#Highschool Klaus Mikaelson
kasagia · 1 year
Heyy so I read your one shot called together and it made me think of a similar request what if the reader is also elena's younger sister but she never wanted to be a vampire and she used to date stefan in highschool instead of elena like in the imagine but what if she doesn't completely break up with stefan so she and klaus have a secret affair and then one day elena catches them and she ends up kicking her out and it also happens to be the same night stefan learns the truth so he kidnaps her and drives her to wickery bridge like he did with elena in season 3 and ends up turning her in front of klaus when he arrives and then klaus takes her to his mansion and convinces her to feed when she doesn't want to and promises to protect her It would be great if you could write about this<3
Cheater on the bridge
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Elena's sister! reader, Stefan Salvatore x Elena's sister! reader Summary: You've been sneaking around with Klaus for several months now, cheating on your boyfriend, Stefan. You feel terrible about it, but you're afraid to break up with Stefan because you don't know how he'll react to it. However, Elena finds out about your little affair. And everything goes to hell. Warning(s): the reader betrays Stefan, death, blood, turning into a vampire, curses, Klaus Mikaelson, etc. Word count: 5,2k
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You knew you were doing very wrong and awful thing. You had a sweet, loving boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, who would do anything to see you happy. You had great friends and family, good grades in school—you were living your teenage dream.
But then you met Klaus Mikaelson.
And you wanted more.
As soon as your eyes met, you felt that shiver of excitement run down your entire body. He too, without knowing why, became interested in you. Y/N Gilbert. The doppelgänger's sister, the girlfriend of Stefan Salvatore, whom the Mystic Gang wanted to protect at all costs from all this supernatural shit.
But then, when Stefan walked over to you and, placing his hand on your waist, led you out of the Mystic Grill under Klaus' watchful eye, you knew your life would never again be the peaceful routine you were used to.
And you were excited about it.
When Elena would have given anything for a normal, peaceful life like yours, you had an overwhelming urge to go on a dangerous adventure. Create amazing, exciting memories. And Klaus noticed it. He noticed how you were suffocating in this structured relationship and in the perfect life of an ordinary man. And he was going to take advantage of it.
In your defense, you resisted him. Really.
You sent back all the ridiculously expensive gifts like dresses, jewelry, a car, and your own horse when he found out you were taking extra riding lessons after school.
So Klaus changed tactics. He started sending you pencil portraits he'd drawn, leaving little notes with compliments and poems he'd written (the guy was amazing at praising your beauty). And you, being forever that girl locked up in the fantasy world of books and appreciating a good old Jane Austen or Brontë sisters book romance, fell into his trap.
So after he courted you, saying so many beautiful words and leaving thousands of small gifts, you gave in to him.
The tension between you must have snapped one day. And it was exactly on your 18th birthday that both your boyfriend and friends forgot about this important day for you. But Klaus remembered. And he took you to fucking Norway so you could see the Northern Lights for yourself. Let's just say the day ended so well for both of you that you made use of Klaus' long-lost villa and stayed there all weekend.
Klaus turned out to be more than willing to keep you in his arms for longer.
It was supposed to be just a one-night stand. One thing he would point out to a vamp getting on his nerves the next time he got a chance. But one night turned into two, three, four, and honestly? Klaus has already lost count of the number of times one of you ended up in the other's bed.
There was something about you that delighted Klaus and drew him to you whenever you were in each other's presence. The worst part was that neither of you could resist this strange force that drew you to each other. Of course, only for you. You didn't want to break your cute boyfriend's heart, but you couldn't resist those gorgeous blue eyes, alluring lips, and talented hands of a powerful, terrifying hybrid that somehow wanted only you in his bed and by his side. Klaus, on the other hand, didn't care about anything other than making sure you were somehow in his presence every day. Whether it was just a few minutes of conversation, lunch, dinner and breakfast, or quick, hot, stolen moments in your bedroom.
The guilt grew inside you every time you were close to Stefan. You swore to yourself that you would sever whatever ties tie you to the hybrid, but every time you saw Klaus, whatever rational decision you made just got lost in your mind.
You were too busy with Klaus' overwhelming feeling on your body to care about anything else in the world.
Over time, your trysts turned into something more. You talked to each other and enjoyed the mere presence of the other without having to do any "adult stuff".
You were starting to feel more than lust for him. And it terrified you. But you were too deeply into Klaus Mikaelson to just walk away from him. To let go forever that feeling of excitement every time you sneaked up on each other and the overwhelming feeling that only a hybrid could make you feel. Klaus has destroyed you for any other man. And you both knew it. Just like the fact that you had control over him too.
And now, lying with him in his bed, snuggling after very long hours of activities, you realized one thing: You fell for the devil, who was sleeping peacefully while holding you close to him.
You shifted slightly in his arms so that you could cup his cheek with your hand. That damn handsome face was the cause of all your moral battles going on within you. Because how could you fall in love with a man who sacrificed your sister in a ritual and nearly killed your aunt Jenna? How could you love someone who threatened to kill your loved ones? And most of all... how, despite his many sins, were you able to still see in him the shadow of humanity that he carefully hid from the world?
"I can almost feel your cerebral convolutions burn out." he muttered, snapping you out of his thoughts. He opened one eye, staring at you searchingly. "What are you thinking about?"
"About you. I feel like I've only been thinking about you lately."
"Is that wrong?" he asked, propping his head up with one hand and playing with your hair with the other.
"I don't know yet." you whispered, staring at him. You could spend the rest of your life like this. Lying next to this captivating 1,000-year-old vampire. The question is, did he share your feelings?
"So let me reassure you and say that you, too, appear in my head more often than I could possibly allow, love. Thinking about those beautiful lips or enchanting eyes has nearly ruined my plans more than once."
"Always so good with words."
"And in many other things, my little human." he murmured, leaning in to cup your lips in a tender, slow kiss.
That's how things were with Klaus: slow, tempting, irritating, until the flame between you, fueled by those little banters, started to grow to the point where you both burned each other. And it was a feeling you never wanted to deprive yourself of. It doesn't matter how unethical and unfair it was to the people close to you.
The ringing of your phone snapped you out of this haze of pleasure. You somehow pushed Klaus away from you and reached for your phone on the nightstand. Elena. You groaned. The last thing you wanted was to talk to your sister.
"Be quiet for a minute, please." you asked the hybrid before you answered the phone. "Elena? What's going on?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm home and you're nowhere to be found. Where are you?!"
"God, take it easy! You didn't let me finish. I'm at a friend's house." Klaus raised an inquiring eyebrow, smiling and barely holding back a laugh. You punched him lightly in the chest, making him chuckle louder.
"Is it a male laugh? Who are you with? What friend is this?"
"This is Bob! You know Bob from my English class. We were writing an essay together. I told you about him, didn't I?"
"Just go back home. We need to talk." you hung up, staring furiously at the man below you.
"I asked you!" you screamed, hitting the hybrid with your pillow as he burst out laughing at you.
"I'm sorry, love. But you're a terrible liar."
"Well, I'm good enough for Elena to believe me. You should be glad. You won't have a group of angry vampires storming your house." you said, throwing the pillow back into place and laying down next to Klaus again. You could have stolen a few more moments with him before returning to that circus known as your home.
"Love, you know very well that they wouldn't have the slightest chance against me." he bragged, giving you a flick on your nose which made you giggle.
"Yes, yes. You are a stunningly handsome, powerful hybrid that everyone trembles before in fear."
"I know it perfectly well, but you don't know how wonderful it is to hear it from your lips." he murmured, pulling you to him by your chin for another kiss.
"Nik. I have to go home, you've heard by yourself."
"Stay a little longer." he murmured as he kissed the way along your neck and shoulder. "I'll find you an excuse."
"You kidnapped me last week. They won't fall for it for the 5th time."
"That's what you said the last time. And guess what..." he murmured, biting into the sensitive spot under your ear.
Before you got lost in each other again, you pushed him away, straddling him. He didn't care at all, continuing to kiss every inch of your exposed skin.
"I'll come to you in the morning before you're even up. Maybe I'll even skip my class."
"I hold you to your word." he murmured, sucking on a hickey just below your collarbone. You groaned, grabbing his blonde curls. "Now run away. If you're late tomorrow, I'll come get you myself, love."
"I hold you to your word, the mighty hybrid."
"Elena, I'm home!" you shouted as you stepped over the threshold. You set your bag down by the entrance, looking around the house for any sign of your sister. "It would be nice if you would answer since you've already brought me here."
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of juice. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a note stuck to the fridge.
I went away with Damon for the weekend, Jeremy is staying with a friend tonight. Don't do any parties. Elena.
A whole house to yourself for the night? That could only mean one thing. You took your phone out of your pocket, smiling to yourself.
"Klaus? What are you doing tonight?"
"No! Don't even tell me that you did it!" you laughed with the hybrid as he told you about one of his feuds with famous people.
You really wanted to see him throw an apple at Einstein.
"You know me, love. I'm not famous for my angelic patience."
"You are not famous for anything angelic at all."
"We're very brave today, aren't we? You know that teasing the original hybrid is not a good idea." he murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand and caressing my lips with his thumb. "First, you ran away from me sooner than I wanted, and then you told me to come here as fast as I could."
'Aren't you happy to be here?" you asked, putting your hands on his shoulders and playing with his hair.
"I am…" he pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist. "But I'm not yet your boyfriend, who you could boss around."
"Yet?" you asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow.
"Yhm... yet." he murmured, catching your lips in a greedy kiss.
You moaned at the familiar, wonderful feeling of his soft lips on yours. You grabbed his necklace and dragged him into the living room with you.
With your wonderful grace, instead of sitting with him on the couch, you tripped over the coffee table. You groaned in pain, breaking the kiss and grabbing your sore leg. You would have fallen if not for your lover's strong arms.
"Fuck." you groaned, knowing full well that soon you'd have a new bruise to add to your collection.
"My clumsy little human. Come here, let me look at your terrible wound." he knelt down in front of you with a smirk, rolling up your trouser leg with unusual delicacy for him.
"Hey! This little human is capable of bringing the most powerful vampire on earth to his knees before her. Don't you dare underestimate me."
"Never, love." he murmured, before putting his lips to the spot you hit, making you shiver as soon as his plump lips made contact with your skin.
"I can kiss it better, but we both know that my blood is more effective."
"No! Only humans ways." you screamed in a panic. Klaus' wounded face quickly made you feel remorse for your sudden outburst. It wasn't his fault that you didn't want anything to do with the supernatural, and you certainly didn't want to take the risk of having vampire blood in your system. Typically, such a person ended up dead, waiting for his transformation. Even though your lover and boyfriend were vampires, eternity wasn't for you. "But it would be great if you took me to my bedroom."
"I don't think you're so hurt that you can't move on your own, love." he said with an amused smirk.
"That's because you've been invulnerable for a thousand years. You don't even know what a life-threatening condition I'm in right now. The only cure is my comfortable bed and your warm arms around me."
"Well, then I have to make sure my favorite human survives." he took you in his arms, laughing at how quickly you wrapped your hands around him.
With the skill of stealth practiced over months, he went straight to your room. Even knowing that no one but you is at home. It's just that both of you are used to hiding from the eyes of your friends and his family by now.
From the scowl on Klaus' face as soon as you entered the room, you could tell he looked again at the photo (of you and Stefan kissing) on your nightstand that he hated.
"You should burn it." he grunted, setting you down on the bed and standing tense in front of you, obviously not going to join you.
"It's a picture of me and my boyfriend. If he suddenly disappears, Elena and gang might get suspicious."
"Next time Kol and I fight them in here, I'll make sure it lands in the fireplace."
"Mr. Mikaelson... are you jealous?" you asked with a mischievous smirk, pulling him to you so that he was straddling you.
"No." he murmured as he kissed you and knocked the photo frame onto the carpet with one hand. "We both know who you really belong to. And one day, when you pluck up the courage to drop our ripper... I'd be happy to tell him what I've been doing with his sweet, tempting, resourceful girlfriend." he bit your neck, making you moan as he grabbed his shoulders. "And believe me, love, I'll tell him about all the beautiful sounds you made for me."
"Nik..." you moaned, grabbed his hair, and pulled him into another desperate kiss.
Too lost in each other's touch, lips, and scent, you didn't notice that someone had entered the house until your room door opened.
"Y/N you can't even imagine what Damon did. Y/N?!" your sister screamed as soon as she saw you making out with her worst enemy. "What are you doing?! And with him?! You're dating Stefan!"
"You want me to leave you two alone?" he asked, not bothering with the angry brunette. He watched you with obvious concern in his blue eyes as you tried to control your horror at the romance being wasted.
And by whom! Months of careful hiding, only to be discovered by Elena.
"Yes! Get out of here, Klaus!" your sister screamed, trying to push him out of the room, to which the hybrid didn't react at all. He just stared at you, waiting patiently for your response.
"It's okay. You can go. I'll call you later." you assured him with a gentle smile. Klaus stared at you unconvinced for a moment, but finally nodded and left, not forgetting to kiss you on the forehead and shoot Elena a murderous glare.
You sighed as the hybrid left the room. You knew you could feel completely safe with him when you were alone. But with the equally furious (and impetuous) Elena in the same room? Hell would break loose. And you doubted your sister would be lucky enough to survive this time.
"What the hell was that?! Do you have any idea what you're even doing?! YOU'RE CHEATING ON STEFAN! And with who?! The original who nearly killed me and Jenna!"
"Are you finished? Close the door behind you, you're making a draft."
"Is that what you meant? Were you trying to make me mad by making out with him in our house? You could at least spare Stefan the embarrassment and break up with him before you fucked Klaus like a whore."
"Really? Are you trying to make this about yourself? God, you're more fucked up than me, Elena. At least I don't put myself at the center of the damn universe."
"You're cheating on Stefan, you really don't see that as a problem Y/N?!"
"Well, you and Caroline have been drooling over him ever since he got here. He'll probably find comfort in either of you pretty quickly. I doubt he's particularly grieving for me." you tried your best to lie to Elena, but the truth was, you were afraid of Stefan's reaction.
Lately, Salvatore has been flooding you with various date propositions, texts, and phone calls. At one point, Klaus threw your phone out the window because you couldn't focus on him. He got a huge, angry lecture from you, and from then on, he allowed you a short text to dismiss your boyfriend while you were with a hybrid. But you knew you couldn't hide the truth any longer. It hadn't been fair to him from the very beginning of this secret, forbidden affair with Klaus.
"You know what. I'm sick of you, Y/N. Get out of here."
"Get out of here. Maybe Klaus will take you in. Honestly? I don't care. You don't deserve an ounce of attention. Not after what you've done."
You gave her an incredulous look. You shook your head in amusement, laughing as you passed a very serious and pissed off brunette.
You didn't want to make your sister (and yourself) any more angry. So without saying a word, you just took your car keys, wallet, and phone and left the house.
You dialed Klaus' number in the car. You patiently waited for him to pick up as you drove out of downtown Mystic Falls and headed towards his mansion. You were hoping he'd put you up for the night until you found a way out of this sick situation.
You knew that your cheating on Stefan with Klaus was a huge blow to the younger Salvatore, something he didn't deserve at all, but Elena overreacted by kicking you out of the house. It was just between you and Stefan (and maybe also Nik). Your sister had no right to make such a drama linking your falling in love with Klaus to wanting to throw her off balance. It wasn't your fault that most of the hot guys wanted to kill her.
"Hello, love. Is everything okay? You looked quite terrified when I left. Are you sure that you don't want me to come to you? I can always get in by a window..."
"No. Actually, I'm on my way to your house. Will you have any free beds for me?"
"We both know that my bed is the most comfortable and sufficient for the two of us, love."
You were about to say something funny to his taunt, but suddenly something jumped out in front of your car. You screamed, trying to swerve and avoid the thing, but you ran straight into a tree. After that, there was only darkness.
The first thing you felt when he regained consciousness was blood slowly trickling down the side of your head. You groaned, pressing your hand to the bleeding wound.
Surprisingly, the first thing that popped into your mind after the accident was not to check your health. You were worried that Klaus panicked upon hearing you hit a tree over the phone, probably smashing your car. You could only think about Klaus... at least before you noticed you were still in the car.
"Finally you woke up. I was afraid you crashed into that tree so hard that you died before I planned it." your head shot towards the driver's seat, where your boyfriend's voice was coming from. You groaned as you made a sudden move.
"Stefan?" you asked in surprise as your eyes widened. Wait... dead? He wants my death? You looked around in panic, realizing that the vampire had tied you to the chair.
"Did you forget about me? I heard from Elena that you found yourself a new boyfriend. Klaus, really? I didn't expect you to stoop so low."
"Well, I couldn't go any lower after dating you anyway." you said, coughing up blood.
"I gave you some of my blood so our fun wouldn't end too soon. I also invited Klaus. He'll be sitting in the front row, watching you slowly die, suffocating underwater." the speedometer showed 180 km/h. And Stefan was just accelerating. Your heart beat faster in panic as you tried to find a way out of this situation. Preferable one that doesn't include your drowning.
He must have switched off his humanity the moment Elena gave him the fucking good news. That's why you were afraid to tell Stefan about it. You didn't want his "dark side" to go outside to play. And now you were paying a fair price for your many lies. You were just fucking hoping that Elena would feel a hell of a lot of guilt when you died.
"Stefan. Listen. I know I cheated on you and did the worst possible thing to you by hiding in corners with Klaus and still giving you hope. I should have broken up with you the moment things started happening between me and Klaus, but I didn't. And no apologies from me can make up for that, and you have every right to be mad at me, angry, crazy. But if you kill me now, you'll never forgive yourself. You know I'm not going to become a vampire; I'm going to die the moment this car goes down in the water. Are you ready to have one more innocent soul on your conscience, ripper?" you asked in a broken voice, fearing for your life. It wasn't supposed to end like this.
"That's the thing, Y/N. I don't care anymore."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw us drive onto that famous bridge, where he saved your and your sister's lives. How ironic that your life was to end in exactly the same place and by the same man who had saved it there earlier.
You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to fall, when suddenly Stefan stopped the car. You opened your eyes, sighing in relief.
Klaus came to save you.
"This is probably the moment you should run away while you still have your head on your shoulders!"
Stefan pulled you out of the car by your hair, his hand on your back dangerously close to your heart. He stopped a few steps in front of Klaus, who looked surprisingly calm for him. At least for someone who doesn't know him. You could see fear and anxiety in his eyes, the way he gently clenched his jaw, and the stance he assumed.
"I think this time I'm the one with the advantage." you groaned in pain as he dug his hand into your side. You felt blood start to trickle from your new wound, staining your already bloody and torn shirt. The hybrid wanted to move, but suddenly ran into some invisible barrier. Bonnie must have cast a spell on him. Klaus growled a warning as Stefan's fangs were dangerously close to your neck. "One wrong move, and I'll do my ripper trick on your new toy, Klaus."
"Let her go. It's me you hate. You want revenge on me, not on her."
"You both deserve to be punished. Whatever I do with her, I'll get revenge on you in the process. You care so much about her, Klaus? A weak man who wants to live a gray, boring life? You'd get bored with her eventually. Actually, I'm giving you a beautiful gift. With her death, she will become a vampire. All you'll have to do to transform her is to pour blood down her throat. And believe me, Y/N, your lovely Klaus will rather make you end the transition than let you die."
You couldn't cry. You promised yourself that your fast heartbeat and trembling would be the only signs of fear that Stefan would notice.
"If you don't let her go now, I'll kill everyone and everything…" you didn't hear the rest as your neck was broken like a twig under Stefan's hands. And your body fell to the ground with Klaus' loud scream.
Coming back to life after death should be a dramatic, suspenseful, and overall poignant moment. In your case, it was like waking up after a very long nap (probably after some big party, judging from your headache).
"Y/N!" Klaus' worried gasp reached your ears the moment you moved slightly.
You groaned as the light from the bedside lamp in his room illuminated you. Klaus' bedroom. He had to move you here after Stefan broke your neck. Salavtore broke your neck. You must be in a transition process.
"I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe. My siblings are chasing the Salvatores and their gang all over town. I'll make sure none of them ever hurt you again." he murmured, kissing your forehead and pulling you closer to him. "I swear to you, you'll never have to be afraid of anyone again."
"Niklaus." somehow you managed to break free from the clingy hybrid's arms and sit on his bed. You clutched your head as the world around you began to spin. Klaus' warm hand cupped yours, anchoring you. After a while, everything stopped. It was just you, breathing heavily with a very worried 1000-year-old vampire by your side. "I can't stay with you. I... I can't be a vampire." you whispered as tears began to fill your eyes and all the stress from tonight began to turn into a terrifying panic.
"Love..." his pained look only intensified your despair and tears.
"No. Nik I-I can't live forever. I can't feed on the blood of innocent people... I... I don't want to die." you clung to him, crying into his chest like a little child.
You felt one of his hands wrap around your waist, placing you on his lap, and the other soothingly combing your hair.
"Shhh.. you don't have to be afraid, love. I'll be there for you, whatever you decide—even if these are your last hours. I'm not going to leave you alone. I don't want to convince you of anything, but if you decide that forever doesn't seem like such a bad idea, just know that I'll make sure you're not going through this on your own. I will help you control hunger, deal with overwhelming emotions. I can even steal blood from hospitals, hunt squirrels, or give you my own." you burst out laughing, imagining him running around the woods looking for squirrels. Klaus smiled at your laugh. He wiped the tears from your cheek with his thumb, looking at your tear-stained, snotty, and reddened face with great tenderness. "Being a vampire doesn't have to be so terrible. You have the whole world in front of you. And with me by your side? I'll make sure that you enjoy every second of your eternity. Only if you want it."
"What if I turn out to be a ripper like Stefan? Or my character will change completely, and you won't want me anymore? What if my darkness dominates and destroys my humanity?"
"I'll always love you, Y/N. Nothing can change that. If you end transition, I'll keep an eye on you. I won't let any of the things you're worried about happen. You have my word. You're everything that matters to me." you decided not to bring up the fact that he had just confessed his true feelings to you for now and instead buried your head between his neck and shoulder.
"Don't say that line. I only associate it with Elijah." you whispered with a smile, inhaling his scent, which brought you calm and safety.
"I could have predicted you'd focus solely on that sentence." he snorted indignantly, placing a kiss on your temple.
You sat there in silence for a while, hugging each other and soaking up each other's warmth. Klaus was drawing patterns on the exposed skin of your arm. Only now did you notice that he had changed you into his clothes. A strange feeling flooded your chest, warming your already flushed cheeks.
A persistent thought in the back of your mind snapped you out of this sweet moment between you two. You could have it forever. His arms around you. His lips on yours. His whispers in your ear. It could all be yours for eternity.
And maybe you didn't want to be a vampire. Maybe you wanted to live a normal life before, with your family, children, husband, boring job, and terrible boss. But now that Klaus has offered his eternal protection and affection?
You were too covetous to let him go. Too greedy for his affection and devotion to follow your beliefs. And so you have (willingly) gone against yourself since the beginning of this relationship. So what bad could happen this time? At least you'd be still alive.
"Okay." his intent gaze moved from your skin to your eyes, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "You've stuck with me. I'm gonna feed."
"Are you sure, Y/N?" he turned you around in his arms so that he could look at your face, searching for even an ounce of hesitation and uncertainty.
"Yes. After all, someone has to make sure you don't kill them all before they get what they're due. You are not famous for your patience."
"We will punish them. Together." he said, handing you the already prepared bag of blood from his nightstand. 0 Rh-. His favourite. You felt the hunger overwhelm you.
"Together." you agreed, taking the sack and groaning while sucking on all its contents. Klaus interrupted you from time to time, wanting you to slow down.
As you pulled away, Klaus took the empty bag from your hands, throwing it behind him. He gently stroked your cheek with his thumb, watching with fascination the changes slowly taking place in you. He couldn't wait to introduce you to his world.
"For always and forever." he murmured as he slid the daylight ring on your finger. You smiled as you saw the initials of your name and his surname carved into the lapis lazuli stone.
The son of a bitch must have been prepared for this a long time ago.
"For awlays and forever." you promised, sealing your fate by placing a fervent kiss on his lips.
From then on, you were a proud member of the Mikaelson family. And honestly? You haven't regretted your decision for even one second.
Certainly not when you both took your revenge. Or when Klaus proposed to you the right way. Or when you got married. Not for a brief moment of your eternity together.
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Taking the Mikaelsons to a Concert
IK a bitch was gone, but a bitch is back… sparingly. I been on tumblr doing my shit but ummm I started this shit while in highschool like sophomore year… It’s been a year since I graduated college…. Anyway, fuck it we ball bc someone needs ot get this shit wet first with the Mikaelson’s… shout out to @starlightandfairies @wholoveseggs @klausysworld for holding it down. I love everyones work, y'all be feeding the fandom
If it’s snowin’ I ain’t going… leggo (once again, I write this for niggas. Mwah, to freedom)
So primarily I feel like the Mikaelsons would all be down to going to a concert, I mean Nicki, Doja, Lil Nas X, Mariah the Scientist, Chloe Bailey, Drake, Jhene Aiko, Victoria Monet, the Weekend, Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott--- you get the point. You are the object of their desires and affections so they’ll go…. But what will ensue???
For nosey bitches in the back I got y’all…. This is Klaus finally biting the bullet and taking you to a Nicki concert, the Pink Friday 2 tour!
First, it would take hella time to even get him to go, this man is busy running lives, making hybrids, acting like he a real active party in whatever council shit he bullied his way into in New Orleans, and like running Rebekah’s love life…. He be busy 
He probably feels like he should take you out for something, so he asks you what you want. Anything your heart wants he’ll give it no problem: private helicopter tour of NYC, a week in Brazil, couples massage, hell even go see puffins up in Iceland. But you know what your bitch ass asks for?
To see Onika Tanya Maraj…. As you should
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This man is staring at you like “Love… who is that?” And you look at him and tell him “Nicki Minaj, Nicki Lewinski, Nicki the Ninja, Nicki the Boss, Nicki The Harajuku Barbie…. Have you not learned????” And he just stares at you in amusement like ‘it’s no Mozart, you modern women have such…. Vulgar tastes… but I will endorse this, for you my love”
Wait till he gets there AHAHAHAAAAA
You’re pulled up in all your glory, pink everything, sunnies on, gloss on, heels as big as his dick… And you know I don’t think Klaus would ever let you put him in pink spandex. But I think he’ll allow like a shirt of Nicki’s face on him, and like maybe a barbie chain on his neck… He’s a hybrid, he can’t be seen out like this (you def sent photos to the rest of the family of this). 
I feel like Klaus would be chill af with the crowds and shit, until bitches start getting rowdy when Roman comes on stage. I feel like he’ll just be vibing, but mostly looking at you as you lose your shit 
“A 100 MUTHAFUCKA CAN’T TELL ME NOTHING, I BEEZ IN THE TRAP”... bby chill, you’ll sweat that wig off and it’ll slip back. But deadass, it’s like another beast when she comes out and it activates something in you. Like the regular old human that Klaus knew of is gone, and is replaces by a bad bitch that would definitely put her shoe on his neck and he likes that
Funny enough, there is one song that Klaus would know all the words to… Moment for Life-- HEAR MY OUT, DAMN. Ok, the song is about literally getting everything you want and being at a point where no one can touch you or even fathom to be at your height of success or clout. Klaus Mikaelson gets whatever he wants, no one touches him-- or if they do, they won’t live long enough to tell the tale. King shit, so imagine your surprise when you hear this man over everyone else singing along and being into it
Yeah, did that shit. “What I tell 'em hoes? Bow, bow, bow to me, drop down to ya knees” Drake type man…. And towards the end just reminisce of all the people, woman, children, and villages he pillaged to get where he is now… mentally deranged, having a god complex and inferiority complex at the same damn time, and daddy issues while treating his siblings like his own dad LMFAOOOO
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Good luck Klaus whores
And then when she starts bringing in old shit like the songs with Sean Kingston or Gyptian…. Oh boy, I know that man is catching a whine as you yell at him “YOU’RE SO PRETTY AND YOU’RE NICE YUH DUN KNO SEH NICKI AS YO WIFE” Ik you bitches telling Klaus exactly that and putting emphasis on wife bc where tf this Icelandic viking silverback think he going????
But as the show goes on, it’s a cute experience between you two as you guys kinda switch roles and you get to be super unhinged and rock out with the other people there and go bar for bar. Like you couldn’t fuck Michael Kors if you was FUCKIN’ Michael Kors
dabs sweat off my forehead
He’s happy to take you home and baby you when you come from the energy drop, but he will be wondering were that energy comes from bc you ain’t putting all that work in when he fucks you soooooo
Ok so for this one…. Give me a Lil Nas X, Doja Cat, and Rico Nasty ass collab in a concert (bc that’s my dream lineup and y’all can take all my money). I feel like Rebekah needs the girl power and the gays for this so let me cook
I deadass feel you wouldn’t need to convince her of shit, she’d be the one to ask if you wanted to go because she’s heard some of their songs via you jamming in the bathroom and just booked tickets as soon as you said yes. Hey, it’s to make you happy and you deserved to be pampered-- and she’s trying to get in her modern experiences since she was in a box for a long ass time
1st song is Montero, it has to be she definitely wants to fucked out from the jet lag and becoming part of the mile high club-- it’s her thing. Plus she loves the glitter and probably being two glitter gay/bi/whatever floats your boat people that are dressed in matching outfits, but different color combos. Titties are out, and y’all are sprayed down in glitter
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Then after that I feel like it would be Rico Nasty coming in hot with “SLAP A BITCH” and I know you and Rebekah felt this song on a spiritual level, so it’s both you screaming in each others faces while she has her arms wrapped around you bc she loves love.
Then it pops off with “STFU” bc a lot fo y’all hoes needs to take a seat and shut the fuck up when big bitches are in the room… anyways, personal issues. A lot of y’all do not need a mic and are not the big titty bitches y’all make yourself out to be… and take the mics away from podcast men, please. I BEG
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But anyways, it’s really a whole anthem to all the rock/rap alt girlies out here. Rebekah isn’t used to the music, but she can get buck wild to it, especially when it comes down to Doja and RIco when they interchange with “Swamp Bitches”.... That’s my shit ngl
Nah bc opening a verse with “I WISH DEATH ON ALL YOU BITCHES” was insane… love you Rico <3 That song makes you wanna fight ever bitch in the state that ever did you wrong, every bitch working at goodwill that couldn’t take your brothers army discount bc you wasn’t personally in the army, the wack ass bitch at the post office that didn’t want to work there that day, and that grandma down the block that keep eyeing you and telling you that you ain’t hot shit… she wasn’t even hot shit when Project C hit the neighborhood and niggas were getting sprayed with hoses
I truly feel like she’d appreciate the girl time with you, and just to be, and have her shit out and have fun. It’s what she deserves
I know I been on the black artists wave, but for the niggas that really be feeling shit NF just knows and I feel like with Kols past of always being the forgotten sibling, not being i the pack of “always and forever”, dying all the fucking time, and getting treated like shit by everyone else unless they need to minute magical thing that’s super important he’s left in the dark
He is the most self-aware sibling out of everyone out this fuck ass family. And I feel for him honestly, being the black sheep, being the outcast. Being able to use your magic when you were a witch and then all of a sudden you can’t do that shit anymore because you’re dumb ass mom wants to make y’all fucking vampires and freaks of nature and then wants to kill you, like it was your fault in the first place? Shit was really whack.
Like he calls his family and siblings out for having a para social relationship that is super into emotional and measurements, and having no boundaries whatsoever, killing other peoples lovers, putting them in coffins just so Klaus doesn’t feel like he’s losing his siblings because he can always take them whenever he goes. But they’re still in a box, they’re not living life they’re not being happy. And that just shows how much class is really his daddy‘s son, even though his dad really isn’t his dad because his mom cheated on, her husband with a werewolf. And Kol clocks all of that.
So I feel that he would really vibe with NF, I really do. Therapy session, intro, hope, all of those songs the whole album really would have him crying in your arms at sometime around midnight when he just came over to listen to some tunes and have a good time, and I feel like you introduce NF to him. He gets hugged, and he knows that NF is speaking about his life someway somehow and it just really hits him and he just cries in your arms for that time
I don’t care how corny you think this man is, this is real music and he writes about things that are real, and that happens to him. The song mansion is legitimately about Kol’s life with being being abandoned and abused by his own family, and his own father, as class was taking most of the beatings, he still had to watch all of that. But being the middle child that he was, he just was overlooked, and that probably speaks as to why he acted out and didn’t get any of attention that he deserves.
And I feel that as Kol gets into a relationship relationship with you, you being his black queen, because I know that man was up in Hady for some reason helping him with the revolution. He just doesn’t give a fuck does what he wants to do so it makes sense why he would be with the black woman because it’s just everything, they are on earthly, they are Wisdom and magic and chest seal combined into a specific human type. And I love this for them, I love this for me.
But anyways, back to the subject at hand. I feel like you, dear reader, would surprise Kol with NF tickets because he’s been wanting to go for a long time, and you guys went dress up any fancy just probably black, cute little combat, boots and things like that. And then just head to the show. But as soon as the show starts, he probably starts off with one of his hard hitters. I’m imagining either therapy session, or mansion to really get the tears going. And it’s really just the two of you standing side-by-side, maybe even hand and hand shouting every single lyric word for word, and just letting out all the shadow work and trauma, that you two have built up over the past couple years, granted Kol is Literally hundreds of years old, and you’re probably someone your 20s or 30s. But trauma is trauma and y’all need to deal with that.
Bc deadass, these lyrics are Kol: “What's my definition of success? Listening to what your heart says. Standing up for what you know is. Right, while everybody else is” because in every single episode, when Kol says not to mess with some dumb shit that causes about to fucking do everyone else ignores him, even Elijah, and they fuck around and find out, and they all of a sudden need help. And then complain like no one told them exactly what the fuck was going to happen in the first place. This man is always right, and he needs people to listen more to him. He’s been listening to what his heart says, he’s been going out and meeting new people and trying to live a life that he would really be proud of. Even though he’s very much unhinged and still acts out because he wants to be king of the world and wants to have some form of control like Klaus has because he knows that he can never get away from Klaus.
And then, when I feel like it’s towards the end of the show, and NF finally drops, hope, I feel like that’s when Kol really starts to let go of things a little bit, and really start listening to lyrics and make a promise to himself with like, maybe fighting against his dark side, a little bit of all the things that he’s known, and then just digging himself a deeper hole. He wants to actually get better for you, and for himself to have a healthy relationship. Because he’s never had that in his life, and you’re just not a play thing to him at all.
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“Thirty years of running, thirty years of searching. Thirty years of hurting, thirty years of pain. Thirty years of fearful, thirty years of anger. Thirty years of empty, thirty years of shame. Thirty years of broken, thirty years of anguish…. I’m taking the reins” so it’s really just him taking the reins of his life, and just making it better than whatever it actually was. And I hope that can be therapy, I really do. But this whole concert experience would really just be a gigantic therapy session for Cole, but also having fun with you because there’s no one else that he would let see that vulnerable and that lively and have his whole façade slip down like that besides you.
But he’d be a Drake fan, Travis Scott, and probably XXXtentacion… he’s still a menace, but he’s a healed menace…. well, healing.
Here is the black womans whore himself… and my man *does the debby ryan* 
I know that Elijah appreciates music in general, that man literally writes his own concertos, plays the piano, plays the violin. He is classically trained. And I expect nothing less. Honestly, he really is him. And he is also still very much worse than Klaus, even though he would like to believe that he is not.
Honestly, I don’t think you would really have to introduce Elijah to rap or hip-hop music. I feel like he would already be in Erykah Badu fan, probably really like the Beastie Boys, was into old school, underground in New York, hip-hop and rap. He was probably there, underground, too, for shits and giggles when he wanted a break. So no, I don’t think you would have to introduce him to hip-hop, maybe to a couple artists and everything. But, that doesn’t need help with that department
I feel like Elijah would definitely be a Kendrick, Lamar, J. Cole fan in the rap game and even Lil Wayne too. But I want to get into some good old Tom foolery before I say my crème de la crème.
With the whole Kendrick, J. Cole and Drake beef, that’s happening, I don’t think that Elijah would ever take any sides. But I do feel like he would definitely keep up with the news, even though you wouldn’t expect them to, with the whole suit and everything.
To start off, I feel like you being the reader would bring up the whole rap beef thing to Elijah. Since two weeks ago, you already brought up the Megan Thee Stallion versus Nicki Minaj rap beef that was happening. And now, this time it is Kendrick versus everyone, fuck the big three it’s just big me nigga BUM
And I feel like it would be brought up during lunch or something since you guys have lunch together, and you’re just giving him the whole play-by-play and then letting him listen to the song. And I feel like you need to play a couple times for him, so he really gets to like listen to lyrics and understand because one thing about it is…. Metro dissed everyone in morse code
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Mans said “BUM” with his chest
Like I know, J. Cole was on his bike on his way to the studio. As soon as he heard what Kendrick Lamar said, but then again, he could also not be doing anything because he’s not the type to just be on Rappy just to get some shit going you know?
But anyways, I feel like Elijah would totally indulge in this, and he would write down a whole play-by-play with what everything means because the power money and respect? “Sweetheart, Drake is the money, Jermaine Coke is the respect, and Kendrick is the power….” I can fully foresee that man giving you a dissertation on every single line and lyric and how it is a jab at every single one of them, and the meaning is behind it. You got not only a history professor, but one of the great literary investigators of all time for no reason.
I feel like Elijah is low-key. Also waiting for Drake and J. Cole to respond to what Kendrick said about them. And he’s so messy, for he really is, because he acts all high and mighty but he’s really waiting for the gossip about what people about to say
But moving along from the rat beef, I really do feel like this man would be a Lil Wayne fan because Lil Wayne was setting a standard early in the 2000s and probably even before then about how he really is one of the best rappers out there. Like, no one else was doing it like him and no one else doesn’t like him, and will never do it like him. You would catch yourself humming to a Lil Wayne, and I feel like that man would pick it up instantly, and just go bar for bar on whatever humming note that you were on and it’s amazing, but it seems so out of character for him, but it’s really not.
Because this concert is going to be one hell of a trip because first and foremost he is not going there with a suit on, you’re going to have to get this man to be casual. Which shouldn’t be hard because he loves you, you’re his little chocolate drop, pumpkin. But putting this man in a leather jacket and some jeans and whatever shoes that are comfortable for him to wear at this concert is gonna be one thing. Fighting off other bitches while in the crowd is going to be another thing entirely as well.
But listening to him, actually let lose for the good two hours that you’ll be there at the concert screaming at your lungs, and listening to this man stay on rhythm beat and have actual breath control when he’s going for a speed to is going to be insane in mind melting
Let’s be honest, you wanna fuck this man on the regular basis just because he’s him. But you’re telling me that he’s cultured and he can wrap and knows what the fuck he’s talking about?
Coochie hours have been extended
And it gets even worse when he knows that this turns you on so anytime that you turn back to look at him he’s already looking at you, wrapping the verse with little to no effort and giving you those bad eyes because he just knows. He knows what he’s doing to you and you have no Other choice but to either look away or to hold eye contact because we both know this is gonna end up messy when you guys get back to the Airbnb or hotel room
“I said, "He's so sweet, make her wanna lick the wrapper" So I let her lick the rapper”, and this mans eyes are dead set on you and his gives the lip bite… Yeah yeah… time for me to gooooo
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
Hi! I would love to hear why you think Klaus and Bonnie would be a compatible or at least fascinating match :) I can tell you're going to turn me into a Klonnie shipper even though the last thing I need in my life is another doomed OTP!!
Hey :D I love a good doomed ship it makes the fandom more interesting especially in terms of creativity tbh.
Bonnie had proven herself to be just as morally corrupt as other characters as needed. Sure, it wasn’t to the extreme of others but it existed especially if her friends were threatened. That type of loyalty and strength would be what Klaus would like because of how possessive and selfish he is.
There’s Bennett-Mikaelson connections through the lore of TVD. Ayana was Esther’s mentor. Abby entombed Mikael. Then in present there’s Esther prasing Bonnie for being the one to fight Klaus. Elijah recruited Bonnie to do it. Both Bonnie and Klaus have parental struggles on both sides. Klaus is more forefront than Bonnie’s but it exists. Tagging my friends content here :).
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Klaus was introduced with an affinity for witches (Gloria, Maddox, Greta..)it was just dropped after well you know ;). But in a sibling light I could see both Rebekah and Kol taking a liking to Bonnie. Rebekah wanted that normal highschool experience and Kol was formerly a witch. We got a little bit of Kennett moments in s4 but that was dropped. Bonnie is the only TVD character to never have her own side friend out the group.
Narratively TVD would’ve just had to work with their few key points to make Klonnie a slow burn ship from s2-4 tbh. Bonnie kept getting the short-stick. Season 3 she got cheated on, her mother abandoned again, she had all the reasons to distant herself from her friends and end up in someone’s darker arms. The Mikaelson Ball ep Esther is leeching off Bonnie and her bloodline yet Bonnie is no where to be found… huh… Bonnie doesn’t get enough in universe credit for her actions because she has not only nearly killed Klaus she has saved his life(and everyone else’s.)
Season 4 Bonnie was dipping into a darker side with Expression and she blindly trusted Shane just to learn magic. It would be another moment for Klaus to try and get in her good graces. Klaus would have to open up emotionally for Bonnie to sympathize with him. I think they would challenge each other. Bonnie is one of the female characters who can fight back to people who are trying to harm her in a way Elena or Caroline can’t tbh.
Bonnie wasn’t just any witch either she was a Bennett which her family is responsible for nearly everything in TVD. I don’t think Klaus would’ve suddenly became a “Disney prince” type of BF by any means but I could see the relationship working. Klaus is still an elitist bastard with years of knowledge Bonnie would want. Bonnie is willing to give that loyalty to anyone who is good to her. Cami is seen as good and she even falls for Klaus lmao.
Last point people only play morality clauses with Bonnie because the series does. By the end of TVD Bonnie considers Damon not Elena or Caroline or Matt her bestfriend. That should say enough about what Bonnie would allow but….The writers and fans will argue that Bonnie doesn’t deserve to be paired up with toxic men or women but TVD never introduced anyone that was “morally good” by our world standards. Even Enzo physically harmed Bonnie pre-relationship. The other leads are white and never held to the same standards. Elena said it was Stefan until it wasn’t. Caroline said no to Klaus until she didn’t. Hayley’s arc includes with her fucking Klaus and dating Elijah… the list could continue.
Hope I made it all clear 😁.
Tagging some of my friends accounts who love Klonnie too: @klonnieshippersclub @melmedardasworld @mythorhuman @24kmagiic @bennettmaximoff
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buckybarnesb-tch · 3 months
Klaus Mikaelson Series
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Klaus’ Trip to Wonderland 🧸🔥⚜️ (Fin)
Omega Auction A/B/O 🧸🔥✨⚜️ (Fin)
Beaten in Lips 🧸🔥⚜️ (Fin)(Twilight Crossover)
The Art Nerd (Modern Highschool Au)🧸🔥⚜️ (Fin)
One Little Trip to the ER (Yan!Doctor)🥀🔥⚜️ (Fin)
Mikaelson’s Party Pt.1 A/B/O🧸⚜️
Mikaelson’s Party Pt.2 A/B/O🧸⚜️
A Wolf’s Perfect Mate Pt.1🐺🔥🧸⚜️
Hybrids Mafia Princess 🔥🧸✨⚜️
I Don’t Want a Crown Pt.1🥀🔥🧸⚜️
I Don’t Want a Crown Pt.2 (Fin)
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the-maidofmischief · 3 months
I'm obsessed with your ElenaSarah gifset. Do you have any headcanons about them?
Ahhhh I'm glad someone took an interest in it!
They are both lesbians
Sarah is lowkey a womanizer and she likes to flirt a lot
In my AU Sarah gets introduced in S2. Katherine finds out about her and she reveals her the truth about her family, to turn Damon and Stefan against each other again, to distract them from her real plans
Sarah wants revenge against Damon for what happened to her family
when they first met (in highschool, Sarah is the new student) they don't know about the identity of each other, Elena immediately gets a crush and Sarah flirts a lot with her (Sarah has never met Katherine directly at this point of the show, everything was revealed to her throught Mason)
Then they met again at the Salvatore’s house, Stefan introduce them
Elena and Stefan are just besties
When Elena broke up with Matt because she realized her sexuality, he vented to Tyler and Vicky who accidentally spread the word (after the summer, before highschool started again).
Caroline and Bonnie are very protective over Elena
Elena still manages to become friends with Damon, and is one of the few people convinced that there is good in him and that he can change
This is what causes the initial conflict between Sarah and Elena
despite some misunderstandings, the two of them start to work together against Katherine and Klaus plans
Sarah eventually forgives Damon (his goal in my AU is not to get the girl, but to make amend to stefan and sarah)
Sarah likes to take pictures of Elena when she doesn't notice, because she thinks that's when she's at her most genuine
Elena fell first, Sarah fell harder
Elena is more open about her feelings, but she’s not sincere with Sarah about it, because she doesn’t think they are requited. Also because Elena think that the more people get close to her, the more they get hurt.
They bond a lot over their messed up family’s history
They share their first kiss in S3 during the Mikaelson’s party
They don’t become a couple yet cause *miscommunication* aka Elena thinks that for Sarah is just sexual attraction, Sarah thinks that Elena is pretending to have feelings for her to get her help.
everything is resolved between them after Elena dies and becomes a vampire, because she finds the courage to reveal her true feelings to Sarah, and the two begin to communicate properly
They officialy start to date and Sarah is very supportive during Elena’s time as a vampire
First time they have sex Sarah is very turned on by the fangs
They switch, but its mostly service top Elena and power bottom Sarah
Elena likes to gift Sarah flowers
They like to train together, bit every session ends up with them having sex
Caroline and Stefan are their biggest shippers
Both Elena and Sarah likes to confide to Bonnie more tho
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Klaus Mikaelson wäre ein Simp für ein gemobbtes Mädchen, würbe beinhalten:
(Deutsche Version) 
Auf Nachfrage von  @queenmikaelson auf Deutsch gepostet.
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Ships, die enthalten sind:
⚜ Klaus Mikaelson X Gemobbter! Mensch! Leser (Weibliches Geschlecht)
Angefordert von:
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Jetzt die Headcanons:
⚜️Du gehst auf die High School und hast endlich dein Abschlussjahr vor dir. Wegen *Problemen* müsstest du deine Klasse nochmal wiederholen.
⚜️Nun, wie kannst du eine Klasse bestehen, ohne dabei zu sein?
⚜️Du hast letztes Jahr die ganze Zeit krank gespielt und deswegen schlechte Noten bekommen.
⚜️Du hast nur übersprungen, weil ein neues Mädchen an deine Schule gekommen ist. Sie kam aus New Orleans und zog in Ihre Gegend.
⚜️Ihr Standort war nur 2 Stunden mit dem Auto von New Orleans entfernt.
⚜️Früher hattest du die besten Freunde, die du dir vorstellen kannst, aber....
⚜️Nichts hält ewig.
⚜️Das neue Mädchen ist die manipulativste, unaufrichtigste und kontrollierendste Person der Welt.
⚜️Sie hat alle deine Schulkameraden gegen dich aufgehetzt.
⚜️Du weißt, dass du nicht die perfekte Person warst, aber du hast es nicht verdient.
⚜️ Niemand verdient Mobbing.
⚜️Auch wenn alle gegen dich sind, versuchst du sie als Lügnerin zu entlarven.
⚜️Du verlierst immer gegen sie.
⚜️Und das spürst du jeden Tag mehr. Mental oder Psychisch.
⚜️Es war mehr seelische Gewalt, aber du hast immer wieder blaue Flecken oder Narben bekommen.
⚜️ Es war noch kein Knochenbruch oder ähnliches passiert.
⚜️ Nun zurück in die heutige Zeit. Sie müssten die Klasse noch einmal wiederholen ... aber Ihr Mobber würde es auch tun.
⚜️Und dein Mobber hatte schon vor, ihr wieder mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu verschaffen.
⚜️Nun, sie hatte Spaß mit dir, weil du niemandem von dem Mobbing erzählt hast, weil du Angst hattest. Aber wenn es sich anfühlt, als wäre die ganze Schule gegen dich, würde sie keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr bekommen.
⚜️Dann kam die Lüge der Lügen, die du zuerst denkst.
⚜️Sie ist zusammen mit dem ursprünglichen Hybriden Klaus Mikaelson zu sehen.
⚜️Viele Leute würden wissen, wer der ursprüngliche Hybrid ist, weil du *in der Nähe* bist.
⚜️Du würdest es auch wissen, weil deine Mutter einmal seiner Schwester Rebekah geholfen hat.
⚜️Deine Mütter müssten *weißes Eichenholz* für Rebekah finden und waren erfolgreich.
⚜️Nun, jemand wie Klaus Mikaelson würde mit dir ausgehen, dachtest du.
⚜️Plot Twist: Er würde nicht einmal wissen, wer sie ist.
⚜️Wenn so eine Lüge die Runde macht, würde er es auch wissen.
⚜️Er kam eines Tages während der Schulzeit zu deiner Highschool, um mit deinem Mobber zu reden.
⚜️Sie im Mädchenklo gegen die Wand zu drücken und ihren Hals zu drücken, war ein Wort für Klaus.
⚜️Überraschend war, dass du ihr Retter warst. Nun, Sie wollen gerade auf die Toilette gehen und sein Gespräch war in der gleichen Toilette.
⚜️Wo du reingekommen bist, hattest du Angst, wolltest aber sofort wieder raus.
⚜️Du dachtest gerade...... Sh*t
⚜️Aber Klaus ließ deinen Tyrann los und sie kam zum Atmen. Er und Sie sahen sich in die Augen. Irgendwie war er nicht so gruselig für dich, eher beruhigend. Die Angst vor dir ist irgendwie magisch verschwunden.
⚜️Der Moment wäre zerstört, wenn dein Mobber aus der Toilette rannte und dich wegschubste.
⚜️Du bist einfach an den Türrahmen gefallen und hast ihr nachgesehen.
⚜️ Sie muss vergessen haben vor Angst zu schreien.
⚜️Du drehst dich um, siehst ihn aber nicht mehr.
⚜️Nun, du bist danach auf die Toilette gegangen und zurück in den Unterricht gegangen.
⚜️Du denkst nur daran, Klaus Mikaelson zu treffen.
⚜️Aber oh Boi Klaus ist bestimmt in dich verknallt.
⚜️Er möchte dich besser kennenlernen.
⚜️Deshalb versucht er, deine Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen.
⚜️Du warst sehr verwirrt darüber.
⚜️Wenn du plötzlich Klaus Mikaelson an deinen Lieblingsorten siehst, er dann aber plötzlich verschwindet, bist du verwirrt.
⚜️Das Gefühl war wie *Habe ich ihn gerade gesehen oder habe ich mir das eingebildet? *
⚜️Du würdest dir am Anfang immer wieder die Augen reiben, um sicherzugehen, dass er wirklich da ist.
⚜️Je mehr er dich beobachtet, desto mehr ist er in dich verliebt.
⚜️Er versteht nicht, wie ein so guter Mensch von jemandem gemobbt wird.
⚜️Würde deinen Mobber immer heimlich bedrohen.
⚜️ Seit Klaus kam, war die Schule für dich wieder wie früher.
⚜️ Fast wie früher. Du kannst deinen alten Freunden nicht verzeihen, was sie dir angetan haben, und du würdest es *alleine* machen wollen.
⚜️ Die erste Gelegenheit, die er nutzte, war, dich in Geschichte zu unterrichten.
⚜️Eines Tages, als du nach Hause gefahren bist, hast du fast geweint, weil die Geschichtenprüfung angesagt war, weil der Stoff so schwer für dich war.
⚜️Plötzlich sagte Klaus: „Ich könnte dir helfen“
⚜️Du hättest zuerst Panik bekommen, weil er ein paar Meter vor dir aufgetaucht ist, aber dann hast du es dankend angenommen.
⚜️Du warst aber nicht so verrückt, dass du ihn gleich nach Hause eingeladen hast. Sie würden ihn in einem ruhigen Café treffen.
⚜️Wo du Tage später im Café über den Stoff sprichst, kam sie herein. Dein Mobber hat dich gesehen und du hast fast eine Panikattacke bekommen.
⚜️Dein Mobber wollte zu dir kommen, aber Klaus drehte sich um und sie rannte aus dem Café.
⚜️Du hast ihn dankbar angesehen.
⚜️Irgendwie hattest du keine Angst vor ihm, aber alle anderen um dich herum schon.
⚜️Aber du warst es schon gewohnt, Menschen anzustarren.
⚜️Du und Klaus werden ziemlich schnell Freunde.
⚜️Sie warten aufeinander die besten Freunde.
⚜️Es war toll für Klaus, dass jemand wie du ihn nicht als Monster sieht.
⚜️Und für dich war es toll, jemanden zu haben, der dich so mag, wie du bist.
⚜️Du wärst leicht in ihn verknallt, was sich dann in echte Liebe verwandelt.
⚜️Über Klaus kannst du mit deinen Eltern über deine Mobbing-Erfahrung sprechen.
⚜️Deine Eltern waren schockiert, würden Klaus aber dafür danken, dass er ihren kleinen Engel beschützt hat.
⚜️ Klaus kauft dir alles was du willst.
⚜️Würde eine Party zu deinem Geburtstag arrangieren.
⚜️Er ist der Erste, wenn sie nach der Schule mitgenommen werden müssen.
⚜️Er liebt es, dich zu zeichnen und dir seine Zeichnungen zu schenken.
⚜️ Wenn sie mit der Schule fertig waren, würdest du ihm beim Abschluss deine Gefühle öffnen und er würde sich revanchieren.
⚜️Du würdest mit ihm nach New Orleans gehen und dort mit ihm dein neues Leben beginnen.
⚜️ Auch wenn du denkst, dass du nicht perfekt für ihn bist, Klaus wird dich immer akzeptieren und umgekehrt.
Anmerkung des Autors
Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht ausführlich auf das Thema Mobbing eingegangen bin, da ich mich mehr auf Simp! Klaus konzentriert habe
aber ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen
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ao3feed-cockles · 2 years
Always and Forever
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40340358
by Respecttheboss25
Stiles and his friends enter their Junior year at Beacon Hills Highschool. They all drew closer to each other as more than a team but also a family making life for them a bit easier for all of them to swallow. However things get messy when another pack shows up at Beacon Hills with a few familiar faces.
Will this other pack threaten to take over what Scott and his family has built? And how will things resolve when Stiles gets a prophetic nightmare showing what everyone dreads the most coming true?
"We stick together as one. Always and forever." -Rebekah Mikaelson
Words: 16504, Chapters: 18/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 3 Families, 2 Packs, 1 Team
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Supernatural (TV 2005), Actor RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Jack Kline, Sheriff Stilinski, Klaus Mikaelson, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Melissa McCall, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Void (Character), Danny Mahealani, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Coach Finstock (Teen Wolf), Brett Talbot, Stefan Salvatore, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), God | Chuck Shurley, Mikael (Vampire Diaries), Malachai "Kai" Parker
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Jack Kline/Brett Talbot, Klaus Mikaelson/Sheriff Stilinski, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Chris Argent/Sam Winchester, Peter Hale/Lucifer (Supernatural), Allison Argent/Cora Hale, Melissa McCall/Rebekah Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson/Damon Salvatore, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Ethan/Danny Mahealani, Aiden/Lydia Martin, Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins, Ian Bohen/JR Bourne
Additional Tags: Jack Kline is a Mikaelson, Older Sibling Stiles Stilinski, Good Parent Klaus Mikaelson, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is Noah, Nogitsune (Teen Wolf) is a Little Shit, BAMF Jack Kline, Theo Raeken Loves Liam Dunbar, Good Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Characters not mentioned in tags
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40340358
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Dangerous Woman
You're a pretty popular singer/songwriter and you're finally back home in Mystic Falls. You reunite with family and friends, piss off an ex, and meet some new interesting people.
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Words: 8.6K Author's Note: The songs in this imagine are taken from Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande. I could never take credit for their masterpieces. Haha. Enjoy!
Never in a million years did you think that singing covers of songs and posting them on the internet would land you a record deal. The music label who had shown interest in you just thought you had an amazing singing voice, so they hadn't counted on you being able to actually write your own music as well. So when they wanted you in New York just as you were on the verge of turning sixteen, it took a lot of legal documents being signed and assigning you a temporary legal guardian for you to be able to go. And in between writing and recording, you were homeschooled in order to keep up with your education.
You've been away from Mystic Falls for a little over a year now, making a music album and graduating a few months earlier than expected. Elena was still set to graduate and you were fortunate enough to be able to go home for a brief break and to see your sister walk the stage before you were to leave again.
You had wanted to surprise your brother and sister, so you texted your aunt Jenna for everyone's whereabouts. They were at Mystic Grill, of course, but Jenna was swamped with papers that needed grading and couldn't meet you there. So instead, you dropped by your childhood home to briefly visit with her before freshening up and heading for the Mystic Grill after making sure with Matt that your sister was still there.
Mystic Grill parking lot is nearly full, but you find a spot and then jog to the back entrance. You text Matt that you're there and moments later he's opening the back exit.
"Matt Donovan," you muse, grinning. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."
"YN Gilbert." He grins back, opening his arms for a hug. "It's been too long."
As you pull back, you ask, "So what's going on? I noticed all the vehicles out front."
"Oh yeah. It's karaoke night. It's become quite the popular activity among the highschoolers and slightly older folk around here."
You perk up at that knowledge. "Karaoke, you say? What a perfect way to surprise 'lena and Jer. Anyone else here that I know?"
"Care and Bonnie are with Elena, and Jeremy's playing pool with Tyler and a few other friends." Your nose wrinkles and Matt chuckles, too polite to try and smooth things over between you and your ex. "Uh, the girls are there with some new friends of theirs as well. Not really good people, if you ask me, but the girls are friendly with them so we tolerate them."
"Oh yeah? And who are they?"
"Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson," Matt says. "The Mikaelson family rubbed a bunch of us the wrong way almost as soon as they got into town, but apparently the girls have forgiven them for what they've done. Fortunately three of them left to explore the world, but we can't quite get these last two to leave as well."
You chuckle. "Be nice, Matty. If 'lena, Bonnie and Caroline can look past whatever they've done, I'm sure you can as well."
He rubs the back of his neck, sighing. "It's not that easy, YN."
"Yeah, yeah." You push on his shoulder a bit, grinning. "Well enough about these supposed terrible men. I want to surprise everyone. Have any idea?"
"One," he slowly grins. "Are you up to karaoke your own song?"
"Come on then. Tyler won't like this, but we only have one of your songs in our books."
You laugh. "Not to brag, but that particular song has become quite the anthem among the female population. I feel bad already."
"Do you?"
"Nah. Now let's go, Donovan. I wanna see my siblings."
Matt leads you inside, sneaking you around until you're standing on the side stage and listening to some unfortunate soul butcher one of the latest popular songs on the radio. Then when that person's turn is over, he takes the stage.
"Alright, Mystic Grill, how's it going tonight?" Several people drunkenly cheer and you can't help but laugh off to the side. "So normally I'd call up the next person, but I have a special treat for you guys tonight. A friend of mine, most of ours really, has come home. She was a giant pain in my ass, most of our asses really, and I'm pretty sure she set someone's cat's tail on fire. On accident, of course," he amends when there's a scandalized gasp from the crowd.
You can hear a bunch of squealing then, your sister and friends realizing you're home.
"So, Mystic Grill, please give it up for YN Gilbert!"
In the crowd, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline cheer and clap the loudest. Even Jeremy's whooping and hollering, expression ecstatic as his sister takes the stage.
"Sister?" Klaus muses, looking past Caroline and directly at Elena. "How did you hide that from us?"
Elena grins, shrugging. "She took a stage name when she left Mystic Falls, and Isobel and John were smart enough not to mention her when they realized you only knew of me."
"I can't believe she's home," Caroline gushes. "And right before graduation too."
The music starts and the crowd calms, the girls giggling at the song.
"Oh, Tyler's going to be pissed," Bonnie says.
Elijah, who'd been too busy staring at YN Gilbert, frowns as he glances at Miss Bennett. "And why would that be?"
"Because she wrote this song with him in mind." Elena smirks. "Just listen. You'll see."
YN steps up to the microphone and gently cradles the mic on it's stand as she sings, "You called me again, drunk in your Benz. Drivin' home under the influence." Several people wolf-whistle, Bonnie and Elena included.
Caroline turns to Klaus. "They were too young to be in a toxic relationship, but it happened. He wasn't too happy when she left him behind to go record her album, so they tried long distance but it just wasn't meant to be."
Intrigued, Klaus turns in his seat to see the temperamental werewolf glaring at YN on stage and gripping his pool cue in a white knuckled grip
"I don't relate to you. I don't relate to you, no. 'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty. You made me hate this city." She pulls the mic off the stand, walking to the edge of the stage as she pours her heart into the song. "And I don't talk shit about you on the internet. Never told anyone anything bad. 'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything. And all that you did was make me fucking sad."
It's Elijah and Klaus' turn to chuckle when it appears every female inside Mystic Grill screams the lyrics along with YN. They watch as her presence fills up the stage, the patrons of the establishment whooping and hollering by the time the song is over.
Elena is anxious to get to her sister, but she stays put while the locals have their go at her as she hops off stage. She signs a few napkins and takes several selfies, and it's Jeremy who gets to her first while wrapping her up in a hug that lifts her feet off the floor. They have a quick chat before he ruffles her hair and leaves to join his friends, and then YN is making her way towards Elena's table.
You laugh as your sister hurriedly gets up, making her way around the table and throwing her arms around your neck. "You're home! Why didn't you tell me? Does aunt Jenna know?"
"Of course she does. I stopped there before coming here." Elena is soon replaced by Bonnie and then Caroline, and you chuckle as you take a seat at their table. "So is anyone going to introduce me to the newbies?"
The better dressed of the two clears his throat and offers his hand over the table. "Elijah Mikaelson. It is a surprise and pleasure to meet you, Miss Gilbert."
"Oohh. Fancy," you muse. "It's nice to meet you as well, Elijah." Then turning to his companion, brother really, you say, "Which makes you Klaus. Hello." Klaus smirks as he shakes your hand. "So, what have I missed? Tell me everything."
Bonnie chokes on her drink and Elena's eyes twinkle as the table's occupants glance at one another warily. "You haven't missed much. Not really."
"No? Then where are your boy toys? Do I have to play nice?"
"Oh I think I quite like this Gilbert," Klaus drawls. "You may be my favorite Gilbert."
"Of course I am. I'm adorable." You flutter your eyelashes at him, laughing. "But in all seriousness, do I have to play nice with the Salvatores? I'm not their biggest fan."
Elena groans. "Just.. be nice. To their faces, at least."
Your sister pouts and you kick her lightly under the table. "I'll be nice to Stefan, but at the first sign of snark from Damon all bets are off."
Bonnie nudges her friend. "Come on, Elena. That's fair and you know it. Damon lives to rile up anyone and everyone."
"Right. Well can someone flag down Matty and order me a bacon cheeseburger and fries with a Coke? I need to visit the ladies room."
Bonnie is already flagging down your friend as you quickly vacate the table, heading towards the bathrooms in the back. There's a few people in front of you and you politely wait your turn, taking even more selfies with apparent fans before it's your turn in the bathroom. Then after washing and drying your hands, you exit the bathroom.
However, you don't get too far before a hand is wrapping around your bicep and yanking you back around. You roll your eyes when you meet the angry gaze of your ex-boyfriend. "What do you want, Tyler?"
"Do you think it's funny to sing that stupid song of yours here?"
"What?" You frown. "Matt asked me to sing a song and that was the only one of mine in the books. If you have a problem with it, take it up with management." You try to pull your arm free, but Tyler merely squeezes tighter. "Ow. Let me go, Ty. You're hurting me."
He steps closer to you, lowering his voice though the anger is blazing in his eyes. "You know everyone knows you wrote that song about me. I don't know where the hell you got off smearing me like that. Our relationship wasn't even that bad."
"Really?" You deadpan. "Well my family and our friends think otherwise. Now let me go."
"I believe the young lady wishes you to remove your hand from her person." Elijah's voice sends shivers down your spine and you stiffen at the way Tyler's expression turns absolutely livid as he looks up over your head. "Remove your hand now before I do it for you."
Tyler sneers, but he smartly releases you. You stumble back, only to have Elijah's hands land gently on your shoulders. "Really, YN? You're chummy with a Mikaelson now?"
"I've only met them less than ten minutes ago, but in the time I've been introduced to them they've been nothing but kind. So if that makes me chummy with them, then yeah. They're a hell of a lot better company than you are."
He scoffs. "Mark my words, Gilbert. These assholes are going to get you killed."
"That's enough, Mr. Lockwood," Elijah says. Tyler glares one last time at you and Elijah, turning on his heel and making his way towards the exit. You sigh and Elijah walks around so that he's in front of you. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." You clear your throat to keep your voice from cracking. "I'm good. Thanks for stepping in."
Elijah smiles and leads you back to the table with the others. The girls are staring at you worriedly, but you wave them off with a chuckle. Bonnie tells you that Matt's working on your food and you try to get comfortable, but your arm is suddenly bothering you. So shimmying out of your jacket as best as you can, you stare down at the arm that's bothering you and frown at the bruise that's already forming there.
"Jesus!" Elena exclaims. "Did Tyler really have to grab you that hard?"
"Well it appears his anger didn't get any better," you say. "Thank God I dodged that bullet."
"He can have a tragic accident on his way home, love. Just say the word and I'll make a phone call."
Caroline gasps at Klaus' declaration and you laugh though Elijah, Bonnie and Elena suddenly look disturbed. "As much as I find that hilarious, you look like the kind of man who would follow through. So for now, we'll table the maiming until he does something that really pisses me off."
Klaus pouts. "Very well."
"So onto a lighter subject," Bonnie finally speaks up. "How long are you here for, YN?"
You look towards Bonnie, grinning. "If you're wondering whether or not I'll be here to see you walk across that graduation stage, I will." She wiggles in her seat happily. "I'm also here to relax and possibly write a couple new songs since my manager says my best songs are inspired from here."
The girls chuckle.
"Are you excited for your tour?" Elena then asks.
"Yes and no," you admit. "I'm excited to travel and see places, but I'm not too excited to be alone on that bus. I'd rather have a friend or two."
Matt chooses that moment to set down your food and drink, and you thank him before he takes his leave.
"We could always take a gap year," your sister suggests.
"And ruin Caroline's carefully concocted plans? I think not." You take your burger in both hands, taking a bite out of it and groaning as the taste explodes all over your taste buds. Then after swallowing and taking a sip of your Coke, you say, "Besides, it's not that long of a tour. I can be a big girl and deal with it."
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The first weekend you're home, you spend all the time you can with your family and friends, and meet your aunt Jenna's boyfriend Ric. You meet Damon and Stefan Salvatore, and while Stefan is perfectly tolerable, it's Damon who rubs you the wrong way with his sleazy innuendos and constant flirtation with his brother's girlfriend.
Then Jenna goes back to work while everyone else goes back to school and you're left all on your own. You get yourself reacquainted with Mystic Falls, revisiting all your favorite haunts and shops. And now that you've been introduced to the Mikaelson brothers and Damon, it's like they're everywhere you always seem to find yourself to be. Klaus and Elijah are a delight to be around, whereas Damon always has you coming up with an excuse so you don't have to spend much time with him.
You get yourself a journal and attempt to write, but as you pace around your house you can't seem to find any inspiration. So instead, you grab up a few belongings and head over to Mystic Grill to pick up some food and a drink before heading over to park in the middle of town.
Some fresh air has always done you good, so you pick a picnic table under the shade of a tree and take a seat. Then with your chicken wrap in one hand and a pen in the other, you doodle and write and hope that inspiration will strike soon.
"Why is it that every time I happen upon you, Miss Gilbert, you have food in your hand?" You glance upward, smiling at Elijah as he stands there opposite you with one hand tucked into the pocket of his slacks.
Taking a rather vicious bite of your wrap, you huff a laugh and have to quickly set down your food and cover your mouth while you chew and laugh. Once you wash it down with some soda, you say, "Have you ever heard the saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach'?"
His lips twitch in amusement. "Yes. I believe I have."
"Mhm. Well the same can be said about a woman. Get a woman her favorite food and we'll be putty in your hands. For about an hour or so."
"Oh? And what food happens to be your favorite?"
"Chicken wings," you answer without missing a beat. "Boneless and with fries." You pop a fry into your mouth, humming and wiggling happily in your seat. "I love food."
"I can see that." He chuckles as he takes a seat across from you, looking at your opened journal. "Are you getting some writing in?"
"Trying." You shrug. "Nothing's really happened that would make for good music."
"And how important is it that you come up with new material?"
"Not important at all. My manager suggested I come up with one or two songs, but if I don't then it's fine. I wouldn't mind surprising what little fans I have with new content though."
"Well in that case, come along with me. I'm meeting Niklaus a few towns over and I'm sure his tall tales shall inspire something."
"Tall tales? Why Mr. Mikaelson, you speak as if I don't know about all things that go bump in the night and your part in the creation of some of these things."
Elijah goes quiet and the way he's now looking at you makes you feel as if maybe you shouldn't have told him. "Elena told you," he realizes.
"Of course she did. She's my twin." You grin at his still dumbfounded expression. "Elijah, who do you think it was that convinced Elena it was in her best interest to come to an agreement with Klaus? As much as she's in love with Stefan, she doesn't want to be a vampire. She wants all the human experiences and I convinced her that the only way she would have all that is if she had someone very powerful protecting her."
"And you would have that protector be my brother?"
You shrug. "Why not? He needs her blood to make his hybrids and she's easily capable of donating a blood bag every other month. And besides, it pissed off Damon so it was a win-win in my eyes."
"And what of your thoughts on me and my family?"
"You guys had a messy beginning and I'm kinda mad I missed all the drama, but I'm also glad I was out of harm's way before Elena had that talk with Klaus." Elijah doesn't look convinced at your ease with such a secret. "I harbor no ill thoughts towards you and yours. If I did, I'd be bitchy with you like I am with Damon. Honest."
"Who all knows that you know?"
"My family and now Caroline, Bonnie and you. We can let Klaus know that I know so he may speak freely around me, but can we please keep Damon and Stefan in the dark? It's quite fun to see them struggle with censoring their words around me."
"I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive of you knowing about our misdeeds since we've stepped foot in Mystic Falls," Elijah says. He slowly starts to smile then. "But now I find myself quite relieved that you know."
"Mhm. Now how long do you think we can trick your brother before he realizes I know you're all a bunch of bloodsucking fiends?"
His smile drops. "Charming, Miss Gilbert. Very charming."
"I try." You flutter your eyelashes, chuckling as you finish off the last of your food.
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Much to your surprise, you find yourself spending more and more time with Elijah. Your family doesn't think much of it since they don't really know, but on more than one occasion aunt Jenna has caught you having lunch with the original vampire.
And the one day they do finally realize just how often you speak with Elijah is when you and your family are brainstorming dinner ideas, and someone rings your doorbell. You answer it and are surprised to see it's a food delivery. Confused, you tell the delivery boy no one at the house had ordered, but he only chuckled and told you there was a note inside. You thank the boy as you take the bags and he tells you not to bother with a tip because he's already been generously paid. Then when you walk back into the kitchen, you set the bags down and slap away Jeremy's hands when he smells the food and reaches for a bag.
The note inside reads: I recall a conversation of ours where you said this was your favorite. I found it impolite to just buy you dinner, so I bought enough for your aunt and siblings as well. I hope you find it quite appetizing. - xx Elijah.
Elena and Jeremy had been absolutely gobsmacked, but they didn't deter you from pursuing the friendship, and aunt Jenna was just amused by the whole situation you found yourself in. And then after texting Elijah to thank him for dinner, you also asked him why he was suddenly sending you food. You had a feeling he had a favor to ask and you were proven right when he invited you to some museum opening that Klaus was eager to go to. Elijah was eager to go too, but he wasn't too eager to listen to his brother blather on about the history they already lived through.
So that's where tonight found you, attending a museum opening on the arms of Elijah and Klaus, but spending most of the night off to the side with just Elijah as he gave you your own history lesson.
When Elijah pulls up to your house later that night, you smile sleepily as he uses his vampire speed for the first time in front of you in order to open your door. He offers you a hand to help you stand up from the passenger seat and then tucks your hand into the crook of his arm as he leads you up the sidewalk and then the porch in front of your house.
"Thank you for accompanying me tonight, Miss Gilbert. I had a wonderful time."
"No. Thank you," you tell him as you turn so you're facing one another, letting your hand fall from his arm. "I absolutely loved hearing the stories from your past. And how many times do I need to tell you? Call me YN."
"YN." Elijah bows his head just a bit as he says your name, lips twitching. "I know we spent all day together, but do you have any plans for tomorrow?"
"I do." You frown before your nose wrinkles. "My producer secured some time in a music booth and I will start recording tomorrow."
His eyebrows raise a little in surprise. "You've found some inspiration?"
"Mhm." You nervously chuckle. "It's a total different vibe than what I'm used to, but-"
"I'm sure it'll be lovely," Elijah's quick to assure you. You can't help but smile at him, this man having absolutely wrecked you for any future romance with anybody else in just the one month you've known him. He grins, no doubt picking up on a semblance of your thoughts and then chuckles when you blush and avert your gaze. "Well since you'll be busy, call me when you're free. We'll grab dinner."
"You spoil me, Mr. Mikaelson." You huff a laugh, shaking your head in amusement. "Be careful or a girl could get used to this treatment."
"Maybe a girl should." His words make you freeze and your eyes subtly widen, and he has the audacity to chuckle. He reaches for your hand then, raising it up to his lips and your breathing ceases altogether. "Until next time," he murmurs before pressing a kiss to your knuckles and then dropping your hand.
Elijah turns and takes his leave, and you watch him the entire time up until he's driving off. You sigh longingly, a stupid grin taking shape as you bite back a squeal. Then turning around, you enter your home and stop short at the sight of Jenna smiling like a loon at you.
"Tell. Me. Everything."
"What? There's nothing to tell."
"Really?" Jenna's right eyebrow raises as she smirks at you. "That blush says otherwise."
You scowl at your aunt and she laughs, and you lighten up a bit as you brush past her. "He's a thousand year old vampire, Jenna. He's not interested in some seventeen year old girl."
"Yeah? Well the amount of times I've caught you two out and about together says otherwise as well," she says. "If he wasn't interested in some seventeen year old girl, then why spend all this time with you and getting you your favorite foods?"
You open your mouth to retort, but promptly shut it a moment later as you stop on the stairs. Huh. Aunt Jenna does have a point. But the longer you think about it, the more it just doesn't make sense. Elijah is a very handsome man and you're just- you're you. "He spends time with me because he's a nice man," you end up telling her as you turn around to look down at her. "And he's in need of some company who isn't his brother or isn't afraid of him for what he's done in the past."
"If you say so," she singsongs. "I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding. I'm going to give the best I told you so speech."
You snort, shaking your head. "I'm going to shower and then to bed. Wanna grab some breakfast before I head out for the day?"
"Of course. Goodnight."
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The day of your eighteenth birthday arrives and you couldn't be more ecstatic. Jenna was more than happy to host a get-together there at the house, but Klaus took it upon himself to throw the party at his mansion. So instead, you spent the morning with Elena, Jeremy, Jenna and Ric to have a birthday breakfast and lunch before going shopping with the girls for a bit of pre-party fun.
Elena, Bonnie and Caroline know that you have a surprise for everyone, but they don't know what it is. You're anxious, yet excited at the same time, and you decide to surprise your friends even more by dressing like they've never seen you dress before. So when you get home, you pre-snack with your family and friends before you decide to shower and then take over Jeremy's bedroom to get ready.
You pair a black sheer lace crop cami top with a pair of faux-leather, high rise shorts and a pair of ankle booties that give you another four inches. Your eye make-up is a little more smokier than usual and your lipstick a deep maroon color, and you leave your hair in loose waves framing your face. You're checking your reflection in the mirror, moving a strand of hair here and there, and you feel like you're missing something. Your outfit looks good, but as you head over to Jeremy's closet to rummage through his shirts, you grin as you find a dark red plaid flannel. You quickly take it and wrap the sleeves around your waist, tying them in a knot and then looking at your reflection once more.
It's perfect. You're ready.
Mentally preparing yourself, you give yourself a moment before leaving Jeremy's room.
"Are you girls ready? I'm ready to go!" You say as you enter Elena's room. All three females who'd been in the midst of adding some last minute jewelry to their outfits freeze and look you up and down in surprise. "What?" You ask when they don't say anything.
"Where the hell have you been hiding this bod?" Caroline breaks the silence.
"And who are you trying to impress with it?" Bonnie wonders, slowly smirking.
You roll your eyes, chuckling. "It's a special occasion. I wanted to do something different."
"Well keep doing it because you are hot!" Caroline says. "Like seriously hot. We all knew you were pretty, but this? This is-"
"You're definitely getting laid tonight."
"Okay!" Elena laughs, smacking both her friends on the arms. "Leave her alone. YN is stepping out of her comfort zone for once and you're not helping matters."
"It's fine," you assure your sister, "but can you please hurry up? I have a surprise for all three of you in the car."
At hearing there's a surprise for them, the girls hurry to finish getting ready. But then Jenna stops all of you as you're coming down the stairs and has you and Elena pose for some pictures. There are cupcakes she has for you with a single candle in each one and she takes video as you and Elena blow out the flame. Jeremy's already gone, and Jenna tells you that she and Ric will be there later.
It's dark out by the time you and the girls all pile into your vehicle.
"Okay. What's our surprise?" Caroline asks as soon as all the doors are shut.
"So, um, you know how I was supposed to write a new song if inspiration struck?"
"Well.. it struck. It struck hard," you say. Gathering up your phone, you plug it in and scroll to the finished song that the producer had sent to you just yesterday. "And I want you three to hear part of it first and give me your honest truth about it."
"Why? What's so different about this song that it apparently has you squirming?" Elena asks.
"Let's just say it's different. A lot different than what I've put out so far."
Before anyone else can say anything, you hit play. The music starts and you hide your face in the palms of your hands at how sultry it sounds.
Caroline squeals. "Did you write a sex song?" You groan. "You did! Oh my god."
"Caroline, shut up. I need to hear this," Bonnie says.
You let the song play up until after the first chorus and then stop it. The car is quiet.. and then the squealing starts.
"Your range! Oh my god."
"Who the hell inspired that song?"
You glance at your sister and you bite the inside of your cheek when you see her knowing grin. "Has he heard it?"
"He? There's a he?" Caroline perks up. "Spill it right now, young lady!"
"First off, it's just a crush," you say. "I can't help what comes out once I've been inspired. And secondly, thoughts?"
"Uh," you sister huffs, "amazing! I obviously knew you could sing, but this? This was so good!"
"It's definitely different, but it's a good different. I hope whoever inspired this song inspires more because it's hot!"
"You need to make that available online because I need to download it asap," Caroline says.
You chuckle. "The fans will hear it first while on tour and it'll be available afterward. But.. I am singing the song tonight at the party." The girls cheer. "Klaus is the only one who knows because I got him to compel the guests to not record when I sing."
Elena starts to smile. "Has Klaus heard the song?"
"No. If he had heard it beforehand, he'd never let me live it down."
"Never let you live it down?" Caroline frowns. "Why would- oh my god! Elijah? You wrote that song about Elijah?!"
Bonnie's eyes widen and you groan some more, and Elena takes it upon herself to fill them in the live-action slowburn between you and the Original. There's lots of squealing, teasing and laughter, but when it dies down some you take the moment to finally start driving.
When you get to the Mikaelson mansion, you groan at all the vehicles already lining the driveway. Apparently Klaus didn't get the memo that you wanted a small party.
"Caroline, I'm going to kill your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend, YN. He's just- he's Klaus."
"Well it looks like your Klaus or whatever invited the whole goddamn town." You frown. "How the hell am I supposed to have fun when Tyler's glaring at me the entire time?"
"Tyler's still giving you trouble?" Elena asks.
"He pretty much leaves me be, but if he sees me out with Elijah or Klaus he turns into a wrathful prick."
"Typical," Caroline huffs.
"Well whatever," Bonnie says. "Tonight is your and Elena's night. If he starts trouble, I'm flinging his ass out of the party and putting up a barrier so he can't go back in."
Feeling a little bit better about the situation, you park and lock up your vehicle as soon as everyone's out. Bonnie and Caroline walk ahead, arm in arm, and you do the same with Elena. The music is already thumping and though you're excited, you're kind of dreading singing your song now.
As soon as you enter the house, you keep walking because the party is in the backyard. And when you get back there, you're surprised at the crowd that's already dancing under twinkling lights that've been strung up. There's a makeshift dance floor that's been put together atop the lawn and a DJ doing his utmost to keep the crowd going.
Almost immediately Caroline and Bonnie disappear into the crowd, and Stefan steals your sister away after wishing you a happy birthday. You wave at a few friends, accepting hugs and cheek kisses as you walk around looking for a familiar face that you're happy to spend some time with.
Surprisingly, it's Klaus you find first.
"Went a little overboard, don't you think?" You muse as you sidle up to him.
Klaus turns to you, smirk forming as his eyebrows raise in surprise. "Well, well. Don't you look-"
"Don't. Just don't." He chuckles and you shake your head, grinning.
"I like it. And I think my brother will like it too."
"Who said I care about what your brother thinks?"
"It's all in your heartbeat, love. Always gets a little faster when you're with him." You manage to hold it together for a few seconds before your shoulders sag. Klaus slings an arm around your shoulders and tucks you into his side. "I don't know why you're so worried. He's trying for you too." He points at something in the distance and you follow to where he wants you to look.
It takes you a second to realize who you're looking at and your eyes widen at what you see. The usually prim and proper Elijah Mikaelson is now in a plain dark tee with its sleeves pushed up to his elbows and dark washed jeans. There are a gaggle of girls who can't seem to keep their eyes off of him, and even one brave individual who attempts to speak with him.
"Who gave him the right?!" You quietly seethe. Klaus shakes with suppressed laughter and you absentmindedly swat at him. "Normally he looks like a snack in those suits of his, but right now he's looking like a goddamn full course meal!"
He barks out a laugh then and it surprisingly catches his brother's attention. You freeze when Elijah meets your gaze head on and then you nervously wave at him. He smiles before saying something to the girl who's trying to gain his attention and then steps past her to make his way towards you.
"And that's my cue to go."
Your head snaps up and you try to grip onto Klaus' shirt, but he easily pulls out of your grasp. "You're a dead man, Klaus. I'm telling Caroline you're an asshole!" But he merely laughs at you before winking, turning around to disappear into the crowd.
"Do I want to know what Niklaus has done this time?" You straighten up at Elijah's voice and paste on a smile. You manage to hold it for three seconds before you laugh and shake your head, Elijah then chuckling along with you. However, his gaze drops as he looks you up and down, and you curse your heartbeat for speeding up. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." You blush. Then wrangling your feelings together, you say, "And you look- very handsome. I don't think I've ever seen you out of a suit."
"Well even though I am the oldest here at your party, I didn't want to look the part of a chaperone. I wanted to.. blend in, I suppose."
You look him up and down, subtly gulping. "Well this look is definitely working for you. Kudos, Mr. Mikaelson, for looking like a snack."
"A snack?" He muses. "Not a full course meal?"
You freeze as your gaze snaps up to meet his own and you find him smiling. Your face flames and he chuckles. "You, uh, you heard that, did you?"
"I did."
"And Klaus knew you could hear me, didn't he?"
"He did." Your eyes widen as you're about to curse his brother, but his next words stop you in your tracks. "And he wasn't wrong. About me trying for you too."
Elijah merely smirks, producing a wrapped present from his back pocket. You stare at it until he tells you to take it and open it, and you're pleasantly surprised at the blue moon locket inside. As you lift the silver chain and smile fondly at it, he takes it from your hand and has you turn around so he can put it around you. The locket settles right above your cleavage and you touch the pendant as a fond smile forms.
You turn to face Elijah, a thank you on the tip of your tongue, but he brushing your hair behind your right ear has your voice completely abandoning you. He smirks as you blush yet again. "Happy birthday, Miss Gilbert." He then leans in and you hold your breath as he kisses your cheek. "Now go have fun. We'll speak later."
Elijah turns and walks away, a certain swagger in his step that has you staring a little longer than necessary. Then once he's out of sight, you walk around in a daze until you spot Klaus and Damon having a conversation that looks as if he's slowly riling up the Salvatore vampire.
Walking towards them, you grab Damon's drink from his hand and down it in one swig. You grimace at the burning and then hand him the empty glass while addressing Klaus. "Your brother is a goddamn tease. I'm gonna climb him like a tree."
Klaus snorts inelegantly, leaving Damon an opening. "Like hell you are."
Your gaze slides to Damon's put out expression. "And why not? I mean it's not like he's going to seduce me, fuck me, feed off of me and then compel me," you say a little too innocently. "That's a Damon Salvatore special, isn't it?"
Damon rears back in shock. "Caroline told you?"
"No. Elena did," you say. "She's kept me up to date with everything almost as soon as it happened. And you, Damon, are not my favorite person so if I were you, I'd tread carefully."
His shock morphs into disbelief. "And the Mikaelson's are? You don't know what they've done, YN."
"Quite the opposite, Damon. If Elena hadn't told me everything, then Klaus and Elijah sure did. I'm quite impressed by everything they've seen and done."
"And you're just okay with it?"
"Well yeah. After that little hiccup with Elena's sacrifice, who do you think it was that convinced her to talk to Klaus and come to an agreement?" Damon shakes his head as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "My sister refuses to become a vampire, Damon, and I'll be damned if I let you or your brother turn her without her consent. So what if she has to donate one bag of blood every other month? At least she now has Original protection so she can live a happy, human life."
"You're unbelievable."
You shrug, expression stony. "I'm just looking out for my twin. Jeopardize her standing with the Mikaelson's and I'll stake you myself." Then smiling, you look at Klaus and wiggle your eyebrows. "Give me about an hour or so to blow off some steam and then it's my time to shine. The girls already know and have already heard part of the song."
"I'm either gonna die of embarrassment or end the night as one happy girl."
Klaus laughs as you then take his drink, walking off to finally enjoy your party.
You hadn't planned on letting Damon know you knew all about the supernatural, but there was no going back now. The cheerful atmosphere of the party is infectious and you can't help but join in as you slide between a couple of your classmates. The music has you swaying and grinding, and you down the drink in hand before passing off the glass to someone else.
You don't know how long you've been dancing when Caroline finds you, hurrying you inside and into a bathroom. She tells you, you need to freshen up if you plan to seduce Elijah and then proceeds to wet a hand towel and wipe you down. You're laughing the entire time, but Caroline really knows what she's doing and makes you feel like you aren't a sweaty mess. Then when her job is done and you find yourself outside once more, Elena and Bonnie are waiting for you.
"Is it too late to be compelled?" You ask.
"Yep." Both Elena and Bonnie hook their arms with yours.
"No time like the present to get over that stage fright," Bonnie says.
"I don't have stage fright," you mumble. "I have Elijah fright."
"Relax." Elena squeezes your arm. "You're freaking out for nothing."
As you make your way to the DJ's booth, Klaus is there to greet you with a microphone. Smirking, he hands it over. "Is this something I'm going to want to record?"
"Only if it doesn't end up on the internet. This is a brand new song that isn't supposed to be unveiled until I'm on tour," you say.
"Excellent. I just need something to send to Kol and Rebekah. They're going to be upset they missed this."
You chuckle. "Mhm. Let's just hope this is something actually worth capturing on video first." Klaus leans over and mentions something to the DJ, and the music lowers. Mumblings of confusion start to erupt because the entertainment has suddenly gone away and your sister nudges you forward. Raising the microphone to your mouth, you say, "Hey, guys. So, uh, I know birthday parties are all about guests giving presents, but I thought I'd give you all a little something instead."
Several people whoop and cheer, and you smile as Jenna and Ric push themselves to the front of the crowd. They're not the only familiar faces though because you spot Jeremy, Tyler, Matt, Stefan and a clearly annoyed Damon dotted all along the front lines.
"I was instructed to write a new song or two and I'm happy to say I've actually written one. But- But!" You say a little louder as the crowd gets excited. "It's new and I'm not supposed to be singing this, so if you aren't my sister or my aunt or my best of friends, then please do not record this. I can't afford to have this song hit the internet before I'm ready to release it worldwide."
The crowd seems to murmur their agreement, Klaus' compulsion no doubt kicking in and making them not go for their phones. As a last minute decision, you have everyone step back some off the dance floor. You have your friends bring in some chairs, placing them in front of the crowd and then take a single chair for yourself as you face them. Then spotting Elijah, a wicked idea comes to mind.
Suddenly feeling very bold, you smirk across the dance floor at him. "Elijah," you purr into the microphone, "why don't you come up here and take a seat?"
Elena and Jenna grin at one another, Bonnie gapes, and Caroline's hands come up to cover her mouth as she squeals. Damon, Stefan, Matt and Tyler all tense, but you only have eyes for Elijah who narrows his eyes at you but whose lips twitch in amusement.
As Elijah walks across the dance floor, you turn the chair so that when he sits the whole crowd will see his side profile. He stops just in front of you before turning and taking his seat. "What are you up to, Miss Gilbert?" He asks as he looks up at you.
You wink. "Just sit there and enjoy the show because this is only happening once." Then looking up, you inhale and exhale deeply to calm your nerves. At the forefront of the crowd sits Elena, Jenna, Klaus, Caroline and Bonnie. The rest of the boys stand behind them or to their sides, eagerly awaiting just what you have in store for them. "So this new song is.. different," you tell the crowd. "You all got to listen and jam out along to my teenage angst, and now you get to hear something from me that's a lot more grown up than what I'm used to."
Bonnie wolf-whistles and Klaus readies his phone to record the performance. You chuckle and then look towards the DJ, giving him the signal to start the music.
The beat starts and Jenna's eyes widen, she snapping her attention to Elena. "Yep. I know," Elena says, grinning. "But just listen. It gets a whole lot sexier."
YN walks her fingers along Elijah's shoulders, letting a completely different persona take over for the duration of the song. "Don't need permission. Made my decision to test my limits. 'Cause it's my business, God as my witness, start what I finished."
Jeremy leans down between his aunt and sister. "Uh, did either of you know YN could sing like this?"
"Nope." Both answer.
"And we're all okay with her apparently seducing a Mikaelson?"
He shrugs. "Okay then."
YN's left hand stops on Elijah's left shoulder before she slides it down his chest. "All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God. Don't ya stop, boy." She quickly walks around, throwing her leg over his lap and straddling his thighs. Her free hand immediately goes to the back of his head, grasping his short hair and pulling his head back as she leans in close. "Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman. Somethin' 'bout, something' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't. Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout.."
"His hands are gripping YN's hips awfully tight." Ric grimaces.
"Sexy bruises." Caroline waves him off. "Leave it alone." She whistles as her friend practically gives the Original vampire a lap dance in front of a crowd of people.
"I am definitely not letting Elijah live this down," Klaus says as he continues to record.
YN sings some more, dancing around Elijah or sitting on his lap when there's a growl from behind them. Klaus tenses as he sees Tyler take a step forward in his peripheral vision, but surprisingly the Bennett witch is the one who speaks up.
"One more step, Tyler, and you will regret it." The wolf freezes and glances down at his friend in shock. "YN made her decision a long time ago. It's time for you to move on."
"Are you seriously okay with her pursuing whatever this is with Elijah knowing what he is?"
Bonnie raises an eyebrow at him. "YN knows very well what Elijah is. In fact, she knows what we all are. You included."
His expression slackens and Klaus goes back to enjoying the performance. Though he's plenty happy with what he has with Caroline, he has to admit that the Gilbert girl has a set of pipes on her.
By the time you finish singing, you're sitting in Elijah's lap with one hand gripped in his shirt. You're panting a little heavily- one because you're a little out of breath and two because adrenaline is still coursing through your veins- and you freeze in place as Elijah's hands grasp the sides of your face to pull you into a heat searing kiss.
The crowd erupts and you smile against his mouth before tilting your head to let him deepen the kiss. But ever the proper gentleman, Elijah ends the kiss with a chaste peck to your lips. "To be continued," he murmurs, sending a shiver down your spine. He smirks since he actually feels it.
"Mhm. Yeah. Sure."
"You still have to cut your cake."
"Pft. Cake? I don't need cake."
Elijah's lips twitch. "My brother is still recording."
His words bring you up short and clear away the haze that had settled over your mind. You tense in his lap before turning to find his brother in the crowd. "Niklaus Mikaelson, you better stop recording right this instant."
Your girls all laugh as Klaus pouts and lowers his phone. "Take all my fun."
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You stick around Mystic Falls long enough to see Elena, Caroline and Bonnie walk the stage, splitting the time between your family and friends, and Elijah. You even get to meet Kol and Rebekah who rushed back to Mystic Falls in order to meet you after Klaus sent them the video from your birthday. Kol was a little flirt, but finally took the hint you would never be interested after Elijah pinned him to the wall and threatened him with some mystical dagger. And Rebekah was just happy to see her usually poised brother let loose a little.
You had wanted to help the girls move into their shared dorm at Whitmore College, but your time was cut short and you needed to get ready yourself. You knew leaving your family and friends was going to be hard, but you hadn't counted on becoming so attached to Elijah so quickly.
"Do not fret," Elijah says as you stand outside the bus, hands gently holding both sides of your neck with his thumbs pressed under your chin to have you looking upward. "I'll drive out to a few of your concerts when I'm able to."
"Yeah, yeah. So you've said."
He grins. "Go say goodbye to your family. There's a surprise waiting for you on the bus."
You're eager to see what surprise he has in store for you, but he's right. You need one last goodbye with your family. So you walk towards where your family and friends wait, rolling your eyes at their smirks and wiggling eyebrows. Aunt Jenna is the only one who cries, but Ric's there to comfort her and assure her that you're a smart kid and would stay out of trouble. Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline all hug you, wishing you a fun and successful tour.
"Well it's been fun, but I think I should get going," you say.
Suddenly the bus door swings open and Rebekah Mikaelson stands there. "It's about bloody time! Come on then. Let's get going."
You gape at the blonde Original and then turn towards an amused Elijah. "My surprise is your sister?"
"Yes. She finds that she quite likes our music and I find that I don't like you being all on your lonesome."
You purse your lips at him, grinning a moment later. "Well it could be worse. My chaperone could be Kol."
"He wanted to come," Rebekah muses, "but Elijah and I forbade it. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he purchases tickets for every concert just to be a nuisance."
You laugh. "That's fine. But are you sure you want to come with? I'm sure it'll be quite boring while on the bus, not to mention the rather cramped sleeping quarters."
"Positive. Besides, I've always wanted a sister." Your eyes widen and Rebekah laughs as Elijah pinches the bridge of his nose. "Now come on. We've got to get on the road so I can tell you everything embarrassing that's ever happened to Elijah."
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ishenwulf · 7 years
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Can I offer you some champagne? Can't. Too many adult prying eyes. Don't wanna be a cautionary tale at the next town meeting.
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wndasvision · 2 years
All or Nothing.
Summary: This love story was a means to an end.
Pairings: Rebekah x witch!reader // wlw
Key: Bold red= Lyrics || Bold Green Italics= Your thoughts || Italics= dialogue
Warning: I said a no no word. F-💣
Word count: Not a lot.
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Watch the clouds float, white Ferrari, had a good time Pre-16, how was I supposed to know anything?
“If you knew it would have to happen why would you start it bek?” y/n turned to face her girlfriend.
The pair had been together almost a year. Rebekah took a liking to the girl when she saved her life in the highschool. The night of the senior prank will forever be a night to remember for her.
“I’m sorry y/n. I really am. I didn’t want it to have to end at all. I don’t have a choice.” She was forced to stop the car because she seen something.
“That’s not fair y/n! You don’t get to use your powers in an argument!” She said realizing it was a figment.
“Not fair? It doesn’t seem fair for you to be breaking up with me because your brother is jealous that you’re happy!” Y/n turned to Rebekah grabbing her arm.
I let you out at Central, I didn't care to state the plain. Kept my mouth closed. We're both so familiar, white ferrari.
Rebekah sat still not saying anything as you held her arm. That was all you needed to know. That was her argument, she knew that what you were saying was true and she was scared to argue back.
You nodded your head and got out the car not looking back. You could sense everything. That connection you made with her prank night was burning and you felt all of it.
You were fine here. That's just a slow body. You left when I forgot to speak… So I text to speech, lesser speeds. Texas speed, yes.
Y/n took her phone out and texted Rebekah.
<<I care for you still and I will forever. That was my part of the deal, honest. We got so familiar </3 >>
Rebekah looked down, tears spilling from her eyes. In the same place she was when you left. She hates Klaus for this but she hates herself more.
Mind over matter is magic. I do magic. If you think about it it'll be over in no time. And that's life.
You find yourself at the bar, drenched and crying. Thank god for Cami. Your guardian angel ever since you came to New Orleans.
“You look like hell little one.” That wasn’t cami.
“Well, leave it to the Mikaelsons to kill a mood. Mikaelsons- 3 , Y/N-0” she didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.
His faint, yet very appealing accent and formality in his tone was a dead giveaway.
“I assure you Rebekah is sorry.” He sits next to you nodding for drinks.
“It’s not her that has to apologize Elijah. She’s not the one incapable of loving one other than themselves.” She took his drink and looked at him.
“Ah, Niklaus got to her I see.” He closed his eyes.
“When does he not? All he does is get to her she’s weak compared to him.” You put your head back and sigh.
“I’ll talk to him. You have my wor-” He tried reassuring you but you cut him off.
“I do magic. I could easily take all the hurt out of Rebekah and we could live happily in a little cottage was cats but no. Either way I fear she’d go back to Klaus. What is it you guys say? Always and for ever. Well I promised her all or nothing.” You wipe tears from the brim of your eyes.
If you think about it it'll be over in no time. And that's life.
You straightened your posture and looked at him, “I will be happy once your sister is. Wether it’s with me or not. All I wanted was happiness for Bekah.”
He looked up not speaking but nodding.
“Give me it,” you looked at Elijah, who was obviously confused. “Give me your word that she’ll be happy. All or nothing. I just need it.”
“All or nothing. You have my word little witch.” He nodded.
You stood up and fixed yourself. You waved bye to cami, who just relaized you were there, and walked out.
This was the end of it. Means to an end. Whatever that means. 11 months and 2 weeks with the love of my life. The girl that ‘got’ away. The relationship that I had to fight for and lost people for. Gone at the blink of an eye.
“Or is it y/n?” I turn around and she’s standing outside her car.
I'm sure we're taller in another dimension. You say we're small and not worth the mention. You're tired of movin', your body's achin'.
I didn’t move. Feeling like her for a second. Not a word spoken.
“This is our life to live, not Niklaus’. I was the one who asked you out, not Nik.” she started walking to you.
“Why they sudden change?” you straighten up.
“Well a girl I know once said I will be happy once your sister is. Wether it’s with me or not. All I wanted was happiness for Bekah. Give me your word that she’ll be happy. All or nothing. I just need it.” She stopped in front of you.
“Elijah tol-” she cut you off.
“Elijah wants for me to be happy with or without you. I’m done being weak. I want my life to be my own, not Nik’s. I want to be free with the prettiest witch woman. I want those cottage cats from your pinterest board.” she started crying.
“But klaus will-,” You thought about the choice at hand. “No fuck klaus. This is me and you. All or nothing.” You put your hand out for her to grab.
To you she seemed to hesitate. But she was really just planning.
You started to put your hand down thinking she was letting you down in a nice way.
That was until she pulled you into a kiss. Not like the other ones but like the ones in movies.
The one Mitski, yes people Mitski, sang about.
The kiss in the rain that you yearned for since you seen it in a movie. You were 28 and living the dream.
She pulled back, both gasping for air.
She smiled holding her hand out.
“I want it. All or nothing. With you.”
Primal and naked. You dream of walls that hold us imprisoned. It's just a skull, least that's what they call it. And we're free to roam
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kasagia · 1 year
Hi there! Could you do an imagine where the reader is elenas younger sister and she used to date stefan in highschool( instead of stefan and elena) but after klaus arrives to town her and klaus fall in love despite elena and the mystic falls gang being absolutely upset with for being so and try to warn her about klaus and she doesnt listen and ends up moving to new orleans with klaus and leaves a heartbroken stefan whos still in love with her and a very dissappoitned friend group but after she goes to new orleans she realises that everyone was right and that klaus was very toxic and possesive over her and she regrets moving and doesnt really know what to do(you could write about what she does next if you can)
Sorry,if this was too long and thank you
Together(doesn't feel right at all)
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Gilbert!reader, past!Stefan Salvatore x Gilbert!reader Summary: After you dump your boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, for the big bad wolf, Klaus Mikaelson, and move to New Orleans with him, you start to realize his toxic, possessive behavior towards you. But is there still enough time to leave the devil who seduced you and go back to your normal life? Warning(s): toxic and possesive behaviour, angst, escape, curses, unhealthy relationships, panic attack, maybe dark!Klaus but idk - this man could kidnap me and I would thank him, so... Word Count: 5,3k+
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Something just isn't right I can feel it inside The truth isn't far behind me You can't deny
In hindsight, you should have known better.
Everyone warned you against him. Your sister Elena, your ex-boyfriend Stefan, Demon, Bonnie, Caroline, Katherine, even his own siblings.
But no, you knew better. You could change him, you saw him as a good man who might be harsh to others but would never dare to do you any harm. A man who would care for you until his last breath. Who would never intentionally make you feel insecure or uncomfortable. Which will never make you fearful or anxious.
But now, as you sit on his bed in his bedroom in New Orleans after he locked you here last night when you threatened to leave him and that damn city in a fit of anger, you feel like he might have crossed this line with you a very long time ago.
You couldn't deny that the truth wasn't far behind you.
But it was too embarrassing to face the fact that you voluntarily abandoned Stefan—your sweet, always supportive boyfriend—for this devil in disguise who seduced you with his pretty words.
Your mother may have been right to say that Satan no longer wears horns and a tail. He had beautiful blonde curls and captivating blue eyes glued to a perfect face.
And that's what Klaus was like from the beginning. Too perfect. From your first meeting, he was your (in this case, black) knight in shining armor. Always gallant, always tactful, always charming.
Your Mr. Right.
"I love you Y/N. No one can love you as much as I do. Not even your sweet Stefan."
"We belong to each other. Our souls have been connected since the beginning of the world and I can only thank this higher power that I finally found you on my way."
"Run away with me, love. Run away from this rotten town and your friends, who are jealous of our love, to the place, where we can be together and don't bother about others opinions."
"I promise you love. I will treat you like a queen. You will lack nothing, everyone will be at your beck and call, my beautiful human, whom I love more than my own life."
Yeah… you should know better than to believe those whispered promises of the devil kissing every inch of your flesh.
When I turn the lights out When I close my eyes Reality overcomes me I'm living a lie
But it was a beautiful lie he made up; you had to give it to him.
The most powerful man in the world, hopelessly in love with you - an ordinary human, the doppelgänger's sister.
Staring emotionlessly into the mirror of the dark room, you began to wonder how you got into your current situation.
"Klaus. We need to talk."
I announced as I entered his art studio. The man was painting his latest painting - New Orleans spread out at his feet. I stopped being his muse a long time ago. Now this city was his enemy, best friend, and lover. And I became his favorite toy, the thing he was used to having. I had to face the truth and escape the possessive hybrid while there was still time.
"Later, love. I'll finish in a moment and come to our bed."
"This is what we need to talk about."
"Our bed?" he asked, annoyed by my presence. "What's wrong with it? I just replaced it yesterday."
"I want to move out of here." my confident, firm statement effectively snapped him out of his painting trance. He put down his supplies and gave me his full attention for the first time in two weeks.
"We're not good to each other. I think it will be better..."
"You're joking, right? Love, you can't live without me." he interrupted me, laughing amusedly as if I had told him a funny, stupid joke.
"Well, over the last few months, I've proven that I'm doing great. Besides, I don't remember you holding my hand before I turned seventeen. I don't need care, Klaus."
"A few months? I was right next to you all this time; are you hallucinating, love?" his feigned concern, laced with a clear desire to unnerve me, almost worked. But I'd replayed that moment too many times in my head to succumb to his games so quickly.
"Do not make fun of me. I'm serious. I've had enough, Klaus. Your condescending behavior, your sudden outbursts of jealousy, and the slow erosion of my independence. You think I didn't notice how suddenly my credit card and my car keys disappeared? Or how suddenly every man or woman, after talking to me, magically ends up in the hospital? Are you going to punish your siblings too for talking to me?"
"It's all up to you, love. You can start acting like a good girl again, or I'm going to get a little... nastier."
"Nastier? Could you be even nastier than you already are?"
"Be careful, love. I'm not the one of us with mortal siblings that could be killed at any time."
"Are you threatening me with the deaths of my own siblings? Where is your fucking border, Niklaus?! Look at us! This is toxic, we're in a toxic relationship! You promised me that you would never, ever treat me like one of your enemies, like a fucking impostor, but that's all you're doing since these damn three months we've been here! I'm not going to be part of your plan or play your fucking toy anymore. This is ending right here. I am leaving, and I do not want to see you again."
As you might have guessed, you hadn't even taken a step out of his studio. He pressed some liquid-soaked cloth over your mouth and nose, and you passed out in his arms. Now you are here, locked in his room, which you once thought was yours too, and waiting for the hybrid's decision. What you wouldn't give to hear Elena's or Stefan's calm voice right now.
When I'm alone I Feel so much better And when I'm around you I don't feel together
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart." Klaus' sudden arrival in the living room startled me. The man stared at me wordlessly, watching my every move carefully. Still, I smiled at the oddly behaving hybrid and tried to talk to him. Apparently, something must have been bothering him since he has been so… different lately. Maybe today I'll be lucky. "How was your day? You disappeared from our bed earlier; I didn't even get a chance to say hello to…" the shattering of glass against the wall dangerously close to where I was standing effectively silenced me.
"DON'T LIE TO ME! I saw you with Marcel in the pub earlier. If you missed me so much, what the hell were you doing with him?!"
"Klaus. Please, try to calm..."
"Don't even try to calm me down! You're cheating on me with this lesser vampire?! While I'm tearing my veins out to keep your mortal ass alive every damn day?!"
"I DON'T KNOW what you have seen, but if you stay a little longer and listen to us, you will know I was talking about you. I'm worried about you; you act completely different than when we were in Mystic Falls."
"You don't even realize how incorrect this comparison is." he laughed at me, turning his back on me to walk over to his minibar and pour himself a drink.
"Sweetie, maybe it would be better for us, if we took a short vacation? Just you, me, and some nice place. What do you think? We can even go back to Mystic Falls." I tried to ignore his furious provocation and smooth things over.
"So you could see your Stefan?" he said it bitterly, drinking a whole glass of bourbon at once..
"What?" I turned to stare at the angry, jealous hybrid in disbelief.
"Never mind. It's a ridiculous idea anyway. I have to stay here and finish things. I can't just take breaks. Do you know how many enemies I have here against me and how hard I have to work to keep my family and you safe? Knowing your girlfriend is a slut who throws herself at any man she comes across doesn't help at all." that's it. I had officially had enough of his condescending, humiliating behavior.
"You know, you might be right. I was slutty whore enough to get into your fucking bed." I growled furiously, trying to get out of the room and away from his overpowering presence. However, the original wouldn't let me have the last word. He grabbed my elbow in a firm, bruising grip.
"Stop acting like that or…"
"Or what?! What did you gonna do?! I'M ALREADY IN HELL! Killing me would only be a favor on your part."
Suddenly, he pulled me to him, so I crashed into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me in a tight hug, not letting me move an inch from him, and with a tenderness that was surprising for me at this moment, he ruffled the stray strands of hair that fell over my eyes in the heat of our argument.
"Who said I would get rid of the most valuable thing in my life? No, love. You will never run away from me. You sealed your bloody fate the moment those alluring, pretty lips smiled at me in challenge." he came towards me, with each step he took towards me, he forced me to back up until I bumped into the wall. "You're mine. And no one, not even you, can change that now." he said, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look into his eyes.
"Fuck you."
"You want? I didn't know you were into make-up sex, love. I would have used it a long time ago." his devilish smirk used to make my heart flutter; now I couldn't feel anything but revulsion.
It doesn't feel right at all Together Together we've built a wall Together Holding hands we'll fall Hands we'll fall
"Y/N?" Rebekah's whisper snapped you out of your thoughts about your toxic relationship with her brother. "Are you there?" you frowned as you walked over to the door and put your ear to the cold wood.
"Bekah?" after a while, the crunch of metal could be heard in the quiet mansion, and the door to your makeshift cell was opened.
The blonde's sympathetic gaze sent chills down your spine, and the reason you've been so persistent in avoiding Klaus's siblings as well as him was instantly reminded of you. All those sad and anxious looks made you sick to your stomach. You preferred to indulge in beautiful, dead silence in a corner of the house than to be in the same room with any of them. At least no one treated you like a victim.
"Y/N. Come. We need to hurry up. I don't know how much time we have left." she took your hand carefully and gently dragged you to the porch in front of the house.
"Rebekah, what are you doing?" you asked and pulled your hand from her gentle embrace.
"I'm rescuing you from my brother. He completely went mad after your argument. He's more paranoid than usual, and believe me, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to his maniac state. You're not ready to deal with this. You're just a human; you can't protect yourself from him anymore. Elijah thought maybe you'd be his anchor and help keep him normal, but this has gone too far, and I'm not going to watch what he does to you anymore. So I'm giving you a chance to leave."
"This isn't just about me. I can see it in your eyes. He did something to you, and you want to get revenge on him; make him pay for it. I want to know what he did."
"He's holding Marcel somewhere. I can't let my brother kill him before I get to him, so I'll focus his attention on something else."
"On my escape."
"This won't work, Rebekah. If Klaus has a plan, sooner or later he will carry it out. He will not be stopped by the loss of some simple mortal."
"I know something about my brother, Y/N. Maybe he's now in his imperious mood and wants to take control over this city, but he loves you. In his crazy way, he cares about you. Not because he claimed you as his, but because he has some feelings for you that he may not understand clearly. I've never seen him like this before with any woman. But he is Niklaus after all. His hunger for power is greater than anything else." the blonde stopped, noticing something over your shoulder. She sighed with relief. You turned to see a black car pulling into the driveway. "Finally."
"Who is that?"
"You will see. You will be happy." she handed you a bag that was waiting outside the front door and led you to the parked car. After a while, the only person you wanted to be with you ran out of it.
"Y/N!" the brunette screamed, throwing herself on your neck and hugging you tightly. "I missed you so much." you suddenly felt someone take the weight off your bag. You pulled away from your sister to look at Stefan Salvatore himself. Someone you least expected to be your savior.
"Thank you, Rebekah. We'll be fine from here."
"Take care of her!"
"We will. Get to the car, ladies. We have a long road ahead of us."
Without a single word of explanation, Elena grabbed your hand and dragged you into the backseat, positioning herself so she could hug you from behind and comb your hair. You sighed, grateful for a little peace and comfort from her reassuring touch.
Stefan threw your bag into the front seat and started the car, leaving this damn city as fast as he could.
To your great relief, none of them gave you sympathetic looks or words of comfort. You drove in a pleasant silence, punctuated by the sound of the engine running as Stefan gave it more throttle. You thought you were going to get dizzy from how quickly you dodged the burning lampposts, the light of which was pouring in and out of the car window like you were at a disco.
You just couldn't shake one lingering thought from your mind that had been nagging you ever since Elena had shoved you into the car with a pleased, malicious smile from Rebekah.
Will Klaus be okay?
This has gone on so long I realize that I need Something good to rely on Something for me
As it turned out, Stefan drove you to your parents' old summer house near the mountains. You were glad that they chose this place as your hiding place. You've always hated it, but at least your forced stay won't destroy any of your childhood memories.
And judging by Elena's amused smirk when she saw your grimace, you guessed that her choice of location wasn't so accidental.
Your bodyguard (that's what you've called Stefan since you arrived) and your sister have been living here for two weeks now. You haven't had a single message from Klaus during this time. Nothing. No threatening text messages, no drunken, desperate voicemails begging for your return, or at least one goddamn call. Nothing. Totally. You were more worried about his silence than if he was bombarding you with a thousand messages. You wondered how much of that was deliberate to scare you, and how much of it was possible that his sister had finally finished him off.
You shuddered at the thought that he might be dead.
"Are you cold?" Stefan's question was the only prejudice on his part until he threw the blanket over your shoulders. "It's not the time of year to think on the balcony at night, would you agree?"
"Maybe. But sometimes we do stupid things. Probably too much in my case." you tried to make a joke, but you met his worried look instead. "Come on. It was funny."
"That he used you and mentally abused you? You have a messed-up sense of humor."
"He didn't abuse me. He was just…"
"He treated you like a favorite toy, gradually restricting your access to the world and making you feel like you couldn't live without him. If you call it caring, you're going to go to New Orleans and rip out his cold heart, if only he has one."
"Don't talk like that. You know he would kill you before you even reached him."
"You sound like you still have feelings for him even after he tricked you into loving him and locked you in the gilded cage of New Orleans."
"Don't sound so offended. It's none of your business what I feel for him. I'm not your girlfriend, Stefan."
"No. But you used to be my princess." he replied bitterly.
"And yet, I truly wanted to be his queen. He didn't trick or fool me into loving him, Stefan. Everything I felt for him was real. I know this seems silly and naive to all of you, but… you didn't see him as he was when it was just the two of us. You didn't see the gaze he gave me every time he looked at me. He was so charming, loving, and caring, and with him I felt… free. Not for as long as we can see, but still. I felt like he was the only one for me."
"You can still come back to me. I never stopped loving you, Y/N. Not even a little bit. This nightmare can end right now. Just say a word."
"Stefan, you know I'll always love you." you began, taking his hand and looking into his eyes, feeling guilty for his hopeful look. "But I'm not in love with you anymore, and I don't know if I could be ever again. I'm so sorry, Stefan, but you deserve someone better than me. Someone who'll love you and adore you, who'll be a princess for your prince charming."
"I don't know if I'll ever find someone else I can love as much as you."
"Believe me, you'll find. One day on your way will appear some beautiful, less fucked up girl who will give the world to you, but… it won't be me, Stefan."
"How can you, after everything he's done to you, still care about him?"
"He's half of me, Stef. My worse half, I have to admit, but I can imagine myself with someone else. And maybe I'm stupid and blind and have too much hope in him, but I know that there is good in him. Maybe I can't reach him, but someday someone will. And everyone will see the man I fall in love with. Not his bad, terryfing a shell he created to protect a broken boy inside him." he leaned towards you placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
"I'm afraid you might not live to see that day, Y/N." he whispered, leaving me alone with my thoughts on the balcony.
You sighed, closing your eyes and feeling a single tear roll down your cheek. It would be so much easier to love Stefan than Klaus.
When I'm around you When I'm around you I don't feel together I don't feel together When I'm around you When I'm around you I don't feel together, no I don't feel together
"My sister is going to be so mad at me." I groaned, turning in his arms to bury my face in his pillow.
"Well. I wish your sister wasn't the first thought that comes to your mind after our first hot, long night together, but I can live with that as long as I have you in my bed."
"Don't make fun of me!" I tapped him on the arm, smiling as I heard his beautiful, carefree laugh. "This is a serious situation, Miakelson. If she knew I slept with you the same day I broke up with her boyfriend's brother, she'd gouge my eyes out."
"I think they were well aware of the tension between us. Beyond me is how you managed to stay faithful to him and not succumb to my charms earlier. You resisted bravely, love."
"What can I say? You followed me around until you finally begged. In hindsight, I should have let you chase me a little longer."
"So you like it when I beg? Should I get down on my knees then, for my queen, and beg her to let me please her again?"
"Insatiable bastard."
"Only for the touch and affection of my queen." I pulled away from him with a mischievous smirk, watching his face contort in feigned horror as his eyes still shone with pure amusement and happiness. "Oh, no... I know that smile. What did my cruel queen has in mind?"
"So, can I officially call you my boyfriend?" he groaned in embarrassment, pulling away from me and covering his face with a pillow.
I laughed as I climbed on top of him and removed the pillow from his face. I lay down on top of him, resting my chin on his chest, close to his collarbones. We stared at each other for a moment, completely infatuated with each other. After a while, Klaus reached out his hand and brushed my hair behind my ear. His hand slid from my cheek, over my shoulder, arm, and hand, until he stopped, playing with my fingers. He kissed each of my fingers before suddenly slipping something onto my ring finger.
I pulled my hand out of his grip, examining the new simple gold ring on my finger.
"Don't worry. It's not what you think. I'm not going to propose to you with some ordinary ring. You can trust me to go all the way, then."
"So what is it?"
"There were no such illogical, unstable phrases as boyfriend or girlfriend in my day. If two people liked each other, they usually courted each other. I believe in your day it's called a promise ring."
"Aside from the fact that you almost proposed to me, or at least declared your intentions to do so, and did one of the sweetest things in the world, are you implying that those looks and gifts and all that romantic talk and gestures weren't courtship?"
"Of course not. It was meant to arouse your love for me. Now I can confidently declare my feelings and devotion."
"As if you were holding yourself back or feeling insecure in any way."
"Was I too…"
"A little" I cut him off before he could finish. "But that's one of the reasons I felt for you. Now, kiss me and delight your queen, as you said earlier."
"As you wish, my love." he murmured, kissing me with all his fervor.
You woke up, looking around the room in disappointment. You've had these dreams ever since you left New Orleans. Flashbacks to those good times, when your self-interest was untainted by his problems and manipulations. When butterflies appeared in your stomach every time your skin touched.
You read in some stupid teenage magazine that it's safer to choose the boy who doesn't make you feel butterflies in your stomach. This one would keep you safe. However, knowing what awaits you as Klaus' girlfriend in New Orleans, would you change your decision? Probably not. Would you change your behavior? Definitely yes. You would never let him have that kind of control over you a second time.
You jumped out of bed abruptly as you felt nausea approaching for the fourth time this week. As you leaned over the toilet, you felt someone hold your hair and stroke your back. You relaxed, sensing Elena's presence behind you. When you finished and started brushing your teeth to get rid of that awful taste, you caught your sister's worried look in the mirror.
"What?" you asked, spitting toothpaste into the sink.
"Y/N, I don't think we can avoid this topic any longer." she sighed as she walked over to the bathroom cabinet and took out a rectangular package. She threw it in your direction. You frowned as you recognized what was currently in your hands.
"Are you crazy? Pregnancy test? Like, how could I be pregnant by a vampire?"
"Just do it for me. Please." she asked, looking at you with her most adorable pleading eyes.
"You're going crazy in your old age, but okay. I will grant your stupid request. But get out. I'm not going to pee in front of you."
My heart is broken I'm lying here My thoughts are choking on you my dear On you my dear On you my dear
Elena was right… you were pregnant.
You stared in disbelief at the positive pregnancy test, wondering how this could have happened.
Klaus was a vampire, so it was impossible for him to get you pregnant, but you stood in the bathroom crying over the positive test you had, at one point throwing it down the sink in panic.
Even if you were somehow magically pregnant with Klaus, this couldn't be happening right now. Not while you and he were standing on shaky ground in your relationship. Not when he acted like an obsessive bastard who would surely lock you in his room for 9 months or more after learning that a bun was in the oven for fear of something bad happening to you two.
However, despite everything, all you felt was an unimaginable longing for the father of your (possibly existing) child. He should be here, right next to you, you should rejoice with him about this news and it should be the happiest day of your life.
Instead of this, all you get was the cold, gold ring on your finger, which was making fun of your current situation. And the first tears, which were already dripping from your cheeks onto the floor.
But you decided to pull yourself together to make sure you weren't only concerned about yourself anymore.
"Elena! Can you call Bonnie?!"
When I'm around you When I'm around you I don't feel together I don't feel together When I'm around you When I'm around you I don't feel together, no I don't feel together
"I will open!" you screamed, jumping off the couch hoping it was the pizza you ordered.
You started making excuses a week ago, saying that the baby and you needed more food, and you ordered absolutely everything you wanted. Including fast food, chocolate, ice cream, and weird midnight cravings. To be honest, you were beginning to fear that one day you might want to drink blood, but that was a problem for another day. Now you had to get the pizza.
The problem is that when you opened the door, you saw someone completely different than the pizza delivery guy. Unless Klaus decided to make extra money and is a lousy pizza delivery guy.
"Hello, love."
Shit. You shouldn't text Rebekah that you need to meet. But hey! You thought the blonde had pacified him. So it was appropriate to inform any of the Mikaelsons that they were going to be uncles/aunt, wasn't it?
"Hi." his messy sight didn't make you feel any better. Apparently, this month has not been easy for him either.
"Can we… can we talk?"
"Talk. For obvious reasons, I have no intention of letting you into the house." you replied coldly, not thinking about making it easy for him. He screwed up, you will let him try to fix you two now.
"Of course. I wouldn't blame you at all if you slammed the door in my face." he replied, laughing, trying to lighten the situation somehow.
You raised an eyebrow, completely unfazed, which made him even more embarrassed. It's probably the first time you've seen him in such a precarious state. He always knew what to do and when to do it. Apparently, he must have really come here as quickly as he could, without any plan in mind. All right. At least you'll know his true intentions sooner.
"Honestly, I should probably do that. But I think we've long established that I don't usually do what I'm supposed to do. You have five minutes."
"Where to start here…"
"An apology would be fine. So is the story of how Elijah managed to get your mind back to normal after accusing everyone of treason and scheming behind your back."
"We both know you don't believe in empty words like sorry, but if you want to hear it, I'm more than ready to beg on my knees for your forgiveness, and that really means something, love. Besides, it wasn't my brother's doing. After you left, something in me... snapped. But the situation made it impossible for me to find you so quickly and try to make amends in any way."
"And what was that?"
"I couldn't believe what Elena told me, but apparently it's true." your conversation was interrupted by Stefan, who stood next to you in the doorway. Klaus winced as Salvatore put his arm around your shoulders, but didn't say a word.
"Stefan." Klaus greeted him coldly, completely surprising you that he hadn't tried to pounce on the younger vampire.
"Klaus. I knew you had some impudence, but I thought after 1000 years you'd learned any decency and you will left her alone."
"Stefan." you scolded him, breaking your eye contact with the hybrid for a moment.
"No, Y/N. You shouldn't be standing here talking to him, much less opening the door for him."
"Nobody, not even you, will tell me what to do." you growled, flicking his arm off of you, much to the original's relief and delight.
"Do you really care about him that much? Can't you just walk away from him?" Like you did from me. He forget to add. You saw this resentment in his eyes, and you couldn't blame him for it. He had a right to feel that way after you broke his heart.
"I can't."
"Because he's going to be a father of my child." wow. It's very interesting how one sentence could make these two stunned.
"Yes. In a very nutshell, as a half werewolf, you can have children. Surprise! You should start using some protection. Stefan, could you give us a second?" the shocked vampire obediently walked away, leaving you alone with the befuddled hybrid. "Are you okay? You look pale. Do vampires faint?"
"You're pregnant. With my baby."
"Yes, I thought we already established that."
"And you… do you want to keep it?"
"Yes and it would help if you didn't call our baby it."
"Try to put yourself in my position. This morning I was in New Orleans fighting with my siblings, Mikael and Esther and now…"
"Wait. What? Your parents? What happend? Are you okay?" in your concern, you didn't even notice that you had left the house. You were standing in front of him and touching his face, looking for any sign of injury.
"I'm fine, love. I'm perfectly fine now." he murmured, leaning against your hand, absorbing every ounce of touch you were giving him.
You sighed, resting your forehead against his, letting yourself get lost in the familiar scent of his perfume for a moment. The mere fact that he didn't move an inch to touch you made you believe in his sincere desire to repair your relationship (as well as irritating that even though he was so close, you still had a long way to go to reunite.)
"Don't even think those sweet eyes of yours will make me forget what happened. You're going to have to do your best to make up for the fact that instead of talking to me about your concerns, you decided to make sure I didn't abandon you by making me as dependent on you as possible."
"So you still think my eyes are sweet?"
"Shut up." I murmured. Klaus pulled away from you so he could see your face. His serious expression dispelled the playful mood beetwen you two.
"I love you, Y/N. I'll do anything to get you to trust me again, but until that happens, we'll do everything on your terms. I'll buy you whatever house you want, a car, a dog, a cat—name a thing and you'll get it. I will make sure that you and our child do not lack anything. Even if you decide we shouldn't be together."
"You must really want me if you're ready to buy me a cat."
"I remember you arguing with me that they were Satan's spawn." he rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist tentatively. I hugged him to me, allowing this small expression of tenderness between us. I missed him just like that.
"I think you're exaggerating it a bit, love. I called them my natural enemies."
"Of course, wolfie." I said, hugging him again.
Maybe, together, we do feel right after all.
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and all the magic we made (16/20)
Rebekah is the first to notice that today, Klaus is wearing his favorite jacket.
It’s the one with the navy striped pattern inside - the outside is dark brown. It��s so unlike the usual clothes he’d pick for himself. Ripped jeans, black leather, gray sweaters, he was one step up from his highschool teenage self.
This jacket though was different. It used to belong to Finn, he got it back when he first met the love of his life, Sage. Then, he outgrew it the summer Elijah turned seventeen and it was his turn to inherit the jacket.
Klaus knew that at some point, he’d have to give this jacket to Kol.
It’s a tradition between brothers, one that they all hold dear - so of course, he wears this article of clothing the day Freya, Elijah and Finn are leaving town again.
Rebekah, Klaus and Kol arrive to see them off at the airport.
“Well,” Kol sighs, waving them away as the three of them pass through border security. “There they go, off to who knows where,” he grumpily says.
His sister places a warm hand over his shoulder, realizing that Kol was still mourning Davina’s rejection. And, in turn, he was not ready to say goodbye to the rest of his siblings, as of yet. 
“Kol,” she whispers, “they’ll be back soon, they just have some work to do, that’s all,” her attempts to soothe her dear brother fails as he continues to pout.
He then notices the big smile plastered on Klaus’ face.
“And what’s got you so chipper?” He asks.
Klaus raises a brow. “What ever do you mean?”
Kol rolls his eyes. “You’ve been grinning like a damned fool all morning,” he says. “Meanwhile, Bekah and I are heartbroken, betrayed…turned away by people whom we love dearly.”
He reminds him, as he recalls Marcel’s haste behavior at the party last night and who could forget Kol’s embarrassing antic of trying to get engaged.
“Oh my God.” And just then, Rebekah puts the pieces together. “Something happened with Hayley, didn’t it?”
Her brother’s blushing cheeks gives him away.
“I knew it!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around Klaus. “Oh, I’m so glad, I knew you two would patch things up!”
Klaus doesn’t say much else, he rubs his sister’s back as she holds him closer.
Kol doesn’t add a word either - he’s much too busy continuing to sulk and burn a jealous stare into his sibling.
(Although, somewhere, underneath all that envy, he is happy for Klaus).
Back at the Marshall residence - time to daydream is rather rare.
Between getting Hope ready for school, packing lunch, and getting herself ready for work - Hayley is almost caught off-guard by the fleeting memories of last night’s kiss with Klaus.
At first, she thought she would regret it.
She was supposed to never forgive him.
But, to her dismay, Klaus had indeed grown as a person since the last time she had seen him. She can’t help but think that she doesn’t want to hold on to her anger anymore.
It’s so…exhausting. Fighting her feelings, her attraction to him, her love for him -
Knock knock!
“Hey there stranger.”
And then, there is Marcel.
She can’t pretend she hasn’t noticed him either. Even though Hayley is swept off her damned feet by Klaus’ affection, Marcel’s presence is…unwavering. 
“I wasn’t expecting you this morning,” she tells him. “Donuts again?” she notices.
He nods, raising the box and walking into her home like he lives there. “Fresh from Josh’s Bakery,” he knows where everything is - the place where she puts all the snacks to keep away from Hope, where she hides her cigarettes, where the bananas go -
“We’re just about to leave, Hope is still watching cartoons upstairs,” it sounds like she’s rushing him out, like she knows what’s about to come.
He’s thought about her for so long.
“I wanted to tell you this last night, at the party,” Marcel confesses. “But something else came up - anyway, the point is…” His hands shake and her eyes avert his gaze. She can’t even look at him right now. “After the Mikaelsons left town and we only had each other, I grew really close to you,” he recalls to her. “I remember helping you during your pregnancy, being in the hospital when you gave birth, Hope’s first words-”
“Hayley Marshall,” He gets closer, almost too close. “I think…I’m in love with you.”
And she wishes her heart hadn’t wavered, that it hadn’t, for one second, just thought about it. 
For if she hadn’t, things would be so clear. Her answer would be Klaus - but, when she looks into Marcel’ eyes…she can’t help but imagine.
She can’t help but dream.
After his short trip to the airport, Kol’s mind is still wrapped around Davina’s rejection.
He continues to be cooped up in the same hotel room as Rebekah and Klaus - refusing to be alone for even a second. As long as he has his siblings, he weirdly feels invincible.
Like he can even get through this - as long as his sister’s hand continues to ruffle his curls and his brother’s smile haunts his mind…he is alright.
Better even, he is good.
“Hey. I’m outside your hotel. Let’s talk”
Until he isn’t.
Kol stares at the text from Davina for over a minute, just to check if it’s real. And then, he rushes down to the lobby.
(He has this entire speech prepared - in his mind, he is brave, he is strong, he is smooth with his words and assertive. However, as soon as he sees her and she’s wearing that scrunchie he gave her on their fourth date - he loses it).
“I thought I’d never see you again,” he exhales.
“Kol,” she laughs as he runs into her arms. “You’re so dramatic,” she sighs, patting his hair down while he softly sobs into her touch.
“First, you reject my proposal and now, you’re making fun of me?” he whines.
She wipes his tears away, trying to hold him even closer. “I’m sorry,” Davina finally tells him. “I never meant to hurt you with my decision, you know you have my heart - just marriage, it’s a big deal you know? We’re just kids, are we even ready for something like that? And you never even talked about it with me-”
“I know,” he cuts her off, finally done with the crying, done with moping around. “I just…I was swept up in the passion of it all. You know how we Mikaelsons are?”
Davina smiles widely. “Yes, I’m aware. It’s one of the things I love most about you.”
He breathes easy as she softly places her smooth fingers against his cheeks. She pulls his face close and they are nose to nose. “I guess I could wait…just a little longer for you. Actually, you know I’d wait for you forever, Davina.”
She quietly giggles. “Oh Kol,” Davina sings. “I promise I won’t make you wait that long.”
So he wears his brother’s jacket.
The jacket that smells like old pine, wood and faded cologne.
Klaus spends his evening reading poetry books, while Rebekah softly plays her reality shows in the background - it’s a kind of night he hasn’t had in a while.
Between his feelings for Hayley and his dramatic family…and his daughter. Klaus hasn’t had much time for himself. 
And that reality is sure to fade the minute Hayley asks him to see her.
With an instant, he is jumping out of bed, grabbing his shoes and running out the door.
“Here to continue what we started?” He says, in the smoothest way possible.
He’s disappointed when he’s met with her frown - she takes a step towards him, her tone is somber.
“We need to talk.”
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kennheir · 2 years
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For   the   first   two   months   of   her   life,   Belle   had   a   dad   who   loved   her,   who   took   her   out   to   the   Bayou   to   meet   the   rest   of   their   family,   introducing   the   little   wolf   to   every   member   of   the   Pack.   (She   is   a   Kenner,   a   royal   bloodline   by   Crescent   standards   and   her   dad   is   no   longer   the   last.)   She   learns   their   scents,   names   them   safe   and   home,   and   like   all   infants,   never   fears   losing   them.
Tristan   De   Martel   tears   her   dad’s   heart   from   his   chest   while   her   mom   screams   but   she’s   too   young   to   understand.   What   she   understands   is   this   -   Crying   alone   in   a   carseat   because   her   parents   have   disappeared,   their   scents   disappearing   but   the   tang   of   blood   remains,   warm   arms   bring   her   home   but   they   aren’t   the   one’s   she’s   hoping   for,   the   breaking   of   a   bond   she   didn’t   understand   she   had,   the   gaping   hole   where   her   dad   used   to   be.
(Now   she   is   the   last.)
Her   mom   comes   home   and   doesn’t   let   her   out   of   her   sight   but   it’s   not   the   same   -   her   dad   is   gone,   the   comforting   scent   of   safe/family/home   isn’t   full   anymore.   (Her   safety   blanket   is   a   worn   blue   flannel   where   his   scent   still   lingers,      spelled   to   stay   forever   unless   she   ruins   it   teething.)
They   leave   New   Orleans,   for   safety,   she’d   learn   later   but   all   she   understands   now   is   bonds   stretching   but   not   breaking,   her   world   of   home/safe/family   shrinking   to   a   Pack   of   3.   (Though,   really,   Grandma   Mary   looks   after   them   enough   while   mom’s   out   looking   for   cures)
Her   mom   goes   out   searching   for   the   last   time   when   she’s   5,   silver   bracelet   firmly   on   her   wrist   while   in   public,   to   be   shed   as   soon   she’s   safely   within   the   confines   of   home/safe/family,   small   bones   breaking   in   familar   ways   to   become   a   wolf   (No   one   could   have   predicted   how   the   Crescent   Curse   and   Original   Werewolf   Curse   would’ve   affected   a   young   wolf   in   the   womb),   When   she   comes   back   to   herself,   Hope   meets   Klaus   Mikaelson   for   the   first   time   she   can   remember   and   Belle   strains   her   eyes,   squinting   into   the   horizon   for   her   own   dad   to   show   up,   until   Grandma   Mary   takes   her   aside   and   lets   her   down   in   her   own   way.   (Belle   doesn’t   understand   how   Hope’s   dad   could   come   back   for   her   and   not   Belle’s,   not   the   one   Grandma   Mary   tells   her   stories   about,   but   she   doesn’t   understand   death   yet.   She   will   soon   enough.)
Her   dad   does   come   back   for   her,   in   a   way   -   a   twisted   imitation   worn   by   the   Hollow,   smile   too-wide,   knife   in   hand,   ready   to   take   out   the   descendants   who   can   kill   her.   (The   first   time   she   sees   her   dad’s   face   that   she   can   remember,   not   in   a   photograph,   it   tries   to   kill   her.)
They   rejoin   the   Pack   and   it   feels   like   a   homecoming,   old   bonds   snapping   back   into   places,   scents   mingling   once   more,   and   her   family   grows.   (But   never   complete.   There   will   ALWAYS   be   someone   missing.   Soon   there   will   be   more.)   They   take   her   requests   for   stories   with   knowing   eyes   and   sad   smiles,   the   puzzle   pieces   of   her   dad   becoming   more   and   more   clear.
(Grandma   Mary   dies   when   she’s   7   and   she   can’t   stop   herself   from   crying,   emotions   too   big   for   her   too   small   body.   Another   connection   lost.)
Belle   is   14   years   and   3   months   old   when   she   watches   her   best   friend   die   the   same   way   as   her   dad,   heart   crashing   into   the   ground,   a   bloody   mess,   and   wonders   if   she’s   next.   (She   wonders   how   it   felt   in   his   last   moments.   Was   he   thinking   about   her?)  
She   is   14   years   and   4   months   when   her   mom   dies,   when   Hope   nearly   dies,   when   she   nearly   dies   (If   she   saw   her   parents,   she   can’t   remember   it   and   she’s   forever   haunted   by   what   was   never   said.)   Lisina   dies   and   Belle   steps   up   to   lead,   because   she   is   a   Labonair,   a   Kenner,   because   this   pack   is   her   family/safe/home   and   she’d   rather   DIE   than   lose   anyone   else,   because   there   was   no   other   options.
Over   the   years,   she   wonders   if   he’s   proud   of   her,   this   dad   she’s   only   met   on   stories   and   maybe   near   death.   Was   becoming   alpha   the   right   choice?   Or   would   he   rather   his   daughter   keep   her   childhood   a   little   bit   longer.   She   graduates   highschool   as   Isabella   Kenner   (Being   the   last   just   makes   you   lonely.)   When   she   get’s   married,   her   sister   walks   her   down   the   aisle   but   she   can’t   help   herself   imagining   her   parents   in   Hope’s   place.   (Do   his   eyes   crinkle   like   hers   when   he   smiles?   Does   he   cry   when   he   sees   her   in   her   dress?   What   do   his   arm   in   hers   feel   like,   walking   down   the   aisle? )
  She   names   her   children   after   her   parents,   carefully   gifting   names   of   those   who've   come   before.   (Now   she   is   no   longer   the   last.)   She   tells   them   stories   of   their   family,   of   their   Pack.   She   makes   sure   they   know   that   they   are   LOVED,   that   they   know   where   they   come   from,   who   they   come   from.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 1 year
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Modern Highschool Klaus in Love
Klaus Mikaelson Moodboard
The Art Nerd Masterlist
(This is the Series that matches this Moodboard)
Klaus M. Moodboards
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Your Fellow Passengers
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Bumping up his age)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Scott Lang
Bruce Banner
Dr. Strange
Helmut Zemo
My Hero Academia
U.A. Highschool.
Tenya Ida
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Eijiri Kirishima
Mezo Shoji
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Hitoshi Shinso
Pro Heros
All Might (Toshinori Yagi)
Endeavor (Enji Todoroki)
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
Eraser Head (Shota Aizawa)
Sir Nighteye (Mirai Sasaki)
Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan
Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
Dabi (Toya Todoroki)
Tomura Shigaraki
All for One
Mr. Compress (Atsuhiro Sako)
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
Overhaul (Kai Chisaki)
Yo Shindo
Inasa Yoarashi
Seiji Shishikura
Male Celebrities
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn Mendes
Tom Holland
Jeremy Renner
Sebastian Stan
Henry Cavill
Zac Efron
Colby Brock
Brennen Taylor
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Anthony Mackey
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Misha Collins
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Matt Cohen
Bryan Dechart
Joe Manganiello
Pedro Pascal
Kim Nam-Joon/RM
Kim Seok-JIn
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-Kook.
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Pattinson
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Scott Eastwood
Ben Affleck
Ewan McGregor
Channing Tatum
Luke Evans
Tom Hiddleston
Ben Barnes
Tom Hardy
Mark (Markiplier)
Liam Hemsworth
Oscar Isaac
Jake Andrich
Andrew Garfield
Harry Styles
John Cena
Dylan O'Brien
Charlie Cox
John Krasinski
Andrew Lincoln
Norman Reedus
Jon Berthndal
Noah Beck
Josh Richards
Richard Madden
Dwayne Johnson
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Young John (Michael)
Dean (Michael)
Adam (Micheal)
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Kevin Keller
Hiram Lodge
F. P. Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Kenny Ackerman
Bertolt Hoover
Moblit Berner
Zeke Jaeger
Kenny Ackerman
Mike Zacharias
Marco Bott
Porco Galliard
Connie Springer
Eren Kruger (?)
Floch Forster
Clark Kent/Superman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Billy Batson/Shazam (Bumping up his age)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Barry Allen/The Flash
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Captain Cold
Captain Atom
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Piers Nivans
Mr. X
Lord Dimitrescu (Genderbend of Lady Dimistrescu)
Cassander (Genderbend of Cassandra)
Daniel (Genderbend of Danielia)
Benjamin (Genderbend of Bela)
Vampire Diaries/The Originals.
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tuskishima
Toru Oikawa
Tetsuro Kuroo
Asahi Azumane
Daichi Sawamura
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Hajime Iwaizumi
Kotaro Bokuto
Atsumu Miya
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Brahms Heelshire
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Norman Bates
Pyramid head
Sweeney Todd.
Bobby Drake
Scott Summers
Logan Howlett
Erik Lehnsherr
Young Professor X
Male Pornstars
Alexander Mecum
Topher Dimaggio
Paddy O'Brian
Hoss Kado
Michael Delray
Colton Grey
William Seed
Luke Wilder
Tell me if I missed any characters or should I add anymore!
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sxnnimoon · 4 years
History No More
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Klaus x reader, Damon x reader( briefly)
Summary- You’re back in Mystic Falls due to Klaus having some business to handle so you being pregnant and not wanting to stay in the house all day you venture off where you bump into a few people you really hoped you wouldn’t but small town means unexpected meetings.
You didn’t want to be in Mystic Falls for two reasons. One being you do not want to relive your high school days as almost every single person is still living in this town. And reason number two being you are a wolf turned hybrid and am carrying the child of The Klaus Mikaelson. But here you were in the Mikaelson mansion awaiting Niklaus’ return from doing lord knows what. You decided he was taking too long to arrive home so you went for a walk downtown and maybe stop at the grill to get something to eat. Although you hated being here it did have it’s perks. It’s not even the town you hated though. It was the history that was made here. You were too busy in your thoughts when someone bumped into you.
“I am so sorry.” the person spoke.
“It’s alright no harm done.” you said.
You looked up to see it was none other than Hayley Marshall, the one your now fiance decided to sleep with while you both were on a “break”. You don’t blame her though, you blame Nik. he may be horrible to most and had his way with women but if there is one thing for certain he did know how to pick them. 
“I didn’t know you guys were back in town.” she said.
“We just got in last night, Nik had some things to take care of so I thought I'd take a breather from all things him.” you spoke out of breath.
You were about to walk away when Hayley grabbed your hand.
“I know you probably hate me for sleeping with Klaus but believe me I was drunk and I don’t necessarily sleep with anyone I just met.” she said worry in her voice.
“Believe me love I wanna hate you but I don’t, what I can do is blame Nik for putting his dick somewhere he knows he shouldn’t have, regardless of being on a break.” you spoke powerfully.
“And I will spend the rest of my days making up for it.” Nik came up behind you. “You can’t possibly still be mad at me my love?”
“You bet your ass you’ll be making it up to me. I am not carrying this baby for nothing.” you elbowed him.
“Well this is my que to go, see you guys around I suppose.” Hayley said walking away.
Klaus turned to face you. 
“Mine as well, I’ve still got a bit of things to do yet so you’ll be on your own til then, Rebekah is on standby in case you need something alright? I don’t need my queen worrying too much.” he gave you a quick peck before vamping away.
You decided to head to the grill as your little one was getting hungry, you made your way to a table when you bumped into someone who was the last person you wanted to see. 
“Y/N/N, I see you’re back in town.” Damon spoke,
Yes, Damon Salvatore. Back in your highschool/college days you guys went out and things ended when you found Damon in bed with your then best friend, Elena Gilbert. You were two years older than her but you’re guys families were part of the founding families so you were always close. 
“Damon,” you said, turning. “Didn’t expect to bump into you.”
“And I didn’t expect you to be pregnant so guess we’re both caught by surprise.” he said admiring your growing belly.
“Shocking I know.” you held your belly. “Say how are things with Elena?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Things are fine, and yes we are together.” he said.
“I’m not surprised.” you smirked.
“Sooo who's the lucky guy?” he asked, a hint of sadness lingering.
“You’d think me crazy.” you smiled.
“You? Crazy? HA! Never.” he smirked looking away.
“Okay you ass,” you pushed him. “But if you really want to kn-”
You were cut off by your phone ringing. It was Elijah. You ignored him deeming it not important. You then put your phone on silent not wanting to ruin the conversation.
“Anyways, you really wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” you giggled.
“Try me.” he said.
Before you could speak, Nik entered the grill dramatic as ever.
“I see this is where you’ve been hiding.” he sassed.
“Relax Niklaus,” you soothed. “I am not harmed, I am perfectly ok. She is perfectly ok.” 
You rubbed your belly.
“Please tell me you didn’t get knocked up by a Mikaelson.” Damon face palmed.
“Damon Salvatore, I’ll be damned. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.
“Me either but I guess it’s your lucky day.” Damon retorted.
“Now care to tell me how you two know each other.” Nik asked.
“You remember how I told you I never wanted to come back here because of the history it holds?” you said. “Well damon was that history.”
“Bloody hell.” Nik said, “You mean to tell me, this whole time Damon was the one who made you want to forget this here town?”
“Yes.” you responded.
“And that is my que to go.” Damon said before vamping away.
“Nik it was years ago. I’ve moved on clearly.” you held your stomach. “He cheated and all feelings were lost.”
Nik began to speak, but you cut him off.
“And before you say anything the Hayley situation is very different from this one. Damon and I were together when he cheated on me with Elena. You and I were on a break when Hayley happened.” you held his face.
“I just don’t want you to hate me for going and sleeping with someone regardless of it being a break.” he said looking away.
“It’s all in the past and this,” you held your belly. “This baby is our future.”
He gave you his signature smirk. He knew your baby would be spoiled no matter what. That baby had him whipped and they weren’t even born yet.
**Fast Forward 3 months***
You all were back in New Orleans, and by all you meant all. You couldn’t be happier your son was to know his family as he was nearing his due date any time now. To say you didn’t want him out was an understatement. You wanted him out. You were miserable. Klaus tried his best to help ease whatever it was you were feeling but it just wasn’t enough. You had been reading peacefully while Klaus was painting, when you felt a very sharp pain. You whimpered but tried your best to ignore it. You didn’t think anything of it. You went back to reading when it happened again this time Klaus taking notice.
“You alright love?” he said.
“I’ll be alright just a bit uncomfortable.” you said another one coming.
You had gotten up to go to the bathroom when you felt liquid coming down out of you. It wasn’t pee. Your water had broken. Your son was coming and he was coming fast. You nearly fainted when Klaus caught you.
“The babies coming.” was all you said.
Klaus yelled for Freya and Rebekah. Seeing as you couldn’t walk or had no interest in moving as your son really wanted out. Klaus sat behind you on the floor as Freya checked you out.
“I see his head, you're going to have to push now Y/N.” she said. “On my count you’ll push ok?”
You tried nodding. Freya counted to three and you gave your first push. You let out a scream. You didn’t doubt Klaus but he was honestly trying his best to help you through the pain you were experiencing. Freya had you push a few more times and your son was born. You let out the biggest sigh, he was here and healthy. Rebekah took him to clean him up a bit while Freya made sure you were alright and fixed you up. Klaus was in tears. The moment Rebekah brought him back, you were in awe. He was gorgeous. He definitely looked like Klaus just with your lips. Klaus and helped you to the bed and he couldn’t keep his eyes on your guys son. He finally had a family. He was going to be the best father anyone could have. A month goes by and you couldn’t be happier with the little family you have. You had been focused on your writing since Klaus has been on daddy duty all day to give you some free time, he really has come a long way. You could only feel your son was the missing piece to the puzzle your guys life was. He was happy and so were you. 
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