#never been called crazy by a faithful man
local-gun-witch · 9 months
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pucksandpower · 2 months
Couples Therapy
Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: let’s go to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to realize we don’t know each other
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You fidget nervously in the waiting room chair, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. This has to be the most ridiculous first date idea ever …but then again, Lando was never one for convention.
The office door swings open and a smiling middle-aged woman in a cardigan beckons you both inside. “Y/N? Lando? I’m Dr. Ramanujan, please come in.”
Lando shoots you a mischievous grin and you can’t help but return it as you follow the therapist into her office. This is already off to a delightfully silly start.
“So,” Dr. Ramanujan settles into her chair, notepad at the ready. “What brings you two in today?”
You open your mouth but Lando beats you to it. “Well doc, it’s like this — Y/N and I have been together for five years now but things have gotten … sticky, you might say.”
You fight back a surprised laugh at his casual lie. Five years? You met this lunatic ten days ago.
Nodding solemnly, you play along. “Yes, unfortunately some issues have arisen that we haven’t been able to resolve on our own.”
“I see,” the therapist jots something down. “And what would you say is the primary issue troubling your relationship?”
Lando strokes his chin in mock contemplation. “You know, now that I think about it, we really struggle with intimacy.”
You splutter, cheeks flushing red. He did not just go there on a first date!
“We’re very passionate people,” he continues effortlessly. “But I think we both have some hang-ups that stop us from really connecting, you know?”
Clearing your throat, you decide to steer into the skid. “Yes, you could say Lando is quite … insatiable in that area.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyebrows shoot up but she simply nods. “I see, I see. And how does that make you feel, Y/N?”
“Honestly?” You shrug helplessly. “Exhausted. The man is completely relentless — it’s like he’s an animal sometimes!”
Lando clutches his chest in feigned offense. “An animal? That’s a bit much, don’t you think darling?”
“Don’t you ‘darling’ me,” you snap, pushing aside your amusement at the increasingly absurd situation. “I’m just calling it like I see it. We’re here for honesty, right?”
“Touché,” Lando turns back to the therapist. “Doc, maybe you could help us find … a compromise of sorts? Because my needs are evidently not being met.”
You scoff loudly. “Not being met? Lando, I let you do that thing with the-”
Mercifully, Dr. Ramanujan interjects before you can continue that train of thought. “Perhaps we could steer our discussion in a more productive direction? Intimacy issues often stem from deeper underlying problems within a relationship. Is there anything else concerning you both?”
Lando ponders this for a moment before snapping his fingers. “You know what? I think a big part of it is that Y/N doesn’t trust me.”
“I don’t trust you?” You echo incredulously. “That’s rich coming from you, Mr. I Flirt With My Teammate Constantly!“
His jaw drops perfectly. “You’re bringing Oscar into this? That’s a low blow, babe.”
“I’m not blind!” You shoot back, doing your best to ignore how silly you both must look. “I see how cozy you two get. Tell me there’s nothing there and I’m a fool!”
“Woah, woah!” Lando holds up his hands defensively. “Oscar and I are just good friends and teammates. Nothing more.”
You cross your arms stubbornly. “If you say so.”
An uncomfortable silence falls over the room. Dr. Ramanujan seems perplexed by your crazy banter.
Finally, she clears her throat. “Right. Well, it sounds like there are some potential trust issues at play here that we should unpack-”
“Oh I’ll unpack it for you, doc!” Lando interjects, real passion entering his voice now. “Y/N is massively, astronomically insecure about our relationship. She questions my faithfulness at every turn!”
You swivel to face him fully, eyes wide. “And why, pray tell, would I possibly be insecure about that?”
“I don’t know!” He throws his hands up in exasperation. “I’ve never given you a single real reason to doubt me!”
“Except for all the pet names and inappropriate touching with Oscar!”
“Those are just friendly gestures!”
“Keep telling yourself that, buddy!”
The two of you are practically shouting at each other now, completely absorbed in your make-believe argument. Somewhere in the back of your mind you feel a bit bad for putting the poor therapist through this, but you’re having far too much fun to stop.
Dr. Ramanujan finally cuts in, raising her palms. “Okay! Okay, let’s all just take a breath, shall we?”
You and Lando freeze mid-rant, remembering where you are. He shoots you a conspiratorial wink and you have to bite your lip to suppress a smile.
“Now,” the therapist continues once the tension has diffused slightly. “Clearly there are some deep-seated resentments and triggers being hit here that we need to unravel. But I think a lot of it comes back to the intimacy and trust issues we were discussing earlier. Y/N, would you say you feel emotionally fulfilled by Lando?”
You ponder this for a moment, drawing out the suspense. Lando watches you with bated breath.
Finally, you sigh deeply. “No doc, I can’t say that I do. And maybe that’s why I’ve been so tempted to stray myself ...”
Lando’s jaw drops perfectly again. “You’ve been tempted to cheat? With who?”
Holding his gaze boldly, you declare: “My yoga instructor, actually.”
“Shane?” He looks like you just slapped him. “But he’s so … so bland!”
You shrug nonchalantly. “What can I say? Opposites attract sometimes.”
Dr. Ramanujan looks like she’s watching a tennis match, unable to get a word in edgewise.
Lando points an accusatory finger at you. “This is unbelievable! You had the audacity to blame me for the intimacy issues earlier when all this time you’ve been lusting after another man?”
“I’m a woman of insatiable needs!” You cry, borrowing his phrasing from earlier. “You said it yourself!”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He turns desperately back to the therapist. “Please doc, you have to help us!”
She blinks owlishly a few times before finding her voice. “I … I’m not sure I can be of much assistance here.”
Lando clutches at his chest dramatically. “No, don’t say that! Our relationship is hanging by a thread as it is.”
“If it’s even still a relationship,” you mumble darkly, inspecting your nails with affected nonchalance.
“You see?” Lando pleads with the doctor. “This is what I’m dealing with every day! The constant barbs and lack of trust! I’m at my wit’s end.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyes dart between the two of you, seeming to deflate a little more after each deranged declaration. She sets her notepad aside with a resigned sigh.
“Listen, you two ...” she begins carefully. “While I appreciate you being upfront about your ...” she pauses, clearly searching for the right word, “unique situation, I’m afraid it goes well beyond my abilities as a therapist.”
You simply blink at her innocently while Lando dissolves into feigned hysterics beside you.
“But you have to help us!” He cries, flinging himself backwards dramatically. “Our relationship is the only thing I have left!”
You can’t help but let out a small giggle at his antics, quickly disguising it as a cough when the therapist shoots you a look. Dr. Ramanujan just shakes her head slowly.
“I’m sorry, but I clearly don’t have the tools or expertise to assist with … whatever this is.” She gestures vaguely between the two of you. “My advice would be to seek a different form of counseling. Or perhaps … separate for a while until you both figure out what you want.”
Lando clutches at his chest, feigning heartbreak. “Separate? Doc, you can’t be serious!”
“I’m afraid I am,” Dr. Ramanujan states firmly, rising from her chair. “This session has become … unproductive, to put it mildly. I think we should call it a day.”
You open your mouth to protest staying in character, but the defeated look on the poor therapist’s face gives you pause. With a sidelong glance at Lando, you decide to put her out of her misery.
Rising from your own seat, you loop your arm through Lando’s and favor the bewildered doctor with your most winning smile.
“You’re probably right, doc. We’ll, uh, take some time and really think things over. Thanks for your … insight today.”
Dr. Ramanujan simply nods, seemingly too drained to even reply as she opens the door and gestures you both through.
The second you’re out in the hallway, you can’t contain your laughter anymore. You dissolve into a fit of giggles, doubling over and clutching at Lando’s arm for support. He joins in instantly, that mischievous grin stretched wide across his face.
“Oh my god,” you gasp between peals of laughter. “Did you see her face when I brought Oscar into it?”
“I thought she was going to kick us out then and there!” Lando howls, wiping away a mirthful tear. “The things we put that poor woman through ...”
You finally manage to regain your composure, still grinning madly at the ridiculousness of it all. Leave it to Lando to come up with a first date idea as wonderfully insane as fake couples therapy.
“We should do something normal for our next date,” you quip, shooting him a sly look. “Like go skydiving or swimming with sharks.”
Lando matches your playful tone, draping an arm around your shoulders as you meander away from the office. “Whatever you say, darling. Just promise me you won’t leave me for one of the skydiving instructors, yeah?”
You pull him closer with a laugh. “No promises, babe.”
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
Alicent and Criston have every right to be together.
I’ve read a lot of posts regarding their non-existent hypocrisy and I’d like to clear some things up.
First and foremost, stop using Alicent’s “Where is duty, where is sacrifice?” line against her or Nyra’s outrageous “Exhausting, wasn’t it?” speech because you think you’re eating when you’re, in fact, starving. Alicent has done her duty and sacrificed herself. It’s the only thing she’s been doing for the past 20 years. She gave the man she was forced to marry four children and she took care of him despite all the shit he put her through. She has lived all her life based on her principles and now her husband is gone. She mourned him, she buried him, it’s been more than 10 days since his death (confirmed that E1 S2 takes place 10 days after Lucerys’ death) and she is finally fucking free. She deserves a sliver of comfort. Alicent is the only one in this series that’s been faithful and dutiful to a T, yet look where that got her. If someone has the right to break the law a little bit, it’s definitely her.
That being said, I don’t know when it was decided that Alicent is a pious saint that can do no wrong, but I need to remind y’all that following a religion does not magically prevent you from sinning. Is she committing fornication? Obviously. However, you are all under this impression that this is hypocritical on her behalf because she berated Rhaenyra for it when they were younger, without considering that her anger was justified for a myriad of other reasons, such as (but not limited to): 1) the fact that Rhaenyra’s freedom to marry whomever she pleased was a privilege granted to her thanks to Alicent’s efforts, who supported her even if Rhaenyra hated her, yet her friend casually threw that away, 2) the fact that Rhaenyra lied to her by swearing on her morher’s grave and never even mentioned Criston, 3) the fact that Rhaenyra had the guts to call her “sister” while lying to her face, 4) the fact that her lies resulted in Otto getting fired since Rhaenyra misled Alicent so that she speaks to Viserys in favour of her friend and betraying her own father by siding against him (a decision she wouldn’t have made if she knew the truth), leaving her completely alone and friendless at court, even if he was right all along and finally 5) the fact that Rhaenyra is the most sought after bachelorette in the whole world and by having sex she undermines herself (Rhaenyra knows this well, hence why she denies these accusations) and literally endangers herself, because had she been married to any other man but Laenor and had this man found out his wife and future queen is not a virgin, imagine the fucking horrors she could have been subjected to. Like, I hate to break it to you, but a 40-year-old widow, who’s had four kids and has completed her duty to the point where she is actually no longer needed and could leave the palace to go live the rest of her life in peace somewhere else and no one would notice her absence (literally though, she has birthed heirs, her husband is dead, her son is a grown adult king, her job is done there), having sex, is not the same as an 18-year-old princess and future heir in her prime, whose purity is linked to her worth, getting caught drunk in a brothel, hooking up with her uncle and losing her virginity to her guard, all in one night. Viserys himself was outraged. There’s lows and then there’s lows, y’all.
By the way, the crazy assumptions that Alicent has been cheating on Viserys with Criston for a while now need to stop. When Olivia Cooke said that they had filmed a messy sex scene with Fabien Frankel in a recent interview, she never said this was for S1 of HOTD. I don’t know where y’all got that from, but even if it was true, that scene has been scrapped so it is not canon. And don’t make me laugh about Daeron, a dragon rider who canonically has Valyrian features, potentially having brown hair. You’re all so blinded by your hatred for Alicent that you want her to be a lying hypocrite in order to make yourselves feel better about Rhaenyra’s mishaps, that you don’t get that the whole point of her and Criston getting physical is that she is a tortured woman who is finally able to break free, not that she has been a hypocrite all along. You’re heavily misunderstanding her arc.
Finally, when it comes to my good man Criston, y’all have lost it completely. No, Alicent is not raping him, unless he tells her to stop and she closes the door behind her like Rhaenyra did that is. No, Criston did not lie about how important his honour is to him. There’s a whole article on how Clare Kilner, the director of E4 S1, decided that Cole removing his armour slowly was necessary because it symbolises his inner conflict and uncertainty over breaking his vow: should he soil his cloak for the sake of the woman he loves? And he does soil it, because he thinks she loves him back. But that honourable man dies the day Rhaenyra tells him that he’ll never be anything more than a side piece to her. This man stops giving a flying fuck about his honour, oath, position and life. He is trying to kill himself. And you know what stops him? Alicent. Alicent is the only thing between him and death, the only person to show him kindness and understanding, to pull him up from the lowest point in his life. I don’t think you heard Alicent in E7 S1: “No, you’re sworn to me!”. Y’all. His life is hers. He doesn’t care about Rhaenyra, his job, Viserys, anyone else at this point. Only Alicent exists in his mind, Fabien himself has said time and time again that his loyalty to her is unwavering. He only exists for Alicent’s sake. He’s who you wish Daemon was. Crying that “Criston is a bad knight and a liar because he broke his chastity oath yet again!” is so pointless because that knight has been dead since Rhaenyra’s marriage to Laenor. What does an oath mean when you find out the people you swore it to have betrayed you? Why should he keep his promise to the people who abused him?
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weneeya · 7 months
Hear me outttttttttt
the Gojo scene with Hanami.. but imagine him being that unhinged and pissed because someone touched you.. like 🥴 Please bless us with your work with this!! I’m begging
overprotective w/ gojo m.list | rules
note. ur brain 🤝 my brain I've literally thought about this a thousand times omg thank u for requesting this
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You were supposed to be alone on this mission. Everyone had faith in you and they were right to think that way: you were a strong sorcerer. But Satoru had a bad feeling about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in you, in fact he was probably the one who believed in you the most ; but something was off and he couldn’t find what. 
He couldn’t just follow you there, because he knew it would hurt you. You were an overthinker and he didn’t want to put this weight on your mind. So he simply waited for you to come back to Jujutsu Tech, still worried that something could go wrong. 
The first thing that got him out of his mind was his phone ringing. When he saw your name, his heart skipped a beat. It was unusual from you to call him in the middle of a mission, especially as hard as this one. He didn’t hesitate before he picked up the phone. When he heard your trembling voice asking for help, the world stopped around him. Nothing else mattered or even existed right now, except you. 
He had never been this fast in his entire life before. He knew where you were for the mission, so he didn’t have to ask anyone else to come with him. He didn’t need anyone actually, because he was going to destroy the thing that touched you all by himself. 
When he finally arrived where you were, he really thought about going crazy. You were almost on the floor, as way too much blood was leaving your body. You were so pale, he could tell that you were just about to pass out. He reached your height in a second, carrying you to put you on the floor behind him, where you would be safe. He left a kiss on your forehead, sounding way too calm for it to be normal. 
“It’s okay, my love. Stay awake, it’s gonna be quick.” he sounded so soft to your ears, as you closed your eyes and finally breathed again. Everything was going to be fine now that he was here, you knew it. 
When Satoru stood up again, facing the creature that did that to you, a smile appeared on his lips. The last time he felt this angry, he was completely out of control. The only thing that was able to calm him down was when he was sure that his opponent had suffered twice more than what he had done. And this one, it hurted you ; so it needed to suffer even more. His piercing blue eyes were looking at the curse who soon rushed on the exorcist. 
Or at least it tried to. The curse was quickly stopped in his movement, not able to move at all. As it started to panic, trying to fight back, Satoru kind of appeared in front of it. His psycho smile was even more terrifying than before as he slowly tilted his head to the side. 
“Now, we can play,” was the last thing you heard before losing consciousness. The sight of Satoru being feral like this worried you a little, because you knew the man was unstoppable when he was like this. But at the same time, you knew that the mission was going to be handled just right. There was nothing to worry about anymore.
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OMG FERAL GOJO he's really driving me crazy I don't even have the words anymore with this man
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frogchiro · 10 months
I dunno why but like I’ve just been thinking right what if Makarov with reader who was being held at the same prison ( god knows why we won’t question that rn 😭 ) and after breaking him he takes the lil squad and goes to break reader out
There is one of the voice lines of Makarov in the game when you choose him as an operator that goes "Someone of your talent belongs at my side" and oh dear gOD this has inspired me so much😭
Okay so I kinda imagine this as some kind of 'what if?' scenario where basically Hackergirl's life goes terribly, no good, very bad wrong. After getting noticed and caught doing hacker work due to one life-changing slip up, instead of getting recruited by Laswell and eventually into the 141, you get thrown into Zordaya Prison and are left to rot.
You can imagine how hard the life was for someone who barely reached adulthood to live in such conditions and now that you're in your early twenties you're just full of resentment. You don't want to survive anymore, you want revenge, but what can you do? You'll probably die in this shithole sooner than later either from the cold or form poisoning from the garbage they call food.
Unbeknownst to you, you caught the eye of a certain russian who heard quite the things about a young and promising hacker while he was still free and now that he was incarcerated in the very same prison as you, he made sure to learn about you everything, you became his obsession so to speak.
So imagine your surprise and horror one faithful day when you hear many voices screaming and barking orders, soldiers and prison guards running amok and shots getting fired, then even more screams and alarms going off howling like crazy.
You're no soldier, you know that and if you make any noise you'll probably die; you don't want to die. You're scared.
Imagine being curled up in a corner of your cell, your breath quick and your heart feels as if it will jump right out of your chest with how quickly it flutters before it finally hitches when you notice a dark shadow loom over you. It was the tattooed man you've heard about. The russian devil some called him; Makarov.
You stared silently at him, your wide (e/c) eyes never moving away from him as his dark brown eyes bored into yours. After what seemed like hours of just staring at the large male outside your cell and those eerie eyes looking at you as if searching your soul, finally two soldiers came and started opening your cell door.
You recognized what they were doing, trying to get to you. Pushing your back flat against the farthest wall of your cell, you started hyperventilating. No. No no no, thi-this can't be it. You have things to do, things to finish and now instead of dying in a cold cell you'll be kicked and beaten to death like a street mutt. No.
"Please no-" but before you could finish your sentence, the man, Makarov, entered the room in absolute silence and as if he commanded every particle in it. He stopped a few paces away from you before offering you a hand, the same eerie look on his face and the words escaping his mouth that changed your life:
"Someone of your talent belongs at my side".
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
holiday || lia walti x reader ||
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you bring lia home to meet your family.
it wasn't very often that an opportunity arose for you to spend time with both lia and your parents. arsenal's trip to america was a pretty big deal. you and lia managed to fly out a week before everyone else was required to so that you could spend time with your family. the games weren't anywhere near where you had grown up, but lia had never been to south dakota, so you booked a weekend trip.
"there is so much space," lia said as she stared out the car window. the two of you were in the back of your parents' trusted minivan. it had been in the family since you were young, and had been the faithful transport of you and your siblings, and now your siblings' kids.
"it's kind of nice. london really makes me miss it out here," you told her. lia hummed as she turned and grabbed onto your hand. your homesickness had been an issue for the past two season. you had nearly left because of it before lia reminded you that eventually you'd get to go back home, but you might not get to come back to arsenal if you ended your contract early.
"granny's got the whole family at the house, by the way. i told her to give you a day to rest, but she knows you won't be here long," your dad warned you. there was nothing more that you expected from your grandmother. you were the only grandchild who moved more than an hour and a half away, and she missed you like crazy.
"it's fine dad, i got a monster at the airport, and i'm sure that uncle craig brought coffee," you said. at that, your dad laughed, his brother's coffee being a running joke in the family. it was strong to the point of being nearly undrinkable, and yet, the man put cup after cup of it down every single day.
lia seemed a bit lost on the joke, but you were more than happy to fill her in. you were always scared of rambling, so you rarely let yourself go on like you were. lia deserved a bit of a warning, not having really dealt with a true midwestern family before. everybody would agree on clearing out by 8:30, and the last scragglers would most likely hang around until the early hours of the morning.
"this is where you grew up?" lia asked as she pointed at the large house in front of you. since you had left, your parents had added onto the house quite a bit. there were things that you had helped to fund, as had all of your siblings. that house had been in your family for three generations, and none of you were going to let it go to someone else or be torn down.
"yeah, it didn't look like this, but pretty much. come on, let me show you my room!" you excitedly raced up the stairs with your bags. lia followed you, just barely able to keep up.
your room looked exactly like it had when you left it two seasons ago. you had played at the reign before transferring to arsenal, but before that, you had been a husky. washington had been your home away from your parents' place, and your bedroom reflected that. even before you had left for college, you had dreamt of a purple jersey of your own in the shops.
"the bed will be a bit cramped, but we should be fine. just, keep your hands to yourself, my mom has a sixth sense for that sort of thing," you warned lia. she nodded as she took everything in. you made a place for her things and then hopped back to lay on your bed. lia stood there for a moment before joining you, glad to be able to relax for a moment.
the two of you barely got to lay there for a minute before you were called down for dinner. lia looked confused about where to sit until you plopped yourself down at the kids' table. you were more than happy to sit with your younger cousins, nieces, and nephews. in your eyes, that was always the most fun table with their little games and stories.
lia tried to sit with you, but unsurprisingly, your sister pulled her away to the 'hen table' as you had grown up hearing it. you watched as they questioned lia at first. she seemed nervous, but visibly kept calm which you were impressed by. most of your girlfriends from before had run off after a good questioning from your granny and sister-in-law.
"do you kiss that lady?" nicholas, your little brother's son, asked you.
"sometimes, i do. it's a pretty big deal, she's the princess of switzerland," you told him. as if she heard the nickname, lia's head whipped around to look at you. you gave her a little finger wave before turning back to the kids' table antics.
it wasn't for another couple of hours that you got a moment alone with lia. she seemed to be very popular with your family, which you appreciated. most of the time, someone always hated whoever you brought home. you had counted on either your sister-in-law or one of your uncles not approving, but they seemed to love her the most.
"you picked a good one, chicky," your older brother said as he pulled you in for a hug. "i don't know how you pulled her, but i'm glad you did. i'd put a ring on it if i was you."
"shh, don't scare her off," you hissed as you swatted at him.
"hey, don't let her slip away. that's all i'm saying," he told you. he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and then left. his words were bouncing around in your head as you helped your parents get the kids who stayed over to bed. lia had headed up for a shower before you, so you hoped that she'd still be awake by the time you got up there.
"i didn't know you had such a big family," lia said. there was nothing behind it, just an observation. you knew that a lot of your teammates would be surprised when your whole family showed up at your game in washington. "do you think you'll come back here when you retire?"
"that's always been the plan," you told her. lia hummed as she pulled you to lay on top of her. "i'd be willing to change that for you."
"i don't want you to change that for me. if you'd let me, i'd like to come back here with you. this is a good place to raise a family."
"is that something you really want with me?" you asked her. lia nodded, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
"of course it is. now, let's get some rest because i believe i was promised a tour of the farm in the morning," lia said. you chuckled at that, knowing exactly the amount of free labor your dad got from having people "tour the farm."
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https-milo · 2 months
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yeah ok guys I hear you
instagram posts w/ comments while dating dabi!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of interest, reader can be however you imagine !
(guys im going to be so honest, I haven't really watched MHA past like season four so ermmmm yeah!) (this one was actually kinda cute, like I wanna make a spinoff oneshot :(( )
main m. list / instagram m. list
blah.blah.y/n · 71w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, twicenottwice
blah.blah.y/n he said "I can do this without a lighter" but I didn't want our apartment to burn down <3
dabi wow you have no faith in me. kinda thought you loved me.
blah.blah.y/n dabi yapper, yapper. you know I love you, I just don't love paying for repairs xo
himiko.v4mp good call!! :33
blah.blah.y/n himiko.v4mp thank youuu!! <333
tomura.shig euh you two make me sick.
dabi tomura.shig watch it.
dabi · 67w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, twicenottwice, stainismyidol, compressed.marbles
dabi look what her psycho ass got me
tagged: blah.blah.y/n
blah.blah.y/n literally be quiet. you love that shirt and mug.
dabi blah.blah.y/n doesn't change the fact you're crazy.
blah.blah.y/n dabi crazy about you 😽😽😽
tomura.shig kay why ess
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig someones a little jellyyyyy
blah.blah.y/n · 65w
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liked by: tomura.shig, himiko.v4mp, big.sis.magne, twicenottwice
blah.blah.y/n my sister trusted us with watching my nephew. safe so say she picked the right people :,) <3
tagged: dabi
dabi i've never been caught lacking like this.
blah.blah.y/n dabi yap yap yap. you look so cute
offical.hawks blah.blah.y/n yeah dabi, you look soooo cute
dabi offical.hawks actually kys, birdbrain
offical.hawks dabi only if you'll help me
blah.blah.y/n offical.hawks GET YOUR OWN MAN YOU BITCH.
himiko.v4mp you guys should have one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
dabi himiko.v4mp dont give her ideas.
blah.blah.y/n dabi rude. but as much as I would want one, neither of us are home enough to take care of a baby + ur job would make it dangerous
dabi · 60w
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liked by himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, twicenottwice, big.sis.magne, compressed.marbles
dabi after a really long, long talk with y/n and shig, I've decided to leave the LoV. It's been fun and, even if I hate to say it, I'll miss you guys. In other news, my girl is pregnant so yay
tagged: blah.blah.y/n
blah.blah.y/n :( ilysm you dont know how much I appreciate you
tomura.shig whatever. be safe and let me see the baby when it's born.
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig AWWWW I ALWAYS KNEW YOU CARED!
tomura.shig blah.blah.y/n shut up.
himiko.v4mp we're gonna miss you patchwork :((( I wish you and y/n well!! (I better be the godmother)
dabi himiko.v4mp ill miss you too shit head
blah.blah.y/n himiko.v4mp obviously youre the godmother!! my fave future auntie <33
big.sis.magne take care of yourself. don't let y/n do too much work, you brat.
dabi big.sis.magne yeah, yeah. I hear you.
s.todoroki um????
blah.blah.y/n s.todoroki unc shoto 🙏🙏
fuyumi.todo how is touya the first to have kids.
dabi fuyumi.todo tf is that supposed to mean.
n.todoroki IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLEEEE you better be treating y/n well 😤😤😤
blah.blah.y/n n.todoroki dw natsuo, i keep my man in check !!
blah.blah.y/n · 2w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, fuyumi.todo, s.todoroki, n.todoroki
blah.blah.y/n its been a while!! me, touya, and our precious boy are doing better than ever <3 thank you guys so much for all the support this past year and so. Even if he won't say it, touya is grateful. (p.s. you guys don't always need to spoil our son)
tagged: touya.todo
touya.todo sappy on main
blah.blah.y/n touya.todo 🤩 shut the fuck up 🤩
himiko.v4mp anything for our angels!! (+ touya)
touya.todo himiko.v4mp everytime we interact, i get the urge to relapse my killing sobriety
fuyumi.todo ahhh im so glad you guys are doing well!! i love you three 💕💕
s.todoroki did you guys get the packages I sent?
blah.blah.y/n s.todoroki yes sho, all 5 of them
tomura.shig good to see you guys alive and well.
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig stfu, come visit your nephew
tomura.shig blah.blah.y/n ...coming
rei.himura my beautiful son with my amazing daughter-in-law and my adorable grandson... i hope you guys will visit me someday
touya.todo rei.himura of course ma
blah.blah.y/n rei.himura we'd love to! Our baby would love to meet his grandma <333
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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driftwithme · 1 year
I love that Guillermo del Toro didn't want Pacific Rim to be all about the military, so he ended up giving the PPDC ranks based on cowboy imagery: ranger, marshall, etc.
It makes me think about some of the most beloved characters by the narrative are the ones who rebel agonist the military way of doing stuff: characters like Newt and Raleigh for example. Because well, characters like Mako and Hermann are rebellious but only due the influence of Newt and Raleigh -- and characters like Herc and Chuck seem to be rebellious in parallel to Raleigh too, like some contagious virtue on the loose.
It's palpable in two of their most famous lines on the movie: when Newton talks about how fortune favors the brave and when Raleigh tells Mako that in real life you make decisions and you have to learn to keep living with the consequences. Everyone around them looks down at them at some point for being what they'd call reckless, but Raleigh and Newt are aware of the risks, they are not kids. Which is funny because in contrast, they even do that to each other: the perception of the other as a fool of some sort.
And yet, without Newt and Raleigh tendency of disobeying, they'd all be dead and gone.
Without Raleigh insitance on having Mako as his co-pilot and his demand to get G. Danger deployed, the Double Event would had been the catastrophe that ended their last run to the Breach before it started. Without Newt's crazy plan of drifting with a kaiju, they would had perish due the lack or information.
Twice Raleigh piloted solo and twice Newt drifted with a kaiju. In one of those ocassion they had to give a part of themselves that they would never get back (a part of Newt's sanity, Yancy's life). After the first time, both emphasize to Pentecost that they can't do it again. They can, technically, but now they've done it once and it hurt.
Still they do it and it saves the world.
The man who was good for nothing except to hold his own on a fight and the guy who was destined to love fictitious monsters in every universe except that one. In any other world or timeline, Newtom and Raleigh would have been the losers. They were still somehow the losers on Pacrim, a has-been pilot turnes into a builder and a scientist perceive as another sick kaiju groupie. They weren't disciplined like the others yet they were a bit obsessive, they were the sort of ambitious that makes people doubt, stubborn and arrogant in their convictions, totally unapologetic in knowing themselves.
Sure, they have to pay the price in double, but at the end of the day, they are champs of fortune: they do the impossible and survive to tell their stories, breaking every rule and winning the faith of those around them.
683 notes · View notes
chvoswxtch · 1 year
all i need is you
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: following the morning after matt's run in with elektra, you have a lot of decisions to make about your future together.
warnings: swearing, angst, explicit sexual content (minors pls dni), mentions of pregnancy
word count: 8.2k
a/n: y'all have been requesting a sequel to please don't be mad for almost 6 months now, & I apologize it's coming so late. there were a lot of things y'all wanted to see happen in the sequel, & I took all of that feedback to heart & incorporated as much as I could in a way that made sense to me. i've been working on this for months, & it was really important to me to create something you guys would really love & be happy with. thank you to everyone that even wanted a sequel, & for being so patient. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[part one]
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It was almost crazy to think that just over a year ago, you thought your relationship with Matt Murdock was over for good. 
When you had awoken that following morning by his side, head clear of the rage and lust induced haze you had been captured in, all that was lingering was a heart heavy with hurt and stinging with betrayal. You had silently collected all of your belongings, pressed one last kiss to Matt’s lips, and granted his peaceful sleeping form one final glance before leaving your spare key on his entry table and disappearing into the twilight. 
All of his words still echoed in the back of your mind, but so did his actions. The promise of marriage was eclipsed by the cherry lip stain on his collar. The prospect of a family was diluted by the scent of an expensive perfume that didn’t belong to you. The vow of faith and love was broken by yet another lie. 
You loved Matt, more than you had ever loved anyone, and more than you ever thought you could love another person. You knew deep down that he was a good man. You tried to believe that he would never intentionally hurt you. But it had gotten to the point where you couldn’t ignore the ache he left in your chest. 
You needed time to try to forgive him. You weren’t even sure if you could forgive him at all. The cut he’d made ran deep, and you couldn’t decide if it was because he’d made it with her blade, or if it was simply his own that had been slicing away at the same spot over and over and over. Regardless, you needed time. Time away from him; to heal, to think, to decide. 
But Matt Murdock had never been a man of patience.
For two endless weeks your phone constantly lit up with his name, filling up with messages containing apologies and desperate pleas. You started arriving early to work and left later than usual to throw him off your schedule. You had the receptionist bypass all his calls and made security aware that he was not welcome in your office. You ignored all the usual spots that he knew you frequented, and especially the ones you went to together. For the first time in over a year, you locked all your windows to ensure he couldn’t slip through in the middle of the night. You blasted music through your headphones so you didn’t have to hear the pain in his voice as he called out your name, fist banging away at your front door so hard you were certain he was going to actually break it down. 
It was torture. Even though he had been the one to wrong you, a piece of you felt guilty. You could hear the terror and remorse in his voice when he stood outside your door, begging for forgiveness, chanting your name over and over as if you were the deity he worshiped and needed absolution from. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to be yet another person to turn your back on him, but through the wave of your sadness came the tide of anger, reminding you that he had done this. He had forced your hand. He made a choice, and you had to make yours. 
The guilt from also having to ignore Karen and Foggy weighed heavily on your chest. They knew what had happened. You had just as many sympathetic voicemails and unanswered texts from them asking if you were okay, and if you wanted to talk. You hated not being able to lean on them when you were at your most vulnerable. They were your family just as much as Matt was, but you couldn’t talk to them or be around them. They just reminded you of him. A huge part of you resented him for that, for making you feel like you couldn’t go to the two other people you loved most in this world for comfort because of what he did. You had spent the past few years building your entire life around Matt, and he had selfishly sent it crashing to the ground, leaving you completely isolated beneath the debris.
For two long weeks, you felt trapped beneath a heavy blanket of depression you couldn’t seem to find your way out from. 
And then she happened. 
How Elektra had managed to break into your apartment when Matt couldn’t, you weren’t sure, but the day you came home to find her in your living room with a bag of your things packed by her feet, you were stunned silent.
“I need you to come with me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Matthew is an idiot and he’s put you in danger. We need to go. Now.”
She didn’t even give you a chance to hesitate, gripping your overnight bag into one hand, and forcing you out your door with the other. The ding of the elevator dropping you to the lobby seemed to wake you out of whatever trance she had put you in, and you stared at her in confusion as you stood firmly outside the metal doors.
“I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Where are we going?”
“I’ll explain when we get there. We need to move.”
“I don’t-“
“Listen. You don’t know me. You’ve got no reason to trust me. But right now, I am trying to save your life. So if you’ll please-“
Elektra paused for a moment as she looked at you. The annoyance on her perfect features vanished slowly, taking in the pain and confusion that were clearly plastered on yours. 
“Because you’re important to Matthew, which means you’re important to me.”
Elektra filled you in on everything the moment she had secured you away in a penthouse uptown that was registered under an alias. What she and Matt thought were the Yakuza had ended up being a much older and sinister organization called The Hand. They were into some freaky cult shit that you didn’t quite understand, but you got the gist that they were powerful, and extremely dangerous. They were also everywhere. They had tracked her and Matt, and a man named Stick that had trained the two of them, back to Matt’s apartment the night after the gala. They had been tracking him ever since, and because he had continuously been going to your office and apartment, they knew all about you. 
She even told you the truth about how she had met Matt, and how it had all been a set up by Stick to bring him back to their side; to fight the war that he had been warning them both about. 
“I don’t know what Matthew has told you about me. Probably nothing good. But I need you to know…I did love him. That’s why I left. I realized…he wasn’t like us. He would never be like us. He was too…good. He didn’t belong with Stick and I. I didn’t want to be the one to put that light out inside of him. I didn’t want anyone to. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between the two of you the night of the gala. I wasn’t aware that he hadn’t told you that I was in town, or what we were doing. I swear I was only trying to protect him.”
There was a glimmer of regret dancing along Elektra’s waterline, and you could see her own pain shadowing the faint smile on her lips. 
“You weren’t the one that lied to me.”
Elektra blew out a breath as she took a seat in front of you, dragging her teeth along her bottom lip as she nodded.
“Matthew always has pure intentions. I know that. But for someone who is incredibly intelligent, he’s also a complete dumbass. He tries so hard to do the right thing…but he doesn’t stop to think about if he’s doing it the right way. Look I don’t…I don’t know anything about the two of you, and I’m not telling you what to do, but I can tell you that he is absolutely in love with you.”
“So…you didn’t come back to New York for him?”
“For his help, yes. To rekindle whatever we had, no. But for the record, even if I had, I wouldn’t have stood a chance in Heaven or Hell against you.”
There was something oddly comforting about Elektra’s words and the timid smile on her lips. It eased some of the tension pent up in your body, and you felt a little lighter as you let a deep exhale out through your parted lips. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you glanced over at her as you anxiously twisted a ring around your index finger.
“I…thank you. You…you didn’t have to…do all of this. I hate to even ask anything of you when you’re already doing so much for me but…can you just…not tell Matt I’m here? I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
Elektra flashed you a pitiful smile as she gave a slight nod of her head.
“Of course. It’ll be our little secret.”
It only took Matt three days to figure out that Elektra had been hiding you, and as he burst through the front door of her penthouse, he was absolutely incandescent. 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. You’ll have a sleepover with her, but you won’t talk to me?”
“Watch your tone, Matthew.”
Elektra glared over at Matt, tightening her grip on the knife in her hand that was hovering over a cutting board filled with various ingredients. 
Matt furiously tore off his glasses as he angrily pointed his finger in her direction, the top of his lip curling up into a menacing snarl.
“I don’t want to hear shit from you after you-“
“I protected her because you led the Hand right to her. You’re fucking welcome by the way.”
Elektra let out a deep angry exhale as she turned to face you with a sour pout on her lips. She gestured her head in Matt’s direction with a quirk of her brow.
“I can get rid of him if you’d like.”
“Excuse me?”
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Matthew.”
Sighing heavily as you let go of the whisk in your hand, you pushed the large bowl of batter forward on the kitchen island and wiped your hands off on a small towel. Rubbing your hands over your tired eyes, you waved your hand dismissively towards Elektra.
“It’s…it’s fine, Ellie. I’ll deal with him.”
Elektra eyed you for a moment before shooting another glare in Matt’s direction. She dropped the knife onto the cutting board, wiping her hands off on the same towel before clasping them together loudly.
“Right, well, I’ll leave the knife out just in case. Remember the three main areas I taught you to stab. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
After you watched Elektra disappear upstairs into her bedroom, you turned around to face Matt. His eyes were absolutely wild with rage and his face was morphed into complete disbelief as he blanched at you.
“Ellie? Since when the hell is she Ellie?”
“Since she’s the only one around here that tells me the truth about what the fuck is going on.”
Matt clenched his fists at his sides as he stared blankly over at you, and you watched as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What did she tell you?”
“Everything you didn’t.”
You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him in waves, but you had more of a right to be pissed off than he did. Matt shoved his hand into his pocket, producing a shiny silver object that he held out in front of him between his thumb and index finger.
“What is this?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you arched one of your brows as you looked at him.
“A key.”
Your key. 
Matt’s nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw, quickly crossing the distance between you to stand directly in front of you.
“Don’t get smart with me. Do you have any idea how it felt to wake up that next morning and you were gone? All of you, your things, everything gone? And to find this on the table? Not even-“
“I’d imagine it was as shitty as you coming home covered in red lipstick and smelling like your ex lover's perfume. Or as shitty as finding out you lied about where you were and who you were with, and that you kissed her and lied about that too.”
Matt ran his hand through his hair quickly in annoyance before dragging it roughly down his jaw, shaking his head as he flung his arms up in the air with frustration.
“Goddamnit Y/N, we talked about that! We worked through it. Then you just…disappeared and ignored me for weeks. You won’t return any of my calls, you won’t open the door, I can’t even-“
“We didn’t talk about anything, Matt! You kept trying to justify your actions and completely ignored how I was feeling. We didn’t work through anything. You manipulated me and we fucked. That is not working through it.”
Matt sighed with exasperation as he stared at you incredulously. 
“I did not manipulate you. Fuck, I told you that I wanted to marry you and have a family witn you-“
“In the middle of sex, Matthew! I don’t know if you even meant that, or if it was a heat of the moment thing. And don’t you dare say you didn’t manipulate me. You took advantage of the fact that I was frustrated and that you hadn’t touched me in weeks. You knew I would give into you. How do you think that makes me feel? That you completely ignored my feelings, manipulated me into sex for forgiveness, and filled my head with all those promises knowing that our relationship was in a bad spot. I can’t trust a word that you say because you can’t seem to stop lying to me.”
Matt’s anger evaporated the second he tasted the salt of your tears in the air. He hung his head between his shoulders in shame, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as the severity of your words nestled in the silence. Letting out a soft sigh, Matt’s tongue darted out to quickly wet his lips.
“You’re right.”
His hazel eyes were more clear without the cloud of vexation, and you could see the way they glistened with regret. Matt’s plump lips fell into a frown, and guilt seemed to tug the rest of his features down like gravity.
“I’m sorry. I swore to you that I wouldn’t lie after I told you the truth about me. I broke my promise to you, I betrayed your trust, and I disrespected our relationship. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never, ever meant to hurt you. I didn’t want you to get mad that I was working with Elektra. I didn’t think…I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t considering your feelings. I shouldn’t have kissed her. I could’ve come up with another diversion. All of this could’ve been avoided if…if I had just told you the truth.”
Matt let out a shaky breath as his blank eyes glanced upwards, closing for a moment as he clenched his fists by his sides. A stray tear slipped past his lashes when he opened his eyes again, slowly lowering himself onto his knees before you as he reached for one of your hands to hold.
“I have been…absolutely fucking miserable these past few weeks, and that’s my own fault. I know that. I have hated not getting to feel your touch, or hear your voice, or be able to tell you how much I love you. I am so fucking sorry if I ever made you question how I feel about you, but Y/N I meant every word that night. You are the love of my life. You do belong with me. I do want to marry you and start a family. I swear to God, I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back and your forgiveness. Just tell me what I have to do sweetheart, and I’ll do it.”
It broke your heart to see Matt look so distraught. It stung even more than he was on his knees begging for forgiveness instead of asking you to spend the rest of your lives together, but there was an undeniable conviction in his voice. It soothed the pang in your chest slightly to finally hear him acknowledge his fuck up, and apologize for it instead of getting defensive. Elektra had melted away the insecurity you had felt with her confession, and the frightened look that shattered Matt’s face showed you just how scared he was to lose you.
There was still a lot of work to be done on your relationship. It wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, and Matt was going to have to put in a lot of effort to earn your trust back, and prove to you just how much your relationship mattered to him. But you were in love with him, and you knew there was no one else for you but him.
“You can start by taking care of this…”Hand” shit. I’m not loving the fact that I’m being hunted by zombie ninjas because of my idiot boyfriend.”
Matt’s ears instantly perked up, and a lopsided hopeful grin stretched across his lips.
“I’m still your boyfriend?”
“For now. You’re dangerously close to being replaced by Elektra, though. She’s always bluntly honest, and her bed is way nicer.”
You never in a million years thought that your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend would fight just as hard as he would to keep you safe, but Elektra had. She protected you from The Hand just as fiercely as Matt did, nearly giving her life for you both, and now she was securing the last button on the back of your wedding dress and staring at you in the mirror with a knowing smirk. 
The morning you slipped out of Matt’s apartment heartbroken and desolate seemed like a lifetime ago as you prepared yourself to meet him at the altar in just under an hour. 
“What’s on your mind, little dove? Got cold feet?”
Elektra quirked one of her dark brows as she stared at your reflection with her signature smirk. Karen had left the two of you alone to go check on Matt and Foggy, and she was helping you with your finishing touches. 
After helping save New York, Elektra had stuck around, and to both of your surprises, and certainly to Matt’s, you two had become very close. The more you got to know the more vulnerable side of her, the more you felt for her. She wasn’t the villain that everyone had painted her out to be. She had been a scared little girl, manipulated with a promise of something resembling a family, only to be broken down and molded into something to orchestrate death and destruction instead. It wasn’t unlike what Stick had done to Matt. As a matter of fact, it was worse. 
“If I said yes?”
Elektra hummed quietly as she moved your hair off your shoulder, leaning in to rest her chin on it as she wrapped you up in a hug from behind with a grin on her lips. 
“Ever been to Paris this time of year? It’s beautiful. We could be at a private air strip before anyone even knew what happened. Matthew is fast, but he can’t outrun a Maserati.”
A grin broke out across your lips as you giggled, squeezing onto Elektra’s arms when she winked. You had never been more sure of anything in your life than you were sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Matt Murdock. Both of you knew that. But you also both knew he was eavesdropping just on the other side of the church, and it was incredibly easy to rile him up.
As if on cue, Foggy suddenly burst through the door and pointed a finger at Elektra with an expression of pure irritation on his face. 
“Whatever you’re telling her, knock it off. You’re scaring the shit out of him, and he’s already convinced enough as it is that she's not gonna walk down that aisle.”
“Oh relax, Franklin. Girls got to have their fun, yeah? Besides, I thought they called him the man without fear.” 
Foggy rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind him, walking over to shoo Elektra away as he stood behind you and adjusted your veil down your back.
“Yeah, until it comes to her. Go head to head with the Punisher who's notorious for using automatic weapons with sticks? Sure. Take on a weird cult of ninjas that can’t die and like to use really sharp swords also only with sticks? Why not. Fuck it, let’s use every goddamn tall building in Hell’s Kitchen for parkour practice. But ask the woman I’m ridiculously in love with to marry me and put up with my shit for the rest of our lives? That’s where the devil seems to tuck his tail between his legs.”
Matt had been an absolute nervous wreck the night he proposed to you. He had brought you to the same restaurant that he had taken you to for dinner on your first date, and was fidgety the whole time. Every time you asked if he was okay, he swore up and down that he was, and you figured there was just something overwhelming one or several of his senses. But then you noticed that despite it being mid November, he was sweating as you walked hand in hand through Central Park, and his hand kept nearly slipping from yours. Finally, you stopped and turned to face him, placing your hand on his chest to steady him.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?”
“N-Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s keep-”
“No, you aren’t. You’ve been acting strange all night. You’ve been anxious and fidgety, and now you’re sweating.”
“It’s hot-”
“It’s November, Matthew.”
Matt’s lips parted slightly as he went to protest, but nothing came out. He was usually good at coming up with excuses on the spot, but whatever was going on with him had seemed to completely take over his mind. A soft sigh slipped past your lips as he averted his gaze to the ground, watching as he clenched his fist by his side. You took a step forward to place your hands gently on his cheeks to cradle his face.
“Matty, please talk to me. Is something wrong?”
“No, no nothing…nothing is wrong.”
“Then what is going on? What’s got you so worked up?”
“I’m not worked up-”
Matt let out a sigh of defeat hearing the tone in your voice, his tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips as he attempted to flash you a reassuring smile.
“Can we just keep walking please? There’s something I wanna show you.”
There was evident excitement in Matt’s voice, but it didn’t resonate with you. The way he kept dodging your questions was beginning to put you in a sour mood, conjuring up a bitter taste of realization that he was on the cusp of breaking an oath he had sworn to keep. Dropping your hands quickly from his face, you shook your head in frustration as you turned around swiftly to walk ahead without him.
“You promised me you wouldn’t do this anymore.”
You only made it two steps forward before Matt blurted out a confession laced with full blown panic.
“I’m in love with you.”
Immediately pausing, you turned around to look at him in complete confusion.
“I know that, Matt.”
Matt let out a heavy exhale as he rushed forward and took your hand into his, scrunching up his nose as he shook his head quickly.
“No, I…I mean…that I’m…fuck, this isn’t going right.”
Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as his lips pursed into a frown, and you eyed him curiously as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“What isn’t going right? What are you talking about?”
“Will you just…come with me? Please? I really need to show you something.”
Matt’s face was twisted in what looked like agony, and the desperation in his voice made you nervous. You didn’t think you had ever seen him look so…terrified, not even that night at Elektra’s when he thought you were going to leave him for good. You allowed Matt to guide you further through the park, venturing off down a path only he seemed to know, and stopping once you reached a gate that was covered in ivy. He pulled a key from his pocket to unlock it, and pushed it open with a slight creak, gesturing for you to enter first with a timid smile.
A shocked gasp flew past your lips as you stepped inside. It was an isolated garden, completely closed in by ivy covered walls, lit up only with various strings of white twinkle lights and the glow of the moon. To your delight, there were several plants and flowers in full bloom, and the whole scene looked like a vibrant painting you would hang on your wall. 
“I hear this place is beautiful.”
Turning around to face Matt, you noticed that he had taken off his glasses, and was apprehensively turning them over in his hands over and over. The timid smile was still plastered on his lips, but his eyes were nearly blown open with distress.
“I…it’s…I don’t even know how to describe it. How…how did you find this?”
“Karen did. It’s technically private property owned by the city, but Brett owed me a favor.”
The puzzlement on your face only grew as you stared at Matt, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you gestured around.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so weird? You didn’t think I’d like the surprise?”
Matt’s eyes darted back and forth blankly as he dragged his teeth along his bottom lip, swallowing thickly as he placed his glasses into his jacket pocket and took a few cautious steps forward.
“I…I hoped that you’d like it.”
“Matty, I love it. It’s so beautiful. But you didn’t have to be so nervous to show me this. You could’ve taken me to a random alley and I still would’ve loved it.”
Matt let out a breathless laugh as he shook his head, clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he smiled softly.
“Then it wouldn’t have been special.”
A furrow formed between your brows as you looked at him, trying to decipher all the cryptic pieces he was laying in front of you.
“What wouldn’t have?”
Matt was silent for a moment as he fixed his gaze on your face, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he studied you. Finally letting out a deep breath, he reached out to take one of your hands, brushing his thumb delicately over your knuckles as a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I told you, I’m in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you, Matty.”
Matt took a step closer as he brought his other hand up to cradle your face, a tender smile on his lips as he rubbed his thumb soothingly over your cheek. You couldn’t tell if it was the reflection of the lights in his eyes, but they looked glossy, almost as if he was about to cry, and it made you squeeze onto his hand tighter.
“You…are the first person that has ever truly understood me. The first that’s ever accepted and loved both sides of me. You’ve never shied away from one, or favored the other, or asked me to choose. You haven’t given up on me, even when I’ve given you plenty of reasons to. You are the best part of my day. I can’t tell you how…how happy it makes me to know that when I come home at night, you’re there waiting for me. And no matter what kind of day I’ve had, or how rough of a night it was, it…it doesn’t matter, because you’re there. You give me a reason to make it home. I can’t tell you how much I love that I get to fall asleep holding you and listening to your heartbeat, and start every day hearing your voice and kissing your lips. I have never felt as…happy…and light as I do with you. I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way. I want to spend the rest of my life ending every night with you and starting every morning with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So-”
Matt let out a shaky breath as he slowly dropped his hand from your face and tightly held onto your hand. You were already in tears from Matt’s words before, but the moment he dropped down onto one knee before you, the floodgates opened and a choked sob caught in your throat as your other hand flew up to cover your mouth.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Matty…yes…yes!”
Matt blew out a shaky breath of relief as he closed his eyes for a moment, the tension in his shoulders evaporating right in front of your eyes as he let his head drop. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stared down at him in perplexity.
“Did you think I was going to say no?”
Matt rubbed his hand down his face to wipe away his own tears, letting out another breathless laugh and sniffling as he looked up at you with a goofy grin on his lips.
“Figured I had a fifty-fifty shot.”
Lips splitting into the biggest smile you had ever seen, Matt quickly rose to his feet and grabbed your face, capturing your mouth in a deep kiss as you gripped onto his jacket to hold him close. All of a sudden he quickly pulled away and shoved his hand down into his pocket.
“Oh shit, uh…sorry…I…here.”
Matt laughed nervously as he pulled a small velvet black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring inside. Your mouth fell open as a gasp escaped, and you gripped onto Matt’s forearm as fresh tears welled in your eyes.
“Do…do you like it?”
“I…I love it. It’s…it’s perfect. How did you-”
“I had some help.”
Glancing up at Matt through your teary eyes, you watched as a bashful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Pulling the ring from the box, Matt gently grabbed onto your wrist with a shaky hand, and carefully slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you stared down at it in awe as it dazzled beneath the lights. You were overwhelmed with so many emotions, and you didn’t know what to do other than grab Matt’s face and pull him down for a searing kiss. 
The two of you gripped onto each other as if you were afraid the other might disappear if you loosened your grasp even the slightest. You were a flurry of lips and teeth, trying to devour the other’s desire, consuming the taste of happiness together. Matt laid you down in the soft grass of the garden floor and made love to you right there, intertwining his hand with yours that wore the symbol of his love and promise to you.
A burst of laughter ripped through your chest at that memory of Matt’s nervousness as you covered your mouth, staring at Foggy knowingly in the reflection of the mirror. Elektra’s mouth split into a huge grin as she rolled her eyes, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and giving Foggy’s shoulder a squeeze on her way to the door.
“Alright, alright. Let me go do damage control. I’ll see you both out there. Oh, and Y/N, darling?”
You turned your head to look over at her as she paused in the doorway.
A warm smile tugged at the corners of Elektra’s mouth as she stared over at you, leaning her head briefly against the door. 
“You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
You pursed your lips slightly as your face twisted up faintly into an expression of gratitude, returning her smile with one of your own.
“Thank you, Ellie.”
Elektra flashed you a quick wink, closing the door behind her to leave you alone with Foggy.
“She’s right, you know. You do look beautiful.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth as you looked at Foggy in the mirror, arching one of your brows quizzically.
“Did you just agree with her?”
“That stays between us. This is a one time thing.”
Laughing softly, you turned around to pull Foggy into a tight hug, sighing in relaxation as his arms came around you to hold you securely to his chest. There didn’t seem to be anything that a hug from Foggy Nelson couldn’t fix. All of the pent up nerves seemed to dissipate from the warmth of his embrace, and you suddenly felt a million times lighter.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have anything to thank me for.”
“I have everything to thank you for.”
“Well in that case, I think Foggy would be a great name for your future kid.”
A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as you giggled, pulling back slightly to peer up at him with a grin.
“I’ll put in a good word.”
After Foggy left you alone to go rejoin Matt and the others, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your dress for the millionth time. A part of you was still in disbelief that today was the day you were marrying your best friend. Matt had sworn to not take the second chance you had given him for granted, and had been treating it as if it were sacred. He opened up to you about everything now, even the rough nights that plagued his thoughts, and the horrors he desperately wanted to protect you from. There wasn’t a single thought or emotion he hid anymore, and he’d even gotten better about finding balance between each of his lives. That wasn’t to say that you both didn’t struggle from time to time still, but your relationship was the healthiest it had ever been.
A knock against the door tore you from your thoughts, and a smile quickly spread across your lips at the sight of the figure leaning against the doorway.
“Hey big guy.”
Frank’s mouth split into a grin as he looked at you, giving a slight nod of his head in your direction.
“Hey darlin’.”
Turning away from the mirror to face him fully, you swallowed thickly as you smoothed your trembling hands down the sides of your dress and gestured to it.
“I look okay?”
Frank cocked his head to the side as he smirked, taking you in with his eyes as he took a few steps forward to stand in front of you.
“You kiddin’? You’re gonna knock Red on his ass.”
You didn’t hardly have any family outside of the chosen one you had made with Matt, Foggy, Karen, Elektra, and Frank. When you’d let it slip to him that you would be walking down the aisle alone, Frank instantly offered to be the one to walk you. He confessed that it would probably be the closest he would ever get to walking his own daughter down the aisle, and you graciously accepted without hesitation. 
A smirk curled at the corner of your mouth as you let your eyes wander over his large figure, finally meeting his deep brown curious eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so…”
“Dressed up, yeah yeah. Don’t get used to it.”
“I was gonna say not covered in blood.”
Frank let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head slowly, looking down at you with a dazzling grin on his lips.
“Figured I could behave for a few days so I didn’t mess up your pretty dress, yeah?”
“How generous of you.”
As the processional music started to play, the nerves you felt earlier returned full force, and you gripped onto Frank’s arm tightly as the reality of the situation started to sink in. This was actually happening. Matt was waiting for you on the other side of these doors, and in just a few moments, he would finally be your husband. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes as your emotions started to catch up with you, thinking about everything the two of you had gone through together, and how it had all led up to this moment. Frank’s lips brushed against your cheek as he bent down to whisper into your ear.
“You say the word, and I’ll get you outta here. No questions asked, yeah?”
Gripping a little tighter onto his arm, you leaned into Frank’s embrace as a shaky breath left your lips.
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want, darlin’. I could hide you places even he couldn’t find.”
You swore you heard Matt groan loudly on the other side of the door, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you dipped your head back to look up at Frank. Taking a deep breath in, you exhaled slowly through your parted lips and nodded with a soft smile.
“I’m ready.”
Frank gave a slight nod as he leaned in to kiss your forehead, dropping his left eye in a wink as he smiled.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Don’t let me fall, please.”
Frank wrapped his right arm tightly around your waist, holding onto your hand with his left one as he squeezed it gently.
»»———  ———««
“As absolutely beautiful as you are in this dress, it’s time for it to come off.”
“You don’t wanna leave it on?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart, but it’s kind of in my way. Besides, it’s so pretty, I’d hate to ruin it with all the things I wanna do to you, Mrs. Murdock.”
A soft gasp left your lips as Matt gently sucked on that sensitive spot on your neck below your ear, and you could feel him grin against your skin when your heart skipped. He had taken every opportunity throughout the evening to call you that, or refer to you as his wife. Every time it hit your ears, a buzz of serotonin flooded your bloodstream and left you hazy.
“And what, exactly, is it that you wanna do to me, Mr. Murdock?”
Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along the exposed skin of your bare back, causing a shudder to course through you while his nimble fingers delicately tugged the zipper of your dress agonizingly slow down your back. His stubble tickled against your cheek as he nuzzled your jaw, inhaling your scent deeply while leaving open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck.
“Fuck a baby into you.”
Gripping tightly onto his suit jacket, you were suddenly taken back to that night over a year ago when he’d first made that promise, and his words from that night flowed through your ears. 
I’m gonna marry you someday, Y/N.
I will put a ring on your finger tomorrow. 
I will put a baby in you tonight.
A fresh wave of mixed emotions glossed over your eyes, and Matt slowly pulled back to stare blankly down at your face with an expression of concern as he cradled your face in his hand.
“What is it, angel?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Matt tilted his head to the side slightly as his honey hazel eyes gazed down at you, tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips before they pulled into a timid smile.
“Was it the wedding you always wanted?”
Bringing your own hand up to cup Matt’s jaw, you pulled him in closer to touch your foreheads together as you whispered softly.
“Of course it was, Matty. You were the groom.”
Matt had been continuously asking you the same question all night, wanting to make sure you were absolutely happy with the biggest day of your lives. Honestly, it had been perfect. Karen had taken over as your unofficial wedding planner, and between her, Marci, and Elektra, you’d hardly had to lift a finger. Getting married in a church wasn’t a huge deal for you since you weren’t religious, but you knew how much it meant to Matt, and you offered to marry him in his church where his parents would’ve married. It was small and intimate, exactly what you both wanted.
The second you stepped through the open doors with Frank, Matt immediately started to cry. You were only a second behind him as soon as you saw him, the two of you gripping onto each other’s hands as Father Lantom led the ceremony, bringing everyone in attendance to tears as you exchanged your heartfelt vows. Matt had captured your lips in a deep kiss as soon as Father Lantom uttered his name, and he lightly smacked him over the back of the head with his bible to remind him that he was in church when the kiss started getting a little too heated for the house of God. Maggie had simply laughed, reminding Father Lantom that Matthew was indeed Jack Murdock’s son.
The reception was held at Josie’s where you had first met Matt over two years ago, courtesy of Karen. Foggy had drunkenly climbed onto the bar to deliver his best man speech which only drew further tears out of everyone from laughter by telling the most embarrassing story he could conjure about Matt from college, and also from the passionate gratitude he showered you in for making his best friend the happiest he had ever seen him.
Matt told me once he thought you were an angel created by God himself, and sent down from Heaven just for him, exactly when he needed you. I believe that’s true. There’s no other explanation for how perfect you are for him. Thank you for bringing my brother the happiness he’s always deserved. I love you both.
Karen could hardly contain her own tears as she spoke fondly about you and Matt, bringing even Frank and Jessica to tears with her sweet words.
I knew the night you met Matt that you loved him. I could see it in your eyes. Thank you for loving him the way that you do. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me as your best friend for you to end up with someone like Matt. Because I know he will take care of you, and protect you, and love you with everything he’s got, and I know you’ll do the same for him. I’m just so happy my two favorite people found each other.
“Today was the happiest day of my life. A day I never honestly thought would come, but I’m so happy it did, and I’m so happy it was with you. I wouldn’t change anything about it. I mean…apart from everyone offering to help you runaway, but.”
A loud laugh slipped past your ears at the annoyed look on Matt’s face, countered by the smirk that was threatening to spill across his lips. You gently squeezed his cheeks to purse his lips into a pout, leaning in to kiss them softly.
“You know they were joking.”
“No, Frank and Elektra were serious. They were actually gonna smuggle you out.”
Giggling softly, you shook your head as you leaned in to press your lips against Matt’s softly once more.
“Well I didn’t run, did I?”
Matt let out a deep exhale through his nose, shaking his head slowly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“No. Still not sure why you didn’t.”
“There was cake.”
Matt rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up above you, and you giggled uncontrollably as you grabbed onto his tie to pull him back down towards you.
“I’m kidding! You know someone has to keep the Devil in line.”
Matt clicked his tongue against his cheek, narrowing his eyes slightly as he cocked his head to the side and stared down at you with a light smirk.
“That the only reason, then? Because you’re the only one that can?”
“I can think of a few more. Now, I thought you were helping me out of this dress?”
“I was.”
“Then be a good husband, Matthew, and help your wife.”
Matt’s eyes darkened considerably at the sultry tone of your voice, and a devilish grin took over his mouth as your beloved dimples settled in his inner cheeks. He was careful as he slipped the silk gown down your body, laying it carefully over the dresser before attacking your body with kisses once again. You frantically clawed at his jacket and dress shirt, blindly making quick work of his belt, already panting just from the idea of having your husband inside of you. There seemed to be a silent understanding between the two of you that neither of you had the patience for foreplay tonight, and all you both wanted in that moment was to be absolutely consumed by one another. 
As Matt settled between your spread thighs, a wash of nerves made you shiver, and you found yourself placing your shaky palm on his chest over his heart to get his attention.
“Matty…did you…are we…you really want a baby with me? Right now?”
Matt tilted his head in confusion as he let his eyes blankly wander over you, placing his palm flat on the pillow by your head as he leaned in closer towards you. You and Matt had been talking more seriously about starting a family after you got engaged, and you stopped taking birth control a few months before the wedding to make sure it was fully out of your system for when you two were ready to actually start trying.
“Of course I do. Why? Did you change your mind?”
“No! No no, it’s not that. I just…you aren’t going to miss it? I mean…the city means so much to you, Matty, and-”
“Hey, you mean the most to me. You’re the love of my life, sweetheart.”
You wrapped your fingers around Matt’s wrist as he held your face, nibbling at your bottom lip as you let out a shaky breath.
“I know, baby. I just…I know how much you need that part of yourself-”
“Not anymore. All I need is you. I’m still protecting the city, and the people in it, everyday. I’m still helping people. But New York doesn’t really need Daredevil anymore. It has people to protect it, like Luke and Jessica. And Colleen, Danny, even Frank and Elektra. You need me. And the one thing I care more about protecting and keeping safe is you, and our family.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret hanging up the suit, or feel any kind of resentment-”
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I could never regret anything with you. How could I feel even an ounce of resentment when you’re offering to give me the greatest gift in the world that I’ll never be able to repay you for, hm?”
Matt carefully wiped a stray tear away from your eye as you reached up to gently grab onto the back of his neck, pulling him down so that his chest was flush to yours as you whispered softly.
“I just want to make you happy, Matty.”
“You do, angel. Everyday. You are my happiness. Now, can I please make love to my wife?”
Matt took his time as he entered you, peppering kisses on every inch of your body he could find, moving his hips lazily as he fucked into you slowly to ensure you both felt everything. Interlacing your fingers together, he held your hands above your head and squeezed them tightly, repeatedly whispering into your ear how much he loved you, how beautiful and perfect you were for him, and how badly he wanted you to give him a baby. Matt pulled your legs tightly around his waist, angling your hips to reach the most delicious depths within you, spilling his seed into the deepest layer of your garden to plant the foundation for the family you both so desperately wanted together. 
Neither of you could get enough, and Matt fucked you sweetly and slowly several more times into the early hours of the night until your bodies simply couldn’t take anymore. He refused to withdraw himself from you, keeping his soft cock nestled within you, preventing any ounce of your future he had emptied into you from slipping out as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Matt placed his palm over your lower belly, absentmindedly stroking his thumb in slow circles over the first home your child would have.
“I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you so much, Matty.”
Matt was here. Matt loved you. Matt was yours.
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @thychuvaluswife
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hannya-writes · 2 years
When they call you their Wife (part II)
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"Sorry to bother you but this is my wife"
Sabo said it to get rid of a man flirting with you
Were you married? No, were you a couple? Technically no, but you were getting there.
Listen, Sabo is a chill, chivalrous gentleman however, since you became his "nanny" as Koala called you. Things changed in him.
At first he was annoyed, because you were like his shadow. They all told him you were supposed to be his partner but he didn't like it. He felt restricted.
But then you became really helpful. You did answer Koala's calls, you never bothered him and you solved things based on his previous decisions.
Then you became proactive, solving part of his paperwork, offering him the newspaper, getting him just what he needed.
He even questioned how he had lived without you for 17 years?
He started to feel things for you, for your easy going attitude but responsable actions. He liked it that you were his partner in crimes.
The only problem was the amount of people who hit on you. You were beautiful, and sometimes men trying to get your attention became a problem.
You were taking breakfast and someone payed your bill, you walked with him on a street and some random dude gifted you flowers.
You two were spying on someone and some entitled asshole decided that you would like to speak with him.
That day, at least 3 men had hit on you when a man who wasn't your objective started flirting with you in a bar.
Sabo was done with all. He just wanted a good drink some chat with you and maybe, just maybe confess what he felt for you.
But the asshole of the bartender started to ask you about your day.
So he said it. He dropped it like a bomb and the bartender stopped, blushed like crazy and walked away after saying a "sorry, my bad"
Sabo loved the reaction and was absolutely delighted by your big smile.
"Wife uh?" You said amused "You haven't even confessed you like me and suddenly we are married?" You added in a whisper leaning towards Sabo.
"You know?" He asked surprised in a murmur and you laughed as he blushed.
"I'm an expert on body language" you bragged and he leaned closer.
"We ought to sell the lie, my lovely wife" he said, getting so close you almost kissed.
"Ask me out" you demanded but he closed the space until you kissed.
You felt your pulse on your lips after the kiss.
"Go on a date with me" he said as he cupped your cheek with one hand.
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"Come on girls, you gotta respect the holy institution of love" just like Luffy he said it to get rid of women. Many of them
They had been following him around the tavern, offering him food, drinks and sex. Some of them were prostitutes but not all of them.
He just wanted to eat, drink something and get back to the sea.
But they couldn't just take a no for an answer.
"No one gotta know", "let's have some fun".
And they were touching, they were touching him too much. They had no shame. So he just dropped the bomb.
Instead of helping, it made everything so much worse.
You watched Ace trying to handle the situation but he was failing, big time. So you decided to help him. After all, he was your boyfriend.
He didn't see you or noticed your presence. He had one woman to each of his sides at the bar.
"Look at you, love, being as faithful as the day we married'' you said out loud getting his attention.
He recognized your voice immediately, he turned in your direction and his face lit up literally.
He turned into a flare and flew towards you, scaring the women and other customers near him.
"You are here" he said with a big smile "my beautiful wifey" he added following an unwritten script. To be true, he wasn't expecting to see you.
You two were in a relationship but it wasn't a common relationship. You weren't following him around and he wasn't following you like a moth to a flame.
You two were able to live without the other, but when you found each other you acted like a common couple.
You fought like a married couple.
Whitebeard had even offered to officiate a pirate wedding in the Moby Dick.
"Husband" you answered his greeting and he hugged you, hiding his face in the crock of your neck.
"I've missed you" he confessed before kissing your neck, making you laugh.
"Good, I've missed you too" you caressed his back and only then you looked at the two women who had harassed your boyfriend. "Ladies, you can stop humiliating yourselves" you smiled at them and they scrammed afraid.
"My hero" Ace muttered in your ear.
"Shut up and eat, whitebeard sent me for you" you huffed, pushing him lightly to get to the table.
"I'm not going back yet" He sat down and so did you.
"I know, husband," you smiled at him "but he made me promise him something, if you don't come I'll stay to annoy the hell out of…"
Clank. Ace had fallen asleep and you giggled at his antiques.
"Geez, how do you manage to look cute even as you sleep on your food?"
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 11 months
♡ A L I C E I N W O N D E R L A N D ♡
Pick A Pile Reading ♡
General, Love, and What to look forward to readings for each pile.
Take What resonates and leave the rest and know that you're the one in control of your life at the end of the day. . . .
This PAP reading is inspired by my mutual and friend, @itsmealicehi
Thank you so much for the idea and for sharing your energy with me.
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♡ P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3 ♡
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♡ p i l e 1 ♡ - Slow Down, you crazy child/ I can do bad all by myself
General: Four of Pentacles, Knight of Swords (Reversed), The Hanged Man, The Moon
Bottom of the Deck: Four of Wands
You might be feeling like there is no control in your life, so you are controlling the things that you can with an iron grip. Because of this, you have been punishing yourself, holding back your own progress. You may be presenting to the world that you have it all under control but on the inside, you feel like your life is falling apart. Right now, you are too in your own head. It's time to reach out to the person or people that you trust. Asl for advice or a helping hand. Right now, it's too hard to tell the forest from the trees. This is not the time to make decisions without care or thought. The life that you want is not that far out of reach. Slow Down. Don't forget to celebrate yourself.
Channeled Song: Vienna by Billy Joel
Love: Queen of Wands, Six of Pentacles (Reversed), Five of Cups, Eight of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Ten of Pentacles
For those in a relationship: The relationship started out amazing and this person promised you everything you could have ever wanted. Now, it seems like you have to pull teeth just to get some attention. This person is giving you love kernels to keep you but never enough to satisfy you. You may feel like because you've put in all this time and effort, you should stick it out. When someone shows you who they are, it's in your best interest to believe them. This person may say they are going to change all the time. But have they put in any effort? Have they done a 180? Or are they doing enough to keep the peace and then going back to square one like a conversation was never had? If you stay, it will only lead to disappointment, dissatisfaction and resentment. I think this person is holding you back from being your best and happiest self. You don't need anyone's help when it comes to being miserable. You can do bad all by yourself.
For those who are single: This is a warning to watch out for people that want to use you and have an unbalanced union with you. It will only hold you back and leave you unhappy and unsatisfied.
Channeled song: I Can Do Bad All by Myself by Mary J. Blige (this song don't have a studio version and I'm still so upset about it! We need to call Tyler Perry and Mary J. Blige.)
What To Look Forward To: The Hermit, Seven of Swords, Two of Cups, Queen of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Six of Pentacles
You have been moving in silence, making plans and moving strategically. You are crafting new opportunities, not just for yourself, but for people in your life. You will be giving gifts once you have reached your desired level of success. I think you are going to meet someone that adds to your success as well. Though this is romantic for some of you, that isn't the case for everyone so take it how it resonates with you. It will be like you can read each other's mind. I definitely this person is a part of your soul family.
♡ p i l e 2 ♡ - It'll be all over in the morning
General: Six of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Two of Wands (Reversed), The Hierophant, Seven of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Queen of Swords
The hardships that you have faced are over! Because you did not let them break you, it has made you better and stronger, despite all that you have been through. The tides are turning in your favor because you never gave up even when it seemed like things would never be any different. You kept your faith. You may feel hesitant to move forward because the unknown is scary and you've already faced so much adversity but, trust your intuition and reach out to your spirit guides. They love you and they are here for you. Know that you can move forward with protection, and you will be led to abundance and long-term successes.
Channeled Song: Ain't No Need To Worry by The Winans (I will say this is a gospel song, so if you think that will trigger you as someone with religous trauma, don't listen to it.)
ain't no need to worry bout // what the night is gonna bring // it'll be all over in the morning //
Love: Nine of Pentacles, Six of Cups, Judgement (Reversed), King of Pentacles, Six of Wands (Reversed)
It seems like you are happy being single but it looks like you are getting an offer from someone kind, maybe someone from your past. In my mind, I see someone that was a close childhood friend or maybe you went to school with and you knew or knew of each other. Don't be too harsh on this person. It's good to have high standard and knowing your worth, but no one is perfect. Even perfect fruit can have bruises. Even if this person is everything you ever wanted and dreamed of, they are still a person that is living life, just like you. Know that this person is great and great for you, flaws and all. You will feel cared for, loved, safe and so much more. There is a change you will let your ego get in the way. Don't let it. It will slow down the progress of your relationship or even ruin it all together. Know that letting your ego in the way means losing the love that you so deeply deserve. You are safe with this person. Let your guard down.
Channeled Song: Renegade by Big Time Machine ft Taylor Swift (This channeled song is a little different because it's from your person to you.)
are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? // and let all your damage damage me? // and carry your baggage up my street? // and make me your future history? //
What to Look Forward To: Ace of Pentacles, Six of Wands (Reversed), Ten of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands, Temprance (Reversed), Justice
You have some exciting new opportunities coming up as well as some things from the past you have to finally acknowledge. This is going to shake up your world. I think you may want to do some self care at this time. Grounding yourself will be really important. Know that whatever this is, you can handle this. You have been through worse. You are strong and capable. You are going to feel unbalanced and like you need to rush to make a decision. Other people may be pushing you to make a decision. Don't worry about that or about them. Take your time and do what is best for you. You will get all that you deserve; all that you have worked for.
♡ p i l e 3 ♡ - You're built different
General: Temprance, Ten of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands, The Devil (Reversed), Justice
Bottom of the Deck: Two of Pentacles
You don't need to be what others want you to be. I see that, right now, you are at peace and balanced but you're being pressured, either by other people or by your own thoughts, to "get yourself together". The thing is though, YOU ALREADY HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER! You are doing things in an unconventional way and that freaks people out and makes them worried because they can't gage the likely outcome. That's not any of their business and you can't make how they feel about your life your problem. Stay on the path you are on if that is what will make you happy. Be confident in your choices. Act courageously even when you are terrified. The things that are meant for you will find you. The life you want may not be the status quo, but it's yours. Isn't the enough?
Love: King of Pentacles, Seven of Cups (Reversed), Five of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Queen of Cups
Someone is coming in to offer you a long-term commitment. In the past, you have been offered similar offers, only to end up in tense relationships where you ended up estranged and distant. This new person is different, and I think you are going to be able to tell. This will be something so new and so different. This relationship will be nurturing for the both of you. This will be one for the books. This person that is coming in is your soulmate and you will be shocked by how much a person's life can change just by meeting someone.
What to Look Forward To: Five of Swords (Reversed), Ten of Pentacles, King of Swords, King of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Two of Wands
You've been doing shadow work and making changes, healing your inner wounds. That hard work is contributing to your long-term success and will help you clearly see the path that you are meant to take. Self-discipline is important but you are being asked to watch out for signs of perfectionism. It's not about the destination but about the journey. Speaking of journey, the stability that you have cultivated, you are ready to put your ideas into motion by making plans at this time. You can achieve the goals you have desired to achieve for a long time.
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You can get a person Alice in Wonderland reading from my Etsy shop, PinkAmethystTarot
Page divider credit to: @reveriesources 
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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kwisatzworld · 20 days
Uccio Salucci: the good life
December 2008 by Mat Oxley
Uccio Salucci’s good life is living life with the world’s greatest motorcycle racer, handing him his helmet and gloves on the grid, topping up his energy drink in the pit, hanging out with him in Ibiza. In fact, everywhere Valentino Rossi goes, Uccio goes with him. It’s a bit like being God’s butler. There’s no doubt that Uccio lives the good life – travelling the world in first-class style with the hugely popular Rossi, who just happens to be his best mate as well as his employer. Uccio has been Rossi’s right-hand man since his earliest days on the GP trail, he’s like an extra pair of hands for the seven-time world champion. The old school friends have known each other most of their lives and are pretty much inseparable whether they’re in the paddock, partying in Ibiza or chilling out back home in Tavullia.
How old are you? I’m 29, same as Valentino.
How did you get here? We have been dear friends since we were four or five years old. We used to go to school together and after school we used to go minimoto racing together. Of course, Valentino was always faster. When he started travelling around and doing well in GPs he needed someone he could really trust to be with him, as all racers do. Valentino asked me to be his ‘main of faith’ and I said yes.
What do you do? My real job is to drive the motorhome to all the European races. I am also Valentino’s assistant, so he calls me bad names when things go badly and when things go well we share the happiness. I look after everything for him, all his kit, his leathers, helmets, gloves and boots, anything he hasn’t got time to do, I do.
What is the highlight of your job? Travelling, seeing new things, learning new cultures and, of course, being with an amazing character like Valentino. He’s a lot of fun to be with, in and out of the paddock. Of course, we do argue, we argue a lot, like women! The best moment of our time together was South Africa 2004, his first win with Yamaha.
What makes you tick? The engine of my job is wanting to win the race on Sunday, this is my main motivation, just like Valentino’s. You cannot do this job if you’re not hungry for victory.
Is it the easy life? It’s easy and it’s difficult. For sure it’s easier than a proper job, I don’t consider this to be a real job. It’s difficult to be with Valentino because he’s very famous, so he gets a lot of criticism, so you always have to stay calm about this kind of thing. But you get used to the lifestyle, it’s not a crazy life but an emotional life.
What’s your best-ever trip? I always enjoy driving the motorhome on long journeys, like to Jerez in southern Spain. The motorhome is always very crowded, there’s always four or five of us from Tavullia, with me doing all the driving.
What’s the best bike you’ve ever ridden? The Yamaha 990cc M1! I rode it twice in 2006, first at Monza, then at Valencia. Valentino let a few of us ride his bike. It was fantastic, the power and the braking were incredible, and the handling was so light and easy, like a bicycle. But I didn’t go very fast. For sure if I crash, I die!
What’s the secret of the good life? The secret of the good life in the paddock is to take everything lightly, not to take it too seriously. There’s a lot of pressures and if you focus too much on the pressures you don’t have a good time.
What would you swap about your good life? I don’t like it when Valentino gets criticised. The paddock is like a barber’s shop, everyone talks a lot, there’s a lot of bullshit, I don’t like that aspect of this world.
How often do you ride? I have an XT660 Supermotard, I go to the seaside from Tavullia. In the summer I never drive a car. Maybe I’m a little crazy on the street, especially on roundabouts: foot down, wheelies. But please don’t write that.
Who else has the good life? Rock stars!
You and Valentino like a party don’t you? Yes, of course, we love parties, but we’re getting older so we don’t party as much as we used to. We like to be with friends, eat a pizza…
So no more DC10? [A legendary Ibiza pill-popping club] We don’t like it anymore, the people are different now, Ibiza has changed.
What’s the best party you’ve been to? DC10 in 2000, before Vale bought a house in Ibiza. That was crazy!
What about girls? Some people think I’m a filter for Valentino’s girls but I’m not, maybe it would be nice. The problem of being with Valentino is that when a nice girl comes to meet us, she soon goes off with Valentino. He’s better looking, thinner, richer… and faster too.
Was the good life better in 1997 or is it better now? Those early days in GPs were unforgettable, the world championship was a dream come true for us but it was kind of like a game back then. We used to play, we were more natural in the way we carried on. Then we got older, racing got more serious and now it’s becoming more like a normal job.
What happens away from races? I’m with Valentino wherever he goes, like two normal friends, well, maybe not normal friends, but we are very good friends who get along well in all kind of circumstances.
And what good life after this good life? Recently I’ve started thinking about this but at the moment I have no idea. I will worry about this problem when I have to worry about it…
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oceanlipgloss · 2 months
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+ warnings: implicit suggestive themes.
+ my mc is the heroine, so the pronouns are feminine.
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She was his dream girl.
Everything about her seemed to be synthesised from the thread of his dreams: her voice, her face, her body, the way she looked him, even the way she teased him and made fun of his little antics and endless troublemaking.
Old love. That was his love for treasures and the expensive things in life. When he cherished her more than everything else, though, could his feelings for the material parts really be called the greatest ‘love’ of all?
There was no need to wonder. It was so obvious, the answer: ‘no.’
He loved gold, but the threads that wove her organs and spirit together, they weren’t golden at all. They were all sorts of rare colours—a jewelled relic—because that’s just what she was: irreplaceable, rare, unforetold.
He could never meet anyone else like her in this mystic world. He would never find anyone like her again. So for once, he was so lucky. He had won the best lottery. Luck had glazed his stars.
She was the one. She was his one, his beloved.
...wait a minute. ‘Beloved’ sounds hella old-school and sappy for someone modern and stylish like him, doesn’t it? Almost like something a certain ancient, proud tyrant would say.
Damn it. Never had he imagined there would come a day in which currency and riches confronted their rivals in his heart, their rankings at stake, but here he so happily was. His credit card should just come to terms with the fact that this stunning woman was now his number one darlin’, then.
“’S not that I like ya or anything,” he had still told her once and again in the past, repeating himself over and over like a parrot, stuck on the dumb lyric like a broken record, until saying something so atrocious and false became impossible.
No one could believe such a lie, even if they had ever tried to or wanted to.
Because everyone knew.
They all knew how he would die for her if need be. They all knew that what lit his heart wasn’t simple attraction, or mere infatuation, or a sweet temporary crush.
It was a lifelong love.
He was madly, hopelessly in love with her.
She knew that, too.
His heart was on display for all of them to see. They could see it glowing inside him. They could see it burning in the dark.
She saw it, too.
Really, he adored each aspect of her. How was it possible that his Father had made someone so perfect for him?
Well, maybe not specifically for him, but still. What was his Father thinking? Hell, was He even thinking at all? Hadn’t He known that this particular wild child of his would fall head over heels in love with her like a maniac overdosed on romance?
It was surreal, how right she was for him. It was dreamlike, how sweet they were together. What did they call people like them in the human world again? Other half, twin flame, soulmate?
Each of her lashes, her big eyes, her glossy lips, her soft hair, her smooth skin, her delicate hands, her—well, everything. Every inch, every melody, every word.
Often he finds himself thinking about her voice when she talks to him, her gaze when she watches him, her lips when they meet his, and...
...other things, other things.
Crazy. Oh, he’s crazy about her.
He was a fallen angel, a devil, a traitor, but he thought that he would worship her. He could. He did. He had tender faith in her heart, in her mind, in her very soul.
She was, after all, his dream girl.
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+notes: a rare easter egg spur-of-the-moment fic. There’s a scene in the first game in which Mammon says that he loves everything about MC or did I hallucinate it? and I just remembered it and immediately thought, ‘the sweetheart of his dreams, the one made for him in every way.’ Also, this is approximately 50% word-vomit. My brain took time to throw it up, and I glossed it—albeit lightly—as well, so I’m not going to label it 100% alphabet puke, no. But I’ve been so uninspired, man. Writer’s block and whatnot MDD OCD GAD stress hehe. Even on the few occasions when I do get sparks of sentences and write them down, it’s radio silence next, and I end up abandoning the WIP for a time. Actually, there are WIPs I’ve buried likely for forever now, and that’s pretty unusual for me, since whenever I start a piece I often finish it (even if that’s months later) and put it up despite how it may not be of the quality my perfectionism and standards demand. Because I mean, meh, why the heck not? It’s already there, isn’t it? And I already poured in the time, thought and mental strain to do it, didn’t I? So I’ll merely tape it on my blog and AO3 page either as is au naturel or polish it as per I deem necessary. Anyways, I turned my notes into a rant of sorts there, but that’s really the point and what I actually had in mind for this section of my fics when it’s present: jot down inspiration particular to the fic in question, babble about my experience writing it, stuff it with tiny rants, things like that. If you went ahead and read this exquisite newspaper column, I offer you thanks for helping yourselves to a slice of my annoyance, I suppose? lol And I want to write a Mephi fic so bad aaaah I have a rotting WIP and a few decaying ideas scribbled down, so now I have to debate if I should complete the WIP, choose one of the ideas and make it into a fic, or write something new with the naughty abstract theme my mind is currently craving. Hmm...what to do indeed. Now watch me probably not even try to write a single fic for a long time
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ironboyxs · 8 months
Unseen Hearts
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Felix x Male Reader
Word Count: 4652
Summary: Y/N is a young actor and singer on the rise who has great admiration for Stray Kids, especially a certain member with a huskier voice.
p.s. this is the first time I write about kpop on this blog, I hope you like it! In fact, I was extremely inspired because I've never written so much! and another thing: I mention a Korean ideogram in the story, I tried to do my research but my Korean is terrible, forgive any mistakes. and always remembering REQUESTS ARE OPEN, in the pinned there are the fandons for which I write
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You never thought you would be in a serious relationship with a K-pop artist. Of course, you've been a fan of Korean culture since you were 13 and a friend introduced you to the concept of K-pop, dramas and all the rest.
You were lucky enough to have well-off parents who let you study Korean from the age of 13 because you had become completely obsessed with everything about Korea.
But obviously your life didn't revolve around just that, of course you went to shows whenever you could, once you even got a trip to South Korea as a gift to go to a fan meeting.
But one thing that the idol life showed you was that you also wanted to be an artist, you were in doubt between acting and music. After all, you were good at both. In school plays you always got the lead.
Your mother played the piano and from a very early age taught you everything she knew about music, so one of your hobbies, and also a form of therapy, was writing songs.
When you were 18, a family friend who worked for Netflix knew he had a casting call that was a perfect fit for you. You took the test, with zero faith that you would pass.
But it ended up happening, the series was about a fantasy world, four wizard friends fighting an evil entity, you had a lot of fun recording the first season, you made incredible friends, but you never thought the series would be successful.
Until it exploded. And it became the number 1 series on Netflix, with everyone talking about it. And obviously you and your co-stars started doing press tours.
Jimmy Fallon Show
- Hey guys! Welcome back to the Tonight Show! Today we have a very special guest, a talented young man who is having great success with the new Netflix series: Witchbound Chronicles. Let's welcome the amazing Y/N! How are you, Y/N?
- Hi Jimmy! I'm great, thanks for having me here.
- It's a pleasure to have you. Firstly, congratulations on the success of your series! What has the experience been like seeing your face everywhere?
- It's surreal, Jimmy. I never imagined things would happen so quickly. I'm just enjoying every moment.
- This is amazing! Tell us a little about the series. What can fans expect?
- Well, the series is called "Witchbound Chronicles" and it takes place in a completely new world full of magic, fantastic creatures and lots of exciting twists. I play one of the main characters, a young man named Ethan, who discovers he has incredible magical abilities.
- This looks amazing! And what was the audition process like to get the role?
- It was a little crazy, actually. I auditioned without much expectation, and when I got the call that I had gotten the role, I couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true.
- And what was it like working with the cast and crew?
- Everyone was incredible. The cast is very talented, and the team behind the cameras did an incredible job bringing this magical world to life. I learned a lot from all of them.
- I'm sure fans would love to know if there are any funny or interesting behind-the-scenes stories you can share.
- Oh, definitely! One day, we were filming a scene with intense special effects, and one of the animatronics that plays the magical creatures ended up going out of control. It was hilarious to see everyone running for cover, but in the end, everything worked out, and the scene was incredible.
- And what can we expect from the future, Y/N? More projects on the small screen or maybe even the big screen?
- Absolutely, Jimmy! I love acting, and I hope to continue exploring different roles and challenges. Who knows what the future holds, right?
- Hey Y/N, our research team made some interesting discoveries on your social media. It seems like you're a big K-pop fan, is that right?
- Oh yes, Jimmy! I'm completely obsessed with K-pop, it's one of my passions.
- This is amazing! Any specific groups or artists that you really admire?
- For sure! I'm a big fan of Stray Kids.
- Oh, and our team also noticed that you have a certain “bias” as they say in K-pop at Felix! You've been expressing your crush on Felix a lot on social media. Any funny stories or embarrassing moments related to this?
- Well, now that you mention that this is public I would say that all my posts about Felix are kind of funny and embarrassing, actually. I try to keep it light and humorous, but of course, my friends always tease me a little about it.
- That is great! And if Felix or any of the Stray Kids were watching right now, what would you say to them?
- Wow, that's a tough question. I guess I would say how much they mean to me as an artist and as a person. Their work really inspires me, and I really admire their talent.
- I hope Felix sees this and who knows, maybe you can meet one day!
Some time later, on a live that Felix was doing, a fan asked if he had seen this interview.
Chat: Felix, did you see Jimmy Fallon's interview with Y/N, the actor from the series "Witchbound Chronicles"?
- Oh yeah! I saw! It was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire interview.
Chat: Y/N mentioned that he's a big fan of Stray Kids and that he has a crush on you. What was your reaction when you watched this?
- Oh, really? This is so cool! I was very flattered to learn that he is a Stray Kids fan. I think it's an honor when talented people like our work.
Chat: Would you have a message to send to Y/N?
For sure! Y/N, if you're watching, thank you so much for your support! It's amazing to know that you enjoy our work, and who knows, maybe one day we can meet. Keep being amazing!
Chat: It would be great to see a collaboration between Stray Kids and the series' soundtrack, wouldn't it?
- Absolutely! We would love it! Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Let's hope something like this happens.
Meanwhile at your house
- Y/N did you watch Felix's last live? - Your sister came running to ask you.
- No, I saw the notification but I was busy so I couldn't watch it.
- You NEED to see this excerpt!
Your sister takes the phone to you with a cut from the live stream where Felix Yongbok Lee is simply talking about you, and of course you completely freak out!
- Imagine if you could meet him in person?
You stop and reflect for a second
- What is it? - Your sister asks.
- My Twitter account simply has 1001 posts about how handsome and hot I think he is! I need to deprive that now!
- Wow, but it's great that he knows you have a crush on him!
- He already knows because of that stupid interview, I don't need to be embarrassed anymore! - You run out to get your cell phone.
A while later on a gossip page
“Recently Y/N S/N deprived his Twitter account and opened a new one saying that it would be his professional account. Does the young actor have something to hide?”
Months later, with the end of recording the first season of the series, and the end of the press conferences, you feel that it is time to return to music. You had loved that whole period of recording and promoting the series but you felt the urge to write about it all, to put it all in the form of music, and deep in your heart, you wanted to write about something, something that you thought was really silly. actually, but your mother always told you that music was made to express all your feelings.
Unseen Hearts
🎶 Unseen hearts, a world apart,
In the shadows, you're the spark.
A crush so sweet, yet out of reach,
Dreams we chase, lessons we teach. 🎶
- This song is AMAZING! - A music producer friend of your mother said when he heard it.
- Did you really think so? I think it's no big deal.
- Is beautiful! What was the inspiration?
- Ah, silly thing, you know... stupid youthful passion - You said with a bit of shame.
- Y/N, I know you've been wanting to combine acting and music for so long, Bobby can give you that opportunity. – Your mother said
- You have so much potential Y/N. - Said Bobby, the producer and owner of the record company you were now part of.
- Now, ideas for a music video?
The Unseen Hearts video was a success, number 1 in views on YouTube. The clip takes place in a magical setting, reminiscent of the world of the series that you are part of. Include enchanted forests, ancient ruins and mystical locations, having a sense of magic and mystery. The story of the music video centers on you, showing your magical journey in search of your unreachable crush. Throughout the clip you searche for a masked figure who wears a necklace with the Korean character:  리
Comments on Twitter
🌟 Just watched the "Unseen Hearts" music video by @Y/NActorOfficial and I'm absolutely enchanted! The magical symbolism and emotional depth in every scene got me hooked. Matt's talent is truly spellbinding! 🔮💖 #UnseenHearts #Y/NMagic
✨ The "Unseen Hearts" music video is a masterpiece! 🎬✨ Y/N's portrayal of an unattainable crush, wrapped in magical elements, is pure art. The visuals, the symbolism – everything is on point! 🌌🎶 #WitchboundChronicles #MagicalMusic
🌌 Theory time! What if the "Unseen Hearts" video is a metaphor for the struggles we face in expressing our feelings? The crush, shrouded in magic, symbolizes the elusive nature of emotions. Y/N's journey represents the pursuit of self-discovery. 🧐💭 #UnseenHeartsTheory
📜 Lyric interpretation theory: What if the lyrics in "Unseen Hearts" reflect Y/N's emotions towards Felix? The masked figure embodies the lyrical expression of an unspoken crush, with the ideogram pendant serving as a musical symbol of admiration. 🎤💔 #LyricConnection #UnseenHeartsEmotion
🎵 Melodic connection theory: The musical journey in "Unseen Hearts" might represent Y/N's emotional connection to Felix. The masked figure, with Felix's ideogram, is the elusive muse driving the rhythm of Y/N's heart. 🎭💖 #MusicalMuse #UnseenHeartsMelody
The Kelly Clarkson Show
- Hey guys! We're here with the talented Y/N, who recently released the amazing music video "Unseen Hearts." Y/N, first, I want to say that the music video is amazing, but everyone is wondering: what is the meaning behind it?
- Hi Kelly! First of all, thank you for the compliment. You know, "Unseen Hearts" is a magical journey, an exploration of emotions and personal challenges. I wanted to convey the idea of pursuing something that seems unattainable, but at the same time, it is an experience of self-discovery.
- Oh, this is fascinating! And many fans are curious about the character that appears in the clip. Can you tell us more about this?
- Of course, Kelly. The ideogram is an artistic representation, a kind of personal symbol. It's a way to add a layer of mystery to the story, allowing each person to find their own meaning in the song and video.
- I get it, I love this enigmatic approach! And what would you say to fans speculating about the music video?
- Well, it's amazing to see the enthusiasm of the fans and the different interpretations they are creating. The beauty of art is in its subjectivity, right? I love seeing the theories and stories that people are coming up with. It's a gift to see how music resonates in unique ways for everyone.
Live from Felix a few days later
Chat: Hi, Felix! Did you see Y/N's new video, "Unseen Hearts"? What did you think?
- Oh, sure! I watched it, and I have to say Y/N did an amazing job. The magical atmosphere, the emotional narrative, everything was very well done. I really liked.
Chat: And the music? Do you think it has some connection with you? After all, the character with your name appears in the clip!
- Well, it's interesting, right? I think art is interpretive, and each person can have their own vision. If music is an artistic expression, it's hard to say exactly what it means to Y/N. But I loved seeing how fans are creating their own theories and stories around it.
Chat: We are really curious! Do you think Y/N might have been inspired by you for the song?
- You know, Y/N is an incredible artist, and I'm just one of the many artists who can inspire him. I think the beauty of music is its ability to connect with different experiences and emotions. If Y/N found inspiration in something we experienced, it's an honor.
Chat: Hey Felix, we know Y/N mentioned he's a Stray Kids fan. Do you think he could have a crush on you?
- Oh, really? That's kind of funny to think about. I think it's always flattering to know that people admire our work, whether as artists or as people. And well, I don't really know about that. I'm grateful for the fans' support and affection, but personal relationships are something private, right? Let's focus on the music and Y/N's work, which is incredible.
Chat: We're just kidding, Felix! But seriously, what was it like for you to see your character in his video?
It was a pleasant surprise, for sure! Y/N is a talented artist, and it was cool to see that special touch in the video. I think he did a wonderful job of creating something unique and meaningful.
A few weeks later you are invited to perform at the Billboard Music Awards, it would be your first time performing Unseen Hearts in front of such a large audience, you were nervous obviously, but something made you even more nervous.
- Y/N you have no idea what I discovered! - Bobby, who was now your manager, called you excitedly.
- What was it?
- So I was organizing your participation in this year's BMAs, and you know who will be there, STRAY KIDS! They will also participate
You froze, you had followed the news, given interviews, seen Felix's live and knew that everyone already knew the obvious, you had burst out writing a song about the crush you had on a boy you saw once at a fan meeting.
- Y/N… are you there? - Bobby asked from the other side.
- I'm sorry, I just got a little distracted.
- I thought you would be more excited.
- Yes, I'm excited, of course, it's going to be really cool - You said a little disconcerted.
- Now are you ready for the big news?
- My God, is there more?
- It has! So the organization was talking to me, and they asked me if you would be willing to sit at the same table as them, you know, you speak Korean, so you can help the members who don't speak it to fit in.
- I confirmed your place with them of course, I thought you would love it!
- Wait, was the song really about Felix?
- My God Bobby, I thought you were my manager and paid attention to the nuances.
You wanted to pass out obviously.
Billboard Music Awards Day - Red carpet.
- Hi Matt! We are excited to see your performance today. What can we expect from this presentation?
- Hello! I'm looking forward to the night, it's going to be amazing. The performance will be full of energy, with a touch of magic and emotion. I hope everyone enjoys it!
- Good luck! Now, we've heard rumors that you and Stray Kids have a special connection. Any future collaborations on the horizon?
- Well, I'm a big fan of Stray Kids, they're so talented. Who knows what the future holds? I'm always open to surprising collaborations. - You say with a bright smile
- Hmm, intriguing! And regarding the "Unseen Hearts" video, many fans speculate about the inspiration behind it. Any subliminal messages?
- Ah, "Unseen Hearts" is an emotional journey, an exploration of personal feelings and challenges. Fan interpretations are fascinating, and I like to leave the song open to different meanings.
- What about the ideograms? We saw Felix from Stray Kids in the video. Any special meaning? - The interviewer asks with an insinuating smile
- Ideograms are like artistic elements, each one can find its own meaning. Sometimes it's just a way to add a special touch to the visual narrative. - You say, wanting to curse yourself for when you had the brilliant idea of putting one of the ideograms of Felix's name in the music video
Interview with Stray Kids
- And we're here with Stray Kids! You guys are killing it as always. We're curious to know, are there any secret collaborations you have in mind? Maybe something with our dear Y/N, who is also here today?
- Well, you know, we are always open to new musical experiences. Y/N is an amazing artist, so who knows what could happen in the future? - Felix responds.
- Interesting! And speaking of collaborations, we saw Felix's character in Y/N's "Unseen Hearts" video. Any idea what this could mean?
- It seems like Y/N wanted to add a special touch to the video. I don't know if there's a deeper meaning, but it's an honor to be included in his art in some way. - Felix says smiling
- What if we talk about the music itself? Any thoughts on "Unseen Hearts"? - The interviewer says wanting to provoke.
- Of course, we all watched the clip and were impressed. The song has a unique vibe, and Y/N's performance is engaging. It's great to see artists exploring different styles. - Bang Chan responds
- It seems like there are a lot of secrets being kept! Speaking of secrets, do you have any future projects that you haven't revealed yet?
- Well, we never reveal all our secrets, do we? You can expect more surprises in the future. - Hyunjin responds, ending the interview.
Later, after the red carpet, you have to face reality and go to your seat next to the members of Stray Kids. You're dying of embarrassment, not only because you meet artists you admire so much, but because you know what the topic of the moment is.
You greet everyone in Korean, trying to be as polite as possible, they are all incredibly kind to you.
When it's time to sit down, it's as if fate hates you, and of course your seat was next to Felix.
- I really enjoyed your series on Netflix. - Felix said trying to start a conversation.
- Serious? Didn't you find it a little too fanciful?
- It's too fanciful, but I like things like that, it's really cool.
- Thank you very much - You said blushing.
He looked incredibly handsome that night, you were trying very hard not to stare.
- I really liked Unseen Hearts too, it's a beautiful song.
- Oh thank you, but it doesn't even compare to your work, I'm still quite an amateur. - You always had this habit of diminishing yourself.
- Hey don't say that, your work is incredible. - He takes a strand of your hair and puts it back. - Your eyes are very E/C
He immediately takes his hand out of your hair and apologizes. There was a slight awkward atmosphere but the touch of his fingers in your hair were still there. “You’re not living a fanfic, focus on reality”, you forced yourself to think.
You didn't want to do it but you had to, you didn't want them to keep bothering the boy because of the damn ideogram in the clip.
- Look at the clip, and the ideogram, I'm sorry they keep disturbing you with this, I saw some of your lives and how embarrassed you were.
- Hey no, I thought it was really cool! Was it really a reference for me?
You look down, well, there was no point in lying anymore, right? At least you would leave with the knowledge that your idol would never see you as anything more
- Yes, it was, but you know we all have crushes on famous people, don't worry, it doesn't mean anything big.
- What a shame - He said looking down
What? - You were shocked.
- I wouldn't mind, you know, if it was a genuine crush.
You didn't have time to respond because Bobby came to call you to say that you needed to get ready for your presentation. You ran away with your heart racing, what did that mean, what did Felix mean?
- Ladies and gentlemen, singing Unseen Hearts Y/N S/N
On the Billboard Music Awards stage, the "Unseen Hearts" moment begins with you positioned center stage, radiating a magnetic presence. The mesmerizing melody fills the room, creating a magical atmosphere that captures everyone's attention.
The scenery is full of fantastic elements, as you immerse yourself in the performance, conveying the emotion of the music through each note. The audience, enveloped by the magic of the presentation, watches attentively.
During the performance, the camera occasionally cuts to the audience, where Felix from Stray Kids is sitting. His eyes meet at various moments, creating a visual connection that transcends the stage. You, while singing, exchange intense glances with Felix in the audience, conveying deep emotions and a unique harmony.
The exchange of glances is loaded with meaning, as if you were sharing your story not only with the audience, but also with Felix. Every facial expression reflects the intensity of the song, as your eyes meet Felix's, conveying a silent, emotional narrative.
At the end of the performance, the audience bursts into applause, recognizing the beauty and emotion of the performance. You, as you come down from the stage, exchange a final look with Felix, a moment that remains suspended in the air before being lost in the effervescence of the applause.
On twitter
🌟 The exchange of looks between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was simply magical! This emotional connection transcended the stage. ✨🎶 #UnseenHeartsMagic
😍 I can't get over the intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix during the performance! Their chemistry is palpable, and "Unseen Hearts" became even more special. 🔥💖 #BBMAs # Y/N xFelixMoment
🧙‍♂️ I'm absolutely delighted with the performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs. The looks between Y/N and Felix added an extra layer of magic to the performance! 🌈🔮 #EnchantedConnection
🎭 "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was an emotional journey! The looks between Y/N and Felix brought a unique depth to the presentation. A masterpiece of connection and magic. 🌌🎶 #MysticalPerformance
🤩 The performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was a visual and emotional spectacle! Y/N and Felix exchanging looks made everything even more captivating. 😊💫 #KPopMagicMoment
😭 I cried at the beauty of the performance of "Unseen Hearts". The intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix is heartbreaking. A unique emotional experience. 💔🌟 #BBMAs #EmotionalJourney
🎶 The chemistry between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs is something that cannot be described in words. A perfect fusion of music, emotion and connection. Angry! 👏🌈 #MusicalAlchemy
🌀 "Unseen Hearts" at #BBMAs left my soul vibrating. The looks between Y/N and Felix transcended the stage, creating a unique and magical experience. 🔮✨ #MysticVibes #UnseenHeartsVibes
You couldn't believe what had just happened, you had performed Unseen Hearts in front of hundreds of people but it was as if you could only see Felix, you were completely embarrassed by it. How could you be so unprofessional to stare at the boy like that? What would they say about you? What would they say about him?
A knock on the dressing room door makes you stand up. It was the boys from Stray Kids and you quickly rushed to open it.
- Y/N, man, you just killed it on stage! It was amazing! - Bang Chan says hugging you.
You're grateful for the compliment, but a wave of self-consciousness hits you. Did they notice your distraction? Did they notice the prolonged glances in Felix's direction?
- Oh, thanks, Chan! I'm glad you liked it. - You say smiling, trying to hide it.
- Did you see the audience? Everyone was mesmerized. It looks like you worked some real magic up there! - Jeongin says.
Everyone laughs, and you join in the laughter, trying to keep your self-critical thoughts away.
- Y/N, that performance was incredible. You brought such a unique energy to the song. - Felix says with a shy smile.
- And I think our friend here needs to speak to you in private. - Changbin says leading the others to leave the room.
Okay, you thought: now he's going to say that what I did was horrible, that it could cause gossip and horrible repercussions for his career. And so you will have ruined the mere chance of having a friendship with someone you admire.
But his response was very different from what you imagined.
- Yeah… I wanted to ask… if you want to go out with me, do you know after the awards?
The initial perplexity is replaced by a mixture of relief and surprise. You expected the worst, but here Felix is, not mentioning anything about the intense stares, but rather extending an invitation to hang out.
- Wow, of course, I would love to! It would be amazing. - You smile trying to hide your surprise.
Felix seems to relax a little, like he's relieved by his answer.
- Great so! Will be cool. The awards are going to be incredible, but I think after that we can relax a little, what do you think?
- I will love it!
- Excellent! See you after the awards, then. - He says with a dazzling smile
He turns to leave the dressing room, and you stay there, processing the unexpected turn of events. What seemed like a potential uncomfortable situation turned into an invitation to hang out. Perhaps the intense looks were perceived differently by Felix.
Later that night…
"Y/N from 'Unseen Hearts' and Felix from Stray Kids spotted holding hands after the Billboard Music Awards!"
"The beginning of a new ship? Y/N and Felix, moments of romance after the awards."
"Fans are ecstatic over photos of Y/N and Felix together. Could this be the start of a new friendship or something more?"
And on Twitter…
😱 Holding hands? This is real? Y/N and Felix together? I'm freaking out! 😍🥰 # #Y/NxFelix  #UnseenHeartsLove
🚢 Is a new ship being born? The internet needs to know! 😏🚀 # Y/Nlix #ShipSpeculation
🌟 The friendship between Y/N and Felix is so beautiful! We loved seeing the two together. 🤝💖 #FriendshipGoals # Y/NAndFelix
🧐 Holding hands? Are we all witnessing the beginning of something special? 🤔🌈 # Y/NAndFelix #SpeculationsRising
📸 Exclusive photos of Matt and Felix leaving the event. Are we seeing the birth of a new partnership? 🤝💫 #CelebrityNews # Y/NFelixMoments
📚 What do you think of a fanfic based on these photos? 😏💕 # Y/NlixFanfic #ShippingDreams
And so maybe Unseen Hearts weren't so unseen...
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w2soneshots · 7 months
Engaged -W2S
words: 0.7k+
warnings: none.
summary: while on holiday in Italy Harry asks you a very important question.
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Liked by mollymae and 1,090,637 others
y/username: Its only the first day but I never wanna leave🏝️
taliamar: STUNNING🩷🩷
faithlouisak: woah😍
y/nfanpage21: I loveeee the outfit!!
-> y/username: thank you🫶
user468031478: wrotoshaw is a lucky man
Harry surprised me with a trip to Italy 2 weeks ago. When we arrived yesterday we headed straight to the hotel to drop off all of our bags and get changed then spent the rest of the day at the beach. Today I woke up with Harry by my side scrolling through his phone. As soon as he realised that I was awake he popped his phone on the bedside table and rolled onto his side. I flashed him a smile "morning." I said. He smiled and leaned in to peck my lips "good morning, sleep good?" I nodded.
We got up, then sat down to have some fresh fruit and pastries for breakfast. "I've got lunch booked for two o'clock." Harry said as we ate. I looked up from my food "ooo, where?" I asked. "You'll have to wait and see." he said with a smirk. I shook my head jokingly and continued to eat my food. We finished our breakfast then hung around the villa until twelve ish when I decided to get ready.
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Liked by faithlouisak and 1,809,681 others
y/username: be ready for the holiday spam🌥️
wrotoshaw: 🔥❤️
freyanightingale: beautiful🤍
taliamar: sexy girl
user68024210: this holiday would be the perfect opportunity for bog to propose😏
When we arrived at the restaurant we took our seats outside on the patio and ordered. We ate our food then decided to take a walk on the beach. We were slowly waking hand in hand admiring the beautiful scenery, when Harry let go of my hand. I looked back in his direction to see him down on one knee, with a ring box in his hand. My breath caught in my throat. "omg." I said quietly and placed a hand over my mouth. "y/n, You're kind, you're funny, you're beautiful. I love spending time with you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to always make you laugh, to always be there for you when you need me, and to never take you for granted," He said while tears streamed down my face "will you marry me?" I nodded quickly "yes, yes, yes, yes!" I said and he quickly stood, placed the ring on my finger and pulled me into a strong hug.
y/username and wrotoshaw
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Liked by calfreezy and 6,016,932 others
y/username: we're engaged!💍
ksi: congratulations guys, so sick!!!!
tobjizzle: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
taliamar: ahhhhh I'm so happy for you🥹
behzingagram: HE'S DONE IT!
freyanightingale: the ring!!😍😍
faithlouisak: 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
miniminter: wooooooooo!
user68024210: I called it🙋‍♂️
I was in a state of shock for the entire rest of the day. After Harry asked me to marry him (which sounds crazy be able to say) we walked back to the villa and took a shower together ready for the dinner he had booked. I got dressed into a long, black, lace dress. I did my makeup and put my hair up (which I've been doing the whole trip since it's so hot) then slipped on some little black heels. Once I was finished I slowly walked downstairs, Harry was stood by the door waiting for me. "Wow" he said once I was near him. I smiled and jokingly did a pose.
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Liked by tobjizzle and 1,709,284 others
y/username: 🖤🥂
faithlouisak: show us that ring girly😉
taliamar: my wifey💍
-> y/username: you know it😘
user925711030: I wish I was as pretty as her
We left soon after and arrived at the restaurant. We sat down and ordered our drinks. "I still can't believe we're engaged." I said playing with the ring on my left hand. "Im surprised you didn't catch on, I was trying my best not to act weird." he said. I giggled then took a breath "did you tell anyone?" I asked. "Ethan and Faith were the only ones I told. I wanted to make sure I had the right ring so I asked Faith and for Ethan I just needed someone to talk to about it since I was so nervous." he said. "Aw, well at least you knew I wouldn't say no." He took a deep breath "I did consider what I would do if you did." I just laughed.
After dinner we walked back to the villa and I immediately took my heels off and slipped out of my dress...
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natsvenom · 7 months
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Lost & Found - PART 2 | Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
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SUMMARY: 10 years after becoming a vampire, you discover you still have the ability to siphon. No amount of research you do helps you discover why, and you were never able to do it again. You meet a girl named Mary Porter and she tells you there's someone who can help you, but he's the most dangerous man alive, and one of the first vampires to ever roam the earth. But what other choice did you have?
WARNINGS: Minor violence
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It had been 44 years ago when you became a vampire. For the longest time you hated yourself, you lacked the one thing you always seemed to have as a witch. Control. Luckily, you had learned the art of compulsion, managing to stop yourself from killing innocent people. Your favorite thing about being a vampire though, was the ability to heal.
Emily Bennett had told you when witches became vampires, they lost their ability to connect with nature. So why did you still feel so grounded to the earth? After ten years of being a vampire, you discovered something.
You were walking down the streets of New York City, it was 1874, and you were looking for your brother Stefan. He had gone off the rails and you decided it was time to give him a concerned younger sister talk. You weren’t sure he’d listen, but the least you could do was try.
You ran your fingers through the cracks and crevices of the dark bricks, humming the tune of an old song you hadn’t heard in several years. You gasp, suddenly being pushed to the wall, a man holding you tightly in place, his face monstrous, resembling something similar to one you often saw in the mirror.
You grabbed a hold of his arm, pinning him against the wall. He was clearly newer at this than you were. He groaned loudly, almost like he was in an immense amount of pain. You were confused, you weren’t holding on to him that tight. You looked down, noticing a red glowing light coming from your hands. That’s when you realized, you were siphoning him, something you hadn’t done in ten years. You pulled back instantly, and the man dropped to the floor, letting out heavy breaths. You looked down at your hands, then back at the man, and then you sped off, without any regard for the man who had just tried to make you his next meal.
After that day, you thought maybe something had gone wrong with your transition. Why else would you be able to siphon still? The truth was, you had no idea what was happening to you, and it freaked you out more than death itself. You tried siphoning again almost every day after the incident, but you hadn’t been able to. Maybe you were just seeing things.
You spent years after that researching siphoners, but you could never find anything. Not a single witch or vampire you talked to knew what you were, most of them just assumed you were crazy or seeking some sort of attention. It was exhausting chasing after what everyone thought was a fairytale.
In 1906, you met a woman named Mary Porter. She was the only person who believed your story and offered you her help. She hadn’t known anything about siphoners herself, but she said she knew a man who could help you, claiming he was an expert on all things witch-related. You had hoped she was right. She warned you though, that this man was anything but good. He was dangerous, and one of the oldest living vampires on the planet. He used and manipulated people, so if you wanted something from him, he’d most definitely expect something in return. Nothing he did for anyone else came for free.
Mary told you if you wanted to meet him, you’d have to be patient, saying he was almost impossible to find, not unless he wanted to be found. She took you to New Orleans, a place he had called home many moons ago. Mary seemed to have faith that he was there though, so you trusted her.
You had spent a year in New Orleans, searching for a vampire who didn’t seem to wanna be found was probably the most difficult thing you had done. How hard could it be to hide in a place like this? Mary seemed to have known a lot of people, and she said she was getting closer to finding him. What you hadn’t expected though, was that he would find you first.
You sat down at the bar in one of many clubs in the French Quarter, a jazz band was playing loudly from the stage across the dance floor. You weren’t really in the mood for dancing though. You order something strong at the bar, fully aware that your ability to get drunk vanished that horrible night in 1864.
A man sat down next to you, you paid him no mind though, your intentions for being here had nothing to do with socialization. He ordered a glass of whiskey, his British accent peaking your interest slightly. It wasn’t often you heard an accent like that, especially not down in New Orleans.
“Rumor has it you’ve been seeking me out.” The man said, his stare burning into the side of your head. You turned to face him and were shocked at how attractive he was, but you still had no idea who he was, so you kept your guard up. He held his hand out, and hesitantly, you took it. A feeling of something dark instantly took over your senses, and that was when you realized who he was. The man you’d been searching for for two years, the one who could supposedly kill you without even blinking, no matter how old of a vampire you were.
“Kol,” He introduced himself, his smile cunning and mischievous. You had wondered if you were making a mistake being here, he was intimidating, and that was a feeling you didn’t like.
“Y/N,” You said.
He picked up his glass once more, bringing it to his lips, “So, what do you want from me?” He asked, getting straight to the point.
Your heart rate picked up. It wasn’t out of fear though, it was excitement, after all this time you were finally gonna figure out what you were. At least you hoped, “I need your help.” You explained.
“Help from somebody like me comes with a price.” He said in almost a joking tone, but you knew he was serious. If you wanted his help, you knew you’d have to return the favor.
“A price I’m willing to pay.” You insisted. He could tell you were serious by that intense look in your eyes, whatever you wanted, must’ve been important.
“Very well then. What do you need that requires my assistance?” He questioned, looking at you very intently.
“Well, it’s complicated.” You sighed, “Before I became a vampire, I was a witch. I learned everything I know about magic from a witch named Emily Bennett.”
“You must’ve had an excellent mentor then. The Bennett witches are a very powerful bloodline.” Kol speculated.
“She told me that witches balance out the boundary between natural and supernatural. Which is why you can’t be both a witch and a vampire because it defies nature.” You added.
“All very true,” Kol said.
“Oh,” You murmured, disappointed.
“There’s been exceptions for certain individuals though,” Kol claimed, swirling the last bit of his drink in his glass.
“Exceptions?” You questioned, raising a brow.
“They’re not exactly well known in the witch community, they like to keep themselves hidden. They’re called the Gemini Coven.” Kol explained. You sighed in relief when you realized what you were experiencing was possible.
“They come from a long line of witches called siphoners, which means they have to absorb magic from other magical entities. Most people think that means they're weak, but that’s far from true. A siphoner can desiccate a vampire just from their touch, and rid the influence of compulsion from any person whose been compelled by a vampire. This power of course doesn’t come without a price. The leader of the Gemini Coven is determined by something called the merge. Every time a set of twins is born into the coven they must bind their magic into one once they turn of age, the strongest of the two wins, becoming the next leader of the coven. And of course, if the leader dies, so does the rest of the coven. Unless you’re a vampire of course.”
You implanted the new information into your brain, finally feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. But of course, you still had questions and concerns, “But if you’re a vampire how can you be a part of the coven?” You asked.
“That’s what makes siphoners so exceptionally powerful. They’re the only witches in the world who can become both a vampire and a witch, they’re referred to as heretics. After the transition the witch side has the ability to siphon power from the vampire side, making them quite unstoppable. There’s only one way to kill them, which would require you to rip out their heart, a stake won’t do it. I haven’t seen one in quite some time though, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’re out of luck, darling.”
At first, you weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him. If you did there was always the possibility that he would want to kill you, but you were having magic issues, and you needed help getting them back under control, “What if I told you I knew one?” You said, rather abruptly.
“Then I would ask why you’re coming to me for this.” He said, drinking the last bit of his whiskey.
“And what if I said she doesn’t know anything about heretics and hasn’t been able to use her magic since she’s transitioned? Would you be able to help her?” You asked rhetorically.
“Well, I would have to meet her first and figure out the issue. There are many reasons for magic being blocked.” Kol explained.
“Like what?”
“First tell me to whom you’re referring, and then maybe I’ll give you the answer.”
You looked down at your glass, taking a moment to think, then looked back up at him, “Me.” You said hesitantly.
“You?” He questioned.
You sighed, “Before I was a vampire I found out I was a siphoner, with the help of an old friend, I couldn’t figure out much about my family history, and all I knew was what Emily taught me. Then I became a vampire and I had no idea about heretics or anything, so I just instantly assumed I had lost my ability to do magic.”
Kol looked slightly surprised, but he tried not to let it show. He set his glass down and stood up, “If you want my help, it’s going to take a while. And that’s going to be a lot of debt, darling.” Kol asserted.
You stood up quickly after him, “Please, I’ll do anything.” You pleaded.
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tags | @multifandombliss
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