#Home Theater Installation near me
blinx123 · 10 months
The Future of Entertainment : Home Theaters Designed for India
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In a world where innovation is progressing at an exceptional pace, the way we devour amusement has advanced radically. Home Theaters Design in India have risen as a well known choice for bringing cinematic encounters into the consolation of our homes. In India, a nation known for its wealthy social differing qualities and adore for excitement, long term of domestic theaters is taking a special and tailored course. From immersive varying media encounters to social integration, the domestic theaters of long term in India are set to rethink how families appreciate their favorite substance.
Social Integration for a Personalized Involvement
The long run of domestic theaters in India is all almost grasping the country's assorted social scene. From Bollywood blockbusters to territorial cinema, domestic theaters will be outlined to offer a wide extend of excitement alternatives catering to distinctive tastes. With customizable interfacing, watchers will have the capacity to switch between dialects, subtitles, and indeed have get to to territorial substance libraries. This social integration will cultivate a sense of nature and personalization, guaranteeing that each part of the family can appreciate substance in their favored way.
Consistent Spilling and Network
With the rise of gushing stages, long haul Home Theaters Design in India encounter in India will be profoundly associated. High-speed web and made strides network will empower clients to consistently stream their favorite appears, motion pictures, and live occasions without any intrusions. Savvy domestic integration will play a pivotal part, permitting clients to control their domestic theater frameworks through voice commands or smartphone apps. This level of convenience will rethink the way families connected with innovation and amusement.
Immersive Varying media Encounters
Immersive sound and visuals will be at the forefront of the domestic theater insurgency in India. Envision being a portion of the activity as characters from your favorite motion picture come to life right in your living room.
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Space-Efficient and Tasteful Plans
India's urban scene is advancing rapidly, and with it, the concept of space is changing. The domestic theaters of long run will be outlined with space effectiveness in intellect. Compact, moderate setups that do not compromise on quality will gotten to be a drift. Producers will center on making smooth, exquisite plans that consistently mix with cutting edge insides aesthetics. Foldable screens, covered up projectors, and multipurpose furniture will be fundamentally to the advancing domestic theater plan scene.
Social and Intelligently Seeing
Excitement is frequently a shared encounter in Indian families, and long-term domestic theaters will upgrade this sense of fellowship. Progressed video conferencing capabilities will empower families to essentially interface with their loved ones while observing motion pictures or sports occasions. Also, intelligently highlights will permit watchers to take part in surveys, tests, and dialogs related to the substance being viewed, creating a more locks in and energetic involvement.
The long run of Home Theaters Design in India is balanced to bring a modern measurement to the way we appreciate amusement. With a center on social integration, consistent network, immersive innovation, efficient designs, and social interaction, these domestic theaters will cater to the assorted needs of cutting edge Indian families.
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ED TV Mounting Services | Home Cinema Installation in Lewisville TX
We are thoroughly committed to adding to your viewing experience by installing your TVs and home theatres perfectly. Ours is a top-tier name when it comes to TV Mounting in Lewisville TX. From locating the best spot in the room to installing your television seamlessly, we have you covered. We have built a reputation for doing a meticulous job every time. And if you need help with Home Cinema Installation in Lewisville TX, we are your reliable go-to. With our assistance, your family time will surely become fun and more entertaining. So, if you need our exceptional services, reach out to us with a call.
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amerisat · 2 years
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technoross-blog · 3 months
Creating Cinematic Magic: The Home Theater Installation Process in Charlotte, NC
Transforming your living space into a cinematic haven is a thrilling journey, and our expert team Connextec is here to guide you through the seamless process of home theater installation Charlotte. Visit https://posts.gle/VB7uQw.
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urielstewart · 1 year
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How Do Home Theaters Improve Your Remote Work and Learning Experience?
To enhance your custom home theater into a comfortable room for working and learning, contact Ultimate Sound and Vision and get the necessary equipment. Call us today to request a quote!
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etcsimplify · 1 year
Hire A Smart Home Automation Company for Home Transformation | We Know Why
We get it. You are done with the garage door, light switches, and turning on/off your thermostat. When you hear the word manual, it makes you tired. There are a few things that you must consider at the time of revamping or upgrading your home to a smart home. But should you DIY or hire a smart home automation company? We recommend hiring a smart home automation company to transform your home with the best home automation and make it run at your fingertips. Read more. 
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weaselandfriends · 8 months
So you are going to make a fanfic about Pokemon, huh.
Are you a pokemon fan? Or you known about the franchise enough? or is a case of you, waking up one day and thinking:" I'm going to make a Pokemon Fan-Fic!" And started to consume media from it in order to make a story?
I was a child in 1998.
During that initial invasion of Pokemon into the West, when Pokemon was far more than simply the "most profitable media property in the world" that it is today, when it was a tidal wave phenomenon that swept away an entire continent, I was something of a Pokemaniac. I had Blue Version, Red Version, Yellow Version, Pokemon Pinball, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Puzzle League, Hey You Pikachu. I had (and still have) every single card from the first three TGC sets, included the oh-so-vaunted holographic Charizard card. I had Pokemon figurines, I had toy Poke Balls, I had Pokemon stickers, I had Pokemon stamps, I had Pokemon clothes, I had Pokemon strategy guides, I had Pokemon choose your own adventure novels. I had the then-complete runs of both Pokemon Adventures and Electric Tale of Pikachu (I vastly preferred the latter). I would wake up early every day to watch the Pokemon anime on TV. I went to Pokemon The First Movie opening day and remember walking into a theater packed to the brim only to hear a man scream—to my delight and assuredly my mother's horror—"SEATS IN THE FRONT ROW!"
Of course, it's been 25 years since 1998. I've played most of the mainline games since then (GSC, RSE, DPP, SuMo, and recently SV). I've seen a few of the endless array of movies. For some reason I watched the entire SuMo anime. So yeah, I still like Pokemon.
Is it my favorite thing ever? No. The unfortunate reality is the games are pretty formulaic and often have questionable design choices. It's not like Mario or Zelda, other nostalgic Nintendo series, where the devs put their heart and soul into each new mainline installment.
But the fundamentally fascinating elements of its world continue to interest me. I've always seen the Pokemon world as a near-future nigh-utopia, clean and neat and orderly, with large swaths of the population free to pursue their hobbies rather than slave away at some useless job. I've always wanted to delve into such a world narratively, as opposed to the endless dystopias that seem to clog contemporary fiction.
Chicago was written as a kind of critical response to To the Stars, which is a utopian story that glosses over the steps taken to reach utopia. I wanted to peer more deeply at how a world akin to that in To the Stars might actually be created, the kind of political turmoil and upheaval required to eventually integrate the panacea to mankind's ill—magic—into functional society. A Pokemon story would instead be about the utopia itself. What does it mean for society that children are not simply allowed but encouraged to leave home at 10 to pursue a vague, unstructured path to become what is basically a competitive sports athlete? What has had to happen to society for such a thing to be not simply okay, but preferred? And what does it mean for that society's future development, especially considering a world where rapid evolution of generally symbiotic non-human creatures is possible? And why, in this peaceful and low-scarcity world, are there so many insane doomsday death cults essentially seeking to usher in the apocalypse?
There are two works of literature that particularly influenced the direction of my idea for a Pokemon fanfic. The first is Eyeless in Gaza (unfortunately topical title) by Aldous Huxley of Brave New World fame. Gaza is a mostly autobiographical story touching on a variety of topics, and one chapter near its end involves the main character traveling to Central America, where he meets a strange, idealistic man named Dr. Miller. Dr. Miller espouses many ideas about anthropology, especially ones critical of or antithetical to British imperialist pseudo-scientific anthropology: "An anthropologist is a person who studies men," he says, "but you prefer to deal with bugs. I'd call you an entomologist [...] the only remedy is for the bug-hunter to throw his bayonets away and treat the bugs as though they were human beings." But the most interesting thing he talks about, the thing that has stuck with me more than anything else in the otherwise mediocre novel, is soccer.
"But [football is] the greatest English contribution to civilization," said the doctor. "Much more important than parliamentary government, or steam engines, or Newton's Principia. More important even than English poetry. Poetry can never be a substitute for war and murder. Whereas games can be. A complete and genuine substitute."
Dr. Miller envisions a world where competitive sports replace the destructive and combative elements of humanity; he teaches soccer to small Mexican tribes as a way to settle their differences instead of war. What does a utopian society look like that has replaced conflict with competitive sport at a grand, worldwide scale? In our world, the Olympics are often spoken of in similar terms, but Pokemon appears to have actually accomplished this lofty goal, to the point that becoming a trainer at 10 is more important than standard education. By setting my fanfic at a prestigious, global tournament, I become perfectly posed to explore this question...
The other point of inspiration comes from Underground, Haruki Murakami's nonfiction account of the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attacks committed by the cult Aum Shinrikyo. The book contains numerous interviews with both survivors of the attacks themselves and former members of the cult, and ends with Murakami's essay on how the Japanese social psyche allowed this event to occur. Describing the cult members he interviewed, he says:
To all of them I posed the same question, that is, whether they regretted having joined Aum. Almost everyone answered: "No, I have no regrets. I don't think those years were wasted." Why is that? The answer is simple—because in Aum they found a purity of purpose they could not find in ordinary society.
This idea of "purity of purpose unfound in ordinary society," what does that mean in a society like Pokemon's? In a utopian society, where nearly all needs are met? Where sports replaces conflict?
Anyway, I've started to veer off topic, so I'll cut it short there. I'm incredibly excited for this project, so I hope all of you decide to give it a read when I finish!
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sissytobitch10seconds · 9 months
Birdsong: Hollow Moon
Fandom: Grishaverse: Six of Crows Summary: Jesper likes taking little odd jobs, they let him meet new people. Very pretty people, that he likes collecting. Despite the fact that he already has four of them waiting for him back home, he can't help but flirt with the woman that just walked into his friend's bar. Warnings: implied unhealthy relationships, implied ableism, alcohol, and implied sexual content Word Count: 6,388 Ship(s): Nina Zenik/Jesper Fahey/Kaz Brekker/Wylan Van Eck/Inej Ghafa/Matthias Helvar
Archive link!
A/N: I edited and got this ready to be uploaded on the same day that I'm posting it so if there are typos and spelling errors please be kind to me because I wasn't able to spend as much time on it as I wanted. I hope that you guys enjoy this installment! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Jesper Fahey had been taking odd jobs for as long as he could remember. Back when he was living with his father, across the country from where he was now, he had always signed up to do whatever had sounded interesting. Several of the farmhands that were the same age as him at that time had dedicated jobs that they had to check on every day, but Colm understood that wasn’t right for his son. Jesper was allowed to drift from job to job as long as he completed the tasks correctly and on time. It was what had worked best for him, which is why his schooling had struggled so much before he had the supporte he needed from his partners.
Jesper’s favorite job was working with the local theater near where he lived. It was the first place that he had managed to secure a job while trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life now that he was no longer twenty miles from the nearest other living person. Poppy was the child of a family friend of theirs and had taken him in, but had also pushed him towards the theater. 
He liked acting well enough, but memorizing the lines under the more strict directors that wouldn’t let him improvise was dull so he had to make sure that he avoided them. That limited the amount of acting jobs that he was allowed to take, but he was good when it came to the props as well. The stage crew was always so light that he was allowed to drift from job to job to job while completing about half of each. Sometimes he would leave them and someone else would come and pick them up, sometimes he found himself scrambling to get them finished the night before they had to be used. He liked the rush-rush-rush and changing nature of the theater jobs. It was alway something different and new, never the same show and rarely ever with the same premise.
He had a soft spot for the specific theater that he had been working in not just because it was the first place that really let him thrive as an adult, but also because it was the job that he had when he met Matthias. The other man had just barely moved from Denmark and was struggling to speak English, let alone hold down a job that required him to decipher the language through reading as well. Jesper had been a wonderful conversationalist and helped him adapt to a culture that he didn’t really understand.
They had both been rather lost in the big city, Jesper having grown up on a farm and the new place that Matthias lived being so different than his last one. It didn’t take long before they became as thick as thieves, and then only a week after that was when they had shared their first kiss. Things had been a little complicated in the moment since Jesper was also navigating the relationship that was beginning to develop between him and his two best friends in the entire world.
Tonight brought him a job that he was enjoying at least a little bit, though he was excited for it to end. A friend of his owned a bar close to the one that his boyfriend ran, so Jesper had agreed to be a stand in bartender during the interim of the last one quitting and the owner being able to hire a new one. He hadn’t anticipated that quitting to happen directly when Inej was getting back from the shows that she had been doing in Germany, which made him a little antsy to get back to his home.
They had all finished moving into the estate that he and Wylan had cleared out, which meant that they were all finally back together. It was a bit of a steep learning curve but they each had their own rooms and space so that they could be away from each other when they needed it. Still, of course, they were living together which meant that they had to learn and work around the new quirks of every person in the house.
Jesper had tended a bar before, usually at the Crow Club after Kaz asked him to with those puppy dog eyes that he just couldn’t ignore. Kaz was better at begging with his eyes than Matthias’ dog Djel, which was saying something.
This establishment was different than Kaz’s in the aesthetic and the types of people that it attracted. The layout had tables scattered around the main floor, all of them the same color of dark cherry wood with a different numbers of chairs littered around them. They were all stocked with a bowl in the center that could be filled with peanuts, fries, or chips depending on what they ordered. The walls were lined with booths that had red coverings and silver outlines, along with a couple of tasteful art pieces. There were also TVs littered around the space, pointed in different direction so that people could catch the news or a variety of sports games playing on the cable channels that the bar paid for. The bar itself had the three regular flavors of juice that were mixed into cocktails, as well as the soda gun. The rows and rows of alcohol behind him were kept in place with a thin clear plastic band so that he could see the label for when someone asked for something specific. In front of him were a couple of stools for people to sit on, which Jesper half hated despite his general love for people and communication.
He had been serving drinks to people for the better part of two hours and was growing bored with it. He wished that he could switch the TV to something else to distract him from the growing pile of texts in his pocket. Inej and Wylan were being bad influences on each other and encouraging him to skip out on the rest of his job and come home early so that he could spend time with them. Inej had only been back home for a couple of days so having her around them was relatively novel again, which made the fact that he was away from her during that returning honeymoon period all the more annoying.
The people milling around the bar were still far and few between for how early it was in the night. He’d see a much larger surge in the crowd leaning towards midnight, when the bar closed. His friend owned one of those places where working people were supposed to come after they got dinner with their friends to get a drink before they returned to the monotony of their lives. That meant that he was making a lot of whisky and not a lot of the cocktails that he enjoyed making.
He had recently been experimenting with his recipe’s on Matthias’ behalf to try and find him a non-alcoholic version of the drink that he had gotten at The Blue Jay when he and Kaz had met up a business partner a few weeks ago.
Despite the time, things seemed like they were about to get a lot more interest as a big group entered into the bar. There were two men and four women from what Jesper could see. He didn’t like to assume that kind of thing more than he had to, but he also liked to looked for the stereotypical dramas that played out in a lot of people’s lives. He was always open to being corrected, but speculating about what was happening in groups he wasn’t a part of was one of the only things that kept him sane during the monotony of this kind of job.
Jesper continued to work on the drinks that had been ordered from him, keeping his eye on the group as they found one of the booths towards the back of the bar that was big enough to fit everyone. They were discussing something between themselves, obviously already very close based on the way that they were knocking against each other and grabbing things out of each other’s hands.
It reminded him of being back home with his partners, which made his heart ache. He didn’t realize how much being out of the house at night just a few days after Inej came back home was going to be tearing him up, but it was.
He tried to distract himself as he focused on making the drink that he had been sipping on himself for the last hour. He made a point of not drinking when he was at work even if Kaz could very easily coerce him into having a drink or two when they were having date nights, but he would allow himself one if he fucked up a cocktail in a very slight way. It felt like a shame to waste alcohol and juice just because he had accidentally messed up the ratio away from the vodka.
“Barkeep!” a sultry voice from behind him said. It was rich and deep in a way that would have made a wonderful second alto if she was singing, and entrenched in a very nice accent.
“Yes?” he asked, a smirk playing over his lips as he turned around to face her. She had the looks to match the voice that she had, absolutely gorgeous and very obvious that she was somewhat aware of that.
She had long brown hair that was curled around the side of her face and woven intricately back into a bun on the back of her head. Her jawline was just sharp enough to be accentuated with a tiny bit of bronzer but still soft enough that it highlighted the beautiful plumpness of her body. She had a smokey eyeshadow and perfect catwing eyeliner to bring out the pop of her gray-blue eyes and a matching plumb lipstick. She was wearing a black suit jacket with nothing underneath other than a red lace bra that clung to her skin in just the right way, flush but not squishing anything. Jesper could see the sneaking curve of a feather tattoo resting above her heart, hidden mostly but still visible enough to be tantalizing.
“You’re not the regular bartender,” she commented when he turned around fully.
Jesper pouted at that, tilting his head to the side, “Sorry to disappoint.”
“I don’t think that you could disappoint me if you tried, darling,” she replied easily as she folded her arms on the edge of the bar and leaned forward. 
Jesper had been working with enough sexually promiscuous and exploitative people for long enough that he could tell the difference between someone trying to hit on him and someone trying to get something out of him. She didn’t want free drinks like the last group of women he had tried to flirt with while bartending had, she was genuinely interesting him.
She sighed as she toyed with a single lock of her hair that had been left out of the updo, winding it around her finger until she released it so that it bounced next to her naturally freckled face. “I do have to actually tell you what we want now, though.”
“Oh, do you come here often?” Jesper asked. He had been washing down the bar, and it felt oh-so-terribly cliche to do so, but he moved his arms out wide with the towel grasped in one hand so that he was lower down and closer to her.
The woman tilted her head to the side as a beautiful little smile toyed at her lips. She was clearly enjoying the attention that she was getting, and he loved giving it to her. “I played a show here last week. Something small and intimate to help drive up nighttime numbers,” she supplied. “A friend of mine recently went through a bad breakup and she liked this place so we decided to come back this evening.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. About your friend, that is,” Jesper pointed with his head back towards the table where the rest of her group was waiting. He knew that she had come in with them because he had gotten a decently long look at them, but he was glad he got to see her much closer than he had before. “I could never be sorry about you coming here again because it meant that I got the pleasure of meeting you.”
A rosy glint took over her cheeks and the catlike smile painted on her plumb-colored lips widened. “I can’t say that I’m particularly sad about what happened to the other bartender either, you’re much nicer than he was.”
“I do try my best for pretty ladies such as yourself. Can’t say that I take great care of the dodgy old men that come to leer at the sports,” he smirked back in reply. He was, of course, at least courteous to all of the patrons that came in so that that bar could keep up its business, but it was more fun to pretend that he wasn’t to her.
“Well, I do feel special,” she tilted her head down towards one shoulder as she did a half-shrug. The gesture was cute and it made Jesper feel warm inside to know that it was directed specifically towards him.
“Good, someone was pretty as you certainly does deserve to feel special,” he smiled. He remembered that he was there as a worker and not another patron, so he did have to work. “Now, what can I get you?”
“Well, the table wants a load of shots while they decide what they want to be drinking all evening. And then I’ll just take some soda water for myself,” she replied, a little bit of a pout taking over her beautiful features.
“Soda water?” Jesper wrinkled his nose. He tried not to judge other people for what they wanted, but it was such a bland drink for a woman that outwardly seemed so rich and complicated. He knew that type of dichotomy did exist in some people but it was also the first time that someone had ordered carbonated water from him while he was tending.
The woman sighed, toying with the strand of hair again as she shifted her weight to her other foot. “Unfortunately, I’m the designated driver so I will not be drinking tonight. Someone has to stay sober enough to make sure that Nikolai and Zoya don’t fall into bed with each other. Again,” she cringed, wrinkling her nose cutely.
Jesper had the impulse to kiss her on the nose for just a moment before he pushed the thought from his mind. He had developed crushes on people very quickly before, but that had mostly faded now that he had four partners of his own waiting for him at home. They kept him busy and fulfilled enough things in his life that he never felt like he had to continue looking for anything else.
He cleared his throat and stood back up. He grabbed one of the shot trays from behind him, a wooden plate with indents for the glasses. He placed ten of the shot glasses down in it while he asked, “How about you tell me your favorite cocktail and I’ll make a virgin?”
“Are you really going to be able to do that?” she asked, eyeing him nervously.
Jesper tried not to be offended. A lot of the other bartenders that he had met were so focused in with the alcohol that they didn’t know what kind of flavors could supplement them when it was removed. He also had no precedent with her, so while he hated people doubting his ability to do his work he couldn’t really fault her for it. So he smiled confidently at her and said, “Yes, I can.” 
And, because he had so much trouble being able to contain himself, he said, “One of my boyfriends recently got into vintage cocktails. He doesn’t do very well when it comes to kitchen work and doesn’t want to be getting wasted every night so I’ve been making him virgin cocktails for the better part of two weeks.” It was a bit of a curveball when it came to flirting. Matthias liked to hide the fact that he was polyamorous until he was sure that the relationship was going to lead to something romantic or sexual because his Christian upbringing made him feel so awkward about it. Kaz never flirted with anyone, which was probably for the best. Inej and Wylan usually brought it up towards the end of the first date that they were having with a prospective partner, which didn’t happen very often. Jesper liked to throw it in at the beginning of his flirting so that he could talk about the partners that he adored without it convincing the person that he was pursuing that he was off the market.
She raised her brow at him, “Just had to slip that in there, didn’t you?” Her accent got thicker when she teased him, which he thought was absolutely adorable.
“I thought that it was worth mentioning,” he winked. He was letting the flirting go on a little bit longer than he probably should have as some of the other patrons were nearing the end of their drinks, which usually meant that he’d have an uptick in things that he was supposed to do. Still, he was validating it to himself with the fact that he had brought the shot set and the glasses over with him.
Something that he couldn’t quite read crossed her face as she stood up to her full height. Jesper wondered what kind of heals she was wearing and how tall she would be compared to Inej and Matthias, the extreme end of the spectrum in height out of his polycule. He hadn’t been able to see the bottom half of her outfit when she was walking over to him since he had been trying to distract himself from the heavy heart in his chest.
She glanced back towards the booth where her friends were getting restless before she drilled those piercing eyes back on him. He felt like she was trying to peel him apart so that she could see exactly what made him tick, examining the mechanisms of his heart with the eye of a clockmaker. “You’re not trying to flirt with me so that you can get to one of my friends, right?”
“Darling, if I wanted to flirt with one of those boys over there then I would flirt with them directly,” Jesper said honestly. It amazed him that someone was divinely beautiful as her thought that she would be passed up for the others that she had come into the bar with. While they were generally handsome, none of them held the mystique and grace that she did. 
“Really? You’re not trying to make me feel so special and doted on that I get flustered and send someone else to the bar so you can pounce on them?” she asked, eyeing him suspiciously. “Because Nikolai isn’t the type that you should date and David is engaged.”
“Do you think that I’m gay?” Jesper asked, realizing the mistake that he had made. In trying to tell her a little bit more about his romantic life to show that he was interested, he had made the mistake of leaving out the fact that he could be and was interested in her that way. It was a flub that he had made before, and it would not be the last time, he was sure.
She raised her perfectly penciled brow at him as she placed both of her palms flat down on the table. “What else was that line about your boyfriends supposed to do for me?”
“I may have misspoke,” he replied awkwardly. “I was simply trying to come on to you a bit harder, beautiful. You’re a very pretty woman, it’s easy to get tongue tied,” he winked at her.
Her shoulders dropped as she became more relaxed. He wondered how often someone had overlooked her despite her obvious beauty and wit, to try and get to someone that she cared about. She tilted her head to the side again and said, “I’m Nina.”
“Jesper,” he replied as he mirrored her look. “Now what can I get you, before my boss decides that I’ve done a horrible job and you have to spend the next night getting to know a new bartender.”
She laughed at that, her beautiful eyes sparkling. “I’ll take a virgin pina colada if you think that you can make that.”
“What kind of shots would your friends like?” he asked as he got out the class that her served those drinks in.
“Vodka,” she supplied. She moved to one of the stools and got up on it so that she was able to continue to talk with Jesper without being in the way of the other patrons that might need to come and speak with him. 
He got out the vodka that they kept for when people didn’t give them a specific brand and then filled up all ten shots easily. He moved the plate up towards her on the bar as he got to work on mixing her drink. “Is this something that you do often?” Nina asked, placing her elbow up on the bar so that she could rest her head on her hand.
Jesper shrugged, glancing at her while trying to focus mostly on his work. “I have a bartending license, if that’s what you’re asking,” he replied. “I don’t usually hop from bar to bar to startle people that are used to seeing a certain face back here. Though mine is usually an upgrade.”
“It certainly is for me,” she winked playfully at him.
He felt heat pool in his veins, dripping down from his heart. The longer that he spent time around her, the harder it was to deny. Nina was magnetic. 
“Well I’m glad that I can be a bit of change in decor for you. You said that you had played here the other week?” he asked, trying to get to know her better. The flirting in between the conversation was usually his favorite part, but flirting just to flirt got a little boring after some time.
She toyed with the edge of the plate with one hand as she said, “I’m in a band with all of the people I came in with, sort of. Alina, Zoya, and Nikolai are my bandmates but Genya styles us to make sure that we don’t look like a complete disaster.” 
He wasn’t able to put the names to faces, but it was nice to be supplied with a bit of information anyway. “I could never imagine you being anything other than immaculate.”
“You’re quite the sweet talker,” she commented. “Not that I’m complaining now that I know you’re not trying to get me involved in yet another relationship drama I can’t even have the fun of being part of.”
“Two of your bandmates sleeping together whenever they’re left drunk or unsupervised does sound stressful,” he nodded. Before he had gotten into his current polycule, it had been a hassle to try and navigate the friends-with-benefits relationships that he tended to become a part of back when he was doing theater full time. 
“It’s not quite that,” she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at even the memories that were popping up in the back of her mind. “I do love my bandmates and I’m so happy that we’re back together but Nikolai and Zoya having the weird on-again-off-again thing that they do is the least of my worries.”
“Do tell,” he supplied as he finished up with her drink.
She took the glass with her nimble fingers and then smiled. “You better hope that this is good enough for me to want another so that you can find out more of my drama,” she winked. She slipped off of the barstool and disappeared to the back of the bar with what she had ordered.
Despite barely knowing anything about Nina, he desperately hoped that she would like what he had made her. Both so that she had something to cheer her up since she seemed to be so upset with the way that her life was going and so that she would come back to talk with him more.
Jesper tried to get lost in his work. He made sure that he was focusing on all of the patrons equally instead of keeping his eyes glued on Nina, who was sitting with her friends and sipping on her drink. She had sent the blond man over to the bar so that he could order martinis for the drinking members of the group, but Jesper had made sure to just be professional with him as he was taking the order and preparing it. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a test of some sort so that she could confirm that he was focused on her, but he hoped that he had passed it.
Given that it was a weekday, even the large rush of people towards the evening who wanted to pregame before they went clubbing was relatively small. Jesper had to card two teenagers that thought enough makeup and a suit would make them look adult enough to avoid that. He had just finished sending them away, rubbing out the headache that was beginning to form on his temples, when he heard Nina’s voice again.
“You were right, you are rather good at this,” she purred as she set her now empty glass onto the counter. “Would you make me another?”
“Only if you spill your secrets for me, beautiful,” he said teasingly.
She was already positioning herself onto the stool that she had been on before, directly in front of his workspace. “My band is called Shadow and Bone. We’ve been together for four years, but we had to take a huge break in the middle because one of my bandmates got into a relationship that wouldn’t let her play with us. It’s not my place to talk about that, but it meant that we couldn’t even practice, let alone make our own stuff. Each of us went and made our own side bands so that we could continue creating, other than Alina, but it’s left things a little twisted now.”
“Something you’re still untangling?” he asked.
She nodded. “I got very popular with my music, but it isn’t something that can work with the type of music that we play as a group. Just the other day I had someone try to accuse me of changing the sound of our music even though Alina and I switch off singing and all four of us write everything together,” she rolled her eyes. 
A mischievous look overtook her face as she said, “If you’re interested in looking me up then my solo work was under the name Heartrender. I wasn’t nearly as good as Nikolai, but he passed on the name of his work to a mutual friend of ours. Have you heard of an artist called Sturmhond?”
She was assuming that he worked in bars more often than he did by asking that, but by some stroke of luck he was actually familiar with the name that she had just given him. “I am. My friend Poppy did a set with him during a drag show she did,” he supplied. He hadn’t been able to attend said show because Wylan and Kaz had both ended up getting a cold and he was the only one that was able to take care of them, but she had told him all about it the next time he was able to show up for rehearsals.
“You know Poppy?” Nina asked, her face illuminating with an excited look. “Small world!”
He chuckled alongside her, basking in the brightness of her warmth. He wished that she could sit by him the entire time that he was working, but he knew that she had come to help comfort her friend through a breakup. Jesper had been around enough broken hearted people and been consumed by it enough himself to know the importance of having support during those times. “Your drink, my dear,” he handed over the finished cocktail that she had ordered.
“Thank you, handsome,” she winked.
For the rest of the night, Jesper worked alone. He poured what felt like a thousand glasses of beer and a million shots, until his arms and wrists were sore from the repetitive motion. Nina hadn’t strayed over to the bar again as she continued to nurse the singular refill that she had gotten on her virgin cocktail. He was right about the rush happening closer to midnight, but everyone had already trickled out by the time that they hit eleven.
When they were at the height of the crowd, the owner had slipped behind the bar to help him out. They had worked in tandem with each other, silent but efficient. Jesper was terribly exhausted by the time he finally slipped into the back with a plate of fries and a water to rest up before the last stretch of his shift. He brought his phone out and connected the wireless earbuds that he kept with him in his pocket for when he got overstimulated. He opened Spotify, searching up the band that Nina had given him.
He chose the one that she was in with other people first, clicking on the first song that popped up, obviously their most popular. He could tell that it was her voice crooning to him immediately as the first couple of lines played, “Late at night, when the stars don't look quite right. In the darkness, slowly crawling over my skin. Whispers at the door ‘Let us in, let us in.’ I'm a fool! I've been howling at a hollow moon! There's something burning in the empty room inside of my head. Fill it up with doubt, let it in, let it spread. I won't be sleeping, there's too many monsters in the backyard and I feel them creeping closer, closer, closer. I'm afraid. Is this a bunker or a shallow grave? Either way I'm left holding onto the shovel and rope, digging in the dirt, finding bones, finding ghosts. I won't be sleeping, there's too many monsters in the backyard and I feel them creeping closer, closer, closer. But if I made my bed did I make the demons in it? Set 'em free from my head, did I make the demons in it?”
She sang the chorus over and over again, the notes seeping together and burrowing their way into Jesper’s soul. He had always been a fan of music, which was how he and Wylan had met in the first place. They had been attending the same small music course and immediately hit it off, even if the other had a harder time reading music and instead just memorized a song. He wondered what it would be like if Wylan and Nina performed together, if Jesper would be able to handle it or if it would kill him on the spot.
He favorited her band so that he could come back and check it out later as he searched up the name that she had told him she used for her solo work. It was easier to listen to the more manufactured, pop-leaning stuff while also finishing up the other business than the more raw sounding classical that her band made. He let the songs play in the background as he flicked through the messages that his partners had sent him. He replied to a few and then took a screenshot of the song that he had listened to from Nina and sent it to Wylan so that he could get his boyfriend’s opinion on it.
Almost immediately afterwards he got a text from Matthias, which meant they were like watching one of their medical drama shows while waiting for him to come home. Inej and likely coaxed Kaz into the bath with her, the only person that understood the touch issues he had well enough to have that kind of special intimacy with him.
Jesper felt the fry that he had been eating become lodged in the back of his throat as Matthias informed him that the girl he had been flirting with over Instagram for the better part of the last two weeks also happened to be the woman that he had met at the bar. It really was a small world afterall.
He rushed through the last part of his break so that he could hopefully get back out in the bar before Nina left. He hadn’t want to be so creepy as to obviously check to make sure that she had stuck out the busy part of the night, especially since she would have been there for hours if she had. He made sure to calculate his walk so that he had slipped back into the persona that he used when he was working, suave and smooth, much like acting. He didn’t want it to seem like he was too frantic or desperate to get back to work lest he freak her out.
He had stepped back behind the bar and served two other patrons, switching out with the owner, when Nina finally came back up. The relief that he felt upon knowing that she hadn’t left despite having been huddled in the back corner for hours at that point made him feel a little embarrassed. He ignored it as he looked up to her, waiting for what she had to say.
“I was wondering when you were going to be back,” she smiled as she took the same stance that she had when they had first begun their interaction.
“Sorry for leaving you, baby, but I had to take a quick break,” he explained as he set down the glass that he had just finished cleaning.
“I understand, being that handsome has to take quite the toll on someone,” she winked back in reply, which made his heart flutter. He hadn’t known how Matthias had fallen so hard and so fast for Nina, especially since it had taken him almost a week to get to the point where they could even hold a conversation with each other. Now that she was standing in front of him in all of her smooth, gorgeous, suave glory, he understood. 
“If you keep this up then I’m going to fall in love with you,” he grinned. He was telling the truth, of course. If she continued to treat him like he was something special then he was going to fall head over heels for her the same way that Matthias had. He’d be tender smiles down at his phone and one earbud in to loop the sound of her crooning musical voice into his mind while doing mundane tasks.
Nina had the common decency to look a little bashful at that as she shifted awkwardly. “I have to admit that the idea of that doesn’t sound too bad. I came over here to pay my tab but I was also hoping that I could possibly get a way to stay in contact with you?”
Excitement burst through him like fireworks as he leaned forward like he was going to share a secret that no one else was allowed to hear. “If you ask Matthias then he’ll give you everything,” he winked.
She looked a little confused and scared, as if he had found out that she was somehow trying to give him the runaround. He tilted his head back towards the door he that led to the back room, “When I took my break I searched you up and sent one of your songs to my partner who likes music. Turns out that he was with Matthias and we found out that we had been flirting with the same woman. So it sounds like you’re going to fit into our relationship quite well if you’re serious about pursuing us.”
Immediately the panic left her and she laughed. It was louder than the quiet giggles that she had given her before, all rosy tinkling and shaking shoulders. She then shook her head, causing a few of the curls that had come loose from her tight bun to bounce around her beautiful face. “I should have known when you mentioned the cocktails, it’s all Matthias has been talking about lately.”
“He gets like that sometimes,” Jesper agreed. It was endearing how one thing could take over Matthias’ entire personality until he had discovered how it worked or how he could navigate it properly and then moved onto the next thing.
Nina shifted and handed him her card. He processed it for the tab that the table had wracked up and then handed it back to her. She said, “I don’t want to take up all of your time tonight, but I would like to see you again. I’ll ask Matthias for your handle and then we’ll talk more, alright?”
“I think that the both of us would like that very much,” Jesper nodded. Even if he didn’t actually develop a romantic or sexual relationship with Nina, the idea of getting to have someone as wonderful and mysterious as her in his life was very enticing. He leaned across the bar so that he was closer to her, giving her the hint of what he wanted. Jesper asked, “May I kiss you?”
A pretty smile split across her face and she said, “Polite as well as handsome, color me surprised. You may.” She placed one of her hands on his cheek, letting him feel the calloused nature of her hand. She then leaned in and pressed their lips together in a quick, chaste kiss. She smelled like green apples and lavender, mixing together distinctly to make her smell overall sweet. He could taste the vanilla of her lipstick and the pineapple clinging to her tongue from the drinks that he made her throughout their evening of flirting.
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homecinemacenter · 1 month
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Home AV installers near me Get unparalleled cinema experience with state-of-the-art home theaters that are steadfastly set up by professionally licensed home AV installers near me from HCC. Offering simpler installation, increased protection, and stress-free troubleshooting for residential users, these highly skilled technical crews resolve all technical glitches with expedited solutions.
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blinx123 · 10 months
Domestic Theater Plan in Delhi : A Comprehensive Direct
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Delhi could be a bustling city brimming with life and energy. Domestic theater in Delhi are becoming increasingly popular in Delhi, with individuals trying to find ways to enjoy their favorite films, shows, and sports within the consolation of their claim domestic. With the assistance of many straightforward tips, anyone can make a domestic theater that will give them with a cinematic encounter that's beyond any doubt to take off them feeling fulfilled.
Domestic Theater Room Plan The primary step in making a domestic theater is to select the proper room plan. It is vital to consider the estimate and shape of the room, as well as the situation of the furniture. A room with bounty of characteristic light can offer assistance create a more immersive environment, whereas a darker room can give a more loose climate. The arrangement of the TV and speakers is additionally critical, because it will decide the quality of the sound.
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Lighting Lighting can be utilized to form a more immersive encounter within the domestic theater. Recessed lighting can be utilized to highlight the dividers and make a more centered seeing involvement. Divider sconces can too be utilized to form a more loose climate and give a delicate, surrounding light.
Furniture When it comes to the furniture in the domestic theater, it is critical to choose pieces that are comfortable and conducive to a cinematic experience. Recliners, sectionals, and bean sack chairs are all incredible alternatives for the domestic theater. It is additionally imperative to select furniture that is solid and simple to clean.
Acoustics Acoustics play a major part in the sound quality of the domestic theater. It is critical to choose materials that are planned to absorb sound instead of reflect it. This will offer assistance to form a more immersive involvement and guarantee that the sound quality is at its best.
Wrapping up Touches Once the plan of the domestic theater is total, it is imperative to include a few wrapping up touches. Including craftsmanship to the walls can offer assistance to make a more welcoming air, whereas adornments such as posters and toss pads can offer assistance to advance improve the involvement.
Making a domestic theater in Delhi could be a extraordinary way to appreciate your favorite movies, appears, and sports within the comfort of your own domestic. With some straightforward tips, anybody can create a domestic theater that will give them with a cinematic experience that is beyond any doubt to take off them feeling satisfied. 
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spaciousreasoning · 3 months
Further Adventures
Last Thursday, while the home inspector was checking out our place, Nancy and I took off to Saguaro East for a visit. Thanks to the recent rains, there are some things blooming out there right now, including the ocotillo. There were lots of other folks enjoying the place as well. After we drove the eight-mile loop, we stopped off at Margie's Kitchen at 22nd and Harrison for a lunch, one of several visits in recent weeks.
The inspection yielded a rather lengthy list of things that needed addressing. Fortunately, the buyers whittled the list down to about a half dozen things were willing to have done, including some GFCI updates to outlets in the kitchen and front patio, having the chimneys swept, a few fixes to the roof that fall under the warranty of the last work done, and some HVAC issues, most of which also fall under the warranty of the new unit installed in July of 2022. We estimate the total cost will be less than $1,000.
There were no burned-out light bulbs on the list, but there was a complaint about the smell from our cats. The buyers did not care about that, but it will be sorted once we take off with the cats in tow. The inspector also mentioned some old smoke alarms, which are still in place because we did not remove them. New ones have been placed around already.
The prospective buyers have headed back up to Alaska. We're not sure when they will return, but the closing will come near the time we take off for Oregon. Before then our calendar is filled with things to do, including a couple of local theater productions of Shakespeare the week before our departure. Both were moved up so we could enjoy them. The Rogue Theatre is doing "Love's Labor's Lost" and the Arizona Repertory Theatre (UA) is doing "Much Ado About Nothing."
There is also a "going away" party being planned by some recovery friends. Nancy had been approached first because those involved thought a surprise party would make a nice event, but she disabused them of that notion at my urging. The list of invitees presented to me recently includes a lot of friends in the program, though there are many others not named. Since we aren't disappearing forever from Tucson, I'm not too concerned with who shows and who doesn't.
Along with everything else, this past Sunday night's peaceful sleep was interrupted by a police presence throughout the neighborhood announcing over loudspeakers from 1 to 3 a.m. that they were looking for dangerous suspects and the rest of us needed to remain in our homes. The police chopper spent a good bit of time buzzing around overhead as well. Later attempts to find out what was actually going on were met with stubborn silence.
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homeautoco458 · 3 months
Home Automation Company Near Me
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Elevate Your Living Experience: Exploring Home Automation Companies in Manhattan, New York
In the bustling metropolis of Manhattan, New York, where time is of the essence and convenience is king, the concept of home automation has gained significant traction. Homeowners are increasingly seeking ways to streamline their lives, enhance security, and elevate their living experience through innovative technologies. Fortunately, Manhattan is home to several reputable home automation companies that cater to the diverse needs of its discerning residents. In this article, we'll delve into the world of home automation and explore some of the top companies in the area, highlighting their offerings, expertise, and why they stand out in this competitive market.
Exploring Home Automation Companies in Manhattan:
1. Smart Systems NYC: Located in the heart of Manhattan, Smart Systems NYC has been at the forefront of the home automation industry for over a decade. With a focus on integrating cutting-edge technology seamlessly into the home environment, they offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client.
Smart Systems NYC specializes in comprehensive smart home solutions, including lighting control, climate management, security systems, audiovisual integration, and more. Their team of experienced technicians works closely with clients to design customized automation systems that enhance comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency.
What sets Smart Systems NYC apart is their commitment to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. From initial consultation to installation and ongoing support, they prioritize delivering excellence at every step of the process. Whether you're looking to transform your urban apartment or luxury penthouse into a smart oasis, Smart Systems NYC has the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.
2. Soundworks Inc.: For those who value both aesthetics and functionality, Soundworks Inc. offers bespoke home automation solutions that seamlessly blend style with cutting-edge technology. With a keen eye for design and a passion for innovation, they have established themselves as a premier provider of audiovisual and automation services in Manhattan.
Soundworks Inc. specializes in creating immersive entertainment experiences, from state-of-the-art home theaters to multi-room audio systems that deliver crystal-clear sound throughout your home. Their team of designers and engineers collaborates closely with clients to create customized solutions that complement their lifestyle and design preferences.
Beyond entertainment, Soundworks Inc. also offers comprehensive home automation services, including smart lighting, climate control, motorized shades, and security integration. Whether you're hosting a movie night with friends or relaxing in solitude, their intuitive systems put control at your fingertips, allowing you to create the perfect ambiance for any occasion.
3. AVX Design & Integration: With a reputation for innovation and expertise, AVX Design & Integration is a trusted partner for homeowners seeking sophisticated automation solutions in Manhattan. From concept to completion, they leverage the latest technologies to transform houses and apartments into intelligent living spaces that anticipate and adapt to your needs.
AVX Design & Integration specializes in high-performance audiovisual systems, home theaters, and smart home automation solutions. Their team of certified technicians and designers collaborates closely with clients, architects, and interior designers to create seamless integration that enhances both form and function.
What sets AVX Design & Integration apart is their dedication to delivering solutions that surpass expectations. Whether you're a tech enthusiast looking to push the boundaries of automation or a homeowner seeking simplicity and convenience, they have the expertise and creativity to turn your vision into reality. In the fast-paced lifestyle of Manhattan, home automation offers a means to simplify tasks, enhance comfort, and elevate the overall living experience. With a plethora of options available, choosing the right home automation company is essential to achieving your desired results. Whether you prioritize innovation, design, or reliability, the companies mentioned above—Smart Systems NYC, Soundworks Inc., and AVX Design & Integration—offer unparalleled expertise and service that cater to the diverse needs of Manhattan residents. By investing in home automation, you're not just upgrading your living space; you're embracing the future of smart living in one of the world's most dynamic cities.
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julietookoff · 4 months
February 2024 Annual Update
February 2024 Annual Update
Remarkably, the RV hasn't sold yet, even after a price reduction. It has been sitting on the consignment lot for 2 years. Corny runs the generator monthly. We've replaced the headboard and added 2 Ikea chairs. When it sells, we plan to get gutters and screen-in the back patio.
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I did sell all the Yugi-oh and Pokemon cards for about $600. We also did well on a $400 leather sectional and a $250 grill/smoker. We bought 3 units at one facility in August and both about died of heat exhaustion.
I went solo to the Bamarama Mega event (GC9TB1Z) February 2023. I had a great time and kept busy with daily events - sometimes twice a day. I tented at Gulf Shores State Park and enjoyed the sound of the gulf waves and the woodsy bike trails. At one point I noticed a camper next to me was that kind of person who spreads all their stuff out on the picnic table. After dark, I woke up to a ruckus and figured raccoons were raiding their goodies. I never opened my eyes, but it sounded like the raccoons dragged the neighbor's stuff right next to my tent to eat it. In the morning, my tent was unzipped about 8" and my cheese was gone! The little rascals know how to unzip tents and lift up cooler lids! It was a little unsettling that they/it was right next to me in my tent. I made sure to have the zipper pull up high from then on. I found a local grocery store I loved, Rouse's, with lots of good take-out food and a dining area with microwave. Their lawn chairs were so cheap I brought one back for Corny.
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Shorty paid cash for a house in a college town in northwest Indiana. He got a charming old fixer-upper for a steal of a price. It was built in 1911 and has the original wood trim and door hardware. He's replaced the roof, furnace, water pipes, added a toilet downstairs and done tons of stuff I can't remember. Work keeps him busy and there's lots of overtime. We went up to see him in August. I crocheted edgings on some housewarming washcloths and gave him a cross stitch of his house. We walked to Bruno's Pizza, Allie's cafe for a "polish", 7-11, Family Dollar and a chinese place. We found a Cane's, Ben's pretzels at the mall, and an Amish buffet - Das Essenhaus in Midland. We came back for Thanksgiving. Corny had just installed a diesel heater in the van. It snowed a couple days and got down to 16 degrees. It sounded like an army marching on the roof for 14 hours when Shorty had the roof done. We made ourselves useful and put plastic over his windows. I gave him a Granny square quilt for Christmas and started a camo quilt for my Dad's birthday.
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Dad's afghan
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Aurie's napghan :0)
We stopped at the Barn and got my bread machine and sewing machine out of storage. We're making good use of both. I've hemmed a lot of pants and made some things I can't talk about yet . . .
My bedroom walls kept getting bigger and more bare, so finally I hung some tapestries by my bed and 8 Walter Alois Weber bird pictures I took out of a vintage book.
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I placed about a dozen geocaches near home - Red Ends: A bison tube cable-tied to a red-diamond sign where the pavement ends. Before long, a Low-life with No-life glommed onto them and kept armchair logging multiple fake finds with multiple fake accounts. For fun??? I started archiving them after deciding finding is much more fun than maintaining geocaches.
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Medically, I have been making good use of a diet pill, a CPAP, and a hip injection. I had been limping around in pain for the last few years, avoiding as much walking as I could and taking 600mg of ibuprofen 2-3x per day. After the shot I was off the pills and could walk again! It's been 5 months and just now starting to wear off. Corny got me an awesome Trek bike for Christmas. I love - love - loved my Raleigh Eva, it fit so well, but it was a little tough on my forearms. This was even more comfortable! I was crying after my test ride!
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Beacon 12 Theaters is just down the road, a mile or so from home and has $6 Tuesdays. They also have free drink refills. I take a few Taco Bell items and see 3-4 movies every few weeks. Speaking of tacos, me, Corny and Shorty all got taco passes: a Taco Bell taco every day for 30 days for just $10. We only missed a couple days. Shorty works right next to a Taco Bell. He also got a nacho fries pass, but we figgered it was too unhealthy for us at our age. We watch the "Drops" every Tuesday for good deals. One Tuesday they had a "Live Mas" blog-type show to talk about their new chicken items. I was just poking around and clicked on a bell symbol at the very bottom - and found the secret free "Cravings Menu Pass". Corny and I were 2/1000 nationwide to win our 30-day passes for a cravings menu item. I'm hooked on the $3.99 nachos.
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In September we 3 took a van trip to Georgia to work on geocaching in every county. Poco wasn't loving it. He would hardly eat. Then he started to hesitate getting into the van. When he got in and immediately jumped back out, we got the hint that he wasn't feeling well and headed home. He does great on a straight highway, but when we start doing a lot of turning he must feel carsick.
My little Piggie died :0( I thought she would outlive her life expectancy since I spoiled her so much with fresh veggies and timothy hay, but no. I miss her. She is buried next to Dolly.
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In November we had a "clean out the garage" yard sale and made about $1600 ($250 of that was vintage game stuff). We sold a mountain of clothes for $1/bag. Afterward we made 5-6 trips to Jericho thrift store to donate the leftovers. Corny is enjoying the garage. I got him two big shelves for Christmas. He loved them so much, he got two more. He installed a garage door opener and racks for the rakes, shovels and hoses.
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Oh yeah, and we got married since we're nearing social security age.
Life is Godd! We fit out.
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etcsimplify · 2 years
Must know the benefits of upgrading your home with smart lighting
The world is becoming smarter at an unbelievable pace, making smart home setups common and transforming homes into smart homes normal. If you are planning to upgrade your home with a smart home setup, the best start is smart lighting.
Smart lighting: Things you need to know
Smart lights allow homeowners to control the lights as per their requirements. It gives them the power to adjust the color and intensity of the light according to their mood or occasion. Smart lighting installation also helps ensure the safety of your home by allowing you to schedule when lights should be on and when off. With smart lighting scheduling, you can ensure that people believe you are home even when you are not, easily deterring burglars.
Smart home setup with smart home installation offers double benefits. It enhances the look and feels and ensures the safety of your home. For instance, motion sensor LED lights add to your home's aesthetic value while always proving effective in keeping intruders away. Read more. 
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hometheater485 · 6 months
Home Theater Jacksonville
Elevate Your Entertainment Experience with Home Theater Systems from Hoyt Stereo in Jacksonville
In an era where entertainment is at our fingertips, creating an immersive cinematic experience at home has become a sought-after luxury. Jacksonville residents seeking to transform their living spaces into personal entertainment hubs need look no further than Hoyt Stereo. This revered establishment has long been the go-to destination for premium audiovisual solutions, specializing in top-notch home theater systems that redefine the way we enjoy movies, music, and gaming.
Jacksonville, Florida, known for its vibrant culture and appreciation for leisure, is home to discerning individuals seeking to enhance their homes with state-of-the-art entertainment systems. Among the myriad of options available, Hoyt Stereo stands out as the beacon of quality and innovation. Established with a passion for delivering unparalleled audio and visual experiences, Hoyt Stereo has cemented its position as the premier destination for home theater solutions in the region.
A Legacy of Excellence
For over three decades, Hoyt Stereo has set the standard for excellence in audiovisual technology. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned them a stellar reputation among Jacksonville's audiophiles and cinephiles alike. The cornerstone of their success lies in their dedication to curating a selection of cutting-edge products from renowned brands, ensuring customers have access to the latest advancements in home entertainment.
Unparalleled Product Range
Hoyt Stereo prides itself on offering a comprehensive range of home theater components, from high-resolution displays and immersive sound systems to smart automation and seating options. Whether you're a movie enthusiast craving the cinematic magic within your home or an avid gamer seeking to elevate your gaming experience, Hoyt Stereo's diverse inventory caters to every individual's entertainment preferences and home setup requirements.
Expert Consultation and Customization
One of the hallmarks of Hoyt Stereo is their commitment to personalized service. The experienced team of professionals at Hoyt Stereo understands that each home is unique, and preferences for audiovisual setups vary. That's why they offer expert consultation services, guiding customers through the selection process to tailor a home theater system that aligns perfectly with their preferences, room dimensions, and budget.
Leading Brands and Cutting-Edge Technology
Partnering with industry-leading brands, Hoyt Stereo ensures that customers have access to the most advanced technology available. From renowned names like Sony, Samsung, Klipsch, and Yamaha to cutting-edge innovations in 4K and 8K displays, Dolby Atmos sound systems, and smart home integration, Hoyt Stereo brings the best of the audiovisual world to Jacksonville's doorstep.
Professional Installation and After-Sales Support
The journey with Hoyt Stereo doesn't end with the purchase. Their team of skilled technicians provides professional installation services, ensuring that every component is seamlessly integrated for optimal performance. Moreover, their commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond installation, with comprehensive after-sales support and maintenance services, ensuring that your home theater system continues to deliver an exceptional entertainment experience for years to come.
Community Engagement and Customer Satisfaction
Beyond being a premier retailer, Hoyt Stereo actively engages with the Jacksonville community. They host events, workshops, and demonstrations, allowing customers to experience the latest technology firsthand. Additionally, their dedication to customer satisfaction is evident in the numerous positive reviews and testimonials from delighted customers who have transformed their homes with Hoyt Stereo's solutions. In a world where entertainment options abound, creating a captivating home theater experience is an investment in elevating the way we enjoy multimedia. Hoyt Stereo, with its legacy of excellence, commitment to quality, and dedication to customer satisfaction, stands tall as the ultimate destination for those seeking to bring the magic of the cinema into their homes in Jacksonville. Transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary entertainment havens, Hoyt Stereo continues to be the epitome of innovation and sophistication in the realm of home theater systems. Visit Hoyt Stereo today and embark on a journey to redefine your entertainment experience, right in the comfort of your own home.
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homeaudiojax54 · 6 months
Home Audio Stores Near Me
Enhance Your Sound Experience: Exploring Home Audio Stores Near Me
The quest for exceptional audio quality in our homes has become a paramount pursuit for many individuals. Whether it's for immersive movie experiences, captivating music listening sessions, or creating an ambiance of pure audio bliss, the importance of quality home audio cannot be overstated. Thankfully, Hoyt Stereo in Jacksonville, FL can cater to diverse needs and preferences, offering an array of cutting-edge technologies and systems to elevate your auditory experience in store and online.
The Evolution of Home Audio Technology
Home audio technology has undergone a remarkable evolution over the years. From the classic stereo systems to modern-day wireless speakers and advanced surround sound setups, the options available today are extensive and diverse. Home audio stores encompass a range of products such as amplifiers, speakers, soundbars, subwoofers, headphones, and more, each designed to deliver a unique sonic experience.
Exploring Home Audio Stores
When searching for "home audio stores near me," a plethora of options typically arise, ranging from specialized boutique stores to large retailers. Hoyt Stereo showcases the latest advancements in audio technology, allowing customers to explore and compare various brands and models. Knowledgeable staff members are often on hand to offer guidance, ensuring customers find the ideal audio solutions to match their preferences and budget.
Diverse Product Offerings
One of the advantages of visiting Hoyt Stereo, one of the home audio stores near me is the wide array of products available. Whether you seek a compact yet powerful speaker system for a small room or a comprehensive home theater setup for a dedicated entertainment space, these stores typically offer options from renowned brands. Furthermore, they often carry exclusive models and limited-edition releases, appealing to audiophiles and tech enthusiasts.
Immersive Listening Experiences
Hoyt Stereo provides an environment where customers can experience audio setups firsthand. This home audio stores near me feature demo areas or sound rooms equipped with various setups, allowing visitors to test different systems and gauge their performance. This hands-on experience is invaluable in understanding how different products sound and function in real-life settings, aiding in informed purchase decisions.
Expert Advice and Customer Service
The staff at home audio stores are often passionate audio enthusiasts or experts well-versed in the intricacies of sound systems. They can offer personalized advice based on individual preferences, room sizes, and desired audio quality. Additionally, these stores typically provide after-sales support, including installation assistance and troubleshooting, ensuring customers derive maximum satisfaction from their purchases.
Online vs. Brick-and-Mortar Stores
While online shopping offers convenience and a vast selection, visiting brick-and-mortar home audio stores provides a tactile and auditory experience that cannot be replicated online. Physically interacting with the equipment, listening to audio demonstrations, and receiving in-person guidance often outweigh the advantages of online shopping, particularly for those seeking optimal sound quality.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Home Audio Stores Near Me
Several factors influence the choice of a home audio stores near me. Reputation, customer reviews, product range, pricing, warranty, and customer service are essential considerations. Additionally, Hoyt Stereo ambiance, demo facilities, and the willingness of staff to assist and educate customers play crucial roles in the overall shopping experience.
Elevate Your Audio Experience
The journey to finding the perfect home audio setup involves exploring the diverse offerings of local home audio stores near me. Hoyt Stereo serves as hubs for innovation, providing customers with access to cutting-edge technology and personalized assistance in selecting audio systems that match their preferences and elevate their listening experiences. Whether you're an audiophile seeking the pinnacle of sound quality or a casual enthusiast looking to enhance your home entertainment, the array of options available at these stores ensures there's something for everyone. So, embark on this auditory adventure, visit your nearest home audio store, and immerse yourself in a world of superior sound.
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