#Hooper Island
brucedinsman · 1 year
Book Review: Flipping Hearts by Chautona Havig
Flipping Hearts (Independence Islands, Hooper Island #13) Flipping Hearts by Chautona HavigMy rating: 5 of 5 starsRomance/mystery  Best advice for couples in the book: keep God in the middle. Brooks and Bailey are the couple this time, following a damaging hurricane the island association is approached by a company that promises to clean up, no strings attached.  No problem right? Wrong, two days…
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crabsandbeer · 7 months
Juvenile White Ibis on Chincoteague Island, Virginia by Kevin B. Moore
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Turtles at Blackwater. by Kevin B. Moore
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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The danger is over!
(Click to see the memes I’m making)
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notrightgrayson · 1 year
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Trying to figure out how to draw the shark boys
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mercerislandbooks · 8 months
Book Notes: Little Women
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I’m sure I’m not alone in having a long-standing relationship with Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. My first introduction to the March sisters was the 1933 film starring Katherine Hepburn as feisty Jo, a VHS borrowed from the library as many times as I was allowed. Then I was given a lovely hardcover illustrated edition that I read to pieces. After that I sought out all the other Louisa May Alcott books I could find, scouring the shelves of the library and the corners of used bookstores. I followed the continuing story of the March sisters through Little Men and Jo's Boys. And soon became as enamored with Alcott's many other charming family stories laced through with morality, like Eight Cousins, Jack and Jill, and A Garland for Girls.
Of course, I loved the 1994 Little Women film with Winona Ryder. When I went to college across the country, I left my hardcover Little Women behind and purchased a paperback to take with me, for comfort reading in the midst of all my coursework. While on the East Coast, I visited Orchard House in Concord, and wandered around the rooms, picturing Louisa and her sisters (and the fictional Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy) within its walls. I continued to look for more obscure Alcott titles any time I browsed a used bookstore. And in the years since, I kept turning to Little Women, for the coziness of family togetherness despite hardship, the dreams of the girls as they grow into women, the trials of domestic life, and the silver linings in the midst of adversity. I may have put the March family on a bit of a pedestal. 
They say a marker of growth can be reading a beloved book as you age and seeing how it changes with you. As the years keep going by, I've grown to see the complexities of Little Women, and of the life of Louisa May Alcott herself. Some of that is certainly due to novelists who took on Little Women, or the Alcott family, bringing a fresh viewpoint to the familiar story. Books like March by Geraldine Brooks, The Other Alcott by Elise Hooper, and So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix by Bethany C. Morrow. Greta Gerwig’s 2019 adaption added to the mix, and now, over 30 years after my first encounter with Little Women, I love it still, but with a love that is more expansive and accepting of the humanity of the characters and the author. 
Island Books has a table filled with all things Louisa May Alcott in celebration of the Mercer Island High School Drama’s production of Little Women, adapted by Thomas Hischak. Check out this link for times and tickets!
— Lori
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ancestorsalive · 10 months
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Guernsey in the Channel Islands was the last place in Europe which did the witch burnings 🔥😔
In my family history I am also heartbroken to say that my ancestor, Bishop John Hooper was also burned alive at the stake (as a Protestant) and his excrutiating and torturous burning sadly lasted 45 minutes! There is much more information to be had in the book "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" which can be easily accessed via Google and contains a multitude of woodcuts of various Martyrs - including my John Hooper ancestor, lest we forget.
In loving memory of the Life and Martyrdom of John Hooper, Bishop of Worcester and Gloucester, who was burnt at Gloucester on the 9th February, 1554.
Lest We Forget. 🙏🏼💐
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Reliving "Jaws": be afraid to go back in the water...again!
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies… …Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain… I had that song in my head the entire walk home after seeing Jaws on the big screen at the Patchogue Theater last night. It’s one of those tiny details within the film that sticks with you forever, the smirk on Quint’s face and the twinkle in his eye as he serenaded Matt Hooper and Sheriff Brody. I had…
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merriclo · 1 year
i’ve only ever watched two steven spielberg movies but why is he so good at making gay characters. matt hooper from jaws and ian malcolm from jurassic park are homosexuals undeniably
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milosaweirdguy · 1 year
I find it funny in Jaws how there's Quint who's like a harden sailor, known around the island and he's knowledgeable and great at his work. Then there's Hooper who's spent his whole life studying/obsessing over sharks and was called over specifically to help with the shark because he was so good
Then there's fuckin Brody. He's just a guy. He's horrified of boats and can only stay on one when there's hot guys there too. He's married. He's a slut. He's a cop. He has no clue what going on.
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wixhing0nastar · 2 years
Abuse Narratives in RWBY: Yang Xiao Long Edition (Feat. Ruby Rose)
We've all witnessed and talked about Blake and Weiss being abuse survivors for years. Blake escaping from Adam and Weiss escaping from her father were both huge, impactful events that have shaped the narrative of the story in many ways.
Yang on the other hand has managed to fly mostly under the radar with the abuse she's suffered up to this point. Her jokey, happy-go-lucky facade tricking the audience just as well as it has her friends and family for years.
(Note: this is going to be a long post, so strap in. Also this is your warning I am not going to be holding back in my criticism of Tai, so if you don't want to see me go into detail about how exactly he abused Yang, I highly suggest turning back now).
TL:DR: Yang was neglected and parentified (aka: abused) as a child and that’s the root of a lot of the issues that she’s currently struggling with in Volume 9 and a large part of her healing is going to be centered around her relationship with Blake going forward.
Let's start by establishing what exactly I'm referring to when I say that Yang has been abused. Because while I'm certainly referring to her being neglected after Summer's death, I'm more so referring to the years of Parentification that was caused by said neglect (in addition to the verbal and emotional abuse hurled her way).
Let's start by defining what exactly Parentification is since it's where most of Yang's current problems stem from.
[Parentification is] a disturbance in the generational boundaries, such that evidence indicates a functional and/or emotional role reversal in which the child sacrifices his or her own needs for attention, comfort, and guidance in order to accommodate and care for the logistical and emotional needs of a parent and/or sibling. (Hooper, 2007b, p. 323)
Ruby establishes in Volume 9, Chapter 1 that Yang was the one who raised her. It's important to note that in the context of her saying that, she's telling Yang that Yang was the one responsible for her moral development as a kid.
Research has shown that the building blocks for morality are generally in place by the age of 4. However, "children need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full development." (Harvard, Raising Caring, Respectful, Ethical Children, p. 1) With "childhood" commonly considered infancy to age 12.
Using this we can reasonably assume that Yang was Ruby's primary caretaker or at the very least co-parenting with Tai from the time of Summer's death to at least age 14 (when Ruby was 12)... which mind you, is already over a decade total and only three years before the show starts.
Now that we've got some of the science out of the way, let's start looking at the show itself to see just how bad the situation was.
Burning the Candle
This iconic scene actually paints a fairly horrifying picture of Yang and Ruby's early childhood when you start to break it down.
I waited for dad to leave the house.
Meaning that by that point, probably only a few months after Summer's death based on the timeline Yang establishes, Yang already knows Tai will reliably leave her and Ruby alone without supervision for extended periods of time in order to pull this off.
I must have walked for hours.
Meaning that it likely took several hours for someone to even notice they were missing in the first place. The fact Qrow knew exactly where they were indicates that Yang either left a note or clue about where they were headed and I'm willing to bet the only reason it took Yang that long to walk was because she was like two feet tall at the time (since Patch is like... a tiny island... which brings me to the next line...
A toddler asleep in the back of a wagon
Again, to clarify, Ruby was a toddler. Toddlers are between 1-3 years old... meaning this all happened when Yang was a maximum of (and likely, based on their physical appearances) 5 years old.
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So to summarize, Tai was regularly leaving Yang, his five-year-old, home alone and in charge of her three-year-old sister... which would be horrifying to think about on its own but this is Remnant.
Which means that Tai was regularly leaving his grieving five-year-old at home alone when they didn't live inside a kingdom's border and there were known wild Grimm in the area... who are attracted to negative emotions.
Wow... I wonder why Yang felt the need to try to diffuse the tension with humor and keep everyone in high spirits all the time. It’s almost like it was a life or death situation growing up. (/s)
Anger, Fear, and Burn
Before jumping into the next big narrative piece, let’s talk a little bit about Yang’s semblance, Burn, and how it works. Because it’s important to establish before starting to dig into Volume 4.
Let’s start with how Ruby describes it:
Don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special.
Notice how Ruby doesn't mention anything about Yang needing to be angry to use her Semblance? In fact, while it’s unclear if this is entirely true, it has been stated previously that Yang’s powers come in part from her hair and no one has refuted that claim in like 8 years so it holds some weight.
Moreover, recent volumes have actually been hinting that Yang likely doesn't even need to use her anger to activate/maintain burn. And that she just does so out of habit more than anything.
Now, why exactly would someone intentionally limit themselves by tying their semblance into in emotion like that? Well, first let’s answer the question, why anger?
And well... anger is a secondary emotion.
A secondary emotion is an emotion fueled by other emotions... masking your feelings of sadness, hurt or grief with anger can be easier than experiencing the primary emotion.
And moreover,
The feelings that anger commonly masks include fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, embarrassment, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, hurt, and worry. (Alta Loma, Understanding Anger as a Secondary Emotion, Web, emphasis added).
Fear is, of course, a bit of a running theme in RWBY, there was a whole speech and song about it at the end of Volume 7, after all.
But more than that, there've been two people on two separate occasions who've called Yang out for being scared when she's posturing: Ren and Raven.
And while Ren was pointing out that she uses humor to try to deflect when she’s scared, when Raven said this to Yang she was absolutely outwardly angry... and Yang admits to being scared in the moment yet still standing there.
Also note that humor = friends/winning, anger = enemies/losing.
Which makes you wonder, what was happening growing up that made Yang instinctively react to fear of danger with anger and planting her feet instead of running away? For that let's go back to what we learned from Burning the Candle and the V5 short real quick.
We know there are living Grimm on Patch. Maybe not as many as elsewhere, but both times we are given glimpses into Yang and Ruby's childhood on Patch they are attacked by Grimm, which isn't a great sign.
How old do you think Yang was the first time she or Ruby had a bad day and attracted one of them on accident and she had to fight it off on her own (because she couldn't run, she had to protect Ruby)?
How many nights do you think Yang would spend reading Ruby stories and telling her dumb jokes to get her to laugh to try to make sure they weren't attacked? How often did Ruby have to force herself to be okay? For both their sake?
Volume 4
Now let's talk about Volume 4, aka: when Tai had the chance to step up and didn't.
Now right off the bat he's okay. There's nothing inherently wrong with him bringing her the arm and being excited at the thought because he doesn't know how she's going to react to it though it is a little weird he opened her mail without permission.
The rest of Yang's first V4 episode, however, makes it very clear both to us as the audience and Tai that Yang isn't doing okay... but Tai doesn't do anything to attempt to help her.
Which is why what happens in the next episode is kinda messed up.
Yang wakes up from a nightmare about losing her arm in a seriously traumatizing event and goes downstairs when she realizes there's a distraction people are over.
Then we get the fight and despite Yang laughing it off in the end... honestly Tai is being very condescending towards her, which Yang even points out. Like, someone made a slightly adult joke in front of her and he flies off the handle and starts a fight with her and starts making digs about her not being a real adult ready for the real world and let's just break that down before dealing with the actual problems in this episode.
Yang, as established, has been fulfilling the role of parent (while barely getting any parenting herself) for years. She's been fulfilling the role of an adult since she was 5! And at this point in the show she's also legally an adult. So not only is it condescending, it's also untrue.
Then we get this line.
I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm.
Not only is this beyond callus, Yang is clearly actually upset by this.
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And notably, she only treats it as a joke after Oobleck dropped his cup. AKA: after being reminded that they aren’t alone in the room.
(And remember, Yang uses humor as a coping mechanism).
And both Oobleck and Port can clearly tell that this wasn’t appropriate at all and immediately following that, they pointedly step in to ask Yang how she is doing with everything.
Which Tai has not done.
And Yang opens up to them! And she tells them that she’s still struggling and coming to terms with what happened to her. Which in turn causes Tai to finally talk to her about it, but he’s being pushy about her getting back out and “being her new normal” and even refers to her PTSD as moping when she just got done saying she’s still trying to process and recover.
And it’s again Port specifically who steps in and gives her some genuine advice without trying to push her her into anything she’s not ready for and then Oobleck joins in and they go out if their way to ham it up to make her laugh.
So overall, Tai’s being extremely dismissive of the trauma that she’s gone through and minimizing her feelings at every turn.
Which then leads to this scene...
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Which is when Tai’s dismissiveness starts to make sense (and I’ll come back to this when I’m analyzing the last episode).
Let’s break it down. To start, Tai knows that Yang is going up to her room, they pointedly have her call out goodnight from upstairs so Tai knows where she is physically and what her intentions are.
Secondly, there’s no way that Tai doesn't know you can hear people talking from the front door from Yang’s room. He’s owned this house for like two decades minimum at this point.
So when Oobleck and Port ask after Ruby, there’s no way he should assume Yang won’t be able to hear everything he says. And he very much lays the burden of Ruby’s safety at Yang’s feet. He’s not going after her because he has to “look after some things.”
AKA: Yang.
And then she comes to him literally the next day wearing the new arm and wanting to train and he doesn't question her at all, even though 12 hours earlier Yang was very much not ready?
We then don’t see her at all for five episodes until we get the scene where she’s training with Tai and honestly, his advice is kinda horrible.
To start, even he says his advice is based on watching her Vytal Festival fights, meaning that everything is based on watching three matches.
He points out she uses her semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers (which is true), and Yang rightly points out that everyone uses their semblances to help them win. Then Tai says this:
Because not everyone else’s is basically a temper tantrum.
Not only is this very unlikely to be true, but even if Yang does need to rely on her anger to activate her semblance, calling it a temper tantrum isn’t accurate at all.
In fact, the way Yang uses her semblance takes a great deal of emotional regulation to pull off. She not only is able to make herself angry enough to use it at will, she’s also able to stop using it at will. Meaning Yang is capable of instantaneously switching from one emotion to another.
That’s not a temper tantrum, that’s someone with superb emotional control choosing what emotion to feel when it’s most appropriate.
Furthermore, the “what happens if you miss” comment is so ridiculous I don’t even know how to start other than saying we literally saw exactly what happens when Yang misses her first attempt in Volume 2! When her semblance is being revealed! And the answer is... she gets another shot.
And if they’re stronger... like not using the thing that makes her ridiculously powerful is certainly not going to help.
And honestly... Yang doesn’t do what Tai says. He says it’s useful in a bind but Yang doesn’t use her semblance only in emergencies from here on end. In fact, what she actually does is pick up some tricks from Pyrrha and she starts hiding her semblance from people!
And noticeably, Tai isn’t the one who tells Yang to fight smarter. That’s a line of thinking she develops on her own between the first and second times she faced Adam.
And then Tai takes credit for her “suddenly” getting better like she hadn’t successfully hit him so hard he needed to take a pause and the fight he did win was only because he attacked her when she was being vulnerable with him... her father who she’s of course not going to assume is going to attack her while she’s opening up to him... because she wouldn’t do that to Ruby.
And then we get to Yang’s last (real) episode of the volume when she’s setting out to get Ruby. Remember when I said Tai’s dismissiveness started to make sense and we’d come back to it? Well we’re back to it.
Note how Yang pointedly doesn’t tell Tai that she’s leaving, despite him having indicated to Port and Oobleck that the only reason he wasn’t also going after Ruby was because he was staying with Yang?
And how in the end he doesn’t leave with Yang to go find Ruby even though supposedly the only reason he hadn’t was because he wanted to make sure Yang was okay? And now Yang’s going after Ruby? Alone?
Paired with how pushy and condescending he was acting towards her in the other two Volume 4 episodes he was in, on top of having neglected and parentified her for at least a decade, this really reads as him wanting Yang to get better so he can shove her out the door to go after Ruby, and not him caring at all about her as a person.
(Which is why I really struggle to feel bad for him in his V8 scene... if he was so worried he could have been there).
Yang’s Actual Temper Tantrums
Let’s address these really quick before moving on to the final section. We’ve actually seen/heard of four different instances where Yang actually was having something resembling a temper tantrum while using her semblance.
I’m going to start with the Neon fight because it’s the easiest. But Neon as a character relies on knocking her opponents off balance by getting under their skin in a fight. She tries to make them angry and yes, it does work on Yang in this instance. But that’s Neon’s whole thing, in any other match up Yang would have been fine.
The other three times all had to do with her hair (namely, when Junior gets her hair in her trailer, when the ursa gets her hair in the Emerald Forest and... in V4 when Tai refers to her having a rough first haircut).
Going back to the bit about how Yang’s powers, in part, come from her hair and this actually makes a lot of sense in the context of Yang’s childhood. If she was regularly in charge of protecting Ruby and some of the finite power she did have as a kid was because of her hair, of course she gets freaked out by losing some... and we’ve already talked about Yang using anger as a mask for fear.
Bumbleby and Volume 9
So let’s talk about where we’re going now, because of all three of the abuse survivors in this show, Yang is the only one who hasn’t really been confronted with and forced to deal with it yet.
Because at the end of the day, being parentified and neglected for years has left Yang scared to open up emotionally and more than that, uncertain of her identity outside of being Ruby’s parent.
Because up to going to Beacon, that was basically Yang’s entire life. It’s entirely possible the only reason she went to Signal was to learn how to protect Ruby better all things considered.
Which is why the development between her and Blake is so important this volume. Yang desperately needs to be valued as something other a caretaker and protector and so far they’ve been emphasizing the fact that Blake loves Yang because she’s a goofy dork who makes her smile, not because she’s strong enough to level a mountain.
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And while Blake’s relationship with Adam was abusive, unlike Yang, Blake does have a framework for health relationships thanks to Ghira and Kali and she’s worked through her own trauma from being abused romantically enough that she’s in a place emotionally to help Yang start working though hers. Starting by giving Yang a person she can trust not to leave who also isn’t and has never been dependent on her to muck up Yang’s healing process.
Because there’s a difference between someone choosing to stay and someone not having any other choice because they were/are dependent on you. And (absolutely no shade to Ruby here) she’s already had someone in the latter position choose to leave her anyways.
In Conclusion
Yang was abused as a child and into her late teens and is in desperate need of some type of unconditional love and affection that she doesn’t feel there are strings attached to in order to finally begin healing...
And therapy, but they’re a little low on that for the foreseeable future.
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crabsandbeer · 7 months
Old Red House on Hooper's Island, Maryland. by Kevin B. Moore
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apod · 9 months
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2023 December 23
A December Summer Night Image Credit & Copyright: Ian Griffin (Otago Museum)
Explanation: Colours of a serene evening sky are captured in this 8 minute exposure, made near this December's solstice from New Zealand, southern hemisphere, planet Earth. Looking south, star trails form the short concentric arcs around the rotating planet's south celestial pole positioned just off the top of the frame. At top and left of center are trails of the Southern Cross stars and a dark smudge from the Milky Way's Coalsack Nebula. Alpha and Beta Centauri make the brighter yellow and blue tinted trails, reflected below in the waters of Hoopers Inlet in the Pacific coast of the South Island's Otago Peninsula. On that short December summer night, aurora australis also gave luminous, green and reddish hues to the sky above the hills. An upper atmospheric glow distinct from the aurora excited by collisions with energetic particles, pale greenish bands of airglow caused by a cascade of chemical reactions excited by sunlight can be traced in diagonal bands near the top left.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231223.html
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petermorwood · 1 year
Interesting to see this post cross my dash again.
I was watching a movie late last night and, with that post's criticism of unbroken long speeches and suggestions of how to break them, here's an example of how a very famous one was done.
The movie I was watching was "Jaws", and the long speech is The Indianapolis Monologue. There are several YouTube clips, but a couple of them leap straight in at the start of the speech.
The clip below has the lead up to The Speech which, IMO, matters a lot in preparing for what follows; there's not just a Mood Whiplash - cheery drunk to OMG Whut - to make the viewers pay attention, but also what I mentioned in the other post, an entirely legitimate reason for an "As You Know" speech.
One character, Hooper, knows the significance of "USS Indianapolis" - his shocked-almost-sober reaction makes that very plain - but the other character, Brody (and the audience he represents), doesn't know and needs told.
In addition (also as mentioned in the other post) despite being a single-character monologue, the speech is "broken" by cutting away from the speaker, Quint, to reaction shots from the other characters present. Even when Quint is on-screen he isn't centre-screen, Hooper is visible in the background where his silent, apprehensive attention accompanies the story he's hearing.
This can be done in words, too: inserting other actions or reactions by means of paragraph breaks is the equivalent of visual cut-aways, and serve the same functions - making a lot of words from one character into several smaller groups of words, while showing the cumulative effect of all those words on other listeners.
Even a soliloquy with no-one else listening benefits from occasional breaks describing what the speaker is doing, how their emotions show, where they are etc. It's all far better than A Wall Of Text.
The entire speech is 438 words, and Robert Shaw delivers them over 3 min 34 sec.
I've got three PDF versions of the "Jaws" screenplay, all different, and this speech varies in every one but are never what's in the movie, so I constructed mine as a transcript from several listenings, and have used paragraph breaks to try matching Shaw's delivery.
Also, as an Exercise For The Scholar (me, anyway) I've inserted and timed the cuts where Quint isn't on screen or speaking to show how short they can be.
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know ... was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh.
They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s ... kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they... Rip you to pieces.
Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour.
On Thursday mornin', Chief...
I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended... Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist.
CUT TO BRODY (2 sec) then CUT TO HOOPER (2 sec) then BACK TO QUINT
Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
For comparison, down below is what it looks like without any paragraph breaks, speech instruction (gravely / incredulous etc.) or screen direction (track right / dolly in / close on / match cut etc.).
(BTW, some of these effects can be used when writing prose, to good effect, but that's for another time.)
This is the Wall of Text effect, and it sometimes turns up on the internet, courtesy of people who don't know how to use Enter except when they're sending a post.
I'm not saying this is how the speech would have looked in the real shooting script, but it might. From my own screenwriting experience, actors don't like being told how to deliver their lines and directors don't like being told how to set up their shots.
There's a bit more flexibility when writing animation, but in both cases crafty writers write so that the way they want a thing done works out as the best way to do it.
Sometimes this trick even works... :->
Here's the Wall Of Text:
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh. They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they rip you to pieces. Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday mornin', Chief I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist. Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
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v-vox-v · 1 month
hello, Mr Vox!! I have a couple of great white shark facts for u >:)
great white shark teeth are serrated, triangular, and as sharp as steak knives!
a great white shark starred in the movie "Jaws".
a great white shark can jump completely out of water.
that's all I have, thank you for your time! ^^
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“For those of you that don’t know about the movie I’ll summarize it for you!”
“On Amity Island, a place not unlike New York's Fire Island, there is a plague of shark attacks. Several people are slain. The Mayor (Murray Hamilton) is the sort who doesn't believe in rocking the boat (or ruining business during the short summer season), so he tries to keep the news quiet and tells the local fishermen that he would appreciate it if they can take some time out from clamming and lobster traps to hunt down whatever it is out there. A good-sized shark is captured and killed, and Mayor Hamilton happily assures tourists and newsmen that the danger has passed and now it's safe to go back in the water. Oh the fool he was.
A charming marine biologist Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) arrives to look deeper into the dead shark. He quickly becomes convinced that this creature could not possibly be the same one that did all the bloody work. He tells the police chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) that there is no way this piddling fish could have been responsible. No, sir, this has to have been the work of—A Great White Shark. Martin thinks Matt is wrong but is soon convinced when there's yet another attack. Matt and Martin bring this to the attention of everyone at a town meeting, over the objections of Mayor Hamilton, who still wants to keep everything under wraps. The fishermen, upon hearing that the culprit is a Great White, decide that their lives are too valuable to risk in stalking such a beast. A seaman Quint (Robert Shaw) with a penchant for foul language and a loner attitude then steps forward and says he can kill the gargantuan fish if they come up with some serious money. The town council hems and haws but finally agrees, and Quint, Matt, and Martin join forces on Quint's boat for the hunt. Hunting the great white Now the story resembles Moby Dick as Quint trails the shark the way Ahab did the whale. There's a bit of time out for some funny dialogue between the disparate men, but then the action begins in earnest. They spot the shark; Quint harpoons it several times, but it's like pinpricks to the 28-foot shark and it toys with them. With John Williams' haunting theme playing in the background, the shark starts to counterattack and tows the boat further out to sea.
Next the shark gets annoyed by these intruders who've come to its neck of the ocean and decides to go after them. The final sequences are one shock after another as the shark capsizes the boat and swallows Quint whole. In the end, Martin saves himself and Matt by wedging an air tank in the mouth of the shark and exploding it. Background Fortunes soared Spielberg shows great restraint in his handling of the menace. The shark isn't seen, except for bits and pieces and shadows underwater, for an hour and twenty minutes into the movie. As a result, the first time it lurches above the water, grown men screamed and those of faint heart reached for their nitroglycerine pills.”
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
50 Years of Island Books: Elise Hooper
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A native New Englander, Elise Hooper spent several years writing for television and online news outlets before getting a MA and teaching high-school literature and history. Her debut novel The Other Alcott was a nominee for the 2017 Washington Book Award. Three more novels—Learning to See, Fast Girls, and Angels of the Pacific—followed, all centered on the lives of extraordinary but overlooked historical women. Elise now lives in Seattle with her husband and two teenage daughters. You can read a great interview she did with Kelleen back in 2020 for the release of Fast Girls here.
Miriam: I loved The Other Alcott and Fast Girls. We're big fans and happy to have you on the blog. Let's start with your first visit to Island Books. Where were you in your career then, and what stood out about the store?
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Elise: If I remember things correctly, I was on Mercer Island because my younger daughter had swim practice at the Mercerwood Shore Club. This must have been sometime in the winter of 2017 because it was already dark and rainy and my first book, The Other Alcott, had not yet been released. Usually when my daughter had these practices, I'd find a spot in the clubhouse and work on my second book, but I was feeling restless and had just heard about Island Books, so I decided to drop off the swim carpool kids and go on a little literary island adventure. Because, duh, why work when you can visit a bookstore? 
When I walked in the bookstore, I found the staff gathered around an opened bottle of champagne and they were celebrating, although I can't remember what the occasion was. The amazing part was that they poured me a glass and we started chatting. Instantly I felt at home. Books, bubbles, and smiling, welcoming faces on a dark and rainy night? Clearly the store was my kind of place. That evening marked the beginning of a great relationship.
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Miriam: Seriously, why work when you can visit a bookstore? I love that you jumped right into our party. One of the reasons I enjoy your books so much is they bring often-overlooked stories of female perseverance into the spotlight. Do you have a theory as to why those stories resonated so much with our Island Books customers?
Elise: People always seem to enjoy stories about ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things. I think it's because we all hope we're capable of extraordinary things--and for the record, I firmly believe we are! We like to be inspired and what's more inspiring than a good underdog story? Let's face it, most of us, especially women, can relate to being underestimated. All my books are about women who are underestimated, but who then strike back to defeat the odds stacked against them, and sometimes we all need a nudge to remember that we too are capable of greatness. Does this mean we all need to run out and become Olympians, award-winning photographers, or survive a world war to be great? Nope, not at all. Each of us needs to figure out what greatness means for us. 
Miriam: That's insightful, and when I think about it, some of the bestselling titles over the years at Island Books have been underdog stories, like the The Boys in the Boat and The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo. The survival of an independent bookstore in the age of Amazon is also an underdog story, so it's no wonder we like to champion those books. Perhaps a 50th anniversary is the nudge we all need to remember that we, too, are capable of greatness.
To our Island Books customers, we're getting dangerously close to the big 5-0 anniversary, so it's almost time to wrap up this series. For my next-to-last installment, I dragged the Island Books staff into a conference room and played detective. If we went to work with them in the store for a month, what would we learn about bookstore life? What are their biggest challenges? If they had a million dollars to improve the book industry or promote literacy, how would they spend it? All this and more will be revealed next time we meet.
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