#Home care companies in Dubai
fazalkhan2914 · 8 months
Home service for injection - Avanee Home Care Avanee Home Care clinic assures that you get the most well-experienced and capable doctors, doctors like family members so that you can trust them. We have doctors who have experience of more than 25 years, and we use modern equipment and technology to treat our patients. Reach out to us and get quality treatment. https://avaneehome.care/service/injection-blood-test/
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lanalifecare · 1 year
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We are a leading provider of skilled and compassionate home health care services in the UAE and we offer a wide range of services at the comfort of your home. Our licensed nurses, physiotherapists and healthcare assistants are committed to the guidelines set by Dubai Health Authority(DHA) and World Health Organisation(WHO).
We are supported by a highly experienced multi-national team consisting of licensed nurses, physiotherapists, healthcare assistants, nutritionists, physicians, and medical directors
We provide licensed nurses, physiotherapists and care givers who will provide professional care.
Looking for trustworthy Home Health Care Services In Dubai with advanced support? Contact Lana Life Care for all your Home Health Services.
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dardocuae · 1 month
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Explore how Dardoc can boost your health and wellness. Find out the benefits it offers and how it helps you achieve your health goals.
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marketingkimiya01 · 4 months
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Take a moment to breathe in the soothing scent of lavender as you wash away the day’s stress. Ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, or anywhere you want to add a touch of relaxation.
Kimiya is one of the best Cleaning Products Manufacturers in Dubai
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salwaty321 · 2 years
What Makes Home Nursing in Dubai a Popular Choice with Patients
The need for Home Care Nursing In Dubai is currently rising. You never know when you might need to hire home nurses to help you care for elderly or newly recovering surgical patients. Knowing more about nursing professionals is crucial since they are willing to help those in need. And that’s when Salwaty Home Health Care’s experts will come to your aid. To meet your specific demands and financial constraints, we are prepared to provide a larger choice of nursing care services throughout the UAE. Our nursing care offerings will be the ideal fusion of knowledge, dedication, and compassion. Individual care is of the utmost importance, and the Salwaty health care team is well aware of this.
Meant for Everyone:
It’s good to know that Salwaty’s home healthcare services are available to people of all ages if you’re looking for a Home Nursing Service Near Me. It is primarily intended for those who are recuperating after an injury or surgery, recovering from aggravation of a chronic ailment, managing physical limitations, and eventually coping with the problems of aging. Hire our home care nurses if you have an older family member who has been given a new medication and you want him to take it on time.
Patients occasionally receive new diagnoses that require round-the-clock treatment in the convenience of their own homes. That’s when our Salwaty Healthcare team steps in to help. You can use our home care services in a group home, assisted living facility, independent living facility, or even your own house.
The seasoned team members will offer advice and give you the resources needed to succeed in self-managing chronic diseases.
The group makes it a point to provide top-notch services from beginning to end to advance home care nursing. Simply fill out the online contact form, and the professionals will get in touch with you straight away to help you find the best answer.
Receiving continual care is one of the most significant benefits of choosing Salwaty’s home health care services. Nurses can assist with everyday duties including medicine, rehabilitation, and personal cleanliness in contrast to typical hospital care when nurses are only on call during their shifts. As a consequence, you won’t have to stress about where you’ll turn to discover someone who can help you out when you need it.
A highly qualified team of specialists:
Salwaty Home Health Care is renowned for exclusively employing highly skilled nursing personnel. To learn more about home care nursing from our perspective, be sure to speak with a member of our team of professionals. We are renowned for providing convenient, all-inclusive care that accommodates patients’ varying needs. Other aspects of the realm of home nursing include clinical quality, credibility, and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, if you’re seeking Home Health Companies Near Me, all you have to do is get in touch with Salwaty Home Healthcare in Dubai by using the contact form on our website or by calling us directly. Make a reservation right away!
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bridgetoesoteria · 6 months
💞 🦢Your Dream Honeymoon... + how will your connection evolve
Today the cards will be your travel agent. 2 tickets for the lovely newlyweds to their dream destination...
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Take a deep breath and choose a pile (left to right).
Off the bat:
So I am immediately getting a trippy feeling. You could be under the influence. For some of you this would be something you and your person have in common. For others, it'll be more of a "when in Rome" kinda thing. It feels surreal in some way. For some, you might have eloped and you are trying to process the decisions you've just made. You could try a lot of "exotic" foods.
4-card spread: Queen of Pentacles, 2 of Swords (R), 6 of Swords, 9 of Wands (R). BOTD: 6 of Wands.
It will definitely be somewhere that you would have to fly to. Some of you will have to get over a fear of heights or flying for this. Where ever you and your spouse have chosen won't be near a lot of water. It could be a landlocked country or somewhere in dryer climate. Like a country with deserts. That's interesting that imagery is coming up because you also chose the picture of Dubai.
In this deck, there are soo many cards with water but all I pulled were cards with desert like images. The one card with a large lake came out reversed. I think you will love the weather. Maybe you enjoy warmer climates or this could even be "home" for some of you. I think you will be very well-prepared for this honeymoon. Money will be right, activities will be planned...I think this is a place you have done plenty of research on. I am getting the message again that this could be "home" in some way. So you could have ancestral ties to the area and it will be very grounding. You and your partner will feel deeply connected to the land and may even consider relocating there permanently. Some of you can afford this because you are in the medical field (with a very nice salary).
I think it will be quite a bougie experience tbh. I see you being waited on, hand and foot. Literally! I am seeing back rubs, possibly meditation or some nontraditional, holistic care. You could be going to the spa, going for walks/hikes, receiving acupressure or massages, and maybe laying on hot rocks?? You could ride horses or get into some kind of vehicle that is connected to an animal. Your spouse will probably be someone that is quite busy and usually super serious. But they will set that aside for you. They really want to be in the moment and start the marriage off right by showing you, "I will prioritize us, when we are together." They probably have already sent out a company wide email letting everyone know they do not want to be bothered from X day to X day. Even if the place is on fire...figure it out!
Oooh so you will definitely feel cared for and safe with your person. If you usually feel like everything is all on you, you will see that your person wants to lighten the load. That is why you will be able to relax and enjoy these different treatments. I also see that your person would have little surprises planned. Like you think you're just going out for dinner, then a guy with a camel shows up on some Princess Jasmine type shit. And you're all shocked but of course your person knew. Then your fairytale ride takes you to either a beach or a restaurant. It will be somewhere empty because your person made sure it was that way, even if they had to shut down the restaurant for the night. There will live music but probably more instrumental than singing. And of course, there will also be delicious food 😋
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Your Connection:
So I was already kind of getting an idea of how the honeymoon would change you as a person (i.e. less tense, more secure). But how will it change your connection?.... You will definitely feel like you are being brought closer together. There may be tension for some reason at the start of the honeymoon. I feel like it will mostly be you. Maybe thinking too much of the past and worrying about the future. But you both will acknowledge your struggles, your strengths, and what you hope is yet to come.
Specifically, some of you may come up with a business idea while on your honeymoon or may decide to view property. You will both learn how to be patient with one another, when to swallow your pride and realize if this is who you want to spend the rest of your life with, that's a long time to be arguing and doing the "tit for tat" thing. So your relationship dynamic will mature quite a bit. You could be one of those couples that everyone sees as OTP. This could inspire jealousy because you both stand out. You may have had rough times, I think mostly due to your busy schedules, but you always know that you want to be with each other.
You will both be healing your self-worth problems. You will become comfortable with standing out. Your person will stop defining themselves by their financial success. I think you will be surrender to the experience and just allow yourselves to be raw. I am getting that trippy feeling again. Like a really deep, amazing indie movie, that changes your views on life afterward. If you or your partner are usually more skeptical, I think you will tap into your spiritual side. Your partner could join you for nature walks, stargazing, meditation, or yoga. Lastly, you may put on some kind of special show or choreographed event for your partner. You will grow in confidence by the end of this trip.
Off the bat:
I'm getting a hustle and bustle kinda vibe. So maybe your honeymoon will be somewhere busy. Some of you may visit a major city or even a quaint town that has a busy market or town life. There could be a lot of exploring and buying cool trinkets to remember your trip. You could be more of a lowkey couple, because this feels like you are both on a normal trip. You aren't overdoing the "romantic honeymoon" thing. Its like you are going on a trip you otherwise would have, but you are doing it together, as a married couple now. That is enough to make it special. Perhaps you come from a small or quiet town so its nice to explore something different. I am seeing a younger couple
4-card spread: The Empress, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups, King of Swords (R). BOTD: The Wheel of Fortune.
I see you both doing lots of touristy stuff. I think you will love it. The vibe is kind of like, you came from a different country and always heard about the place you want to go to. For example: You are outside the US, but finally getting the chance to visit NYC. You want to see historic landmarks, go to amusement parks, and stay at a well-known hotel. Some of you are going back to where you first met!
This is weird but y'all might participate in a protest. You either knew this was going to happen or kind of get caught up in one when you go out. But I think you will take all of it in and enjoy how authentic the experience feels. If you or your partner have kids, you will enjoy the time away. You will see a more relaxed side of your partner. They will be much more social. Its possible you could meet up with friends or family. You will be talking about the future a lot. Probably start being more concrete about when you would like kids and how many.
This is weird and very specific. (I meant for this to be a hypothetical, fun reading). Some of you could be going on this honeymoon, before your wedding. So maybe after the wedding one of you will have to go for an extended period of time. For others, this could be a babymoon. So you could be going on a little couples get away before you are busy with a newborn. Finally, some of you will find out you are pregnant while on your honeymoon and this will be really shocking to your partner, but I think you will both be excited.
You will spend a lot of time together. Going out for drinks, grabbing coffee, flirting, and having private conversations. Even when you are in a busy room, it will feel like you are alone. Your eyes will be locked on one another. You may be writers, or creatives in some way, you will have plenty of inspiration and will probably take time to "work." But it won't feel like work. You could both find a nice coffee shop and sit next to each other writing. I think you will still find chances to sneak away and enjoy your own company. You want to bask in the new emotions and excitement of marriage.
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Your Connection:
You will probably experience a bunch of synchronicities that give you important messages or show that your ancestors/spirit team support your connection. You will feel like best friends, but also deeply in love. You will both be much more comfortable with each other afterwards. You will be a dream team. I'm not sure if either of you would verbalize this, but you will be extremely aware of how healthy this connection is. So, maybe you haven't had the best experiences. You will communicate in a healthy way, you will express your love to each other, and will always put a smile on each other's face. Arguments will probably be few and far between, because you will mostly be a harmonious couple. You will have great communication.
I think you specifically will receive a lot of downloads while on your honeymoon. You will both have positive, growth mindsets. Maybe this honeymoon will end up giving birth to something much larger.
Off the bat:
This pile feels "broodier" than others. Maybe you and your spouse are kind of goth or alternative. Or you could like darker things. You may be the type to go choose a historic destination for your honeymoon and tour ruins, old castles, or places the locals claim are haunted 👻
You could choose to visit a sleepy town. Somewhere that might be cloudy and rainy. Or, this could just be the time of year you are visiting. So this could be a fall honeymoon. Omg that's kind of a vibe tbh! Pretty fall leaves, ghost stories, cozy vibes with your boo 🤗
4-card spread: The Lovers, 5 of Wands, 3 of Wands (R), Ace of Cups. BOTD: 10 of Pentacles
I think you will probably choose somewhere nontraditional for your honeymoon. People will definitely have something to say about it. But I am going to ignore that energy because its not like its their honeymoon. In some way, you will be facing your fears. I think it may be through standing up to your family.
You will probably choose somewhere private, with a lot of nature. I see you visiting gardens and orchards. Some of you may pick apples or something while you are on this trip. You will probably face your fears of intimacy as well. Your partner will be all over you. Some maybe the privacy energy is because you will rarely leave your accommodations. You'll spend a lot of time in your rented property or the "do not disturb" sign will always be on your door lol. This could be your first time or it could be the first time you are with someone you truly feel safe with and connect to.
I don't know why but I am getting a sulky energy from you. So you may be upset with your spouse or feel shy around them. Not sure if this is an arranged marriage? I guess its also possible that being married and totally alone is making you feel shy. You may want to chill and read but your partner will pull you out of your comfort zone They will make you try new things, new foods, visit new places, even do something that feels silly and childish. Like maybe you are passing a carnival and they buy tickets because they want you to get on the carousel. They would probably win you a lot of stuff at the booths too lol. You could have had a tough past and this person just wants to see you happy. They want this honeymoon to be everything you have dreamed of and more. They could be trying to take your mind off of whatever could be bothering you.
You will eventually see that your partner is on your side, and that you feel so defensive because you are too used to supressing your happiness.
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Your Connection:
One of you will definitely be leaving the past behind. Whoever is the one that is protective mode. I think it is you, but it could be the other person too. Your person will feel overwhelmed at the start of the honeymoon. They are happy with you but they want to know how to support you better. Their thought process is "this is our fresh start." I think you will grow more and more open to this. It will be scary but it will be much easier to do because you know you have someone solid in your corner. This honeymoon could finally convince you to go to therapy or confront some longstanding issue that you have never felt strong enough to face. This honeymoon could lead to a larger journey of self-discovery and accountability for both you and your person. I think you will learn how to be there for one another with it being codependent or enabling.
I really wanted to get this reading out to y'all. I know I promised a double post, so there will be another after this 😊🤞
I am also going to be doing personals so check out that post too 😘
I hope it resonated.
~ K
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Lestat & Gender: "I am she, she is me."
Scrolling the tags and sighing, cuz I just KNEW people were gonna take this line out of context, as proof that Lestat's the woman/wife/mother/femme-fatale (which @dwreader had to explain cuz folks just don't get it X X), blahblahblah. I've already said my whole bit on Lestat as the patriarchal father/husband, and the dandified matador/killer (a la Bruce). But I just wanna remind y'all that THE SAINT IS NOT A CITY.
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Either the fandom's got a bunch of new Lestans posting who missed the discourse from S1 about the meaning behind Les's monologues from the books; or y'all just have frightfully short memories.
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He's NOT talking about stupid effing New Orleans; and he's NOT calling himself a woman. He's talking about LOUIS. Louis' motherland! Louis' culture! Louis' ancestor's bones! Louis' grave soil! Louis's HOME--Louis' back at home, and Louis IS his home.
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But here y'all go, always centering everything on Lestat's yaasification, and ignoring the Louis-shaped elephant in the room.
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Lestat's been talking about Louis to his nameless Millennial Fledgling this whole time. Everyone knows who Louis is--and what he means to Lestat. This is CRUCIAL for Loustat going forward in TVC, when Lou's held as collateral against Lest by Akasha and Rhoshamandes.
But for some reason Lestans are hella quick to separate Lestat's identity from Louis every chance y'all get, then wanna whine & complain about the QotD movie pairing Lestat with Jesse, or AR tryna pair Les with Tom, Dick & Harry.
And YES, I will die on the hill that this whole anti-feminine discourse about AMC!Louis is couched in racial prejudice and biases--a trap that even Black fans who are pro-Louis fall into, while ignoring the struggles of effeminate/feminized gay Black men in their own effing community (X X X X).
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But this is BY FAR more endemic in spaces predominately occupied by straight white women, who utterly fail to relate to their direct antithesis: gay Black men (X X). So of course they'll leap on every chance they get to glom onto long-haired blonde white drama queen Lestat as their spirit animal, even when he's LITERALLY TELLING Y'ALL that he himself identifies himself with LOUIS.
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(Lestat's toxic color blindness is a whole 'nother conversation, omg. X X X)
Lestat says "she" because it's conventional speech to refer to places--especially continents, countries, and cities--as female, denoting motherhood and wives--places as people that take care of their own, as a mother would her children and/or spouse; a la the Statue of Liberty, personified virtues, and most abstract concepts we've inherited from Greco-Roman gender inequality about women as home-makers (HOUSEWIVES) being barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen. It's not even an exclusively English phenomenon. NOLA, like any city, is referred to as a "she."
So yes, to an extent, Lestat is channeling LOUIS; waiting at home for his spouse to come back and TAKE CARE OF HIM again. But Lestat is NOT a home-maker. He's living in a nasty AF shack, with only his music for company (and we know his tour's all about TVL & Akasha & Marius & Claudia & Louis). He treats his own Millennial Fledgling (his BLOOD CHILD) like trash; setting him on fire "IN LOUIS' HONOR" and not even knowing his name--he's NOT tryna be no one's MOTHER. He couldn't even bring himself to be Claudia's effing FATHER when she was literally burning alive two feet away from him, FFS.
But it's not about the brick & mortar or the PLACE itself--it's about the PERSON it's attached to--cuz Lestat always knew that Louis would eventually come back to NOLA--come back HOME--and FIND LESTAT WAITING FOR HIM THERE.
But AMC leaves it deliberately open-ended and ambiguous what Louis says to Lestat during their hug, and we don't see Lestat in Dubai, or any implication that Loustat is remarried/a couple again. Louis' putting down the torch, to stop accepting everyone's effing dregs; "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Cuz Lou's decided to finally start learning how to live on his own for the first time in his entire life; for himself, not other people--AND realize that he doesn't need to rely on his husbands to fight his battles for him. "I own the night!"
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sunny44 · 1 year
Date night
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: nothing.
Summary: Y/n and Lewis have their monthly date night.
Ps: sorry for the short story
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Lewis and I had been together for 4 years and I have nothing to complain about.
He is the most perfect man I’ve ever met in my entire life.
The kisses all over my face every morning when we were together, the hugs from behind that make me feel at home, the single flower that he gave me every day that I press in a book and am putting in a frame, the times that at a family lunch when he is talking to my parents he passes by me and gives me a kiss on the forehead just to show that even if we are apart at that moment he is still paying attention and taking care of me.
And that's why every month we had a special date, we picked a day when we were both together and we went out to enjoy each other's company.
This was the last weekend of the race, we were in Dubai and it would be our last date of the year. I had chosen a green dress that looked like Tinker bell's, I had found it some time ago and decided to leave it for our last meeting of the year.
The podium today was Lewis, Charles and Max and with this last victory Lewis became 8 times Formula 1 world champion so it was another reason to celebrate.
Lewis had showered first so that I could have the bathroom to myself and put on makeup without him seeing me before I was completely ready.
As soon as I finished I looked at myself in the mirror once more and came out of the bathroom seeing my boyfriend sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room playing on his cell phone but he looked away from the screen as soon as he heard the bathroom door open and then smiled and stood up.
"Wow you look gorgeous."
"Thanks, you look perfect too." He smiles and holds my waist with his hands.
"Can we go? We have a lot to celebrate."
"We can."
We went to the restaurant he had chosen and made a reservation.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, it's this way." They led us to an outside area with a table just for the two of us which I thought was odd since we usually sat with the other people just in a more private corner to avoid people getting in the way.
"Are we sit alone today?" he pulled out a chair for me.
"Yes, why you didn't like it?"
"It's not that, I loved it, I just asked because you usually like to act normal and sit with everyone." He laughs.
"And I do but today I wanted to do something different since it's an important celebration."
"Absolutely, it's not every day that you become 8th time formula one world champion and breaking a record." I smiled at him who held my hand.
"Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."
"I'm fine yes just still can't believe all this happened today."
We ordered our food and had one of the best dinners ever, the night was beautiful with the star’s in the sky making everything even more perfect.
"Hey." He calls out to me and I looked up at him. "You are without a doubt the love of my life, I have never loved anyone the way I love you and I can't even imagine my life without you in it. Not many people can adapt with a hectic life like us driver’s and I thank you so much that besides you’re supporting me you are always there for me when I need you."
"Love you know I would do anything for you."
"With that said I want to ask you a question." I nodded and he reached up and took something from his pocket and knelt down in front of me. "Would you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me?"
At this I started to cry and nodded my head in agreement.
"There is nothing I want more in the world than to be your wife." He smiled placing the ring on my finger and we both stood up and I slung my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. "Thank you for choosing me to be your wife."
"Thank you for choosing me to be your husband."
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram post
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Liked by @lewishamilton, @yourmom, @georgerussel and other 91727
Yourusername today the love of my life asked me to be his wife. I can’t imagine my life without you in it and I’m so grateful for you.
I can’t wait to be Mrs Hamilton.
Tagged: @lewishamilton
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fazalkhan2914 · 8 months
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Physiotherapy home service Dubai - Avaneehome Avanee Home Care clinic assures that you get the most well-experienced and capable doctors, doctors like family members so that you can trust them. We have doctors who have experience of more than 25 years, and we use modern equipment and technology to treat our patients. Reach out to us and get quality treatment. https://avaneehome.care/service/home-physiotherapy/
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riddles-n-games · 9 months
Guess what? It's time for a horse headcanon!!! A Hawthorne horse headcanon to be exact. From racehorses to heavy drafts, one thing’s for sure, the Hawthorne estate is not short on equines. As mentioned in the riding headcanon, there is a big stable further out on the property because they would otherwise be shunned by the rest of rich Texan society (yes, it’s totally a necessity as a part of the initiation according to Xander). Tobias Hawthorne had it made the year Skye was born but for Zara’s birthday and though there were annual renovations much like with the House, the next major section was added when Nash was five.
I think it most fitting to start off with the Hawthorne sisters, so let’s get into it. When they were little girls, as with most things, Zara and Skye fought over toys, accessories, clothes, and… ponies. (Yes, yes, I know that Zara was a shy, bookish child to quote Nan but they also fight in TIG over the inheritance so you can’t tell me that didn’t happen as they’re close in age.) Tobias had a grand selection of ponies that were different breeds with various strengths but there was one pony that stood out from the rest and of course, both of them had to have him. His name was Smokey, a Welsh Cob (Section D-heaviest of Welsh Ponies and Cob) dapple gray gelding that was a previous champion driving pony before he was retired. The girls loved him and neither of them wanted to let up; what’s worse is that he came with a sparkly light blue set and it was absolute chaos. Their father, for once, was beside himself so their mother had to jump in and what they would do is take the girls out on rides with him when the other was out, letting both believe that the other one gave up on Smokey when in fact that was not the case at all but it was one of their only working tactics to keep the peace. However, as time went on, Skye eventually was no longer interested in him and decided on another pony until she got interested in another, leaving Zara the winner (also, her parents were both betting on her to win this game of Who Gets the Pony). The two of them had a very close companionship and she used him for show-jumping until he passed due to declining health of an undiscovered disease.
Toby was never really interested in any equestrian events as he preferred simply riding and being in the company of his horses but did participate in driving, sometimes. He was definitely let off the hook more because he was basically the favorite child (I still feel bad Zara having suffered for it in the books even though she loved her adopted brother). On most occasions, he would be found in the stables grooming or taking care of tack after a ride; it was one of his go-to places when he wanted to avoid people. Another thing is that he loved to spend time in the pasture with his favorite horse, Aster, a Quarter Horse cross, during turnout or in a clearing in the woods. It’s noted that after Toby’s disappearance, Aster exhibited signs of depression and would wait at the gate, calling out for his owner. When Nash got older, his grandfather gifted him the horse as his first. 
Now, onto the old man himself. Tobias was an American Cream Draft collector and prominent breeder which helped out the breeder’s association since this horse breed is considered to be very rare. In addition, he was quite fond of the Budweiser Clydesdales and acquired a few retired ones to produce his own bloodline that are also sometimes used in the commercials. He’s also had quite a few racehorses participate in the Kentucky Derby, Breeders' Cup Classic, the Dubai World Cup, Royal Ascot and Grand National, and Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe races. Worldwide, in different types of racing from the regular flat racing to steeplechase, this man was hitting the top from all fronts but he remained most dominant on home turf with horses in the States and Canada ranking highest. The billionaire was truly devoted to the sport and had many experts serving to help him out when he was making choices for the breeds which he wanted to invest in most.
With all this, it leads us to the brothers and how they ended up with some of the horses they own.
Texas Dream-A Tennessee Walker mare with an ironic name but everyone calls her Dream. She's a sweetheart but is sassy when she wants to be, however, give her apples and she'll be whinnying after you for days (according to Xander, at least). Her coat is a shiny palomino and she is one of Nash's only fancy horses, serving as his western pleasure horse in alternative to Chili Pepper, his main competing mare.
Chili Pepper-An Appaloosa-Quarter Horse that is his champion rodeo mare and loves the open field, biting at stray calves during roundups. She is a roan leopard color and is easily recognizable as she has a scar running down the length of her girth from an unfortunate run in with a barbed fence when she bucked a little too hard.
Bullet-Very on the nose with his name, this Appendix Quarter is a fast one. A retired racer that participated in the All American Futurity, coming in a close second but winning the Rainbow Futurity and Champion of Champions Stakes. Tobias Hawthorne had partial ownership of his sire and bred his own star mare with him to produce Bullet. He is Nash's secondary choice for roundups and other rodeo-related events, however, they get along best when Nash is looking for a burst of speed or in a race against his brother, Need-For-Speed Jameson. This gelding is certainly living his life a quarter mile at a time as he whizzes past, a chestnut blur by the time you see him.
Buttercup-She is a Belgian-Shire cross that Nash rescued and although an elderly sterile mare, she is a very sweet gentle giant. He has her retired to the pasture but likes to follow Nash around when he is going in to catch a horse and Grayson too because she knows he carries snacks. She has a limp but is still in fairly good shape with a lovely light bay coat and white feathering.
Mirtha-An imported Marwari filly that was part of a successful twin birthing by a sought-after broodmare, a rarity in the horse world given they are usually fatal for the mare. She and her twin were purchased and shipped to the US by Tobias for Grayson and Jameson. She is an intended dressage horse that's still in her early days but Gray loves taking her out for a happy gallop around the paddock. She has a strawberry roan sabino coat but unfortunately for her she loves a roll in the dust or mud (actually, make that great for her, unfortunate for Gray).
Onyx-His Arabian stallion that is black all over and is one of the most reputable Arabians used in Western competitions in Texas. The greatest joy this stallion gets is rounding up calves in the ring and he is a great partner to Nash's mare, Chili Pepper, which is why Nash does prefer his younger brother to come out on the most major roundups even though Gray is not much for it. Onyx has produced some great foals through Chili and Gray's Shagya Arabian mare, Moonlight, which in their own right often make great playmates with each other.
Sadie-She is an American Saddlebred and his favorite horse both for riding and dressage competitions. Gray's had her since he was seven and got her as a birthday present. He was very attached to her when he was a kid especially since she's very gentle and sweet. She is a palomino pinto and foaled recently a little palomino colt who is the most rambunctious of the recent brood.
Dulce-A KWPN (Dutch Warmblood) filly that has potential to become a Grand Prix horse in dressage but Gray is also training her in harness riding. However, given recent complications in the sports he loves, he is taking a pause and trying to reevaluate some of the strategies he sees his trainers use because they aren't all the most ethical for the horses. If there's one thing to be said about Grayson Hawthorne, it's that he takes care of who or what he loves fiercely and that includes his horses especially those he uses for comps. She is a spicy thing and though she can given Gray a hard time, she loves him and is buttered up easily when he sneaks her a carrot before or after training sessions. Ironically enough, she is not a chestnut, despite their reputation but rather a beautiful dark bay that prances around like she owns the place but Gray just lets her think that.
Eeyore-He's an American Cream Draft mule as a result of an accidental pairing of a jenny with an American Cream stallion that was on loan to one of his grandfather's friends for breeding purposes. As can be seen, that went south and the owner of the donkey didn't want her foal so Tobias took it in and had him for ten years before Jameson got attached to him as a child. He's very gentle and though now an elderly mule, he still keeps up just fine on trail rides. He is the iconic cremello type coat of the American Cream but certainly more fuzzy because of his donkey genes.
Rhubarb-A Nokota stallion that is his barrel racer and preferred riding horse. He is a beautiful blue roan with what look like dark speckles. Tobias had selected him for his grandson after he started training for barrel racing comps and the duo had been inseparable ever since they started. He has taken a liking to Avery and always looks for sugar cubes from her when she and Jamie come to the stables for riding.
Soprano-She is the other half of the Marwari twins and unlike her twin, she isn't one for dirt but she sure as heck ain't a stickler for beauty-no, she loves rolling in the grass instead. So if you see a horse with green stains, that's definitely her which is how you can tell her apart from her sister. She's just the way Jameson likes her, a feisty firecracker with a heart of gold and a potential star jumper like her sire.
Corduroy-He is a Knabstrupper gelding with a bay leopard coat and also a former harness horse, now repurposed for show jumping. A lovely quiet horse, an unusual contrast to Jameson's usual likings in terms of dispositions but they get along well. He was also imported from Europe after his grandfather saw his potential and is the most recent addition to Jameson's collection.
Meesha-A rescued zorse yearling that’s part Nokota-American Paint due to her dam’s heritage. Despite her zebra stripes, she does have patches of blue roan and white like her mother unlike the typical bayish striped coats of zorses. Though she is too young for riding of any sorts, she is pretty well behaved on trail rides when Xander rides on her mother. She is Xan's favorite of the bunch and he is her person, often galloping for the gate when she sees him or whinnying after him when he leaves.
Magpie-The Nokota-American Paint mare that's Meesha's mother and only really trusts her owner other than maybe Nash. She is very protective of her filly. She has a beautiful blue roan coat, similar to that of Rhubarb but she is distinguishable due to white flecks across her underbelly and legs. Xander loves to take her out on rides and play tag.
Darlo-An American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft colt that is the first of the Hawthorne contributions to the breed. Before his death, Tobias Hawthorne took an interest in the breed after his youngest grandson was doing research on lost histories of American breeds and he bought a few mares to start up another breeding project. Given his success with American Creams, he decided to try this draft breed, too, and Xander got involved, taking over after his passing. Darlo is a spunky lad and with his black blanket coat, he is a stunner when he trots past. Xan hopes for him to be a stud at some point but in the mean time, he is simply growing up under the watchful eye of his dam.
Foopsy-The adorable little Falabella mare that Xander owns and is only one of many from his minis' herd. He absolutely adores her and is his longest-lasting from an abandoned ranch since the others from her original herd unfortunately passed due to neglect and other health-related problems. She proved to be a sturdy and hardy girl, pushing through her own issues as she was nursed back to health and gave Xander a want to help Nash with rescues he brought back. They have grand games of chase around the property but their favorite activity is naps under a tree in the summer (it makes for some of the cutest photos in Grayson's photo albums). She is a light grey leopard coated horse but certainly Xander's loudest mini.
Also, I want to dedicate this headcanon in honor of my friend @hathorneheiress who has been a big help to me in times when I was losing hope on some of my longest standing drafts that I wanted to get out for you guys to enjoy. She is a great inspiration to me, a wonderful writer, and the most lovely enthusiast of a fanfic bestie I could ask for. Please check out her stuff, she has given great alternative fiction to our faves in this fandom and she deserves some more recognition. Thank you all as always! Bye.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5390
Jalsa, Mumbai                Nov 15/16,  2022                 Tue/Wed 1:25 am
November 16 .. birthday wishes to Ef Nimz Nimma from Dubai .. Ef Lavvina .. and Ef Ashutosh Tripathi from the City of Nawabs .. And .. togetherness to Ef Naresh Bhatt and his better half .. for the Silver Wedding Anniversary .. love and happiness .. 💍💕
Time catches up and so does intent .. we are driven by time , but intent does catch up in this material World , and leaves an imprint that defines and defies the very structure of life in its most divine incarnation ..
Life is divine .. there can never be any other replacement  .. divinity then becomes the most relevant pastime and intent .. intent as you may see has entered the work house - the DAY .. 
and may the forces of life be within us till our eventual end .. eventual, because that really is the reason for our birth  .. a birth that liberated us from the bindings of procreation .. yes procreation .. !!
many question this formulae and argue against it , but know for a fact that recent research and findings have given rise to the theory that the foetus in the womb of the Mother is the most unhappiest, till the time he or she sees the air of breathe and the light of light ..
Argument ..?
The theory being that the foetus is an unhappy being while in the womb .. dark vestibule , no sunshine .. drowning in the waters that surround him or her, no companion to play around ( this being an old world thought before the elements of twin procurement started being oft prevalent ) and when it finally comes out, the freedom of thought mind and deed, gets displayed in its prominence are added to his well deserved independence ..
But then that is another story to be discussed another DAY ..
for now its work related and the relationship is most viral ..
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.. there shall be an input perhaps in the latter half of the day in time .. for the moment one wishes to live a night in the company of my dedicated Ef and the multitudes of the audience at the KBC floor , who extend their love and emotion and their collective life dreams on one bright evening at the floor of the set ..
It has ever been the most heartening association of minds and heart for me and at times in their own words ‘ the fulfilment of a dream ‘ , not just for them but for me as well .. 
It is difficult to face the audience in this emotion and there have been times when in the solitude of the night when one reflects of the time spent with them, it is most difficult to contain the tears of affection that flow out voluntarily ..
the proximity, the desire for conversation on a one to one that they miss, gets taken care of , and their affection in the hundreds of goods they bring for presentation fills not just the heart but also the spaces of the home .. !!!
For long they remain within my reach in my personal little space of work, but in time they are moved away to other areas that at times decorate the house and home, or our private spaces .. 
the gorgeousness of my little friend at work .. 
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... and then they grow up and then one day leave us .. heartbreaking ! 
but while they are around they are the life and soul of our life ..!!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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dubailaundryblog · 2 months
Choosing the Right Professional Curtain Cleaning Service in Dubai?
You might wonder why Expert curtain cleaning is necessary. Curtains can accumulate a lot of dust, allergens, and stains over time. cleaning services use specialized equipment and techniques to remove these, improving your indoor air quality and extending the life of your curtains. They can handle all types of fabrics, ensuring each curtain is cleaned thoroughly and safely.
But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to finding a reliable and experienced curtain cleaning service that meets your needs. From checking credentials to understanding pricing, we’ve got you covered.
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Checking Credentials and Experience
First, you want to ensure the company you choose is legit. Check their credentials and experience. How long have they been in business? Do they have certifications or training in curtain cleaning? A company with a solid track record and the right credentials is more likely to handle your curtains with care. Experienced cleaners know the ins and outs of different fabrics, stains, and cleaning techniques, giving you peace of mind.
Reading Reviews and Testimonials
Next, take some time to read reviews and testimonials. What do other customers say about their experience? Positive reviews can give you confidence in your choice. Look for feedback on their cleaning quality, customer service, and reliability. If most people are happy with their services, chances are you will be too. Don’t just focus on the ratings—read the comments to understand what makes the service stand out.
Comparing Service Packages
Not all curtain cleaning services are created equal. Compare what different companies offer. Do they provide a full range of services, including stain removal, fabric protection, and repairs? Are their packages customizable to meet your needs? By comparing service packages, you can find the best fit for your curtains. Some services might even offer eco-friendly cleaning options, which are a great choice for both your home and the environment.
Assessing Customer Service
Good customer service is a must. How a company treats you can say a lot about their overall service. Are they friendly, helpful, and responsive? Do they answer your questions clearly and promptly? Excellent customer service makes the entire process smooth and pleasant. From scheduling your appointment to delivering your clean curtains, you want a company that values your satisfaction.
Understanding Pricing and Value
Finally, understand the pricing and what you’re getting for your money. Cheaper isn’t always better. Look for a service that offers good value—a fair price for high-quality work. Ask for a detailed quote and check what’s included. Are there any hidden fees? Is pickup and delivery part of the package? A transparent pricing structure helps you avoid surprises and ensures you’re getting the best deal.
Making the Right Choice
Choosing the right curtain cleaning service in Dubai doesn’t have to be stressful. By checking credentials, reading reviews, comparing packages, assessing customer service, and understanding pricing, you’ll be well on your way to making an informed decision. Trust your instincts and take the time to choose a service that will treat your curtains with the care they deserve.
Choosing the right professional curtain cleaning service in Dubai is an investment in your home’s cleanliness and your family’s health. By taking the time to select a reputable curtain cleaning services, you ensure your curtains are in good hands.
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marketingkimiya01 · 4 months
What are some of the key factors to consider when choosing a hygiene product manufacturer?
Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a hygiene product manufacturer in Dubai, UAE:
Product Range: Does the manufacturer offer the specific hygiene products you need? This could include anything from personal care items like soap and shampoo to cleaning products for your home or business.
Quality and Safety: Look for a manufacturer with a strong reputation for quality and safety. They should have certifications like ISO to ensure their products meet industry standards.
Pricing and Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs): Get quotes from several manufacturers to compare pricing and determine if they have minimum order quantities that fit your needs.
Experience and Expertise: Choose a manufacturer with experience in producing the type of hygiene products you require. Their knowledge can ensure the product functions effectively and meets your expectations.
Customer Service: Responsive and reliable customer service is important for resolving any issues or getting clarifications.
While I can’t definitively say who the best manufacturer is, Kimiya is a well-established hygiene product manufacturer in Dubai, UAE that may be worth considering. They offer a wide range of cleaning and hygiene products, and you can inquire about their product lines and offerings that might be a good fit for your needs.
Remember to conduct your own research and compare different manufacturers based on the factors mentioned above before making a final decision.
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30 June 2009, Canada
            The Shafia family took place in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The victims were sisters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17 and Geeti, 13 as well as their stepmother, Rona Muhammad Omar, 52. The victims were found deceased inside a car which was discovered underwater. They were killed by their father Mohammad Shafia, brother Hamed, 20 and mother Tooba Mohammad Yahya.
            Shafia and Tooba also had three other children. Rona was the first wife of Shafia; she was infertile and had to live in a polygamous home with his wife Tooba.
            Tooba had seven children and Rona raised them and had a strong bond with them. The family left Afghanistan in 1992 and moved to Australia and later moved to United Arab Emirates. Shafia made a fortune in Dubai working in a car company and then real estate and became a multimillionaire and settled in Canada in 2007. Rona was in a loveless marriage, and was abused by her husband and wanted a divorce. Rona was treated like a servant and a slave by Shafia and Tooba, who kept her passport from her. Her family stated that Rona feared for her life. The oldest daughter, Zainab fell in love with a Pakistani boy which made her father angry, so much so, he threatened her.
            In June 2009, a worker at Kingston Mills locks found a black car in the water, divers found four victims inside. Hamed had earlier reported an accident with a different vehicle belonging to the family in an empty parking lot that morning. It was believed the car in the parking lot was the same vehicle that pushed the black car into the water. The four women were locked inside the vehicle and drowned as a result.  It was believed that they were murdered due to the four victims bringing shame onto the family through their relationships as well as wanting more freedom.  
            In July 2009, Mohammad Shafia, Tooba and Hamed were arrested on charges of murder under the guise of honour killing. They were found guilty in 2012. The surviving children of Shafia and Tooba were placed in the care of social services.
#shafiafamilymurders #shafiafamily #honourkillings #honorkillings
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salwaty321 · 2 years
Home healthcare services that suit your family best
Making decisions about your loved ones’ healthcare may be very difficult. Some medical operations or treatments, such as leg surgery, heart surgery, or hip replacement, may be received by your father, mother, or siblings. They may be anxious, perplexed, afraid, or worried about potential consequences following surgery demonstrates some dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative illnesses’ signs and symptoms that we may not otherwise notice. You can get assistance from a Home Care Nursing Company Dubai in any of these circumstances.
Both medical and non-medical services are included in home healthcare. Home health care is the term used to describe the medical services provided to patients who have just undergone surgery or been released from the hospital. It is also ideal for members of your family who are having problems getting around, are disoriented, or are concerned about falling following surgery. This calls for specialized treatment and services provided by qualified medical professionals with licenses, such as:
We take charge of medication management.
We put health practices in place that reduce the risk of further health issues.
Learn about the patient’s condition and how to treat and medicate them effectively.
Boost home patient safety Avoid hospital readmission and imprisonment.
Home nursing services are intended to assist in controlling a patient’s condition by delivering drugs as recommended by the treating physician and treatment. In certain cases, they are paid by insurance or included in the senior benefit. Another sort of care provided at home is personal home care help, which is for non-medical services. Registered nurses and qualified carers deliver these services in their nations. Who can assist with activities of daily life such as eating, bathing, companionship, and light housework as needed?
For the family members who have supported a loved one with a handicap throughout their whole care, Salwaty Home Healthcare is a relief. We offer a comprehensive spectrum of personal home care support to lessen the load and stress on the family as one of the leading Home Care Nursing Companies in the area.
Our services are specifically designed for patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly, enabling them to get skilled medical care in the convenience of their own homes or hotels. People who are bed-bound, house-bound, wheelchair-bound, or who require assistance with daily life tasks frequently use Salwaty Home healthcare services. Our goal is to prolong and improve the quality of life for our patients. The social adaption that is so important for this group of patients will be assisted by our medical staff. We are here to support you as you navigate the numerous difficulties involved in caring for a loved one.
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How to Choose the Best Mortgage Company in UAE: A Comprehensive Guide
Choosing the right mortgage company in the UAE is crucial for securing the best mortgage terms and rates. With numerous options available, making an informed decision requires careful consideration of various factors. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations for selecting the best mortgage company in the UAE.
For more information on Dubai's real estate market, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Understanding the Mortgage Market in UAE
Market Overview: The UAE mortgage market is dynamic and competitive, with numerous local and international banks offering a variety of mortgage products. Understanding the market landscape is the first step in choosing the right mortgage company.
Types of Mortgages: Mortgages in the UAE can be categorized into fixed-rate and variable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages offer stability with consistent monthly payments, while variable-rate mortgages can fluctuate based on market conditions.
Eligibility Criteria: Mortgage companies in the UAE have specific eligibility criteria, including income requirements, employment status, and credit history. Understanding these criteria can help you narrow down your options.
For more details, explore Buy House in Dubai.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mortgage Company
Interest Rates: Compare interest rates offered by different mortgage companies. A lower interest rate can save you a significant amount of money over the loan term.
Loan Terms: Consider the loan terms, including the repayment period and flexibility in repayment options. Longer loan terms may result in lower monthly payments but higher overall interest costs.
Fees and Charges: Be aware of any additional fees and charges associated with the mortgage. These can include processing fees, early repayment penalties, and valuation fees.
Customer Service: Evaluate the customer service offered by the mortgage company. A company with a strong reputation for customer support can make the mortgage process smoother and more manageable.
Approval Time: The time taken to approve a mortgage can vary between companies. Choose a company that offers a quick and efficient approval process to avoid delays in your property purchase.
For mortgage services, visit home mortgage uae.
Steps to Choosing the Best Mortgage Company
Research and Compare: Start by researching various mortgage companies in the UAE. Use online platforms, read customer reviews, and compare their mortgage products and services.
Seek Recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and efficiency of different mortgage companies.
Consult a Mortgage Broker: A mortgage broker can provide expert advice and help you find the best mortgage deals. They can also assist with the application process and negotiations.
Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your borrowing capacity and increase your chances of securing a good deal. Pre-approval also makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.
Meet with Representatives: Schedule meetings with representatives from different mortgage companies to discuss your needs and ask questions. This will help you gauge their responsiveness and willingness to assist.
Review Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the mortgage offers. Pay attention to interest rates, loan terms, fees, and any other conditions that may affect your mortgage.
For property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Popular Mortgage Companies in UAE
HSBC: Known for its competitive interest rates and flexible mortgage options, HSBC is a popular choice for homebuyers in the UAE.
Emirates NBD: Emirates NBD offers a range of mortgage products tailored to different needs, along with excellent customer service and quick approval times.
Mashreq Bank: Mashreq Bank provides personalized mortgage solutions with attractive rates and minimal fees, making it a preferred choice for many buyers.
ADCB: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) offers comprehensive mortgage products with competitive rates and flexible repayment options.
Dubai Islamic Bank: For those seeking Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions, Dubai Islamic Bank offers a variety of Islamic mortgage products with favorable terms.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of John and Sarah, who recently purchased their dream home in Dubai. By researching different mortgage companies and consulting with a mortgage broker, they were able to secure a mortgage with favorable terms. The mortgage company they chose offered excellent customer service, competitive interest rates, and quick approval times, making the home buying process smooth and stress-free.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Future Trends in the UAE Mortgage Market
Digitalization: The UAE mortgage market is embracing digitalization, with many companies offering online application processes, digital document submission, and virtual consultations. This trend is making the mortgage process more efficient and convenient.
Sustainable Mortgages: There is a growing demand for sustainable mortgages that support environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. Mortgage companies are beginning to offer products that cater to this demand.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Mortgage companies are increasingly offering flexible mortgage products that cater to the diverse needs of homebuyers. This includes options for expatriates, first-time buyers, and investors.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Choosing the best mortgage company in the UAE involves careful research, comparison, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the market, seeking expert advice, and evaluating your options, you can secure a mortgage that meets your needs and financial goals. For more resources and expert advice, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or need further assistance with choosing a mortgage company in the UAE!
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