#His dog died naturally don't worry
just-a-fangirl7 · 2 years
For the @allvalley100 prompt, ♤ Boys Don’t Cry ♤
Terry Silver & Terry Silver’s Father (Does he have a name?)
Terry stood at the foot of the grave, freshly filled with dirt, and his dog’s old and soon-to-be-decayed body in a box. His lips trembled in an attempt to swallow his tears, his hands shook as he held the shovel in his hands, his knuckles white.
“It was just a dog, Terrance. Boys do not cry over the loss of their fellow man and most certainly do not cry over mutts.” His father scoffed, his posture perfect and voice steady with confidence.
Terry shut his eyes tightly, bile threatening to come up if he made the smallest peep.
“Simply pathetic.”
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vrisrezis · 10 months
OMG I REALLY LIKE YOUR YAN!GETO AND GOJO HEADCANONS!! If you don't mind can I please request a yan!itadori? No pressure btw
Have a good night/day!
THANK UUU!!! Yan yuuji is sooo cute I love him :0 (featuring Sukuna lol)
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Yan! Yuuji who would never kill somebody ….. not unless you asked him to of course…
Yan! Yuuji who’s disgusted by killing, especially to innocent people, but even to bad people… unless they’ve wronged you.. they deserve a fate much… much worse than death
Yan! Yuuji who is like a loyal dog .. that’s the best way to describe him tbh
Yan! Yuuji who loves to make you laugh, if he doesn’t make you laugh everyday he feels like he’s failed, like he’s nothing more than a pathetic weasel.
Yan! Yuuji who loves buying you gifts!!! Nonstop!!!! He will never stop… he believes no matter what you say, you deserve it. :}
Yan! Yuuji who does NOT budget money for himself bruh he be wasting all his money on you… he’d rather buy you something than feed himself (megumi is very worried abt him)
Yan! Yuuji who always lifts you up… he’s so sweet
Yan! Yuuji who loves sharing his clothes with you… you look cute with his clothes on… also it feels like you’re his
Yan! Yuuji who is terrifying when your life is threatened like even sukuna backs off … “he’s like … Jesus Christ wtf … what happened brat…” he’s like when junpei died cuz of mahito but so much worse
Yan! Yuuji who would blame himself if anything happened to you… would probably just tell you to kill him for being so terrible and he absolutely means it
Yan! Yuuji has strong feelings in terms of wanting to be the one to protect you and keep you safe, even if you’re stronger than him. Due to this fact he really beats himself up if he can’t protect you.. even if you only get slightly hurt,
Yan! Yuuji who is protective but not isolating. He loves seeing you get along with other people, and he doesn’t expect you to return his devoted feelings. He wants you happy above all else, even if that meant you’re with somebody else. But he still makes it known to you you’re everything to him.
Yan! Yuuji who would absolutely kill anyone that broke your heart though. He will straight up be your exes best friend when you’re dating them cause they make you happy, but once he sees the signs of them making you unhappy and miserable, he waits till you break up and goes in for the kill.
Yan! Yuuji who also notices a lot of toxic traits so he also recognizes his own, so he’s constantly trying to improve his behavior around you..
Despite this fact probably sees killing for you as a good thing cause it’s getting rid of those that put you at risk or in distress
Probably tries to form a pact with sukuna to make sure sukuna doesn’t hurt you, as well.
And Yan! Yuuji who would do anything to have that pact with sukuna cuz holy
Yan! Yuuji who, even if you aren’t dating, tells you how much he loves you constantly. He doesn’t bother hiding his feelings unless he thinks you’d be uncomfortable by them.
Yan! Yuuji who probably falls more in love if you get him to open up to you (esp post shibuya …) you’re so loving.. so trusting … so kind …
Yan! Yuuji who would be delighted to date you, but wouldn’t force it on you. It would come naturally, with you genuinely liking him.
Yan! Yuuji is a lovely boyfriend as well and the gifts, the protectiveness, increased tenfold but he tries not to be too overbearing (he is, but he still won’t isolate you from people)
Yan! Yuuji who just grumbles when sukuna teases him for his devotion towards you.. trying to get sukuna to shut up when sukuna starts talking in grave detail to you about how yuuji stalks the hell outta you
Yan! Yuuji totally stalks you but he’s not as bad as a lot of other yanderes so it’s just a short mention tbh
Yan! Yuuji who already wants to get married ..
Yan! Yuuji who is very clingy and very affectionate … constant kisses and cuddles for real
Yan! Yuuji who’s just a sweet boy … would really just do anything for your love and approval..
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triangle-dog · 4 days
TW pet death
(Not one of mine, don't worry. You won't miss anything if you skip this post.)
I will always and forever be a collar and tags person (or, look, if you are really concerned about strangulation then a harness & tags person or a breakaway collar or whatever). Microchips are great, all my beasts are microchiped, but if one of them gets out I want to be able to find them and bring them home no matter what has happened to them.
Two years ago, almost exactly I think, friends and I were three miles into a beautiful autumn hike with the dogs. The leaves were turning, the wildlife was active, and there was a crisp breeze. We rounded a corner and immediately saw a body floating out on the lake, a dog, its long black fur drifting back and forth in the small waves. After some deliberation on what to do, and if it was safe, I waded out to the dog while the others in the party held our dogs way back from the lake in case the water was bad. He wasn't that far out really, but it felt like it took forever to get there because I was fervently hoping he'd have tags. I could actually feel the relief wash over me when I got there and saw patches of blue collar peeking out between the drifting fur.
I towed him into the shallows by the collar. I'm the most familiar with bodies, which is why I was the one who went out to him, and I know that they age differently in the water but by my judgment he'd died farily recently - less than a day ago. When he's in close enough to shore that I don't think he'll drift away any time soon, I unclip his collar and return to the group. We sit down and strategize for a few minutes. How do you make a call like that without raising their hopes? (Answer: you can't - just the phone ringing will be enough).
"I'm very sorry," I say, "but I found a dog in the lake and I thought you would want to know." She tells me she was half expecting a call like this, that the gate didn't latch correctly and both dogs got out but only one came home. She tells me that they were so worried he wouldn't be able to find his way home in the storm last night. She tells me he was very old, that his mind had been going for awhile now. She tells me that most of his life, until the last few years as his body became less able to manage the walk, they would come down to a beach near here and that he loved to swim. She tells me she hopes he at least got to relive those memories for a bit before he went.
I give her the coordinates, it's not too far from a road if you bushwhack - certainly less than the 3mi we did, and tell her we'll bring him to shore. I pick him up out of the shallows, he feels frail, yet he's so so heavy from the weight of the water in his fur. He's much smaller than Nova, yet lifting Nova has never felt like that. I lay him gently on the rocky beach in what I hope is a natural looking, less-traumatizing-to-the-kids position. I clip his collar back on, with the fur no longer drifting around in the water obscuring it, you can now see the little tag saying "Poochie" on the front. We head back the way we came. That was walk enough for all of us, it would feel wrong to seek a different ending, and it was an out and back trail anyway.
Ever since then, every dead cat or dog I see reminds me of those lakeside discussions. We are all overly dedicated animal people, we're fully aware of microchips and all of our own pets are microchiped, but carrying a waterlogged body 3mi to the car to drive it to the vet's office was just not feasible - I don't think it would occur to most people that that was even an option. Even if they did think of it, most people would be opposed to putting a dead animal in their vehicle. I'm just gonna make it easy on people and put my phone number on my animals.
(Sorry, that post was so much longer than it needed to be, but my brain must have recorded that experience in a different kind of memory than usual because it is so so clear and comes all as a set like that so that's what you got too)
TLDR: OP found a dead dog once and has big feelings about it. Put collars/etc. on your pets
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thestarstoasun · 6 months
Will and Naomi Solace don't normally celebrate Easter considering the whole she slept with a Greek god, had a demigod child but could only tell her small-town religious family that she had a one nightstand and got pregnant thing. She had been told they still loved her but was still publicly shamed and shunned until she got famous for her music.
Will didn't think his grandparents, uncles, or aunts deserved his mom in their lives after what they put her through, but he figured if she could forgive them, he could too. Except they didn't know he was bisexual. They didn't know about Nico. Will had been all too willing to tell his sweet, loving, adoring mother about his boyfriend. He made sure Nico knew when he first brought it up that there was no rush, and just like when it came to everything, he was willing to wait forever. (Nico had actually stared at him in disbelief, and with the oh-so-noticeable red splashing across his pale skin muttered a quiet, "Idiota". Will didn't need to be fluent in Italian to know /that one/, even when he first heard it.)
Introducing Nico to his mother was a mistake, not because of any homophobia or monster attacks, but just how much they both love to embarrass him. His mother shares stories and shows pictures (which Will panics about because technology and demigods don't mix well) of a much younger and embarrassing Will, and by the look in Nico's eyes Will knows he is never living it down. In return, his mother learns of his embarrassing flirting in the middle of a war.
The memory was nice now, a year and a half later, especially since Will was currently on the verge of an entire mental breakdown. Being back in Texas had that effect on him. At camp, he locked away all panic, grief, loss, suffering in order to run the infirmary and be strong for his siblings, but here, he had no infirmary and no siblings. He could honestly care less of what these people thought of him - Lee's opinion had mattered, Michael's opinion had mattered, His mama's opinion matters, Nico's feelings and opinion matters. Hades, he cares more for Apollo's opinion than these people, and he was still struggling with his own complicated feelings towards his father - not that they ever showed outwardly.
Will was more worried that these people that shared blood with him would shame his and Nico's relationship and upset his boyfriend. Nico had suffered so much pain and suffering already, especially when it came to his sexuality and accepting that there wasn't anything wrong with himself for loving boys. Will was so proud of how far Nico had come and felt sick to his stomach at being an indirect cause of a relapse.
"You worry too much," The words sounded so beautiful that they must have been spoken by an angel. (They weren't, they were spoken by none other than Nico Di Angelo, but what can he say, he is Apollo's son. It is in his nature to be dramatic at least sometimes.)
"I don't think I worry enough. I mean, there is jus' so much that could go wrong. Mama-" Will shot Nico, who was failing to hide a wide smile, a curious expression unknowingly tilting his head slightly to the right. "What's so amusin' about this?"
"I think I finally understand what Lou Ellen meant when she called you a dog." Will stared blankly absolutely stunned out of his panic, his lips formed a small pout that was absolutely not adorable. Nico got up from where he sat comfortably on Will's bed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, resting his head on Will's shoulder. "Breathe. I'm already prepared to ditch this dinner and shadow-travel us both and your mother out somewhere nice at the slightest sign of trouble. Catholic guilt is a bitch, but I am done letting it, Gods, or anyone control my life."
Will felt both relieved and worried. Nico had learned so much about his boundaries with his powers over the last year, but it didn't mean Will didn't worry. "Is that why-?"
"Yes, that is why I slept so much today, il mio sole. Even before we left camp you were doing that nervous thing where you wrap bandages around your wrist. I figured something was bothering you and it had to do with our vacation. You love your mom, so it was obviously this dinner. I'm from the 30s, not an idiot, William, amore mio."
Will couldn't help but gently remove Nico's arm's from around him and sweep the boy off his feet. This frustrating, self-destructive, annoyingly attractive, smartass paid way too much attention to a simple healer such as himself, but Will couldn't imagine his life without Nico in it anymore. The half-hearted glare he received filled him with so much warmth and made him smile so wide it hurt, which in turn caused Nico to turn away to hide the slight upturn of his own lips.
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ya-zz · 1 year
hiya! :-)
can i request a rammattra, zenyatta, or genji (whoever you think fits best) x gn reader who's a cyborg with a gothic little balljoint porcelain doll appearence? maybe a little edward scissorhands-y in their mannerisms and personality (doesn't really talk much, curious and full of wonder about the most mundane things, a bit socially tone deaf, and usually seen as a creepy weirdo despite in reality being more akin to a batty puppy dog overall)?
also optional bonus heavy angst idea you don't have to include: reader admitting that they didn't actually want to be a cyborg when they technically died naturally of a chronic illness, but their ex brought them back from the brink of death against their expressed wishes and now reader has episodes where they have to grapple with the fact they're still alive and how different their body is now.
totally alright if this is too much and no worries if you don't wanna write it! i hope you have a swell day! :-D
Hooo boy, this one took a lil longer to get to, work be testing me at the moment, but anyway- I broke it up into small pieces for each character, hope that's okay!
Everything is under the cut and they all have varying word counts. The first section is the same for each, it's bold and italic.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
Ramattra stepped forward, offering a hand. 
“I will escort you.” He bowed his head slightly before bidding Zenyatta and his pet human goodbye and leaving the room with you following behind. 
The silence was comfortable yet Ramattra couldn’t help but wonder about you. 
“You are different from the others.” He states, not deterring from the path nor his speed. 
There was a hum in response and the omnic looks down at you. He notices you’re looking forward, seemingly in your own world as you walk beside him. 
“Do you have a name?” He asks.
He’s met with silence.
Ramattra silently sighs. Not one for conversation, huh? 
Instead of talking, he looks over you once more. The model make and number appears in his HUD, a rare and unique model and quite expensive too. One would be lucky to even afford such a delicate piece of equipment. 
He’s curious, and rightly so. Who and why? A ball-jointed omnic, no, you seem too human to be an omnic. You’re an anomaly Ramattra can’t wrap his system around. He goes back to his initial thinking; a ball-jointed omnic is wandering about the area, you look like a doll. A fully functioning toy doll. A kid would love to grasp and pull at you if it had the chance. 
He thinks for a moment. A collectors toy, that is what you look like. The larger omnic looks back over at you and it makes more sense to him, but he doesn’t speak out loud. You look like a doll that should be sitting on a shelf, encased with glass, one for people to look at. 
“You keep staring at me.” 
Ramattra shifts, looking forward again. “My apologies. I am merely curious about you.”
“You wouldn’t be the first.” 
“I will not be the last, it seems.” He huffs, looking out of the window as you both pass it. 
“No, you won’t be.” 
“Are you always this…” 
“This, what? Straight? Yes.” 
“I see.” Ramattra feels the tension in the air and stays silent. He pushed the wrong way and made you uncomfortable, but he dismisses the feeling as he pushes forward and opens the door towards the garden. “Here you go.” 
It’s like a switch had flipped instantly, your mood heightens as you practically run past him and out into the community garden. With the sun beaming down onto your arms, your face warming up, it felt like a dream. It had been too long since you had seen natural beauty and after hearing that this was the place to see it, you made your way here. 
Ramattra watches on, catching you staring at the bark on the trees, hands gently touching the ridges, feeling the coarse and damp wood. It had been raining two hours prior, the soil beneath your feet still soggy as your feet sunk into the dirt. There wasn’t a care in the world at that moment and Ramattra felt himself admiring the kid like excitement within you. 
Hey stays by the door, arms crossed over his chest as he keeps an eye on you. Hands playing with the leaves upon the tree, gently fingers grazing the flower petals. Knees and feet caked in mud, joints becoming sticky and grinding against each other, but you did not care. 
This… This is what you came here to do. To be free, to study… To be yourself.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
Genji did not hesitate at all as he practically jumped towards you. 
“I’ll go with you! Come on!” His arm wrapped around your shoulders while he escorted you out of the room and down the hallway. “So, what made you come here?” His voice was sweet and excited. You didn’t know why, but it felt comfortable. 
“I heard there was natural beauty here.” 
“Ah! The garden!” Genji exclaimed. “Yes! We would usually meditate outside but it is raining. Perhaps the rain has finally let up.”
“You were meditating?” 
“We were. Well, Zenyatta and Ramattra were, but I had news I wanted to share with my master.”
“Your ‘master’?” 
Genji nods as he walks alongside you. “Zenyatta. After a life changing altercation with my brother, Zenyatta practically took me in and guided me on the right path.”
“You’re talking about your appearance?” 
Genji nods once again and perhaps thats where it clicked with him. He felt drawn to you because you were similar to him. He could feel it. “My brother tried to kill me. Family issues and such, I won’t bore you with the details.”
You shake your head. “I was the same. Not with family, but my lover. I was on deaths door, chronic illness, I wanted to die, but he had other plans… And here I am now.” 
“Did it take awhile to get used to it? It did for me.” Genji softens his voice, tone apologetic. 
“Yes. I felt numb. My mind was there, but feeling wasn’t. I screamed, cried, shouted, anything, you name it. I didn’t ask for this.” 
“Nobody would ask for this. They should’ve respected your wishes.” His hand rests on your back, just below your neck, resting between where your shoulder blades would be. “I am sorry to bring it back up.” 
“Don’t apologise, you didn’t know.” 
There was a comforting silence as the pair of you walked through the hallway before Genji stopped beside a door. He heard the rain outside, but pushed the door open, letting the wind hit you. 
“You don’t have to go-” Before he even finished his sentence, you were already passed him, outside in the rain. Arms outstretched, face looking up, it’s like you had never been in the rain before. Genji chuckled, hiding under the shelter as he watched on. 
The ninja watched on, his eyes not leaving your body as you’d wander the garden in the rain. For once, Genji felt comfortable being around another person, someone who was just like him. Through pain and trauma, he hopes to get close to you, to know more about you, your insecurities, flaws, what makes you, you. 
He watched as you knelt down in the mud, fingers gliding over rose petals before picking up a snail that had been passing by. He chuckled once more when he watches you place it on a nearby leaf.
Time would only tell how these two would get along, but Genji hopes the feelings will become mutual in time.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
He approached you almost silently, feet tapping gently on the ground before he extends his hand. 
“I will escort you. Follow me.” His voice was fluid for an omnic, which was soothing to your ears. Once the pair of you had left the room, just overhearing Ramattra telling Genji to shut up, Zenyatta chuckles and guides you through the halls. 
“Do not mind those two.” He states, moving his hand as he speaks. “They have been at it like children since Genji got here.” 
He hears the hum of response and takes a moment to look over you. Zenyatta’s model wasn’t as advanced as Ramattra’s, but he could do the basic scanning of people, but you… were not entirely human. 
“You are quite similar to Genji.” 
“Which one is he?” 
“The less omnic looking one. The one who sat to the left of me.” He chuckles.
“Oh, him.” There was a short pause. “How so?”
“You have mechanics within your body. You are not entirely human, are you?” He asks, head cocking to the side. 
“I see. I will not press, I am here to talk if you want to.” He offers, tone laced with a comforting frequency that began settling the anxiousness within you. The monk pauses for a moment before continuing. “Are you here for a reason? We do not get many guests.”
“Nature. I heard stories form the village.” 
“Ah. Our garden. Yes. It is quite magnificent. Well cared for too.” He hums, nodding his head. “We have gardeners and groundskeepers in there at all hours of the day. Perhaps you may make a few friends.” 
There was a friendliness in his voice as he kept speaking. While he was doing so, his systems were wondering what had happened to you for you to be like this. The porcelaine like features of your body intrigued him, the ball-jointed appearance made you look like a doll, and while not something he had seen before, he wanted to know more. 
His thoughts stopped when they arrived at the archway, the garden just outside. He went to speak but you had already vanished into the greenery. The gardeners watched on, the groundskeepers laughing as they watched this human-omnic wander into the flower beds and bushes. 
Zenyatta sat down on a nearby bench, keeping a close eye on you. He was in complete awe of you and his systems began to work through any and all possible outcome to his feelings. He was curious, much like were in this moment.
You examined the bugs under the rocks, picking them up to get a closer look before placing them back down into the dirt. With the sun on your face, it felt like a surreal dream, one you never wanted to wake from. 
The omnic monk kept his gaze within your direction, chuckling to himself as the minutes passed by. Perhaps another familiar face wouldn’t be unwelcome here…
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
got a request for some hashira x reader who almost died in battle, made it into bullet point hcs since i'm not too confident in my ability to actually write for all of them minus muichiro, nothing graphic or anything but it does get a bit sad. naturally. i will do a second part with rengoku, uzui(+wives), obanai, and gyomei probably
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•honestly probably ignores you
•it's nothing against you personally he just seems like the type to pull away from his s/o when he's especially emotional to avoid saying things in the heat of the moment
•the last thing you need after the fight he almost lost you in, was to be greeted by him screaming at you in a worried fueled rage
•would probably write to you though <3 he doesn't want you to think he's abandoned you so for a couple days until he calms down fully he gets someone to deliver you tons of letters, it's easier for him to put down his actual emotions on paper because he can think through what he's saying better
•after a couple days though he's absolutely glued to your side
•(little did you know, while you were recovering in the butterfly mansion he acted as a guard dog at your door, because even when consumed by emotions he refused to leave you completely alone and unable to defend yourself)
•literally throws herself on you sobbing as soon as you wake up, just to make absolutely sure you're still there with her, you're still alive and warm and breathing even if logically she knows shinobu told her you'd live
•refuses to stop touching you, for at least a week she's constantly touching you in some way, whether it's hand feeding you food, doing your hair for you, bathing you, whatever it is that you need to do she's right there with you attached to your hip, lending a very welcome helping hand
•you better appreciate it bc if you ask for space she Will cry. just accept it.
•annoys the FUCK out of aoi and shinobu when they're trying to care for you but they just huff and roll their eyes but don't say anything to her
•she Might be convinced to leave your side for an hour to collect flowers or wisteria to braid into your hair if you ask nicely
•when you're healed up she throws you a party
•his eyes are Puffy. he Cried. look what you did to him. making him show emotions and shit. don't do that again
•okay but seriously no one has ever seen him this emotional before. as soon as your crow alerted him he was running
•he can't lose another person :(
•you'd probably wake up to him holding your hand sitting next to you, your warmth convincing him you were okay.
•honestly expect a lot of touching within the next couple weeks of recovery. it just assures him.
•is actually the type to give you space to recover if that's what you want but would prefer to be clingy
•you knew you fucked up when you woke up and she was Frowning.
•isn't actually mad or anything, she's upset that she wasn't there to protect you and can't do more for you with medicine than she is already, but it just comes across as anger
•is Literally there with you every step of the way. she is your doctor.
•she subtly tries to convince aoi to let her take care of you alone without actually saying it
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halogalopaghost · 1 year
TMNT Fic Masterlist
listed by order they were posted, newest fics first
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Bound and tortured for days without food or water, the only thing on Splinter's mind is reaching his sons. When he connects with Raphael, he witnesses firsthand the kind of blow his family has been dealt.
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Raphael is sure that it's his fault that Casey died. April might not be able to convince him otherwise.
Dogs Can't Have Chocolate, April
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While April is sheltering the turtles in season one, she invites them to help themselves to her fridge. With fresh food in such abundance, they can hardly help themselves, and April gets so caught up in the joy of sharing with them that she forgets to ask—do they have any allergies?
(Don't You Worry Bout) Bad Dreams
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Raphael has nightmares too. He's just better at hiding them, and far worse at talking about it.
Giant Problem
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Leo thinks he's the last one awake late one night—until Donnie comes knocking, mysteriously upset about…something?
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Raphael has always felt distinctly other from his siblings. As he gets older the gap grows wider, and there's only so much he can take before he cracks. (Longfic)
Not Alone
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Leatherhead, struggling with anger and a loss of control after his imprisonment under Bishop, tries to push the turtles away for their own good. Raphael, who's been there before, isn't about to let him. Post-episode: s03eo8, Hunted
Goody Two Toes
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CrownedCrowRow's Papadile and Croctots AU: When Leatherhead goes out to restock the pantry and doesn't come home, his sons start to panic.
Kodak Moment
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When April learns that Splinter has no family photos, she's quick to change that. If only she knew how precious those photos would become to her.
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The turtles have been captured and wake up hurt, scared, and attached to a strange machine. The worst part is that they aren't alone.
Oh Shoot
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Out for a late night run, Leonardo happens upon a squadron of Foot ninja and brings home a souvenir: an arrow buried in the back of his leg. Instead of waking someone up to help him with the awkwardly-placed wound, Leo decides to take care of it by himself. What's a little self-surgery in the early hours of the morning?
Occam's Bedtime
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Agent Bishop knew entirely too much about the turtles for someone who had not previously met them, and Donatello wants to know how. The simplest answer is usually the correct one, and Donnie thinks he's found it. The only problem is that it's the middle of the night, and he still hasn't slept since escaping from that underground lab.
Train Wreck of Thought
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Mikey thinks it's super unfair that he should have to meditate even after he discovers that he has ADD. His sensei, unfortunately, thinks otherwise. He's given an assignment to experiment and apply his creativity to meditation until he figures it out. And when he does figure it out, naturally, he causes a whole slew of trouble. (Longfic)
Maternal Instincts
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Raphael has promised to help Mrs. Morrison move some furniture, and the fact that he got his shell kicked the night before is irrelevant as far as he's concerned. Leo has a little something to say about it, but brothers are easily brushed off. A maternal figure like Mrs. Morrison, on the other hand, commands a bit more respect.
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Splinter has been wearing the same kimono for eighteen years. It's survived rain, fire, flood, and turtle teething, but all good clothes must come to an end. When he tears the sleeve of his kimono wide open, he must confront the reality that the garment must be retired. His sons, however, have other ideas.
The Height of Comedy
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During a weekend getaway at the Jones family farm, the turtles (and Casey) get into a friendly spat around the kitchen table that makes Leo feel a little self-conscious.
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Raphael has a dark, terrible secret from his friends: he needs glasses to read. Casey catches him wearing them, then doesn't come around for an entire week, leaving Raphael to struggle to understand. Casey isn't so shallow to stop being friends with him for being a little bit of a nerd...is he?
Spilt Milk
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Based off of a headcanon from AmevelloBlue and art from Holographicmars: Leo isn't always the oldest brother. Sometimes he just can't be—and when he needs a big brother, someone to lean on, Mikey is there for him.
Bag o' Tricks
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Donnie carries a big canvas duffel bag, and like Mary Poppins' carpet bag, it always seems to have just what he needs. Pigeon puppet? Check. Explosives? Check. But what other wonders does his bag contain, and exactly how many times has it gotten him out of trouble? A series of one-shots answering that very question.
The Long Sleep
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Every year, Splinter watches his sons grow lethargic as the weather turns cold. They fall asleep one by one, not to wake again until spring. But as the turtles enter their fourth Long Sleep, Raphael...never gets sleepy. Splinter must quickly learn how to help his son through this transition that he doesn't understand, and even harder—he must learn to entertain a lone four year old.
Anger and Management
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Sending Leo away to Japan is harder than Raph expected it to be, and it brings up some questions regarding what Splinter has done to help Raphael with his anger issues. Mikey does what he can to comfort his brother in all the turmoil.
The Afterward
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Donnie's family have managed to get a cure for his double-mutation brought on by Bishop's outbreak virus, but he isn't out of the woods yet. The detransformation process is stalling, and now it's all the boys can do to keep Donatello alive long enough to figure out why. (Longfic)
One, Two, Three, Four (Turtles)
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Most animals establish within their communities a sort of pecking order—an established hierarchy of which individual is most in charge, and which is the least. Among wolf packs, this leader is called the alpha. Among brothers, he is simply the eldest. With four turtles of indeterminate ages, Splinter makes an executive decision or four.
Curiosity Killed The Cat (But Raphael Brought It Back)
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Raphael keeps disappearing on a schedule. Everyone has their theories on where he is—Mikey thinks it's a girl, Leo thinks he and Casey must have gotten into something, and Donnie thinks it's none of their business. When they tail him one night (out of concern, of course, and not burning curiosity), they're unprepared to learn the truth of his routine absences.
Turtle Power
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Seeing Shredder's four-armed robotic body in Exodus sends Donnie reeling right before the toughest battle he's ever fought. It feels like everything is going wrong in slow motion up until the power core overloads--and then time stops altogether.
Quiet Times
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Now with ADORABLE art!!
While Splinter is trying to steal a moment of peace one afternoon, Michelangelo takes advantage of his distracted brothers and steals a moment of alone time with his father.
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What if the marks that the Triceratons put on the turtles' skin had been permanent? A little conversation between brothers regarding tattoos, accomplishment, and whether or not it's allowed to attack oneself for science.
Things Left Unsaid
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While working on the Turtle Tunneller to get ready for their final showdown with The Shredder, Leo approaches Donnie with something to say. Set during the episode Same As It Never Was, future!Leo talking with Donatello.
Doctor On Call
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Four times that Donnie has to play doctor for his family, and one where they have to doctor him.
As It Never Will Be
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The first thing Donatello does when they're returned to their lair, only minutes after the Ultimate Draco scattered them to the far-flung corners of the multiverse, is sit down and have a panic attack. His brothers try to reach him in the coming days, but in the end, it's only Mikey who is able to break the seal.
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Mikey and Raph compete to see who can one-hit KO more Foot ninja in one battle. Leo and Donnie are just glad that one of their brothers' wagers is working out in their favor—until Mikey's scream rings out across the rooftops.
Blame It On The ADD Babey
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Donatello gets worried when he sees Mikey on the WebDoc page, and after his brother's blessing, decides to finish Mikey's medical research for him. This ends...well.
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cabinofimagines · 5 months
Chapter IV; convincing
So it took a while, but at some point I realised I wanted to finish writing at least arc one before posting the rest so oops.
Word Count: 1.2k
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You both re-entered the clearing, followed closely by an overly excited Mrs. O’Leary. 
"No problem, I've got worse enemies than overweight satyrs." You overheard Percy saying. Nico was the first of you two to speak up, letting your presence be known to the demigod and tree nymph. 
"Good job, Percy. Judging from the trail of goat pellets, I'd say you shook him up pretty well." You could see clearly that Percy was nervous as he tried to smile. You were aware that Nico had made it pretty clear to Percy what his plan was, and if you were in this kid’s shoes you would have been nervous too. Luckily, you were just an idiot tagging along in the plan.
"Welcome back. Did you come by just to see Juniper? And who is your friend?" Nico blushed and you wondered whether it was about the friend thing, or about Juniper.
"This is (Y/n), and um, no. That was an accident. I kind of . . . dropped into the middle of their conversation." Blushing out of embarrassment then, you inwardly cheered. He also did not deny the friend comment you happily noted.
"He scared us to death!" Juniper said. "Right out of the shadows. But, Nico, you are the son of Hades and all. Are you sure you haven't heard anything about Grover?" Nico shifted his weight. Ah, she must have been crying worried over her lover. You had caught some of the stories around camp, however you did not know any of these people personally, so you tended to mind your own business. 
"Juniper, like I tried to tell you . . . even if Grover died, he would reincarnate into something else in nature. I can't sense things like that, only mortal souls." "But if you do hear anything?" she pleaded, putting her hand on his arm. "Anything at all?" Nico's cheeks got even brighter red. "Uh, you bet. I'll keep my ears open." 
"We'll find him, Juniper," Percy promised. "Grover's alive, I'm sure. There must be a simple reason why he hasn't contacted us." She nodded glumly. "I hate not being able to leave the forest. He could be anywhere, and I'm stuck here waiting. Oh, if that silly goat has gotten himself hurt—" Mrs. O'Leary bounded back over and took an interest in Juniper's dress. Juniper yelped. "Oh, no you don't! I know about dogs and trees. I'm gone!" She went poof into green mist. You gaped at her disappearance, never having gotten close to a tree nymph before. 
Mrs. O'Leary looked disappointed, but she lumbered off to find another target, leaving Nico, Percy and me alone. Nico tapped his sword on the ground. A tiny mound of animal bones erupted from the dirt. They knit themselves together into a skeletal field mouse and scampered off. You were impressed by his control, but truly you felt as if this shouldn’t have come as a surprise. 
"I was sorry to hear about Beckendorf." Nico said and you downcast your gaze, having heard the news quiet recently. This was one of the first people from camp that you knew who died, and the news had taken a toll on camp. 
"How did you—" Percy started, and you were reminded that he was there with Beckendorf on the ship. "I talked to his ghost." So the rumours about Nico’s powers were true – he could actually converse with the dead. "Oh . . . right." "Did he say anything?" 
"He doesn't blame you. He figured you'd be beating yourself up, and he said you shouldn't." "Is he going to try for rebirth?" Nico shook his head. 
"He's staying in Elysium. Said he's waiting for someone. Not sure what he meant, but he seems okay with death." You weren’t sure how to feel about these developments, but before you could give it much thought Percy started talking again.
"I had a vision you were on Mount Tarn," he told Nico. "Was that—" 
"Real," Nico said. "I didn't mean to be spying on the Titans, but I was in the neighbourhood." "Doing what?" 
Nico tugged at his sword belt. "Following a lead on . . . you know, my family." Percy nodded. You side eyed your friend, wanting the ask for an elaboration. However, you had felt him close the moment Percy started asking questions to him. You had heard a whisper about a sister, but there was nothing you could go off from. Nico was a mystery to you and you wished you could unravel it. 
"So how did it go?" Percy asked. "Any luck?" 
"No," he murmured. "But I may have a new lead soon." 
"What's the lead?" 
Nico chewed his lip. "That's not important right now. You know why I'm here." You saw Percy’s face fall. You knew Nico wanted you to help convince Percy, but you had barely exchanged a word with the son of Poseidon before. What were you supposed to do? Tell him you would safe him from being stabbed? 
"Nico, I don't know," Percy said. "It seems pretty extreme." 
"You've got Typhon coming in, what . . . a week? Most of the other Titans are unleashed now and on Kronos's side. Maybe it's time to think extreme." Nico looked towards you as to urge you to help him. You stepped forward. 
“If I may, Percy, “ you looked the son of Poseidon in the eye, surprised by the distrust in them, “I’ve been at camp since April – if Nico hadn’t brought me here I would have been dead and I know that even with how hard I – we – camp has been working,” you heard sounds of fighting in the distance, “I fear we are hardly a match for the Titan army.” Nico nodded in agreement. 
“This comes down to you and Luke. And there's only one way you can beat Luke We can give you the same power," Nico urged. "You heard the Great Prophecy. Unless you want to have your soul reaped by a cursed blade . . ." You hadn’t heard the prophecy fully yourself – around camp it was deemed a kind off taboo to mention or talk about.
“You can't prevent a prophecy," Percy said. 
"But you can fight it." Nico had a strange, hungry light m his eyes. "You can become invincible." 
"Maybe we should wait. Try to fight without—" 
"No!" Nico snarled. "It has to be now!" You were startled at his outburst – but you did agree with him. 
"Urn, you sure you're okay?" Percy asked and you threw him a wary look. 
“Percy, look,” you started as you noticed Nico taking a deep breath, “It will be significantly harder, maybe even impossible to take this journey when the fighting starts. Maybe even too late- if you want to prevent any more losses, deaths on our side you must go now.”
“I'm sorry if I'm being too pushy,” Nico’s gaze was strict towards Percy, “but two years ago my sister gave her life to protect you. I want you to honour that. Do whatever it takes to stay alive and defeat Kronos”
"All right," Percy decided. "What do we do first?"
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rivangel · 8 days
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→ Locked Out of Heaven (angsty) Four years after you sacrificed yourself for Levi in battle, he sees your ghost dressed as a Warrior, living in Marley. You’re alive, but you’re no longer yourself. In order to rectify his past mistakes, he chooses to stop at nothing to bring you back.
→ "I... don't know how I got here."
→ He Loves It Levi worries about coming out to you, but he can't live like this.
→ One muse calls sender late at night in tears and the other comes over to comfort them. 
→ Cause You Grief If there’s one rule to survive in Titan country, and the most important rule if there was any others, it’s to spend every moment expecting the unexpected. 
→ I'm alone.  And it’s my own fault.  But it doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
→ Lament, Abject (angsty) Not even Levi is invulnerable, both after the war and back then, so it's stupid to be scared when he gets sick. Until it isn't.
→ To Have and to Hold (+smut) After you help him through a moment of weakness, Levi is afraid of the ramifications.
→ "I’m not leaving you, Levi."
→ Catching Cold, Catching Dreams (angsty) If there is one constant, despite the living hell that was the mission to retake Wall Maria, it’s Levi—or it used to be. Lately, it’s impossible to be sure, but at least you have the Scouts’ unofficial, residential therapist: a cat named Pia.
→ One muse helps the other into a bath after a traumatic event / they bathe together.
→ Dumbstruck (angsty) You're keeping bad news from Levi. He doesn't know what yet, but he braces himself for the worst.
→ Cracked Crown Levi finally returns to you after months away, and you both have some deep revelations about each other. Where do people go when they need some deliverance?
→ One muse sits outside the door to comfort the other, who won’t let them in.
→ Attack Dog Upon visiting Marley for the first time, Levi does more than defend you when some men try to bother you.
→ Things That Eat You help Levi through a dissociative episode.
→ Iron Sights After you have a brush with death on an expedition, Levi is unusually protective. Or perhaps it was most expected.
→ One shielding the other with their body.
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→ Levi *almost dies in your arms
→ Levi's horse [not ship content]
→ "We can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want."
→ "You’re not alone, I promise.”
→ "Hey, watch it. That's a big mess."
→ "There’s no shame in crying, I promise."
→ Free (ao3) You and Levi try something new in the bedroom. It doesn’t have its intended effect.
→ “No, it’s bad, but I’m. Like. I’m fine. Just give me like, ten minutes.”
→ "I... don’t know how I got here.”
→ “There are just too many people depending on me. I can’t rest. I can’t let them down."
→ Levi Month - jealousy + secret relationship
→ When Dawn Never Comes (ao3) Levi reflects on the darker era of his life when a tragedy strikes your squad.
→ giving Levi breakfast in bed
→ Levi uses the safeword
→ After the attack on Liberio, Levi wonders if there’s anything he could’ve done to prevent it.
→ letting Levi use your lap as a pillow
→ comforting you on your body image
→ comforting you after a long, awful day
→ seeing Levi cry
→ Speed of Light You’ve always had a small irrational fear of mundane things: the washing machine, the garbage disposal, PG-13 horror movies… The list goes on, but (thankfully) Levi loves you despite your anxious nature. Thing is, not all fears are mundane.. or exactly irrational.
→ ftm!Levi discovers he’s scared of needles
→ “Don’t touch me.”
→ defending you → comforting you when you're upset
→ Levi+insomniac!Reader
→ When you sleep a little too much
→ Levi is too modest
→ Levi+Reader with nightmares → You have a nightmare → Levi has a nightmare
→ Tell Me Where It Hurts You are a specialized trauma nurse with the Survey Corps on the receiving end of a particularly dreadful expedition. Levi missed you dearly.
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→ when Levi has a subdrop
→ about baby!Levi and Kuchel
→ new dad!Levi
→ how you could help to rebuild/boost canonverse!Levi's self image and self worth
➤ All other headcanons ✲ミ☁
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main Levi masterlist
updated 09/15/24
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OUTLANDER 07x03: NOT "Just a Cat"
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In the show, Claire thought that Adso had died in the fire. So of course she was very relieved to find him alive. But as soon as she found him again, she had to say goodbye--at least for a while. And Claire found herself sobbing.
In the book, the morning after the fire, Amy McCallum’s son Aidan found Adso in his bed, so Claire knew he hadn't died. However, shortly thereafter, Claire had to say goodbye to him when she was leaving for Scotland. She also began to sob.
In this excerpt from An Echo in the Bone, Jamie shows he understands some deeper meaning as to why Claire weeps:
“It’s not—don’t worry, I’m … He’s only a cat,” I said, and a small fresh grief tightened like a band round my chest. “Aye, I know.” He moved beside me and put an arm round my shoulders, pulling my head to his chest, while he gently wiped my face. “But ye couldna weep for the bairns. Or the house. Or your wee garden. Or the poor dead lass and her bairn. But if ye weep for your cheetie, ye know ye can stop.” “How do you know that?” My voice was thick, but the band round my chest was not quite so tight. He made a small, rueful sound. “Because I canna weep for those things, either, Sassenach. And I havena got a cat.” --A scene from Diana Gabaldon's An Echo in the Bone (2009, p. 123).
Yes, Adso symbolized all that Claire had lost and a way for her to let out some of her grief.
However, I don't think we should diminish the fact that in the show, Claire was also expressing both relief that Adso hadn't died, and actual sadness that she had to leave him behind when she left for Scotland.
As a therapist, I've listened to many of my clients over the years as they grieved the loss of a pet. They often apologize for their grief, because it's "just a cat" or "just a dog."
But our pets are also members of our families, who give us unconditional love and much joy. Therefore, of course it is perfectly natural for us to feel deep sadness at their loss.
Adso was also special to Claire just because of the joy she felt in being with him. Of course she would be sad at having to leave him behind, not knowing if he would continue to be all right.
There's also something special about raising a cat from kittenhood that brings out the "cat mother--and father" in most of us.
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Cait has been a "cat mother" in the past. I know she had two cats as an adult, possibly more when she was younger. Many fans watched Cait take great joy in her cat Eddie. Many of us also mourned for Eddie, when she died.
Actors draw on their own experiences to realistically express emotions. I wouldn't be surprised if Cait had drawn on her experience of losing her cats, when she wept for Adso.
In conclusion, there were many reasons that Claire wept after saying goodbye to Adso. But Adso was a family member to Claire. Never, "just a cat."
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bonearenaofmyskull · 8 months
Yeah, I saw the reblog and naturally it made me curious, if you wanted Clarice to save Will obviously you also wanted Will to be away from Hannibal otherwise what's the meaning of saving here? You also said her role will be like Abigail who would now pull Will out of his darkness so everything indicated a future where we see hannigram being separated from each other and we don't really have a problem with that at all.
Thank you for the polite question. I'll do my best to explain.
So first of all, don't worry yourself with what I want from the narrative. I absolutely have biases, the same as everyone else, but most people I meet don't think the way I do, and I don't really know to shore up where the discrepancy lies. In short, no, I do not think that saving Will from Hannibal necessarily means that they need to be separated from each other (or that I want that): in my mind, if Will's really saved, then he could withstand Hannibal's worst moral onslaught even if he were in close proximity. If he needs distance, then he's still morally vulnerable, and that's not really saved, is it? And that kind of explains what I mean by "saved."
Therefore, I don't equate "saved" with Will not having a relationship with Hannibal. We don't see these things the same way. As you see it, if Will is "saved," there's no Hannigram, but that's a non-sequitur: it doesn't necessarily follow. It's possible that Will could theoretically be free from Hannigram and not be saved, and, conversely, he could be saved and still have Hannigram. These are separate things, and either prospect simply requires a different type of writing to make it happen.
The show has already established--quite firmly--that Will's rejection of Hannibal is not sufficient to put Hannibal off, and it's already shown a season of them officially "broken up" where they're not really broken up at all. Being separate from Hannibal is not really a recipe for being saved from him. It didn't work when Will had a wife and kid and dogs and a wilderness home and everything he ever wanted in life, and that's because saving, for Will, is something that has to happen on the internal landscape of his mind with how he relates to the world, Hannibal, and most importantly, with himself.
This idea also assumes that Hannibal himself is immutable as a character, that he can't adjust his worldview to accept a version of Will that isn't the sheepdog wanting to savage the sheep. That's a really risky assumption in a show where the main theme is about transformation. When I made my post about Hannibal's baptism, this is the question that I was posing. I don't know where change would take Hannibal, but I very much can't assume that change is off the table in this regard. All of Hannibal's significant changes have been because of Will, and to some extent, Abigail. Clarice would stand positioned to take up Abigail's missing role in at least some ways, so whatever she may do to change Will, she may also do to change Hannibal. Whatever those things may be, she needs that level of power over the narrative if she's able to come into it at all.
So change, whether we call it saving or something else, is something that's on the table for both men.
Now, I'm actually with you in some ways in the sense that it's hard to see the show's dynamic going forward if Will gets to a point where he's saved, as in done, past tense, it's over, no more changing. So it being done implies the end of Will's character arc. And that implies the end of the show--the intended end, not the Cliffening. Will's the main character, and I don't see the show continuing without him, especially with the rights issues and precariously small amount of show that we might get even if they were able to bring it back in any meaningful way.
So from the point of view of "saved" implying an end to the character change, it does imply an end to the show. But that end could mean anything: maybe he dies. Maybe Hannibal dies. Maybe Clarice dies. Maybe they ALL die, muahaha! With that in mind, I don't see Will being saved as necessarily being indicative of Hannibal and Will being split up: as the S3 deleted post-credits scene implied, there's a version of ending the show where they're together in death, forever.
And that doesn't mean that I even think they're going to die, any one of them. I'm just pointing out that Will's "saving" as an ending leaves the show with any version of Hannigram or no Hannigram that it wants to leave. The possibilities are endless.
For all these years that I've written about Hannibal, since literally season 1, what Clannibal shippers have always wanted in some form was for Will to clear out of the story in some way to make room for Clarice and Hannibal to be together, on the show, so that they could see their ship in action. I can relate to this desire, but I don't think it can happen by Clarice "saving" Will from Hannibal. Because if that happens, then it isn't that Hannigram is over...it's that the show is.
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aja154ever · 1 year
Bungo Stray Dogs Anime Stellar Radio Interview - 09/26/2023
Sharing some points from the Anime Stellar Radio Interview with Kadokawa Producer Kurakane Chiaki.
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"Asagiri supervises everything."
Kurakane shares that sensei always comes to the anime script meetings and has never missed any, despite his busy schedule.
How Kadokawa met BSD
Kurakane's first encounter with BSD was when she saw it on the cover of Young Ace. The person next to her in the office brought the magazine and she just happened to see it. She was amazed and drawn to Harukawa's character design- its beauty and originality captivated her.
About the Character Design
In BSD, the "silhoutte" of a character is very important and distinctive- even if the drawing is just all black you can tell who the character is. When they selected the main illustrator for the anime, they had animators from Bones submit their pieces anonymously. The one whose silhoutte resembled Harukawa's the most turned out to be Nobuhiro Arai (current Character Designer and Chief Animation Director).
On Atsushi as a Character
The appeal of Atsushi as a character can be seen right from the first scene. Despite thinking that he would have to steal in order to live, upon seeing someone "drowning" in the river, he still chose to save them. He could not go against his good-natured heart and character.
Dazai's Treatment to Atsushi and Akutagawa
Regarding the difference in the treatment of Dazai to Atsushi and Akutagawa, Kurakane thinks that Dazai acts like that because he believes that that is the most effective and appropriate way for each of them. Well we don't really know what Dazai is thinking, and we may not agree with his ways especially with Akutagawa, but in the end it does make Akutagawa hold on to his life (despite having an illness) and strive to become stronger. Dazai may be seeing a bigger picture than all of us and probably in his own way, acting with the words of his late friend in mind.
BSD in Real Life
One of the most memorable characters for Kurakane is Shibusawa Tatsuhiko because they got to meet and even eat together with the real literary master's wife. She also mentions that in BSD collabs with literary museums, they also sometimes meet the relatives of other literary masters.
BSD: A Ten-year Project
The anime started around 7.5 years ago, but for them in the anime production team it actually started 9 years ago. Back then, Kurakane was asked by the company's higher-ups to create something that could continue on for 10 years.
With the main anime series, movies, stage plays, games, Wan! anime, collabs, etc. here and there, Kurakane felt like she's been running for 24h for 365 days, so in all honesty, now that the 5th season is finished, she just wants to sleep well and… play with her cat at home.
Kurakane is also one of the people behind the official Twitter account. She recalls that sometimes when she tweets something late at night (while not checking the time), some fans would leave comments worrying about the staff working too much.
Kurakane shares that of all the songs in BSD, "Lily" holds a special place in her heart because she remembers Kubodera Akira- Mori's first stage actor who died in suspected suicide- saying that he likes the song a lot.
About 「未了」 (Unfinished)
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In "A Perfect Murder and Murderer", the last word on the manuscript of Yokomizo- a writer- which was wet with Mushitaro's tear, is 「了」, which means "finished". To give the BSD anime a more literary feel and tone, they chose to have the 「了」.
In a similar note, while the previous BSD stage plays always ended with 「閉幕」 ("end of play" or literally "closing of curtain"), the last play: Cannibalism used the word 「了」 instead, signifying that the BSD Stage Play, as a whole piece, is "finished".
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What BSD Is
Kurakane shares that BSD screenwriter Enokido Yoji once said that if a story of how one becomes successful is what a Shonen manga is, then depicting the journey of a defeated person searching for their place in this world is what Literature is.
Those words really stuck with Kurakane like a guiding principle, and so no matter what media form they create BSD in, they strive to remain faithful to its root.
BSD is relatable, as it properly shows those troubles that anyone of us may be experiencing in our lives. This theme of "struggling"- which in itself is "living"- is what they strive to keep at the heart of BSD.
Future Plans
For now Kurakane can't really say anything about the future of the anime, but as they take a rest she hopes they come up with something good for BSD, in whatever form that may be. The only clear plans that they have right now are the Gakuen game, the expo, and some collabs with museums.
BSD Media Timeline
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Asagiri-sensei, Harukawa-sensei, and all the staff of BSD have done so much for us for the past decade. We really should appreciate their hard work more! Please support the official accounts and releases as much as possible!
I’m no longer active on tumblr nowadays, so you may follow me on twitter instead @harukaja15
My translations on tumblr are compiled under the tag #bsd translation and #my works
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yumikattodl · 4 months
Diabolik lovers more Blood { Blood Bloued] Dark no 8
Dark no 8
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Shirai, she said, is not human. Who is Yumi - san !Yumi, she is not human.
Mukami,after a while they realized that Yumi was nowhere with them and when they looked around nowhere could find her she had melted into the air and all the smells were mixed together. With everyone that it was difficult to track down the girl at one time but Mukami,they would not give up.
Kou, still looking for his girlfriend even though they pretend the relationship he does not want to lose her can not lose M Neko - chan.
When they came across a burning marketplace and there was the smell of navy blue-haired they set off on her trail like dogs looking for their mistress.
- Shirai do you hate people?- asked Yumi suddenly eating a cake
- It's not like that I just hate how weak they are worthless pawns!!! - giggled the demoness
- In my opinion, they are just ridiculous in this," she fired out
- I see, in that case I will go if you hate them then you hate me too! Shirai- san goodbye!- Yumi stood up in a fit of anger!
- Yumi wait!" she growled. And grabbed her hands cuddling her to herself- Don't be angry with me I like you Yumi San just people are weak and worthless you are not like that.
- Believe me weak,they die this is the law of nature and you can't do anything about it," said the pink-haired woman.
- You are right on the whole...- said Yumi- So I say, the truth!!!- growled the girl.
- All in all, right," Yumi admitted to her.
Shirai - San is right people are weak.They die of weaknessBecause they can't cope People are lousy.Yumi - San, she was lousy that's why the former Yumi- San died Shirai is right.
- I'm glad we agree on this," Demonica smiled as she milked the cake once Yumi had eaten hers.
After a while, the two girls left the cafe.- Are you here with someone ?"
- Shirai asked her Yumi,at these words after Mukami sad - san, he is with them and living with him is a nightmare.
- Yes,I am...- she admitted to her being sad at this thought.
- Do not worry I will defend you from them we are friends ne~~~ Yumi - san Avri?- asked Shirai And Yumi, smiled truly for the first time Shirai - san will defend her are friends. She has a friend.
It was a nice feeling knowing that she has someone she can trust.
- Thank you Shirai - san !!! - the girl threw herself at her and hugged the pink-haired girl.
Even if for Yumi,it was illusory it was nice to have someone like her for a while. Shirai - san liked her, listened to her.Yumi,after a while, broke away from the demon.
- So what are we going to go eat sweets somewhere ? And you will tell me everything?" she asked her
- Sure!!- threw her Yumi Although she knew that she should not trust strangers Shirai, she was nice and listened to her and she wanted someone like that she liked Shirai.
Shirai, she knew everything from Karl Hein left her here to Yumi to meet in the world of demons Shirai knows everything. What Yumi ,does not know. Shirai will tell her. And she will help,she has a debt to the vampire king and will pay it.
Shirai, took a liking to Yumi.
The girls, found a secluded spot in the park and began their candy board. They both loved sweets it brought them together.After a short time, they ate everything they had. They knew they would probably be sick, but they didn't care, the important thing was that they were happy before that.
When, they had already dumped the empty bags and both were on their feet because they were sitting on a bench.
Yumi someone grabbed her hands and grabbed her turning her to see Kou.
- There you are my kitten!!! You know how I was worried about you !!! I thought something happened to you !!!! - growled Kou threateningly But she, doesn't believe him.- I told you to stay away,
" chuckled Ruki - There will be punishment at home," Ruki told her And Shirai at these words shrugged off
- No one is going to punish me Yumi - san !!! - she shouted to them and Mukami only then did they pay attention to theto the girl. They looked at their empty bags
- You two were eating sweets here ?"- asked Ruki To which both girls nodded their heads - Kitten you are impossible - and Kou wanted to kiss Yumi when she squirmed.
Shirai snatched him from Yumi's embrace annoying Kou with this.
- What do you think you are doing? Taking my kitty away from me ?!- growled an upset Kou.
- Yumi - san remember, me soon we will meet and now goodbye," said her girlfriend hugging Yumi
After which the girl, disappeared as if she had never been there. Only a black mist remained.
- It was a DEMON?!!- shouted Ruki who was shocked and as if terrified, but did not show it from himself.
- Yes,it was Shirai - San is great,I love her already no one is as cool as her
- praised her Yumi which did not like one of the mukami.Kou Mukami.
But he left it for now,at home he will show her.
When, Mukami arrived with Yumi at Yuma's destination - kun.
Yuma took to plucking the flower but something unexpected happened.Roslina, knocked yume- kun to the ground yuma wanted to pluck the plant but the plant began to squeal knocking him to the ground.
The scream, was unbearable that it hurt his ears. But, yuma did not give up he was strong and tried but every, time he tried yuma was rammed by the flower.
The flower,was for yuma - kun unconquerable in spite of the hardship he put himself through he had to admit it after several hours of agony. Where they all lay, exhausted by the screams of the flower.
After a while they all moved from that place happy except yuma kun who was disappointed that he didn't get a flower. But when he spotted some vendor, with yuma seeds he immediately rushed there, talking to him.
By the time he returned happy with the seeds.
- I don't know what it is, but the seller said that if it grows it will be delicious to eat quickly let's go back I have to sow it!!!
- rejoiced yuma - kun rush everyone to return to the human world.
- It's a kitten coming with me!- said kou taking her bride style the girl blushed at this gesture, kou seeing this on the girl's face smiled and brought her closer by embracing her more on her ass where she had shorts on.
Kou, smiled wryly at Yumi. And she didn't know how to react to what the boy was doing.
He was getting at her!!! She didn't want him to violate her personal space.
- We are the ones to drop M Neko - chan!!! - threw Kou holding her and teleported after a while they were back at the Mukamich residence.
After a while the rest of the brothers were there too.
- Umm..Kou could you let me go," said the girl it wasn't that she didn't like being in the boy's arms but the fact that he was incalculable scared her.
And the fact that Kou would want something in return.
They pretended to be a couple they are not a real couple nevertheless she is still surprised by the goose-stepping that Kou does towards her as if they were a real couple.
He would kiss her, carry her in his arms. She could, she would even fall in love with him....
- But why should I leave my kitty," the boy giggled in her ear - from looking at you makes me want to puke!!!
- burped yuma - kun - Yumi - San, we have to talk about this demon.
- Threw suddenly Ruki Yumi at this gesture broke out of the usisk kou and landed painfully on the floor, she did not make any voice of pain.
- You mean Shirai - San,she is wonderful ne ~~ Ruki - kun ?
- Asked a delighted Yumi get up from the floor being next to kou kun but looked into ruki's eyes.
- This is a demon, I heard they are dangerous.
- Started Ruki when she got up.- I know, it!- said the dark blue-haired one.
- So okay, you understand that you can't spend time with her and hang out with her.
- Said Ruki to Yumi Yumi froze. After so long she had a friend and he was destroying that.
She didn't want to be alone when Karl Hein let her go after so long, she had some freedom.
He was destroying it forbidding her friendship,the truth was also that she had a laito - San, but Yumi didn't want to know laito or sakamaki anymore it was all because of cordeli'e too many wounds inflicted on her she was a demon.
But Yumi is not afraid of demons and will not let them destroy her friendship.
- I won't let you Ruki -kun.... - Yumi began
- I think I overheard because I heard your objection!!!- chuckled Ruki
- You heard Ruki well - kun!- started the girl.
- I think you are dreaming cattle - he chuckled.
- I think we don't understand each other - began this time Yumi
- Hey, you won't talk to Ruki like that!!!- shouted an annoyed Yuma - Shut up !!
- shouted this time Yumi
- YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND, SHIRAI IS MY FRIEND!!! I ADORE HER I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS A DEMON EVEN IF I HAVE TO DIE, I WILL DO IT I WILL DIE! EVEN IF IT HURTS I WILL NOT LET YOU RUKI - KUN DESTROY THEM!!!- shouted an annoyed girl to him. It was the first time a person had ripped into them and for Mukamich it was a shock.
Everyone had ,painted shock.
- So, understand Ruki - kun, I will never give it up even if I have to die for it! For Shirai - San I will do it! I don't care that it will surely hurt I will do it without hesitation!
- She threw Yumi to Ruki who was shocked by Yumi - san's words.
The girl, she had such energy like they were in the orphanage does not give up she is persistent like they used to be.
It's not that Ruki doesn't like Yumi , he liked her but feared for her safety he wanted her to be safe.
- You're too brazen for cattle!!!- chuckled Ruki - Well I'll leave it at that, there's no point in arguing with someone like you and so he'll make sure you don't have contact with her !"- chuckled Ruki
Yumi,not withstanding. Pomegranate-haired was a short girl grabbed him by the shoulders what the vampire was strongly surprised by this gesture on her part.
- You are the one who will listen to me Mukami Ruki!- she growled at him.- I can not, let you! For this even if it is a DEMON! - Yumi told him.
- That woman was a demon I will never forgive her...
- This time she burbled to herself Yumi - So Ruki I don't care what you think what you want to do I won't allow it!!!
- She growled at him letting go of Ruki. The vampire,was surprised everyone in the room was surprised by her outburst.Yumi,is a strange person and a mystery but she has something intriguing about he
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A little girl, woke up from her dream. She smiled at her brother he was older than her even though he was often busy taking care of her and liked to play.
With her younger sister Avri
The boy was nine years older than her. But for them this age difference did not bother well they got along well he took care of her always,even though there were often fights and quarrels, as they hate each other.
- Avri!!!-I will always protect you!!!
- Smiled navy blue-haired boy hugging the girl to himself.
- Well I hope!!!- she giggled to her brother.
˚୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Yumi, woke up from her dream what was it ?!
She shouted to herself to her mind she often had such unclear dreams not knowing what they meant ?
Only this boy from the dream is so familiar to her and yet she doesn't know him....
And that situation with the blood only she doesn't remember anything,and yet she wants to know the meaning of those dreams.
Still,she has them but she can't get rid of the feeling that it concerns her.
And it's not, it's just a dream.⋆ ˚
。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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arcadekitten · 1 year
You got 5 seconds to high tail it out of here before I show you the entire plot of a game that I played a few months. Very amazing game btw.
I feel like we stay on the same characters for the appreciation train, so Let's ask about some BH characters!
Where did Mallory get Catsby? Was it a gift from a loved one? Is there a story there?
Why does Gus like Marshmallows on burgers? (The monster /j)
How did Griindel get into his current position, protecting the spirits at the hospital? (Nobody tell Rune about that one)
Which is another question. What did Rune do? How? What?
I don't have a question about the Australian, sorry
Is Lucky a good boy?
And finally, just what happened to Aubrey and how did Reginald devise the mix up with Mary? (To be assumed that he was fully at fault, which I believe the game states but I could always be wrong)
Thank you, I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! ♡
Catsby was a gift from her family! Probably her parents or grandparents. He's her favorite toy! ===
Gus can eat just about everything!! And anything!! I think he loves all sorts of wacky food combos!! ===
I imagine when Griindel died he encountered the very many troubled spirits of the afterlife, and his caring nature took over and he took to trying to look out for them and keeping them feeling safe. He got into the medical field because he cared about helping people, after all. ===
Don't worry about it :-) ===
Lucky IS a good boy!! A very good dog indeed! ===
While I can't go over too much about his decision to do it, accomplishing it wasn't that hard. Most people haven't seen Mary and there's not much public information available about her. If you look at the picture frames in Dr. Tetra's office, one of them is empty. That's because he just took the picture of himself and Aubrey out of the frame. Aubrey herself is fine. I imagine she's already been discharged from the hospital before the beginning of the game.
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bonefall · 1 year
So i translated the first generation of all of my OCs (Over 150 cats--don't worry I'm hyperfixating on the next generation now) and I have a few gems that I thought you'd like
1. The OG, Dogstar. His name was originally Otterflame (Morfaffyn--translates as is), but for an honor title, he receives the name Dogcaller (Bayaoshaba--Large-dog-prayer)
2. My girl, Stormystar. Her warrior name was Stormyskies (Urrnyaawrl--Stormy gray-skies) but as a dishonor title after her death, she's named Bahahaoshai (Violent-storm-star)
3. Ambercall, who I named after like, actual amber, not the color amber, so her name translates as Kemree'rrihi'shainana (Ginger-pearl-hymn), which I shortened to Kemrrihiana 
4. This one I'm really proud of. A medicine cat, named Mothcloud (Raoffharryr--Prominent moth-fast cloud), nearly died, but was saved, seemingly by starclan's will. Her mentor renamed her to Mothgash (Hawofygrraga--Herald moth-mauled), due to the spiritual nature of her 'revival'
5. I do need a bit of help with this one, if at all possible. I have a few cats with the suffix -run/-runner, but I couldn't find a word for it, so I named a cat (Ferretrun) Haakekegrryrrprriprra (Ferret-is-fast) and that's a bit of a mouthful
6. This one is funny. Icenose, named for the white snip on his nose, is Chikichoop, nicknamed Chichoo which is funny because it sounds like a sneeze
7. I have a cat named Dovechirp and her clanmew name makes me really happy. Its Hoowoohoo'oowamew (Wood pigeon-lullaby) its so fun to say
8. Lastly, there's an elder. By all accounts, he should be dead. No one knows how he is still alive. His name is Mouseface (Naibauss--Living mouse-face), but all his family jokingly calls him Woobauss (Dead mouse-face)
Excellent job!! GOLD star to Dovechirp, Woodpigeon-Lullaby is an MVP here
I'd keep your translation, because I'd imagine your cats are set up in a place where they're able to encounter amber. It's actually very common in some places, it melts out of icebergs and washes up on shorelines. The UK's "amber coast" is named for that reason!
So Ginger-pearl is perfect. It makes sense they'd start using a word to describe it like that.
But in Base Clanmew, the word they're using for "Amber" (like Amberleaf) is closer in meaning to "Resin." That word is Aogi. Resin is what eventually becomes amber, after millions of years of a sort of fossilization process. Clan cats collect this right out of trees.
It can be hardened, but has a tacky, taffy-like texture when it's fresh.
When it comes to suffixes like 'runner,' under the Clanmew hood, the translations are almost always more abstract than it seems.
Nyoopaba is the one usually being used in WindClan. It roughly means "to gallop," but it's actually the specific technique that moor-runners are taught to use to run so fast. You curl your spine entirely like a rabbit to get as much distance as possible out of each bound.
So Haakekenyoopa, Ferret Will-Run, makes an easy translation. Hanyoo for short.
But for a translation less about 'skill' and more about raw speed, I'd go with 'sprint,' Fwioonee. Haakekefwioon, Ferret Sprinting, Haafwi for short.
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docholligay · 8 months
Wintering by Peter Geye
The absolute best moment of this book:
“History and memory aren’t the same thing.” “How are they different? “History doesn’t abide acts of the imagination but memories depend on it. And memories are as much what we’ve forgotten as what we recall. History cannot be forgotten” (as a history girlie, I don't even AGREE, but I love love the ideas in that and definitely find them worth engaging with)
Trying to think of what I would say about this book that's not spoilery, and isn't quite as dismissive as I think I could sound about it. Because there are a lot of redeeming qualities in this book. But, at core, it's what I'm going to very reductively call, "A book for your 60 year old dad" It's a bildungsroman about mustache twirling evil in a small town, the seduction and purity of nature but especially survivalism against the elements, and realizing your parents don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Doc, uh, don't you love the purity of survival against the elements? Well, yes, I am your 60 year old dad also, and I can have a LOT of fun with a fuckin...Call of the Wild moment. Join me in spoiler town for the rest
I think the issue is not, "Learning what sort of man you are up against the freezing winter on the border between Minnesota and Canada." I think those things are in fact very clarifying. But. There has to be more to carry the book, and a lot of what resonates with the author doesn't resonate with me.
Geye makes a big deal out of Harry, Gus' father. I called it a bildungsroman and I guess it is but as I'm sitting here, I think it's actually more about Harry and Gus' reactions to Harry, even after he's fucking dead, then it is about Gus himself. I could tell you everything about Harry only a handful of things about Gus. It's about Harry and how Harry is a great guy and comes from a long line of good men who were involved with shitty women, but don't worry Berit waited for him until his wife left because he was so great and she knew from the outset it was only him for her. Which is actually a larger problem with this novel: Women are bitches or dogs. But I am not going to be harsh enough to call it misogynist because the flat characters are nearly everyone who isn't Harry, so at that point its just a blind spot.
Speaking of, my GOD, what a mustache twirling villain. To the point of, I shit you not, pushing his disabled war hero brother into the open hole of a cliff fall. That is not a joke I made, that is me recounting the tale to you.
So, why don't you say the story is awful, full stop? Because when its focused on the nature, and the winter, and the fact that Harry has clearly imagined this wintering as a vehicle for revenge more than anything, and that he has endangered his son in order to try and get his moment with Charlie, that nothing else about this fucking mattered, it has moments of brilliance. The lack of planning and an end, the map made up of imagined lakes and rivers out of a romantic sense of exploration, the mercy of nature and the borderlands against its harshness, the moose eaten by wolves because they were tangled into each others' horns from a fight. (But of course despite what would have been brilliant foreshadowing, Harry can't die here)
Harry is so great that he doesn't even die when he dies, he wanders off into the winter woods and they do not find his body I am not making a joke I am not joking.
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