#Hope aspect
omegawott · 5 months
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chahut from friendsim is a hope player which is endlessly fascinating to me so heres her as a thief of hope (also i think i am the first person to ever draw her as a sburb player trust me i looked lol)
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lucid-daydreaming-art · 5 months
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happy 413
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alicesoinions · 1 year
My views on Homestuck's Aspects. Part of this analysis is the idea that Aspects have relationships to each other, each bringing the other about.
I will use my own custom Aspect symbols throughout, but the analysis itself is based on canon.
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Space is the Aspect of beginnings, of new things. Space experiments and improvises. Space cares about what is possible now, and cares more about the discoveries made in a journey than about a specific endpoint. Space is infinite discovery and potential.
Space is represented by art, fashion, atoms, and frogs.
Space is the color of the night sky, empty beyond human perception, endless and unfathomable but not featureless. Inky darkness, dotted by stars. Space has no color at all, which sometimes results in it using Sburb’s default texture.
Space is opposed to the Aspect of Time.
Space is the fundamental force of creation that gives rise to the duality of Life and Doom well as the unknown mysteries of Void.
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Void is the Aspect of the unknown. Of hidden, ill-defined things impossible for us to know or give names to. Void is the Aspect of true reality, of things on a spectrum, of quantum and biology.
Void is represented by water, darkness, and pumpkins.
Void is the color of deep waters, hiding what lies within; its color somewhere on a gradient, but impossible for humans to pinpoint or define no matter how long they stare; Void is the shifting hues of the color of the sky.
Void is opposed to the Aspect of Light.
The unexplored unknowns of the Void hide the untapped potential that is Space, leading to new creation.
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Life is the Aspect of agency and self-direction. Life is self-directed and idealistic; Life concerns itself primarily with what Life wants to do, not caring for obstacles or drawbacks. Life sees an infinitude of options, and picks the one it desires.
Life is represented by plants, food, coins, and wealth.
Life is opposed to the Aspect of Doom.
The ultimate freedom to do whatever one wants eventually leads to the ennui of Breath. The interplay of Life and Doom leads to defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Doom is the Aspect of fate and constraint. Doom has burdens and limitations; Doom concerns itself with practical issues instead of lofty ideals. Doom sees no escape or negotiation, going with what others demand of you.
Doom is represented by skulls, death, and fire.
Doom is opposed to the Aspect of Life.
The practical matters and the knowledge of our limits leads to the endless toil of Blood. The interplay of Life and Doom leads defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Breath is the Aspect of detachment. Breath goes with the flow, not caring about anything or anyone in particular; Breath does whatever feels right in the moment, not worrying about much.
Breath is represented by wind, leaves, and rivers.
Breath is opposed to the Aspect of Blood.
The freedom of exploration of and detachment of goals leads to the compromise and negotiation of Hope and to exploration of the self in Heart.
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Blood is the Aspect of effort. Blood has lofty expectations, from both itself and others, and runs itself ragged to accomplish all of them. Blood cares intensely about what it does, without rest or thought.
Blood is represented by blood, sweat, stone, and iron.
Blood is opposed to the Aspect of Breath.
The exertion and toil of Blood eventually lead either to hiding in Mind or to the revolution of Rage.
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Heart is the Aspect of self and emotion. Heart is a person's identity and definition, their emotions and their friendships and their biases. Heart goes with its gut. Heart cares about what its heart directs it to.
Heart is represented by music, hats, and horses.
Heart is opposed to the Aspect of Mind.
Heart’s loyalty and instinct lead to the upheaval of Rage and Heart’s caring nature leads to Blood.
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Mind is the Aspect of thought and masking. Mind coldly adapts itself to circumstance, hiding the true self in order to blend in with what's acceptable. Mind is impartial. Mind weighs all the options, and picks the one most suited to the situation.
Mind is represented by masks, blindfolds, and scales.
Mind is opposed to the Aspect of Heart.
Mind’s bottling of emotions leads to the real detachment of Breath; and Mind’s adaptive nature leads to Hope.
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Rage is the Aspect of rebellion. Rage is skeptical of what society presents as true, and fights tooth and nail for what it stands for. Rage riots and fights back; Rage would sooner bring revenge than healing. Rage fights for sudden change.
Rage is represented by fangs, beasts, and waves.
Rage is opposed to the Aspect of Hope.
In fighting against their shackles, one gains the newfound options of Life. Rage’s sudden changes forms half of the past events of Time.
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Hope is the Aspect of diplomacy. Hope believes everyone is good at heart, and that everything could be solved if only everyone talked things out. Hope has blind faith and will sooner comfort a friend than hurt an enemy. Hope solves things slowly and steadily.
Hope is represented by religion, ribbons, and blankets.
Hope is opposed to the Aspect of Rage.
Hope’s compromises and negotiations lead to new shackles in the form of Doom. Hope’s slow changes form half the past events of Time.
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Time is the Aspect of the past. Time is concerned with traditions, patterns, and the inevitability of what came before. Time brings the authority of established rules and governance. Time looks to what was to decide what will come about.
Time is associated with gears, crowns, sand, and clocks.
Time is the color of a gear turning to rust, of blood leaving a vein, of a game timer running out. Time powers shine in all colors at once before they settle on one.
Time is opposed to the Aspect of Space.
The knowledge of the established patterns of Time leads to the knowledge and definition of Light.
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Light is the Aspect of definition. Light has clear rules, clear definitions, and clear answers. Light creates frameworks of understanding and puts things in black and white, right and wrong, relevant and irrelevant, which can sometimes lead to ignoring the gray areas between. Light is the Aspect of human knowledge of the world, our ideas, stories, and sciences.
Light is represented by the sun, fire, and compasses.
Light is the blazing color of the sun, impossible to look at for long, but shining its light everywhere, a white light that returns as a myriad of colors.
Light is opposed to the Aspect of Void.
The sharp delineations of Light ignore the gray areas outside definition, creating Void.
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poh4k03e · 2 years
When he said he was a 'light sleeper' you didnt think he meant it literally
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The fuck is he dreaming of to get all his hopey shit all over the place, anyways?
Its dirkjake week and i just recently was able to finish my piece, so have this for now while i think of what to draw with the week's prompts
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brospit · 5 months
Homestuck Aspect Favicon
BS: Here's some Favicons! Mostly images I just shrinked, haven't posted anything like this on here before, so here.
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starlit1daydream · 6 months
some thoughts on UTY aspects
clover is a mind player (mind's association with justice, right/wrong, logic, the superego, morality, etc. mostly basing this assumption on terezi since we don't have many other mind players to draw from)
dalv is a space player (associated with isolation and creation, the "reclusive artist" archetype is 100% space-coded plus the corn he grows accounts for the association space has with nature and gardening)
martlet is either a breath player (scatter-brained, air-headed bird girl who is a self-admitted freeloader and struggles to hold down anything stable or concrete) or maybe a hope/rage player? (something about her faith being shaken in every route you play, in neutral her belief in clover's goodness being wrecked by flowey, in genocide her belief in humanity as a whole being crushed by clover and in pacifist her faith in the royal guard & judicial system being destroyed after everything she sees on her journey to the point she resigns)
starlo is 100% a heart player (his entire character arc revolves around him being lost in a persona he creates for himself, clear-cut heir of heart tbh)
ceroba is a blood player (does this even need an explanation? the woman whose entire story arc is based around continuing her family's legacy, saving her daughter and depending on route avenging her best friend? yeah okay)
axis is somewhere in the heart-mind dichotomy (he's an "emotionless" robot whose entire characterisation revolves around him being very emotional and aggravated, you literally win his boss fight by turning him on for fuck's sake)
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: two rectangular flags with four horizontal stripes each. the first flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: golden yellow, warm yellow, pastel yellow, and white. the second flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: white, pastel yellow, bright yellow, and golden yellow. END ID.]
hope-overtones: a term for when one's aspect/classpect has hope overtones.
hope-undertones: a term for when one's aspect/classpect has hope undertones.
not necessarily a gender/etc, but can be! tags are for reach.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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xx-cringe-factory-xx · 2 months
could you do a classpect combo annalasys for @superxstarzz's Traitor of Naivete :3 pretty please
--------------Traitor of Naivete---------------
(mage + bard & doom + hope) (sorry this took a while to answer i cant post here during the week)
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The traitor of naivete understands an aspect through destroying an aspect or destroys an aspect through understanding an aspect
traitors have my favorite design fr. reminds me of LJ
A bard of hope destroys or destroys through hope for others. This is also Cronus's classpect. neat.
A mage of doom understands or understands through doom for themselves. this is Solluxander's classpect. also neat.
A traitors of naivete probably are really bad overthinkers. This might cause them a lot of stress, which might accidentally make others stressed. everything will be one massive stress fest. lmao. They might be a bit chronically online, but are smart enough to not fall for just anything.
they might think relationships are a lot closer than they might actually be, or they could think the opposite, as in thinking relationships are worse than they might actually be. They push themselves a little too hard, and want to know every single detail, or at least as much as they can.
Before they get into their game they'll be pretty chill, maybe a little annoying, but still overall nice to be around. Once they get into the game they'll be a major asset when it comes to steering the game in the right direction/ avoiding a game over, but might not really believe they're being all that helpful or think that they'll fail. because of that they might give bad advice on purpose to screw others over cause they don't think people are taking them seriously. which accidentally will screw their team over.
They're powers might consist of creating curses and changing fate/ doom, they could prolly make a Rube Goldberg machine of destruction. they are prolly some of the strongest players in a fight, but when they're just sitting there idly, they might cause a fuck-ton of problems.
weapons would consist of things that require you to know everything about them to use properly, or just requires a lot of precision, maybe a gun. possibly smutkind.
maybe the smut sword
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relaxxattack · 2 years
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“those bound to the aspect of hope are driven first and foremost by their convictions.”
x x x / x x x / x x x
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lime-bloods · 1 year
Ragey thoughts:
Gamzee's role in the first half of Act 6 sneaking around the dream bubbles picking up important items is the logical next step up from plucking ideas from the void
Presumably taking ideas floating through the void also plays into Gamzee as a Bard, the archetype of the Hero who is "inspired" - can we elaborate outwards from that for Kurloz and Cronus somehow?
It occurred to me yesterday that since Caliborn's "masterpiece" is essentially him describing the moment he confines ideas into flesh (represented by trapping the Heroes in his juju), the fact that all the figures in the story are made of clay is probably deliberately to evoke the image of creation myth. So long as we're thinking of Rage and Hope as aspects of sealing and releasing, then, should we also be thinking of them as the Hope and Despair in the story of Pandora's box? Hey, Jake's favourite movie is even about a trip to the planet Pandora!
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nekropsii · 2 years
Man it’s kinda fucked how rage is super coded with anti-black racism, and then how hope (it’s antithesis) has Captain Classism The Imperialist and Jake English who’s pretty obviously based on the white explorer Laura Croft trope….
Yeah... That's an instance of things lining up by accident, I think. I don't know if I'd go as far to say that dichotomy is on purpose, but it's still... Unfortunate, all things considered.
I say that I wouldn't count that as intentional because Hussie did not write Eridan or Jake to be superior. If anything, Eridan's own feeling of superiority over Landdwellers is made out to be an objectively bad thing. Like, he's the asshole in that situation. Jake, meanwhile, is treated by the cast- his own friends!- as a bumbling idiot and a sexy lamp. The narrative treats him as useless without the meddling of other people. They're both literally Hopeless individuals.
And then there's Cronus. I don't have to elaborate on that one. He's consciously written to be "The worst character in Homestuck", and Hussie damn did succeed.
I don't think Hussie liked Hope as an Aspect too much, if I'm being honest. Rage is a product of Hussie being a shithead. Both, conceptually, require a level of earnest consideration of other people's perspectives that I don't think Hussie was equipped to get into. But the dichotomy there is something I'm calling Hanlon's Razor on.
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sburbian-sage · 4 months
So the Flesh aspect... Does it like, have a different name if another species gets it? Like, for trolls is it Chitin, cherubs it's Bone, something like that?
Not that I've studied their anatomy much, maybe they both do have flesh I dunno. My point still stands though, what does the game do if it has to deal with a species where it's iconography is incomprehensible to them?
Would a species with no sense of sight still have the light aspect? A species with no hearts still have the Heart aspect?
And don't even get me started on the classes, there's no way that concepts like "Mage" and "Clown" and "Bard" are universal constants or whatever.
Trolls have flesh, it only turns chitinous when they become adults, from what I understand.
Speaking of Trolls, they've provided the answer for this. No, the game doesn't adapt at all. Take Hope for example. It's associated with the Angels. Angels suck ass, because SBURB's Angels are screechy flying worms that turn you into a superpowered fundamentalist whackjob and are part of the game's most annoying quest, but the association between Hope and Angels makes a sort of sense from a human perspective. Or at least, a human-that-has-certainly-heard-of-Christianity perspective. Hope is thematically about rejecting all outcomes you don't desire, so holding out for the best possible outcome, which tracks with the idea of weathering the sinful material world and achieving a state of heaven, which has Angelic connotations. It's also why Hope's symbol is those angelic wings.
Most Trolls however, and I've seen/been told this very consistently, culturally hold Angels to be avatars of death and destruction, not hope and salvation. Now Trolls do have a religious mythos rife with symbolism, of course. Or at least the purple ones do. But it's Clown-based, and all the other Trolls tell me it's mostly a shitpost gone out of hand, and I think even the purplebloods do it out of habit. Lo and behold, Clowns do not replace Angels, or in fact have any significant presence in the game whatsoever, outside of "sometimes someone prototypes something clownish and the entire Session suffers from it because the Underlings get speed-buffed and Jack Noir goes Sovereign Slayer ASAP". So no, the game does personalize and tailor itself to the players in many different ways, but they don't conform to cultural iconography all that much. Outside of that which it appropriates seemingly randomly (the Denizens seem to consistently be named after Greek figures but also the Gnostic Yaldabaoth is here, for some reason, also the Underlings seem drawn from mythology but then there's Liches from D&D, make it all make sense).
Bards are a universal constant though.
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derseprinceoftbd · 5 months
If, as per the old theories, Trickster Mode is being hopped up on Life and Grimdark is being hopped up on Void, what would the equivalents be for the other Aspects and the ways of attaining them? Would the Hopesplosion be Hope?
Maybe the Ultimate Self is the Heart or Mind?
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8sharkie-bites8 · 1 year
I've been trying to come up with motifs for aspects to give classes a little more ✨️personality✨️
I have a few-
Heart- heart motif. Obvious
Hope- feather and wing motif. Also obvious- but specifically I want tiny floating wings on the backs of humans and printed wings on the back of trolls where their actual wings come from-
Void- i like the idea of fabric having a floaty element and that it just slowly... disipates- like Equius's heir hood trailing into nothing and losing form at the end. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well-
Doom- I like the idea of their clothes being kinda frayed and raggedy and torn
Space- stars, but also I like to think on the inside of their hoods an capes are galaxies. Actual pocket dimension galaxies you could stick your arm into-
Time- that sort of cog key or indent style on cogs aswell as arrows like hands of the clock-
Those are the ones I have thus far- not sure about the rest of them. Was thinking maybe ribbons for breath, spikes for light, bandages for life....
Then theres rage which i have no clue what to do with-
So just... send me thoughts ig-
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scalematez · 2 years
At nekropsii's recommendation, what are your thoughts on rage and hope as aspects?
Thank you for asking!! Alot of this is based in my own interpretation, research and opinions, here are my thoughts below the cut though:
Rage and Hope as aspects intrigue me, because they really do have a lot of potential. They're the pair of aspects I've studied the most and probably the only pair of aspects I've actively made posts on. A lot of difficulty in interpeting them as aspects comes down to 2 things:
Our canon Hope and Rage players to study consist of 4 with destructive classes, and a Page.
Every Hope and Rage player is a character that was either written to be a terrible person, a villain, or Hussie didn't like them and approached them in a mean-spirited way. Often some combination. Essentially, they're either the worst or a joke.
Also the description for Rage on the True Sign website was 100% written by a cop.
While you cannot for even a second evade the fact that Hussie's bigotry is a part of it, with @nekropsii having already made a good post (which I'm sure is the one you came from) on how the Makaras (and how the author wrote them) are a lot of the reason why Rage is the way it is, I do believe Hope and Rage as aspects can easily be written and interpreted in a way that doesn't have this problem and in my opinion more interesting and nuanced than the interpretation of Rage being "the most dangerous aspect".
Start by accepting that no Aspect inherently has more or less capacity for evil by default, because that'd be fucking dumb. They are supposed to be base elements of the universe. Even if the """""canonical""""" True Sign quiz says so, it logically wouldn't make sense. Rage, as long as you're not writing it like a bigot, has just as much capacity for good as Hope does, and Hope has as much capacity for bad as Rage does. After all, beliefs are destructive all the time, so someone having the power to overthrow belief systems is not necessarily bad. It's all dependent on the individual and how they're using that power.
I find one of the easiest ways to repair Rage as an aspect to some extent is to focus on it not as an aspect of inherent anger, instability or destruction, but rather of rebellion, skepticism and most of all iconoclasm. If the greatest power of Hope is to believe in things even against all odds, then the power of Rage would be to not simply accept things at face value even if it's the easier option. Rage is essentially the punk aspect. It is an essential and healthy concept.
The anger or pessimism facet of Rage as an aspect, if and when incorporated, should be handled with care. Don't just make a character angry for no reason other than because they're a Rage player; is there a source for it? Is their anger justified? Because it most certainly can be. Don't just needlessly villainize a character for feeling anything non-positive. And certainly don't needlessly villainize a character by writing them as a racist caricature, but that should be a given.
Hope, on the other hand, isn't necessarily a good or fun aspect to have. It's certainly not an evil one either, not inherently so (if your beliefs or insistence on pushing them on others are harmful enough it can be), but because the majority of Hope players are likely to be classes that directly challenge their sense of Hope in some way, they actually tend to be pretty miserable at points.
I mean Jake isn't even a destructive class and he spends a lot of his screentime nearing the end of the comic sad and somewhat unresolved. He gets called "Joke" more than once and doesn't even have it in him to correct it. And of course, the canonical and legitimate Worst Character in Homestuck title goes to a character who is a Hope player; Cronus Ampora.
In my studies on hope as a concept (and figure) in Greek myth I found that one thing vital to understanding, for example, the story of Pandora's Box, is that hope was not inherently seen as a good thing. It was more akin to "expectation". It was rather seen as an extension of human suffering. It's only later that views towards it became more positive. Remaining positive in adversity and staying true to your beliefs can most certainly be an incredibly good thing. But believing in or expecting things that simply are not true or will not come true can put you in a really bad place.
I think that understanding the Hope and Rage aspects as, at least in part, an extension of and/or response to suffering can help give them nuance. Two different tools to face adversity with. It's just a different stance of approach.
And I can't go without mentioning that having abilities based in what you do or do not believe in make them very interesting and powerful aspects. Granted, all aspects have the potential to be interesting and powerful. But just imagine making something real because you believe in it hard enough, or calling bullshit so hard that you de-power or even destroy the antagonist because you don't believe they could even have that kind of power. Not that that's an ability that you'd wake up at level 1 with, but y'know.
I think in all honesty that they're incredibly cool aspects on a conceptual level that never reached their full potential and probably realistically couldn't in their source material, partially because of the author's approach to them, and partially because the comic ended somewhat prematurely. Which is fine (the second part I mean) but it is worth keeping in mind.
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va-named-curt · 5 months
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I decide to make this post to *repost* my little HS Kidsona, and my channels mascot, Curt Ofwell. (With some updates)
His Strife Specibus is Hammerkind with his weapon of choice being a tiny cobbler hammer named “Gramps Shoe Mender”.
His chumhandle is jauntyAchiever and he's a good ol' Heir of Hope. (I know I changed it but shhh, he's my mascot and I want his classpect to be up-to-date with mine at all times)
He's a little goober and I love him :], hope y'all love him too!
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