adria-479 · 1 year
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drosselmeyerwrites · 10 months
@chierafied out here wrecking my chill first thing Saturday morning because I didn't know there was a song where Sesshoumaru and Rin sang together.
Now I 😭😭😭😭😭
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mangafascination · 1 year
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Now with Yashahime behind us, I'm finally starting to separate the real Inuyasha canon from that travesty. I'm watching the episodes again and I'm even able to see Sesshomaru and Rin in a wholesome way again. I can reject the really gross fake Sesshomaru that Sunrise created, and it feels great!
This is all because of the antis, because they kept saying even when things got really bad that it's okay to keep seeing Sesshomaru as Rin's hogosha, and kept providing evidence for why it was obvious that they were never meant to be a couple. Thank you all so much!
And for anyone who is still struggling to look at the original Inuyasha the same way, I want you to know there's hope. I thought it was ruined forever, but I'm recovering my love of the show. It might be possible for you too.
Hi Anon!
Sorry for the late reply, I've tried to stay away from Yashahime stuff, but I'm glad to know that you've been able to separate OG Inuyasha from the what if doujin with a budget that HnY is.
After all, it's unfair that fans of the original work can't enjoy its content just because a money-hungry company came up with a disgusting retcon of such a beautiful story. It's great that we're bringing our favorite characters back and that we don't forget how they were originally.
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sugarspicenights · 1 year
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I’m crying, this guy is making up for her abusive ex 😭😭
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shipcestuous · 1 year
I thought you'd be interested in Tsukino Omame, a manga author with two first cousins getting together one shots and one 6 chapters uncle x niece story
Thanks for the author rec!!! This appears to be the title of the Uncle/Niece one: Hogosha Shikakku. Issen wo Koeta Yoru, for those interested.
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melting-sugar-cubes · 20 days
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𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒂: Enji no Hogosha ni Dakarete Shimaimashita 💗 𝑨𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕: Oko Yomiko
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nonameinmind1 · 1 year
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Father to son moment
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Buddy Daddies - Episode 6 - Thought Post - SPOILERS!
First, we now know that it is May 27th, so Miri has been with Kazuki and Rei for about 5 months now. We are very squarely in the "several months later" time frame when the opening from Episode 1 would likely have occurred. (Since several is usually viewed as being between 4 - 7). I'm personally thinking that the opening bit from Episode 1 has likely already happened/passed, since Rei seems slightly (only slightly) more attentive, lol.
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It's also interesting that the bulletin about the school trip used 父兄 (fukei) instead of 保護者 (hogosha). Both can mean guardians, but 父兄 (fukei) is seen as a bit more outdated and not as all encompassing as 保護者 (hogosha), since fukei is made up of the kanji for "father" and "older brother." It makes me wonder if that little reminder was aimed specifically at Kazuki and Rei, lol.
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Also interesting that Kazuki used ママとも (mama-tomo) instead of ママたち (mama-tachi) or something similar when pluralizing and talking about "the other mothers" when saying "Of course, the other mothers all say the same about their kids." It implies that he sees himself in that group rather than outside of it.
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I really liked how the focus of this episode was in having a bit more faith in your children (and in how you've gone about raising them) and also how children can behave differently in a school setting than at home. Since I have definitely seen that before with kids when I worked as a teacher. I would mention how well behaved they were or mention something behavior-wise during Parent-Teacher Conferences, and the parents would be surprised, since it was different from their at home behavior.
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Taiga was interesting to me, especially because earlier in the episode Kazuki was mentions to Miri that she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong yet, and many children her age are still learning that and really don't know (also, just realizing that this was said over an image of Rei, highlighting the fact that he is still kind of learning this as well). 
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I feel like that was Taiga. We learn later that he is a big Morio Kart fan, but he must have had the impression that the others weren't, so he might have acted out a bit in order to get their attention (the other girls). I had a boy, also named Taiga, who used to behave a bit similarly. He was a big fan of zombies, but none of the other kids were, so he acted out in order to get attention and fit in.
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The miscommunication between what actually happened (Miri accidentally hit his hand) vs. one of the caretakers thought a fight had occurred, is a very true and accurate thing as well. Young kids Miri's age can communicate their thoughts and feelings, but they may have a tough time communicating it properly still. 
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Like, Miri knew she didn't hit Taiga and that there hadn't been a fight, but she didn't know how to fully explain it to Kazuki, and likely a similar thing happened with the caretaker at the daycare. They eventually got it all straightened out though.
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I love, love, love that Rei was the one who read through the notebook at the end. And how he took Miri to school with little complaint. He really is wrapped right around Miri and Kazuki's fingers and will go at their pace, huh (like the lyrics of the OP). But, I also think it highlights the ways in which Rei is becoming more proactive too. He seems more engaged with being an actual parent.
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I can't really explain it well here either, but there is something subtle about the writing that really captures and shows how, with each passing episode, they are becoming more and more like a family. Rei and Kazuki's conversation in the car at the end of the episode felt like a very real conversation that parents would have at the end of the day. I felt they did a good job of making Miri and Taiga's friendship feel like a friendship too, and not any kind of 4 year old crush situation (regardless of what Kazuki's overactive imagination might think!)
Last week's episode introduced us to Kazuki's overactive imagination and his flaw of jumping to conclusions, but this week's episode showed how that could negatively impact Miri. I'm glad he has Rei to reel him in, though him imagining Miri as a delinquent girl made me laugh. Though, I am sincerely hoping that Miri turns out to be a lesbian otherwise Kazuki being so overprotective will turn into an issue in the future. Hopefully, Rei will be able to work on that with him over the years.
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The above image, of a teen Miri with a teen Taiga also reminds me of an incident when I was working at as a shadow trainer for an ALT at a junior high school in Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture. The school’s in that area don’t have a great reputation, so while the ALT I was training was teaching a class, I was outside the halls, just going for a little walk. Then I saw two of the students (a boy and a girl) go into the bathrooms together. They had made it clear previously that they were dating, so I just ended up turning around and going in the other direction, because I had zero desire to get involved in any of that - as ALTs you can’t discipline students). 
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Rei had some absolutely stellar comedic moments this episode from him asking Miri how the fight went and not caring about the violence (which makes sense given his upbringing). To Kazuki mentioning that Miri got their genes and Rei's reply of "Our what?" (Dude was 100% questioning his understanding of biology and genetics right then), to him adding the "paca" verbal tic at the end of one of his sentences, even after they were out of the mascot outfits, seems he got too in-character, lol. 
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His smug expression whenever Miri preferred him was also unexpected but great! 
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Oh, also! Before I forget, Miss Anna is a gem and she must have been so worried when she couldn’t find Miri and the others! Anyway, I hope the rest of the field trip was a breeze for her. <3
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adria-479 · 1 year
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THIS is who they needed! The ship we wanted. The Betrothal, Inuyasha by AmberPalette on @DeviantArt
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tomatoteddy · 9 months
Aneko Hogosha
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Age: 16
Wish: For her parents to disappear
Soul Gem: Purple X on her zipper
Weapon: Spiked bat
Ability: Turning invisible for a time
Witch/Doppel: Shin
A pessimistic and cynical girl who grew up in an abusive household. Due to this, she distrusts people and seldom works with others. The only person she seems to truly love is her younger sister. Aneko doesn’t go to school, and instead takes multiple part-time jobs to support herself and her sister. One of these jobs includes babysitting for rich folks, which may come as a surprise as she hates both young infants and rich people,
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Hi hi!!! I’m back with another Puella Magi Diaries girl!!! Her story is actually my favourite so far, she’s right up there besides Elora. I also wanted to try a new ref sheet composition for this one, hope y’all don’t mind!
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snackugaki · 2 years
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Originally posted as a reblog
but! now with more speedrun run-on sentence speculationing because I have ✨A Problem™✨
hokay. so. here’s the earth. I don’t really go there, it’s not my jurisdiction, my dvd region or IP address but I know you gotta have your control group and experimental groups, so. do I know if splinter and the boys should actually be referred to the as the control group? hahahahha-- no, not at all. but no scientist is over my shoulder to check my work so moving on.
April’s dad probably tried to go an ethics board or OSHA or whatever for Sacks’ bullshit, didn’t get anywhere so took shit into his own hands ‘cuz I guess fuck them animals-- doesn’t matter April Hogosha O’Neil saves Splinter and the boys. Lab’s ruined, Sacks is out (supposedly) one big-ass container of ooze. now a person with their shit together would have gathered the information in order to proceed to the next point.
ha!  anyway. Sadsack kills April’s dad, and probably has a tiff and a half with Shredder about the lab destruction. Shredder probably got maaaad, like you’re his student and you got your whole shit destroyed in a fire? embarrassing. anyway, Shredder’s shrewd as fuck, keeps Sadsack on to do his little science things but now monitored. heavily. i’mma pretend the experimental groups were housed in a different building and thus spared the control group’s fiery “death”. Shredder’s a hoarder with a sunk-cost fallacy complex and probably kept those going under a different team. Sadsack wasn’t notified because a) Shredder can’t trust him with nothing apparently 2) if he did know, he’s the kind of arrogant prick to be all “do not sully my mind with subgrade projects wah wah, my dumbass likes to pretend I’m so calculating but a nerd with a lighter ruined like x years of research”
turns out those experimental groups became something, wow. I’d feel like in terms of testing out multiple variations of the formula, venus and jennika had the least, then slash, then tokka and rahzar. and just ‘cuz all this was started by being tagged in someone’s ask... I feel like maybe Mona and Leatherhead were an extra test group tacked onto the roster after seeing Venus and Jennika gain sentience and gorgeous cheekbones. ‘cuz if that happened, “wouldn’t it be dope if we got a komodo dragon (instead of a salamander, or maybe some Jurassic Park shit and splicing that salamander into a komodo dragon lol y not) and an alligator to do a backflip while throwing a knife?”
anyway, everyone’s gaining sentience like a tiktok dance trend, Venus and Jennika get carted away from the Foot scientists to train. for how long? until what age? i dunno, whatever’ll endear them most to the grandpa character I’d have them meet in Chinatown after they decide to go rogue. but backtracking, they get some training in before plot shenanigans and hey, they should go to nyc because “we have a branch of the Foot Clan there, USDA, FDA, NBA, CIA, FBI are too nosy so we’ll ship our more containment breachy subjects to japan or whereever we can keep thing until we can introduce them in later movies that’d happen in a brighter timeline.”
so like, first of all, you can’t tell kids nothing, and the Foot were the dumbasses who decided to teach teenage girls paramilitarized ninjutsu ig idk how the Foot was supposed to be in the bay movies. Sites say it’s a paramilitary group started by Sacks’n Shredder, Shredder talks as if it’s a reincarnation of the ninja Foot Clan so.... whatevs, my daughters learn ninjutsu. and they’re being shipped off to nyc. and because you can’t keep humanity down Venus and Jennika’s “trainers” didn’t depersonalize them like they were supposed to, and look, they’ve got personalities now. they have hobbies. you ruined a perfectly good killing machine is what you did. 
and ‘cuz teenage girls are the most unstoppable force on this planet, they break out mid-shipment and enter nyc on their own terms. bright, shiny nyc to girls who can turn your guts into confetti. amazing, perfect. just gonna glide over unnecessary shit and just assume they slipped through NYC like Leo did in the Mutanimal base in the IDW run (which, I have to give that couple of pages its flowers, that was the most real life ninja shit I’ve ever seen in a TMNT comic in my accessible memory bravo) cue nyc tourist montage. my girls are not above swiping shit directly off of people, so they have a great time. they grab beef patties and chopped cheeses, like 20 little blue cups of nyc joe, they swipe I <3 NY shirts that they can kinda fit in (good luck fitting into that shit when you’re older babes)
they wind up in Chinatown (clikkit is2g) did a great job of flying under human radar and oops, not this one old man. lucky for my daughters they’re lucky (plotwise) and lucky (symbolically), that Old Man Chung offers them refuge, cue bonding montage, aww, an old man scuttling after rambunctious freshly adopted daughters. Grandpa Chung has a traditional medicine shop, let’s say Brooklyn’s Chinatown in Sunset Park just like in my tmnt au  and Venus learns his trade and branches off from there, they hang out with the Tai Chi uncles and aunties on Sundays and then, oh no! purple dragons!
cue the City At War arc which would’ve worked wonderfully with the bay movies (as a little entree before krang comes back “stronger”), worth at least two extra movies, Bay could blow up as many luxury brand cars as his widdle hearty-wearty desires with them. ....shit that would have been so fucking cool.
anyway, blah blah, City At War adaptation, everyone’s fighting, shit’s getting confusing-- bam! turtle on turtle violence then reconciliation then sick-ass group hero shot and bad guys just getting shellshocked left’n right. turtle chaos. Leo and Raph absolutely mandatorily must get dunked on. it’s in my contract. donnie and mikey are fine. Venus won’t even fight Donnie too much on the science/’magic’ shit because she figured out where he keeps the pop tarts and just ‘cuz bay Donnie seems too chill and level-headed to get worked up about the whole “wuh bUt mAgiC hAs No sCieNtiFiC bAaAaAsiS baa baa baa” but probably asks why Venus collects so many discarded crystal rocks, “.. sometimes rock shiny, rock nice! most important... rock projectile weapon, hhgkh!!” 
thank you, this has been my TMNTTedTalk.
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So here we go again 🙄😂
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This is a rhetorical question, but, what the fuck is wrong with you @b4kurafr0st? It's already 2023 and you're still here stalking anti blogs and old posts insulting and harassing people just because they see a father-daughter relationship when a grown man raises and loves a CHILD, like, you know, a healthy relationship.
But I do know what's wrong with you, you're still insecure and don't really believe what you're saying🤣 If you really believed it was canon, you wouldn't be harassing people to try to convince them of it, you'd just be doing what any normal person would do: enjoying their own content in their own fucking corner.
You know? Normally I would just block you but since you came to my blog, commented on one of my posts and you tagged other people to harass them:
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And I also know you've been harassing other antis on their blogs, so I think I can explain a few things to you:
* RT already confirmed that og Sesshomaru is Rin' Hogosha and hogosha means parental figure.
* Shiina, the author of hny's manga confirmed that this is just a what if. And it was also confirmed that Yashahime is just Sumisawa's au scenario.
And no matter how much you cry, that will never change, just like there will always be other Sesshomaru ships, like SessKagu, Sesskik, SessKag and many others, there will always be content about it and I am thankful for that.
It's already 2023, nobody cares what happens in Yashahime anymore and the numbers don't lie, it was a total flop 🤷‍♀️ so just accept it and stop crying on other people's blogs, go to your own space and try to be happy with the crumbs they gave you :)
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stuckinthewrongworld · 8 months
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"What kind of Digimon would I be if I failed to protect my partner? I would be disgracing all partner Digimon, as well as my namesake." -Hogoshamon
(Scene from around the Tri timeline. Hogoshamon can make their flame wings disappear/ appear on command, so the bits of fire are from them disappearing. Hogosha means "guardian" in Japanese)
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officialinuyasha · 1 year
Response to inukaggerz from TikTok
Admin: Since my posts were tagged several times on this persons page, I went to sift through on some of their posts most noted was the misinformation that I was being told about this creator. Misinformation from what I was shown was the InuYasha Age thing. I've already debunked that and the comments on their own page telling them that they're wrong spoke for themselves. You can see my whole thread on InuYasha's Aging here: https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/188297815705/inuyashasaging I was shown this discussion thread:
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Here's my post about Rumiko Takahashi's Involvement in Yashahime: https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/645655709524082688/rumikosinvolvementinyashahime Also to educate on the "canon" concept, since we see a lot of black and white thinking here: https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/728142348971917312/canon-cultural-differences From there I commented the responses in following since my page was also being used: The interview about Hogosha was reference about the Final Act the full context of that interview was that Sesshoumaru had shown restraint in visiting Rin also - Rumiko says "But when you visit so frequently you know... however there some level of moderation." That's how often Sesshoumaru went to visit Rin. After that interview she went to draw Sesshoumaru and Rin for the Official Yashahime Manga. That means she approved of the pairing.
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Before that in Rumiko Takahashi's 35th anniversary book.. https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/626616292793810944/rumic-world-35th-anniversary-translation-a-dog
"A dog demon who has a moon sign on her forehead like Sesshomaru. She sent Sesshomaru into Meido. She revived Rin, who wasn't supposed to be resurrected, for Sesshomaru. However, she couldn't hide her bitter feelings about her son being attracted to a human girl."
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Hogosha has been used for couples before such as the Slayers series for Gourry and Lina where Gourry directly calls himself her Hogosha:
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It was also used in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
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https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/646760111831990273/we-were-asked-about-this In addition to this Rumiko Takahashi has done many couples similar to this pairing, whether fans approved of it or not - Rumiko's Fire Tripper with all the time traveling adoptive sister/brother relationship swapping:
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In Maison Ikkoku:
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The main character Kyoko’s first husband who was her teacher, Soichiro Otonashi. She was in love with him so much. She decided to keep his last name, even after his death.
This is also Rinne's Parents, which is another Rumiko Takahashi series:
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This comment comes from nastywomanfan:
For context (SPOILERS): 
"The girl on the left is Rinne’s mother who was a Shinigami before reincarnating as a little girl due to some shenanigans. The guy on right is Rinne’s father and her ex-husband. Eventually she remembered her past life and they learnt who she was. These two seem to have stayed friends in the end but also often reminiscent about their romantic days together and it seems he still tries to impress her and she still isn’t (which seems to be the same dynamic they had before she got reincarnated, since she loved him but knew he was a pretty lousy man, lol)
What’s even more interesting is that the reason she ended up reincarnated is due to her chasing a book with proof of her age, cuz she wanted to hide from Sabato (her husband)... that she was only a few years younger than his own mother, l o l. He doesn’t care when he learns, lol
So you got a woman marrying a guy who’s so young he could be her son (they’re shinigamis tho, so like with Sesshomaru etc, it’s all cool they age slowly as heck) and then ending up reincarnating as a little girl and they still have some moments together, which can be interpreted as “gotta get together again in future” or “just some friendly exes”
She also acts motherly towards the protagonist, giving him money etc cuz like... she is his mother, technically, just in previous life
None of it seems to be portrayed as creepy or bad, simply comedic shenanigans and sorta romantic but in “gosh what dumbasses”
And ya can’t blame Sunrise for any of this, antis, cuz it’s based on Rumiko’s manga" How about Seven Deadly Sins Elizabeth and Meliodas -
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In Bastard!
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Dark Schneider Adopted Arshes Nei as his daughter when she was a child, he even named her - and then they got into an intimate relationship - Dark Schneider is over 400 years old. Dark Schneider reincarnated as Lucien, who was adopted by Geo - that's Yoko's father. Lucien is in love with his adoptive sister Yoko. Even in his D.S. form he kisses Yoko. As you can see one word does not change the fact that these are all official couples whether people like it or not.
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la-hannya · 2 years
So raisin’s long awaited Shiina Sessrin chapter finally released and it confirmed that Shiina seems just as dedicated to butchering Sesshomaru’s character as Sunrise/Sumisawa did. I can’t believe the fandom is still simping for PedoShiina when he’s aptly demonstrated through this chapter alone that he makes the characters just as OOC as Sunrise did. Between Kagome “being jealous” of Sessrin and wishing Inuyasha was a more romantic husband like Sesshomaru (as if she herself hasn’t always been Inuyasha’s single biggest fan and would never dare to make him feel small by comparing him with Sesshomaru, his racist brother who tortured him in his youth, also rather than “envying” Sessrin she would be the first one in line to shoot an arrow through Groomermaru’s Pedophilic ass) and now him actually having Sesshomaru be the one to make the first “move” towards Rin and say incredibly sappy OOC stuff like “Rin is my everything” - it’s clear he doesn’t understand these characters any better than Sunrise.
Also his incessant need to continue making callbacks to “child Rin” during the “Sessrin” chapters and having Rin outside say she worships Sesshomaru like a God… 🤢🤢 At least it proves something the entire fandom has always been knew: They were not and never will be equals. Rin isn’t some strong girlboss ~QUEEN~ who wears the pants in that relationship like her fans self-inserters claim. she is an infantile child who was groomed by her guardian who she will forever hold up on a pedastal as a literal God and can see no flaws within him because he was the first/only person who ever gave her a sliver of kindness, and thus she feels she literally can’t say no to him.
Heya! @sweet61 beat me to most of what I wanted to express first, so you should check her answer before the things I'm gonna add to that here ^^ cause I share her sentiments.
Shiina's take on SR is him taking a bandaid 🩹and trying to stop a leak💧on a dam with it. Cause it's pretty obvious he knows about the backlash with all his statements. We went from anime loliconmaru using Rib as a creepy experiment cause he was curious about what was like to love and being a dad to "he made advances on her but actually Rib was the one who started it by seducing him with "Did Rin grow up? 😉😊" Stuff like that. Including him BLUSHING which was like a big no no for the rules RT has for his character. OOC and if he actually ever does that blush it would actually be microscopic as hell. You would need to get your 🔍 to actually see it. I understand Sesshomaru can be awkward but by the gods... WTF
He's still no different from the anime hny cause he still doesn't give a fuk about them kids really, has inukag on deep-freeze along the kid wife in this supposed masterplan along his mother because he doesn't really know WTF he is doing.
Congrats, you just made the infamous "Aristocratic Assassin" lord of the west a complete dumbass with creep still sprinkled around 🙄
I've already talked about this in the Sesskik Discord but Rin believing Sesshomaru is a God/Kami—Shiina took that from the wide-ban volume interview RT did about Rin and Jaken. Which btw, as you can see she makes clearly here what Rin was meant to be (and it's not what the romantic kind. This was before the Hogosha one)
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And another call back to the "child". Interesting how Rin is supposed to be an adult, all we getting on this thing is references and personality of her being said child 😑.
I'm not surprised. Since "adult Rin" seemingly doesn't exist. Manga "adult Rin" doesn't even look like herself. It's like Shiina took his mouse, clicked cut on Kagome, took her to Photoshop and then called it a day. I'm sure the Sesskag Fandom had good laugh about that.
I'll say this. I'm not gonna name or whatever but I'm gonna say it. If you love this fandom and don't want it to finish going to a Oblivion like it has recently these past few months... Don't Support this. Stop giving it ratio. Just cause it's giving you some crumbs of said characters' daughter. And I adore said character mind you. Plus the villain. Hells, he even called pedomaru out for bad parenting and being awful. He had potential. But really think about it.
Like at this point I barely even see even stuff from my favorite characters. Because most of it is a constantly barraged out of the algorithm with unwanted CP SR in various positions unless I block it cause that's all they think about their ship while simultaneously constantly making week celebrations just to be able to trend cause they can't even make the official polls without bots...
Don't give your time on that. There's a ton of people in this fandom. Who are amazing and can do better content in a day that even Shiina, or Pedosawa, or even RT will. From Sesskik, Sesskagu, Sesskag, SessSara, SessNara or just Sessh himself while also being a cool single dad cause that's also valid and fits his character completely. As well as content about the other Inuyasha characters. The twins don't even look like their own "mother" so you can even imagine the mother as someone else.
Even a little ❤️, like, or comment for any of those content creators is enough. By showing support to the original series and people who truly love and understand these characters, I swear you'll be happier in the long run as well as peace of mind. We already got that anime fanfic cancelled. Plus don't let sinners try to censor you with lies, or try bully you into accepting their ship in social media. If they want to ship it that badly they can stick to their corner and stop harassing peeps who have the minimist disagreement about it or ship something else. They constantly diss other ships and make up stuff to attack others, yet they expect us to stay quiet about theirs and their antics 🙃
....double standards
That being said if you're ever feeling like shit about this just remember. Even Shiina knows "it's not canon". This is his "doujinshi" of that original animation. Yes, it's an official product but it isn't part of the main continuity that is the original Inuyasha.
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The og series ended in June 18, 2008, with an ending that had enough openness to interpret whatever you like on what happens next
And that's the canon ending.
Yashahime is just one these. It's a bad one. OOC. An insult to the original. Destroyed the development of main characters. I know. RT didn't even write it. But in the end you choose. I already did and I announced it back for my pairing's weekend so look forward to it once I'm able to publish it, hopefully. if you're interested it on my imagination about it.
Phew! That was more than I expected to write.
In the meantime, take care of yourselves.
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