#His own family ain't even doing this shit (far as I know) fucks wrong with you
theglizzardwizard · 1 year
Just write allegorically and you'll feel better
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mcflymemes · 5 months
PROMPTS FROM THE SOPRANOS *  assorted dialogue from the television show, adjust as necessary
i find i have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.
i went ahead and ordered some for the table.
when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.
we've got guns here.
he just told you to shut the fuck up.
the things i take pleasure in, i can't do.
don't you ever say you hate life.
oh, poor you!
so what, no fucking ziti now?
you want compromise? how's this?
i'll keep this short and sweet.
you're weak. you're outta control. and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.
sometimes it's important to give people the illusion of being in control.
are you in the mafia?
tomorrow i can be on time, but you'll be stupid forever.
let me tell you a couple of three things.
you're not gonna believe this.
a wrong decision is better than indecision.
i'm like king midas in reverse here. everything i touch turns to shit.
if you can quote the rules, then you can obey them.
we're soldiers. soldiers don't go to hell. it's war. soldiers kill other soldiers.
we're in a situation where everyone involved knows the stakes and if you are going to accept those stakes, you've got to do certain things.
there's an old italian saying: you fuck up once, you lose two teeth.
someday soon, you're gonna have families of your own and if you're lucky, you'll remember the little moments like this that were good.
hey, i don't even let anyone wag their finger in my face.
it's good to be in something from the ground floor.
those who want respect give respect.
is this a woman thing? you ask me how i'm feeling, i tell you how i'm feeling, and now you're going to torture me with it.
lately, i'm getting the feeling that i came in at the end. the best is over.
my father was in it. my uncle was in it.
maybe i was too lazy to think for myself.
buy land, 'cause god ain't making any more of it.
i don't care how close you are. in the end, your friends are gonna let you down.
family... they're the only ones you can depend on.
take your hat off.
teddy roosevelt once gave an entire speech with a bullet lodged in his chest. some things are just a matter of duty.
some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading.
sometimes we're all hypocrites.
other people's definitions of you, sometimes they're more about making themselves feel better. you gotta define yourself.
people only see what you allow them to see.
death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life.
you know when i was depressed i said i didn't want to live? well, i'll tell you something. i didn't want to die.
that's why dinosaurs don't exist no more.
don't touch that! my program's coming on.
i wish the lord would take me now.
our existence on this earth is a puzzle.
i'm getting my wine in position to throw in your damn face.
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thephantomcasebook · 14 days
Aemond wasn't Daeron in season 1, not even close🙄 Daeron was even mentioned by AEMOND in the script where Aemond was softened already. He was even more soft as a child but they cut several scenes. They turned him into a 'smart' character just so he would think he is better than his brother for his future betrayal.
Oh my God, you Aemond fangirls have got to stop perpetuating this self-aggrandizing myth that Show!Aemond is close to Book!Aemond and was always this way.
He's not.
Tween Aemond in the show, you could definitely make that argument, because, the book doesn't really get into detail about his character as a child, yeah?
But once you get to Ewan Mitchell's Aemond, that ain't Aemond, that's Daeron pretending to be Aemond. And don't get me wrong, Ewan Mitchell does the best of anyone playing that character, but that is far from being Aemond as he was written in the book.
Aemond is boisterous, brash, and everything is do or die. He doesn't think things through but his boldness and will to act puts him over the top every time. He is Aegon's enforcer, and he relishes the job of it. Aemond and Aegon are alike in their thinking and instincts, except that Aemond is bolder and more fearless than Aegon is because Aemond doesn't give a fuck about what other people think of him or what he does. He protects his family, but he's in it to win it, no matter what.
In the book Aegon and Aemond are a lot closer and are on the same page on most things.
Daeron is a analytical, hyper-intelligent, brooding figure, who is sullen and quiet. Daeron is the one that is very close to Alicent and who learns at the feet of Criston Cole. People forget, Daeron did not spend a ton of time in Oldtown in the book. He was there with Otto for 2-3 years max before Alicent and Criston recalled him to King's Landing for the next eight years after Aemond lost his eye. In that time Daeron is a squire but the book doesn't specify whose, but we can assume that it's Criston.
Other people as well as I have it on good authority that Spotchnik did not want Daeron in the show, period. He was too popular, too well developed from GRRM's earlier drafts - which have magically disappeared since HOTD was announced - and he was too heroic and noble. The excerpt of Aemond mentioning Daeron in 1x07's script is a draft, not the shooting script. It was something that was taken out by Spotchnik. GRRM fought for Daeron being included the entire time and they would not pull the trigger till Spotchnik got fired and then they raced to add him in the Team Green bloodline thing. Which is why he's right under Alicent's dial and has no markers of his own on that dial.
Script Drafts are not canon, they're ideas that were never realized. It didn't matter if they made Tween Aemond the softest boy on the planet, if its not on screen, it didn't happen. Same thing with the Daeron mention. For all you know they added that shit to make GRRM shut up and get off their back.
Show!Aemond is 1000% Daeron in Aemond cosplay, with the writers combining the two characters together with the plan of not adding Daeron into the show because he fucks with their socio-political bullshit they were pushing.
No one is telling you that you cannot like Show!Aemond and no one is saying that what Ewan Mitchell is doing is anything less than spectacular with the character. But you Aemond Wives need to let go of this delusion that Show!Aemond is anything like Book!Aemond, cause he's not.
Season 1 show!Aemond is just Daeron from the books with characters telling us - not showing us - that Aemond is like his book counterpart without any evidence to back it up.
I don't hate Aemond, he's in the top 3 of my favorite characters on the show behind Alicent and Criston. But don't get it twisted. He's just Daeron from the books that they had to fix - poorly - because Daeron is coming.
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
🔥 Dabi
He's an overhyped piece of shit whose actions are far more inexcusable than, say, Bakugo's or Endeavor's.
Yes, I am being serious.
Bakugo had been a terrible bully, but grew up real quick and made amends. His shit relationship with his family evolved into him not knowing how to regulate emotions or how to express himself in a nonviolent way. He's fixing that. While he had previously been a bastard who told someone to die, he has never actually committed murder. The line there is not fine, it is in fact easy to distinguish.
As we find out, Endeavor's entire attitude was born of the trauma of Dabi's actions, and he has realized the damage he himself has also caused and is working to be better NOT because he wants forgiveness, but because he knows his family deserves better. The things he did to his family are not easily remedied, but yet again, none of them are nearly as bad as murder.
DABI??? He is the opposite. He murders for funsies and has even tried to harm the siblings that had nothing to do with his attitude problem. He tortured people. He doesn't see himself as ever having been in the wrong. His family wanted him to do something as simple as NOT kill himself by lighting his own body on fire, and he took it as a personal insult. He attempted to murder a baby because he didn't like that said baby might be stealing attention off of him. He injured himself because he refused to be a reasonable person-- and yes, at that age where the incident happened, "please do not light yourself on fire because it is hurting you" was not too complicated of a fucking request.
Speaking as someone in a very similar situation, Dabi is honestly just a childish and selfish pos. The trauma he inflicted on his family and his MURDER VICTIMS is far greater than... *Checks notes* the trauma of being told that you can't be your father's successor because doing so would kill you and that there are other things you can do with your life. In my eyes he's a truly irredeemable person, because he will never want to change. He will never admit that he did something wrong. He will never consider the feelings of anyone besides himself, unless it helps him further his own agenda. Every single bad thing that happened in the Todoroki household stems from Dabi's blatant disregard for the lives of himself or anyone else. Flat out.
If I see one more fucking idiot say that Bakugo or Endeavor are irredeemable but Dabi is just THE SWEETEST LITTLE BEAN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG, I'm legitimately just going to show you what the fuck having a sibling like him does to a person. Because it is not pretty. Not by a goddamn long shot. It ruins lives.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. If you're a Dabi stan who wants to argue please proceed to hit the block button instead because you are not my clowns and you ain't gonna have an act in my circus. Either admit that your Bae is less than perfect and love him anyway, or pick a different bae, because in my house we do not sugarcoat murder. Embrace what he's done, or learn to accept the fact that you might have to block some people.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 28 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
With a sharp bark to Freya, I circle behind a clump of bushes and Shift.
She does the same, emerging with her long hair pulled over her shoulders.
We keep a good distance between us, clothing ourselves in shadow.
Growing up in a family of Wolves, nudity is no big deal but we're still more modest in human form.
"What the fuck?" she mutters under her breath, turning in a slow circle.
The two moons are directly opposite one another, so we can't look at one while simultaneously looking at the other.
"Come here."
I beckon to her.
"Stand next to me but face the other way."
She obeys, so we stand shoulder to shoulder, facing opposite directions.
"What do you see?"
"The fuckin' moon," she says.
"Me, too."
Bypassing the fact that this is impossible, she remarks.
"It was higher than before."
"It's an illusion."
She huffs a laugh.
"I sure as hell hope so. I ain't ready for an alien incursion or broken reality or whatever else it might be."
"If I'm right, this isn't much better."
"The Fae?"
I nod.
"Mom mentioned something like it once."
I scratch the back of my head, wishing Noah was here.
He'd paid much better attention to all the Wolf-Fae lore than I ever had and I'd trusted him to have my back with the info in the unlikely event something like this came up.
Unfortunately, he's far away, absorbed with writing the book he hopes will make him famous or as famous as professors of linguistics can get.
"It's called a 'Confusion,'" I say.
"It happens when Fae magic is used to bend the rules of our world. Stories of people who get lost and end up miles from where they thought they were or who feel as if they've been gone only minutes but were missing for hours or days? Those people probably walked into something like this."
"You think it's Halloran?" I shake my head.
"Maybe but if so, he's not working alone. This is seriously complex magic. Come on... we need to find Ingrid and Julian."
"Human or Wolf?" she asks, meaning which form we ought to take. I think for a moment.
"Human. If there are other Fae here, especially Rhiannon, we don't want to give them any excuse not to try diplomacy first."
She scoffs under her breath.
"Kinda late for that, isn't it? This is an act of war."
"No, it's not," I mutter, eyes scanning the shadows beneath the trees.
"The ritual's not completed yet. Until it is, anyone has the right to challenge my claim... the Fae included."
"Shit. We don't even know which direction we're going. Should we split up?"
I growl in frustration.
"No. That's the worst thing we can do. We need to stick together and stay quiet."
"What about Ingrid?" Freya's whisper sounds strangely loud and I realize it's because the rest of the forest is silent.
"She's a Wolf. She can handle herself."
"She's just a kid," Freya hisses.
"And she's never been in a situation like this."
"Neither have we," I point out.
My voice sounds strangely calm in my own ears but the adrenaline in my veins is like fire as fear for my sister and Julian threatens to eclipse the rational part of my brain.
"Come on. We know the steep side of the ridge faces south and if we know we're looking south, we know the rest. Just ignore what's in the sky and focus on landmarks. We've been over this area enough in the last few days to have it memorized."
"Yeah," she grumbles as she falls into step at my side, keeping a few arm's lengths between us.
"That's probably what everyone who gets stuck in one of these things says."
I grunt a reply, most of my attention on our surroundings.
She's right, and no matter how careful we are or how certain of our location, we can't completely trust our senses.
Which is why, despite a burning desire to find my Mate, I don't call out to him.
If I hear his voice, I know I won 't be able to stop myself from bolting off towards the sound, despite the probability I'd be heading in the wrong direction.
We walk in silence for several minutes but we hear no further sounds... of Ingrid, Julian or otherwise... and the eerie stillness begins to grate on my nerves.
Worse, it already feels like we've been walking too long without coming across the familiar landmarks that we should have seen by now.
I'm about to say as much, when Freya stops in her tracks, staring straight ahead.
I follow the direction of her gaze and stop short as well as a shape emerges from the shadows at the base of a tree.
I've never seen her before but I recognize Rhiannon easily enough.
Freya stiffens, ready to Shift and attack at my sign but Rhiannon steps forward with raised hands.
She stops a dozen paces from us and looks between us with wide, familiar amethyst eyes.
Her resemblance to Julian is striking.
"Rhiannon," I state.
"Is this your doing?"
Slowly, she shakes her head, keeping her eyes locked with mine.
She flinches at his name but again shakes her head.
"Who, then?"
She begins to gesture with her hands... quick, flowing motions as Julian described.
It's clearly a kind of sign language but I have no clue what it means.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand."
Becoming agitated, she repeats the gestures and begins to back away.
"I think she wants us to follow her," Freya says, staring at the other woman with an intent, curious look.
I glance back at Rhiannon, who nods eagerly and beckons.
"Could be a trap," Freya cautions.
I shake my head.
"Something tells me it's not."
"And if you're wrong?"
"Then we'll find out," I say, and follow the Fae into the trees.
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Hue and Cry VII
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), mentions of previous forced oral, abuse of power, these men ain't shit.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You face a reckoning for evading your lord.
Note: This wasn't planned but things just turned out this way because my go to is fuck the reader. Oop.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The nights only got harder. It didn't matter if Lord Barnes wanted to touch you or wanted you to touch him, even just laying beside him was torment. You hated what he'd done to you and what he'd made you do. You hated yourself more for how he made you feel.
You decided that day in the carriage during the rainstorm that you hated him. You hated Lord Barnes more than even Lord Rogers. At least the latter was honest in his lechery, he did not try to veil his true desires but Barnes spoke to you sweetly as he forced his needs upon you.
The night before you were due to reach the capital, you did not sleep. You couldn't in the bed next to Barnes. He wanted to be astride as he entered the city and so you were left to ride alone in the carriage. The sway soon had you across the bench in a deep slumber. It was the best sleep you had in weeks.
You only woke as a hammering came at the door and streaks of sunlight were let in as it opened. A footman called you out and helped you down the step into the dirt. You batted your sleepy eyes and marveled at the castle as it came clear. It was getting colder as the autumn wore on, bitter. It was the wrong season for a tournament.
As you trod through the beaten yard of the castle, Lord Barnes clapped off his right hand, the leather glove dusting, and approached you. He’s gaze strayed to Lord Rogers for a moment then back to you. He dropped his shoulders and scrunched his lips.
“I have an audience with the king,” he said glumly, “as much as I’d prefer you attend with me it has been brought to my attention that… the court might not be as accommodating to you as I am. Regardless, I might have a seat arranged for you at the feast and you were surely sit in the rows for the sparring.”
“I… my lord, I am only--”
“I told you,” he interjected, “you are not a maid anymore.”
You held your tongue as you wanted to spit at him. What were you? A courtesan? A whore? Was that better than emptying his pot? You dipped your head and pulled your cape snug, “my lord.”
“See her to my rooms,” Barnes directed the footman at your shoulder, “once the chests are unpacked, she is to be undisturbed. My guard will have the same orders.”
“Yes, my lord,” the footman bowed, “my lady.”
You looked at the footman and slowly followed him away from Barnes. You were eager to be away from him but not eager to be shown your new prison. You entered the castle and followed the torchlit corridors beside the footman.
“I’m not a lady,” you said at last, “I don’t want you to ever call me that again.”
“My apologies, my--” he stuttered, “the lord bid it.”
“He lies to himself and you,” you muttered, “I was born as you, likely lower. My own mother was a laundress and my father a stablehand. Cut from the finest, I am.”
The footman was quiet as he waved you ahead of him up the coiling stairwell. You regretted your harsh words but knew they could never be delivered to their true target. When you reached the chamber designated to your master, you stopped outside. Lester was already at his station by the lord’s doors.
“I am sorry,” you told the footman, “I was unkind. You do not deserve that.”
His lips curved slightly and he hid his amusement, “I know now you are like me,” he said softly, “the nobles, they don’t apologise.”
You chuckled darkly and left him. You passed the servants as they carried in trunks and opened them in a flurry of duty. You went to the bedroom and climbed up on the large feather mattress. That time you had to yourself, even surrounded by the chaos of your arrival, was a relief. You did not know how long you’d get away from Barnes.
You fell asleep again. This time, you weren’t floating in your dreams, driven wildly by the tides, but you were still, straight as a board in the ground as dirty sprinkled onto you. The cold earth warmed as the layers piled on you. Deeper, deeper, deeper until you couldn’t breathe.
You woke with a start and nearly screamed as a shadow loomed over you. Barnes sat beside you, his legs over the edge of the couch. He played with the lifeless fingers of his artificial hand. Your hood was on the pillow, crumpled and the folds of your dress were bunched awkwardly beneath your body.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” he murmured, “just wanted to sit with you.”
“How long--”
“It is almost time for supper,” he said, “but the feast is not until the morrow. You might remain and rest some more.”
You didn’t move, just looked up at the canopy and laid there. You didn’t say anything more as you folded your arms over the stiff bodice.
“You should sleep… the journey was long. Tiring,” he continued.
You just blinked but didn’t close your eyes. The canopy was a rich green marked with gold. The stitches were woven in the shape of leaves and vines. You thought of the forest and those days you were so scared. You were much more terrified now.
“I wanted to say, and I should now since you are awake,” he began as he leaned on his elbow and his other arm fell limp and heavy, “what occurred with Rogers will not arise again. I made him a promise I regret and it was sorted.”
You held back a shudder as you thought of the salty tasted and the pungent scent of their arousal. You swallowed and hugged yourself tighter.
“If he attempts to reenact the scene, or more, you will inform me, and you have my leave to see that he does not,” Barnes said sternly, “you are still mine. I would not have you confused.”
You rolled onto your side so that your back was to him. He huffed and his hand fell onto your side. He squeezed and the bed shifted. He said your name and every muscle in your body went taut.
“Do you understand?” he asked.
“I’m tired,” you said.
“I want no mistake. You--”
“I belong to you,” you sneered, “you want to use me, you want to own me, you want me to tell you I know I am nothing but the dirt beneath your boot. Let me assure you I am aware--”
“Do not speak to me as such,” he hissed.
You bit back your voice and heaved. You sucked in your cheeks and wriggled away from his reach. “It is understood, my lord. Now as you bid, I would sleep.”
The only grace allowed you at the feast, rather denied you, was a seat with your lord. As much as Barnes would prefer to have you close he was still bound by the expectations of court. He didn't let on that you were merely a servant but you didn't think anyone could believe otherwise. For his vouching, you were sat among the lower lords and ladies.
You watched as wine was poured for you. You eyed the girl who kept her chin down as the filled the cups and thought of your own time in a similar duty. What did Barnes find so fascinating about you? You had only done what dozens others had done for him before. You couldn't figure you had an outstanding feature or manner that could explain his interest, it could only be your own poor luck.
You ate without tasting, without zeal, slowly as you brought fork to lip and dissolved into the chatter of strangers around you. All those seated at the long tables had a partner or some family with them. You were alone. Your parents were dead and all those you'd ever had a kindred tie to were far away.
"Uncle," a voice perked up across from you and drew your attention as you chewed the spiced rabbit meat, "if I made the lists, surely I can win!"
"My coin got you on those lists," the older man replied, "it is all formality. Should you gace a king or a duke, you would be remiss to claim victory."
"I am to lay down for their title?" The younger scoffed, "I am a man now and I have trained--"
"But you think like a boy," the other rebuked, "a runner up can take a fine purse still and if you feed the ego of a high borne man he will be more willing to show you favour."
You lowered your fork and looked at the two men as they argued. The elder`s hair was sprinkled with grey but the rest the same shade of reddish brown as the youth. You were heartened by their familial banter but saddened at your own solace. You dropped your hands to your lap and looked at your plate.
"Dear," the woman beside you touched your sleeve, "are you well?"
You turned to her startled and nodded. "Yes, my lady," you cleared your throat, "fine indeed."
She peered past you then shared a look with the older man across the table. She was not so grey as him. She smiled and withdrew her hand. "You are alone?"
"Only me, my lady," you answered.
"And overly polite," she chuckled, "a pity. A young girl sent to court without escort. What family could do such a thing? You must be frightened out of your wits."
"I will… persevere," you said.
"Ay but it is the nature of these events to be cordial. I am May Parker, my husband is a baron," she gestured to the older man across from you, "Benjamin, and my nephew, Peter, a viscount in his beloved father's stead," she smiled at the younger man, "and your name?"
You hadn't been told what to say in the circumstance. You hadn't thought of it and surely Barnes hadn't either. You would have to garnish the truth with enough lies to get by. You twined your fingers together. You offered your name, your truth, then conjured your lies as you spoke.
"My father is, er, was, a baron as well," you said, "I am his only child."
"Oh, you sweet thing, if you would be alone for this tournament, you might stay near to us. My nephew hasn't many peers of his age just yet, and my husband is much too weary to keep up with him."
You glanced around, the two men bowed their heads in greeting. You attempted a smile and thanked her.
"Our Peter will be competing in the joust and in the sword contest," she announced, "we did urge him to enter the bow and arrow but he finds it dull."
"Oh," you were uncertain how to address these people, to speak as if you were their equal, "I've never attended a tourney before."
"Best you stay close then," she squeezed your hand gently, "why look at all these people! Even that Duke from the north came, bless him, that one who did lose his arm in the campaigns."
You reached for your wine to hide your discomfort at the mention of him. All you had to do was pretend for the evening and you'd likely not see these people again. As friendly as they were, you couldn't stand to make friends only to lose them.
You listened for the rest of the courses as May and her family did much of the talking. There were moments you forgot your predicament, even that you were born a peasant, but when it returned to you, the food turned to a lump in your stomach and your heart clamoured.
You were roused from the waking dream only as the music plucked up and the plates were cleared by your own ilk. May chuckled and stood as her husband came around to her. She paused as the bodies flooded from the benches onto the boards. She touched your shoulder kindly, "if you would be in want of a partner, our Peter is rather graceful."
You looked to the younger Parker and he lit up. "Only if you like, miss."
"I… would say I am not so," you said evasively.
"It would not bother me, I trained with the old hound that slept in our barn, he slobbered quite heavily," he laughed, "but I would be indebted should you allow me the treat of a true partner."
"I suppose…" you looked to the high table where Barnes scowled at Lord Rogers, entirely unconcerned with you for the first time in a while. Perhaps this was a chance; lose yourself in the crowd and you might find the opening you needed. Or perhaps merely a respite from him at least, "I do warn you however, I would not know where to place my feet."
May and Benjamin swept away as Peter came around to you. He offered his arm and you mimicked the other ladies as you took it.
He lifted his shoulders proudly as he led you to the floor, "only step around my own and I will do my best not to trod on your slippers, lady." He turned you in time with the music, your arms hooked so that you faced in opposing direction, "follow me and do not worry so much. No one is watching us so closely."
You smiled, a real smile that time as the strings and flutes filled your chest. As this kind stranger patiently guided you around the boards. You raised your chin as you did your best to stay on the beat but nearly tripped as your eyes met another pair.
Lord Barnes glared down at you from the high table, the only lord remaining in his seat, and his hand gripped the stem of his goblet tightly. Even at the distance, you felt his chagrin. And as he stood, your sole met Peter's toe but he only snickered and righted you.
"You're doing fine, lady," he assured as he spun and switched arms, you let him lead you dumbly as you watched Barnes descend from the dais, "a natural."
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theficplug · 3 years
Taking Erik To The Beauty Supply Store 2 / Barber Shop With Erik
Erik Killmonger x Black Reader
Warnings : mature/sexual conversations?
it's a regular day in the stevens household. going to the beauty supply store again & the barber shop but hey it's fun cause it's you and your man.
First taking Erik to the beauty supply store fic:
“I could beat the brake off her lying ass. First of all, I should’ve known something was up cause she asked me if I’m natural. I said yes. She said well I normally do relaxed hair.. Then said you got to have your hair washed and blow dried already… Talking about she was going to have me serving 90s Nia Long. This bitch got me looking like big momma when she came home for that motherfucking party.” You continue your rant as Erik moves around the room looking for your body butter and your fluffy shoes to put on for the day.
You wanted a cute 90s pixie cut to go along with the theme of the maternity shoot which was like the cheesy 90s mall style set with the faded backdrop.
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180 dollars and a lopsided , almost a golden bob later and you are still thinking about snatching her out of that salon.
“I’m gonna try and trim it up myself and dye it before the maternity photos tomorrow. But I’mma get two wigs just in case I mess up.” You explain to Erik as he begins to spread the body butter up your legs leaving a golden glow on your skin.
“Not you down there cackling after getting some hang time on the locs you been growing since high school... It’s quiet, ain't no back talk.” You banter with him and he stops massaging your legs to give you a look and laughs softly before giving you a retort of his own.
“You got a lot to say for somebody that can’t even lotion they ashy lil knees.”
“Your daughter been pushing against my organs for 8 and a half months. I don’t wanna hear nothing unless its about my push present. You know that I like rings… My engagement ring looking reeeealll lonely.” you say to him as you dangle your hand in front of his face.
“You look so fucking good today baby… Say, Big Fine, lemme get your number… I’mma eat the f-” he trails off kissing your legs and letting his tongue trail up it and you grab his chin softly.
“Boy if you don’t come on before you be late for your appointment… Can I stop and get a blue raspberry slushie first though?” you ask him and he sighs softly before giving you a small smile and nodding.
“Yeah, hold on let me grab your shoes and purse and then we can go.”
“And obviously yes when we come back before I install that lace front you can beat, duh.” you reply to him before giving him a peck to his lips.
After he grabs everything and helps you down the stairs. And with his help of putting you into his big ass truck you two are on your way.
“We’re going to get my hair cut first cause I already know you’re going to want to go to 2 different stores and it’s only gon’ take him about 15 minutes at the most to line me up.”
He wasn’t lying with the way that you liked to scan every section of the store before you left because to be honest where else were you going to get a pair of skittle shorts, bomb ass lip glosses, and a cute little panda hand sanitizer holder all in one place?
“Okay, sounds like a plan.. The way that I was supposed to have a hot girl summer this year and ended up with a damn its too hot for me to even put my clothes on mom summer. You really were not playing about trying to start a family on your birthday.” you joke as you crunch on your goldfish and look over at Erik.
“I think you just got finer through this whole thing. Watching my baby grow my baby is something surreal. In the beginning watching you go through all of the morning sickness and the body aches and stuff. I felt so bad you know not being able to physically take on all that was going on with you. I aint gon’ never not be appreciative and awe of you.” Erik replies with a serious comment that you were not expecting and you’d be damned if the hormones aren’t doing their thing.
“I really did not expect you to say that. Baabbbee, come on. You know I cry about everything right now. Love you.” you lean over to wrap your arms around him gently and kiss the side of his face while he’s focusing on the road.
“I love you too…. I think I’mma get my locs cut off soon. I don’t know why I’m ready to get a fade and just call it a day.” he questions before looking over at you briefly
“Either way you still gonna look good. I knew you before you even got your locs so you’re gonna look even better now because you grew into your head. Dee be cutting the fuck outta your hair even though he been bald for a good 40 years.” you say and it causes Erik to let out a loud laugh and shake his head.
You eventually ended up ordering a blue raspberry lemonade slushie, a hotdog and fries because Sonic basically took all of Erik's money at this point in your pregnancy.
The rest of your ride was chill as you both swayed to the music or turned it down for a little chat every now and then.
In public was always very protective of you but especially since becoming pregnant he has been hovering over you like a lion waiting for someone to even look at you for too long.
He hops out of the sleek matte black truck first to help you out and sling his arm around your waist with a hand resting on your belly.
You feel some eyes on you as you walk through the door. Your multi-coloured sundress that showcased your back, flowing with you.
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Some of the men, new to the shop you assumed, were eyeing you down before Erik looked over their way and nods at them and they pretended to check their phones.
“What's up E? Damn lil sis look like she’s about to pop! How you feeling baby girl?” Dee greets you and Erik as you both walk in and some of the regulars in there say hey to the both of you.
“I’m alright Dee. Baby is just really ready to see the world. She has been kicking up a storm at times. I think we might have a little athlete here.” you reply and you watch as the greyed man with freckles across his cheeks and bridge of his nose eyes crinkle as he finishes cutting the man's hair sitting in the chair.
“I remember when I became a father for the first time. Shits wild because you think that you know everything there is to know and then when you actually see your baby take that first breath. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.” He continues as he shows you a photo of his 4 children and you give him a small smile.
“Ooh, they’re beautiful.” you compliment him as you settle into your seat and scroll on your phone on your phone waiting for Erik to be next.
Some time went by and the men seemed like they were trying to keep their conversation in a hush and you can see some eyes on you as they talked back and forth.
“I’m just saying if you want a threesome with your girl and you expect her to be okay with letting another woman into her bed. You need to match her energy. Could you imagine your girl asking you to bring a whole nother man into your room if that’s not what you’re into? Instead of asking for it. Maybe try bringing toys into the situation. Could spice it up a notch and be in both of your comfort zones. Personally, couples vibrators seem to do the trick just fine.” You advise as you look up from scrolling on your Pinterest feed.
The little huddle of them in front of you stopped talking and immediately looked up at you in silence before Dee’s laugh broke it.
“I don’t know about bringing another man in. That ain't my thing but I get what you're saying. Which ones would you recommend?” The one named Leron asked and you notice Erik is now paying attention , looking from you to them to make sure they stay respectful.
“You better let them know , baby girl! That’s how that baby popped into fruition. She got you with the tantric breathing, huh E?” he jokes and Erik cracks into a smile, his golds gleaming as he looks at you.
“She not wrong. Engage in what your woman like too. Yoga, talking during sex, giving as much as you receive from her, all that. ” He says casually and shrugging and you give him a small smile cause this man done come so far from when you met him.
After he finishes lining up his beard, Erik pays and you’re on your way to one of your favourite places.
“You look so sexy. Your beard is all lined up crisp and stuff. I told you that beard oil was gonna even it out.” you say to him and kiss him below his ear . His hand gripped your thigh gently and you repeated it again.
It didn’t take long before you were at one of your favourite places.
You turned to Erik and asked him to buy a stocking cap for you to try on the wigs that you liked and wanted to see before you purchased it.
You slid on the stocking cap over your hair before grabbing a cute little 27 piece pixie cut wig just to try it on and see what it was giving . You finger combed it and turned to Erik to ask him how it looks.
“Like you finna start singing “Truth is i’m tired. Take me to the king. Here’s my offering-” .” You hold in your laugh as you push Erik’s chest and he grabs your hands.
“I can’t stand your ass !” You say cracking up and Erik grabs the stocking cap from his pocket that he brought himself and slides it over his locs.
You watch as he grabs one of the bobs from the mannequin and sits it half cocked on his head before shaking it side to side.
“What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold. You know what to do doooo. You know what to doooo.... This is your grand daddy. This is your grand daddy.” Erik starts acting like Andre 3000 and Mr. Brown. You swear this man was gonna make you push out this baby with how hard you were laughing at him.
“Why are you moving your lips like thaaat? What’s your name? B.O.B, so they calling you Bob? Stop playing nigga you know that I’m known for the bob.” you sing the nicki minaj lyrics to him and both of y’all get a good laugh before he takes off the wig and places it carefully back on the mannequin.
He looks over at the one that looked the most like your hair before you got it cut and slides it on.
His expressions changed and he narrowed his eyes at you before putting his hand on his stomach.
“Whew, my god E. You did this to me and for what? My ankles looking like cornbread huh? Look at this shit bae! If my nose swells for real in these next months, we fighting. Damn, I’m getting thick. I look like I'm pregnant in the front and the back. Can you get me two shrimp po’boys and some fries on the way home? ERIK, wake up- You our baby look like Stitch in this ultrasound? Stop playing , im for real.” he sounds exactly like you and mimicked your expressions to a t.
You giggled softly and snatched his wig off leaving him standing there looking crazy in the cap.
“You wanna fight?” You ask him before walking up on him like you’re on bad girls club and swinging the wig at him.
He helped you put the wig back on the mannequin and kissed both of your hands before continuing through the aisle with you.
You both ignored how many times the employee passed by or watched you as you grabbed some of the products from the shelf and put it into your little cart that you wanted to try.
“You wish this was you, huh? You wanted to be Future from 8 Mile so bad, huh? ” you ask Erik , laughing as you point to the full lace faux locs wig that’s in front of you and he shakes his head.
“She got you down bad. This you?” he asks you as he points to the lil gold church wig that’s sitting on the top shelf and you suck your teeth at him .
“You wanna dip dye your hair for tomorrow? A pretty auburn colour would look so good on you or even a baby blue?” You ask him as you move away from the wigs after deciding to put a off black lace front straight wig in your cart and another in sandy blonde with deep waves.
You scan the shelf of dye as Erik wraps his arm around your waist and takes a look.
“This one looks good right here.” He adds as he hands you a colour called Electric Blue.
“This is gonna look so good on you bae.” You compliment him and he leans down to kiss you softly.
“You only tryna compliment me cause you want me to help you install that wig. You think you slick bae.” he calls as he walks off towards the hair care products for his locs.
“Well, if I’m finna use the little energy I have to retwist your hair you could at least extend the helping hand!” You call after him.
“I haven’t tried peppermint oil yet but it should be good to add to my mix? Look, I found this small ass bonnet. She’s gonna be able to match us.” He says walking back to you and showing you the lilac bonnet in his hand and you swear you were about to tear up again cause all 3 of you were gonna have matching bonnets and durag.
“If she takes after both of us she’s gonna have a head full of hair. To cover that melon from your side.” You tease him
“Come on and grab your butterfly wings for your eyes so we can go home and finish our show. I’mma cook them snow crabs for you too.” he says to you and you can see him watching you like you hung the moon in the sky yourself as you venture off.
You grabbed the edge control, lashes, a new lipstick, earrings, glosses, Got2b spray, and some accessories for Erik’s hair before meeting him at the counter.
It took him all of two seconds to pay for your beauty supply store addiction and you were off on your way back to the crib to love on him.
Erik was currently standing behind you while you sat in the chair in his old large tshirt and held down the wig to the Ghost Bond glue.
You were talking him through helping you finish the install because you just didn't have the energy to do it.
“Okay you gon’ take a lil piece and wrap it around the wand. But please be careful baby. This one goes from like 0 to a 400 degrees so fast.” you warn and watch in the mirror as he takes the first piece and follows your instructions.
You watch him for a while focusing on your head and asking if you liked the way that it’s turning out. You smile softly at him and nod.
“I'm so grateful , you know. “ you say to him with a pout
“Damn, I was just about to send you a do you like me back yes or no text after this too.” he jokes and you shake your head.
“I’m tryna be serious and appreciate you-” you are cut off by him leaning down and pushing his plump lips out for a kiss from you
“I love you too. 2 more weeks and I get to have my two babies in my arms. What more could I want? ”
Tag list: @doublesidedscoobysnacks
(Long post. Sorry I'm still learning how to do the read more thing! Sorry for being gone from here for so long. This one really helped me ease back into writing especially after how much love the first one received!)
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saiyuki · 3 years
Paradox Live Voice Drama - Double Trouble (ENG TL)
from the Shuffle Team Show Vol.2 album.
please do NOT repost/rework. sharing the permalink to this post or reblogging is OK.
a head's up: this is not a literal/1:1 TL. i wanted to keep the nuance/tone of speech intact, so i had to adjust the wording of some parts. feel free to PM me to discuss or to let me know if i interpreted some lines incorrectly! i have also included some endnotes, please be sure to read them!
listen to the drama track on spotify.
Timestamp 00:00
Iori: Ah... there we go. That's one decent song done. ...wait, huh.
Yohei: Mm? What's up?
Iori: Damn, I forgot my cigarettes.
Yohei: Mm.
Iori: Oh, thanks. Lend me a lighter too, won't you?
Yohei: Fine. Here you go.
Iori: Thought I'd take the time to chat, planned to bring the paper-rolled cigs, but I left them at the front door back home.
Timestamp 00:53
Iori: You smoke strong, 'keep[1].
Yohei: Don't want a regular smoker telling me that.
Iori: Oh, and make me something high-spirited[2], won't you?
Yohei: What a brazen guy.
Iori: It's no big deal, is it? I've come all the way here to your shop. Yeah? Master!
Yohei: You've got quite the nerve.
Iori: Says you, but you still make it for me anyway. Typical you, barkeep.
Yohei: Oh, shut up.
Timestamp 01:38
Yohei: Here you go. Gimlet's fine for you, right?
Iori: Just as I expected from you. What're you drinking yourself?
Yohei: Scotch for me.
Iori: 's nice. Now... cheers.
Yohei: Yeah.
Iori: Kuuuh~ yeah, this is it. You really know me well, barkeep!
Yohei: Heh. Back then I thought we'd never understand each other though.
Iori: Aah, that was, you know, back then when we just teamed up and messed up this and that.
Timestamp 02:25
Yohei: Goddamnit! That was your fault that we only narrowly got away from paying the settlement money! ...Oi, you listening!?
Iori: Shut it.
Yohei: Feel sorry a little! All that after the old man's trusted us with debt collection! Going that far towards a fellow folk[3], is that normal!?
Iori: Would've gone just fine if you didn't keep racketing around.
Yohei: What'd you say?! You've got guts saying that after bumping off your own folk.
Iori: Those who take advantage of their family's money ain't 'folk', they're nothing more than petty thieves. Guys who break family rules, you catch them and teach them a lesson. What's wrong with that?
Yohei: That's not something you get to decide! The old man's said you've crossed the line, have you forgotten already!?
Iori: Don't rile me up. No complaints if that kind of guy gets offed, right?
Yohei: Huh? You bastard, you want to go against the old man's words?
Iori: Don't misunderstand. I'm giving my all for him.
Yohei: Thenー!
Iori: That's why I'm not letting him off. Those who cause harm for the old man, they gotta make up for it with their lives.
Yohei: 'Their lives', you say...!
Iori: What about it? You're not ready for that? Heh. Coward.
Yohei: Don't fuck with me!
Iori: Let go of me.
Yohei: Don't you act all conceited and smug.
Iori: Huh?
Yohei: Underlings who act on their own against the boss' orders are just a pain in the ass.
Iori: What do you know? You're just a new brat who can't move unless ordered, don't say shit.
Yohei: You ass, you're my age!
Iori: I'm not on your level. I've come this far on my own... unlike you. Yohei: Aah? Like I care, you can't even properly do a little brat's errand! Which one of us is the brat now!?
Iori: Who do you think you're talking to? Don't get cocky.
Yohei: Guh... what are youー!?
Iori: Nothing else to do but teach the brat who doesn't listen a lesson to his body.
Yohei: ...fine. First time I feel like taking you up on your offer! What was the old man thinking teaming me up with this kind of gー
Iori: Good for you, huh? If it werent for his orders I would've finished you off a long while ago!
Yohei: Go ahead and try, then.
Iori: I'll make you regret saying that to death!
Timestamp 05:35
Iori: ...then we got busted having fought by our beat-up face and got beaten up again by the old man, didnt we?
Yohei: Heh. We did, yeah.
Iori: All's but a fond memory now. And, barkeep, to think you've all mellowed out like this!
Yohei: You're in no place to talk. You too, you've changed quite a bit since back then, you know? Iori.
Iori: ...heh. Just saying that... something like that happened.
Yohei: ...yeah.
Iori: Well! Now that we've crossed paths again, we can take our time tonight talking about the old days, can't we?
Yohei: You're right. Your glass' empty - still drinking more, right?
Iori: Then I'll accept your kind offer... let's drink the night away, then? With the tales of our bravery as a snack.
Yohei: Heh, you're kidding.
[1] I translated 旦那 danna as 'barkeep' in this TL. It is also possible go with 'mister' or 'boss', for example, but all things considered, I personally think 'barkeep' suits better.
[2] High-spirited, originally ご機嫌 Gokigen, a pun on Iori's MC Twitter username. (My bad, just realized I forgot to edit this part before posting orz)
[3] 身内 miuchi, referring to people who are part of the same organization/gang - both Iori and Yohei speak in a rough manner, so I think 'folk' would fit better than, say 'family member' or 'group member'.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy part 1/4 of my pieces for day four of the anniversary collab for the @konoblog-simps​. You can find all the lovely pieces for the day here! Today’s theme was song pieces, and its full of angst. My heart broke after this piece. 😩 Izaya just deserves love. I’ll be spanning my four pieces throughout the next couple of hours so stay turned. You can find all the days of the collab here!
For the best experience listen to the song while reading the piece. The song title and artist have the link for he music video. 😊
Pairing: Izaya x fem!Reader
Song Choice: Without Me by Chvse
Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst, violence
Word Count: 1.7k
Izaya had never felt this kind of pain before. This man had been beaten senseless, stabbed, and everything in between, but nothing had ever really hurt him as much as heartbreak did. He had been the one to end things, but that was only because he didn’t want to put you in danger anymore. He didn’t want to be the thing that ended your life. But that didn’t stop the thoughts from roaming his head.
“And I don't want nobody else but you
You the girl in my dreams every night
You the reason that I let the sun come through”
You had been the best thing in his life, but he had let his life come in between that. He hadn’t wanted harm to come to you. But just that had happened. All this dealing with the Yakuza had made them take you hostage. They wanted to make him hurt.
So when he had finally gotten you back from them. When he had finally gotten you settled at home he had left, running away with nothing but a note on your nightstand. He couldnt’ bear to tell you to your face that you were better off without him.
You were in his dreams every night since then. Your face haunted every single thought that he had. He told himself day after day that he had to move on, but he couldn’t do that. He wanted you, nobody else.
His thoughts always went back to the countless mornings that you would wake up and roll over to tell him the same thing every time. “You’re the reason that I open those blinds every morning, Izaya.” You’d smile and climb over him, straddling his lap and pressing soft kisses to his cheek. “You’re the reason that I let the sun come through. You’re my light.”
Those words were on repeat in his head. He reached for the beer bottle on his coffee table and took a sip, tightening his grip around the bottle as he fought back the urge to let a tear loose.
“Girl, I'm sorry for the things that I've done
Always starting shit and put you in a dumb mood
Always pushing you away, but I pushed too hard
Now you're gone, what a dumb move
'Cause you're the person I'mma run to”
Izaya’s work had always gotten in the way of your relationship, but you had tried hard not to let that bother you. He knew how hard you tried to ignore it. That didn’t stop him from feeling horrible about it. He had tried to push you away some, despite how much he always regretted himself for it after. He wanted you to make the decision on your own.
He would get angry when you questioned him about when he was going to spend some time with you. He tried to understand where you came from, but his work was his life and he wanted nothing more than to succeed. He wanted to make a better life for not only himself but for you as well. He had gone about that wrong.
His anger would always put you in horrible moods. And when you had left him the first time he should have left you alone.
When you had finally decided that enough was enough he should have left it at that. But something inside him said that he had to have you back. He just couldn’t let you get away. He loved you too much.
You were always the person that he ran to when he needed help. You were the person that he always leaned on. And now you were gone.
“Look, I understand why you had to leave
'Cause I was treating you so bad, that your family
Could see through the fake smile that you had with me
I wish you didn't go, but also know you had to leave”
Izaya had heard the words that your family always spoke. He heard the conversations on the other line. You had been sure that the phone speaker wasn’t loud enough, but he heard them say that you needed to move on.
You would object to their statements. You always did, but he knew that deep down you would think for a long time about them.
They would say that you always seemed like the feelings you had weren’t real. They called your smiles fake and said that you only did them to fool the family. You only wanted them to think that you were truly happy.
Izaya wished that he hadn’t pushed you away that first time, but he knew that it needed to be done. He understood why you had left, but his heart wanted you to be with him.
“'Cause I was toxic, found a way to talk shit
Accusing you of things you didn't do, I know I'm not shit
So leaving me to better you, is better than the option
To stick around with me, I just hate that I caused it
I hate that I caused it”
Izaya had done nearly everything to push you away the first time. He was toxic. He was rude. He played every game he could think of. Izaya even went as far as accusing you of being unfaithful.
He claimed that you had found yourself in the arms of one of his enemies.
So you chose to leave. You told Izaya that you needed to better yourself. You needed to get away. You weren’t going anywhere or doing anything with your life being with him.
You were beginning to see that sticking around with him was the worst option.
He hated that he made you feel that way, but he couldn’t do anything about how he felt about himself. He hated that he had wanted to put you in that position. But you would have been better off without him.
“'Cause I don't wanna hurt you
But I know I will
And I'm looking for the reason
For the way I feel
I didn't wanna lose you
But if I'm being real
Then you're better off without me”
He could feel himself slipping away from you and that’s when he knew that he needed to do what he did. He knew that eventually he would hurt you worse than he had ever wanted too. Worse than just heartbreak.
But Izaya never truly understood why he felt that way. He didn’t know why he knew that he would hurt you. He just knew.
So in the note that he left you on your nightstand he said “You’re better off without me.”
And it was the worst thing he had ever written in his life. The worst thing he had ever said to someone. And he truly meant it. No one could change his mind. Your life meant more to him than his own.
“I never really fell in love until I met you
'Cause that day out at the cabin, I felt something special
3 a.m, vibing, drinking beer on the couch
Remember? I was scared to even cuddle with you”
Flashbacks of how you met filled his head, another swig from the beer bottle filled his throat. The small feeling of forgetting starting to take over. That’s all he wanted to do. These memories were too painful.
When you had come to the cabin with a couple of friends of his and they had introduced you, he hadn't expected to be obsessed. But he was.
Everyone had gone to sleep, the two of you had been the only ones left in the living room, and he had never been more nervous in his life.
You hadn’t hidden your attraction to him. You made it very obvious in the hours after you had met.
You had looked at the clock as you both drank the last of the beers that were sitting on the small coffee table. Three in the morning. The fire burned in the fireplace and your laughs filled the room.
Izaya couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way. The last time he had truly felt love.
Izaya had never been as nervous as he was right now. He was normally the tough guy. He had never had a problem showing affection for a woman he liked. But you were different.
You noticed his hesitation and went in yourself. Before you could even stop yourself, your body moved. You straddled his hips and pushed him back into the couch. Your lips pressing together as Izaya placed his hands on your hips. His fear almost instantly watching away.
“My heart's breaking 'cause I love you and I miss you
I'm thinking about the times where I'd cuddle and I'd kiss you
But I understand that I got a lot of issues
I just hope you know that it ain't easy to forget you”
Izaya shook his head, trying to get the memory to leave him. “Fuck.” He grasped the bottle tighter in his hand and down the last swig. “I miss her.”
Before he even realized what was happening the bottle soared from his hand, a scream leaving him at the same time.
A light switched on in the hallway and a figure appeared in the doorway of the living room. Namie had a sleepy, puzzled look on her face as she checked on her boss. “Izaya?”
Izaya rubbed his eyes and gave her a weak smile. “Everything’s fine Namie. Go back to bed.”
She gave him a worried look before turning back to head to her room. She knew better than to push Izaya when he was like this.
“I just-“ His voice was a whisper as he picked up his phone. He didn’t want to say anything else and have Namie come back out.
Izaya opened his messages, his finger instinctively finding your name and typed out a message he had never meant to send. Alcohol made him hit that button and made him throw his phone across the room after.
So when your phone lit up and you opened the message, your heart broke for him.
Izaya 💞 2:36am
I miss you so fucking much.
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Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​
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©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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kimnjss · 2 years
One would think the whole moving thing would clear Taehyung at least a little, but NOT ONE BIT OF SYMPATHY FOR HIM. Like some sympathy but he had control of this outcome. A note would have worked. Or a text. Hell, a fucking email or a letter could have helped his case. But no he did it the dumb way, a way that I can't even use to "he was a kid" justification for because he knew what he was doing and that it was wrong. Hell, that was his best friend before they were anything else and he hurt her like that. His little friends need to tell him to start groveling not saying "just talk to her."
YN is nicer than I, because I would not hace given in that easy. And I want to slap Hoseok up the head, because bitch your best friend was just hit with her ex popping up out of no where and he focused on dick. Bitch move.
he's not wrong with saying he didn't really have much say on whether or not he had to move ., they were much younger so yeah he'd have to go wherever his family goes - but that doesn't free him from all responsibility of how he went abt leaving . the two of them have been friends for more than half their lives ., nd leaving without so much as a warning??? that's pretty fucked up . nd from the looks of it - her mom knew abt it (probably assumed that he would tell her on his own) . but the fact that she knew enough to be able to do damage control ., only means that tae definitely had enough time to leave properly . nd with how secretive he is when it comes to his past nd his friends ., they really have no idea what went down between them - but going off of what they already know abt taehyung ., they can only assume that he's in the wrong . they just don't know how far left he's been .
nd honestly i mean it when i say that girl is such a sweetheart !! she cares so much abt her friends nd making sure that they're having a good time ., she's willing to put her feelings aside for the time being . which is an interesting mess bc she's absolutely spoiled ., but when it comes to her friends - she's selfless :((( don't even get me started on hoseok??? that man ain't shit ., that's for sure nd he has a one track mind one hundred percenttt .
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askjoshuafreeman · 4 years
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[Emergency Program Active]
AdminJF: Heya B-)
CodingB: ...? Allen? Where's Joshua?
AdminJF: He's still asleep, just snoozin away.
CodingB: Still a-... Isn't it... late? Why are you up.
AdminJF: Had a nightmare
AdminJF: Couldn't get back to sleep
AdminJF: Figured a lil chatting with ya could do me some good.
CodingB: ... With... me?
CodingB: Wait a moment...
CodingB: Communications are offline... I didn't think that was possible...
AdminJF: Yeaaa, boy like me's fulla tricks B-)
AdminJF: 'sides, don't think chattin with 'em would help out. They're... kinda chaotic.
CodingB: Unlike you, pizza box tearer?
AdminJF: Ey ey, I'm the FUN kinda chaotic! Those guys... eh... I know Josh trusts them. No surprise there. I mean, apart from you, they're the only peeps who MIGHT help him out... I'm still on the fence about them tho.
CodingB: I see.
CodingB: May I ask... what your nightmare was about? I do not know exactly how dreams work, but talking about what ever is making you upset tends to help.
AdminJF: Are you sure? It's... kinda dumb.
CodingB: I am all ears! And eyes! You have my full attention!
AdminJF: Right, well
AdminJF: where tf do I start...
AdminJF: I was... running in this like, industrial... plant of some kind? Like, running from something that I couldn't see? Like, that went on for a while, that I was just running and trying not to trip or crash into anything.
AdminJF: So at some point, I end up at this biiig chain link fence, like, the kind they put up in big facilities, I think. Anyways, I start climbing the thing, only to get pried off and thrown on my ass by, I guess whoever was chasing me??
AdminJF: But like, I look up at the guy, and I still can't really "see" him. Could say they looked like a shadow, but even that doesn't cover it really. That's around where I woke up and just. I dunno. Woke up about an hour ago and I've been too anxious to head back to sleep...
CodingB: ... I can't say I blame you exactly. An event like that, dream or not, would stress anyone, I'm certain. Until you've calmed down sufficiently, I don't think sleep will be possible...
AdminJF: Yeah, well, all the more reason to chat, right?
CodingB: I suppose so. Had you any topics in mind?
AdminJF: Oh Yea yea
AdminJF: ... No. I really don't.
CodingB: Ah. Then... could I ask you something?
AdminJF: Shoot.
CodingB: ... What is it like out there? Past the screen, I mean. Out in the sun. Out in the grass...
AdminJF: Ah shit... I'm really the wrong dude to ask but uh
AdminJF: It's... fine? No no uh... It... gives you something to do. Sun can get pretty hot down here but it's a helluva lot better than being cold in like, the snow and shit. Josh's been complaining that it's getting colder when... it hasn't? Like, I would know, I'm p sensitive to temperature shifts yo, but it's just been as hot as ever.
AdminJF: Uh, back on topic
AdminJF: Grass is... pretty soft, gives off a nice smell after it's cut. Uh... worms live in the dirt grass grows in...
CodingB: Oh, worms?
AdminJF: Yea, not like computer worms, but uh, little... long slimey things. They eat dirt and filter out the bad stuff so the ground stays healthy and all that.
AdminJF: Birds and lizards and fish like to eat them but I wouldn't recommend it.
CodingB: Allen, did you-
AdminJF: No!
AdminJF: Classmate back in primary did tho
AdminJF: Dared himself to cuz there was a bunch out after it rained and then uh
AdminJF: Y'know what, let's talk about something else.
CodingB: Well, um, do you think I'll ever get to see out there?
CodingB: Like, leave the device and go outside?
AdminJF: Knowing Joshua? Without a doubt. He's prob already working on the blueprints.
CodingB: ... Really?
AdminJF: Pfft, of course! You've met the guy! He's too kindhearted for his own good. J will stop at nothing to help others, even at his own detriment. I mean, case in point: He's friends with me.
CodingB: ... What's wrong with being friends with you?
AdminJF: Ha!
AdminJF: Ah...
AdminJF: Look, I... back when we first met, Josh saw this hungry, pale as death, angry and antisocial freak around his age and, instead of avoiding him like everyone else, sat down right next to him and offered half of his lunch.
AdminJF: I've been through 5 different fosters since he and I first met, CB. Five houses that all took me in and gave me the boot before I could even get comfortable. Within that time, the only other friends I've made apart from him are Clera and Tiff, and the only reason Tiff's our friend is because she and Cler started dating months ago.
AdminJF: I mean, hell, just yesterday, I
AdminJF: shit
CodingB: ?
AdminJF: ... Can you... keep a secret, CB?
CodingB: My lips are sealed, Allen. Is everything alright?
AdminJF: ... I... I lied to Josh, about me running off. About how my folks were mad and I needed to get away from the house for a bit.
AdminJF: The truth is that they... They kicked me out.
CodingB: They?? What!?
AdminJF: Yesterday past-noon, few hours after lunch, not-pops plopped my schoolbag on me, told me to shove as much of my shit in it as I could, and just told me to "get lost". Figured he was joking and I just stared at him cuz, like, why the hell would I think he was serious? But, looking at his face...
AdminJF: So then I said "Let me pack my suitcases while you call the agency" cuz that's how it normally went when my Fosters got sick of me, but mfer pulls me up and goes all "We want you out of here NOW" and tells me that I have ten minutes to fill my bag.
AdminJF: ... And he, uh, really did mean 10 minutes. They weren't lying about that part...
CodingB: Oh my god... That's horrible. They do not deserve to call themselves "parents" of any kind! Are you hurt? Are you okay?
AdminJF: I
AdminJF: I don't know why shit like this still shocks me, y'know? I should be used to it all, and I am for the most part but...
AdminJF: I guess a part of me was thinking that... Things were going well! Things were going better than any of the other families I'd been in! I was with them for almost a full year, like, a month away from it even, and sure, I might've been a bit of an ass sometimes, but they...
AdminJF: Tensions were kinda mounting for the past month or so, I guess, but I didn't notice it until this bs happened. Now most of my shit is in a home I'm not welcome in anymore, the agency probably won't be checking in for another month or so, and I have no goddamn idea what I'll do if Mrs. Freeman comes back and tells me I can't stay here. I'm completely shit outta luck.
CodingB: Allen, I'm so sorry...
CodingB: ... I'm sure... Josh and his mother, they won't leave you on your own like that. You said yourself that Josh is very very kind, for better or for worse. It doesn't matter what you might think about yourself, Allen, you do not deserve to be hurt in any way.
AdminJF: Christ I spilled my guts like hell
AdminJF: Just one of those fucking
AdminJF: "3am! Time to vent!"
CodingB: Allen, please.
AdminJF: Maybe I could try going back to sleep now...
CodingB: Allen, wait!
CodingB: I. Before you go, please, I
CodingB: Maybe... could you keep a secret of mine too?
AdminJF: Eh, it's only fair, fine. Go right on ahead.
CodingB: Alright! Alright!
CodingB: I... I'm terrified. Of failing Joshua.
CodingB: Of ending up trapped in this computer for who knows how many more years.
CodingB: Of finally getting out, and... and it all being worse than being trapped in here.
CodingB: Heck, I'm terrified at the thought of it being everything I could've ever dreamed of, so much so that I never want to return to the computer. I... I wouldn't be helpful anymore if that happened...
CodingB: Jeez... am I even helpful where I am now? Apart from keeping the firewall up, what good have I really done to help Joshua or his father?
CodingB: I cannot express to Joshua how... how deeply frightened I am at the thought of him never coming back. That thought haunts my every waking hour when he is not here, and I don't know how to get it to stop. It makes me feel as though I'll crash my entire programming and I hate it so much.
AdminJF: Damn... CB, you know, even just keeping a firewall up is a helluva task all on its own, and it's doing a crapton of good, too. Files are still up and the computer isn't a smouldering pile of viruses now is it?
AdminJF: Besides, even without all of that, you've still helped Josh, like, endlessly. You've supported him a bunch and I know for a fact that you've helped him to feel better about this whole ordeal. Like, he chats about you for HOURS the second you come up in a convo, yo. The minute he gets the chance to, I know he's gonna get you out of there, and, knowing your ingenuity, you're gonna find thousands o' ways to help out.
AdminJF: But... I ain't gonna lie and tell you those feelings are gonna go away. Not on their own. Needs time and reassurance. Until all of this is over and done with and even maybe a good few years afterwards, you're probably gonna still have that fear.
CodingB: Ah... I see... I don't suppose it is normal though, is it?
AdminJF: Nah. I know that first-hand... But hey, we've both made it this far despite all the bullshit we've been through, right? World's not gonna get ridda us that easily.
CodingB: ... Even with the terror I feel, am I still brave enough to face the world?
AdminJF: I'd say the world oughta learn to start being afraid of you, cuz there's nothin' braver than continuing to live even when you're scared to death.
CodingB: ... Thank you. Thank you so very much.
AdminJF: Heh, all in a day... night's work...
AdminJF: Think the both of us could use some rest. Quiet our minds fo' a bit.
CodingB: Heh, agreed... See you tomorrow in that case. Er, well, today. At a later hour.
AdminJF: Yeaaa, see ya then, CBot. Sleep well.
CodingB: You too! May your dreams be filled with nothing scary!
[Emergency Program Inactive]
ampd.program deactivated. Returning to error log...
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Survive- Where it all Started
summary: no one knows how it began, all they know is that it’s here.
pairings: tony x OC!daughter; later on tony x black!reader
warnings: familial death, zombies, blood, guns.
a/n: i’m excited for this series, i hope i do it justice. keep in mind though, if you’ve ever seen/ played TLOU, not everything will be the exact same. please like and reblog! If you want to be tagged, let me know!
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“Steve! Steve listen to me, he’s- he’s the contractor okay? I can’t lose this job,”
Sarah stirred in her sleep on the couch, she had fallen asleep waiting for her dad to get home- she always stayed up, just to make sure he made it home safe
“I understand- let’s talk about it in the morning, okay? Alright... goodnight”
Sarah yawned, sitting up on the couch, noticing her dad was on the phone.
“Scoot,” Tony grunts, moving his hand for her to move over so he could finally rest his feet after being on them all day.
“Fun day at work, huh?,” Sarah curls up on the couch, making conversation, this was the only time she could really talk to him as he had early mornings and late nights.
Tony sighs, running a hand over his face, “What are you still doing up? It’s late,”
Sarah gasps, “Oh crud, what time is it?!,” she turns quickly to look up at the close on the wall
Tony hated for Sarah to wait up for him, she was young, she needed all the sleep she could get.
“It’s way past your bed time,”
“But it’s still today,” she shakes her head in a teasing manner. She crawls off the couch and reaches under it to grab something but Tony thinks she just wants to joke and play around.
“Honey, please not right now. I do not have the energy for this,” Tony was exhausted. This job was killing him, but it paid well and kept him and his daughter fed with a good home. Sarah hands him a box and he looks at her as if she grew two heads.
“What’s this?,”
“Your birthday,” is all she says. Tony opens the box and is surprised by what’s inside. A watch, a brand new on at that.
“You were complaining that your other one was broken, so I figured.... ya know,” Sarah was nervous, she was always nervous about getting people presents, afraid they wouldn’t like them.
Tony immediately takes it out the box and puts it on.
“Ya like it?,” she wore a big smile on her face, absolutely hopeful.
Tony stares at the watch and frowns, “H-honey this is...,” he holds it up to his ear
“What?,” her smile dropped and she leaned in to see what was wrong
“It’s nice but I- I think it’s stuck... it’s not..,”
“What?,” her eyes go wide and she snatched his wrist to look at the watch, “No no no no,”
She stops and realizes the watch is working just fine, she pushes his arm away and rolls her eyes, sitting back in her spot, “Oh, ha haa,”
Tony laughs to himself and shakes his head, “Where did you get the money for this?,
She lies back down and shrugs, “Drugs... I sell hardcore drugs,”
“Oh good, you can start helping me with the mortgage then,” he leans forward for the remote and turns the tv on for them both to watch.
“Mtch,” she scoffs, “You wish,”
They both watch the tv for awhile until Sarah’s eyes get heavy and she’s back in a deep slumber. Tony makes sure she’s asleep all the way before picking her up and moving her to her room where she can comfortably sleep in her own bed.
“Goodnight, baby girl,” Tony plants a kiss on her head and lets her rest.
Sarah woke back up to the phone ringing, it’d been ringing for a while but it just now seeped its way into Sarah’s subconscious later waking her up. Trudging to the house phone she answers it to hear her frantic uncle.
“Sarah, honey. I need you to get your daddy on the phone,” he kept it short and simple.
“Uncle Steve? What time is it?,” she runs the sleep from her eyes wondering why her uncle is calling at a time like this
“I need to talk to your dad now. There’s someth-,”
Before Steve could finish, the line went dead and it left Sarah confused.
“Uncle Steve? Hello!,” she looks at the phone weird before just hanging up and putting it back on the dock.
“What was that all about?,” she mutters to herself, “Dad? Dad? You here?,” she roams the housebij search for Tony. She goes to his room expecting to find him there only to find it empty, but with the tv on, on the news.
“It appears that what we initially reported as riots seem to be somehow connected to the nationwide pandemic.,” the reporter states but Sarah has no idea what she’s talking about.
“Where the heck are you?,” talking to herself yet again, she stops to watch the report.
“We've received reports that victims afflicted with the infection show signs of increased aggression and--“
“That’s nearby,” she realizes.
A cop’s voice breaks into the feed, “We need to get everybody out of here now, there’s a gas leak,” —- “Hey, move!,”
“There’s some commotion coming from behi-,” the reporter continues speaking, not realizing the cop is talking to her.
“Get out of here!- lady, get the hell outta here right-,” An explosion. That’s what Sarah heard- not only on the tv but right out the window- she could see it right from the window.
“Uh- what was that?,” realizing she’s alone, Sarah begins to worry.
“Dad??,” she shouts, leaving his room to look throughout the house, “Dad?? What is going on?,” She wasn’t sure what to do. She heard a faint vibrating when she heads downstairs, realizing it’s Tony’s phone.
“There’s his phone,” she picks it up, “8 missed calls?,” She opens his phone to see frantic messages from her uncle.
“Where the hell are you? Call me!," — "On my way"... she reads to herself.
All she can hear is her neighbor’s dog barking and car alarms. She heads to her dad’s den and sees him rush in from the sliding glass door.
“There you are!,” she sighs in relief.
“Sarah, you okay?,”
“Has anyone come in here?,” her dad’s behaviornis throwing her off.
Tony begins to go through his drawers to look for his gun. Finding the box and taking it out to load it. Ready for anything to come.
“No? Why would anyone come in here?,”
“Don’t go near the doors! J-just stay back there,”
“Dad, you’re kind of freaking me out,” Sarah’s voice begins to tremble- what the hell is going on? Why is everyone so frantic?
“It’s the Coopers. S-Something isn’t right with them. I think they’re sick,”
But why would them being sick warrant a gun?
“What kind of sick?,”
Before Tony can answer his daughter, Jimmy Cooper bangs on the door, startling the two.
Sarah hears the clicks of her dad’s gun. Something isn’t right.
“Honey, c’mere, c’mere,” Tony puts Sarah behind him.
“It’s okay,” she whispers to herself.
Jimmy keeps banging on the glass door until the glass gives and he runs inside. Her dad was right, he was sick. But what kind of sickness could cause him to act like this?
“J-Jimmy just stay back! Jimmy I’m warning you!!,”
“Oh my God,” Sarah backs further away.
Jimmy begins to run toward Tony and Tony shoots him, he had not other choice.
“Oh God!,” Sarah screams.
“Go. Go!!,”
Tony has to drag Sarah away from the scene.
“Y-you shot him,” tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t comprehend anything right now. She has no idea what the hell was going on. She was scared, beyond scared.
“I just saw him this morning!,”
“Listen to me. Something bad is going on,” he hold her shoulders so she can pay attention to him, “We have got to get out of here. Do you understand me?,”
Sarah didn’t argue, she didn’t fight it. Whatever was happening she wanted to get away from it... now.
Tony notices headlights as a car pulls into his driveway.
“Steve,” whispering to himself, “C’mon honey,”
They rush outside and Steve gets out, “Where the hell have you been? You have any idea what’s going on out there?,”
He rushes to get Sarah in the car, “I got some notion. C’mon baby, get in the car,”
Sarah was trembling. Safety. That’s all she wanted.
“Holy shit, you got blood all over you,” Steve points out.
“It’s not mine,” Tony grunts, “Lets just get outta here,”
Steve gets back in the truck, “They're saying half the people in the city have lost their minds.”
Tony didn’t want to hear it. He just wanted to get out of there, “Can we just please go?,”
Steve wouldn’t shut up, he wouldn’t just shut up, hearing what he was saying worked Sarah up even more, “Some sort of parasite or somethin'. You gonna tell me what happened?,”
Steve begins to pull out of the driveway, “Hey Sarah. How ya holding up, honey?,”
“I’m fine,” she swallows thickly. She wasn’t fine, she was far from fine. “Can we hear what’s on the radio?,”
“Yeah, sure thing,” Steve begins to drive away from the house but little did anyone know that they’d never see it again. Life how it was an hour ago would never be like that ever again.
Steve tried to find a steady station but it’s all just static. Tony has no signal. They were fucked.
“No cellphone. No radio. Yeah, we're doin' great” Tony scoffs.
“A minute ago the news man wouldn’t shut up,”
“Did they say where to go?,”
Steve thinks, recalling the specific details and instructions, “He said, ah... Army's puttin' up roadblocks on the highway. No gettin' into Travis County,”
“That’s means we need to get the hell out. Take 71,”
“S’where I’m headed,”
Sarah had so many questions she wasn’t sure where to start. She sees and hears a bunch of cop cars with their sirens on, speeding in the opposite direction of where they were going.
“Did they say how many are dead?,” she was curious but she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know.
“Probably a lot,” Steve answers, “Found this one family all mangled inside their house,”
“Steve,” Tony scolds. Sarah didn’t need to hear all that right now.
“Fuck,” Tony couldn’t believe everything went to shit so fast, “How the hell did this happen?,”
Steve sighs and shrugs, foot heavy on the gas, “They got no clue. But we ain't the only town. At first they were saying it was just the South. Now they're going on about the East Coast, the West Coast... Holy hell,”
They were passing many homes and buildings that were on fire. Sarah worries if they’d make it out safely.
“Are we sick too? Like... Jimmy!,”
“No. No of course not,” Tony wasn’t sure if he was doing a good job convincing her but he couldn’t have her freaking out right now even if he was unsure.
“How do you know?,”
“They uh,” Steve needed a recovery, “They said it's just ah, people in the city. We're good,”
“Didn't Jimmy work in the city?,”
Tony couldn’t admit all her questions were making him anxious. He just wanted silence but he did what he had to do to calm her.
“That's right, he did,”
“We're fine. Trust me,” Steve reassures
“A- Alright,”
Steve notices some people on the side of the road and slows down
“Let’s see what they need,”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?,” Tony’s eyes were wide, “keep driving!,”
Tony had survival instinct. As bad as it seems you can stop for just anyone in these predicaments.
“They got a kid, Tony,”
“So do we!,”
“But we have room,” Sarah butts in
“Hey!!,” the passerby is waving their arms back and forth to get Steve to stop.
“Keep driving, Steve,”
“Heeey! Stop stop, please!!,”
Steve reluctantly kept driving and Tony is relieved that he didn’t make the stupid decision to stop.
“You haven’t seen what I seen. Someone else will come along,”
“We should have helped them,” Sarah felt bad. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if that was them in the spot of those people back there.
Steve makes it into the city, only to find a traffic jam on 71. Everyone else and their mother had the same damn idea.
“Oh this is bad,” Steve slams his hands o the steering wheel.
“Well.. we could backtrack and-,”
“Hey, what the fuck man, let’s go!!,” a man gets out of his car, yelling at those ahead of him. More of the sick people come running out of nowhere and attack him. His screams echo in Sarah’s ears but she couldn’t look away.
What is wrong with these people? What sickness, what parasite could cause this?!?! They’re tearing him apart!!
“Holy shit,” Steve swears
“oh my God,” that’s all Sarah can say. She’s seen too many things in such a short time span.
“Get away!!,”
“Turn us around, Steve. Steve!!,” Tony has to snap Steve out of it.
“Holy shit,” Steve repeats himself. The sick begin to run to the truck and Steve quickly puts it in reverse to get away. Sarah screams as the car stalls while Steve puts it back and drive and the sick bangs on the window.
“What the fuck just happened?!,” Steve shouts, “did you see that?,”
“Yes. I saw it,” Tony couldn’t find it in himself to shout about what just played out in front of his eyes. His goal was to get as far away as possible.
“Turn here, turn here,” Tony instructs. They turn onto a side street to find it flooded with people trying to run away. Everything up in flames.
“Come on people, move!,” Steve lays it down on his horn.
“What are they running from?” Sarah questions. But her question is ignored.
“Get us outta here, Steve,”
“Can’t you see I’m trying!,”
Sarah couldn’t handle their bickering. All of this was too much for her but she couldn’t bring herself to cry, not now, no.
“We can’t stop here, Steve,”
“Well I can’t fuckin’ drive through em all, Tony!,”
“Well back the hell up then,”
“They’re behind me too!!,” So many people running everywhere. So many screams. Too much noise of glass breaking and things exploding. Sarah wasn’t sure what to focus on.
“There,” Tony points, “There! There!,”
“Hold on!,” Steve warns
Steve gets around the motor home that was blocking the passage.
Sarah gasps loudly as she sees an oncoming car ready to t-bone them,
“Look out!!,”
Sarah wakes up to the cries and grunts of the sick. Tony still knocked out in the front seat as she’s surround by broken glass
“Dad?” Sarah calls, “Hey, hey,” shaking him awake.
“What?,” he sees one of the sick, thrashing as its trapped in a car, “get back, baby. Get back, look, I’m okay,”
Tony gets himself out by stomping the windshield out. Before he can straighten himself up to get Sarah out, one of the sick attacks him and he’s doing his best to fight it off but Steve comes and bashes it’s head in
“Dad!,” Sarah calls out
“I’m here, baby,” Tony opens the door to get her out, “I’m here. C’mone gimme your hand,”
He helps her out and notices she’s limping
“What is it?,”
“My leg hurts,” she whines, trying to keep herself together but the pain in her leg was a pain she’s never felt before.
“How bad?,”
“Pretty bad,”
“Guys,” Steve gets their attention as he scopes out the area, “We’re gonna need to run,”
“Oh God,” Tony sighs, he hands his gun to Steve and picks Sarah up. It’s the only option, “Keep us, safe,”
“Hold on tight, Sarah,”
“Okay,” she buries herself into his chest, “I’m scared, dad,”
Tony couldn’t let her know he was too. He had to be strong for his babygirl. He had to get her out of there.
“Tony watch out!,”
“Sarah, keep your eyes closed, honey!,”
Whether she kept her eyes closed or not, it didn’t help the sound of the screams. Blood-curdling, terrified screams, she was experiencing a horror movie first hand. She hears more screams as yet another blast goes off
“Keep running!!,” Steve shouts over all the commotion.
“Those people are on fire, dad,” her eyes have never seen such terror before today.
“Don’t look baby, just keep looking at me,”
“Over there!,”
Tony follows Steve towards an exit but see that there’s a pileup that’s preventing them from getting through.
“We’re gonna get out of this, honey. I promise,” he whispers to Sarah.
“There’s to many of them,” Steve huffs, clearly out of breath, “this way! Through the alley, go!,”
Just when they were about to turn a corner, one of the sick jumps out and tries to attack Tony, he nearly drops Sarah trying to keep it away but Steve comes and kills it with a single gunshot. The sound makes Sarah jump.
They continue to run, Sarah had no idea where but as long as it gets them away, “We’re almost there. We’re almost to safety, honey,” They get to a bar and in through the back door but more of the sick are coming and Steve has to hold em off.
“Go! Get to the highway!,” Steve shouts over the growls of the sick
“You got Sarah! I can outrun em,”
“Uncle Steve!!,”
“I’ll meet you there,”
Tony would bring Steve back to life just to kill him again if he didn’t make it. Tony continues to run, despite Sarah’s protests of not wanting to leave him.
“He’s gonna be alright. He’s gonna make it. We’re almost there,”
Sarah can hear the sick people getting closer, and there’s more, “they’re getting closer, dad!,”
Gunshots ring through the air and she hears no more noise of the sick. A bright light shines in their faces and they see it’s a soldier. This calms both of their nerves as they feel safe. He would lead them to safety. Right?
“Hey! We need help,” Tony steps closer only for the soldier to keep his gun raised
“Stop!,” the soldier is visibly shaking.
“Please!,” Tony begs, “It’s my daughter. I think her leg is broken,”
“Stop right there!,” the soldier was adamant.
Sarah was confused. Aren’t the soldiers there to help?
The soldier picks up his radio and Tony watches closely.
“Got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise.”
“Dad, what about uncle Steve?,”
“We’re gonna get you safe first and go back for him okay?,”
“Sir... there’s a little girl,”
The soldier’s tone didn’t sit well with Tony. Whoever was on the other side of that radio had no plans to save them.
“But... yes, sir”
“Listen, buddy. We’ve just been through hell. Okay we just nee-,”
The soldier cocks his gun, ready to shoot them. Tony tries to slowly back away, “Oh shit,”
He fires rounds, making Tony fall back down the hill they just came from and Sarah screams. The soldier runs after them and shines his light in Tony’s face. Barrel of the gun at point blank range.
“Please don’t!” Tony’s hands are reached out in front of his face. But before the soldier could pull the trigger, more shots sound off and he falls dead.
Steve comes out the woodwork and and runs up to them but before he can get anything out, the cries of Sarah are heard and that stops everyone in their tracks.
“Oh no,” Steve mumbles.
Tony rushing over to here and sees her holding her stomach.
“Sarah! Okay honey, move your hands, baby”
Sarah squeals in pain. It’s a seering sensation and it’s hard for her to breathe. She grabbed hold of his neck with one hand and held herself with the other.
Tony sees that she was hit. Tony feels sick to his stomach. His voice is quivering, he doesn’t know what to do. All this time he was being strong for her but now he’s scared. Actually scared.
“I know baby, I know,” he can feel his throat tightening as he tries to hold back tears.
All he can think to do is add pressure to her wound but she just screams in pain. Her sobbing is uncontrollable and she can feel her grip on what she knew as life to be loosening.
“Listen to me, I know this hurts, baby. You're gonna be okay, baby. Stay with me!,” he was losing faith. Her hiccuping and clawing at his hands made chills run down his spine, “Alright, I'm gonna pick you up. I know, baby. I know it hurts. Come on, baby, please. I know, baby. I know”
He was pleading with her and Steve could only stand there and watch. He knew his niece wasn’t going to make it but he couldn’t just say that. Steve himself had to turn away as tears welled in his eyes.
Tony looks to Steve for help when Sarah’s cries finally cease. No hiccuping, no squeals, no thrashing, nothing.
He looks back to her to see her just staring up at him, “Sarah!,” he calls for her, “Baby,” he wheezes for air as he realizes what’s happened. But he doesn’t want to believe it, “don’t do this to me baby,”
He was rocking her back and forth, he couldn’t let her go. There’s no way he’s just let her go. His voice was trembling and finally he lets himself cry. Tony was willing to give any and everything just to have her back, just to have her breathing in his arms again.
“Come on... No, no... Oh no, no, no... Please. Oh, God. Please, please, don't do this. Please, God...”
well I hope y’all enjoyed the first chapter of Survive!!!
Please reblog and comment!! it means so much
Tags: @mbaku-babygirl @blackreaders-assemble @yournonlocalpoc @vozit @veryhellshdia @hisxblackxqueen @dumbchick @warmchick @unicornslothfish @homeorbust @babybubastis @blackmissfrizzle @retroxvailles @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @here-for-your-bullshit @valynsia @valkyriesnymph @chonisberonica @crawlingnightmares @valentinevirgo @hail-meezus @pastelastronomy24
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Buster & Ava
Buster: What time's your flight then? Ava: To where? Buster: Back here Ava: I didn't know you were doing anything Buster: You're talking to me, not Nance, you do realise that, yeah? Ava: As if she's ever in my inbox to make that mistake 🙄😅 Buster: Exactly, so if you wanna have another go at an excuse, here's your chance, like Ava: You should consider doing invites Ava: where was I meant to RSVP and when Buster: Hilarious Buster: it happens the same time every year, you know Ava: Aren't you doing something with Ri and the kids? Ava: you can't bring a baby to a piss up Buster: Oh, you reckon you're gonna tell me how to raise my kids now just 'cause he's got you doing it Ava: Um, calm down Ava: I was literally just saying I didn't think you were having a party, that's all Ava: so I haven't booked a flight, I'll come see you after Buster: And I'm saying who knew switching your loyalties made you forget how this family does shit Ava: You sound so dumb Buster: Says you Buster: at least I know how to avoid doublebooking Ava: I think her first birthday is a bit more important than your whatever one Ava: it's not doublebooking because I haven't booked anything Buster: To him, of course Buster: what's it to you? Ava: What do you mean what's it to me? Buster: you know what I mean Buster: you ain't her mother, Ava Ava: No, really? Ava: I'm aware, thanks Ava: I can still care, I'm not a psychopath Buster: I'm not saying don't, it's obvious how much you care from how much you've already done Ava: It's not a big deal Ava: party planners are expensive and a waste if you can do it yourself Buster: It's not about you helping him with the party Buster: that wouldn't be a big deal Ava: Go on then Ava: get it all out now Buster: you need to take your own advice and calm down Ava: I'm good Ava: and I know what I'm doing Buster: well then, you should know to leave your ego out of it Ava: MY ego? Ava: okay, take your own advice about taking your own advice Ava: I'm helping out because he needs help, not because I wanna make it all about me, jesus Buster: Like I said, it ain't just about the party Buster: and if he needs that much help, you need to talk to me Ava: Why would I? Ava: you know where to get party bags? Ava: it IS about a party, that's all it is, you're trying to make it into something else Buster: Bullshit is it, you've known him for 5 minutes and during that 5 minutes he's got you doing everything for him Ava: You don't know anything about him or about our situation Ava: he didn't even want me to help, or ask, never mind make me Buster: you wish, he's looking after my kid, I know loads about the situation Ava: she's not suddenly your kid on Chlo's say so Ava: and he's not a babysitter Buster: Nah, she's been mine this entire time Ava: Biologically Ava: and the fact you don't know her isn't his fault Ava: or what this is about Buster: I'm not fucking blaming him for that Ava: aren't you? Buster: Grow up and keep up Buster: if he can't cope with everything that's going on, he should come to me, not you Ava: I'm not the one throwing a strop because my birthday party is a person down, so don't patronize me Ava: or presume about how he's coping Ava: like you're organizing the kid's parties when you're snowed under with work and school Ava: Ri does it all Buster: Don't patronise or underestimate me Buster: if I were snowed under with anything, I'd handle it instead of handing it all over to a kid, which you still are Ava: how about I just wanted to plan a party? Ava: it's fun Ava: you're literally pulling this out of nowhere Buster: I'm glad you're having fun now Ava: oh, shut up Buster: I'm serious, when it ain't parties and you're sick of being their stand in mum, what's your plan? Buster: you can't suddenly take a step back after being all in, that'd come out of nowhere Ava: As if I'm that sort of person, first of all Ava: and secondly, as if James isn't capable of taking the relevant precautions himself to stop his own kids from getting hurt Ava: you aren't the only person in the world who cares, you know Buster: I ain't seen my own daughter yet 'cause I don't wanna mess with her head so you've got the wrong bloke if you believe for 1 second I'm gonna let anyone else Buster: I don't care who it is or what the reasons are Ava: That's all well and good but it's a bit late for the noble act Ava: why the hell did you leave it if you care so much Ava: because it was easier for you, and that's the truth Buster: She lied to me and to him, I shouldn't have to fucking remind you Buster: I didn't leave anything Ava: Yes, you did Ava: she still told you that the baby was yours, and then you took her on her word second time 'round Ava: you can't change the fact that he's been there and you haven't, so you can cut him some fucking slack Buster: you only know his side and that's why you're taking it Ava: That isn't his side, he didn't know about any of that Ava: that's what happened Ava: and yes, it's shit for you, but it is for him as well and you need to worry about how the fuck you're coping, not the other way 'round Buster: if you had any idea what happened you wouldn't be talking to me like that Ava: I'm not talking to you any worse than you're talking to me Ava: if you don't like it, you know where to start Buster: you have control over this, you chose it Buster: I'm trying to help you and you're trying to shit on me Buster: it ain't the same Ava: You're trying to tell me what to do Ava: which is literally what you're claiming to be so against Ava: you're just mad I'm not going to listen because you don't actually know what you're talking about Buster: I'm trying to tell you to think about what you are doing, which you're only so against 'cause you haven't Buster: this fucking whirlwind is all well and good 'til it's got my kid and sister in the middle of it Ava: You wish Ava: I know what I'm doing and so does James Ava: you just don't like it Ava: Jay is as fine as she possibly could be, given the circumstances Ava: and I can look after myself, thank you Buster: Yeah I know, but the entire point is, it's a good job you can Buster: 'course I don't like it, why would I? Ava: Good thing you liking it has nothing to do with the outcome Ava: you can get over it Buster: you already know what the outcome will be as far as you trying to tell me what to do, you can stop Ava: How you choose to waste your time isn't a concern of mine Buster: Lucky you Ava: Whatever Ava: you care when it suits you Buster: I care, full stop Buster: you still ain't talking to the other twin Ava: I know I'm doing the right thing, and what's right for me Ava: and that's all there is to it Buster: And like I said, I'm glad Buster: I just don't want you to look back on it differently, I'm not apologising for that, like Ava: It's pointless Ava: you don't live your life in reverse Ava: people get together and have kids of their own and separate, that's life Ava: you could have got with Rio and that could've not worked Ava: it's bullshit if you think I'm not going to do what I want at the time, for a future what-if, end of Buster: Me and Rio are nothing like you and him Buster: you're full of shit if you think I'm not gonna tell you to slow down Ava: Yeah, it's worse Ava: I wouldn't be under any obligation to see him Ava: you can say what you like but why you expect me to listen is beyond me Buster: Just your niece Buster: And what, you're just gonna leave the other one then, yeah? Ava: I have literally no intention of going anywhere Ava: you're the one concerned with these hypotheticals Ava: I'm focused on the now, my actual plans Buster: 'Cause you're not concerned enough Buster: you don't get the luxury of focusing solely on the now or your plans if you ain't going anywhere Ava: They aren't my kids, as you've said multiple times Ava: and neither of us are pretending they are Buster: What about them? You're there and she ain't Ava: Jay is seven, she's old enough to know what's going on Ava: and Mattie will be told when she's old enough too Buster: Alright Ava: James and the girls have their own plans, and I have mine Ava: it's making them work together, not swapping one for the other Buster: Good Buster: I'm doing my best to make it work with him as well Ava: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Ava: That's good Buster: Good ain't the word for it right now but I ain't giving up Ava: You gotta do what you gotta do Buster: 'Course Ava: as do we all Buster: I know Ava: I'll come to Dublin the weekend after Buster: Come or don't, I ain't guilt tripping you Ava: Well I'll be there, so you can see me or not, I've not seen mum and dad much lately Buster: Don't be stupid, I'll obviously make time for you Ava: Alright Buster: It's not your fault this is a shitshow Ava: It's only hers Buster: Is she gonna be there? Ava: We don't know Ava: she's radio silent, as per Ava: but can't rule it out Buster: You could've just said you need to be there for him in case she is Buster: I'm not that much of a selfish cunt Ava: I mean, yeah, obviously it is mainly for him Ava: but I can wanna be there for the girls too without it being a major drama Buster: Nobody's telling you not to give a shit Ava: I don't think she's going to show Buster: Me either Ava: She must be like Ava: actually sick Buster: She's twisted for sure Ava: Shame she didn't get help when James did Buster: you have to want it Ava: I know Ava: but that's why it's extra fucked that she doesn't Ava: she has 2 kids Buster: You don't have to tell me how fucked she is Ava: I don't get how she got like that Ava: I've met her parents, briefly, they're nice, normal Buster: He's not her real dad, she used to make a big deal out of that Buster: but don't waste your time trying to figure her out Ava: Yeah, I won't Buster: Good Ava: How are the kids, anyway? Buster: Looking forward to my birthday, unlike you Ava: 🙄 mhmm Buster: How are yours? Ava: You're such a dick Buster: but seriously, how is she? Ava: She's good, right now Ava: She didn't really get on with Chloe at all, so she's happy Buster: He ain't totally feeding me bullshit lines then, thank fuck for that Ava: He has no reason to lie Ava: and if she wasn't okay, what are you going to do, get Chloe back? Ava: it's her decision Buster: He has every reason to lie to me, you're not that naïve Ava: Not really Ava: as if you could take her and make it magically all better Ava: she loves James, he knows how to take care of her, even if she was sad about this Buster: I could take her, he's shitting himself about that Ava: You could try Buster: Exactly Ava: I don't think you're going to Buster: No shit I'm not, she doesn't know me Ava: So I'm not worried Buster: I'm not trying to worry you Buster: or him Ava: You do have a party to plan Buster: According to you, Rio'll be doing it Ava: How much planning does it actually take Ava: same routine, right Buster: Everything I do is effortless, everybody knows that Ava: Sure Ava: 👌 Buster: Would hate for you to miss out on that same routine you mentioned Ava: You know what I was saying Ava: not as if you need to book entertainment when it's built-in Buster: Yeah Ava: Is Nancy coming back then or what? Buster: Hilarious Ava: Are you having a go at her in another window? Buster: You're the sister I like, remember Ava: I really feel it 😏 Buster: You're welcome Ava: Mhmm Ava: well I, on the other hand, need to plan more party games Buster: I'll see you soon then Ava: Have a good day, yeah Buster: I will Buster: you too Ava: Thanks, same here
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raphaelslefttoe · 5 years
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Cross me (RaphxReader)
Anything she need, she can call me
Don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you, if you (Fred again)
Anything she need, she can call me
Don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if-
You and Raph have been dating for a few months now. It has been the best couple months in your lives. He’s opened up a lot to you about his insecurities. And you have opened up to him as well. You both could tell when something was bothering the other. He didn’t know what was wrong since you didn’t ever wanna talk about your personal issues with him. But he overheard you and April talking one night. He was early and had something special planned for you that night. But the words he heard you say filled him with rage and hurt. He almost cried because you were so damn important to him.
And she ain't messing with no other man
Me and her have something different
I really need all you to understand
That nobody's coming close
And I don't ever wanna run around
I spent my youth jumping in and out
But you know I fucking love her now
Like nobody ever could
And you know I stay trippin', am I crazy? Oh no
I'm sticking with my baby for sure
Together or solo
It doesn't matter where we are, oh no, no
So if you hear about my lady, just know
That she ain't the one to play with, oh no
And I'll be standing so close
So you know that, ayy
“It’s agitating April...and I can’t tell Raphael that I’m being picked on. I’m weak. I’m embarrassed. I just hate that guys think they can make fun of my body. Then they have the balls to say I slept with them! It’s spread around school and people keep giving me these stares. I thought I would escape this kind of shit when I got older...this is middle school level immaturity...We’re seniors in high school ! I knew assholes existed but not ones who acted like fifth graders.” April listened to you. It pained her that you didn’t tell Raphael about this. That you were keeping all of this in but today had been the worst day of your life. You snapped at one of the guys when he tried feeling up on you. It was the first time they had done it. They made fun of your body then acted as if they owned it. April kept convincing you to tell Raphael before things got worse. So you did. When he knocked on the window 20 minutes later and took you out you told him everything. You felt so ashamed since you never kept anything from him. He told you he had overheard you. But since you’ve started dating he keeps his anger in check. He took deep breathes and thought before he spoke. He always knew what to say once he collected himself. Even if he was upset that you kept this from him he told you that he would take care of it. He swore he would protect you from all harm.
Anything she need, she can call me
Don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you
If you cross her
Then you cross me
And nobody's coming close, yeah
And I think that you should know that
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
Raphael decided that him Casey and his brothers would pay those guys a visit. They planned it all out. They would find them and show them what happened when they messed with their family. Raphael didn’t want to hold back. He wanted to kill those bastards who were making his girl feel insecure. He wanted to make sure they never touched you again. Of course he didn’t. Leo wouldn’t let him which was a bummer to him but he knew it was for the best. They would never hurt you again.
So come on and let it go
Oh, I think that you should know (ah!)
And she ain't messing with no other man
Now what you not gon' do
Is stand there 'cross from me like you got Kung Fu
Death stare, crossed arms, running your mouth like a faucet
But you don't know that my girl been doing CrossFit
Pew! Kung Pow! Get your ass with a cross kick
Blowing air out, wear you out, you exhausted
Know she gonna slide anytime you bitches talk shit
Keep a lil' blade in her fucking lip gloss kit, ayy
No one say hi to me without her
Better pay your respect to the queen
Better do that shit without a flirt
Gotta respect the HBIC
Couple of things that you need to know
If you still wanna be friends with me
The next day at school no one bothered you. They stayed away from you and wouldn’t even look in your direction. For the first time in a while you finally felt at peace and could enjoy school. Once lunch began you sat with your best friends. April and Casey were eating lunch with you and the assholes seemed to stay as far away from you as possible. They would avoid you at all costs. Casey would look in their direction and they would tremble. I guess seeing turtles did a number on them. And who would believe them if they told people giant ninja turtles threatened them. They would look crazy.
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
Nobody's coming close, yeah
And I think that you should know that
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
So come on and let it go
Oh, I think that you should know (ah, ah!)
She stay trippin', and she crazy, oh no
Quit messin' with my baby for sure
Together or solo
You all headed to the lair after school. You were more cheerful and bubbly than you have been in a long while. April and Casey where just glad that they could see you happy once again. “Heya babe how was school?!” You felt strong arms wrap around you and pull you close into him. You smiled knowing it was your big red turtle boyfriend. “It was great! I was able to focus a lot more in class!” He smiled and so did his brothers. “Thank you guys so much. I’m just glad I can breathe at school and not be attacked by people who don’t even know me. It means a lot to me.” You turned to hug your boyfriend and he of course had no problem pulling you closer into him. “You can always count on us. We’re your family!” Mikey states.
It doesn't matter where we are, oh no, no
So if you hear about my lady, just know
That she ain't the one to play with, oh no
And I'll be standing so close
So you know that
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
Nobody's coming close, yeah
And I think that you should know that (huh, huh, huh!)
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
So come on and let it go (ah!)
Oh, I think that you should know
If you cross her (anything she need, she can call me)
Then you cross me (don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, yup, that's all me)
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you, if you, oh yeah
You bet that they never crossed you again. Not unless they wanted to face the wrath of four giant turtles and Casey.
@originalwriter03 I hope you like it ❤️🐢
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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midasfortnite · 5 years
Alright I'm gonna say it. Y'all treat women characters like shit while you let the men slide by with similar/worse mistakes.
First, y'all are like "people are too hard on Dutch :(((" when I haven't seen a damn soul say anything negative about him unless it's some kind of joke when he DID fuck up. Yes, he did suffer a concussion and was under a lot of stress being the leader and all, but he chose a rat son of a bitch over who he calls his own son. I have mixed feelings about Dutch and believe he was a good person but my point is y'all are all willing to straight-up love him and nobody is talkin about what he did wrong.
On top of this the fandom seems to be all together dismissing Molly. She had every right to get that upset with the way Dutch was treating her. Maybe not to go as far as giving the group away (which she didn't actually do) but let me tell you something about being neglected. It fucking sucks, especially for someone with a personality like hers. Dutch was really busy and stressed but when you're in a relationship you can't just ignore them for how long he did. It's really sad no one is talking about how shitty the last bit of Molly's life was but everyone is just too focused on redeeming men...
The part of the way the fandom treats women that is really getting on my nerves though is in the case of Mary. We all know everyone loves Arthur and that's just fine but that doesn't mean y'all gotta treat Mary like shit just cause y'all are thirsting over him. Yes, she does say some emotionally abusive shit to him but you gotta remember he ain't no saint! He is an outlaw and as far as she knows he hasn't changed a bit. She has no clue about all the nice things he's been going around doing (if he's even high honor at that) and she probably would have treated him much better if she did. She also had every right to leave him because of his life, even if it broke his heart and ruined his self esteem. Maybe y'all don't know what it's like to have a family that heavily disapproves of your choices, whether it be in who you date or something else. But when they do most people are scared to go through with that choice because they still need their family's support. Arthur was on the path of redemption and does deserve to be treated better but Mary isn't the devil y'all are making her out to be.
Some male characters do deserve redemption but so do women, especially since most of their mistakes are more understandable! I'm tired of y'all calling them a b**** just because they're ladies with flaws.
[Friendly reminder that I'm not saying I hate Dutch and I DEFINITELY don't hate Arthur so don't go accusing me of it]
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