepped out of the spotlight to travel and work on her art and during that time she met Rhys. When she came back home and the cameras found him wrapped around her arm she really had stepped away from the land of movies and dreams. Despite all her actions being labeled rebellious Elain knew her sister just wanted to find herself, and she had. Now Feyre was happy and married to a wonderful guy.
Elain was America’s Sweetheart. She was the gentle and kind soul at opposites with her eldest sister. She was the one that did what she was told and stayed close to home as opposed to her younger sister. In reality however Elain was just Elain. She loved giving back and spreading joy, she loved her family and seeing how far each of her sisters and her father grew in their passions.
“Who do you like the most and don’t feel the need to say me just because I’m your client,” Elain asked as she stepped up to the vendor to pay for the asparagus and squash she was buying. Taking her change she smiled brightly and thanked the vendor before opening the bag she had on her back and setting the veggies in there.
“I would say Feyre because I know her best and she’s a great friend,” Azriel started to answer her questions as they walked on to the next vendor. “However I also would say you not just because you’re my client but I thoroughly enjoy getting to know you.”
Elain smiled as she looked up at him, he even returned the smile. “That’s very sweet of you to say. I like getting to know you too.”
As they walked they continued to talk about their lives, what Elain did in her free time, what Azriel missed most from being in service and what he didn’t.
“Let me tell you sleeping in the same tent as Cassian was worse than being in a warzone some nights,” he said as he told her one of his stories. “Depending on how much he drank determined how loudly he snored. There was some nights I thought you could hear him all the way in Velaris. She laughed as she opened her bag to add another item before moving along.
“I wonder how Nesta deals with that,” Elain said thinking of her sister and how her a Cassian had moved into a home together a few weeks ago. If she wasn’t enjoying the snoring she hadn’t complained to either of her sisters yet. Now Elain would make sure she asked about it next time she saw Nesta.
“Maybe she puts a muzzle on him,” Azriel suggested and she couldn’t help it she just burst out laughing. It had been so long since she laughed this much, this hard, this freely. Her belly shook and she doubled over with the intensity of it, feeling tears build up in the corners of her eyes.
“That would be a site,” Elain said once she finally caught her breath. She looked at her bodyguard who was smiling so wide and bright his eyes were shining, and she smiled even more. “Let’s check out the fruit and head back then maybe grab some lunch,” she suggest beginning to move forward.
“Sounds like a plan,” Azriel said.
Tag list:
@maastrash @mis-lil-red @poisonous00 @ifangirlninja @nightcourtstarlight @sleeping-and-books @liquifyme @azriels-forgotten-shadow @allaboutthosegenes @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary @court-of-fuck-me-daddy @bookdork6
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seulserenity · 5 years
Under the moon - Tiffany scenario pt 1
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[a/n] I started this on Tiffany’s birthday because heck that girl deserves all the love. Have some fluffy Tiff everyone in a Hogwarts based au :) The prompt was “Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair”
Tiffany wasn’t quite sure how she’d ended up in this predicament; she was slumped over a black leather sofa with her head propped up by disturbingly green velvet cushions. 
She could tell she was in the Slytherin common room, dungeon like gloominess hung around and each wall bore gargantuan misted glass presumably from the lake water. The stone columns screamed anything but hospitality and while it may be homely to the Slytherin’s it sure as hell wasn’t to her. Yuri, her closest friend at Hogwarts, was leaning uneasily against the arm rest of the sofa and looking out at the shifting figures of the Grindylows that passed by the windows. 
“Yul” Tiffany croaked out. “Why in Merlin's name are we here of all places, you hate this place.” 
“I know Stephanie so could you please shake off your pathetic Slytherin rescuer so we can skedaddle back to our own respective dorms!” 
“Rescuer? What? Yuri we talked about this,, I need context.” Tiffany whined as she thudded her head back against the cushion violently. 
“Ouch, the cushion doesn’t need your abuse. I saved your life and you wanna take it out on my houses’ furniture; tch and they say Hufflepuffs are the sweetest wizards and witches you’ll meet.” A voice echoed as black shoes tapped against the stone steps. 
“Alright y/n, Tiffany’s awake now and she seems perfectly a-okay to me so can we please go back to our own common rooms?” Yuri drawled, slightly adjusting her stance in the presence of a Slytherin. 
Y/n too equally stood up straighter and stared back at Yuri; before words could even leave her now open mouth Tiffany interrupted. 
“Are you not even going to explain why I’m here? Either of you? Because Merlin knows I did not come here willingly and Yuri definitely wouldn’t take a joy trip down here.” The sixth year Hufflepuff seemed ready to list off several reasons why she wouldn’t come to this “dark and gloomy trap of a home” in her words but you had no time for her chatterbox tendencies. 
Jessica’s nasally voice called out to you “Y/n, why are you still not in bed. We have earliest practice for Quidditch tomorrow because the other houses are all fucking dicks.” 
“She gets cranky with little sleep.” You excused, although frankly you didn’t know why you were excusing her, she was the ice queen for a reason. 
“On that note, we’ll leave you and your courteous friend to sleep.” Yuri muttered already halfway up the staircase with Tiffany’s wrist in hand. It would be a long time until you invited other houses into your common room you thought; house guests were not the politest you thought and it would be hard to even tolerate them let alone entertain them next time one popped round. 
It would turn out that next time came around a lot sooner than you’d thought it would. Tiffany and her friends, different ones this time thank Merlin, were stood outside the blank wall waiting for an unsuspecting Slytherin who they could tag onto to get into the common rooms or at least overhear the password from. Jessica was the unlucky victim they spotted and they soon shuffled along the corridor slightly pretending to be lost in an attempt to eavesdrop. What they hadn’t anticipated seemingly was that you would be walking with the cranky Slytherin. 
Immediately Taeyeon rounded on Tiffany in hushed whispers “You mean to tell me we were going to sneak in and just loiter, loiter Pany, in the common room of our best friend’s ex’s house until your ‘rescuer’ showed up and magically explained that night to you. Are you insane, Tiffany? You say you’re brighter than jewels but right now I find it hard to believe you’re brighter than anything other than a rock. I mean for Merlin's sake is it all just a game to you or-” 
“Well well, what do we have here?” Sneered Jessica, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she eyed the trio. Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny (an unlikely trio you knew) used to run in the same circles with Jessica, once in fact before your friendship with the ice block Jessica had even dated Yuri. Jessica was one and the same as these not so stealthy idiots who merely breezed through classes and social circles alike but as soon as she and Yuri split the hostility had flown in. Now it seemed neither group could move on from their grudge and so the two huddles of sixth years were reduced to snide remarks and constant avoidance of one another. Of course this was impractical, especially on nights like the one where you had supposedly saved Tiffany; that night you had momentarily discarded any loyalty to Jessica for the sake of Tiffany. Don’t read into this or anything but you simply felt that having no involvement in the friendships/relationship of Jessica before it was only by default that you begrudged the misfits so you had no real reason to deny the poor Hufflepuff help. 
Only now did you realise that you should have carried that loyalty through as Tiffany was getting harder and harder to shake off; she was almost like a house elf that was hell bent on being freed and she would stop at nothing to bug you until you ‘freed her’ of the curiosity. Knowing the trio had probably only eavesdropped to come and pester you at ungodly hours made you feel slightly uneasy at Jessica’s attitude but it wasn’t your place to interfere and so you merely observed from behind Jessica. Tiffany, not one to back down as you’d learned over the past few weeks, pushed in front of Taeyeon to speak. You vaguely knew the three who stood before you because of various clubs and classes, Taeyeon was a beater like yourself and both of you had exchanged bludgers often in Quidditch matches from which you’d observed her and she seemed rather meek. Ravenclaw’s and Slytherin’s had no real rivalry and so of course you’d never really seen her fully stoked up for a game so perhaps she had a hidden wild side but given her house you highly doubted it. 
“Shouldn’t you be somewhere by now Jessica? Perhaps with Ok Taecyeon studying?” The lilt in Tiffany’s voice warned you that Jessica was being baited, you knew her as well as she knew herself and she would rise to the challenge most likely so you decided to intervene. At this point you’d be saving Tiffany’s life so many times that she might as well be paying you back in cash for it. 
“Jess, why don’t you get started on the strategy plan for tonight’s Quidditch practice and I’ll catch you inside? Please?” From the surrender in Jessica’s eyes you saw that she understood your please was not begging but rather a command and so she spun on her heel and proclaimed “Serpentine” so loudly that you thought even people in the Astronomy Tower could hear.  “She just loudly exclaimed the password and so anytime I want in I can just use it, whose the dumbass now huh?” Tiffany challenged. 
Jessica’s head popped around and one hand clung onto the serpent knocker as she simply said “It changes tomorrow, dumbass.” With a slam the door closed and the serpent knocker briefly shuddered against its metal, clanging softly in the background. Taeyeon nudged Tiffany in the side with her wrist as if to say I told you so, Tiffany seemed to take no notice and for that you admired the girl. She was defying your expectations of a Hufflepuff and it sorta drew you to the girl, not that you’d ever admit that though. Tiffany cleared her throat and began a rather hurried and nervous sounding ramble. You couldn’t even precisely hear everything but to summarise it went something like “My friends and I, different ones because Yuri is an ass who won’t stop moping, decided..hm no. We stumbled upon this blank wall and wondered what it was for seeing the snake though when people were going in and out, which by the way I still don’t see how it is possible but as we saw the snake we deduced it was Slytherin’s dorms and shit and well since we kinda wanted to see you, I did I mean, well I wasn’t trying to follow you but just I need answers and Yuri won’t tell me and curiosity killed the cat you know so even though this might kill me I might also die by the hand of curiosity like it’s burning inside and just please answer me instead of avoiding me as you have recently?” 
Tiffany smiled at you and her eyes curved up in the most peculiar way but it was endearing to see, fuzzy warm feelings emanated from within as if someone had given you some pepperup potion. You felt guilt building up all of a sudden that you’d been avoiding her for a few weeks as she technically had done nothing wrong, heck the poor girl was being treated like a hindrance when she’d only acted the way you would had you been in her place. Berating yourself mentally for letting yourself soften, your expression must’ve slipped as well because as you looked straight ahead at the trio and saw a flicker of a smirk on Taeyeon’s face that mocked you. You reminded yourself of the fact that rescuing Tiffany from her predicament had been an inconvenience let alone the manners or lack thereof shown to you by her ridiculously rude friends even when you’d risked being caught in the common room with outsiders. Oh and to really add fuel to the fire you remembered that it wasn’t any Gryffindor and Hufflepuff that you’d brought in but Kwon Yuri, your best friend’s ex and the one girl you’d sworn to never talk to. 
With such words spinning around in your mind you had to get away, spluttering an excuse about needing to help Jessica with the plans you spun around and charged into the common room. The rest of the week neither you nor Jessica spoke about the girls outside your common room nor did you acknowledge anything was wrong. This led to tension and for the entire week you’d been high strung, thank Merlin Tiffany seemed to know (she must have Legilimency or something) and had left you alone the past week. All this space from her though hadn’t helped and it almost tempted you to visit her, almost. You had resisted based on the fact that a) you had no clue how to even find her alone and b) you were too proud to even try but it was after Quidditch practice on Saturday at 10 o’clock when you finally gave in. Tiffany was resting against the bleachers with her windswept hair around her shoulders, Ravenclaw were just beginning their practice and Tiffany had already sat through 3 hours in the bitter cold and wind and seeing her dozing off in such conditions tugged at your heart. On your way out from the Quidditch pitch you passed by her sleeping, you grabbed Taeyeon’s coat nearby and draped it over her before combing through her hair with your bare hands and pulling it into a braid so the wind couldn’t knot it again. 
“Wha-?Wait y/n?”
““Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair”
She lay still and let you do your thing, whilst braiding it seemed the soothing motion had lulled her back to dreamland. 
Slipping off silently back to your common room you hoped she would soon forget about it and that your craving to see her had been satisfied. 
[a/n] Stay tuned for part 2 
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Karivarry LifeSwap AU Writing Prompts. Prompt 11/♾: True Love’s Kiss
Prompt requested by @temmie-loony 
Kara always has a Kryptonite arrow and a freezing arrow in her quiver, not for Barry and Oliver but for evil versions of them or should they end up whammied. One day, it's not them but her that gets whammied... 
Kara was used to not asking for help. It wasn’t a trust thing so much as it was a basic habit. She’d forgotten what it was like to rely on people years ago and old habits were hard to beat. So, when she was investigating a series of cases of hysteria and memory loss in which the victims committed a series of thefts. It didn’t occur to Kara that this would be anything more than a rather strange drug, some type of super roofie. She didn’t think that maybe she should call Barry or Oliver, who had far more experience dealing with people with powers.
What she did know was that the victims were getting more powerful as time went on. Not politicians or CEOs, not anymore at least. No, they were too easy to get to apparently. Whoever was drugging these people was going for bigger challenges. A group of Navy Seals. Two female FBI field agents. A couple of CSI agents. A world renowned thief Sara had worked with, apparently. A couple martial arts masters in town for some sort on competition. An ex army sniper. It was like someone was trying to build an army.
It had taken Kara some time, but she was pretty sure she’d found their base. More than one well off family had left National after the undertaking, leaving more than one large, old mansion empty. Whoever they were, they had taken over one of them. FBI agents were highly trained, but there was something empty to them. It made them predictable and it was easy enough to disarm them and knock them out with a hit from her bow. The martial arts masters were equally as easy to take out. Kara had never really mastered any of the styles she used per say, but she fought dirty because she fought to win. She fought to survive.
It was the Navy Seals who ended up giving her trouble. They, like everyone else here, were highly trained, but more than that, there were more of them. And they were much larger than Kara. She had fought them off as best she could, but they got into close range quickly, forcing her to use her bow as a blunt weapon instead of her preferred long range. In the end she had to throw her bow away in favor of her dagger. They took advantage of the situation quickly, using their size to subdue her. One of the pulled her into a very tight headlock, cutting her air supply down so she was forced to wheeze to get any air into her lungs. One of the other ones stripped her of her weapons as she scratched at the one holding her and tried to kick him in the balls.
“Get her hands!” One of them yelled.
Someone grabbed her wrists and wrenched them downward painfully. She felt something cold and metallic wrap around one of her wrists, tight and painful. Then the other. Handcuffs.
“Don’t let up. Give her an inch and she’ll manage to get away. She’s tricky.”
“I got her. Go get the boss.”
The one holding her tightened his grip slightly, just enough that her eyes rolled back in her head a little and she instinctively tried to tilt her head back to get more air.
“Boys, what’s this I hear about a gift?”
The one holding Kara released her just enough so that she could fall to her knees and gasp for air. His arm was still around her neck, but holding her place more than strangling her.
A woman knelt down in front of Kara. She was wearing a militaristic black outfit with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. “The Arrow? Boys, you know just how to treat a girl.”
Kara snarled. The woman grabbed Kara’s hood and in one quick motion, pulled Kara’s hood and mask off.
“My, my, you’re lovely aren’t you. You know, I’ve been looking for a General. You’re perfect, aren’t you?”
Before Kara could react, the woman swooped down and kissed her. Kara’s eyes went wide and she tried desperately to pull away, but she had nowhere to go. The woman forced her tongue into Kara’s mouth and kept kissing.
Something was buzzed at the edge of her mind and it quickly started to take over, even as Kara fought it. It was warm. Comforting. The most welcoming feeling she’d felt in a very long time. This...this woman was amazing and perfect. Of course Kara had to follow her, serve her, she was everything. Kara started reaching to kiss her back. She wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to make her happy. Oh god, Kara loved her.
What about Barry and Oliver?
No. They were nothing compared to this woman. She was everything.
The woman pulled away and Kara’s heart ached at the loss. No! She wanted to keep kissing her!
“Hello Arrow, I am Marianna. Do you know why you’re here?”
Kara’s eyes lit up at the question. “To serve you Ma’am.”
“There’s a good girl.” Kara’s heart soared at the praise. “Let her go boys. She’s with us now.”
The Navy Seals released her and undid her handcuffs as Kara beamed up at Marianna.
Marianna smiled into the Arrow’s neck as they stood in the privacy of Marianna’s Master bedroom. Kara’s heart was soaring at the attention. At the touch and private moment with her mistress. Marianna pressed a kiss to Kara’s cheek.
“You’re exactly what I’ve been looking for. So strong. So powerful. So willing to serve me. You do want to serve me, don’t you?”
“More than anything.” Kara breathed.
“You would do anything for me?”
Marianna hummed and kissed Kara again, tugging on her braid to get a little moan out of Kara. She smirked at how expressive Kara seemed to be. “I have the perfect job for you, my sweet Arrow. But, I need you to be something else first. I need you to be my perfect general before you can be my perfect consort. Can you do that for me?”
Kara’s breath hitched. “Yes. Yes. I want nothing more than to be perfect for you. Let me be perfect for you.”
“There we go dear. You’ll get to be, I promise.” Marianna guided Kara to her knees and traced Kara’s cheekbones with her thumbs. “Do you want to know the job I have for you?”
“Yes. Please tell me.”
“I need you to kill the superheroes.”
No one noticed when Kara snuck into her base and left with a quiver full of cold arrows and all four kryptonite arrows in her possession. The thing about the superhero community was that it wasn’t a unified community, but rather a group of factions held together by alliances of an unsteady nature. And that was something that would work in her favor. Factions and their alliances were held together by central heroes. Kill the central heroes and alliances would break apart, factions would fracture, and soon the heroes would all isolate themselves. It would make them that much easier to kill.
Still, she needed to be careful. While more dangerous and thus a larger threat, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman wouldn’t hesitate to fight back if it was clear she was trying to kill them. Diana and Clark may be gentle and hold back due to their love of Barry, but she wouldn’t be able to defeat them.
Of course, she could take out the sidekicks easily enough. Nightwing, Spoiler, Signal, Kid Flash, or Stormfire would fall to her arrows before they even knew she was there. But that was too easy, it would never impress her mistress. No, It had to be Barry and Oliver. They would never strike her, never use their powers to do more than bruise her or restrain her.
It had to be them.
Oliver felt the cold before the pain. It wasn’t really surprising when he thought about it later. His body would of course feel the freezing of his muscles, bones, and cells. Feel the lightning that always ran through his cells stop suddenly and vibrate against the one thing that would always stop it. Then he felt the pain in his hip, stabbing, gushing, and throbbing. The arrow tip half buried in his hip bone. Oliver looked at the arrow buried in his hip but even with his blurred vision he recognized it.
It was one of Kara’s arrows.
Oliver pressed on of the buttons that held his jacket closed, the one on the corner of the large lightning bolt across his chest, and activated his communicator. “Felicity! Call Barry! NOW! ”
Oliver gripped a hand around the arrow shaft, carefully trying to keep it in place while he moved. Right now, it was acting like the Little Dutch Boy, keeping the blood inside of him and while it hurt, the arrowhead cutting his flesh over and over again and scratching his hip bone, it was far safer than risking the frostbite spreading and blood running from a wound that the cold would prevent from closing.
He couldn’t stand, much less run, but he needed to get out of the open. Behind a car or a dumpster or something.
Oliver heard the familiar sound of Kara’s bow sliding down a zip line and her combat boots hitting the pavement. Oliver managed to crawl backwards a couple feet as Kara pulled another cold arrow out of her quiver and notched it. She only had three, having used the other two once when Oliver was whammied, but with an arrow in his hip, she only needed one to finish him off.
Oliver heard a familiar rush of air and smiled a little. Before Kara’s arrow could hit him Barry caught it and snapped the cold generator in half with a tiny squeeze of his hand.
Barry dropped the pieces of the arrow and turned to Oliver, he slipped quickly into Speed Talk so only Oliver could understand him. “You good?”
Oliver nodded and Barry turned back to Kara, speeding over as she began to pull a Kryptonite arrow from her quiver. Oliver could really only watch as Barry grabbed her bow, applying the smallest bit of super strength to rip the bow from her solid grip as he knocked her feet out from under her. The kryptonite went bouncing and Oliver watched the green glow through a numb haze as another wave of bitter cold spread through his leg.
Barry had Kara pinned down, holding her by her wrists as she struggled and began to scream.
“Let me go! You bastard! You won’t get away with this! I have a duty to my Mistress and I fully intend to complete it!”
Fear flashed through Barry’s eyes and he tightened his grip just a little. “I’m sorry about this Kara.” He let go of one of her wrists. Just long enough to hit her across the face with just enough strength to knock her unconscious. The cold started to spread from his leg, Oliver couldn’t stop shivering and he began to have trouble concentrating. He knew Barry had spoken to someone, that the flash of swirling light was one of Felicity’s portals, that it was Diggle who lifted  him up and carried him through, but it didn’t seem to register. All that registered as the cold, the pain, and the betrayal.
When Oliver woke up, he was wrapped in warm blankets with an IV in his arm. Usually, speedsters woke up slowly. They slept hard, they slept deep, and they slept long. Mornings were hell and more than once Oliver and Roy had sat down to eat after a long patrol and just...fallen asleep. And after an injury like this? Well, Oliver tended to slip into healing comas. No, the only surefire way to wake up a speedster that didn’t involve constant prying was if someone they love is in danger.
Caitlin stuck her finger in Oliver’s face as he tried to sit up. “You’re leg isn’t healed yet.”
“Is safely unconscious and strapped to a cot in the Pipeline. Barry’s watching over her. You can wait until your wound closes, but you’re wearing the brace.”
Oliver glared at Caitlin, but laid back down. He hated the braces. They were made of titanium and used to hold his limbs still. Apparently he “couldn’t be trusted with splints” and so drastic measures had to be taken. There was even one for his spine. It would make it difficult to get down the stairs to the Pipeline.
“What about Kara? How is she?”
Caitlin sighed. “If I show you here scans will you stay in bed until your arrow wound closes?”
“Cross my heart.”
Caitlin pursed her blue lips and narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, but still grabbed her tablet and pulled something up with a few quick taps. “These are scans of Kara’s brain. See these bright spots…”
“Her hippocampus, her prefrontal cortex, her pituitary gland...she’s in love?”
Caitlin nods. “It’s not natural love, though. Here...this is her brain during our routine scans, when I asked her about you and Barry...and here it is now.”
The glowing spots were about ten times a large and bright. Instead of the warm, happy spots that appeared in her routine scans, they were so bright and loud that they looked like they were burning. That..wasn’t right. Oliver stared at her brain for a few seconds, slowly piecing it together.
“Someone is using false love to control her.”
About an hour later, Oliver limped down to the Pipeline on crutches, his hurt leg immobilized by the brace. True to Caitlin’s word, Barry stood guard in front of a cell, shoulders tense and still in his suit.
“She hasn’t woken up, yet?”
Barry shook his head, not looking away from Kara’s unconscious form. Worry lined his face and swam in his eyes. Oliver set one of the crutches against the wall and hobbled over to Barry. Barry reacted quickly, putting an arm around Oliver’s waist to stabilize him. Oliver purposefully leaned a little more of his weight than necessary against his boyfriend. Not only could Barry take it, but he would know it was a sign of affection and comfort.
“When she wakes up we’ll be able to figure out how to fix her.”
“I know. I just want her back.”
“Me too.”
It took Kara a few more hours to wake up and within seconds she got to work trying to break herself out without any regard for her own body. Within a few minutes, despite Barry and Oliver’s pleading, she’d made her wrists bleed from struggling. She screamed herself horse about some mysterious mistress and a mission as Caitilin did test after test, mumbling possible cures under her breath. Finally, they had to put her back into the cell, wrists neatly wrapped in bandages and cuffs tugged tighter to try to decrease her ability to struggle.
“Wait!” Oliver called as he limped over to her side. “We will fix this Kara. I promise.”
“Fuck you.” she growled.
Oliver put a hand in her hair and leaned over, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Then he backed off and nodded, letting Kara be put back into her cell.
They next time they took her out for tests she was more subdued. She still clearly wasn’t Kara, but she wasn’t screaming about some crazy “mistress” and threatening them.
“Whatever this Meta-Human is using to control her seems to be wearing off.” Caitlin said, showing them Kara’s most recent scans. “It’s possible that it’s something that needs to be topped off regularly.”
Barry scrolled through the scans. “No look. They suddenly changed. If it was something that needed to be topped off, there would have been a gradual decrease in her hormones and brain activities. They just...dropped by half randomly. Caitlin, what did you do?”
Caitlin looked over the scans again, thoughtfully looking over everything. “I mean, I tried a series of hormone treatments, but they wouldn’t work this drastically this quickly.”
Oliver’s eyes went wide as he remembered something. “I kissed her. Right before we put her back in her cell.”
“Of course!” Caitlin exclaimed, “Real love hormones to counteract the false ones! Barry, Oliver. Go kiss your girlfriend!”
Kara woke up to Barry’s lips on her own, a killer headache, and her wrists burning. She blinked a couple times and pulled away from the kiss, not even realizing she’d been leaning into it. She was tied down on a medical cot with reinforced handcuffs and in the Pipeline for some reason. She blinked again and looked around, Barry was leaning over her, brushing hair off her forehead, and Oliver was on crutches, leg trapped in one of his braces.
“What happened? Ollie? Are you okay?”
They both smiled and crowded her, hands in her hair and cupping her face.
“You’re back.” Oliver breathed happily as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Yeah. Two questions. Where did I go and can you please untie me?”
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 years
Batman au
Finally.  This is from the 3 sentence prompt meme.  Which I am still doing.  Fucking.  This one is the longest I think.  Almost 4k words.  I’m not looking at this anymore.
Trickshot frowned, the light of the computer monitors in front of him casting his features in blue light.  His eyes flickered from screen to screen, but nothing notable was to be found.  Usually that wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but they had already been tipped off that someone was on the move tonight, so it was tense, waiting for the pin to drop.  Just watching and waiting, unable to do anything else.
The sound of the door opening behind him was hardly worth him switching his attention away—he could see the person entering on the security monitors anyways.  But, he did call out a brief greeting, “Hey.”
He could see Jonathan wave at him from a subwindow on the monitor on his upper-left, and Trickshot smirked, amused—he had even waved in the camera’s direction, despite the fact that it was the size of a marble, not visible to most.  But, of course, Jonathan could see it.
“Tavon,” he greeted as he stepped closer to the monitors, “I take it no moves yet?  Never mind—you’re still here.  So obviously not.”
“Mn,” Trickshot nodded.
They stood in silence for a little while, watching.  But it was never long that Jonathan would stay quiet, not while they weren’t on a mission at least, “Sooo.  Have you come up with a name for this place yet?  I feel like we really need a name for this base, or center of operations, or whatever.”
Finally, Trickshot looked away from the monitors, raising an eyebrow at Jonathan, “My garage?”
“Yes,” Jonathan snorted as he propped a hand on his hip, “We can’t just call it that.”
“I don’t see why not.  It’s not like anyone else is ever going to be here.”
“We can’t just say we’re ‘going back to Trickshot’s garage’ at the end of the day.  We should say something that sounds cool.”
“No,” he replied, unimpressed, “Why do we even have to say anything at all?  We don’t have to explain ourselves to anyone.”
“Ugh,” Jonathan let out a long-suffering sigh.  Trickshot smothered a smirk.  “I get tired of your dark broody thing sometimes though.  It feels rude to just disappear on people.  It isn’t uncool to say ‘bye,’ you know.”
“Oh, don’t pull the fake ‘I’m-considering-it-but-I’m-actually-not’ tone with me, Tav.”  Jonathan was grinning though as he said it, their usual banter making the time go faster.  It was nice to take his own eyes off the monitors for a bit too, he could trust that Jonathan would notice something pop up even faster than he would if he were looking himself, and so he could take a moment to be at ease.
It wasn’t the monitors that finally alerted them though, but rather the ring of the communicator on Jonathan’s belt. Trickshot could see who it was before Jonathan even brought it to his face, the red heart emoji giving it away rather obviously.  Jonathan, predictably, lit up, quickly clicking to accept the call, “Nexus!  Any news?”
Trickshot lacked super-hearing, so he didn’t really have a chance to overhear, but that was quickly remedied as Jonathan tapped the side, activating the holo-interface of his communicator so that Nexus could presumably speak to both of them.  Nexus’s face came into view, looking only mildly irritated, “I have received a call meant for the two of you.  Since your identities are unknown and your communications are more underground than mine, you’ve forced me to become a relay.  I don’t approve.”
“Oh,” Jonathan’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked far too apologetic for something that was hardly a concern—of course one of the most active heroes on the net was easier to contact, “Sorry about that!  I guess we could open a line or something—”
“No,” both Nexus and Trickshot said at once.
“Stop bullshitting,” Trickshot frowned.
“Fine,” Nexus sighed, continuing as if his complaint hadn’t even been aired, “It was your ex-partner, Trickshot, back in your ‘Crosshair’ days.  I maintain that that was a stupid name, despite how fitting it was for your prior job.”
“Did she say what she wanted?”
Jonathan looked at him in concern.  He wondered if his voice was as tight as it felt.
“No, and I didn’t ask.  I’m not your secretary.  All she gave me was a set of coordinates.”
“Transmit them.  And tell Sequitur that we’re out, it’s up to him to deal with anything that arises.”
“Fine.  But I maintain that I’m not your secretary.”
“Thank you, Nexus!” Jonathan added, quick, just before Nexus hung up.
“I can’t believe you made him hang up on us.”
“You’re still mad about that?”
“Yes!  I’m trying to—”
“Yeah, I’ve seen your contacts list.”
“You can’t talk, you’re gunning for—”
Trickshot brought a finger to his lips and Jonathan immediately grew quiet, his eyes narrowing behind his visor as he turned his focus to their surroundings.
“Five o’clock, 40 meters,” Jonathan whispered, low enough for Trickshot to just barely hear him, “She’s got a cloaking device on.”
But, of course, Jonathan could see through something like that, attuned to even the slight shifts and wavers in the air.
Trickshot glided down to the rooftop, landing with ease, and he turned himself towards where Jonathan had said she was.  “Bolt,” he greeted.
“Don’t pretend to be all cool,” her voice rang out as her form shifted, the cloaking device at her belt being deactivated, “I know you didn’t see me.”
Jonathan landed so that he was slightly between them, but without saying a word.
Lynnick chuckled, “Way to ruin his attempt at mystique, Sentinel.”
“Spotter,” Jonathan corrected coldly.
“Yeah, I’m not calling you that,” Lynnick hissed, emerald eyes blazing in a way that was both familiar and not.  “I was his spotter.”
“Not anymore.”
Trickshot interrupted, not that he didn’t appreciate what Jonathan was trying to do, but they weren’t here to fight (verbally or physically).  “What do you want with us?”
“You,” Lynnick corrected, turning her gaze to him alone, “I didn’t ask for the other guy.”
“Fine, just me,” Trickshot snapped, narrowing his eyes, “What do you want with me?”
“I’ve heard whispers of something I knew you’d care about, so I’d figure I’d do you a favor—for the last time you got me out of a jam.”
“…When was that?” Jonathan’s eyes flicked to him, sparking with uncomfortable uncertainty—he never liked it when Trickshot kept him out of the loop.
Trickshot shrugged, “Sometimes we keep up connections.  Help each other out.”
Jonathan’s eyes narrowed behind his visor, but he said nothing more.  He wouldn’t, not while they were in front of someone else.  Later though, Trickshot definitely hadn’t heard the end of this.
“Stop interrupting, Sentinel,” Bolt hissed, “I want to get this over with as much as you want me gone.  So let me say my piece so I can fuck off.”  Jonathan shrugged, prompting her to continue, flipping her braid over her shoulder, “Great.  Specter is planning another raid—yes, I know you’ve been following them. Every superhero has.  But I know you don’t want her dead, and I don’t either.  She’s a good distraction, and she gets my crew out of jams sometimes.  But, she doesn’t like us contacting her, so I can’t warn her.  And fuck if I’m going to be where the shit is going down.”
“What’s going to happen?” Trickshot asked, masking the spiking worry—it wasn’t surprising that it was getting risky for Specter and the rest of her team—there were a lot of people gunning for them.  This could be…bad.
“They’re going to be stopped, obviously. Attacked.  Police, SWAT, whatever else they got out there, I don’t know. All I know is that there’s gonna be a lot of brass and I’m out. And, sure, Specter is good at getting out of things, but she won’t leave her team behind, and I’m sure more than one of them will be along.”
“How did this information come out? What’s your source?”
“I know a guy embedded with the cops. He heard about it and was nice enough to let me know for a few hundred bucks.  He’s never steered me wrong before, and this isn’t a trap for me or anything so the likelihood of him lying is, I assure you, quite low.”  She still remembered his paranoia.  And, he was sure she could go on for longer to disregard all of his concerns about authenticity.  She knew him. He could trust that much. “Specter’s people must have a leak or something too—you just can’t trust people these days.”
Jonathan opened his mouth, probably to object, but Trickshot quickly interjected, nodding, “I appreciate the information.  Tell us when and where and we’ll handle it.”
Bolt grinned, her eyes glimmering, “Oh, a part of me wants to come along just to see how you handle it.  How you’ll get them out.  Especially since you don’t want them to know you like them, right?  A little…well, it’s a little supervillain of you.”
Jonathan stepped forward, fists clenched, “He’s not—”
She scoffed, “Please.  Don’t delude yourself.”
“I’m not.  I wouldn’t stand here if he was.  I know him better than you do.”
Bolt turned, her footsteps sounding softly off of the rooftop.  She stood near the edge now, looking back at them, shrugging, “Tell yourself whatever you want, Sentinel.  Don’t come crying to me when he leaves you.”
With that, she tapped her belt, activating her camouflage, shimmering invisible, the distortion barely visible to him, until she jumped, disappearing below.  The sound of a grappling hook could be heard firing into the next building, but Trickshot couldn’t discern where she was once distance was established between them.
Jonathan could though, his eyes cold on the horizon.
He couldn’t just let the silence remain though, he had to—to address what she had said, he couldn’t let her turn Jonathan against him.  Trickshot quietly affirmed, “I’m not going to—”
Jonathan cut him off, “You don’t need to validate yourself to me.”  He tore his gaze from Bolt, “I know you.”
He didn’t know how to reply.
Jonathan sighed, fumbling with the pouches on his belt to bring his communicator out, and predictably, another call was coming, a little red heart displayed on the screen.  He clicked to accept it, solemnly scanning the information that was displayed in green over its surface.  No voice or video this time, just the information, presumably the coordinates and time that Bolt was referring to.
Jonathan smirked a bit, swiping the message so that Trickshot could access it on his goggles, “I like how he says he’s tired of being our secretary but then tells us that he’s standardized how he’s sending us coordinates.”
“Of course you like it,” Trickshot quipped, a weak smile tugging on the corner of his lips, “You like everything he does.”
“Mhm,” Jonathan nodded, an ease to his stance now that Bolt was gone.  “So, I assume we’re getting there first.  Before they even break in.”
Trickshot shook his head, already running possibilities in his head, “We’ll just run into the authorities that way. We can’t be seen either—they wouldn’t understand our sympathies.”
Jonathan smirked, “Not when they’re trying to catch her too.”
“You and I both know she’s not what they think.  That there’s way more going on here, we just have to figure out what.”
“Or ask.”
“Or ask,” Trickshot relented.  “Either way, we have to head them off before they even get there.”
Jonathan frowned, “We don’t know where they’re coming from, only where they’ll hit.”
“Well, that’s half the puzzle.  Surely with all the pieces we’ve been picking up about them, it’ll be easy enough to figure out.”
“Maybe for you, but I haven’t reached quite the same understand of them that you have,” Jonathan admitted, a bit sheepishly.  “I’m not sure how much help I can be with so little information.”
“You can be plenty help.  You’re my eyes.  Come on, it’s only a few dozen blocks from here.”
“Why do I work for you again?”
They were split up again, Jonathan on a radio tower a few blocks away, placed in the highest vantage point to take advantage of his heightened senses.  Of course, their communicators still kept them in contact, Jonathan able to whisper so that Trickshot could hear him in his earpiece.  He had told him to focus on the area north of the site—it was the least covered by the covert police and hero forces they could see since it was right by the waterway.
They had, of course, kept themselves from being detected by the other forces, which was easy when you knew them all so well.  Better than Specter and her crew would—although they also knew how to hide.  But, not knowing enough (and being limited in their mobility since they needed room to carry things out too) would hold them back from scouting to the extent that he and Jonathan could.
If only, a traitorous thought whispered, You were on her team.
Pushing it aside, he shifted his focus on the streets below, the little alleyways, the gratings that led to the sewers and the underground systems of the city—it was likely that those would be her choice of entrance.  They were still a long way from her actual target, but they needed to catch them first.  Before they entered the snares of the trap.
Jonathan’s voice whispered in his ear, “A shimmer of steel—Archangel’s wings fifty meters to your left.  Alleyway grating pushed up.”
Ah.  Specter’s right hand.  They would be in two separate groups though, two entry points.  Trickshot squinted to where Jonathan indicated, nodding as he caught sight of a brief flash, something no one else would notice, especially not from this far away.  But, since he knew where, he could see.
“Keep looking,” he whispered back, “There should be a second group, that’s where Specter will be.  We need both before we move.”
With a lack of anything else to do for the moment, he kept his eye on the small group of figures in black moving. Archangels wings were even painted black to blend in, but the slightest shimmer of their gears was the tell for Jonathan’s sight.  From this far away Trickshot couldn’t identify the other members, but he was sure they were the profiles he had seen before.  Perhaps a few new ones as well—her group was ever-growing.
“Twenty meters north and thirty meters west from your position—doorway of a building near a streetlamp.  Probably has an underground entrance inside.”
Trickshot smiled, relieved, shifting his attention away from the others who he knew Jonathan would keep track of as well, tapping his goggles to enhance his own vision (although mere tech couldn’t compare with Jonathan), and just as he had thought, there she was.  Alone—a surprise, but not too much of one.
She was sacrificial, he thought.
“You handle the others, try not to fight them.  But we can’t have them fall into the trap.  I’ll talk to her.”
“Don’t get distracted,” Jonathan’s tone was lilting, “Recall that you don’t want her to complete her mission this time.”
“I know,” Trickshot smirked, “I don’t get caught by such distractions so easily.”
“Ah, leaving the ‘like you’ unspoken, how unlike you.”
“Just try not to harm her subordinates. We’re trying to save them, not make things worse.”
“There’s only two others, I’m sure they’ll be amiable.  I have a good reputation.”
“Oh, rub it in why don’t you.”
They could go on like hours like that, but they both had tasks to complete.  He saw Jonathan glide down from the radio tower, landing soundlessly on the rooftop before running, heading towards where Archangel was. Meanwhile, Trickshot shifted his own attention to where Specter was starting to move, sticking to the shadows, and he would have to catch up to her quickly before she’d phase out.
He leapt between rooftops until he was closer to her, jumping down onto a staircase at the edge of a building.  He allowed his impact to rattle the metal, creating a slight sound, enough to catch her attention.  And it did, immediately her gaze snapping to him, alert and prepared.
He held his hands up, palms out, raising his voice only enough to be heard, “I’m not—”
Specter blinked out of existence underneath him, and before he could even think of where she would go, she reappeared, right beside him, soundlessly on the metal, her dagger up and ready a mere foot away.
He froze, eyes widening a bit, continuing as he carefully kept still, “—Intending to do you harm.  I want to help.”
“You’re…Trickshot.”  Her brows furrowed, green eyes bright in the dark. Slowly her dagger lowered, just slightly, “…Where’s Sentinel?”
So, she knew enough to know that they were rarely apart.  He answered with ease, “Spotter is speaking to Archangel.  And whoever else is here, I didn’t quite see who was on your other team.”
Her eyes narrowed, dagger raised again, “How did you know where we’d be?”
“Your operation has been leaked.  A lot of people are trying to capture you, heroes and police alike.  I caught wind of it and wanted to tip you off before you were in the trap.”
“How did you know where I would be?” she repeated, slowly, although she still didn’t quite seem hostile.  It was starting to hurt, keeping his hands raised, but he wouldn’t allow himself to be seen as a threat to her, so he remained motionless.
“I’ve been observing your group’s actions. Reports, CCTV feeds, anything I could get my hands on.  I’ve only run into you a few times in person, far off, but—” he swallowed, “I made an educated guess.  And Spotter’s eyes did the rest.”
“You’ve…you have helped us, in the past. I noticed how sometimes our path would suspiciously clear, even though we expected a fight on our way out of somewhere—but never have you appeared before an operation.  You’re with them, aren’t you?  The people trying to get us?”
He was pleased she had noticed that much, at least, he hadn’t ever really been trying to hide, “No,” he replied smoothly, “They keep me out of the loop.  I learned of their intentions from a contact—I have not been involved in their planning or their chase of you and your crew.  I have no interest in labelling you as a foe.”
Her dagger lowered, again, this time staying low, and she took a step back (not that distance meant much for a teleporter).  He allowed himself to lower his hands, but he kept them away from his belt.  He continued, “I don’t want you to walk right into a trap.  I know you aren’t what they’re claiming you are—and I don’t know what you are, but I’ve been wanting to know.”
He was usually skilled at reading expressions, but he couldn’t quite parse what emotion it was crossing her face at the moment.  She seemed to be evaluating him, that much was clear and predictable, but he couldn’t discern what it is she saw.  Did she believe him?  Trust him, or at least trust his words?
“…How many are in the trap?”
“I don’t know that much.  But when we were scanning the area, Spotter discerned that three blocks around your target is entirely stonewalled.  They’re all undercover but there’s signs, equipment and practiced patrol routines that aren’t as normal-passing as they’d think.”
“…How much do you know?”
It was easy to respond, perhaps a little too easy to share his information, but he had been waiting for this for what felt like so long, to actually stand in front of her and speak to her, to be a more proper ally to what he felt was right.  Even though he didn’t understand yet, he had seen the sort of things her people had been doing, and none of it was with true evil intent.  “I don’t know what your purpose is.  Or what your target is.  Only where.”
“And still, you warn me?  Without even understanding?”
“How am I supposed to understand with so little information?”
She let out a breath, the barest hint of a laugh escaping her lips, “Good point,” she mused, a corner of her lips tugging upwards, “I suppose that’s too much to ask of anyone when so much is hidden.”
“I want to uncover it,” he said, “I know something is wrong but I don’t know what you’re fighting.”
She stepped back a little farther, shrugging her shoulders, “You have to find that out yourself.  I can’t just tell you.  You have to see it.”  Her eyes glittered, “Sentinel has good eyes.  He might be able to, if you help him figure out where to look.”
He paused, unsure of how to respond to that, frustrated but unable to direct it towards anything.  His fingers clenched slightly.  Finally, he shook his head, “You aren’t still going to go for the hit, are you?”
She tilted her head, “Hm.  No, not with the forces you described.  This one wasn’t that important.  It’s not worth getting captured, or risking my allies. Archangel agrees—Sentinel is someone even we’re prone to trust.”
He tried not to be too obviously relieved, but was sure that some of it bled through his façade, “Good.  I wouldn’t have wanted all my efforts to go to waste here.”
She blinked, scanning him over, seemingly evaluating him again, “I’m sure we would have gotten out of it, but perhaps we wouldn’t be unscathed.  While, clearly, we are now, even if our goal remains unaccomplished.”
“I’m sure you can plan accordingly later. In the meantime, I suggest you figure out the source of your leak.  Someone who knows about your operations leaked it to the authorities, and they leaked it to my source.  So…be careful.”
She nodded, “…Thank you,” she said after a moment.  “…I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again.”
And, before he could reply, she vanished once more, and he didn’t see her reappear.
Jonathan’s voice crackled from his earpiece, “Archangel is headed back through the underground.  Specter gave the order, but even before that she was listening to me. We aren’t seen as foes as much as you thought, Trick.”
“I’m glad whatever they were hitting is unimportant enough to drop.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what we’d do if they just ignored us.  I guess at least they’d be warned?”
“Yeah,” Trickshot agreed.  And as Jonathan chattered on about meeting back up and heading back to base (“Which we really need to rename,” he added), he was left to his thoughts of that scenario.  What would they have done?  Gone back after simply accepting that they had done all they could by informing them? Or—
Would he have followed her?
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