#High Altitude Interrogation
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While the 12th Inspector was very new and still working out who he was,
he seemed to have little compunction of pushing a cyborg off a very tall building, even when said being answered his questions.
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osakanone · 1 month
Sexuality is a myth, and we are legends
Also I realized why I can't be a lesbian (surely?):
Its the literature I read.
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Its all terrible.
Being a girl is like being an angel, and the feeling is
"if men don't reach to the sky, am I really flying or not?" "Is it not my duty to relieve them with death?" "How could I be so kind as to ignore them?"
I don't know if that's "wow I'm into dudes" or "wow so gender" because some bizarre part of my brain has decided I can't or don't get to or deserve to one-circle or two-circle with another pair of wings banking at the speed of sound.
But lesbians dogfight. It opens with spying each-other over the horizon with brilliant electromagnetic-echolocation, gaining momentum and altitude and speed to break the sound-barrier to interrogate glimmers of whispers in the dark. All to save the effort of Valkyria lances of cyclops eyes and wax wings they bow across rockets, saving their burns to go as far and high as possible: throwing them beyond sight before immediately cranking pre-emptively to play coy as they close in the joust comes to an end.
Soon, they dance. Rarely, almost never, always beautifully, they dance.
To my understanding, the straights do close air support: Line it up, keep on straight, pickle, release, see it all happen dispassionately from a distance. A white wall of light. Next target. There is no dancing here.
Instead I'm stuck dumping rounds into men on the ground like some kind of novelty; some bizarre mythical creature. A unicorn. Something to be ashamed of, that nobody talks to their friends about.
I'm terrain masking for my own protection as a prey animal to everything: the lurching hypermasculinity of the tank. The angels above me.
I gain flight, but with some bastard mixture of vtol and lifting body effect. I have affordance like a tank. I climb. I lay. I roll. I peek, and I throw wishes at twice the speed of sound from my right arm.
I do things with my hands.
I aim at two things at once, with my ears of RWR, and my eyes of IRST and AESA. My atom heart is crying. My fingers are stimming across switches, every foot tap lurching me, rocking my whole body as if I'd sighted the incomprehensible.
I see where fairies called "missiles" are going, and I sigh swarms of rounds down before they get there: hair bristling like the hairs standing on the neck of an institutional battleship's neck, protecting it as horrors close in from unknown.
I do this as they do, as I move, effortlessly, as an individual.
I get stuff done; I build things like a mother throwing a pre-fab castle called "forward operating base" for her warrior children on holiday mornings with the camcorders rolling.
I am the all-mother, and every footstep is a lithe gong: both deafening and silent.
I put myself back together when I break. I put you back together, when you break. I am here, with you, with me. Together.
I'm Gerridae: I stride both spaces yet occupy neither.
I stand tall enough that they reach for me, but I don't stay high enough to be like the other girls.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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During the Cold War, high-altitude surveillance flights of the A-12 Oxcart, the YF-12, and SR-71 Blackbird their crews were veiled in secrecy to make their existence deniable. 50 blackbirds were built 20 Blackbirds crashed.
A-12 13 5
M-21 2 1
YF-12 3 2
SR-71A 29 11
SR-71B 2 1
SR-71C 1 0
50 built 20 Crashed or lost
The list of A-12, SR-71, and YF-12 losses speaks volumes of just how dangerous the Cold War was.
CIA A-12 Project Pilot Ken Collins. This was the second A-12 to fly but the first to crash. On 24 May 1963, CIA pilot Ken Collins was flying an inertial navigation system test mission. After entering clouds, frozen water fouled the pilot-static boom and prevented correct information from reaching the standby flight instruments and the Triple Display Indicator. The aircraft subsequently entered a stall and control was lost completely followed by the onset of an inverted flat spin. Ken ejected safely and the wreckage was recovered in two days. Persons at the scene were identified and requested to sign secrecy agreements
“ I got troubles.” Ken Collins said calmly to his radio that Jack Weeks was listening to. (I was privileged to know Ken, his wife, Jane and their four children. Ken did not get shook up about anything) on May 24, 1964 using the call sign Dutch 26. Ken continued talking.’’ I think my air speed is fouled up.” in fact he is A-12 was decelerating into a dangerous corner of the flight envelope. Collins then entered a cloud deck losing all outside visual references. His A-12 pitched up flipped over and crashed. Thankfully before that happened he was able to Eject and walk away from the plane crash.
He was way out in the middle of nowhere when three men in a pick up truck came to pick him up. Ken asked them to take him to the nearest highway patrol station, he was then able to use the sheriff's radio to call a memorized number to tell the CIA his condition and location.
I am reading the book “Dreamland” by Peter Merlin, and I was surprised to read that Ken Collins was found at fault for this accident.
Ken had submitted to intense interrogation while under the influence of sodium AMYTAL. He submitted it to the interrogation shortly after he was safely ejected from the A-12. Initially, an inadequate PITOT tube was found at fault. The tube allowed moisture to seep in and freeze blocking the pressure port and resulting in erroneous readings
Col. Ledford found that it was not a material failure but a pilot error!
He believed Ken should have aborted the test and climbed above the cloud then he would’ve avoided the accident.
I’m not sure how Ken felt about Col. Ledford‘s findings but we must remember that the A-12 was in production until June 1964. The pilot error findings was a way to keep production of the A-12s rolling. This is just my thought..
After the crash, there was a search for an envelope that had fallen out of Ken Collins flight suit. It contains some top-secret papers and $1000 in cash. $1000 was a lot of money in 1963 after searching for a few days it was found a mile and a half from the crash site.
Over the years my father Butch Sheffield told me that he carried a sealed envelope while flying the SR-71 he was to give it to anyone, who might need some encouragement to help him. He never knew what was in the sealed envelope. Maybe I know now what it was?
Written by Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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kusumblog · 1 year
The Role of Military Intelligence in National Defence Academy (NDA) Training
The National Defence Academy (NDA) is a premier institution that provides comprehensive training to cadets in various aspects of defence. One of the most critical components of NDA training is the Special Forces training, which plays a vital role in the overall security of the country.
Here are some of the roles of Special Forces in the National Defence Academy:
Counter-terrorism: Special Forces play a critical role in combating terrorism, both within the country and abroad. The NDA provides specialized training to cadets in counter-terrorism operations, including urban warfare, hostage rescue, and anti-terrorist tactics.
Unconventional warfare: Special Forces are trained to carry out unconventional warfare, including guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and espionage. The NDA provides cadets with specialized training in these areas to prepare them for operations behind enemy lines.
Intelligence gathering: Special Forces play a crucial role in intelligence gathering, providing vital information to support military operations. The NDA provides cadets with training in intelligence gathering techniques, including surveillance, interrogation, and analysis.
Search and rescue: Special Forces are often called upon to carry out search and rescue missions in hostile environments. The NDA provides cadets with specialized training in search and rescue techniques, including medical evacuation and emergency response.
Training and support: Special Forces also play a vital role in training and supporting other military units. The NDA provides cadets with training in leadership, tactics, and strategy to enable them to train and support other units effectively.
In conclusion, Special Forces play a critical role in the overall security of the country, and their training is an essential component of NDA training. The NDA provides cadets with specialized training in counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, intelligence gathering, search and rescue, and training and support. By preparing cadets for the roles and responsibilities of Special Forces, the NDA is ensuring that the armed forces are well-equipped to handle any situation that may arise in the defense of the country.
It is worth noting that Special Forces training is not for everyone. Cadets who aspire to join Special Forces must possess a high level of physical and mental fitness, as well as exceptional skills in tactics, strategy, and leadership. Special Forces training is known for being one of the most challenging and demanding courses in the world, and cadets must be prepared to push themselves to their limits to succeed.
The NDA provides a rigorous and comprehensive training program for Special Forces cadets, including physical fitness training, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and survival skills. Cadets also undergo training in psychological resilience, including techniques for managing stress and maintaining focus in high-pressure situations.
Special Forces training is also highly specialized, with cadets learning skills that are not covered in the regular NDA curriculum. For example, cadets may learn how to operate in hostile environments, including desert, mountain, and jungle terrain. They may also learn how to work with local populations and allies to gather intelligence and carry out operations.
In addition to the training provided at the NDA, Special Forces cadets may also undergo additional training after graduation, depending on their area of specialization. For example, a cadet who joins the Special Forces Commando Battalion may undergo further training in airborne operations, while a cadet who joins the Para SF may undergo training in HALO (high altitude, low opening) and HAHO (high altitude, high opening) operations.
In conclusion, Special Forces play a vital role in the defense of the country, and their training at the NDA is essential for ensuring that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and mental toughness needed to carry out their duties effectively. By providing cadets with specialized training in counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, intelligence gathering, search and rescue, and training and support, the NDA is preparing them for the unique challenges of Special Forces operations.
If you want to work in the defence sector and believe you won’t be able to pass the exam on your own, I recommend enrolling in a coaching class that focuses on results-oriented, committed, and ethics-based training. Cadets Defence Academy is the best nda coaching centre in Dehradun and in India. It offers its pupils a high-quality education and assists them in achieving their goal of entering the Indian Military Services. The academy includes a staff of experienced faculty members who are dedicated to assisting students in preparing for the Indian Armed Forces’ admission examinations and interviews. The institution also provides courses such as the Foundation Course, Regular Course, Crash Course, and NDA Test Series.
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thewul · 1 year
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Wallpaper of the day
Le BAT sait situer précisément les autres appareils de l’escadrille aux ultrasons, et son système de navigation dispose d’un mode automatique qui garde les appareils groupés
En formation donc?
Il interroge les autres appareils aux ultrasons, et fait en sorte de maintenir une distance et une altitude relative constante, sa prédilection pour les missions en formation sont les missions nocturnes
Il a tout d’une Chauve Souris!
La Chauve Souris est redoutablement efficace Professeur, ses proies ne l’entendent pas et ne la voient pas venir
Vous avez anticipé des brouillages par ultrasons?
Exact, ceci dit la Chauve Souris a la capacité a reconnaître ses propres ultrasons même en groupe, sans doute une question de fréquence et de modulation, le système du BAT doit être conçu pour reconnaître ses ultrasons, ceux de l’escadrille et va ignorer les autres
Et si le brouillage émet sur différentes fréquences et modulations, c’est tout a fait possible?
Effectivement, cependant il s’agit de signaux digitaux encodés qui obéissent a une clé de chiffrement, d’ailleurs Professeur ces signaux commencent par un entête bien spécifique qui fait qu’il vont être reconnus
Impossible de brouiller ce système?
C’est possible a condition d’embarquer un petit datacenter, sans doute que c’est beaucoup de peine pour un résultat moyen, et le risque important de se signaler
C’est passionnant et que se passe t il?
Le pilote du BAT va envoyer un missile ou plusieurs vers la source d’ultrasons non reconnue, le système est l’équivalent d’un radar, et puis l’escadrille il faut la trouver, ce n’est jamais très évident de trouver un avion furtif
design notes: the circular pieces that we see on the first plan that hold the axis of the turbines, are not only sturdy they are long, extending inside the chambers of the turbine, for a jet of 20 meters probably by some 20cm, the major concern for that section of the plane, that is the exhaust, being the turbines bailing out from their chambers at high speed, a catastrophic failure, since we can absolutely not allow for that these rims are sturdy and long, also made of either graphene or titanium and dispose of several outside mesh edges along their length that are meshed within the ceramic of the exhaust, ie they are irremovable, to access the turbines the exhaust block has to come off entirely, so these turbines have an axis, since ball bearings would produce friction and heat we are surely looking at magnetic bearings to hold the turbines on their axis, magnetic bearings produce no friction and thus no heat or wear and tear, ball bearings would still be needed but only as a back up, the inspection of these magnetic bearing being a key item during the inspection of the plane, smart magnetic bearings can report on how well they’re doing using check up software, and yes they are mounted on the axis with no contact to turbines, it’s worth remembering that we’re trying to beat the speed of light with FTL, and we can do so only by covering all our bases and being smart about the torque of the turbines on the exhaust while eliminating friction from the axis, basically if the turbines spin they don’t push and if they push they’re not spinning, also with the Gunray what you see is what you get, there’s no this version is cheaper but sign here for our expensive maintenance contract
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xtruss · 1 year
Dirty Politics: Chinese Balloons Conjure Past Confrontations Over Electronic Eyes In The Sky
— February 18, 2023 | Ron Elving | NPR
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Gary Powers, accused of espionage over Russia in his U2 airplane, was tried in Moscow in August 1960. Powers endured months of interrogation, went through a Soviet show trial, was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and served nearly two years before he was traded for a Soviet spy. Keystone/Getty Images
This month's sudden national fixation on flyover spy balloons from China is far from the first time "eyes in the sky" have caused confrontations between the U.S. and rival superpowers.
Espionage has been a feature of international relations throughout history, and spying has led to many conflicts over the ages. But aerial reconnaissance and high-resolution cameras have added a sense of violation that comes intolerably close to home and raises the stakes.
But we should remember that the U.S., while surely spied upon, has been the world leader in aerial reconnaissance through at least the last few generations of technology.
Francis Gary Powers was a household name in the America of the early 1960s. For at least some Americans, that name still evokes an era when the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
Powers was an Air Force captain who had been recruited by the CIA in the mid-1950s as part of the "Second Weather Observational Squadron" that was supposed to be part of NASA but was in fact conducting overflights in search of Russian facilities producing ICBMs.
He was to conduct the last of a series of covert flights on May Day 1960, but his top-secret, high-altitude U-2 jet was shot down deep inside Russia. As the CIA had begun to suspect, the U-2 was no longer flying faster or higher than Soviet surface-to-air missiles could reach.
Russia initially announced the takedown without giving details, and the U.S. put out its story about a NASA weather mission that got off course. President Dwight D. Eisenhower personally repeated this falsehood.
But the Russians had a secret, which their Premier Nikita Khrushchev soon shared with the world. They had already found the wreckage of the Lockheed U-2 and captured Powers, who had ejected as his plane broke up. The Soviets displayed the American plane and its photographic equipment – and its pilot – to the world.
The evidence showed Powers' real mission had been to traverse the vast Soviet Union from its southern border with Pakistan to the Arctic Circle, eventually landing at a base in Norway. But he never got there.
Fallout From The Act and The Falsehoods
Eisenhower had been planning to hold a summit meeting with Khrushchev later in May 1960. Their meeting had to be cancelled, a major embarrassment to the Republican president and to some degree his vice president, Richard Nixon, who would be the party's nominee to succeed Eisenhower that fall.
The awkwardness of the U-2 fiasco also lent a certain credibility to the criticism leveled by the Democratic presidential nominee that year, John F. Kennedy. He and others had been trying to make the case that the Soviets, having launched the first satellite and then sent the first human into space, were winning the space race and undercutting U.S. military superiority.
Meanwhile, Powers was tried and convicted on espionage charges in the Soviet Union, then released in exchange for a U.S.-held Russian spy in 1962. Then in October of that year, another U-2 pilot took the pictures that showed Soviet technicians building missile launchers in Cuba and set off the most intense crisis of the postwar era.
Kennedy ordered a blockade and the Soviet ships delivering the missiles were turned back. It was widely considered the moment at which the world's two largest nuclear arsenals came closest to being used. From the Powers flight to the Cuban blockade, it all happened in the space of about 30 months.
Tensions in the South China Sea
More recently, in 2001 an American reconnaissance plane off the coast of China collided with one of the Chinese fighter jets that had been sent to intercept it. The incident took place in the South China Sea, about 200 miles east of Vietnam. At the time of the collision, the American aircraft was about 70 miles from Hainan, an island province of China and about 100 miles from a Chinese military base.
The Chinese plane that made contact went down and its pilot was lost. The American aircraft made an emergency landing on Hainan without having obtained permission to land.
There, the Chinese took the 24 U.S. service personnel who had been on board into custody. Ten days of negotiation resulted in the U.S. issuing two apologies, one for the collision itself and the death of the Chinese pilot and one for landing on Hainan without official permission. But the U.S. never acknowledged the aircraft had been engaged in surveillance or, as the Chinese described it, espionage.
The American crew members, who had spent their first minutes on the ground destroying equipment, instruments, documents and data, were held and interrogated but soon released, and the U.S. eventually got back the pieces of the damaged plane.
The lengthy negotiation and joint statement allowed both sides to save face. But the incident served notice that the Chinese Communist Party was aggressively guarding its turf and prepared to challenge the U.S.
Unlike the Powers U-2 incident, however, which led to a long decade of superpower tensions, the CP-3 episode was soon overshadowed by a greater crisis, the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the subsequent "war on terrorism." While the U.S. used aerial reconnaissance extensively over more than 20 years of this struggle, none of the adversaries involved has been known to conduct the same kind of surveillance on U.S. territory.
That may be one reason the discovery of the Chinese balloon intrusion, and the subsequent hyper-sensitivity of the U.S. government to unidentified high-altitude objects, has had such an impact on Americans.
Technology Moves On
After the Powers incident, U.S. scientists and engineers at Lockheed's famous "Skunk Works" designed and built another generation of high-speed, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. The Lockheed SR-71would be christened the Blackbird. It would cruise at Mach 3+, more than three times the speed of sound, and it would provide all the overflight capabilities once promised by the U-2 and far more. It could literally outrun the surface-to-air missiles of its era.
The Blackbird had its first test flight in 1964 and dominated the category for a quarter century. But eventually both the U.S. and the Soviet Union and others were relying on unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites in orbit in space to provide surveillance of each other's military activities and movements without detection. One of the original 32 Blackbirds built now sits in dignified retirement at the new Smithsonian Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C.
China, too, has surveillance satellites taking pictures of the U.S., but some believe their technology in this regard may not be state of the art. That has been proposed as a potential explanation for their use of balloons to supplement their surveillance and data gathering.
Suspicions of Foreign Designs Far Back in Diplomatic History
Even with two great oceans separating the U.S. from the rest of the world, Americans have long feared the designs of other nations. George Washington famously warned against "foreign entanglements" in his farewell address, and most of his successors in the presidency sought to keep such involvements as minimal as possible.
This was not, of course, always possible. As early as the administration of John Adams, the nation's second president, other nations were making every effort to enlist the aid of the fledgling republic or prevent its alliance with adversaries.
In 1798 the U.S. had its first real national scandal over three French diplomats who had code names corresponding to the last three letters in the alphabet. The so-called "XYZ Affair" came close to crashing the Adams administration and encouraged the rise of the first true "opposition party" in Congress.
Although the U.S. did not matter much in the global affairs of the 1800s, by the time of World War 1 the promise of American troops and armaments had the potential to decide the war. German submarine attacks on Atlantic shipping, including the passenger ship Lusitania, pushed American sentiment in one direction. But many German-Americans and Irish-Americans opposed entry into the war on the side of Britain.
As public opinion seemed unsettled early in 1917, a story emerged from British intelligence about a message supposedly intercepted between Germany and Mexico. Known as the "Zimmerman telegram," it described a plan by which Mexico would attack the U.S. if the Americans entered the European war against Germany. Mexico's reward would be the return of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, which had once been part of Mexico. The story provoked outrage and contributed to a rising sense that war was inevitable, and indeed Congress declared war that April.
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pharahsgf · 2 years
AGREE on the lan principles, maybe it's bc I come from a religion and culture with a lot of rules (and have had to do my own interrogation and interpretation of them, when to bend them, when to follow, etc.) but it bewilders me when people act like the lan clan rules are all dumb bc 1. the basic guidelines are solid. as you said, "do not associate with evil" is not a controversial statement lol it's just the definition of evil that is up for debate 2. many of the more "small" rules still have logical reasoning behind them. ex. "no running" makes sense bc gusu is on a mountain. the air is different at high altitudes so people unaccustomed to it might have trouble breathing properly, and running would just make it worse. or the general rules about not causing disturbance makes sense bc gusu is a common spot for lessons and scholarly studies. it'd be like getting mad at a library or a university/tutoring centre for having rules against noise lol no one wants hooting and hollering going on when they are trying to learn
so true! ik the idea of thousands of rules sounds daunting but the list is padded out by 4head rules like "no murder" and "respect your elders" that other clans will follow even if they don't carve it into their walls, and even the more out-there rules are - as u said - liable to have originated as solutions to practical issues relating to sect's geography, purpose, and available resources. the remainder was most likely just drawn from lan an's ascetic lifestyle as a buddhist monk, which iirc was instrumental to his success as a cultivator and sect founder... like, of course he's going to pass it on to his disciples lol.
lan wangji / some other lan questioning the continued usefulness of some of the more obsolete rules, or taking issue w the way various rules are interpreted or enforced, is something i could totally buy & find genuinely interesting, but the trope of him just completely denouncing the rules is bs to me. even at his most rebellious he wasn't so openly contemptuous of his sect's core identity and history, and he kept to the sect's disciplines long after he had begun to lose faith in his leadership.
lwj just fucking loves those rules ok let him have this
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pretchatta · 3 years
I Saw Her Tomorrow
the authors of the MayThe4th fic exchange have been revealed! I've been dying to share my gift for @ambiguityisnoonesfriend ever since I finished it, so here it is.
a huge thank you to @skitter-kitteruwu for beta reading!!
rating: general; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 7.8k words (4 chapters, complete)
link to full work
Hera, 0BBY
The wind whistled in her ears and whipped her lekku as Hera wrestled with the glider. Her exhilaration at flying was tempered by her awareness of the imminent danger. They were losing altitude fast, but their forward velocity was enough that the roof of the fuel station was getting bigger with every passing second.
"This is gonna be close!" she yelled to Kanan.
"It always is!" he called back. She knew he couldn’t see the precariousness of their situation, and yet he trusted her completely to fly them through it.
The glider skimmed over the lip of the building, barely clearing it. The durasteel frame screeched as it skidded over the roof, but didn’t crumple. She just about managed to hold on. The rush of another successful landing almost made her giddy.
Kanan was no longer beside her; he hadn’t been able to brace in time and had lost his grip on impact. His momentum had carried him over the glider’s nose to roll onto the roof. 
He pushed himself up with a groan. "That was one of your better crashes."
Hera gave him a scandalised look as she dismounted and wagged a finger at him. "Kanan Jarrus, you know I never crash. I have very-"
"Very exciting landings," he finished for her with a smile, grabbing the admonishing hand. "Thanks for reminding me. Come on!" He pulled her towards the middle of the roof and away from the pursuing Imperials. 
After a few steps she had to stop him from running over the edge; the Empire hadn't yet finished covering the station. She was about to tell him off for not seeing it, but then she stopped herself with a giggle. He was blind; he couldn’t see anything.
His head jerked as though he suddenly sensed what was in front of them. He made an impatient noise in the back of his throat, clearly displeased with how exposed they were, and grabbed his commlink.
"Spectre-5, do you read? How are you coming with that ship?"
"Kanan! Did you get her?" Sabine's tinny voice came through from the other end. Hera hadn’t even realised she’d been worried, but she felt something unclench slightly from around her heart at the sound.
"Of course he did," she replied, leaning into Kanan slightly to reach the small device. She immediately lost her balance, but he caught her without missing a beat and nudged her back upright. Maybe those interrogation drugs weren’t out of her system quite yet. 
"There’s been a change of plans," Kanan was saying into the comm. "We need a pickup–"
"At the fuel station," Sabine cut in, "I know. The Empire does too."
He grimaced. She found herself fascinated by how naked his mouth looked without his beard surrounding it. "Well, let’s hope you get to us fi–"
"Hold on, there are new orders coming through." She paused. "All ships are being ordered to maintain high altitude to allow a bombing run on the fuel station."
"What?" Kanan yelped. "They’ll blow up the whole factory if they do that!"
Sabine sounded like she was still listening to the Imperial orders. "Apparently the roof is reinforced, and can take a hit."
"The roof is unfinished! There’s a giant hole in it!" Kanan gestured towards it even though there was no visual link on the comm.
"I guess Pryce really doesn’t want us getting away," Hera muttered.
"Kanan, it doesn’t matter." There was a definite note of panic in Sabine’s voice now, and it was mirrored by a rising fear in Hera. "I’m not gonna be able to get down to you before the bomber arrives without blowing our cover and getting shot to pieces!"
"That’s not a problem. Just get directly overhead, as quickly as you can. Tell Ezra to be ready to catch us – just like we practised."
Hera heard Sabine’s shaky breath over the comm. "I’ll let you know when I’m in position."
The light blinked off.
This was bad. Adrenaline returned to Hera’s body, chasing away the drug-induced fog that had started clouding her brain since they’d landed. What was Kanan up to?
"What do you have planned?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
"When they get here, I’ll jump," he said simply. "I can get pretty high, and Ezra can pull us the rest of the way from above."
Her mind conjured the image of him cradling her in his arms as they soared upwards, just like in every ridiculous superhero holo they’d watched together.
Except this one isn’t ridiculous, because he would do that.
He would always come to save her. Whatever it took, he would always be there. He’d fly into the middle of a maximum security Imperial complex on a few pieces of scrap metal and junk, cut her free of her bonds, fight off a nightmarish assassin and escape an impossible dead-end situation by calling on his supernatural powers. 
She felt a wave of emotion rise within her, a surge of warmth that threatened to spill into tears. Did he even know how incredibly important he was to her? They’d been so focused on fighting for so long, they’d had to actively find time to be alone together before she’d left. She’d figure out how to break the other news later, but right now there was one thing Hera needed to say to him.
"Kanan," she started. His attention immediately focused on her; there was something in her voice, something soft and vulnerable, yet serious. "I know it’s been a while since I’ve said it, and I know this isn’t really the moment, but… I love you." 
Her ungloved fingers stroked the exposed skin of his cheek. He turned his head slightly in response so that his lips brushed her palm.
"I know," he said simply. It was the best thing he could have said. "And I love you too."
Her mouth curved into a smile as she pushed herself up onto her toes to kiss him. He returned the kiss, the press of his lips against hers achingly familiar, like coming home. Less familiar was the scratch of stubble; after years of having a beard, she’d forgotten what it was like to kiss Kanan without one.
They were interrupted by the familiar scream of twin ion engines approaching.
"Sabine!" Kanan shouted frantically into the comm. "Where are you? The bomber’s here!"
Her response was drowned out by the TIE bomber. 
It swept overhead, blotting out the light from both moons. Hera wrapped her arms tightly around Kanan’s torso. Throughout her capture and subsequent torture she’d never once lost faith that he would come and rescue her, but now, faced with their current situation, that hope finally flickered. Their last moments were upon them. 
At least they were together.
The bomber passed, the whine of the engines deepening as it retreated, but the shadow remained. Hera looked up and saw, suspended in the air above them, the unmistakable silhouette of a baradium missile. 
She relaxed her grip on Kanan and realised he had thrust his arms out towards the sky, eyes closed, brow furrowed in concentration. He’d caught the missile! Her brave, brilliant Jedi.
"Kanan?" she asked tentatively. "Can you... put that down? We've got to get off this roof before they make another pass."
"I'm holding the proton charge detonator," he said through gritted teeth. She felt her stomach drop through her feet; he couldn’t let go without activating the missile. The whole station would go up with it. "Can’t jump without letting go. Or sending it up to the kids. But I can still throw you."
"But – what about you?" She knew the answer even as she asked, but her brain was refusing to accept it.
His sightless eyes locked on to her face. His expression was an unreadable mask. "I'm not making it out of this one."
No, no no.
She was shaking her head, even though he couldn’t see it. "I’m not leaving without you."
"Yes, you are," he insisted. "And you’re going to be okay. Don’t ask me how I know this, but you’re going to move on, and you will be happy again. I’m certain of it. And that’s all I ever wanted."
The comm beeped again.
"We’re in position! Kanan, now!"
Sabine’s words had barely sunk in when she felt herself gripped by an unseen hand, and then she was flying through the air. She caught a glimpse of the whole station below her – the square roof framing the round hole that in turn framed gleaming stacks of construction material, the bomb hovering off-center and ruining the symmetry – before her vision went dark. 
She felt the wind from the TIE bomber as it raced below her at the same time as a second invisible force grabbed her. It twisted her in midair, and now she was rushing towards an Imperial patrol transport. A single figure in a fighter pilot’s uniform stood in the troop bay with arms outstretched. 
By the time Ezra had pulled her into the transport beside him and she was able to turn back around, the fuel station was an expanding ball of fire. 
Kanan was gone.
Chapter 2 (AO3) ->
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skyfire85 · 3 years
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-A Mitsubishi F-2A on the runway at Anderson AFB on Guam for an exercise. | Photo: USAF
Developed from the Lockheed F-16, the F-2 is a multirole aircraft in the Japanese Air Self-Defense force, replacing the Mitsubishi F-1 in the 1980s.
In the early 1970s the JASDF began acquiring the F-1 ground attack/anti-shipping aircraft based on the Mitsubishi T-2 supersonic trainer. The F-1 served Japan well through rest of the 1970s, but by 1981 a replacement was being contemplated, with a formal study being initiated in 1985. The Japanese government, defense agencies and contractors were all highly desirous of the new aircraft being designed and built domestically in order to grow the Japanese aviation industry. US officials, meanwhile, became concerned that an internally designed and manufactured aircraft could be of inferior quality, and might in fact damage US-Japan relations. A co-produced, or at least co-developed, alternative based on the American F-16 or F/A-18 were proposed by the Pentagon instead; pressure against Japan for this bilateral development project increased as mid-80s 'Japan-bashing' peaked with the Toshiba-Kongsberg Scandal, in which it was discovered that Toshiba sold propeller milling machinery to the Soviet Union in violation of sanctions. After months of negotiations, a joint project to develop and produce the new aircraft was announced by the Regan and Nakasone administrations. Later revisions to the MOU restricted Japanese access to flight and weapons control software and ensured that any new technology developed during the project was shared with the US.
One of the variants of the F-16 explored but not produced was the so-called "Agile Falcon", which would have had had a larger wing, more powerful engines, as well as extensive avionics upgrades, color displays, an electronic warfare management system, reconnaissance pods, AIM-9X Sidewinder infrared air-to-air missile integration, and helmet-mounted sights. The aircraft was offered to the USAF as a low-cost alternative to the ATF program, as well as to NATO allies as a competitor to the SAAB Gripen or Dassault Rafale, but there was no interest in the plane. General Dynamics resurrected the idea as a starting point for the new JASDF strike fighter, variously designated FS-X or SX-3. The basic wing and fuselage designs remained the same, but the engines and avionics were updated and Japanese-made components were substituted whenever possible. Costs for the FS-X were split 60/40 between Japan and the US. In 1992 General Dynamics' aviation division was sold to Lockheed, making the latter company the prime US contractor. Lockheed Martin supplied the aft fuselage, leading-edge slats, stores management system, a large percentage of wingboxes, and other components. Kawasaki built the midsection of the fuselage, as well as the doors to the main wheel and the engine, while the forward fuselage and wings were built by Mitsubishi. Some of the avionics were supplied by Lockheed Martin, and the digital fly-by-wire system was jointly developed by Japan Aviation Electric and Honeywell (formerly Allied Signal). Contractors for communication systems and IFF interrogators included Raytheon, NEC, Hazeltine, and Kokusai Electric. The fire control radar, IRS, the mission computer, and the EW system were developed by Japan. In addition, the flight control computer, the flight control laws and related computer software were essentially all developed and integrated by Japan. Final assembly was done in Japan, by MHI at its Komaki-South facility in Nagoya.
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-Top-down silhouettes of the F-16C and F-2A, showing the differences in size and configuration of the two aircraft. | Illustration: 坊主
Although based on the F-16, more than 95% of the Falcon's engineering drawings were changed for the F-2. The wings of the new plane were 25% larger, with thee skin, spars, ribs and wing caps were made from graphite/epoxy composite in order to cut down on weight. In addition to the larger wing and tail, the nose is longer and wider to accommodate the J/APG-1 active electronically scanned radar (AESA) (the F-2 was the first operational military aircraft to carry one, beating the F-22 Raptor). The intake was also enlarged, feeding more air into a GE F110 turbofan. The F-16's single piece bubble canopy was changed to a three piece unit. The F-2 is equipped with a drogue parachute, similar to one fitted to certain export models of the F-16. Given its multi-mission role within the JASDF, the F-2 is capable of carrying four ASM-1 or -2 anti-ship missiles, free-fall bombs (with or without imaging infra-red seekers), JDAM bombs, JLAU-3/A rocket pods, and AAM-3, -4, -5, AIM-9 or AIM-7 air-to-air missiles. FLIR and Sniper laser-designation pods can also be fitted. A 20mm cannon is also carried.
Two models of the F-2 have been produced, the F-2A single seat model and the F-2B trainer, though both are the same dimensions. F-2s are 15.52m long, with a wingspan of 11.125m (10.8m not counting wingtip missile rails) and the wing has an area of 34.84m2. Max TO weight is 22,100kg, including 4,600l of fuel (just less than 4,000l for the F-2B). Combat range of the F-2 is 833km, increasable with drop tanks or aerial refueling. Maximum speed of the F-2 is Mach 1.7 at high altitude, and max ceiling is 18,000m.
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-Orthograph of the F-2A. | Illustration: Dr. Dan Saranga
Maiden flight of the F-2 was on 7 October 1995, with four prototypes and two static test airframes completed. An initial order for 141 aircraft was signed in 1995, but this was later cut to 130, with deliveries completed by 1999. Structural deficiencies in the prototypes delayed introduction until 2000. During this time, the order was cut again, down to 98 aircraft (including the four prototypes). The last F-2 was delivered on 27 September 2011, at which point Mitsubishi closed the line. F-2s were delivered to five squadrons or groups within the JASDF, the first being the Air Development and Test Wing at Gifu AB.
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-The first XF-2A (originally 63-0001, now 63-8501) continues to be flown by ADTW. | Photo: JASDF
Training is conducted by the 21st Fighter Training Squadron, 4th Air Wing, at Matsushima AB. As a result of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, 13 of the 21 F-2Bs assigned to the 21st were damaged, and 5 destroyed. Repairs to the F-2s was completed by 2016, and was estimated at 80 billion JPY. Two other F-2Bs have been destroyed in accidents, one in 2007 as a result of faulty wiring after a refurbishment and a second in 2019 for reasons that have not been released.
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-An F-2B in flight. | Photo: Jerry Gunner
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-4 of the F-2Bs from the 21st breaking formation. | Photo: Cp9asngf
There are three operational units of the F-2A: the 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 3rd Air Wing at Misawa AB, and the 6th and 8th TFS, 8th Wing at Tsuiki AB. In addition to strike missions, the F-2 has proved to be adept at interception and escort missions, as the JASDF proved in 2013 when 4 F-2s were scrambled to intercept a pair of Russian Air Force Su-27s near Hokkaido on 7 February 2013. On 22 August 2013 F-2s were again scrambled to intercept two Tu-142 Bear-F aircraft near Kyushu.
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-F-2A of the 3rd TFS during the 2007 Open House at Hyakuri AB. | Photo: A&W
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-An F-2A demonstrates the type's ability to refuel in mid-air from a JASDF KC767 during an airshow at Komaki AB in 2018. | Photo: Hunini
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-An F-2A armed with four ASMs. | Photo: JASDF
The F-2 is scheduled to be replaced by the Mitsubishi F-X (unofficially known as the F-3 Godzilla) some time in the mid-2030. The F-X will be a sixth generation, domestically developed stealth aircraft, currently anticipated to have its maiden flight in 2028.
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-Rendering of the F-X, Japan's next fighter. | Illustration: 防衛省
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(Long. I'm pretty sure a similar war bot headcannon was posted on here from a while ago but I just found it so interesting and have been trying to make my own version. Also trigger warnings for implied torture, death, and war themes.)
During the war, many war bots were used to make things easier. There were malfunctions with a few of these bots though that Neon J was told to get rid of but he instead took the memory card things to use later on for 1010 (he didnt plan to use them for 1010 at the time, but these bots were unique and he didnt want them destroyed).
There were two interrogation bots, one that would see if the person was lying and make them very uncomfortable, kinda like a regular interrogation, and one that was used for more stubborn people who needed more "incentive" to talk (these would become Blue and Red respectively). The first one kept breaking down and needed constant repair because the lights kept tripping up some sensors around it. The second one would act more as an executioner than an interrogator, making the person die a quick and painless death even though the army wanted answers (this bot did not want to hurt others which is why it killed quickly).
There was a bot that was suppose to pilot planes for cargo and weapon transport along with bomb drops but no matter how much knowledge was put into the bot it would refuse to go into the plane, tests showed that the bot would malfunction at higher altitudes and freeze up (this one later became Yellow).
The next bot was supposed to be a spy bot, it used high tech holographic projections for its face to blend in with enemy troops so that it could gather information and possibly destroy the troops from the inside out, however this bot could not properly copy faces and personalities making it always feel out of place and off to the point that the Navy didnt even want to try blowing a mission with how obvious this bot was (this became Greem later on).
And finally, one of many medic bots was on the field tending for wounded soldiers (at one point Neon was one of them) and over time its decision making changed from "save only the ones worth saving" to "save every single person" which caused a major increase in medical supppy usage and costed the Navy a lot of money, especially when the bot failed and the person didnt make it because they were already too far gone. This also made the bot become overloaded with names of the deceased (which it collected for filing later on) and overworked processors causing it to be put on nurse duty where it cared for just a few wounded soldiers that needed constant small care instead tons of soldiers needing high stakes care (this bot turned into White).
So in the end, Neon tried to separate the memories of war from the skills each warbot had but he couldn't fully get it, leaving 1010 with very fuzzy memories of war but nothing like how Neon has. White and Red were the only ones to see the major bloodshed of war (which they carry with them with a lot of guilt) while Blue's light sensory issues stem from the war malfunctions. Green kept the awkward nature and not being able to fully fit into situations. And Yellow kept the fear of heights.
I think that this is a really interesting! And poor White and Red, I really empathize with them. Green is also a mood because *awkwardness*
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Notes: hola peoples. This is my second smut so it might still suck. I hope you like it, I wrote I for your pleasure. Make sure to comment your thoughts. If you want to be in the taglist message me and ask. Also my requests are open.
Warnings: 18+, its smut so theres gonna be quite a few warnings buddy. Dirty talk, teasing, rough sex, some other stuffs. IF YOU AFE NOT 18+ THEN DO NOT FUCKING READ. DO NOT GET ME BANNED.
Y/n was hiding. 
Natasha had been hounding her for weeks after she let it slip that she had a crush on the team. She'd done everything to catch y/n off guard. Cooking with her when it was her, movie nights with endless interrogation, Natasha even questioned her in the shower. So now y/n was going to hide until Natasha dropped it. The problem was that Natasha is a spy meaning if she wants to she will find y/n and that's exactly what she did. 
"Really y/n, the roof?" She was picking at her manicure in a bored fashion.
Y/n huffed crossing her arms, "At the time I thought it was clever."
Natasha rolled her eyes at the girl, she was once a master assassin Natasha knew y/n could do better. "You're just being lazy." 
"Yeah, yeah," Her own eyes rolling in the process, " I assume you are here to interrogate me." She glances at the redhead over her shoulder." 
"Now why would I do that when I already know who it is?" 
"Oh yeah, and who is it?" Y/n took a long pull from her water bottle. 
"Bucky." It was short, simple, and factual. 
Y/n choked mid gulp, Natasha has caught her. " I'm not even going to ask how you know because it probably involves my diary and that in itself discomforting." 
Natasha laughed, "No I didn't your diary, great idea for my next mission though. Sweetie, I'm a spy, I pay attention to body language and yours around Barnes screams crush." 
Y/n looked down sheepishly, "Is it that obvious?" 
Natasha quickly reassured her, "Well not to Barnes, he's just as oblivious as you are." 
"For James to be oblivious it would have to mean he likes me back, which he doesn't." She looked over her shoulder at the ginger in time to see her retreating smile. 
"Whatever you say y/n/n," was her departing sentence. 
Y/n huffed but figured she could go inside without being harassed. It was getting late and she had to go on a mission first thing so sleep was the top priority. But y/n wanted to stay outside for just a while longer and enjoy the weather. When she did finally trudged inside, empty water bottle in hand, y/n bumped into Bucky. He grabbed her shoulders to steady her before casually leaning on the wall.
"Oh hey, Buck, what's up?"
"Just finished my walk around the compound. Was gonna come and sit with you but you were talking to Natasha," He shrugged with a smirk on his face, "Didn't want to interrupt." 
Y/n smiled at the supersoldier and nodded her head, "Well I'm headed to bed, gotta get some sleep before tomorrow." 
Bucky grinned, he would be on that mission with her. "Save me a seat next to ya, sweetheart? I don't want Sam stealing my spot next to ya." 
Y/n's head was running a mile a minute. sweetheart, that's new. HIS spot next to her. If he was like this now he would have killed her in the forties. "Wouldn't dream of letting bird-brain steal your spot, James." She laughed nervously, sidestepping him, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" 
Bucky kept his charming grin on his face as she started to walk away, "See you tomorrow doll." 
Y/n had never felt the need to escape to her room so strongly in her life. She needed to calm down before this mission or she would explode. So as many girls do when frustrated she took a long hot shower and went to bed.
The next morning
Y/n woke up with a start, looking around trying to remember where she was. As she connected that she was in her room she looked at her clock, she had twenty minutes to get up and ready. She sprinted around her room collecting her things. Her small duffle rested packed at the end of her bed. It was filled with a change of clothes and so wipes to clean herself up, the mission was only one day so they didn't need much. She slipped into her tight catsuit and zipped it up before doing her hair. Y/n did a simple braid to keep her hair out her eyes in case anything went drastically wrong and then sprinted down to the quinjet launchpad. 
When she arrived she noticed the rest of her was already there and waiting. Steve was in the piolet seat next to clint, Sam was putting everyone's thing on the jet, and Bucky and Natasha were talking, suspiciously, as y/n drew closer. After handing her bag and staff to Sam she climbed the ramp and took notice that the spot Natasha had previously been occupying was now empty and being invitingly offered by Bucky. When she sat down he spoke up. 
"Doll, I thought we agreed you were going to save me a seat, not the other way around." He was smiling charmingly at her as he spoke cause a blush to rise to her cheeks. 
"I woke up late, so I didn't have time." She looked down sheepishly. 
He chuckled at her shyness, "It's okay doll, I got here early anyway. Plus I'm sitting next to pretty dame so I'm not too mad." 
Y/n looked up at him surprised, "You think I'm pretty?" Sure she had received compliments before but Bucky's felt genuine and natural. 
"Sure I do doll." He was fully grinning at her. 
"Thank you, James." She returned his smiles before looking out the window, watching the land get smaller as they ascended. 
For a long time, everything was quiet, Natasha reading a book, Sam was messing with redwing, and Steve and Clint were quietly talking about Clint's family. Y/n's suit was starting to irritate her, her chest felt suffocated, her thighs were being constricted, and with Bucky sitting next to her in his gear y/n thoughts were running wild. As her thoughts got dirtier and dirtier y/n started to fidget while still looking out the window. 
Bucky leaned into her enough for her to feel him pressing into her back, "Sweatheart, whats got you fidgeting like that? You're never nervous for a fight." 
"My suits annoying me, the leather is uncomfortable." SHe whined.
"It might be uncomfortable but it makes your body look irresistible." He punctuated his sentence by leaning forward more and lightly nipping just above the neck of her suit. Then he sat back and looked like happened, and y/n contained the whimper that bubbled her throat. Before she could reply called that they would be landing in ten and to start suiting up. Y/n stood went to the weapons rack to retrieve her guns. Once she had the first four in the holsters on either thigh and hip she looked for her favourite one. Much to her disadvantage, it was on the top shelf. As she reached up to grab it she felt a warm hard chest on her back and saw Bucky's metal hand grab the weapon for her. She turned to face him once he stepped back, he handed her the gun then spoke while leaning into her. 
"Careful doll, seeing you stretched out like that might give a man bad thoughts." His voice was calm, measure, dangerous.
Y/n bit her lip "Oh really James, and what kind of thoughts would those be?" 
Bucky growled but Steve yelled for everyone to move out before he could reply. As she walked past him y/n could have sworn she felt his hand slide up the back of her thigh. 
Not five minutes after leaving the quinjet had the fighting begun. Steve and Natasha were fighting their way to the intel room of the compound retrieve what they came for. Clint was doing what he does best from the roof, dropping enemies like flies. True to his name, Sam was picking people off like a bird of prey and dropping them from high altitudes. Bucky and y/n were fighting back to back, shooting when they could and fighting when they had to. 
One of the men knocked the gun out of y/n's hand and lounged for her. Bucky turned just in time to witness her wrapping her thighs around the man's head and using his leverage to take him down. As she raised her self and took a pistol out of the holster on her hip, he couldn't help the cheeky remark that came from him. 
"Now that was a pretty sight. You gonna do that to me when we get home sugar?" He smirked as she hesitated then regained her composure. 
"Only if you ask nicely." It's flirty and Bucky feels his cock stir in his pants.
"Promise?" He quirks a brow 
Her attention is drawn from him before she can answer as another soldier charges her. After she takes him down she sees Natasha's red hair whipping toward the jet with Steve, Clint, and Sam racing behind her waving to the pair. Y/n grabs Bucky's hand and they take off in a dead sprint. 
"Come on James, our ride is ready to go."
They climbed the ramp as the doors closed and plopped into seats. Steve turned when everyone settled, "Get some rest we're debriefing as soon as we get home." 
Sam stretched out on the floor as Natasha laid her head on Clint's lap as he reclined easily in his seat. Y/n glanced at Bucky to find him already looking at her. 
"Bucky can I lean on you? If not that's fine." She asked nervously. 
"Yeah doll, go ahead I don't mind at all," Bucky smiled easily and offered his arm. Y/n smiled back and wrapped her arms around Bucky' s
before resting her head on his shoulder. When she got comfortable she sighed contently and Bucky rested his head on top of hers before they both dosed. 
Y/n woke up with something hard and heavy enclosed around her, as she looked down she recognised Bucky's metal arm. She looked at Natasha to find her already warmly smiling at her, "We're almost back at the compound, you should wake him up soon." She nodded her head towards and when y/n turned to look at him she discovered him sleeping soundly. A brief thought crossed her mind before she decided against it. do I have t? He looks so peaceful and pretty. Gently y/n shook Bucky awake, as he came to he looked at her with a dopy little smile before she told him they were home. 
It seemed Bucky had woken up more on the short walk the briefing room because he made sure sit directly next to y/n. As Ross droned on about the importance of the mission y/n felt Bucky lean over to her and whisper, "So does the offer of you wrapping your thighs around my head still stand?" 
Y/n rolled her eyes but decided to play along just to see what James wanted, "I told you if you asked me nicely." 
"Okay doll," He smiled sweetly, "then can I pretty please have you wrap those gorgeous thighs around my head so I can tongue fuck you?" Y/n clenched her thighs and Bucky took notice of her reaction continuing to speak lowly in her ear. " I wish I could bend you over this table and fuck you right now but alas we have behave." 
Y/n whimper and cleared her throat before responding, "James if you aren't serious then you need to stop right now." 
"Oh sweetheart I'm dead serious and I fully intend on showing you when this meeting is over." He growled. 
Y/n nodded her head but didn't reply and Bucky said nothing more. Ross continued to bore them for another two hours before he gave then permission to leave. As everyone stood to exit the room Bucky placed his hand on y/n thigh for her to remain seated. After the last person filed out, he looked at her kindly, "Before I touch you, are you one hundred per cent certain that you want to do this? I'm not going to force you to do anything." 
"Yes I'm sure James, I've liked you for a while and I want to do this with you." And just like that his whole demeanour changed, the sincerity was still there but it was overlapped with desire. 
"Your room or mine?" It was a low growl, The man hadn't even touched her yet and she was already shaking. 
"Yours" It was breathy and desperate. They both stood and Bucky didn't even give her a chance to take a step before he was haling her over his shoulder and walking out of the room. Natasha was standing there as they exited the room, "Finally shot your shot, Barnes?" 
"No Nat I'm just practising my fireman carry" Came his snarky remark as he started to walk away. 
Natasha laughed and said, "Have fun." 
Y/n looked up from where she was looking at Bucky's backside, "I already am, I have the perfect view of his ass." 
Natasha burst into giggles as they turned the corner towards his room and Bucky smacked y/n's ass in return. 
Due to Bucky's long strides, the pair reached his room quickly. When they reached the door Bucky set her down and stared at her for a moment before kissing her. The kiss in itself was sweet but was not what you'd expect from a first kiss, it had a heat that made y/n lose her breath. Continuing to kiss her he placed his palm on the scanner, he walked her backwards through the door when it opened. As soon as the door closed he had her catsuit unzipped and was sliding her shirt over her head while she grabs at his. 
"Do you wanted me?" He licked at her lips. 
"Yes." She whimpered.
"Do you want me to touch you?" He growled.
"Yes James, please just touch me." She was begging and he liked that. 
"Okay baby, I'll touch you." With that, he released her completely going to lay on his back on the bed. She whined pathetically and shuffled around a bit before he spoke again, "You promised me you would wrap your thighs around my face and I intend to collect that right now." 
A needy whine left her lips and she made her way to the bed and stripped off the rest of her clothing and got onto the bed. Bucky must have felt she wasn't moving fast enough so he grabbed her by her hips and placed her on his waiting face. His tongue was magical. He traced around her lips to collect with juices that had already flowed from her. Suddenly he licked a broad stripe across the entirety of her. He nipped at her clit lightly before soothing with his tongue. He had barely started and y/n was already falling apart. He thrust his tongue as far as it would go inside her as curled it was if he were eating icecream. The more he did it the more y/n shook. he seemed to be a man starved because he was making almost as much noise as her. 
"James, I'm gonna come." Bucky pulled his tongue and traced his name across her clit as a final push. She came violently. No one had taken the time to make her cum the way Bucky did and it took her a minute to recover before climbing off of him. 
He wiped his chin with the back of his hand and let out a little breath. He had a goofy smile on his face when he spoke, "I've wanted to do that for so long."
"We aren't done yet." Was her breathy response. 
"Oh, I know. I just have thought about doing specifically that since Tony designed your new catsuit." He had rolled over and was kissing up and down her neck leaving marks her and there. 
"James, I need you." She wanted him no if, and, or buts about it. 
"Before we do this I need to know what this is. Is it a one and done or is it more?" He sounded uncertain now.
Y/n grabbed his face and made him look at her, "James this could never be a one and done thing, but I swear to god if you don't get naked and inside me, I will take care of myself. " 
He scurried off the bed and stripped out of his remaining clothing in record time. When he looked up at her again his pupils were wider than ever. "Babydoll can you do me a favour and get on your hands and knees for me." 
Y/n rolled and raised herself, basically presenting herself to him. "Such a good girl baby, and look at how pretty this pussy is. I bet it'll feel nice and tight around me, squeezin me, if it'll even let me in." He climbed back on the bed and positioned himself behind her.
 "You gonna let me in pretty girl?" The tip of his cock brushed against her as he waited for her reply. 
She bowed her head and spread her legs more, "Yes sir" 
Bucky entered her in one swift motion and set an easy pace. He was right she did feel good, downright heavenly. She was squeezing around him so tight he thought he was going to burst. Y/n could only let out incoherent cries as he filled her so nicely. The tip of his cock was brushing her g-spot repetitively but his pace was to slow. 
"James go faster." she needed him to pick up the pace. He'd already been teasing her all day.
"Beg me, beg me to take you like a good little girl. beg me to make you mine." His voice was deeper than ever. 
"Good god please James, please go faster. I'll be a good girl, please baby. Please, please, please stop teasing."  She was getting desperate and she knew at this pace she wouldn't. Bucky obliged and started to slam into her brutally. His pace moved her up with every thrust but she was pushing back against him to meet them. 
"Are you gonna cum for me, baby? I can feel you squeezin me. Are you gonna come on my cock like a good girl? Huh? You gonna be my good girl?" He was getting sloppy which meant he was close, his moans matching y/n's. With a final thrust, y/n was sent spiralling over the edge. 
Bucky growled as he came "Mine" and "Y/n" filled the room as he slowly came down. He rolled and landed next to her and felt her fingers intertwine with his as they cooled off. After sometime y/n spoke "That was... Wow." 
Bucky turned over and wrapped his arm around her, "I agree. I'm really glad I get to do this now." He grinned at her 
She smiled back before snuggling closer to him. "Yeah me too."
Bucky rested his head on hers and they went to sleep. 
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four
A stowaway!
In the morning they rose bright and early. There’d been a bit more rain overnight, but it had stopped and the sky had cleared, and everything was fresh and sparkling with dew.  They packed up, and then Jason proudly showed Peggy the equipment he’d been working on.
“I got the gyros and dampeners worked out, I think,” he said, “so unless we’ve got major turbulence it ought to stay pretty level underneath the aircraft.  The readout will be here.”
In the middle of the plane was a device that resembled a polygraph, though without the parts to connect it to the person under interrogation.  Instead, the wires passed through a hole in the floor to the sonar mounted beneath the belly of the aircraft.  Three pens were ready to trace out lines on the roll of paper.
“The blue one will be the top of the ice,” said Jason, “the green will be the bottom, and the black will be the seafloor underneath. Ice, water, and stone all affect the frequency of sounds in different ways, so the timing tells us which is which.”
“What if we encounter something else?” asked Peggy.
“Like metal, or wood?” Jason asked with a smile. “That’ll confuse it.  We won’t be able to immediately identify what we’ve found, but we’ll know we’ve found something.”
So they wouldn’t know if it were a crashed plane or a secret Russian base, thought Peggy… but they could do a wide circle and check it out from above.  If it were worrying, they could return to civilization and alert Daniel.  Peggy knew there was no such thing as a foolproof plan – fools were far too inventive for that – but this one was solid as long as they took no unnecessary risks.
“Well done,” she said.  “This should be just what we need.”
“He was wasted at Isodyne,” said Howard.  He sat down in the pilot’s seat, leaving the door between cockpit and cargo area open, and zipped up his flying jacket.  “Shall we get this show on the road?”
“I’m dying to know what the big secret is,” Jason admitted.
“You may be disappointed,” Peggy warned him.
She and Jason made one last check that their equipment and supplies were secure, and then took their places on the troop benches and did up their safety harnesses.  The propellers whirled to life, and the Skytrain took off into a beautiful blue sky.
“All right,” said Peggy once they were at altitude. “I now have things to explain to both of you… and neither of you are likely to be pleased.  I’m sorry, Jason, but we’re not looking for the Franklin Expedition, although I suppose we may find it by accident.”
Jason nodded, a little disappointed but not particularly surprised.  “You’re looking for the wreck of the Valkyrie,” he said.
“That’s right.  Unfortunately, we’re quite unlikely to find it.  Our source was not a particularly reliable one.”  Peggy paused to arrange the story in her head, but before she could speak, something under Jason’s seat went clunk.
The interior of the plane was open down the middle, so that it could transport vehicles and equipment as well as troops.  The men were meant to sit where Peggy and Jason were now, on benches at the sides.  Below the benches were lockers, and it was from one of these that the sound had just come. Jason undid his harness and moved to the side as one of the doors banged open, and a human being wiggled out.
“No,” said Peggy out loud, as a head of blonde hair appeared.  “Oh, no, no, no.”  This was not allowed to happen!
But it was.  Miss Lake got up and brushed herself off.  She was wearing a knee-length wool wrap coat in black, and as she sat down on the bench next to Jason, she pulled out a matching felt hat from one of the pockets, unfolded it, and put it on her head.
“Hi,” she said to Jason.
“What’s going on back there?” Howard demanded from up front.  He could not see them from the cockpit, although he could hear a little of the conversation.
“Turn around, Howard!”  Peggy stood up and went to the cockpit door.  “Find a place to land, now.”
“I’ve got a bomb,” said Lake.
Peggy turned and looked at her.  “Excuse me?”
“I put a bomb on this plane,” Lake repeated.  “I have the detonator.  If you land somewhere I don’t approve of, or otherwise try to get rid of me, I’ll set it off.”
It was all Peggy could do not to gape at her like a fish. “You’re bluffing,” she said.
“Bet your life?” asked Lake.  She glanced at Jason.  “Bet his life?”
“Who is that?” Howard wanted to know.  He craned his head over his shoulder to try to see through the doorway.
“That is our source,” said Peggy tiredly.  “What do you want, Miss Lake?”
“I want to help you find Captain America,” Lake told her, as if this were the most reasonable thing in the world.  “When Ned got back from lunch, he told me that you’d said he should apologize to me and promise to be less creepy to women in bars. I knew if you were back in town there had to be a reason, so I hitchhiked out here and found you guys working on the plane.  After you went to bed I stowed away, and here I am.”
“How did you know we’d be at Howard’s airfield?” asked Peggy.  “How… how did you even know he had an airfield up here?”
“I guessed,” said Lake.
“You guessed he had an airfield?”
“No, that I already knew.”
“How did you escape from the SSR?” Peggy asked.  She felt like her head was spinning.  She was going to kill Agent Russel, she thought… he hadn’t revealed a single secret and yet he’d still told Lake everything she needed to know.  “Don’t tell me Thompson put you in a hotel or something instead of back in your cell…”
“No, no.  Thompson is smarter than you think he is, but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is,” Lake assured her.  “I tried to seduce him just to see if he’d go for it.  He didn’t, but he also didn’t pay enough attention to realize I was doing it to distract him from me putting Barbital in his chicken soup.”
“What is going on?” Howard demanded from the cockpit.  “Am I landing or not?”
“No landing!” said Lake cheerfully.
“We’re gonna have to land eventually,” Howard protested. “It’s already in the flight plan! We have to land up by Fort Severn to refuel!”
“Then you’re allowed to do that, but not to kick me off,” said Lake.  She got up and went to the cockpit door herself , to take a look at their pilot. “So you’re Howard Stark, are you?”
This was the first time Howard had been able to see their guest.  When he realized she was an attractive blonde, he sat up a little straighter and gave her a charming smile, much to Peggy’s disgust.  “My reputation precedes me?” he asked.
“Oh, yes,” said Lake.  “Marie said you fell asleep right after and left her high and dry.  Ksenia said you have the ugliest, wrinkliest testicles she has ever seen on a man, and Olga… not Barynova, the other Olga… said that in the middle of things you kept calling her ‘Steve’.”
Peggy raised an eyebrow.
“That is not true,” said Howard, and added, to Peggy, “I don’t remember any of those women.”
“I didn’t expect you to,” Peggy said.  “Howard, Jason, this is Miss Katherine Lake, which is the only name she’ll tell us.”
“Now, that is not true,” Lake said.  “When I first met you I told you my name was Nadine Russel.”
“Yes, but you stole that one from somebody else,” said Peggy.  “Miss Lake is another Soviet agent, like Dottie Underwood but far, far worse. Dottie is merely a madwoman, but Miss Lake has a plan.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” Lake said, and went to sit down again.
Peggy remained standing by the door so that Howard would hear what she had to say.  “At any rate, I’m afraid Miss Lake is correct – she was our source.  She dropped the coordinates off in a letter she slipped into my purse while she was impersonating an FBI agent.  Daniel and I discussed it and decided we had to at least take a look, if only to make sure the Soviets have not found the crash site before we did.  Miss Lake is supposed to be in New York, helping Chief Thompson find Dottie Underwood.”
“He’ll be fine,” Lake assured her.  “He’ll have her the moment she tries to sell Vivien Leigh’s diamond bracelet.”
“The one I gave her?” Howard asked.
“Dottie wouldn’t steal that,” said Peggy. “She’s got one of her own already.”
With all the bad news delivered, Peggy sat heavily back down in her seat and folded her arms across her chest.  In the space of moments, her solid plan had turned into a circus.  She was now quite certain they would find something up on Cornwallis Island, but it wasn’t going to be the Valkyrie… and whatever it was, Peggy wasn’t going to like it very much.
They landed in Fort Severn as planned.  The weather there was dreadful, with a silvery overcast sky that hurt to look at, and tiny sharp crystals of snow swirling down to bite into any exposed skin.  Jason stayed on board to check the equipment one more time, while Howard gritted his teeth, tied his scarf tight, and headed out into the cold to arrange for their refueling.  Miss Lake seemed happy enough just to sit in the plane and wait, so Peggy announced a desire to stretch her legs and headed out for a walk.
The wind was bitter, which gave her a perfect excuse to confine her walk to no more than a dozen feet from the Skytrain.  She circled the plane twice, examining the engines, the landing gear, and even Jason’s sonar – anywhere somebody could have inserted something that did not belong.  She found nothing.  Peggy didn’t know as much about planes as Howard did but she knew plenty about bombs, and she was confident that if it were in one of those places, she would have spotted it.
“That was a short walk,” Miss Lake said, when Peggy came back inside.
“It’s colder out there than I thought,” Peggy replied.
She stepped over Jason’s tools and headed up into the cockpit, where she took another look around.  Under the seats?  Behind them? In the floor, where there was a hatch to access the landing gear?  Behind the instrument panels?
“Find anything?” asked Lake.
Peggy was sitting on the floor examining the underside of the dashboard.  She looked up to find Lake in the doorway, looking casually interested.  As if this were anything but a life-or-death situation that she had herself put them in.
“What do you want?” Peggy demanded crossly, only to change her mind a moment later and shake her head.  “Actually, forget I asked… I know you won’t give me an answer.”
“I want you to trust me,” Lake replied.
Peggy took a moment to consider that.  “You want me to trust you, so that’s why you lied to me, sprayed me in the face with a kitchen spice, and are now threatening to blow up an airplane while I’m on board?”
“We were raised to be spies and assassins.”  Lake shrugged.  “They never taught us how to make friends.”
“I’m not laughing,” said Peggy.
“I’m not joking.”  Lake offered Peggy a hand to help her up.  “When we find Steve, I’m going to need you to trust me.”
Peggy had been reaching for the hand, but hearing that, she grabbed the arm of the pilot’s seat instead.  “You may use my name, Kay,” she said as she got to her feet.  “You may not use his.”
When Howard got back on board, the first thing he said was, “did you find it?”
Peggy shook her head.  Jason did likewise.
“What do you want to do?” Howard asked.
“I think the only thing Miss Lake will allow us to do is go on,” Peggy said.
“Kind of a long walk home, otherwise,” said Lake with a nod.
“May Jason leave?” Peggy asked.  “It would be an expression of your good intentions, to let one of your hostages go.”  Jason had been traumatized enough by his previous involvement in SSR affairs.  He didn’t deserve to get mixed up in such a mess a second time.
But it was Jason himself who refused.  “I have to stay to mind the sonar,” he said. “Howard can’t do that while he’s flying the plane, and you ladies don’t know how to fix it if it breaks.”
“All right,” said Peggy.  “Then we go on.”  She wondered what she was going to tell Thompson when they brought Miss Lake back to New York, or whether they’d even have the opportunity to.
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
Some thoughts and tips on my last Gamefly rental, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.
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This took quite a bit to fully finish, for various reasons, one being having to play through a third time for the ‘Clear on Nightmare’ trophy(you can’t switch to Nightmare partway through, you need to be on that difficulty or higher from start to finish), and another being the heat making me tired. ^^; Also, though it feels slightly shorter than Lacrimosa of Dana, it’s still a fairly long game, especially if you try to do everything.
The game borrows a lot of mechanics from Ys VIII(and some more recent Ys games with parties); each of the six playable characters having a ‘weapon type’(Crimson King/Doll have Slash, White Cat/Raging Bull have Strike, and Hawk/Renegade have Shot), having a base that you recruit many people to join who also help in the Grimwald Nox battles, which are pretty similar to Sieges from the other game(though there is a second type where you need to destroy Lacrimae crystals to win), recruit people to help at your base who also help out in Sieges/Grimwald Nox battles, and giving presents to raise the Affinity of everyone. There’s a few gameplay changes, such as SP automatically refilling when not using Skills(and apparently the SP needed for them was increased). You also get Double Jump automatically once you get the Monstrum powers.
One of the people who joins your base, Silhouette, can go buy items from any store in Balduq you find, with the exception of Present items; you need to go to the shops themselves to get them. All but a few of those types of items can be bought, with a couple being found in treasure chests, like the last one for Tito in the final dungeon.
Each of the Monstrums has their own unique skill that can be used for both fighting and exploring, such as White Cat’s that lets you run up any wall that’s completely vertical, or Raging Bull’s that does triple damage, breaks enemy guards and breaks certain walls. They can be used anytime(except Raging Bulls, which only works in front of breakable walls if you’re in Balduq), even if the Monstrum it belongs to isn’t in the active party. 
Amusingly, each party member changes into their Monstrum form when using them or are on platform a high enough altitude(most likely where they wouldn't be able to get without their powers), and immediately change back afterwards when landing somewhere normally assessable. No one comments on the change back, but will be surprised to see a Monstrum pop up nearby(the change is completely instantaneous and doesn’t affect gameplay). 
There are many collectables to find during the game:
Treasure chests, of course. They are marked on the map when found changing to a different one when opened, and their positions stay marked on NG+.
Graffiti on the walls, and some floors, all around Balduq. They are marked by a small ‘!’ on the map before inspected, changing to a small dot afterwards. Reporting them to Vallin at the Dandelion gets you rewards. A couple can only be read on a later sidequest with Doll’s Third Eye ability, and 6 of them give small stat boosts to each Monstrum, one for each.
Azure Petals hidden all over Balduq. They give off a small blue glow. Although they are NOT marked on the map at all, they can be easier seen with Third Eye, and are pretty well hidden.
Recipe Books to add new food to the Dandelion’s menu. Most can be bought at shops, though some are given or found.
Rubic Books to give to Tito to make new Sacramentals. I think all of these have to be found in treasure chests.
Medical books to give to Saradhi to make new types of medicine, including the stat booster items. 
Landmarks all across the city, dungeons and lands outside Balduq.
Like Ys VIII, there’s also a second character you switch control to at some points from within Balduq Prison(both main story and sidequests). I don’t remember how much of it was talked about in previews, but it seems like it might be a spoiler to say who it is, so I’ll let you see for yourselves. Unlike Dana, though, they can’t level up or increase their stats, so you’re always at risk of a trap one-hit KO-ing you, and a few enemies can do this, too, on higher difficulties. On New Game Plus, you can skip all but their final dungeon trek, though.
For each Chapter starting with 2, you need to collect 100 Nox to open up a vortex for a Grimwald Nox battle, which will open up more of Balduq to explore, and all Chapters afterwards, except 9, have a second one to collect Nox for. This is done by:
Touching small vortexes in the city to fight Lemures enemies; winning gives you a few Nox, the ones with a red core giving more
Completing sidequests, which give you much more.
 Also, at the end of each Chapter, any Nox left over is turned into Twilight Shards you can use on items from the Lantern of Crossing, so building them up is a good idea. It can be kind of tedious building up Nox the normal way, though, and it’s required to advance the story, too.
Out of all the Monstrums, I mostly played as Crimson King or Raging Bull, liking Renegade’s style the least of them.
An amusing bit early on has Adol getting interrogated, which brings up his infamy for shipwrecks, and losing legendary equipment. Which reminds me, Adol had the Isios Sword at the start of Ys VIII, which I’m guessing was the strongest weapon from the previous(chronologically) game, Ys V...and then it got lost in the sea near the Isle of Seiren. Getting this game’s best weapon for him also makes him think he’ll just lose this one eventually, too. XD
Speaking of Ys V, hopefully that gets a remake soon; it’s the only main Ys game we don’t have in English officially(there is a fan translation for the Super Famicom version, though).
Though like other Ys games, you don’t need to have played the others to fully enjoy this one, I think some stuff might have more impact if you have, like at least Ys VIII. Some other parts, like certain cameos, unfortunately flew over my head a bit until I looked them up(I’ve only played Ys VI and VIII). ^^; I do know enough of Romn’s infamy throughout the series, though.
I haven’t played it yet, but the Lemures remind me of at least one enemy from previews I’ve seen of Trails of Cold Steel 4.
Although the prison city of Balduq was a good setting, I think I personally liked the ‘mysterious abandoned island’ setting from Ys VIII more, but that’s just a personal preference. ^^; 
Next game being sent is: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
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sweetsmellosuccess · 3 years
Sundance 2021: Day 4
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Films: 4 Best Film of the Day(s): Mass
Mass: Predictably, Fran Kranz’ film opens with a shot of a church, but the title turns out to be a reverberating double entendre   —  both the religious service towards forgiveness; and a term commonly used in conjunction with a multiple-homicide shooting event. The church, Episcopal it turns out, is the agreed-to meeting place for two sets of grieving parents: Gail (Martha Plimpton) and Jay (Jason Isaacs), whose teen son Evan was killed some years before in a high-school massacre; and Linda (Ann Down) and Richard (Reed Birney), whose son, Haden, was the shooter, before killing himself in the school library. They have agreed to meet, long after the lawsuits and legal wrangling have been settled, to possibly provide answers and solace to one another. As can be expected, the atmosphere is fraught with tension  —  a setting Kranz, an actor making his directorial and writing debut, expertly mines before the couples arrive, with a kind but overenthusiastic church administrator (Breeda Wool), fretting about the details of the food arrangement  —  and the couples, wary, at first, of letting things get hostile, work diligently to avoid disagreement by staying mild (an arrangement of flowers Linda brings is speculated upon a great deal). Eventually, however, the four wounded parents get down to more brass tacks, Gail and Jay eschewing their therapist’s call for them to avoid “interrogation” questions, to get at the root of what they are after. In truth, as Kranz has the characters cannily come to understand, there are no details that shed new light, no explanations that help rectify what they’ve lost, only a grim understanding that, as parents, they are all subject to the laws of chaos and chance. Unsurprisingly, Kranz has an actorly sense of conflict and explication, but, despite the limited setting (this could easily have been an adapted play), he gives his actors plenty of room with which to work, and the quartet are more than up to the task. They are each terrific, and given opportunity to shine, but it’s Plimpton’s monologue near the end about her son that becomes the film's singular tour-de-force moment, a scene with so many hooks and edges, it sticks to you like velcro. Kranz is careful not to overstep his dramatic boundaries, difficult given the potentially melodramatic elements of the story, and allows his actors enough time to breathe so it avoids feeling polemic or preachy (an early scene with Gail and Jay in the car before they arrive is a scintillating bit of set-up, where words are spoken, but our attention, like that of the characters, is entirely elsewhere). No easy answers, thankfully, just brutal realizations that can’t be avoided.  
A Glitch in the Matrix: By this time, documentary filmmaker Rodney Ascher has carved out a sort of niche for himself: As with Room 237, and The Nightmare, he has gathered up fringe thinkers displaying a sort of group psychosis in order to explore other ways of seeing, and interpreting, our world. His docs don’t come down on either side of a given conundrum  —  are any of the far-out, would-be explanations of The Shining in 237 the least bit sensible? Is it possible in The Nightmare for people experiencing the horror of sleep paralysis to share in the same horrific vision?  —  but he carefully doesn’t contradict any of his subjects either. His new film, an exploration of what’s known as “simulation theory,” concerns a pattern of thought described back in 1977 by the heavily adapted science fiction author Philip K. Dick during an appearance in France, suggesting, Matrix-style, that all that we think we see and know is actually an intricate virtual reality, brought to us by an unseen technological force. True to his form, Ascher interviews numerous applicants to the theory  —  many of whom portrayed by VR avatars in their own homes  —  including scholars, practitioners, and skeptics, and bolstering their arguments with an assortment of other media, from Minecraft, Philip K. Dick-based films, and crude computer animations, to video games, and youtube videos. The views are intentionally conflictive  —  one subject suggests the very idea of such conflict is the basis of the simulation  —  and anything but conclusive, but, of course, that’s the very point. Less unsettling than The Nightmare, one of the few true horror movies of the documentary genre I’ve ever seen, save for the account of Joshua Cooke, who pled guilty to killing his parents in cold blood after cementing his belief that the ideas portrayed in The Matrix were completely real. Listening to his step-by-step description, from prison, of his descent into madness, and where those impulses took him, is to drop into first-person shooter psychosis.
Coming Home in the Dark: Both Australia and New Zealand are blessed with spectacularly beautiful land that is filled with wide-open, terrifying vast spaces in which any amount of evil may lurk. In dark, violent films like Wolf Creek and Killing Ground, all that beauty and space is turned on its head by far more chaotic inclinations, rendering brutally effective, and stomach-churning sadism as a means of displaying the horrible duality of the land. Kiwi director James Ashcroft attempts to add to this cinematic legacy with this film, a murder-abduction sort of thriller, in which a family on a camping trip in the wilds, is brutalized by a pair of killers they come across. In a twist that at least one of the killers, Mandrake (Daniel Gillies) would have us believe is a coincidence, it turns out the patriarch of the family, Alan (Erik Thompson), used to teach at the abusive orphanage school in which both Mandrake, and his partner, Tubbs (Matthias Luafutu) suffered as children. It’s not a believable conceit, which Ashcroft seems to readily admit, but because it makes the connection, the film attempts to work as a kind of metaphor for the violence which we didn’t perpetrate, but also did nothing to stop. Mandrake as an avenging angel, foisting Alan’s lack of empathy back onto him in violent spades. It’s difficult to fault a film for not being transgressive and shocking enough, exactly, but despite the theatrics of the situation, and Mandrake’s coldly comic engaging of the couple in “regular conversation,” it doesn’t have the heart to be as effective and unsettling as it needs to be. It plays it too safe, which saves the audience from being plunged into the all-too-realistic terror of, say, Killing Ground, but also dilutes the stronger point it wants to make about systemic brutality.
The Blazing World: Related to the 17th Century Margaret Cavendish novel in basic concept, Carlson Young’s feature debut walks a wobbly line between linear narrative, and neo-gothic opera  —  only with a soundtrack instead of singing. The story concerns a young woman, Margaret (Carlson), who loses her twin sister to a drowning accident as a child, but has imagined ever since that her sister lives in some alternate vortex of reality, heralded by a grinning demon, Leonid  (Udo Kier, of course). Coming back to her childhood home before her battling parents (Dermot Mulroney and Vinessa Shaw) move out altogether, Margaret meets some old friends, does some drugs, and finally enters the fantasia-like world that Leonid has been beckoning her to for most of her life in order to find her trapped sister. There, she must amass a series of keys, plucking them from demon versions of her parents, and confront her own guilt and pain in order to unlock her twin and set everyone free. It would be easy to say Young’s reach far exceeds her grasp, but the fact that she was willing to attempt such an audacious project says something about her artistic chops. And for every moment that hits wrong, there are several more that work in interesting ways. Her aforementioned use of music, and sound design invokes a kind of Kubrickian aesthetic, and her commitment to her vision is palpable. This likely won’t be the best film she ever makes, but it does portend to a filmmaker worth keeping an eye on, going forward.
Sundance goes mostly virtual for this year’s edition, sparing filmgoers the altitude, long waits, standing lines, and panicked eating binges  —  but also, these things and more that make the festival so damn endearing. In any event, Sundance via living room is still a hell of a lot better than no Sundance. A daily report.
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omnipedia · 4 years
Ben 10 Analysis Part 12:
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Species: Orthopterrans
*Homeworld: Orthopterra
Abilities: Incredible jumping abilities, can create shockwaves when jumping, enhanced strength and agility, thick skull can be used as a battering ram, and can climb on walls.
Weaknesses: Cannot jump from high altitudes, and if his legs are hit correctly, Crashhopper will move backward automatically.
Feats: Shockwaves can crack concrete and push through a pile of giant mutated ants, headbutts can smash a hole into solid stone and deflect missiles, and defeated a Kraken by jumping around its insides.
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Kickin Hawk:
*Species: Accipitans
*Homeworld: Aviari
Abilities: Sharp elbow blades, can survive in space, and enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes, and durability.
Weaknesses: Has to breath air, and cannot perform fine manipulation tasks due to his large talons.
Feats: Held onto a spaceship in flight, kicked Vilgax through a wall, and feels no pain from kicking solid steel.
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Ball Weevil:
Species: Insectoid
*Homeworld: Atrocia
Abilities: Creates round, sticky, green balls of plasma that absorb matter and energy and explode on impact, can shoot a stream of plasma webbing to ensnare foes, can climb on walls, and enhanced agility.
Weaknesses: He can be hurt and trapped by his own plasma balls
Feats: Ensnared a Tetramand with ease, and balls can reach the size of a city building.
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Pesky Dust:
Species: Nemuina
Homeworld: Nemuinos IV
Abilities: Flight, enhanced speed and agility, can put foes to sleep, and can enter and manipulate the dreams of others.
Weaknesses: Small size isn’t suited for combat, and is very weak physically.
Feats: Easily interrogated a hardened criminal by giving him his worst nightmare.
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Species: Vladat
Homeworld: Anur Vladias
Abilities: Can hypnotize any being either with his eyes or with small beings called Corrupturas, flight, enhanced strength, durability, speed, and agility, can create sonic explosions, immune to hypnosis, can feed off of living beings energy, can see the internal organs and structures of living things, and can turn into a small, bat like creature.
Weaknesses: Is burned and eventually destroyed by sunlight, Corrupturas cannot stick to wet or slippery skin and will be instantly be destroyed by sunlight, cannot hypnotise cyborgs or robots, and Corruptura victims are still conscious and aware of their surroundings and are still able to speak. They’re just unable to stop their bodies from obeying Whampires commands.
Feats: Sonic explosion strong enough to knockout a mob of Loboans, Thep Khufans, and Transylians.
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*Species: Nuclea Omnius
**Homeworld: Prypiatos
Abilities: Can create and manipulate nuclear energy, heat generation, light generation, flight, superhuman strength, durability, agility, and speed. One of Bens most powerful aliens.
Weaknesses: He tends to name his charged attacks, like a Dragon Ball Z character and gets tired if he uses too much energy.
Feats: Easily defeated Ultimate Spidermonkey, strong enough to overpower Ultimate Humungousaur and send him flying with a single punch, kicked an object into orbit, can survive his own explosions, can shrug off being launched from a planet to a moon, heat generation can melt steel, can create a miniature sun, and can create a nuclear explosion the size of a skyscraper.
(Homeworld of Prypiatos idea comes from @kurotamashi )
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Alien X: (Inclusion is Optional, should only be used if opponent is of equal or greater power than other aliens)
Species: Celestialsapien
Homeworld: Forge of Creation
Abilities: Reality warping, indestructibility, and immense knowledge.
Weaknesses: Originally, had to debate with 2 inner personalities in order to perform any action, but Ben has since gained full control. Powers can be absorbed, but the absorber will be in a motionless state due to having to contend with the personalities.
Feats: Stopped and reversed time in a specific spot, flew from planet to planet in seconds, can fly at speeds fast enough to create a black hole, survived the destruction of an entire universe and then perfectly recreated it in the blank universe that was left, can destroy a planet just by flying into it, can change size at will, can create multiple clones of himself, can erase beings from existence with a single thought, can rewrite history so that the dinosaurs never went extinct, can create localised black holes that only suck in one target, and by working together, a group of Celestialsapiens can make themselves survive Multiversal and Omniversal attacks.
(*means that the name is not official. It has been created by me or someone else)
(** Similar to the prior statement, but meaning that they’ve been “adopted” into something already existing in canon)
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simonxriley · 4 years
Corporal Elizabeth “Liz” Walker canon timeline!! 
For @sunset-and-periwinkle so this will be under a read more because holy crap this is long, guess that’s what happens when you have two game events to work with 😅
Born July 20th, 1992
Mother dies in a car crash when she’s 2 - August 1994.
Beginning of a rocky relationship with her dad Elias and eldest brother Hesh - Summer of 2005. 
2005 and onward her relationship with her father and brother got worse, forcing her to become quite reckless and getting herself into trouble a lot.
Enlists in the US Army - August 2009 
Becomes a US Army Ranger at age 20 - 2012.
Joins Task Force STALKER (Ghosts) with her brothers’ - June 2014.
The Ghosts are transferred over to Fire Base Phoenix in Afghanistan - Dec 2014. 
Liz meets and befriends Corporal Dunn - January 2014
Her and Dunn get together - Early Spring 2015. 
She gets transferred over to Task Force 141 - March 2016.
Beats Ghost’s score on the CQB - March 2016. 
Capture Rojas for interrogation and fleeing the Favela with the help from Nikolai - August 13th, 2016.
Rescued the hostages aboard the oil rig - August 14th, 2016. 
Rescue prisoner 6-2-7 (Price) from the Gulag. Liz stays up to cover Ghost while he hacks into the system - August 14th, 2016. 
Price takes back command of the 141 and they’re ordered to secure a docked submarine at the Rybachiy navel base. Price has another plan in mind and tells Liz about the missile being detonated at a high altitude to EMP the east coast - August 14th, 2016. 
Ghost asks to take Liz and Roach to Makarov’s safe-house in the Caucasus Mountains. There they grab a bunch of needed intel on Makarov. Upon reaching the extraction point Liz is injured by Mortar fire and is helped by Ghost and Roach to evac. Only they were betrayed by General Shepherd and his men, shot and ignited in flames. Lucky enough for them, Shepherd didn’t stay to see if the job was done. All 3 having 3rd degree burns on parts of their bodies. - August 15th, 2016 
Rescued by Nikolai - August 17th, 2016. 
Liz and Ghost confess their love and embark on a romantic relationship - August 19th, 2016
Liz, Ghost, Roach and Soap’s recoveries - August 17th - October 5th, 2016. 
Back on the grid. Liz, Ghost, Roach, Price, Soap and Yuri go to Sierra Leone in search of cargo belonging to Makarov - October 5th, 2016. 
Operation: Return To Sender. Search for a man named Waraabe, who was involved with distributing the chemicals in Europe - Oct 8th, 2016.
The disavowed TF141 helps the resistance in Prague until they get to the tower - October 10th, 2016. 
Liz, Price and Ghost rappel down the building and enters where Makarov is supposed to be while Soap, Roach and Yuri take up overwatch at  a nearby destroyed church clock tower in an attempt to kill him. Makarov knew of their plan and placed C4 in both buildings and detonated them after contacting Price. Everyone besides Soap and Roach were fine - Oct 11th, 2016.
The rest of the 141 finds out about Yuri’s former relationship with Makarov, turning things quite rocky between him and the 141 - Oct 11th, 2016.
After getting Soap and Roach to one of Nikolai’s safe-houses for recovery, Price, Liz, Ghost and Yuri assault a castle outside of Prague that’s been used by the Russians as a firebase. Goal is to find Makarov’s location - Oct 12th, 2016. 
TF141 teams up with Delta Force to save the Russian president and his daughter from a diamond mine. Sandman, Grinch and Truck are presumed KIA after the mission - Oct 14th, 2016.
Task Force 141 after a long time finally get the job done and kill Makarov at the Hotel Oasis in Dubai -January 21st, 2017. 
Ghost proposes to Liz in London - February 14th, 2017. 
Liz and Ghost get married in London with a small ceremony - August 15th, 2017. 
Faith McKinnley Riley is born - May 30th, 2020
Thomas Jonathan Riley is born - September 18th, 2022
Claire Emerson Riley is born - November 20th, 2023
Alexander Michael Riley is born - August 2nd, 2025
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