#Holly Chiropractor
— NYMS (@NYMS1) December 19, 2023
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Workers’ Compensation Doctors Near Kew Gardens
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danime25 · 1 year
Break Your Dad's Back
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masterlist // ao3
Summary: Chiropractors were becoming the hot thing for the stars in Los Angeles. Not that he was a star. After hearing from Janet about the miracle that was chiropractors, Holland March just had to try it out for himself.
Rating: +18 for explicit mature content
Content/Tags: Semi-public sex, Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Blow Job, Bathroom Sex
Status: One shot/Complete
How the hell had Holland March ended up here? Well to start, a friend of a friend of Holly's friend said that 'Chiropractors' were the new 'it' thing.
"All the stars are going to chiropractors!"
Now he wasn't normally one to follow trends but when Janet wouldn't shut the fuck up about an aunt who opened a new practice… he needed to do something to get that girl to stop talking. So there he was, sitting on a suede couch, watching a goldfish swim aimlessly around in an all but silent reception area.
“Mr. March?” A woman opened the door and looked up from her manila folder to scan the room. God if all the other men in the room didn’t turn their heads at her
“Jesus.” He muttered under his breath
“I beg your pardon?” The woman asked
“Ah. Nothing.” He stood up from his chair and walked to her. He held out a hand and she shook it gently. Her hands were… soft. They were also warm, and kind of comforting. He seemed to forget his trepidation about whether or not the chiropractor was going to be a quack as he followed her long legs down the hallway and into a private room.
“Nice to meet you Mr. March. My name is…”
“Holland,” He interjected, “You can just call me Holland.”
“Alright… Mr. Holland. This is your first appointment here, yes?”
“Yes.” He said out loud, not wanting to let the rest of his thought escape from his head
“Do you have any previous issues with your back?”
“Um no?” He raised an eyebrow, trying to think. “But I had a thing with my… left spiral…”
“A spiral fracture?”
“Yeah that.” He smiled at her and stared into her eyes. God, they were as pretty as the night sky
“Would you mind?”
“I just asked if you would mind sitting here on this chair.” She repeated herself
“Oh sure.” He shuffled over to where she had directed him to. “I don’t need to take my shirt off or anything like that, do I?”
“No. I’d prefer it if you didn’t.” She laughed a little, “People seem to confuse my practice for a massage parlor.”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want that.” He laughed along with her. “So… where do I put my arms on this thing?”
“Just let them rest at your side. If I need you to move them, I’ll let you know.”
“Sounds good.” He smiled. He felt her hand press gently against his back and he tried to pull away from her before she made a little noise and said,
“Don’t squirm.”
“Well it’s a little fucking hard…” He started to roll off with a sarcastic tone before regaining enough sense to put his foot back into his mouth
“A little fucking hard what?” She sassed him back. His eyes shot open, a little fear caught in his throat
“When you’re not used to someone touching you like that.” He said, pulling back on the sarcasm
“I understand.” She said, patience of a saint this one had. “I get a lot of clients that say it’s an odd sensation.” She let her fingertips linger on his back for a second before going in with her hand once again. She got a good feel of him, and talked about where Holland had seemed to be holding tension. Or some shit like that. Holland wasn’t really paying too much attention to her words. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to start my work.”
“You haven’t even started yet?” His voice rose
“No I haven’t. I can stop if you’re uncomfortable though…” She offered
“No. You’re fine.” He bit down on his lip
“Alright.” She said with a smile before she applied pressure with the center of her palm. “Take a deep breath…”
Next he heard a crack and a wave of pain erupted across his back. He really should have taken that breath because the next words that shot out from his mouth was a high-pitched, “Jesus!”
“Are you alright?” She asked
“Fuck I heard this shit was supposed to help.” He whined
“It will. You just have to let me do my work.”
“Fine, jesus.” He huffed and tensed his back up in fear. Her hand moved down lower on his back this time before another popping sound and some more pain. “Fuck!”
“If it’s hurting too much I can stop.” She offered once more
“No. See I’m waiting for that part where the pain is supposed to stop and shit is going to feel better.” He mouthed off
“Fine!” She sassed back a little before applying pressure in another area she had mentioned was an issue, only to be met with the same reaction as before
It was… a process like that for another half an hour or until the appointment time was up. He’d shout some obscenities, she’d chastise him for not trusting in her work and he’d go back on the defensive about how he’ll trust her this time.
“There, I’m done.” She announced. He got up from the chair, ready to point his finger at her and say she didn’t do shit but noticed that his back felt lighter than it had an hour ago.
“Uh. Thanks for that.” He bit his tongue
“You’re welcome. I tried to get rid of most of your problems, but it’d be better if you came back for continual appointments…”
“Is this a fucking scam? After all that?” He scoffed
“No. I’m just saying it would help.” She countered him, “That and I wouldn’t mind seeing you again. In spite of your profanity.”
“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow and gave her a little half smile that would charm even the coldest of hearts. Or so he thought anyway.
“Yeah. You’re not too bad on the eyes.” She looked him up and down
“Um…” He fumbled to get something from his jacket pocket and managed to get a card out to give to her. She twirled the card in between her fingers while she read it
“You’re actually named Holland March?”
“Of course.” He smiled at her
“I’ll call you.” She smiled back at him
“Yes.” He pumped his fists and walked out of the room, before walking back in. “Um. Did you see that?”
“I did.” She laughed, and tucked her bangs behind her ear
“Can… you pretend you didn’t?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Ugh.” He groaned before walking back out into the lobby and setting up another appointment.
“You have reached Nice Guys Investigations. This machine records messages. Wait for the tone and speak clearly.”
“Hi this…” A woman’s voice said over the line and Holland ran across the house to pick up the phone
“Hi.” He answered
“Who’s calling?” Holly asked her father
“None what?”
“None of your business.” He snapped at her and continued his call like nothing had happened. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” She sounded happy on the other end, “I was thinking…”
“Yeah?” He used one leg to prop himself up against the wall as he listened
“Want to meet up tonight?”
“Yeah. Yeah that sounds great. We could go get dinner… and stuff.”
“Why are you saying ‘and stuff’? You hate ‘and stuff’.” Holly scoffed, just who was this man in her dad’s ugly shirt?
“Shut up.” He said into the phone before apologizing and resting the receiver on his shoulder, “I’m trying to get some work done. Why don’t you just go over to Jessica’s or something?”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. Clearly her dad was a love struck teenager again the way he was acting all weird… and stuff.
“Sorry, again.”
“So tonight?”
“I’ll see you then.” He hung up on her, practically slamming the device down. He went to the bathroom to make sure his hair looked good and that his mustache looked… decent enough. After he cleaned up he got into his car and headed to the address she had given him. He did one last swoop to make sure the hair was in place, then hopped out to meet her. “Damn you look… really nice.”
“Thanks.” She smiled down at her feet and sat across from him at the table. They made small talk but he wasn’t really interested in that. He couldn’t stop staring at her, thinking about how pretty she was. When she realized he wasn't paying attention to the conversation she excused herself to run to the bathroom before whispering, "Meet me in 5."
"Here?" He started choking on his water, but she didn’t answer back. She was halfway across the dining room. Once he had regained his composure, he got up from the table and walked to the bathroom. He knocked on the door on the stall at the back of the bathroom and she opened the door for him. She kissed him first before he firmly gripped her hips and pinned her to the wall of the stall. Her lips connected with his once more after moving her hands under his coat. She bit down on his lip and his eyes practically popped open. Not that he didn’t like the feeling… he relished it, in fact. Once she felt like she had him eating out of her hand she pulled herself away. He let out a quiet protest in the form of a whine as she looked at him with hungry eyes. He watched her as she got down on her knees and slowly undid his fly. Holland bit his lip as his erect cock felt the cool bathroom air. He looked down at the confident woman as her plush lips pressed onto the head. He let out an odd noise, somewhere between a grunt and a moan as her tongue worked its way along his shaft. One more good lick and her mouth was wrapped around him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his right hand weaved through the strands of her hair, his grip firm against the back of her head. She started bobbing her slowly, pushing him further into her throat.
“Jesus…” He moaned. She took this as a sign to go faster. His breath became less automatic and more concentrated. He bucked his hips into her face, just to be closer to her touch. He didn’t last long, having been without much relief in a couple of years. He felt himself growing weak and released inside of her. Never breaking contact, she looked up at him as she swallowed his load. He shifted his weight fully into the wall as he slouched. She got up off her knees, and used the edge of her thumb to clean up the corners of her lips.
“You like that?” She asked in a coy manner
“Yeah.” He replied, letting out a cough that made him shake before muttering another “Fuck.”
The bathroom was quiet for a second before she broke it by saying,
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
“Okay.” He grinned like an idiot and followed her out of the bathroom from a distance, so as not to arouse suspicion. After paying for their meal, practically pulled him out of the restaurant and threw him into his car. She kissed his cheek and rested a hand on his shoulder, using her hands as a means to gauge
“You’re starting to feel tense. I might be able to fit you in for an adjustment later in the day tomorrow.”
“It’s a date.” Holland nodded before driving her back to his place for the night
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lilacartsmadsion · 2 years
Why do i hc cause of how heavy his armour is his posture is terrible
This man needs a chiropractor
And a back massage
Holly berry break in’ his back
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fertility-journey · 4 months
My chiropractor recommended seeing Holly who is a kinesiologist whom may be able to help with my fertility and psoriasis. I did a 90 minute session with her and will book 2 more sessions over the coming months. The session was really interesting where my body showed up with 'breastfeeding, fenugreek, butter, progesterone, blood type O, b6, b12'. A common feeling was 'defeated' and she said I am to show myself self-compassion. What I needed was avlot of compassion.
I was thinking about how I'd hold a 'no blood' card in my wallet when I was a JW so potentially there could be some subconscious beliefs in my body about receiving the blood transfusions after my birthing experience. I'm type A blood and type O is the most common transfusion type.
She said something showed up about having the flu when I was 11. Maybe during this time my autoimmune response kicked off the psoriasis.
There was something when I was 20/21. I said that during this time I was probably focussed on career. Probably the main time in my life where I felt jealous towards a colleague because they seemed to be getting more opportunities than me with a path.
My homework is to do tapping on chest and ribs for my thymus and spleen. I'm to have B12 foods so I bought some liver supplements.
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theworldofmycreations · 4 months
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Here’s the sixth of my revamped Power Rangers OCs!
Bella Rae Doyle
Age: 13
DOB: October 21st, 1987
Occupation: Eighth Grader, Black Lightspeed Rescue Ranger
Pronouns: She/Her
Friends: Lilli (Best Friend), Carter, Chad, Joel, Kelsey, Dana, Ryan, Angela, William
Family: Boris (Dad, Chiropractor), Holly (Stepmom, Bakery Owner), Shawn (Stepbrother, 7), Mayhem (Pet Panda Ferret)
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Likes: Dancing Ballet, Baking, Playing her Harp, Classical Music, Roses, Going to the Beach, Playing Golf, Ice Skating
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Caesar Salad
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Skin Color: Very Light Golden
Hair Color: Tangerine Orange
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Appearance: She wears a black tank top, jean shorts, long white socks, and yellow ballet-style shoes.
-Bella’s parents got divorced when she was two and Boris married Holly when Bella was eight and Shawn was two
-She had been dancing ballet since she was three and had been playing golf since she was nine
-She has a black solar sword and is rail rescue sword number six
-She and Lilli met in fourth grade during art class
-She loves to help her stepmother out at the bakery after school
-She wants to be a professional ballerina when she grows up
Created via Adobe Illustrator.
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Arapahoe Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center
Because of its dedication to providing top-notch service and a patient-centered approach, Arapahoe Chiropractic and Acupuncture Centre is known as Acupuncture Centennial. The center's staff members are skilled in both conventional and modern acupuncture methods. They apply this wealth of information to promote general health and well-being by aiding the body's innate healing processes as well as relieving symptoms.
Address: 6881 S Holly Cir STE 207, Centennial, CO 80112 United States
Phone: (303)221-3600
Website: Chiropractor
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kglabs-blog · 5 years
Serving Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Holly Hill, Ormond Beach, and more
To provide our patients with the best possible treatment for their pain, our Daytona Beach office utilizes state of the art medical equipment, including Daytona's first cryotherapy chamber. Whether you are a longtime patient or coming in for your first consultation, our experienced and compassionate staff will make you feel like a welcome member of the Halifax Injury Physicians family. Come visit us at our convenient location right next to Halifax Health, just off of International Speedway Boulevard.
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rping-rose · 3 years
TW! infertility and infidelity 
hi, this is really easy - i need rua (taika waititi)'s ex-wife. they divorced four years ago, after 11 years of marriage and 5 of those were spent trying to have a baby. it obviously didn't work out, and they found out that rua was the infertile one. it created a wedge between them, and they never fully discussed other options. rua says it's because he got busy starting his own chiropractor office, and focused on that to hide his shame; he's totally honest. unlike his wife, who he ended up catching in their bed with another man.
they divorced, and it was a combined decision. she wasn't happy with him anymore, and he wasn't giving her a reason to stay. so they went their separate ways, and they try really hard to have a friendship because they used to be so good together. but they just know that their love had fallen short, and they can't make it work.
to be honest, rua is addicted to people. he hates being alone, would rather throw loud parties and get together than spend a night alone. so, it's definitely not a far stretch to say that they have hooked up a few times since getting divorced. dinner because they were free, rekindled romance for a night. nothing too serious, and never really talks of getting back together and giving it another shot. just two people who needed familiar company.
that has to t stop, however, because rua has been seeing holly winters (played by buffy) and is honestly acting like a horny teenager with her. which is fine, because she's the exact same way. he puts on airs of it being a fun thing, but it's deeply something he wants to get serious with and the hook-ups with his ex has to stop. friendship is one thing, but the more needs to stop before he can get serious with the woman who is breathing new life into him.
i'm open for discussion on anything! just shoot me a message. name, face, occupation, etc is all open! they met while he was finishing up school in fort lauderdale, but everything else is all up to whoever takes her. message me @ susnugget#5892 on discord!
face recommendations charlize theron. heidi klum. penelope cruz. kourtney kardashian. gabrielle union. sofia vegara.
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vicunaburger · 4 years
Admittedly, I’m Hard to See
Fandom: Beetlejuice the Musical Chapters: 9/? Pairing: Beetlejuice x OC (Holidae) The Players: Beetlejuice, Lydia Deetz, Holidae Bell Word Count: 1,604 Warnings: M for Language and Suggestive Content
Notes: ...you all knew going into this it was slow burn, yeah? ....right??
Chapter 9 - In Which Closeness is a Matter of Perspective
“Lyddy, when I said I would help you with the art show, I meant things like… carrying equipment. Or getting props. Maybe picking up extra film.” Holidae subtly tried to adjust the position of her foot, pins and needles already crawling along her skin. “Being a model is not on that list.”
Lydia walked over, kicking Holidae’s foot back into place, “You are helping. Hold still, you keep twitching and get all blurry.”
Infinitely thankful that they were quite alone in the cemetery that afternoon, Holidae muttered under breath, trying her best to hold the poses as Lydia commanded them. She was wrapped in several layers of sheer black organza, designed to mimic a sort of mourning gown with a bit of wedding charm thrown in for flavor. The result was surprisingly effective, but did nothing to stave off the cold autumn weather, and Holidae could already feel her extremities freezing over. She did promise Lydia she would help her a photo shoot, and she learned a valuable lesson about not trusting the small photographer as far as she could throw her.
“I think my fingers are frozen. They’re blue,” Holidae leaned against the nearby headstone for support.
“So are your lips, now hush.” Lydia maneuvered herself around the other girl, the camera shutter firing rapidly. “Lean back like you’re just overwhelmed with grief.”
“I’m overwhelmed with something,” Holidae tried to do as she was told, dipping her body backwards as far as she could. “This good?”
“More.” Another series of clicks.
Holidae wobbled, catching herself on the headstone, “I don’t bend that much.”
“Try,” Lydia came over and tried to balance her friend, who promptly caught her funny bone on the granite grave marker.
“Fuck you, you try!” Holidae hissed in pain, rubbing her elbow furiously. “Or you best pay a chiropractor.”
Lydia went back to her equipment, fiddling around with some different lenses, and giving Holidae a much needed break before they tried again. This wasn’t the first time she had roped her friend into posing for her photos, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last despite protests from the model. No matter what Lydia would try and get her to do, or how she would dress her up, Holidae would just go along with it. It was like having a doll to dress-up and torture in creative ways.
The only request Holidae ever made was that her face never be in full view, and Lydia always respected her wish. Whether it be a large hat brim, or in today’s case a veil, Holidae was kept away from curious eyes. The truth of the matter was Holidae was embarrassed of her looks, and always had been. Self-esteem was a rough, bumpy road to traverse; and there were good and bad days.
It was a touchy subject, and Lydia never pushed it.
Lydia tapped her fingernails on her camera bag, trying to think of a solution to the posing problem. After a few minutes, she let out an ah-ha, getting up and brushing some leaves off of her skirt. In one quick breath, she spoke her ghostly best friend’s name three times in a row, summoning him outside of the house for a change.
Beetlejuice looked happier than he’d been in a while, smiling ear to ear, and picking up the small girl with a twirl, “Lyds! We’re in a graveyard! What’s the special occasion? Someone die? Someone needing to die? Picking out a good plot? Don’t get one by a tree or the roots will get all gnarly and stick into your casket.”
Laughing as he set her down, she shook her head, “No, I need a favor, but nothing that major.”
He stuck his hands in his overcoat pockets, looking like a noir film detective, “Anything for you, babes.”
“I need you to bend Holidae over,” Lydia said pointing over to the woman desperately trying to warm herself up.
BJ did a double take so hard there was an audible crack of his neck, “…do what now?”
“Balance issues. If you go over there and help, I can get the pose I want and you won’t show up in the picture. It’ll look super cool, trust me. Just go over and she’ll explain what I want.” Lydia waved him away, unconcerned with her phrasing.
There was a moment of hesitation on Beetlejuice’s part; not really sure if this whole thing was a setup in some way that would get him banished forever, or something worse. Well, if Lydia wanted him to be a helpful little demon, who was he to argue with such an opportunity.
Humming to himself, he flourished his stroll over to Holidae with a spin, “Oh, what have we here? Getting all dressed up just for me, Holly-hock? I just adore the shade of blue on your skin.”
Holidae tried to straighten herself up, covering the more see-through parts of the draping with her arms, “W-what are you doing o-out h-here? Fuck it’s cold.”
Beej pulled her tight against him, “Body heat is the best solution of hypothermia, right?”
“Not when you’re an ice cube!” She shivered, torn between accepting his offer and freezing to death right then and there.
“Hey! Less flirting, more posing!” Lydia barked at the two of them. “Save that stuff for indoors, it’s gross. He’s there to hold you up so you don’t bash your head open on the rock.”
“Lydia, you say one more word and I’m throwing your camera off the bridge.” Holidae pried herself out of his arms, readjusting him so that he would support her back. “If you drop me, you’re dead.”
Beej snickered, giving her flesh a hard pinch, “Already dead, baby.”
“Smartass.” Holidae grit her teeth, but bent back with her arms splayed our behind her, “And I am fully aware that you’re getting a good view of my cleavage, so don’t even start with me.”
“I am getting Lyds the best birthday gift this year,” Beetlejuice made a very obvious show of studying Holidae’s chest.
Over the next hour, Lydia would move her two companions in different ways, getting the most out of the fact BJ wouldn’t show up in the film. It saved a lot of money on expensive photo editing programs; but it was also just a fun way to spend the afternoon together in a new environment. When things would get too serious, Beetlejuice would make some face at Holidae to get her laughing, ruining the next few shots Lydia took until they could compose themselves. Or, at least Lydia was claiming they were ruined.
She wasn’t about to tell them the truth: those candid shots were not being deleted off her camera.
During one of their breaks, Holidae sat herself down on a blanket Lydia had spread out her camera equipment on to keep it from getting dirty, holding her knees to her chest in efforts to keep warm. Without warning, something was dropped onto her head, mussing her hair as she pulled it down. It was a dirty, ratty grey coat. Stained and stitched together in odd places, carrying the heavy scent of tobacco and musty earth.
Strangely enough, it was warmer than she thought it would be, and she wrapped it around her body as best she could, “You might want to wash this once in a while. Maybe just spot clean.”
Beetlejuice flopped down next to her, digging a pack of smokes from the coat pocket, “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it back. Ungrateful.”
She shook her head, burying herself deeper into the oversized clothing, “No no, I want it. I was just offering a suggestion. Thank you for not letting me freeze, I mean it. Honest.”
He took a long drag, the smoke hanging in the air due to the weather, “Eh, dying is what it is. Done it twice, not that exciting.”
Holidae looked around at the tombstones surrounding them, “Do you think these people would have the same opinion? What if they died doing something exciting?”
“I really don’t feel like digging them up and asking,” He shrugged, holding the cigarette between his teeth. “So what’s Lydia gonna do with all these photos anyway? Seems weird.”
“She keeps telling me she has a theme, but doesn’t want to jinx it with discussion and negative thoughts. I swear, she takes after her stepmother more than she wants to admit.” She picked at the blades of grass by her feet, “I just put up the pictures when they’re done.”
“Well, since she can’t have me as a model, at least she has something decent to work with.” He flipped the edge of the coat up, peeking at her sheer dress. “You’re not as beautiful and sexy as I am, but then again, nobody is.”
Holidae scooted backwards, tucking the coat back tight around her, “Hey, you’ll let the heat out! And good on you for self-confidence, but calling yourself sexy all the time is weird.”
Beetlejuice grabbed her by the ankles, dragging her back toward him, “Are you saying I’m not sexy?”
She was getting tangled in the coat, looking like an unhappy caterpillar, “No, I said that calling yourself sexy is weird. I would really appreciate you listening when I talk to you, Juice. I don’t just say things to hear myself prattle on.”
With a truly maniacal laugh, Beetlejuice jumped up, picking up Holidae in a bridal-style carry, and spun her around with a flourish. “Youuuuu think I’m sexy. You think I’m seeeexy~”
He set her back on her feet, leaving her to balance herself after all the spinning, and ran over to find Lydia.
“Lyds! Lyds, listen listen listen~ you’re friend said I’m sexy. Now you have to take back all those times you said I was only referring to myself as a sexual being to hide the fact that I have a lack of positive self esteem from a childhood borne of neglect. HA! Wait. Why are you running from me? Lydia!”
Writing Tags: @mr-geuse @paxenera @leiasolo77 @go-commander-kim @ashemspirit
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aurorachiropractic · 5 years
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Ready to get started? Schedule your FREE consultation with us today and let’s talk about what will help you find a new normal. You can call us today at (303) 627-7995 or fill out our simple online form. Dr. Holly GeersonAurora Chiropractor | Total Wellness Center | (303) 627-7995 4024 S Parker RdAurora, CO 80014
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suusmd · 4 years
75 Hard - Day 5
Chiropractor appointment today, Yoga session tomorrow, Physical therapist appointment on Monday. I feel like I am finally taking care of my body and I am loving it.  
45 minute walk outside with the boyfriend after dinner. 
CrossFit outside, first time “back in the box”.  WOD: 20 minute AMRAP with DB squat cleans, boxjumps and burpees. Lovely to see everyone again and to train outside again. 
Not hungry at all today, kind of had to force myself to eat enough protein to sustain muscle growth. Just all over a bit meh; craving some popcorn and a good craft beer like crazy, but 10 more weeks to go.  Less than 1500 kcals, more than 100 gr. protein, so overall not bad.
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Very determined to not put it down just yet. If I still hate it after today, I will put it as a DNF, but really have to open my mind and give it another go. 
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Workers’ Compensation Doctors in Queens: Providing Exceptional Care and Support https://t.co/WPJwcRA61Q via @BOSTON BUSINESS POST
— NYMS (@NYMS1) December 19, 2023
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New York Car Accident Doctors
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Painless Chiropractic is a family chiropractic office serving Fenton Holly Grand Blanc Swartz Creek Linden Flint Highland Hartland most insurances accepted.
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puckbunnies101 · 5 years
Some more: Taylor Pischke, Holly Horvat and Sara Oliova are athletes, Laura Kirkpatrick, Gracia Bonesho & Gina Valentine are nurses, Lauren Brodzinski is an RN and is currently studying to become a nurse practitioner, Jenner Jensen is a physician assistant, Kelsey Shoen is a chiropractor, Mikayla Marrelli is a dancer, Noureen DeWulf and Allie Bertram are actresses, Ashley Brewer is a sports reporter, Amy Nolin is a project manager, Emily Cave founded her own charity and does talks
Anyone remember when Taylor was planning on going to med school? I remember saying at the time that it would never happen. Bam! She’s not going to med school.
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starsloyal · 5 years
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notes about jay’s human verse:
he’s 5′3″ and a fuckin twig. this boy is SKINNY
dark brown hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes with faded pupils
works as a doctor, specifically a chiropractor
he gardens on the side, mostly herbs
makes his own teas
yes, he’s blind, can’t see a damn thing, he was born this way
bit of an empath, has a knack for knowing how people are really feeling
has extremely vivid dreams which he can’t explain, believes it’s a half-assed gift from a greater force
pretty religious but would also say “fuck god” in a church
age will range from 18, a senior in high school, to 28--- really depends on the context of a thread. if your muse is in school it might be easier to write in a school setting.
his brother is a star athlete, his sister “died” in a hiking accident (personal headcanons, might change if you’re writing lion or holly)
full name: jay adler
nickname that he hates but gets called anyway: jay-jay
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readingnow · 6 years
List of people that have read the Wicked King:
Holly Black.
 and also
Everyone else
their neighbour
their chiropractor
their pet llama 
List of people that have not read the Wicked King:
No really just me.
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