#hitman 5 rp
yrpreciousmoon · 2 years
I need more Squadra RPs in my life, so hmu if you’re down 🙏
I mostly use Discord but I can be flexible.
EDIT #2!
I’m comfortable playing Ghiaccio, Prosciutto, Melone, or any of the other guys (in that order).
(Might also be into part 4 RPs, but I’m picky.)
Open to most ships. And I tend to enjoy stories with at least some kind of romance and/or smut element.
I don’t have a specific story in mind! Canon and AU are both good; I’d love to hear your ideas!
I’m okay with writing darker themes such as violence, drug/alcohol use, etc. (These aren’t requirements, but please let me know what your boundaries are so we both feel comfortable!)
If this sounds like something you’d like to discuss, please reply or DM me 🥰
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Let's do a shipping game~ Lambo x I pin
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @musessinabag Reminder: This is me just talking in general, so in no way is RP portrayals or anything being considered her. All Neo in her head. Characterizations are based off what I think would be interesting set up for the ship.
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
Readmore time
So, the only reason why I didn’t mark ‘love it’ is simply because of the fact that I don’t muse I-pin and I never truly did a deep study on her. There isn’t too much information on her, and we don’t know too much about what the TYL Lambo and I-pin are doing. So, because I don’t know too much about them, it’s hard for me to really figure out a ship, so I don’t get as invested into it. Still, I do enjoy the ship and find them cute, so I definitely do ship it!
Again, I’m just throwing out some ideas out there that I think could make sense for the two characters. As I’m not that confident in my knowledge on I-pin (or Lambo for that matter, even tho I muse him lol) take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
We don’t know much about either of them canonically, so this is true NEO HEADCANON ERA! TRUE, IF YOU WON’T TELL ME SHIT, I’LL MAKE UP SHIT, AMANO. YOU SHOULD FEAR ME. So this is going down ‘Neo does whatever the HEKK she wants’ rotue. Truly, just take everything I say with a grain of salt lol.
I don’t recall how much of this I’ve said, but I think Whiskey should know a good bit of this bc we’ve talked about Lambo before. I think that Lambo is a bit of a black sheep of his family. One of Futa’s rankings his something like no.1 person that I’d want to kill and stuff to make into a chair—and that shows just how unliked he is or how annoying others find him. (Funny, bc I adore him and love him. Always have. I was meant for Haru, I know.) He, an actual child, was sent on a ‘mission’ to kill Reborn, the no.1 hitman. You can’t tell me that they were serious with that mission. I dare to believe that it was something someone said jokingly and Lambo went: BET. I’LL SHOW YOU! Then he ran off to Japan lol
I headcanon that Lambo was told that to make him shut up or leave people alone. The fact that the Bovino famiglia knows that he’s in Japan (Bc they are sending him weapons and replacement ammo for the bazooka) and they didn’t send someone over to watch over him is very telling. Even if he was on a mission, or even if he was being looked after by someone, the fact that we never saw any guardian of him is very telling to how little he seemed to matter to them. There is a moment where otona lambo boasts about how he got a trophy for being one of the best toilet cleaners—like… what is that? What kind of an award is that? It gives the feel of just give him something so he shuts up. Or it could even be a mocking award- but he still seemed proud of it.
Like, let’s face it. Lambo is lucky that Reborn never killed him in retaliation for the assassination attempts. He could’ve died many times over and yet the Bovino famiglia still provided him with weaponry. They were letting a literal 5 year old go to his possible death. I don’t give a flying fuck if they are like ‘this is the mafia, it’s a tough world out there’ but to risk a 5 year old? HELLO? A part of me thinks he has to be of relation to someone of rank because I can’t assume the ammo for the bazooka and the weapons he was sent are cheap. They couldn’t send such expensive things to some random grunt. Instead, he may be of relation to someone of status within the Bovino Famiglia. He is even told that if he could kill Reborn he could be the next Bovino boss.
I think regardless of how annoying he may be and how they want him to go away for a while, they couldn’t joke about something as serious as boss position. I think for that to be a thing that Lambo talks about (even in his character song), there may be some truth to it, so he is of relation to rank. YET- this is how they treat him? They leave him alone in a whole ANOTHER COUNTRY? By himself??? We even know in TYL that Futa admits that for a time that he was Lambo’s guardian. HELLO??? WHAT Y’ALL DOING???? When the Vongola reached out to have Lambo as a guardian, I believe it was stated the boss cried and was like ye do take him, it’s an honor. Certainly, it is an honor but also perhaps happy to be like bye bye brat.
It's possible that he is one of the many children who could’ve succeeded in the boss role and people just wanted to get rid of him to lessen the rivals. If so, he likely wasn’t favored among the children which may account for him being somewhat neglected. If so, then it makes some of his behavior a bit more understandable. He wants attention, he wants recognition. He wants people to acknowledge his potential and what he can do. Don’t just treat him like a kid. He is so starved for care and attention. It has to be why he loves the Vongola so much. To him, THIS IS HOME. Haru is a good sister figure to him who actually pays him attention and cares for him. He actually gets to act a kid with her and feel protected.
He can run to her if Gokudera is bullying him. He knows that Haru will dote on him and play with him. Nana is a woman who is very open and loving. She can take care of a number of people and she may very well be the closest thing to a mother to Lambo. So he is allowed to be more of a kid in Japan for once. He’s allowed to just… exist and be a kid and not have to always try to prove himself or need to be useful. That’s so important to have for kids, the time to be allowed to be carefree and childlike. That said, he’s still mafia and a guardian. He wants to chase after the guys and be like them. He wants to chase after them, he wants to be with them and do stuff. He can also do big boy things! Both are equally valid and go hand in hand.
Lambo’s ability to play with other kids is also interesting. He retains a very haughty attitude and is more… callous, at times? I think it can also reflect on his life back at the Bovino’s. That people treated him roughly, and maybe kept a haughty attitude, and may be mean to him. They may risk his life when they play. He was probably lied to by saying ‘this is how we play. If you want to have fun with us, you play like this. Don’t worry about if it hurts.’ So his play often employs dangerous ‘toys’. This is why sometimes we see him having fun trolling around and suddenly he brings out weapons from his afro. I think it���s a show of how dangerous his upbringing was.
Don’t get me started on how he’s never really been called back to the Bovino’s (canonically). I don’t know if anything was ever stated in the secret bullet things. TYL Lambo is hard to be used as an example bc it’s likely that when he’s with the Bovino’s it’s because a lot has gone on with the Vongola and he was sent back to them to be safe or whatever. It’s just upsetting to me that we know so little about the Bovino famiglia. Lambo also barely ever talks about them aside from the boss. I feel the fact he doesn’t ever talk about them shows that he didn’t have close ties to them. He doesn’t really regard them as close family and that’s so sad to me.
The reason he’s so annoying and bothers Gokudera is maybe because they’re the ones that come from similar backgrounds (mafia) and that he thinks Gokudera is cool. He wants to be more like him when he grows up. Even if it’s negative attention, he wants that. He just wants to exist in someone’s world and not to be ignored. How else to not get ignored than be annoying? I think this really shows through when you think that as he grew older, he’s gotten a lot of attention and care from others. He is REASSURED that he matters, and so otona Lambo is actually calm and less insufferable. I truly think a lot of his annoying nature (which I personally love lol like the gremlin I am) stems from his outcry of wanting attention.
Phew that’s a lot. I did say you could sit in for a lecture, right? I-pin, my sweet lil bean. We know that she can get embarrassed easily and when she is she clings to people. We know that she’s also pretty self-sufficient for the most part. She’s responsible and she’s mindful of others. She has a knack for caring for others and she’s got a great empathetic heart in the case of how she took care of Chrome who was struggling to get used to a new environment, especially with people who care. I-pin approached her in a casual way and made it easy for her to realize her hunger and accept the kindness.
Again, HC territory, but I think I-pin was likely an orphan. I think Fon is pretty much the one who picked her up and to help her be able to protect herself and to have the mettle to fend for herself in the harsh world, she was being taught martial arts. Through his teachings, she can learn self-discipline, how to push through adversity, how to have compassion, how to control her emotions, etc. Of course there are exceptions, but it’s quite the norm for Asian parents to provide for their children and try not to let their children suffer/struggle through anything until they are adults who can fend for themselves. So college fees and the like are usually paid for by the parents who want the best for their child. They don’t want their child to be riddled with debt or anything.
This is what a lot of my friends went through and I partially did as well. Financially it wasn’t so doable so I did have to take some loans myself but my parents still paid for a big chunk of my tuition. It’s just—the norm, I guess? Should I say expected? The fact that I-pin was working to pay for her own tuition is very telling for me. I guess you could argue that her parents are very poor or something, but in that case it’s weird to me that she didn’t ever mention parents, or that they never tried to reach out and thank Nana for her caring for I-pin. Even if it’s off screen, it may have been mentioned briefly like oh your parents sent you a card, they sent a care package, etc etc. I dunno, I just… get the feeling in my gut that she is an orphan.
I think that she sees Fon as something like a father figure to her. Not entirely unheard of for master/disciples. If she is an orphan it could explain how she was able to be more in tune with how Chrome felt uncomfortable/nervous around the others. Unsure of if she could accept their kindness for what it was. I-pin, as an orphan could relate to that. I mean Chrome isn’t really an orphan but she might as well be with the parents she had. She discarded that life so basically she’s an orphan too.
I think both she and Lambo can relate in similar ways to wanting a family, to wanting parental figures who would care for them and you know, put the energy into raising them. Fon can only do so much I think, as he’s got his own duties as an arcobaleno, and doing his own whatever Fon does. Not to mention that being an arcobaleno can mean that he could have enemies or that he leads a somewhat dangerous life, so they have to be apart sometimes. So, when Nana allowed I-pin to stick around, he likely thought it for the best. I-pin can finally have a more stable life. She can rest easier.
Once she had a more stable life, she wanted to give up the path of being an assassin and not focus so much on martial arts. Fon respected her wishes and sealed off the Pinzu time bomb. He cares for her and wants what is best for her. When she finally had stability she wanted to keep it. Be at peace, and so she works hard to make money for her tuition so she can lead a calmer life, I feel. That’s what she wants.
Even so, we’ve seen that she’s ready to charge up her fist if need be. Gonna bully Haru-san? Not on her watch. You targeting Haru-san and Kyoko-san? Lambo, get your but over here and help me protect them. You can say that she’s very filial. She may have wanted to settle down for a calmer life, but that doesn’t mean she shuns it. It doesn’t mean she’s completely done with it, because it’s a way for her to protect her loved ones.
I-pin has always been seen playing with Lambo, humoring him, and making sure he stays out of trouble. She likely has protected him at times because of his softer attitude and how he just cries lol. Lambo also plays with I-pin and allows her to just play and be a child. He’s just so wild that he can break her out of her regimen. He allows her to be free by being the absolute nutcase of a gremlin that he is. He is the example of being free and doing what you want.
I think those are aspects about their dynamic that is so important. I love how Otona Lambo calls her lovely I-pin. That’s just SO CUTE to me. I also find it very fascinating that if there is some kind of a mission to protect, it’s ALWAYS Lambo and I-pin together. Why not just entrust it to Lambo on his own? I dare to assert it’s because I-pin would worry about him too much and the best way to ensure his safety is to take matters into her own hands. She knows how quick to cry he can be. She knows how sometimes it’s harder for him to get into the mindset of just fighting because he sometimes has a passive way of interacting with altercations until you cross the threshold of ‘guess I actually HAVE to fight.’
I think growing up with Lambo and seeing how easy it is for him to cry at times, it made her pretty sensitive to his mentality and his emotions. She is pretty protective of him and Lambo surprisingly just lets it be the case. He allows it.
HEAR ME OUT-! Lambo grew up to be a pretty decent guy because of the positive influences around him in the form of the girls. There is literally no way anyone can convince me that Haru and Kyoko didn’t influence the way Lambo grew up. He’d seen the way that the girls could be treated and how they could be harassed by random guys. He’s seen how they get upset when people are rude to them, think of them as lesser, or not take them seriously. He’s seen it, and he’s likely resolved (and was taught by them) to not be like those bad apples.
Growing up with I-pin as his childhood friend, he can appreciate all she’s done for him, the care she has for him. He can be SO PROUD of all that she’s doing. The fact that she is trying so hard to make something of her life and not get disheartened by the cards life dealt her. She, is lovely. Maybe she has her doubts at times, but Lambo always reminds her. He finds her lovely and he 100% means it.
I think they’re such a nice pair because they would understand each other really well and have their own ways of being good influences on the other. He can be a good reminder for her to take a step back and enjoy life. Don’t be such a stickler and let loose every now and again. She is great for being a good grounding force for him, a person who is able to calm him down rather easily, and keep him FOCUSED when in the midst of a dangerous situation. Like, he’s been shown to be afraid and frightened, wanting to just run away or avoid situations when he’s thrown into dangerous situations by younger Lambo (LOL). Sometimes Tsuna seems to have to beg Lambo to actually do something. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT GHOST ROMEO. PLEASE!
However, if you think about the times when he’s alongside I-pin, he seems more courageous, almost? Both instances were pretty big deals. Dealing with one of them murder twins who look like walking ghostly freaks? Literally fleeing from the pursuing Black Spell? Come on, and yet he wasn’t whining, he wasn’t crying. He was relatively calm. He’s willing to just go into danger, not run away, and do what needs to be done. He can do his part to protect people with her directives. I will sit down here and claim that I think, she is his courage. She is a big reason for him to be courageous. If I-pin has come out of ‘retirement’ to be there for him, he has to man up and be brave. He won’t let her efforts go to waste. He won’t disappoint her. KILL ME I AM SO EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW.
They’d just have such a good vibe, I think. They are good for each other and can support each other. They can help each other in ways that is beneficial.
I think that’s enough yapping about that. So for some cute ideas… hm… a thought that I had was about the password to unlock the pinzu bomb. I think based off my thoughts from above, the reason why a password even exists is because she didn’t want to fully commit to retiring, and for what reason? Remember the password to unlock it? ‘Broccoli monster’ and we know that’s what I-pin calls Lambo sometimes because of her bad vision. If she needs a reason to come out of retirement, it’s for her broccoli monster. She will fight for him and protect him if she must. SOBBU
I can imagine that due to the fact that from a young age some people mistaken I-pin as a boy, it had some effect on her self-consciousness and image. So, it’s possible that some snotty kids had some things to say about her, but Lambo has never seen her as anything but his great friend, someone who means so much to him. I like to think that when he realized she was struggling with her image one day, that’s when he started calling her Lovely I-pin. He wants to remind her that she is in fact lovely and he hopes that by doing so she can believe in his words that she IS lovely. KILL ME I AM CRYYYYYYYYY
I’m tired. I’ve basically been typing almost nonstop for hours. Settle for just two cute thoughts please. I want to rest.
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
1. Mun is 30+ so some mature themes may happen on this blog. 
2. No godmodding/metagaming, be respectful, etc. I am not afraid to instantly block anyone who can’t show some basic respect. 
3. I am highly selective and mutually exclusive, if we are not following each other, I will not interact. So please let me know if you’re following for a sideblog so I know we are mutuals then. 
4. Please notify me of your triggers and blocked tags so I can tag appropriately. That said my own triggers are incest, rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse in general. I will amend this list as other triggers come to light. That said, I do have muses who have SA and CSA as triggers in their info, it is only past mentions of it happening though, my own trigger with SA comes in with images and explicitly detailed writing. Interact with Ash Lynx and Shorter Wong with caution if CSA is a trigger, I write them both as survivors of it. I also black list the tag #one piece, please tag your content be it rp or art, I want nothing to do with this fandom and don't want it on my dash. While I have it in my DNI I understand some fandomless OCs and multi blogs rp in it still, I need you guys to tag your verses and content for it please.
5. I am a multi muse, please specify the muse you want to answer said ask when sending one, the only exception to this is OOC/Mun games, I will answer those as myself. Also if you’re a multi or sideblog please let me know the url/muse the ask is from when sending. I am also multiverse, multi ship, as well as duplicate friendly. Each ship is in it’s own verse, I do have mains and exclusives though. I am okay with some pre-established stuff as far as platonic goes, friends and familial bonds. All I ask is you just run it by me first to make sure it works with my headcanons, romantic ships though, I prefer chemistry.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
7. I am not an aesthetics source or RP resource and memes blog, please reblog from the source when possible.
8. Do not reblog in character threads you are not involved in. They are not fanfics, they are for my RP partner/s only. Personals please do not interact on them. Anything tagged #ic is off limits.
9. While I do not fully diverge, my portrayals are headcanon heavy. Keep this in mind when interacting with my muses. As some things may be applicable to them that are not discussed in the canon verses.
10. I will not interact if I find your blog to be utilizing A.I. or reposting stolen/uncredited art.
11. DNI: One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood blogs. 12. My timezone is US EST/GMT-5 (New York Time), so if you can't reach me at a certain hour, I am probably asleep or having connection issues with net and data.
This list will be amended as I see fit and is subject to change the longer I write on here.  
Muse List:
Banana Fish:
Griffin Callenrese
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Neliel Tu Odelshwank
Tier Harribel
Lilynette Gingerbuck
Nanao Ise
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Shikamaru Nara
Minato Naimkaze
Hinata Hyuuga
Sakura Haruno
Itachi Uchiha
Katekyo Hitman Reborn:
Hayato Gokudera
Shoichi Irie
Mukuro Rokudo
Dino Cavallone
Cozarto Simon
Enma Cozzato
G. Giotto Uri (humanized version of the Storm Box Animal) Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Skellington Child's Play Universe: Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) Saw Universe: John Kramer (Jigsaw) Amnesia: Shin
Trigger warnings associated with each muse can be found here. Character list with info links to wiki pages on each is found here.
Hidden/request only muse list can be found here. Mains and exclusives list can be found here. Affiliates can be found here. Ship wishlist can be found here.
Please read these links before interacting!
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OC info:
Name: Jamie May Shaw
Clan: 13th gen Gangrel (Fledgling)
Age: 28 (appears younger to mid 20’s)
Gender: trans masc (he/him)
Orientation: Gay (mlm)
Sect: Loyal only to those loyal to me (Unaligned)
Written by: @crowfallow
More info below!
Jamie as a person will give the cold shoulder to anyone who isn’t interested in hiring him for a job. Whatever that “job” may be usually involves stealing, hitman/grunt work, blood running/smuggling (never living blood dolls only blood bags and the like), or even just sending a “friendly” message for someone.
When he isn’t doing freelance work he’s usually on the run from something or someone with his adoptive Mawla figure Keaton (Ravnos) and his newfound friend from Toledo Magpie (Nosferatu). These three and some other unknown Kindred make up a freelance criminal network known as “The Corvidaes”. Perhaps you may have heard the tale of Corvids who preform daring deeds for the right prices. Such as a Jackdaw who was “quite aggressive and bothersome to the local Tremere”, “The Magpie that stole a valuable shiny”, “A Raven swooped by as soon as it vanished” or other such tales. These are the verbal calling cards of the gang.
Underneath all that cold hard skin, Jamie’s true personality shines to those he feels he can let his guard down with. His cynicism becomes witty banter with a friend, his threats become a loving jab, and his defense stance melts away to become warm.
What do they run from? Now that’s at least three pages long of enemies-but lets keep it focused on Jackdaw. Jamie is on the run from his previous Sabbat Pack (who he unfortunately encountered in New Orleans), assassins, and whoever else wants him or his Mawla dead. He’d bet $5 your sire either wants or knows someone who wants his gang dead.
Extras: His animal form is that of a grey wolf with German Shepard like colors mixed in. His preferred feral weapons are wolfs claws and he’s got K9 fangs. Before he died he served in the US Army as a combat medic. He was then Embraced by his Sabbat Sire to be a tool, only for the aforementioned Ravnos to literally steal him away from the Pack and rehabilitate his puppy ass. He looks like this (the one in the green jacket. The left Nossie is Magpie my friend!) https://twitter.com/StellarxKid/status/1657947361644253185?s=20
Tumblr media
About me: Hi! I’m TeaLeaf! 22 enby lesbian writer and larper at your service! I am also autistic so excuse my poor understanding of social cues heh heh… Been in tumblr rp scenes since MIDDLE SCHOOL LMAO so I am very rusty. You’ll have to forgive grandparent here on vampblr. My character may be cold and shadow the edgehog but I am always open to asks and messages!! Can’t guarantee I will be super active but I will try my hardest! Thank you for reading!
Things I will and will NOT write:
NSFW will not be going on this blog. Sorry just not very comfy with that but I don't mind horny conversations or whatever. If I find the conversation uncomfy I may ghost it or just tell you.
I will not write any thing fetishy I dislike sorry
I am a very busy person so this blog will not always be active. If I don’t respond right away please don’t take it as a sign I don’t want to talk to you! I unfortunately touch a lot of grass.
Jamie and I have a PTSD diagnosis in common, so there may be mentions of that here. I take mental health very seriously so I ask that if you bring it up to please consult with me first on your limits.
Jamie is a Gangrel with a tendency for violence and is a DoX (Descendant of Xavier), meaning he can occasionally transform into a hybrid manbat thing. I will not write senseless levels of gore but blood and violence are guaranteed to come up.
If you need something tagged, tell me! I won't know unless you reach out!
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || Part 13: On The Hunt: Assault on The Mansion Pt. 1
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun! And I’m here to write part one of this drabble volume. Part 2 would be written by my lovely rp partner, @the-silver-peahen-residence so I’m setting the mood and setting up for her to go from there! 
Have a great reading! If you need to catch up, please read the previous chapters below.
Part 1
Part 2 - New Challenger
Part 3 - Planning Operation Party B̶a̶c̶h̶e̶l̶o̶r̶e̶t̶t̶e̶
Part 4-   Party Time Descending Into Chaos
Part 5 - Party Rumble - ( Part was Written by me. :)  )
Part 6 - How to Settle This
Part 7 - Love Jeopardy
Part 8 - Love Jeopardy Second Half
Part 9 - The game wars
Part 10 - Resolution???
Part 11 - Peak of Anger
Part 12 - Head Hunt
------ Summary ----
After the attack on the party and getting the intel based on the evidence and statements from the captured mercernaries. The boys and the fraction leaders are having a plan in motion through Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. 
Enjoy the show!!
----- Four Months Later ----
In the criminal underworld, a hitman approaches a client who is sitting at the table inside a dive bar. He is fidgeting and nervous. This must be his first time.
“Alright. I got your call. What’s the job?”
“This one....you gotta kill this monster. I hear you’re the best at what you do..” The client passes a photo. A bounty. The hitman looks over the name and wide his eyes slightly.
The 20-something client chuckles. “Got your attention, huh? Good. Do this and you get-”
“Forget it.” The hitman cuts him off. 
“Huh?! Why?! This damn lizard and their damn team cost me my weapon-smuggling business!!!” The client yelled.
“Do you have any idea who this person is?” The hitman sighed, tapping on the photo.
“Yeah. Van Ink The Dragon. I heard she lead a bunch of punks acting like pro-heroes without licenses, taking down bad guys. They’re nothing compare to you!”
“And you already heard that she took down that anti pro-hero, Iron Titan, right? Fought Killer Night a year ago. And a few others?” The hitman wrinkles his cigarette in annoyance. “Yeah but those guys are-” The client argues but the hitman cuts him off
“Then forget it. Just take the loss and move on. Van Ink The Dragon isn’t someone you want to mess or else the Six Claws will go after you and makes sure you will regret.” The hitman tells him.
“The what-now?” The client blinks stupidly. 
“Ugh...I’m going to tell you what happened the last time when someone who tried to target Van Ink The Dragon. Wanna know what happened?”
“Fine! Can’t it be that bad...” The client huffs, crossing his arms. “Heh. You got no idea...” The hitman begins to tell the story of The Dragon and her Six Claws. “
It took time but thanks to the efforts of Mouse and Fosh with the support of ADA and a few pro-heroes such as Eraserhead. They found the identity of the person who send the mercenaries: Ray Decham. Said to be businessman whose hobbies are hunting, art collecting and is known for a money-laundering business and smuggling naroctics. He looks to be in his late twenties or early thrities, has a knack for throwing huge auction parties. He had that look that similar to a lackey from a Yazuka gang. He has pericngs on his ears as he has boastful look. 
A meeting is being held in a huge office by the ADA who find proof along with Eraserhead and Dazai who are spearheading the investigation behind the incident. 
The fraction leaders are in the meeting in person while their core teammates are watching via online. The DBT are also in person as well as they want to take down the ones responsible. Ink is in the hospital, is fine but unconscious so it’s going to take time for her to wake up. 
Dazai briefed that the motive is that Ray targeted Ink not only for the bounty but he has a reputation in underworld saying that he will take down the Dragon and he has a few friends who have a grudge against her for indirectly messing with their illegal business and he works with a doctor, Adam Ripper who is seen with him on a patio in a photograph having wine. Adam Ripper, an infamous doctor who has a reputation in illegal organ trafficking and his hobby of occult. Dazai theorized that Adam wants Ink or rather her power due to Adam’s pervious crimes. 
So in short, Decham works with Ripper. Decham hired the mercs as he has money as he wants the reputation to take down the famed Van Ink The Dragon and Adam gets to keep her body if succeeded! This got everyone disgusted besides Dazai and Eraserhead who kept a serious straight face. 
But man....they did not take in account for the six who cared about Ink so deeply or the fact their plan failed miserably the moment their hired goons attacked the party the other night.
As the meeting went on, the fraction leaders sense something off. Or rather....everyone in the room knew. The DBT and other fraction leaders can sense the anger and fury, especially Kali. She can sense how angry the boys were. Atsushi gave Dazai notes but she can tell how quiet and eerily calm he is. She sees glimpses of his tiger eyes time from time when Dazai explained the motive of these two men. Rin and Yukio are here too. Yukio had to look towards his brother a few times in concern when Rin keep his mouth shut. Kali can tell he is snarling right now, holding it in. 
Denji and Ren are with the DBT on request to which the fraction allowed them so. Denji muttering something under breath. ‘Fucking bastards..’ and whatnot as he gripping his arms tightly as he is gritting his teeth. 
Ren was silent more than usual. He zeroed in the faces of Ray Decham and Adam Ripper when Dazai summarizes the motives of these two men like he is going to murder them in their sleep. 
But it’s nothing compare to the two upcoming pro-heroes of UA. Midoriya and Bakugo.
 Bakugo hasn’t said one curse throughout this meeting. Not one. There is no outburst from him that disrupts Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. Which is worrying DBT and the fraction leaders.  But Midoriya? Yeah, they all FEEL that he’s pissed off because he is not saying a word and he held a blank face.
He hasn’t said one word until he asked.
“So where is Ray Decham located?” Midoriya asked calmly. There is no emotion in his voice. But damn, his voice can cut the tension with a knife, which made the fraction leaders startled. Yuuka, who knew Midoriya, who is not known for anger in class 1-A. He is a happy green bean who is so cheerful and inspires everyone, so hearing him speak like this scares her a little. 
‘Damn....these guys are PISSSSED.’ Fin thought, now pitying any SOBs who tried this shit now.
Guam gulped a little while Joshua and Rex are comforting Ashely, who is now worried about the mission.
“As you can see, this is where Ray lives. In the South Bronx, like the mercenary leader has stated. However...he has a few properties; a mansion in Riverdale which is straight north from the South Bronx. Not too far, another in the Hamptons, and one in Yonkers.” Eraserhead said before listing other properties.
“So the guy is lying-?” Denji growled, now wishing to chop the bastard’s dick off. 
“No, the GPS is correct. The location acts as a checkpoint. Endeavor has arrested his associates who hand in giving the mercs weaponry and has given up Aaron’s whereabouts to us.” Eraserhead added. “We checked the properties with other fraction and it leaves Riverdale. Given the structure of the mansion, it is said to be that Decham lives on this property.
"That said, we have you two along with Atsushi, Rin and the DBT to go to Riverdale and apphrend Decham. We have yet to find Adam Ripper..."Dazai said. 
This got the fraction leaders.
“Wait...are we not participating in this?” Rex asked. 
“Oh no! I think it’s best if we leave in their hands.” Dazai smiles with a laugh. As if he knew what the six are capable of right now. 
‘In their hands???’ Yuuka thought. Knowing Midoriya and Bakguo, they’re top of their class and work under Endeavor so they’re more than capable. So they can handle them. Atsushi? He’s good and he can transforms into a weretiger. She heard Fin that he made some good progress Not sure about Ren but she heard good things about him from Oblivion. Rin? He has a demon sword and can set things on fire. Denji. After what his idea of busting the mercernaries’ balls in getting them to talk?! Yeah...these guys are going to tear the place up. And nothing will stop them.
“Now let’s get this mission on the road!” Dazai laughed.
The fraction leaders has a feeling that Dazai is going to enjoy the destruction oif Ray Decham and his estate. Just like him, Kali nods. “Okay let’s do it. I will accompany them. We have rides! Bernard and Welsey can drive them there.”
“Jaron recovered so he can drive us there as well.” Shdwkyz stated. 
“Hm...” Ren nods. And so the mission begins.
-------- Ray’s Mansion, Riverdale, Bronx -------
There were guards stationed around the manison and inside. There were maids and bulters around doing their routine of housekeeping. Further down the hall, Ray Decham is on a phone call near the pool at his backyard, talking to someone. “No. I haven’t heard anything from Condor and his team. yet” He said. “Huh?! You’re saying they failed?! How?! You said these guys are pros at what they do, Ripper! Tch. Those guys aren’t going to talk. Or else they can forget about being paid! Huh? Go with the back-up plan. Yeah, okay! That’s fine. I will do that.” Ray then blinks. 
“Huh?! You’re leaving?! But what about the dragon?!”
Then he heard a loud explosion that made him stagger, making lose his balance and sits down on a chair. 
“What the fu-” Ray heard it before he hears another explosion. A terrorist attack?! There is shouting and gunshots running out the building. 
“B-boss! We’re under attack!!” Said a guard as he bursts through the doors. There were booming sounds and yelling as the guards were trying to fight something or someone. 
“Hah!?! Under attacked?! By who?!” Ray asked. “The pro-heroes?!”
“Yeah...but uh..”
“Yeah but what?!” Ray demanded to know what’s going on.
“There’s six of them!” The guard cried. 
“SIX?!” Ray yelled in disbelief. 
----- Outside of the Ray’s Property ------
“Well shit! They go through the front?!” Kali said watching this thanks to Mouse and Fosh’s drones who is recording this on the scene. She is eating popcorn and passing this to Oblivion and Rust who are invested in this. 
“I have my money on Atsushi here!” Dazai laughed, watching unfold. He is going to supervising this. Of course....
“I go with Bakugo...” Maggie said.
“Nah...Denji!” Rust said. 
“You guys...” Fosh sighed while Yuuka sighs, “Can you guys take this seriously?!” This is serious but then again. Seeing how the guys took out professional mercernaries. Those guards are no match for them. 
“This is going to be itneresting.” Hellmare said while sipping her frappe. “How much damage are they going to inflict.”
“Till the place in rubble.” Oblivion said.
“Yeah...no doubt about that.” Shdwkyz said. “They’re going to tear the place apart in search of Decham.” 
“Shit.....” Navarro slumped his shoulders. He is thanking god that these guys are not the enemy because holy shit. They are fucking everyone up except for the housekeeping staff. They got fuck of there and went into hiding. 
Navarro can hear the yelling from here.
And so the assualt on the manison begins....
To be continue.
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funkin-worlds · 2 years
"Always funking on a friday night, yeah...?"
An ask and rp blog for the mod's version of the original fnf characters, and OCs!
This blog follows a storyline, and it may contain some dark elements, so be careful!
The following characters:
Keith, otherwise, known as Boyfriend. He is 19 year old. He's known for speaking in beeps boops. As his stage name states, he is the boyfriend of the Dearest's daugher, Scarlet. He is currently missing.
Scarlet Dearest, the daugher of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Dearest. She is 19 year old. She seems to disguised herself as human, although everyone knows that she's a demon like her parents. Her stage name is Girlfriend, as she is the girlfriend to Keith. She is also missing.
Pico, an ex-hitman for the Dearests. He's 20 year old, with a traumatic past. Pico doesn't have a stage name, but does have singing experience. As for his current status, also missing.
Skid is a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is Halloween, since he's always seen wearing a full body skeleton costume. Unlike the other three, he has small singing experience. He is often seen with his friend, Pump. He lives with his mother, Lila. He is not missing.
Pump is also a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is also Halloween. He's seen wearing a pumpkin head. According to Skid, Pump's eyes seems to turn blue-ish green whenever he senses danger is around. "It's from Eyes!" We do not know who eyes is. He is not missing.
Daddy Dearest, also known as Hades Dearest. He's a popular ex-rock star getting fame again after his singing battle with Keith got popular. Despite being harsh towards his daughter's boyfriends, he's learning to accept that his little girl wants to date. He is not missing.
Mommy Dearest, also known as Margaret Dearest, is a popular pop star. She isn't rude towards her daughter's boyfriends or her current one, just testing. Once, she made her husband and daugher sing on a song once. She isn't missing.
Lemon Demon is a lemon-headed demon who is capable of many things. He is the cause of the disappearances. He has his own dimension where his kingdom remains. He has minions to do his dirty work for...
Stephen was once human, but after his ex-girlfriend's dad threw his body and soul into a game, he grew angry and sad. He is now called Senpai. He isn't alone in that game though...
Martin knows the Dearest ever since he was little, and sees them as his true family. He has a girlfriend named Lorenza, whom accepts Martin as him. He isn't a singer, but is willing to do anything to find Keith and Scarlet. Not missing
Lorenza is a singinger, although not a popular one compared to the Dearests. Often singing for her family businesses, she gain popularity with the town people and one asked Lorenza to make her songs worldwide. She met Keith, Scarlet, Pico, Stephen, and Martin. Not missing.
Teagen knew Lemon Demon for what he truly is. She is close to Pico and Martin, to the point where they were father figures. Teagen distanced herself with the majority of her friends and tries to find Lemon Demon to confront him. She isn't missing, but often she does wonder off.
The list will update! Here's a few rules:
1. No slurs. Be kind please! I get scared off easily.
2. I chose what to answer and what not to answer.
3. Don't control my characters, I'll stop replying that way. Things like: "[character] sees [your character] bla bla" is fine.
5. Don't misgender anyone, especially Martin.
6. Remember that the official characters are what I see them as, since I'm giving names to some of em.
Thank you!!
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cielomalaya · 2 years
Ok. Proper Introduction!
Hi. My name is Cleo, and if you're from Twitter, you know me as either Cielo or cielomalaya (literally the same name here lol)... if not then, you're in luck!
(that's why i made this lol)
This blog is multifandom 'coz I can't manage multiple side blogs and im lazy.
Here's a list of my current interests!
Detective Conan/Magic Kaito (dcmk)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (khr)
Spy x Family
One Piece
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Persona 5 Mementos Mission
(im definitely forgetting a lot of them)
Big Hero 6 (The Series)
(i don't wanna list some of them but that one is definitely one of my absolute faves)
I'm the Max-Level Newbie
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Mythic Item Obtained
Remarried Empress
Teenage Mercenary
Señorita Cometa
(this list may or may not end if I continue listing them so I'll stop here lol)
Video Games
Persona 5 (Vanilla/Royal/Strikers)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Internet Personalities/Streamers
TwoSet Violin
BranOnline, AntonyChenn, Tuonto, Doro44
GTA RP (NoPixel)
...speaking of GTA RP, I'm also the writer of "welcome to the rest, little firefly" and i might update it at some point... i'm on ao3 and malayangcielo is my pseudonym!
What should you expect?
Well, there would be headcanons, random thoughts, "analysis", and other stuff lol. this is more of an interest blog now that i've thought abt it... random reblogs of fanart and tend to reblog--like, a lot lot.
all in all, this would be...
but it's gonna be fun, i cant promise. yup. sounds about right.
That's all and thank you for reading this lol.
~from Cleo ❤️
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witchesxsweetheart · 1 year
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Let's give this a try shall we 😅
1. What would Completely break Amber. Well that all depends really... A lot has happened to her throughout my time roleplaying her... She's been.. Tested on... Threw to the wolves.. Lead on..abused.. Heartbroken... Ping Ponged through foster homes as a child. And so much more.. But something that would Break her Completely would be Loosing the one she loves dearly....Whether that's a child or a lover... Amber would fight to keep them safe and if she lost them... She would just replay how it happened in her mind and never let it go until it eats her from the inside out and she becomes a hollow version of her old bubbly crazy self.
2.Best Thing in Ambers life... There's two things... Her Daughter.. Tira and Her lover (depending on rp) both have brought great joy into a life that Was black and white for Amber. Like an old Vintage Tv Show... But when she had her daughter The colors began to show themselves.. Then it was like an explosion of color when she met her lover( again depending on rp) those.. Are the best things in Ambers life.
3.The worst thing in her life would definitely have to be her Ex Husband... Though Her daughter came along because of him.. She could never thank him.. Not after it took years to escape the prison he had forced her to live in for years upon years. Once she was out of his grip physically it took just as long to get away from. Him Mentally.. He Haunted her every day and night.. She couldn't leave the house nor the bed some days.. In fear he would be out there.
4.This is a sad one when we speak of Amber because she remembers her parents death and her first foster home to her first day at a new private school... She didn't stay long but it still was a very vivid memory
5.Amber has had many jobs depending on the roleplay. She was a Dancer... (Yes that kind) A waitress, A maid.., A mom, A caretaker. A teacher, a hitman. A cop.. She's had many jobs but hobbies... Definitely Axe throwing... Dance.. Singing.. Etc.
6.Amber is very hesitant when it comes to talking about her past or opening up in general she hates the feeling of not only being a burden but ruining someone else's day by opening up about her own traumatic experiences.. So she bottles up her emotions... She also doesn't tell people about how her parents died... Or how she got some of her scars... Or why she digs her nails into her thighs when she's mad or nervous.. There's so many things..
7.Amber is hesitant absolutely Intercourse she refuses to have Sexual intercourse with a man after what her ex husband put her through so now she sticks to women... And even then she's still hesitant because she's scared of being used then thrown away..
8.Amber has a few friends she tends to stay to a small group.. 5 or 6 at the most for sure.
9 ^^^
10.Amber would definitely pick a fight with a Karen for yelling at a kid behind the counter of a coffee shop.. She hates when Karen's make kids cry she usually ends up hugging the poor teen behind the counter and buying them something so they could calm down a little. She understands what it's like
11.Her Lover And Daughter... She would die for them with no hesitation or thought beforehand
12.Lack of Self Control, Lack of Self Confidence, Ill Tempered, Mischievous, Overprotective, Stubborn, Can be bitter at times, Possessive.
13. Amber tries to care about what others think. She tries to let others have their own opinions and even pretends to understand them only to walk away confused as all hell and laughing under her breath
14.Amber tries to give off this image of being a tough bad bitch who nobody can hurt. She built up her walls so high she can't even see over them. But to her daughter or to her lover... She's this bubbly sweet kind woman with a big heart who isn't afraid to speak her mind to protect her friends and family.
15. Being alone. getting lost. Spiders. Needles. Tight Spaces. Pain, Men(lol). Thunder and Lightning. Failure. Insects in general. Death.Bats. Strangers.
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640509--040147 · 7 years
Guys, I really need more child 47 in my life. Look at that pout! lol
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coltonclay · 7 years
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maybe if i upload this at 1 am no one will no how much B59 trash i am
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ghawainearcane · 2 years
Ghawaine Caelidhe
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Character Sheet
The Basics ––– –
Age: Old
Birthday: Lost to time. Though Iseult chose October
Race: Sindorei
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: In a relationship
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black with salt and pepper building along his temples and kept relatively short, always trimmed neatly.
Eyes: Dark Jade
Height: 5′10
Build:  Fit, well muscled with broad shoulders and straight backed.
Distinguishing Marks: None noticeable while clothed beyond a light bump in his nose where it had been previously broken.    
Common Accessories: Pair of black gloves and a simple dagger on his belt, always wears a finely tailored suit with polished black shoes. Can often be seen with a silver pocket watch in his breast pocket. Lastly he has several silver earings in both ears and a golden dragonhawk earing in his left ear.  
Personal ––– –
Profession: Appears to be a man of business, but it remains slightly uncertain what business he is in. That being said, most who do openly know of him, know he is also a practicing mage and Alchemist.
Hobbies: Reading, learning new spells, people watching, exercising, drinking, tailoring, rune work, alchemy, among other things.    
Languages: Darnassian, Thalassian, Orcish, Common, Goblin, some Taurahe.
Residence: Unrecorded
Birthplace: Unrecorded
Religion: None
Patron Deity: None
Fears: You’ll have to rp to find this one out.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: In a relationship with Iseult ( @renardsnoir​ )
Children: Unknown
Parents: Deceased when he was young
Siblings: Older Brother (deceased) 
Other Relatives: Unknown at this time. (If you are interested, let’s discuss.)    
Pets: A temperamental Elemental named Sploosh, Khan (Dapple Grey Gelding), Iblis (Silver Dragonhawk)
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal   / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful  
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: On occasion he will partake in a cigarette, though prefers a fine cigar.    
Drugs: None
Alcohol: Has a taste for wine, port and finer drinks, but can often be found drinking regular ale.    
RP Hooks ––– –
Rumored to be involved in information retrieval
Has connections in various organizations above and below board, though surprisingly beyond a name, not much is known about him except he’s a man who can get things done quickly, efficiently, and sometimes with extreme prejudice.
Without his gloves, his knuckles and hands are covered in various tattoos. Some who have enjoyed the hospitality of prison might recognize them.
Rumored to be a hitman.
Practicing Mage and Alchemist, will often lend a spell or a tonic if asked.
Used to teach in Dalaraan until he was removed from his position for reasons that were, and are still kept classified.
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fromdusks · 3 years
My Fave CallMeKevin Vids: A Running List
Note: I will probably update this as time goes on!
If you were thinking about getting into CallMeKevin and don’t know where to start, check out this list or simply check out his channel here!
1. GTA V RP Series 2. GTA V Chaos Mod Series 3. Comedy Night Series 4. VR Chat Series  5. Bad Cooking (Baking Bad) 6. Sims 4 Series  7. Army GMOD RP 8. Tomodachi Life Series
1. Dealing with the worst sponsor on YouTube 2. I joined a horrible $1,000,000 multiplayer reality show 3. The Bible but it's a horrible PS2 game 4. If a bomb explodes the video ends 5. I made the best worst ASMR 6. Cities: Skylines but my city has constant disasters 7. Hitman 3 but I kill everyone on the map 8. Payday 2 but I won't ever get a pay day 9. I created a virtual concert and this happened 10. The most BIZARRE game you will ever play - Deadly Premonition
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ragnvindrknight · 2 years
What are the muns five most favorite anime series and five most favorite video games
Top 5 Anime Series
I used to watch anime more frequently but now I only watch the ones that appears to be unique or interesting to me jkahsdas. 
Arslan Senki.
Arguably the fandom I stayed in the longest. I was in love with the dumb strategist and made his blog even though the fandom only consist of me and like 1 other person u.u Other than that AS has a special place in my heart because it was such a small fandom even when people eventually joined, everyone sort of knew everyone and we are all one big group of friends. I met some of my best friends there like @destinyrcigned, @sheyearns, and @sanatoris and we’ve been hopping fandoms together ever since over the span of 7 years. Even if we weren’t in the same fandom I just end up following them everywhere whenever I make a new blog. 
Denyuuden (or Legend of the Legendary Heroes).
Love Sion! He’s so unique. He fits all my favourite tropes in a character except he has a spilt personality and that part was a little difficult to rp.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
Past Joan liked Mukuro Rokudo but present Joan prefers Byakuran u.u
Promised Neverland.
I dont have a favourite here but the story is really nice, and Sonju single-handledly made me into a monsterfvcker. That one guy who was rude and mean reminded me of Yugioh though.
Kimetsu no Yabai (Demon Slayer).
It was an interesting story and I didn’t have any favourites bc I liked everyone. Until I reached Mugen Train and saw Rengoku 😭😭😭😭😭He’s one of my top favourites now, I just can’t rp him so I’ll admire from afar u.u
Top 5 Video Games
I’m not actually a gamer kjashdkasd. I don’t play games or anything frequently unless friends or someone recommends them to me, but.....
Baldur’s Gate
The Witcher
Harvest Moon
Frogger (This is a very OLD game about a frog couple on a mission to save their children but it’s better than it sounds. The story is pretty good)
Final Fantasy VII (I tried to play 15 but my laptop could not take it ;_;.)
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ruluxe · 3 years
tagged by @gaytaiga , so sorry this took forever but thank you for tagging me! <3
1. why did you choose your url? I've been through 3 url changes on here, two from back when I was largely in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom. I was rubyfiamma for the longest time. Ruby goes back to a really old mmorpg handle of mine (rubymax) and when i got into khr, I loved Gokudera so much that I made my first 59xRuby (59 being the fandom code for Gokudera) then rubyfiamma (ruby -= red, fiamma = flame which was the colour of Gokudera's storm flame). Now we're here, at ruluxe. I've shortened my name to just Ru and Luxe is a play off my last name irl. I'm older and needed a change so it's just. Me.
2. any side blogs? I have 3 - @1-800-slut4shiro (VLD sideblog back when I was active in the fandom), @delicotwilight (gangsta. sideblog), @illuquestex (aesthetic sideblog I rarely use anymore) (also used to have a ton of khr rp blogs but I don't rp anymore sadly)
3. how long have you been on tumblr? 2013-2014, I think. I left in 2018 and I came back this year.
4. do you have a queue tag? it's just ru.que !
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? I was convinced by an 8059 facebook group to move here for more content and to get more exposure for my fanfics
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? Well I ended up coming back to tumblr because I fell hard for aokaga again, so I chose them to illustrate my current obsession AND ofc these specifically because @anjizu makes the best edits <3
7. why did you choose your header? same answer as above!
8. what’s your post with the most notes? My edit: Thus spoke Rohan Kishibe
9. how many mutuals do you have? I apologize if I leave anyone out, but I've been away for a long time and lost touch with a lot of my mutuals from before, also idk who a lot of you are because of url changes. I've made some new ones tho too! They're just too much to count rn but shoutouts to @for-the-saba , @cheshagirl , @korok-no-ballsket , @spaztictwitch , @vongolathetenth , @anjizu , @kuroosden , @explodoriot , @jennyonthenet , @ahobaka-trash , @gaytaiga, @hybristophilica , @hkbs-world, @imaginarydragonling, @fujitsubos , @deafeningcat, @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime , @colorseeingchick , @josukesbeetch , @what-the-fuck-khr and more for always being in my dms and notes <3
10. how many followers do you have? 1024, a testament of how long I've been here lol
11. how many people do you follow? 1202, I have a tendency to follow back if a blog has similar interests, unless they have a DNI list or they're minors
12. have you ever made a shitpost? mm... maybe? once upon a time, i'm sure
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? logged in all the time but i've been using it less frequently because i've been super busy TAT
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? A few; one very big blog in the Free! fandom during the sourin/rinharu shipwar, and a few anons with khr AND knb shiphate, and once in the gangsta. fandom when someone jumped the gun on a callout post before knowing their shit
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I usually give them a read and if it's worth spreading the word, I reblog but I don't always pay attention to them
16. do you like tag games? love em! sometimes it just takes me a while to get back but feel free to tag me any time!
17. do you like ask games? same goes as the above!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i'm pretty sure i'm mutuals with a few tumblr famous ppl but idr most of them, i'm so sorry i've been away for too long
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? I love my gf @for-the-saba <3 <3 (check out her amazing art)
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, and the mutuals I mentioned earlier! No obligations tho x
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... I guess it's time for me to update this again.
Hi. I'm Star. You all know me as the one who created cursed things here. Yeah that's about it for now...
Name: Lunalla “Dieir”
Nicknames: Lunar, Lunnie, Kirby 2.0, Lunes, Ms. I ruin everything gremlin, Marry Poppins, Spooky Scary Skeleton, The most dangerous person in Emenairy, Europe's last straw, "What did you do this time." The Executioner, "OH GOD NOT HER-"
Pronouns: She/Her 
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5′4
Age: “No.”
Skills: Okay, so she's a mechanic because she basically made a robot and bombs, she can bite through metal or smth stronger than that-
Hobbies: Playing games, making art, committing acts of arson, running away, nukes
Occupation: self-proclaimed shop owner
UPDATED Full Appearance:
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You see a man walking away from the shop, clearly ignoring the destruction of it. He notices you and waves at you.
"Hey, the names Adam, and you guys are not going to leave me alone so, you can ask me things. Just don't get too personal okay?"
Name: Adam Waiior
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nicknames: Werid knife man, Deer, Ruby, Ad-man, a suit if it were a person-, "IS THAT A THERAPIST WITH A KNIFE?!-"Oh damn that's ho-*gets stabbed-*,dearest Hitman-, taxi guy, darling,
Height: 6'2
Skills: hand-to-hand combat skills, gun specialist, built different
Occupation: Hitman/assassin,
Hobbies: Listening to music, money, finding a suit for every occasion,
Age: [Lol no]
Full appearance:
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(He's important to the plot I swear-)
(No NSFW or discrimination please. Thank you.)
Name: "Chris Winston"
Pronouns: He/They
Nicknames: piece of calamari, Boss, tall octopus, hotstuff , sweetcakes, raw calamari, "IT'S THE FINAL BOSS-", Octo-man but he has cash, cala-taxes, "What the actual hell is that-", The seller, second most dangerous in Emenairy, dear
Height: 6'4 (when crouching- yes I know-)
Skills: height, can breathe underwater, very extendable limbs, seller voice,
Occupation: Shop owner (before things got fucked up-)
Hobbies: Going underwater, hanging with friends, selling stuff,
*girl that wants to talk to her friend (Tabitha)
*MAGIC MAN (Wizard)
*Okay that's an issue (Antares)
(And that's all-)
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prince-liest · 3 years
fic writer interview!
How many works do you have on AO3?
37, though another one is going up tomorrow because haunted AO3 hours started and I don't want to post it in the middle of the night on a Monday. Also like 4 or 5 more in reserve from zines/bangs. I'm kinda impressed with myself, but also, side-eyeing y'all with fic counts in the 100s. Phenomenal. Effervescent.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In chronological order of first fic on AO3: Percy Jackson, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia, Dragalia Lost, Avater: the Last Airbender, the Witcher, and Genshin Impact! That's 7 fandoms and I'm not counting Homestuck (I only wrote OC stuff) or D&D (same thing).
I also have works from Axis Powers: Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! on Fanfiction dot hell that none of you will ever see. I definitely posted and deleted a Twilight OC fic once.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dish Duty | ATLA
The Sword of Damocles is Swinging | MHA
The Ancient Art of Jerkbending | ATLA
Dishabille | MHA
Summer Break | MHA
ATLA is a powerful fandom so I'm not surprised both my ATLA fics made top five. Dishabille's popularity continues to pleasantly surprise me. Damocles is only surprising because it isn't first. I am so proud of Summer Break and that entire Shinsou series, I'm glad it made top 5 and is gonna break 1k kudos soon. <3
(Now get Dog-Tired up there, I fucking love that story. q^q)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
To quote Mido: I do, but not consistently. Q^Q I read them all and I really want to reply to them all, but I very frequently simply to not have the energy. I have it posted on my AO3 profile, though, so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings... I have recently been trying to at least answer all new incoming comments and not let the backlog increase! (That said, the backlog is over 100.)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do angsty endings (I am a hard lover of angst with a happy ending), but I've written some questionable and bittersweet ones. I think arguably the best contendor for angstiest ending is probably Kindred Spirit. I wrote it to low key revenge myself on @thegc4life for insisting that Shinsou gets a hug (he does! technically!) and it certainly ended ominously.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
As much as I love "Edward Elric gets transported into X universe and proceeds to kick everyone's ass" crossovers, I don't relaly write any. I do enjoy full transplant AUs, though, and the one I recently posted on AO3 is an MHA-at-Hogwards AU called the Birds and the Mares that I wrote for the HP/BNHA Zine!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Deeeeepends on what you mean by 'hate.' :X has gotten two comments (one much politer than the other, haha) complaining about my use of the r-slur in Shinsou's internal narrative in one of the chapters, but one person backpedaled and said they understood the purpose of it while the other (more vehement) one never replied to my explanation. That's all, though!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah. It's never going on my main AO3 (and the one time it did, I orphaned the fic). I have a side account I might post it on once I get over the fact that people who know me also know about the account. It's all 100% PWP of stuff I personally am into, and I have a very specific set of things I'm into, so... idk, feels a little personal! ^^"
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I've had people adopt general concepts I used (fabulous!) and steal my RP OCs back in ye olde fantroll days (not at all fabulous! incredibly hurtful, actually). I am vehemently opposed to plagiarism, even of concepts. It feels so gross.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone in the comments mentioned that they are translating Bloodied Hound into Russian and I am SO EXCITED. I desperately want to read it. Of all the languages, it happened to be the only other one I'm decently literate in! I also want to show my grandparents. I really hope the person follows through. <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've roleplayed a lot, but I can't see myself ever co-writing a fic. I'm not even sure how it works, to be honest!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Urgh. Pass. I can't pick one. Perils of a multishipper.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I was going to proudly say "I never post things I don't plan on finishing!" but in reality that is a lie, because Falling Down A Rabbit Hole exists from back in 2015 and is in fact the reason I made that rule for myself. ^^" Honestly, what's there still holds up, but the reality is that I didn't actually come up with a plot, so there's nowhere for it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
Interesting/relatable/funny dialogue, and also writing feelings in a 'show, don't tell!' kind of way that leaves strong impressions with people!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting out long stories with good pacing! People thought Damocles had a plot, apparently? Joke's on you, it was a series of "I wanna see this happen" scenarios that I made Hawks suffer through and subsequently strung together like a haphazard multicolor plastic bead necklace that I told everyone was actually pearls.
That's why all my stories after Damocles are either short or split into a series. Shinsou's Bad Days is my attempt at proper pacing, hence it being so episodic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'll do it if I know the language well enough (so, Russian and ASL, I don't trust my casual Japanese), but I'm generally a stickler for making things come off naturally, so I otherwise will instead try to find the closest tonal equivalent in English (such as having Childe call Zhongli "professor" instead of "xiansheng"). Sometimes there just isn't one (like Kazuha calling Beidou 'big sis' but in a way that doesn't sound kiddish and overly casual for him), though, which sucks. :( Language is cool!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
T. Twilight. QUQ I wish that fic still existed, it was like a single chapter of two multicolored hair OCs befriending Alice Cullen and being cool. I deleted it but I SHOULDN'T HAVE. IT WAS HISTORY.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
This totally changes with each new slew of fics I post. I think currently it is Dog-Tired because despite being unsatisfied with the title, I think the story itself turned out amazing. I also am extremely happy with the entire Shinsou's Bad Days series (including upcoming installments).
Tagged by: @touchmycoat (THANK U LOVE <3)
Tagging: anyone who's read this far, LOL. seriously, though, I have a lot of writer moots and I don't have the time to tag them all but PLEASE do this and tag me so I can read it if you are so inclined! <3
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