#Hinged Doors
thequeenofsand · 1 year
Glass Front Closet
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A sizeable, modern walk-in closet with glass doors and white cabinets in a gender-neutral design is an example.
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girlsaloudmeme · 1 year
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Closet Gold Coast - Tweed A sizeable, modern walk-in closet with glass doors and white cabinets in a gender-neutral design is an example.
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
help. iskall had to get mumbo to explain what "unhinged" means to him. because he didn't know that english word. and people keep calling him that this season,
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Big big fan of the League not knowing each others identities and in their daily lives Bruce Wayne does fuck Clark Kent because he's actually a really hot reporter and Brucie is a simple man but weird things happen over the course of this that by the end Bruce is like... I definitely just fucked Super Man didnt I
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deweyduck · 1 year
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ken carson being the best boy of all time 4/?
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racmune · 5 months
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hello everyone! i am normal about this!
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geezmarty · 3 months
im sorry to hear about your avabela disease. is there anything i can do to make it worse
it's already reached critical levels I'm afraid here's an older drawing I don't think I've posted here
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clairdelilacart · 3 months
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hot tip: make yourself learn how to draw backgrounds by putting your blorbos in situations
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braxiatel · 1 year
thinking about Grian, who has always been the cause of his closest allies’ deaths, being so quick to blame Jimmy’s death on Jimmy himself only to then chase Joel down and beg him to kill him so Joel would have a little more time and he wouldn’t be the last bad boy left
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motherspores · 6 months
once again entertained by the fact that people are saying ren hasnt been quite as yaoiful or whatever this season as if he didnt say, in front of everyone and god "id happily munch on a bit of iskall thigh" and proceed to go on to imply some interesting things about said thighs and how "nice" they were on the first. fucking. day.
like that alone was enough to fill his "weird-style bisexual" quota for at least a month. we all know what an insane double entendre that is. i dont care tht the original context was cannibalism.
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apotato139 · 1 year
Warning, loud audio !! Based on sly’s post lol
Time is weird, can’t believe this is a month old now. I really should try keep up with posting art here💥
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borgevino · 2 years
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She Has Just Turned Three
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 120
Part 1 Part 119
As finals loom ever-closer, Eddie comes to the startling realization that he’s never studied before. He’s not even sure he knows how, except by Barb and Carol’s strict instructions. It involves more notecards and tedium than he ever expected. 
He’d always thought that people were either good at school, or they struggled. He’d never considered that it was something you could practice. He almost wishes he’d never found out, but whenever he tries to skip out, Jeff gives him disappointed looks, and Steve’s hopeful smile is downright deadly. 
So, he shows up, and puts in the work – every tedious hour of it. 
It makes him nostalgic, almost, to being hunted by demogorgons. Sure, it’d been scary, and he’d felt himself unraveling more every day over there, but it’d been simple. There was no need to memorize the important dates of the rise and fall of Hitler. There was just survival.
But sometimes, he can still feel the way Steve’s blood had felt against his palms, all sticky and thick with dehydration. And he’ll settle back down in his seat, ankle hooked around Steve’s.
It’s hard. Maybe the hardest thing he’s ever done, but he shows up to every single final. He’s got a number two pencil courtesy of Wheeler, a scattering of answers courtesy of Barb, and a burning desire not to disappoint Steve. 
Because the system is broken, they order used caps and gowns before final grades have even been posted.
They order used caps and gowns, all while left on tenterhooks over ever getting to wear them. 
When he’s finally got the sealed envelope in his hands, he doesn’t open it right away. He just stares down at it, heart beating like a demodog’s on his heels until Steve finds him. 
The locker’s cold against his back, but Steve’s warm when he wraps his fingers around Eddie’s wrists and pulls him. That warmth still soothes something within Eddie. Even all these months later, some part of him expects Steve’s skin to be corpse-cold. 
The parking lot’s teeming with excited graduates as Steve pulls him out and through, but Steve doesn’t stop to join any of their celebrations. 
He lets go of Eddie’s wrist when he gets to the van. Eddie’s skin prickles at the loss until he opens the back door and bully’s Eddie in. Eddie falls sideways, still clutching the envelope as Steve crawls in behind him, partially on his lap as he twists to close the hatch. 
The cheering voices are muffled by two tons of shitty steel. Eddie sags down into the scratchy carpet and closes his eyes on a relieved sigh. 
Steve’s fingers clutch on his shoulders and haul him up, rearranging their bodies until Eddie feels his back pressed against the cool metal of the van’s wall. Steve’s weight leaves Eddie shuddering and surrounded, even more so when he feels Steve’s palms cradling both his cheeks.
“Look at me.” Eddie opens his eyes. Steve’s smiling down at him, small but real, eyes crinkling at the edges. Eddie’s breath shudders out of him. “What’s wrong?”
The envelope crinkles in Eddie’s fist. Steve’s gaze strays down to it, and he plucks it from Eddie’s grasp, holding it up and squinting like he’ll be able to read what’s written through all those layers of papered concealment.
“What if I don’t pass?” Eddie asks, thinking, you wanted this for me so bad, thinking, will you still love me if I can’t even do this right? Thinking, thinking, thinking.
Steve scoffs, punctuating his disdain by thwacking Eddie in the head with the envelope. “You will,” he says, resolute.
“And it doesn’t matter if you do,” Steve interrupts. “We’ll all still love you.”
Eddie’s eyes well. He grabs Steve’s hand, squeezes it tenderly, then brings it down so he can bite the wrist hard enough that Steve drops the envelope with a gasp. Just to be an asshole, Eddie sucks on the bared skin until Steve’s eyes close against the sensation.
The skin is shiny with spit and red with burst blood vessels. Steve opens his eyes to stare down at it as Eddie caresses his handy work.
“Did you just give me a hickey?” he asks, eyebrow quirked, looking like he can’t figure out whether to be mad or find the whole thing funny.
Eddie smiles, licks the spot once before dropping the hand. Steve immediately raises it to poke at one of Eddie’s dimples. “Maybe.”
Steve snorts, muttering “freak,” as fondly as if it were a pet name. It lands in Eddie’s chest as one, warming him from the outside in. Steve reaches behind himself with his free hand, and for a second Eddie thinks he’s squeezing his own ass, but then he pulls a crumpled envelope of his own out of his back pocket.
“Wanna trade?” he asks, not waiting for Eddie to respond before thrusting it into Eddie’s chest and letting go, forcing Eddie to scramble to pick it up before it flutters into crevices unknown.
Eddie looks down at it, stroking Steve’s name reverently before turning it around to stare to the still-sealed flap. A tearing sound interrupts his reverie, and when he looks up, Steve’s already slid his pointer finger into the flap and carefully ripped it open.
The competitiveness of a Christmas morning hits him at the sight, and Eddie rips into his own envelope with ruthless abandon, accidentally tearing a bit of the corner on the page.
Eddie squints down at it in the dim light of the van. Steve had missed too many unexcused classes to get an A in much aside from phys. ed, but there’s a string of B’s and C’s staring back at him.
What’s the verdict?” Steve asks, sounding nonchalant.
Eddie immediately begins folding it into a half-assed airplane, tossing it into the front seat before Steve can stop him. Steve thwacks Eddie’s now opened report card against Eddie’s chest and glares down at him.
“Passed,” Eddie replies absently, all brain functions now centered on staring at the back of the paper in Steve’s hands and trying to see through it.
Steve fist bumps, a quiet little celebration for a thing that never seemed like it would happen. If not because of poor grades, then for sudden onset death.
“What about me?” Eddie whispers, barely loud enough to carry to Steve, even with the stagnant air between them. “Did I…?”
Because he’s fundamentally the same kind of asshole Eddie is, Steve takes the time to turn Eddie’s own report card into a much sturdier airplane. He winds it up like he’s holding a sportsball, then flicks his wrist, sending the airplane flying with enough force that it connects solidly with the windshield of Eddie’s van before crumpling and crashing into places unknown.
“Steve,” Eddie whines, gaze locked to the last place he’d seen his future in the shape of a paper airplane. “Tell me!”
Steve grabs his cheeks again, squishing them uncomfortably as he forces Eddie to meet his eyes. “We’re walking, fucker,” he says, eyes downright twinkling as he leans down to kiss Eddie’s slack mouth.
His lips are warm and soft and wanting, but for once, Eddie barely notices. His mind’s spinning on its little hamster wheel, trying to make his brain connect why they’re walking, and where they’re going.
Steve pulls back before Eddie ever moves his own lips, beaming down at Eddie as he says, “you did it.”
Eddie looks up at him, connections clicking into place. “I passed?”
“We’re getting out of here,” Steve says, still cupping Eddie’s face a little too hard, fingernails clutching at the sides of his head.
Eddie doesn’t care. Steve can make him bleed for all he wants. They’re done. They’ve pass, no more school, no more studying, no more petty fucking jocks trying to cause problems.
Eddie screams a little, high pitched and cut off and lodged part way in his throat. He must look a little unhinged, but Steve just laughs and leans forward enough to bury his face in Eddie’s neck.
He wraps his arms around Steve’s waist, rocking them back and forth wildly, too full of frenetic energy to keep still. Steve just lets him, bites him back a bit when he gets too rowdy.
The light’s changed a bit by the time Steve asks, “Wanna go tell Wayne?”
Eddie stands before he even thinks, sending Steve tumbling off his lap, and hitting his own head against the roof of the van painfully. He barely even pauses in his mad scramble, trip, dash to the driver’s seat.
He needs to make that old man cry, and he knows just how to do it.
Part 121
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via The Door of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory In California, USA. : interestingasfuck)
More info:
This photo from 1979 shows a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employee opening the world’s heaviest hinged door, which was eight feet thick, nearly twelve feet wide, and weighed 97,000 pounds. A special bearing in the hinge allowed a single person to open or close the concrete-filled door, which was used to shield the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II (RTNS-II) -- the world’s most intense source of continuous fusion neutrons.
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canonkiller · 3 months
someone remind me I have to call my dentist tomorrow. I entrust you with this sacred mission
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