#Holy Nonsense 2020
phantom-kiwi · 9 months
I think I need to play da2 again. It's been way too long I miss mr garrett hawke dragonage too fucking much
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skythealmighty · 11 days
gang ngl i miss object universe. i should rewatch it again and get way too emotionally attached to Ice Cream and Map
#rocket talk #i made fanart of them with a steven universe song once i'm unwell
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🪟 im-not-electric Follow
why does gamey get to be on ii TWICE. who gave him permission
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
thanks for the suggestion @cabtube-truther
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📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
You don't hear PBSB complaining about this...
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
well they're in a show that's super popular
📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
Yeah, and you're in one that got cancelled
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
shut up you didnt even finish season one
#just one more cameo mephone4 thats all i ask
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anonymous asked: not sure you're gonna want a cameo rn mephone is going Through it
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
hold on im not actually caught up lemme see
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
holy shit
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anonymous asked: omg fan pleaaaase marru me ill do anythinggg ❤❤❤🥵🥵🥵
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
hey @test-tubular just checking was i ever this weird
🧪 test-tubular Follow
Weird? Always. This weird? No.
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
COOL just checking anyway
no please stop sending me these
#fans fantastic asks #this is the least weird anon ask from i think this specific anon #ive blocked them but oh my god #NO!!!
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💥🔃 fans-fantastic-features Follow reblogged 4️⃣ four-therecord
2️⃣ hey-two Follow
Hello everyone!! 👋 Since I've gotten many an ask about my cheesecake recipe from previous TPOT episodes, I've decided to make a longpost and put it here for you all to use!! Feel free to use without credit but credit is still appreciated 😊
Keep reading
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
i hate you
#so they ARE on here #followed both immediately #how did i not come across them earlier...
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💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Recovery across different universes, a scientific theory
(Full post below the cut)
((Thank you to @not-tally-hall for the testimony regarding the S*n!))
Keep reading
😎 the-chad-one Follow
boring 👎👎👎👎
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Get off my post
⛳ bossy-bot Follow
This is incredibly fascinating and an enjoyable read! There are some points of debate I've brought up in DMs, but otherwise this is a very solid theory. Good job!
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Thank you, that means a lot!!
#I follow your papers closely so hearing that coming from you is an honor #anyway back to my regularly scheduled nonsense
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🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Bonjour! J'ai découvert ce cite grâce à des vidéos amusantes
Je suis encore en train de m'habiteur à la société et je pense que c'est une bonne façon de me faire des amis! Enchanté de vous recontrer tous 😃
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bienvenue sur le site de l'enfer ! la plupart des gens ici ne parlent qu'anglais, vous pouvez donc m'envoyer un message si vous voulez parler à quelqu'un en français. je peux également vous montrer des endroits en ligne pour apprendre l'anglais
🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Cela signifierait beaucoup pour moi, merci
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bien sûr!
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Baguette we all know you're not actually French you don't need to keep pretending 😒...
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
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anonymous asked: your iconic quote from episode 10 has unfortunately become a vocal stim for me. please help, i'm suffering
🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
Hey? This is the funniest ask anyone's ever sent me. Can we make out behind a Denny's
#my condolences though oh my god 😭
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⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Guys, this site is easy! Just watch
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Based ball? Based on what?
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
#hey. are you doing okay
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🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Finally watched II! Good show. I want that twink OJ dead why is he like that
☝ i-date-iconic-posts Follow
Date of origin: November 2nd, 2020
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
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🎒 liam-plecak Follow
Thanks everyone for the help so far! I'm not too much of a science nerd, unfortunately, @bossy-bot, so I didn't understand everything in the papers you sent me- but they still helped a ton! Especially the coding help. I was a telemarketer, not an IT person...
Now that I know what I'm doing, I have some free time. With some recommendations from @fans-fantastic-features:
If you have any other recommendations, just leave them in the comments. And please go and send help to @fire-cartoon-schtick while you're at it!
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medakakurokami · 1 year
I finished over 100 visual novels, here’s a long post with some recommendations
Last month I hit 100 Finished VN’s over on the VNDB and I thought I’d shoot out some recommendations while the Steam Summer Sale is going on (even though some of these aren’t going to be on Steam)
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I already have finished up some stragglers and caught some shorter titles so it’s up to 104 Finished, but all the better. I have been reading some VN’s since 2015, but it really became a hobby and a genre I was invested in during Covid lockdown in 2020. I had trouble getting into some of the popular titles, but a couple of games that were lesser known at that time really blew me away that year and I started digging more into the medium. I still have a lot to try out and other classics I’m still interested in trying, but here’s a top 10 I’m confident in recommending to most people, at least the kinda people that would follow this blog. A few of these recommendations are actually multi-part series, but hopefully accessible all around.
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Planetarian ($10 on Steam and Switch, ~$5 on sale)
This is a very late entry onto this list but I think it’s an easy recommendation. This is a very short 2-4 hour visual novel that got a well received 2 hour movie adaptation in 2016, but it was strong enough that even while knowing the plot everything still hit hard. It is a story set 30 years after an apocalyptic event destroys most of the world, as a human junk-trader comes across a planetarium with a somehow-still-functional robot named Hoshino still performing her daily duties after 30 years without customers or coworkers. It can come across as a bit saccharine, but it is a quick, well made, and effective tearjerker.
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Narcissu 1st & 2nd (Free on Steam)
Narcissu’s first two parts are pretty compelling stories to do with suicidal ideation within the scope of the terminally ill. Which is to say they’re also real tear jerkers, and pretty open about some harsh self-reflective emotions. They both have stellar endings, and can be quite immersive despite the very limited artwork (if the screencap looks weird, the game’s art exists within a narrow strip on the screen, with a sentence or two reading out the story underneath it). Maybe the least accessible on this list, but a $0 price tag makes it easier in some sense to get into.
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni / When The Seagulls Cry (~$50 on Steam, $30 on sale)
Umineko you’ve probably already heard of, and here’s me recommending it. Umineko comes in two parts, on Steam referred to as the Questions Arc and the Answers Arc. Despite the split, the overall story follows the events of a certain day on Rokkenjima Island in 1986 as a family meets to discuss their inheritance and their family’s mysteries. Unbeknownst to them they are soon haunted, over and over again, by the revenant of the Golden Witch said to live in the woods of their family’s island.
I’m in the minority of preferring the Questions Arc, where well written and deeply human characters find themselves in deeply inhumane and nonsensical scenarios. The Answers Arc back seats some of that to start delving into an esoteric explosion of clues and backstories, and was still very entertaining even if I was more invested in the episodic stories than the overarching mystery. This may also be seen as inaccessible, $30-50 for a slightly older title and over 140 hours long on average playthroughs, but it is deeply absorbing.
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Witch on the Holy Night a.k.a. Mahoyo ($40 on PS4 and Switch)
Mahoyo is me and Nasu’s marriage counselor, it really made me see the good in him. It follows a young witch co-habitating with her magic colleague and the puppy-like boy that unwittingly steps into their world at risk to his own life, just as unexplained apparent murders are witnessed in their town.
This could possibly be a higher level recommendation, though it was apparently intended to have sequels and you can somewhat feel that in the isolated feeling of its main conflict. Despite this, the game is definitely worth experiencing for its classy charm and extremely well made action sequences that at times make you forget you’re not watching a full anime film. It’s also a showcase of Nasu’s strengths in writing character interactions and comedy, and he finally lets Show take over and stops Telling you piles of mage society worldbuilding quite so often. It is also has some of the highest quality production value I’ve ever seen, second maybe to...
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Marco and the Galaxy Dragon ($20 on Steam/Switch, less than $10 on sale)
Marco and the Galaxy Dragon is an explosive opera of art, energy, color, and of course music. It follows the orphaned Marco and her dragon compatriot Arco as they hunt for treasure across the cosmos, finding their way to Earth on the hunt for Marco’s mother.
If Umineko’s 140 hours seems steep, Marco has you covered with a quick 6 hour rundown of a rebellious orphan fighting back against her space alien menace to find her own sense of place and identity in the universe, along with ALL the friends she made along the way. If Mahoyo feels like an anime film sometimes, Marco actually just has fully animated FMV cutscenes that are fun as hell and have their own unique artstyle to the VN itself. Thousands of pieces of artwork and a 52-track OST fill the game’s short runtime with no cut corners and and overflow of passion from the devs. Honestly even if you don’t want to read it go buy it, it’s cheap and they earned it.
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White Album 2 (You’ll have to be creative to find this one)
This is the only recommendation that’s currently only available in an adults only 18+ Rating for the English translation. That being said, it’s one of the few erotic VN’s that felt justified in its pornographic scenes. The story is split into two releases: Opening Chapter and Closing Chapter.
Opening is a short and powerfully delivered love triangle narrative following Haruki, Setsuna, and Touma as their hastily formed 3-man light music band falls into itself with feelings. It’s charming but gut wrenching and sweeps you into its drama very effectively before kicking you on your ass in the end.
Closing Chapter is a long and drawn out disassembling of their lives as they fail to heal from the wounds of the relationships seen in Opening. It, to great effect, takes the readers own experience with how fun and passionate the Opening Chapter was, and shows how trying to cling to halcyon days can make us so dispassionate about our present lives. Painful stuff! Good music, too.
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The Princess, The Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart 1 & 2
a.k.a. Noratoto ($40 on Steam for both, ~$15 for both on sale)
This is a very personal recommendation, and maybe one more easy to make on this blog where many of my followers might be receptive to sincere but slapstick ecchi comedy as art. Every route is highly different however and to me, some are pretty average for galge, while others stand out as amazing. The comedy writing as well feels like it was written by someone with actual comic writing experience, and not just regurgitating the usual ecchi manga jokes.
The general premise of Noratoto is the protagonist Nora, being transformed into a cat by Patricia the princess of the Netherworld, and he must reverse this curse via a kiss before it becomes permanent. A benign fairy tale premise, but one that somehow gives way to underlying stories about existence and finding purpose in families and where that leaves those without families or with abusive or divided families (it is from the same developers as Marco and the Galaxy Dragon, and the themes of finding identity without family match up very closely). Uniquely it is a visual novel written somewhat in 3rd person, narrated by a motherly voice as if the VN was being read to you as a bedtime story.
Like I said, it is dependent on route and some come across as your usual ecchi gal-game schtick, but some stick out, and if every route was as high quality as Nobuchina’s in the 2nd game, it would probably be my favorite visual novel.
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The Original Ace Attorney Trilogy ($30 on most platforms, $10 on sale)
You’ve almost certainly heard of Ace Attorney already and have most likely played it. This is me telling any Ace Attorney fans reading that the original trilogy still reigns supreme (regardless of Turnabout Big Top). This is also me telling anyone who has held out on trying Ace Attorney to try it, and to start with the original trilogy.
Obviously this trilogy follows the Meme Man Himself, Phoenix Wright, as he defends the innocent and brings the guilty to justice acting as both lawyer and his own main investigator. While each case presents a unique mystery, the original trilogy has an underlying arc that reaches from beginning to end with a massive conspiracy that Phoenix has to breach to bring justice to the perpetrators and resolve the memory and regrets of his beloved mentor.
These games have some speedbumps as you may be banging your head against the wall trying to find the right evidence, but the experience that breaks through does so with gusto, succeeding on what it sets out to be: games that make you feel like you’ve brought justice to the world.
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Utawarerumono Trilogy ($40/60 each on Steam, trilogy bundle $62 on sale)
Utawarerumono was my first proper visual novel, and it set the standards pretty high. I’ve posted about it several times in the last few years, and it remains one of my favorites. It is a labor of love on the part of the developers (the same developers as White Album 2), who developed the latter two games over the course of several years and have made this the spearhead of their company for the time being. Which makes sense, since it is about war.
The first game follows a masked man who is given the name Hakuoro waking up in a rural village with amnesia, confused about the strange population of beast-men living there. Despite not understanding his situation, his ingenuity brings the village prosperity. When the local lords try to put the village under their thumb, Hakuoro and the villagers are able to turn the tides against them. Their village grows into a kingdom as Hakuoro seeks the mysteries of himself and the world around him.
The latter two games pick up some twenty years after the conclusion of the first, and follow a man who is given the name Haku, waking up in the woods with amnesia confused about the... you get it. He is met by Kuon, a young girl on her way traveling to the capital of their nation of Yamato. Haku graciously accepts her help getting out of the cold woods, and decides to join her to the capital. As events play out, Haku finds himself under the direct command of the nation’s leader the Mikado, and carries out missions on his behalf as the nation continues to drag itself into war and conflict and Haku also seeks the truth of his identity.
These games are expansive in scope while still putting a large focus on the day-to-day lives of its characters. Around 100 hours across all three games it is impressive how much story it manages to fit in, but the pacing does bounce around between sweeping conflict and sleepy conversations. It is also in part, a strategy RPG game with the battles in the war being controlled by the player. These are decently made, especially well in the third game, but don’t ask too much of the player and the story remains the main focus and biggest portion of the runtime.
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The House In Fata Morgana a.k.a. Fatamoru
($40 complete version on PS4/Switch, ~$40 main game + expansion on Steam)
I’ve gushed about this enough on this tumblr, I’ll keep it brief.
You are a formless soul who is led by the hand of a mysterious maid through the doors of a mansion on an unknown plane of existence. Through each door lies a story of the house in a different era, all following people bound together in ways that leave them cruelly and violently undone by the end of their stories. The connection between these stories, the mystery of the house and the supposed witch that resides within, and the mystery of You the wandering soul all slowly unravel in a bloody show of catharsis and soul. The game is dripping with traumatic poetic text, grating beautiful music, and all of its atmosphere geared toward being oppressive yet enticing. One of the best things I’ve read.
Honorable mentions:
Va-11 Hall-A and Endless Mondays get shout outs as some of the best Original English Language VN’s I’ve read, with cool artstyles and a mature cast they manage to be fun and relatable. Va-11 Hall-A delivers a great arc for its protagonist and Endless Mondays has great dialogue on the threat of automation of creative industries.
Grisaia Trilogy and Hatsumira are both absolutely raucous trilogies that are a lot of fun. Not wholly recommendable to all, Grisaia has some strong moments and a hilarious unique cast but is a mess overall (but we love Michiru). Hatsumira is a bit more consistent, a more stable and fantasy-oriented Grisaia.
A.I. The Somnium Files duology are detective games with highly divisive endings, but great comedy and characters that make them very easy to get through and enjoy the whole way to the end. It’s just a toss-up whether you’ll like that ending.
Sakura Wars games are finally being translated, and they are a great showing for anyone who wants to try some classic dating sim stuff but with some pizazz thrown in with the setting and mecha combat.
The Tears to Tiara duology by the same developers of Utawarerumono and White Album is also one to keep an eye out for. The first game's definitive version isn't available in English and the second game is stuck on the PS3 and no longer available digitally, but if they ever come out on Steam they are worth your time.
Nanairo Reincarnation and Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche are also two solid ecchi comedy galge. Both have surprisingly deep and genuinely heartbreaking underlying mysteries and conclusions.
I still have a lot I wanna read, Planetarian is the only Key novel I’ve read. On the docket are Labyrinth of Galleria, Little Busters, the 9 -nine- series, and Kara no Shoujo and White Album 1 releasing on Steam this year. Some classics I didn’t mention are Fate/Stay Night, Muv Luv, Steins Gate. Muv Luv I read Extra and enjoyed it, but never pulled the trigger on reading the rest, I may at some point on a whim. Steins;Gate I played through half of on PS3 and now my PS3 is in the closet, the VN is really good and has a unique atmosphere to the anime, buuuuuuut knowing the plot has made it hard to want to restart on PC or another console. Steins;Gate is good, if anyone is reading this far and hasn’t seen the anime or read the VN, do it.
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cheritya · 2 months
[ this post can contain milgram spoilers if you are not caught up with the results of the second trial. ALSO, TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of s*!c!de. ]
GUYS. READ THE "TIMELINES." PLEASE. i posted this on youtube at first, but i decided to post it here, too.
they have been getting translated on fandom wiki ever since 2020. they (timelines) highlight the characters' dynamics with each other, and we get to see them interact over time. i just finished reading all of them. i didn't even know they existed until today - and holy shit, there are some crucial details. here is the link if you want to read them yourself (i highly recommend it):
things are not looking great - the third trial is going to be a big shitshow. here are some developments that i have noticed (feel free to add more if you read the timelines):
1. throughout the second trial, haruka started isolating himself more and more despite being "forgiven" by us. he now spends most of his time in his cell, and muu brings his food to him. some of the prisoners are concerned about this, such as fuuta and shidou, asking muu if haruka is doing okay. shidou is concerned for haruka's mental state, but he implies that he can't do much about it (because he is busy with mahiru's treatment). he apologizes to muu for burdening her with haruka's wellbeing, which muu says that it is okay, because she and haruka are friends. shidou even thanks muu for "being there" for haruka... (oh dear.)
i think haruka starts isolating himself even with his "forgiven" verdict, because now he constantly thinks and worries about what to do if muu gets to be deemed "unforgiven" at the end of the second trial. and well, he has a plan. we all know what his plan is.
and considering the fact that muu has indeed voten "unforgiven", i am pretty scared for haruka. many people in the fandom still think that haruka was bluffing when he told es that he would commit if we don't forgive muu. i think he is dead serious, y'all. we need to take his threat more seriously.
he talked about his s*!c!de plan with kotoko and asked her not to intervene when the time comes. she was PRETTY receptive of it, telling him "if only all sinners were like you." she promised that she will not intervene with haruka's plans, and then added, "even though i'd like to do it myself, i'll leave it to you. what happens after that... depends on es, doesn't it?" so, yes. she knows what haruka might do, and she doesn't seem to care.
on timelines 2023/02/29 and 2023/04/07, haruka frantically begs es (so he is technically begging us) to forgive muu.
2. amane becomes extremely standoffish after we did not forgive her. other prisoners reported how she seems to be in her own world all the time. shidou and mahiru are pretty concerned about her behavior - mahiru even asks once, "are you actually amane-chan?" after amane goes off on one of her religious rants.
we all know that fuuta has been in a pretty vulnerable state after being voted "unforgiven" and getting beaten up by kotoko, right? we see how present his anxiety is throughout the timeline conversations as well.
amane talks to fuuta on his birthday (2023/04/19 timeline). at first, fuuta thinks she is talking nonsense, and asks her how she can be still stand after hearing those awful voices in her head, just like he hears them, since they are both voted unforgiven. we know that some prisoners are hearing voices in their heads regarding to their verdict. fuuta has been hearing pretty awful stuff all the time about his crime.
to answer fuuta's question, this is what amane tells him: "it goes without saying. because we have something more important than the incomprehensible and irrational voices. humans can stand up if they have guidance. kajiyama fuuta, it's a coincidence, but today is your birthday, isn't it? it may be a good day to be reborn. if you can break free from the temptation of corruption around you and change your ways-"
after that conversation, fuuta's behavior seems to have shifted, first reported by muu. since haruka isn't coming out of his cell and muu is the only one actually interacting with him by bringing him food, on timeline 2023/07/05, which is muu's birthday, fuuta approaches muu and asks her if haruka is doing okay. she tells him that she has been bringing him food, which means he should be fine. to that, fuuta says that he understands a bit now, and that it is nice to have someone to rely on and have them accept you. he also says that while they (he and the other prisoners) might not fully understand from their perspective, if muu is the "salvation" for haruka, then he thinks that is something. muu seems taken aback by fuuta's salvation comment, and tells fuuta that he have started saying weird things.
on timeline 2024/01/17, which is mahiru's birthday, fuuta approaches mahiru and asks her if there is any way she can get better. mahiru tells him that shidou has been taking care of her, and that she is sure that if she keeps getting treatment like this, she will get better. to that, fuuta says: "i see. continue the treatment, huh... how can you truly be saved, i wonder?" remember the choice of words he is using. mahiru doesn't think badly about fuuta's comment, and thinks that it is sweet that he seems worried about her. "……that's nice of you, fuuta-kun. just thinking that way... mahiru feels saved already." she says.
on timeline 2024/04/19, which is fuuta's birthday, fuuta approaches haruka this time. i will straight up copy-paste the whole conversation, word by word.
fuuta: "—hey, are you really okay with that? if you come with me, you might also be saved you know……haruka."
haruka: "yeah……since i already made a decision. i, have something that i must do." (he is most likely talking about his plan here.)
fuuta: "ahh, is that so…… hey, haruka, you truly are an idiot. if that’s the case, you won’t be able to be saved."
haruka: "yeah, thank you. fuuta, i’m happy that you called out to me. um, i’m happy that you were so kind to me. i mean it. but, this is the only way i can do this. i’m sorry......" (i am fucking terrified.)
so... yes. interpret it as how you will, but his fixation on "saving" might be the result of amane's influence on him. we voted both of them "forgiven" for the third trial, so i wonder how that will go.
i almost forgot. on her second trial voice drama, amane talks about how she already gave shidou a warning. and yes she did, indeed. shidou wasn't the only person she gave a warning too, though. she also gave a warning to mahiru.
this is from timeline 2023/01/17, mahiru's birthday:
amane: "happy birthday. mahiru-san. how has your condition been lately?"
mahiru: "...ah, amane-chan. thank you. yes, i'm fine. as long as i use a wheelchair, i can still move around properly... it's thanks to shidou-san's treatment..."
amane: "first, i have to give you a warning. you two are treading upon something that's forbidden. if you continue to go against the natural order, you'll just quicken your demise. think about it carefully."
mahiru: "amane-chan... are you actually, amane-chan....?" (this is heartbreaking. timelines that happened during the first trial were mostly lighthearted and happy. the tone changes A LOT with the verdicts. we need to be extremely mindful of our votes.)
i might add more to this later. also, i am sorry for my english, it is my second language.
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liminal-zone · 1 year
Spoilers for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, up to 2x9
So not a lot of people are talking about this (the state of trek fandom in 2023 is such a surprise to me, having lived through 2009 especially, but also the last decade of the 1900s), so IMMA TALK ABOUT IT. 
My one complaint about Strange New Worlds is that it is way too straight, but lol at me, my one very strong shippy feel is a straight pairing - let’s fucking go:
(and specifically, he’s such a good man in that HE COMES FROM A DARK TIMELINE, he’s from SPACE!, he’s never lived in Iowa! His brother is dead! And he could be mirror kirk but he isn’t! He’s a good honorable man shaped by different traumas, and he fell in love with her because she’s a great fish out of water, holy shit, GET THAT FISH OUT OF THE WATER)
and then romulan mary queen of scots from reign shoots this Kirk dead and the GOOFY TIME TRAVEL AGENCY FROM DS9 (The Department of Temporal Investigations) is like “lol la'annie, babes, you can’t tell a soul about this” and La’an, our poor dear traumatized tightly-wound perfectionist, can only weep into her pillow. 
but as the tweet by twitter user campy alien says: 
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SO NOW SHE IS FACED CONSTANTLY WITH THE REAL JAMES TIBERIUS (tiberius? that’s the worst) KIRK and he’s not her kirk and he’s not anyone’s kirk (is he carol marcus’ kirk? ha ha not for long)
And it’s just buckets of angst (affectionate).
(re the title to this post: in the musical episode, she has a fantasy of smiling at her kirk under a white sheet in bed and WE KNOW THE TROPE, PARAMOUNT. THANKS FOR GIVING US, DEAD WIFE JAMES T KIRK. 13 out of 10, no notes.)
I think this would all be nonsense if it wasn’t for how Paul Wesley is playing Kirk (and the writers are writing Kirk) as this very GENTLE KIRK (Pine, Shatner; not defined by gentleness). He’s deeply charming and romantic and fun and yes full of himself and just a very gentle interested heroic person in the periphery of the current USS Enterprise. Makes sense that he would inherit the chair, makes sense that this Kirk would get cocky in a few years, makes sense this Kirk would fall in love with every woman he sees, <s>doesn’t yet make sense how this Kirk and this Spock would fall in love, that’s another post to make; also as your resident kirk x bones, i’m tapping my gd foot (slowly, i love m'benga!!)</s>. AND I LIKE THAT A LOT. (I live in a house divided, my wife hates him.)
Because there are knives in La’an under that tightly wound surface and there’s just a wonderful bruise there to press on. THIS KIRK IS NOT HER KIRK, AND WILL NEVER BE HER KIRK. HER KIRK IS DEAD AS IF HE NEVER EXISTED AT ALL. How do you process this and move on? Loved to see her tell Kirk about it (loved to see her christen him as Jim) and hope to see how this progresses. 
Final thought (for now): La’an being a new character with a Very Famous Name; where does she end up when a changed USS Enterprise goes on its five year mission (without a security chief apparently)?
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cookinary · 6 months
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I redrew (and redesigned) my Portal boi because he definitely needed a refresh!
Sum details:
His mask broke during the long fall in Portal 2 but he kept it anyway
I'm going with the stupid "Portal 2 happens 50 000 years into the future" theory because it's complete nonsense and I fucking love it so, because he spent so long in the Relaxation Vault, he got very pale (he was already pale in Portal 1 but not as bad)
For the same reason, his hair grew pretty long (he shaved it after escaping)
He got the massive burn scar on his left arm from an energy pellet grazing him
Oh yeah, trans rights also
And I just realized that I never shared his backstory here so it's under the cut if you're curious!
In chronological order:
Mitch creates Aperture
He puts Ophelia at the head of the entire facility
Ophelia realizes that Pedro would make the perfect test subject so she wipes his memory -it's the first and only time that a full memory wipe is done on a subject- She then realizes that watching him test would make her feel bad so she gives him the mask to hide his face. That way, she can watch him test without any remorse.
After a few tests, she puts him in a cryo-chamber (because she wants to put him through much harder tests that have not been invented yet)
Mitch and Denny are (forcefully) hired as test subjects but are brainwashed. They are both put in cryo-chambers
Not long after, Ophelia decides to turn herself into an android so she can live forever and control the entire facility. The scientists warn her that this can cause severe memory loss and mild insanity. She does it anyway and loses all memories of her human life. She now has full control over Aperture.
Judging all the scientists useless, Ophelia floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin
Portal 1 happens
At the start of Portal 2, Pedro is woken up by banana Pedro (who is a core in this AU) who wants to help him to get out of here.
Basically the same story happens. But Pedro eventually encounters Mitch and Denny who try to take him down. He kills them in return (Denny didn't have his long fall boots)
They finally get to Ophelia. Though, contrary to Wheatley (who got corrupted by the mainframe), Core!Pedro was actually planning to take Ophelia's place from the beginning. He stuffs Ophelia in a potato battery (she appears as an hologram being projected from the weird eye/circle thingy on it) and sends she and Pedro down the elevator shaft
Pedro's mask breaks during the fall, which leads Ophelia to realize that his face feels familiar after they reunite
While going through old Aperture, Pedro and Ophelia learns the truth about themselves (thanks to all the pre-recorded messages)
The rest of the game happens pretty similarly, except that at the end, after shooting Core!Pedro into space, Ophelia tries to get Pedro back to testing (after all, he IS the perfect test subject). Pedro refuses and attempts to destroy her. He fails, but Ophelia gives up and lets him go as she does not want someone who will try to destroy her 24/7
Basically like in Blue Sky, Pedro ends up in a small town where the people help him back to full health. He settles here and eventually finds out he has great cooking and baking skills and gets his own little cake shop (I'm not sure I still want this to be the post-game for this AU but I'll leave this here anyway)
These notes date back to 2020 HOLY SHIT IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS
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Divine Right of Billionaires is a work from Holy Nonsense, a Creative Commons project. View Holy Nonsense 2020 here. Thank you to first time contributor @unashamedly-enthusiastic for agreeing to participate in the project! You can see the OP here: https://www.tumblr.com/unashamedly-enthusiastic/721958091109842944
Each entry (single page or multiple pages of the same work) is released under an individual CC: Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives license. That means you can repost this work as-is anywhere for any non-commercial purposes.
Image descriptions, including transcriptions of text, are expressly allowed, but just make sure you include the credits that are baked into the image when you do them. Image Description after the cut.
Image Description: Two sections of text on a white half-sheet vertical page. The top section is bordered with repeating floral tiles that look a little like a skunk or badger. The bottom text is centered in sketchy overlapping rectangles
I think to topple the divine rights of kings billionaires, we need to dispel the myth that they have that money because they are smart and worked hard and make good decisions
I think the zip ties on the submarine and the limited views on the advertising platform might begin to show them for what they are
They are not smarter than you. They are not better than you. And if you suddenly magically got all that money people would stop saying 'no' to you too. and that is not a good thing
We didn't start the Class War
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arekayic · 2 months
because theres so much cubitos that have or commonly depicted with white streaks, yep /j, i wasn't exactly hiding lmao
Jhariah is soooo good, he had a new album from which fire4fun is from ehhehe. i have several of his songs in my last life grumbo playlist (that i will definitely update soon yep im not procrastinating at all i definitely do not have almost 20 songs that i need to add ahahhahaha)
honestly, im personally a little hater about nonsensical family hc's, but i dont care nearly enough to really do the hater activity (neither its necessary and it would be a dick move)
im rn fighting artblock, but i will try to do something at some point lmao
my mumbo is so good at shapeshifting he can shapeshift others /hj (i mean. he kinda can. he isn't supposed to, and usually doesn't, but he can)
you’d be surprised how many cubitos have white streaks in their hair let me have this LOL
yeah i just decided to listen to the entire discography just now and HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD….. will be listening to like crazy now haha. also character and duo playlists are so fun (my harry osborn playlist from my last hyperfixation has 89 songs lol, it’s also full of bangers, and i used to have a clingyduo playlist in 2020 that was in order of story and it went hard bc of that.)
and the second cousin headcanon is just a silly lil thing, just bc they had like one or two similarities, nothing serious lol i’m not including it in any stories or aus
and shapeshifter mumbo is sooo fun to work with bc you can do literally anything with him!!! i think of mumbo as a vampire but i gave him shapeshifting bc of marceline from adventure time lol.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
For the first time since 2020, I am feeling the urge to read InuKag fics again???
This all started in June when I FINALLY read the iconic "Freak Attraction" by our esteemed @artistefish (which is PHENOMENAL AND AMAZING BTW PLEASE GO READ IT), but then, just now, I saw that the Smut Queen herself, @keichanz had posted new smut...... 👀👀👀
Aaaaaand suddenly I went hunting for other smutty oneshots to add to my "Marked for Later" fics. For the first time in AGES. Like. Um. Holy shit????
[Ramblings about my "Inuyasha history post-2020" below cut. Tl;dr: I'm lowkey Shook that my love for Inuyasha and InuKag fics is finally, slowly coming back 🥹💕]
Here's the rundown: 2020 happened. I went into quarantine with my parents. I was determined to finally devour a BUNCH of Inuyasha fics I kept meaning to read, and at first I did with great gusto..... but..... as April 2020 crept along, my interest began to wane and depression seized a hold of me.
Then Yashahime was announced. The fandom imploded. I felt nothing. No interest, no worries, no intrigue. NOTHING. It would've scared me if I was capable of feeling it.
Oh eventually, I felt a mild amusement at all of the squabbling and ship wars and all that nonsense (and spawned a whole fucking series of memes as a result lmaooooo). But my love for the fandom/fics had more or less snuffed out. Which sucked for a number of reasons, not least of which were "shit, most of my WIPs are for this fandom fuckfuckfuckfuck" LMAO 🙃
Depressing shit aside, I dove back HARD into the Disney fanfic side of things, on top of other anime titles and old fandoms like Harry Potter. I moved on to other fandoms, partially due to feeling embittered at the Inuyasha fandom for already making my depression over my lack of interest EVEN WORSE with all the in-fighting over Yashahime (which btw, for the record, is NOT a particularly bad show. It's not a GOOD show, per se, I don't have any strong feelings for it either way, but it's NOT the Antichrist™ like fans were making it out to be, sheesh >.> It's just another mediocre sequel for a classic-but-not-particularly-amazing-original-series. Shocking, I know. Moving on)
The only thing keeping me sane about Inuyasha was watching it with my fiancé, from Nov. 2020-Sept. 2021. His delightful commentary breathed life into the series like you wouldn't BELIEVE lmao 🤣
Eventually.... I felt the desire to write again. But it was HARD. 😭
After Shameless was completed in April of 2020, I felt.... empty of Inuyasha fic writing. By a miracle, I managed to update my Big Three WIPs (An Unexpected Encounter -> June 2020; Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves -> July 2020 & Sept. 2022; and Shards of the Sea -> June 2021 & Sept. 2022), but the gaps between updates kept widening, and I only worked on them because they were already partially written/published. I even ended up archiving older ficlets into Tied Together and Bonds Across Time, but had to resist the urge to delete everything and start afresh SEVERAL times since 2021 (which, coincidentally, was around the time the fandom was tearing itself apart over Yashahime bullshit and by bullshit I mean innocuous junk people were losing their goddamn minds over ugh.... 😒)
The handful of other fics I punched out for other fandoms were small, and only posted briefly in the summers of 2020 and 2022.
The latter summer was thanks to my first InuKag written smut in 2 years: Sinful Symphonies.
So, yay! Finally getting a feel for writing again, both for Inuyasha and in general! But I still felt utterly detached from other Inuyasha fics, not because of the writers (are you KIDDING me, half of the reason it was hard to distance myself from the fandom was because of the AMAZING TALENT in this fandom ugggghhh 😭), but because of my personal, complicated feelings with the fandom and series as a whole.
But then I binge-watched the series by myself this May. And finally, decided to buckle down and read Freak Attraction, which I have been meaning to read LONG before 2020, and thus, it became my first Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 in almost 3 years, and first "new" Inuyasha fave as whole since August 2021.
My last Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 was on Nov. 1, 2020 (on ff.net, I read two small MirSan smut fics in August 2021, but these are outliers; I really could not bring myself to read more than those -.-).
My last InuKag bookmarked smut on AO3 was April 7, 2020.
My last REVIEWS I left for an Inuyasha fic (besides the aforementioned fics) were from June-August 2021 for a couple of updated faves (namely Keichanz's Iconic You Rescued Me, which was a ROLLERCOASTER OF FEELS, LEMME TELL YOU).
And now. NOW. AT LAST. THREE WHOLE YEARS after 2020 sucked the joy of Inuyasha fandom/fic from me.... I want to try again. I want to read more again.
Even if it's only a little bit, I would like to find joy here again. 🥺💕
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residentdormouse · 2 years
📖 Chapter Update 🖋️
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Just Keep Diving Down
Chapter Thirty Six: Epilogue
Sequel to: Something like a Spiral
A quick check in with the gang after the war has resolved itself. Rebuilding communities and relationships take precedence and reflection shows sometimes you don't get what you want, but you get what you need.
Holy Shit Guys! This is it! We're wrapped!!!
Thank you to all who have encouraged me throughout this process, it means so much to me, you have no idea!! ❤️ Hopefully I'll see you on my next project, whatever that may be...
Pairings: Glen Bateman/OC, Nick Andros/OC, Lloyd Henreid/OC (references of Randall Flagg/Lloyd Henreid), Harold Lauder/OC
Fandom: The Stand (2020) - Rating: M - Smut/Violence/Language/Vaping Nonsense - OC Fanfiction
Taglist: @anths-girl @raith-way @ocs-supporting-ocs @chickensarentcheap @arrthurpendragon
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What has been your favorite moment of your current dnd campaign?
Ahhh okay this is def very hard to answer since this campaign started like,,, march 2020 (in person for a bit, then online, thankfully back to in person now) SO....LONG WINDED POST AHEAD,,,
So we’ve been at it for a while! And things get pushed to the back of my mind or are in my notebook somewhere-BUT we did start a discord channel called ‘that one time when’ where we put memorable moments. So I will do my best to list my top three since i could never sift thru this entire crazy adventure and pick just one <3
The first time Valentine cast revivify! We had just levelled up, I had just learned the spell, and I had just bought diamonds prior to us going to the Cassalanter ball (kinda spoilers for dragonheist ahead). So some cult nonsense starts goin down in the basement, we jump in (to the soundtrack of ballroom blitz) and we’re holding our own, kicking ass, but then victorio casts power word kill to instantly kill Hawkwood (artificer half-elf) and it was our first PC death and we were kinda freaking out.
It was a big character moment for a lot of our party bcus it was one of the highest stake things that had happened thus far. Lucien ripped out victorios throat (lucien is a drow werewolf) despite his hesitation over it (past trauma with being used as a weapon and monster) and valentine realized that ‘holy shit. I care about these people more than I care to admit. What a scary thought.” and then flew over to revive him. The imagery was just very cool and pretty to imagine, with high arches and valentine’s aasimar wings and eyes glowing white gold, holding hawkwood to them as the diamond shatters and the pieces rise in the air and he wakes up! I actually drew this a long time ago here
Another moment that had us losing our MINDS (one of us literally) was we were facing down Yandathul, a mindflayer (i think he’s an Ulitharid) who 3 party members have personal beef with (he experimented on our drow twins, disguised as a drow himself) (he ate nick’s uncle’s brain in front of him. Nick is a Githyanki. He has beef w mindflayers on sight anyways) Also we’d just found the corpse of a Draegloth, another experiment and our ally at the time that he had killed.
So basically we were fighting this guy, and he fuckin….Subdues nick and then eats gothi’s (our dwarf paladin, a newer addition to the party) brain in front of him. Then  he casts planeshift, and as we’re all about to get sent to fuckin WHO knows where, we could all land anywhere, not even together, nick-you know how you need to hit the right tune/frequency to travel to a different plane in dnd or something?-Well he screams for us all to grab his hands as planeshft is cast and he screams out the note that’s gonna make sure we all go TOGETHER AT LEAST to the astral sea, where he’s from It was just so intense and insane and emotional bcus nick was doing a scream of fury and grief and frustration but also doing bard stuff to keep us all safe. And it came after a PC death, and we rlly all almost got yeeted to separate corners of the universe. So we all just. Floated in the astral sea for a bit. With a corpse Valentine (my pc, cleric) couldnt revivify bcus his brain got eaten. I think it was our wildest moment. It stands out a lot because we lost. weirdly enough, the final countdown is a song that syncs up w this moment super well.
God anon im sorry to wax poetic theres soooo much more and obvi im biased to valentine’s moments but genuinely, i think my favourite moment was:
Nick slapping his abusive and terrible father on the deck of their warship in front of his crew. I gasped Out Loud in person it was So good i was shocked. It slapped. And so did nick. Lol
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the-laziest-dragon · 2 years
DIGIMON GHOST GAME: AKA: How to make the fanbase desperate with an unexpected ending.
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Unlike Adventure:2020, I haven't commented much on this season because;
Story pacing is different (horror stories vs season 1 reboot)
Many of the references I needed to go after and the chances of talking nonsense were great. And I can't stand to hear more irrelevant drama than I already listen to offline.
But I really wanted to talk about Ghost GAME, and now that the season """"ended"""", I can talk a little with my opinions (and spoilers soon if you don't want to, don't read. Enjoy other of my posts or go to another blog you like, I'm not holding you back 🙂)
Taking everything out of the way, let's go to the beginning :
1 - The delay for tamers/chosen children/human heroes to appear and develop as characters.
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I'm going to take those shots soon because it was one of the things that pissed me off the most.
Ruli joined the team in episode 3 and got the adult form of Angoramon in episode 15.
Kiyo joined the team in episode 5 and reached Jellymon's adult form in episode 10, if I'm not mistaken.
After waiting 12 episodes to reach the adult form compared to Kiyo who was only 5, she only reached the Ultimate form in episode 35. 20 more episodes. Kiyo achieved Ultimate form in episode 29...
Hiro already reached adult forms (Red, Blue and Green) in episodes 2, 7 and 12. The Ultimate form came in the episode 25...
And most of the time it was Hiro and Gammamon who solved everything, leaving the other humans and digimon in the background. Like the protagonists of the original Adventure rooting for the Megas to win because they are nothing but Ultimate form and the enemies are too strong for them.
And want to know when the mega forms arrived? Episode 56 for Hiro, 58 for Ruli and 60 for Kiyo.
And the season ended at 67... and the last two episodes Diarbbtmon and Amphimon barely served as relevant fighters... They were more like glorified punching bags.
2 - Digimon do not fight to the death.
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It may sound morbid but it's a fact: The enemies fight to kill, the protagonists don't fight seriously because they don't want to hurt the other digimons.
Apart from GulusGammamon (I already got to him) the protagonists killed at least 2 digimons: SimbaeAngoramon killed Digitamamon and the three Ultimate killed RareRaremon.(No, Shadramon was already half dead before Datamon messed with him. Tetismon didn't kill him.)
It makes it seem like they don't really fight. And all they do is sit the shit out and then make up... which is kind of disappointing after the literal demon of lust just walks away.
3 - GulusGammamon
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When he first appeared, NOBODY expected that the sweetest marshmallow in the world had the literal devil inside the body. But since every digimon protagonist has to have a dark evolution, it was to be expected.
Whenever GulusGammamon appeared it meant that someone was going to die. No jokes. That was basically it.
'Oh, this Digimon is too bad! What do we do?' 'Oh! Gammamon evolved into GulusGammamon!'
The worst part was what they did to him in the end. From Gammamon's suppressed original personality to the final Boss of the season. It was all so thrown in the face that there are still people numb from the shock.
And then there's the fact that he IS A FUCKING ALIEN DIGIMON FROM ANOTHER PLANET!!?That was contaminating the entire digital world to form an army to face a Galactus from the Digimon Universe!!??!?!!
4 - Espimon
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For the first time, after Xros Wars of course, the protagonist won a secondary Digimon for his team. But my holy Christ... what a soap opera.
He was introduced in episode 38 but didn't reach his adult form until EPISODE 62!!!
This is all because he thought Hiro was a 'fake Hiro' because he wasn't practically identical to his father.
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To say they hooked up for a second season is calling me and all fans idiots.
It was so rushed, but so rushed that it seemed like fanfic that the author got lost and decided to tie all the ends at once but left a lot up in the air.
The Digi-Galactus only coming 2000 years from now, a Country of Digimons in a space between the Digital World and the Human World*cough cough Xros Wars cough cough*, all human protagonists becoming diplomats as children. It looked like the Meme of Yamato becoming an astronaut at the end of Digimon 02...
But I'm not saying that the fight between Regulusmon and Siriusmon was bad... But three Megas almost losing to an Ultimate was a forced fall due to the plot armor.
I hope there is a second season, or movie or OVAs to end the story, because it was very... Empty at the end...
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droshawoluv · 2 years
For a while I've been thinking of putting words why Digimon Adventure 2020 doesn't make me want to be super invested into it (but still entertained) and it all boils down to: it doesn't make me cry lmao.
I love that, I love being invested in that and characters having emotional rollercoaster everywhere and traumatic backstories or memories and then I am crying along Taichi feeling a deep rooted guilt because how almost killed his own sister, or how they see Digimon get brutally killed and instead of being scarred for life they are like "oh no...anyway off to victory!"
But I have to admit it's nonsensical fun and just a good time at points, which is what I want for every time the destined children are together (which is another issue, when they join they split, when they reunite they are drifted away, when they make it back they are drifted away again). But when it happens, there are fun moments just like every Mimi and Joe episode 🤣 (is the potatomon a reference to Joe singing "Kaze no fraido potato"? Because that's make it a 10/10)
It's frustrating maybe if the OTT plot in the real world appears and gets solved in between the main journey, are we fighting Devimon or are we helping the NASA, or both? Why is Omegamon appearing so much? When did their Crest meaning have to do with something? + the timing or moments or reason behind every new evolution may give that "eh that wasn't as satisfying". But if I look it just as the silly fun and COOL AS FUCK animations and moves, then I have fun myself! Accepting that I won't be crying just of imagining what a character may feel, and see them do stuff made it to me to enjoy it more, I like the wild digimon leveling up because survivor of the fittest type of thing, and they do show nice relationship between each other (in fact, one of the best moments are when there is no ISS crisis AND they are still together as group):
Taichi being a source of support and encouragement to Koushiro, the siblings relationship, Taichi and Sora being that 1-2 leading combo and being the reliable parents. Yamato being that cool tsun tsun but not annoying dude. Mimi is always queen in every universe. Joe using Zudomon hammer what the fuck go off king. Cute things to catch up from that.
And also, the fact that I don't have to watch the same attacking animation 17890 times through the show is so important. Imagine Digimon Adventure or Tamers with these animations, is insane. I thought the warpevolution was already cool, seeing Wargreymon appearance not the first, but the second time show an animation that was the coolest evolution animation ever in that technical stuff.
In summary, a lot of things to not care about the whole of it (so far, chapter 40 already), but taking bits individually (that you may completely forget because it's irrelevant to the big scene) is actually cool! Some I can remember off the top of my head are
Mimi chan kingdom; Joe and Gomamon speaking before Ikkakumon evolution; Yamato having a small "wow these bozos are caring about me and supporting me? Is this...FRIENDSHIP?" bc you know, his crest and all; the way MetalGreymon evolved, like, is not better than the OG of course, but I mean how he was fighting a bigger dude and for MANY times they were trying but not giving up, as in, showing their courage, made sense; Lillymon and the whole nature defeating the machinery of Andromon; Holy Digimon being special and focusing on that; Tailmon fears and struggles up to its Angewomon evolution (MarineDevimon was a good idea to put there); the one solving the ISS crisis being Koshiro not just in knowledge but in action trusted by his friends and leader Taichi; Taichi and Sora playing football together heck yeah cuties show how well you both combine for everything and be cute in front of my salad (they are making it on purpose, Taichi gets trapped and immediately the Love emblem shines to evolve to Garudamon).
Is there a Team Light and Team Hope coming apparently? That's cute. Looking forward to it.
Anyway, just wanted to write about it for so long since I have that "ok I get where this is heading and it's to not make me cry" feeling but I have different thoughts, not mostly bad or anything.
Should start making Gifs of these moments I loved.
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onbeinganangel · 2 years
least read fics ✨
i was tagged by @danpuff-ao3 and @sweet-s0rr0w (see their posts here, and here, respectively, and go read those unloved hidden gems pls and thanks) to share my 5 least read fics on ao3, by either hits or kudos. this game was going around for National Author's Day and, as per usual, i'm so late it's not even fashionable anymore. ooopsies. thank you for the tags, pals!
while i think both hits and kudos are very flawed statistics i decided to go with hits for this one. my least read five, from the very bottom up are:
2020 Microfics [1100 words, 22 drarry microfics, rated E, warnings vary]
A collection of microfics written for Drarry Microfic's 2020 prompts.
a little too good to be true [800 words, ginsy, rated T, no warnings]
For a date that had started with Pansy surreptitiously pulling her phone out and texting Draco, in all caps, “You told me it was someone I didn’t know, you actual ballbag” the blind date had gone surprisingly well. It helped that Pansy accidentally blurted out what Draco had told her as soon as she laid eyes on Ginny, and Ginny laughed and replied with a “Well, Harry said, and I quote ‘She’s really lovely, give her a chance,’ so here I am.”
do it again [750 words, drarry, rated T, no warnings]
I’m sorry. I know it’s the second time we’ve had to reschedule this interview. Work has been mental today and Ron got punched in the face. (He’s fine, it was kind of funny.) Draco will be mardy so if you have any of those hibiscus biscuits of yours with the lemon icing that you could spare, send him home with a few. I’ll owe you.
Tell him I’m really sorry and I’ll see you both at the Gala tonight.
H x
overture [115 words, drarry, rated T, no warnings]
In which Harry tells Draco all about his life.
2021 Microfics [5050 words, 95 drarry microfics, rated E, warnings vary]
A collection of microfics written for Drarry Microfic's 2021 prompts.
i accidentally rambled on (who's suprised? not me) about stats and about quality and about hits vs. kudos and all that nonsense so i'm putting the rest of this post under a cut. before that though, i'm going to link you to what is my 6th fic with the least amount of hits, because i am honestly appalled that it ranks 6th, as it's one of my favourite things i have ever written.
the underdog, the honourable mention, the but-mari-that's-not-in-the-rules:
Liturgia Horarum [1500, drarry, rated M, no warnings]
From morning melodies to evening encores, a day in the life through the soundtrack of routine.
and now, for my thoughts:
except for that last minute mention, the actual bottom 5 doesn't really surprise me at all. we have both sets of microfics, 2020's and 2021's and I think we all agree short form (especially extremely short form like micros) does much better on tumblr, plus the fact that they're all under the same work on ao3 despite it not being a cohesive story isn't super helpful. they're mostly there for archival purposes, and mostly for me. i do love having them all in the same place, and it does help me personally when i lose perspective. sometimes i open it just so i can tell myself "look at that, you wrote all those 50 word wee fuckers in numerous genres and styles, and tropes and ideas, all of them about the same two guys" lmao as a reader, i would much prefer to come across microfics and drabbles on tumblr than crammed into one work on ao3, so that makes sense to me.
the other three are T rated, short, and on top of that one of them is femslash too! (truly the holy trifecta of nopes, let's be honest there). so, really. this is unsurprising all around.
it's interesting though, because i'm a curious cat, and i couldn't help compare this to my stats by kudos — do keep in mind i never open my statistics page so looking at it to make this post was really cool! i notice that while i understand why none of these have more hits, they're pieces i quite like, personally. they're nowhere near my favourite things i've ever written, but they're stuff i think it's decent. i think they're alright.
on the other side of that though, are my kudos. when i sort by kudos, both sets of microfics are still on that bottom 5, which again, makes sense. BUT very different fics join those at the bottom of the list. interestingly, the other three fics are quite possibly my least favourite things i've written, the ones i keep on ao3 for the sake of archival but secretly pray no one ever reads! they are a lot higher hit-wise than the ones on the list above (E rated, generally quite porny though the writing/tropes/pairings are rather questionable), but they're at the bottom kudos-wise, which is a fun revelation! maybe it means my own judgement isn't that clouded and that readers and i agree when stuff is a bit... you know, shit. LOL
i find it really fun to look at this kind of thing. i do think the whole point of the game was sharing our less-loved stuff in way of reccommending it/getting it more love, and i ended up just analysing the statistics page. i do enjoy all of these, and none of them are shit, but if you were gonna pick any, for the love of god, read Liturgia Horarum.
can't think of who to tag, but if you haven't done it and you have read all my stupid rambling, you should do it and tag me on it so i can look, thank you <3
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nebulousmistress · 2 years
Holy shit! IRS employee in the Wild! I was too busy mentally cussing out Turbotax to notice the very end of your statement there, Godspeed with this new tax season coming up. Sincerely Folks from Files
Hey there! How fares Files in these trying times of too many new hires who can't find their ass with both hands?
May statute season treat us all kindly holy balls it's gonna be WEIRD this year with the 2020 nonsense.
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bookoformon · 4 months
The Book of Moroni, Chapter 2. "A Moronic Place."
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Jesus gave the twelve Nephite disciples power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 401–21.
1 The words of Christ, which he spake unto his disciples, the twelve whom he had chosen, as he laid his hands upon them—
2 And he called them by name, saying: Ye shall call on the Father in my name, in mighty prayer; and after ye have done this ye shall have power that to him upon whom ye shall lay your hands, ye shall give the Holy Ghost; and in my name shall ye give it, for thus do mine apostles.
3 Now Christ spake these words unto them at the time of his first appearing; and the multitude heard it not, but the disciples heard it; and on as many as they laid their hands, fell the Holy Ghost.
The Twelve Nephite Disciples are :
Together they create a message:
"My soul, Jacob, is human. The cause is to foster the Messiah, that which hammers the Mormon soul out of this moronic place."
America is indeed a moronic place filled with dipshitz that are doing their very best to do their very worst. What a shame that is. Thankfully, slavery ended and we no longer have that to deal with, but there is still so very far to go. All we need to make the journey shorter are those Noachide Laws, called Beersheba, the Seven Wells, Courts of Justice that are willing to do their jobs properly, and life in America will turn around and become quite good.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1: The Words of Christ. There are Twelve Steps. The Number is 7311, ז‎גאא, zagaa, "charity."
The reason there are Twelve Disciples and Twelve Tribes is because this is the point in the Gematria where the number starts to double, meaning the past and the future meet.
Twelve Disciples are #2020, באֶפֶסבאֶפֶס, "the finite and the infinite are one and the same" = "you are what you eat."
v. 2: And He called them by name. The Number is 12910, יבטאאֶפֶס‎, yebatapes, "life will be reset."
v. 3: They laid their hands then fell the Holy Ghost. "They put their arms down." They stopped fighting. The Number is 9092, טאֶפֶסטב, tapestry, tapestab. "You got caught."
What does it mean to get caught? Does this mean sneaking cookie? Skipping class? Not doing your homework? Or were you lying, raping, cheating, terrorizing, wasting time with a bunch of nonsense, leaving the smoking dead behind you, and now you you want your freedom?
You deserve to die for what you have done and you know who you are. Salvation for the rest shall not take place until this stupid, stupid nation is held accountable for all the evil it has done in the eyes of the Lord.
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