#High Tiny Hairs
skunkes · 3 months
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bettie-may-page · 5 days
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Bettie Page Standing #580 Beach Ball Bettie
Photograph Repaired: Craig Stewart
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clamoridoll · 3 months
why is mattel so allergic to giving their dolls curly natural hair
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oop oc concept posting! this bad bitch is for an original story of mine - the main characters are all from different "genres", and i needed One More to round out the group and well. puppet-y guy fit the bill! i can't decide on a name!
she's from a children's show that had a western themed rock group that would provide lessons through the power of Music! she was the band guitarist until she fuckin. fell into the labyrinth & got corrupted by her found family of idiot assholes
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averlym · 1 year
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don't wanna feel anything for anyone ever again
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so-very-small · 5 months
not talking to the giant of the house at all except for every six weeks where they bleach the roots of my hair for me. sometimes they even give me a little trim.
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anghraine · 2 months
Today's unhinged "good God I hate how much extreme generosity I'm expected to extend to the Peter Jackson films by people who make wildly bad faith arguments about things I like" rant:
I am very deeply tired of people insisting with zero evidence that of course the LOTR films are imperfect, but the difficulties of adapting LOTR are such that it wasn't possible for them to be better than they were—in, apparently, any respect. They just couldn't be done better, at all, because it was so hard to make something watchable at all.
This is always just like ... really? Really?? Just what prevented them from making better decisions about anything? What exactly made casting every actor of color as barely differentiated villainous hordes in the twenty-first century so necessary and unavoidable? The glamorization and vast expansions of battle scenes and insertion of "heroic" war crimes was the highest film as a medium could aspire to in the early 2000s because of what insuperable force?
What made it impossible to give Arwen a coherent character arc? The films could not have been made without the underlying assumption that most of the cast are NPCs who will only do the right thing, when they will, if prodded or manipulated or influenced by main characters? In what way is this an inevitability of adaptation or film that simply couldn't have been conceptualized differently, much less better?
There is zero explanation or justification for why any of this stuff (or the myriad other flaws) had to be that way and couldn't have been done better in any way at any point. It's just stated that the films that exist must be the best films that could have existed because they're the ones that do exist and are popular. QED.
That doesn't make any sense, though, and it doesn't convince anyone who doesn't already agree. The idea that they could not have been better in any way (including their worst quality, which again, is the extremely racist casting), that some force was preventing not only the actual filmmakers but any filmmakers that could possibly exist from doing anything better just seems patently absurd.
You can like them and respect what they did achieve without demanding that everyone buy into a baseless and irrational argument that their pop culture success means nothing about them could possibly have been done any better. Look, I was in my mid to late teens at the time. I remember the early 2000s quite well. It wasn't now, but we are not talking about an age so divorced from our own that any of these things were somehow fundamental to the media landscape.
There are ways in which the LOTR films were very good that were essential to their popularity then and now. This does not require anyone to accept that it was literally impossible for them to be better than they are or that some defense is required against every criticism of them ever.
I am not, incidentally, talking about removing Bombadil, an entirely understandable and defensible decision that the film defenders in my notes somehow always feel the need to bring up. I know that changes had to be made, that adaptation is not a word for word transcription, that it would always be a difficult text to adapt, that structurally minor elements had to go, that they are cinematically beautiful films that a lot of work and love went into. I know this. EVERYONE knows this, because for the last 20 years it's been impossible to criticize anything about them without being reminded. Their accomplishments, and their existence, do not mean that any choice made by the filmmakers must definitionally have been the right call and could not possibly have been better in any way.
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thosedamnedghouls · 2 months
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I just know they ended up being the It couple of the school once they got together
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v3lnys · 1 hour
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crying real tears btw
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moonilit · 1 year
IM BACK AGAIN! this time….Joshua (who woke up from a coma and could still be child) trying to brush jote’s hair while she is asleep and he is trying not to have a nervous breakdown bc she precious short thingy
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Joshua failing and having a meltdown because she, indeed tiny
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truantng · 1 month
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228/366 Linktree
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
Have you even considered picking up foam swordfighting like Belegarth or Dagohir? I think you'd be very good at it and fit right in there (compliment)
I used to do Belegarth! Unfortunately there's not a league anywhere near me, as far as I know, and I don't think I'd have the time to keep up with it these days. It is a riot though!
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bettie-may-page · 26 days
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Bettie On The Farm
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iristial · 5 months
Remember when I said Lachesis is my favourite Gotchard character? I rescind that, there's this Gotchard movie exclusive character who had me pause the video and giggle like a silly schoolgirl for ten seconds
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Long coat, nice hair and speaking tone, pretty sure I had a fever dream where liking this character was my personality trait for an entire year - him -
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Can't forget these exclusive characters too <3
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Also these suits!! Best ones of the lot!
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luminarai · 8 months
I’m actively feeling like a caricature of woman from a 90s comedy because I just spent half an hour trying and discarding outfits, ending up with a bedroom covered in clothing, still feeling like I have nothing to wear and everything looks stupid and feels wrong. All because I have an appointment at the hair salon later.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
i'm halfway through this ask meme abt ravenstan staying at the broflovski house for the great hate south park embark and i cannot tell you how much it thrills me that rm!sheila went from hating ravenstan's guts and being like "you are the reason my family is in ruin; you destroyed our lives" to being like *pinches stan's cheek preciously* “this is orev :) and he's my lil matok sheli superstar <3" ft. stan beaming and her constantly mom-whacking jerseykyle with the kochlefl and reprimanding him for 'letting her son in law get away' like not even Raven Of Crimson Dawn but her Literal SON IN LAW.
anyways...branch in my EYE.
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