#Hiromi Higurama
wintersmutkingdom · 3 months
Higuruma Hiromi x lectrice frustrée.
Higuruma Hiromi x angry you/femreader
I'm changing my approach for now ! Writing in French first and using google translate and hope for the best lmfao. I guess you can use my text to try and learn the language LOL.
18 +, MDNI
Tags : No drugs, but mention of the effects of drugs (lol), feeling like a snowflake under his presence. (you) Needing a listener, not a fucking talker. Cursing at him. Biting his lips. Your pleasure above all - that you take from him- robing sexes, pp in vagnaynay. Crempie. Clean up Creampie (it's a chance he morns for trying new things). Bareback.
Version française
Malgré qu'Hiromi parle avec des faits véridiques et vérifiables pour la majorité du temps, avoir une conversion avec lui sans recevoir des conseils non sollicités devient quelque chose de périlleux et irritant. Ce côté de lui non chalant et nourrissant intelectuellement par la multitudes de choses que tu apprends a bien evidement ses limites. Même avec sa belle gueule pour s'en sortir, aujourd'hui t'en avais marre. Ton besoin était son support physique ou ses mots empathiques.
Une conversation avec chat GPT était loin d'être ce que tu avais besoin, alors que ce que tu voulais étais un contact humain et sa chaleur qu'il sait uniquement te donner à toi, te rendant spécial et sourtout te permettant de te sentir comme la personne la plus spéciale à ces yeux, celle qu'il a choisi de daigner son attention, celle qui te permet de te sentir si adéquate et si privilégière. C'est seulement une simple phase tous ces ressenties qu'il te permet d'atteindre en ce moment. Cet effet de nouveauté qui te fais sécreté la noradrenaline doublé à ta dopamine avec un jet de sérotonine.
Hiromi, cet avocat du diable qui te fait littéralement l'effet d'une drogue sur ton corps en manque, en sevrage après quelques instants d'être à l'écart de lui, et ce désir d'en vouloir plus en atteignant uniquement cette satisfaction sporadique.
''Je me fou de tes arguments Hiromi, pourquoi tu me dis ça ? Dans quel but ? ''.
Décontenancé par tes propos et se rendant compte de son attitude de merde, tu vois la surprise dans ses yeux. La surprise des risques de perdre une belle soirée avec toi, alors que tu es si sublime dans ta robe épousant tous tes formes et courbes. Ces fabriques mettant en valeurs ta sensualité et ton élégence imbriqué dans tes façons de faire et d'agir. Tes yeux braqués sur ceux d'un cerf devant une voiture sur une route la nuit. Il se désiste de sa posture de Joe connaissant (Je-sais-tout). Et pour une raison qui t'échappe son regard s'assombris, amusé de te voir irritée pour une première fois.
Il se mord la lèvre, et ça t'enrage encore plus de voir le changement dans son attitude. ''Tu penses que tu fais quoi ?'' Et, trop tard, tu le vois avancer vers toi d'un pas séducteur. Il espère t'enjoliver aussi facilement ou quoi ?.
''J'aime quand tu te fâches, ton air si sérieux, ton regard percant, tous la tension dans ton corps. Je veux en sentir les conséquences''.
Woah, comment un homme peut sortir cette phrase et s'attendre à avoir une chance d'entrer en contact avec ton sexe ?! ''Esti, tu me niaises''. Et pourtant tu peux ressentir tes seins devenir percant au travers le tissus de soie qui te sépare de lui maintenant, et qui sont clairement remarquables. Une atmosphère électrisante s'installe, ce jeu -ou ce piège- tu tombes dedans en pleine face avec amusement et une pincée de déception à ton égard de te laisser embarquer dans sa puérilité.
Tu serres des dents, il remarque. Il met sa bouche et l'emboite dans la tienne comme le dernier morceau d'un casse-tête qu'on installe. Tu sens tes levres se détendre pour réciproquer ce baiser, mais pendant un bref instant avant de répliquer avec une férocité démesurée. Il perçoit ce signal pour te déchirer ton vêtement (dont tu viens de te procurer à un prix non négligeable).
''Tu mets de l'huile sur le feu, mon Tabarnak''. Tu agrippes ses vêtements, et tire sur sa cravatte qui se déserre de lui et qui le fait pencher vers l'avant d'un coup. Tu continues ta manoeuvre en arrachant les boutons de sa chemises d'un coup. Les boutons effectuant des ricochets sur le sol. Son regard suit leurs traces alors qu'ils s'éparpilent dans la pièces. Hiromi se redresse, une part estomaqué et d'autre part amusé par tes réactions. ''J'espère que tu ne fais que commencer [ton nom]''. Il t'empogne fermement, alors que tu commencais à croire que c'est toi qui allait le discipliner. Tiquée, tu le repousses et le pousse sur le mur. Tu lui mords la lèvre, lui volant un ''Aie'' bien souffrant. Tu lui fais dos, et laisse tes brettelles tombées, ce qui propulse ton vêtement sur le sol tout en glisant sur tes formes. Lui permettant une petite douceur après sa douleur méritée en baignant ses yeux sur ton corps somptueux.
Il s'approche de toi, défait sa ceinture et désippe ses pentalons. Tu t'installes assise sur le comptoir face à lui. ''Écarte tes jambes, ou je le fais pour toi''. ''Essaie pour voir mon maudit'', tu réponds du tac au tac sans perdre une seconde l'empognant par la cravate, essayant de le soumettre avec tes prunelles glaciales.
Il fait un demi sourire et penche vers tes lèvres, tu l'empogne fermement par la mâchoire et le tire plus sèchement vers toi. Tu sens son membre sur ton sexe chaud et mouillé. Tu prends fermement son membre à ta merci et bien fier. Tu commences à le chatouiller brièvement sur ta fleur. Puis, longtemps sur ton pollen. Tu t'amuses avec son membre, comme s'il n'était qu'un vulgère jouet sexuel sans plus. Tu oublies presque qu'un humain y est rattaché. Tu te touche les seins par ce fait même, rendant ton corps en extase, maximisant tes sensations avec satisfaction.
Ton souffles devient de plus en plus court et tu le cherches de plus en plus. Tu sens la tension montée avec chaque mouvement de bassin qu'Hiromi commence à faire pour mieux t'accompagner dans ta masturbation avec son engin. Tu le sens frotter sur ta petite perle, tu sens ses expirations chaudes et humides dans tes oreilles, ce qui te donne la chair de poule passant de ton coup à tes seins et sur ton bonbon sucré et fortement stimulé. Tu sens une pression se sublimer et se diffuser partout dans ton corps comme une vague caressant ton anatomie.
Sans lui daigner un regard, tu passes au chose sérieuse, tu veux te sentir rempli par lui. Tu approches tes hanches vers les siennes, entrant doucement son gland dans ton ouverture invitante. Tu sens ta porte se contracter sur son sexe fébril. Tu laisses sortir un doux gémissement d'anticipation pour la suite que tu t'imagines, laissant tomber ta tête vers l'arrière. Tu lui jettes un regard constant dans tes aises. Tu lui donnes 2 coups de chevilles sur ses fesses. Tes jambes sont recroquevillés sur le côté de son torse musclé. Tu serres fort de tes jambes pour ressentir ces reliefs sur ta peau et tu laisses un autre gémissement sortir de ta bouche. En effectuant ce mouvement, tu as sous-estimé la réaction de ton sexe se resserrer encore plus sur le sien. Tu sens que ce mouvement a aussi fait en sorte que tu as senti encore plus de sa longeur et de sa largeur en toi. Surprise par ton manque d'air, tu t'aggripes fortement sur ses épaules. Tu places tes ongles dans sa peau, lui soutirant un autre ''Aie'' bien mérité par sa langue sale.
Tu te resaissie en agrippant le creux de sa cravate vers ton cou. Tu respires son expiration humide, te permettant de sentir son haleine chaude et sa bonne hodeur te rendant encore plus excitée. Ce geste brusque lui fait un effet de vague en coup de bassin. Tu guides ses coups avec l'empognement que tu fais de sa cravate. ''Horimi, touche-moi''.
''Oui [ton nom]'', et touches ta bille avec son pouce, doucement de prime à bord et plus vigoureusement en prenant soin d'étendre ton miel juteux. Ses mouvements de va et vient ainsi que son touché ne te laisse pas bouche bée. Le son du jus de vos fruits interdits te fait ancrer davantage dans ta transe et fait presque jouir Hiromi s'extasiant à ta vue. Tu jouis sur son sexe sans crier gare, relachant ton liquide vénérée sur sa verge qui ne demandait que ça. Hiromi se relâche et tu sens son sperme te remplir, ça t'excite et tu te touches pour orgasmer encore avec ton engin déjà surstimulé. Ton dernier gémissement comme le cri d'une sirène.
Hiromi se retire rapidement, observant son sperme ressortir de ton entrée. Il se liche la lèvre pour retrouver ton expression exténuée. ''J'adore quand tu te fâches T/N''. Tu l'aggripes par les cheveux encore en train de retrouver ton souffle. Tu sens ton corps transpiré et sans parler tu lui descend la tête vis-à-vis ton sexe et tu le diriges dessus. ''Nettoies ma chatte souillée''. Il s'exécute sans réfléchir. Lichant tous les parties qui sont et auraient pu être tâchées de son encre. Tu observes son membre devenir dur et rigide. Tu le relève toujours avec ses cheveux en mains et lui nommes ''Oh bel énergumène, prêt à tout, même une deuxième expérience''.
Word CUNT : 1.2 k
Although Hiromi speaks with true and verifiable facts the majority of the time, having a conversation with him with receiving unsolicited advice becomes something perilous and irritating. This side of him that is non-challenging and intellectually nourishing by the multitude of things you learn obviously has its limits. Even with his pretty face to get by, today you were fed up. Your need was his physical support and his sweet words.
A conversation with chat GPT was far from what you needed, when what you wanted was physical touch and his warmth that he only knows how to give to you. Making you special and above all allowing you to feel like the most special person in his eyes, the one he chose to deign his attention, the one who makes you feel so adequate and so privileged. It's just a simple phase of all these feelings that he allows you to reach at this moment. This novelty effect that makes you secrete noradrenaline coupled with your dopamine with a burst of serotonin.
Hiromi, this devil's advocate who literally has the effect of a drug on your body in withdrawal, in withdrawal after a few moments of being away from him, and this desire to want more by only reaching this sporadic satisfaction.
''I don't care about your arguments Hiromi, why are you telling me that? What purpose ?''.
Taken aback by your words and realizing his shitty attitude, you see the surprise in his eyes. The surprise of the risks of losing a beautiful evening with you, when you are so sublime in your dress hugging all your shapes and curves. These factories highlighting your sensuality and your elegance intertwined in your ways of doing and acting. Your eyes locked on those of a deer in front of a car on a road at night. He abandons his know-it-all attitude. And for some reason his gaze darkens, amused to see you irritated for the first time.
He bites his lip, and it angers you even more to see the change in his attitude. ''What do you think you're doing ?'' And, too late, you see him walk towards you with a seductive step. He hopes to beautify you that easily or what?
''I like when you get angry, you look so serious, your piercing gaze, all the tension in your body. I want to feel the consequences of my shit talk.”
Woah, how can a man say that sentence and expect to have a chance with you?! ''Fucking shit, you're kidding me''. And yet you can feel your nipples piercing through the silk that separates you from him now, and which are clearly remarkable. An electrifying atmosphere sets in, this game - or this trap - you fall right in, with all your the face with amusement and a pinch of disappointment in yourself for letting yourself get caught up in its childishness.
You grit your teeth, he notices. He places his mouth and fits it into yours like the last piece of a puzzle being put together. You feel your lips relax to reciprocate the kiss, but for a brief moment only before responding with excessive ferocity. He perceives this signal to tear off your clothing (which you have just obtained at a significant price).
''You add fuel to the fire, fuckface''. You grab his clothes, and pull on his tie which loosens from him and makes him lean forward suddenly. You continue your maneuver by tearing off the buttons of his shirts in one go. The buttons ricochet on the ground. His gaze follows their tracks as they scatter around the room. Hiromi sits up, partly stunned and partly amused by your reactions. ''I hope you're just getting started Y/N''. He grabs you firmly, while you were starting to believe that it was you who was going to discipline him. Annoyed, you push him away and push him against the wall. You bite his lip, stealing a very painful 'Ouch' from him. You turn your back to him, and let your straps fall, which propels your garment on the ground while sliding on your forms. Allowing him a little sweetness after his well deserved pain by bathing his eyes on your sumptuous body.
He approaches you, undoes his belt and unzips his pants. You sit on the counter in front of him. "Spread your legs, or I'll do it for you." “Try me dipshit”, you respond straight away without missing a beat, grabbing him by the tie, trying to subdue him with your icy eyes.
He gives a half smile and leans towards your lips, you grab him firmly by the jaw and pull him more sharply towards you. You feel his member on your hot and wet sex. You take his penis firmly at your mercy and very proudly so. You start tickling it briefly on your opening and then for a long time on your clit.
You play with his member, as if he were just a mere sex toy and nothing more. You almost forget his existence and touch your breasts in the process, making your body ecstatic, maximizing your sensations and touching yourself with satisfaction.
Your breaths become shorter and shorter and you seek him more and more. You feel the tension building with each pelvic movements that Hiromi begins to make to better accompany you in your masturbation with his member. You feel him rubbing on your little pearl, you feel his hot and wet exhales in your ears, which suddenly gives you goosebumps, moving to your breasts and to your strongly stimulated clitoris. You feel a pressure sublimate and spread throughout your body like a wave caressing your anatomy.
Without deigning to look at him, you get down to business, you want to feel filled by him. You approach your hips towards his, gently entering his acorn into your vagina. You feel the insides of your labias contract on his feverish sex. You let out a soft moan of anticipation for what you're imagining next, letting your head fall back. You glance at him constantly in your comfort. You give him 2 ankle kicks on his buttocks. Your legs are curled up at the side of his muscular torso. You squeeze your legs hard to feel these bumps on his skin and you let another moan escape your mouth. By making this movement, you underestimated the reaction of your vagina tightening even more on his dick. You feel that this movement also made you feel even more of its length and width within you. Surprised by your lack of air, you grab onto his shoulders tightly. You dig your nails into his skin, drawing another well-deserved 'Ouch' from his dirty mouth.
You pull yourself together, gripping the crook of his tie to your neck. You inhale his wet exhales, allowing yourself to smell his warm breath and his good smell making you even hornier. This sudden gesture gives him a pelvic wave effect. You guide his blows, his hips rocking your pu$$y, with the grip you make of his tie. ''Horimi, touch me'' you demand.
''Yes Y/N'', and touches your marble with his thumb, gently at first and more vigorously, taking care to spread your juicy honey. His back and forth movements as well as his touch don't leave you speechless. The sound of your bodily fluids makes you further anchored in your trance and almost makes Hiromi cum in ecstasy at the sight of you. You cum on his cock without warning, releasing your revered liquid on his penis which was just what he was asking for. Hiromi relaxes and you feel his sperm filling you, it excites you and you touch yourself to orgasm again with your already overstimulated coochie. Your last moan like a mermaid song.
Hiromi quickly pulls out, watching his cum leak out of your entrance. He licks his lip to find your exhausted expression. ''I love it when you get angry Y/N''. You grab him by the hair still trying to catch your breath. You feel your body sweating and without speaking you lower his head towards your pussy and direct him towards it. ''Cleanse my dirty pu$$y''. He does so without thinking. Licking all the parts that are and could have been stained with his ink. You watch as his member becomes hard and rigid. You still pick him up with his hair in your hands and call him ''Oh you sick freak, ready for anything, even a second round''.
Hope Google translate enjoyed reading that lol.
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irritablesnoutband · 10 days
officially everyone i simped for is dead.
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ermesskiss · 3 months
what music I think jjk adults would listen to
✧ ft: satoru, suguru, nanami, shoko, choso, higuruma, toji, sukuna, and kenjaku ✧ a/n: been thinking about this for a minute, and I decided to write out my opinions/hcs
jjk student version here + jjk character playlist works here
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✦ gojo
➥ Gojo is a very laid-back and fun guy, so I think he would listen to music that has that same energy
➥ He kinda reminds me of those moms who listen to the overplayed songs on the radio and always sing them, I don’t know to explain it, but that's him
➥ I think that he gets his song recs from his students in a attempt to bond with them
♪ Heaven To Me: Tyler, The Creator ♪ Chanel: Frank Ocean ♪ Died and Came Back: Lil Uzi Vert ♪ Pop Style: Drake ♪ Wake Up in the Sky: Gucci Mane ft. Bruno Mars
✦ geto
➥ I think Geto listens to a little bit of everything, alternative, rock, rap, R&B,  and hip-hop. I can’t really picture him strictly listening to rock and alt. It doesn’t feel right
➥ As Geto got older, I think his music taste changed. He still likes everything, but he leaned towards one genre rather than several
➥ When Mimi and Nana show Geto their favorite music, he adds the one he likes to his own playlist, and vice versa
♪ Sextape: Deftones ♪ Passion Fruit: Drake ♪ Rental: Brockhampton ♪ 3005: Childish Gambino ♪ Even Flow: Pearl Jam
✦ shoko
➥ I think the music that she listens to is very mellow and relaxing but might have some sad undertone to it from time to time
➥ She gives me older music vibes from the 70s to the 90s. Like Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, and Sade. I can’t see her listening to newer music
➥ I think she listens to more female artists than men; it’s not intentional. She does enjoy songs from men, but it’s a pattern. I also think that Shoko is a big fan of The Cranberries; I am a soul believer in this
♪ Sunday: The Cranberries ♪ Bette Davis Eyes: Kim Carnes ♪ Fade Into You: Mazzy Star ♪ Landslide: Fleetwood Mac ♪ So Far Away: Carole King
✦ nanami
➥ Student Nanami was emo, so he definitely listened to My Chemical Romance
➥ He started listening to more rock when he grew out of his emo phase. He prefers light rock rather than heavy
➥ When he gets sick of music, he puts on a podcast about business/the economy, or world events OR OR audiobooks
♪ Helena: My Chemical Romance ♪ I Miss You: blink-182 ♪ Dust in the Wind: Kansas ♪ Dancing In the Dark: Bruce Springsteen ♪ Rocket Man: Elton John
✦ choso
➥ He’s giving off rock and metal vibes, also like sub-genres of those
➥ His go-to music is rock, but I definitely think he listens to other music, something like R&B and hip-hop
➥ Like the great sibling, he is, he always gives Yuji the aux and listens to his song recs
♪ Granite: Sleep Token ♪ Generation Dead: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Enter Sandman: Metallica ♪ Chop Suey!: System Of A Down ♪ War Inside My Head: Suicidal Tendencies
✦ higuruma
➥ Similar to Shoko, I think he also listens to older music rather than newer stuff, but it’s not because he doesn’t enjoy new music; he is just too busy and stressed to figure out what artist he likes and just stays to what he knows
➥ He’s a big Radiohead fan, and maybe The Smiths, too? Music that's kind of sad and angst, yk?
➥ Genre-wise, I think he would like a little of everything if he could sit down and enjoy music.
♪ Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: The Smiths ♪ Karama Police: Radiohead ♪ Wild Sex (In The Working Class): Oingo Boingo ♪ Eyes Without A Face: Billy Idol ♪ What’s Up?: 4 Non Blondes
✦ toji
➥ Definitely listens to divorce dad music
➥ Drinks a nice cold beer while listening to Nickelback
➥ I think because Toji doesn't think highly of himself, I can see him listening to self-loathing music and music that relates to anger or internal turmoil
♪ How You Remind Me: Nickelback ♪ Pancake Land: Element Eighty ♪ The Man Who Sold the World: Nirvana ♪ It’s Been Awhile: Stained ♪ Crawling: Linkin Park
✦ sukuna
➥ So, at first, I was sure he would listen to heavy metal and rock because he has such an aggressive personality, but after I gave it some more thought canon, Sukuna would hate it. Music or noise that loud and obnoxious would annoy him.
➥ Acknowledging the fact that he was born in the Heian era and during that time, they listened to Gagaku (court music), which is either instrumental or vocal. It’s calming and relaxing in contrast to his persona
➥ Or he hates music altogether, idk; he's a grumpy old man. Everything pisses him off
♪ Menace: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Monster: Skillet ♪ Bullet With Butterfly Wings: The Smashing Pumpkins ♪ Push: Matchbox Twenty ♪ Geisha: Anthony Davilio
✦ kenjaku
➥ Since he's over a thousand years old, imma say he has a very diverse taste of music and probably listens to a little bit of everything. If I were to choose what genre he likes most, I would say rock, both light and heavy
➥ Kenjaku enjoys listening to Marilyn Mason and Oingo Bingo. Marilyn Mason because he’s Marilyn Mason (derogatory) and Oingo Bingo because of their surrealist music, which I think Kenjaku would find them entertaining
➥ Listens to music that feeds into his delusions, motivating him to continue with his vision of the world he wants
♪ Weird science: Oingo Boingo ♪ Aerials: System Of A Down ♪ Break My Stride: Matthew Wilder ♪ The Beautiful People: Marilyn Mason ♪ Everybody Wants To Rule The World: Tears For Fears
✧ I currently have over 1.9k liked songs, so hopefully, there is enough diversity in songs and artists. i was going to do yuki, but it was stressing me out. Maybe in the future, I'll add hers. There is definitely more I wanted to add but my mind can only contain so many thoughts, unfortunately. ✧ Anyway, I want to hear other people's opinions and/or if people agree or disagree!!
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jesuis-snips · 5 months
gege is so sick i can't
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Leave my baby Yuji alone and don't bring up Nanami to torture us again. I beg you.
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yareyaretwt · 8 months
Gege killed nanami and gave higurama as an apology
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ofconfiscation · 8 months
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ssaraexposs · 5 months
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This is just sick
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Yuuji my baby 😱
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As thrilling as it can be, I doubt Yuuji would menage to actually stab him for good
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bibibbon · 2 months
JJK hot take and analysis
One of the biggest hot takes I have is that higumara should of been a female character.
As well all know higumara is supposed to be a parallel to nanami and this goes in multiple ways from the way they interact with yuji to the way they view the non Jujutsu world.
Both sorcerers are regarded as the working class sorcerers.
Their Parallels range from both of them wanting to save people. With higurama this was one of his reasons as to why he was a lawyer and it's the reason as to why his cursed technique centers around the judgement system because he seeks justice no matter how harsh ot hard it may be to achieve it. By his strong sense of justice is where his care/relationship with yuji comes in to play. higumara as a sorcerer and person met his match he saw someone so broken down by the system that, that person believed that he was the problem rather than him being a victim. To higumara, yuji is everything that he failed to protect in that harsh society.
This all parallels with nanami and his ideology of "being a child isn't a sin". Nanami is known as the protector of the youth and he died being that to yuji however, nanami also had his own fair share of guilts and as much as he tried to protect yuji from the curse of his last words by encouraging him to finish the job he only makes yuji bare another burden of carrying nanami's pain with him (an accidental yet ironic thing).
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Both characters last words and death include passing their will down onto yuji and trusting him to finish the job and continue living.
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Both characters are well known for overworking themselves and both of this overwork could of been seen in a selfish way. Nanami took this job to escape from the cruelty of Jujutsu society and only wanted to gain enough to move away and live somewhere like Malaysia but higumara wanted to protect others with all he can and shed lights on the corruption/harshness of the system.
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Both characters turning points end up because they went back to their roots. Even though they thought that they changed and escaped from their pasts that catches up to them and drags them down a heavily familiar route all over again. With higurama it's in his fight with yuji that he remembers why he even took said lawyer path and denied the path of a judge and with nanami it's how he came back into Jujutsu society to then meet someone so similar to haibara that he chose to dedicate his life into helping protect the youth.
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Both are also classified as grade 1 sorcerers.
Both ended up dying in shibuya but higurama seemed fulfilled he accepted that he did what he could and it was enough for him, however nanami wanted more it was his death that made him value living and made him look towards the future towards a brighter path than he will never live.
Both feel heavily guilty about the things they have done especially when it comes to looking at the injured or killed. Both of them describe it as awful or are disgusted by this. We can see it with nanami in shibuya with ijichi and with higurama with the two people he killed.
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Both deeply care for their mentoes and have a good relationship with them. Nanami and ino. Higurama and his mentee.
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Higuramas death makes yuji Futher solidify his beliefs allowing him to state," Iam a Jujutsu sorcerer" whereas nanami's is what destroyes yujis resolve and leads to his breakdown in shibuya and then later on gives him strength to continue.
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I think that higurama should of been a female character with this development as I think yuji lacks dynamic with older female characters and considering that character in the culling games arc directly are there to critique something about Japan I think that higurama could of been used to show the inequality between men and woman in Japan and any female problems that Japan itself faces. Also Iam a sucker for yuji having some maternal figure
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actuallysaiyan · 5 months
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alovesay · 5 months
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his eyes rolled back in pleasure as he felt the tip of your press on nail trace its way along the sensitive vein underneath his throbbing member, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his entire body. He couldn't help but let out a low groan of ecstasy as he felt the sensation intensify, his cock twitching involuntarily as he tried to hold back any sounds of pleasure from escaping his lips.
"oh fuck," he whispered hoarsely, "feels so good."
the thick, heavy length of his erection stood straight up as if it were eager to find its target, the head leaking pre-cum as it awaited your next command.
dracule mihawk | kakashi hatake | gildarts clive | shinazugawa sanemi | kyoya ootari | higurama hiromi | renji yomo | shinichiro sano | yoshida hirofumi | ukai keishin | your favs |
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hoshigray · 1 year
⋆⁺₊⋆ Rules From .☽˚ the Stars ⋆⁺₊⋆
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Minors/ageless blogs do not interact with 18+ posts. I'm very much aware that I'm not your mother; however, respect the principle: if you're not of age for it, then don't fucking do it. If you interact with my stuff, it's 100% on you, and I can't be held accountable for the things you read when I continuously warn my readers before continuing on.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Characters aged 18+ are the only candidates for smut material. Do not ask me to write anything romantic/sexual for minors/characters that are canonically under that bracket. The most I can do is fluff, and even then, don't be surprised if I ask questions when a request isn't specified clearly. Timeskip! ages will be checked if they're legal.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Unless specified or requested, the reader/y/n in my "x reader" pieces is written as fem! reader. I'll see what I can do if you wish for male! or gn!. I write y/n to cater to those who wish to feel included, so I tend to not describe skin, hair, features, etc. The most I will do is black! reader when it comes to race/ethnicity (bc I am). And when I do, I will not tolerate ANY hate whatsoever. Be an adult, avoid things you don't like, and move on.
ִ ࣪𖤐 In terms of requests, I go by what interests me rather than who comes first. It's not that I won't like your idea, just that I don't want to spend time on writing something that I a) don't know how to write or b) write for something that isn't really my cup of tea. So, make sure whatever you request coincides with what I CAN write! Win-win! Also, I'm only one person so don't be surprised if I don't get to your request with superhuman speed.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Relations: wanna be friends/mutuals? Well then, I'm all ears~~ (pls lmk bc I'm afraid to make the first move lol). Drop an ask and I'll give you the okay to DM me. All I ask is that unless I know you irl (impossible), don't ask for my personal socials. What I can give you is my art account socials at best. If you're shy to be friends but still want me to remember you, use an emoji when making an anon ask!
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Things I Write and Don't Write:
Sure!: Nsfw + sfw/fluff - age differences (legal; at least 19-20) - size differences - Daddy kink - aftercare - manhandling - hate sex - breeding - animal hybrids (reader + chara) - spanking - impact play/pussy slaps - corruption kink/virginity loss - lactation - kissing/makeout sessions - headcanons - biting - sounding (consented).
Fine line: dom! reader - foot fetish - mommy kink - cheating (legal parties involved) - pregnancy - alcohol/drug usage - tummy bulges - somnophilia - AUs (to an extent) - rim jobs - threesomes - exhibitionism.
Lemme stop you right there: r*p3/noncon - dubcon - real people (actors, serial killers, etc.) - loli/shotacon/pedo - kidnapping - [pseudo]incest - scat/piss kink - abuse (physical and mental) - aging up minor characters - gangbangs - yandere + tsundere - baby-trapping - noncon somno - pet play.
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Who I write for:
(*) = current fixation
ִ ࣪𖤐 *Jujutsu Kaisen*: Toji Fushiguro, Kamo Choso, Kento Nanami, Geto Suguru, Satoru Gojo, Sukuna Ryōmen, Hiromi Higurama, Yuki Tsukumo.
(plz don't ask me to write for Mahito, I just might break smth and have you pay for it.)
ִ ࣪𖤐 Haikyuu!!: Yuu Nishinoya, Iwaizumi Hajime, Tooru Oikawa, Ushijima Wakotoshi, Tetsurou Kuroo, Kozume Kenma, Koutarou Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi.
ִ ࣪𖤐 More to come soon...
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Updated ✩ Dec. 14th, 2023...
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ii-iikko · 2 months
new blog where I post my other fixations ehee, mostly anime-related (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ don't know when I'll put up my request post but, eh, I'm busy w/ tf ones.
golden kamuy
jujutsu Kaisen (I have a love-hate relationship with this show)
attack on titan
houseki no Kuni
chainsaw man
transformers (my main blog, not here)
|[ main blog : @ikkosu ]|
I'm a huge mamaguro/toji lover so any asks and au's about them are going to kill me/ pos (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) I love them to bits!! (Or asks about the fandom listed below in general)
characters I don't mind doing request, for now (small little drabbles about them)
hiromi higurama
suguru getou
erwin smith
ogata hyaknosuke
#iikkowrites — writing
#iikkorambles — yap
#iikkodrabbles — drabbles
#iikkosi — nsfw
#iikkobogs — reblogs
#iikkoasks — asks
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rowarn · 4 months
ro...i know you probably haven't watched jjk (plus this character hasn't even been animated yet) but i believe you would absolutely love hiromi higurama...
i have watched s1 of jjk !! unfortunately i know a lot of death happens and im not too keen on anime that has a lot of death. i will watch SOME but it depends. i've watched demon slayer, tokyo revengers (my favorite anime), and attack on titan (only up to like s3). but jjk isn't one that i was interested in getting emotionally invested in. BUT i do like choso and gojo!!!!! and sukuna........
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xileonaaaa · 14 days
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This note will continue to be updated, and nothing here on this page is finalized.
Banners by @cafekitsune
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⤷ Satoru Gojo:
Gojo x chubby reader
Popular Gojo x quiet/reserved reader (college au)
⤷ Choso Kamo:
Boyfriend Choso x reader
Husband Choso x reader (light nsfw)
⤷ Nanami Kento:
Wealthy Nanami x reader
⤷ Ryomen Sukuna:
Lonely Sukuna x reader
⤷ Suguru Geto:
Suguru with a crush x reader
⤷ Ino Takuma:
Ino x foreigner reader
⤷ Hiromi Higurama:
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⤷ Satoru Gojo:
His Home
Soft Yandere Gojo
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Send me requests in the ask box. Answered requests will go here <3
Husband Choso + Nsfw Hcs
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ofconfiscation · 8 months
i warned you this would happen.
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OOPS! ALL ANGST! PROMPTS ❨ accepting ❩
𝑻 he gavel in Hiromi Higurama's hand seems to lengthen at the wielders instinct - without falter, as if an extension of his intention. A quiet crunch from the debris welcomes the mallet-head staff , as a cane - which Higurama uses to bolster himself. Red drops follow the length of the elongated tool; descending silently - into a small coagulating puddle of deep burgundy.
❛❛  Had I expanded my domain —  ❜❜ A sharp cough cuts the lawyer short - his reflexes will his hand to his side; as if too nullify the pain the came from a deep cut below his rib. It hadn't been long since Higurama had encountered murderous curse-users like himself. Yet this much of a fight from a unrecognizable assailant .. Nonetheless, the processing subsides too the background of Higuramas mind when a familiar cursed energy flowers in the distance.
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There difference in power and experience was only defined by the years they spent apart - the two ex-salarymen led similar lives; having encountered each other during there days as mundane white collars' - a friendship flowered from there dedication, yet mutual disdain for the system they compromised with and As he prepares too do what he should have done at the start of this conflict - Memories of those days seem too invade. as if Finally taking a moment too get a good look at the corresponding professional strikes an emotional cord. One that brings a long forgotten taste - a strange, yet satisfying one.
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ssaraexposs · 6 months
Sometimes y'all seem to forget Higurama became a sorcerer JUST A FEW WEEKS PRIOR. While he might be a good lawyer, hence he knows the LAW, it's normal that he still doesn't understand Jujutsu rules that well. Hell, he probably didn't even know who Sukuna was, until he met Yuuji. How was he supposed to know Sukuna carried a cursed tool? (WHICH HE POSSESSED JUST BECAUSE Yorozu gave it to him)
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