#Hope you didn't mind that asdfghjkl
masquenoire · 2 years
⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ( from jason )
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Oh, he’s pissed. The snarl of rage ripped from his jaws not only sounded like it came from a wild animal but looked the part as well, white teeth flashing in the feral mask of fury that consists of Roman’s face as he brutally grappled with his opponent. A button pops off his shirt as strong fingers grab and push him bodily backwards but Roman was having none of it, hooking his fingers into Red Hood’s collar and pulling him along for the ride. "Look at you! Tarted up like some gladiator biker!” Roman spat. The taste of copper upon his tongue is metallic and cloying, only serving to bolster his madness as frenzied fists and fouler words are exchanged. “Covered in body armor!” Red Hood was good despite the few inches of difference in height between them, the younger male evidently being a solid mass of muscle even beneath his protective clothing. Roman was hardly deterred, making sure to grab, grapple and punch anywhere and everywhere beneath the hard, metallic plating of that mocking helmet. “You see what I’m wearing, boy!? Do you feel what you’re hitting when you nail me?! Skin!“ Roman jeered as another button flies off, revealing nothing but flesh and blood beneath his ruined business shirt. His favourite shirt no less. He was gonna have to teach the boy a lesson for that one...
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“And Daddy’s not afraid of losing some!”
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ginevrapng · 5 months
pairing: fwb!james x reader
word count: 1.5k words
warnings and contents: for my friends with benefits james there is no smut asdfghjkl, hurt, jealousy, FLUFF
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you're sitting in the great hall eating breakfast and you spot james across the hall with all the other gryffindors. you're unable to stop your lip quirk upwards as you hear his boisterous laugh, which you guess is due to some joke or prank he's retelling.
your small smile drops as you see lily evans walk up the marauders. you've never had a problem with her, she is a popular gryffindor that is friendly and works well to get top marks but the way she's walking up to the marauders, looking at james determined and with a mission, fills you with slight dread. if you were completely honest you felt she spent more time with james then necessary, especially considering how they've got their own friends and how many times she turned him down in the past.
the hall is already pretty quiet due to everyone already have eaten and a lot of people stop their conversations or lower their voices as they see lily go up to james. everyone in every house knows that's irregular. for the previous years of hogwarts james followed lily everywhere like a lost puppy always asking her out and coming up to her but he had stopped. no one knew why. it was because of you.
because the hall became so silent you heard what evans asked james and you wished the hall was louder, you wished you didn't hear, you wish you were somewhere else, anywhere else, you started to become sick as she asked james if he's free this weekend to go to hogsmeade. "i don't know, i think remus has to study but i know sirius and peter are free too. are all the other girls going?" at that moment it's hard to tell if he's actually oblivious or if he knows exactly what she's asking him but he's choosing not to answer. he has a smile on his face but even from a distance it looks a bit forced to you.
if you were anyone else you would lean to the fact he's being oblivious but you're not anyone, people always underestimate james and you have a feeling james knows exactly what she's actually asking but for some reason he's pretending that he has no clue what she means but you don't know why he'd do that. james is kind and wouldn't want to embarrass someone so publicly but at the same time you're unsure of why he'd be so sure of turning her down but the fact that he is does makes you incredibly happy, you won't tell him that though.
"oh, i don't actually know what the girls are doing. i meant just us two. like on a date?" lily asks him, not wavering at all even with what james has previously said.
james sighs under his breath. "i've got things to do, you should go with someone else."
"what about another weekend?" lily asks, hopeful and you don't blame her for that, anyone would be hopeful asking out someone who in the past asked them out every other day.
"lily, i'm sorry if i'm hurting your feelings but i don't want to go on a date with you," he tells her and you can see that he's trying to be as nice as he can be in a situation like this. no one caught on to the fact that james said that he's only sorry that he's hurt her feelings, he's not sorry for not wanting to date her though, like it's not even an option on my mind, he's not entertaining the thought about going on a date with her, you don't catch on, lily doesn't, the marauders don't, no one does.
everyone is stunned, they thought for sure he'd say yes, he has been pining after her for so long and most people just thought he started playing hard to get, giving her some distance until she recognises how much she misses him but that wasn't true at all. lily never crosses his mind anymore, why would she? he has you. you're all he thinks about. yeah at one point he fancied lily but he loves you.
after a couple beats lily replies with an, "oh, alright then. i guess i'll see you in the common room." this time it's lily that forces a smile. james doesn't respond. she has just been rejected and it's making her feel dejected, not only does james not want to go on a date with her but he doesn't want to hang out with her either. the whole time she thought this was some ploy from james to get her attention but she realised she was wrong. he has no interest in her at all.
as soon as lily's out of earshot and going out of the great hall you hear the loud voices of james' friends. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PRONGS? DON'T YOU WANT LILY ANYMORE?"
"that was mean james, you didn't have to reject her in front of everyone."
"i've got to say i'm surprised to prongs, i never thought you'd shut lily down like that. she really does like you and if this is some trick to get her to like you more, don't do it. she talks about you a lot."
james interrupts his friends knowing this could go on all morning and knowing that you're definitely hearing all this, worried you might be getting the wrong idea. "you can go for her pads, it's none of my business." they all look even more shocked as they hear this but he carries on, "i have no interest in lily whatsoever, yes i used to but i moved on from that. i didn't try to be mean peter but she wasn't taking a hint, i kept trying to tell her no and to let her down gently and moony honestly you shouldn't be surprised if anything it's more surprising that this hasn't happened sooner, me and lily have absolutely nothing in common and we can barely hold a conversation together that last more than ten minutes."
they're all rendered speechless at james as they realise he is 100 percent serious about this. no matter if lily chases james just like he chased her his answer will always be the same, no.
in james' eyes lily doesn't hold a candle to you.
he flicks his eye to where you're sitting and you briefly make eye contact. james was feeling in a bit of a negative mood after what happened but that immediately changed when he glances at you to see that you're already looking at him. you see a stupid grin appear on his face, uncontrolled and automatic, you quickly look down knowing that you've been caught watching him. as you're looking down you smile at the whole situation. james told lily no, and he said it so certain like nothing could change his mind. that absolutely stopped the sicky feeling you had. no one would notice you smiling as you're looking away from everyone but james knew that's what you'd be doing.
james wants to grab your face and lift it up so you're looking at each other again, he already misses your face and the colours of your eyes and it's only been a second since you've looked away from him. he wants to see your bashful smile as you try to look away from him again but he'll just place hundreds of kisses all over your face instead. he wants to desperately tell you that lily doesn't mean anything to him, you have gotten jealous on occasion due to lily even if you deny it, hopefully this might help. he wants to tell you that there's nothing to be jealous about. although you both know that he'll likely tease you about how you was "staring" at him the whole time when he turned down lily.
"what the fuck are you grinning about james?" remus asks, he seems the most annoyed with james about how he handled the situation, remus and lily are study buddies so they are actually good friends and he's known for awhile how lily has felt about james he's just always thought james still feels the same way, he thought it was mutual.
james snaps out off his thoughts of you, not wanting the marauders to question him about you. "nothing important," james replies, not looking back at you.
he hopes that he'll have the chance to talk to you today, even if it's for five minutes. maybe you'll talk about your plans for the weekend and you can try and find time to get together, maybe you'll tease him and say lily invited you to hogsmeade while you were at dinner.
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pocketjoong · 7 months
❥𓂃𓏧Intertwined Destinies
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ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (SYNOPSIS) "There will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears, and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears..." After The Storm, Mumford & Sons
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (PAIRING) idol!seonghwa x gn!reader
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (GENRE AND AU/TROPE): angst to fluff. soulmates.
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (WARNINGS) Angst. It ends in fluff though? Sad and frustrated Seonghwa. Sad you. Mentions of broken hearts. Lmk if I missed anything ksksks
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (WORD COUNT) 1.4k
ꕥ𓂃𓏧 (A/N) @hwaightme my loveeeeeeee~ happy birthday! I love you as much as there are stars (hwas) in the night sky. thank you for being you and for being such a kind and warm person. wishing you lots of love from the bottom of my hwart. I hope this is not too angsty asdfghjkl, I was planning on fluff, but my brain didn't want to listen... :) Anyways, I hope you like this little rollercoaster of tears, and i'm sorry in advance!
Shoutout to @armysantiny for reading this beforehand!
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Seonghwa runs his fingers through his already tousled ebony hair, groaning as he pauses the track sent to him by the producers at KQ. In the dimly lit studio, the neon glow from the computer screen casts a dreamy glow around him. Seonghwa’s brows furrow as he stares down at the pages of his leather-bound notebook. Each scribbled lyric within its pages doesn’t seem to fit the melody given to him.
For Seonghwa, writing lyrics is a territory he’s still exploring and learning. But he wanted to challenge himself this time around, especially since he had received help from Hongjoong while writing lyrics for his rap verse in Bouncy. That experience ignited the desire to create something that will not only awe atinys but also the composers too. But till now, every word he has penned down seems like a discordant note in what he would consider a masterpiece.
With a deep, exasperated sigh, Seonghwa slumps back in his chair. The leather creaks in protest, adding another irritating voice to the cacophony of his own rapidly darkening thoughts. Seonghwa groans again, frustration etched across his features as he tugs at the roots of his hair as though trying to yank inspiration from the depths of his mind.
“You will rip out all your hair if you keep that up,” Hongjoong deadpans from the doorway, causing the elder male to slowly swivel in his chair, exhausted eyes meeting the former’s figure. “You need help?”
Seonghwa’s response is a weary shake of his head, his lips parting, about to reassure his friend, but Hongjoong interjects, his voice laced with concern.
“You need to take a break, Hwa,” Hongjoong implores. “You’ve been cooped up for so long in the studio. That’s my thing, not yours. We’re worried about you, especially since…” He trails off, his gaze shifting to Seonghwa’s forearm, which remains fully concealed by his full-sleeved shirt.
“Oh, it's fine, Hongjoong,” Seonghwa smiles, though anyone can see the fakeness of it. “I'm—”
“—If you say fine once more, I swear,” unable to bear his friend’s hollow reassurances any longer, Hongjoong cuts him off with a firm tone and sits on the vacant chair next to Seonghwa. “I've known you for years, Hwa. And even if I didn't, I would still be able to know that you are not fine.”
Seonghwa's weary sigh seems to echo in the dimly lit room as his gaze drifts up to the false ceiling as if searching for answers among the shadows. 
“I’m not…” he begins, words weighed down by the gravity of his emotions. “How can I be? I was supposed to get my soulmate tattoo on my birthday. And I didn’t.” The words spill from his lips like a lament, each syllable tinged with the bitterness of disappointment. His voice begins to quiver as he continues to speak, “Out of every single person in this world, why is it me who doesn't have a soulmate? Am I not worthy of one? I know I’m not perfect, but…” Seonghwa’s voice breaks, and he finally turns to look at Hongjoong with tear-filled eyes. “Out of everyone, why me?”
“Seonghwa…” Hongjoong begins, but the weight of Seonghwa’s words leaves him momentarily speechless.
Seonghwa lets out a bitter chuckle and shakes his head as if trying to shake off the sorrow that clings to him like a shroud. He rises from his seat, “You won't understand, Joong. You have an amazing soulmate; please take care of them.”
With that, Seonghwa leaves the room, leaving Hongjoong alone in the dimly lit studio. As the door closes behind the taller male, his eyes fall on the lyrics Seonghwa had penned.
Mournful thunder rips the skiesIt’s much too bright for me to hideAnd purples lie beneath my eyesAnother crash as clouds collide
“You're right,” Hongjoong whispers in the studio, his voice blending in with the shadows. I don't understand. But I wish from the bottom of my heart that the universe gives you your soulmate. If anyone deserves one, it’s you,” his words hand in the air, lingering like an unspoken prayer, even though he knows that Seonghwa can’t hear him.
As he speaks, a soft breeze gently rustles the curtains, casting patterns of light and shadow on the walls. The room itself seems to hold its breath as if in reverence for the longing that envelopes Seonghwa’s heart.
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The world has always worked in peculiar ways as it tries to unite each soulmate pair. On the day one turned 22, the universe would bestow an individual with soulmate marks. Each mark, in one way or another, had the power to help the bearer to contact their soulmate, either through dreams, thoughts, or writing. It is different for everyone but similar in that it all led to one destination: the union of souls.
You had always believed in the concept of soulmates, for it was a belief etched deep into your heart as you couldn’t help but be captivated by the concept. You loved to read about soulmates and heard stories from people about how they met their soulmates. Hearing all the stories from different people, you started fantasising about how you’d meet yours. And by the time you turned 22, there wasn’t a thing you didn't know about soulmates. You had read almost every book you could lay hands on and talked to whoever had met their soulmates. There were some cases where someone didn’t get their soulmate tattoo, but that was extremely rare, and in one generation, not more than one or two people didn’t get their tattoos. But since you had read everything and knew a lot, you thought you were ready for anything.
But nothing could have prepared you for the disaster that struck on the day of your 22nd birthday, a day that was meant for a celebration of destiny. You were happy as you saw the beautiful musical note that was engraved on the skin of your wrist that morning. There was a skip in your step that day until the evening. As you were returning from your classes at the university while listening to ATEEZ, a K-Pop group that you loved for their deep and meaningful music, you became aware of the stinging pain in your wrist. Like a nightmare, you saw the newly acquired music note fade, and the world was enveloped in darkness. When you awoke, you found yourself in the sterile confines of a hospital room, surrounded by your family, who bore expressions of sympathy and sorrow.
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A year has passed since that fateful day that shattered your dreams, leaving you grappling with the wreckage of your heart. In a bid to start life anew, you move to South Korea, taking on the role of a translator for a broadcasting network.
As you navigate your new life in a foreign land, the pain of your lost soulmate remains a constant companion, an indelible mark on your heart. The wound is far from healed, but a sense of contentment begins to seep into your life. South Korea, with its bustling cityscape, offers you solace and a chance to rebuild your life.
The rain pelts against the coffee shop’s misty windowpanes, creating a soothing melody of its own. Inside the warmth of the coffee shop, you sit perched upon a cushioned stool, your hand cradling a cup of warm hot chocolate in your hands. The cafe is quite crowded today due to individuals seeking shelter from the rain. The soft chatter of conversations swirls in the air, punctuated by the distant hum of espresso machines and the occasional clinking of cutlery.
As you gaze out at the deserted street, a tranquil feeling settles within you, the raindrops serving as a lullaby to your thoughts. It allows you a brief respite from the storm, both literal and metaphorical, that had rages within your soul.
The sound of the bell, which signals the door’s opening, shakes you out of your reverie. You look up, curiosity piqued by the arrival of a masked figure. The male surveys the room, eyes scanning the available seating options, and his gaze settles upon the only vacant spot next to you. 
With each step the mysterious figure takes to walk toward you, you can’t help but feel that you know them from somewhere. Your pulse quickens when realisation dawns upon you. It hits you like lightning that the mysterious figure is Park Seonghwa.
Your breath is caught in your throat as he approaches. His sultry, brown eyes meet yours, and something clicks inside you. As if controlled by an unseen force, he reaches a hand out for you, and as your fingers meet his, a beautiful star engraves itself on both your and his wrists, a symbol of your intertwined destinies.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Can you write a smut where Hawk and reader are having sex in the dojo and Robby walks in and catches them and he's shocked but he also finds it hot so he watches and reader gets really turned on when she finds out that Robby is watching
[Asdfghjkl- bah! Hawk gets a lil pissed she likes it so much, until she whispers in his ear that it's kinda hot because she knows Robby has a crush on her. But her heart belongs to Hawk]
Hawk Moskowitz x Chubby!Reader ft. Robby Keene
Fem!Reader ○ Voyeur!Robby ○ NSFW
CW: mating press, voyeurism, masturbation, unprotected sex, creampie, probably more. (Unedited)
This was so much fun to write. It finally gave me the chance to write Hawk in his gi 😍 sort of at least 😈 I kind of took some liberties with this ask, so I hope you enjoy it.
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The last thing Robby expected to hear when approaching the dojo was feminine moaning. It was pitched and sexual in nature, far from the kind of groans he typically heard while training. A little voice in the back of his mind told him to stop and leave, but it was overpowered by the curiosity to know who would have the audacity to fuck in the dojo.
It was long after training had ended, so no one should be there. The only reason Robby was there was because Daniel asked him to retrieve some papers from the office that had been left behind by accident. Doing that flew out the window as soon as pretty sighs and moans filled his ears and his pants started growing tight.
He pushed open the door and peeked inside, mouth falling slack as he saw who was inside.
Reader laying on her back, spread out on the floor with her gi jacket open. She was naked from the hips down, her gi pants and panties thrown to the side. Her tits were pulled out of her sports bra and bouncing harshly as she was getting pounded into, her arms wrapped around her lover tightly as he nails dug into his inked skin.
Hawk held himself over her, his own gi jacket thrown off, but his pants pushed down to his thighs. He held Reader's thighs on his hips as he thrust into her hard and rough, causing her body to jiggle in the best way. Her fat thighs were spilling between his fingers as he gripped them, her pudgy belly shaking. He brought one of his hands to her tits and grabbed one, squeezing it tight and pulling a moan from her plush, swollen lips.
"Oh god! Eli!" she let out. Her back arched from the floor, pushing her chest into his hands. "More, please!"
"Thibk you can handle it?" he teased her.
She nodded to him and he smirked, sliding his hands to her hips and tilting them up. He angled his thrusts down into her sweet spot, making her bow into him more, eyes screwed shut, almost screaming with pleasure. He hit that spot again and again and she pulled him into her, his face coming to her chest and he catches her breast with his mouth, beginning to suck hickeys onto her skin.
When she opened her eyes, she gasped, spotting Robby in the doorway. Their eyes met and they stared at each other for a moment. Her mouth hung open with shock, but then she smirked as she spied the growing bulge in his pants. Robby stood there, frozen under her gaze. He had no idea her cunt was clenching tighter because he was there, watching them.
Reader pulled Hawk's head away from her breast and up to her face. Her lips dragged along his ear as they haphazardly moved together, then she whispered, "we have an audience, babe."
Hawk's heart skipped a beat with the idea of being caught, but then his eyes travel to the door to spot Keene. Anger rushed through his veins and he made two particularly hard thrusts into Reader that made her moan especially loud. He saw the look in Keene's eyes as he watched them, specifically Reader, as her tits bounced out of her bra and she bowed her back because of the pleasure she was receiving. A part of him didn't like how the other guy's eyes scanned over what he could see of her body nor the way his pants were tented and tight.
Reader holds onto Hawk hard, moaning right into his ear before she composes herself enough to speak again. "Touched a nerve there, huh? You don't like it?"
He kept his eyes on Robby as he continued to stand there, but Hawk didn't stop fucking her. He grunted out a short, "no," and was ready to tell robby to fuck off and leave them be, but she stopped him by clenching her walls around his cock.
"I do," she sighed, chuckling darkly in her boyfriend's ear. She felt him tense up and his hips pound her a little rougher. "I like knowing he's wat hkng like the naughty boy he is, because I know he knows he can't have me like this. He might want me, but he could never please me. He can stand there and watch you fuck me all day, but he'll never do it right. He'll never fuck me as good as you do."
"Fuck, Reader," Hawk growled. He looked down at her, them sat back and pulls her legs up, throwing them over his shoulders. There was no way for him to forget Robby was there, but his focus was on the girl spread out before him and she was his sole interest. The next time he spoke, it was loud enough for their spectator to hear. "Who knew you liked this sorta shit. Getting caught in the act while I pound this fat, wet pussy into oblivion."
He folds her in half, raising her ass off of the floor completely and making sure to hit her g-spot with each downward thrust. She cried out loudly, hands trying to find something new to anchor to now that he was out of reach. She made a feeble attempt to grab at the floor, but all she ended up doing was crawl at it.
Robby stared at them, unsure of what to do. But when he heard that Reader liked that he was watching, he blinked himself out of his state of shock and shut the door behind him. Next thing he knew, he was undoing his pants and pulling out his cock. He knew there was no way he was going to be allowed to join the couple, they were too in love with each other to allow a third. He and Hawk weren't too friendly either, but he hadn't been told to leave them alone yet, so he wasn't going to. After all, he had a rather big crush on Reader and if got the chance to see her in such a position, he was going to take it.
Hawk gave a glance at Robby and smirked. He turned his attention back to Reader, pushing her knees further into her chest. Her stomach rolls are bunched up and tight, her thighs pressed into them hard. All while her pussy gushes hot liquid that leaks down her ass.
"Look at him, getting his dick out because of us," he grunted. He knew it had nothing to do with himself, but Robby wasn't going to have this little free show without him. "He's a fucking pervert."
Reader looked at Robby, watching him jerk his cock as he leaned against the wall. He stared at her, but she wouldn't meet his eyes, only watching the way his cock dripped pre cum. His brow was already sweating and his hair was falling in his face. He pushed his hair back and bit his lip, keeping his eyes on her as she was rocked into the floor. His attention just made her cunt that much tighter and she was so close to coming. She tried to smirk at his pathetic, horny expression, but she couldn't hold it for moaning.
Hawk grabbed her jaw and turned her face back to him, holding it as he looked into her eyes. He could feel the way her velvet walls suffocating his cock and he just wanted to make her come so hard, Robby will know he'll never be able to make her feel that good. So he slammed himself into her quicker and harder, even as she snaps and starts creaming all over his cock.
She screams, clawing at the floor as tears stream down her cheeks. She cries our for Hawk, only able to babble into his hand before he squishes her cheeks and puckers her lips. He leans down to kiss her, fucking her through her orgasm as her white cream coats his cock. Their kiss is sloppy and hot, moaning into each other's mouths, then he feels his cock twitch and balls draw up. He buries himself in her and comes hard, filling her with thick ropes of cum.
Robby grunted as he watched them, unable to ignore Hawk anymore. He was able to block him out for a while, but as he watched the pair kiss, it was impossible to do. They kissed like it was what they needed to do in order to breathe, tongues mingling together as their hips all but fused together. Their mixed cum slipped out of the tight seal between them, sliding down her ass in a thick, creamy stream.
"Fuck," he groaned as he watched them, wishing he could bury his hard, achy cock into her cunt. He tried to mimick what it must feel like with his fist, but it he knew it could never compare. It still brought him over the edge and he came with a short yell, unable to do anything more as his own ropes of cum shot onto the floor. "Oh shit! Fuuuuck!"
Hawk pulled away from Reader, panting heavily as he looked down at her, seeing the bliss on her face. He pressed a firm kiss to her lips then sat back, bringing her legs down to finally rest. She whimpered softly, laying on the floor fully relaxed, moaning soon thereafter as he started massaging her hips. He smiled at her, watching as she closed her eyes, then he looked over at Robby, who was slack against the wall trying to catch his breath.
As he took care of his girl, he reached up and pulled her gi flaps closed over her chest. He didn't worry with her belt or tying it, moving back to her hips to grab onto. Once her had them firmly in his hand, he pulled out of her slowly, listening to her groan of slight discomfort. He hissed as his soft cock slipped from her wet, full hole and his cock head popped out. He looked down, satisfied as no more of his cum leaked from her winking pussy.
He pulled his gi pants back up and put himself back into them. He stretched to retrieve her pants from the side and used them to cover her up until she was ready to get up, then he sat back and leaned on his hands, settling his eyes on Robby.
"Hey, Keene."
Robby looked up, a blush almost permanent on his face as they met eyes. Hawk's blue eyes looked cold yet teasing, and Robby wasn't sure he liked that very much. "What?"
"That was your free pass. If I ever catch you looking at my girl like that again, I'll beat your ass."
"Why don't you fucking somewhere a little more private next time?" Robby huffed.
Hawk grunted with a smirk. "Where's the fun in that?"
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It was so fun to read! The darling being a flustered mess was sooo adorable to read! YOUR WRITING OS SO NICEEE I LOVE ITT :DDD
Flustered breakdown will now be living rent free in my mind for some time
Asdfghjkl thank you so much though, I had a blast writing that fic and I'm so happy people enjoyed it! I hope you're ready for Breakdown to be living there for a while, because you inspired me to write some more...
Please enjoy Breakdown being sleepy and bashful along with some cows.
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Few people would have ever believed you without seeing it for themselves, but you knew the truth from increasingly ample experience; Cybertronians were utterly adorable when they slept, cuter than any human could ever hope to be, anyway. Even the surliest bots in existence turned to snoring kittens when in a much needed power down. 
You freely expressed how much you appreciated said cuteness to the two most important mechs in your life, and while Bumblebee didn't mind being referred to as such (if anything he seemed to brighten every time you said as much), Breakdown made quite a point of denying that he could ever be referred to as anything short of "badass". He insisted that he didn't take "cat naps" as you'd teasingly observed, but that he instead powered down only when necessary, and that he looked anything but cute while doing so. His determination for you to see him as cool and smooth went in direct contrast to reality, where he was an adorable nerd who grew easily flustered in your presence and napped often where he thought you wouldn't notice, but on most days you were happy to pretend for his sake. 
Today, however, you had stumbled upon something far too sweet to ignore. After coming home early from errands you'd been too tired to finish, you'd expected Bumblebee to be gone as he was conducting a training exercise, but the unexplained lack of Breakdown had compelled you to search your homestead when he didn't answer his comm. You hadn't needed to search far, as the sizable mech wasn't hard to spot in your cow field even at a distance, but it had taken a moment for you to believe your eyes. 
Beneath the broad branches of an apple tree, Breakdown was snoozing in the picture of absolute contentment, his servos folded behind his helm to keep it steady against the trunk at his back and his long frame stretched out in the shady bed of grass. That alone would have been precious enough, but his company of a half dozen dairy cows snuggling against him to share in the nap almost made your heart implode. Considering his chosen task for the day had been securing the weak posts of their fence, you could surmise that he'd taken a break beneath the tree afterwards only to drift off surrounded by his newfound friends. 
Quietly opening the gate and approaching the group, you were quickly noticed by the ever-alert herd, who lifted their heads as soon as the lock clicked shut behind you. Eager to see you as always, the heffers abandoned their nap and Cybertronian sized heat source to happily trot to you in greeting, mooing out their delight but thankfully not waking Breakdown in the process. You smiled as you were surrounded by happy cows, and when broad snouts started sniffing for treats you rewarded them with pats and a playful quip. "Hey girls, sorry to say he's spoken for." 
Conversational moos told you there were no hard feelings, and the group remained clustered around you as you entered the shade where Breakdown was still fast asleep, your smile softening as you felt the gentle stirring of his peaceful ventilations. You might have been content to let him finish out his power down and pretend you hadn't seen a thing, but one of your herd had other plans. The smallest cow let out an insistent moo at your side, one which quickly proved too much for the big mech to sleep through. Snapping open his optics with a start and instinctively ready for a fight, Breakdown sat up and looked around in a hurry. He looked far more mortified by the sight of you than he would have for an army of enemy bots.
"You having a good nap there, big guy?" you asked playfully, petting the head of a cow as she bumped against you for affection. For a solid few seconds the mech was silent and frozen before you.
"Don't know what you're talking about." he said suddenly, finding his voice in a rush and clearing his vents to keep it from cracking. Leaning back against the trunk and resuming a relaxed posture, he did everything not to appear concerned, fooling only himself as he tried to play the cool guy. "Just resting my optics after a long day…"
"I can see that." you replied playfully, smiling as a few cows left your side to return to his. Breakdown frowned to the point of pouting as the animals did little to help his case, setting themselves down on the grass at his sides to once more snuggle against the warmth of his frame. As displeased as he looked about the gathering, the mech didn't try anything to disperse the herd, and you chuckled as an especially affectionate cow laid her head on his pede. "Looks like you picked up a few admirers while fixing that fence."
"Yeah, uh… don't really know why they won't leave me alone." he said awkwardly, keenly aware the gathering of sleepy bovines was not helping his image. Still, he didn't dare move in any way that would disturb them, something you noticed even as he tried to puff up and revert to his chill persona, voice deepening as he smirked and gestured to the fence. "But you don't have to worry about any more escapees, I got that section of fence nice and secure."
Following his point to the poles it would have taken you an entire day to mount, you recalled the aforementioned escape that had sent you, Breakdown and Bumblebee halfway across the county on a cow wrangling escapade. Genuinely relieved that you no longer had to worry about a repeat incident, you moved a little closer to his upper body and put an appreciative hand on his arm before returning your gaze to his face. "Thanks, Breakdown. I really appreciate that." you said with genuine appreciation, cutting right through his charade and sending a blush blooming across his cheeks.
Coughing again, Breakdown pretended to be occupied brushing a few stray leaves off his broad shoulders, keeping his helm turned away while he willed his visible bashfulness to fade. "What are you doing back so early, anyway? I thought you'd be running errands all day."
You shrugged and watched the remaining cows cluster about the mech for warmth, their wide eyes closing peacefully as they tucked their legs beneath their broad bodies. "I'm pretty beat, I figured I'll take care of the rest of it tomorrow." you explained just as a yawn rose up from your chest, compelling you to stretch your arms above your head. It had been a long few days on the homestead, and even if the day was young you were absolutely beat, the residual sleep debt weighing down your body after so much excitement. Being so close to a big comfy bot in the shade didn't help, and in your exhaustion the solution seemed obvious, enough so that you weren't hesitant at all as you spoke your mind. Another yawn slurred your words as you stepped over a snoozing cow. "Speaking of which, these girls seem like they've got the right idea. Mind if I join them?"
The question took a moment to register, and when it did Breakdown briefly appeared to short circuit, expression going blank before it shifted to bashful uncertainty.
"Uhhhhhh…" he said with a stare, one you returned with a good natured smile to make it clear your request was sincere. Breakdown gulped, something he did often when your lingering touches or flirts proved too much for him in the moment, then regained enough composure to speak in a murmur. "Sure."
Taking the lead, you climbed atop his chassis and stretched out over the broad, flat expanse of his chest where he was warmest, earning a tiny gasp of surprise but feeling no kind of resistance to your presence. The spark beneath his armor went from humming to singing at your proximity, and as you got comfortable a glance at his face revealed an expression of dumbfounded but delighted overwhelm. Laying down and getting quite comfortable in the dappled light, you folded your arms to act as a pillow, able to feel the tug of sleep after only moments of respite. The mech had a wonderful habit of helping you relax even if the inverse didn't apply to him.
"Bee should be back in a few hours, he'll wake us up when he gets here." you said sleepily, loving how he melted beneath you and seemed to go from hulking speed machine to a staticky mess of want every time you overwhelmed him. Still, your presence was far from unwanted even if you cut right through his facade, as was evidenced by his frame leaning into every bit of your touch. Bright yellow optics looked over you with barely hidden affection in their depths before you closed your own eyes. "See you then, Breakdown."
Pretending to drift off rather quickly, you didn't move when a tender servo brushed over your forehead before settling over your hand, his broad digits forming a tent over your fingers as he whispered just loudly enough to be heard.
"See you then, Y/N…"
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starfishlikestoread · 2 months
@mouseinamushroomhouse you asked me for a Simon Illyan playlist nearly a year ago, and I'm proud to report it is finally done! I hope you and anyone else who listens to it enjoys!! :)
(shoutout to @cookie-nom-nom for suggesting the song Time Machine and @trelldraws for the McCartney and National recs, as well as putting up with me randomly sending various songs and helping figure out which ones fit and didn't. More musings about the process & specifics under the cut!)
With this playlist I really focused on keeping the length down, since I wanted every song to count and ideally keep the whole thing around an hour in length. This resulted in a lot of songs that kind-of-but-not-really fit Simon having to get cut, which was painful but made the fanmix better in the end, and part of the reason why this whole thing took so long, hah. I did however save them all in a separate playlist, so if after listening to the main one y'all want to see what didn't make the cut, feel free to listen here (do know it's not in anything resembling order, though).
With that said, it was a conscious decision to devote 3 whole songs to the chip breakdown, because I feel like while objectively it didn't take up 18% of his life, subjectively in the moment I think it probably felt that way for him.
The first and last songs really serve as bookends to the playlist for me. With the first not even fully a song, rather a spoken word 3rd POV narrative about a robot and last one literally named 'Simon', it felt right thematically about how he sees himself. I'm not sure if we get any explicit musings about the chip from him in that light in canon, but Tej's line about his "super-humanity ... or super-inhumanity" stood out to me in that regard. Especially since it's all but said that he didn't have much of a say in getting it installed in the first place, did he ever feel like the robot people considered him to be? And how did that change?
At the same time, there's so much more to Simon than just his chip, and I hope that shows through the songs I picked as well (if you look at the dates added, you can see I only found 'Until It Kills' yesterday, and that finally completed the playlist for me). I wish I'd found a song that managed to convey him & Miles as a team specifically, but that proved surprisingly difficult as so many songs of that nature seem to be written with a direct parent-child relationship in mind. Still, I'll add it if I ever find it.
ALSO, so damn hard to find songs with spy-related lyrics, I've used so many different search terms and engines and still nearly every result is instrumental music or about a specific incident. I think I have enough in here that it works, and I'm sure those songs exist somewhere, but the internet in all its glory did not choose to reveal them to me (if you know any I'd love to have a listen, I probably won't be adding them to this playlist however as I really just want to be done with this mini-project asdfghjkl).
Edit: aa I forgot to say the one specific thing I wanted to, which is how the line "play dirty" in the song with the same name for me really links back to Galeni's line in Memory: "Damn but Illyan fights dirty when he fights" <3 that's my guy,,
And as said in the description of the playlist, first few songs are very much inspired by the fic Aral Vorkosigan's Dog by Philomytha (since it might as well be canon for me).
And finally, for fun, my top 5 favourite lines that just feel so Simon Illyan to me out of every song in the playlist:
"But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home / Sitting all alone inside your head" - Through Glass by Stone Sour "With the hands of time around my neck" - Hourglass by Motionless In White "Nano-electrodes pulse the thrum / One note to beat my heart, beat my heart, like a drum" - Yes I Know by The Pack a.d. "I testify if I die in my sleep" - Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy "Keep them safe inside your home / If it kills you" - Until It Kills by Midtown
If you've read this far, thank you, and do let me know what you think of the playlist and if there are any songs/lines that stood out to you, I'd love to know <3
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Aster dressing angel in one of her cute little baby pink and white matching silk pj sets (even though he knows she’s just gonna wake up in the middle of the night and change into one of his shirts) after taking a bath together and her skin is all soft from the soap and lotion she put on after and she’s just laying in his bed all :)) and he’s “I don’t remember telling you you’re allowed to be this fucking cute??? Who told you this was allowed hmm? Cause it wasn’t me” and she’s all giggly and reaching out for him to come and lay in bed with her. And when he does he’s kissing all over her face and “have a proper real life angel In my bed don’t I? Look at you. So fucking cute” and she’s giggling some more and hiding her face in his neck and “stoppp” all shy and they fall asleep like that, him just loving on her so much he can’t help it. And he doesn’t even mind when she wakes up in the middle of the night all sleepy and whiny and tugging on her pjs all :(((( and he’s “what’s wrong hm? Uncomfy?” Whispering it in her hair where his lips are pressed and she’s “yeah :(((“ and he’s “Comere love bug let me help you.” And then laughing a little cus “don’t look so sad baby” kissing her pouty lips. And he helps take her pjs of her sleepy body (and by help I mean does all of the work asdfghjkl) and grabs her favorite shirt of his and pulls it over her head and she’s soooo so so clingy to him it’s hard to get her arms in the sleeves but he manages and after he’s done he asks “all better hm?” And she’s nodding, eyes already closed again “thank you daddy” before falling back asleep against him and he’s fuckkkkk he’s in so deep for her he can’t help but give her sleeping head one million kisses before he falls back to sleep himself he just can’t hold all the love he has for her in :((((((
something inside me shifts every time someone sends something like this in like w him teasing her like "who told you you could be this cute!!! its not allowed!!!! I know I didn't tell you, you could so who did!!!!" like....I can't even think about it it hurts too much BUT OH:((((((( her just laying out on his bed waiting for him and him crawling up and cuddling w her and "have a real life angel in my bed tonight:) hope my bed is alright I know its no cloud like youre used to but I think its pretty soft" just really laying it on thick and being annoyingly sweet while shes giggling and telling him to stop it even though shes so smiley and hugging him:(((( but ofcccc he wakes up in the middle of the night to her tugging at her pretty pjs just like he knew she would and he doesn't even really think before hes helping her take off her top and shrug out of her bottoms and he had one of his shirts at the end of the bed anyway bc he knew this would happen so its quick getting it over her head and hes pulling her hair out of the neckline and smoothing it back before kissing her forehead:( "better lovebug?" and shes so sweet already sleepy and ready for bed when she kisses him back "yes daddy thank yu:(" and hes just....so in love w her it takes him a minute to fall back to sleep again even when shes out just because he cant' stop looking at her:( his eyes fall closed but he snaps them open just to look at her a little longer because he falls asleep:(
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friendly-jester · 19 days
honestly considering how last episode went i feel like it could be possible that one of the two of them realize their feelings in the finale and that becomes a major storyline for next season. like all season buck has been talking nonstop about eddie and his entire sexuality arc and the buck x tommy stuff has been basically haunted by eddie. i thought i was losing it or something fr because i went back and rewatched and literally EVERY. SCENE. BUCK AND TOMMY HAVE EDDIE IS EITHER THERE OR MENTIONED. THEIR FIRST KISS SCENE I COUNTED THAT BUCK SAYS EDDIES NAME EIGHT FUCKING TIMES. tommy even said “my attention?” like he was shocked and thought it was about eddie 😭 and maddie saying “you seem confused and if you have anything you need to tell eddie you will when you’re ready” felt SO pointed too. idk if they’ll do a full blown triangle with them but i do think a potential breakup with buck and tommy will be about eddie tbh. they made such a point to put eddie in the narrative when they really didn’t have to. im trying so hard not to get my hopes up but when the dots make a clear picture you cant help but connect them
also this sounds so crazy but the shannon clone has a birthmark in her hair. the white stripe? its the most noticeable in the boat scene but once i saw it i was like 😀 hey why did they do that. one of my friends back in high school had one. and then making buck meet her……. and then EDDIE only comes clean once BUCK lightly asks him about it and says hes worried……….. i feel like im that one meme from its ways sunny in philedelphia
also im fully convinced bobby isnt retiring and he’ll be fine and have some sort of wakeup call idc im in denial
also holy fuck @ the hen and karen storyline??????? when will the writers let them keep their foster kids its been years let them be happy and have their family 😭
anyway sorry for the essay in ur inbox i have so many thoughts about this show and idk where to put them. my friends are probably so sick of me because i cannot shut up about it -ebd anon
i would actually lose my mind if it happened in the finale asdfghjkl. i'm also trying not to get my hopes up (i've been burned so many times 😭) but i could totally see buck telling tommy about the whole doppelgänger wife thing and talking about how concerned he is for eddie and tommy being the one to realize "this doesn't sound platonic" and points it out to buck. tommy's whole role has been for buck to discover things about himself and i would love if tommy helped him realize he has feelings for eddie. i honestly think buck and tommy are really cute together but they just don't have the chemistry buck and eddie have and i just think it would be neat if tommy's the first one (besides maddie lbr) to notice it and bow out gracefully. that's just the kind of guy he is 🥺
WAIT i didn't realize it was a birthmark i thought it was just a gray streak but!!!! that FEELS SO INTENTIONAL *screams*
i am also in denial we can be in denial together 🤝 if he does retire there's no way he'd be gone from the show. not just because he's athena's husband but because he's dad!!! he's got too important of a role to leave!!!
FOR REAL JUST LET MY GIRLS BE A HAPPY FAMILY!!!!! they have to get mara back. that whole scene made me want to cry. she finally got a family and they finally got a daughter and denny finally got a sibling LET THEM BE HAPPY 😭😭
feel free to drop by and ramble anytime! my only other friend who watches 911 isn't caught up so i have no one else to talk about it with besides my mom who is not in as deep as i am lmaooo
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fabdante · 10 months
idk if anyone's getting my asks bc tumblr is ✨️like that✨️ but anyway for the fanfic ask game-
7, 42, and 46
ok ok so hi! hi, very late to answer this because tumblr did not send these to me until today, several months later? but its ok because i have the ask now and i tracked down the meme in question! thank you for sending these in!!
a link to the fan fic ask game!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
In some ATLA stuff I've been working on, I've been enjoying adding some more West Asia to things. There's not a lot of West Asian/North African influence on the show, but it's there (particularly with the Sand Benders) and I think it's fun to explore and add some more nuance to! Particularly because in both shows the Sand Benders are not really...presented with any nuance.
So I've been having fun adding more West Asia to the Earth Kingdom, particularly foods and different little cultural things here and there to bring more of that influence in! Especially because I think large parts of the fandom don't realize like...that this stuff is already in the show, that West Asia is part of Asia, and perhaps we would like to be presented as a little more then 'those horrible evil irredeemable desert people who stole Appa'.
(I also answered this one back in May with a somewhat different answer if you want to check that out!)
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I also answered this in May but I have a new answer.
Since this ask was sent I posted my fic An Inexact Science and all the comments there were very sweet and kind however I also got this one bot that kills me:
Tumblr media
Like....what does this mean asdfghjk is this good or bad?
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I'm really really bad at typing on my phone (like can barely make it through a word without one typo at least bad) so I use my computer most of the time. I have also been extremely won over by Scrivener as it fits in perfectly with my typical writing process that I've had since I first started writing on the computer in like...middle school.
With art and writing I tend to start many projects at once and jump rapidly between them. Either due to not wanting to write a certain part, feeling like writing a certain mood or ship or character, or feeling a sudden burst of inspiration for something. So Scrivener definitely enables me to write this way due to how it's set up for you to write different things in sections and flip between them easily. All of my one shots are in one document and I just file through them accordingly. If a one shot gets too big though, I make it's own document for ease of editing and flipping between parts! If I didn't write on my computer I definitely wouldn't do this, it'd be a lot more work I think.
However I do sometimes write on my phone, mostly exclusively if I'm away from my computer and have an idea I NEED to get down. Ironically, sometimes this is some of my most fun stuff, probably because it's the type of writing that I just need to get out and that stuff is always the coolest I think.
thank you again for sending this ask!! and I'm sorry it took me until now to get to it I have no idea why it never sent and then decided to now like...several months later! But it was a delight to find!! (and I hope you don't mind me tagging you @judging-seahorse I just want to make sure you see that I finally saw this asdfghjkl)
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[ Ooc: This was what I've been fucking waiting for. The Enterprise-D. Fuck yes. "Obviously we cannot use the Enterprise-E" lol. Yeah, that's what happens when you crash it into another ship. Such a shame that they didn't devote more of the season to the Borg and the Enterprise-D. Like, why didn't they just mention the changelings and their schemes briefly and continued with the Borg, which was a typical TNG thing? Also, Beverly, wtf "the Borg haven't been active in over a decade" uh, but season 2, though? Is Agnes the Borg Queen? If so, why would she stab everyone in the back? That doesn't make any fucking sense... And excuse me, but why didn't Deanna consider Soji part of the TNG family?! She fecking knows Soji. Wtf?! I'm pissed. And why hasn't anyone told Data that he's got a daughter? What is this shite?! Are they seriously going to ignore their own canon from season 1? Anyway, Seven calling Data a "robot" and Data's response asdfghjkl, he was ready to throw hands. Geordi: "Could you be a bit more positive, Data?" Data: "I hope we die quickly!" I love this new Data, ngl. Also: Geordi "yeah, I've been tinkering with our old starship and it actually never crossed my mind to let y'all know that I've been renovating it for the last 20 years, because I wanted it to be a surprise" La Forge. And Data's still calling Picard "Captain." :3 I think he's doing it on purpose at this point asfghjkl. But that lil scene where he put his hand on Picard's shoulder, though. Or when he got emotional because of the Enterprise-D asfghjkl. And poor Shaw. :( And Shelby as well. They really enjoy killing off old TNG characters, don't they? Smh. Imma rewatch the episode rn. Goodbye. ]
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fandomfluffandfuck · 7 months
P.S. When I was writing today, I ended up typing out this (for You Can('t) Teach An Old Dog New Tricks), and I thought of you:
I will have you know I jump and giggle (literally) and twirl my hair (figuratively) everytime you say that you thought of me / something reminded you of me asdfghjkl I've been a long time follower who only recently got the courage to be a named anon so I'm always like 💕 :0 senpai has noticed me 💕 (sparkle noises glitter noises)
Also also also it reminded me that I read your fic 'Pavlovian Response' a couple of days ago, and the tit love in that fic >>>>>>>>> (that fucking brief sprinkle of a breeding kink near the end really sealed the package asdfghjkl)
And the chest being pushed out really reminded me of Steve just trying to smother bucky with his boobs in that fic, just jut it out and wait for bucky to get with the plan IMMEDIATELY!! Steve's tits always 10/10, feminising that old man is a full time job and brother I've never called in sick
Can't wait for the next chapter and see marshmallow Stevie being consumed just as he deserves!! You write so well!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing brain soup!!! (I don't know how to write affirmations well I hope this gets the feeling across!!!)
— 🔪 anon
related to this
Pavlovian Response
Lmao, I love that 💀💀 plenty of you guys live rent free in my mind 😏
Ah, thank you so much!!
Oof, yeah, you're so right, lol. I didn't even think about that! It is fairly similar 👀 I straight up forgot I wrote that, lmao. Thanks for reminding me, though 😏 also, yesss, making a big deal out of Steve's tits IS a full-time job. One that is a true labor of love.
Thank you for reading my brain soup, lol!
(You got your feelings across perfectly! Thank you so much, sweetheart! <3)
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qwainte · 11 months
Did you change your mind about posting art of your other bully characters? If so, could you perhaps give some details about them even without the art?
Asdfghjkl no I didn't. I just take forever to finish a drawing because I'm super anal about everything. I also keep experimenting with new art styles so I'm not completely sure how I want my finished drawings to look like. I was lucky to even post Brandi because if I thought about if for a second more I would've changed my mind and never posted her.
But I'm happy to share some info about my other OCs without any accompanying art if you're really interested. They're all girls because boys drool I have an easier time drawing women and Bullworth needs more female students.
So far I've only provided 3 (with an update to Brandi who I posted like a month ago) because these are my most developed and favorite characters. I hope you appreciate them!
Fiona Montague
Basic Info:
Full name: Fiona Sloane Montague Age: 16-17 Grade: Junior Clique: Preppy Extracurriculars: sideline cheerleading, golf club, Spanish club Skills: ice skating, viola, painting Cultural background: East African ancestry, English Appearance: dark brown eyes, medium length curly brown hair, dark skin, 170 cm Family: Maureen (mother), Lucius (father, deceased), Archibald "Archie" (older brother, deceased), Carlisle (step-father, missing), Noah (younger half-brother)
Fiona was born and raised in Richmond, London and grew up as the introverted younger sibling in a British aristocrat family. Tragedy struck when her father and brother died in a car accident, and shortly after her grief-stricken mother remarried, uprooting Fiona to the United States. Facing abuse from her step-father, Fiona found solace in her friendship with Tad Spencer at Bullworth, where she initially struggled to fit in with the American preppy crowd. She's known for her aloof and cynical demeanor and is an accomplished ice skater, pouring her passion into the sport, whether practicing alone or with her partner.
Character Info:
She is the only preppy who is legitimately English and finds their faux accents annoying. When she is hanging alone with Tad she makes him drop the accent.
Her stepfather went missing while on a family vacation to the Amazon.
She loves birds and owns 3 ducklings.
She's lesbian. She's not out but many rumors circle around school about her sexuality due to her lack of interest in dating.
Really wants to kill Mr. Spencer
She feels very guilty about not being able to emotionally connect with her half-brother.
She's very mild-mannered
Meta Info:
Her middle name, Sloane, was what I originally named her, which is a reference to the term "Sloane Ranger"; British slang referring to an upper class Londoner
Initially designed as a goth but I reworked her into a prep. Enoby rolling in her grave rn.
Her original surname was "Regis"
Beverly Grier
Basic Info:
Full name: Beverly Grier Age: 17-18 Grade: Senior Clique: Jock Extracurriculars: sideline cheerleading, competitive cheerleading, yearbook committee Skills: physical fitness specifically gymnastics, dance, surfing, mathematics Cultural background: Mostly Scottish and German ancestry, some Hawaiian ancestry Appearance: grey eyes, long wavy platinum blonde hair, pale skin but usually tanned, 177 cm Family: Claire (mother), Robert (father), Stevie (younger sister)
Beverly was raised in Santa Monica amidst wealth and privilege, and she harbored a mean spirit that led her to becoming a quintessential "mean girl". After her parents' divorce, she and her sister were divided, with Beverly placed under her mother's care and relocated to Bullworth a year later when she remarried Derby's father, Mr. Harrington. Initially aligned with the Preppies, she later gravitated toward the Jocks, becoming the team captain of the sideline and competitive cheerleading teams. She took a young Mandy Wiles under her wing and eventually promoted her to captain of the sideline cheer squad and crowning her the new "queen bee".
Character Info:
Does gymnastics and wants to compete in the Olympics
Her little sister is a musical prodigy and excels at wind and string instruments. She's the favorite of her parents which causes Beverly to resent and mistreat her
She believes her mother did not want custody of her, but rather her sister instead
Beverly is really likes to surf and competes in competitions every summer when she visits he father and sister in San Andreas California
Her paternal grandmother is Hawaiian. She learned how to surf from the daughter of her grandmother's best friend
After promoting Mandy, she now serves as the co-captain for the sideline cheer squad
Her mother's marriage to Derby's father lasted 3 years, and he immediately got back together with Derby's mother.
Derby and she did not share any real sibling connection before or after the divorce and he is a bit smitten with her (not like it would matter to him considering his family's marriage customs :P).
Despite joining the Jocks, she's currently on good terms with Derby. It did sting his ego and he was initially very salty about it for a while.
Great friends with Bif and they regularly hang out or go on dates
She sees Mandy as the little sister she always wanted, primarily because she does what she wants
She used to bully Lola a lot until she became a greaser and Johnny and the others started protecting her
Mean girl with no heart of gold. She's an ice queen.
All around horrible person but she can rock bangs
Dina Irving
Basic Info
Full name: Geraldine "Dina" Irving Age: 17-18 years old Grade: Senior Clique: Jock Extracurricular: sideline cheerleading, competitive cheerleading, cooking club, dance team Skills: physical fitness, dance, geology Cultural background: Irish American, African American Appearance: brown eyes, medium length dyed blonde hair, light skin with freckles, 175 cm Family: Jennifer (mother), Michael (father, deceased), Benjamin "Benny" (uncle), Matthew "Matt" (older brother)
Bio: Dina Irving had a challenging upbringing as a child. Being a socially awkward tomboy she faced isolation and endured intense bullying from her peers. However, her life took a significant turn in middle school when Beverly Grier, out of pity and a desire to have a yes-girl, reached out to Dina and transformed her into the girly social butterfly she is today. Under Beverly's guidance, Dina flourished, acquiring popularity among the boys at Bullworth Academy. However, this attention came at a cost, as her eagerness to please others led to a reputation that she was "easy." Despite this perception, Dina longs for genuine connections and a meaningful relationship, yet many of the male students fail to treat her with the respect she deserves and dismiss her as merely a conquest. Despite her clique's arrogant attitude and her admiration of her best friend Beverly, Dina has a kind and gentle nature. Her submissive disposition often puts her at the mercy of others, causing her to prioritize their needs above her own.
Character Info:
She's on the spectrum, specifically diagnosed with Asperger's. Her perceived oddness is what led her to being bullied for most of her childhood.
She likes comics and video games which she keeps a secret from most friends. The nerds sometimes allow her to hang out in their safehouse despite her being a jock.
She and Dan are friends and sometime play video games with each other.
Good friends with Bo as well and they often study together and share notes
Dina is still a bit of a tomboy but she is very afraid of being ostracized again so she keeps up her girly persona.
She is bisexual but doesn't exactly know this yet. She's been on "dates" with girls without realizing they were dates.
Loves geology and has a rock collection which Beverly loathes
Obsessed with the static feeling that comes from CRT TVs and fines it comforting.
Meta Info:
Damon and Bif both have a voice line mentioning a female student who has been with the entire football team and I decided to base Dina around that concept.
"Pretty in Pink" by The Psychedelic Furs was also a big inspiration when creating this character
I used to loved pressing my hands and face against our old CRT TV back when we had one so I incorporated that quirk into her character. I love giving my OCs small fragments of my own personality.
And for here are some minor character updates for my #1 girl Brandi (preppy):
She's a skilled singer, but extremely annoying about it
Is a member of the Glee Club and personally kicked Chad out
She is on both cheerleading teams
Uses Donald as lackey
She's been in a few Broadway productions. They had to cut her mic off one time because she was doing the most
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morganee · 2 years
hi :) how are you?
Thank you so much for your reply. Makes me so happy you taking time to reply my dumb questions. About the Karen's second chapter? I'm so excited!!! But no pressure, do it only if you feel it. I am very well with your answer.
I wanted to do this before, but my week was crazy as hell. Anyway I read the fic that you post yesterday, and the last one about Mike playing Romeo? I do not know many words in english to tell you how much I enjoy every fic you post, u know? That's made me very very anxious because I wanna express it. But I hope you have an idea how I feel with this messages lol
Now under the limelight? I read it at the second you posted but I think could be kinda creepy if I come here too soon only for being a proper fan of your work (also yes, this week was pretty busy to me too, that was an 70/30 of the reasons why I didn't write this before). All the plot about Will a little bit jealous... I love it because I love that trope so much. Jealous plus trying so hard be happy for the love of your life? It's everything, love it love it love it.
so, *drums please*
uncle will? uncle mike? I didn't know how much I wanted until you give me that. Was fluffy, gorgeous (very quickly to read, sadly) and make me laugh in the right places because I think your obsession with cups is so cute. How much you have? I don't have any collection 🥺 I'm a boring person.
hope u have a wonderful week 🥰
-your hearstopper anon 😌
HIIII! It's so good to hear from you again :') and your questions are not dumb!! Please, keep asking me things <3 or even just tell me things if you want to, I'm here for whatever you want to talk about :D
I just started outlining the chapter for Karen's talk 👀 I woke up with the idea in my mind and thought "well, I guess I could start it!". Again, I can't promise you it will be up shortly but hopefully it won't take me too long. I don't think it's going to be a long chapter but then again, when I tried to write a 2k one shot it turned into a 9k one shot so yeah, we'll see 😂
And don't worry about writing to me just now (also, sorry it took me two days to answer!). I'm so happy you liked my other fics too!! And if you want to, you can tell me in your own language and then I'll google-translate it 😂 I know how hard it is to express yourself in another language! But I think I understand how you feel <3
Nooo I wouldn't think you're a creep!! You can come here whenever you want, it's totally okay, I promise you! But only when you have time, I know life can be busy ahah Jealous Will was fun to write and I have to say I don't often read about it? Like I usually look for fics where Mike is jealous but now that I think about it, I don't think I've read that many fics with a jealous Will! I can keep this in mind for my future fics 👀
asdfghjkl I'm so glad you liked my uncle Will/Mike fic! It was quick to read??? And here I thought it was again too long lol I will stop asking myself if 9k fics are too long. You are definitely not a boring person! Each one of us has its own thing and I just happen to collect mugs lol I'm sure you have other very interesting traits that I don't have! And to answer your question, I have probably something like 16 mugs and that's still too few for me! I still live with my parents and they just can't deal with me anymore lol I had to tell my friends to stop gifting me mugs because our cupboard is full ahah but one day, when I'll move out, I will have two cupboards at least just for mugs! Yeah, I'm that obsessed but I just like to take mugs from places I visit :')
Well, this was long, sorry! But I love to talk with you so much, so thank you for this ask!
Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!!! Sending you lots of love 💛
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siegfriedheld · 5 years
@fatedsummoner || ♞
          With war looming over their heads it was a little odd to have a place they deemed an Aether “Resort”. He watched other heroes, particularly the more cheerful ones, bounding across the streets to the different buildings enjoying their time off. In a way it was refreshing, but as he turns a pair of bunny ears over in his hands from the accessory shop he can’t help but toss Kiran a questioning look.
Tumblr media
          “I don’t understand how wearing such things improves morale...Is this customary in your world? Wouldn’t you rather wear this yourself, then?”
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galaxykhaleesi · 5 years
Sarri: Dybala will start against Atleti
Me: Okay yay
Sarri: *releases squad list* lol jk
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melchron · 3 years
Nightmare Time 2 Episode 2 Thoughts
Can I just say that I love the 8-bit versions of songs. Jane's A Car sounds so good in 8-bit
Woah woah woah wait. What was that? Why was Homeless Guy in the intro? Is that important? Does that mean anything? I mean Ted was in the episode but still
EMMA!!!! I missed her so much. And she's living her dream good for her
And she sounded super southern just now. Ma'am you live in Michigan
AND ZIGGS!!!! Oh I love them. Please be my friend
Oh we're meeting Grace now? She's not what I expected. And I don't mean because she's played by Angela. I didn't expect her to actually be a nerdy prude I thought Alice was just being mean
Potte Hottay!!!!!!
DADDY?!??! IS THAT THE DADDY WE'VE HEARD ABOUT!??!?! IS HE GONNA GET US- oh nevermind mind he's dead. At least we got another Dylan Dad™️ out of it
OH Bob is saying the the thing!!! The thing the guy that tried to kill Willabella/Hannah said. The "The innocent must suffer" thing
TIG OL BITTIES!! I really hope someone recreates their painting
Emma had a dog quick right that down right that down
OMG Emma and Ziggs were about to go turned into tree people
"You have a fixation with fecal matter and I have had it up to here with you!" I'm sorry W H A T
I knew this would happen. Nick and Matt "Look at the cute Paulkins wedding this is definitely all the episode is" Lang. Of course we can't trust the synopsis. Of course the nighthawks are telepathic now
Ezekiel and the rest of the birds are terrifying
Please let Ziggy go to the bathroom. Did they make Emma poop outside too?! Going to the bathroom will not take that long I promise
Please let them get food they don't want your vomit. Ziggs is vegan they can't even eat that. Ezekiel is really stupid. If you would let them live their lives normally then you would have no reason to fear them getting help. They were going to continue growing weed anyway and I don't believe you need that much
AND you're making them sleep in the barn. Their growing the weed FOR YOU!! They were fine to continue doing so. What are you treating them like this for
"And let this man take our weed?! Issac, never speak to me again." ok so Ezekiel is growing on me
The other nighthawks should unionize
Reason #1852 I relate so much to Emma. Of course she's had her final words picked out since high school. I've been thinking about what mine would be for the past few years. I have a few ideas
I love Emma and Ziggy's dynamic. They are buddies. I'm so glad Emma has a friend it's what she deserves
Just when you think Emma might actually get her happy ending, she gets arrested. Why can't she be happy
That video was definitely made by the the Smoke Club teens what is even happening
OH this video. This is so sexy. Corey and Bryce sound amazing and this song is great. Rip Curt and Kim campers
THE MAYOR!?! I didn't think we would ever meet him. Hello
Their names are Mary and Noah I can't
Grace sweetie you did not need to tell everyone. I appreciate you trying to help but you could have at least asked Steph if she had a plan
Jerry and Jeri I love you!! And their song is so good. This camp has their own record company omg. Them ripping their shirts to reveal the same shirt underneath asdfghjkl
Oh they horny
Are you trying to kill him?!? He told you his blood sugar was low let him have his chocolate. I hate you Corey counselor. Die
That was on a school test?!? How many people did that go through without anyone seeing anything wrong
Steph and Pete are really cute omg. Peter is not at all what I expected. Like he is nerdy but he definitely is Ted's brother. He horny. But also he's not obnoxious like I thought he would be. He's so sweet and chill. He's cool and I like him. Nick did so good
Oh no Gabe is gross I thought he was chill. I wonder if he was only protesting with Grace just to get her to bang him
The lumber-axe puppet looks so cool!!! I love the eye
Grace only showers in a bathing suit? Gabe I don't think you would have wanted to do her
I LOVE that Peter is canonically jacked. This dude is not at all what I expected
Woah woah guys the other campers have to use the showers don't be gross
Noooooooooo not Noah and Mary!!! They were so young!! So pure!! The lumber-axe has no mercy
Of course Ted got put in solidarity confinement. And of course he snuck a p/rn magazine in there. It's cute that Pete found it an felt his brother was with him
Angela's screams!!
He's getting defeated by a p/rn magazine I seriously can't. Thank you Ted?
They let Jon go feral again yay!! I love it when this happens. Jerry is insane and I love it
Woah plot twist Little Jerri (that's how I choose to believe its spelled. A combo of their spellings)
I feel so bad for Jeri. She didn't deserve any of this
Um so is Grace camp director now? Also is she the new lumber-axe? Good for her I think
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