#How Does Alcohol Addiction Affects Men’s Health?
athenaluxus · 9 months
How Does Alcohol Addiction Affects Men’s Health?
Alcohol addiction, a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide, remains a silent epidemic that permeates every aspect of an individual’s life, including their health. Men, in particular, grapple with unique challenges in the face of alcohol dependency, which often extend beyond the realms of physical well-being. It is important to be aware of the multifaceted ways in which alcohol addiction impacts men’s health and the potential benefits of seeking treatment from varied treatment centers including the luxury rehabs in India and the availability of men’s luxury alcohol and drug rehab centers nearby. READ MORE
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hyperlexichypatia · 8 months
As I keep shouting into the void, pathologizers love shifting discussion about material conditions into discussion about emotional states.
I rant approximately once a week about how the brain maturity myth transmuted “Young adults are too poor to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own” into “Young adults are too emotionally and neurologically immature to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own.”
I’ve also talked about the misuse of “enabling” and “trauma” and “dopamine” .
And this is a pattern – people coin terms and concepts to describe material problems, and pathologization culture shifts them to be about problems in the brain or psyche of the person experiencing them. Now we’re talking about neurochemicals, frontal lobes, and self-esteem instead of talking about wages, wealth distribution, and civil rights. Now we can say that poor, oppressed, and exploited people are suffering from a neurological/emotional defect that makes them not know what’s best for themselves, so they don’t need or deserve rights or money.
Here are some terms that have been so horribly misused by mental health culture that we’ve almost entirely forgotten that they were originally materialist critiques.
Codependency What it originally referred to: A non-addicted person being overly “helpful” to an addicted partner or relative, often out of financial desperation. For example: Making sure your alcoholic husband gets to work in the morning (even though he’s an adult who should be responsible for himself) because if he loses his job, you’ll lose your home. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/08/opinion/codependency-addiction-recovery.html What it’s been distorted into: Being “clingy,” being “too emotionally needy,” wanting things like affection and quality time from a partner. A way of pathologizing people, especially young women, for wanting things like love and commitment in a romantic relationship.
Compulsory Heterosexuality What it originally referred to: In the 1980 in essay "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence," https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/493756 Adrienne Rich described compulsory heterosexuality as a set of social conditions that coerce women into heterosexual relationships and prioritize those relationships over relationships between women (both romantic and platonic). She also defines “lesbian” much more broadly than current discourse does, encompassing a wide variety of romantic and platonic relationships between women. While she does suggest that women who identify as heterosexual might be doing so out of unquestioned social norms, this is not the primary point she’s making. What it’s been distorted into: The patronizing, biphobic idea that lesbians somehow falsely believe themselves to be attracted to men. Part of the overall “Women don’t really know what they want or what’s good for them” theme of contemporary discourse.
Emotional Labor What it originally referred to: The implicit or explicit requirement that workers (especially women workers, especially workers in female-dominated “pink collar” jobs, especially tipped workers) perform emotional intimacy with customers, coworkers, and bosses above and beyond the actual job being done. Having to smile, be “friendly,” flirt, give the impression of genuine caring, politely accept harassment, etc. https://weld.la.psu.edu/what-is-emotional-labor/ What it’s been distorted into: Everything under the sun. Everything from housework (which we already had a term for), to tolerating the existence of disabled people, to just caring about friends the way friends do. The original intent of the concept was “It’s unreasonable to expect your waitress to care about your problems, because she’s not really your friend,” not “It’s unreasonable to expect your actual friends to care about your problems unless you pay them, because that’s emotional labor,” and certainly not “Disabled people shouldn’t be allowed to be visibly disabled in public, because witnessing a disabled person is emotional labor.” Anything that causes a person emotional distress, even if that emotional distress is rooted in the distress-haver’s bigotry (Many nominally progressive people who would rightfully reject the bigoted logic of “Seeing gay or interracial couples upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public” fully accept the bigoted logic of “Seeing disabled or poor people upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public”).
Battered Wife Syndrome What it originally referred to: The all-encompassing trauma and fear of escalating violence experienced by people suffering ongoing domestic abuse, sometimes resulting in the abuse victim using necessary violence in self-defense. Because domestic abuse often escalates, often to murder, this fear is entirely rational and justified. This is the reasonable, justified belief that someone who beats you, stalks you, and threatens to kill you may actually kill you.
What it’s been distorted into: Like so many of these other items, the idea that women (in this case, women who are victims of domestic violence) don’t know what’s best for themselves. I debated including this one, because “syndrome” was a wrongful framing from the beginning – a justified and rational fear of escalating violence in a situation in which escalating violence is occurring is not a “syndrome.” But the original meaning at least partially acknowledged the material conditions of escalating violence.
I’m not saying the original meanings of these terms are ones I necessarily agree with – as a cognitive liberty absolutist, I’m unsurprisingly not that enamored of either second-wave feminism or 1970s addiction discourse. And as much as I dislike what “emotional labor” has become, I accept that “Women are unfairly expected to care about other people’s feelings more than men are” is a true statement.
What I am saying is that all of these terms originally, at least partly, took material conditions into account in their usage. Subsequent usage has entirely stripped the materialist critique and fully replaced it with emotional pathologization, specifically of women. Acknowledgement that women have their choices constrained by poverty, violence, and oppression has been replaced with the idea that women don’t know what’s best for themselves and need to be coercively “helped” for their own good. Acknowledgement that working-class women experience a gender-and-class-specific form of economic exploitation has been rebranded as yet another variation of “Disabled people are burdensome for wanting to exist.”
Over and over, materialist critiques are reframed as emotional or cognitive defects of marginalized people. The next time you hear a superficially sympathetic (but actually pathologizing) argument for “Marginalized people make bad choices because…” consider stopping and asking: “Wait, who are we to assume that this person’s choices are ‘bad’? And if they are, is there something about their material conditions that constrains their options or makes the ‘bad’ choice the best available option?”
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drmele · 10 days
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How does cannabis affect your surgical results? That is the subject of today's San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog post. Early in the history of tobacco use, men in white coats, some of them actual doctors, would recommend smoking as a way to relax in magazines and on TV. It took decades for the destruction caused by tobacco to be researched and even longer to be released to the public. The same scenario is happening today with “alternates” like vaping and cannabis.
But mixed messages are being sent. Over the last decade, Health Officials have been pushing the narrative that destigmatizing drug use will lessen its harms. You may have seen some famous coastal examples like the “Know Overdose” billboards on San Francisco streets and New York City health department’s “Let’s Talk Fentanyl” subway campaign. Examples are shown throughout this post.
Oregon was all in on the language and outlawed all involuntary drug treatment and personal responsibility for drug addicts. As a result, drug use skyrocketed and the law was quietly allowed to expire. Lesson learned? Maybe we should include the history of the Opium Wars in our public school education.
Two recent studies show 1) Increasing evidence of the harm that cannabis does, especially when smoked. and 2) The daily use of cannabis now exceeds the daily use of alcohol. A new plan is needed. Seeing puff pieces in Rolling Stone and the New York Times stating that audio tapes of Richard Nixon reveal he didn't think marijuana was as bad still minimize risks.
Does anyone think Richard Nixon is a reliable source for medical information? Instead, see your doctor. If you don't have one, get one. A routine yearly physical is likely to give you more piece of mind. If your doctor doesn't use the perfect wording, it doesn't mean they are wrong, or that they do not care about you. I'll save that for the doctors and other health care providers who are encouraging risky, harmful behaviors.
How does cannabis affect your surgical results? Read all about it on today's San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog post.
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Do these Perpetrator Groups Practice "Magical Thinking"?
"Magical thinking, or superstitious thinking, is the belief that unrelated events are causally connected despite the absence of any plausible causal link between them, particularly as a result of supernatural effects."
Examples of magical thinking
"Some examples of magical thinking include: 
Superstitions: Superstitions are a form of magical thinking in which a person believes that specific behaviors, such as wearing the same shirt during every baseball game, can influence unrelated human events.
Rituals: Many people perform rituals to gain a sense of control over life. For many, it is not harmful or a sign of a mental health condition. But extreme, rigid, or anxiety-driven rituals, such as excessive handwashing, can be a sign of a mental health condition.
Unusual religious beliefs: Although some religious beliefs may have similarities with magical thinking, the two are differentTrusted Source. For example, some Christians believe that praying can affect the physical world, but because this is a typical part of a religion with a widely accepted belief system, psychologists may not consider it to be harmful. However, they may consider extreme or atypical religious beliefs to be the result of magical thinking.
Childhood thoughts: Young children are still learning about how the world works, so they may assume that their internal and external worlds are more closely connected than they are. For example, a child might believe that something bad happened to a family member because the child was angry at them.
Delusions: Some delusions involve magical thinking, such as the belief that a person can control others with their thoughts, or that they have godlike powers" (wiki)
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These groups or Cult if you will, have all the behaviors, rituals, rules, meetings, shared belief system that cannot be challenged, absolute loyality above family and friends outside the group(s).
Cults practice "magical thinking" as stated above.
They are conditioned to believe that they are smarter, more accomplished and through the process of leveling are better than everyone else.
They are convinced that the law of the land simply does not apply to them.
They are convinced that they are protected and that nothing will happen to them, no matter what they do, and therefore that they can do whatever they want to whomever they want to.
They have been conditioned to believe that they are special, chosen for their abilities and that no matter their behavior that it is justified, and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
That this person that they are illegally targetingc is a derelict, dangerous to society, needs reforming and that the "means justifies the end", and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
That this person that they are illegally targeting is Mentally Ill, a drug addict or an alcoholic, needs reforming and that the "means justifies the end". That this targeted person is "less than" is disposable, and it is acceptable to abuse her.
The men believe that they "own" Targeted Women" as a commodity. That they can sell her, trade her, lease her, and loan her, and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
That this person that they are illegally targeting can be drugged and poisoned either in a public setting or have their home broken into, their yard "gassed" with chemicals or their home sprayed, and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
That this person that they are illegally targeting deserves to have her home illegally bugged with cameras to further humiliate her, .and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
That the person that they are illegally targeting can be blackballed and blacklisted, workplace mobbed, and have their career destroyed and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
Lying and dishonest behavior is encouraged. Children are trained to commit crimes such as vandalism, to make-up stories, and tell blatant lies, bully both children and adults, and that they have the right to override the law of the land to do so.
Magical Thinking is one of the Hallmarks of Mental Illness as stated above. It often involves a disconnection from reality, delusional and grandiose thinking.
There is both a criminal and a medical definition of Mental Illness. These groups members more than likely display characteristics of both.
The issue being that the Perpetrator Group Member(s) actually believes this to be his reality as long as he is not held accountable for his criminal behavior and that his criminal actions are fully rational and acceptable, that being the major contributor to his mental illness and his disconnection to the laws and rules of society.
He likely does know right from wrong, but in his skewed belief system, that he is exceptional and that the law while it does apply to others, simply does not apply to him.
The Prisons, jails and mental hospitals are full of people just like him.
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patnaneuro · 10 months
Do People Get Emotional After Drinking - Fact Check!
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Drinking on social occasions is the norm that can increase the fun. It relaxes and encourages people to socialize better during social gatherings.
Too much alcohol can get anyone emotional and make people emotional. It makes women emotional and men more aggressive, bringing out the most vulnerable side of both genders. Does your judgment get emotionally clogged after drinking?
Are you that person who drinks and starts blabbering whatever comes to your head? If you’re addicted to alcohol, there are alcohol addiction treatment near me in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh.  
Why do i feel sad after drinking alcohol?
After binge drinking alcohol, the person feels relaxed and happy at first.
But, alcohol is a depressant that depresses the central nervous system and affects the natural hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin that explains the happiness when one is drinking and gloominess, anxiety the next day.
The crying drunk psychology depends on people’s emotions getting disrupted because of alcohol affecting the hormonal system. Increased release of these hormones can make a person emotional and hence make them cry. 
Why does alcohol make you feel bad the next day?
Alcohol affects rational thinking and behavior, that can also influence mood, judgment, and lessen inhibitions. Emotional drunk meaning alcohol affects the levels of dopamine making people more confident and reduces fear.
While for some people, it can make them think about things that they are upset about like a recent break up, recent loss of job, failing an exam.
These events can make them take drastic steps when intoxicated because of alcohol affecting their level of judgment. That’s the reason when people are drunk they tend to do things that they normally wouldn’t do. 
Why do I get emotional after drinking?
Youngsters relate drinking with partying and fun. But, uncontrolled drinking can result in depression, anxiety, panic and other outcomes. Drinking is often always associated with emotional vulnerabilities in people.
When a person keeps drinking to avoid facing their issues they can reach a point they will get prone to heightened sensitivity to situations and events. They wouldn’t know how to deal with life without the help of alcohol. 
As mentioned above, alcohol tends to work on the hormones and disrupt brain chemistry.
This causes people to get emotional after they drink. Usually, it is women that are more prone to being emotional.
It causes dugaregulated emotions with severe mood swings switching like a pendulum.
In women, self-loathing after drinking is a complex emotion they face in the light of their bad decisions arising from drinking heavily. Drinking has widespread consequences on mental health from difficulty waking up to impaired memory. 
How to get rid of bad feeling after drunk? 
Alcoholism affects a lot of organs in the body, but mainly it affects the brain. It can elevate the mood and fill the brain with depressive thoughts when the effect wears off. To get rid of bad feeling, 
Control the intake of alcohol. Alcohol is the reason people go through a wide range of emotions and mood swings. Consuming alcohol that won’t cause intoxication or a hangover can be one way to deal with it. 
Recognize the triggers that lead to drinking. Try and avoid the triggers that will make you want to drink. 
Come up with healthy coping strategies and techniques that can help one regulate the emotions. 
How to deal with an emotional drunk?
Drunk people deal with emotions differently. Alcohol makes them feel more deeply and with less inhibitions.
People can make rash decisions like drunk dialing their ex, getting into brawl fights, or unable to control what comes out of their mouth.
Emotionally drunk people need something to control their behavior. They can be given 
These substances can help wear off the alcohol effects. Once the person comes out of a drunken state, they would feel better.
The most effective way is knowing how much alcohol can get you drunk, and limiting the intake. 
Alcoholism can change a person’s behavior and mood. It will be difficult for them to quit alcohol and deal with its after effects. So, there are rehabilitation centers in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh that can help deal with these issues. 
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nightengale82 · 1 year
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#HealingMessyMommy #9
Awakening. Healing. Transformation.
These have been the reoccurring themes in my life over the last few months, and I am so grateful to have been able to get to the other side of this whole “Dark night of the soul” business. I know it will take me some time to acclimate, process, integrate… and fully step into my authentic being, into my true power: my Divine Feminine.
There is a major problem today… Within our society, within our American ideals, within this insane narrative that is being forced down our throats: and we have been so programmed and conditioned to be “inclusive” and so “woke” that no one is talking about it.
I consider myself a “Die-Hard Feminist”
Now… that’s obviously not an official term or an ideology, it’s just how I like to describe myself; because I am a free thinker, I two have daughters I would kill for and die to protect… and I’ve studied Women’s History, so I’m educated in the topic.
Wake up, people!
Whatever you people are calling Feminism today- is NOT helping us.
It’s hurting us.
People are ignorant, blind to the harm it’s causing our youth, and the next generation.
I will be the first to admit, when the LBGTQ issue became a feminist issue… I didn’t see a problem. I personally don’t have anything against a marginalized community joining our cause, and was sold the idea that LBGTQ issues- are human rights issues.
Welp. I was wrong.
That was before trans people wanted to compete and dominate in women’s collegiate sports.
Fucking mind blowing that the people “in charge” would allow this to happen.
Or that Caitlyn Jenner would be named “Woman of the Year” by fucking God Damned People Magazine.
I’m sorry, but NO. That isn’t feminism. It adds insult to injury and the media isn’t going to gaslight me into believing that trans people have the same experience, I do- as a woman. Big, fat NO.
The last thing I will say about this topic is how horrifying it is that they push it on these teenagers at the absolute most vulnerable times in their lives. Statistically, many trans people who undergo the sex change surgery are suicidal at around 5 years after their transformations. How does this fix the problem?
This is not Feminism! You’re not going to convince me it is! Has everyone lost their fucking minds?! Wayyyy off topic!!
REMINDER!! The definition of the word Feminism is:
The advocacy of women’s equal: political, social, and economic rights to men.
And so because of all this trans business: that the media wants you to believe is the new “feminism”
We can’t even talk about the real areas that need to be addressed within the women’s movement today.
It’s a distraction to keep us divided, confused, and afraid. And I for one, am not going to stand for it any longer.
Here’s the thing guys. Your new “Feminism” is destroying the nuclear families across the United States. Think about it for a moment. I won’t even bother collecting the statistics to prove my point:
Modern day dating
Children growing up in broken homes
Little girls having no example of healthy relationships
Boys having to learn how to be men from their mothers
The rise in alcoholism and addiction
The rise in mental health crisis in both sexes
This entire society is stuck in fight or flight mode in our relationships with the opposite sex because we are acting like there’s not a problem, and we haven’t admitted our childhood trauma affects our adult relationships. And now, we are dragging our children into it, and passing down unhealthy coping mechanisms and behaviors to them.
We are in denial of what is happening… until it comes into your home, and shows up in the people you love the most. And then we all gotta act like we are fucking okay? We’re just going to ignore the elephant in the proverbial room? In 2023?
Absolutely the fuck not.
We’re fucking better than this. We have to start talking about it.
This is not the legacy that I will be leaving to my girls.
Welcome back y’all, to
Healing Messy Mommy
Because Healing is Messy… and today, I GET to.
Stay tuned.
#BetterNotBitter #HealingMessyMommy #Gratitude #Abundance #AscendedFeminism #SelfLove #DivineFeminine #AwakenedMasculine #DivineCounterpart #SpiritualAwakening
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
Excessive alcohol consumption
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what ways does alcohol affect the body? Unfortunately, the consumption of alcoholic beverages has become extremely popular among young people and this is an undeniable fact. These drinks will have very bad effects on the body and mind of the user, and that is why there is a lot of emphasis on not consuming them. Continuous consumption of alcoholic beverages, like drugs, brings addiction. Even many of those who have now learned about the side effects and effects of alcohol on the body and intend to quit it, have not been able to quit it successfully, and this is a worrying thing. What occurs when you consume alcohol? Before going into details about the effects of alcoholic beverages, we felt it necessary to talk about the effects of alcohol on the body and what happens in the body after consuming it. When a person consumes alcoholic beverages with different percentages, 10% of it will be absorbed by the stomach and the rest in the large and small intestines. After a period of time, the alcohols absorbed by these organs enter the blood and spread through the blood vessels throughout the body. Meanwhile, activities related to the brain and spinal cord are performed at a slower speed. After 45 minutes to an hour of consumption, the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches its maximum level and the user will be so called drunk. Of course, it goes without saying that the mentioned issues only happen in stable and fixed conditions. The time to get drunk, the peak concentration of alcohol in the blood and things like that, depends on several factors, some of which we have mentioned below: Age, weight, health level, tolerance level, body metabolism, moral status, mental states and all things related to the consumer's physical condition. Fullness or emptyness of a person's stomach when consuming alcohol The amount of alcohol consumed by a person in one session - Liver problems with alcohol consumption Liver ulcer or liver cirrhosis is one of the problems that happens due to excessive and continuous consumption of alcoholic beverages. In fact, it is safe to say that the most common complication among those who consume alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and other types is the occurrence of liver problems, which can be treated in some cases, and in other cases will cause irreparable events. Liver problems caused by heavy alcohol consumption show themselves with the following symptoms: Long-term abdominal pain Excessive yellowing of the whites of the eyes, color of urine and skin Severe and frequent fevers - Heart problems caused by alcohol Heavy and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the possibility of disease and heart attacks in a person. Those who constantly use a lot of alcohol will be more at risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, etc. - The possibility of cancer by drinking alcoholic beverages Unfortunately, alcohol consumption by women and men has led to cancer in most cases. Generally, those who consume alcohol or are addicted to it, will be involved in cancers such as the following: throat cancer Esophageal cancer throat cancer oral cancer Colon Cancer Breast cancer (in women) - Occurrence of brain problems with the effects of alcohol on the brain The effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system has been proven. A lot of research has been done in this field, which shows the negative effect of consuming these substances. Alcoholic beverages have the most negative effects on the brains of young people and teenagers whose brains are growing. The effect of alcohol on the brain is to disrupt the following: Decision-making power How to judge Weakening of memory - Effects of alcohol on the pancreas Another harmful effect and side effects of alcohol consumption is the disabling of the vital organ in the body called the pancreas. When a person uses alcohol continuously, it causes a disturbance in the work of this organ and does not allow it to regulate blood sugar or help digestion. Chronic and long-term abdominal pains will be symptoms of pancreatitis caused by excessive alcohol consumption, for which there will be no definitive treatment in most cases. - Weakening of the immune system Drinking alcohol has a lot of negative effects on the body's defenses and makes the white blood cells no longer able to protect the body against various diseases. As a result, the body's immune system weakens and the user will suffer from various diseases after a while. How long does alcohol last in the blood? One of the common questions is how long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? In answer to this question, it should be said that only about 10% of the alcoholic beverages used leave the body through sweating, breathing, and urine, and the rest depend on several factors, some of which we have mentioned below: Type of alcoholic beverages and its percentage: Generally, beverages with a high percentage of alcohol will last longer in the blood. Sex of the user according to the tests that have been conducted, the longevity of alcohol in the body of women is much longer than that of men, and the reason for this can be considered to be less water and more fat in the body of women. Weight and body mass The smaller the person's body mass and weight, the longer the alcohol will last in his blood than a person who has more weight and a larger body mass. Taking some medicines taking medicines such as aspirin, pyrazole, paracetamol and similar things will reduce the speed of alcohol metabolism in the body. Therefore, someone who has taken such drugs before drinking alcohol will have a longer duration of alcohol in his blood. Age of the user Alcohol consumption in foreign countries is possible at the age of 18 years. Statistics show that in the third decade of age, the amount of alcohol permanence in the blood reaches its lowest value. Therefore, if two people aged 25 and 35 drink the same amount of alcohol, the metabolism of alcohol in the blood of the younger person will happen earlier and, as a result, it will last less. The unit for measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood is called BAC. If someone wants to know how long alcohol stays in their blood, they need to know their blood alcohol content (BAC). The rate of metabolism of alcohol in the blood is approximately 0.016 BAC per hour, and for example, if a person has a blood alcohol content of 0.064, it will take 4 hours for the alcohol in his blood to be metabolized and removed from his body. What are the benefits of drinking alcohol? You may be surprised at first, but you should know that these benefits are not so great that the effects of alcohol on different parts of the body should be ignored. In general, the benefits of alcohol consumption can be limited to the following: Creating a feeling of happiness and euphoria Building confidence (no doubt false) Positive effect on the coronary arteries of the heart Of course, there are differences of opinion regarding the positive effects of alcoholic beverages on the coronary heart. Most doctors believe that the side effects of alcohol on the heart and blood vessels are so great that it is not worth its small positive effect. What you need to know about the side effects and effects of alcohol and what to do to quit alcohol is given below. What should we eat after drinking? Methods of eliminating the effect of alcohol in the body One of the problems faced by alcoholics is how to get to know how to eliminate the effects of alcohol in the body. Therefore, below are the strategies that you can do to eliminate the effects of alcohol. try to sleep First of all, it is better not to do anything and sleep after feeling drunk due to alcohol consumption. Generally, sleeping for 4 to 5 hours neutralizes the effect of alcohol in the body and you no longer feel drunk. Drink a lot of water One of the effects of alcohol consumption on the body is the reduction of body water through sweating and excessive urination. Therefore, by consuming a lot of water, you can neutralize the effect of alcohol that has replaced water in your body and reduce the hangover after drunkenness. Water actually helps the alcohol to be metabolized and digested faster and its effect wears off faster. Drink juice The juice of some fruits and vegetables eliminates the effects of alcohol in the body in the shortest possible time. We highly recommend drinking juices such as the following when drunk. Orange juice The combination of green cabbage, celery, leek and pear juice Tomato juice Blended smoothie of celery, cucumber, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and parsley Combination of carrot and beet juice The combination of lemon, grapefruit and orange juice with honey Drink ginger tea Fresh ginger or its powder when brewed with some water and made into an infusion can have a great effect on hangovers after drinking alcoholic beverages. Eat starchy meals It will be necessary to strengthen physical strength after consuming alcohol that has weakened it. Regulation of blood sugar in the body with the help of consumption: Ordinary breads Hearty soups And foods that contain starch and are known as light meals, will cause the effects of alcohol to disappear. When does alcohol poisoning happen? When a large amount of alcohol is consumed in a short period of time, a person suffers from alcohol poisoning, and here are some solutions to treat vomiting after drinking alcohol. Alcohol poisoning is generally associated with a series of symptoms, some of which are: Cooling down and lowering body temperature Headache and frequent vomiting Anxiety and convulsions Skin discoloration Prolonged anesthesia and inability to move Breathing less than 8 times per minute and very irregular Among these symptoms, vomiting is one of the most common effects of alcohol and should not be prevented. Therefore, if you are faced with the reaction of the body in the form of vomiting after drinking alcoholic beverages, let this process proceed naturally and by preventing it, do not create the conditions for more serious problems. Of course, after vomiting caused by drinking too much alcohol, you should pay special attention to a series of points: Do not drink alcohol again and let your stomach rest. Rest well and sleep for 4-5 hours if possible. Drink plenty of fluids slowly to compensate for the dehydration caused by vomiting. If you feel pain in the abdomen, use pain relievers such as ibuprofen and avoid taking acetaminophen. Sometimes alcohol poisoning is not accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting. What should be done in this case? It should be noted that forced vomiting in order to reduce the effects of alcoholic beverages will be quite dangerous and can lead to: Rupture of the esophagus Entry of stomach contents into the lungs Internal bleeding Excessive secretion of stomach acid and things like that and caused irreparable events. What you need to know about alcohol sensitivity Alcohol sensitivity is one of the problems that plagues a large percentage of alcohol consumers. Sometimes a person may experience itchy feet after drinking alcohol. In this section, we will discuss the cause of itchy feet after drinking alcohol. Alcohol sensitivity occurs when people's bodies are unable to metabolize alcohol. Various signs and symptoms can be considered to be caused by alcohol sensitivity, which appear immediately after consuming alcoholic beverages. But sometimes these symptoms appear without any previous history, and in the meantime, it is necessary to see a doctor. One of these common symptoms is itchy feet. In this case, the skin of the leg will be reddened and hives will appear on the skin. If these skin lesions are not very annoying, they can be treated only by not drinking alcohol. But sometimes this itching becomes severe, causing skin lesions such as hives, skin redness, and inflammation, which must be followed up immediately. Time to see a doctor The symptoms we mentioned apply to different types of alcohol, including raisin sweat or dog sweat. A hangover and a bad mood after getting drunk and drinking alcoholic beverages is a natural occurrence. But if it exceeds its limits, it will be necessary to see a doctor. Read the full article
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phoenixlandingbar · 2 years
What percent of wine will get you drunk?
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What percent of wine will get you drunk?
Are you curious about how much wine it takes to get you feeling a little tipsy? Do you wonder if there is an exact percentage of alcohol content that will make you drunk faster than others? Well, look no further! In this post, we'll explore the world of wine and its alcohol content, so grab a glass or two and let's dive in.
The science of getting drunk
There is a science to getting drunk, and it all has to do with the percentage of alcohol in your drink. The higher the percentage, the faster you will get drunk. But what exactly is alcohol percentage? Alcohol percentage is the measure of how much alcohol is in a given volume of an alcoholic beverage. This can be expressed as either a volume percent (ABV) or a weight percent (ABW). For example, beer typically has an ABV of 4-6%. This means that 4-6% of the beer is made up of ethanol, which is the type of alcohol that gets you drunk. So, if you want to get drunk quickly, you should look for drinks with a high alcohol percentage. But be careful! Drinking too much too fast can lead to dangerous consequences. Start with one drink and see how you feel before moving on to another. And always remember to drink responsibly!
When you are drunk, can you drink coffee to help you stop being drunk? For the answer, please read this post.
How alcohol affects the body
When you drink alcohol, it quickly passes from your stomach and small intestine into your bloodstream. From there, it travels to your brain and other organs. Alcohol affects your brain because it is a central nervous system depressant. This means that it slows down your brain activity. You may feel relaxed and happy when you first drink alcohol, but as you drink more, you may become tired and emotional. You may also have trouble thinking clearly and making decisions. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and an increased risk for accidents and injuries. Alcohol abuse can also lead to social problems, such as job loss, financial problems, and family conflict. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, please get help from a healthcare provider or an addiction treatment center.
The different types of wines
There are many different types of wines, and each one has its own alcohol content. The most popular type of wine is red wine, which has an alcohol content of around 12%. White wine has an alcohol content of around 11%, while sparkling wine and champagne have an alcohol content of around 10%.
Read more: What are Dry Wines?
How wine affects your health
It is no secret that wine has many health benefits. But did you know that it can also help you stay sober? In moderation, of course. Studies have shown that wine can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and even help to prevent certain types of cancer. But what about when it comes to alcohol consumption? Can wine actually help to keep you from getting drunk? The answer is yes – sort of. While it is true that wine does contain alcohol, it also contains other compounds that can actually help to offset the effects of the alcohol. For example, polyphenols – which are found in both red and white wines – have been shown to protect cells from damage caused by toxins. This means that they can help to reduce the risk of certain diseases, including cancer. So, how much wine should you drink in order to reap the benefits? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, moderate consumption – defined as one glass per day for women and two glasses per day for men – is generally considered safe. And while there is no guarantee that drinking moderate amounts of wine will keep you from getting drunk, it may help to lower your blood alcohol level if you do overindulge on occasion.
In conclusion, it is difficult to know what percentage of wine will get you drunk since there are many factors that affect one's alcohol tolerance. It is important to understand your own tolerance and drink responsibly as excessive drinking can lead to long-term health issues. Understanding the effects of alcohol on your body and knowing how much you can handle before feeling intoxicated are key to having a good time with friends over drinks without going overboard.
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telemat · 2 years
Ayurvedic Anti-Dependence Drops To Stop Alcohol Abuse
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Alcohol use disorders are when a person's drinking leads to harm or stress. An alcohol use disorder affects 5% of adult women and 10% of adult males, according to estimates. Their drinking causes health issues, as well as issues at work, at home, in the classroom, and with the police. Many of them have lost control over their drinking; despite grave health risks and the loss of important activities or relationships, they are unable to halt or reduce their consumption.because it is impossible stop drinking alcohol to the self control
It is unclear why some people abuse alcohol while others do not, but someone who has a family background of alcoholism is more likely to do so. The chance of the disorder in children of parents who struggle with alcohol is multiplied by four.
Alcohol consumption carries a lot of dangers, but there may also be some advantages to moderate consumption. For men, this implies a daily limit of two drinks and for women, a daily limit of one drink.Many persons who drink alcohol in high quantities,they only focus on the drinking not on their own health,they also want the treatment of ayurvedic medicine to quit alcohol. The chance of heart disease, stroke, and other circulatory diseases appears to be reduced by moderate drinking. There is proof that a modest amount of alcohol can increase blood levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), a healthy type of cholesterol, and decrease plaque buildup in blood vessels.
Women who are trying to get pregnant or who are already pregnant, those who plan to drive or run machinery that needs concentration or skill, and those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that can make you drowsy are among those who shouldn't drink.
Additionally, alcohol can affect how toxic and efficient a drug is. Some drugs raise blood alcohol levels or amplify the negative impacts of alcohol on the brain.
Treatment For Alcohol Abuse The person who requires assistance with an alcohol addiction may be the last to recognise a problem.
Many comparable drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes give family members counselling so they can learn how to support and help the addicted person in the best way possible. Treatment for alcoholism also addresses the medical and psychological consequences of alcohol addiction.Ayurvedic medicine to quit alcohol also helps to the alcoholic persons Health professionals counsel the person and family about the nature of addiction and help the person find positive alternatives to using alcohol. Health professionals also help the individual cope with any related problems, such as depression, job stress, legal consequences of drinking, or troubled personal relationships. If you want to quit alcohol naturally with no side effects, try Drink stop.This is ayurvedic anti-dependency drops that helps those person who are over addicted and need to quit alcohol. Drink stop is nasha mukti ayurvedic medicine to quit alcohol.It is useful for alcoholic person who do not control their drinking alcohol.Drink Stop is ayurvedic medicine to quit alcohol without informing alcoholic person who drinks in high amounts,you can take this any food, any drink because it does not have any essence.
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How Porn Addiction Affects Men
For many men, pornography is seen as a harmless way to escape reality and explore their sexual fantasies. However, for some men, pornography can become an addiction that has damaging consequences. Porn addiction can lead to erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety, and relationship problems. It can also cause psychological distress and be a major contributor to body image issues. If you think you may be addicted to porn, it's important to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can help you address the underlying issues.
What is porn addiction and how does it differ from regular addiction
Porn addiction is a controversial topic. Some people believe that it is a real addiction, while others argue that it is simply a form of excessive use. However, there is evidence to suggest that porn addiction symptoms does exist and that it can be damaging to both individual users and their relationships. Porn addiction is characterized by an obsession with viewing or acquiring pornography, often to the point of distress or impairment. Unlike regular addiction, porn addiction does not usually involve the use of drugs or alcohol. Instead, it is more similar to an addiction to gambling or shopping, in that the individual becomes fixated on a certain behavior. This can lead to financial problems, as well as strained relationships and social isolation. In severe cases, porn addiction can even lead to erectile dysfunction and other physical health problems. If you think you may be addicted to porn, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Only through treatment can you begin to overcome this difficult addiction.
The effects of porn addiction on men's lives
A growing body of research is beginning to shed light on the effects of porn addiction on men's lives. While the exact causes of this addiction are not yet fully understood, there is evidence that it can lead to a number of negative consequences, including relationship problems, anxiety and depression, and difficulties with sexual function. In addition, some studies have suggested that porn addiction may be linked to an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction. While more research is needed to understand the full extent of the problem, it is clear that porn addiction can have a serious impact on men's health and wellbeing. If you think you may be addicted to porn, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional who can help you address the underlying issues. With treatment, it is possible to overcome this addiction and regain control of your life.
How to get help for porn addiction
For anyone struggling with a porn addiction, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. The first step is to reach out to a trusted friend or family member and openly discuss the problem. This can be a difficult conversation, but it is an important step in beginning the recovery process. If there is not a support system at home, there are many helpful resources available online and in most communities. Porn addiction is a serious problem, but with the right help, it is possible to overcome this addiction and live a healthy and fulfilling life.
The dangers of porn addiction
Porn addiction is a real and growing problem. While it may not be as widely discussed as other forms of addiction, it can be just as damaging. Porn addiction can lead to distorted views of sex, body image, and relationships. It can cause erectile dysfunction and mental health problems. It can damage your social life and your career. In severe cases, it can even lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. If you think you might be addicted to porn, it's important to seek help. There are many resources available to you, and there is no shame in admitting that you need help. With the right support, you can overcome porn addiction and build a healthy, happy life.
How to overcome porn addiction
Overcoming an addiction to pornography can seem daunting, but it is possible with commitment and perseverance. The first step is to admit that you have a problem and to understand the impact that it is having on your life. Once you have made the decision to change, it is important to reach out for support from family, friends, or a therapist. You will also need to take concrete steps to avoid triggers, such as deleting porn from your computer and blocking websites that promote it. In addition, it is essential to find healthy outlets for your time and energy, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. With diligence and hard work, you can overcome an addiction to pornography and build a better life for yourself.
Porn addiction is a real and serious problem that can have devastating effects on an individual's life. If you or someone you know is struggling with porn addiction, there are resources available to help. With treatment, many people are able to overcome this addiction and go on to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
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sonderastrology · 4 years
🌙🌈✨Astrology Notes✨☄️🌟
*Based on things I’ve noticed about different placements as a Leo sun/Virgo moon/Capricorn rising... these notes may not resonate for everyone but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles baby* MADE BY SONDERASTROLOGY
🧿I see the people I’m close with more as their moon sign with a dash of their sun, almost as if the placements were reversed. This is because the moon sign is sort of hidden at first whereas the sun sign is the core energy. When you befriend or love someone, the moon sign (emotions, mental processes) is slowly uncovered and in my opinion, takes over the general energy of the sun. Of course, all signs, houses, and aspects are important... this is just the way I look at it idk.
🧿Everyone needs a best friend with the same rising sign as your moon sign... they just *get* you.
🧿Also having friends with the same mars sign as you is so important! They can hype you up like no other and vice versa.. your vibes just click.
🧿I’ve noticed that people with opposite sun signs but rising signs in the same element take AMAZING pictures together. For example; A Pisces sun w a Leo rising and a Virgo sun w a Sagittarius rising would make eachother look bomb in photos.
🧿Pisces, cancer, Virgo, and libra placements are proned to being stalked and hit on by weird men... I’ve seen it too many times, protect yourselves!!!
🧿People always tell me that they were intimidated by me at first or even “scared”, and that I give off a bitchy vibe. My placements that indicate this?Capricorn rising (Uranus, Neptune, Lilith in 1st house), Leo venus and Virgo moon in my 8th house, Scorpio MC, Scorpio and Pluto in my 11th house. Other placements that can have this effect: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Earth signs in personal planets/MC/Rising signs. Personal planets aspecting mars, Pluto, saturn, sometimes Neptune, and Lilith. Mars/Aries, Saturn/Capricorn Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. 8th house placements and Chart Ruler in the 8th, 10th, and maybe 12th house. There’s definitely a whole lot more placements not just these.
🧿Aquarius/Air dominant people (esp mixed with fire) along with an array of other placements I’m sure, have a VERY hard time with forced structure and routine... it brings out their rebellious nature.My best friend from high school is an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon (with an Aries mars), and she DESPISED going to school for 7 hours a day, she just couldn’t do it. She would skip school all the time and eventually enrolled in night school. Same went for my other friend who was a Sag sun Gemini moon, both of them would act TF out in class. They’d fight with teachers, the principle, other students... and I really believe it was due to the forced schedules and the power dynamic between teachers and students in high school. The Aquarius sun person is my best friend today, and she’s one of the smartest people I know. Just because you weren’t “good” at school does NOT mean you aren’t smart. Fuck the system is an air sign BRAND.
🧿I’ve noticed A LOT of Gemini sun, moon, and rising people have light shades of hair... mostly blonde or dirty blonde.
🧿I’ve met 4 people born on the 28th of the month and all of them are incredibly beautiful... no matter what sign. Same goes for July Leo’s although I’ve noticed that they’re more arrogant and self centered than August Leo’s who are more generous and outgoing
🧿Your Jupiter sign can help you work with law of attraction and manifestation more effectively. If you have Jupiter in an air sign, try manifesting things by; writing it down, saying it out loud, visualization, and meditation. If you have Jupiter in a fire sign; manifest under the sun, write out a plan even if it’s unrealistic. If you want money, hold even a penny or a dollar and act as if it’s the amount you want. Act as if everything you want is already yours. If you have Jupiter in an earth sign; manifest while doing yoga or on a walk. Manifest outside or read/listen to positive affirmations. Jupiter in a water sign; manifest using crystals and rocks with guidance from tarot. Manifest through the arts and hobbies; draw what you want or make a song. Something where you can use your creativity. *All of these methods for manifestation are effective for all of the signs I just think that certain ways can help certain signs more*
🧿Based off of people I’ve met, air risings aren’t as friendly and bubbly as you’d think they’d be when you first meet them. Even their vibe seems nervous and closed off at first; standing with arms crossed, shoulders inward, I dont know just sort of shy. Once they open up a bit more then their weird side comes out and they become more goofy and carefree. I think air signs of all placements struggle deeply with anxiety even though they are often portrayed as outgoing and quirky, which they are but a thin viel covers it. No matter what, air placements keep an open mind and I’ve always felt like I could be myself around them.
🧿Libra placements are known for disliking confrontational disputes but I’ve noticed that these are the same people to whisper nasty things under their breathe when you start to walk away from an argument... they have you whip back around like “do you have something to say?!”
🧿I’ve seen this before and imo it’s true! Signs in the 8th house rule addictions... I saw someone post that having a water sign in the 8th house could indicate addictions to liquid, more specifically; caffeine and alcohol. Being addicted to something is in other words creating a bond with it- water signs are naturally bonded with liquid so it makes sense that their prone to being addicted to them. Water signs occupying the 8th house might always drink water or have water with them. Since the 8th house also rules finances to an extent, most of their money might go to coffee, drinks, beach vacations etc. For fire signs over the 8th house, they could be addicted and/or spend a lot of money on smoking, spicy foods, or anything that gives them a rush; rollercoasters, haunted houses, skydiving or even drugs like esctacy/cocaine... anything that gives them that thrill or lights a match in their stomach. Earth signs in the 8th house may be addicted to physical things; money, work, food, looks,... things that give them value or that call on their senses and ego. They could hoard/collect items such as coins, cars, beauty products, etc., or generational items passed down... due to bonding with things that they can bulid/see/show off overtime. They are very attached to the physical because as an earth sign it feeds their ego and value, like a tree growing in soil. Money could mostly go to eating, gambling, plastic surgery, materialistic stuff. They could be addicted to buying things and selling them for a higher price. Air signs occupying the 8th house could point to spending a lot of money on or being addicted to technology or all things ‘relevant’. These individuals might be addicted to their phones/social media and the attention they get from it. These people are always posting stories throughout the day or online shopping or even just browsing different apps. They’re addicted to getting information via books, the internet, and through talking to other people... oftentimes these individuals are very good at making money through the internet (depending on other placements ofc). They may spend a lot of money on books, new gadgets, music, tattoos and puzzles. These people are addicted to all things new! They have a thirst for knowledge and experiences and will seek it out effectively. 🧿When I look at a person’s birth chart, whatever gender, I especially pay close attention to their Mars sign and house. To me, Mars represents the overall energy and vibe a person gives off and the house placement is where it’s most naturally acted out. For example ; Aries Mars in the 6th house. Aries Mars person would give off a hyper, motivated, impulsive energy. Physically this could manifest as shaking their leg while sitting, quick movements,standing/walking instead of sitting down, gives off a more to the point and carefree attitude (keep in mind all of this is affected by many other aspects and placements in a chart). Being in the 6th house, ruling day to day routine, health, how we act at work, etc., this means that the Aries Mars characteristics are more prominent during work and day to day rituals (quicker to learn, effectively performing daily tasks, gets shit done, or they could get into arguments at work easily, constantly rush around, might be stubborn about seeing a doctor/health professional, might be more prone to getting headaches at work or in general) again, depending on the rest of the chart
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Could you write something about submissive Frankie? I feel like he would probably be into Bondage and praise, and he definitely likes getting bossed around and told what to do because he always has to be the one in charge of the boys. He'd definitely be into someone forcing him to stop worrying and trying to be there for everyone.
Let Go (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Summary: Frankie needs someone to take care of him too sometimes.
W/C: 3.4K
Warnings: holy shit what isn’t in here. talk of bad mental health. talk of Frankie’s cocaine addiction, which is in the past. talk of death, specifically of Tom. Smut, 18+ ONLY. unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, babes), bondage, lots of dirty talk, “good boy” is used frequently, oral (m and f receiving), spit as lube, titty-fucking, cum eating, dom/sub elements, bottom/subby Frankie, face sitting, p in v sex, uh that should be everything.
A/N: okay I don’t write this kind of stuff that often (bc I’m a mega bottom) but I hope this was okay, anon!!
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The boys love to call Frankie mom. Frankie is the one who coordinates the plans, who sets the time and the place, who is always the designated driver because lord knows the other men like to get shitfaced.
Frankie is and always has been a caring man. He doesn’t call the shots, or take the lead. He hangs back and makes sure the other men are okay first. He knows Benny is soft-hearted, more than any of the others. He checks that he’s handling things. He asks Pope if he can head any other smaller tasks. He makes sure they all eat something and stay out of too much trouble.
He’s often the voice of reason too. The men love to cause chaos, and particularly love to make rash decisions. Pope’s leadership makes the other men blindly follow on occasion, and Frankie is always the one to stop and question. Most of the time, Pope finds that he’s right. Frankie has the strongest moral compass of the group.
Out of all the men, Frankie refuses to be cared for. He bundles his emotions away somewhere deep inside and focuses on the task at hand, leaving him to unravel the knot he created of his feelings later. That’s what led him into addiction- it was the support of the other men that helped him once they uncovered the truth.
That’s what happened in South America, in the disastrous events that killed Redfly and left him with a small sum of money for a lifetime of trauma. He came home to find that his wife left him, and it took everything he had not to relapse again.
The men knew better this time, and Frankie was finally so broken that he gave in. He cried into Benny’s arms while Pope flushed his stash down the toilet, while Will enrolled him in a quiet and discreet outpatient rehab.
That was a long time ago now. Frankie returned to his normal place in the team, the voice of reason. They even respect him more now that they know the depth of his wisdom. Then Frankie met you.
You were everything Frankie needed. You brought sunshine and warmth and happiness into the man’s dull and dreary life. He was no longer living from fight night to fight night, but from the time he got to see you until the next. When you finally moved in together, the men all rejoiced too. Frankie’s energy and happiness and mood all lifted, and he was a happier man with you in his life.
For the first time of his life, Frankie allowed someone to take care of him. He allowed you to cook him meals and took naps on weekends, knowing you’d wake him if something happened. You’d shower him with kisses and affection, rubbing his aching back and working out his sore muscles. He works a hard, manual-labor job, and you treat him wonderfully when he comes home.
He loves you, more than he’s ever loved anything. He loves coming home at the end of the day to find you there, loves the way you wrap your arms around him and kiss him. It’s been months of living together and neither of you have ever tired of each other, never lost that excitement of hearing your partner walking through the door after a long day.
Frankie has softened under the warmth of your love, melted like butter from the affection and love you offer. When he’d normally come home and channel his frustrations through his hips and into his hand, he talks to you and tells you what’s wrong. He listens to his friends more carefully but allows their problems to leave his mind when he gets to see you again.
Today has been hard. Frankie had a hard day at work, his supervisors hurrying him around and giving him a seemingly endless pile of tasks. When he finally finished work, he met up with the you and the guys for a beer. All of the men had their own problems to vent about, and Frankie naturally put aside his own frustrations to listen to the struggles of his friends.
Benny’s been on a mean losing streak. Will has been having endless nightmares of their time in South America, which only brought the four men at the table down even further when he told them all of the terrible memories. Santiago was in a mean mood, shooting snappy remarks at the other men and sinking lower into his annoyance. You tried to lighten the mood, but it seemed that no one was in a good mood tonight. The alcohol didn’t change much, only made Benny weeper and Santi more annoyed. You and Frankie left after about an hour, and he sighed as you drove his truck home, removing his cap and running a hand through his curls.
“How was your day, baby, hm?” You asked gently, your hand reaching over to rest on his thigh.
“Bad, but better now,” he smiles softly. Your touch always reassures him, and the both of you know what the image of you driving his truck does to him. “Lots of shit at work. I was hoping the guys would be a mood-booster, but…” he trails off. You obviously know.
“Hey, let it out,” you ask of him, rubbing his thigh and squeezing it gently. “Tell me about it.”
So he does. Frankie tells you a play-by-play recap of his godawful day, leaving out no detail. You frown as you listen, his frustration and tiredness evident in his voice. “So. I left work pissed off.”
“I can tell,” you chuckle, bringing your hand to his and lacing your fingers together. “But it’s over now.”
He nods with a little smile, looking over at you. “It is. I got my girl with me, I have tomorrow off, and we’re headed home, far away from those fucking idiots.”
You chuckle, loving the way he calls you his girl. Something about that nickname makes your heart flutter every time. “I know something that could make your night better,” you offer in a teasing tone, raising an eyebrow at him and smiling.
He can read the context. He plays into it, grinning. “Oh yeah? How do you plan on doing that, pretty girl?” He asks, dropping your hand and rubbing your thigh as you drive.
You’re at a stoplight, so you lean across the console with a smile. “Let me take care of you tonight, baby. We need to break in those new ties we got, don’t we?” You ask, bringing your face close to his.
Frankie’s pupils widen with lust as he hears the word. “Oh, yeah, we do,” he breathes out, his pants already starting to feel tighter and tighter. “You sure, baby?”
You nod and smile, kissing him quickly. “You deserve it. I’ll be real good to you tonight, I promise,” you murmur as you press a kiss to the tip of his nose.
Frankie smiles. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Frankie baby.”
“Is that okay?” You ask him softly.
Frankie’s wrists and ankles tug against their constraints. He can’t move any of his limbs more than an inch before the soft rope holds him back. “It’s perfect,” he nods as he tries each of the restraints and finds that he can’t move. “I fucking love you,” he says as he looks up at you.
He’s the picture of vulnerability, fully naked in front of you and bound to the bed by each limb. His unsurprisingly thick and long dick is standing at attention, fully ready for you. His eyes hold all of his love, and you grin down at him.
You’ve never been the dominant one- not in your social life, at work, especially not in bed. But something about Frankie, about this kind and warm man, makes you desperately want to take care of him. It’s not that you get off on the ties holding him down, necessarily, though the way he struggles against them is a sight to behold. No, it’s the fact that for this moment, Frankie gets to relinquish all of the control and you get to take care of the man who takes care of you so often.
“I love you too, Frankie,” you coo, putting on your best bedroom eyes. It’s easy to slip into this persona for him, in the way he sometimes needs to be the one dominating you. “You gonna be a good boy for me, baby? You gonna let go?”
“Gonna be so good,” he nods, watching your face as you lick your lips and hungrily eye his dick. “Please, baby,” he begs of you.
You nod. “Always such a good boy,” you purr and climb over the end of the bed, settling between his legs and taking his dick in one hand. He’s so thick, you can barely encircle it with your fingers. You give it a slow tug, not bothering to spit into the hand to make it smoother. Frankie loves the friction, loves the way your warm hands move against the sensitive skin there.
“Fuck,” he shudders at the feeling, and you can feel his toes curling against your side. “Please, baby girl,” he whimpers as he looks down, sees your lips hovering just above the tip.
“Okay,” you nod with a little smirk. “Only because you asked so nicely.” Your lips take the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and he moans harder at the sensation.
Bobbing your head up and down, you moan around him softly. “You feel so good around me,” he shudders, forcing himself to keep his hips glued to the mattress. “Love your tongue baby. Wish I could grab at your tits right now.”
You pull away and continue to stroke him, chuckling a little as you look up at his flushed face. “I know you love them, baby,” you tease, pushing your breasts up for him to see. “How far can you move your hips? Can you show me?” You ask, a hand rubbing at his thigh.
Frankie nods and thrusts them, showing that he has a small range of motion. He can thrust them just enough up and down.
“You wanna fuck ‘em?” You ask Frankie, swirling your thumb around the tip. “You want me to fuck you with my tits? How does that sound?”
Frankie’s eyes go wide in shock, in surprise and hunger as he looks down at you. “Yes, please baby,” he nods. “Wanna feel it, wanna feel those pretty tits around me.”
You climb up over his body, straddling his strong abdomen and pushing your tits up, holding them in front of his face. “Spit on them,” you command him, and Frankie complies. “Lick them. Make them nice and wet, baby.” He does it, lavishing the soft and delicate skin of your breasts with his tongue, dampening the skin.
You smile devilishly and crawl back down, pushing your breasts together and positioning Frankie’s tip at the bottom. “Go ahead, baby. Come on.”
He slowly thrusts up into it. The sensation is unlike anything you’ve ever felt, Frankie’s hardened length sandwiched between your tits, but you definitely decide you like it as you look up at the expression on his face. His mouth hangs open in awe as he studies the image in front of him. “Fuck,” he shivers. Frankie has always been a tits man, and this is all too much.
“Yeah?” You ask, licking the tip as it comes up through the soft skin, pressing a kiss to the head. “Go on, baby. You can do it.” You play with your nipples as you hold your breasts there, sighing as you tug at the soft peaks.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he basically whimpers as he thrusts in and out of them, the soft skin driving him crazy. He looks blissed out, absolutely in heaven.
“Good boy, Frankie,” you shiver as you feel his cock twitch against your chest. Your heart is pounding so fast and hard you’re sure he can feel it against the sensitive tip. “You gonna cum like this baby? Here?” You ask him, moving your chest against him. “I’ll let you if you ask nicely.”
His brow furrows as the tip pokes in and out of your cleavage, your wet lips pressing sloppy kisses and licks to it when you can.  “Please, baby, wanna cum in your tits. Wanna see it.”
You nod. “Such a good boy, Frankie. Go ahead, cum all over me.”
He nods and a few thrusts later, he spurts his hot and white cum from the tip, crying out your name. You move your breasts against him, milking him of every last drop. You moan at the sensation, his hot cum against your flushed chest.
When he’s done, you sit back on your heels and Frankie’s eyes are shut. You chuckle a little, rubbing his thigh. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at the mess you made,” you practically purr, leaning forward for him.
It’s too much. The sticky white liquid drips off your tits, splattered all over. You look so fucking hot that Frankie feels himself starting to get hard again. “Fuck,” he shudders, his spent dick twitching and daring to get a little stiffer.
You smirk as you feel it, can practically sense his arousal seeping back in. You’ve always known Frankie has a short refractory period, allowing the two of you to go a few times in a night, but this is something else, something extremely quick and evident of just how much he’s into the moment. “Oh, baby,” you coo and stroke him softly. “Hard again already? You like it that much?”
You can feel him stiffen in your hand. The blood that rushed away with his orgasm is coming back just as quickly. “So fucking pretty. Just want you to fuck me.”
The words go straight between your legs, where the hot arousal has been pooling the whole time you’ve been treating him. “Oh, yeah?”
“Will you sit on my face?” He asks, voice broken. “Wanna taste you.”
Gulping, you want to say no. You want it to be all about him, but you can’t deny how fucking fantastic he is with his tongue, how desperately aching your clit is. “Fine. But not enough to finish. Gotta do that around your dick, pretty boy,” you coo and give his dick one last pump.
You climb over his body until your tits hang in front of his face. “Clean them off,” you order him, and he does exactly that. His skilled tongue swipes off all of the cum, swallowing it as he gathers it. After a few moments, you’re clean. “Good job, baby,” you mumble and scoot until your clit hovers above Frankie’s mouth.
He wants to grab you, wants to pull you down to him. He can’t. He shivers and waits until you finally sink down low enough for him to get to work.
He works at your clit with all of his attention, his tongue lapping against it and sucking on it. “Fuck,” you shudder, leaning against the headboard and propping yourself up with your hands. “Good boy. Doing so fucking good, ah,” you cry out and your head falls forward onto your arm.
He gets harder, you can tell, making soft noises into your dripping folds. He’s so fucking good at it, desperately eating you out.
Before long, you can feel your orgasm approaching. You push up to your knees, Frankie’s face remaining below you. “Oh, fuck,” you shiver. “So good for me.”
“You gonna fuck me now?” He asks, big brown eyes shining.
“Yes, Frankie,” you smile softly and scoot back down his body.
Before you sink onto him, you press your body flat to his and kiss him, softly and slowly. “I love you,” you murmur into his mouth.
“Love you too, pretty girl,” he shudders at the feeling, at the way your tits press to his. “So good to me.”
You have to admit, you sometimes worry you’re not doing it right. You’ve been worried this whole time that you’re not doing what he wants, that you’re being too mean or, god forbid, too gentle. His reassurance makes you feel better.
Sitting up again, you line yourself up over his dick. Sliding down onto him, you bite your lip at the feeling of his thick length splitting you open. “Frankie, baby,” you cry out, your eyes fluttering shut.
You take a moment at the bottom to sit with him inside you, to adjust. It’s all too much, and all you want now is him. “Do you want me to untie you?” You offer, though your voice is absolutely broken.
“Please, baby, wanna feel you.”
You nod and get completely off of him, getting off the bed too. You untie his ankles first and then his hands, which gravitate to your sides. Once he’s free, he pulls you on top of him again. “C’mere baby. You can ride me, but I wanna make you feel good too,” he murmurs, lining you up and thrusting up into you.
You cry out at the feeling again, your head falling onto his shoulder. “Frankie,” you whimper, both at the feeling and how quickly he returned to the one in power.
His hand lowers and circles your clit. “There,” he nods, kissing your neck. “Now ride me, please.”
You nod, beginning to bounce up and down on him. His freedom gives him more of an ability to grind against you, to thrust the opposite direction of you and make it even more powerful when he pushes deep inside of you.
His fingers work perfectly in time against you, and you can feel the little extra wetness as his precum leaks deep inside of you. His strong hips move in time against yours, lots of quiet and pleasured noises trailing from his lips. “Fuck, baby,” he shudders and presses his lips to yours, kissing you desperately.
You squeal against his lips as his dick finds the g-spot deep inside of you, pressing against it time and time again. “Don’t stop,” you beg and press your forehead to his, your sweat mixing with his own.
“Don’t think I could if I fucking tried,” he breathes, thrusting harder. “Come on, baby. Cum on me, let me cum in you.”
You nod, trying your best to hold out just a little longer. Finally, the cord holding you back snaps and the orgasm rushes through you, making you cry out Frankie’s name as your forehead remains pressed to his.
It’s never happened like this, never with your faces so close and intimate. He watches your expression contort, the pleasure on your face and it absolutely wrecks him. “G-gonna cum baby,” he grunts, holding back.
“Please, Frankie,” you tell him, kissing him for a moment before pulling back. “Fill me, please.”
He bites his lip as he shoots deep inside of you, the pure bliss rushing through his veins as your walls flutter and clench hard on him. He slowly comes down from it and his head falls back into the pillows, swallowing hard.
“Good boy,” you sigh and remove him from inside you before collapsing onto his chest, spent and flushed. “Fuck, baby,” you laugh softly, nudging his chest with your nose.
“I’ve never done that,” he admits, breathlessly, his oxygen just coming back.
“Did you like it?” You ask, your ear pressed to his heartbeat, hearing the loud thumping slow its rhythm.
He chuckles and it makes his chest vibrate. “What do you fucking think?” He laughs, kissing the top of your head. “You’re too good to me, babe. I fucking adore you.”
You smile softly. “I just… get nervous. You know that’s not my thing, being the one to tie you up and take control.”
“I know it isn’t,” he nods. “But I love you even more for being willing to do it. For taking care of me.” He pulls your chin up with a finger to kiss you slowly, lovingly. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sigh as you break away.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I'm No Good - t w o
Temptation vs Freedom
Warnings (future chapters): Drugs/Alcohol, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Jealousy, Mental Health, (Mentions of SA, but no details)
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I don't like memories because the tears come easily, and once again I break my promise to myself for this day. Its a constant battle . A war between remembering and forgetting.
Back in her darkened bedroom, Tallulah still couldn't wrap her head around her current situation. The rest of the night consisted of her being introduced to people who seemed to know more about her then she had wanted, clearly word spreads fast around La Push. Josie had introduced her to some of her friends that had arrived later, after the tribal stories. Clearly only there for the party. They seemed nice, but they were definitely not the type of people she would choose to be friends with herself.
Lenna had made herself scarce throughout the entire, to which her twin stated was typical behaviour. But Tallulah figured it had more to do with her presence than anything else. Tally couldn't help but look for the tan boy she had locked eyes with, something about him was so alluring. It was almost frustrating, Tallulah Forester doesn't get captivated by anyone, not ever. She was the captivating one, at least that's what Xander had always said. “You're like a tornado, with pretty eyes and a heartbeat. Luring in bystanders until you’ve ruined their lives..That's what I enjoy so much about you”, that was the last thing he had said to her before she had left his house party the night she had been caught. Their relationship was a mess, both of them struggling for control, even if it meant hurting each other in the process. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was all she ever had. She craved it in an almost masochist way.
Tallulah's phone had been off all night, not in the mood to deal with the onslaught of messages she was sure to get, now that she had a moment to breath by herself she figured she may as well read them, 1 5 messages from Lina and 3 missed calls, her best friend, was more than likely freaking out, consumed by guilt over the fact that their lies to their parents had been crossed. 7 messages from Kit, who she figured was already trying to plan how to spin this to make herself the victim, as Kit does, and 1 lone message from Xander, the only one she read before she shut off her phone to go to sleep.
That sucks :(
Was all that it said.
After a lot of tossing and turning in the bed that was almost too soft, mixed with the pillows that weren’t soft enough, Tallulah drifted off to sleep. She dreamed of the boy who had taken her by storm, his smile seemed brighter than the sun and the way he laughed was like music to her ears. They were on a cliff overlooking the ocean, she could see that he was talking, but couldn't hear what he was saying, she watched as he stood up and walked towards the edge of the cliff, looking as though he was about to jump, she stood up in a panic--
Tallulah startled awake to Kira shaking her shoulder gently, a soft smile graced her face. It was raining, but Tallulah could tell it was early morning.
“Tally, sweetie, you’re dad and I would like to speak with you before he goes to a meeting” she said quietly, “Get dressed and meet us downstairs in ten minutes,” she spoke, the smile never leaving her lips. Tallulah groaned, not one to be a morning person in the slightest, she swung her legs out of bed, toes touching the cool hardwood floors. She could hear low murmurs outside her door as she heaved herself out of bed, still not used to her surroundings she walked to her two duffle bags and sifted through the clothes before settling on an oversized, green long sleeve to cover the stick and poke tattoos that littered her arms, with ripped, loose, blue jeans. One disappointment at a time, she thought to herself as she got dressed. She grabbed her hairbrush from her bag and ran it through her hair, leaving it to lay in its natural waves down her back before quietly heading downstairs to whatever talk she was awaiting.
She was met with Kira and her father sitting at the kitchen table next to each other, and as they beckoned her over to sit, she noticed the thin, blue rectangle laying in the middle of the table. The same blue rectangle she had so carefully hid in her room back in Seattle, or so she thought. She could feel anger begin to bubble in her belly as realization dawned on her, her mother had been through her room.
She sat expectantly, waiting for her dad to chastise her for using drugs, or even alcohol, as a minor and how that could affect her future, but he looked to Kira to begin. The gentle smile that was near permanent on her stepmom was almost comforting in the moment, almost. “Tally”, She starts, “We are aware of your.. pastimes, in Seattle, however, we will not be encouraging that same behaviour here.” she sounds like a damn counselor, Tallulah thought to herself. She’d honestly prefer being yelled at. “We have a few ground rules that we expect you to follow, as we do Lenna and Josette.” Kira continued, “Under no circumstances, will we allow drugs under our roof, including nicotine,” she says referring to the vape sitting in between them, “Or alcohol that does not belong to your father and I. If you are to partake in these activities and are caught you will have consequences.” She looks at Joseph, as if they had rehearsed their own parts, looking towards her dad expectantly, “Secondly,” He speaks up, “As we expect with the twins, any boy, or girl, that you are,, having relations with, we expect to meet, no sneaking them through bedroom windows.” Tallulah cringes internally, it was one time, she wanted to yell. “Curfew will be 11:00 pm on school nights and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, no exceptions.. Understood?” he asked, looking at his eldest daughter. She wants to argue with them, tell them that policing her life won’t make her change, not the way that they wanted her to at least. That was something her mother learned the hard way. She had taken the door off her bedroom when she had found out she was sneaking out in the night, which only caused Tallulah to start sneaking out the front door instead, right in front of her.
“You done?” she asks, yawning, this wasn’t new to her at all, and she really didn’t care to be frank. The two adults look at each other, Kira nodding her head in Tallulah's direction, Joseph sighed before tossing a key chain on the table next to her vape. A small house key was connected to what looked like a car key. “Choose one.”
Temptation or Freedom?
Tallulah spent the rest of the day running errands with Josie, who had offered to show her around the reservation. They had stopped at Monets, the local cafe, run by the Littleseas, its the go to hangout spot, according to Josie. Who happens to be friends with Colin Littlesea, the eldest son of the owners.
Tallulah picked at the half eaten muffin sitting in front of her as she waited for Josie to return with a refill of both of their coffees. They were so different from each other, Tallulah drinking hers black, while Josies consisted of mainly cream and sugar, just like their personalities, but for some odd reason they clicked.
The car her father and Kira gave her was originally supposed to go to Josie, so that the twins no longer would have to share their current one. Finding out that alone made her reconsider her choice, at least a nicotine addiction only really affected her, but with a lot of reassurance from Josie, and the simple ask that Tallulah help run her errands eased her guilt. She didn't want to upend the twins' life, it wasn’t their fault her parents decided to force her to move to La Push. While Josie seemed to enjoy her presence, Lenna did not, and it's clear now she was avoiding her.
Tallulah gazed around the quaint yet homey cafe, its hand painted walls consisted of the same trees that surrounded the reservation, it was peaceful. She looked towards the door as it chimed, alerting the staff of new customers entering, a group of extremely tall, good looking men walked through the door, causing the calm energy to shift with their booming laughs, everyone seemed to be used to this behaviour, considering she was the only one to look in their direction.
Her eyes followed the group of boys, taking each one in, by the time she reached the last, he was already looking at her. Paul Lahote. The largest of them all, in height and muscle, she thought to herself as her eyes raked his body.
Josie setting her coffee down in front of her broke her concentration on the boy, her attention fully shifted to her half-sister. “What do they feed the men here? They are all so tall” Tallulah asked jokingly, to which Josie laughed, shaking her head. “Not all of them. Just the ones who hang around Sam Uley. Some people say he's giving them steroids but dad swears against it. So does mom.” She watched Josie grimace, and cut her off before she could correct herself, “--I’ve seen boys roided, they look nothing like them.” she spoke before taking a sip of her coffee. Josie nodded, an almost fascinated look on her young face, “So it's true then..” At this, Tallulah raises her eyebrows, “ what's true?”
“Your mom sent you here because you got mixed up with some guys who did drugs or whatever. At least that's what Lenna said she heard dad say”
Of course she did, so much for a fresh start, she thought.
Tallulah rolled her eyes, “Sort of, I guess --”
Now she was being interrupted, a large looming figure was now standing at the edge of their table, greeting Josie, she watched as the younger girl blushed in response, before saying “Hey, Ethan. Uh, this is my older sister, Tally or um, Tallulah,” Josie fumbled over her words as she introduced her. Tallulah looked up at the towering boy with a half smile, nodding her head as a way to say ‘hey’ , Ethan nodded back before asking, “I didn’t realize you guys were sisters. Do you go to school off the rez?”
Tallulah shook her head, “I did but I just moved here from Seattle. I start at the rez school tomorrow.”
He nods before engaging with Josie in conversation about some project they were working on and she can’t help but look over at the boisterous table in the far corner, she can see Paul and another boy glance at her as they talk, she excuses herself from Josie and Ethan, the coffee in her mug no longer appetizing and itching for her little blue rectangle in that moment.
Tallulah makes her way up to the bar-like counter, the waitress coming to take her order almost immediately. She orders a sweet tea, hoping to wash some of the lingering bitterness from her mouth, hoping it would help curve her cravings. She can feel someone come up next to her but doesn't bother to look who it is as she fiddles with a napkin, the waitress comes to take their order and their voice sounds like velvet in her ears despite the hint of gruffness to it.
“You're Joseph Forester's daughter, right?” She hears him ask, she looks in his direction to see he's already looking at her, a small cocky, smirk toying on his lips. He already knows the answer clearly. She wants to roll her eyes and tell him to fuck off, but she can’t bring herself to do so. So, she nods and softly says, “Yeah, Tallulah.” This causes him to actually smile, like he's thankful she didn’t just blow him off. That hot, cocky persona is nearly untraceable now,
“I’m Paul Lahote.”
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
The husband for Maui that I mentioned may or may not be a basically ooc Fintan that my gf twisted into someone else 👉👈
Maui works best in a dynamic of "Oh I'm as bad as you mentally but God are you hot" and then that progresses into "Oh no we made each other better how did that work aaaand you are basically a cat" as Maui does, in fact, purr and enjoy being pet on the head (He's also just incredibly touch starved)
Maui is a "Doubts everyone even the people close to him" paranoid. Like, he very easily gets attached to certain types of people. He loves very easily. He's attracted very easily, some would say like a moth to a flame. He- he doesn't have friends. He has his Brother, his Sister, and his two adoptive fathers. His father's had a whole thing of enemies to lovers and his sister is very firey and quick to start arguments with Maui and, on more than one occasion, these arguments end with her telling him to commit die- They do make up and she apologises but yeah. His brother is the Sweetest person anyone has ever known and is always nice and kind and understanding and he's an absolute buff sweetheart with his own little animal sanctuary, so who cares if he's a little bit of a kleptomaniac and has landed in prison because of it. Maui buys small items and keeps them in his pockets for Jett to take if his kleptomania is acting up. Jett has a garlic bread tattoo
Maui is a very sad, lonely man that fills the cracks in his heart with sex that he doesn't even want in some cases but the primal act itself helps to distract himself from the crashing and huringa of his life around him as he struggles to keep his mental health afloat and not crack into rubble and go flat out crazy and on a murderous rampage like he was trained to do by the lady that took him after he escaped his r@pist
That's not to say that he doesn't genuinely enjoy sex and is a very sexual person! Just yeah, it's a bad habit and a little of an addiction. In most cases he Hangs around clubs for the sexy men and women, and for the alcohol they serve. Almost all of his outfits contain a show of his very nice chest
Dude knees are so fucking weird and I don't like drawing them they suck. Also!! I think that eyes blinking are a good place to start!! They're pretty simply and they don't require too many frames
Oh Maui spends so much time appreciating himself in the mirror. He has tried to make out with the mirror but it's not the same (;-;) but he does enjoy a good masturbation session in the mirror
Don't fire the sun and replace it with Maui!! That's a very bad idea no matter how much he tries to tell you otherwise!! Colour theory is so fuckey and I don't even know what I'm doing aside from Blue + Orange = Brown, grey, and teal; Red + Green = Dusty rose, grey, and shit colour; Yellow + purple = Beige, grey, and a sad purple
I know, I have tried to escape him in the past but it never works out and I spent many a days thinking about him. Having an outlet through art and talking about him has been helping, though!! Now I'm not in my head 24/7 and instead enjoying watching Maui run around the public park of your tumblr and my sketchbook. I'll have to submit a picture of him without eyebrows eventually
There's something about Fintan where people just take him and completely dissect him and rearrange the parts into an entirely different person, and I think that's beautiful. Shout out to your gf for twisting him <33
(post got long so here's a cut)
Listen the best romances are being deeply deeply fucked up in the head and then making each other better. That's just how you do it. The attraction and then the affection, it's a delectable path to take. Finding out how much they like each other afterwards, something small turning into something much bigger. If there's some internal conflict over the whole matter that just makes it spicier. Becoming a cat later in the relationship I think is just natural progression. When you're touch starved you simply gotta full out go for it. Head pets and all. Though that does sound very Maui of him to be a cat
Also, that makes sense. being paranoid when he loves easily is certainly an interesting combination! Could be some story there about how he's fighting with himself over it because he wants so badly to be loved and to love others but doesn't know who, if anyone, he can trust.
His family does sound very nice though, aside from the sister arguments. I'm curious about this enemies to lovers thing his adoptive dad had--and also how he came to be adopted by them. I know this family exists but I have no clue how it came to be formed. I know that after he ran away from his bio mother he at some point came under the tutelage of the. Woman. Lady. Manon! That's her name. But between Manon and two dads i don't know how the switch happened. Also shout out to Jett for being the best person to ever exist. i know very little about him but I, too, love garlic bread. and animals. iffy on dogs though because they make many bad sounds. anyway!
You know I am absolutely not surprised that Maui fills the holes in his life with sex (pardon the word choice, I'm kind of sorry). You said that he's kind of addicted and uses it to try and distract himself and keep him afloat and I just went yeah that checks out. Maui fucks. Sex can be very complicated mentally, so I am wishing Maui the best in terms of figuring out his mental health!! Perhaps there are better ways to do it but you know what it sounds like no one is getting hurt so that's a positive. Showing off his chest and having sex is less destructive than others ventures. I mean, I think he'd show off his chest regardless of whether it was in a sexual manner or not, but also a lot of what he does is sexual. he simply is that kind of person
I'm so glad someone else agrees with me on the knees thing. they are so so weird and we don't talk about it enough. weird is not bad in this context it is simply weird. You know I don't think I have to draw them very often but when I do it is with bafflement and bemusement. Also in terms of animating blinking I will find a way to overcomplicate it. That's not to say I think I couldn't do it I just know myself well enough to know exactly what will happen if I try.
Maybe if Maui tried to make out with the mirror again it would work better. After all, first kisses aren't telling of kissing overall, so maybe he just needs more practice! or a different mirror. Then again giving the track record he has to far I'd assume he'd rather spend his time enjoying those masturbation sessions than failing to make out with mirror him. Perhaps he doesn't need a mirror at all and should go with a more Narcissus route! Make out with a lake!
Reports indicate deaths are in the dozens of billions, Barbara. Cindy is live on the scene and she's saying that someone has...am I hearing this right? Apparently someone has replaced that sun--you heard me right folks, someone has replaced the sun with a mysterious, unidentified man. Details of his appearance are unknown, as all spectators could see was glimpses of a revealed chest, but I will keep you updated as the story develops. [she will not, she will also die in the billions without the sun :/]
I don't know if I've ever consciously paid attention to color theory in my life so I'm just listening to you like you're a wizard. I go based on vibes and what looks alright as I'm drawing.
Also I love the descriptor of my tumblr as a public park, like yes you're so right people can just come here and look and things and also put things there and everyone can just hang out. Does this make me the caretaker of the park? Because if so I think I'd like to turn this into kind of a mystic park situations. I don't know how to explain the vibe in my head. It exists outside of time and is welcoming to all, a haven, a refuge from the outside, but it is also slightly incomprehensible and bigger than life. Things make no sense but you don't question them. The caretaker has been there for centuries yet has always looked the same. Park that's actually a magic realm vibes. That's not the point though the point is that Maui is running haphazardly around the park and refuses to leave <33
he is very sweet so thank you for sharing him with me/unleashing him on my park!
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tacticalhimbo · 4 years
This post is one of many that are being cross-posted from my canon character roleplay blog. You can view the original post and support my writing by clicking the post source. Feel free to ask anything or add on to the post!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed medical professional or psychiatrist, this post is just based off of research I have personally done in the past.
TW / CW for: Addiction, Alcoholism, Drugs
TDLR: It is likely that Michael de Santa was prescribed Librium prior to the events of GTA 5, and that Michael is still experiencing the effects of his alcoholism throughout the game’s plot.
Reviewing some of the therapy sessions that Michael attends with Dr. Friedlander in the game, there's an interesting side to these sessions and the history that I really wish was more detailed and discussed.
It's confirmed in game that Michael, at some point in time after moving to Los Santos, was actually being medicated for his behavior. The game obviously doesn't go into detail and any medication names would be botched anyway due to the game using "parody names" (e.g. Los Santos = Los Angeles), so upon doing some joint research it was discovered that Michael most likely took Librium.
Librium is a tranquilizer (sedative) and Librium is the brand name for the actual drug chlordiazepoxide. Chlordiazepoxide is classified as a minor tranquilizer, which means that generally speaking it's, alongside drugs like Valium and Xanax, used to treat general anxiety disorders.
Stronger medications (major tranquilizers) are used for paranoia, schizophrenia, and other stronger disorders which can lead to delusions. In the case of Michael, he ends up describing some side effects to Dr. Friedlander that match up almost identically to those of Librium, including:
Loss of voluntary muscle coordination (Michael admits to having urinated himself while on the medication)
But the true headcanon part comes from this:
“ Librium is also used to treat symptoms of acute (severe) alcohol withdrawal, and anxiety or tension associated with the stress of everyday life usually does not require treatment with an anxiolytic. “
It's fairly obvious in the game that when he's stressed, the first thing he does is reach for the bottle (or for cigarettes if alcohol is unavailable). While not explicitly shown in the cutscenes and main storyline though, Michael is a frequent blackout drunk. If you take him to hang out with people, he gets wasted. Granted, they all do, but Michael's case seems a lot more interesting when you consider some of the things he says in the moment.
The few instances that come to mind are mostly when he's drunk with Franklin. Their dialogue is always fun to me because of the "wannabe dad" relationship Michael has with Franklin, but it's especially so when drunk.
One time, Michael's telling Franklin how he needs to stop getting so drunk and how he'll never do it again. Another, he's so drunk he's actually experiencing the beginning symptoms of alcohol poisoning and believes he's going to have a heart attack, on top of his entire body hurting and his cognitive functions beginning to fail. It's also worth mentioning his father was an alcoholic as well, and it's surprisingly common for that trait to be passed down through the generations.
On top of this though, as it's relevant and somewhat discussed in his therapy sessions, we also know Michael is a frequent smoker and he has piss poor impulse control when it comes to his actions (hence, getting into messy situations and having to pull heists again).
Michael has an ‘addictive personality’ [FEB 2021 EDIT: An ‘addictive personality’ is not a steadfast or concrete concept, but one of many explanations professionals may use to describe the phenomenon of addiction]. 
From this part forward, I'll be referencing information from the American Addiction Centers (AAC) website, so if I quote something I will include AAC next to it. You can read more here: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/the-addiction-cycle/traits-of-an-addictive-personality
People who have addictive personalities are varied in terms of actual personality, but they have similar and defining traits that hint they may be more likely to develop an addiction, such as:
Being Related to Others Who Have Developed Addiction
Experiencing Other Mental Health Disorders
Being Adventurous and Risk-Taking to the Point of endangerment
Disconnected and Cautious from and of Reality
Unable to Self-Regulate
I'm going to delve into two of these because they're particularly applicable.
"Being Adventurous and Risk-Taking to the Point of Endangerment"
Individuals who like to take risks and who have little impulse control around experimenting and playing with new experiences and dangerous activities are more likely to try drugs. A study reported by Reuters indicates that this may have to do with the individual’s levels of dopamine and the brain’s sensitivity to it. People with high levels of dopamine in the brain may have a lower sensitivity to its effects, meaning that they need to have more intense experiences in order to feel the pleasure that this brain chemical causes. This, in turn, can be bound into the person’s experience using drugs and alcohol, which directly affect the dopamine system. In this way, the adventure-seeking, risk-taking personality can have a higher likelihood of experimenting with and, later, becoming addicted to these substances (AAC).
This all fits Michael. 
Not only because he's male (this portion of the addictive personality is more common in men, addictive women tend to be cautious and disconnected according to the Scientific American (AAC)), but because of the things he does. He doesn't try hard drugs, he gets his kicks from crime (e.g., grand heists and cons).
"Unable to Self-Regulate"
As explained in an article from the University of Rochester Medical Center, studies are beginning to show that an inability to regulate behavior around the anticipation of receiving a reward is strongly linked to the development of addiction (AAC).
However, this is not the end of the issue. Individuals who pursue the idea of reward so strongly often do not experience as much pleasure from having gotten the reward as those who do not have this issue. This diminished sense of pleasure leads the person to push harder to win more in the hope that the reward response might be stronger. This, again, is linked with the person’s levels of, and sensitivity to, dopamine and potentially to other neurochemicals as well (AAC).
This is more displayed through his actions in regard to crime and heists. As the plot progresses, they get bigger. More risky and, in turn, more rewarding. This doesn't help when it's combined with Michael's "stuck in the past" mentality. He constantly compares newer jobs to his prime days North Yankton. Michael is constantly trying to relive that high again, whether it's by robbing the Union Depository, the FIB, or daydreaming about the incident by the pool.
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a-simple-complexity · 3 years
Things about the creepypasta improv thing my close friend and I have been doing since 4th or 5th grade (maybe longer):
- My character doesn't really have a cp name yet but has been around for 401 years
- My character, when not at the mansion, is roomies with JTK (and he steals cheese its)
- Vivian's (the close friend) character is close to Slenderman and has a older sister bond with Sally
- Aside from the Jeff The Cheeze Itz Snatcher gag we have more running gags
- Such as Masky locking Toby in the closet when he's annoying only to turn around and see Toby standing there.... MENACINGLY (lol)
- LJ punts Mr Widemouth across the mansion weekly
- EJ is no longer allowed to cook for others after the barbeque of 2017. We miss you, Butler Bill
- Tuesdays and Thursdays Viv's character takes pets and children out the mansion for a playdate while everyone else has some fun
- Viv's Hidden Stash of Tuna TM
- My Hidden Stash of Vodka and Rum TM
- My character might have a problem but then again immortals aren't really affected by alcohol like most mortals are
- Speaking about my character: Holy. Pets.
- They have a bunch of guard dogs (despite them all being guard dogs they are pampered like you wouldn't believe)
- Pastas respect COVID stuff. Slender ordered everyone to scatter until it's mellowed out alot. Slender caught it at some point. They say get the vaccine and wear ya damn mask.
- There's a "Community Garden". It's just a few pitcher plants, some Butterworts, a killer cow plant (courtesy of Ben pulling some strings), a small patch of wither roses (courtesy of Herobrine), and a oran berry plant (courtesy of a few poke-pastas), rose bushes, etc
- Holidays are fun too
- Christmas time is filled with my character and Viv's taking Sally, Jane, Clockwork, and Nina out for a "girls" night
- Granted Nina only gets taken along bc despite the love-hate relationship between my character and Jeff, Jeff deserves time away from Nina during the holidays at least
- Also despite Jeff hating Nina he appreciates the knives she gives him (and return he gives her some sort of card)
- Due to staying in the vents constantly and stalking everyone my character gets everyone what they think they like would like
- Christmas lights everywhere. Splendor always gets Offender to put the star on top the comically large tree just bc
- Despite it not being Christmas music, everyone listens to Hotel California by The Eagles
- and watches Christmas movies (what was that Christmas movie with Tim Allen?)
- Everyone plays in the snow. Jeff decides to start a snowball fight and Sally makes a snow man.
- Everyone wears something festive and it's normally an ugly sweater thanks to Trender
- Spiked nog anyone?
- Thanksgiving includes everyone gathering together and having fun
- A small hunting trip is planned instead of a football game (the hunt takes place the day prior bc no one wanna miss the parade)
- Sally's favorite float is the Charlie brown float
- You know how the president pardons a turkey? Slender pardons a victim (and has been doing it since meeting Viv's character bc of a joke Viv made)
- My character makes mashed potatoes or some sort of really outdated dish from the 1700's
- The Slender Bros, Viv's character, Sally, Toby, Smile Dog, Jeff, and Nina all watch the dog show after the parade
- Nina is kinda allergic to dogs and doesn't really like them but bc of her lingering obsession with Jeff she puts up with it
- Offender and Trender argue over what dog they think should have won (funny to watch to grown immortal-ass men argue over this)
- Slender carves the turkey
- The pardoned victim is allowed to stay for dinner granted a majority of memories get changed (not really erased, just changed)
- My character, Jeff, and Ben all walk through the woods before dinner and get fucking plastered (and think no one notices....everyone notices)
- the week of Thanksgiving the tree gets put up (acceptable if it's the week of Thanksgiving, any other time then it's just weird)
- My characters mom, (considered the co-founder of Hell) pops in, steals a couple slices of pie, and leaves
- Halloween is celebrated kind of like Thanksgiving and Christmas
- My character decorates the mansion with various bones
- 31 Days of Horror Movies (at some point it's decided to watch Earnest Scared Stupid and some of the serious dog lovers opt out)
- The Slender Brothers dress up as the three musketeers. Splendor is Porthos, Offender is Athos, Slender is D'artagnan and, Trender is Aramis
- Jeff and my character do a duel costume by dressing of as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer from Cats (musical not movie, duh) alternatively they dress as Rum Tum Tugger and Mr. Mistoffelees.
- Sally dresses as Carrie or a fairy princess
- Jane, Clockwork, Nina, Viv's Character dress up as four of the five muses from Hercules (Viv changes last minute to a cat due to her character having cat ears and a cat tail)
- Toby, Masky, and Hoodie originally wanted to dress as the three musketeers but after slender took that idea they decide to dress up as separate things. Toby dresses as Masky. Masky dresses as the phantom of the opera and Hoodie is a ghost.
- Smile dog dresses as a hot dog :P
- A small hunting trip is planned and Jane and Clockwork take Sally trick or treating
- Everyone finishes the month with A Night are Before Christmas (a classic)
- Not many celebrate Valentine's day
- It's really only the Slender Bros, Viv's character, My character, Nina, Toby, Masky & Hoodie, and Sally
- and by Sally I mean she just leaves candy from the candy bowl everywhere
- Masky and Hoodie make a day of it since Slender gives them holidays off. They eat cheesecake in the woods and just spend the day together.
- Toby spends the day alone but still celebrates in his own way. Eating waffles.
- Offender (in our improv thing he's not....yeah....he's just a hopeless romantic that does consensual hook ups) and my character spend his their leaving roses out at restaurants and going to bars for hookups. They have a bunch of stuff worked out.
- Viv and Slender spend the day in bed or lounging in the living room watching some cheesy comedy.
- Trender spends the day as a self care day seeing as he's alone at the moment. Every day is self care for him but it's even more on Valentine's Day. He goes all out and even treats himself to a fancy restaurant.
- Splendor likes going to neighborhoods and leaving cute little poems on people's doors then heading to the zoo for personal time.
- Nina harasses Jeff who, in return, leaves the mansion and heads to the apartment him and my character share.
- New Years is something everyone celebrates. While some have resolutions others have new quotas they're trying to meet.
- Sally tries to stay up and watch the ball drop (she's only seen it drop twice before falling asleep)
- My character and Viv's character get shit faced
- Jeff normally sits there with a beer in one hand and Smile Dog beside him
- that's really all that consists of New Years
More about our two characters:
My character:
- a 401 year old demon thing
- in our universe hell is ran by the 7 devil's as well as my characters mother. Hells more of a city than a pit.
- Has lived with Jeff as a roommate since late 2018
- Use to be with Herobrine but broke it off with him for unknown reasons.....they're civil and still good friends. He's one of those people that could make a good boyfriend but is best as a close friend
- On their 400th birthday a crackening happened in Hell that enhanced their powers and they were hunted by Zalgo. Luckily a truce was established.
- Has been by Viv's character side since her characters soul was first created. More in Viv's Character's section
- Y'know those dogs that were talked about in the beginning? They primarily stay at their mothers mansion in Hell.
- Also all cats go to hell but they don't get hurt. They like to watch. Sometimes if you're lucky you might get a celebrity's cat. That's how my character got their lovely (and kinda douchy cat) Delilah. She likes to pee all over people's suits just bc she's like that.
- They were born in 1620 but are progressive
- Still liked fashion through the ages
- Maybe not the health damaging ones
- Is able to fly and teleport but due to back pain and migraines prefers to stay grounded and rarely use teleportation
- Doesn't actually kill much but has had souls sold to them (job as a demon....doesn't really need one though....is Crossroads Demon)
- Had a one night stand with Trender about 240ish years ago
- Does have proxies....it's those souls they take and barter around for
- Souls in hell can be used for currency depending on whether or not they sold their soul
- Anyways, was at some point known for having an obsession with chainsaws and hoodies...still has a bunch of hoodies and a chainsaw but doesn't really use them much (is more of a flannel and gun person now)
Viv's Character:
- her character managed to get everyone's favorite dwarfed rag doll cat from the internet
- Her character use to be with Entity 303 and ended up Slenderman
- that makes two of us who were with a Minecraft pasta and ended up with a slender brother lol
- I think her character is called Kat or KC so for now imma call her character Kat
- Kat has an addiction to tuna and milk
- Also has cat ears and a cat tail which are both very sensitive
- when Kat's soul was created my character was created. Even though Kat has been through many many reincarnations my character has always been alongside her. Even though my character doesn't die they act as a guardian towards Kat.
- Has a tendency to sit up in the cat walks and within the walls of the mansion alongside my character
- Gets lost in the forest from time to time and needs help getting out
- Despite being with Slender she has her own room to store her weapons and stash her plans.
- If I'm not mistaken Kat also was with Toby for a short while but doesn't talk about it much. Imagine dating your ex-lovers boss lol
- Disappears for up to a week sometimes without saying where she's going and when she comes back she acts as if nothing happened
- When both Kat and my character started living in the mansion they shared a room for about a year.
- Kat had a personal garden that was completely wiped out by Zalgo before a treaty was established and she still hasn't forgave him
- The garden mostly had marigolds and a few small plants. The only one that really mattered was Audrey the Venus fly trap.
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