#How To Increase Height In 1 M
astr0exe · 4 months
Ch.1 , Ch.2 , Ch.3
reader is transmac and autistic cause i said so :)
SUMMARY: The boys meet someone new. He seems cool but his dog seems to enjoy ripping people apart.// The boys meet the K9 trainer
(first time transferring my AO3 work to tumblr so)
(my writing is also quite shit but hey ho)
( i project so so bad with this character)
(pls give me feed back)
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Soap's POV :
The Captain dragged us into a meeting and we have no idea why. I was busy watching Princess And The Frog after working out for ages, I just wanted to relax after so many back-to-back missions.
"Thank you all for showing up I do appreciate it, I know we are all probably tired, however I thought this was important to discuss before you saw them around the base." Huh saw who around base? Is someone new joining? I glanced around the room and caught Gaz's confused eyes.
"See who sir?" I asked cautiously, "___ they are the K9 trainer and his callsign is K9 because of this. He has a fully-grown perfectly trained cane corso who is with ___ at all times. If any of you are scared of big dogs then I am sorry because Bucky is huge. There will be a meeting introducing you all do not worry but I thought I should give you a heads up. Dismissed." Answered Price.
Whilst walking next to Ghost in the hallway I couldn't help thinking about what Price said. I don't even know what a cane corso looks like. Oh well, when I get to my room I'll find out cause Google is my friend. "Hey, Lt. Do you know what a cane corso looks like?" I questioned, "I think I have an idea, pretty sure they grow up to 70 cm (27.5 inches) ish and weigh up to 50 kgs (110 pounds) They are massive dogs." Ghost murmured.
I could feel my eyes bulging out of my sockets at the thought of a dog that big.As I finally got to my room, I instantly looked up what a cane corso looked like and I think I shit myself. I have to meet one of those tomorrow.
Time skip : meeting K9 and Bucky
We all sat in the common room for our introductions. Me and Gaz were playing uno whilst Ghost was just watching us like a babysitter would with two children whilst we were waiting for Price and ___. Slowly we heard footsteps, they sounded heavy like platform boots, you could hear heavy breathing coming from Bucky and mumbling muffled talking from K9 and Price. The footsteps gradually increased in volume until Price walked in along with an awkward-looking guy. He wore large combat boots which had to add at least 3 inches to his height, and a large leather jacket with lots of patches on ranging from band patches to quotes. Oh and a trans flag. Nice. His belt was studded like he bought it in the 2000s with added chains which actually looked heavy, he had black eyeliner on and a face mask. If he wasn't like 5"7 with his boots on I'd say he was terrifying.
After I finally stopped staring at this Greek god of an emo boy and got my shit together I noticed his dog, Bucky, who was eyeing everyone wearily as if at any point we would attack him or ___. With how intimidating they both look I think they suit each other.
"Um hi I'm ___ or K9 and I'll be training dogs you take on missions and sometimes taking the dogs on the missions myself. Nice to meet you all. As you all know, this is Bucky, he won't hurt you." He giggled towards the end and oh my god it's like I heard heaven gates open and when I gazed around the room I knew everyone felt the same with all the wide eyes and stuttering introductions.
"Well these are my boys, Lt. Ghost Riley , Sergeant Soap Mactavish and Sergeant Gaz Garrick. Boys this is Sergeant K9 he will be working with you as he described he will also be living on base and training with you lads so I expect them to come back to me feeling welcomed into the Taskforce is that clear?" Demanded Price. "Yes Sir." We all responded in unison.
As I observe K9 and Bucky I cant help but smile at how at ease he seems with his dog. I think he is gonna fit in perfectly.
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rannadylin · 4 days
So...who wants to knit some gloves? :-D
I started working on writing up a more user-friendly pattern for the Gloves of the Reunited Kingdom (and look how pretty it is!...desktop publishing my beloved; it's possible the real reason I wanted to publish the pattern was just to play around with designing the pages now that I'm done designing the gloves XD)
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Then I thought I'd better try to figure out the math for sizing it up, so I went looking through other glove patterns in my library, only to find...most of them just have one size anyway? And most of them are women's S/M, 7-7.5" hand circumference, right about the same size as these gloves. So. Well. I guess I might not need to do that math after all? You could, I suppose, still knit them in a larger size by using a heavier yarn (sport-weight or DK instead of fingering) and larger needles; and I, with my rather short fingers, did add instructions to the pattern for how to use your own hand measurements to knit the fingers to fit you, however long your fingers may be, so that would work with the scaling-up-yarn-and-needles process too. :-D
That said, if anyone wants to test knit some double knit gloves, email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the pattern draft as soon as it's ready. If you're on Ravelry, I have a project tester code you can use when adding your project there.
Pattern details behind the cut:
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The pattern includes written instructions for the cuff, fingers, and general procedure for the hand, but the double knitting colorwork on the hand is included only as a chart.
Size Women’s S/M: 7-7.5" around the hand, height 9.25" from cuff to tallest fingertip
The pattern is written for a 7-7.5" hand circumference, to fit a women's size small/medium. Larger gloves may be knit by working in a heavier yarn, e.g. sport or DK weight, on larger needles. While the hand size is determined by the double knitting chart, written instructions for the fingers include how to adjust the length for a custom fit.
Gauge The gauge is measured over the double knitted fabric on the palm/hand.
Materials Yarn: Knit Picks Gloss Fingering (70% Merino Wool, 30% Silk): 1 skein (220 yd/50 g for dyed yarns, 440 yd/100 g for Bare) each of Harvest (MC), Bare (CC1), and Cranberry (CC2); or other fingering weight yarn: about 35g/155yd of MC; 35g/155yd of CC1; and 15g/66yd of CC2. Any sturdy fingering-weight sock yarn should produce durable gloves; those with some nylon fiber will add to the durability. Consider also the comfort of the fiber content next to your skin; e.g. use a non-wool yarn if you are allergic or find it itchy.
Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch markers, measuring tape, cable needle or spare DPN for rearranging stitches, waste yarn for a stitch holder
Difficulty level
Advanced. Skills required: Knitting in the round (DPNs, magic loop, etc.) for small circumferences; corrugated ribbing; Latvian braid; double knitting including increases and decreases
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Mountains of the World by Rise Above Surroundings / Jut
by u/Gigitoe
Jut is an indicator I developed to quantify how sharply/impressively a mountain rises above its surroundings, factoring in both height and steepness. A mountain with a jut of X rises as sharply/impressively as a vertical cliff of height X. Roughly speaking, the higher the jut, the "bigger" and more imposing a mountain appears.
Some things to note:
The most impressive mountains in the world, measuring over 3000 m of jut, are Annapurna Fang (world record, jut = 3395 m), Nanga Parbat, Machapuchare, Dhaulagiri, and Gyala Peri—all of which are in the Himalaya.
The Alps have 2.5x the jut of the Colorado Rockies, despite having a similar elevation. That's because the Colorado Rockies rise from a high plateau, rather than from close to sea level. Other mountain ranges with a higher jut than the Colorado Rockies include the Canadian Rockies, Southern Alps, and even the British Columbia Coast Ranges.
Jut-to-elevation ratio increases as one moves closer to polar latitudes, as glaciers carve steeper slopes and deeper valleys. The Equatorial Andes and Patagonian Andes have a similar jut, even the Patagonian Andes have about half the elevation.
A mountain with a jut of 10 - 100 m is perhaps more aptly called a hill. Points with jut below 10 m don't rise significantly from there surroundings, and were not included.
Some regions of the world are not well-mapped in the GeoNames database, including Mexico, polar regions, and the Tibetan Plateau. Places without dots may still have mountains, that just aren't in the database and therefore couldn't get measured.
Q: How is jut different from prominence?
A: Prominence is actually a bit of a misnomer, and should be called "independence," as it determines whether a point rises independently enough to be considered the summit of a mountain, rather than being a subpeak or non-summit point.For instance, Lone Pine Peak in the Eastern Sierra has a low prominence of 129 m, as it is connected to Mt. Whitney, and might as well be considered a subpeak on the Whitney massif. However, its jut of 911 m is very high, as it rises very sharply above Owens Valley. There are many non-summit points with low prominence that still have a high jut, such as the Nose of El Capitan, or the rim of the Grand Canyon.On the other extreme, an example of a high-prominence, low-jut point is Dome Argus, Antarctica. Since it's the highest point on the Antarctic ice cap, its prominence a high value of 1639 m. However, since the ice cap gains elevation super gradually, its surroundings are flatter than Kansas. Not surprisingly, its jut is only 0.2 m.
Q: How does jut work?
A: Let P be the summit (highest point) of a mountain. You're standing at some point Q on the planetary surface, looking up at P. How impressively P rises above you depends on both the height (h) of P above Q and the angle of elevation (θ) of P above Q.The formula h|sin θ| factors in both height and steepness to describe how sharply/impressively a mountain rises above an observer. Note that |sin θ| equals 1 when θ = 90° (standing under a vertical cliff) and is lower for less steep rises. Thus, it can be thought of as a penalty to impressiveness incurred for lower steepness.The jut of P is the maximum possible value of h|sin θ| from any viewpoint on the planetary surface. The location that maximizes h|sin θ| can be called the "base" of a mountain, and is usually at the bottom of a major mountain face or an adjacent valley.For example, a vertical cliff of height 100 m, a 45° slope of height 141 m, and a 30° slope of height 200 m would all measure a jut of 100 m, and be considered to rise equally sharply.
For more info on how jut works, check out this post.
This visualization was made possible with Google Earth Engine, MERIT DEM, and GeoNames.
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floralfractals · 2 months
I don't know anything about measure theory, re: f(x)=x on [0,1], what's the deal with integration?
ohh well i guess i did kinda say that without explaining huh. let me elaborate
measure theory is all about sizes of sets, in a generalisation-of-probability-way. the probability of event A is 0.5, the probability of event B is 0.8, the total probability (of any outcome happening at all) is 1. or the measure of set C is 2, the measure of set D is 0.002, the total measure (of the ambient space) is infinity. whatever.
but what is integration if not calculating the space under a curve? is that not dependent of the measures of the sets underneath them?
lets first talk about "regular" (Riemann) integration. basically, suppose you have a function f: R -> R. it has some kind of fun graph, and youd like to find the surface between the graph and the x-axis. one way to do that is by approximation through rectangles. yknow, draw some rectangles of fixed width, put their heights either just under or just above the graph of f, add up their surface areas and bam! you have a numerical method of approximating the integral. or you could make the rectangle width smaller and smaller for exact results. thats integration. heres a visual.
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ok cool so problem solved right? we know the area under the graph? surely this holds for every function?
well, no. suppose we have a really fucked up function. for example, let f(x) be equal to 1 if x is rational, and 0 otherwise. the above method wont be able to determine if the area is 0 or infinity, or something in between!
thats where measure theory comes in. we give sets a measure (notation: m(A)). this measure is not negative, and if you take the measure of two sets that dont overlap with each other, then their measure is the sum of their separate measures (in notation: m(A ∪ B) = m(A) + m(B) if A and B are disjoint. this is called sigma-additivity (the sigma means that it works for countable infinitly many sets as well)). easy! now we can define something called the indicator function 1_A(x), which is 1 if x is in A and 0 otherwise, and we define its (Lebesgue) integral to be ∫ 1_A dm = m(A). usual linearity applies for finite sums (so if a and b are numbers, and f and g are functions, then ∫ af + bg dm = a ∫ f dm + b ∫ g dm) (wacky things happen when sums are infinite: they might become infinitely large, or infinitely negative, or not converge at all).
this solves the issue of our crazy function f we just defined: notice that f(x) = 1_Q(x), where Q is the set of rational numbers. thus, ∫ f dm = m(Q), which (in one of the most natural measures, called the lebesgue measure*) is zero. done!
now for your question. the function f(x) = x on [0,1] (for our purposes: f(x) = x if x is in [0,1], and zero otherwise) cant be written as a finite sum of indicator functions. that means that our newly defined Lebesgue integral wont do without a bit of work. as it turns out, we can take limits in the Lebesgue integral, as long as our sequences increase (in math notation: if (f_n)_n is an increasing sequence with limit f, then lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_n dm = ∫ f dm). thus, we need to find such a sequence.
it's probably best if all functions in our sequence are finite sums of indicator functions, since we know how to integrate them. one such sequence with limit f is given by f_n = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n 1_{[k/n, (k+1)/n]}. that looks kinda scary, but if we let n go to infinity, this turns out to be equal to f almost everywhere (some points are counted twice since the intervals [k/n, (k+1)/n] and [(k+1)/n, (k+2)/n] have some overlap, namely {(k+1)/n}, but we dont need to worry about that since m({(k+1)/n}) = 0). heres another visual.
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as you can see, though, when we go from f_2 to f_3 we have some parts that increase and some that decrease. that sucks because now our limit trick wont work! to solve this, notice we dont have that issue when we go from f_2 to f_4, or from f_4 to f_8. thus, the sequence (f_{2^n})_n would work, since its limit is also f!
now we can do a big calculation. please bear with me (its just this paragraph i swear)! we have ∫ f dm = lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_{2^n} dm, so lets solve ∫ f_n dm for any n first. we have ∫ f_n dm = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n m([k/n, (k+1)/n]) = Σ_{k=0}^{n-1} k/n^2 = (n-1)(n-2)/2n^2. we can work with that, so were ready to take the limit: lim_{n -> ∞} ∫ f_{2^n} dm = lim_{n -> ∞} (2^n-1)(2^n-2)/2(2^n)^2. that looks scary, but luckily its equal to the slightly less scary lim_{n -> ∞} (n-1)(n-2)/2n^2, and thats just 1/2.
therefore, ∫ f dm = 1/2. which is also the value of the riemann integral ∫ f(x) dx, by the way.
you see that we needed a lot of calculations, so its probably not surprising that i needed an entire whiteboard to do this.
maybe this would make you think that lebesgue integration is inferior to riemann integration. however, as it turns out, most applications of this rely on proving that a lebesgue integral ∫ f dm is equal to some riemann integral ∫ g(x) dx, and we can just solve that with our calculus skills.
also, since the integral relies on a measure, we can do some silly shenanigans with that. for example, the ergodic probability measure related to my sickly son (lets call it n to avoid confusion with our earlier measure m) has n([0,1]) = 1/2, and n([1,2]) = 1/4 (in general, n([k-1, k]) = 1/2^k). i used this in my thesis to integrate the function floor(x): turns out that ∫ floor dm is infinite, but ∫ floor dn = 4 :)
hope you enjoyed doing some measure theory with me :>
*: the lebesgue measure is probably one of the more intuitive measures. an interval [a, b] has lebesgue measure b - a, so m([0,1]) = 1. this also means that a single point has measure m({x}) = x - x = 0, and a countable union of singletons (like Q) therefore also has measure m(Q) = 0. however simple this measure is, it also gives rise to some wacky crazy properties! for example, there exist sets that cant have a measure, but you can only construct them using the axiom of choice. scary!
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Guess who's here again holding up Mushroom Girl like my blorbo? Yep, IT WAS ALWAYS ME
(If you saw this posted early on the 11th, no it wasn't)
Also note: I might change her first name. I’m satisfied with her last name since it’s a reference to a fungus (not directly by name, but as a hint, it’s a combination of two words of 1 fungus). Her first name I feel like does need work though
This post has gotten a little long. Not so long that it's massive, but too long for me to comfortably post it without a readmore
So here yee here yee:
STAR — ⭐️
NOVA — ✨️
Mosary Amaniphall (V4)
AGE: 12
STAMINA: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
CREATIVITY: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
CLEVERNESS: ✨️ ✨️ ✨️ ✨️ 💫
These are her stats at the start of the series (Museum Arc)
The user can rapidly grow anything, from her own capabilities, to even growing plants, fungi, combining the two, and making fungi/plant summons with various effects
Mosary's body temperature is a lot warmer and more resistant to heat than the average person, though the inside of her body is more resistant than the surface. This isn’t a drastic increase, but it’s enough to save her a few seconds of reaching over for covers on a cold night.
Sweet Toxin:
Due to the nature of how Mosary's epithet effects her body, she's immune to most forms of poison. In fact, her body will translate any poison that goes into her body into passive healing and painkillers. This combination slowly heals her and makes her take slightly less damage.
A huff and puff of Bark and Burning Frostbite
The user grows/summons tree bark on the area their hands make contact with (this can include their body). Half of the bark is inhibited by a fungus called “Exidiopsis Effusa”, and the other half by a Puffball Mushroom. The user can grow bark that only inhibits one fungus, but the main feature of the bark is the fungi living in it.
The bark can emit Hair Ice (Sort of) and Puff spores (sort of again)
By creating spores of the Icy hair-like strands emerge from the growing bark that the user can control telekinetically. She can control the temperature of the frost and strengthen it so much that they'll leave burn marks. From being able to control how sharp the strands are (from soft as a pillow to as sharp as blades), to how flexible and malleable they are along with how many strands come out, this is an extremely powerful move Offensive wise that also offers a great amount of utility.
As for the Puff spores, they have a special function — she can ignite the puffball spores for explosions. They are relatively weak explosions, but due to the amount of spores the bark can spit out, the user can spam small explosions, or even combine most of the spores for one large explosion.
These moves are relatively simple, but the user can get extremely creative with its applications
She can:
Use it to slash at opponents for large damage
Can tie the hair ice around herself for mobility
Can use the bark on both of her legs to anchor herself or a target
Can harden and condense the strands of hair ice to make a small durable structure to either use offensively or defensively
Grow the Puffball bark on her shoes and ignite it at any point while she's going in any direction for a dash
Grow the Puffball Bark on her hands and feet to use as a way to amp up her physical attacks
Place the puffball spores on the hair ice for a long range explosion attack
Grow the puffball bark on her hands and concentrate the spore release for a bullet like explosion decent in strength
Grow the Hair-ice bark on her hands and have the ice form and sharpen around them to act as bladed brace knuckles.
While the move itself is inherently simple, the user is clever enough to see the sheer utility options of the move.
Legion of Cordyceps
The user manifests a crown shaped fungi on. The crowd itself has 3 long fungi sprouting on top of the crown, acting as its spikes: one on the left, one on the right, and one in the center. Two of these spikes have green gems, with the center spike having a hot-pink gem
The summon has a name/title, which is “Princess Legion”.
The crown itself slowly steadily generates pink spores that the user can telekinetically control for their use. When these spores get onto a summoned creature or construct, it'll take control of that summon and absorb it into the crowned selection. Assuming the user is in a situation where they can fill all the gems, the left spike is filled first, then the right spike, with the center spike being the last one. Each gem can only hold 1 summon, and one of each type. Once a summon is absorbed, the user has to pick a different one to progress through the next gem.
At will, the user can throw the summon off her head, and transform her into one of four states depending on how many gems have summons. When summoned, each absorbed summon/epithet construct incorporated into Prince Cordycep is stronger depending on what form she transforms into
Ex: The summon benefits is non existent in form 1, weak in form 2, average in strength in form 3, and at its strongest in form 4
Form 1: Lonely wannabe (0 summons absorbed)
Stamina – ⭐️; Proficiency – ⭐️⭐️; Creativity – ⭐️
The first, and weakest form, is what happens if the user transforms it with no summons absorbed. A small 4ft tall humanoid figure with multiple tiny strands of pink Cordyceps growing out. Princess Legion possess tiny, but sharp claws to use. The warrior is fast and nimble, allowing them to get off slashes quickly, but it’s fairly weak and is about as dangerous as a child with dull box cutters: a little dangerous, but anyone decently competent can deal with this with one good kick no problem.
Because of this being Princess Legion's weakest form, Mosary uses almost no stamina summoning her. They can summon multiple Princess Legion's, so this is good for overwhelming opponents with a small army of weak summons.
Mosary can summon 8 of these to fight in her defense
Form 2: Grounded Company (1 summon absorbed)
Stamina: ⭐️⭐️; Proficiency: ⭐️⭐️⭐️; Creativity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Princess Legion is 5'2 feet tall in this form and has longer and sharper claws in this form. Depending on what summon was absorbed, she'll have an extra aspect about herself or even effect the design and appearance of the summon, but the height and the number of gems attached to it never changes.
Ex: If one of Sylvies's sheep are absorbed into legion before she's summoned, she might have her claws coated with sleep dust
She's noticeably tougher than her form 1 counterpart, but still weak. Someone competent may have more trouble, but competent people should still be able to deal with these.
Mosary can summon four of these
Form 3: Hovering Crowd (2 summons/Epitheg constructs absorbed)
Stamina: ⭐️⭐️; Proficiency: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️; Creativity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This form of Princess Legion, while only slightly tougher in durability, makes up for it with strength and versatility. This form comes in a pair with two summons. Their wooden hands are practically razor-sharp claws, with them both being 6ft tall and appearing more beast like. Even someone extremely skilled will have trouble dealing with this.
This form has two gems applied to both summons, and depending on what summon was absorbed before this form us summoned, Princess Legion will have different features
If Mosary absorbs One of Indus' barriers and Sylvie's sheep, both summons may have a coat of Sleep dust, and have their body made out of barriers, making them more durable
The user can only summon 2 of these.
Form 4: True Legion (3 epithet summons/constructs absorbed)
Stamina ⭐️⭐️⭐️; Proficiency: 💫💫⭐️⭐️⭐️; Creativity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Princess Legion's true form. 8ft tall, and appears mostly as a fog, yet solid. This appears as one summon, but in nature, Princess Cordyceps is the combined forced of 3 summons and itself into 1 body. This summom is extremely strong, and acts as the user’s final gambit. Summoning this will leave Mosary with closeto zero stamina. This summon functions like the others kicked to 11.
Ex: If Mosary used Princess Cordycep to absorb one of Sylvies's sheep, a barrier from Indus, and a tower construct from Percy, she may have a massive coat of Sleep dust, be capable of hardening her body to endure even the strongest of attacks, and shoot lighting from it's heart
Devil's Lollipop
This summon takes the form of a Devil Cigar Fungus, although it has a large devil-like grin in the center. It's about as small as a flower and doesn't appear to be much, but appearances can be misleading.
This summon can release, minic, and manipulate any kind of sound that it hears. Multiple of these can be summoned, and each one has a small simple on it that's unique for each person it's attached to, making it easy to tell apart which summon is attached to which person. It can also manipulate people into hysteria and lost of control over their actions by laughing with its true voice
The user can apply this sound-based manipulation in an various amount of ways that can help the user in various of situations:
Mosary can tie the flower vines of the summon around their neck with the front of the summon facing the same direction of herself (like a flower bowtie). This would change her voice into anything of her whim
Mosary can have the Flower shoot out pressurized and concentrated sound waves, effectively acting as a powerful invisible ranged attack that can pack a punch if used correctly, though the beam of sound is unfocused. This would hurt her if she doesn't attach this to an instrument (she chooses a clarinet more often than not)
By attaching a Devil Lollipop to someone's body, she can create hyper-focused sounds that only the target can hear. They, in turn , can send hyper-focused messages to Mosary that only she can hear. This allows for effective communication that the opponent cannot hear. This can also be useful against targets to trick them into hearing sounds that aren't there
Despite all the various sounds the summon can make, it does actually have a voice of its own. By laughing with its original voice, it can make those who hear it stir crazy, give them immense hysteria, and create a strong urge inside their subconscious to dance and sing
A small mushroom-Flower fusion grows on Mosary's head, appearing to look like a Death Cap fungus with small sun symbols all over it, and a sunflower sprouting from the top of the fungus. Upon Sunspot (the fungus-Plant) glowing a bright light mimicking that of the sun, Mosary will gain a large growth in strength & speed, with her getting a tremendous boost in all five of her senses. She could see through walls, hear whispers as if it was shouting, and so on. This is a relatively simple move but gives Mosary an array of options.
A benefit of this summon is that if this is used in the day, there's no stamina cost for using it since the flower part of the fungi-plant amalgamation will use the sunlight as an energy source. This only applies to the day, so Mosary will have to be careful about reserving her stamina when trying to use this during the night
Ghostly Sights
Mosary summons what appears to be a Ghost Fungus glowing purple. She can manipulate, absorb, and control the light in the fungus, allowing her to create visual light illusions. They aren’t physical, but they’re made purely out of light, so anyone who decides to try and touch the light will quickly find out that it’s merely an illusion. This move is completely useless as a physical attack, but it's great for throwing your opponent off in an infinite array of situations.
Fun Facts
She has a habit of staring at insects, and if not interrupted, will sit and stare at them until she passes out from need of sleep (This has happened more times then she'd like to admit)
Her “Bounty” was just something she doodled. She's just good enough at art to make it look real (she also immediately crossed out the “dead” part of “dead or alive” since she didn't want someone trying to kill her)
Speaking of, whenever she starts to get overwhelmed (whether that be mentally, physically, or primarily by overusing her epithet), her epithet will start to overheat her body. She'll experience symptoms like nausea, dizziness, weakness, rapid breathing, etc.
Because of her passive “Sweet Toxins”, she didn't know what poison even was for a good portion of her life until her parents rushed her to an ER after getting stung by a scorpion (All she told the Doctor was that she felt like she just woke up)
With her current trajectory, she'll reach orbit Proficiency in high school between the middle of her Freshman year, and the end of her sophomore year. (When she’s 15-16 years old). By the time she graduates high school, she'll have all of her stats in orbit
While she may appear stotic at first glance to others, She has genuine anger problems and also has trouble controlling her reactions to her own emotions. Luckily, she does try visit Sylvie for weekly therapy appointments (Emphasis on try due to her being a 12 year old with barely any money
Graham and Princess Cordyceps would immediately become best friends if they ever met
While Mosary is dumb in terms of academic and book smarts, she’s practically a genius in when it comes to improvisation. She can make simple epithet moves that don’t require much creativity, but gives her immense utility options
She chews Jolly ranchers & Jaw breakers
No promises, but I'm extremely satisfied with this move-set. I didn't want to make her epithet Fungus/Mushroom because that didn't feel too creative, and going “She Mushroom Girl, her epithet is Mushroom/Fungus” felt like a lazy route to go, and Efflorescence didn't feel like it fit her alias enough.
I went with “Burgeon” since it means “Growing Rapidly”, giving me a lot of options while still fitting her Fungus vibe. Plus, it fits more organically
I know it’s a massive stretch to get “Sharp flexible ice blades with exploding spore”, “A Princess Cordycep capitalizing on absorbing summons”, and so on out of “Burgeon”, but I thought it was a fun direction to go with, so I just went with it, and I honestly had a lot of fun thinking through this moveset. I'm mainly going with a nature aesthetic.
Like I said, might change her first name, just tryna think of a better fit
I gave her “Ghostly Sights” so that she would be forced to get creative with a move that does no damage. It's a stretch, but so is literally everything else here, so I don't mind much
She's meant to be leaning much more towards goofy and stupid(ish) than anything else.
And yeah, yeah. That's about it. Bya—
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furinana · 5 months
Temperature and sunlight effects in Tokyo and Mikado
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Mikado: 1) The temperature decreases with increasing altitude, with the average being 6,5°C per 1000m.¹ 2) Sky Tower's height = 634 m.² 3) We don't know how tall the extra layers are so for the purpose of this, we'll estimate that Mikado is around 1000m higher than Tokyo. Air in the higher layers of the atmosphere are usually very dry. By every 1000m, you know what also happens? The UV intensity increases by 10%. You get more sunburnt in higher altitudes.³
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Tokyo: 1) As God's Plan took place and you got Flynn's past life fusing with Masakado and turning themselves into the ceiling, Tokyo was left in an unusual situation where they had no sun for 25 years. 2) There might obviously be other factors to include but to simplify it, let's treat as if Tokyo had night temperatures for all this time.
For both Mikado and Tokyo, we can use this graph⁴ as reference (°C):
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Red = day Blue = night
Mikado = red numbers less 6,5°C Tokyo covered by the ceiling = only blue numbers
In SMTIVA, the ceiling getting broken might hint that Tokyo will gradually go back to how it was, thus hotter than Mikado.
TLDR the actual numbers aren't that different, thermal sensation caused by presence/lack of sun is what plays the biggest role here. Considering Mikado was built as an utopia, it certainly could be seen as the most comfortable to live at.
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Lack of sun causes: 1) Vitamin D deficiency = weak bones 2) Low seretonin = tendency for depression 3) Weakened immunity 4) Low energy 5) Insomnia (definitely not Nanashi's problem lol) 6) Weight gain
Too much sun causes: 1) Heat exhaustion = sweating, dehydratation 2) Sunburn, skin issues (moles, rashes, freckles, etc) 3) Aging faster
And last, the olive Mikado tone in contrast to the greyish Tokyoites:
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Sources: 1/2/3/4
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trainingforfandom · 2 years
BNHA Physical Education Guide: For Use in BNHA Programs
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When I eventually get around to posting the BNHA boys’ workouts I will refer to some of their activities as PE (Physical Education). This will be the guide. 
The BNHA boys undoubtedly workout by themselves, however most schools require students to do PE. From experience and asking some Japanese students at uni, I believe PE would be for around an 1 to 1.5 hours about 1 to 3 times a week. I found that PE is pretty standard across the world. Mostly different sports, laps, group exercise, and the occasional weight room session. However, the BNHA high school functions as something closer to a military or ROTC camp so their PE would likely be a little more intense. These look like a lot of exercises, but they aren’t hard or time consuming, no maxing out on lifts here. The boys might choose to skip workouts on these days or simply supplement with exercises they feel would be beneficial. Girls like Momo/ Uraraka might not workout beyond this PE: Momo needs to reserve calories and her training is taking time to study, and Uraraka would likely spend more time in a martial arts dojo as her quirk makes resistance training useless. 
Monday PE: Laps and General Calisthenics/Parkour 
400 m Jog, 400 m Walk, 400 m Jog, 400 m Walk (Maximum time 10 mins) 
Parkour Training (30 Minutes) : Pick 1 or 2 videos and progress from there, the students likely are taught how to land safely and get over obstacles and through tight spaces to help them in chase and evasion. 
Calisthenics Workout (30 Minutes, Students are encouraged to complete this in workout groups as fast as possible, individuals simply try to get faster throughout the year. They also compare how much weight they use and how high/far they jump): 
3 x 25 Ring Push Ups or Tandem Push Ups or Weighted Push Ups (Buddy on Back) 
2 x 10 Team Log Press (Or Overhead Press) 
3 x 10 Pull Ups (progression) 
3 x 5 Long Jump
3 x 10 Box Jumps 
100 m Bear Crawl (Buddy/Weight on Back) 
3 x 30 Crunches 
3 x 60 sec Planks
1600- 3200 m run as fast as possible (Maximum time 10-15 mins) 
10 Minutes left as transition and resting time. If students complete things faster, they get rest time and are encouraged to adjust the exercise’s difficulty such as: Increasing box height or weight for push ups. 
Wednesday PE: “Quirk Training” (Sports training/Skill Work in our World/Martial Arts Day) 
Find a sport you like and play for 50 min
Try to learn a calisthenics/sports skill or get better at a certain lift 
Work on a lagging body part 
Examples (Personal) 
Work on squat and deadlift form for about 10 minutes each with light weight, run a mile because I want to get faster (This takes about another 10 minutes :(, I’m  a terrible runner), Do a bicep, shoulders, calves and forearm workout for about 20 minutes. 
Lagging Body Part Workout: 
5 x Drop Set lateral raises 
4 x 15 Face Pulls 
3 x 20 Calf raises 
3 x 10 Wrist Curls 
3 x 15 Cable Curls 
40 Minutes of Martial Arts Training 
Class or a video like this: https://youtu.be/WIaZUWEuV-g 
Friday PE: EMT/Rescue Weights Workout 
This workout is meant for the students to build explosive strength, and weight bearing strength to help with rescue 
Pages 13 -14 of this fireman's workout: ​​https://www.cityofmadison.com/fire/documents/frf-intro-to-firefighter-fitness.pdf 
This: Designed by me
Warmup: https://darebee.com/workouts/2-minute-warmup-workout.html 
Heavy Sandbag Circuit (30 - 45 Minutes) 
** Sandbag 30-50% of body weight to start overtime this proportion should increase. Ex 70 kg/155 lb body weight = 21kg/46lb to 35 kg/77lb
Repeat 3 Times 
20 Steps Up → 20 Steps Down → 10 Squats Stair climbs and Squats 
10 Sandbag Clean and Press 
10 Supinated Bent Over Row 
20 Meters Farmers Carry (2 sandbags around 10-20% of bodyweight) 
2 x 20 Meters Sandbag Pickup to Fireman Carry (1x 20 m run per side (left/right). Look up how to do this safely) 
Full body Weightlifting (Students might group up and spot each other/wait for equipment, this should be a minimalist workout for them to just hang out in the weight room with each other) (30 - 45 Minutes) 
3 x 8 Deadlifts 
3 x 10 Lat Pulldowns 
3 x 8 Bench Press 
3 x 12 Bicep Curls 
3 x 15 Rear delt flye 
3 x 15 Lateral Raises 
Core Circuit: This would likely be done together as a class
Repeat 3 Times 
30 Leg Raises
30 Weighted Crunches 
30 Weighted Russian Twists (15 per side) 
30 Second Plank 
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heartsoulrocknroll · 10 months
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Kings Island trip report!!!!! June 2023.
Kings Island was as great as I had hoped. I had been wanting to go here so badly for so long, and it exceeded expectations. Beautiful park, great operations, great rides. Loved it. Now let's talk coasters.
1) Mystic Timbers -- 5 rides -- This has been one of my most anticipated coasters for a long time, because of how insanely fast it looks in POVs, and I was not disappointed. It absolutely feels as fast as it looks -- the pacing is excellent, the transitions are quick, and the airtime never stops. The twisting drop is fun, and every hill delivers with the negative Gs, from the larger hills to the smaller banked hills. However, the out-and-back layout causes Mystic Timbers to lack the twists/turns that make Thunderhead feel so out of control for me. As a result, while I love both rides, Thunderhead remains my favorite GCI by a small margin.
2) The Beast -- 4 rides, including 1 night ride -- The Beast may be one of the most iconic roller coasters in history, but it is still ridiculously underrated among enthusiasts. Because of that, I went into this ride with low expectations. And boy oh boy, was I blown away. The first drop into the tunnel rocks. The setting deep in the woods is incredible. The ride feels like it is never going to end. The finale after the second lift hill is, of course, the highlight. The unnatural banking on that shallow drop is a crazy sensation on its own. And then, the love of my life, the double helix in the tunnels!!!!!!!!! The continuously increasing speed plus the LATERALS plus the tunnel wall being right beside my head on the left side of the train!!! All of this is crazy enough during the day, but at night, deep in the woods where you cannot see what is coming next??? WTF????? I waited over an hour and a half for my night ride, and my god, for the way I was losing my mind during that ride, it was sooooo worth it. A large part of me wants to put The Beast above Mystic Timbers. It's impossible to choose.
3) Diamondback -- 4 rides -- This is one of my favorite B&M hypers, right up there with Goliath. It's hard to choose between Diamondback and Goliath, as they are both great for different reasons. The airtime on Diamondback is unlike any of the other B&M hypers I've ridden. Diamondback may not (key word here is may) have a hill that outdoes the first hill on Mako in terms of one singular moment of sustained floater, but cumulatively, Diamondback has way more airtime than Mako. Even in row 7 (the closest to the front that I rode), the airtime hits. But in the back row??? I managed to be the least stapled I've ever been with this type of restraint, and I thought I was going to die on the first two camelbacks because of how sustained (and relatively powerful) the floater air is. Even the drop off the midcourse and the small hills after the midcourse give good airtime. And I love the splashdown on this ride, not only because it looks cool, but because you can actually get wet in the back row if you try.
4) Orion -- 4 rides -- This ride is extremely underrated. I think people who act as if there is some kind of night and day difference between Orion and Fury are insane. The height and the sense of speed alone are amazing, but Orion also has a great mix of forces. The first drop is excellent and basically indistinguishable from Fury's first drop, giving great airtime all the way down. The positive Gs at the bottom of the first drop are awesome. The inward banked hill after the drop does nothing, so that's one legitimate complaint. The speed hill after the turnaround and the camelback that follows are the standout elements. The speed hill gives borderline ejector airtime, while the camelback gives great floater. I also like that this ride has a helix to add some more positives into the mix. The helix is not as intense as I would have hoped, but it was still good. (Maybe I'm just spoiled by the beautifully sustained positives of Goliath's 540 degree helix.) Overall, just a great ride.
5) Banshee -- 1 ride -- I really needed to ride this more than once to get a good feel for it, but I just didn't have time, and honestly, I didn't really want to because of the restraints. I try not to let little things ruin my opinion of a ride, but I cannot get past those vest restraints on some B&Ms. Anyway, I liked this ride. The drop is huge, and there are no midcourse brakes, so this ride has breakneck pacing and crushing positive Gs, which I love. However, the inversions are more gracefully profiled with far less whip than the other inverts I have ridden. I found the slow inline twist at the end to be particularly out of character. The snappy inversions are the main reason why I have loved every other invert I've done, and because Banshee falls short in that regard, it ranks as my least favorite invert. (Also of note, this ride rattles hard for its young age. I personally don't mind that, but thought it was worth mentioning.)
6) Invertigo -- 1 ride -- This inverted boomerang is so much better than a traditional boomerang. It is incredibly forceful and didn't really bang my head at all.
7) The Bat -- 1 ride -- This is a completely different ride than the only other Arrow suspended coaster I've done, Iron Dragon. The Bat has a great sense of speed, as it is continuously descending throughout the ride. The setting in the woods is nice, and the swinging is crazy in parts, particularly coming into the final brakes.
8) Racer -- 1 ride -- I love my woodies, but these old PTCs just aren't the intense ride experience that I need. This one actually did give a little bit of airtime on some of the hills, and it is very smooth since the recent track work. Just a nice, fun ride.
9) Adventure Express -- 1 ride -- This is one of the better mine trains I've done, but it's still a mine train.
I didn't ride Flight of Fear or Backlot Stunt Coaster, as I have already ridden their clones at Kings Dominion and wanted to spend my time on re-rides on the top 4. But they would rank at #9 and #10 respectively, following Racer.
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czenzo · 2 years
Seven Years – Chapter VII
[ao3] chapter links: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]
summary: Charlie swung the door open, and his world promptly came crashing down around him. It had been seven years since Charlie last saw Nick Nelson, but he had barely changed – aside from the extra inch or so of height, the beard, and the fact he’d put on a bit of weight and muscle. Charlie’s brain couldn’t process it quickly enough, and so he simply stood, slack-jawed, waiting for Nick to say something.
Seven years after they broke up, Nick suddenly shows up at Charlie’s door, changing the course of their adult lives.
words: 2217 rating: M
note: I hate to spoil some of the contents of this chapter but I should point out that parts of this increased the fic's rating to an M. there's nothing outright explicit – just some hot and heavy build-up, and then a fade to black – but you can guess what happens. it's not vital to the story, so if you'd rather give it a miss, stop reading at "Nick didn’t hesitate to comply." and resume after the line break.
thank you again for all the love! I hope you enjoy this sweet little conclusion :)
“Charlie,” Nick breathed. His hair was plastered to his forehead and his clothes were completely saturated with the rain, but he made no attempt to shelter himself from it. Instead, he stood staring at Charlie, wide-eyed and hopeful, and it tugged at something deep in Charlie’s stomach.
Nick came back.
“Why are you–” Charlie shook his head. “Your train? I thought–”
“I missed it.”
“Called in sick. I needed to talk to you.”
“I needed to talk to you,” Nick said again, rushing his words. “About last night.”
“Last night?”
“The kiss, Charlie.”
The kiss.
The kiss.
“The kiss?”
“I thought you didn’t remember it, so I pretended I didn’t either, even though I would have given anything to do it again. And then you left, and I was alone with my thoughts, and I ended up speaking to a friend about it and then she bluntly knocked a world of sense into me. She said that you probably remembered too, but were pretending just like I was.”
Charlie simply stared at him, stunned into silence.
Nick was almost begging when he added, “Please tell me she was right.”
“You remember.”
“Can I come inside?”
“Oh– Oh, my god, yes, I’m so sorry,” Charlie said in a hurry, remembering that he was, in fact, still standing in the middle of the path to his building in the pouring rain. He fumbled for his keys and ushered Nick inside. “Jesus, how long were you stood waiting in that?”
Nick took a second to reply. “A while.”
The two entered Charlie’s flat, shivering as they pulled off their water-logged shoes and peeled away their outer layers of clothing. Out of pure habit, Charlie offered him some tea, and soon they were sat on opposite ends of the couch, cradling mugs and soaking up the warmth within them.
Charlie wasn’t sure if he appreciated or hated the extensive space between them.
“So,” he said.
“So,” Nick repeated.
Charlie took a breath, and sipped his tea. It grounded him, even if it was what felt like his sixth mug of it that day. “Did you mean it? When you said you’d– you’d want to do it again?”
“Then why did you pretend to forget?”
“Because it’s all so confusing.” Nick shook his head, and if it weren’t for the mug in his hands it seemed like he’d be wildly gesticulating. “Feelings – all of this – you. It’s confusing and hard to navigate and it was easier to take the coward’s way out than face it all head-on. You pretended, too. You must know what it was like.”
“I pretended because I felt stupid for actually believing we could be a… a thing, again. When I realised you didn’t remember the kiss – or at least, you made me think you didn’t remember – it was like a slap of reality. Is it actually realistic to think we could go back to the way things used to be?”
“No. It’s not.” Nick shook his head, and Charlie’s heart sank. “But,” Nick continued, “we’ve both changed a lot since then. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, right? Things wouldn’t be exactly the same as they used to be, but maybe that’s the fun part. Something new.” He stopped to worry at his bottom lip with his teeth, and looked down into his mug as he added, “I’m willing to try.”
Something inside Charlie clicked into place. “Please,” he said, putting his mug down. “Please stop talking and just kiss me again.”
Nick didn’t hesitate to comply.
Within seconds, the space between them vanished and was replaced with crashing lips, roaming hands, and two bodies desperately trying to find a comfortable position to press against one another in. Strong hands moved to rest firmly on Charlie’s sides and used the purchase to manoeuvre him, pulling him up and over so he straddled Nick’s thighs, allowing him to feel every twitch and bulge of muscle as Nick shifted beneath him.
This kiss was nothing like the one they shared at the hotel – it was infinitely better. No drunken fumbling, no rushed sloppiness, no worries of the consequences they’d face the next morning. Now they were sober, and aware of their mutual desperation and want, and it made Charlie breathless in the best way.
His soberness also enlightened him to the joys of Nick’s beard. It hadn’t been something he’d paid any mind to back at the hotel, but now, fully awake and alert as he pressed his tongue into Nick’s mouth, he could feel the oddly pleasant scratching of the beard against his lips, and it did nothing but make him feel even woozier. He stretched his palms and fingers across the expanses of Nick’s biceps and gently dragged his nails against the skin. Nick let out a small noise that sent blood rushing down Charlie’s body, and then bucked and pulled him down by the waist, pressing their groins together in a delightfully obscene motion.
Charlie couldn’t help but whine.
“Is this okay?” was Nick’s murmured response, his lips lingering just millimetres away from Charlie’s. Charlie wasn’t capable of thinking of a coherent response, so he simply nodded and kissed him again, snaking his hands up behind Nick's neck and burying his fingertips in his hair. The noises Nick made with each gentle tug were needy and dirty, and Charlie would treasure the memory of them.
Messing around in their teens had been great, but fuck, the seven-year build-up to this made it so much better than any sex they’d had back then. Their sheer desperation had them reaching to pull off as many clothes as possible long before either of them realised they should move it to the bedroom. Eventually, they stumbled out of the living room and towards Charlie’s bed, hands barely leaving one another’s bodies as they narrowly missed crashing into walls and doorframes along the way.
[Elle] Charlie! It was so lovely to see you earlier. Let us know if you need anything <3
[Tao] I hope u are actually getting work done [Tao] and not just thinking about nicholas [Tao] or [Tao] you had ur magical train station moment and now are too busy making out with him to look at ur phone
[Tara] Hope you’re doing ok charlie !! Let us know if nick ends up pulling a dick move. We’re here for you :) [Tara] Also, I think darcy’s found another crab picture. Brace yourself
[Darcy] i found a crab picture i somehow didnt show you earlier [Darcy] [upsidedowncrab.jpg] [Darcy] it got stuck in the sand but every time i tried to flip it back over it kept snipping at me [Darcy] so rude honestly
Charlie squinted at his phone screen, eyesight still blurry with sleep. When he’d woken up he had spotted it lying on his bedroom floor, having fallen out of his jeans pocket in a certain someone’s desperation to pull them off. He’d only wanted to check the time – today had been an odd one, and the hours were blurring together; it was somehow already late afternoon – but got distracted by the texts his friends had sent earlier.
Nick stirred and moved to press himself against Charlie’s back, murmuring into his shoulder, “You okay?”
“Yeah, was just checking the time. Today’s been weird.”
“A good weird or a bad weird?”
“Absolutely horrible. I want to forget it and pretend it never happened.”
Nick gently bit his earlobe. “Don’t even joke about that, Char.”
Charlie snorted and batted him away, then quickly scrolled through the rest of his missed notifications.
“Was that Tao texting you?”
“The guys from school, yeah,” Charlie replied. “I was with them earlier.”
There was a long pause before a response came. “What do they think of me?”
“They still love you, Nick.” Charlie tossed his phone onto the nightstand and turned to face him, shuffling in so close their heads shared a pillow and the duvet cocooned them into one singular warm being. Their limbs entwined like vines, though no matter how close they pressed together, Charlie didn’t think it would ever be enough. What he’d give to become one with Nick Nelson, to share a mind, thoughts, feelings, sensations. To be whole. Inseparable.
The closest thing he would get to that was this – swaddled in bed, cosy and warm, chests pressed together and fingers interlocking between them.
Nick’s voice was so quiet when he spoke that Charlie almost missed it. “Are you sure?”
“They care about me,” Charlie said, and smiled to himself. “And they want the best for me. Forget what happened back then – if you’re enough to make me happy now, then that’s more than enough for them.”
“Am I enough?”
Charlie gently rested his forehead against Nick’s. “Of course you are.”
“Oh. My train’s delayed.”
Charlie followed Nick’s line of sight to the digital board looming above the station platform.
“Another ten minutes stuck with me,” he said, punctuating his sentence with a drawn-out sigh. “Such a shame.”
“My worst nightmare,” Nick replied with a growing grin. Suitcase forgotten at his side, he reached out to rest a hand on Charlie’s waist and gently tugged him closer. “Whatever shall I do, Mr Spring?”
“You could kiss me a few more times.”
“Happy to oblige.”
Several kisses were planted around Charlie’s face, garnering the attention of nearby onlookers, though the extra pairs of eyes on them did nothing to slow Nick down.
“Okay, okay,” Charlie said through laughter. “I’m all kissed out.”
“I’m trying to make up for the years of kisses we missed out on.”
“Well, you can continue to do so when I see you this weekend.”
Nick rested their foreheads against one another. “I’m so glad you’re coming to visit. I hope the weekend comes quickly.”
“Me too. I know it’s not really long-distance, but… I mean, there’s loads of other couples out there who live so much further away from each other than we do, but–”
“I know. Could be a lot worse, but it could be a lot better, too. But we can work around it. If things go well, I could even look into moving closer, but that” – Nick laughed, somewhat nervous – “that’s a conversation for another day.”
Charlie pulled Nick’s suitcase closer to them; Nick seemed to be too distracted to remember to keep an eye on it. “I told Tori about us, by the way.”
“Oh.” Nick blinked. “What did she say?”
“I won’t repeat it word for word, but just know that she’s ready to swoop in and take action at the drop of the hat.”
“…Take action?”
“Break my heart, she’ll take away your ability to have children. Or something like that.”
“Glad to hear she’s still the same good old Tori,” Nick said. His gaze darted to and fro, not quite settling on Charlie for a moment. “I really am feeling good about this, Char. I’m really going to try to make sure this works out. I want you to know that.”
In the background, a robotic female voice announced the train was approaching the station, but it didn’t deter Nick. “I want to grow old with you, and adopt an obscene amount of dogs and buy a house with a garden we can have picnics in, and I want to spend the rest of my mornings either waking up thinking of you or waking up next to you.”
Charlie reached up to cup Nick’s face and gently kiss his cheek. “I’m glad. I want all of those things and more.”
Nick heaved a sigh as the sound of the approaching train grew louder and louder. “I’m so fucking glad I hit your car.”
“Me too, Nick. Me too. Jesus– which carriage are you in? I swear they never give you enough time to get on before it leaves the station.”
A bout of chaos ensued, in which they hurriedly snaked through crowds and Nick almost lost his suitcase two different times. Eventually, they found the carriage on Nick’s ticket – and then they were faced with having to say goodbye.
“We’ll see each other again in a few days,” Charlie said, before he was scooped up into a hug so tight he could almost feel his organs rearranging.
“And I’ll miss you until we do.”
“I’ll miss you too, Nick. Now, get on the bloody train before it leaves without you.”
Nick turned to hop on board, but faltered. “Almost forgot something.”
Charlie disregarded everything he had thought about all of their past kisses.
This was the best one.
It was a goodbye, an I’ll-see-you-soon, a silent promise to stay in touch, a quiet thank you for a second chance, a daring hope for the future. It was anything and everything, all at once. It was perfect.
The train left soon after, taking a waving Nick Nelson with it. Charlie waited until it was out of sight completely, then made the solo journey back to his parked car. As he walked, his phone buzzed.
[Nick] Miss you already :(
[Me] I miss you more
[Me] let me know when you get back home!
[Nick] Will do :)
He closed the conversation with a smile, then opened one with someone that he had been meaning to message all afternoon.
[Me] Tao
[Me] I have some Nick-tuation updates for you
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mariacallous · 2 years
The pro-housing movement has grown rapidly over the past several years, winning legislative victories from Minneapolis to Raleigh, N.C. to Maine to Utah. The movement’s goals are to increase the production of moderately priced homes and create more diverse housing options. Policy levers to achieve these goals include zoning reforms that legalize duplexes, rowhouses, and apartments as well as procedural changes to make housing development simpler, shorter, and more transparent.  
The recent legislative victories offer a unique opportunity for urban scholars across a range of disciplines to evaluate the outcomes and impacts of pro-housing policies and the political strategies that led to change. Academic researchers typically conduct backward-looking evaluations of programs that have been in effect for some time. However, the pro-housing movement is changing rapidly, with many local and state policymakers looking to replicate reforms from early adopters. This creates an urgent need for real-time data and analysis to inform current policy choices. 
The overarching questions facing researchers, policymakers, and housing advocates are: 
What package of housing policy changes will be most effective at increasing the supply, diversity, and affordability of homes?  
What set of political strategies has the greatest likelihood of achieving better housing policies? 
To begin answering those questions, we can break the larger agenda into smaller, discrete pieces that can be addressed with careful empirical research, as summarized in Figure 1.  
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Two further pieces of context are important to remember when designing empirical research on these questions. First, while the policy design questions are posed separately, policymakers adopt an entire package of housing policies, so policymakers and researchers should think carefully about the interactions between the components. For instance, legalizing apartments while capping building height at two stories is likely to make building apartments more challenging. 
Second, the “right” policy design choices and political strategies are highly context-specific. A given package of housing policies or regulations will have different impacts on housing outcomes (number, size, and price of new housing built) depending on the original market conditions. Similarly, how to motivate elected officials to enact housing policy changes will depend on the partisan and ideological preferences of local/state voters, the salience of the issue, and the relative power of existing political stakeholders and constituencies. Empirical studies that do not adequately account for local and/or state housing market conditions and political contexts are likely to produce inaccurate or misleading results. 
The remainder of this piece lays out a framework for empirical research to evaluate recent housing policy changes and identifies opportunities and challenges, including gaps in available data sources. It focuses primarily on the policy design side; similar analysis of political strategy questions would be helpful.  
A framework for evaluating recent housing policy changes 
Over the past five years, more than a dozen U.S. cities and states have passed substantial changes to their housing and land use policies, each offering an opportunity for investigation. Descriptive analyses that document key policy design issues and first-order housing outcomes are needed to provide feedback on what works and what doesn’t—hopefully in time to inform ongoing legislative action. Researchers should pay careful attention to four essential—and potentially tricky—components of research design, described below.   
Clearly describe policy design and targeted housing outcomes 
Specifying the outcomes of each policy change—including policies with multiple components—is critical to an accurate evaluation. Minneapolis, Oregon, and California were among the first places to pass laws that legalize specific structure types (such as ADUs, duplexes, and triplexes) across the entire city or state; measuring the impact of these laws should start by counting the production of newly legalized structures. By contrast, Massachusetts’ new “MBTA communities” law is intended to encourage multifamily buildings near transit stations in a specified set of cities and towns. 
A handful of cities, including Cambridge, Mass. and Culver City, Calif., have reduced or eliminated minimum parking requirements for newly built housing. Other jurisdictions, such as Houston, have reduced minimum lot sizes. As discussed below, some outcomes will be more challenging to measure with publicly available data; enumerating which outcomes are of most interest is helpful to guide data collection. 
Traditional program evaluation often tries to evaluate the impact of a single policy change, but several recent housing reforms have included multiple different policy components (either within one bill or passed in the same legislative session). For example, Minneapolis increased the allowable density around transit corridors at the same time it legalized duplexes and triplexes, although the former received less attention. Oregon passed a statewide rent regulation law in the same session as the bill that legalized duplexes and triplexes, which may interact with landlords’ incentives to expand rental housing. In one sense, these multilayered policy changes complicate researchers’ task; in another sense, what matters for policymakers is the collective impact of the full set of policies. 
Lay out a timeline for policy implementation and market responses 
Land use is famously sticky; even a complete overhaul of zoning codes will not replace existing buildings overnight. Researchers need to be clear about the appropriate time frame in which policies might become visible to observers. The policy implementation process itself may be lengthy: Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed the MBTA communities bill in January 2021, the state agency charged with overseeing its implementation published their draft regulations in January 2022, and localities have until 2023 or 2024 to bring their zoning codes into compliance with the new state guidelines. The housing development process is likewise slow and occurs in multiple stages: the landowner or developer must apply for building permits and receive approval (often from multiple different agencies) all before shovels hit the ground.  
As such, the timeline for observable impacts is likely to vary across specific policy types and market circumstances. In some cases, such as the Massachusetts example, it may take years before substantial amounts of newly legalized homes are completed; this would still constitute a “successful” policy change. Other policies may produce rapid responses through unexpected channels, as how California’s ADU legislation prompted owners of existing but informal ADUs to seek certification. And some types of policy changes could induce developers to act in advance of a new policy taking effect, such as a rush to apply for building permits before a mandatory inclusionary zoning law begins.  
Consider how policy design interacts with underlying housing market conditions 
What types of land use policies prohibit or impede new construction—and whether changing those policies in certain ways will effectively allow more housing—is a complicated question. Intuitively, when land is expensive and zoning rules allow it, developers will choose to use less land per housing unit, such as by using smaller lot sizes or stacking homes vertically. Material and labor costs of construction typically increase with building height (especially over six stories, which requires switching from wood to steel and concrete and adding elevators), so developers generally choose to build low-rise, lower-density structures in places where land is abundant and inexpensive. Zoning rules that cap building heights at, say, 10 stories will be a binding constraint in Manhattan or downtown San Francisco, but probably not in most suburban areas. Many post-World War II residential subdivisions allowed single-family homes on lots as small as 5,000 square feet (roughly one-tenth of an acre). But today, affluent suburbs such as Greenwich, Conn. and Atherton, Calif. require minimum lot sizes of one or two acres in some districts—substantially increasing the land costs associated with each home and limiting overall housing construction. In those communities, legalizing rowhouses or small-lot single-family detached homes would allow for substantially more housing than current rules—even before discussing multifamily buildings. 
State legislation that places guardrails on local zoning to set a common baseline across all cities and counties offers an excellent opportunity for researchers to understand how policy changes interact with underlying market conditions. For instance, under Oregon’s new law, duplexes and triplexes are legal to build in nearly every community. But the additional density should be more economically valuable in areas where land values and rents are high, such as Portland’s affluent neighborhoods, compared to rural communities in eastern Oregon. Looking at differences in housing production across localities before and after statewide policy changes is one of the more promising areas for future research and may help illuminate which types of regulations were binding constraints in different types of housing markets. 
One challenge in trying to compare results of ostensibly similar policy changes across states is how newly adopted policies will interact with long-standing policies. For instance, California’s legalization of ADUs and duplexes will be implemented in housing markets that are substantially distorted by the state’s environmental review (the California Environmental Quality Act) and property tax limitations (Proposition 13). This makes it especially difficult to extrapolate California’s experience to other states—while each state is unique, California has by far the most complex housing policy environment. 
Collect better data to track outcomes at the right time frames and geographies 
Publicly available data sources are woefully inadequate to evaluate most recent housing policy changes. For example, one of the most popular zoning reforms has been legalizing ADUs, which can take multiple forms (basement apartments, garages, or free-standing structures). But ADUs are not consistently identified by the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, residential building permits survey, or the American Housing Survey. So how can researchers and policymakers track changes in ADU production? Researchers in California have created a website to map ADU creation, but that requires a dedicated investment of staff and resources to assemble and maintain. Most local and state legislatures that passed zoning reforms have not allocated funds for monitoring and data collection. 
Public data has even larger gaps when it comes to evaluating changes in dimensional requirements. For example, to understand the impact of eliminating minimum parking requirements, researchers would need to know the number of newly built homes with and without off-street parking spaces before and after the new policy went into effect. No publicly available survey collects these metrics for individual properties; even property records held by local tax assessors do not consistently indicate the presence or type of parking spaces. For some research questions, local administrative data and proprietary data can help fill gaps, but these sources are expensive and/or labor-intensive to work with. 
Tackling an ambitious research agenda requires a small army of interdisciplinary researchers 
Understanding how state and local policy changes impact the availability and affordability of housing is the most important question facing the housing field today. The current burst of policy experimentation offers unique opportunities for qualitative and quantitative research across a range of academic disciplines, including economics, planning, policy, and political science. A few guidelines can help make the resulting research more usable for policymakers and advocates: 
Build on local institutional knowledge. The complex, hyperlocal nature of housing and land use policies—and the interactions between policies and market conditions—make it particularly important for researchers to have a solid understanding of local institutions and data sources. It may be more efficient to have multiple research teams with local expertise focusing in-depth on small geographic areas (cities, metro areas, or states) and sharing results with one another to draw broader lessons. 
Look at the full range of places undertaking policy reforms. The earliest or best-known policy reforms will likely draw more attention, but it is important to understand how policy changes play out across a range of housing market conditions as well as political and institutional settings. If, five years from now, there are dozens of studies of California and Minneapolis but none of Raleigh, N.C. and Montana, that will be a missed opportunity. A particularly important set of places to study are metro areas where housing has historically been abundant and relatively affordable, but are quickly becoming more expensive, such as Austin, Texas, Denver, Nashville, Tenn., and Boise, Idaho. Some early coordination across research teams to discuss geographic focus would be useful.  
Learn from both successes and failures. Pro-housing advocates and policymakers may be tempted to focus on success stories. While developing a set of potentially replicable “best practices” should be one goal of research, we can also learn important lessons from policy changes and political strategies that don’t work exactly as planned: What features of that policy design or advocacy tactics need to be tweaked or altered to be effective in boosting housing supply? Zoning reforms to encourage abundant housing are still very new; there isn’t a template for how state and local policymakers should design and implement these programs, and it’s unlikely that all reforms will get everything right on the first iteration. Being honest about what works and what doesn’t is the best way to learn. 
The pro-housing movement has achieved remarkable legislative victories in the past five years, creating unique opportunities to study the impacts of housing policy changes. Careful empirical research can help policymakers and advocates design more effective policies—thus making housing more affordable and abundant for all Americans.     
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nexaelevator-blog · 24 days
Top 10 Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in karnataka
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The Indian elevator market has been growing significantly for the last few years by lips and bounds. With the rapid urbanization and the development of infrastructure, IT industries, and various corporate offices, the use of elevators has increased remarkably. The percentage of high-rise buildings is also increasing day by day. Hence, the demand for elevators is ever-increasing and will remain so. Residential and commercial elevator manufacturers are making their futures for this unexpected increase in installations. 
Data published by a reliable source declares that the Indian elevator market was $1466 million (US) in the financial year 2022. The prediction tells us that in FY2028 the market will reach USD 2083 million with a CAGR (compound growth rate) of 5.82%. 
Understanding the bright future of the elevator industry, people have started their business with elevators- some of them are experienced and others are novices. Some of them are licensed and the others are without it. The most interesting part of this fact is that most clients cannot understand the licensed and qualitative commercial elevator manufacturers in India. If you want to learn the top 10 best elevator manufacturers in Karnataka, you can choose this company. 
How to choose the best Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in India?
There are a lot of companies in India that run elevator manufacturing and installation services for residential and commercial purposes. Today, you will learn how to choose the best Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in India. Here are some pro tips:
The elevator company must be licensed
ISO 9001:2015 quality certification is great for a company 
The elevator installation companies must use modern technology 
They must use high-quality Indian parts or import from foreign countries 
They should have IS installation compliance 
The elevator engineers must have the idea to relate it for the purpose
They must have customized features to develop a new elevator 
They should have quick emergency service 
They should have quite a large network for quick installation and elevator delivery 
Local reputation matters most for an elevator manufacturer
They should have the installation capacity of the capsule, MR and MRL elevators, and all
Great ratings and reviews on Google and Trustpilot
We are not going deep into the factors as we need to discuss more about the reputed elevator manufacturer in India. However, the top 10 elevator manufacturers are selected baselessly but with the above-mentioned justifying points. 
Top 10 Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in India
1. Nexa Elevator
Nexa Elevator is the best elevator manufacturing company in India. There are a lot of companies in India, but this company has unique creativity, installation supremacy, IS compliance elevators, and safety installations. The service quality of the company is always at its best. They reach the destination whenever any client calls for assistance in an emergency. With a wide network of engineers, installers, service providers, and many other services, you will get top-class service satisfaction from Nexa Elevator. 
The managing director of Nexa Elevator Pvt. Ltd. is Rajesh G. He has immense expertise in elevator technology. A team of experienced technicians, engineers, and planners have been thronged into the company to uplift it to a magical height. They have the solutions for achieving the topmost height in digital simplicity and user-friendliness. 
The company professionals in a nutshell: 
Mridula Sridhar Naik-CEO
Mr. Rajesh G- Managing Director
Suresh Babu- CFO
Ramya V- Senior Sales Coordinator
Jyothi G- Purchase Executive
Shiju Soman- Project Manager
Santhosh G- Project Coordinator
Harish Raj- Senior Service Engineer
Sushmitha M- Service Coordinator
Nexa Elevator: Mission and Vision
Their mission is to offer superior design, robust housing, modern features, and economical elevators that reduce power consumption remarkably. The notion of the company is to offer superior technological implementation in the elevator technology with maximum longevity where innovativeness will work to satisfy clients of all types.
They ensure certified components from Germany and certified from the Netherlands. So, your installation will get superior quality from Nexa Elevator. Besides, they maintain IS (Indian Standard) compliance to meet the compliance of Indian elevator installation technology. 
Being originated in southern India, Karnataka, they provide top-notch services to clients all across Indian cities. Professional designers and elevator engineers design flawless bespoke elevators to meet your requirements.
The company is ISO certified (ISO 9001:2015). That means that the quality of installation, design aspects, longevity, and service quality is excellent. They are quality Commercial Elevator Manufacturers with Roomed or Roomless Elevators.
The most important part of the elevator company is that they never rely on artificial advertisement and promotions to increase their sales. When the company installs the best quality elevators, the clients promote their names to other clients. This popularity has increased across India, and their business has a great height. In the last few years, their elevators have experienced less than 80% fewer complaints compared to other elevator manufacturers anywhere in India.
Types of Elevators They Deal With:
The types of elevators they install in the office accommodation are as follows.  
Residential lifts
Home lifts
Commercial lifts
Goods lift
Hospital lift
Structure lift
Apart from these categories, they also install elevators of all types of technological implementations. They have hydraulic, MRL, or MR elevators as per the demands of customers. To get room less Elevator Manufacturers, everybody can choose Nexa Elevators. 
2. Schindler Group
The next comes to Schindler Group. They demand that their elevator transport more than 2 billion people across the world every day. They have elevation technology to implement on new elevators. They are experts in establishing escalators as well.   
About Their Company
They are one of the leading companies in elevation technology. Along with urban development, they arrange for organizing the cities with escalators and elevator technologies. They have various types of elevators to bring innovation inclusive in technology and make the high-rise building easily moveable. They install elevators for the present and future generations where longevity is the prime superiority.
Product And Service Satisfaction
Schindler has smart and sustainable technological implementations in vertical transportation. Depending on the load of people or materials, they install the elevators that match the building’s high-rise. They ensure the safety and security of the companies. 
Global Presence
Schindler is not only present in India. It also has a global presence including another 100 countries. Their service is available for 1,000 branches worldwide.  
3. Otis 
Otis is one of the world’s most popular companies. However, they have grabbed a larger part of India’s vertical transport technology. Though Nexa Elevator is one of the best Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in India, Otis is reputed across the world. This company can install both elevators and escalators. 
The company started its journey in 1853 and was recognized for its safety, innovation, and technological implementations for vertical transportation.
Otis has a presence in southern India, including Karnataka, Bangalore, and other parts of the area. They have the elevator installation capability for residential and commercial buildings of all types. 
4. KONE India
KONE is a multinational company and one of the most reputable companies in India in installing elevators and escalators. The quality of their installations is surprisingly excellent. You can get KONE with dot com domain for international entity and KONE with dot in domain for Indian entity. 
They provide Room less Elevator Manufacturers, as well as roomed elevators across India with all modern technological implementations.
They are an eco-friendly company and try to comply with Eco-friendliness with elevator technology. 
5. Toshiba Elevator Room less Elevator Manufacturers
Toshiba Elevator and Building System Corporation originated in Japan but it emerged in India in April 2011. With the vision of offering world-class technology in elevator technology enriched with Japanese technology which would be safe, energy-efficient, and safe for people of high-rise buildings and corporate entities. 
They entered India with a promise to provide top-notch technological implementations in vertical transportation. Toshiba Corporation has a long technological supremacy for a long history of 140 years. They try to supply state-of-the-art Japanese technology for high-class elevators on a comprehensive budget with a pledge to quick service and longevity.  
They provide all types of modern elevators that include, MR, MRL, and capsule elevators.
6. Fujitec
Fujitec is also one of the best Commercial Elevator Manufacturers originated in Japan but entered India with the pledge to offer top-class Japanese technology to the Indian urban areas. They are renowned for not only elevators of all types but also escalators of superior types. Moving walkways is another achievement for Indian modern urban cities. 
The consumer satisfaction rate of the company is also high. If you consider the top ten Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in India, you cannot differentiate much about their services and authenticity or longevity and service satisfaction. They also install elevators of all types in southern India including Karnataka. You can choose them among one of the top 10 best elevator manufacturers in Karnataka.
7. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is also a great Japanese company with a diverse range of elevators. They also install escalators along with top-class elevators. The price range of reliable elevators and related services is not as costly as people cannot afford. Their price and related technology are excellent and matched. So, when you require technology-enriched elevators with safety and security, but the price would be reasonable, you can contact the installers who supply Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. This company is one of the best Room-less Elevator Manufacturers in India. Their service in residential and commercial elevator installations is incomparable. 
8. Hitachi Lift India Pvt Ltd
Hitachi-inspire the next! They are one of the most reputed Japanese companies that provide top-class elevators in India. They have entered India to spread Japanese supreme elevator technology in India. Their service is diverse, and they provide premium elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks. They are not only providing higher safety in elevator technology but also the modern world requirement for energy-efficient elevators. Besides, they use top-notch elevator components imported from Japan in their own company. Their service is available in the entire India including southern India, Karnataka, Bangalore, and all other reputed cities.
9. Hyundai Elevator Co. Ltd.
Being a reputed South Korean elevator manufacturing and installing company, Hyundai Elevator tried to spread its business to the entire world. Apart from elevators, they have another mechanical service related to vehicles. However, they are not involved in vertical transportation, they are connected to surface transport vehicles.
Hyundai Elevator is well known for its reliability, performance, safety, and low power-consuming features. The services providing associates involved in their services are also supportive and reach the spot to solve the issues immediately. You can choose them for installing the best elevator in Karnataka.
10. Johnson Lifts Pvt. Ltd.
Johnson Lifts Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian company. They have excellent expertise in manufacturing elevators and installations for all commercial and residential accommodations. They can offer you customized elevators in your budget range or with the fulfillment of other requirements. There is no idea from where they receive their elevator components. It might be from India or any other country. 
They can also provide you with the MR, MRL, and other modern type elevators to southern India and some other parts of India. You can contact them to get premium services and quality components to fulfill your requirements. You can also get customized elevators from them.  
These are the most reputed Top 10 Commercial Elevator Manufacturers in Karnataka, India. You can choose any of the companies if you require commercial or residential elevators of any type. If you want to choose the best elevator manufacturers in Bangalore or anywhere in southern India, you can proudly choose Nexa Elevators as they will provide you with top-class technology, imported components, top-class safety assurance, and power-saving elevator installation promises. The cost of installation and services is also less than your imagination. So, you can choose them confidently.  
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phamlegiahuy-sa192390 · 2 months
The Origins of Language
Humans do not know the exact origins of languages, however, we do understand that the ability to produce different patterns of sound that humans did in ancient times comes from a part of our brains that we share with vertebrate animals like fish, frogs and other mammals. Even though humans have never found direct evidence about how languages originated, we do have suspicions or theories.
The Divine Source:
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Many religions believe that humanity received languages from a specific god in their respective religion. For example, in Hinduism, people believe that language is a gift from Sarasvati, who is a god in Hinduism.
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A hypothesis said that if human infants were brought to life and grown up without hearing or learning any languages around them, they would eventually start using the original God-given language. Although there are recorded experiment results which support the hypothesis, one experiment stands out because it is more likely to happen in real life. In the experiment created by the Mogul emperor Akbar, the babies, who were raised in an environment where there was no human speech, could not speak at all.
The Natural Sound Source:
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Humans can hear their surroundings before they are even born. This ability helps us to identify different sounds and noises from very early days. The process of identifying sounds helps humans to be able to connect the sound with the object which creates that sound. And it results in the idea that ancient words came from the natural sounds that early humans had heard. 
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A linguist, Otto Jespersen, called this idea the “Bow-Wow” theory. According to his theory, humans would prefer objects by mimicking the sounds of them flying over like Caw-Caw or Coo-Coo. Additionally, he used the fact that different languages today have words which sound similar when naturally echoing to support his idea.
The Social Interaction Source:
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This idea said that the sounds that early humans made when lifting heavy animals, especially when they do it in a group which needs coordination, like hums, grunts or curses are the origin of language.
This theory is reasonable to some people because it puts the evolution of human language with our way of living socially. Humans from the early days needed to form groups for a better chance of survivability and this created a need for a better way of communicating. However, many do not believe this theory because apes and monkeys also make grunts and noises to express themselves like humans in ancient times, they do not show any development in communication capability.
The Physical Adaptation Source:
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In this perspective, it is believed that our languages came from the way our bodies evolved. For example, when humans have a big change in the way we walk, from utilizing 4 legs to bi-pedal (on two feet). This transition changed the way we breathe, and as a result, this helped us to have long articulations on outgoing breath, with short-in breaths. 
Major differences which help us to produce variable sounds compared to other primates are:
1/ Our teeth are much smaller and evenly in height which means we can produce f and v sounds. 
2/Humans' lips are also much more flexible thanks to the fact that we have more intricate muscles so we can make the p, b and m sounds.
3/ We have smaller mouths which can be opened and closed quickly. 
4/ Humans possess a much smaller, thinner and more flexible tongue. It helps us to produce a wide variety of sounds.
5/ Our larynx position is also different from animals, in which our voice box dropped to a lower position as we evolved. As a result, a longer captivity, or a pharynx, was created. It acts as a way for us to produce a wider range of sound and also increase the clarity of it.
However, some of these major transitions did negatively affect our survivability in exchange for a better and more powerful vocal power. In other words, our bodies evolved this way because they thought that these vocal advantages were more important and needed for our lives.
The Tool-Making Source:
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From the physical perspective, besides the development of using our body parts like mouth or lips not just for chewing and sucking but also for creating better sounds, humans also have a change in the way we use our hands and body gestures in communicating are also considered to be the beginning of languages. As humans learn how to handle and create tools, this development forces our brains to work harder, and many believe that this is the reason languages were born.
The human brain: the parts of our brains that are responsible for complicated vocals and the ability to utilize objects positioned close to each other. The result was as humans' tool-handling proficiency increased, our vocal capability also upgraded at the same time.
A foremost example of this assumption is humans can not create a tool from just one rock, but they also need another rock in the process. From the language structure standpoint, humans used to name items by repeating one type of noise (eg. b E E r or g O O d).
The Genetic Source:
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At birth, humans have relatively light brains compared to their size and our larynx is located at a much higher place. But as we grow, the larynx gets lower and the brain size expands. We also adjust to a more upright posture when we start to walk and converse. 
A hypothesis which follows this source is called “The Innateness Hypothesis”. This presumption says that humans' ability to develop languages is related to one or more mutations in our genes. The cause for this is because of our diet, our bodies can digest starch from food and an increased amount of glucose. Scholars believe that those portions of our diet are what help our brains to have better blood flow, which results in our brains becoming bigger and more complex.
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v1ll1anousblackhat · 2 months
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𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕓𝕠 𝕓𝕚𝕞𝕓𝕠 ❤️🎀
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🎀 𝕋𝕒𝕚 𝕩 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕚 🎀
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7:14AM. . . Tai was working her usual morning shift, tiring as it is she's gratful not to be a damn high school student anymore sh-t was PTSD for her. . . .she was just chilling at the register eating a crunchy granola bar. . . . Till that girl came in her name is Yumei she's supposedly worked here longer than Tai who has been working here for 2 days now. . . Yumei walks in with her red work tee, black sweats, crazy gray hair, herbeyes are red like she's been on m*th or something their are rumors that Yumei is a total drug addict but Tai doesn't judge her for that Tao barley knows the girl but finds her so cute and wants to somehow make conversation during her lunch break she went out to get some McDonald's. . She didn't expect to see Yumei but she was sitting their eating a Big mac and a few fries. . .Tai inhaled and exhaled sharply "You know what. . Shes quiet. . She seems nice. . It should be fine. . We work together. . . Just. . Just fucking talk to her dammit-" Tai slowly and nervously twiddling her fingers covered by her baggy sweater sleeves...walks up to Yumei who looks at Tai in a nonchalent gaze "H-hi-" Tai says trying to make her tone sound somewhat normal but failed "O-oh hello? Do I know you-.." Yumei's voice was so sweet and soft it was a little hard to hear but Tai understood her .."Y-yeah uh we work together..well you barley know me since I am new- I'm Tai..." Tai stood still on her feet as Yumei gasped Ohhh that's right...want to sit-? S-sorry-" Tai smiled "No don't worry your good-!" The twostaryed having nice chats getting to know eachother pretty quickly eventually exchanging socials like twitter and what not "Hey...m-maybe if you'd like tomrrow night I can train you?" Yumei said in a sus tone Tao was taken aback and scratched her neck while shrugging "I'd love that-" the two then exchanged their goodbyes and headed bacm to work. . . . .
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Day Two: 7:25AM 🎀❤️🔪 Tai was sweeping the floors thinking about everything...about her first interacting with Yumei it made her feel a shrill of adrenaline and anxiety but most of all she was happy she did this for her self. . But she couldn't stop making up theories about this training? "Why would a mini market cashier need training... how strange...." it bugged her all day till Yumei walked in and gave her a a full smile this was the first time yumei ever smiled at her yumei isn't the smile type she's pretty shy from what Tai recalls. . . "H-heyyy Yumei-!" Tai nervoudly waved "Hey Tai!" Yumei said rather confidently. . . "So..ready for day 1 of training?" Tai nodded while gulping shr felt nervous for what's about to happen but she won't expect anything. . . Yumei lead Tai into the backrooms of the market. . . Now theh were offically alone. . .Once Youmei and Tai made it to the storage room, Tai noticed that Youmei locked the door behind her with a little devious smirk on her face before looking back at Tai, Which made Tai nervous but...in a horny way..? They looked at Youmei before gulping slightly before muttering
"S....so...why do I need to do for training exactly..?-"
Youmei chuckled at the smile as she walked over to Tai,
"Well, Sweetie..."
Youmei started before Following Tai until they were pinned up against the wall, The two girls are basically the same height so it was pretty easy for Youmei to just pin them against the wall, with her knee touching her crotch, Which made Tai's breathing increase
"You're not just gonna be working around the store...You're gonna be working for me too now..~
Youmei purred as she grabbed the bottom of Tais shirt and lifted it up slowly, revealing their extra big mommy milkers before pulling them into a kiss, which made Tai moan quietly as they kissed back Yumei let go of the kiss and slightly dunked her head down to Tai's tits and started licking them and sucking on them Tai bent her head back closing her eyes it felt so good she sqeezed Yumeis ass as they were literally ablut to FUCK Yumei threw tai down on the floor and tore her pants off Yumei had a big GREEN dildo strap and she shoved it way up Tai's tight lil asswhollio which made her grunt because she aparantly can't moan for shit :3 Yumei thrusted in her so rough at first there was no mercy which made Tai so red faced "You like that do you baby~?" Yumei said sofltly in tai's ear from behind "Your gonna be so messy when were done.." Tai was too in the moment to speak all she felt was the overwhelming urge to cum imagining it flowing out lik a water fall Yumei Thrusted hella hard b4 she slowed down then stopped she took off the dildo strap and lyed her self down showing her really wet puzzy 🤨📸 Tai knew exactly what was going to happen next and she was into it....scissoring 😭
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These fools fr locked each other together and started Clit kissing. . Vaginas in sync. Untill they came and now Tai is Yumei's lil suga bb and gets spoiled and has a shit ton of submissive sigma sex ❤️🎀
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Unveiling the Top Digital Marketing Agencies
For companies of all sizes, having a strong online presence is crucial in the fast-paced digital world of today. Whether you're a budding startup or a seasoned enterprise, harnessing the power of digital marketing can propel your brand to new heights. But with so many options available, finding the right digital marketing agency can be overwhelming. Fear not, because we've got you covered! Join us as we explore the best digital marketing agencies that can take your brand from zero to hero.
Welcome to the era of digital dominance, where the internet reigns supreme and marketing knows no bounds. As the virtual landscape continues to evolve, so too do the strategies needed to stand out in the crowd. In this blog, we'll dive deep into the realm of digital marketing agencies, shedding light on the top players in the industry and how they can help your brand soar.
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Chapter 1: Understanding Digital Marketing
Before we embark on our journey to uncover the best digital marketing agencies, let's first grasp the fundamentals of digital marketing. At its core, digital marketing encompasses a myriad of strategies aimed at promoting products or services through online channels. From social media marketing to search engine optimization (SEO), the possibilities are endless. By harnessing the power of digital platforms, businesses can connect with their target audience on a global scale, driving engagement and conversions like never before.
Chapter 2: The Power of Partnering with a Digital Marketing Agency
With our newfound knowledge of digital marketing, let's explore the reasons why working with a digital marketing firm is essential to the success of your brand.  While it's certainly possible to navigate the digital landscape solo, enlisting the expertise of a seasoned agency can take your efforts to the next level. These agencies boast a wealth of experience, cutting-edge tools, and insider knowledge to craft customized strategies tailored to your brand's unique needs. Whether you're looking to boost brand awareness, increase website traffic, or generate leads, a digital marketing agency can be your ultimate ally in achieving your goals.
Chapter 3: The Cream of the Crop: Top Digital Marketing Agencies
Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on the crème de la crème of digital marketing agencies:
1. Viral Uncle: As a leading player in the digital marketing arena, Viral Uncle knows a thing or two about making waves online. With a team of creative minds and innovative thinkers, Viral Uncle specializes in crafting viral-worthy campaigns that capture the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide. From captivating content creation to strategic social media management, Viral Uncle is your go-to partner for turning heads and driving results.
2. Digital Dynamo: True to its name, Digital Dynamo is a force to be reckoned with in the digital sphere. With a focus on data-driven strategies and ROI optimization, Digital Dynamo helps brands achieve unparalleled success in the digital realm. Whether it's devising targeted PPC campaigns or fine-tuning SEO strategies, Digital Dynamo delivers measurable results that speak for themselves.
3. Creative Catalyst: When it comes to out-of-the-box thinking, Creative Catalyst takes the cake. With a team of visionary creatives at the helm, Creative Catalyst specializes in crafting bespoke campaigns that leave a lasting impression. From stunning visual content to immersive brand experiences, Creative Catalyst pushes the boundaries of creativity to elevate your brand to new heights.
Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Agency for Your Brand
With a plethora of digital marketing agencies vying for your attention, how do you choose the right one for your brand? Here are a few key factors to consider:
• Expertise and Experience: Look for agencies with a proven track record of success in your industry.
• Customization: Seek out agencies that offer tailored solutions to meet your specific goals and       objectives.
• Communication:  Opt for agencies that prioritize clear and transparent communication throughout the partnership.
• Results: Ultimately, choose an agency that delivers tangible results and ROI for your brand.
In conclusion, the world of digital marketing is vast and ever-evolving, but with the right partner by your side, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're looking to boost brand visibility, drive traffic to your website, or increase sales, the top digital marketing agencies highlighted in this blog can help you achieve your goals and then some. So don't wait any longer – unlock the power of digital marketing and watch your brand soar to new heights of success.
With Viral Uncle leading the charge, the sky's the limit for your brand's digital journey. Get ready to make waves and leave your mark on the digital landscape – the world is waiting for you.
SOURCE : Visit https://viraluncle1.blogspot.com/2024/03/unveiling-top-digital-marketing-agencies.html
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healthcaremedical12 · 3 months
Weight Loss  Clinic in Delhi NCR
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Obesity is nowadays a main health change so much that worldwide obesity tripled given that 1975. In 2023 extra than 1.nine billion adults aged 18 years and older had been overweight. Of those over 650 million adults have been obese and had weight problems associated issues. In India the wide variety of obese human beings has doubled in the remaining 10 years, in step with the national family fitness Survey.
With studies, we've realized that weight problems are hard to deal with and it would require long term adjustments in life-style as well as eating regimen. Several researchers have highlighted that weight problems account for eighty-85 per cent of the hazard of developing kind-2 diabetes. The survey highlights that the city population is greater at risk of weight problems compared to their rural opposite numbers.
Weight problems at Weight Lose clinic tend to run in households, suggesting there may be a genetic contribution. but, circle of relatives individuals additionally tend to proportion the same diet and way of life conduct. The environment also plays a function in obesity. Environmental elements consist of what and how frequently a person eats, a person's stage of hobby and behavioral factors.
obesity is on the upward thrust in children, that is having disastrous effects in the more youthful populace for this reason affecting the newborns of these adults. In 2016, an anticipated 41 million youngsters below the age of five years were overweight or overweight.
Obesity reasons?
The basic motive of weight problems and being overweight is a power imbalance among energy ate up and calories spent. In current tendencies, there has been:
• excessive consumption of power-dense meals which might be excessive in fats
• decrease in bodily activity due to the sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization.
What are not unusual fitness results of overweight and weight problems?
• cardiovascular illnesses (particularly heart ailment and stroke), which have been the main     cause of demise in 2012;
• diabetes
• musculoskeletal issues (specially degenerative disorder of the joints)
• a number of the cancers.
adolescence obesity is associated with a better hazard of obesity, untimely loss of life and disability in maturity.
Low-calorie, low-fats diets along with workout - normally are endorsed to treat obesity. "Crash" diets and appetite suppressants normally are appropriate best underneath very specific situations and under strict supervision.
Definitions of obesity according to BMI and excess body weight
Obesity is typically defined using two main metrics: Body Mass Index (BMI) and excess body weight.
1. Body Mass Index (BMI):
BMI is a widely used measure of body fat based on a person's weight and height. It is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters (BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)^2). The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies BMI into the following categories:
- Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
- Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
- Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
- Obesity (Class 1): BMI between 30 and 34.9
- Obesity (Class 2): BMI between 35 and 39.9
- Extreme obesity (Class 3): BMI 40 or greater
Example: A person who is 1.75 meters tall (5 feet 9 inches) and weighs 100 kilograms would have a BMI of approximately 32.7, placing them in the class 1 obesity category.
2. Excess Body Weight:
Excess body weight refers to the amount of weight a person carries above their ideal or healthy weight range. It is typically calculated by subtracting the ideal weight for a person's height from their actual weight. The ideal weight is often determined based on BMI guidelines or clinical judgment.
Example: For a person who is 1.75 meters tall, the ideal weight range for a normal BMI (18.5-24.9) would be between approximately 56.7 kilograms (125 pounds) and 76.7 kilograms (169 pounds). If the person weighs 100 kilograms, they would have an excess body weight of approximately 23.3 kilograms (51 pounds) above the upper limit of the healthy weight range.
Results Of Surgical Weight Loss
After gastric pass method, maximum of the sufferers are predicted to lose about 60-80% in their extra frame weight. This weight loss occurs inside a 9-twelve months publish-surgical operation, despite the fact that a few weight regain is everyday after 2-5 years in some of the patients.
Apart from  Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi NCR, bariatric surgical treatment is determined to have beneficial effects on a massive variety of associated clinical issues along with type II diabetes, excessive blood strain, acid reflux disease, Obstructive sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian ailment, joint pains, stress incontinence. There are enhancements in psychosocial and depressive disorders following bariatric surgical operation. first-rate bariatric surgical centers like Cleveland sanatorium have time and again proven approximately 80% of remission from diabetes after bariatric surgical procedure.
Benefits Of Weight Loss Surgery
Severe obesity affects almost every organ of our body and there are numerous problems due to this that have been stated beneath. Weight reduction achieved with Best Weight Loss Surgery Delhi Ncr continued and can be maintained for several years following surgical procedure. maximum of the obesity associated troubles are resolved or improved following weight loss surgery. Those humans who've lost weight by means of dieting by myself won't revel in development in those issues due to the fact weight loss from weight loss program does not regularly close.
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vividracing · 4 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/new-leveling-kit-for-the-2023-toyota-sequoia-who-is-it-for-and-do-you-need-it/
New Leveling Kit for the 2023+ Toyota Sequoia - Who Is It For and Do You Need It?
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Hey fellow overlanding enthusiasts! If you’re like me and you take your Toyota Sequoia TRD Pro off the beaten path, then you know how crucial ground clearance is. That’s why I’m excited to share with you the latest upgrade I’ve made to my rig: the AFE Power Leveling Kit.
Want to skip the lengthy words and just check out the leveling kit? Check out now at Vivid Racing – 
aFe Control 2.5″ Front & 1″ Rear Leveling Kit Toyota Sequoia | Tundra TRD Pro Hybrid V6-3.4L (tt) 2023-2024
Part Number: 416-72T009-R
Let’s dive into the details of this game-changing leveling kit:
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1. 2.5-Inch Front and 1-Inch Rear Lift:
This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about performance. With an extra 2.5 inches in the front and 1 inch in the rear, you’ll have the clearance you need to tackle rough terrain with confidence.
2. CNC Machined 6061 Billet Aluminum:
AFE Power doesn’t mess around when it comes to quality. The use of CNC machined 6061 billet aluminum ensures durability and precision, so you can trust that this kit will withstand whatever the trail throws at it.
3. Red Anodized Finish:
Not only does this leveling kit perform like a champ, but it also looks the part. The sleek red anodized finish adds a touch of style to your Sequoia while signaling to others that you mean business.
4. Increases Front Ground Clearance:
Say goodbye to bottoming out on rocks and debris. With increased ground clearance in the front, you’ll be able to navigate obstacles with ease, giving you the freedom to explore new off-road destinations.
5. Easy Bolt-On Installation, Requires no Modifications:
As someone who’s not particularly handy with tools, I appreciate products that are easy to install. The AFE Power Leveling Kit bolts right on without the need for any modifications, saving you time and headaches.
6. Does not Fit Vehicles Equipped with AVS Option:
It’s important to note that this leveling kit may not be compatible with Sequoias equipped with the AVS option. Be sure to double-check before making your purchase.
So, why am I so excited about this leveling kit? Well, aside from the obvious benefits it brings to my off-road adventures, it’s also a testament to the dedication of the folks at AFE Power to produce top-notch products for the overlanding community.
Whether you’re hitting the trails for a weekend getaway or embarking on an epic overland journey, the AFE Power Leveling Kit will help elevate your Sequoia to new heights (literally).
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to level up your overlanding game with the AFE Power Leveling Kit. Trust me, your Sequoia will thank you for it.
Happy trails!
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