#Hhhhhhh I LOVE COLD
thedreadvampy · 2 years
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continues to be a lovely warm December
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cult leader geto is a loserboy btw 🙏🙏
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princeanxious · 2 years
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the-scythes-pen · 5 months
Dream within a Dream
Inspired by seeing/hearing Blade caring/being gentle with his allies hhhhhhh also walking around with him in the new area but otherwise no spoilers here
also hello why does my inspiration come back only for angst
Deep within the dreamscape, where few tread and the world falls silent, a man neither young nor old walks.
His shoes click along the stone; their path familiar yet not often walked. He remains impassive, neither joy nor sorrow on his handsome features.
He has long since become numb to lesser emotions.
The longer he walks, the further away from the world he becomes. The high-rise buildings fade away, the gaps between them growing and growing until they last forever.
Very few remain here.
Soundlessly now, the man travels on, navigating through invisible twists and turns and thriving communities of nothingness.
This deep in the dreamscape, in this general direction and in a place that time forgot, lies a small pocket of memory- neither this man's, nor it's inhabitant's.
It is a dream within a dream, built on a foundation of hope and love and roofed with regret and despair.
This place is not his home. But it is the only place he would dare to call home now.
An unused pocket in his tailcoat lies a key, to which a once steady hand reaches for. The man unlocks the door to this dream, and is greeted by it's suffocating stillness.
So, so different from where he came from; from the dreamscape outside of this pocket. Here, no wind blows, and dust settles upon unused furniture.
This house has no colour, yet the man's presence brings just the faintest of splatterings as he rouses the dust from it's sleep.
"Yingxing?" A sweet voice calls to him, and it steals the breath from his chest.
It always has.
And the man dressed in black brings his dull colours deeper into the house, towards the voice- and stops in the doorway to an old living room.
A face he hasn't seen in a long, long time greets him. This face is old, yet no wrinkles mar it's features. A smile pulls on this person's lips, and a crinkle forms in the corner of each eye.
The man, formerly known as Yingxing, walks silently over to the lone, colourless person.
"How long has it been?" They ask with that same kind, sweet smile. A smile that the man had always adored.
"….two centuries."
He speaks, his voice rough and quiet.
That smile he cherishes so dearly faulters. It's pained, now.
"I see. I missed you."
The man who no longer uses his name walks up to the familiar face- who stands up to greet him- and his strong arms wrap around the person.
In this embrace, the man can feel nothing. There is no one there- not really, but it's still somewhat unsettling to feel nothing when there is something.
"…you're cold. Would you like some tea?"
The voice is so, so sweet; so kind and gentle, just how he remembers it. He doesn't want to pull away but he does.
"Yes, please."
And the man follows them out to the old kitchen, floorboards creeking beneath his feet- but not theirs.
"I'm guessing you still haven't found a way to…?"
An obvious question that needed not be finished. The man still brought colour to this lifeless memory- and thus, he was still alive.
"…no. Not yet. But hopefully…" He trails off, his thoughts drifting to his promise.
"…it's ok. I told you I'd wait as long as necessary, didn't I?"
The man sits at the homely kitchen table, dust ignored as if it were nothing more then air.
"…forgive me." He still replies as his intense gaze follows the homeowner.
The person clicks their tongue, a sad smile on their lips as they join him at the table with a teapot and teacups. There is no familiar clink of porcelain when the teacups are placed, and when the tea is poured, nothing comes out.
He does not comment on it. Nor will he ever.
"I'm just happy to see you again." The person across from him says.
His crimson gaze flickers from the tealess cup to his other. His throat closes up, and he nearly chokes on his breath.
"I love you." He manages to blurt out.
That sad smile only grows sadder. He hates when you look sad.
"…and I will always love you as well."
Their hands meet on the edge of the table, a thumb that isn't there brushes over his bandaged hand.
"…how much longer can you stay?" He asks quietly, pain clawing at his chest.
"…I don't know." The person replies simply.
The man looks down at the teacup once more. Within the cup are dreams, memories, laughter, hope, and love.
He brings the porcelain to his lips and takes a sip. There is nothing there.
His mouth is filled with the bitter taste of ash and the harshness of dust.
But he doesn't care. He never has, and he never will.
To preserve this phantom dream, he would endure the harshest of pain.
He lifts his head to find his other half standing before him now.
This meeting was so, so brief.
They always are, now.
He remembers how soft your hand always felt when it cupped his cheek. He tries so desperately to recall that memory when your hand meets his skin, yet he still feels nothing.
The dream before him looks into his eyes, searching wordlessly for everything he is unable to say to them. All the emotions, the memories, the pain…
"Let me- let me do it. Please." He begs so uncharacteristically.
The smile slips from your face, and he's not sure what he hates more: seeing you with a sad smile, or without one at all.
"…I'll hold out. I told you I'd wait as long as it took, and I will."
"You can't promise that anymore."
The man they now call Blade has only ever wished for death this strongly once before. He wishes he could die with ever fiber of his being.
That sadness returns to your face, but you don't smile.
He determines he hates that expression the most.
Before you can say any more, his lips crash messily into yours. And it is here- and only here- that he finally, finally can feel such a beloved memory.
The warmth of your lips. The pressure of your mouth against his. The taste of your love.
Your love tastes like dust.
His colours, dull as they were, grow stronger only when kissing you; and his colours seep into your memory, bringing life back to your black-and-white dream.
He feels the sting of old wounds resurfacing, the hiss and growl of this sin of eternity digging it's fangs into his soul. But Aeons, he'd do anything to keep you around just a little bit longer.
The kiss breaks, and the colour he imparted to you dissipates swiftly after.
The pain in his chest is almost unbearable. He wants to claw out his heart and all the abundance flowing within him.
You've returned to nothing but a dream; a colourless memory devoid of life. So why, pray tell, why are your tears so vibrant?
"…I miss you. So much." Your voice is broken and pained. Blade places his hand on top of yours, still cradling his cheek. He nuzzles his face into your touch, his own eyes closing as he tries so, so desperately to feel something from your gesture.
He would even take the disgusting warmth of your blood over this nothingness of a dream.
"…I'm sorry. I promise… I promise I'll find a way to return to you. Just… wait for me."
When he opens his eyes, he is surrounded by nothingness. Once again forced into solitude, with nothing but the ghost of your sensationless touch on his skin.
The bubble of memoria flickers before him, as if attempting to comfort him. But there is no comforting a man who's sin has stolen him from his love.
Colourless tears cascade silently down his pale face. Excruciating pain feels like it's tearing his body to shreds.
The memoria flickers and floats. It has no emotion, yet feels so sorrowful and empty.
A bandaged hand, once strong and steady as a blacksmith, now trembling ever-so-slightly from the pain of a broken shell of a man, reaches out to hold this forgotten dream. To cherish it, and beg for it to stay.
But just like you, the bubble flickers in and out of existence, before falling limp in his hand; cascading to the floor in an oozing mess of memoria.
"I'm sorry…"
He murmurs to the dream, and prays that the strength he gave it will allow it to revive itself when next he returns. Perhaps this time he may need to wait a couple thousand years before it will be stable enough to enter again.
After a moment or two of mourning, the man clenches his fist; blood oozing into the bandages as pain shoots through his arm. Wounds old and new, internal and external, all bleed for his loss, cursed to be eternally painful for imparting his life to sustain this dull dream.
In a few minutes, Blade will leave this dreamscape and return to the world of reality. A reality where you are long since gone, and Blade is nothing more than a nickname for a man who has lost everything. A reality where he feels very little except pain and regret.
But right now, in this moment, even if it's nothing more then an oozing mess of memory- you are with him. And right now, that is all that matters.
"I love you."
His broken voice echoes quietly into the nothingness.
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ya-zz · 1 year
Really love your ram! I love the 'fixed the broken' it touched my heart with many fluffiness to the point that I could faint 🥺. So please I would like to request for (fluff) ramattra and the reader, every time it rain they would coincidentally meet each other at the same shelter or different one each time or both, it could be funny that way too! Up to you :)
hhhhhhh I fucking love soft Ramattra just as much as the next person.
Apologies it took awhile to get to, but hey, a nice double upload today!
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Ramattra x reader (gen)
Word count: 1173
It was the same shit just different day. Having to travel to work early, and then travel home late made you wonder whether or not the job was even worth it; and let’s not talk about when the rainy weather would hit, whether light or a storm, you would still push on in. 
But, despite the travel, despite the weather, you enjoyed the job. Repairing omnics was something you had grown to do, even more so after the crisis. You wanted to do what you could to help, no matter how small it may be. 
The walk was worth it though. The scenery in Nepal was everything you had ever wished for. The omnic village was accommodating, human travellers passing occasionally, however you were the more frequent visitor. The omnics there welcomed you each day, passing ‘thanks’ and ‘have a good day’ whenever you walked past. They were more like a family then your own family was. 
Today, however, the rain was coming down hard the moment you had finished work. After closing the workshop, locking the shutters and hiding under the provided shelter, you sigh. Looking across the street, watching the puddles grow larger by the second, you zip up your coat only to realise there was no hood. 
Can it get any worse…?
With a slightly more irritated yet defeated sigh, you walk out into the pouring rain and begin the journey home. The rain pelted your face, soaking you in moments as you walked. Down hill was going to be the trickier part. Having no grip on your shoes and rocky terrain, it wasn’t exactly the safest for walking. Keeping close to the wall, you hold on, hoping to not slip and end up at the bottom. While it would be quicker, the bruises and possible painful injuries weren’t going to help you repair omnics. 
It was a slow and careful descent, one where you kept your eyes on the ground, rather than in front of you, but the moment the ground levelled, you took a breather under a nearby shelter. 
The rain was still coming down hard as you leant against the withering wood frame of the shelter. With your arms crossed over your chest to keep warm, you watch the rain, listening to the sounds. The wind blowing it in every direction but also shaking the leaves above. Thunder rolled in, making you step back further into the shelter.
“It is not safe for you to be out here.” A voice called out, making you turn quickly. 
You reply back whilst looking over the omnic. “Neither is it for you.” 
He goes to speak once more but holds himself back, instead moving further into the shelter.
There was an eerie silence as the two of you stayed under for awhile, letting the rain pass. You stayed quiet, watching the rain lighten up before you deemed it safe enough to wander back out and home. 
The omnic doesn’t say anything, waiting there a little while longer as he watches you leave. He wonders where he had seen you before and then it clicks. This wasn’t your first encounter with him. It was the second and he never forgets a face. 
Last week you were resting under the shelter not far from the repair shop reading. He had stood near you, not wanting to disrupt you, but the moment you closed your book and looked up at him, the smile that embraced your face engrained itself into his systems. 
He had hoped to see you again and his circuits warmed when he did. 
And again when he saw you a few days later at the same shelter. It wasn’t raining this time, but it was cold. His temperature was keeping him warm, circling that heat around his chassis, but he could see you were shivering. 
The winter weather was brutal, your gloves and scarf were merely decoration. The sudden drop in temperature meant you weren’t prepared at all, having to grab whatever you could find within the workshop before you left. 
“You should hurry home.” The omnic spoke out, stepping under the shelter. 
“I would, but I’m too cold to move right now.” 
“You will freeze to death if you stay out here any longer.” His optics scan your figure, noting the shivering and your temperature lower than normal. 
“I wasn’t prepared for this drop in temperature.” You speak between shuddered breaths. 
He looks ahead, a slight nod. “It was sudden, yes.” 
You hum in response, tucking your hands into your pockets. 
“How far do you walk from here?” He asked. 
“About forty minutes.” 
For once, the omnic felt concerned. “There is a tea house that is closer. Perhaps you should rest there and warm up.” He points back towards the village as you look up at him. 
“Maybe I will. Thank you.” You smile up at him and step out from under the shelter. 
“Ramattra.” He calls out, causing you to stop and turn to him. “I am Ramattra.” 
He noticed your smile again as you spoke. “[y/n].” You bow your head slightly. “It’s a pleasure to put a name to the face.” 
“I agree.” He hums, watching you turn and scurry off back to the village. 
There was a long while before Ramattra saw you again. Part of him hurt and he was confused as to why. He has never felt this way before, especially for a human. The moment he saw you under the shelter not far from the decline, he wandered over, staff in one hand while he raised the other. 
When you saw him approaching and waving at you, you returned the gesture, waving back and smiling. 
“We have to stop meeting like this?” You joke, watching as he stands next to you, closer than he has ever done before. 
“Who is to say that this is not my favourite part of the day.” He looks down at you from the side, a chuckle escaping his vocaliser.
“Oh stop it.” You laugh, cheeks blushing ever so slightly as you stare out into the rain. 
“It has been awhile since I last saw you.” He states. 
“Late night repairs.” You sigh softly. “There’s been a lot of trouble recently.” 
The omnic nods. “I have heard. I did not think it would be that bad.” 
“I’m the only one around here capable of fixing omnics, so they all come to me.” 
“Would you require assistance?” Ramattra asks. 
You look up at him, smiling gently. “Company wouldn’t be so bad.” 
The omnic laughs, something he had not done in a long time. “Then perhaps I will meet you tomorrow, at the workshop this time.” 
“Yeah… I’d like that.”
Ramattra nods, the same warmth circling his chassis as he looks down at you smiling up at him. From chance meetings at the shelter, the omnic was glad there was a human out there capable of emotions and caring for his kind. He wanted to know more about you, to help you. 
He wanted to be with you longer.
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marianasue · 17 days
for sydcarmy truthers , I brought a new movie to watch .
Hear me out , I watched yesterday a movie called : phantom thread (2017) , maybe you hear about it or you watched it , anyway I found interesting things I want to share :
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so , the plot of the movie is different from the bear but if you look at it from another angle , you´re mind will blow so let´s begin :
to make it simply : Reynold Woodcock is a fashion designer , he is an artist , he is charming , beautiful manners , lovely but but but (3 times) he is the most complicated , he has his own bad side , what does it mean here : every time he lose his interest in a woman , he just doesn´t care about her feelings , he just treated her as a thing not as a human being , he just use women to be his muses and inspiration .
sometimes he is good , and other time he is shitty : he is hot and cold , he is weirdo .
emmmmmmm carmen berzatto vibes
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alma is a young girl , nice and try to make reynold happy ,she is his opposite .
so alma becomes the muse of reynold , and his model , but she was surprised by his personnality : sometimes he is close to her and sometimes he is too cold .
now you have an idea about the characters , let´s see what I found :
first : in the begining of the movie , reynold lost his muse , so he is in his cold era , and the scenes are blue :
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doesn´t this reminds you of some blue scenes in the bear ?????
second : a red dress for a first date :
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white and red , why every character whose gonna have a date wear red and white . Baby syd , I swear you believed that you´re gonna have a date with carmen that day . emmmm
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a table scene , many table scenes hhhhhhh.
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this is what reynold said to his sister in the begining of the movie .
he explained that he can´t stick in something , he described it as a butterfly , a beautiful creature who can´t stay forever in his form .
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this when the muse (alma) has returned to him .
but , in some point the two had a big fight :
reynold didn´t like alma surprise , she prepared to him a dish called asparagus :
he didn´t like the dish , he was shitty , shitty , I hated him in that moment but alma didn´t shut her mouth this time , she breaks her silence and confronted him , please watch the fight I really loved it.
she was waiting for him to say that she can leave the house because she does nothing there , he just use her as an inspiration for his works.
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what I like in this movie is that , when reynold became sick , alma didn´t leave him , she stayed with him . and reynold decide to marry her and the two were trying to accept their differences and work on it ..
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this is the final dance between them , the scene was really beautiful , the blue period has ended , and we see the red and blue colors are everywhere , and that focus of the light on them .
this final scene , if you focus , you find that everything is a mess around them but they are together in all that mess.
such a beatiful movie , it ends with their little weeding , their married life , their little baby boy and how alma becomes an important part in his legacy also how she is helping him in his works .
hope you enjoy it ..
#phantom thread
#the bear
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sparrow-orion-writes · 2 months
3. Okay, I don't plan for this one, but I just saw it so I'm gonna throw it on as a wild card :0
late night calls where one of you accidentally falls asleep
Just think this is really really cute, but hhhhhhh
~ M <3
Took a second inspo for this Or: Some point during the third book, Ari and Edward are separated and Ari gets separation anxiety.
"I miss you." Ari can still hear the words hanging in the air like the sudden snowfall that had shaken them all to the shivering air. Edward had always felt warmer in the cold, perks of working circulation (his aversion to cigarettes had served his body well). He missed the sound of Edward's voice. The brush of his breath on his skin. The vibration of his laughter when he was held, and the way he'd shriek when Ari lifted him clean off his feet as if he weighed nothing at all. Sleep had been elusive since he'd arrived, but it wasn't just the comfort of his own space that was so absent. Death lingered in his thoughts in the late nights, as it had when he was younger. He hadn't been haunted by his own loneliness - or his half-liness, which is how he felt without Edward there - in many years. As it had then, sleep would find him in the mid-morning after a sickly night of fragile heartbeats. He became very aware of his own humanness those few nights. The sheets crumpled and gripped him as he threw himself from one side of the bed to another. As if any amount of movement could find him a position where he felt a little more loved. A little more warm. A little more like home. Last night, Edward had called. They talked and talked until all the exhaustion finally crumpled on Ari. He fell away to sleep much easier than the nights before, imagining that Edward could be beside him, instead of sounding through the tinny static of the phone. "I miss you," Edward had uttered, before darkness had closed in, "...try not to do anything stupid." He would've laughed had he not been sinking into his bed so well. "Ari?" But he could only make a half-hearted noise, which was rewarded with a laugh. A laugh that felt comfortable enough to be another blanket. "Good night, love," his soft voice could have been a lullaby. "Sleep well."
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ FIRST POST ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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hello !! i'm a long time lurker here at tumblr, but it's been a while since i posted/made any new sideblogs. you can call me anna ! i'm a girl obv, and also a minor [16-18] so pls don't be creepy !!
i recently got into diabolik lovers and watched the first season of the anime as well as gameplay of haunted dark bridal. if it's not obvious, my favourite character is kanato !! i haven't been very involved with the fandom yet but i see a lot of hate for him which is sad :(
more about this blog -- my main fandom is diabolik lovers !! i'm no artist and barely a writer, but i can make memes, headcanons, quotes and things like that !! as well as rambles and stuff about the series. i'm not interested in any characters other than yui and the sakamaki brothers, so if you expect content for anyone else from me i'm sorry to let you down.
i'll add some more stuff abt me below :}
fandoms ::
-- diabolik lovers [obv]
-- danganronpa
-- hetalia
-- doki doki literature club
-- yandere simulator
-- future diary
-- omori
-- higurashi when they cry
-- mystic messenger
-- shiki [second best vampire anime after DL imo]
hobbies ::
-- writing [kinda? procrastination is my worst enemy hhhhhhh]
-- cycling
-- learning abt history//geography
-- listening to music [brb js gonna look for a kanato playlist]
-- making fun of americans
-- baking
my fav music artists/bands ::
-- marina (and the diamonds)
-- melanie martinez
-- mitski
-- kikuo
-- lana del rey
-- abba
my fav authors ::
-- agatha christie
-- donna tartt
-- fyodor dostoevsky
my ranking of DL boys ::
-- kanato is obv number one, i rly love his more feminine design and i believe we need more characters that look like him in media. maybe bc my type is more feminine boys but idk. i love his personality asw he's batshit insane and needs immediate professional help. underrated
-- subaru is a surprising one for me, as i often forgot he existed while watching the anime but his route in hdb was rly cute and he's such a tsun tsun which is adorable
-- a few yrs ago reiji was EXACTLY my type and i still appreciate his character archetype quite a lot. he's also one of the meanest of the brothers i love that abt him (i would cry on the spot if he scolded me)
-- shu is pretty cute and i rly like his personality as well. he also has his weird moments like everyone else but i think he had the closest thing to a healthy relationship w yui so that's cool. he's also super relatable
-- laito was actually my second favourite before hdb, but holy fucking shit is his route messed up. the anime did NOT do a good job portraying how deranged this man is. i still like him but his constant horniness and raging misogyny [more so than the others] are huge turnoffs
-- ayato was always pretty low on the list, and after seeing his route my opinion didn't change much. i don't dislike anything in particular abt him, he's just not the type of character i usually like. i don't rly like him with yui either for that reason, so yeah
other ::
-- i rly wanna travel to a lot of places
-- i'm a huge planner when it comes to things, but when the time comes i never follow the plan i spent so much time on,,,
-- i love cats !!
-- i think i'm aroace but i might be biromantic
-- my fav type of weather is cold//rainy//snowy weather
-- my fav food is schnitzel and my fav dessert is crêpes [also my fav fruit is apples]
-- i love making ocs
DNI list ::
-- racists//xenophobes
-- misogynists
-- homophobes
-- pedos//other weirdos of that type
-- furries
-- incels
-- yandev supporters//apologists
-- kanato haters//yui haters
-- people younger than 13//older than 30
-- rhythm game fans
-- 4chan users
-- twitter users
that's it for now !! ty for reading this far <3
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starjxsung · 3 months
i’m going over there november 2nd, so a day early !!! NO CLUE WHAT IM WEARING YET im worried itll be a little cold…. but if i can be bothered then maybe hopefully a goth outfit.. we will see
also did i miss something, what happened with that anon saying u made them feel bad ??? why are people always on ur case 😭 - puppy anon
HHHHHHH GOTH LOOK 🧎‍♀️‍➡️ PLS GRACE MY INBOX WITH ALL UR OUTFIT PICS WHEN THE TIME COMES (if you want to ofc I love you wtaf you’re gonna be the hottest person there actually. I love you so bad)
ALSO IDK HELRPPFPFODKF every time I get on this blog it’s some new shit I can barely keep up w my own hate mail anymore LMFAOOOO me trying to decode my hate asks like some murder mystery board game or some shit 🔍
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howl-at--the-sun · 1 year
Brr, Cuddles, Dance, Loved, Secret, Sugarplum, Weather!
Brrr - do you like playing in the snow?
YESSSS i don't get much exposure to snow but I LOVE IT
Cuddles - how you like to stay warm on a cold day?
a bunch of blankets, hot chocolate, heating pad
Dance - what’s your favorite winter or Christmas song?
hhhhhhhhhh the one that's like "hark hear the bells, sweet silver bells" i did a dance to that one
Loved - no question, just remember that you’re loved!
Secret - if you could get your ideal gift, what would it be?
HHHHHHHH right now its a full copy of bismarck's diary entries in german and english
Sugarplum - do you have a favorite holiday time dessert?
Weather - what’s the winter like where you live?
cold. just cold. it hardly ever rains and doesn't snow. its just cold and windy
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skittidyne · 6 months
mass effect tag game!
showing up a month late but tagged by @messydiabolical, thank you! (not tagging anyone because looks like the entire server got tagged by you lmao)
blanks here, and my answers below the cut!
I am a fan since: Favourite game of the series?: MShep or FShep?: Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Biotics or Tech: Paragon or Renegade: Favourite Class: Favourite Companion: Least favourite Companion: My squad selection: Favourite In-game romance: Other pairings I like: Favourite NPC: Favourite Antagonist: Favourite Mission: Favourite Loyalty Mission: Favourite DLC: Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Favourite Weapon: Favourite Place: A quote I like:
I am a fan since: oh boy i actually can't remember?? WHOOPS Favourite game of the series?: mass effect 2 baybee MShep or FShep?: FEMSHEP ALWAYS Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: colonist because i love me a tragic backstory Biotics or Tech: TECH YOU WILL PRY THE TACTICAL CLOAK FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS Paragon or Renegade: i'm a baby when it comes to making fictional characters mad or sad so paragon... except for the funny renengade ones. and THAT WAS FOR THANE YOU SON OF A BITCH Favourite Class: infiltrator by far! Favourite Companion: THIS IS SO HARD. UM. legion...? Least favourite Companion: ALSO REALLY HARD. uhhhh jacob i guess because he's comparatively so boring compared to everyone else hhhhhhh BUT I DON'T ACTUALLY DISLIKE HIM My squad selection: TEAM SEXY SNIPER. thane/garrus/legion mix usually, and then we suffer accordingly on missions. Favourite In-game romance: i'm a thanemancer first and a skitty second Other pairings I like: listen shepard deserves any and all pairings. but i greatly enjoy shakarian and whatever miranda/femshep is called. SHOULD'VE BEEN ALLOWED, BIOWARE. they hate to see a girlboss (me) winning (lesbians). i also waffle over what andromeda ships i like on any given day... but vetra is babe Favourite NPC: probably aria! she's so fun Favourite Antagonist: HMMMM. i think sovereign just for how cosmic horror the reapers were allowed to be in me1. the kett had potential but. uh. only potential. Favourite Mission: OH MAN uhh i DO really like thane and kasumi's loyalty missions... Favourite Loyalty Mission: WHOOPS see above Favourite DLC: is anyone choosing anything except citadel WAIT ARE WE COUNTING KASUMI AND ZAEED OH NO. I LOVE THEM. Control, Synthesis or Destroy: they all suck! but i like to make a case for control!shepard so i'll say control! Favourite Weapon: the abomination of a fuck huge ass sniper rifle i made in andromeda. also liam's double omniblades IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME Favourite Place: ao3's fixing of mass effect canon crimes A quote I like: i can only remember meme ones...
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atherix · 2 years
god im so ready for sick fic my guilty pleasure - RATTLING YOU, HOWEVER. GOD. GOD.
Grian's watcher abilities seem to truly be coming in now huh. That nightmare was way to pointed directly at how wrong and cold and sick Scar was. *squints*
But also redscape cuddling in bed, and the fact that mumbo wouldnt notice scar being cold or weird because him and grian feel warm to mumbo im lkdfsgadf i am normal about this. And the way he SNAPS awake??????
God and the fact that Scar was slurring and BARELY there tugged at my heart strings im. fdlshksakdfh And poor Grian just sat there like. Not knowing what to do, just trying to keep Scar with him, trying to comfort himself with that third anniversary im. IM. AM I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL???
Ooooh and the magic monitor is so cool. The fact that Mumbo got it from Cleo is making me want to shake you I want more cleo content in my life lkdfsahdfkhl. But also i love how you made it so its not a like direct - know EXACTLY what the levels are at all times kind of monitor but more like something a trained eye would use and yet flux was still visible to them. LDKFADFHKL I am feeling emotional about them thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Sick Fic :D Also. Rattle all you want that will not change what is to happen hehe-
:) I love dream-based magics. But also I wonder if it's deeper than dream magic, huh.
Look I was delighting in writing about them cuddling and just Grian enjoying the view it's so disappointing that the moment was completely ruined <3 Yes, Mumbo is cold, he definitely would not notice if they were cold or even feverish because they always feel very warm to him 😔 which is usually delightful but such a downfall when one of them is sick JHFSJK Of course he snap awake, he is the Lord of this Coven and also that's his mate 😌 Totally has nothing to do with the fact that he is hyper aware of the fact that Scar can easily just implode on himself hjgfdlkfsd-
I wonder what's worse, the slurred speech and the barely-there moments or the hyper clarity that comes with magic highs where he is completely aware of his surroundings but is in too much pain and too weak to do anything about it :) But ye hjfdsjkgjkdskj just HHHHHHH 😔 BUT YEAH GRIAN HANGING ON TO THAT THIRD ANNIVERSARY, and the comforting little words (comforting himself, moreso, because Scar isn't even awake to hear him...) and just hjfdjkjkfgdskj YOU CANNOT BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS
I might write a tumblr exclusive about that little meeting. I mean imagine you're Cleo, it's the middle of the day and only your Coven's daywalkers are up and about, and then fuckin' Mumbo Jumbo shadow-walks into your living room and scares some of your Turnlings and you go to confront him in your sleepclothes, not even properly dressed, and HE'S in HIS sleepclothes which is immediately alarming bc you have never seen this man without a tie and perfectly pressed suit before, and you can't even get a word out before he's saying "something is wrong with Scar I need to borrow a magic monitor pls pls pls I think he might have Flux but I don't have anything to test it-" and just ZJKSKLSA Mumbo is not a trained eye but my GOD was it noticeable. It's less noticeable in individuals who are capable of less magic but when your range for magic production is naught to "can make FAE STARS and maintain the entire Fae Realm if he could survive long enough" then it gets very noticeable very fast...... and of course a bout with Flux will only cause a more painful stabilization as his core tries to keep up (I mean. That is basically what Flux is- a stabilization that destabilized bc the jump is too much hjkfdsk) and starts producing even more magic. Mmmm death loop parallel my beloathed.
M3 thank you for feeling totally normal about them <3 I love them all so much and playing with magic is so fun and also I am a sucker for characters taking care of a loved one who is potentially deathly ill hjkgfdjkgfkdj <3
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
I was going to sleep, had my sleep tracker on and everything then this thought haunted my mind like that one meme that I really can’t bother to search rn
Wifey comforting fem Morax during his period, like Morax hugging a pillow and cold sweating because he’s on his period and Wifey comforting him through it hhhhhhh
Morax: This is torture. Why must I go though this….
Wifey: (wiping the sweat away) Tis the pain of having a womb dearest, here drink some tea it’ll help
Morax: (sounds of pain) in all my years of fighting and war nothing has caused me more physical pain than this
Wifey: when I’ve collected the laundry, do you wanna cuddle?
Morax: yes please my dearest beloved, holder of all that I hold dear, mother of my nation and my children, bearer of my heart and soul.
Wifey: …. I’ll go make you more tea…
Thinking about the vids of like girls and guys trying the period simulator and like all the guys are screaming and the girls are like “oh yeah this one’s pretty rough.” Morax is lying face down on the floor like “how do you live like this, my love?”
And then wifey, currently on their period, just shrugs and goes “got used to it.”
Also idk why Morax saying “mother of my nation and my children” hits but it does
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ya-zz · 9 days
If you aren’t too busy would you mind writing an angsty Lifeweaver Fic? (Fem Reader)
I’m in need of a good cry and I like your writing style so much!
Please and Thank you!
hhhhhhh why must you hurt me
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His arms held your body, the colour already draining from your face as you look at him with weak, pained eyes. Everything hurt, your entire body was on fire, burning from the inside out, though you were cold, almost freezing.
"You cannot leave me." He stutters, pulling you as close to his chest as possible.
"Niran..." It was a struggle, but you managed to move your bloodied hand up to his face, cupping his cheek, thumb wiping a fallen tear.
"I am so sorry..." His grip tightens on your body, the guilt bubbles inside of him, he can see the light fading from your eyes. "This is all my fault..."
"You're not... to blame, my love..." You cough, straining and wincing.
"I didn't protect you."
"You did... You protected me..." You try to reassure him despite the light creeping in.
"Hush... Keep fighting..." You smile, weakly pulling him down to place a kiss on his cheek. "I love you..."
Your hand falls to the floor, blood staining his cheek and clothes. It took him too long to register that you were gone before broken sobs escaped him.
He doesn't let go, he can't. Not yet.
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
I hope it gets better soon yes please let the sun in and enjoy it (here it's still cold too). He truly is asjsjds 😭 he really is cute and yes i agree to that, undercuts are actually what i like too (i think hoshi as one) but yes Jeonghan is something different with the long hair (or gyu)
Oh i remember them but noo not for him 😂 he looks good the way he is now
💃🏻 Thanks babe, hopefully warmer weather will come our way again before more snow! Omg tasteeeeee hhhhhhh i love hoshi's undercut - I love Hoshi in general tho but he looks super sharp when he's performing w/ one or super squishy and naked when he's being cute (ik naked sounds weird but like - he's just so baby 😭) oh yeah gyu looks sooo good imho he looks more puppy? Haha same w/ cheol
Ahajkskwkss yes I'm pleased w/ his looks now 💀 which I mean I like him ofc more than just his looks but I admit I'm a very visual-based woman at large 😭
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prkbnchrncls · 1 year
August 8 2023
Today she woke up so early- i really need to fix my sleeping schedule! We planned to go do a lot of things at Yokohama station today, so we were discussing about leaving ASAP. We made love, and she came after. She was so tired at the time. I then played a creek river bgm video on Youtube and we both got knocked out and slept cold. I woke up to the feeling of her staring at me as I was wearing my eye mask, I and then I felt her fingers poke my nose - i slapped her stomach to prove I was awake - She attacked me with a million kisses. I loved it so much. I then mentioned the idea I had - turkey sand which at Antico cafe in Yokohama station. We left after a bit and ended up at the cafe. She ate the sandwich as I ordered a fish fillet one - it was just okay. We then set off to the Yuuchou, then to the MUFG ATM, and then to the money changer. We changed our money after a 20 minute wait of strolling around. We lost around 15k yen though.. money changing here seemed pricy - hope its way cheaper in Indonesia. We then went to Daiso, chilled in Dean Deluca, discussed Bitcoin and virtual currencies - Momos professor thinks BTC is something that should not be touched. In Dean Deluca she got a chai latte that was too sweet lol. After i got her the fan at FranFrancs, we went to eat dinner at the soup place - it was pretty good. I asked Momo what separated me from her exes - she said that I know how to appreciate things, and live in gratitude. Its as if i an a being living in another world she said. We later went home and chilled then had another love making session, she was so hot. She initiated everything, pushed me down and started riding me. We did doggy and i finished inside her with a condom on in our usual MomoMarsel position. I then went on to buy us beer through uber. She drank the Kirin beer inside the Asahi can hhhhhhh. God I love her so much. She is my home.
We later on had some issue where she saw pictures i forgot to delete. My mistake.. i assured her that that moment was the last time. We were doing laundry at the time. We kissed and made up, that ended up being another insanely steamy love making session. Her tongue makes me so fucking hard i cant handle myself.
(I have a raging boner as I type this lol)
We proceed to sleep. I make sure she’s tucked in and feel my love. I finished my SOTK NFT and imagine our days together.
She’s all I need in this life to be happy.
Funny moment: She said that my foot smelled bad, i said it didn’t. I said hers did. She shoved her foot to my face - it did smell. I laughed and said it was her. She smelled my foot too to make sure. She didn’t believe me and smelled her feet herself, and we laughed cause it was her feet that smelled hhhh
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