#what do I do now?
nightmareduckling · 8 months
I got told that by speaking in terms of neurodiversity and neurotypical makes nt people feel "othered". Like... We neurodivergent folk are the othered ones but okay.
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probablybadrpgideas · 10 months
Roll every dice in your hoard, add the results
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rabbitindemun · 4 months
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Well I've finally decided to post something here, I'm new so… Idk what to do or what I'm doing, help-
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ya-boi-haru · 2 months
Tbh, I got more emotional over the Fable finale announcement than the lore
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rewwwwww · 2 months
boop withdrawals
my automatic reaction upon seeing literally ANY post was to boop the creator. now my cursor hangs in limbo, never to boop again.
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The Sherman x Connor art I promised to the homie in my ask box
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I made a second one where he's smiling instead
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This is unprecedented behaviour. I've never drawn ship art for anything except established and well-loved canon ships like Percabeth and Hyapollo. But I have a duty to my people (the people being those who are attached to unpopular characters). So here you go! There will most likely be more in the future.
Okay this is like--humm pshh-- chapter 8 of the Sherman and Connor fic I created while looking for pose references for the ship. Spoiler for the fic that literally has nothing but a rough outline: they start out hating each other :3
If you don't want me to continue blabbing about my possibly-to-be-written fic you are more than welcome to move along 🙈 I'm just excited.
Beginning of my blabbing
So, in the beginning, when Connor (9) and Travis (11) get to camp Sherman (10) is kind of a dick and taunts and makes fun of them a lot. Basically, he's a bully. And Connor, in this AU at least, is kind of an angry child because of his past and takes the rage bait when it's handed to him. For weeks they just go at each other, throwing out insults, yelling at each other, sometimes even throwing a punch or two. And then one day at the dining pavilion during lunch Sherman throws out a particularly hurtful comment and Connor gets pissed and just starts beating the shit out of him. It gets so bad they have to be physically restrained and Chiron calls them both to his office.
While they're there, Chiron gives them a talking to about team work and being civil with one another because demigods needed to have each other's backs in case they need to fight a common enemy and yadda yadda yadda. He orders that they build a better relationship and spend some time with each other... Over the month of chores they are now assigned together.
After their first day of chores during which they simply worked in silence Sherman follows Connor to the woods against his wishes. It's awkward for a bit before Sherman asks why they're in the woods. Connor tells him that he likes being away from everyone and tells Sheman to leave. Sherman obviously stays and keeps talking. He asks why he'd rather be alone than around his friends and Connor says that he has a hard time being comfortable around anyone besides Travis. Sherman asks why. Cue ✨par-for-the-course tragic backstory✨! Sherman realises now why his comment at lunch was uncalled for and apologises. Connor forgives him and Sherman tells him how he got to camp and they bond over their equally shitty backgrounds and form a tentative friendship.
So we've arrived at enemies to friends so far :3
Now, fast forward 5 years! They train together in their free time. They're sparring, one stumbles causing the other to trip as well. They're on the ground, face to face... Nothing happens. At least not on the outside :] they get up, dust themselves off, say goodbye and leave, now with stirring feelings 👀
Fast forward to the Battle of the Labyrinth, book 4. They're talking about the coming war and Connor talks about how he feels he wont survive and that he hopes Travis doesnt miss him too much. Sherman is upset that he's not concerned about him missing him but doesn't say anything because it's not about him. Connor says that he wishes he could be as good a fighter as Sherman so he could be more useful. Sherman doesn't take well to his self deprecation because Connor IS a good figter. Sherman himself helped train him. He yanks Connor by the arms and tells him this very passionately. Then ✨realisation✨ happens and he notices how closely he's holding Connor and Connor realises how closely Sherman is holding him and they both get flustered and Sherman lets go and Connor looks at anything but him and Sherman feels silly and apologises and Connor says its totally okay then says thank you for the encouragement and AHHHH!!
Fast forward a bit to the actual battle. Connor gets hurt really badly and Sherman frantically calls out for one of the healers. That's a scene I am itching to draw. Just thought I should mention. Moving on!
While Connor is in the infirmary he has a nightmare that involves Sherman either being killed or recruited by Luke. I haven't decided yet. He wakes up panicked and leaves the infirmary. Guess where he goes. Go on, guess. So he starts pounding on the Ares cabin door, hoping Sherman will answer. Sherman does. Once he sees that and the relief sets in, his injuries and the exhaustion catch up to him and he collapses. Sherman kneels in front of him and tries to calm him down. Connor tells him the dream and Sherman tries to reassure him that he's fine and will still be there when the war ends. He takes him back to the infirmary. Whether he goes back to his own cabin or stays there has yet to be decided.
Fast forward to the chariot discourse with the Ares and Apollo cabins. Clarisse has refused aid. Connor is begging Sherman to talk sense into her. Sherman says there's nothing he can do, Clarisse is resolute. Connor is literally pleading with him because if the Ares cabin doesn't join the fight they could lose everything and people will die. Connor will die. They're both close to crying because Sherman can't betray his cabin and Connor can't lose more of his friends because of this. Sherman says that he wants to fight but if he does he could lose his siblings' trust. Connor says that if he doesn't fight Sherman will lose his trust and now there are tears. Connor feels bad but doesn't back down from his stance. Instead he hugs Sherman and continues to beg him to talk to Clarisse. I haven't figured out how to end that scene. Stay tuned.
Fast forward to the end of the Battle of Manhattan. On their way to Long Island the "I have feelings for you" scene happens and they have their happy ending kiss before they cross the border to camp :]
The End!
There will most likely be an epilogue.
End of blab :3
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holycomicbooksbatman · 7 months
The Netflix cut off to Word of Honor felt so abrupt
I’d seen the gifs on here, I knew there was more
Knowledge is power, man
And it’s a power I used to find the epilogue and get those extra 11 minutes of a happy ending
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godofdystopia · 5 months
Angel!Vaggie truthers, how we doing tonight?
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todolist-nothing07 · 28 days
I need season two, stat!
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scurvyratt · 4 months
Oz fast food barista AU (as someone who has had 3yrs barista experience). Also their ages can be pretty flexible in this au. Maybe they're college students maybe they're middle aged idk.
Tobias: He's definitely a shift leader and is one of the most responsible employees. Customers like him and he's the person you go to when you need a shift covered. He may not be the fastest barista but he never messes the drinks up.
Busmalis: Random elderly coworker. He's nice but he is SO slow and it stresses everyone out when they see that he's scheduled for a morning rush. Also he spills everything.
Rebadow: Sweet old man customer who orders the same thing every time (black coffee, prefers to pour his own creamer. Also a bagel with butter, prefers to put the butter on himself). Leaves a $1 tip lol.
Chris: Fuck boy employee. Has slept with TOO many coworkers and slips his phone number to like 20 different customers every shift. He's kinda entertaining but otherwise miserable to be around. He isn't particularly good at making drinks and he def doesn't help with cleaning or prep,, but he is unfortunately good at drive thru and making tips.
Ryan: The workplace gossip and devils advocate- you want to know anything about anyone? Ask Ryan. Somehow, he knows everything. He riles people up for fun and pits his coworkers against each other. He spends a lot of the time in the back on his phone, or in the bathroom doings drugs (yes I had a coworker who would do this lol), but sometimes he does work hard; It's very on and off with him. If u work with him for long enough he will tell you about his own relationship troubles. Also he's weirdly obsessed with one customers (gloria).
Miguel: He's fun to work with and is a pretty fast barista, altho he gets in trouble often and has even been fired a few times but somehow they always take him back. Runs to the window whenever there's a dog and makes sure to give them a pup cup. Is the only one who likes cleaning the espresso machine.
Chico: Is best at the food station or as a barista. Sometimes comes to work high but somehow he works better that way. WILL fight customers he does not gaf. Will make shady comments to a customers face if they don't leave a tip. Does not care about milk allergies and rolls his eyes when asked to remake a drink.
Omar: Same as Busmalis where he makes a lot of mistakes😭. Can talk to customers for a long time even if they clearly want to leave and are over the convo. They try to keep him in the back doing prep or the dishes but he loves doing drive thru even though he messes everything up.
Kareem: Shift leader who dreams of becoming manager. WILL call you out if he catches you stealing or sitting around, like if he is on the schedule it will not be a chill shift. He gives good advice sometimes so you would probably like him if he wasn't your annoying snitch coworker lol. He's the only person who makes sure that the bathroom is clean. Is pretty good at making tips.
Kenny: That one random teenager. Probably the laziest employee. He sits on the counter and plays games on his phone, even in front of customers. He's kinda amusing until you remember that he's a misogynist. Constantly threatens to quit but he never does.
Augustus: Okay so since he's in a wheelchair he may have to just stay in one position (I did some googling). Like just drinks or just drive thru since it's pretty cramped behind the counter. He's excellent at taking orders and makes customers laugh. A man who values his breaks. Like he doesn't gaf if the drive thru line has 20 cars, he WILL go sit out back to get some air.
Schillinger: gets paid minimum wage but also thinks that the minimum wage should not be raised. CREEPY. Like you do not want to work a closing shift with him. Will go on racist rants and all you can do is nod. Is a terrible barista and thinks that oat milk is woke.
Mukada: I imagine him as an operations manager type of person? Like he randomly pops into the store to see if everything is going fine. Everyone scrambles when they see his car pull into the lot. Ignores all the dirty jokes that they make. Tries to gently guide everyone to follow the rules but it's hard.
Adebisi: Also a creep that you won't want to work alone with. Do not put this man on drive thru... but he's an alright barista actually. Likes coming up with his own drinks. Has earbuds in when working and no one can get him to take them out.
McManus: Manager who is mad about the fact that he works for a fast food place. Honestly tries to be chill but will lose his shit over the most random things. You can tell him the times that you prefer to work but he will ignore that and schedule you whenever anyways. Does not take shit from customers and will defend his employees against them.
Okay ermm there's prob a lot of other characters that I could do but lolol
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barmadumet · 11 months
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SPREAD THE WORD! The Streets of Gold epilogue is here! …Featuring forty-something obikin!!
Amateur photoshopping & collaging done by ME!
Official Streets logo (heart/crest) done by LeighbirdART 🤍
What a long strange trip it’s been…
(Yeah that’s right, Grateful Dead 😎)
Someone please check on me later 🖤
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myevilblogs · 11 months
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artistakai · 2 months
After coming back
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aaandbackstabbed · 1 month
I have just watched lady bird for the first time.
And what the fuck I mean what. the. fuck. why did no one warn me
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jodragen · 8 months
I have been going some thinking... Now that Scott has said he no longer wishes to have his characters drawn suggestively, I might redraw some of my older scott fan art with either ocs or other characters.
This thought came about because I still fucking adore my vampire Scott picture from last year. It's still my phone background even. Just it's no longer allowed so I thought instead of letting it just rot in the back of my gallery to be forgotten I'll just redo it with a new character so I can at least still feel ok using it at my phone back ground.
So.... what do you guys think? Should I redraw some of my other Scott pictures? Would that be alright or should I just let them gather dust in the dark?
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thiamblogger · 1 year
i just wrote what i class to be so gut-wrenching, and now i don't know how to go on.
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