#Hinny Fic
hinnyweasley · 1 year
HBP masterlist
Okay guys I finally went through my 200+ bookmarks on ao3 and picked every HBP fic rec I had! I’ll likely do this with other categories (post war, smut, etc.) as well but for now, enjoy:
Everything I Wanted
Hanging by a Moment
Ginny Weasley and the Green-Eyed Monster (canon divergence)
Sunlit Days
Good Practice
Doodles of Doom
Harry’s Happiest Christmas (nsfw) (canon divergence)
Several Sunlit Days
All the Little Pieces
Can I Just Touch Her?
The Next Day
Late Night Discussions
Better Than Firewhiskey
Chest Bludger
What’s That Smell?
I’m Sorry Too
The Pearl
Among The Loneliest Places
Missing Moment- Four in the Dorm
Chocolate (in the Common Room)
Merely Beardly
Scraping the Skies With Our Fingertips
Fantasies (nsfw)
Of Chest Monsters and More
The Life and Soul of the Team
Extremely Non-Platonically
At A Time
Good Together
The In Betweens (6th year)
Did You Expect This to Turn Out Better?
Hermione gets the Details of Harry's Particularly Happy Hour Spent Down by the Lake with Ginny at Lunch Time
Losing All My Cool
Reckless, Even
Vocabulary Lessons
Summer Rain
A Perfectly Good Heart
Dear Jealousy
In My Dreams
Just Harry
Talking Is Hard
I Go On Too Many Dates (It’s Miserable and Magical)
Think/ Hope
Like Passing Notes In Secrecy
He Wasn’t Sure Why
This Collapsing Night
For The Team
Someone Like Harry
Halloween Monster
Twenty-Two Days
Changing Tides
I don’t know if you guys can tell but I really like HBP haha
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takeariskao3 · 2 months
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It's a Match! by takearisk
Harry and Ginny keep matching on dating apps. This goes on for several years. Will they ever move past their casual acquaintanceship and go on an actual date? (epistolary au)
read on ao3
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restandbloom · 10 months
Happiest of Birthdays to my favorite ginger, quidditch playing, baddass witch/woman/mother
📸 credit @ harryjamespotter (of course)
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For my birthday weekend (this weekend) we’re doing an hp marathon and eating all the yummy wizarding world treats. Honestly, what more could a girl ask for ✨
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weaslxtte · 20 days
Do you have hinny fic recs?
I feel like i've read all of them.lol
Hi, sorry i have no idea how long this has been in my inbox but heres some of my favourites:
Noticing by TheDistantDusk
Ginny realising that harry is realising that he's pining
Priorities by StarlingFlight
A cute convocation featuring an interrupting Ron (hpb missing moment)
Someone like harry by FloreatCastellum
Hermione wants to know who Ron thinks would be good enough for ginny
Changing tides by NuAtTheBeach
Someone put a cheering charm on harry (hbp missing moment)
They aren't dating? by Hinnyweasley
Bill assumes harry and ginny are dating and decides to ask Ron about it
She's the One by pottermum
A Jily lives au of harry introducing ginny to his family (I've lost count how many times i've read this its SO GOOD)
Like passing notes in secrecy by NuAtTheBeach
Harry and ginny passing notes in history of magic
Silence by Hinnyweasley
The Weasley's get home after the brake-up
Happy reading :)
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celtics534 · 10 months
Little Moments That Pass Us By Chapter 8
First Night - July 1998
This chapter is the reason this lovely story is rated M, that’s my only warning ;)
Time for a little spice. I hope you all like it!
Also Read On: FF.net or AO3
When Ginny pressed him back into the sofa cushion, Harry lost all conscious thought. He didn’t think about how he was at the Burrow, or how Ginny’s parents were just three floors above them. All that mattered was the way Ginny’s lips felt on his, how her legs straddled his lap, and how her fingers were knotted in his hair. 
  It was incredible how she felt. Everything about Ginny was fantastic. After everything he’d been through, Ginny had supported him. Been a shoulder to lean on. She was the only person Harry had felt comfortable talking to. Truly talk too. After the things he’d done over the previous year… the things he’s learned over the last few years… Ginny was his confidant. And he was hers. He’d held her close as she described the things she’d been forced to endure at the hands of the Carrows. She’d told him about her fears during the last three years, and he fears for the future. Harry wiped away her tears after she’d cried over Fred’s grave. 
  And all of that had led them to be here. They found emotional comfort in each other, but also found passion in each other's bodies. Since that first kiss after he’d fled her bedroom they’d reconnected. Sneaking outside to find quiet corners to be with each other. Snogging, talking, touching. 
  Over the last few months, they’d gotten up to more than they had at Hogwarts. Getting to see Ginny take off her bra again had been incredible, but then getting to slide his hand into her shorts and feel her heat… getting to help her reach her climax, his fingers being what set her over the edge… that had been one of the best moments of his life. That moment had been knocked from the pedestal when Ginny had gone down on him for the first time, which had been superseded when he had gone down on her five minutes later. 
  Typically, they were cautious about where they did things. Even with Ron and Hermione in Australia, the Burrow was a hub of people and the fear of getting caught by brothers or mothers was strong. But tonight, there was something that was making them throw caution to the wind. 
  Harry couldn’t put it into words. The moment Ginny had come to gently kiss him, he’d instantly needed more. He’d pulled her into his lap and deepened the kiss well past anything they’d done in the public sitting room. 
  “Harry,” Ginny moaned his name in one of the hottest whispers he’d ever heard. It was enough to pull him out of the drugged state Ginny’s kisses had sent him. Or maybe it was the way her fingers had gone under his shirt and were dipping lower. 
  And there was that insatiable need. Her hands on him, the feeling of her sucking lightly at his bottom lip… it made his normally cautious and polite attitude disappear. His hands came up to run along her sides, trailing until they found the hem of her shirt. It was up and over her head before Ginny could make a noise of surprise. Her bra clasp was undone a second later and Harry had lowered his head so he could kiss her hardening nipples.
  “Merlin, Harry,” Ginny whispered, a tone of surprise and what Harry thought was awe. It flattered and made his male pride roar in delight. “I knew you were good at that, but this could have gotten you into a world record book.”
  Harry chucked against her chest, loving the way she shivered and arched into his warm breath. “You know what they say when people have the right encouragement.”
  Now it was Ginny’s turn to laugh. “Oh really? And pray tell, what else might you be encouraged to do?”
  “I’m sure between the two of us we can come up with some great idea,” Harry said, pausing to kiss his way to her other breast. “But right now —”
  His sentence was cut off by the sound of creaking floorboards a story above them. They both froze. Ginny’s hands were tightly locked in Harry’s hair. Harry’s lips hovering just above her left nipple, his fingers halfway into the back of her shorts. They waited with bated breath, listening. Harry could feel his heart racing a mile a minute as he prayed her parents were simply visiting the loo and not coming down for a late-night cuppa.
  After the longest two minutes of his life, Harry heard the sound of the water running through the old pipes and then the sounds of the same floorboards creaking as the person wandered back the way they came. 
  “Bloody hell,” Ginny muttered, her shoulders falling as the tension seemed to ooze out her system. “That could have been bad.”
  For his part, Harry couldn’t relax. It was all hitting him at full force what they’d been doing and where.  “Merlin, Gin. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have — in the sitting room — I don’t know what I was —” 
  Ginny cut off his ramblings with a hot, hard kiss. Her fingers tightened in his hair as she kept him close to her. “Take me to bed, Potter.” 
  Everything in Harry’s system buzzed at those words. His blood started to heat and his already tight pants seemed to get worse. “What?” 
  “You heard me,” Ginny said, her eyes blazing like a fire. She got up from his lap, holding out a hand to help him off the sofa. “Take me to bed.”
  Harry didn’t know what to do with his hands. Hell, he didn’t know what to do with any of his body parts. He just stood there like a statue after Ginny had shut her bedroom door behind them. 
  Their discarded shirts (and her bra) were bundled in his hands, and he just stood there holding them. He swore his body had gone numb as he watched Ginny (a topless Ginny) move around her room. He was only half aware of what she was doing, but he was fully aware of her (and her hard nipples). She’d locked the door, he was certain of that. The rest of her movement was lost on him as his brain started jumping from one thought to the next. 
  “Hey.” Ginny’s soft voice right in front of him made Harry’s vision come back into focus. She was standing right in front of him, her small hand resting lightly on his forearm. “About what happened downstairs —”
  Instantly Harry jumped to apologize. “I’m sorry I pushed so far. It wasn’t… I shouldn’t have done that… Right where anyone could…” He was rambling like a nervous child about to get scolded by the headmaster. Harry didn’t want Ginny to think that he’d ever take advantage of her, especially not in her parent's sitting room. “Gin, I would never —”
  Ginny’s index finger cut him off as she pressed it hard to his lips. “Harry, stop.” He pressed his lips together to keep his ramblings at bay. “Look at me, Harry.”
  He lifted his eyes to look into hers. He expected to see anger, maybe annoyance. At least disappointment at his foolish actions. Instead, all he saw was heat… desire. Her tongue came out to run along her bottom lip. 
  “Good, now just shut up and kiss me.” 
  He hesitated for at least five seconds. A solid five seconds where his mind and body were both too surprised to comprehend what she’d said. Then the bundle of clothing was landing on the floor with a soft thud, and his arms were around her waist.
  The moment his lips were on hers, Harry was lost. Lost in her. The feel of her. The taste of her. It was everything. 
  Her body pressed hard into his as her hands roamed from his back to his hips. It wasn’t until her fingers were at the button of his jeans that Harry’s mind started working again. He pulled away from her tantalizing mouth. His lungs filled with much-needed oxygen as he stared at her. “Gin?”
  She met his gaze with a determined look. “Harry.” Her fingers stayed on his button.
  Harry sucked in a deep breath, before swallowing hard. Her message was clear. Actions spoke louder than words and her actions were practically screaming. She was just waiting for his approval. She was making sure he was ready.  
  And fuck was he ever. 
  With speed that would impress a cheetah, Harry recaptured her lips. She moaned into his mouth as he opened his mouth to hers. He felt it when Ginny’s fingers resumed their quest. He nearly hissed as she pulled the zipper down. 
  “Okay?” Her words were muffled against his mouth. 
  “Fuck yes.” The hoarse whisper slipped out without a second thought. 
  Ginny's deep chuckle went straight to his dick. If he’d had any blood left in his head, it had just all completely moved south as had her fingers. Ginny’s small hands had completely removed him from his jeans and were making their way back to the waistband of his boxers.
  Harry’s eyes closed on their own accord. Fuck it all felt so incredible. They’d done this before, hell they’d done more than this before, but for some reason, it felt different tonight. It was… there was more.
  When her fingers wrapped around the head of his cock, Harry’s eyes shot open. Ginny was grinning at him. That grin alone turned him on just as much as her touch. She kept her movements slow at first, but when Harry’s hips jerked into her ministrations. 
  Harry gritted his teeth, trying to gain back some control. It felt so fucking amazing, but yet… Harry wanted more. He wanted her to be naked too. Hell, he wanted to be hovering over her, their bodies pressed tightly together.
  Without a second thought, he took her face into his hands and kissed her hard. Ginny gasped in surprise, her hand pausing and eventually falling away from his cock. With his hands still cupping her face, Harry took the first step toward the bed. Ginny easily fell into step, walking backward until the back of her legs bumped into the mattress. 
  She fell onto her back, bouncing a little before he crawled over her. Harry didn’t hesitate finding her lips again. His hands moved to slide along her sides, finding her sensitive nipples. Harry lowered his lips to her neck and sucked hard at the sensitive skin. Ginny let out a surprised gasp as her fingers dug into his back. He could feel her nails pressing hard into his skin. That was the tipping point. 
  Harry nipped at the pulse point pounding in her neck. “Ginny, I want — I want — ”
  “I want you to make love to me, Harry.”
  Ginny’s confident words came out steady, interrupting his garbled attempts to say the same thing. His head came away from the crook in her neck so he could look into her eyes. Her eyes were locked on his, and the bright fire in them set his skin aflame.
  He could see the certainty in her dark eyes. See it in the small smile curling her lips. So he leaned down to kiss her, letting her fingers curl into his hair as she pushed her tongue into her mouth. 
  Everything in his body thrummed with adrenaline and anticipation. He didn’t know what he was doing, other than he would let her lead him. Breaking their kiss, Harry started trailing his mouth down. Starting at her chin, neck, collar bone, the center of her chest, her left breast, and her right breast. Harry let her noises and reactions decide where he’d spend more time and when he’d continue down to his goal. He pressed a hot open mouthed kiss just above the button of her trousers before his fingers until the clasp and tugged down the zipper. 
  Ginny lifted herself from the mattress so he was able to slide her trousers and knickers completely off her body. Harry didn’t look away from Ginny long enough to know where he tossed her clothing. Her soft laughter reverberated around the small room. It was one of the best sounds in the world to Harry. He kissed her stomach again, loving the way her body squirmed as if being tickled. Then he went lower. Her soft moans thrilled him. She was hot and wet, so ready for him.  
  Harry teased her with his tongue, enjoying the way she sighed his name when he reached the spot she craved him. He added one finger. Then a second. He made sure to keep up her ministrations as she writhed under him. Not willing to stop for anything until she came. 
  “Fuck, Harry, right there. Don’t stop. That’s perfect, don’t —” Ginny’s words became garbled as her body became overwhelmed. Harry followed her instructions as she went over the edge, her cries loud in the late night. 
  When she fell back into the mattress, her breathing heavy, Harry moved back up her body. 
  “Holy shit,” Ginny muttered as Harry pressed a kiss to the underside of her jaw. “You truly are getting way too good at that.”
  He chuckled. “I had a good teacher.”
  She lifted a hand to tilt his chin so she could kiss him. “I’m just hoping my parents are truly asleep or they’ll know how good you are at that.”
  Harry could feel his cheeks heating. He lifted himself nearly completely off her. With a quick motion, he reached into his loosened jeans in search of his wand. “Fucking silencing charm.”
  Ginny laughed as he cast the spell. “We were a bit distracted to remember it.” She cleared her throat. “While you’re at it, can you cast the contraceptive charm?”
  His heart rate picked up as her request registered in his mind. He turned his attention back to her and saw determination and desire in her expression. Taking a deep breath, Harry turned his wand to himself, muttering the incantation under his breath. Ginny's lips curled into a satisfied smirk. 
  Her hand came up to curl around his neck, pulling him back down over her. Her lips brushed just under his ear as she whispered. “Take off your trousers, Harry.” Then she nipped at his earlobe, sending a shock wave of desire down his body.
  Without hesitation, Harry reached down to push his loose trousers down his legs. The cuffs got caught around his ankles, but he didn’t care how ridiculous he looked as he struggled to get them off. His boxers went to the floor much easier. 
  They were both completely bare. Harry hovered over her as she smiled at him. His heart pounded a brutal pace against his ribs but when Ginny pulled him back to her lips with pressure on his neck Harry forgot about everything but her. The way she brushed her tongue along his lips, how incredible her chest felt against his, and the heat that emanated between them. 
  Harry didn’t try to speak as he lowered a hand to guide himself into her. He kept his movements slow, giving her every chance to pull away or tell him no, but she didn’t. Instead, she lifted her hips from the mattress, making it easier for him. 
  The second he entered her, Harry nearly lost it. He’d thought she’d felt incredible before, but this… this was… he couldn’t think of words. Hell, he couldn’t think much at all. It took all his concentration to keep moving slowly. Harry was only slightly aware that his breathing had become heavy as he clenched his jaw in focus. 
  Ginny’s hand came up to cup his cheek. He looked into her face, needing to see she was okay, that he wasn’t hurting her. His chest tightened at the look of pure affection on her face. The soft smile gracing her lips was perfection. 
  Fuck, she was perfection. 
  He stopped when he felt resistance. Ginny, however, didn’t hesitate. Her hands came down to grip his ass, giving him a squeeze. “Don’t stop, Harry.” Her voice was an octave lower and was just as tempting as her body. Her body was so warm and soft under him. Merlin, it would take a stronger man than him to resist anything Ginny Weasley asked of him. 
  Pressing forward he cringed at the intake of breath that came from Ginny. He froze again. His mind and body were at war. Well, one particular part of his body to be precise, but Harry refused to let his dick be in charge. He held himself over her, letting her adjust. Harry pressed his face into her neck, breathing in the mixture of sweet flowers and sweat. His lips moved on their own accord, gently nipping at her skin as her breathing steadied. 
  “Move, Harry.”
  Her words sent a shiver down his spine, and again he instantly followed her orders. He moved slowly. Pulling back and pushing forward. Back and forward. The feeling was like nothing he’d ever experienced. It was taking all his willpower not to explode in the first few thrusts. But when she let out a satisfied groan his brain nearly shut off completely. He looked down into her blazing eyes and was gone. 
  He was lost in her, lost in the way her body gripped him. Harry managed one last thrust before it was over. He came down from his orgasm slowly, his senses returning to him one at a time. First was smell (sweat and her amazing flowery scent), touch (her fingers caressing his back), and finally sight (red hair and flushed skin). 
  Slowly he lifted his body above her, taking in her face. The smile curling her lips was so sweet it made his heart flutter. Her hand came up to cup his jaw. She lifted up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. As she lay back, Harry watched her sweet smile turn into a coy grin. “Well, Potter, I’m glad to see your stamina isn’t just for quidditch or catching bad guys.”
  He felt his brows lift high into his damp hair, his own lips curling to match hers. “What can I say, I live to please you, darling”
  Her little hum of satisfaction sent pride coursing throughout his body. “I’ll say.” When her head rested on his chest, Harry’s eyes closed in serenity. He was asleep before Ginny’s whispered words of love reached him. 
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@hinnymicrofic May Day 18: Retirement
“Jamie, shhhh.” Teddy hissed.
“Al’s sitting on my hand! Don’t tell me to shush!” Jamie complained.
“Sorry!” Al got up hurriedly.
“Al! Get down! They’ll see us!” Teddy reprimanded. “Merlin, why can’t you two be like Lily? She isn’t murdering any chance of finding out what your parents are keeping secret.”
The scowling three boys and very smug little girl turned to the scene they were trying – very badly – to spy on.
Harry and Ginny Potter were talking to each other very intently, heads bent together. All four children burned to know what the conversation was about.
“I think Mummy’s saying something about flying carpets,” Al said, eyebrows scrunched together.
“Pooh!” James scorned. “Why would they talk about flying carpets just because you like them silly-billy-Ally?”
Al went red. Teddy said something sharply to James, who grudgingly muttered an apology. The next moment, groans and exclamations of disgust erupted.
“They’re kissing!” Teddy sighed.
“Do we have to watch this?” Jamie whined.  
“I think it’s sweet,” Lily said serenely. At further expressions of incredulity and displeasure, she gave them such a withering look that all three of her brothers shut up. “One day, I want a love like that.”
“We’ve been here ages and we still haven’t heard anything,” James began to complain after only a few seconds, because he was the very antithesis of silence.
“Well, we’re not wasting all the effort we put into making this—” Teddy waved a hand at the candle-lit table, “Date thing happen. We need to know what they’re hiding from us.”
“Just because they’re always whispering doesn’t mean it’s a secret,” Al said logically, in an effort to get back in the house where it was much more comfortable. “They’ll tell us soon. Probably.”
“I’m not taking ‘probably’,” James said, apparently on the other side now. “We have to know. We have a right to know!”
“Seems like your right to know has to be unavoidably delayed,” Lily’s high voice came, stumbling over a few words. “Cause mum and dad are going inside now.”
“WHAT?” Came the shriek of the distracted boys and they looked to see that, indeed, their parents were heading back to the house, hand-in-hand and laughing.
“Noooooo!” James collapsed to the ground in a very dramatic display.
Al howled. “Jamie! You’re on my legs! Get OFF!”
“I give up,” Teddy said, mournfully looking to the heavens. “I give up on everything.”  
Inside the house, Harry commented “I think they’ve given up,” to his wife.
Ginny laughed. “About time. I thought the boys at least would riot and leave when we started kissing.”
“As much as their attempts at espionage are entertaining,” Harry said, turning away from the window to smile softly at the sight of Ginny fidgeting with the flower crown he’d just made her. “We should tell them soon. Too much fuss for a little retirement, don’t you think?”
“A little retirement,” Ginny raised an eyebrow. “You’re not the one leaving your career of thirteen years, Potter.”
“Point taken,” Harry laughed.
“Besides, didn’t you enjoy their efforts at setting up a date for us so they could try to eavesdrop? And fail miserably, may I add.”
“Yeah, I feel sorry for them. Hermione said they came to her and Ron begging for all those candles and the dinner and the flowers. So much effort just to fail.” He shook his head, though he couldn’t stop smiling.
“They are getting more desperate,” Ginny conceded. “I’m surprised Lily and Al haven’t been able to convince their brothers to be more reasonable.”
“Getting overruled, I think,” Harry replied. “The other two are a lot older.”
“Fine, we should tell them. I just don’t know how they’re going to take that I’m no longer going to be the star chaser for the Harpies. They love following the team and getting seats to matches.” She sighed worriedly. “Hopefully they’ll buy the ‘reached peak athlete age’ excuse.”
“Hopefully. We don’t want to explain quidditch politics and what it did to you to them,” he agreed.
Ginny sighed again, looking out the window to their children who seemed to be still throwing their little tantrum. “Is it wrong that I’m a little relieved? I love quidditch, but I hated the League politics and the need to win.”
Harry pressed a kiss to her head. “Of course it isn’t wrong. You can find a more peaceful career, relax a bit before that. Especially after how you left.”
“Says the auror,” she teased. “So. Tell the kids tomorrow? They don’t seem to be coming inside any time soon.”
Harry kissed her, and found a matching grin to his. “Tomorrow. Till then. . .” He scooped her up in his arms and she laughed. “I have a few ideas of what we can do. Use this little date they so nicely set up for us, maybe.”
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dream-with-a-fever · 13 days
but i’m a fire, and i’ll keep your brittle heart warm by societysgot on ao3
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Harry wanted to recoil into the long reeds, enveloping himself in his own grief, far away from the prying eyes of others.
But, he stopped himself. He knew her eyes. Warm, candescent eyes - ones which he had sought numerous times over the past year - for comfort, for a laugh, for some sort of solidarity. And they hadn't failed him yet.
(Or: the story of how Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley became friends.)
CanonCompliant, set in and around OotP, Missing Scenes, Harry/Ginny.
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startanewdream · 1 year
5 (comfortable kiss) + Hinny
The moment that Mrs. Weasley raised, Harry pushed his chair away from the table at once.
"Let me," he said, grabbing his wand and twirling it, so the dishes would levitate in the air to the sink. There were some sniggers from her children, but Harry just smiled at Mrs. Weasley. "It's good practice for housekeeping spells."
"And this way," Ginny popped in, winking at him, "you won't risk your own plates. Smart."
"Oh, no," Harry said seriously, though he doubted he was fooling her. "I've learned that Reparo works for anything."
She laughed; a tiny sparkling giggle that sent that familiar jolt down his body, warming him all up. He leaned in, pressed his lips over Ginny's for a second — just enough to lightly tease her lips with his tongue, the hint of something more — before he turned around to the sink, turning the water on as he tried to remember more spells.
It worked to dish, but he couldn't remember the right Drying Spell; when he turned to ask, however, the question died at his lips. Except for Ginny, there were seven Weasleys watching him with expressions that ranged from a smirk — George — to surprise — Charlie and Percy — and to overfondness — Mrs. Weasley.
"How adorable is that Harrykins—"
"Here." Ginny jumped to her feet and threw the dishcloth to George, interrupting him. "You can dry it manually since you've never learned housekeeping spells. Come on, Harry."
Harry couldn't understand why everyone was staring at them — or more specifically, now, at their jointed hands —, but it was a second nature by then to just follow Ginny when she took the lead. She pulled him to the backyard, closing the door firmly behind her.
They were a few steps away, hidden from the house, when she turned to him.
"I'm sorry they were acting stupidly," she said, sounding only sorrowful.
Harry blinked; one moment they were enjoying a nice meal, the Burrow's kitchen filled with the sounds of people eating and talking, resembling some of the good summers that Harry had spent there, and then... "What happened?"
She shifted her weight, biting her lips. It was so unusual to see Ginny so distressed, that he pulled her into his arms; she inhaled deeply, almost purring.
"My family — except for Ron, I guess — had never seen us together."
"Together—oh." He flushed deeply, fighting a sudden urge to run. "But they knew we were together."
"Yes, but..." She broke away, though she kept their hands together. "We are most discreet around them, and then you went and kissed me."
"It was just a peck." In the long list of kisses he'd shared with Ginny, that had been innofensive from any point of view; it was not a kiss that should scandalize anyone, least of all her family.
"Exactly. It was not passionate or a spur of the moment snog, it was just... comfortable." Her eyes were soft. "You feel comfortable kissing me and it showed it. That's what surprised everyone, I think."
He almost smiled, but then a concern crossed his mind. "Did it bother you? I'm sorry, I —"
"No, no." She raised her free hand to hold his neck, drawing them closer. "I never regret any of your kisses. And I expect people will grow rather bored of seeing us snogging"
It was a surprisingly nice thought, but there was one exception. "I won't get tired of kissing you," he said earnestly.
"Good. And now, how about we upgrade that peck—"
His eyes shined. "A full blow-your-mind snog that would shock anyone who might see it?"
"Good thing there is no one around to see it, right?"
Harry laughed as he pulled Ginny into his arms and then, as if it was the most natural and yet still fantastic thing in the world, he kissed her.
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pebblysand · 10 months
Hi can you do me a prompt? Cause I LOVE your writing! 💗
Ginny comes home from the 2014 quidditch world cup-reporting after a long long time away from harry and kids!
did it take me two and a half years to fill this prompt? yes. as evidence that no one should ever lose hope.
spring rolls, pizzas and curries
Tonight, after she gets home - after a smiling kiss hoisted up to the corner of his mouth, tippy toes and tight hugs to the kids - after a warm shower and a change of clothes, they'll order in.
It's the end of summer, that year. Leaves wilting in the trees; the wireless runs repetitive adverts for Hallowe'en decorations and this morning, when he headed into work, Harry noticed an irreversible sort of chill in the air; when Ginny comes down later, her hair wet over her shoulders, she'll be wearing a jumper. Lily and Al will soon hound her with questions, about the World Cup and about Namibia or about something else, and James will hurry into the kitchen too, just as she will pour herself a large glass of wine. He will be loud and lanky and almost-teenage. 'Where's food?' he'll ask, then.
And: 'Well, hello, Ronald,' she will laugh. Say.
Chinese, Indian or Italian - the kids will have their pick. It's a long-standing tradition in the Potter household since the dreadful winter of '09, when James had the flu and Lily was sniffling and Harry spent five days battling family germs on his own until Ginny came back from a work trip to save them all. He tiredly sunk into the couch next to her and: 'You should have stayed there,' he observed. Sighed like a headache. 'You're gonna catch it too.'
She shrugged. Smiled. Laid her head on his shoulder. He didn't have the heart to push her away. 'Let's order in, yeah?'
Harry will phone in. Everybody's favourites memorised like the faded lines at the back of his hand. There will be noise - James arguing with Al over the TV remote, Lily talking to herself, playing with her animal figurines and toy soldiers. She's built a whole ranch with Playmobils in her bedroom: fake horses and fake cowboys and fake fences - her magic makes it all move of its own accord - it's a bit of a nightmare.
The kind of nightmare Harry doesn't mind having.
They'll eat pizza on the couch or nems from clear plastic boxes scattered across the kitchen table, and the kids will fill Ginny in on everything she missed. Lily won't stop chatting and 'Mum' this and 'Mum' that, and James will say: 'Oh, will you shut up for once?' One of them - or both of them - will automatically throw back: 'James, don't talk to your sister like that.'
There will be second servings, thirds. Harry will smile and laugh, and feel like a weight lifted off his chest the moment she opened the front door just as easily as he will later clear the plates, with a simple wave of his wand. Ginny will go up to unpack, and he'll try to convince the kids to go to bed - with moderate success. James will try to convince him he needs a new broom, with no chance of success. Al will wandlessly tie his brother's shoelaces together before quietly retreating to his bedroom, a loud tumble ensuing with his victim falling flat on his face at the top of the staircase. He will deny having done any magic the next morning.
'Prove it,' he'll say.
Harry will want to smile (like a headache, too).
And, you know, he wonders - sure - but he's not jealous. Being jealous of his own kids would be fucking weird and, anyway, he's over it, now. He's even stopped being bitter. Ginny hasn't stopped being angry but there's something almost comforting about it, about her anger and her capacity for unrelenting outrage when they sent Petunia a card last Christmas and she wrote back: Please, take me off your mailing list.
'Cunt,' she said.
He winced or cringed, he's not sure. 'Yup.'
He's not jealous - not bitter - but he does wonder. He wonders and thinks of James. So, so tiny, in Ginny's belly. The first time he felt a kick against the tips of his fingers and held his breath - like, forever. And Ginny, who asked why he couldn't sleep, that night, watched him puff cigarette smoke out the window. 'I'm nervous,' he said.
'I'm the one giving birth,' she laughed.
'What kind of father do you think I'll be?'
He thinks of James and he thinks of Tom, sometimes. His palm against the skin of her stomach was sweaty - like warm, summer nights.
And, he looks at the kids and he wonders. What it would have been like. Growing up like that.
With them, you know?
He thinks of James again. Of James and of Albus and of Lily. He wonders if they know. That he's happy. That they're happy. That he's not jealous or bitter or angry. And, that love tastes like food. Like strawberries on Ginny's lips, and spring rolls, and pizzas and curries.
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ginnyw-potter · 5 months
Gift broom written for @hinnymicrofic, january prompt 11: broom
Ginny put the broom down by the back door and walked in. “Harry, darling?”
“Yes?” Harry popped his head out of the living room.
She smiled brightly. “Come here, I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh,” he said, walking up to her. He kissed her. “What is it?”
“Remember the new brooms that the Harpies got on Monday?” she asked him.
Harry nodded immediately. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about—And you of course, I always think of you.”
She chuckled. “I have also only been thinking about this broom so you’re forgiven.” She held him back for just a moment. “I pulled some strings and bought one early for you.” She let out a little sigh. “I always wished someone would gift me a broom when I was younger but… that never happened.” She caressed his cheek. “And now I simply have the money to gift you a broom and it doesn’t break the bank.”
His jaw dropped. “You got me one?”
She nodded eagerly. “Waiting for you just outside right now.”
He ran outside. “I really really love you but I want to see this broom right now!”
Ginny turned around and watched as Harry raised his hand above the broom. “Up!”
It soared smoothly into his hand. He pulled his leg over and soared above the ground.
“Take it up, Harry! Let’s see how fast you can go!” she told him. “And after that I’m getting on with you.”
Harry looked at her, face full of happiness. “Oh, you got it.” He turned his face upwards to the sky and then he took off, pulling up into the sky.
Ginny looked on eagerly as Harry tried out a few manoeuvres. She could see his smile from all the way down on the ground.
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cncermoon · 2 years
tell me that you’re still mine
posted on ao3 & ffn
written for the #severalsunlitdaylights challenge by @ginwiz
Sounds of sleep rustled through the sixth year dormitory. Ron's rumbling snores, the groans of bedsprings as Dean rolled fitfully from one side to the next, the occasional word from a restless, mumbling Neville.
Having long since grown accustomed to having roommates, Harry was used to it all. He couldn't remember it bothering him once in six years.
Except for tonight.
Tonight every single sound grated against his ears. He'd tried pulling his curtains, draping his pillow over his ear, casting a muffliato. But then that buzzing sound aggravated him just as much.
Sleep just would not come.
And every second that passed made it harder to ignore why.
It wasn't the insignificant noises his dormmates made keeping him up. It was the argument being replayed over and over in his head, every word of it, and the image of a bright-faced, bright-haired Ginny Weasley whirling around and stomping away from him, angrier with him than she'd ever been.
Frustration and guilt mixed with his own anger in his stomach. Heaving a sigh, Harry slung his feet over the side of his bed and to the floor. He couldn't lay here all night and think about their fight. If he wasn't going to sleep he might as well start that Charms essay he'd been putting off. Or maybe he could sit in the common room and think about their fight.
Do me a favour and leave me the bloody hell alone!
He tensed up remembering the way she'd said it–not exactly a shout but loud enough to echo through his brain hours later. Another surge of emotions took over him, giving him the oddly specific urge to kick a tree. The common room was sorrowfully out of trees, so he wound up on the couch, glaring at the wall.
Nothing, Harry, there isn't a single other thing that I want from you.
What did that mean? His head fell into his hands, and he sat there, contemplating ripping his hair out, until he heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps to his right. He looked up quickly, hand flying to his wand, only to freeze at the sight of her. He felt his pulse quicken. She was loosely covered in thin pyjamas, feet bare and hair lazily pulled up–softly contrasting the fierceness of her posture.
He didn't say anything, didn't think he could if he tried, his tongue suddenly heavy in his mouth. Ginny stared back at him from the entrance to the girls' dormitories, shock and anger and stubbornness filling her gaze. He saw the moment she decided, the telltale tensing of her jaw before she stepped deeper into the room, finally breaking eye contact when she sat on the far end of the couch.
He didn't–couldn't–take his eyes off her, and she wouldn't say anything, so he watched as she did exactly what he'd been doing moments ago: trying to pick a fight with the wall.
He broke first, his patience wearing thin, finally snapping under the pressure of the tension in the room.
"Ginny," he said slowly. "What are you doing down here?"
She answered quickly, testament to the still-hot anger boiling underneath her skin. "Thought I'd come hang out in the common room, isn't that obvious?"
"In the middle of the night?"
"Do that often, do you?"
"All the time."
He ran his hand through his hair, a war raging inside of him–one side telling him he didn't do anything wrong, not really, and the other side reminding him that he'd handled the entire situation horribly, and would it really be worth it, losing her over this?
It wouldn't, he decided quickly, and blurted out, "Look. I'm sorry–"
"Yes, we covered that earlier, didn't we?"
His temper flared up again, and he would soon drive himself insane if he didn't just stick to one emotion.
"I am."
"Sorry for what exactly?"
"For–for–" His brain battled with the words he knew he should say.
"Exactly," she snapped at him. "Don't say things you don't mean. Don't apologise if you're not really sorry."
"I'm sorry for upsetting you!" he said earnestly.
She crossed her arms and looked away from him again. She would be almost scarily still if not for her leg, shaking mercilessly against the ground.
Anxiety and anticipation forced their way up his stomach and wrapped around his throat, choking the words out. "Look, if we're going to end things–"
"End things?" Her head swung back in his direction. "Is that what you want?"
"No! I thought that's what you–"
"Why would you think that?"
"Because!" he gestured aimlessly through the air. "We got into this stupid bloody fight!"
A variety of emotions shot out from behind her eyes, and Harry fell victim to them all.
"You know what?" she said finally, her voice steady and determined. "You're right. Maybe this isn't gonna work out."
A lot of things happened then at once–she stood up and walked away from him (again), his heart felt like it dived out his body and off the couch, his feet moved before his brain did, scrambling to get in front of her, his hands shot out and curled around her shoulders, needing her to stop moving.
"Ginny, wait," he asked desperately, deciding he'd do anything for this not to be it. It felt too easy, too soon.
"What, Harry?" For the first time she didn't sound sure. She sounded scared almost, shaky and resigned, and that gripped him as tightly as everything else.
Words, Potter, words, he thought to himself as she stared at him expectantly.
"I–why? If you weren't going to end things, then why–why wouldn't it work out?"
With a deep, resolving breath she curled her own hands around his wrists and moved them off of her, placing them back at his sides. Then she stepped away, and Harry thought his heart rate was increasing so fast it almost certainly couldn't be healthy. Because she was really doing this, this was really happening. He should have just stayed upstairs, at least delaying the inevitable. He should have prepared himself for this more. He should have known better than to think it would last at all. He should have–
"Harry." Then she took another unsettled breath, pushed her hair behind her ear. He wanted to close his eyes, thinking maybe it would hurt less if he didn't have to watch her do it, but looking away from her felt impossible. "I know…I know you…like me, or whatever, but–but I really like you, Harry. I mean, really, it's kind of embarrassing."
"I like you too, Ginny," he insisted, not understanding how they'd taken this turn, but feeling too relieved to ask. He took a small, tentative step forward. "I really, really like you."
But she was shaking her head. "It's not the same. You can't possibly like me the way I like you if all it takes is one fight for you to jump to a break up."
"I just thought–I was being a prat and an arsehole, and I thought you would come to your senses and realise that…" he trailed off, running out of words, not knowing how to finish his thought when it mattered most.
"We got into a fight, Harry!" she nearly yelled. "A stupid, solvable fight! That's what people do when they care about each other!"
"I wouldn't know!" he exclaimed, fighting to keep his voice from rising to a shouting-level. "I just–I suppose–I've never done this, had this before. And I–I wouldn't know."
Something shifted in her eyes, and he conflictingly felt both comforted and revolted by it. Comforted by the understanding and acceptance she seemed to convey, but revolted by the fact that it confirmed the pitiful fact that, in his entire life, he'd never had anyone to model what a healthy relationship would look like.
"Harry," she said again, softly this time, and it was truly pathetic the effect the sound of his name on her lips had on him. She tapered the distance between them, reaching out and twisting her fingers in his. He found he could breathe a little better after that.
Of its own accord, his head leaned down until his forehead was touching hers, and he felt her hand slip its way into his hair, tugging slightly. He kissed her, pulling her flush against him, afraid to loosen his touch, afraid to come close to losing her again.
She sighed into his mouth, pressing up to meet him, allowing him to deepen the kiss as her words rang through his mind over and over. I really like you, Harry. And he kissed her harder, until she made a small sound from the back of her throat that felt all too good and all too dangerous.
"Ginny," he whispered again as he broke the kiss, pulling her closer still, and burrowing his face into her neck.
Her fingers tightened against his hair, and he heard her mumble something about boys being stupid, and of course she had to pick the stupidest of them all.
Reluctantly, he pulled himself out of the hug so he could look at her to say, "I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier, Gin, I really am."
"No, Harry, it's okay, I probably overreacted."
"No," he protested, "I would have felt just as bad, if I'd gone up to you and you'd acted like–like an obnoxious prat and made it feel like you can't trust me."
"Do you?" she asked, ripping her gaze away. "Trust me."
"Yes," he answered with desperate fierceness. "Of course I do. It was just–I've been having these meetings with–"
Ginny, a sudden look flashing across her face, hurriedly slapped a hand over his mouth. "Don't. You don't have to tell me everything, Harry. We're both allowed to have our secrets. Merlin knows you especially, what with being the Chosen One and all that."
He hated how close she was to the truth. Hated that he had to keep this from her, hated that part of him wanted to keep it from her. He hated that he'd made it seem like he didn't trust her enough. He hated having her angry at him and hearing the hurt in her voice and hated that now she was letting him–letting him have his secrets that he needed to keep for the literal sake of the wizarding world.
"Really you don't," she promised. "I just…I just felt a bit stupid because I hadn't seen you all day, so I was excited to come over and hang about with you lot, and when you just…acted all flustered and panicked and made it quite obvious that you didn't want me to know what you were talking about, I–well, I felt like a complete git because we hadn't had plans to hang out and maybe you just didn't miss me as much as I missed you. Or at least weren't very happy to see me. So I went mental and bit your head off and you didn't deserve all that."
"I did bloody well deserve it," he corrected before he barrelled on. "But, Gin, I want you to know that I really do trust you. It was just…Before you, I only ever had Ron and Hermione to talk to, and I suppose I'm still getting used to not having to shut up whenever someone comes by, or worry that we might be overheard. And when I saw it was you I behaved like the world's biggest arse because I didn't want you to think I don't trust you which only made it seem like I did.
"And, honestly," he went on, well aware they were both rambling, "what I was telling them, it's about this…theory that Dumbledore and I have been putting together, but we still don't much and he asked me specifically not to tell anyone else. And it's…"
"Harry," she interrupted, leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek. "It's okay. I knew what I was getting into, doing this with you."
"That's not fai-"
"What's not fair is you having the weight of the world on your shoulders."
"You deserve someone who-"
"Be very careful how you finish that sentence."
He sighed her name and closed his eyes. He didn't know how to form his thoughts into words. It was all a jumble of strong feelings overpowering one another. He wished he could just kiss her into understanding him, but the importance of having this conversation wasn't lost on him.
"I want to deserve you," he tried instead, switching course. "I shouldn't have acted like such a nutter earlier."
"You didn't act like a nutter, Harry." He raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe a little bit, but not nearly as much as I did, pretending to lose my temper over one thing when my feelings were hurt over another. My entire family's involved in the Order, if you haven't noticed. I understand the importance of the mission, and what you mean to it. And I understand the importance of Ron and Hermione to you too. Don't go on feeling guilty for doing what you have to do."
"I would tell you if I could. You know that right?"
The look she gave him was the most honest look he'd ever received–openly thoughtful and searching, and she was so, so pretty. "I'm beginning to see that, yeah."
"Good," he said, finally feeling like he could breathe again. "Good."
"Yes, good," agreed Ginny. "So long as you don't go on trying to dictate what I deserve or telling me what I can or can't do."
"Not even I would be so reckless as trying to control you."
"Has the Great Harry Potter met his match?"
"I never stood a chance."
Then she smiled. Harry felt it in his toes and behind his ears and everywhere else, lighting him up, filling him with warmth.
She stood high on her tiptoes and held his cheeks in her hand, bringing her face close enough that their noses were touching. "How could you ever think you don't deserve me?" she mumbled. Then they were back to kissing, and Harry felt so light he could have imagined he was floating.
Her tongue tumbled into his mouth with surprising urgency that he was all too eager to return, kissing her in place until he heard that sound again. Then walking her backwards until they fell back on the couch, and they were both on their sides, her legs twining around his, and he felt his affection for her grow into something real, something tangible building inside him. His hands roamed her body as far as they could go, squeezing her tightly, urging her closer until he had to stop.
He said her name again as he gasped for air, and her hands moved around his neck, her face buried in his chest.
"Harry," she said after a couple minutes.
Her head lifted, their eyes met.
"We're going to fight. If we're in this. We will piss each other off."
"Okay," he nodded, finding her hand and squeezing. "I'm in this."
"Good. Me too."
"Thank Merlin."
She smiled softly and brought their joined hands to her face, letting her lips run over his knuckles. His thumb ran absentminded circles around her skin.
"I can't believe your best mates are Ron and Hermione and you thought one fight would do us in," she said finally.
His cheeks flushed, and he smiled back, slightly embarrassed. "That's different."
Ginny gave him a raised eyebrow and a knowing look.
"Okay, I suppose not that different."
She smiled, giving each of his fingers individual kisses now, and he suddenly felt the largest desire to pour his entire heart out to her, to tell her every thought he'd ever had.
He settled for: "But still different, you know? They know each other better than they know themselves. Most of the time I swear they just do it for fun, because they know it won't last very long, that neither of them are going anywhere. And it's mostly just small things they bicker over. Except for the Lavender debacle, but they've both figured that one out by now, it's only a matter of time at this point. And–my point is, you and I, we're still learning, aren't we?"
"Yes," she replied, eyes shining. "I suppose we are. But you should know, Harry, growing up with six brothers, I have a very high tolerance for bullshit."
He gave her a shining smile back. "Good to know. And I do. Miss you, I mean. You should know that too. What you said earlier, about seeming like I didn't miss you. Ginny, I think if you knew how much time I spent missing you, you'd call the mental hospital on me. It's ridiculous, really, how…happy I am to be with you. All the bloody time."
Her smile was so real and bright that Harry would have kept scrambling for words all night to keep it on her face. But she shut him up with a kiss and informed him, "I've already forgiven you, Harry. Save it for the next argument."
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hinnyweasley · 1 year
Hinny Smut Masterlist
better than firewhiskey
all I want for christmas
light magic
let go
Harry’s happiest christmas
a taste of victory
a snitch in time
all the way
the sea spills violently onto the shore, my love
all these things we do
need more
and if it’s sweeter, I’ma eat it til I get sugar diabetes
three times
a soft place to land
a lesson overheard
firewhiskey & happy endings
Harry’s need
the morning after
chicken sandwiches and firewhiskey
unwinding after work
perks of the job
meeting at midnight
let’s spend the night together
the thunderstorm
of recklessness and water
17, clumsy, and shy
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takeariskao3 · 11 months
written for #SeveralSunlitDaylights & @corneliaavenue-ao3 day 3: speak now
Tumblr media
'But unbidden into his mind came an image of that same deserted corridor with himself kissing Ginny instead…'
It was a new sensation, this urge, and Harry didn’t particularly enjoy it. In fact, he found it quite debilitating at times. For weeks he’d daydreamed away his first period, missing crucial Herbology notes he had to copy from Hermione later. He’d started taking an inordinate amount of bludgers at quidditch practice. So much so that McGonagall had kept him after class once to ask if he was feeling alright. Not to mention, he seemed to have lost any and all authority over certain...extremities.
It was mortifying.
But today was by far his worst bout of brain fog. He’d walked right past the Great Hall at lunch, Ron having to call after him when he was halfway up the marble staircase. Harry had doubled back, his face heating with embarrassment, but Ron seemed to buy whatever excuse Harry had stuttered out.
She’s Ron’s sister.
He chanted the mantra inside his head for what felt like the thousandth time. The problem was, it didn’t seem to stick. An empty space of time, or a lull in the conversation and Harry’s train of thought veered right back to shining copper hair and secret passageways; his hands on her waist and his lips on hers. 
Every. Single. Time.
Harry tossed a handful of chips onto his plate and hoped someone at the Gryffindor table had something mildly interesting to talk about, but he was out of luck it seemed. After a few minutes of chatting shit, his mind started to wander. 
They were in a hidden alcove behind the tapestry of Grimma Mog on the fourth floor. The stone wall was cool against his back and Ginny’s body was warm where she pressed into him. Harry could feel the slight flare of her hips beneath his palms, could feel the hitch of her breath as he swiped her bottom lip with his tongue–
Ron’s sister! He shouted inside his own head, pulling his own traitorous thoughts to a halt. 
Focusing on Hermione across the way, he tried to digest whatever she was talking to Neville about. Something to do with toadstools. 
“This new experiment suggests medicinal properties…”
“Really?” Hermione peeked over to read the academic journal Neville had open on the table. “Raw? Or brewed?”
Ginny pressed into him harder, her fist tugging at his hair. In retaliation, Harry slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her jumper and felt smooth skin at the small of her back–
“I'm bloody starving,” the real life Ginny groaned from behind his right shoulder and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin. 
She plopped into the empty seat next to him, sending a shoot of electricity up his arm as her elbow bumped his. Harry tossed her a grin that he hoped looked normal, but was probably completely deranged, only to see Dean falling onto the bench on her other side. 
The reminder of her complete unattainability sucker punched the monster living inside his chest. 
Not only was she Ron’s sister. She had a sodding boyfriend. He kept forgetting about that particular obstacle. Probably because his brain was too obsessed with kissing her. 
God, he wanted to kiss her. 
Ginny glanced at him sidelong and Harry averted his gaze, realizing too late he’d been staring. He spent the rest of lunch forcing himself to pay attention as Hermione and Neville's conversation shifted from toadstools to the merits of Moroccan Coriander over other varieties. Meanwhile, Ginny ate and laughed and flirted, and overall tortured Harry to the point of madness. 
But his resolve held. He kept his fanciful scenarios in check for the rest of the day. 
Which turned out to be completely futile, because while he was able to hold some semblance of control in his waking hours, this just spurred his imagination to run wild while he slept.
And like a fixation he couldn’t shake, over and over they were pressed up into the wall of the alcove, twisted together in a hushed encounter unbeknownst to the crowded corridor on the other side of the tapestry. 
It made looking Ron in the eye all the more difficult, and in the mornings, Harry had never been more grateful for the curtains surrounding his four-poster bed.
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jiilys · 2 years
“Where’ve you been?” Ginny demanded, leaning against outside the cottage holding a cigarette, hair shifting in the wind. 
“Sorry, briefing ran forever.” 
“You are not forgiven.” 
He eyed the cigarette, “What are you doing out here?”  
“Everyone thought I should come out here to make sure you wouldn’t get lost.” 
Harry, who had been to Bill and Fleur’s a hundred times and memorably hidden during the quite-recent war, gave her a look. “What did you do?” 
“It’s hell in there.” 
“It can’t be that bad.” 
“Three people have asked me when our baby’s due” 
“Apparently all of Fleur’s friend’s read the prophet, and there was that bit about me being pregnant last week. Everyone’s taken it to heart.” Ginny looked at him, took a drag, “Don’t worry, I said you weren’t the father.” 
Harry couldn’t help laughing, “Bet your mother loved that.” 
“That was around the time I was asked to come see where you were.” 
“You are not making me excited to go in there.” 
“Oh please, you’ll be fine, they all love you. Chosen one.” 
“Yeah, but I can’t keep coasting on that forever.” 
“True,” Ginny sighed, “but at least right now it’s working for you. If I was pregnant at least I’d have something to say to Fleur’s mother”
“You make me so nervous.”
Ginny grinned, flash of teeth, “I bet. How was the briefing?” 
“Boring, wished I was here, actually.” 
“Yeah, but mainly to meet the guy you’re having this kid with.” 
Grinned again, “You just missed him. He got here early, actually, Helped set up the gift table and everything.” 
“Wow, maybe you should start going out with him”
“Eh, can’t” she hit ash over onto the concrete, eyes rolling “I’ve been mad on the same guy for ages” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Right git. Late to everything.” 
He grinned, the middle of him glowing. “Ginny!” Mrs Weasley’s voice, still not Molly after all this time, coming from the hallway. Ginny threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with her foot in half a second. The doorway was suddenly full of Mrs Weasley, with one of Fleur’s friends in tow, “Honestly wher– Oh, Harry!” 
Seeing an ember out of the corner of his eye, Harry covered it with his shoe. “Hi.” 
“When did you get here! Come in, come in!” She bustled over to them, “Why does it smell like smoke out here?”
“Oh, Harry just came back from slaying a dragon,” Ginny said casually, and Fleur’s friend looked around, alarmed. Harry, luminous, rubbed his upper lip but couldn’t hide the laugh. 
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gryffindormischief · 1 year
Thoughts on Olympic Swimmer!Hary?
A/N: How about a little ficlet?
Silence under the water, complete isolation, one focus and everything in his body working toward that focus - that's what Harry loves about swimming. It's what lead him from swim lessons to swim team to private coach and now to the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.
Sponsorships and attention are more a means to an end than anything. He'd gladly pass that bit off to some poor sod who likes to grin and have his photo taken.
That's where he and his dad differed. His dad was captain of the UK hockey team back in the day and lead them to victory in a huge upset to everyone's expectations. And James Potter, by. his own admission, did go through a 'poncey period' before he met Lily Potter née Evans and she handed him his head at a charity ball. But even at his most humble, James Potter is a media darling.
Harry James Potter got all the sportsmanship, drive, commitment, perseverance, and whatever else it takes to be good enough for the Olympics. He did not, however, get any of the 'media darling' genes.
It worked when he started out. He was 'that cute shy newbie.' Now, he's twenty-six, competing in his second Olympic Games, had just shattered his previous record (along with the world record), and he is ready to toss up his breakfast at the thought of the press conference where he's about to be served up like a main course.
The dull rumble of conversation escalates to a roar when Neville shoves him into the room, camera shutters clacking loudly while reporters shout his name and random bouts of applause break out from the British press.
Apparently everyone's quite excited to win something.
Neville looms at Harry's side, then at his side glance, claims a seat just out of the heavy lighting meant just for Harry.
He takes a few questions, soft balls about how exciting it is to win, if he's proud of the achievement, what it means for the rest of the Games...
Then he catches sight of a flash of red in the crowd, and his heart starts pounding. He ignores a few new shouts of his name and pushes his glasses further up his face as he looks closer. It is her. Lingering off to the side, under the glow of the exit sign. God she's just so beautiful. Especially when she turns to him - like she is now - and her brown eyes glimmer like starlight.
And though Harry has learned to tune out the cacophony of sounds at a presser, his ear still recognizes sudden silence. It's almost comforting for a second, like when his whole body dips under the water, like when it's just the two of them with too much take away, a crackling fire, and no responsibilities.
Neville groans at his elbow, not like when he really screws up, but like when he grins and shakes his head because Harry's a loose cannon. He whispers, "Your mike is hot, and you definitely said that out loud."
Harry feels his face warm as he quickly looks toward Ginny, who's burying her laughter while the reporters turn to find Ginny Weasley, captain of the UK Women's Football team - currently the team to beat - lingering in the shadows.
She glances toward Harry and he grins. Ginny steps backward into the hallway, and disappears.
Harry chuckles. "Sorry - Ginny Weasley coming to watch me compete is still my biggest win."
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celtics534 · 1 year
Little Moments That Pass Us By Chapter 3
It’s been a hot minute, but I’m finally posting chapter 3! I’m sorry for the wait, but I’m gonna be trying to update more and enjoy writing again. I hope you all love this chapter. As I’m sure you’ll guess from the title, it’s set during the iconic common kiss.
Also Read on: FF.net or AO3
First Kiss - May 1997
 Ginny stood beside Demelza, her butterbeer warming on the table beside her. The common room was loud and hectic. Between the excited cheers and heart-pounding music, Ginny could hardly hear her friend. If she was being honest, Ginny wasn’t sure she would have been able to focus on a word being said to her. Not when her attention kept drifting towards the portrait hole. 
 To where Harry could walk through any moment. 
 She knew it was pathetic to literally be watching the door for him, but Ginny wanted to see his face when he realized they’d won. When he realized she won for him. Well… not just for him, because being the reason Cho Chang threw her broom to the ground was gratifying. But really she wanted to give Harry a reason to smile again. He’d been so down since that incident with Malfoy that it made Ginny’s heart ache for him. 
 Ginny didn’t know all the details, but she knew Harry had regretted whatever he’d done and yet, he kept punishing himself. She’d noticed how before the bathroom incident, Harry had been hanging around her. It was hard to miss the lingering looks and awkward flirty comments he’d made to her. And it would be a lie if she said she didn’t like it. 
 Hell, she loved it. 
 After all these years, and Harry finally seemed to notice she was a girl. So she’d leaned into it, not that it was a hardship. She’d always fancied him, but this year there had just been such a shift between them that it was practically overwhelming. One look from those intense green eyes and her heart was stuttering. When his hand had so naturally fallen on her knee while they sat in the common room had turned her into putty.  
There had been a moment before the Malfoy incident where Ginny had thought something might happen. They had been walking back up to the castle after a long practice. Ron had forgotten his knapsack in the changing room, leaving Harry and Ginny to walk alone. They’d spent the time joking, and what Ginny would consider flirting. Harry had been grinning at her as she re-enacted one of her more spectacular goals. She’d turned around so she was walking backward, not paying any mind to the ground. Which was why she’d tripped on an uneven step and nearly fallen flat on her back. Harry’s fast reflexes had saved her. He’d grabbed her wrist and pulled her back up, but his strength was greater than expected, as he’d pulled her straight into his chest. Her cheek had fallen over his heart, which thundered against his ribs. She’d been able to feel her own racing heart as she started to pull away with an apology on the tip of her tongue… which had died when she looked up into his face. The way he’d been looking at her… it was like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. He’d started to lean down, and Ginny had started to rise onto her toes when Ron’s voice had broken the spell between them. They’d both shot back as her brother had sprinted towards them yelling something about wanting dinner. 
 Ginny had been certain that after years of never dreaming it, Harry finally fancied her. But then Harry had pulled back after the whole Malfoy thing. And for some twisted reason, Ginny had gotten it in her head that if they won the cup that… that well she didn’t really know what her imagination had started coming up with some rather interesting ideas as she lay in bed at night. 
 “Ginny?” Demelza slapped her shoulder hard enough Ginny felt the sting. 
 She glared at her friend. “What was that for?” 
 Demelza rolled her eyes. “I’ve literally been talking to you for five minutes and you haven’t heard a word I’ve said. Listen, I can guarantee when Harry shows up you’ll know, so stop watching the door like a lovesick puppy.”
 Ginny bristled. “I’m not a lovesick puppy… I just want to make sure Harry knows we won.”
 “Oh, and the fact the entire house is celebrating won’t give that away?” 
 “I — I guess I want to be the one to tell him.”
 Demelza’s expression softened. “You’ve got it bad, girl. And to be fair so does he so you two are perfect for each other.” Demelza rested a hand on Ginny’s shoulder. “Listen, when Harry arrives the entire common room will greet him, but you… you should run straight up to him and be the first to hug him.”
 Ginny nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’ll hug him and congratulate him.”
 “Then drag him out of here and snog him senseless.”
 “Demelza!” Ginny laughed. 
 “What?!” Demelza lifted her hands in a gesture of innocence. “The tension between you two could be cut with a knife. Really, you’d be doing all of us a favor… well, except maybe your brother.”
 Their laugher was loud, even for the rambunctious common room. Ginny was about to make a cheeky comment when a loud cry came from the entranceway. Harry was slowly walking in, his expression wary. Ginny’s focus tunneled on him. She could see the way his nerves quickly evaporated as he took in the excited crowd. Ron was standing there with the cup still gripped tightly in his hands. 
 Without realizing it, Ginny started following Demelza’s instructions. Her feet started carrying her to him. She pushed past people to reach him. When she was only a few yards away their eyes locked and Ginny was nearly stopped in her tracks. He was looking at her with that intensity that shot right to her gut. 
 When she reached him, Ginny wrapped her arms high around his neck, fully intending to pull him as close as possible. Before she knew what had happened, Harry had closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers. 
 His lips were slightly chapped as they uncertainly moved across hers. Ginny didn’t hold back. Her nails dug into his hair as she pressed herself closer to get a better angle. She lost track of everything by Harry, everything but the way his hands held the small of her back. 
 Eventually, they pulled away. Her entire body buzzed with energy as she tried to get her brain to come back to life. When Harry’s hand fell into hers, she looked into his hopeful expression. He jerked his head towards the exit and Ginny happily followed his lead. 
 Once the portrait hole shut behind them, Harry pulled them to the side, his bottom lip pulled into his teeth. “Gin, I’m sorry.”
 Her heart sank into her stomach. Did he regret what just happened? Hadn’t he meant to kiss her? 
 As her mind started spiraling, Harry’s words broke through the blood rushing in her ears. “I didn’t mean to do that there. I had intended to ask you for a walk or something. I don’t know, I just… I didn’t intend to kiss you in front of everyone.”
 Ginny blinked, the anxiety in her gut evaporating. She could feel a smile start to curl her lips. “So you meant to kiss me?”
 Harry’s jaw dropped as he blinked in rapid-fire succession. “I — of course I did. I’d only been dreaming about it all bloody year.” His cheeks brightened as he snapped his mouth closed. 
 And just like that, Ginny felt like she was on top of the world. She brought her hand to his forearm, letting her finger slowly forge a trail across his skin. “All year, hm?”  
 When he let out a small choking noise Ginny looked up into his red face to see that his eyes were locked onto her exploring finger. “I mean — it wasn’t like —” He swallowed, his chin jerking up so fast she was worried he’d hurt his neck. His eyes were on hers as he started stumbling over his own tongue. “What I mean — I know you were with Dean, but — I just —”
 Ginny had heard enough. Her hand that had been on his arm moved with lightning speed to the front of his robes, fisting them. “Harry.”
 His bright eyes were wide as he stared at her. “Yeah?”
 “Shut up.” She pulled him closer, rising onto her toes and kissing him hard.  
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