#Hover Car Racer
arthurdrakoni · 11 months
Hover Car Racer might be aimed at kids, but don’t let that dissuade you. It is a high-octane thrill ride that can be enjoyed by all ages. This is my review.
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Hover Car Racer takes place in the not too distant future where transportation has been revolutionized thanks to magneto hover drives which draw power from the Earth’s magnetic field. The sports of racing has also been revolutionized by hover technology, and hover car racing draws millions of viewers and captivates countless nations. The book follows a fourteen-year-old hover car racer from Australia named Jason Chaser. Jason has just lost one of the biggest races of his life, but he’s also attracted the attention of former racing champion Scott Syracuse. Before long Jason and his little brother Bug are whisked away to the International Race School in Hobart, Tasmania. Jason and Bug are about to be in for the ride of their lives.
Yeah, if you’re thinking that this book kind of sounds like Harry Potter meets Speed Racer, you wouldn’t be too far off. That having been said, it doesn’t make the book any less enjoyable. What makes Matthew Reilly such a talented writer is the way that he is takes concepts that seem cliché and manages to make them feel fresh and exciting. He may write books that are primarily intended to be fun and entertaining, but it’s clear that he puts a lot of hard work and effort into his books.
This book had been on my to-read list for a while, and I’m certainly glad that I finally got around to it. If you’re sick of books that spend too much time on filler, padding and introspection then you’ll enjoy this book. Everything that happens has some significance in advancing the plot. The plot and action moved by like a speeding hover car, but it never felt rushed or poorly paced. This was a really fun book, pure and uncut fun. Blame it on all of the Mario Cart I used to play, but I’ve always had a soft spot for racing stories.
What I liked about Jason wasn’t so much what he was as what he wasn’t. A lot of people’s complaint with Speed Racer is that Speed is a boring invincible hero who is guaranteed to win no matter what, but that’s not the case with Jason. He has to actually work for his victories, and there are just as many times that he fails as when he succeeds. This makes all of the races genuinely suspenseful sense there’s no guarantee that Jason will come out on top. It also makes his hard work and victories feel genuinely satisfying.
There’s a ton of references to classical works scattered throughout the novel. For example, we’ve got a hero named Jason who pilots The Argonaut, flies through two clashing icebergs and towards the end of the novel he retrieves a Golden Fleece as part of the final race. Jason falls in love with a girl named Dido who ultimately proves to be a distraction on his quest. Later we see a Greek racer who pilots a car called the Arion, after the horse of Heracles, and there’s a few other references as well. You don’t have to catch any of these references to enjoy the novel, but it gives you a little something extra.
There is an audiobook version narrated by Sean Mangan. Initially I wasn’t quite sure if it would work out, since Sean is American and Jason is Australian. However, I’m happy to report that Sean more than delivers. He really does a great job bringing all of the characters to life. I guess it makes sense that the producers didn’t go with an Australian, given that Jason and his family are pretty much the only Australians in the entire book.
All in all, Hover Car Racer is a high-octane thrill ride powered by Rule of Fun and Rule of Cool. If you’re looking for a science fiction take on racing, this novel can’t be beat.
Have you read Hover Car Racer? If so, what did you think?
Link to the full review on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2017/02/book-review-hover-car-racer-by-mathew.html?m=1
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bookthorns · 2 years
my august wrap up | tik tok faves and new releases!
my august wrap up | tik tok faves and new releases!
Hey everyone, welcome or welcome back to my blog! August fel t like both the longest month of my life and also the shortest so I kind of can’t believe it’s over now and that we’re going into September! In August I got stuck into Uni work and I got a new job as well as doing a few week-long reading challenges. So, it was a bit hectic because I’m me, I still felt like the most unproductive person…
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tosotd-f1 · 16 days
McLaren Orange
*based off the song “tennessee orange” by megan moroney*
lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: fluff *first person pov*
summary: y/n was raised in a ferrari family, but a special driver in the papaya car gets her to wear the mclaren orange.
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I felt as if I was going to throw up. My hand hovered over my mothers contact, shaking from the knots in my stomach. I knew I shouldn't be nervous, but knowing the way my family is I couldn't help it. Finally after convincing myself to tap the icon, my phone began to ring. The ring went on an awful long time, making me feel even more terrified.
"Hi Mama," I say into the phone once she picked up.
"Hey darling," Her sweet voice echos into my ear. How am I supposed to tell her this?
"I've got some news for you," My voice cracks.
"Is everything alright? You're not in trouble are you?" Her tone becomes serious, I could tell she had her eyebrow raised looking towards my father.
"I'm not in trouble, Mama" I laugh slightly, "But, don't tell dad about this, please."
There was silence on the other side of the phone. I knew she was debating listening to my request, but also on not. I heard her shuffle around a bit. Maybe she headed into a different room for privacy.
"I know you guys raised me to know right from wrong, and I know you're thinking I did something wrong, but don't worry everything is okay." I sigh, "It's just, I've never really felt this way. I don't know where to start."
"You can tell me anything, sweetheart." She reassures me, my heartbeat already calming down.
"I met this guy," I mentally smack my head in embarrassment.
"Oh, I was expecting something totally different." She laughs loudly.
"He's got these gorgeous blue eyes." I feel my cheeks grow warm just thinking about the way his eyes look into mine. "He even opens the door for me. I don't think he's made me cry once."
I had met Lando after the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix. A couple of my friends and I decided to go out for the night, we needed some freedom. Just that morning we were all wearing our red gear, cheering for the Ferrari's as they raced. Lando just happened to be at the club we decided to go to. He was with a couple of his friends, hanging around the dj booth in the back. I must have felt risky that day because I walked up to him, congratulating him on his race. Yes, I congratulated the enemy. We ended up talking a little longer. A little longer was the rest of the night.
"He's not from where we're from." I explained, "But, he feels like home somehow."
"Where's he from?" She qustions.
"The United Kingdom, Bristol actually." I tell her.
"He sounds like a very lovely guy," She compliments him. This makes my heart warm. Hopefully the rest of the story wont make her too upset.
"I've done things I've never done before with him, Mama." She could probably hear my wide smile through the phone. "He took me to this beautiful restaurant the other night. Oh, and we went cliff diving too!"
Talking about just a few of the adventures we had been on together already made my stomach burst with butterflies. Thinking back to when our hands were holding tight to each other as we jumped off the tall cliff, waiting for our fall to be caught by the blue water. When he gave me his jacket after our dinner because it was raining.
"There is one thing though," I hesitate.
"What is it?"
"Mama, he's a driver." I try to lead up to the fact that he's a big racing star, but not for our big team.
"He's a driver? Like a racer?" Her voice fills with excitement. "Are you dating Charles Leclerc?"
"No Mama, not him." I laugh, "He's not on Ferrari."
Yet again there was a silence on the other end of the phone.
"Mama, he drives for McLaren." I whisper, a weight being lifted off my shoulders as I did so. "Lando Norris."
I heard the door open from the phone, she was walking up to my father.
"He took me to Spain with him, that's why I was gone for a little while. He gave me the hat he had sitting on his dash when we got to the airport." I try to distract her from telling any information to my father. As long as he's a good guy why should it matter? "Mama, can you forgive me? Don't tell dad, please. I like him a lot."
"Honey, I'm not mad at you. I can't change the fact you like this boy. As long as he doesn't make you forget you look better in red." She sighs, the phone now on speaker mode.
"I don't know, his smile makes me forget sometimes." I fiddle with the rings on my finger.
"Hi daddy," I say quietly, knowing hes listening into the conversation. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."
"Your mother and I are so happy for you, Y/n. I could never be mad at you for chasing your heart."
"I still am rooting for Ferrari, don't worry." I laugh, feeling relieved by their acceptance. "But if you every see me wearing McLaren. Just know I'm wearing the orange for him."
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itsmrshamilton · 10 days
Last Goodbye | LH44
summary: reader is involved in a car accident during qualifying. can Lewis make it to her on time to say one last goodbye
a/n: lol, the summary is way more dramatic than it needs to be. I'm trying a different pov. Let me know what you think. Requests are open.
The sun was positioned high in the sky, the wind softly tickled the trees and there wasn't a single cloud in view for miles. The perfect Saturday afternoon to hold the Qualification Races for the British Grand Prix which would take place on Sunday. Lewis had left earlier that day just like the other racers in order to get to the track on time and begin preparing with their teams. Due to her work, Y/n was unable to attend most races on the calendar but she wouldn't miss the Silverstone race for anything in the world. It was their home race, the one time she got to spend the whole weekend with Lewis and their family while he worked. As scary as it was for her, she loved watching her favourite person do what he did best and inspire millions while he did it.
As was their tradition for home race weekends, Lewis had left Y/n her favourite breakfast in the kitchen, a handwritten note on a counter and a soft kiss on her forehead while she slept then quietly snuck out with Roscoe under his arm. She would have offered to bring their son with her later in the day but she knew that Roscoe had eager fans in the engineers' garage that were waiting to spend the day with him. So she got up and went about her morning on her own, tidying up and making snacks for later when Lewis came home knackered and starving.
She picked up her bag, patted herself down for keys then checked her phone for any last minute requests from her boyfriend. Seeing nothing new since the previous texts she sent, she figured he may have already started racing so she took a quick selfie and sent it with a caption. "I think I stand a chance of overshadowing your paddock outfit today, lol. I'm leaving the house, see you soon. Knock 'em dead, love" She giggled at her awful sense of humour before leaving the house and locking up.
The drive to the track was usually short but on such an eventful day, there were many cars on the road and one could feel the buzz of excitement and anticipation in the air. Y/n wasn't an anxious driver but seeing people pull risky moves between the lanes made her drive with a foot hovering above her brakes just in case.
"Okay, Lewis, P2 for Q1 was a great start. Let's keep that up and improve if we can. Q2 starts in 10 minutes, yeah?" Fred clapped Lewis' shoulder and walked off to another part of the garage.
"Yeah, thanks, man." Lewis replied as he stood in the red garage looking at the screen replaying his latest performance on the track. Roscoe pawed at his foot and whined, clearly requesting to be picked up. The bulldog seemed to forget that at his old age he was getting heavier but his father lovingly adhered and brought Roscoe to his chest with a grunt and a kiss to the forehead. "Where's your mum, eh? She's usually the one cuddling you during qualy, huh?"
He looked around the garage to see if his girlfriend had entered while he was distracted. He knew that the drive there wasn't very short but she always arrived before Q2 began so he was slightly confused. "Hey Marc, have you heard from Y/n or my dad?" he asked an engineer as he glanced at his phone. "No, nothing. There is traffic at the entrance though so that may be causing their delayed arrival." the Italian responded. Lewis nodded seeming satisfied as he read Y/n's text confirming that she was on her way. He grinned like a love struck fool at the picture she sent of herself decked out from head to toe in Ferrari merchandise. She was truly the most beautiful being he had ever seen and he wondered for umpteenth time how he had lived before he met her. He sent heart emojis in response and went back to watching the recording on the screens.
Y/n sighed in relief as she reached the last intersection before the paddock entrance. She could see gates from here and couldn't wait to get out of her car and see her son and boyfriend. The red light she had stopped at turned green and she let her foot off the break to move forward. As she was about to cross the middle of the intersection, she noticed the cars behind her screech to a sudden holt but before she could access the confusing situation her car was hit from the side and she was sent jolting forward. The last thing in her vision was the airbag exploding into her face. She was unconscious by the time the horrified bystanders saw her car get thrust into the nearest pole by the driver who ran the red.
Lewis was seated in the red and yellow car and about to put on his helmet when he saw marshals, guests and staff hurrying in the direction of the paddock entrance. Focused on the next part of the race, he tried to stay grounded and drown out the sounds of shouting. "Lucas, radio check." he said to his engineer. "It's Lewis, radio check." Silence on the other end. He could now hear the sound of sirens in the air. "Lucas? Can-"
"Loud and clear, Lewis. Apologies for the delay, we were receiving a call from the stewards that there has been a car accident outside the entrance so there will be distractions during the second session."
Lewis grimaced and secured the position of his helmet on his head. Car accidents were awful to witness so he really felt sorry for those who were involved. He took hold of the steering wheel.
"That's awful. Do we know who it is? Has help arrived?" He asked sincerely.
"Uh, not really. They say it's a blue and red Audi and a black-"
"A what?" Lewis felt his blood run cold and his suit get tight. He didn't think he heard right. He couldn't have heard that right.
"A blue and red Audi. Anyways, let's focus on the ra-" Lewis didn't let Lucas finish because he shot up and scrambled to get out of the car he was strapped into. He fell out, landed on all fours but got up to rip off his helmet. His knees stung and there were shouts all around him but he had no time to listen. His skin was hot, his throat was tight and DAMN IT, WHY WOULDN'T HIS GLOVES COME OFF! Frustrated, he took off in a sprint towards the paddock entrance, shoving everybody out of his way. In the back of his foggy mind, he thought he heard barking right behind him but was too distracted to check.
When he finally made it off the racetrack property, he was buzzing with adrenaline, covered in sweat and coughing from screaming at the crowd to let him through. At the end of the driveway he could see two green ambulances and multiple police cars parked in a taped off area. "Oh, God. Oh God, no."
He only knew one person with a red and blue Audi. A red and blue Audi that he had gifted them. One person who hadn't yet arrived to the Ferrari garage.
He stumbled forward to take in the scene illuminated by flashing lights. But before he could mumble out another plea to God, he stopped dead in his tracks. A black body bag. Beside what was left of the blue and red Audi that belonged to his girlfriend.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Thanks for reading! Be sure to interact with this post before you leave. Requests are open.
Do not repost on another platform, alter or translate my writing. I don't consent. If you do, I will send evil shongololos to bite your toes off at night.
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thelovelyruin · 8 months
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : racer choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso went off to the races, and you just couldn’t wait for him to come home!
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓: racer au! smut, real fluffy, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, love, teasing, fingering.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 4.5K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from speed by kali uchis.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! this is probably the cutest shit i’ve ever written ughhh. anyways, i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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You don't really know what you got yourself into.
“Whatcha need done, doll?”
“Some coolant? I think…”
Choso gave you a smirk as he walked around your car, throwing his rag over his shoulder. He encouraged you to come over and look under your hood, one hand on your back as he leaned you over the car. He brought his other arm to you, almost wrapping around you but being respectful. And fuck, you didn’t want him to be. He took a stick out of a basin, holding it up so you could see.
“Looks like you need some oil, too.”
You definitely needed that damn coolant; his proximity to you was making you hot. If he’d been able to see your face, he’d see just how flustered you were without him even touching you.
“Ya think so?”
“Yeah, see, the liquid is supposed to be up to here; yours is down here.”
“What about the battery?”
“Lemme check.”
He walked around to it, pulling away from you as you gasped slightly. 
“Yeah, we got a problem.”
“What kind of problem?”
You leaned back against the door beside him, looking at him directly. Shamelessly, he looked you up and down, licking his lips on the way up.
“You’ll need a new one.”
“Oh no! Can you fix that for me, too?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Boy, you think you know, but it just ain't that simple.
All these pet names were working you up, and you were sure he noticed. As he fixed your car, you sat on the bench in his garage, drinking one of the vintage cokes he left in the fridge. You’d seen him pour liquids into your car, something blue, which was the coolant, probably? You couldn’t really focus because he was shirtless now. It was a particularly hot day, one you didn’t think was hot enough to be shirtless, but then again, you weren’t the one working on a car. You could see how his abs flexed as he brought the wrench up to take the battery, glimmering in sweat as he wiped his face with a rag. Fuck, he was hot. You thanked Yuuji over and over for introducing you to him, which he probably didn’t even realize how hot he was, just a simple, ‘My brother upstate works on cars.’
“So, when’d you start workin' on 'em?”
“A few years ago, when I started building.”
“Where’s that at?”
“I’ll show you if you’re real patient.”
“Yeah, doll.”
With that, you shut up, not speaking to him again until he closed your hood, signifying he was done. He walked over to the sink he had in the garage, cleaning his hands and the oil off his arms. When he was done, he walked over to you, smiling as he saw your eyes widen at his approach.
“All done, princess.”
“Thank you so much; I don’t know what I would’ve done without you!”
You reached to pull out your wallet before he brought your hand down.
“No need.”
“You sure? I wanna pay you for your time!”
“Then let me take you out.”
“That’s all you want?”
He gave you a quick nod, walking across to sit the rag down on his workbench.
“Yeah? And what if I don’t want to?”
He brought his face down to yours, lips hovering close as he brought his hands on either side of your hips as you sat on the table. 
“Then tell me no.”
You shuddered as he brought his lips to yours, kissing you softly, then pulling back to grab the keys to your car.
“Friday, 6 PM. Don’t worry ‘bout drivin’ all the way out here again; I’ll come get ya.”
I don't got the time; you should read between the lines.
That was about 8 months ago. Ever since, Choso had come up to see you every weekend, which turned into every few days, coming with flowers and gifts as he brought you into a big hug. Except for this past week, when he drove out of town for a car meet that was forever away. Something about finals or brackets, pretty much an important race. Which he’d won.
You got all dolled up, pretty heels and dress, wearing that perfume he got you and couldn’t get enough of and that necklace with his name on it. Because everyone had to know you were his. He was set to come at 7, flying back upstate by 6, and then the 45-minute drive. You nearly melted when he texted you, already on the road.
“Can’t wait to see you, princess.”
'Cause you're skimming through the pages, it's really looking dangerous.
You jumped around the room in anticipation, causing Mai to come and check on you, but at that point, you had already laid on your bed, giggling as you held your phone. You’d look at his Instagram when he was gone, stories of his car and posing with the trophy and the prize money. And what did he do with that prize money whenever he won? Ask the bubblegum pink 350z sitting in your driveway. You’d seen it at one of the meets a while back, so he bought one and worked on it for a couple of months, wrapped it in your favorite color, and surprised you with it on your birthday, in which you showed your satisfaction very nicely. When he first taught you how to drive it, you’d almost hit a tree, but after a couple of weeks, you were pretty good. So good, in fact, he encouraged you to enter the girl’s races after the main races went down. You were scared as fuck and pretty sure you’d piss yourself, but he believed in you, and that’s all you needed. 
You hadn’t even checked your phone for the text he sent that he was pulling up; you’d heard the single exhaust humming down the street, a little backfire that you were sure scared the neighbors into thinking someone was shooting outside. You nearly ran out of your heels, grabbing your purse and waving bye to Mai. When Choso parked, he leaned against his car, preparing for what was coming next.
You nearly tripped coming off your porch, and as he went to catch you, you jumped into his arms, causing him to chuckle.
“Miss me, princess?”
“So much, promise.”
“Fuck, I missed you too, baby.”
When I'm driving in your car, make me feel like I could do anything.
With that, he kissed you, still carrying you and walking to the car, opening the passenger door, but you weren’t ready to let go. You brought his neck to you, him pinning you against the car. You kissed him deeply, a kiss that said you never wanted him to leave again, and he kissed you right back, one that said he’d never want to leave again. But with all that distance, Choso was pretty damn horny.
He raised his hands to fondle your ass, groping the skin as you giggled into his mouth. Feeling a little more frisky, he brought his hands under your dress, tangling his fingers in your thong. He’d moved his lips down, you still giggling as he smiled into your neck. Swiftly, he pulled your thong down, bringing it off your legs as he sat you back down. He kissed you one last time, smacking your ass as you sat in the seat, closing the door, and stuffing your panties in his pocket. He sat in the driver’s seat, bringing your hand up to kiss it, making you blush.
“Ready, princess?”
But I do not have the drive; I'm in desperate need of your speed.
Baby, I can feel it coming; tell me, is it coming true?
As you two drive down the freeway, he’d do what he did best. Racing against some bastard, they’d always pull up next to him, signaling that they wanted to race, and who was he to say no? Especially when he knew he’d win, using the freeway as a warm-up for the festivities later. There were plenty of times that the cops would catch wind, which was obviously a bad idea because there was no way they were catching up to him and the other driver, and when he’d pull off to calm down for a bit and get the cops off his ass, he’d be so high on adrenaline that he’d fuck you in the backseat. Which you were currently itching for.
“Need you…”
“Hate to make you wait, but I promise I’ll take real good care of you later.”
You had your arms around his arm, never too tight, allowing him the space to shift gears. You pull away with a pout, slinking in the seat as you get on your phone.
“Don’t be a brat.”
“Yeah, what’re you gonna do about it?”
He knew you were waiting for him to give in, but he wasn’t fallin’ for it.
“Well, I was thinking about helpin’ ya out, but ya keep actin’ like that, and I’ll make ya wait till after the races. All of them.”
With that, you fixed your face and returned to being bubbly again. You brought your hands up to the top of your dress, pulling the top down to expose your cleavage, giving him those fuck me eyes. God, it was hard to say no to you. Whenever he did, you’d do something like that. And what was the result? Him rubbing your clit for a bit, not letting you cum, though, because only good girls get to do that. 
Maybe it was going perfectly the way you planned it to.
As you two pulled up to the meet, he parked towards the back, always scared that somebody would hit his car, which he was totally trippin’ about. Except that one guy that guy did hit his car, and he beat the shit out of him in front of everyone there, you bandaging his knuckles up later. You knew he got a lil’ angry sometimes, but never at you, so you didn’t really care if he intimidated half the guys he met. Especially the ones that tried to flirt with you. He wasn’t completely evil; he’d ask the guy to walk away first, but when they insisted on still talking to you, he’d punch their jaw, sometimes knocking their teeth out. Oh well.
He helped you out of the car, pulling down your dress as you got out to not flash anyone, reaching your hand to his pocket to take your panties back, but then he’d turn and give you that look, which you smirked at and retreated.
Lately, I've been thinking all I really wanna do is go faster. Can we go faster?
“Choso, my man!”
“Yuuji, you made it!”
“How could I miss it? You came all the way up here to race, so had to see ya…”
He turned to look at you with a smirk, looking back at Choso.
“I’m sure you had other reasons, of course.”
You laughed at his comment while Choso flipped him off. The three of you walked up to the crowd of guys by the front who were arguing. A good look, and it was obvious they were arguing over a race from the other day. Two of the guys you’d recognized from a couple of weeks back were going back and forth, one telling the other that he owed him money out of the pot and the other guy insisting that he didn’t have to pay because he won the race.
“Will you guys just shut the fuck up?”
Everyone turned to look at Choso in shock. What the hell was he doing? He was practically begging to get added to the argument. You retracted your arm a bit, preparing for the damage that was about to happen.
“Choso, you motherfucker!”
“Where’ve you been? I’ve had to race cheap ass bastards like this.”
“Hey, you know what? Go fuck yourself.”
They were actually excited to see him? You hadn’t gone to a meet in a while, so you were wondering why everyone was so happy to see him all of a sudden. As they patted his back and dapped him up, you refrained, pulling Yuuji to the side.
“What is going on?”
“He won out there; he was representing for the state. Didn’t he tell you he was going to finals?”
Fuck, he did. You hadn’t really paid attention to him when he said he was leaving; your sadness got in the way of that. Your boyfriend had a major accomplishment; you hadn't even congratulated him. You’d make it up to him lat-
“You okay, princess?”
“Yeah, just a little chilly, that’s all.”
“I’ll go get my jacket.”
“No, babe, I’m fine, promise!”
He could tell you weren’t fine. He wasn’t gonna pry, though, instead talking to the other guys about the rules of the race for tonight. You wish you knew a little more about what they were talking about, something about crosses and jumps? What was that? You pondered until Choso grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the car and leaning against the door.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just, I kinda just forgot something really important to you.”
“The finals thing.”
“Babe, that’s what you’re worried about? I could care less about the race; I’m just happy to see my girl again.”
“Yeah, now come back over; hate to leave and fuck you this early.”
You felt better, but he was fucking with you. He walked over to the driver’s side, yelling at the group.
“Stop chattin’ and come ready up!”
Something in the air; I really just don't wanna take it slow.
Choso had a few cars, but since he’d won out west, his TTRS was like his good luck charm. It was a pretty burnt orange, with red leather seats on the inside and one of the fiber optic ceilings that made the top of the car look like stars at night. Most of the time, he didn’t let you drive in it, implying it might be a little too dangerous, but since he won, he’d wanted you to drive in it all the time from now on. His girl and his car, he felt like a winner for sure.
The first race was guys who’d been racing when he was gone, a couple Supras and Civic’s, then more of the expensive cars, like Trackhawks and McLaren’s. It was a little hard to pay attention with choso groping your ass the whole time. You two stood behind his car, towards the back, as he waited for his turn. Damn, he was a tease, especially when he groped right at the inner part of you, centimeters away from touching your lips. Then, he’d talk to you the whole time.
“That one has a body kit, and that one has a stock engine.”
And when you’d moan and squirm more than he wanted you to, he’d slap your ass and stop.
“You’re paying attention, right?”
“Good girl.”
He knew what he was doing to you, but he didn’t really care. The idea of you being hot and ready as you waited for him to win was riling him up, but he couldn’t let himself get too hard; he still had shit to do. After the third race, it was Choso’s turn, and he was going against a M340, which he said was a pretty fair matchup. He hopped in the driver’s seat, pulling the car around and getting prepared. As they heated the lanes to grip the tires, he shot you a smile, and you gave him two thumbs up. You thought flagging looked so fun, but Choso was too nervous that would be the day a motherfucker crosses too much and hits you. Nonetheless, they started revving their engines.
After they took off, you’d started recording; he always appreciated when you took little clips for him to post later. As they began pulling back, you started looking over the footage. You were shivering a little bit, and right about now, you were wishing you’d taken the offer on that jacket.
“You cold?”
You turned to look at the guy who had started talking to you. He was a cocky bastard, for sure. He’d worn a jacket with his team’s logo; you hadn’t seen it before, probably someone new who came when Choso was gone. Yuuji hadn’t raced that week, so you couldn’t ask him either. A guy behind him was pulling on his sleeve, trying to get him to stop.
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“No problem, baby girl. You enjoying the race?”
God, you wish this guy would fuck off.
“Yeah, I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”
“Oh really? He left a pretty girl like you all by yourself? Sounds like a pretty fucked up boyfriend.”
“Hey, you should really-”
“Who the fuck are you?”
If we waste the time, I think it might just make me miserable.
You hadn’t even realized Choso had finished his race; you were too busy trying to get this guy to go away. He’d wrapped his arm around you, shooting a death stare at the guy.
“Oh, you're the bastard in the TTRS! Shame you left this little lady alone; anything could’ve happened to her.”
“You got a fuckin’ problem? Keep talkin’ about her like that, and I’ll have your ass. What you can’t fuckin’ read?”
He held up your necklace, the one with his name on it; despite the fight that was probably gonna happen, it made you blush that he was claiming you like that.
“Choso, huh? You think you’re hot shit cause you won out there? Someone had to hold shit down around here while you were gone.”
Choso grabbed the guy by the shirt, about to fight him, when Yuuji intervened. He held up the sheet with the matchups; looked like this fucker was up against him next. Choso reluctantly let the guy go, smirking as he rubbed down his face. 
“Whatcha drivin'?”
“Hellcat, modded, bitch.”
“So nut up or shut up, motherfucker.”
The guy left to bring his car around, leaving you and Choso to walk around to his car, already in position from the last race. You nuzzled your face in your chest as he kissed your forehead. Before he let you go, he grabbed his jacket from the backseat, putting it on you. He was still a little horny, though. He brought his lips to yours, leaning you against the car, kissing you deeply as he brought one of his hands under the jacket, groping your tit. The other one? Flipping that bastard off as he got in his car.
“Gonna take care of his ass, stay with Yuuji til I get back, ‘kay? Hold on, I got a better idea.”
You gave him a quick nod as he pulled you over to a couple of guys towards the middle, interrupting their conversation and dapping them up.
“What’s up, bro?”
“I want her to flag.”
“You got it.”
You nearly jumped for joy. He was gonna let you flag? To be fair, it was probably so he could prove a point to that asshole, but you didn’t really care because you were too excited at the opportunity. One of the guys showed you how to do it, bringing a hand up, then down real fast. You had to wait for both of them to rev their engines, then give the signal about ten seconds later; the reaction time to the signal usually determined the race, so you had to be really careful. 
So, you were. Yuuji and some other guys held the back of Choso’s car; good luck for take off. You stepped in the middle and did just what he’d said, him giving you a thumbs up from the sidelines. The cars sped past you fast, wasting no time. You ran back to Yuuji, who was super proud, of course. Now, you guys just had to wait.
Lately, I've been thinking all I really wanna do is go faster. Can we go faster?
“How’s it feel, you shit-talkin' motherfucker?”
“Aye, go fuck yourself!”
Yuuji started yelling at him the second he got out the car, grabbing his share of the bets. Choso got out and walked over to you, picking you up and kissing you hard.
“You did so good, baby!”
“Me? That flagging was great, princess.”
Choso flipped the guy off, walking you to the car and letting you in. He walked over to Yuuji, who handed him the stack of cash he’d won and dapped him up, shooting you a little wave. You waved back as Choso put the money in a bag in the backseat. With a hand on your thigh, he drove off.
“Yeah, I know, baby. We’ll be home in about thirty minutes.”
“I don’t think I can wait that long.”
“Well, you’ll have to, princess.”
You shot him lust-filled eyes, reaching your hand over to massage his dick through his pants. He sighed and pulled off on the next exit.
You better hit your brakes ‘fore you crash, boy, crash.
He’d pulled into a park towards the back of the parking lot. Once he parked, you were already on him, climbing into the driver's seat to straddle him as he adjusted it. You wasted no time bringing his face to yours and kissing him roughly, which caused him to pull you back by your neck, licking the skin there as you rubbed your bare pussy against his jeans. You didn’t really care if you’d stained them, just looking for any sort of relief from the teasing he’d given you all night.
“Slow down, princess. Wanna take things slow.”
“But baby, it’s been so long! Need you now!”
You brought his fingers down to your pussy, rubbing them against your clit. You started moaning into his neck as he removed his hands, leaving you whimpering for his touch.
“You don’t fuckin’ listen.”
He pulled your hips forward so he was face to face with your tits, pulling your top down and immediately taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You threw your head back and groaned, convinced you’d probably cum soon from being touch deprived for so long. Simultaneously, he brought his hands up to pull the fabric of your dress up, ass fully exposed as he slapped it and massaged it. He made you feel so good, but you knew you wanted more. You were gonna say anything to get him to hurry up.
“Need to feel you cum inside.”
That brought something out of him. He’d sat you up a bit so he could undo his jeans, pulling his pants and briefs down so his dick was exposed. You moved it under yourself, trying to position yourself over it, and once you were? Well, Choso slammed you down on it. He didn’t want to be too rough with you; he originally planned to make love to you when you guys got back, make you cum a few times before he fucked you. But you were so damn horny, it made that idea impossible. He began bouncing you up and down on his dick, slapping your ass as he focused on how your tits were moving from the gravity of his thrusts. You were so blissed out that you couldn’t even think straight. He was fucking the shit out of you, and you were enjoying every second of it. It had been so long (literally a week) since he’d stretched you out, and you couldn’t help but moan his name over and over.
You better hit your brakes ‘fore you crash, boy, crash.
“That’s it, baby, say my name.”
“How bad did you miss me?”
“So baddd….”
“Yeah, that’s why you’re actin’ like this?
He was fuckin’ your brains out, barely able to make coherent sentences. And he fuckin’ loved it. Watching you melt over his dick as fucked into you on that one spot that had you grippin’ his shoulders and stuttering while you moaned. Fuck, you made him so happy. Before you came up to see him all those months ago, Yuuji had shown him a picture of you, explaining that you were his friend and would need your car worked on. He told Yuuji right then and there he was gonna make you his girl, which Yuuji just jabbed his shoulder and wished him good luck. Now, here you were.
“Gonna cum for me baby?”
“Yes, Choso, fuck right there!”
“Right here?”
“Don’t stop, baby!”
He watched as you came undone over top of him, putting your face on his shoulder and screaming his name as he fucked you through it. He wasn’t gonna lie; the feeling of your pussy cumming on him drove him crazy. So crazy; in fact, he filled you up, just like you asked him to. You felt so good, finally getting fucked after so long. He still held your hips, sinking you back and forth until he got overstimulated. He slipped you off and sat you back down, kissing you softly before sitting you back in the passenger seat. He put his pants back on and started the car, fixing your dress and putting his hand back on your thigh.
“You good princess?”
When I'm driving in your car make me feel like I could do anything.
You thought you were off the hook, really. When you guys came home, he washed you up, put one of his shirts on you, and put you to bed with him, drifting sleep. That was until you pulled your leg over his, tits pressing against his chest. And fuck, you looked so sexy in his shirt, no panties on, slightly moving your hips against his side. He slid down and brought your legs over his shoulders, making you giggle as he looked up at you. He started by licking his tongue through your lips, licking up your precum as his hands massaged your thighs. You started squirming when he moved your lips out of the way to get direct access to your clit. He felt so good, a little too good, in fact.
“Baby, not so fast; I’m gonna cum real soon!”
“Oh, “not so fast” now? Where was that in the car?”
He picked up his pace, causing your body to jerk as you prepared to cum again. He chuckled into you as you called out his name, gripping his hair as he brought you to your climax. It was so intense you damn near ripped his hair out. But he didn’t care about that. He kissed the outside of your lips gently, trailing them all the way up your body until his lips met yours. He brought you back into his embrace as you fell asleep, for real, this time.
But I do not have the drive; 
The next morning, you’d wake up super early, surprising after the evening before, but you were just so excited to show him the clips you got. Then you showed him pics you took while he was gone and the video Mai took of you as you attempted to change the fuse for your headlight, which you didn’t so he’d fix it later. Nonetheless, you were his girl, and despite all of this car shit, you were all he really needed.
I'm in desperate need of your speed.
♱ the song used in this story is speed by kali uchis. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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259 notes · View notes
bleubrri · 2 years
۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ᴀᴅʀᴇɴᴀʟɪɴᴇ — ʜᴀɴᴍᴀ sʜᴜᴊɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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༄ؘ ˑ contains: f1 driver!shuji , pit crew manager!reader , endless petnames ( doll / angel / pretty girl / sweetheart etc ) , black coded!fem!sub!reader , vaginal fingering , squirting , cunnilingus , a lil pussy job , v brief mention of anal , jerkin’ off , dacryphilia + overstim if you squint , shuji tuckin’ your cum away for safe keeping<3
༄ؘ ˑ wc: 4k
༄ؘ ˑ a/n: belated bday piece for hanma🤸🏾not proof read as per ͡(ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु
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“piece of fucking shit—” the sound of his helmet slamming into the tarmac has hanma’s useless excuse for a pit crew flinching under the racers rage. he’d practically leaped out of his car in his blaze of fury, sweat-sticky bangs clinging to his skin as he beelined into the pits. his attempts at trying to stay remotely calm (every one of that brainless psychologists tricks—count down from 10, five things you can see, four things you can hear or whatever the fuck) are crushed into dust when he catches sight of the crew manager, cigarette bobbing between his lips as he attempts to flirt with a runner 2 decades his junior. and hanma sees red, yanks him back by the collar so harshly that he almost goes spinning onto the track (maybe it’d to him good to take a few laps, shuji’s engine revving behind him just to keep him on his toes—).
“what the fuck?!”
“you’re fired.” hanma spits, tone laced with vitriol.
“what?” he says incredulously, “look, you can’t blame me for not winning. shoddy drivin’ ain’t gonna make up for lost time—“ hanma pulls back his fist, since apparently this idiot has a death wish. kisaki let’s him get one punch in, the satisfying crunch of a broken nose echoing before he catches him by the crook of his elbow. his manager takes in the scene, glancing at the runner who’s still hovering, wide eyed and uncertain (probably a damn apprentice they look so young) and grunting out, “leave.”
“you.” he gestures to his short-tempered racer, “walk it off.”
“whatever.” hanma sniffs, casting a final death-glare to the ex pit crew chief and kicking up shards of rubber as he saunters off.
kisaki ignores the outrage that gets spewed at him when he instructs the crew manager to pack his shit. he’s nursing an electromagnetic headache by the time he slinks into his office, wrapping his knuckles against the desk and calling for his assistant. thick lensed glasses and blue eyes peek from behind the door. “sir?”
“call her.” he says, massaging his temple and contemplating if it’s too early to retire.
nervous eyes dart around the room. “I— sir, she doesn’t—“
“call her.” he repeats with a finality that has his assistant shuddering and slinking towards the phone.
the smell of burning rubber, astringent and sharp, singes your nostrils and coats the back of your tongue.
“get ready people! in and out, let’s get this playboy back out there.” your quip earns you a few chuckles as your crew assembles into the positions you’ve calculated to optimise the switch.
eight. seven. six.
maybe you can leech an extra bonus off of that eerily stoic manager for your efforts. the last thing you expected was your college friend calling you in the middle of a well deserved vacation, big wet eyes and pleading tone dripping through the screen in desperate need of a favour. you’d agreed—you supposed you owed it to him for endlessly mooching notes off of him in countless late night study sessions. and your crew were good sports about it (it only took the promise of hosting at your house for new years and supplying booze for upwards of 40 people). one race, you’d said. just to tide them over until they found someone permanent for the grand prix.
five. four.
the plan is solid. everyone, everything’s in place. a flash of colour veers round the bend and your grip on your clipboard tightens.
you can almost see your crew’s fingertips twitching with anticipation.
oh this’ll be a breeze. fun even. maybe you can be on the train home by tomorrow morning; knock out a couple chapters of that book you’ve been meaning to finish. cook some dinner, indulge in that chardonnay gifted from the neighbour.
just one more race.
hanma hasn’t been the first racer to leave the pits in a while. he’s almost always the first one in, having to overcompensate in the laps following half assed pit stops by crews that can barely change a fucking tire. so it’s by instinct alone that he’s preparing his usual schpiel of mumblings. c’mon, come on let’s fucking go—
but his words never get the chance to form. he’s barely eased off the gas—barely blinked before he’s burning rubber and shooting back onto the track.
adrenaline is pounding in his ears, and he vaguely registers the screams of the crowd and frantic commentary from the hosts: i don’t think we’ve seen a pit stop like that in a hot second, ted! no you’re absolutely right, josh, especially not from hanma’s corner! word on the street is he’s looking for a fresh new team ahead of the world grand prix—has the infamous racer finally found his match?
he’s giddy with the rush of an impending win flooding his veins, a smile that’s almost ditzy pulling at his lips until he can feel his gums pressing against his molars. a quick glance in his rears reveals a gaggle of black jumpsuits surrounding a figure dressed in red, the stickers from his sponsors adorning your back and torso.
and when his car gains speed and his knuckles whiten beneath his gloves as he approaches the finish line, hanma decides that he has to have you.
“he’s not here! winner’s lounge is further down!” you shout from around the pencil wedged between your teeth. the pits are deserted, with everyone having retreated to the press corner and vip lounge for drinks after an admittedly impressive win. you figured you’d make the most of the peace and quiet and edit a few designs in the seclusion of the garage, the shutters half shut for some privacy and hanma’s car acting as your only company.
and yet the pair of feet visible through the gap in the bottom of the shutters are suddenly sliding underneath. “hey! he’s not here, dude. it’s crew only, you’re not even supposed to be he—oh.”
you’ve only really seen snippets of him—blurry paparazzi shots of him in dark shades and a hoodie slung over his tall figure—but the riot of black and blonde, the stark characters of sin and punishment, it’s all very telling.
“did you.. need something?”
“jus’ addin’ to the collection.” he says, producing his medal that was shoved into a pocket and dropping it into a tray of similar awards. it’s ridiculous really—a little trinket tray full of medals that people spend their entire careers in pursuit of. and yet here he is, 6 foot gorgeous and acting like he couldn’t care less. you resist the urge to rake over his lean form in the tight jumpsuit that he still wears, suddenly very aware of your own jumpsuit: zipped to your waist with arms bare in nothing but a sports bra (and not even one of your cute ones). you frown at the figures and measurements on the papers in front of you. would it be weird to cover up? or weirder if you don’t? surely he’ll leave in a second anywa—
“watcha doin’?” his chin is practically resting on your shoulder as he leans over you, peering at your post-it scribbles and months long blueprints. he smells good. something spicy and masculine that makes you want to turn your head and press your nose to his pulse. apparently he’s enjoying the way his proximity is affecting you, gold-flecked eyes locking with yours as you stutter out a response.
“ah, just going over some plans. nothing exciting really.”
long fingers graze over the paper obscuring your design. “didn’t know pit crew managers designed engines.” he watches you wring your hands together on your lap, suddenly sheepish.
“it’s just for fun, really. might not be one forever..” you mumble.
“you design formula 1 engines for fun?”
“i guess so.”
“MIT?” he asks as if he can’t already tell and you nod.
the hum that rumbles in his chest jumps over your skin and burns goosebumps in its wake. “clever little thing, aren’t you?”
there’s a desert in your mouth. your saliva has to be a fucking mirage because you’re definitely swallowing sand.
“pretty too.” he says, tugging on a particularly curly loop of your hair. (it’s short, maybe as short as his, because there’s only so much shampoo a person can go broke from trying to get the smell of gasoline out of hair that grazes your mid-back).
“thanks.” you croak out uncertainly.
“i want you.” he deadpans and you can feel the harsh crunch of grains between your teeth, saharan dust clogging your throat by the mouthful.
“you—what?” you aren’t sure whether hanma’s smile should make you feel excited or uneasy. still, you try not to noticeably clench your thighs together.
“in paris.”
he raises a knowing brow as he smirks at your adorable squirming. “i want you there, in paris. for the first race. and every race after that.”
at that, you frown and your answer comes at a speed that surprises you both. “no.” and then, more softly, “i’m… supposed to be on vacation.” you mumble.
he clicks his tongue, dissatisfied. “c’mon sweetheart. it took me one race to figure out you’re the best of the best—you’ve gotta know that by now. and i—“ he starts, lifting your chin from where it’s tucked into your chest, “want the best.”
you step up from your seat a little too fast and slam your pencil down a little too harshly, running a hand over your hair and sighing, “you don’t need me, hanma. you won with a six lap lead today, i think you’ll be fine.” hanma sighs dramatically, walking backwards into the centre of the garage. the distance both calms your nerves and makes you crave something you can’t quite place.
punishment is extended to you, lustrous eyes daring you to deny him. “c’mere.” his hands are slightly warm. palms a little calloused and knuckles sharp when he laces your fingers together and pulls you deeper into the garage, right in front of where his car is parked. admittedly, it’s fucking gorgeous up close—the fleeting glimpses on the speedway don’t do it anywhere near justice. hanma takes advantage of your stunned silence and slots in right behind you, sporting a wicked grin unbeknownst to you when his palms land on your shoulders and he feels you immediately tense under his touch.
“you know why i love racing?” his voice is low and gravelly and travelling straight between your legs. and when his head dips and he whispers over the shell of your ear, you release a shaky breath that you didn’t realise was trapped in your lungs. “adrenaline.” he says. “it builds up. every lap of the track, building and building—“ it’s hard to ignore the way his fingers are sliding further up your skin. “until i cross the finish line with those fuckers miles behind me.” calloused pads ghost over your jaw until hanma’s tilting your gaze upwards. dark and blonde strands have fallen over his eyes, and yet you could swear his pupils look blown, thick lashes more prominent under his half lidded study of you. “you ever feel like that?” it’s phrased as a question, but something in his tone assures you that he knows. “tell me what you felt, today, when we won.” when we won. hanma’s laying it on a little thick, but he has a feeling it’ll all be so, so worth it.
“i—i thought you did well. i was.. proud of my team.” you manage to whisper.
“oh c’mon doll,” the corner of his lips is tilted in a knowing smirk and he leans in closer, “‘s just us, you can drop the modesty.” the subtle heat of sin is suddenly gliding over your waist.
“i—“ you can’t fucking speak, his left hand settling over the skin of your stomach and toying with the zip that sits below your navel. “c’mon angel, you can trust me.”
“i felt it.. i felt it too.” you blurt out. “adrenaline—when you turned the corner. w-when you crossed the finish line. felt like i fucking won.” you’re spewing words out between heavy breaths and he rewards you for it, tracing the lace that lines your panties, the seam that connects your inner thigh to your heated cunt, before tensing the fabric against the plush mound of your pussy. he explores your covered folds through the thin barrier, tracing the peaks and valleys he finds while dragging your panties in steady strokes against you, drool-worthy friction scathing across your weeping cunt. pink flashes from between his teeth as hanma runs his tongue over his lips and you get the sudden insatiable urge to suck on it. to chart the course of his mouth until you get lost between his teeth, under his tongue and down his throat.
“i knew it.” he smiles like he’s proud, “only reason i got such a lead was ‘cause you know how to manage those nobodies.”
did he mean your team? “t-they’re not nobod-“
“they’re nothing.” he insists, “but you, angel face,” he continues, wrenching your panties aside and delighting in the sticky mess that he finds there, “oh you’re everything.”
the moan that escapes you when hanma immediately plunges two lithe fingers past the tight rings of your entrance is swallowed into his mouth when he captures your lips with his. he’s got sharp canines that dig into the plush of your lower lip as he parts them at the seam and licks into your mouth. you’re as sweet as he thought you’d be: he laves over your spit-slick tongue like it’s his favourite piece of candy, swears your teeth have to be rocks of sugar with the way his tastebuds light up at the taste of you.
the stretch from his fingers is tapering into a dull throbbing as he glides the pads of his digits along the satiny walls of your cunt, subtly grinding the hardening tent at his crotch against the curve of your ass. one of your hands slinks upwards and slithers around his nape. blunt nails scratch at the shorter hair there, jolts of electricity shooting to the base of his spine and sparking delicious heat in his gut. your fingers can’t seem to decide what they want, torn between tugging at the soft locks of his crown and burying themselves there to push him closer. either way, the feeling has him growling against your mouth and writhing his fingers until he’s knuckle deep inside you and coated in your slick. when he crooks his fingers, angling them to press into the fleshy bundle of nerves at your centre, you whimper beneath him, arching into his touch and clenching around his digits like a fucking diver grasping at a gem on the depths of the seabed.
heated breaths fan over puffy lips as you pull back to come up for air. it proves pointless—any trace of oxygen punched from your chest when hanma cups your entire pussy and grinds the heel of his palm into the throbbing nub of your clit. your head falls limp against his chest, drawn out moans and little sniffles pulling his attention from the feast between your legs. his gaze is met with damp lashes and an almost imperceptible wobble of your lip. somehow the prospect of your tears has his dick twitching with excitement and threatening to burst through his clothes. he fantasises about having you sprawled out beneath him, tasting salt on you lips and feeling wet trails down your cheeks. maybe mascara would stain your cheeks, inky tracks that worsen with each snap of his hips, sheathing his cock further into the gooey depths of your heat. it’s a tangible possibility, one that has him sporting an erection that could shatter glass. “shit—you cryin’ pretty girl?” he mutters before trailing kisses along the length of your jaw.
“ngh! ‘s so—‘s so good, hanma.” you’re mewling, the increasing pace of his fingers thrusting into you twisting your throat until rapid breaths are being puffed from your lips and the coil in your stomach pulls taut.
“shuji.” he says simply, latching onto your neck and sucking a bruise into the column of your throat.
you can feel your arousal dripping down your inner thighs and stringing his fingers together. between the involuntary grinding against his clothed dick and the searing kisses on your skin, you’re trying to move through the fog of desire that’s clouding your brain; a warning of you about to crash over the edge almost making its way off your tongue before hanma’s shuffling forward, spinning you to face him and pushing you down until you’re sprawled out on the thin hood of his car. his fingers slow their ministrations a fraction and yet never leave their rightful place, nestled against your g-spot. there really isn’t a lot of space on the car, though you suppose it doesn’t matter, ogling him with misty heart-eyes as hanma’s towering form slots over you. the forearm of his free hand slams against the glossy paint job right next to your head, his long legs spread wide to give him the perfect leverage to grind his dick into the edge of the car and relentlessly swirl his digits into the mess of your cunt. and when he feels the telltale squeeze of your walls, he practically rips your jumpsuit down your legs to get a flawless view of the rivets of fluid that spew from around his fingers.
“fuck yeah, good fuckin’ girl.” he’s groaning as his body shifts down and retracts his fingers, sucking swollen, leaking flesh into the rapturous heat of his mouth. “thats it,” he drawls, his drawn out words sending vibrations across the sensitive lips of your pussy. “more, c’mon doll, give me more.” your hands fly into his hair as your spine arches under his expert tongue, swirling and licking up the length of your slit, the pointed tip of his nose pressing into your clit with a pressure that pushes more essence from you as he drinks you down for what seems like forever. “hm, you wanna keep this pretty pussy all to yourself? got a feelin’ this cute little clit’s gonna become my good luck charm.” he’s taken to tracing his initials into the perk cluster of nerves with the tip of his tongue, soaked fingers trailing every inch of your exposed flesh as your hips buck and grind, trying to get more and more friction from his face. your skin is puffy and glistening in a sheen of spit and slick under the dimmed lights of the garage. and you’ve got a cute little rim too, one that twitches when his touch ghosts anywhere remotely near it and it has him dying to fuck your ass until you’re screaming for him.
when your thighs mindlessly inch closer together, caging in his head, punishment is quick to slam one back down, his thumb working to spread you further and his head pushing further into your core. with the endorphins of your high mellowing into a pleasurable buzz, you’re suddenly aware of the sensitivity between your legs and the desperate movement of hanma’s hips.
“s-shuji—“ you call, carting your fingers through his hair. the image of him surfacing is a lewd one: wild eyes that drip with desire, slick coating the bottom half of his face with droplets littering everywhere from his collar to his forehead, a sheen of sweat on this hairline that has the hair there sticking together.
you steal his mouth for yourself, moaning at the taste of your release and his sweet breath pairing together along your tongue. the firm grasp of your fingers beginning to squeeze the bulge of his cock has him bucking into your hand and nipping at the flesh of your lip between groans. “shit—“ he breathes, reaching for the zipper of his jumpsuit and stripping down to his boxers in the space of a few hazy blinks. saliva pools in your mouth at the sight of sinewy musculature, dark hairs along the base of his navel stark against the pale expanse of his torso. beauty marks pepper his sleek abs and you get the desire to sink your teeth into the lean muscle of his thighs when they flex under his movements. it gets better when he frees his cock. a pretty thing; thick and long—his length has you clenching around air and worrying for your cervix. his head is flushed a deep crimson that almost looks painful, and you’d kill to have it shoved into the sleeve of your throat. you’re reaching for him, eyeing the throbbing veins that twist along the ridges of his shaft with a lustful gaze, but he pushes you down with one hand and wraps a tight fist around his girth with the other.
“not today, sweetheart.” he says, pumping his length and squeezing below the sensitive head of his cock, thumbing at his slit as a pearly coat of pre spreads along his shaft.
“what?” you’re looking up at him with doe-eyes through wet lashes, a sweet pout on your pretty lips. “you’re not.. you’re not gonna fuck me?” you mumble it like you’re embarrassed, as if you didn’t just squirt into his mouth and hump his face like a bitch in heat. hanma sighs, letting his dick slap against his stomach and pulling you to the edge of the car by the crook of your knees. you yelp, hands landing onto the hood (and the puddle of slick beneath you). he slides your panties down and takes off your jumpsuit from where it’s pooled around your legs, leaving your sex gorgeously exposed. his hand wraps around his erection, delivering a wet slap with the head of his cock directly over your clit. he watches with delight as a few more dewy drops spew from your slit, the way your face contorts in pleasure and a broken moan escapes you. he continues, does it over and over again, occasionally letting his length glide between the drenched lips of your cunt.
“i’ll fuck every pretty little hole you have to offer dollface.” he smiles as he cups your chin, his knees digging into the harsh metal of the cars hood, caging your body beneath him as he frantically strokes himself. “i’ll fuck you in toronto. in cape town, in tokyo.” he lists as his free hand slides down your torso and he begins to draw sticky circles above your slit. “i’ll fuck you in paris, first.”
his digits dip back inside you, his thumb keeping steady pressure on your clit as his other hand twists along his shaft. “for now, let’s give you a real one. yeah?” you want to argue that your first orgasm felt pretty goddamn real, but your answer comes in the form of your eyes slipping back, your hand clutching onto his wrist, unsure if you want to push him away from your oversensitive hole or keep him sheathed there until you physically can’t cum anymore.
“please, please shuji i’m—mmph fuck, fuck—‘m gonna cum.” oh he knows you are. the silky feeling of your cream between his fingers is enough for the frayed rope in his stomach to snap, milky ropes of his seed spurting from his dick and landing across your pretty cunt in a lecherous slew of arousal. curses are grunted from between his lips, his fist tightening round his cock to milk every drop of his cum onto your messy little hole. each sticky glob of his seed dripping onto you has your pussy clenching around air, pulsing with aftershocks and the desperate desire to have shuji’s cum stuffing you full, flooding your cunt until syrupy strings of it leak from your slit and claim you from the inside out.
silently, he tucks himself back into his boxers and slinks your shaky legs into your discarded underwear, the mixture of your cum and his immediately dampening the fabric. hanma grins, pressing an open-mouthed kiss over the damp spot that has you shuddering out a whimper. he levels his head with yours, a fucked-out smile gracing your lips that he can’t help but press a kiss against too.
“so.” he says.
you giggle, airy and breathless and entirely too fucking infatuating. faux contemplation is laced in the hum that you sing, locks of his hair between your fingers keeping you tethered here and barely stopping you from floating up into orbit. your heads in the clouds, but shuji’s lips are a whisper away, kiss-puffed and begging you to come back to them. “paris.” you say, and before the last syllable can evaporate into the air, shuji’s mouth is slotting against your own so perfectly that you wonder how you’ll ever be able to kiss anyone but him again.
#: @wh0reforlevi
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xuchiya · 23 days
"R1 rider" || yeosang x female reader
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genre: fluff, (small tinge) angst words: 1052 i love motorbikes, i want to own one too :<
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Your sister bid you farewell as she gets in the car assisted by Park Seonghwa, her personal bodyguard since the beginning of her reign. Being the first woman to own all the inheritance from your late grandfather.
   You wave her goodbye as the figure of the car slowly mini in your eyesight before you exhale heavily, your hand falling to your side with a small sound of skin slapping. The massive weight on your shoulders was getting heavier and heavier each time you step inside the seraglio and the unending duty as the next noblewoman of the company, this time what your grandmother willed,pressed down on you like an iron mantle, suffocating and relentless.
“Lady, we have to return home for your evening class.” Your aide— NingNing spoke softly beside you before gesturing you towards the car. You nodded before settling inside the backseat. NingNing and your driver sitting in the front seat, she turned to you with a soft look, “You can make an excuse to not attend dear, i know how tiring all of these are.” 
You shake your head, giving her a small smile, “No it’s okay Ning, it’s just an hour and half class. I can still attend it.” She nodded her head, understanding your wishes before telling the driver to return back home. 
As the car moves silently on the dark night of May, you notice a drizzle of rain hitting the window, creating a glinting of lights on the lamppost. A smile grew on your lips, your finger hovering on the regulator of the window and lowering the car window— the sudden wind noise inside the car raises alert on your two companions but NingNing assures the driver quietly that it is alright.
NingNing is a few years older than you, just around the same age as your sister yet it feels you have another sister, so she knows you like the back of her hand. 
Like a kid again, you wave your hand up and down similar to how a mermaid swims. Then after a while, you open your palm to catch the rain— watching the splash on your fingers and the touch of the roughness of your hand. It was times like these you would recall being carefree from the world full of politics, rules and regulation, responsibilities that you only cared about your unfinished addition and your multiplication table homework. You would waste one wish to relive that moment of being a kid, watching F1 (both vehicles) and then take an obsession of collecting the models of the racers.
   Just as you were enjoying your time with thoughts of your childhood, you were greeted with the intense yet familiar tune of the exhaust pipe of R1 Yamaha. Your ears perk up to the sound of the engine; your head snaps towards 4 zooming motors that went past your car.
Your heart was beating on how beautiful the motors were, you wanted to own one but you were forbinded as it is not un-lady-like for you to own one— hence riding one. Even with the harsh words, it did not falter how you still love to collect them.
Few more motors passed by until a bike neared your car, you were so caught up with the sounds until a gloved hand took your hand. You were taken back, feared roared inside you as you took upon his presence, he wore a dark leather long coat with red painting some parts of his coat, his visor was up and you managed to catch a glimpse of his long lashes decorating a few droplets of water on it, his glimmering eyes and his birthmark.
“Put your hand inside baby, it's dangerous!” His voice was muffled inside his helmet but it was still clear with what he said. He gave your hand a squeeze before letting it go and drove off. Your heart suddenly flew up to your throat, your cheeks flaring from the mere interaction.
“Lady, are you okay?! Who is that?!” 
“Who was that? Back up are chasing that vehicle! 1027 kindly track down—!” Your driver suddenly reported on his walkie talkie which alerted you as you heard a confirmation that you suddenly shot up from your seat and took the walkie talkie in your hand, “No no don’t chase him! This is your lady speaking, do not chase him, he’s harmless!”
You felt the walkie talkie make noises in confirmation before you heard the siren turned off not far from your car. You gave the walkie talkie back to NingNing, you huffed out looking back outside, “He was just telling me to put my hand back in …”
“Why my lady?”
“Because it’s dangerous.”
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6 months later …
“I have assigned you your bodyguard, dear.” Your father said, you furrowed your eyebrows— glancing behind you were NingNing and 3 more of yours and your father’s bodyguard were trailing not so far— She bows her head indicating she did not know anything about it. 
You turn back to your father, “Why? I don’t need more bodyguards! They’re enough.” Your father sighs, shaking his head, “He knows more combat skills and he is friends with Park Seonghwa. They were in the same academy.”
You scoffed, watching from the corner of your eyes as two male in suits bowed in your presence as they opened the doors of your father’s meeting room wherein you will meet your new bodyguard. Your father’s emotion change into a soft look as he glance at the male across the room, “Ah~ Yeosang, how have you been son?” Your dad brought the guy in his arms as they quickly shared a hug before leading him to your spot.
As your eyes settled on the guy, your heart started speeding up as you locked eyes with the same one you saw 6 months ago, your eyes flickered to the birthmark and you were indeed more surprised that it was really him. Your hands become sweaty when he approach you.
A smile on his face as he took your hand, reaching to touch his lips— he kissed the back of your hand— without tearing his eyes off you, he gave your hand a squeeze– the same amount of strength when he did it back then, “It’s nice to finally meet you … baby.”
You snatched back your hand back, making your cheeks flared, Yeosang chuckles softly, "Why my lady?"
You furrow your brow, clearing your throat as your eyes flickers everywhere, catching your aide's teasing look then back to him, "Because it's dangerous."
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illumins · 25 days
𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞—𝑙. 𝑗𝑒𝑛𝑜 (#⁰³)
✦trope: fluff?, street racer
✧first pov
The engine roared beneath us, a feral beast ready to be unleashed. I gripped the edge of my seat, the leather cool and comforting against my palms. The car was a marvel of engineering, every inch of it designed for speed, power, and precision. The dashboard glowed with an array of lights and dials, each one an indicator of the vehicle's immense capabilities. The hum of the engine was a deep, resonant purr, vibrating through the frame and into my very bones.
Jeno sat beside me, his hands lightly draped over the steering wheel. His fingers tapped a rhythm on the leather, a cadence of confidence and control. He turned to me, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes, sharp and focused, glinted with mischief and excitement.
"You ready for this?" he asked, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers down my spine. I nodded, swallowing hard, trying to match his easy bravado. The street ahead of us stretched out, a ribbon of asphalt lined with eager spectators and rival cars. The air was thick with the scent of burning rubber and gasoline, a heady mix that quickened my pulse.
The countdown began, numbers flashing on a massive screen above the start line. Jeno's foot hovered over the gas pedal, his body tensed like a coiled spring. He glanced at me again, his smile widening. "Hold on tight," he said, and with a deafening roar, we were off.
The car surged forward, thrusting me back into the seat with a force that stole my breath. The tires screeched against the pavement, a high-pitched wail that echoed in my ears. Jeno's grip on the wheel tightened, his knuckles white against the black leather. The world outside blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, the streetlights and buildings whipping past in a dizzying rush.
Jeno navigated the first turn with a deft flick of his wrist, the car hugging the curve with a grace that belied its speed. I could feel the G-forces pulling at my body, pressing me into the seat. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying, a thrilling dance with danger. Jeno glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, his smile never wavering. "You okay?" he shouted over the roar of the engine.
I nodded, unable to form words. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a thunderous drum. The road ahead was a twisting, turning maze, but Jeno handled it with an ease that spoke of countless hours behind the wheel. He shifted gears with a smooth, practiced motion, the car responding instantly to his commands.
As we barreled down a straightaway, Jeno took a moment to glance at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and concern. "You're doing great," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "Just keep breathing."
I forced myself to inhale deeply, the cool air filling my lungs and steadying my nerves. The vibration of the engine was a constant undercurrent, a reminder of the raw power at our disposal. Jeno's hand moved from the gear shift to rest lightly on my thigh, a touch both tender and possessive. "You look amazing," he said, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Even when you're terrified."
I couldn't help but laugh, the sound swallowed by the wind rushing past us. Jeno's confidence was infectious, a balm to my frayed nerves. His hand lingered on my thigh, a warm, reassuring presence. "Focus on the road," I managed to say, my voice shaky but steady.
He chuckled, his fingers giving a gentle squeeze before returning to the gear shift. "Always," he replied, his attention snapping back to the street ahead. The next turn loomed, a sharp right that required precision and timing. Jeno braked hard, the car fishtailing slightly before he corrected with a deft flick of the wheel. We shot out of the turn, the tires finding grip and propelling us forward with a surge of acceleration.
The thrill of the race was a heady mix of fear and exhilaration, each moment a delicate balance between control and chaos. Jeno thrived on it, his every movement a testament to his skill and daring. His eyes never wavered from the road, but I could feel his presence beside me, a steady anchor in the storm of speed.
He glanced at me again, his smile a flash of white in the darkness. "Still with me?" he asked, his voice filled with a teasing lilt.
"Always," I replied, echoing his earlier words. The tension in my body eased slightly, replaced by a growing sense of excitement. Jeno's confidence was contagious, a steadying force that kept me grounded even as we hurtled through the night.
The next few turns came in quick succession, each one a test of Jeno's skill and the car's capabilities. He navigated them with a fluid grace, his hands and feet moving in perfect harmony. The car responded to his every command, a finely tuned instrument in the hands of a master.
As we approached the final stretch, the finish line a distant glow on the horizon, Jeno's demeanor shifted. His playful smile faded, replaced by a look of intense concentration. He shifted gears one last time, the engine roaring in response. The car surged forward, a blur of speed and power.
The finish line loomed closer, the crowd a mass of blurred faces and cheering voices. Jeno's grip on the wheel tightened, his focus unyielding. The world outside seemed to slow, every detail sharpening into crystal clarity. The rush of air, the roar of the engine, the pounding of my heart—all of it coalesced into a single, exhilarating moment.
And then, with a final burst of speed, we crossed the finish line. The car skidded to a halt, the tires squealing in protest. The world snapped back into focus, the noise and chaos of the crowd washing over us. Jeno turned to me, his face alight with triumph and exhilaration.
"We did it," he said, his voice breathless with excitement. His hand found mine, our fingers entwining. "We actually did it."
I laughed, a sound of pure joy and relief. The tension that had gripped me melted away, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and pride. Jeno's eyes sparkled with a mixture of relief and satisfaction, his smile broad and genuine.
"You're amazing," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I couldn't have done it without you."
I shook my head, still catching my breath. "You're the amazing one," I replied, squeezing his hand. "I was just along for the ride."
He laughed, a deep, rich sound that sent a thrill through me. "A ride you'll never forget," he said, his eyes locking onto mine. "And one we'll have to do again."
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dearlyjun · 5 months
Ash 🤫 which part of the car would racer txt do you in/on? Or if that’s not comfy, which who would do you before vs after a race? (I don’t know why I’m saying “do you” like a teenager lol I guess I’m still kinda shy)
CEE!!! ok giddy up for this one 🤠 ash is gonna YAP!!
okay im taking this as like street racer because it is not really scientifically possible to do anything in a formula 1 car due to there being quite literally zero room
ehh don’t worry about terms sometimes I get a little timid and you see the shit that I say lol
yeonjun: would fuck you in his front seat, on his lap facing him. uses his hands to grip your hips and ass to slam you down onto him. takes pride in the way you muffle your noises in his shirt (or try to, he’s hitting so good you’re LOUD!!) yeonjun would like to fuck after a race, when he’s still on that high after winning. you might think he’s tired but he can go for hours!! loves to hear you say how good he is; whether that means on the track, or how deep he’s fucking you. tell him how much you like it.
soobin: would fuck you in the back seat, not really in any specific position; probably just one where he can hover over you. might want to switch so you ride him and he can play with your nipples muahah. shushes you gently with kisses when he pinches them; making them super sensitive. also would like to fuck after a race, while he’s still on that high. tastes like sweat and champagne ~
beomgyu: would fuck you in the front seat, with your back against his chest. would have his hand over your neck, holding you still as he slams you down onto him. he’s in full control, using his free hand to toy with your clit and play with your tits occasionally. nibbles on your ear and tells you how good you take his cock <3 while you’re nearly trembling from all of the stimulation. opposite of the other boys, he probably likes to sneak in a quickie before a race as kind of a “good luck charm.” lets you leave as much marks on him as you want, his outfit covers it anyways.
taehyun: would probably wanna fuck in the backseat; you on top facing him. sometimes wants to be in the front, but it depends because he likes to have enough room to lean back and admire where his cock disappears inside of you…. loves when you dig your nails into his skin when he gives you particularly hard thrusts. as far as before or after a race; I’m gonna go with he’s an after kind of guy. loves to hear you say how amazing he is, and he most definitely gets a bit of an ego boost out of it. however, you’re the only trophy he needs as he’s marking you up with his teeth as he pleases. you don’t mind ;)
kai: I think it most definitely depends on what mood he’s in. sometimes in the backseat; allowing you to take the reins but other times wants full control over you, fucking into you so hard that you’re almost teary. he literally knows how deep he’s fucking you, yet he’ll quietly shush you when you whimper rather loudly like it’s no big deal. kai is neverrrr one to shy away from a quickie before a race, but his results depend on which side of him you’re getting afterwards.
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king-crawler · 8 days
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Haunted Dreams
AKA. a very short & spooky Wreck-It Ralph oneshot i wrote in 1 day 870 words -- [Ao3 Link]
Game Central Station isn’t a scary place during the day. 
The hub is always bustling with characters, people from all sorts of games, all kinds of different eras. A place for everyone to congregate and travel. Pretty noisy too, always filled with 8-bit chatter. Can’t forget the Sonic PSA that’s on loop for hours and hours… That thing is practically ingrained into everyone’s heads by this point. But Game Central Station gets dark at night- dark… and unusually quiet. The power strip lays behind the shadows of cabinets after the sun goes down, casting it in darkness. By this time, everyone is usually settled back at their own games, at least those who decide to sleep. Not Clyde though, as ghosts don’t tend to sleep.
It was a late night at Tappers. He went less so for the drinks because of non-corporeality and such, more so for the company. He makes his way back to Pac-Man, floating past the empty outlet, which unfortunately always has to be passed by on the way back. Unlike the other terminals, this one lacks any of the usual scrolling LEDs overhead… no game. An abandoned venue… During quarter hours the empty socket is actually quite a beautiful sight, albeit bittersweet. Broad rays of sunlight would shine down through the slits- ‘God rays’ as some call them, something treated with reverence by everyone. But almost as if to balance it out, after sunset it becomes an abyss. No… It’s darker.
Not just in terms of absent lighting, but… it feels threatening somehow. Not even the ambient orange glow of Clyde’s spectral form could provide any comfort near that looming archway. Not after what had happened there… After all, it had only been a year since the incident. 
Like echoes in his mind, he remembered the vases of flowers around the entryway in memoriam as people grieved. Many people actually had a chance to talk to the racers of RoadBlasters, congratulating them, welcoming them to the arcade. It was common courtesy to do so whenever somebody new got plugged in, but this instance was only for one night. The residents of Pac-Man were especially on edge after it happened. Their game was briefly unplugged and replugged the same day so it could be moved next to Fix-it Felix Jr; to fill that new empty space. It was an extra scare for sure, thankfully nobody was inside. But now, they live their day-to-day lives knowing they share a plug with what used to be…
Clyde regretfully glanced at the skidmarks on the tiled floor. The others made a solid effort to scrub it away, but you could still make them out if you knew where to look. He didn’t like thinking about it, he frequently hovered past and shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind. But this time it felt… different. Like tonight the void was beckoning him. Suddenly, he heard… something. A sound that was strange and faint at first… the rhythm of rickety creaking and whining. Is it getting louder..? 
In an instant, his semiphysical form was instilled with paralyzing dread. That’s impossible. 
An unplugged outlet can’t have a train car. It’s by design, it’s supposed to travel through the cord. And yet… there it was, idly rattling down the track. Terribly rusted and scratched up, appearing to be mere moments from falling apart. And there, on the far end of the train car, was a pale figure enshrouded in darkness. It sat hunched over, its face turned away.
A chilling, staticy feeling filled the dead air between them, or maybe that was just Clyde getting lightheaded. Everything about this felt terribly wrong, like he’d seen something he wasn’t supposed to. Like if he someday remembered this, something bad would happen. As much as he wished he could, he simply couldn't pull himself to look away, or even blink- not on the offchance that whatever was inexplicably happening might cease to exist on second glance. 
The train whined as it docked at the station. After a moment of silence that felt like hours, the figure’s head began to slowly turn, its face overshadowed in pitch darkness by the rim of its helmet. That damn helmet. Even if it was only his name being circulated, nobody could forget what he looked like, even if they wanted to, thanks to the recurring nightmares. The awful, unforgettable sound of his voice being butchered and bitcrushed, cars being torn apart into an unrecognizable jumble of code and colors… They could only watch.
It was only now that Clyde realized everyone deemed Turbo to be dead for their own sakes. They couldn't bring themselves to imagine what might have happened to him otherwise. It was too much. The thought he could’ve turned into something else. 
In a daze, Clyde arrived back in the ghost pen, the other ghosts off somewhere else in the Pac-maze. Suited him- they always acted like he was the underling anyways. He took the isolation as an opportunity to do something he hadn’t done in a long time. Sleep. If he did, maybe he could convince himself that what he saw tonight was nothing but a bad dream. 
Just as everyone else had.
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youaresimplylovely · 1 month
"Car Rides" BB - 16
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐁𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐆𝐟!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐲!
A𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ^^
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"ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ'ꜱ 200 ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘᴏꜱᴛꜱ 01"
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The best thing about having a racer partner is car rides. Though it's not their usual speed, you enjoy it. Especially because your girlfriend is Bianca Bustamante. Maybe people did judge your relationship especially on Bia’s side but both of you didn't care. All that mattered was you and her.
After Bia’s time in Paris, she wanted to spend time with you. Specifically a date, a car ride date. Which she loved the most.
Bia pulled up to the driveway of your friend's house. She smiles softly, seeing you enter the car. Though she wanted to open the door for you, she could tell you were rushing.
You smile seeing your girlfriend all happy, you buckle your seatbelt. Leaning in closer to give him a quick kiss. “I missed you.” You mumble.
“I missed you too baby i-” She was about to say she missed seeing you but she was caught off guard by your neckline and that top you were wearing.
“That's a nice neckline you got there.” She eyes you up and down while raising her eyebrows.
“Bia! Ano ba yan! (What's that!)” You playfully slap her shoulder as you laugh.
She chuckles softly at you behaviour, you knew she was just joking. That's how it was in your relationship and you loved it.
While scrolling through your phone and Bia’s hand resting on your thigh, you felt a sudden brake. Your face shifted from a calm one to a curious one. You furrow your eyebrows as you look at Bia. “Why’d you stop?” You ask her, closing your phone.
What you didn’t know is Bia couldn’t take it anymore. Her eyes stared at you with so much love in it, she was going crazy. She can’t stand how beautiful you are and that outfit that you’re wearing. She quickly unbuckles her seatbelt, leaning in close to you to unbuckle yours. You couldn’t say anything, everything was going too fast.
A small yelp escapes your mouth when you feel her pull you into her lap.
She smiles at you happily, tucking the hair that flew on your face from the wind. “Nothing, I just wanted to look at you and kiss you.” She laughs softly, pressing her lips against yours.
You smile through the kiss, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck as you kiss her back. “You pulled over just for that?” A chuckle comes out of your mouth from your girlfriend’s flirty behaviour.
“Yeah and maybe to make out with you too.” She smirks, peppering kisses on your neck.
You gasp, feeling her unbuckle her seatbelt as she threw you on the backseat of the car. She hovers on top of you staring at you and still that neckline of yours.
“Mine.” She mutters, pushing her lips against yours hungrily.
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bookthorns · 2 years
WWW Wednesday 10/08/2022 | matthew reilly has taken over my life once again i regret nothing
WWW Wednesday 10/08/2022 | matthew reilly has taken over my life once again i regret nothing
Hey everyone, welcome or welcome back to my blog! it’s been a hot minute (one week which i guess makes this a lukewarm minute??) since I did a reading update so here we are. I was in a bit of a reading slump this past week but I decided I wasn’t going to let that happen so I’m currently trying my best to read as many Matthew Reilly action books as I can until I need to either breathe or read…
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minkkumaz · 10 months
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the longer you contemplated what you would do, and who you would be with, it became clear to you who to choose. woonhak was right there the entire time, you were just too blind to see it.
PAIRING myung jaehyun x fem!reader WC 1.0k TAGS racecar driver au. mentions of toxic relationship. confessions. minor cussing. kinda humor. kissing. pokemon ref. TAGLIST @skullverse @yumicherryii OMI NOTE omg this is the end of this series. thank u again to vixy poo for giving me this idea and letting me blossom fr :fire emoji:
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the second your finger hovered over jaehyun’s contact name, you knew it was him. it had always be him. every single touch against your skin, each comfortable silence you had with him, and better yet, every moment you shared with him when he took you to the aquarium.
it had been there since the beginning, yet you failed to realize it. maybe it was your stupid mind playing tricks on you, convincing you that there was something much more to him that wasn’t worth knowing. but you were better than this, you knew what you want, and it was him.
you didn’t hesitate a second longer, clicking on the call button. everything you wanted to tell jaehyun flooded through your mind as you listened to it ring multiple times. there was hope he’d pick up quickly, but there was also a fear that your call would go unanswered. he proved you wrong this time around, as you heard a faint hello from the other line.
“jaehyun i–” you pause your words, taking a deep breath to collect yourself.
“hi again, y/n! did you leave something in my car, is everything alright?” he was happy to hear from you, but he was still worried after you didn’t sound so jolly greeting him.
“can you come to the race track? at the spot where we met for the first time? please?” it was almost like you were begging him, though you knew that you didn’t have to plead at his feet for him to drop everything for you.
“no, yeah! i’ll go over right now, just stay put.” 
leaning back against the wall, you let yourself drag down it once again. it all became very similar, merging with the memory you had when you first met jaehyun and woonhak. now you were stuck between them, finally making the decision that you felt was right.
jaehyun was the first person to notice you going off, despite being so busy with everything else around him. he graciously invited you back to the track so you wouldn’t be bored, and most likely wallowing in your own self pity. in a way, he understood that all you needed was a proper distraction, one where you couldn’t look away.
and he had it down perfectly, as he shone so bright that it was impossible to look away, yet hurt your eyes if you stared too intently. maybe this was how he always was, and that was only the cherry on top, making everything much more real.
in the silence of the night, you could hear a car pulling up into the parking lot. a car door slammed, followed by the sound of jogging against pavement. you were counting down the seconds, counting down every moment before you’d finally tell jaehyun the sweet words. that trigger to let him know that you wanted to grow with him, and be his.
when his eyes landed on you, his gaze immediately softened. you weren’t crying, just sitting contently in the spot he found you weeks ago. you looked up at him through your eyelashes, the smallest smile playing against your lips.
“y/n? why are you on the floor again? and here..?” he felt confused, sitting down next to you to get his answers.
“i was thinking about it a lot. about us, jae.. i wasn’t sure if i was ever going to be able to love again.” you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers.
“what are you talking about..?” he knew exactly what you were talking about.
“i looked bored that day and– you came to me. for whatever reason you had, or whatever tensions underlie, you still came to me.” you spoke, “and when we went out, i can’t even explain to you how much fun i had.”
“of course i came to you, y/n.” he responded, moving a small piece of hair away from your face.
“i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to understand why. maybe you just thought i was cute, but it meant a lot to me. nobody has made that effort to care for me like that.”
“i’m not going to lie and say i didn’t come to you for no reason, because i did think you were cute. but i got something so much better than just a cute girl.” 
“so if i was super ugly you’d leave me to shit?” you let out a breathy laugh, as he sighs.
“i have no room to comment on that.” he puts his hands up to defend himself.
“god, i feel at a loss for words. but i hope you understand where i’m trying to get my point to..?” you tilt your head at him, the air feeling much lighter after the laugh you shared.
“i like you, you like me, and we should totally kiss?” he raises an eyebrow as you roll your eyes.
“you’re so stupidly clingy, jae.” you put your hands up to his cheeks, pulling him close to your lips to close the gap between the two of you.
it took him by surprise, still not quite believing any of this was real. but he kissed back, and it was. his lips were warm, sending shocks throughout your entire body. the longer you stayed attached to him, the more you didn’t want to let go.
you bit down gently on his bottom lip before pulling away, making jaehyun pout. he was cute like this, and the only thing it did was reassure your decision to be with him. reaching your arms around his waist, you hug him close to you.
“you know, if you weren’t so smooth with asking me out that day, i probably would’ve still been beating myself up about that guy. i can’t believe i let him run my life for so long..” you mumble.
“hey, you’re here now, aren’t you? better yet, in my arms!” he squeezes you, almost taking the air out of your body.
“jae, jae, let go!” you gasp, only making him squeeze tighter before letting go.
“you still haven’t made anything official.” he furrows his eyebrows.
“i don’t think we’ll be official for some time, jae. there’s no way i’m going to hurt you if i’m still going crazy or something. let’s take some time to grow together before we label anything?” you ask, only getting a nod in reply, “don’t worry. i choose you.”
“can i use vine whip to get you back in my arms?”
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
in honor of a maxiel second row for the mexico gp…what if Enchanted AU update? (On your own time frame tho 😅)
Hi Nonnie! I woke up to this and said 'they're absolutely correct'. I'd started something a few days ago but didn't know where I wanted to take it. And this prompt along with yesterday pointed me in this direction. I hope you like it! Its also unedited, so hopefully it reads well and has no mistakes lol
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Part 1 | Part 11
Part 12
Daniel cackled gleefully as the wind blew through his long curls. They were driving through the hills, like Max pinky promised they would, and he was having the best time. They've been cruising for what felt like hours and when they got to empty strips of road; they’d floor it like a drag race. 
Daniel’s favorite part might be when Max grabs for the hand hold overhead. He always enjoyed making his Dad do it, Michelle was harder because she knew his driving style by now. Max had been a whole new challenge, being a race car driver used to high speeds. But Daniel had been excited to learn that all it took to break Max was drifting around a blind corner going down the mountain road. 
It was exhilarating.
Daniel pulled off to the ridge that had a bannister and bench– boasting a lovely view of the sunset over the city.
He all but jumped out of the sports car positively vibrating with happy energy. Chelle would call it his zoomies. He needed to sing, he needed to run with a horse! He wanted to tear his shirt off!
"Don't do that." Max came out of the car, catching his breath.
Daniel's mouth snapped shut, apparently he was singing. A bird flapped its wings overhead and landed in his curls. Daniel bounced from leg to leg, the wide grin set on his face like clay.
Max eyed him consideringly, a small smile on his face. He armed the car and slipped the key fob into the pocket of his pants.
"Hey Daniel?" It was comical how quickly Daniel's head snapped over to his direction, his brown eyes were wide and sparkling.
"Yeah Maxy?" Daniel bit the cuticle on his thumb, waiting for Max's next words. He didn't expect them though.
"Race you!" Max yelled and then he was off like a bullet. Daniel squaked in outrage before apologizing to the bird on his head and running off after the race car driver.
Max lead him into a short copse of trees where they zig zagged through the foliage in an approximation of tag. Daniel laughed joyously, waving to the different animals that came to watch or lead them in different directions. Obstacles were added by a deer that knew a "better path". And a family of rabbits wanted Daniel to win!
Before long they collapsed in a sunny spot, giggling intermittently. Max's face was flushed from exertion and Daniel couldn't look away. He knew he was equally flushed and sweaty, but Max was lovely.
"Where did you learn to drive like that?" Max broke the silence first.
"My dad taught me. I wanted to run with the horses but it wasn't the safest idea, he'd said. So we drove his truck alongside the herd." Daniel preened, Max liked his driving.
"You learned to drift because of horses?" Max's disbelief was clear. Daniel cackled.
"No!" He sang. "I taught myself to drift to scare Papa. He was always so cool and calm so I wanted to ruffle him a little. It was Joey's idea to scare him. Joey's an alpaca."
Max nodded with a snort. He could see that. Joe was always the silent luker in his calls with Michelle. Like he was watching and waiting for any slip ups. He was very protective. Max supposed they truly needed to be. 
He'd only just gotten back into good graces after the video incident.
"You could've been a racer." Max said offhandedly and Daniel's eyes widened comically. 
He'd been playing with the grass by his hips and before he knew it he found himself on his back with an armful of Daniel. He was hugging Max so tightly.
Daniel leaned backwards a little, hovering over Max with the widest grin, so wide his eyes almost disappeared in their crescents. Daniel positively glowed and his tattoos that had been merely fluttering in the afterglow of their playing were moving almost wildly. Wings fluttering, petals blooming, legs dancing– the works.
"Thank you Maxy. That means a lot." Was all Daniel said and Max knew that there was more to it. But he wouldn't focus on that right now. Not when Daniel was looking so lovely above him, glowing under the rays of the sun.
Part 13
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Run These Streets {7} || Street Racer!Bucky
Summary: It's time to finally see who is the better driver but things don’t quite go to plan. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, illegal racing, smut WC: 2.1k
Bucky's Masterlist || Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven
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Hundreds of spectators filled the space around the starting line, screaming their excitement for the race that had become the most anticipated one of the night. 
They all pushed as close to the crudely spray painted lines that indicated where the track began and you looked across the passenger seat to see Bucky idling beside you. His grin was infectious as he revved his thunderous engine that drowned out all the other noise and you blew him a kiss that he caught and pretended to pocket it. 
“Alright, love birds listen up!” Steve shouted as he walked between the cars to take his place at the start line. “I know you two like to get down and dirty but none of that tonight, we are here to race. Buck, you ready?” Bucky answered with another rev that shook his entire car and Steve turned to you. “Ready?”
Adrenaline flooded your body faster than the fuel injectors in the engine that you revved, its response a higher pitched whine compared to the muscle car beside you. 
Time seemed to slow as Steve raised one hand, then the other. The noise of the crowd turned to silence as a calmness washed over you and his hands dropped. There was only you, the car and the asphalt that was eaten by the hungry tires that gripped the surface and threw you forward. 
All the extra power that the Mustang had lifted the front off the ground and stole precious seconds as the slicks burned rubber in your rearview mirror. The small headway wouldn’t help once Bucky’s front tires touched back down and all that horsepower came chasing after you so you had to make the most of the head start and get out onto the streets.
You burst from the underground ramp fast enough to have a second of airtime and it was only the harness that kept you seated before you hit the road and skidded left to head north along the track that had been marked out. Horns tooted and drivers shouted as other Miami racers blocked busy streets until you passed but you paid them no mind as the black beast in your side mirror inched closer.
“Come on, baby, don’t hold back,” you murmured to yourself as you chopped down a gear and pulled the e-brake to drift into the next turn when suddenly Bucky was on your inside. “Now we’re talking.”
You dared a glance across and saw Bucky’s lips moving like he was talking to himself too. It was a reflex, after years of being on the other side of his headset, you could hear his voice talking to you even now. He would definitely be flirting, telling you all the things he had planned for you after the race finished. 
“Concentrate Bucky,” you warned him as if he could hear you, “focus on the road. There’s a tight double turn coming up.”
The street lights blurred as you headed into the turn, braking enough to send Bucky further ahead but it gave you the space you needed to pull to the outside lane and swing in tight and close to the turn. A whoop of excitement tore from you as you undercut Bucky before powersliding straight out of the following turn but the shout was silenced as a deep pulsing sound grew above you. 
You shifted forward and peered up to see a helicopter hovering above the street before your phone rang with Bucky’s ringtone. “Is it police?” you asked after answering the call and putting it on speaker as he pulled up alongside you.
“Looks like it. We’re gonna have to lose it.”
“Fuck,” you growled, knowing that there was only one way to do that. “That means splitting up.”
“I don’t like it anymore than you do but you take the next alley up ahead and I’ll head to South Beach,” he stated calmly, going through the motions that were well versed after years of evading the police in car chases. But this wasn’t a car chase. “There’s a tunnel at the port that it won’t be able to follow in. I’ll ditch the car and take the emergency exit. The underground isn’t far from there and I’ll meet you at the Northside train station.”
Another wave of adrenaline washed through you and you committed his instructions to memory, remembering the layout of the streets you had studied since Bucky started racing on them. “Till the end of the line?”
“End of the line, doll,” Bucky promised. 
There was no goodbye, no I love you. You had your instructions and you would follow them trusting Bucky wholeheartedly as you slammed on the brakes and turned down a tight alleyway that the helicopter had no chance of following. The spotlight disappeared from you and you sent a prayer to anyone that would listen that Bucky stayed safe as you slowed down to the speed limit and merged with the traffic to avoid detection. 
Two cop cars passed by and you held your breath until they were gone but still your eyes were glued to your rearview mirror as you feared they would suddenly appear behind you. Whenever you heard sirens your heart threatened to stop entirely and you pulled into the first carpark you came across, locking the car and heading to the nearest train station on foot.
“Steve, have you heard from Bucky?” you asked as you sat at the Northside train station after trying Bucky’s phone for an hour.
“No, what the hell happened? The scanners picked up a citywide ABP on the cars.” 
You quickly recapped the story and explained Bucky’s plan before Sam took over the phone. “The trains won’t run through Northside until morning.”
Dread began to settle in your bones as you hung up the phone and saw it was a little past 1am and you chewed your bottom lip worrying about Bucky. You called Bucky’s phone again and clenched yours tightly as it rang and rang.  “Come on babe, answer your phone. I swear to god I will-” the words were lost as Bucky skidded through the entrance of the empty train station. 
His hair was a mess and his shirt was drenched in sweat like he had run all the way from South Beach but he was in one piece and even managed a charming smile as he bent over his knees to regain his breath. “Sorry…I kept…you waiting…doll.”
You jumped from the bench you had been sitting on when you weren’t pacing the platform and raced over to him, throwing your arms around him. “You fucking scared me! Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
Bucky grimaced as he pulled the device from his jeans and you saw the shattered screen. “Fell out of my damn pocket.”
You relaxed in his arms for a moment to reassure yourself he was fine before pulling away to call Steve and organise a ride back to the motel. It would a while before they got there so you sat beside Bucky on the bench and rested your heads against each other and laced your fingers together. 
“Guess we’ll never know who’s faster,” he murmured quietly with a chuckle.
“I think I am okay with that,” you replied honestly, “what I am not okay with is us splitting up again. Not knowing where you were nearly killed me.”
Bucky let go of your hand to wrap his arm around you and draw you closer so he could capture your lips in a searing kiss. “I’ll take this as a sign from the universe that we are meant to be on the same team.”
A horn tooted outside and Bucky rose with a groan before massaging his thighs that were cramping from the unplanned half-marathon. The moment you made it inside the motel room you went straight to the bathroom and started running a steaming hot bath for Bucky to soak in and the sound he made as he lowered himself into the water had you biting your lip. 
“There’s room for one more,” Bucky invited with a wink as he spread his legs for you to join him.
“Aren’t you sore?” you asked as his cocked stirred to attention and he laid back further.
“I’ll never be too sore for you.” His hands reached for you and tugged your shirt off when you came closer. Next your jeans disappeared and then your underwear before he pulled you across his lap. “I need to feel you, doll.”
You had the same urge, like how you hadn’t been able to let go of him in Steve’s car. There had to be some part of your touching at all times. Right now you needed more and so did he. Unable to wait any longer, Bucky shifted his hips beneath you and lined himself up with your entrance before pulling you down on him.
Your lips parted with a delighted gasp as he stretched your walls and filled you completely. Water sloshed over the lip of the bath in waves as he guided your hips up and down his length and he tipped his head back in ecstasy after watching the way your pussy took him perfectly.
“I was scared,” Bucky admitted as gently rode him. “I thought I was going to prison for good.”
Your throat constricted at the thought of being separated from him and he swallowed at the look on your face before he cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer. His kiss was all consuming as his tongue danced with yours and his moans filled the air before he rested his forehead to yours.
“I can’t risk this, us,” he whispered as he teased a hand down your navel until he found your clit. “I won’t. I’m done. No more street races, doll, I’m going legit.”
“What do you mean?” you asked as you struggled to think clearly with what he was doing to your body.
“I mean proper, legal racing. No police.” He stopped touching you so you could clear your head. “We’re flush for cash after this week but it’s not worth a thing if we get caught. I could still race, with my best girl by my side where she’s meant to be.”
You smiled at the thought. It would still being doing what you both loved but safer in every way and you quickly nodded. “But Bucky is too well known as a street racer, you wouldn’t be able to go by it anymore.”
Bucky shrugged though there was a small frown above his brows. “I’ll have to get used to being called James again. It’ll be just like high school again.”
“Almost like high school.” You rolled your hips to remind him of what you were in the middle of doing. “There was none of this back then.”
Bucky grinned and pulled you down his shaft. “Trust me, we did all of this in my dreams. And more.”
You moaned at the depth he hit as he rutted up into you and your walls clenched around his cock. “More? Fuck, show me.”
Bucky growled at your neediness and flipped you over onto your knees. You braced your hands against the end of the bath as he towered behind you and thrust himself back between your folds.
“I fantasised taking you in every position imaginable, pictured it was you I was fucking when I was jerking off.” His words spread fire across your skin and the heat centred on your core that fluttered wildly with each thrust.
The throb of your clit had you reaching down your own body and you cried out at the added sensation while Bucky fucked you. “I thought about you too. Imagined it was your fingers inside me when I touched myself or your tongue. It was your name on my lips when I came.”
The purely masculine sound he made behind you sparked your orgasm and it ripped through you with wave after wave of release. Somewhere in the abyss Bucky had lost himself and when your mind came back to your body you felt the warmth of his cum filling you.
You both sank back into the tepid bath water breathless and trembling. You lay there in a peaceful silence while the room slowly lightened with the approaching daybreak until your legs felt coordinated enough to carry you to the bed where you collapsed in Bucky’s arms.
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leafytaffy · 2 years
Everhood Illumination Movie Trailer
Illumination logo, dramatic music score playing
Scene of Blue stealing Red’s arm plays
Red (voiced by Keanu Reeves) running after Blue, “HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!”
A lost doll…
Scene of Red finding Frog (voiced by Dwayne The Rock Johnson), “You ain’t from here, are ya? Lemme show you the ropes, kid.”
A mysterious place…
Scene of Red walking into the club, everyone shooting them dirty looks
Red bumps into Zigg (voiced by Chris Evans), “YOU OUGHTA LEARN SOME MANNERS, PUNK!”
Immediate cut to clip of frog saying “you gotta know how to defend yourself ‘round here.”
Scenes of Red fighting various characters play along with Red being thrown into the incinerator.
Red comes out, Blue (voiced by Danny DeVito), “hey… would ya help me?” “Not unless you get my arm back.” “Legs for an arm. Deals a deal.”
“…and also, how to have a good time.”
Cake By the Ocean by DNCE starts playing
Shot of Red and Zigg having a dance battle in the club
Shot of Red running the obstacle course and falling over, Vampire Kid (voiced by Billie Eilish) yells “Try again!” Keeps yelling at Red to try again after a montage of Red failing spectacularly at the obstacle course 
Shot of the racers all in front, then a quick yet long zoom to Red in back. Blue asking Racebot “hey quick question how fast does this thing g-“ before the cart zips off, shot of Blue’s face, mouth being blown around in the wind like a dog out a car window while they scream 
Then a shot of Rasta beast (voiced by Samuel L Jackson) shouting “Watch out for Zigg!” Before red is quickly hit by a bottle while Zigg taunts them afterwards 
An epic adventure
Shot of Green’s medallion campaign starting, Green (voiced by Will Smith) Everyone sitting around the table, Green shouts, “Brace yourselves!” 
Shot of Red saving Flan only for a mob of squirrels to attack them
Shot of Red running from a dragon spitting fire with Rasta in their arms, Rasta quickly extinguishing a flame on Red’s cape
Shot of the Evil Wizard laughing while lightning strikes behind them “finally… I’ve been waiting all this time to-“ suddenly a doorbell sounds and the shot goes from the Wizard to Green shouting “Ooh! Pizza’s here!” Everyone else cheers excitedly, “PIZZA TIME! WOOOO!!”
Suddenly the happy music stops. 
Shot of Gold Pig (Jack Black) ominously saying “Get that doll.” 
Shot of Rob and Zob saying “On it, boss.”
Shot of Rasta beast growling 
Shot of Purple mage (Scarlett Johansson) ominously hovering over Red, “You’re a danger to us all. Back down.”
“Not if I have anything to say.” 
“Red will DESTROY US ALL!” Shouted by Gold Pig slamming their fist on the arm of their chair.
Shot of Red running through the desert being chased by Sir Lost A Lot
Shot of Red at the campfire with Rasta, “Do you know what you’re doing here?”
Shots of Red fighting several characters
They will see
All is good…
Clip of Pink, in the most effeminate gay voice you have ever heard in your life, saying “Yeah. I am. I’m saving us all.”
Clip of Pink sinking into the mud, “I’m ready.”
Quick clip of Red holding the racing trophy, Blue stumbles into shot, “I think I gotta lay down for a bit…” Blue faints and smashes into a trash can while falling down.
Coming to theaters March 4
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