#Hindsight is 20/20
rinksrats · 3 months
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I've been thinking about that Hello Kitty flip phone a lot
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ad-al-ai · 3 months
Just finished The Magnus Archive and even after everything, the funniest yet most dread inducing part of the whole series was the end of season 4 hearing “The Magnus Archives will return April 2020” then seeing the ep released in 2019
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superxstarzz · 5 months
last but not least!!!! thief/rogue!!! I actually love both of these sm they were so fun to make
the stealing classes!!!!
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justanotherspeck · 1 year
the way sir sparklepuff kept screaming "BLOOD OF CHILD" and i was just like, "oh! :) funny little guy! he's just a little edgy, how cute :)" and then felt like an absolute fool when it was made painfully obvious why he kept repeating that.
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verdanturfwind · 27 days
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Okay Sakurai whatever you say man
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
Side Eyes or Raised Eyebrows
Buddie: Marketing Tatic or Something Else?
Hello! Back on my big brain I cant sleep stuff.
I've been a Buddie fan for over a few months now (idk how time works) and have lived through the beautiful bi buck confirmation.
Now I do have some think pieces about queer representation in American media and in different countries (i literally spend all my time watching tv I'm a conessiur or sorts) and how they differ on impact/deal with issues etc.
What I woke up thinking about is something that's bugging me a bit about Oliver and his interviews.
If we're (both the ga and buddie fans) supposed to be convinced about this new relationship the writing and promotion MUST be changed.
Let me explain.
Tommy, Tevan whatever you want to call it is Buck's newest relationship.
It's a new relationship with a similar set up/feeling around it.
The only way I think Buddie can be override/mitigated is if they have a doctor love interest who consistently stays over the course of seasons who has their own backstory and storyline.
I'm starting to swing my eyes at ABC and their marketing team now.
Madney's wedding coming up and we barely saw either of them ( granted kudos on keeping this all under wraps y'all) and they've been hanging a shiny bell in front of us as distraction like a baby.
Look at the shiny buddie then BAM character death!
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Please don't take this serious, please don't take this serious, Tim! PLEASE don't take this serious.
But anyways, I have been thinking about Oliver and all of his recent press and just the way Busdie has been uttered and whipped around like a tennis ball.
He currently has a boyfriend but the way it's been discussed and portrayed has me a bit dazed.
I wanna be a bit objective (I'm asking the big questions here)
The main problem is the Buddie relationship and how it's portrayed/written and had continued to be this season.
If you compare the past seasons and how they've developed as let's face it a couple, because there's no way to deny it as they've been written to parallel in unverse and other show romantic heterosexual relationships.
They quite literally qualified for a queer platonic relationship (if you wanted to view it that way. I however have not. I say let the gays free!/j)
If they intended for it to be platonic let it BE platonic.
They shouldn't be doing an if, of the gender was swapped would it be romantic/ship coded?
They literally have that in the show already. Bobby and Chim, Bobby and Eddie, hell Chim and Eddie (do they even have solo scenes together???).
Bathena is a blatant parallel. The main one almost beat for beat is the orchard shooting and the hostage situation. (Pretty sure it's the same season I believe)
But those are just some examples of the show.
My main gripe is if it's not about buddie don't make it/lean to heavily into it as it can backfire.
I'm not gonna lie, bi buck episode was a bait and switch (beautifully done and still very infuriating all the same).
Oliver I gotta bone to pick with you (I really don't I'm side eyeing the network i know they approve questions).
He's also a Buddie warrior so I can't really fault him on how he talks about it it's been like 6 years he's had the same partner with the domestic (cough sexual tension cough) with.
So I don't really blame him tbh.
*Swings around and points fonger at marketing team*
It's all your fault.
I know the episode will feature Madney (duh it's their wedding episode and I'm ready to cry) but I'm pretty sure there could've been another way to advertise this occasion.
Use flyers (similar to the ones used to say that one of the dispatch crew was attending) to get fans buzzed about watching the show in a few weeks as though they're rsvp'ing, talk about past scenes, more interviews centering the couple and what they thought about the episode, a promotional photoshoot?
Photoshoot in a magazine with jlh and Ken would've been really cute. Madney fans would then be happy. (I'm included🙋🏾‍♀️ give the beautiful couple their photos i wanna see it😤 my little queer heart and eyes demands it)
Literally would've been the perfect time to pair up with some wedding magazine or something. Literally a million ways to go about it.
Madney in formal wedding clothes, then a dystopian kind of dress clothes to reflect the chaotic wedding ending.
Use a highlight reel.
Similar you are cordially invited to a 911 wedding -
Show madney karaoke, engagement ring being missing, proposal, hugs after hostage, this season cute date idea and excitement for the wedding then a simple where's chimney.
Then put the bachelor stuff then have him crawling.
Something as simple as that puts more of the focus on madney visually and marketing wise.
For the interviews they could've split it between Oliver talking about bisexuality and the other two talking about relationship and the high beats and low beats and how it felt to play.
How their relationship developed as costars and what the characters mean to them.
Split it down the middle so both fans are appeased.
I am a fan of all characters and this is really funny because I the first half of this one morning I woke up before the scene was even mentioned being cut but i was like there's a shift in something and it's not good🤣 as expected something went wrong)
Though I'm pretty sure the fans of both will be happy because Buddie are going to be the comic relief so they'll have a decent amount of time as the blockers so to say because we will know who's gonna kidnap Chimney. He only had one enemy??
But yeah this was a Tuesday thing I wrote and it's now very hilarious in hindsight and in the future.
Happy Madney day i guess!
This will be linked to Twitter cause whew...
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I think the saying “hindsight is 20/20” was throughly ruined by the year 2020. Because, even though I know the saying is referring to 20/20 vision, every time I hear it, the filing cabinet drawer in my brain that stores “2020” gets opened, and my brain makes the connection to it, even though I know that’s the wrong 20(/)20.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
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(Tags by @martynsweep)
It is fascinating and it oddly reminds me of the lens model for intersectional stereotyping.
“Nerdy, what the hell are you on about?” You may ask, which is an entirely reasonably response. Essentially, I’m a psychological science student and these tags reminded me of a theory we discussed in my psychology of prejudice class earlier in the semester.
To have a more established professional explain it: “The process of stereotyping someone is akin to viewing them through a lens—a lens that sharpens our focus on certain, typically overgeneralized attributes, and that causes us to lose focus, at least for the moment, on the attributes that make that person unique” (source). Of course, people are much more complex than can be feasibly categorized. Stereotyping as a whole can be described as oversimplification. We seek to save energy by sorting people into categories based off their most obvious characteristics and go off what we know about other people in the same category.
Obviously this is a flawed system, it’s a proposed explanation for how and why people use stereotypes. Regardless, the idea as related to silly minecraft roleplay is that we have been given a ton of information about these characters with very little explicit guidance on how to define them. So we’ve drawn our own conclusions and built boxes around them, and in doing so ignore much of the nuance that exists within each individual. When given more information — or more important information — we can ascribe a new lens that is more fitting, but it will still be incomplete. No lens is able to take in and put out the entirety of the information presented, you just take the pieces that stand out the most and rebuild your mental image around that.
The long and short of it is that our brains all seek to make less work for ourselves and simplify stimuli and hunt for patterns that fit the given information. We then use what little information we’ve taken in and extrapolate it until it is nearly as complex as the original, but it is not accurate since much nuance is lost when going through the lens.
TLDR we get a lot of information, zero in on what stands out the most, and run with that until it doesn’t make sense anymore. The nuances lost in the original “zoning in” can become more prominent later on and require a reworking of the network you’ve made.
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hellconsumed · 15 days
out of character . i just wanted to give a heads up as my activity might be a little more sporadic this week .
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Younger me should have seen the signs when all of my friends were obviously queer and/or neurodivergent
Cus now I’m an ADHD (autistic?) pansexual
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 day
The validation that it wasn't just in your head from multiple people is better than any feeling honestly
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local-gun-witch · 9 months
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superxstarzz · 4 months
sometimes i see the psyche color palette and i go ew what and then i see the radiance palette and im like oooh and it’s like bleaching my eyes gone good. i love all of the palettes so much. but psyche throws me off…..,, PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS IN A BAD WAY THERE IS NO OFFENSE INTENDED
look in my defense, the psyche palette was hard!!!!! it was either that or like straight up brown... I do get it though. Not everyone is gonna like every palette!! So, no hard feelings :))
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pythiaswine · 9 months
girls love imagining they'll be inexplicably sent back in time whether it be for romance or adventure or answers to all their questions
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greenticklerdreams · 10 months
Watching cartoons as a kid and every time the bad guy ties the heroine up, I didn't know why yet, but in the back of my mind I always thought, "if you're not gonna tickle her, what's the point?"
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cold--carnage · 11 months
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